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Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)

A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.9.Issue 4. 2021

Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI) http://www.rjelal.com; (Oct-Dec)
Email:editorrjelal@gmail.com; ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)





Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of English
Ismail National Mahila.(P.G.) College, Meerut
Research scholar, Ismail National Mahila P.G. College, Meerut

The present paper is about the social, economic and cultural changes that took place
in the life of contemporary abandoned wives. The play Sakharam Binder was written
in 1972. It is an account of protagonist's life who was devoid of ethics and opposed
the institution of marriage, he keeps those women who were discarded by their
Article Received: 11/09/2021
husbands but as a mistress and not as a wife because he did not want them to settle
Article Accepted: 16/10/2021 with him permanently. The protagonist of the play lives with them in his own house
Published online:22/10/2021 for his sexual gratification and gives them food, cloth and shelter in exchange for
DOI: 10.33329/rjelal.9.4.37
domestic services. He acts to favour women's right to revolt against their husband's
cruelty but in reality there was a hidden jealous, lusty and brutal man.

Keywords: Dehydrated society, subaltern women, muffled voices, spiritual

hollowness, existential dilemma, spiritual hollowness.

Vijay Tendulkar (1928-2008) came as a rebel Tendulkar was a journalist too and worked as a sub-
against established taboos of the contemporary editor in Navbharat, Maratha and Loksatta. His forte
society. He emerged as the Angry Young Man of was social realism. Journalism gave him the
Marathi theatre. Vijay Tendulkar came to limelight opportunity to explore and notice violence in human
with the production of Shantata! Court Chalu Aahe nature and this perspective entered in his works.
in 1967. This play brought him Kamaladevi
Chattopadhyay Award. Ghashiram Kotwal (1970) is The purpose of present paper is to deal with
another political play that created controversy in the women victims of sexual exploitation and
socio-political milieu. He was honoured with domestic violence done by the protagonist of the
Sangeet Natak Academy Award in 1970 and Kalidas play Sakharam Binder (1972), who pretends to be a
Samman in 1999. He was crowned Padma Bhushan protector of discarded women by their husbands.
Award in 1984 and Saraswati Samman in 1993. In The present play is an account of its hero who is not
1977 he won the National Film Award for Best married but he lives with these discarded helpless
Screenplay for the movie Manthan. He had been women. Sakharam, a book-binder is the central
influenced by western playwrights like Arthur Miller, character of the play who disgraces the woman to
Tennessee Williams and J.B. Priestley. Vijay the position of an emotionless contract. His real


Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.9.Issue 4. 2021
Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI) http://www.rjelal.com; (Oct-Dec)
Email:editorrjelal@gmail.com; ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)
business is to do sexual violence with abandoned analysis the unhealthy and unethical aspect of
wives. On this too he thinks that he is doing a great human life of uncivilized society's bizarre traditions.
work by providing shelter, food and clothes to these The subjects chosen by the writer is sex and violence
forsaken women. Sakharam's personal hypocrisy is which are the natural part of human conduct.
exposed when his eighth mistress Champa demands Sakharam does not follow ethics and his character
equal freedom and rights and also forbids to accept explorers lust and violence. He is full of vices such as
impositions of Sakharam but it was bitter challenge alcohol and violence. He remarked; "I am hot-
to the manhood of Sakharam which becomes the headed . When I lose my temper, I beat the life out
cause of Champa's tragic end. of people. I've foul mouth. There is always a bidi on
my lips. That's what the whole town says about me."
The entire play is divided into three acts. The (125)
first act expounds relationship of Laxmi-Sakharam.
The second act depicts the relationship of Champa- He is not running a charity to help victim
Sakharam and the third act is depicting the homeless women. Sakharam is always in search of
complexity in the relationship of Laxmi-Sakharam- these 'destitute'; 'victim' and 'marginalized' women
Champa. Sakharam is the central character of the and these women sign an official contract with him
play. Laxmi and Champa are his 7th and 8th mistress so that they can set free themselves from violence
respectively. Laxmi and Champa are contrasting degradation and exploitation of their husbands.
characters. Laxmi is portrayed as an ideal Indian Laxmi is a traditional Indian woman devoted
women and Champa appears gross and sensual. This towards her husband. Her husband was a tyrant and
is a socio-literary document representing real he threw Savitri out of the house because she was a
picture of the life situation of contemporary middle sterile woman and she failed to become a biological
class man in urban society and the value system of mother. Laxmi and Sakharam's relationship is not
which is highly self-centred. based on love. Laxmi is a discarded woman and
Sakharam uses her for sexual pleasure and as a
The play starts thus- Sakharam, a book binder supporting hand to run his house. Laxmi is scared
is the pivot of the play who had picked up a and starved woman who is ready to accept any
discarded and homeless woman called Laxmi in the condition for shelter and food. Sakharam tells her
name of providing shelter. He is going to keep her in that she will get food and shelter but she should
his house as domestic servant and sex partner. remain confined inside the room; "You'll get two
Sakharam is a Brahmin by birth but carelessness and square meals. Two sarees to start with... if you're
misbehaviour of his parents with him made him careless, I'll show you the door... If someone calls,
vicious and coarse in manners. But he is you're not supposed to look up and talk."(125).
straightforward as he remarked; "I have done every Lakshmi is God fearing woman and believes in the
kind of thing. But never a dishonest act in my whole ideology of Pati Parmeshwar. Though her husband
life. I told you. I Womanize. I am drunkard and I'm victimised her verbally and physically, she prays for
ready to announce to the whole world."(Tendulkar, his long life. Sakharam ridicules at her praying for
Sakharam Binder, 126). Sakharam had spent his life long life for a man who has discarded her. The
with six women. Laxmi is the seventh one, who woman before Laxmi was also a devoted wife as
represents the archetypal figure of Savitri of Sakharam remarked; " worship her husband's shirt...
Mahabharata. Flaunting his machismo, whenever The fellow who's out to kill them- he's just a
Sakharam comes with a destitute woman, he tells man."(127). It shows the condition of Indian
her that he must be respected at any cost in his traditional women who is a symbol of devotion and
house; "May be I'm a rascal, a womanizer, a sacrifice. The position of women is in a sorry state
pauper... I'm all of that And I drink. But I must be because they are victim of social practices,
respected in my own house. I am the master here." opinionated religious beliefs and superstitions. The
(126). His character is a medium to express the difficulties he had faced after leaving his home made
relationship between man and woman and also him to not to let anyone rule over him. Thus he


Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.9.Issue 4. 2021
Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI) http://www.rjelal.com; (Oct-Dec)
Email:editorrjelal@gmail.com; ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)
becomes a victimizer. He did not believe in the but also the struggle between emotions and intellect
marriage institution so he lives with forsaken of a victim. Sakharam Binder also having similar idea.
women but for a short time. As he tells his friend
Dawood; "It's good thing I'm not a husband. Things The character of Sakharam shows that how a
are fine the way they are. You get everything you gruesome crime like domestic violence is not a big
want and yet you're not tied down. If you've had deal in a male dominated society where women are
enough, if she's had enough, you can always considered the soft-targets often. He has no moral
apart."(129). values or social values. His character explores
victimization and violence existed in human being.
In this cruel world ant is the only friend of her. Sakharam is a crude womaniser and indulges in
She feels lost and lonely in a world where struggle drinking. His claimed kindness points out
for survival is the only truth for women. Sakharam hypocritical middle class man. One day Laxmi
tells her all rules and regulations made by him for his complains; "It's a year now since I entered this
house and also tells her to behave like a wife. house. I haven't had a single day's rest... You torture
Helpless Laxmi has to accept this because she does me the whole day, you torture me at night."(146).
not have other option. He reminds Laxmi again how On which Sakharam replies; " once a woman is
Indian wives are victimized by their husbands; "All thrown over, nobody calls her respectable.
alike where the one thing's concerned. Mention Remember that. I at least took you in."(147).
your husband's name and your eyes begin to brim Marriage, a social institution supported by tradition
over with tears. He kicks you out of the house, he is was challenged here by the character of Sakharam
out to squeeze the life out of you."(133). Laxmi's by keeping the deserted woman. Sakharam's
character is a symbol of Indian traditional women character criticizes the institution of marriage where
who worship their wicked husbands. Laxmi is a women are mere slaves to their male owners during
suppressed woman. She conveys a sense of post-colonial India in a patriarchal society. Laxmi's
loneliness when she talks to ant in the kitchen; "Go complain makes Sakharam mad. He decides to
away...I'm not going to give you anything today. throw Laxmi out of his house. He drags Laxmi and
You've become a regular pest. Get off me, please. pushes her out. When Dawood tells Sakharam to let
Right away." (136). Religious as she is, she has her in, Sakharam remarks; " I'll live alone. And if you
brought devoutness to the house of atheist have it in you, you can always bring in women by the
Sakharam by installing Ganapati’s Idol. Laxmi is dozen. It's not as if she's got a special made of gold
narrow-minded, she wants that Dawood should not while every other woman's is just a brass one."(150).
attend the Ganapati Puja as he is a muslim. She Laxmi comes in behind Dawood and goes to the
remarked; “He’s a muslim and we-we’re kitchen. On that night somehow Sakharam controls
Hindus”(144). This infuriates Sakharam. He flings the himself and goes to Laxmi. He remarks; “We're not
aarti things down and slaps her hard then lashes her married. You can go your way. I can go mine. I'll buy
with the belt. Sakharam's physical violence on your ticket. I'll give you a saree and choli. Don't want
Ganesh Chaturthi is the reason of bodily pain of you to say later that I didn't treat you well."(151).
Laxmi. Laxmi is used like a punching beg and This very remark shows victimization and hypocrisy
Sakharam gives her blow upon blow over this trivial of Sakharam. He pretends to be a saviour of
matter. He controls Laxmi's emotions also. He forces discarded Laxmi but in reality he is a verbal and
Laxmi to laugh to excite him sexually though the emotional abuser. His philosophy of life is based on
coals falls on Laxmi's foot and she is in terrible pain. principle of pleasure. All he needs is sexual pleasure
Instead of this he ordered Laxmi; "No, you can sleep and a helping hand in his domestic affairs. He was a
later. Get up and laugh. Laugh or I’ll choke the life visitor of brothels but it was costly and risky too so
out of you."(141). Victim women play a central role he decided to live with these destitute women.
in the plays of Vijay Tendulkar. These victim female Sakharam and Laxmi lived in the same house
characters belongs to the middle class. They are the without marriage. Indulekha Burmon rightly
medium to show not only different social situations observes; “"Sakharam Binder is a fascinating study


Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.9.Issue 4. 2021
Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI) http://www.rjelal.com; (Oct-Dec)
Email:editorrjelal@gmail.com; ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)
of the relationship between man and woman. It they are ready to do anything by keeping their male
dissects the morbid, squalid aspects of human life ego aside. Sakharam asks Dawood; "You think you
against a bizarre backdrop of Plebeian society” could make tea?"(158). On which Dawood replied; "
(Burmon, Man- Woman Relationship in the of course, why not? For a peach like this,
Sakharam Binder, 167). Laxmi's concern for food, anything."(158).
security and shelter compels her to live with
Sakharam after his husband discarded her but here Sakharam is feeling anxious and jealous when
too she faces physical violence over trivial matters. he finds Champa talking to Dawood. Jealousy makes
She was tormented by her husband earlier and now Sakharam forbid his friend Dawood from entering
she is victimized by Sakharam. Throughout the world his home again. He also orders Champa; " I won't
women are the victims of violence ending up having allow to much talking to strangers. It's a very
a wide list of health problems. important point." (160). Sakharam can not live alone
in his house without a woman. After Laxmi he brings
Sakharam’s exigencies of having sex with new another woman called Champa for the fulfilment of
woman have a game plan i.e. verbal and physical his sexual gratification. Champa is alluring, youthful
abuse. He had spent almost a year with Laxmi in this and horribly vulgar. After years of violence,
house. V.S. Naipaul remarks about him; " Hinduism degradation, depression and terrible suffering she
in him has been reduced to believe in honesty and decides to desert her husband. She remarked; "He
the rejection of all shaming actions." (Naipaul, India: bought me from my mother even before I become a
A Wounded Civilization, 50). Sakharam hears that a woman. He married me when I didn't even know
police Faujdar had decided to leave his wife so he what marriage meant. He'd torture me at
starts emotional and physical violence in order to get night."(167). In the search for Champa her husband
a new woman and finally throws Laxmi out of his becomes alcoholic and later dismissed from his job
house by giving her a ticket and a saree at the end of also. He finds her in the house of Sakharam. Champa
first act. The amount of victimised women in India is was victimized by her husband and that victimization
little high. Lakshmi is victim of sexual assault, made her victimizer. She hits him violently with the
molestation and marital abuse. chappal, drags him to the door and flings him out
like a bag full of potatoes. Dawood and Sakharam
The second act starts with the advent of seek to prevent her. They become aware of the
Sakharam's eighth mistress Champa. She leaved her power in her. she does not surrender to Sakharam's
husband Faujdar Shinde who tormented her. She is physical needs and it was shocking for him but soon
the antithesis of Laxmi. She is not religious and Champa realises that she must have to fulfil sexual
powerless like Laxmi. She is confident courageous desire of Sakharam in exchange of roof over her
and walks on her alcoholic husband. She rejects the head. It shows how a woman is not more than a
violence perpetrated upon her by leaving her commodity. She can be bought, victimised, used and
husband and joins Sakharam. She take tobacco and threw away in the end. Though Champa is free and
liquor. Laxmi's efforts turned Sakharam into a liberal in nature but also is victim of exploitation,
religious person but Champa makes him a drunkard. suppression and violence. Her marriage with Shinde
Champa asks Sakharam to make a tea for her on the is not a happy one. Harsh treatment of her husband
very first day. It is shocking for a man like Sakharam. makes her insensible and emotionless. Her character
He replies; " you'll have to make the food yourself. is showing 'nothingness' in the life of victim
That's a woman's job."(Tendulkar, Sakharam Binder, abandoned wives. Arundhati Banerjee points out;
161). This very remark exposes cultural stereotypes “Sakharam who does not believe in the Institution of
of a middle class man with bloated egos giving the marriage and arranges contractual cohabitation
Indian male primacy at home. Champa has based on convenience... shows tendencies of being
aggressive masculine behaviour. Sakharam and religious and domesticated when in contact with
Dawood both are infatuated with her body. Her Lakshmi. In his association with Champa he is
physical beauty makes them babbling fools and now transformed into a sensual, drunkard with thoughts


Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.9.Issue 4. 2021
Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI) http://www.rjelal.com; (Oct-Dec)
Email:editorrjelal@gmail.com; ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)
only of sexual enjoyment.” (Banerjee, too. Sakharam's brutality is in extreme when Laxmi
“Introduction”, Five Plays of Vijay Tendulkar, xiv-xv). discloses the illicit relationship of Champa and
Sakharam is also a controlling man who drinks and Dawood. He beats Laxmi black and blue because he
beats his mistress Champa. Shinde and Sakharam thinks that Laxmi is lying to create a gulf between
had abused and molested her. She became an him and Champa. Laxmi groans in pain and remarks;
alcoholic to numb the sensations of pain. Champa is "It's true— she's unfaithful to you— Yes— with
also a victim of domestic abuse, physical abuse, Dawood. She goes to him— every afternoon— when
economic abuse and emotional abuse like other you're at the Press. I have seen them with my own
seven women kept and thrown by Sakharam. In an eyes." (196). It is a turning point in the life of
interview Vijay Tendulkar said; “ My work has come Sakharam. Dawood is friend of Sakharam. He proved
from within me as an outcome of my observation of to be a deceitful character according to Sakharam.
the world in which I leave. If they want to entertain He cheats Sakharam by establishing an illicit
and make merry, fine go ahead but I can't do it, I relationship with Sakharam's eighth mistress
have to speak the truth”. The final act starts with the Champa. This affair makes Sakharam to loose his
conversation of Laxmi and Champa. Laxmi went to temper. He reduces his tension by taking the life of
stay with her nephew because she was unable to Champa. He strangles Champa and mutters faintly;
bear violence of Sakharam. But she comes back as "Murdered- I've murdered her- murder- I've
her nephew throws her out of his house. She murdered."(196). It is satirical that Laxmi who
narrates; "My nephew threw me out. His wife appears to be a religious and innocent woman,
charged me with stealing. Would I steal? They were becomes the reason of the murder of Champa.
going to hand me over to the police. So I came here. When Sakharam throttles Champa, he repents but
The only place left for me."(Tendulkar, Sakharam Laxmi gives him moral support; "Hush! Don't shout.
Binder, 176). Sakharam sees her and stiffens. He Not a word. (continuous staring at lifeless Champa.)
begins to rain blows and kicks on Laxmi viciously. Anyway she was a sinner. She'll go to hell. Not you.
Had Champa not intervened, Laxmi might have been I've been a Virtuous woman. My virtuous deeds will
killed by Sakharam. She tells Laxmi; "My head and see both of us through. I'll stay with you. I'll look
my body, just a bundle of pains and aches. But your after you. I'll do what you say." (196). Laxmi who
Sakharam, he really takes his money's worth out of considers her husband as God and worships him,
a woman."(181). Champa becomes prey in the web pours the poison of jealousy in the ears of Sakharam.
of Sakharam. She faced mistreatment throughout Her world is limited having no ambition in her life but
her life so she becomes rough and stone hearted. for the sake of her security she indirectly compels
She appears drunk on Dassera which shows that she Sakharam to murder Champa. Champa was a victim
does not follow ethics and religion. Champa is stone of her husband's violence and now she is killed by a
hearted but there is no jealousy or hatred for Laxmi womanizer Sakharam, to whom she has come for
in the heart of Champa. She confidently remarked; " shelter. Laxmi and Champa both are sufferers and
I am on my own ..if they're there, well, they're there victims of patriarchal society. They face physical and
for all they're worth. If not, I'm all by myself and all emotional torture of brutal and stone hearted
alone that's the way it is."(181). Sakharam strongly Sakharam.
objects over Laxmi's arrival but Champa protects her
from Sakharam and also warns Laxmi to not to web This paper describes the panoramic picture of
any intrigue against her; "As long as you don't push physical, verbal, psychological and sexual violence
me out! If you try to do that I can turn nasty. I might done by Sakharam which are still true as the day the
as well warn you."(181). play was written. Sakharam was treated negatively
in his childhood by his parents which causes him to
Champa finds human love in Dawood. She is behave rebelliously. He becomes cruel and to
suffering from alienation of the mind and the body overcome his powerlessness he persecutes and
because of victimization of Sakharam and Shinde victimizes the marginalized women. Lakshmi and
both. She has walked on her husband and Sakharam Champa are striving hard for their own existence in


Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Vol.9.Issue 4. 2021
Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI) http://www.rjelal.com; (Oct-Dec)
Email:editorrjelal@gmail.com; ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O)
the filthy atmosphere of patriarchal society.
Sakharam's character stands for male domination
that transforms into maltreatment of women. His
house is a world where women are only to serve and
please man. Champa's relations with Sakharam's
friend Dawood makes Sakharam a dazed creature
and he strangles Champa. The play not only exposes
the female victims of sex and violence in middle class
society but also pinpoints the complexity of man-
woman relationship, male's hypocrisy,
manipulation, victimization and brutality. Men and
women both are foundation of a society but many
questions related to the issues of women are still
unanswered. Women are still not safe in spite of
reforms in our laws. They are neither safe outside
nor at home. Their life is endangered due to
domestic abuse and sexual violence leading them to
depression. They should learn self-defence. To
ensure their safety entire population should be
properly educated.


Tendulkar, Vijay. (various translators), Collected

Plays in Translation. New Delhi: Oxford
University Press. 2003.

Burmon, Indulekha. Man-Woman Relationship in the

Sakharam Binder, Atlantic Publishers, New
Delhi, 2006, p.167.

Naipaul, V.S. India: A Wounded Civilization. New

York: Penguin, 1980, p. 50.

Banerjee, Arundhati. “Introduction”, Five plays of

Vijay Tendulkar, New Delhi: Oxford University
Press, 1992, p. xiv-xv.

Tendulkar, Vijay. “Interview”, The Indian Express,

March 27, 1983, Magazine Section, 5.


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