LTO5 Vol3 E5b
LTO5 Vol3 E5b
LTO5 Vol3 E5b
Reference Manual
Volume 3: Host Interface Guide
LTO 5 drives
This is one of five volumes that document HP LTO Ultrium 5 tape drives (Fibre Channel and SAS). This volume provides host
interface information. See “Support and other resources” (page 231) for details of the other guides.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express
warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall
not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Windows is a U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
1 Interface Implementation...........................................................................11
The Fibre Channel interface.....................................................................................................11
Supported task management functions..................................................................................11
The SAS interface...................................................................................................................11
Supported task management functions..................................................................................12
Supported commands.............................................................................................................12
SCSI features.........................................................................................................................12
Design approach...............................................................................................................12
Reset strategy....................................................................................................................13
Abort handling..................................................................................................................13
Link error handling (SAS drives)...........................................................................................13
Multi-initiator support.........................................................................................................14
Fibre Channel operation..........................................................................................................15
Fibre Channel addressing...................................................................................................15
HP's implementation of names and addresses...................................................................16
Implications for libraries.................................................................................................16
Field replaceable units............................................................................................................17
CD-ROM emulation (SAS drives only)........................................................................................17
2 Messages................................................................................................18
4 Introduction to commands..........................................................................22
Command details...................................................................................................................24
Pre-execution checks...............................................................................................................24
Bad LUN check..................................................................................................................24
Deferred Error check...........................................................................................................25
Diagnostic Status check......................................................................................................25
Fixed Bit check..................................................................................................................25
Flag Link check..................................................................................................................25
Illegal Command check......................................................................................................25
Illegal Field/Request check..................................................................................................25
Media Access check..........................................................................................................26
Media Information check....................................................................................................26
Media Write check............................................................................................................26
Parameter List check...........................................................................................................27
Reservation check..............................................................................................................27
Unit Attention check...........................................................................................................27
Command descriptor block......................................................................................................27
Contents 3
5 Commands..............................................................................................29
Vendor-unique ENABLE TRANSPORT LAYER RETRIES (SAS drives only) C2h...................................29
Enhanced FIRMWARE UPGRADE DOWNLOAD FIRMWARE SEGMENT A4h (1Fh)........................29
Enhanced FIRMWARE UPGRADE REBOOT A4h (1Fh)................................................................30
Enhanced FIRMWARE UPGRADE REPORT IMAGE INFO A3h (1Fh)..............................................31
FIRMWARE UPGRADE REPORT IMAGE INFO returned data....................................................31
Firmware image descriptor (version 1)..............................................................................32
ERASE 19h...........................................................................................................................32
ERASE specific status..........................................................................................................33
FORCED EJECT A4h (1Fh).......................................................................................................33
FORCE SNAPSHOT A4h (1Fh).................................................................................................34
FORCE SNAPSHOT specific status........................................................................................35
FORMAT MEDIUM 04h..........................................................................................................35
INQUIRY 12h........................................................................................................................36
INQUIRY data pages.........................................................................................................37
INQUIRY returned data..................................................................................................37
Standard Inquiry Data format (LUN0)..........................................................................37
Vital Product Data pages....................................................................................................40
Supported Vital Product Data Pages page........................................................................41
Unit Serial Number page...............................................................................................41
Device Identification page..............................................................................................42
Defined identifiers.........................................................................................................42
Logical Unit Identifier................................................................................................43
Port Name (FC and SAS drives)..................................................................................43
Port Identifier (FC and SAS drives)...............................................................................43
Target Port Group Identifier........................................................................................43
Target Name (code set 1)..........................................................................................44
Target Name (code set 2)..........................................................................................44
Management Network Address VPD page........................................................................44
Extended INQUIRY Data VPD page.................................................................................45
Mode Page Policy VPD page..........................................................................................46
FC drives:................................................................................................................47
SCSI Ports VPD page.....................................................................................................47
FC drives:................................................................................................................47
Protocol-Specific Logical Unit Information VPD page (SAS only)...........................................48
Sequential Access Device Capabilities page.....................................................................49
Manufacturer-assigned Serial number page......................................................................50
TapeAlert Supported Flags page.....................................................................................50
Drive Component Revision Levels pages...........................................................................51
LOAD/UNLOAD 1Bh..............................................................................................................51
LOAD/UNLOAD specific status............................................................................................52
Loading a cartridge...........................................................................................................52
Unloading a cartridge .......................................................................................................53
LOCATE 2Bh/92h.................................................................................................................53
LOCATE specific status........................................................................................................55
LOG SELECT 4Ch..................................................................................................................55
LOG SENSE 4Dh...................................................................................................................56
Log page format................................................................................................................57
Supported Log Pages page.................................................................................................58
Write Error Counters log page.............................................................................................59
Read Error Counters log page.............................................................................................59
Sequential Access Device log page......................................................................................60
Temperature log page........................................................................................................60
DTD Status log page..........................................................................................................61
4 Contents
Very High Frequency data (VHF).....................................................................................61
Very High Frequency polling delay (only available in some variants)....................................63
DT device ADC data encryption control status...................................................................63
Key management error data (only available in some variants).............................................64
DTD primary status log parameters..................................................................................65
SCSI parallel interface port status data........................................................................65
Fibre Channel port status data...................................................................................65
SAS port status data.................................................................................................66
TapeAlert Response log page..............................................................................................67
Requested Recovery log page..............................................................................................67
Recovery procedures.....................................................................................................67
Device Statistics log page...................................................................................................68
Device Statistics log parameters .....................................................................................68
Device statistics data counter log parameter.................................................................69
Device statistics medium type log parameter................................................................69
Device statistics string data log parameter....................................................................70
Service Buffers Information Log page....................................................................................70
Service Buffers..............................................................................................................71
Tape Diagnostic log page...................................................................................................71
Volume Statistics Log page..................................................................................................73
Device Statistics log parameters .....................................................................................73
Volume statistics data counter log parameter................................................................74
Volume statistics partition record log parameter............................................................74
Volume statistics string data log parameter...................................................................75
Protocol-Specific Port Log page (SAS drives only)....................................................................75
Protocol-specific log parameters .....................................................................................75
TapeAlert log page............................................................................................................77
Tape Usage log page.........................................................................................................79
Tape Capacity log page.....................................................................................................79
Data Compression log page................................................................................................79
Device Wellness Log page..................................................................................................80
Performance Data log page................................................................................................81
DT Device Error log page....................................................................................................81
Hardware Error data log parameter.................................................................................82
Device Status log page.......................................................................................................83
Device Status Bits..........................................................................................................83
Triggers for changes in the Device Status and Medium Status fields.................................84
MANAGEMENT ARM SELF-TEST A3h (1Fh)...............................................................................85
MANAGEMENT ARM SELF-TEST returned data......................................................................86
MODE SELECT 15h/55h........................................................................................................86
MODE SELECT specific status..............................................................................................87
Mode parameter pages......................................................................................................87
Mode page representation.............................................................................................88
Mode data format.........................................................................................................88
Mode parameter pages............................................................................................88
Mode parameter header...........................................................................................89
Mode block descriptor........................................................................................................90
Mode Parameter block descriptor fields............................................................................90
Read-Write Error Recovery mode page.................................................................................91
Read-Write Error Recovery page fields.............................................................................91
Disconnect-Reconnect page.................................................................................................92
FC drives.....................................................................................................................92
Disconnect-Reconnect page fields...............................................................................92
SAS drives....................................................................................................................93
Disconnect-Reconnect page fields...............................................................................93
Contents 5
Control mode page............................................................................................................93
Control mode page fields...............................................................................................94
Control Extension sub-page............................................................................................94
Data Compression Characteristics page................................................................................95
Data Compression Characteristics mode page fields..........................................................95
Device Configuration page..................................................................................................95
Changeable parameters................................................................................................96
Unchangeable parameters.............................................................................................97
Device Configuration Extension mode page subpage.........................................................97
Medium Partitions mode page.............................................................................................98
Specifying partition sizes..............................................................................................100
Protocol-Specific Logical Unit mode page (FC drives)............................................................102
Protocol-Specific Logical Unit mode page (SAS drives)..........................................................102
Protocol-Specific Port mode page (FC drives).......................................................................102
Protocol-Specific Port mode page (SAS drives)......................................................................104
PHY Control and Discover sub-page (SAS drives only)......................................................105
Share Port Control mode sub-page................................................................................107
Enhanced PHY Control mode sub-page..........................................................................107
Power Condition mode page.............................................................................................109
Information Exceptions mode page....................................................................................109
Medium Configuration mode page....................................................................................110
Serial Number Override vendor-unique mode page..............................................................111
Device Time mode page...................................................................................................112
Power-on time descriptor..............................................................................................112
World time descriptor..................................................................................................112
Library time descriptor.................................................................................................112
Cumulative power-on time descriptor..............................................................................113
Field descriptions........................................................................................................113
Extended Reset vendor-unique mode page..........................................................................113
CD-ROM Emulation/Disaster Recovery mode page..............................................................114
CD-ROM Emulation/Disaster Recovery mode page fields.................................................114
MODE SENSE 1Ah/5Ah......................................................................................................115
PERSISTENT RESERVE IN 5Eh................................................................................................116
PERSISTENT RESERVE IN returned data for service actions.....................................................117
Read Keys service action..............................................................................................117
Read Reservation service action....................................................................................118
Report Capabilities service action..................................................................................118
Report Full Status service action.....................................................................................119
PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT 5Fh.............................................................................................120
PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT parameter data.........................................................................121
Additional parameter data...........................................................................................123
Parameter data for the Register and Move service action..................................................123
Transport IDs..............................................................................................................124
Fibre Channel Transport ID......................................................................................124
SAS Transport ID....................................................................................................124
PREVENT/ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL 1Eh............................................................................124
READ 08h..........................................................................................................................125
READ specific status.........................................................................................................127
READ residue information.................................................................................................127
READ 6 (CD-ROM mode) 08h...............................................................................................127
READ 6 specific status......................................................................................................128
READ residue information.................................................................................................128
READ 10 (CD-ROM mode) 28h.............................................................................................128
READ 10 specific status.....................................................................................................129
READ 10 residue information.............................................................................................129
6 Contents
READ ATTRIBUTE 8Ch..........................................................................................................129
READ ATTRIBUTE returned data for service actions...............................................................130
Attribute Values service action.......................................................................................130
Attribute List service action............................................................................................131
Partition List service action............................................................................................131
Volume List service action.............................................................................................132
READ ATTRIBUTE specific status.........................................................................................132
MAM attribute data.........................................................................................................132
Attribute ID values.......................................................................................................133
Standard device type attributes.....................................................................................134
Standard medium type attributes...................................................................................135
Standard host type attributes.........................................................................................136
Vendor-unique medium type attributes............................................................................137
Text localization identifiers............................................................................................138
READ BLOCK LIMITS 05h.....................................................................................................138
Read Block Limits data......................................................................................................138
READ BUFFER 3Ch..............................................................................................................139
Memory sizes..................................................................................................................140
READ BUFFER returned data:.............................................................................................141
Reading the Snapshot data buffer......................................................................................141
READ CAPACITY (CD-ROM mode) 25h..................................................................................142
Read Capacity data.........................................................................................................143
READ FIRMWARE TRACE LOG A3h (1Fh)...............................................................................143
READ FIRMWARE TRACE LOG returned data......................................................................144
READ LOGGED-IN HOST TABLE A3h (1Fh).............................................................................145
READ LOGGED_IN HOST TABLE returned data....................................................................145
READ MEDIA SERIAL NUMBER ABh (01h)..............................................................................147
READ MEDIA SERIAL NUMBER returned data......................................................................147
No barcode stored......................................................................................................147
Barcode stored...........................................................................................................148
READ POSITION 34h...........................................................................................................148
Short Form Block ID..........................................................................................................149
READ POSITION returned data fields—short block form...................................................149
Long Block Form ID..........................................................................................................149
READ POSITION returned data fields—long block form....................................................150
Extended Block Form ID....................................................................................................150
READ SNAPSHOT LOG A3h (1Fh).........................................................................................150
READ SNAPSHOT LOG returned data................................................................................151
READ SNAPSHOT LOG specific status................................................................................154
READ STTF LOG A3h (1Fh)...................................................................................................154
READ TOC (CD-ROM mode) 43h..........................................................................................155
Read TOC data...............................................................................................................155
RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS 1Ch.....................................................................................156
RECEIVE DIAGNOSTICS RESULTS specific status..................................................................157
RECEIVE DIAGNOSTICS RESULTS returned data...................................................................157
Page code 70h — Self-Test (Read/Write)........................................................................157
RELEASE UNIT 17h/57h.......................................................................................................157
RELEASE UNIT specific status.............................................................................................158
REPORT DENSITY SUPPORT 44h...........................................................................................159
REPORT DENSITY SUPPORT header...................................................................................159
Density Support descriptor blocks.......................................................................................160
Medium Type descriptor blocks..........................................................................................161
REPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER A3h (05h)..................................................................................162
REPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER returned data..........................................................................163
REPORT IP CONFIGURATION A3h (1Fh)................................................................................163
Contents 7
REPORT IP CONFIGURATION parameter data....................................................................163
Descriptor types..........................................................................................................165
IPv4 Address descriptor...........................................................................................165
IPv6 Address descriptor...........................................................................................165
Descriptor type 0: Control........................................................................................165
Descriptor type 1: MAC Address...............................................................................166
Descriptor type 2: MTU Size....................................................................................167
REPORT LUNS A0h..............................................................................................................167
Data returned..................................................................................................................168
REPORT NETWORK STATISTICS A3h (1Fh)..............................................................................168
Interface statistics.............................................................................................................169
IP layer statistics...............................................................................................................169
ICMPv4 statistics..............................................................................................................170
ICMPv6 statistics..............................................................................................................171
TCP statistics....................................................................................................................171
UDP statistics...................................................................................................................171
REPORT SNAPSHOT COMMANDS A3h (1Fh).........................................................................171
REPORT SNAPSHOT COMMANDS specific status................................................................172
Parameter data................................................................................................................172
REPORT SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION A3h (1Fh)..................................................................172
Parameter data................................................................................................................173
REPORT Enhanced SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION A3h (1Fh)...................................................173
REPORT SNAPSHOTS AVAILABLE A3h (1Fh)............................................................................173
Parameter data................................................................................................................174
REPORT SUPPORTED OPCODES A3h (0Ch)............................................................................175
REPORT SUPPORTED OPCODES returned data....................................................................176
All-commands format...................................................................................................176
One-command format..................................................................................................177
Timeouts descriptor......................................................................................................177
REPORT SUPPORTED TASK MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS A3h (0Dh)........................................178
REPORT SUPPORTED TASK MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS returned data................................178
REPORT TARGET PORT GROUPS A3h....................................................................................179
Data returned..................................................................................................................179
Primary Target Port Group descriptor.............................................................................180
Target Port descriptor...................................................................................................180
ADC Target Port Group descriptor.................................................................................180
REPORT TIMESTAMP A3h (0Fh).............................................................................................181
REPORT TIMESTAMP parameter data..................................................................................181
REQUEST SENSE 03h..........................................................................................................182
REQUEST SENSE data......................................................................................................183
Fixed format...............................................................................................................183
Returned Sense data fields.......................................................................................184
Descriptor format........................................................................................................185
Returned Sense data fields.......................................................................................185
Information Sense data descriptor.............................................................................186
Sense Key Specific Sense data descriptor..................................................................186
Stream Commands Sense data descriptor..................................................................187
Drive Error Code Sense data descriptor (Vendor Specific)............................................187
Cleaning Needed Sense data descriptor (Vendor Specific)...........................................187
Sense data management..................................................................................................187
Current sense..............................................................................................................187
Clearing current sense.............................................................................................188
UNIT ATTENTION sense..............................................................................................188
DEFERRED ERROR sense..............................................................................................189
Write-behind deferred errors....................................................................................189
8 Contents
Bus release deferred errors.......................................................................................189
Sense keys......................................................................................................................189
Additional Sense codes....................................................................................................191
Error codes.....................................................................................................................196
RESERVE UNIT 16h/56h.......................................................................................................197
REWIND 01h......................................................................................................................198
REWIND specific status....................................................................................................198
SECURITY PROTOCOL IN A2h..............................................................................................198
SECURITY PROTOCOL IN returned data..............................................................................199
Security protocol information........................................................................................199
Supported security protocol list:................................................................................199
Certificate data:.....................................................................................................200
Tape Data Encryption security protocol...........................................................................200
Tape Data Encryption In Support page......................................................................200
Tape Data Encryption Out Support page...................................................................201
Data Encryption Capabilities page...........................................................................201
Supported Key Formats page...................................................................................202
Data Encryption Management Capabilities page........................................................203
Data Encryption Status page....................................................................................203
Next Block Encryption Status page...........................................................................204
SECURITY PROTOCOL OUT B5h...........................................................................................205
SECURITY PROTOCOL OUT returned data..........................................................................205
Tape Data Encryption security protocol information..........................................................205
Set Data Encryption page........................................................................................206
Key Descriptor format..............................................................................................208
SECURITY PROTOCOL OUT specific status..........................................................................208
SEEK (CD-ROM mode) 2Bh...................................................................................................209
SEND DIAGNOSTIC 1Dh.....................................................................................................209
SEND DIAGNOSTIC data required....................................................................................210
SEND DIAGNOSTIC specific status....................................................................................210
Standard self-test..............................................................................................................211
SET CAPACITY 0Bh..............................................................................................................211
SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER A4h (06h)........................................................................................212
SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER returned data................................................................................213
SET IP CONFIGURATION A4h (1Fh)......................................................................................213
SET SNAPSHOT COMMANDS A4h (1Fh)...............................................................................213
SET SNAPSHOT COMMANDS parameter data...................................................................214
SET SNAPSHOT COMMANDS specific status......................................................................215
SET SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION A4h (1Fh)........................................................................215
SET SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION parameter data............................................................216
SET Enhanced SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION A4h (1Fh).........................................................217
SET TIMESTAMP A3h (1Fh)...................................................................................................219
SET TIMESTAMP parameter data........................................................................................220
SPACE 11h/91h..................................................................................................................220
SPACE specific status........................................................................................................221
START/STOP (CD-ROM mode) 1Bh........................................................................................222
TEST UNIT READY 00h.........................................................................................................222
TEST UNIT READY specific status........................................................................................223
VERIFY 13h.........................................................................................................................223
WRITE 0Ah.........................................................................................................................224
WRITE specific status........................................................................................................225
Residue information..........................................................................................................225
WRITE ATTRIBUTE 8Dh.........................................................................................................226
WRITE ATTRIBUTE parameter list format..............................................................................226
WRITE ATTRIBUTE specific status........................................................................................227
Contents 9
WRITE BUFFER 3Bh.............................................................................................................228
Memory sizes..................................................................................................................229
Main buffer memory....................................................................................................229
Main processor memory..............................................................................................230
SCSI burst buffer.........................................................................................................230
PCA EEPROM.............................................................................................................230
WRITE FILEMARKS 10h........................................................................................................230
WRITE FILEMARKS specific status.......................................................................................230
10 Contents
1 Interface Implementation
HP LTO Ultrium 5 drives use Fibre Channel or Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) as the interface to connect
to the host system.
This chapter gives an overview of how the interface operates. Full details of the messages are
given in “Messages” (page 18), of SAS response frames and task management functions in
“Response frames and task management functions” (page 19), and of commands in “Introduction
to commands” (page 22) and “Commands” (page 29).
Supported commands
See “Introduction to commands” (page 22) for a list of supported commands. They include all
Mandatory and Extended commands and most Optional commands.
For implementation details on these commands, see “Commands” (page 29).
SCSI features
Design approach
The features supported by the drive are based on standards, both official and de facto. The drive
is fully compliant with the current SCSI standards: SPC-3, SSC-2, SAM-4, and the relevant transport
protocol (such as SAS-2 for SAS drives). All mandatory commands and features are supported, as
well as some that are optional. In addition, some features from older standards are still supported
for backwards compatibility.
commands within 250 ms of power on for SAS drives. For standalone FC drives, the response time
12 Interface Implementation
could take up to 3 seconds. For drives in libraries, there would be an additional library initialization
time on top of these figures.
The first command received from an initiator (other than INQUIRY, REQUEST SENSE and REPORT
LUNS) will result in CHECK CONDITION status, with UNIT ATTENTION sense data reported for
the power on. Once the drive has completed its self-test and set-up procedures, it will attempt to
reload any tape that is already present in the drive. It may take some time to recover the tape,
especially if it was positioned near EOM when power was cycled. During tape recovery, medium
access commands will result in a sense key of NOT READY, with additional sense of 0401h (drive
in process of becoming ready).
Reset strategy
Following on the receipt of a Logical Unit Reset Task Management Function, the following actions
will be carried out by the drive:
• All tasks queued for that Logical Unit will be aborted.
• Mode parameters are cleared to their default values.
• The drive's reservation is released, but not the persistent reservation.
• Any buffered writes are flushed to tape.
• If Rewind-On-Reset has been configured, the tape will be rewound (Logical Position is BOM).
• A UNIT ATTENTION condition is set, based on the type of reset.
The first command from any initiator (other than INQUIRY, REQUEST SENSE and REPORT LUNS)
to that particular Logical Unit will result in CHECK CONDITION status with UNIT ATTENTION
sense data for the reset.
It is possible to force a hard reset in the drive, which is equivalent to a soft power-cycle.
The Reset button on the front panel is connected to the reset circuitry of the drive. The effect of
depressing the Reset button is equivalent to power-cycling the drive.
The ACI_RST_L line on the ACI connector will also activate the reset circuitry when pulled low in
an ACI automation environment. Activating the ACI_RST_L line in an ADI automation environment
will result in an ADT port logout and will not activate the reset circuitry.
The contents of the tape and cartridge memory may not be consistent after a reset and any data
in the drive buffer will be lost.
Abort handling
Link error handling (SAS drives)
In normal operation, random errors will occasionally be encountered on the link between the
initiator and the tape drive. A single bit error may result in a frame with a bad CRC value, or in
a communication failure if the error corrupts one of the special “primitive” messages used to manage
the link. The SAS standard provides an optional mechanism to retry most link errors; this mechanism
is known as Transport Layer Retries. See “Protocol-Specific Logical Unit mode page (SAS drives)”
(page 102). By default the tape drive has retries disabled; an initiator which is also capable of
handling retries must enable them in the tape drive typically during the discovery phase. The tape
drive will also support the TLR Control field in SSP command frames.
SCSI features 13
The following table indicates the drive behavior both with and without transport layer retries
enabled, for a variety of possible error scenarios:
Data frame CRC error on writes The drive sends NAK. The drive sends NAK.
The initiator aborts the command using The initiator restarts data transfer with the
the ABORT task management functions. Changing Data Ptr bit set for the first
resent frame.
Data frame CRC error on reads The initiator sends NAK. The initiator sends NAK, drive restarts
The drive aborts the command with a transfer from start of burst with Changing
sense key of ABORTED COMMAND and Data Ptr bit set for 1st resent frame
additional sense of 4B04h (NAK
XFER_RDY frame CRC error The initiator sends NAK. The initiator sends NAK.
The drive aborts the command with a The drive re-issues XFER_RDY with the
sense key of ABORTED COMMAND and Retransmit bit set and a fresh TPTT value.
additional sense of 4B04h (NAK received)
Response frame CRC error The initiator sends NAK. The initiator sends NAK.
The drive re-sends the response frame with The drive re-sends the response frame with
the Retransmit bit set. the Retransmit bit set.
Loss of ACK for a write data The initiator times out the operation and The drive completes the operation (since
frame sends an ABORT task management all data was received successfully) and
function. sends GOOD status.
Loss of ACK for read data frame The drive times out the operation and The drive times out the operation, then
aborts the command with a sense key of restarts the transfer from the start of the
ABORTED COMMAND and additional burst with the Changing Data Ptr bit set
sense of 4B03 (ACK/NAK Timeout). for the first resent frame.
Loss of ACK for a XFER_RDY The drive times out the operation and The drive times out the operation, then
frame aborts the command with a sense key of re-issues XFER_RDY with the Retransmit bit
ABORTED COMMAND and additional set and a fresh TPTT value.
sense of 4B03 (ACK/NAK Timeout).
Loss of ACK for a response The drive times out the operation, then The drive times out the operation, then
frame re-sends the response frame with the re-sends the response frame with the
Retransmit bit set. Retransmit bit set.
Multi-initiator support
All drives are designed to operate within a multi-initiator environment. The maximum number of
concurrently connected initiators is:
• FC drives: 511 (for full-height drives, shared across both ports)
• SAS drives: 32 (for full-height drives, shared across both ports)
Sense Data, Unit Attention and Deferred Errors are maintained for each initiator. Mode Parameters
are common to all initiators.
The untagged queuing model implemented by the drives guarantees that all commands are executed
in strict order of receipt. Certain non-media access type commands, such as TEST UNIT READY,
INQUIRY, REQUEST SENSE and REPORT LUNS, are implicitly allowed to queue-jump other media
access type commands, such as REWIND.
FC drives support the full command queuing model with a queue depth of 4. See “Standard Inquiry
Data format (LUN0)” (page 37) for details of the BQue and CmdQue bits which define this support.
14 Interface Implementation
Fibre Channel operation
The following sections have information specific to Fibre Channel operation:
• “Protocol-Specific Logical Unit mode page (FC drives)” (page 102)
• “Protocol-Specific Port mode page (FC drives)” (page 102)
• “Vital Product Data pages” (page 40)
Names are 64-bit identifiers assigned permanently to the tape drive during manufacture. They are
commonly referred to as World Wide Names since they must be guaranteed unique. The names
are typically used for identifying the device to operating systems, since addresses are assigned
dynamically. One of the principal uses for WWNs in Storage Area Networks is to enable the
division of fabrics into separate zones for security, load balancing, redundancy or manageability
There at least eight different name formats distinguished by the Network Address Authority (NAA).
Only one is used on HP LTO Ultrium drives. This is the IEEE Registered Name (NNA=5) and has
the following format:
Each Fibre Channel port also has a Port Address which is assigned during loop initialization and/or
Fabric Login. This is a 24-bit value in the following format:
The AL_PA is the Arbitrated Loop Physical Address. This is normally assigned dynamically during
loop initialization.
If the drive is on a loop that is not attached to a fabric (in other words, when it is on a private link),
the top two bytes will be zero. If the loop is attached to a fabric, the top two bytes are assigned
when it logs into the fabric.
Together, the three bytes provide a unique address on the Fibre Channel fabric that is used for
frame addressing. It forms the equivalent of the Target ID or Initiator ID in SCSI.
There are two further WWNs, the SCSI Device WWN (typically set equal to the Node WWN)
and the ADC Device WWN (last bits = 11)
The values of the names can be obtained using the Device Identification Vital Product Information
Page (part of the INQUIRY command).
16 Interface Implementation
Field replaceable units
An FRU code identifies which part of the hardware is considered to have failed. These codes turn
up in sense data byte 14 and as the sense code qualifier for sense codes 4400h (internal target
failure) and 40XX (diagnostic failure).
Although there are no actual Field Replaceable Units on HP LTO Ultrium drives, the following
sub-assemblies can be replaced at Repair Centres:
NOTE: If the drive exits CD-ROM mode through either of the first two of these, the tape will
remain at the last logical position when in CD-ROM mode.
00h GOOD: This status indicates that the drive has successfully completed the command.
02h CHECK CONDITION: Any error, exception, or abnormal condition that causes sense data to be set
returns CHECK CONDITION. The REQUEST SENSE command should be sent following this status to
determine the nature of the error.
04h CONDITION MET: This status will never be returned by an HP LTO Ultrium tape drive.
08h BUSY: The drive is unable to execute the command at this time. Try again later. The drive tries to avoid
using this status code during normal operation. It can sometimes be used after commands have been
aborted, during power-on and if there are multiple selecting initiators.
10h INTERMEDIATE: This status will never be returned by an HP LTO Ultrium tape drive.
14h INTERMEDIATE CND: This status will never be returned by an HP LTO Ultrium tape drive.
18h RESERVATION CONFLICT: Returned if the drive is reserved by another party. See the Reservation check.
22h COMAND TERMINATED: This status will never be returned by an HP LTO Ultrium tape drive.
18 Messages
3 Response frames and task management functions
Response frames
This section describes the format of SAS response frames returned by HP LTO Ultrium tape drives.
Response frames provide a way for the drive to report the outcome of all SCSI commands and task
management functions:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Status Qualifier (0000h)
11 Status
16 (MSB)
Sense Data Length (n bytes)
19 (LSB)
20 (MSB)
Response Data Length (m bytes)
23 (LSB)
Response Data (if any)
Sense Data (if any)
DATAPRES Specifies the format and content of the Status, Sense Data Length, Response Data Length,
Response Data, and Sense Data fields:
00b NO_DATA Neither response data nor sense data are present
11b Reserved
Status The Status byte is valid for all response frames, unless the DATAPRES field is set to
RESPONSE_DATA. It indicates the outcome of the SCSI command:
08h BUSY The drive is unable to execute the command at this time.
Try again later. The drive tries to avoid using this status
code during normal operation.
Response frames 19
14h INTERMEDIATE CND Never returned by an HP LTO Ultrium tape drive.
18h RESERVATION The drive is reserved by another party. See the Reservation
28h TASK SET FULL The drive cannot accept another task at the moment
because the internal limit has been reached. Try again
30h ACA ACTIVE Typically not returned by an HP LTO Ultrium drive but may
be in some circumstances; for example, on a Fibre Channel
drive, if Host A sends Logical Unit Reset then Task Aborted
would be sent to an outstanding Rewind on Host B.
40h TASK ABORTED FC and SAS drives only: Caused by a Third Party Host
Interface reset.
Response Data If the DATAPRES field is set to RESPONSE_DATA, the Status and Sense Data fields are not
valid; the drive is reporting a response to a task management function or to an invalid request
as indicated by the response code:
Code Description
Only valid when responding to a TASK frame.
Returned when a command/task management function or task management function/task
management function tag conflicts.
01h ABORT TASK Performs the ABORT TASK task management function with:
L = Logical Unit Number field
Q = Tag of Task to Be Managed field
02h ABORT TASK SET (SAS only) Performs the ABORT TASK SET task management function with:
L = Logical Unit Number field
04h CLEAR TASK SET Performs the CLEAR TASK SET task management function with:
L = Logical Unit Number field
08h LOGICAL UNIT RESET Performs the LOGICAL UNIT RESET task management function with:
L = Logical Unit Number field
20h Reserved
80h QUERY TASK (SAS only) Performs the QUERY TASK task management function with:
L = Logical Unit Number field
Q = Tag of Task to Be Managed field
others Reserved
The following table is a summary of the SCSI commands for sequential access devices, showing
the operation code:
08h READ
22 Introduction to commands
Opcode Command Name
Summary 23
Opcode Command Name
Command details
The command descriptions in “Commands” (page 29) are listed in alphabetical order of command
name (ignoring words like “Enhanced” and “Vendor-unique”). Each command is described briefly.
This is followed by a list of pre-execution checks which are described below. The Command
Descriptor Block (CDB) is then given, with details of the various parameter bits and fields.
Pre-execution checks
NOTE: In compliance with the SCSI specification, the drive terminates a command with a CHECK
CONDITION status and sets the sense key to ILLEGAL REQUEST when a reserved bit, byte, field
or code is received which is not zero.
Before executing a command, the drive makes a number of checks. They fall into three categories:
• Checks on the command sent by the host. These ensure that no reserved or fixed fields have
been set to illegal values. They check the syntax of commands, in other words the cross
dependency of fields. For example, the Flag bit must not be set if the Link bit is not set.
• Checks to ensure that there are no outstanding UNIT ATTENTION or DEFERRED ERROR events
posted for the host that has sent the command.
• Checks on media access abilities. These are performed for commands requiring access to the
cartridge. A command is rejected if it attempts to access the cartridge when no cartridge is
present or the cartridge is unloaded.
The checks are described below in alphabetical order. The usual order of execution is Illegal Field,
Fixed Bit, Flag Link, Bad LUN, Reservation, Deferred Error, Unit Attention, Media Access, Media
Write, Diagnostic Status, Humidity, Parameter List.
24 Introduction to commands
Deferred Error check
A deferred error is generated when a command with immediate report fails after the report has
been returned. The check looks to see if a deferred error exists for the host which sent the command,
in other words, a deferred error for which CHECK CONDITION status has not yet been reported.
If such an error exists, then the drive reports CHECK CONDITION. The sense data for the command
is set to DEFERRED ERROR (which was generated when some previous command failed).
Note that if a UNIT ATTENTION condition and a DEFERRED ERROR condition both exist for an
initiator, the DEFERRED ERROR condition will be reported first. This is because the operation leading
to the deferred error must have been older than that leading to the unit attention. The drive reports
the conditions in the order in which they arose.
Pre-execution checks 25
If a field has been set to an illegal value:
• CHECK CONDITION status is reported to the host with a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and
additional sense of 2400h “invalid field in CDB”.
• The sense key specific bit is set and the sense key specific bytes will be a field pointer.
• The command/data bit is set, indicating that the illegal parameter was in the command.
NOTE: Command descriptor blocks are scanned from left (bit 7) to right (bit 0), and down
(from byte 0 to byte n). The field pointer will be set to point to the first bit of the first illegal
field encountered using this scanning route. In some cases, where multiple fixed fields are
contiguous, the field pointer might be set to point to the first bit of the first fixed field in the
group of fixed fields, whereas the actual illegality may lie in a later bit.
26 Introduction to commands
Parameter List check
For LOG SELECT, MODE SELECT and some diagnostic commands, the associated data sent to the
drive is in the form of parameter lists. These are described under the command names in the next
chapter. Checks are performed to test the following:
• Fixed and reserved fields have not been modified. Fixed fields are indicated by a number in
round brackets following the field name.
• A field has been set to an invalid value.
• The syntax of the page of parameters has been violated—for example, where a particular
value in one field imposes limitations on the valid range for another field.
If a field has been set to an illegal value, CHECK CONDITION is reported to the host with a sense
key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense of 2600h (invalid field in parameter list).
The drive scans the data in the Command Description Block from “left” (bit 7) to “right”, and
“down” (from byte 0 to byte n). It sets the field pointers to the first bit of the first bad field
encountered. If the bad field is contained in a contiguous group of fixed fields, the pointers indicate
the first bit of the first field in the group, even though the error may be in a later field in the group.
NOTE: With MODE SELECT, the drive checks the integrity of the whole parameter list before
acting on any parameters, so all the mode parameters need to be correct before any of them are
Reservation check
This checks to see if the drive has been reserved for use by a host, and if it has, whether the host
is the same host that sent the command being executed.
If the drive has been reserved for some other host then RESERVATION CONFLICT status is reported.
See the commands “PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT 5Fh” (page 120), “RELEASE UNIT 17h/57h”
(page 157) and “RESERVE UNIT 16h/56h” (page 197).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Multi-Byte Parameter
n-1 (LSB)
n Vendor Unique (0) Reserved (0) NACA(0) Flag (0) Link (0)
Group Code and The operation code uniquely identifies the command. The top three bits of the operation code
Operation Code are known as the group code and these define the length of the command descriptor block:
Reserved A reserved field should always be set to zero. The drive checks reserved fields, and if one is
non-zero then it will reject the command with CHECK CONDITION.
Multi-Byte Parameter A multi-byte parameter field in a command is “big-endian”, that is, bit 7 of the first byte of this
field is the most significant.
Control The control field is mainly concerned with the use of linked commands. These are not supported
by the LTO SCSI command set, so a CHECK CONDITION will be generated if this field is set
to anything other than zero.
Flag 0
28 Introduction to commands
5 Commands
This chapter describes all SCSI commands. Parts of the chapter are based on sections of the SCSI
specification (see “General documents and standardization” (page 233)).
For general notes on the command descriptions, see “Introduction to commands” (page 22).
Illegal Field
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 Control
CDB fields
Enable Enables or disables SAS Transport Layer Retries for this initiator:
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 (MSB)
Segment Offset
5 (LSB)
6 (MSB)
Segment Length
8 (LSB)
9 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
Segment Offset The offset within the bank at which this segment will be stored. The application client must
set this to zero for the first download segment command. (It is possible to re-start the firmware
download process many times by setting Segment Offset to zero). The field has the following
• It must be a multiple of 4 bytes.
• It must reside within the bank size (1.91 MB).
Last 0 The segment will be copied to the internal cache buffer at the specified offset.
1 It is assumed that the last byte of the image is Segment Offset + Segment Length.
Then the whole image is validated, and if correct, transferred from the cache
buffer to flash. Status will not be returned until the firmware has been successfully
written to the Secondary Image bank.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
11 Control
30 Commands
CDB fields
Swap 0 The drive resets and reboots the currently running firmware, so the association of Primary and
Secondary Images will remain unchanged.
1 The drive swaps banks associated with the Primary and Secondary Images before resetting the
drive. Use this to reboot the drive with the firmware most recently downloaded to the Secondary
Regardless of the value of the Swap field, the reboot command should not cause the drive to be offline
for more than about 1 second.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
7 (LSB)
Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
Allocation Length The drive will return up to this number of bytes, truncating any parameter data as required.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Firmware Image Info Length
3 (LSB)
4 (MSB)
Firmware Image Descriptor 0
47 (LSB)
48 (MSB)
Firmware Image Descriptor 1
91 (LSB)
Firmware Image Info Version The version of the following descriptors. Currently at version 1.
Firmware Image Info Length 56 The total length in bytes of the descriptors that follow.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Bank ID
Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
Publication Revision
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Firmware Revision
15 (LSB)
16 (MSB)
Image Build Time
19 (LSB)
20 (MSB)
Image Size
23 (LSB)
24 (MSB)
Bank Size
27 (LSB)
001b–101b Reserved
100b–111b Reserved
Primary This field will be set if this is the Primary Image bank.
Image Build Time The time (UTC-based) at which this firmware image was built.
The ERASE command is used to erase data on tape from the current logical position. The Long bit
is used to decide whether the ‘old’ data is physically overwritten or not.
32 Commands
FC drives only: ERASE commands (short or long) to a drive containing a WORM cartridge will not
overwrite or erase user data on tape.
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 Control
CDB fields
Immed 0 The drive reports status after the command has completed.
The drive reports status when it starts the command (after any pre-execution checks and prerequisite
unloads have completed).
1 End of Data is written, followed by Data Set Separators to the end of the tape.
NOTE: Short erase is only used to truncate data at the current logical position. It cannot be used
to create a “hole” in the tape into which data can subsequently be written “in place”. This will
merely cause the drive to streamfail. The logical tape position is unaffected by this command. A
CHECK CONDITION for Early Warning EOM (drive error code 2C98h) will only be given if the
tape is logically positioned past EOT immediately before the erase.
The erase fails CHECK CONDITION HARDWARE ERROR 5100h (erase failure)
WORM media: Erase would result in CHECK CONDITION DATA PROTECT 300Ch (WORM medium
user data being over-written. —overwrite attempted)
Illegal Field
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
11 Control
CDB fields
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 Command Set
11 Control
CDB fields
34 Commands
STTF Save Trace To Flash
1 The drive creates a Snapshot log in volatile memory and then, if saving
traces to flash is enabled, saves it to an area of non-volatile memory (flash).
• If saving traces to flash is not enabled, the device server terminates the
command with CHECK CONDITION, a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST
and additional sense of 2400h (invalid field in CDB).
• If the STTF bit is set to one and an STTF log is already being created or
being read, the device server terminates with CHECK CONDITION, a
sense key of NO SENSE and additional sense of 1600h (operation in
Command Set The snapshot command set to be executed to create the Snapshot log:
00h Default/user-definable
01h Debug
A Snapshot log is already being created. CHECK CONDITION NO SENSE 0016h (operation in progress)
Snapshot commands are being set. CHECK CONDITION NO SENSE 0016h (operation in progress)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 (MSB)
Transfer Length (0)
4 (LSB)
5 Control
CDB fields
Immed 0 The drive will not report status until the format operation has completed.
1 The drive will report GOOD status (after some initial checks) and continue with the
formatting operation in the background. Progress Indication is reported as part of the
sense data returned.
INQUIRY tells the drive to return information about the basic operating parameters to the host.
These parameters cannot be changed. The drive returns Inquiry data to the host in a data-in phase.
NOTE: This command is immune from most of the pre-execution checks that other commands
must pass (for example, it can be executed while the unit is reserved for another host). Unit attention
and deferred error conditions are preserved and reported on subsequent commands.
Pre-execution checks
Only the Illegal Field Check is performed before the command is executed.
If the EVPD bit is clear, the page code must be zero, otherwise illegal request is reported.
If the EVPD bit is set, the page code must be one of the supported page codes for Inquiry data.
Otherwise illegal request is reported.
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Page Code
36 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Allocation Length
5 Control
CDB fields
Page Code If the EVPD bit is zero the Page Code field must be zero.
If the EVPD bit is set to 1, the drive returns the Inquiry page in this Page Code field:
Allocation Length The maximum amount of data (in bytes) that should be returned. If more than this is available,
the amount returned is truncated to allocation length. No error is reported.
INQUIRY 12h 37
Note that the data below is for the standard distribution firmware.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 SCCS (0) ACC (0) TPGS (01b) 3PC (0) Reserved (0) Protect(0)
8 (MSB)
Vendor Identification (“HP “)
15 (LSB)
16 (MSB)
Product Identification
31 (LSB)
32 (MSB)
Product Revision Level
35 (LSB)
Reserved (0)
Reserved (0)
43 (MSB)
OBDR string (“$DR-10”) or Reserved (0) if not supported
48 (LSB)
Reserved (0)
57 Reserved (0)
58 (MSB)
Version Descriptor 1
59 (LSB)
72 (MSB)
Version Descriptor 8
73 (LSB)
Reserved (0)
38 Commands
For the LUN to which the drive is attached, the Peripheral Qualifier field is set to 000b, the Peripheral
Device Type field is set to 01h, the Removable Medium (RMB) flag is set to 1 and the Device-type
modifier is set to 0.
Peripheral Qualifier 000b There is a device on the logical unit selected, so the LUN field in the identify
message was 0.
011b The LUN field in the identify message has specified an unsupported logical unit.
This means any LUN other than 0.
RMB 1 The Removable Medium bit is one, indicating that the tape can be removed.
Version Number 6 Indicating that the drive complies with the SPC-4 standard.
HiSup 0 The Hierarchical Support flag is 0, indicating that the hierarchical addressing
model is not supported.
Response Data Format 2 The Inquiry Data format complies with the SPC-3 standard.
Additional Length The length in bytes of the length of the rest of the Inquiry data.
TPGS 01b Target Port Group Support. Only implicit asymmetric logical unit access is
MChngr 0 The drive is not embedded within or attached to a medium transport element.
Vendor Identification A vendor-specific, 8-byte string of ASCII characters, left justified and padded with space
characters “HP”.
INQUIRY 12h 39
Product Identification A left-justified, vendor-specific, 16-byte string field of ASCII characters with space character
padding on the right. The string consists of two parts:
• First half (bytes 16–23): “Ultrium”
• Second half (bytes 24–31): “<generation>-<interface type>”
For all LTO-5 drives (including FC and SAS), the following string has been defined:
“Ultrium 5-SCSI”
Clocking 0
QAS 0 The drive does not support Quick Arbitration and Selection.
0 Not applicable
Version Descriptor These fields can be used to identify up to eight standards to which the drive conforms. The
values supported are listed below.
Value Standard
Vendor Specific data may be sent after the Product Revision Level.
40 Commands
Supported Vital Product Data Pages page
This is the data returned by the drive in response to an INQUIRY command with its EVPD bit set
to one and its Page Code field set to 0.
This page contains a list of all the VPD page-codes supported by the drive.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
Serial Number
13 (LSB)
INQUIRY 12h 41
Device Identification page
The Device Identification page contains information that identifies the tape drive uniquely.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
Identification Descriptors
n (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
n (LSB)
PIV 1 The Protocol Identifier field is valid. This is set for an Association value of 1 or 2.
Association 0 The Identifier field is associated with the addressed logical unit.
1 The Identifier field is associated with the port that received the request.
2 The Identifier field is associated with the SCSI target device that contains the addressed logical
3 Reserved
Identifier Type 1 Vendor ID followed by the product identification field from the standard inquiry data and the
serial number field from the Serial Number Inquiry page.
3 FC drives: Identification descriptor is the 64-bit IEEE Registered World Wide Name (in NAA
identifier format).
Defined identifiers
The following identifiers will be returned in the given order. What Port Name is returned depends
on which port the Inquiry is sent through.
42 Commands
Logical Unit Identifier
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
SSC Device Logical Unit Name (IEEE Registered Name)
11 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
Port Name (IEEE Registered Name)
11 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
Port Identifier
7 (LSB)
The Port Identifier will be set to 1 if the addressed port is port 0, and (for full-height drives only)
set to 2 if the addressed port is Port 1.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
Reserved (0)
INQUIRY 12h 43
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 (MSB)
Target Port Group
7 (LSB)
Target Port Group indicates the group to which the target port is a member. For more information,
see “REPORT TARGET PORT GROUPS A3h” (page 179).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
Device Name (IEEE Registered Name)
11 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
Vendor ID
11 (LSB)
12 (MSB)
Product Identification
27 (LSB)
28 (MSB)
Serial Number
37 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Length (n-3)
4 (MSB)
Network Services Descriptor (first)
44 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
: :
Network Services Descriptor (last)
n (LSB)
NOTE: The contents of descriptors are set by an application client outside the scope of the
definition of this page, so no detail is given here.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
Network Address Length (n-3)
4 (MSB)
Network Address
n (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Length (3Ch)
4 Activate
SPT (000b) Grd_Chk(0) App_Chk(0) Ref_Chk(0)
Microcode (10b)
5 UASK_Sup
Reserved (0) Group_Sup(0) Prior_Sup(0) HeadSupP(0) OrdSup(0) SimSup(1)
Reserved (0)
INQUIRY 12h 45
Activate 10b 1. The drive activates the microcode after either a vendor specific event, a power on event, or
Microcode a hard reset event.
2. The drive establishes a UNIT ATTENTION condition for the initiator port associated with
every I_T nexus with additional sense code set to 3F01h (firmware upgraded).
LUICLR 1 The drive clears the UNIT ATTENTION with additional sense of 3F0Eh (LUN inventory changed)
for all LUNs for one initiator, if the UA has been reported to this initiator for any LUN it can
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Length (n-3)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 Reserved (0)
Policy Page Code The mode page to which this descriptor applies.
0 The mode page and sub-page indicated are maintained separately by each
logical unit.
1 This combination of Policy Page Code and Policy Sub-Page Code is shared
by more than one logical unit.
Mode Page Policy The policy in effect for the combination of Policy Page Code and Policy Sub-Page Code:
00b Shared
01b Per Target port
10b Per Initiator port
11b Per I_T Nexus
46 Commands
The following Mode Page Policy Descriptors are returned:
FC drives:
Policy Page Code Policy Sub-Page Code Mode Page Policy MLUS
SAS drives:
Policy Page Code Policy Sub-Page Code Mode Page Policy MLUS
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Length (n-3)
FC drives:
The following SCSI Port Identification Descriptors (one per port enabled) are returned for FC drives:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Port Identifier
Target Port Descriptor Length (0Ch)
INQUIRY 12h 47
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
14 Reserved (0)
Port Name (IEEE Registered Name—see “Names” (page 15))
SAS drives:
The following SCSI Port Identification Descriptors (one per port enabled) are returned for SAS
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Port Identifier
Target Port Descriptor Length (0Ch)
14 Reserved (0)
Port Name (IEEE Registered Name—see “Names” (page 15))
01h SCSI
06h SAS
PIV 1 The Protocol Identifier field is valid. The PIV flag is set to one for an association
value of 1 or 2.
Association 1 The Identifier field is associated with the port that received the request.
Identifier Type 1 The subsequent fields contain the Vendor ID followed by the product identification
field from the standard inquiry data and the serial number field from the Serial
Number Inquiry Page.
48 Commands
The returned data has the following format for logical units with SAS target ports.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Length (n-3)
: :
The logical unit information descriptor for logical units with SAS target ports is as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Relative Port Identifier
1 (LSB)
6 (MSB)
Descriptor Length (0004h)
7 (LSB)
TLR Control Supported 1 The combination of SCSI target port and logical unit supports the TLR Control field
in the SSP frame header.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
INQUIRY 12h 49
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
WORM 1 The Device Server supports Write Once Read Many (WORM) operation.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Length (000Ah)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
4 01h (1) 02h (1) 03h (1) 04h (1) 05h (1) 06h (1) 07h (1) 08h (0)
5 09h (1) 0Ah (1) 0Bh (1) 0Ch (1) 0Dh (1) 0Eh (1) 0Fh (1) 10h (1)
6 11h (1) 12h (1) 13h (1) 14h (1) 15h (1) 16h (1) 17h (1) 18h (1)
7 19h (1) 1Ah (1) 1Bh (1) 1Ch (1) 1Dh (1) 1Eh (1) 1Fh (1) 20h (1)
8 21h (1) 22h (1) 23h (1) 24h (1) 25h (1) 26h (1) 27h (1) 28h (0)
9 29h (0) 2Ah (0) 2Bh (0) 2Ch (0) 2Dh (0) 2Eh (0) 2Fh (0) 30h (0)
10 31h (0) 32h (1) 33h (1) 34h (1) 35h (1) 36h (1) 37h (1) 38h (1)
11 39h (1) 3Ah (1) 3Bh (1) 3Ch (1) 3Dh (0) 3Eh (0) 3Fh (0) 40h (0)
Supported flags are set to 1. For information on the flags, see “TapeAlert log page” (page 77)
50 Commands
Drive Component Revision Levels pages
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Page Code
2 Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
Component (“CCCCCCCCCCCC”)
29 (LSB)
30 (MSB)
Version (“RRR.VVV”)
48 (LSB)
49 (MSB)
Date (“YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm”)
72 (LSB)
73 (MSB)
95 (LSB)
The Drive Component Revision Levels pages contain details of the revisions of each of the major
sub assemblies of the drive. For any given product, if these pages are the same then the drive has
been built with the same components and with the same manufacturing process.
Each entry is a null-terminated ASCII string.
C0h—Firmware “Firmware”
C1h—Hardware “Hardware”
C3h—Mechanism “Mechanism”
C4h—Head Assembly “Head Assy”
Component A 12-character entry to identify the component that the revision is for.
Version A 7-character version code with a three-digit major revision number, a period and a three-digit
minor version number.
The LOAD/UNLOAD command allows the host to specify that a tape cartridge present in the drive
is either made ready for data transfer (“loaded”) or disabled for data transfer (if Prevent Media
Removal is set). It can also cause the cartridge to be ejected from the drive (“unloaded”).
Pre-execution checks
If an unload is to be performed, the drive checks if the tape is currently being loaded. If it is,
CHECK CONDITION is reported with a sense key of NOT READY and additional sense of 0401h
(becoming ready).
If a load is to be performed, the drive checks to ensure that a tape cartridge is present. If not, it
reports CHECK CONDITION with a sense key of NOT READY and additional sense of 3A00h
(medium not present). If the media is currently being unloaded or ejected, it reports CHECK
CONDITION with sense key of NOT READY and additional sense of 0400h (cause not reportable).
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
3 Reserved (0)
5 Control
CDB fields
Immed 0 The drive reports status after the command has completed.
The drive reports status when it starts the command (after any pre-execution checks and prerequisite
unloads have completed).
A load will cause the cartridge to be pulled in and seated in the drive, but the tape will not be
1 threaded. An unload will cause the tape to be unthreaded, but the cartridge will not be ejected. In
Hold position, the Cartridge Memory is accessible.
Loading a cartridge
The drive loads an Ultrium 5, Ultrium 4 or Ultrium 3 tape automatically when it is inserted, without
any host interaction. If the load is successful, media access commands are permissible (see the
Media Access check).
52 Commands
If the tape is already loaded when a Load request is received, the tape is positioned at the beginning
of the tape (as though a REWIND had been sent). Unlike a “full” load, UNIT ATTENTION with
additional sense of 2800h (not ready to ready transition) is not generated for other hosts.
If the tape is in the process of being loaded when the Load request is received, the drive will wait
for the load to complete and, assuming the load was successful, take one of the following actions:
• If the Load was issued by the current host (that is, a previous immediate-reported load) and
completed successfully, GOOD status is reported. No further action is taken.
• If the Load was issued by some other host (or was an autoload) and completed successfully,
CHECK CONDITION is reported, with a sense key of UNIT ATTENTION and additional sense
of 2800h (not ready to ready transition).
• If the Load was issued by the current host and failed, CHECK CONDITION is reported, since
a deferred error condition will exist for the current host.
• If the Load was issued by some other host and failed, the load will be re-attempted on behalf
of the current host.
Unloading a cartridge
If an unload is requested and there is a tape present in the drive (either loaded, loading or
1. Any buffered data is written to tape.
2. The tape is rewound to the physical BOM (beginning of media).
3. If medium removal is prevented, CHECK CONDITION is reported with a sense key of ILLEGAL
REQUEST and additional sense of 5302h (medium removal prevented).
4. GOOD status is reported if the tape unloaded successfully. Otherwise, another unload operation
is initiated on behalf of the host that issued the unload request.
Following an unload, any media access commands will be rejected by the Media Access check.
• If an unload request is received while the tape is in the process of unloading (for example, as
a result of pressing the eject button), it will be queued until the unload is complete.
• If an unload request is received while there is no tape present, or if a tape is present but not
loaded and medium removal is prevented, GOOD status is reported.
It is possible to unload and eject the cartridge by pressing the Eject button on the front panel.
LOCATE 2Bh/92h
The LOCATE command moves the current logical position to the position specified by the command.
The new position is specified by the offset from start of the media in terms of blocks. The first block
(that is, BOT) is block address 0.
Any unwritten data is written to tape before the command is executed.
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
LOCATE 2Bh/92h 53
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 (MSB)
Block Address
6 (LSB)
7 Reserved (0)
8 Partition
9 Control
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 Partition
4 (MSB)
Logical Identifier
11 (LSB)
Reserved (0)
15 Control
CDB fields
BT Block address Type. This field is not supported and should always be set to zero indicating that the Block
Address field represents the count of all blocks and filemarks between the beginning of the media and
the current logical position.
CP Change Partition.
If CP is set to 1 when the current media is not LTO5, the command will be terminated with CHECK
CONDITION, sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST, and additional sense of 2400h (invalid field In CDB).
If CP is set to 1 for LTO5 media that is not partitioned, and the Partition field is not set to 0 (the default
partition), the command will be terminated with CHECK CONDITION, sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST,
and additional sense of 2400h (invalid field In CDB).
Immed 0 The drive only reports status after the Locate command has completed.
The drive reports status when it starts the command and continues with the positioning in the
Block The Block Address specifies the number of blocks and filemarks between BOM and the position to be
Address located.
54 Commands
Dest type 00b Specifies that the Logical Identifier field is a logical object identifier.
01b Specifies that the Logical Identifier field is a logical file identifier.
Logical The specific block on tape to locate. It can be a generic block, either a record or a filemark (Dest Type
Identifier = 00b) or a specific filemark on tape (Dest Type = 01b).
EOM encountered CHECK MEDIUM ERROR 0002h (EOT encountered). EOM bit set.
Failed to read data—media error CHECK HARDWARE 3B00h (sequential positioning error)
or non-fatal drive error CONDITION ERROR
Early Warning EOM encountered Early warning end of medium information is not reported for Locate commands
Data format corrupt CHECK MEDIUM ERROR 3001h (can’t read media, unknown format)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 PC Reserved (0)
7 (MSB)
Parameter List Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
CDB fields
1 0 01b or 11b All the logs on the drive that can be reset are reset to their default
0 >0 01b or 11b Data is sent from the host and is written to the indicated logs,
provided those logs are writable.
Otherwise CHECK CONDITION status is returned, the sense key is set to ILLEGAL REQUEST with
additional sense of 2400h (invalid field in CDB).
PCR 0 Parameter Code Reset. The function performed is defined by the PC field.
SP 0 The Save Page (SP) flag is not supported and must be set to 0.
PC The Page Control field defines the type of parameter values to be selected:
00b No operation is performed. The Parameter List Length must be zero. If it is not, CHECK
or CONDITION with additional sense of 2400h (Invalid Field In CDB) is set.
01b The drive will clear logs as specified by the parameter data.
The Page Code must match one of the supported log page codes. If it does not, then CHECK
CONDITION status is reported. Sense data will be as described in the Illegal Field Checks.
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 PC Page Code
Reserved (0)
Parameter Pointer
56 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 (MSB)
Allocation Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
CDB fields
PC The Page Control field defines the type of log parameter to be returned:
00b Current Threshold Values—any parameters in the log that are counters contain the
maximum value that they can count to.
01b Current Cumulative Values—any parameters in the log that are counters contain their
current counts.
Note: Counts are reset to their default cumulative values (see below) following a
power-on, reset or target/logical unit reset. Media related counts are also reset
following a load.
For SAS drives, the counters are reset following a power-on reset or a soft reset
induced via the front panel. A LUN reset has no effect.
11b Default Cumulative Values—any parameters in the log that are counters contain the
initial values of those counters (set at power-on, reset or target/logical unit reset, and,
in the case of media logs, load).
The PC field has no effect on the data returned when the selected log contains event or trace
codes rather than counts.
Page Code The Page Code field identifies which log page is being requested by the host. See “Supported
Log Pages page” (page 58) for the list of valid page codes.
Allocation Length The Allocation Length field specifies the maximum number of bytes of data that should be
returned to the host. The drive will return the entire log or Allocation Length bytes, whichever
is the lesser.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Page Code
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Page Length
3 (LSB)
The Page Code specifies which Log page is being returned. The Page Length indicates the number
of additional bytes in the parameters.
For the Log Select command only, the four bytes shown above are sent for each log page to be
cleared. The Page Length field should be set to zero.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) DS (1) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC(0) Rsvd (0) LP (0)
4 (MSB)
Parameter Bytes
n (LSB)
Parameter Code A two-byte value that uniquely identifies the parameter within the log.
DU, TSD, ETC, TMC 0 Must be zero. For a full description of these fields refer to the SCSI-2 standard.
and LP
DS 1 Must be 1, indicating that drive will maintain the saving of data itself. Note that the
host must set the SP bit to 1 in a LOG SELECT command, otherwise a CHECK
CONDITION will result.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Page Length
3 (LSB)
58 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
May not be present in all firmware versions.
0 Errors corrected without substantial delay Total number of errors corrected without delay
1 Errors corrected with possible delays Total number of errors corrected using retries
3 Total errors corrected The number of data sets that needed to be rewritten
5 Total data sets processed The total number of data sets written
6 Total uncorrected errors The number of data sets that could not be written
0 Errors corrected without substantial delay Total number of errors corrected without delay
1 Errors corrected with possible delays Total number of errors corrected using retries
3 Total errors corrected The number of data sets that were corrected after a read retry
6 Total uncorrected errors The number of data sets that could not be read after retries
Parm. Description
0000h The number of data bytes received from application clients during write command operations. This is the
number of bytes transferred over SCSI, before compression.
0001h The number of data bytes written to the media as a result of write command operations, not counting the
overhead from ECC and formatting. This is the number of data bytes transferred to media, after compression.
0002h The number of data bytes read from the media during read command operations, not counting the overhead
from ECC and formatting. This is the number of data bytes transferred from media with compression.
0003h The number of data bytes transferred to the initiator or initiators during read command operations. This is
the number of bytes transferred over SCSI, after decompression.
A non-zero value of parameter 0100h (cleaning required) relates to the drive It indicates that a
condition requiring cleaning has been detected and a subsequent cleaning cycle has not yet been
completed. The parameter is updated asynchronously. It persists across hard resets and power
cycles, and is cleared when a cleaning cycle is performed.
Parm. Description
0h The current temperature of the drive in ºC (binary value). If the temperature is less than 0, 0 is reported.
If the temperature sensor is not functioning properly, FFh is reported.
1h The maximum temperature in ºC (binary value) at which the drive can operate continuously without
degrading reliability and operation. This parameter is not supported so FFh is returned.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Page Length (0Ch)
3 (LSB)
60 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 (MSB)
Parameter Code (0000h)
5 (LSB)
6 DU (0) DS (1) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1)
8 Reserved (0)
9 Temperature (ºC)
10 (MSB)
Parameter Code (0001h)
11 (LSB)
12 DU (0) DS (1) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1)
14 Reserved (0)
Parm. Description
0002h DT device ADC data encryption control status (only available in some variants)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
2 Page Length
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code (0000h)
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) DS (1) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1)
5 InXtn Rsvd (0) RAA MPrsnt Rsvd (0) MStd MThrd DAcc
6 DT Device Activity
Cmpr Compress bit. If set to 1, the DTD currently has data compression enabled.
WrtP Write Protect bit. If set to 1, the media in the DTD is physically write-protected. Only valid if
MPrsnt is set to 1.
DInit DTD Initialized. When set to 1, the data returned by the VHF parameter data is valid.
InXtn In Transition. If 0, the DTD is in the state reflected by the rest of byte 5 and is not attempting
to leave this state. This bit must be 0 if RRqst is set.
RAA Robotic Access Allowed. If set to 1, robotic media access to the DTD is allowed.
MStd Media Seated. If set, the tape is mechanically seated, that is, physical loading is complete.
Otherwise the tape is still threading.
DAcc Data Accessible. If set to 1 to 1, the DTD has finished processing a load operation. The bit is
cleared to 0 at the beginning of the next unload operation.
62 Commands
EPP Encryption Parameters Present
1 At least one bit in the Service Request Indicators field in the DT device
ADC data encryption control status log parameter has been set to one
since the last retrieval of the data encryption control status log parameter
by this I_T nexus.
IntfC Interface Changed. If set to 1, the interface status has changed since the last time this page
was retrieved. It is cleared to 0 when the page is retrieved for the initiator.
TAFC If set, at least one TapeAlert Flag had Changed since the last time the TapeAlert flags were
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code (0001h)
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) DS (1) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1)
4 (MSB)
VHF Polling Delay in ms
5 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code (0002h)
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) DS (1) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1)
4 Reserved (0)
6 (MSB)
Parameters Request Sequence Identifier
9 (LSB)
ABT Set to 1 when the data encryption parameters request associated with the value in the
Parameters Request Sequence Identifier field has been aborted.
KME Key Management Error. If set to 1, it indicates that the Error Type field in the key management
error data log parameter is set to a non-zero value.
DPR Decryption Parameters Request. If set to 1, it indicates that the device requests a set of encryption
parameters for decryption from the automation application client.
EPR Encryption Parameters Request. If set to 1, it indicates that the device requests a set of data
encryption parameters for encryption from the automation application client.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code (0003h)
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) DS (1) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1)
5 Reserved (0)
6 (MSB)
Parameters Request Sequence Identifier
9 (LSB)
Error Type Indicates the type of the last key management error event.
0000b No error
KTO Key Timeout. If set to 1, the data encryption period timer expired.
Parameters Request A unique value that identifies the data encryption parameters request associated with the last
Sequence Identifier key management error event. Otherwise this field is set to 0.
64 Commands
DTD primary status log parameters
The parameter codes for ports are as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code (0101h)
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) DS (1) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1)
5 Reserved (0)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code (port A: 0101h, port B: 0102h)
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) DS (1) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1)
Current N_Port ID
CurrTop Current Topology. Ignored when the PIC bit is set to zero.
Current Speed The bit rate at which the DT device primary port is currently operating. The field is ignored when
the PIC bit is set to zero. Valid values are:
001b 2 Gbps
nl nl
010b 4 Gbps
nl nl
011b 8 Gbps
nl nl
100b—111b reserved
LC Login Complete
0 A login has not successfully completed through the PRLI phase on the DT device primary
1 At least one initiator port has completed process login (PRLI) with the DT device on the DT
device primary port.
1 Another device has the required Hard AL_PA, or no AL_PA is available for the DT device
primary port.
0 The DT device primary port is not in the ACTIVE state and is not synchronized, or has not
successfully completed the most recent Loop Initialization Process.
1 The FC_Port state machine is in the ACTIVE state and the DT device primary port is operating
in point-to-point topology, or the most recent Loop Initialization Process has completed
Current N_Port ID The 24-bit N_Port ID that is assigned to the DT device primary port. The field is ignored when the
PIC bit is set to zero.
Current FC_AL The loop identifier that is assigned to the DT device primary port. The field is ignored when the PIC
Loop ID bit is set to zero or when the CurrTop bit is set to one.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code (port A: 0101h, port B: 0102h)
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) DS (1) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1)
Current Hashed SAS Address
66 Commands
TapeAlert Response log page
The TapeAlert Response log page is page 12h. There is only 1 parameter, which contains 64
flags. For a list of supported flags, see “TapeAlert log page” (page 77).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Page Length (000Ch)
3 (LSB)
4 (MSB)
Parameter Code (0000h)
5 (LSB)
6 DU (1) DS (1) TSD (1) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1)
8 Flag 01h Flag 02h Flag 03h Flag 04h Flag 05h Flag 06h Flag 07h Flag 08h
9 Flag 09h Flag 0Ah Flag 0Bh Flag 0Ch Flag 0Dh Flag 0Eh Flag 0Fh Flag 10h
10 Flag 11h Flag 12h Flag 13h Flag 14h Flag 15h Flag 16h Flag 17h Flag 18h
11 Flag 19h Flag 1Ah Flag 1Bh Flag 1Ch Flag 1Dh Flag 1Eh Flag 1Fh Flag 20h
12 Flag 21h Flag 22h Flag 23h Flag 24h Flag 25h Flag 26h Flag 27h Flag 28h
13 Flag 29h Flag 2Ah Flag 2Bh Flag 2Ch Flag 2Dh Flag 2Eh Flag 2Fh Flag 30h
14 Flag 31h Flag 32h Flag 33h Flag 34h Flag 35h Flag 36h Flag 37h Flag 38h
15 Flag 39h Flag 3Ah Flag 3Bh Flag 3Ch Flag 3Dh Flag 3Eh Flag 3Fh Flag 40h
Each flag is either zero to indicate the corresponding condition is deactivated or one to indicate
that the corresponding condition has been activated.
Flags are not cleared when the log is read. The log is cleared at power-on or on a reset condition.
Specific flags may be cleared when corrective action has removed the condition that caused the
flag to be activated.
Parameter Description
0001h–FFFFh Reserved
Recovery procedures
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code (0000h)
1 (LSB)
2 DU (1) DS (1) TSD (1) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Page Length
3 (LSB)
: :
0005h Lifetime medium motion (head) hours when an incompatible volume was 4 Counter
last loaded
0006h Lifetime power-on hours when the last temperature condition occurred 4 Counter
(TapeAlert code 24h)
0007h Lifetime power-on hours when the last power consumption condition 4 Counter
occurred (TapeAlert code 1Ch)
0008h Medium motion (head) hours since the last successful cleaning operation 4 Counter
0009h Medium motion (head) hours since the second to last successful cleaning 4 Counter
000Ah Medium motion (head) hours since the third to last successful cleaning 4 Counter
000Bh Lifetime power-on hours when the last operator initiated a forced reset or 4 Counter
an emergency eject occurred
68 Commands
Parameter Description Length Type
Code (bytes)
0010h Duty cycle time (time in milliseconds since last hard reset) 8 Counter
0011h Read duty cycle (percentage of duty cycle spent processing read-type 2 Counter
0012h Write duty cycle (percentage of duty cycle spent processing write-type 2 Counter
0013h Activity duty cycle (percentage of duty cycle spent processing commands 2 Counter
that move the medium)
0014h Volume not present duty cycle (percentage of duty cycle when there is no 2 Counter
volume present)
1000h Medium motion (head) hours for each medium type 48 Medium
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) Obsolete (0) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) Format and Linking (11b)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) Obsolete (0) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) Format and Linking (11b)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Density Code
3 Medium Type
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) Obsolete (0) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) Format and Linking (11b)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Page Length (n–3)
3 (LSB
Service Buffers Information Log Parameters
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) DS (1) TSD (1) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (1) LP (1)
4 Buffer ID
70 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 Reserved (0)
41h Error log – The information in this log may be used by an HP engineer to 500 kB
diagnose failures attributed to the drive, medium or automation controller.
42h Drive Health log – The information in this log may be used by a HP engineer 200 kB
to evaluate the general health of the drive and identify any potential problem
Service Buffers
The Drive Health Log, service buffer (42h) is not reported in the Service Buffer Information log
page. This is primarily because the Error Log contains virtually all the information of the Drive
Health log so it is unnecessary for an automation controller to retrieve all service buffers listed in
the Service Buffers Information log page.
HP service buffers do not have a fixed capacity but are limited to a maximum capacity of 512
As HP service buffers are so large, a descriptor mode (03h) READ BUFFER command for a service
buffer will initiate a snapshot of the service buffer if an unread snapshot does not exist, but the
device server will complete the command before the snapshot is complete. In this case the READ
BUFFER descriptor will indicate the maximum capacity of the service buffer in the BUFFER CAPACITY
field. When the service buffer snapshot is completed, the Recovery Requested (RRQST) bit in the
VHF data is set to one and the Recovery Procedure in the Requested Recovery log page is set to
0Eh – Read a DT Device Error Log.
A descriptor mode (03h) READ BUFFER command for an unread service buffer will return the actual
capacity of the service buffer in the READ BUFFER descriptor BUFFER CAPACITY field.
If a data mode (02h) READ BUFFER command for a service buffer is executed while a service buffer
snapshot is being created, the device server will terminate the command with CHECK CONDITION,
a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense of 0016h (operation in progress).
An HP LTO-5 tape drive may set the Recovery Requested (RRQST) bit in the VHF data to one and
the Recovery Procedure in the Requested Recovery log page will be set to 0Dh – Request creation
of a DT Device Error Log.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Page Length (n–3)
3 (LSB)
: :
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) Obsolete TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) Format & Linking (11b)
6 Density Code
7 Medium Type
12 Reserved (0)
Drive Error Code
Product Revision Level
Hours Since Last Clean
28 Opcode
Medium Identifier
72 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
65 Reserved (0)
Drive Error Code The short form (16–bit integer) drive error corresponding to the failure reported to
the host.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Page Length
3 (LSB)
: :
0201h First unencrypted logical object on the EOP side of the first encrypted 12 Partition
logical object identifier(s)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) Obsolete (0) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) Format and Linking (11b)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code
1 (LSB)
74 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 DU (0) Obsolete (0) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) Format and Linking (11b)
This log parameter will report one descriptor of the following format:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) Obsolete (0) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) Format and Linking (11b)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Page Length (78h)
3 (LSB)
Protocol-Specific Log Parameter 0
Protocol-Specific Log Parameter 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code [0,1]
1 (LSB)
2 Obsolete
DU (0) TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC(0) Format and Linking (3h)
5 Reserved (0)
6 Generation Code
8 Reserved (0)
10 Reserved (0)
12 Rsvd
Attached Device Type Attached Reason
16 (MSB)
SAS Address (8 bytes)
23 (LSB)
24 (MSB)
Attached SAS Address (8 bytes)
31 (LSB)
40 (MSB)
Invalid DWORD Count (4 bytes)
43 (LSB)
44 (MSB)
Running Disparity Error Count (4 bytes)
47 (LSB)
48 (MSB)
Loss of DWORD Synchronization Count (4 bytes)
51 (LSB)
52 (MSB)
PHY Reset Problem Counts (4 bytes)
55 (LSB)
Generation Code A one-byte counter that is incremented each time the values in either the PHY Control and
Discover mode page or the Enhanced PHY Control mode page change. This counter wraps
from FFh to 01h as a value of 00h means unknown. The counter is used to correlate PHY
settings across mode and log pages.
76 Commands
Negotiated Physical Link 8 1.5 Gbps
Rate 9 3.0 Gbps
Invalid DWORD Count Number of invalid DWORDS received outside of PHY reset sequences.
Running Disparity Error Number of DWORDS containing running disparity errors received outside the PHY reset
Count sequences.
Loss of DWORD Number of times the PHY restarted the link reset sequence because it lost DWORD
synchronization synchronization.
PHY Reset Problem Count Number of times the PHY did not obtain DWORD synchronization during the final SAS
speed negotiation window.
NOTE: The counters are the only fields affected by a LOG SELECT command or the value of the
PC field in the LOG SENSE command.
32 Interface Warning
78 Commands
Tape Usage log page
The Tape Usage log page code is 30h. There are nine parameters. These are all read directly
from the LTO-CM Tape Usage Log.
This data relates to the current tape and can be neither reset nor written.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Parameter Code (0100h)
3 (LSB)
Parameter Code n (n = 0 through 15)
6+(16n) DU (0) DS (1) TSD (1) ETC (0) TMC (0) LBIN (0) LP (1)
8+(16n) (MSB)
Time Stamp
11+(16n) (LSB)
12+(16n) (MSB)
Media Signature
15+(16n) (LSB)
80 Commands
Performance Data log page
The Performance Data log page is 34h. This log is intended to report data of interest to a
user/application on how efficiently the drive is being used.
0 Repositions per 100 MB 2 After each 100 MB has been physically written
1 Data rate into buffer 2 After each data set has been logically written
2 Maximum data rate 2 After each data set has been logically written
3 Current data rate 2 After each data set has been logically written
Repositions per 100 Number of tape direction changes per 100 MB written. The higher the figure the more wear
MB occurs.
Data rate into buffer Rate at which data is entering the buffer (after data compression), given in units of 100 KB/s.
This is the true ‘tape’ data rate.
Maximum data rate Given the compressibility of the data that has been sent to the drive, this is the maximum data
rate that could be achieved, given in units of 100 KB/s. The figure is calculated based on the
compressibility of each dataset received, and datasets that have a compressibility greater than
the compression bandwidth of the drive will be ‘capped’.
Current data rate Rate at which data is being accepted by the drive before compression, given in units of
100 KB/s.
Native data rate The native rate (that is, without using compression) at which the drive writes data to tape, given
in units of 100 KB/s:
LTO-5 0578h 140 MB/s NOTE: These figures are for native media
types and will vary when earlier format
media is loaded
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Page Length (n–3h)
3 (LSB)
DT Device Error Log Parameters
0002h–7FFFh Reserved
8000h–FFFFh Vendor-specific
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Code (0000h)
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) Obsolete TSD (0) ETC (0) TMC (0) Format & Linking (11b)
7 (MSB)
Hardware Error
8 (LSB)
9 (MSB)
Host Identification
16 (LSB)
17 (MSB)
Power-on Count
18 (LSB)
19 (MSB)
Power-on Time of Error
22 (LSB)
23 (MSB)
Library Time of Error
25 (LSB)
Hardware Error The last hardware error reported by the drive. Set to zero if no hardware error
has been reported.
Host Identification The NAA-format World Wide Name of the host that initiated the command
that resulted in the hardware error, if known to the DT Device. If the DT Device
does not know the host identification, the field is treated as reserved.
Power-on Count The number of times the drive has been powered on before the hardware error
Power-on Time of Error The length of time (in seconds) the DT Device had been powered on when the
hardware error occurred.
Library Time of Error The time the hardware error occurred. The time is expressed in hours, minutes
and seconds using the Library Time, which may be set using the Device Time
mode page (3Ch).
Byte 0 Hours
Byte 1 Minutes
Byte 2 Seconds
82 Commands
Device Status log page
The Device Status log page is 3Eh, with a page length of 28h. PCB = Parameter Control Byte.
2 Total Number of Loads 4 Number of loads/unloads over the life of the 60h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 Reserved (0)
Event Fault Fault Drive Fault Fault Tape Device Medium Status
Drive Unrecoverable Tape Unrecoverable Status
84 Commands
The MANAGEMENT ARM SELF-TEST command allows an application client to initiate a specific
Management ARM self-test.
NOTE: Executing this command requires the Network Interface to be re-initialized to return it to
an operational state.
Pre-execution checks
A valid Test ID must be provided, otherwise the device server terminates the command with CHECK
CONDITION, a sense key of HARDWARE ERROR and additional sense of 4400h (internal target
failure), and reports drive error 1879h.
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 Test ID
Reserved (0)
9 Allocation Length
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
Test ID A valid TESTID must be provided. If an invalid TESTID is specified the device server shall
terminate the command with Check Condition status, set the Sense Key to Hardware Error
(04h), the additional sense data to Internal Target Failure (4400h) and report drive error
0Eh Tracepoint
Allocation Length The length in bytes allocated for the parameter data. The actual number of bytes returned will
be the lesser of the length of the actual parameter list and the allocation length specified in the
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Completion Status
0Bh Failure
NOTE: The drive does not check that the parameter list is correct before modifying internal
parameters. The list is checked as the operation proceeds, so if there is an error in the list, all
parameters up to that point will be set to their new values, but the parameter in error and later
parameters will not be updated.
Pre-execution checks
86 Commands
Command descriptor block (6–byte version)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 Control
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 (MSB)
Parameter List Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
CDB fields
PF Page Format
0 The MODE SELECT parameter data is not SCSI-2 mode page compatible. Only the
parameter header and block descriptor may be sent.
SP Save Pages
>0 The length in bytes of the MODE SELECT parameter list to be transferred.
Square brackets [ ] Square brackets indicate that the parameter may be modified. The number inside
the brackets is the default value for the field—in other words, the power-up or reset
• MODE SELECT may modify this value by sending the page with a new value in
the field.
• MODE SENSE (current values) will return the current value of the parameter.
• MODE SENSE (default values) will return the value in brackets [].
• MODE SENSE (changeable values) will return a value of all ones.
Round brackets ( ) Round brackets indicate that the parameter is fixed. The number inside the brackets
is the fixed value for the field.
• MODE SELECT must set the parameter to this value, otherwise CHECK
CONDITION will be reported with a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST.
• MODE SENSE (default values) will return the fixed value.
• MODE SENSE (changeable values) will return a value of all zeros.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 (MSB)
Mode Parameter Header
3 (LSB)
4 (MSB)
Mode Block Descriptor
11 (LSB)
12 (MSB)
Mode Parameter Pages
n (LSB)
88 Commands
• 1Ah “Power Condition mode page” (page 109)
• 1Ch “Information Exceptions mode page” (page 109)
• 1Dh “Medium Configuration mode page” (page 110)
• 3Bh “Serial Number Override vendor-unique mode page” (page 111)
• 3Ch “Device Time mode page” (page 112)
• 3Dh “Extended Reset vendor-unique mode page” (page 113)
• 3Fh OBDR FW variants only: “CD-ROM Emulation/Disaster Recovery mode page” (page 114)
• Return all pages (page 3Fh) — for MODE SENSE only
6-byte header
The 6-byte Mode Parameter header has the following format:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Medium Type [00h or 01h if WORM media is loaded or 80h if in CD-ROM mode]
10-byte header
The 10-byte Mode Parameter header has the following format:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Mode Data Length
1 (LSB)
2 Medium Type [00h or 01h if WORM media is loaded (FC drives) or 80h if in CD-ROM mode]
6 (MSB)
Block Descriptor Length
7 (LSB)
Header fields
Mode Data Length MODE SELECT: Mode Data Length field must be zero.
MODE SENSE: Mode Data Length field is set to the number of bytes of data
available to return excluding itself (in other words, the number
of actual bytes available is mode data length + 1 for 6-byte
MODE SENSE or +2 for 10-byte MODE SENSE).
Note: The actual amount returned may be truncated to the
allocation length for the command.
Buffered Mode 0 The drive will not report GOOD status on Write and Write Filemarks commands
until all data (blocks and filemarks) has been successfully written to tape.
1 The drive will report GOOD status for Write and Write Filemarks commands as
soon as all the data or marks specified in the command have been transferred
to the data buffer. Data for multiple commands from different initiators may be
buffered. This is the default value.NOTE: It is strongly recommended that this
field is set to 1, otherwise there will be significant performance penalties. A
method of flushing the buffer to tape without changing logical position is available
with the Write Filemarks command.
2 The drive will report GOOD status for Write and Write Filemarks commands as
soon as all the data or marks specified in the command have been transferred
to the data buffer and all buffered data from different initiators has been
successfully written to the tape.
Block Descriptor Length Only the values 0 and 8 are valid. Any value other than 0 or 8, CHECK CONDITION
status is reported. See the Parameter List check for details of the sense data generated.
8 The Mode Parameter header must be followed by the 8-byte block descriptor
described in the next section.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Density Code
1 (MSB)
Number of Blocks (0)
3 (LSB)
4 Reserved (0)
5 (MSB)
Block Length [0 or 800h]
7 (LSB)
Density Code This specifies the format of the media loaded in the drive. See “REPORT DENSITY SUPPORT 44h”
(page 159) for details.
Block Length This indicates the size of fixed blocks for fixed mode Read and Write commands. It is also used in
the decision process on whether to report an illegal length record on reads.
>0 The drive is in fixed block size mode, and this field specifies the block size. If the drive is
in CD-ROM mode, the value will be 0800h.
90 Commands
Read-Write Error Recovery mode page
The Read-Write Error Recovery mode page has the following format:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0) TB (0) Res (0) EER (1) PER [0] DTE (0) DCR (0)
TB Transfer Block
0 Always set to 0, meaning that an unrecoverable data block will not be transferred to
the host.
PER Post Error. Although this bit is changeable, the drive’s internal behavior always corresponds to
0 The drive does not report CHECK CONDITION for recovered errors. The DTE bit must
also be zero.
0 Always set to 0, meaning that the drive will not terminate the transfer for errors
recovered within the limits established by the read-write error parameters.
0 Always set to 0, meaning that the use of error correction codes for error recovery is
Read Retry Count The number of times the drive will attempt its recovery algorithm during a read operation before
reporting an unrecoverable error.
0 The drive will not use its recovery algorithm during read operations.
Write Retry Count The number of times the drive will attempt its recovery algorithm during a write operation before
reporting an unrecoverable error.
0 The drive will not use its recovery algorithm during read operations.
0Ah The value for all LTO Ultrium drives, giving 10 retries.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 (MSB)
Bus Inactivity Limit (0)
5 (LSB)
6 (MSB)
Disconnect Time Limit [0]
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Connect Time Limit (0)
9 (LSB)
10 (MSB)
Maximum Burst Size [0]
11 (LSB)
12 EMDP (0) FAA [1] FAB (1) FAC (1) Reserved (0)
Buffer Full Ratio 0 Buffer management is controlled by the drive, so this should always be zero.
Connect Time Limit 0 Buffer management is controlled by the drive, so this should always be zero.
Bus Inactivity Limit 0 This parameter is not supported and should be zero.
Disconnect Time Limit 0 This parameter is not supported and should be zero.
Connect Time Limit 0 This parameter is not supported and should be zero.
Maximum Burst Size >0 The maximum amount of data that will be transferred during a data-in or data-out
phase before disconnecting. This field is in units of 512 bytes. The maximum burst
size that the drive supports is 127 (7Fh) blocks of 512 bytes, that is, 64 KB less
512 bytes.
0 The drive may send bursts of any size. This is the default value.
EMDP 0 Enable Modify Data Pointers is not facilitated by the drive. The drive will always
have continually increasing and contiguous data relative offset values for FCP_DATA.
FAA This bit, together with FAB and FAC, indicate whether the drive will use fairness arbitration
to send frames to the initiator.
0 The drive will not use fairness when arbitrating to send FCP_DATA frames.
1 The drive will use fairness when arbitrating to send FCP_DATA frames.
FAB 1 The drive will use fairness when arbitrating to send FCP_XFER_RDY frames.
FAC 1 The drive will use fairness when arbitrating to send an FCP_RSP frame.
92 Commands
SAS drives
The Disconnect-Reconnect page has the following format for SAS drives:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 (MSB)
Bus Inactivity Time Limit [1]
5 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Maximum Connect Time Limit [0]
9 (LSB)
10 (MSB)
Maximum Burst Size [0]
11 (LSB)
14 (MSB)
First Burst Size (0)
15 (LSB)
Bus Inactivity Time Limit The maximum time, in 100 μS units, the drive will keep a SSP connection open without
transmitting a SSP frame.
Maximum Connect Time The maximum time, in 100 μS units, the drive will keep a SSP connection open
0 There is no time limit.
Maximum Burst Size The maximum amount of data, in 512 byte units, that will be transferred by the drive in a
single SSP connection.
0 The drive will determine the maximum amount of data to transfer in a single
First Burst Size 0 This feature is not supported and must be left at 0.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6–7 Obsolete
8 (MSB)
Busy Timeout Period (0)
9 (LSB)
10 (MSB)
Extended Self-Test Completion Timeout (0)
11 (LSB)
D_SENSE 0 Fixed format sense data will be returned in the auto-sense sense data.
Autoload Mode 0 If a cartridge is inserted, the drive pulls it in and threads the tape so that primary
access is allowed.
1 or 2 When a cartridge is inserted, the drive pulls it in but does not thread the tape. In this
position, only the Cartridge Memory is accessible.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Page Length (1Ch)
3 (LSB)
6 Reserved (0)
0 The timestamp cannot be changed by the Device Time Mode Page (3Ch).
1 The timestamp may be initialized using the Device Time Mode Page.
0 The Device Time Mode Page (3Ch) can change the timestamp and the SET TIMESTAMP
command is illegal.
1 A timestamp changed using a SET TIMESTAMP command takes precedence over the
Device Time Mode Page.
94 Commands
Data Compression Characteristics page
The Data Compression Characteristics mode page is defined as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 (MSB)
Compression Algorithm (1)
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Decompression Algorithm (1)
11 (LSB)
Reserved (0)
DCE Data Compression Enable. This bit controls whether the drive uses compression when
writing. The value has no meaning when reading, that is, if the tape contains compressed
data, decompression will occur regardless of the setting of this bit. The bit is analogous
to the Select Data Compression Algorithm field on the Device Configuration mode page
(see “Changeable parameters” (page 96)).
0 Compression is disabled
1 Compression is enabled
DCC Data Compression Capable: Read only. It will have the value of 1, indicating that
compression is supported.
DDE Data Decompression Enable: Read only. It will have the value of 1, indicating that
compression is enabled.
RED Report Exception on Decompression: Read only. It will have the value 0, meaning that
the drive returns CHECK CONDITION status when it encounters data that cannot be
decompressed. This applies when data has been compressed with an unknown or
unsupported compression algorithm.
Compression Algorithm This indicates which compression algorithm will be used to process data from the host
when the DCE bit is set to one. If the host selects an algorithm which the drive does not
support, CHECK CONDITION is returned, with a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST. Only
the default algorithm (ID 1) is supported.
Decompression Algorithm This will also always be 1, indicating that the default decompression algorithm should
be used.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 Active Partition
6 (MSB)
Write Delay Time: 012Ch
7 (LSB)
8 DBR (0) BIS (1) RSmk(0) AVC (1) SOCF (00) RBO(0) REW (0)
10 EOD Defined (000) EEG (1) SEW [0] SWP (0) BAML (0) BAM (0)
11 (MSB)
Buffer Size at Early Warning (0)
13 (LSB)
WTRE [0] OIR [0] Rewind on Reset [0] PERSWP (0) PRMWP (0)
Pre-execution checks
The only check made when this page is sent in Mode Select data is Parameter List.
Changeable parameters
Active Partition The partition in which the current logical position lies.
Write Delay 0 The drive will never flush buffered data to tape as a result of a time-out.
>0 The time in 100 ms increments that the drive should wait with unwritten data in the buffer and
no activity on the interface before forcing data to tape. The delay is timed from the completion
of the preceding Write or Write Filemarks command. The default value is 12Ch, which
translates to a write delay of 30s.
0 Do not synchronize at Early Warning (default)—the drive may buffer all logical objects when
positioned between EW and EOT.
1 Synchronize at Early Warning—the drive flushes all logical objects to tape before returning
status when positioned between EW and EOT.
Select Data 0 Use Scheme 2 of the LTO-DC algorithm (pass-through mode). Note that clearing this parameter
Compression is not advised.
1 Use the default compression scheme. This is the default.
01b The device server will complete a valid locate, read, space, or verify operation with GOOD
status even if the device server detects compromised data stored on the WORM tape.
10b The device server returns CHECK CONDITION in response to a locate, read, space, or verify
operation if the device detects compromised data on the WORM tape. The sense key is
MEDIUM ERROR, with additional sense of 300Dh (WORM medium—integrity check failed).
This has no effect on the completion of a valid locate, read, space, or verify operation when
the device contains a non-WORM tape.
11b Reserved.
96 Commands
OIR 1 The device server only processes commands from an I_T nexus if the logical unit holds a
(persistent) reservation. If it is not reserved, the command returns CHECK CONDITION with
a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense of 2C 0Bh (not reserved). Note that
some commands are always allowed.
Rewind on The Rewind on Reset functionality is defined as positioning to BOP in Partition 0, regardless of the
Reset partition active at the time that the reset occurred.
00b A Logical Unit Reset does not alter the logical position.
01b A Logical Unit Reset will cause the tape to be rewound to BOP for Partition 0.
10b A Logical Unit Reset does not alter the logical position.
11b Reserved
Unchangeable parameters
PS 0
CAF 0 The Change Active Format flag should be zero since changing formats is not supported.
DBR 0 The Data Buffer Recovery flag should be clear since this feature is not supported.
BIS 1 The Block Identifiers Supported flag should be set since block identifiers are supported.
Rsmk 0 The Report Set Marks flag should be clear since this feature is not supported.
AVC 0 The Automatic Velocity Control flag should be clear since velocity control is managed by
the drive.
SOCF 0 The Stop On Consecutive Filemarks flag should be clear since this feature is not supported.
RBO 0 The Recover Buffer Order flag should be clear since this feature is not supported.
REW 0 The Report Early Warning on read flag should be clear since this feature is not supported.
EOC Defined 0
EEG 0 The Enable EOD Generation flag should be set since EOD generation is always enabled.
Buffer Size at Early 0 The Buffer Size at Early Warning field should be zero as this cannot be set.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Length (1Ch)
4 Reserved (0) TARPF [1] TASER [1] TARCP [0] TAPSLD [0]
Reserved (0)
0 The device server ignores the PPC and Parameter Pointer fields and all TapeAlert
parameters are reported.
0 The device server reports parameter values using the value specified in the PPC and
Parameter Pointer fields of the LOG SENSE command for the TapeAlert log page.
0 The PC field is ignored and the values returned will always be the cumulative values.
1 The device server reports parameter values using the value specified in the PC field of the
LOG SENSE command for the TapeAlert log page.
0 Processing a LOG SENSE command for the TapeAlert log page clears all TapeAlert flags.
Short Erase Mode Specifies the action to be taken when receiving an ERASE command with the Long bit set to zero.
02h The device server records an EOD indication at the specified location on the medium.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Page Length
4 FDP SDP IDP PSUM (11b) POFM (1) CLEAR (0) ADDP (0)
7 Reserved (0)
8 (MSB)
Partition Size
9 (LSB)
: :
(n–1) –
Partition Size
98 Commands
Page Length The minimum value is 08h. It reflects how many Partition Size descriptors are specified.
Partition-incapable cartridges will report only one Partition Size descriptor.
Maximum Additional 0 for partition-incapable cartridges. Otherwise, it is set to the maximum number of additional
Partitions partitions supported by the drive-cartridge combination. For LTO5 cartridges, it is set to 01h.
Additional Partitions For MODE SELECT, the number of additional partitions to be created.
Defined For MODE SENSE, the number of additional partitions in the cartridge.
See “Specifying partition sizes” below.
FDP Fixed Data Partitions. Partitions will be created according to the drive's default values. For an
LTO5 drive-cartridge combination, Partition 0 size is 1425 GB, and Partition 1 is 37.5 GB. If
this bit is set, then SDP and IDP must be 0.
See “Specifying partition sizes” below.
SDP Select Data Partition. Partitions are created up to the number specified in the Additional Partitions
Defined field. Their sizes are chosen by the drive. For an LTO5 drive-cartridge combination,
if one partition is created, the size is 1.5 TB. If two partitions are created, Partition 0 size is
750 GB, and Partition 1 is 712.5 GB. If this bit is set, FDP and IDP must be 0.
See “Specifying partition sizes” below.
IDP Initiator-defined Data Partitions. Partitions are created up to the number specified in the
Additional Partitions Defined field. The partition sizes are specified in the Partition Size
descriptors. If this bit is set, then FDP and SDP must be 0. This bit is always set for MODE
SENSE after a FORMAT MEDIUM command has been executed successfully.
See “Specifying partition sizes” below.
PSUM 3 Partition Size Unit of Measure: The value of 11b indicates that the units of
measure for the Partition Size descriptor are defined by the Partitions Units field:
10(Partition Units) bytes.
POFM 1 Partitions on Format Medium. The drive supports the FORMAT MEDIUM command
through which the tape can be partitioned.
For MODE SELECT, the POFM bit must be set to 1 since partition configuration
is only supported via the FORMAT MEDIUM command. If the POFM bit is set to
0, the command will be terminated with CHECK CONDITION, sense key of
ILLEGAL REQUEST, and additional sense 2600h (invalid field in parameter list).
Medium Format 3 This indicates that the drive is capable of format and partition recognition.
PSUM 3 Partition Size Unit of Measure: The value of 11b indicates that the units of
measure for the Partition Size descriptor are defined by the Partitions Units field:
10(Partition Units) bytes.
Partition Units 9 This defines the units of the Partition Size field as 109 bytes, in other words in
100 Commands
Additional First Second
Partitions Partition Partition
FDP SDP IDP Defined Size Size Resulting Partition 0 Resulting Partition 1
(overhead) 1 n 38nl
u v u GB
v GB
u = 37.5*n
v = 37.5*(39–n)
1 n 38
The capacity figures in the table are nominal only, and assume that the medium capacity has not
been reduced using the SET CAPACITY command; otherwise they need to be scaled accordingly.
For MODE SELECT, when the IDP bit is set to 1, if one Partition Size field is set to FFFFh, the
corresponding partition will occupy whatever capacity remains after satisfying the specified size
for the other partition. The specified size will be rounded up to the nearest even number of wraps
as illustrated in the following table:
: :
If the IDP bit is set to 1 and neither Partition Size field is set to FFFFh, both partition sizes should
be a multiple of 37.5 and must not exceed the total available capacity. Also (u+v) must take up
the whole of the tape capacity; attempting to specify two “small” partitions will result in CHECK
CONDITION with sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense of 2600h (invalid field in
parameter list), because this tape layout is prohibited by the LTO5 format specification.
Note that the drive will round up the parameters as necessary. Partition 0 will always take
precedence (be calculated first) with Partition 1 occupying the remaining capacity.
The size constraints are dictated by the format, which requires an even number of wraps (each
nominally 18.75 GB) for a partition. Also note that when a volume is partitioned, some capacity
is lost due to the overhead of the two “guard wraps” between partitions.
The CLEAR and ADDP bits must be set to 0 in any MODE SELECT data; if either bit is set to 1, the
command will terminate with CHECK CONDITION, a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional
sense of 2600h (invalid field in parameter list).
The PSUM and Partition Units fields are supported in accordance with SSC3. All Partition Size
values shown in the table above assume that PSUM = 11b and Partition Units = 9.
If the Medium Partition Mode parameters are successfully changed using a MODE SELECT command,
a MODE SENSE command will report the pending values rather than the values currently in use
on the tape. Once a FORMAT MEDIUM command has completed, a MODE SENSE command will
then report the values now in use on the tape.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
EPDC 0 The target does not use the precise delivery function and ignores the contents of the CRN field
in the Fibre Channel Extended Link Service FCP_CNTL. HP LTO Ultrium drives support this
feature by default.
1 The logical unit uses the precise delivery function defined in the FCP-2 standard. It makes use
of the CRN field.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 The target port supports transport layer retries for XFER_RDY and DATA frames for the
logical unit.
Protocol Identifier 6 The protocol to which this mode page applies is SAS.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
102 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DTFD Disable Target Fabric Discovery. If the drive is not attached to an arbitrated loop, the DTFD bit
is ignored.
0 When attached by an arbitrated loop, the drive will discover a fabric loop port if
one is present on the loop and perform public loop functions.
1 When attached by an arbitrated loop, the drive will not recognize the presence of
a fabric loop port on the loop. The drive performs only the private loop functions.
0 The drive allows the Loop Port Bypass (LPB) and Loop Port Enable (PBE) primitive
sequences to control the port bypass circuit.
1 The drive ignores any Loop Port Bypass (LPB) and Loop Port Enable (LPE) primitive
sequences. The loop port remains enabled. When the PLPB bit is zero, the drive
allows the LPB and PBE primitive sequences to control the port bypass circuit.
Note: If the PLPB bit is set to 1, the DTIPE bit must be set to 0.
0 The drive must wait to receive an Address Discovery Link Service (ADISC) or Port
Discovery Link Service (PDISC) before it resumes processing tasks for the initiator.
1 The drive does not require receipt of Address or Port Discovery following loop
initialization. The drive resumes processing of tasks on completion of loop
0 The drive may become loop master during the loop initialization process.
1 The drive will never attempt to be a loop master; it only repeats LISM frames it
receives. This allows the initiator to be loop master during loop initialization.
RHA Require Hard Address. If the drive is not attached to an arbitrated loop, the RHA bit is ignored.
0 The drive follows the normal initialization procedure, including the possibility of
obtaining a soft address during the loop initialization process.
1 When attached to an arbitrated loop, the drive will only attempt to obtain its hard
address (available via the device address jumpers) during loop initialization. The
drive will not attempt to obtain an address during the LISA phase of initialization.
If there is a conflict for the hard address selection during loop initialization or it
does not have a valid hard address available, the drive will enter the
non-participating state. If the drive detects loop initialization while in the
non-participating state, it will again attempt to get its hard address. If the hard
address has not changed from the address obtained in a previous successful loop
initialization, the drive will attempt to obtain the address in the LIFA phase if a valid
Fabric Login exists or in the LIPA phase of loop initialization. If the hard address
has changed, the target will attempt to obtain the new address in the LIHA phase.
0 The drive is required to verify its address through the loop initialization process
before a login is accepted.
1 The drive uses the hard address available in the SCA connector or device address
jumpers and accepts logins without verifying the address with loop initialization.
0 The drive enables its port into the loop without waiting for a Loop Port Enable
1 The drive waits for an initiator to send the Loop Port Enable primitive before inserting
itself into the loop. The drive uses the hard address available in the SCA connector
or device address jumpers to determine if primitives are addressed to it. A Loop
Port Enable primitive with the broadcast address will also cause the drive to insert
itself into the loop.
Note: If the DTIPE bit is set to 1, the PLPB bit must be set to 0.
0 The drive generates the Initializing LIP after it enables a port into a loop.
1 The drive does not generate the Initializing LIP following insertion into a loop. It will
respond to an Initializing LIP when it is received. It will generate the Loop Failure
LIP at its input and the Initializing LIP when the loop failure is corrected.
RR_TOV Units Resource Recovery Time-Out Value Unit. The field specifies the unit of measure as follows:
001b 0.001s
101b 10s
RR_TOV The number of time units specified by the RR_TOV Units field that are used by the timer that
performs the RR_TOV time-out functions.
Subpage Description
all others
When the SubPage Format bit (SPF) is 0, page code 19h represents the Protocol-Specific Port mode
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 Reserved (0)
I_T Nexus Loss Time [07 D0h]
104 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reject to Open Limit [0]
I_T Nexus Loss Time The time for which the target port will retry connection requests to an initiator port that
are rejected with responses indicating the initiator port may no longer be present before
recognizing an I_T nexus loss. Values are as follows:
0001h– Time in milliseconds. The default value of 07D0h falls within this range, so
FFFEh the drive will retry request for 2 seconds, that is, 07D0h (2000) milliseconds.
Initiator Response Timeout The time in milliseconds for which the drive will wait for an initiator to starting sending
write data frames after it has acknowledged a XFER_RDY frame, before aborting the
command associated with this transfer. A value of zero means that the drive will wait
Reject to Open Limit The minimum time in 10 µs increments that the target port will wait to establish a
connection request with an initiator port on an I_T nexus after receiving and OPEN_REJECT
CONTINUE 1). This value may be rounded as defined in SPC-4. A Reject to Open Limit
field set to 0000h indicates that the minimum time is vendor-specific. This minimum time
is enforced by the port layer.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Length (0064h)
4 Reserved (0)
6 Generation Code
First SAS PHY Mode Descriptor (48 bytes)
Second SAS PHY Mode Descriptor (48 bytes)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+0 Reserved (0)
+8 (MSB)
SAS Address
+15 (LSB)
+16 (MSB)
Attached SAS Address
+23 (LSB)
+32 Programmed Min Phys. Link Rate [8h] Hardware Min Physical Link Rate (8h)
+33 Programmed Max Phys. Link Rate [Ah] Hardware Max Physical Link Rate (Ah)
+42 (MSB)
Vendor Specific [0000h]
+43 (LSB)
PHY Identifier Associates this SAS Mode Descriptor with a particular PHY within the tape drive.
Attached Device Type The type of SAS device connected to this PHY:
000b No device
001b End device
010b Edge expander device
011b Fanout expander device
110b–111b Reserved
106 Commands
Negotiated Logical Link The link rate negotiated during the last link reset. This may be less than the Programmed
Rate Minimum Physical Link Rate or greater than the Programmed Maximum Physical Link Rate
if they have been changed since the last link reset. Values appropriate for this device are
as follows:
Attached SAS Address The WWN of the PHY connected to this PHY.
Attached PHY Identifier The PHY identifier for the attached PHY.
Programmed Minimum The minimum link rate that will be negotiated for during the next link reset sequence.
Physical Link Rate
Programmed Maximum The maximum link rate that will be negotiated for during the next link reset sequence.
Physical Link Rate
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Length (000Ch)
4 Reserved (0)
Power Loss Timeout (0000h)
NOTE: Although Power Loss Timeout is not support, the page can still be retrieved.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Length (002Ch)
4 Reserved (0)
6 Generation Code
First Enhanced PHY Control mode descriptor (20 bytes)
Second Enhanced PHY Control mode descriptor (20 bytes)
Generation Code A one-byte counter that is incremented by one by the device server every time the values
in this page or the PHY Control and Discover mode sub-page are changed. When the
counter reaches its maximum value of FFh, the next increment wraps it back to 01h. The
Generation Code field is also contained in the Enhanced PHY Control mode page and the
Protocol-Specific Port log page, and may be used to correlate PHY settings across mode
page and log page accesses.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+0 Reserved (0)
Descriptor Length (0010h)
Programmed PHY Capabilities
Current PHY Capabilities
Attached PHY Capabilities
+18 Negotiated
Reserved (0) Negotiated Physical Link Rate
108 Commands
Power Condition mode page
The Power Condition mode page controls the power condition transitions (idle or standby) of a
logical unit:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
Idle Condition Timer
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Standby Condition Timer
11 (LSB)
The Idle and Standby bits are not changeable. Because both are set to 0, the Timers are ignored.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Perf (0) Reserved (0) DExcpt Test Rsvd (0) LogErr (0)
4 (MSB)
Interval Timer (0)
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Report Count/Test Flag Number
11 (LSB)
1 Default. A DExcpt bit of one indicates the target will disable all information exception
operations. The method of reporting informational exceptions field is ignored when
DExcpt is set to one. The Test bit must not be set at the same time.
1 A test bit of one will generate false informational exception conditions. As a result, the
next SCSI command after the Mode Select will return CHECK CONDITION with a sense
key of RECOVERED ERROR and additional sense of 5DFFh (failure prediction threshold
exceeded - false). The DExcpt bit must not be set at the same time.
The Test bit will never be read as 1 when performing a Mode Sense command. This is not an
indication that the drive is in test mode.For example, using the Test bit and Test Flag Number,
it may be possible to set a flag with the DExcpt bit set to 1. When the DExcpt bit is next set, the
drive will report CHECK CONDITION with a sense key of RECOVERED ERROR and additional
sense of 5DFFh (failure prediction threshold exceeded - false). In order to set the DExcpt bit
again, note that the Test bit must still be set during the Mode Select command.
LogErr 0 Log Errors bit. This bit must be zero, indicating that the logging of informational exception
conditions within the drive is vendor-specific.
3h This field indicates the method used by the target to report informational exception
conditions and must be set to 3. The target will report informational exception conditions
by returning a CHECK CONDITION status on any command. The sense key will be set
to RECOVERED ERROR with additional sense of 5D00h (failure prediction threshold
exceeded). The command that has the CHECK CONDITION will complete without error
before any informational exception condition may be reported.
Interval Timer 0 Must be zero, indicating that the drive only reports an informational exception condition
Report Count/Test 0 If the Test bit is also zero, there is no limit on the number of times the drive can report
Flag Number an informational exception condition. Treat this case with caution; only a hard reset or
power-cycle will clear this condition.
n If the Test bit is zero, this field is the Report Count, and indicates the number of times the
device server will report an informational exception condition (subject to the DExcpt bit).
If the Test bit is one, this field is the Test Flag Number, that is, the number of a supported
TapeAlert flag. The target will generate a test informational exception condition. As a
result, the next SCSI command after MODE SELECT will return CHECK CONDITION with
a sense key of RECOVERED ERROR and additional sense of 5DFFh (failure prediction
threshold exceeded - false). The following are valid settings:
1 through 64 This sets the TapeAlert flag with this number in the Log
−1 through −64 This clears the TapeAlert flag indicated by the absolute
(FFFFFFFFh–FFFFFFC0h) value of the Test Flag Number.
32767 (7FFFFh) This sets all the TapeAlert flags supported by the target in
the Log page.
Note that if an attempt is made to set or clear a flag that is not supported by the drive, CHECK
CONDITION will be reported with a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense of
2600h (invalid field in parameter list).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
110 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 Reserved (0)
WORMM WORM Mode is set to 1 when there is a WORM tape loaded in the drive. Default
is 0. Not changeable by a MODE SELECT command.
WORM Mode Label Restrictions 01h The device server does not allow some types of format labels to be
WORM Mode FileMark Restrictions 02h The device server allows any number of filemarks immediately preceding
EOD to be overwritten except the filemark closest to BOP.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 (MSB)
Serial Number
15 (LSB)
01b The Serial Number field contains the Drive Sets the Drive Serial Number back to the
Serial Number being used by the drive manufacturer’s default value. The Serial
and it is the manufacturer’s default value. Number field is ignored.
11b The Serial Number field contains the Drive The Drive Serial number will be set to the
Serial Number being used by the drive value supplied in the Serial Number field.
and it is not the default value.
Serial Number An ASCII serial number. MODE SELECT data will be check to ensure that this field contains
only ASCII values in the range 20h–7Fh.
The Mode Page policy for this page is shared amongst all initiators on all ports, so if the Drive
Serial number is modified via MODE SELECT, all initiators, apart from the issuer of the MODE
SELECT command, on all ports will received UNIT ATTENTION—Mode Parameters Changed.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0) LT WT PT
3 Reserved (0)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 (MSB)
Current Power-on Count
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Power-on Time
11 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
15 Reserved (0)
16 (MSB)
World Time
11 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
22 Reserved (0)
112 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
26–27 Reserved 0)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
32 (MSB)
Cumulative Power-on Time
35 (LSB)
Field descriptions
Current Power-on Count The number of times the drive has been powered Ignored
Power-on Time The number of seconds since the drive has been Ignored
powered on.
1h World Time is set from NTP source. Set to 1 if World time is NTP-synced.
Library Time The time in hrs:mins:secs set by the automation Ignored if the target port is not ADT.
Cumulative Power-on The number of seconds since the drive was Ignored
Time powered on for the very first time.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 Reserved (0)
Reset Behavior Controls the behavior of the drive when it detects a target or LUN reset message.
01b The drive will flush and position itself at BOT upon:
• FC drives: a Logical Unit Reset or Target Reset.
• SAS drives: a Logical Unit Reset task management function.
11b Reserved
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 Reserved (0)
Non-Auto When a system restarts after booting off tape, the drive detects the SCSI resets issued during reboot
and, in conjunction with knowing that more than 100 blocks have been read in CD-ROM emulation
mode, will revert back to behaving as a tape device. This is the standard method by which the drive
automatically reverts to being a tape drive in order that a backup application can do file system recovery.
The method of reversion involves a firmware reboot, so the drive might become unavailable for a few
seconds during its “power-on” following the SCSI reset. (Note that normal SCSI reset response does not
involve a firmware reboot).
Setting this flag to 1 inhibits this automatic return to tape drive behavior; the drive will remain in CD-ROM
mode irrespective of blocks read and SCSI resets.
114 Commands
1 The drive is in CD-ROM emulation mode.
MODE SELECT This flag can be used to switch the drive between normal operation and CD-ROM
emulation mode:
• If this bit is set to its existing value, there is no change.
• If this bit is changed from 0 to 1, the drive will enter CD-emulation mode. It will
change its Inquiry and Mode data appropriately and cache the first 250 KB of
the CD image off tape. CD-ROM support commands will be enabled. This
transition is primarily present to support automated functional testing.If the bit
is changed from 1 to 0, the drive leaves CD-ROM emulation mode and reverts
to normal tape drive mode.
• If this bit is changed from 1 to 0, the drive will leave CD-emulation mode. The
Inquiry and Mode data will revert to that for a tape drive and CD-ROM command
support will stop. The tape will be reloaded and the logical position will be
BOP. Backup applications can use this transition to switch to a normal mode
of operation for file system recovery off tape. Note that operating systems that
pre-load class drivers at boot might not be prepared to talk to the erstwhile
CD-ROM drive
NOTE: See “MODE SELECT 15h/55h” (page 86) for full descriptions of the Mode Parameters.
If a MODE SENSE command is issued whilst an immediate reported Load command is executing
or close to completing then the values of some parameters in some mode pages which depend on
the results of the load may be undefined. Similarly, the write-protect field in the Mode Parameter
Header will be unstable unless a cartridge is present and medium removal is prevented.
Pre-execution checks
The page code field must contain a valid mode page code or the value 0 or the value 3Fh. If it
does not then CHECK CONDITION status is reported. Sense data will be as described in the Illegal
Field Checks.
Command descriptor block (6–byte version)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 PC Page Code
4 Allocation Length
5 Control
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 PC Page Code
Reserved (0)
7 (MSB)
Allocation Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
CDB fields
1 Prevents the drive from returning the MODE SELECT block descriptor.
PC Page Control—Indicates the type of page parameter values to be returned to the host, as shown
in the following table:
7 6 Description
0 0 Report Current Values: the current values of the parameters are returned.
0 1 Report Changeable Values: the page returned has its non-changeable parameter
fields cleared to 0. The fields that are changeable are set to all 1’s.
1 0/1 Report Default Values: the page returned contains the power-on/reset/bus-device-reset
values of the mode parameters.
Page Code This allows the host to select any specific page, or all the pages supported by the drive.
0 The drive returns no mode pages, so only the header and block descriptor are
Sub Page Code The sub-page code of the page code for data to be returned. If there are no sub-pages, it should
be set to 0.
Allocation Length Specifies the number of bytes that the host has allocated for returned MODE SENSE data.
n The maximum number of bytes which the drive should return in its data-out phase. Either
the entire mode page or allocation length bytes of the page are returned, whichever is
116 Commands
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
7 (MSB)
Allocation Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
CDB fields
Service Action The service action types that are supported are:
02h Report Capabilities Returns details of the persistent reservation features supported
03h Report Full Status Returns registration and reservation status fore each registered
I_T nexus.
Allocation The maximum amount of data (in bytes) that should be returned to the host. The drive will return all
Length of the requested information or allocation length bytes, whichever is least.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
PR Generation
3 (LSB)
Additional Length (n-7)
First Reservation Key
: :
Last Reservation Key
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
PR Generation
3 (LSB)
Additional Length (0 or10h)
Reservation Key
Obsolete (0)
20 Reserved (0)
Obsolete (0)
Reservation Key The key under which the persistent reservation is held.
Type The characteristics of the persistent reservation currently held. Persistent reservation types supported
by the drive are:
3h Exclusive access
6h Exclusive access, registrants only
8h Exclusive access, all registrants
See PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT for more information and also the appropriate standards.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Length (0008h)
1 (LSB)
Reserved (0) ATP_C(0) Rsvd (0) PTPL_C (1)
(1) (1)
118 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
1 The most recent successfully completed PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT command with Register
or Register and Ignore Existing Key service action had the APTPL bit set to one in the
parameter data.
All the other fields are fixed. Refer to the description of PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT or the appropriate
standards for more information.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
PR Generation
3 (LSB)
4 (MSB)
Additional Length (n−7)
7 (LSB)
: :
Last Full Status Descriptor
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Reservation Key
7 (LSB)
Reserved (0)
12 ALL_TG_PT(0) R_Holder
Reserved (0)
Relative Target Port Identifier
Additional Descriptor Length (n−23)
Transport ID
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Scope Type
Reserved (0)
Parameter List Length
9 Control
CDB fields
Service Action 00b Register Registers or unregisters a reservation key with the device server.
03h Clear Clears all reservation keys and the persistent reservation.
05h Preempt and Abort Pre-empts the persistent reservation and/or remove registrations,
and aborts all tasks for all pre-empted I_T nexuses.
06h Register and Ignore Registers or unregisters a reservation key with the device server.
Existing Key
07h Register and Move Registers a reservation key for another T_T nexus and moves the
persistent reservation to that I_T nexus
120 Commands
Scope 0 Indicates LU_SCOPE.
Type The characteristics of the persistent reservation currently held. Persistent reservation types supported
by the drive are:
3h Exclusive access
6h Exclusive access, registrants only
8h Exclusive access, all registrants
Parameter List The amount of data (in bytes) that should be sent to the drive from the host in parameter list data.If
Length the SPEC_I_PT bit in the parameter data is 0, this field is set to 18h. If SPEC_I_PT is 1, this field
specifies the number of bytes of parameter data (minimum is 18h).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Reservation Key
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Service Action Reservation Key
15 (LSB)
Obsolete (0)
21 Reserved (0)
Obsolete (0)
24 (MSB)
Additional Parameter Data
n (LSB)
Service Action Information needed for the following service actions: Register, Register and Ignore Existing Key,
Reservation Key Preempt, and Preempt and Abort.
For the Register and Register and Ignore Existing Key service actions:
0 Unregisters the registered reservation key specified in the Reservation Key field.
n The new reservation key to replace the existing one as specified in the Reservation Key
field for the I_T nexus.
For the Preempt and Preempt and Abort service actions, this field contains:
n The reservation key of registrations to be removedor, if this field also identifies a persistent
reservation holder, the persistent reservation to be pre-empted.
For the Register and Move service action, this field contains:
SPEC_I_PT Valid only for the Register and Register and Ignore Existing Key service actions.
0 The Additional Parameter Data is ignored and the registration is applied only to the I_T
nexus that sent the command.
1 The Additional Parameter Data includes a list of transport IDs and the device server
applies the registration to the I_T nexus for every initiator port specified in the transport
APTPL Only valid for the Register, Register and Ignore Existing Key and Register and Move service actions.
1 The logical unit preserves any persistent reservation and all registrations if power is lost
and later returned. If the EEPROM (non-volatile memory) is unable to store data anymore,
the device server returns CHECK CONDITION.
Service Action Scope Type Reservation Key Service Actions APTPL SPEC_I_PT
Reservation Key
122 Commands
Additional parameter data
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
24 (MSB)
Transport Parameter Data Length (n-27)
27 (LSB)
28 (MSB)
First Transport ID
: (LSB)
: (MSB)
Last Transport ID
n (LSB)
Transport Parameter Data Specifies the number of bytes of Transport IDs to follow. The Parameter List Length in the
Length CDB contains all the bytes specified in Transport Parameter Data Length.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Reservation Key
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Service Action Reservation Key
15 (LSB)
16 Reserved (0)
Relative Port Identifier
Transport Parameter Data Length (18h)
24 (MSB)
Transport ID
n (LSB)
Unreg 1 The device server unregisters the I_T nexus on which the command was received.
Service Action n The reservation key to be registered on the specified I_T nexus.
Registration Key
APTPL 1 The logical unit preserves any persistent reservation and all registrations if power is
lost and later returned. If the EEPROM (non-volatile memory) is unable to store data
anymore, the device server returns CHECK CONDITION.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
8 (MSB)
World Wide Port Name
15 (LSB)
Reserved (0)
SAS Transport ID
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 (MSB)
SAS Address
11 (LSB)
Reserved (0)
NOTE: If a firmware upgrade is initiated over any interface, the cartridge will be ejected from
the drive regardless of the state of this command.
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
124 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 Control
CDB fields
READ 08h
READ transfers zero or more data blocks to the host starting at the current logical position.
Pre-execution checks
If both the SILI and Fixed bits are set, CHECK CONDITION status is reported. Sense data is as
described in the Illegal Field Checks. The field pointers indicate the Fixed bit field.
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Transfer Length
4 (LSB)
5 Control
CDB fields
If the Fixed flag is clear and Transfer Length is not zero, then a single block of the length in Transfer
Length is to be transferred. If the next block on tape is of this length or shorter it is transferred to
the initiator. If the next block is longer than this length, only the length requested is returned and
the logical position is set to after the record. If the length of the block was the same as the Transfer
Length field, GOOD status is returned. If the length of the block was not the same as in Transfer
Length and the Suppress Illegal Length Indicator (SILI) flag was clear, Check Condition status is
returned, ILI will be reported as described below. If the length of the block was not the same as in
Transfer Length and the Suppress Illegal Length Indicator (SILI) flag was set, Good status is returned.
If the fixed flag is set and the Transfer Length field is not zero and the Suppress Illegal Length
Indicator (SILI) flag is clear, a sequence of blocks of the currently configured block length is to be
returned, the number of blocks being indicated in the Transfer Length field. If there is a sequence
of blocks of this length on the tape, they are returned to the initiator with GOOD status. If a block
that is longer than the configured length is encountered before the sequence is complete, the blocks
up to that block are returned followed by the configured length from the record that was too long
and Check Condition status (ILI will be reported as described below). If a block that is shorter than
the configured length is encountered before the sequence is complete, the blocks up to that block
are returned followed by all of that block and Check Condition status (ILI will be reported as
0 The read operation is terminated when the length of a block (on the tape) differs from the Transfer
Length. Transfer Length bytes of data will have been transferred. The logical tape position will
be the EOM side of the illegal sized block.
1 The drive will not report CHECK CONDITION status if the only error is that the Transfer Length
is not equal to the actual block length recorded on the media.
Fixed 0 The Transfer Length field specifies the length of the transfer in bytes.A single block of the length
in Transfer Length is to be transferred.
• If the next block on tape is of Transfer Length, it is transferred to the initiator and GOOD
status is returned.
• If the next block on tape is not of Transfer Length:
• If it is shorter, the whole block is transferred to the initiator.
• If it is longer, only the length requested is returned and the logical position is set to after the
• If SILI = 0, CHECK CONDITION status is returned. ILI is reported as described below.
• If SILI = 1, GOOD status is returned.
1 The Transfer Length field specifies the length of the transfer in blocks. The size of each block (in
bytes) is specified by the current block length specified in the Mode Parameter block descriptor.
If SILI = 0, a sequence of blocks of the currently configured block length is to be returned, the
number of blocks being indicated in the Transfer Length field.
• If there is a sequence of blocks of this length on the tape, they are returned to the initiator
with GOOD status.
• If a block that is shorter than the configured length is encountered before the sequence is
complete, the blocks up to that block are returned followed by all of that block and CHECK
CONDITION status (ILI will be reported as described below). The current position is set after
the last block that was returned.
• If a block that is longer than the configured length is encountered before the sequence is
complete, the blocks up to that block are returned followed by the configured length from
the record that was too long and CHECK CONDITION status (ILI will be reported as described
below). The current position is set after the last block that was partially returned.
Transfer 0 No data is transferred. This is not considered an error and the current logical position will be
Length unchanged.
>0 The amount of data to be transferred, in bytes or blocks as specified by the Fixed field.
Note: Transfers of 4 bytes or less are not supported.
126 Commands
READ specific status
SILI error CHECK NO SENSE ILI and Valid bits are set. The information bytes will be set
COND’N as follows:
Variable Block Mode: The difference between the requested
Transfer Length and the actual block size. If the block size
is bigger than the Transfer Length, this will be negative (twos
Fixed Block Mode: The difference between the requested
number of records and the number of whole good records
transferred. If the last record was under length, it is
considered “whole good” for the purposes of this calculation.
Filemark encountered CHECK NO SENSE The Mark bit is set. Logical position will be on the EOM side
during a read COND’N of the filemark. Additional sense is 0001h (filemark
detected). The logical position will be on the EOM side of
the filemark. Residue information is as described below.
EOD encountered during a CHECK BLANK Additional sense is set to 0005h (EOD detected). Residue
read COND’N CHECK information is as described below.
EOP/M encountered CHECK MEDIUM The EOM bit is set. Additional sense is set to 0002h (EOP/M
during a read COND’N ERROR detected). Residue information is as described below.
Failure to read data CHECK MEDIUM Additional sense is set to 1100h (unrecovered read error)
through media error or COND’N ERROR or 3B00h (sequential positioning error). Residue information
non-fatal drive error is as described below.
Corrupt data format CHECK MEDIUM Additional sense set to 3002h (can’t read media).
Blank media encountered CHECK BLANK Caused by an attempt to read an unformatted tape.
during a read COND’N CHECK Additional sense is set to 5000h (EOD not found). Residue
information is as shown below.
Fixed Block Mode The difference (in blocks) between the requested transfer size and the actual number
of blocks transferred. A partially transferred block is not counted, so for example,
if 3.5 out of 10 blocks have been transferred the residue will be 7.If the last block
is an illegal length block, it is not counted among those transferred. For example,
if 4 legal length blocks and 1 illegal length block have been transferred out of a
total of 10, the residue will be 6.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 (MSB)
Logical Block Address
3 (LSB)
4 Transfer Length
5 Control
CDB fields
Logical Block Address Specifies the block address from which to read. The tape drive will space to this block
before reading data.
Transfer Length The number of blocks of data to return. Each CD-ROM block is 2048 bytes in size.
This size is automatically set in the mode data’s fixed block length while in CD-ROM
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Logical Unit Number DPO (0) FUA (0) Reserved (0) RelAdr(0)
128 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Logical Block Address
5 (LSB)
6 Reserved (0)
7 (MSB)
Transfer Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
CDB fields
Logical Block Address Specifies the block address from which to read. The tape drive will space to this
block before reading data.
Transfer Length The number of blocks of data to return. Each CD-ROM block is 2048 bytes in
size. This size is automatically set in the mode data’s fixed block length while in
CD-ROM mode.
In order to execute a READ ATTRIBUTE command, there must be a cartridge in the drive, even if
it is only partially loaded, so that the MAM can be read. If there is no cartridge in the drive, the
command is terminated with CHECK CONDITION, a sense key of NOT READY and additional
sense of 3A00h (medium not present).
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 Reserved (0)
7 Partition Number
8 (MSB)
First Attribute ID
9 (LSB)
10 (MSB)
Allocation Length
13 (LSB)
14 Reserved (0)
15 Control
CDB fields
Service Action Service actions are defined as follows. The data returned for each Service Action is
described below.
01h Attribute List Returns a list of attribute IDs that are available (both
supported and existing IDs)
02h Volume List Returns a list of known volume numbers. For LTO Ultrium
drives, there is only a single volume, Volume 0.
03h Partition List Returns a list of known partition numbers. For LTO Ultrium
drives, there is only a single partition, Partition 0.
04h–1Fh Reserved
Element Address Set to zero to indicate that Ultrium tapes only support a single element.
Element Type Code Set to zero to indicate that Ultrium tapes only support a single element.
Volume Number Set to zero to indicate that Ultrium tapes only support a single volume.
Partition Number A partition in the volume, where the first partition is 00h. Only attributes corresponding
the partition number will be returned.
First Attribute ID The identifier of the first attribute to be returned. If it does not exist in MAM, but there are
more attributes available after this one, the data returned will contain the values of those
attributes. Otherwise CHECK CONDITION is returned with ILLEGAL REQUEST sense.
Allocation Length The maximum amount of data (in bytes) that will be returned to the host. The drive will
return the entire list of values or Allocation Length bytes, whichever is the lesser.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Available Data (n−3)
3 (LSB)
First Attribute ID
: :
130 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Attribute ID x
The Available Data field contains the number of bytes of attribute values returned. Even if the data
returned has to be truncated because the Allocation Length is too small, the contents of the Available
Data field remain the same.
For details of the available attributes and the format of the data returned for each, see “MAM
attribute data” (page 132).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Available Data (n−3)
3 (LSB)
First Attribute ID
: :
Attribute ID x
The Available Data field specifies the number of bytes of attribute ID data returned. Even if the
data returned has to be truncated because the Allocation Length is too small, the contents of the
Available Data field remain the same.
A two-byte Attribute ID is returned for each attribute available on MAM. See “Attribute ID values”
(page 133) for a description of the Attribute ID values.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Available Data (2)
1 (LSB)
The First Partition Number is the first partition available on the specified volume.
The Number of Partitions Available indicates the number of partitions available on the specified
volume (1 or 2).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Available Data (2)
1 (LSB)
The First Partition Number is the first volume. Since LTO Ultrium drives do not support multiple
volumes, this is 0.
The Number of Volumes Available indicates the number of partitions available. Since LTO Ultrium
drives do not support multiple volumes, this is 1.
There is no cartridge present in the drive, not even partially NOT READY 3A00h (medium not present)
The MAM is not accessible even though there is a tape in MEDIUM 0410h (MAM not accessible)
the drive. ERROR
The MAM has failed (for example from a bad checksum). MEDIUM 1112h (MAM read error)
The combination of Volume Number and Partition Number ILLEGAL 2400h (invalid field in CDB)
is not valid. REQUEST
The Service Action field does not match a supported Service ILLEGAL 2400h (invalid field in CDB)
The First Attribute ID field does not match a supported First ILLEGAL 2400h (invalid field in CDB)
Attribute ID. REQUEST
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Attribute Identifier
1 (LSB)
3 (MSB)
Attribute Length (n−4)
4 (LSB)
132 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 (MSB)
Attribute Value
n (LSB)
The format implies nothing about the physical representation of the data in the Medium Auxiliary
Attribute Identifier The binary identifier for a single attribute. See “Attribute ID values” below.
Read-Only Specifies whether an attribute is read-only. The bit is ignored by the READ ATTRIBUTE
Format Specifies the data format of the Attribute Value field. The possible values are:
Value Description
01b ASCII. The Attribute Value field contains only graphic codes (20h–7Eh).
It must be left-aligned and contain 20h (ASCII space) in any unused bytes.
10b Text. The Attribute Value field contains textual data. The character set is
as described in the Text Localization Identifier attribute in “Standard host
type attributes” (page 136).
11b Reserved.
Attribute ID values
Attributes can be Standard or Vendor-Unique. There are three groups of attributes: Device, Medium
and Host attributes. Each group has a list of attributes, which characterize the group:
1800h–FFFFh Reserved
WRITE ATTRIBUTE commands are only accepted for Host type attributes (either Standard or
Trying to read or write Device or Medium type vendor-unique attributes will fail and CHECK
CONDITION status is reported. Sense data will be as described in the Illegal Field Checks.
000Ah–0209h Reserved
020Eh–021Fh Reserved
0225h–03FFh Reserved
Remaining capacity in partition and Native capacities in MB, assuming no data compression.
Maximum capacity in partition
TapeAlert flags 1 bit per flag (MSB = flag 1, LSB = flag 64). Bits specify flags set during previous
Load count The number of times this tape has been fully loaded. It is never reset.
MAM space remaining The space currently free in the MAM. The total MAM capacity is reported in the
MAM Capacity attribute defined in “Standard medium type attributes”
(page 135).Note that it may not always be possible to use all the free space in a
given MAM implementation. Depending on the internal organization of the memory
and the software that controls it, fragmentation issues may mean that certain
attribute sizes might not be fully accommodated as the MAM nears its maximum
Assigning organization The Vendor ID of the organization that will define attribute 0006h. It contains the
string “LTO-CVE”.
134 Commands
Initialization count 0 The tape is not initialized
1 In other cases
Volume identifier Set and reset by the SET MEDIUM ATTRIBUTE ADC command.
Volume change reference Indicates changes in the state of the medium related to logical objects.
Device make/serial number at last These attributes provide a rolling history of the last four device servers in which
load and Device make/ serial the tape has been loaded. The format of the attributes is as follows:
number at load –n
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Vendor Identification
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Product Serial Number
39 (LSB)
Total MB written in medium life and The total number of data bytes written to or read from the tape (after any data
Total MB read in medium life compression has been applied) over the entire tape life. These figures are
cumulative and will never be reset.
Total MB written in current/last load These are similar to the attributes above but apply to the current load (if the tape
and Total MB read in current/last is currently loaded) or the last load (if the tape is currently unloaded). The device
load server should reset these attributes to zero when the tape is loaded.
Logical position of first encrypted Logical address on tape of the first encrypted block on tape.
block If there are no encrypted blocks, set to FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFFh.
If it is unknown whether there are any encrypted blocks, then set to FFFF FFFF
Logical position of first unencrypted Logical address on tape of the first unencrypted block on tape that follows the
block after the first encrypted block first encrypted block on tape.
The attribute value is set to FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFFh if the logical position of first
encrypted block attribute is set to:
• any value other than FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFFh or FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFEh and no
block after the first encrypted block contains unencrypted data.
The attribute value is set to FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFEh if the logical position of first
encrypted block attribute is set to:
• any value other than FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFFh or FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFEh and it is
unknown whether any block after the first encrypted block contains unencrypted
0401h Medium serial number 32 ASCII The serial number, left-aligned and padded with
ASCII spaces (20h).
0402h Medium length 4 Binary The length of the tape in meters. A value of 0
means the length is undefined.
0406h Medium manufacturer date 8 ASCII The date of manufacture in the format
0407h MAM capacity 8 Binary The total capacity of the MAM, not its free space.
0 Data cartridge
1 Cleaning cartridge
80h WORM cartridge
0409h Medium type information 2 Binary Only meaningful for a cleaning cartridge, where
it gives the maximum number of cleaning cycles
040Ah – Reserved
0803h User medium text label 160 Text The user level identifier for the tape.
0804h Data and time last written 12 ASCII Format is YYYYMMDDHHMM (0–24 hours)
0805h Text localization identifier 1 Binary Defines the character set for the attributes defined
as “text”. See the table below.
0807h Owning host textual name 80 Text The host server from which the User Medium Text
Label originates.
0808h Media pool 160 Text Indicates the media pool to which this tape
0809h Partition user text label 16 ASCII Identifier for the partition specified in the CDB.
136 Commands
ID Attribute Size Format Description
080Ah Load/unload at partition 1 Binary 0 The load or unload occurs at the beginning
of the tape. This is the default setting if the
attribute does not exist.
080Ch Volume coherency information 23–n Binary Contains information used to maintain coherency
of information on a volume. It may be used to
identify whether the volume contents have
changed since the last time this attribute was
written to MAM.
080Dh– Reserved
ID Format
0Bh–7Fh Reserved
82h–FFh Reserved
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 Control
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 00h
1 (MSB)
Maximum Block Length (FFFFFFh)
3 (LSB)
4 (MSB)
Minimum Block Length (0001h)
5 (LSB)
138 Commands
Maximum Block Length In non-encrypting mode, the maximum block size is 16 MB (=16777215 or
FFFFFFh bytes).
In encrypting mode, the maximum is 8 MB (=8388608 or 7FFFFFh bytes),
allowing headroom in case the encrypted data expands.
If any of the following rules are broken then CHECK CONDITION status is reported. Sense data
will be as described in Illegal Field Checks.
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved(0) Mode
2 Buffer ID
3 (MSB)
Buffer Offset
5 (LSB)
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
CDB fields
Mode 00000b A 4-byte descriptor is returned, followed by (Allocation Length − 4) bytes of data. The
data is read from the buffer identified by the Buffer ID, starting from offset zero in the
The Buffer ID and Buffer Offset must both be 00h.
00010b The drive returns Allocation Length bytes of data which is read from the buffer identified
by the Buffer ID, starting from Buffer Offset bytes from the start of the buffer.
There are no restrictions on the value of Buffer ID and Buffer Offset, except that the Buffer
Offset must be kept within the buffer size.
00011b The drive returns a 4-byte descriptor for the buffer identified by the Buffer ID field. Invalid
buffer IDs will return a buffer descriptor of all zeros.
The Buffer Offset field must be zero.
01010b The drive returns data from the Echo Buffer. The Buffer ID and Offset are ignored.
01011b The drive returns the Echo Buffer descriptor. The Buffer ID and Offset are ignored.
20h–27h Main buffer segments 0–7 RAM 4 bytes each details below
Buffer Offset The Buffer Offset field may be set to any address in the buffer, but must obey the specified Offset
Allocation The amount of data to return. Allocation Length + Buffer Offset must be within the buffer size.
Memory sizes
Buffer ID Address
Processor Memory Not all of the Processor Memory space is accessible. The following table shows valid address
140 Commands
Segment Start Segment Size Segment Description
LTO-Cartridge Size = 8 KB
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Reserved (0)
1 (MSB)
Buffer Capacity
3 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 (MSB)
Buffer Capacity
3 (LSB)
The format of the 4-byte Echo buffer descriptor for Mode 01011b is as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 (MSB)
Echo Buffer Size (1000h)
3 (LSB)
If the drive is not in CD-ROM mode, the request will return CHECK CONDITION status with a sense
key Illegal Command.
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Logical Block Address (0)
5 (LSB)
6 Reserved (0)
7 Reserved (0)
9 Control
142 Commands
CDB fields
Logical Block Address This flag is ignored. It is recommended that it should be zero.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Returned Logical Block Address (0004B000h)
3 (LSB)
4 (MSB)
Block Length in bytes (00000800h)
7 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 Trace Log
4 Trace Bank
5 Reserved (0)
Allocation Length
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
05h–FFh Reserved
Trace Bank Which trace bank to return of the firmware subsystem specified in the Trace Log field. The first
trace log in any firmware subsystem is Bank 0. The Trace Bank field can take values in the
range 0 through to the number of trace banks minus one.
Allocation Length The length in bytes allocated for the parameter data. The actual number of bytes returned will
be the lesser of the length of the actual parameter list and the allocation length specified in the
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Data Length (n–3)
3 (LSB)
Trace Log Descriptor (first)
: :
Trace Log Descriptor (last)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Trace Log
1 Trace Banks
144 Commands
Trace Log As above, in the Command Descriptor Block field.
Trace Banks The number of trace log banks supported by the firmware subsystem specified in
Trace Log.
Maximum Trace Log Size The maximum length in bytes of the each trace log bank indicated in the Trace Log
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
9 (LSB)
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
01h Only return a descriptor for the host that issued this command
02h–0Fh Reserved
Allocation Length The number of bytes allocated for the returned parameter data. The actual number returned
will be the lesser of the length of the actual parameter list and the allocation length.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter List Length (n–3)
3 (LSB)
Host Descriptor
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
World-Wide Node Name (8 bytes)
World-Wide Port Name (8 bytes)
Source ID (4 bytes)
Port Log-In Time (6 bytes)
Host ID
Source ID The logged-in host’s source identifier from the fabric switch.
Port Log-In Time The time-stamp of when the host completed its PLOGI process.
ME 1 The information reported in this descriptor corresponds to the initiator that sent
the command.
PHY Port The physical target port this host is connected to:
00b Port A
01b Port B
10b-11b Reserved
Host ID The logged-in host’s index in the Logged-In Host Table (in the range 0–511).
Primary Port Index The primary port index value for the port the host is logged-in on:
00h Reserved
05h–FFh Reserved
146 Commands
READ MEDIA SERIAL NUMBER provides a method for the host application to read the serial number
of the cartridge currently loaded in the drive.
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
9 (LSB)
10 Reserved(0)
11 Control
CDB fields
Allocation Length The maximum amount of data (in bytes) to be returned to the host. The drive will return the entire
serial number string or allocation length bytes, whichever is least.
If there is no cartridge in the drive, the command is terminated with CHECK CONDITION status.
The sense key is set to NOT READY with additional sense of 3A00h (medium not present).
No barcode stored
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Serial Number Length (0Ch)
3 (LSB)
4 (MSB)
Cartridge Serial Number
13 (LSB)
14 (MSB)
ASCII NUL characters (00h)
15 (LSB)
Cartridge Serial Number The serial number of 10 ASCII characters stored in the LTO-CM Cartridge Manufacturer’s
Information page.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Serial Number Length (2Ch)
3 (LSB)
4 (MSB)
Cartridge Serial Number
13 (LSB)
14 (MSB)
ASCII Space characters (20h)
15 (LSB)
16 (MSB)
Barcode Number
47 (LSB)
Barcode Number The barcode number of 32 ASCII characters stored in the LTO-CM Application Specific page.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
Allocation Length
9 Control
CDB fields
148 Commands
Short Form Block ID
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 BOP EOP LOCU (1) BYCU (1) Rsvd (0) LOLU (0) PERR Rsvd (0)
1 Partition Number
Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
First Block Location
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Last Block Location (same as First Block Location)
11 (LSB)
12 Reserved (0)
13 (MSB)
Number of blocks in buffer (0)
15 (LSB)
16 (MSB)
Number of bytes in buffer (0)
19 (LSB)
LOLU 0 The Partition Number, First Block Location and Last Block Location fields are valid.
1 There has been a position error caused by the overflow of some position field data.
Partition Number The partition number for the current logical position.
First Block Location The number of blocks and filemarks from BOM to the current position. Counting starts
at zero, so BOM is block location 0.
Last Block Location Always set to the value of the First Block Location.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
Partition Number
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Block Number
15 (LSB)
16 (MSB)
File Number
23 (LSB)
24 (MSB)
Set Number(0)
31 (LSB)
Partition Number The partition number for the current logical position.
Block Number The number of logical blocks between BOP (beginning of partition) and the current logical
position. Filemarks count as one logical block each.
File Number The number of filemarks between BOP and the current logical position.
Set Number The number of setmarks between BOP and the current logical position.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 BOP EOP LOCU (1) BYCU (1) Rsvd (0) LOLU (0) Reserved (0)
1 Partition Number
Additional Length (1Ch)
4 Reserved (0)
5 (MSB)
Number of blocks in buffer (0)
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
First Block Location
15 (LSB)
24 (MSB)
Number of bytes in buffer (0)
31 (LSB)
150 Commands
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 (MSB)
Snapshot Number
5 (LSB)
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
8 (LSB)
11 Control
CDB fields
0 The Snapshot Number field is ignored and the most recent Snapshot log created
is retrieved.
1 The Snapshot Number field specifies the reference number of the Snapshot to be
Snapshot Number If SNV = 1, this is the reference number of the Snapshot to be retrieved.
If SNV = 0, this filed is ignored and the most recent Snapshot log created is retrieved.
Allocation Length The drive will return up to this number of bytes, truncating any parameter data as required.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Data File Header
1 (LSB)
160 (MSB)
Dataset Descriptor (first)
... (LSB)
: :
... (MSB)
Dataset Descriptor (last)
n (LSB)
Byte Description
12–19 Timestamp
Header Length The size of the data file header. Must be set to 000Ah (160).
Version The version number for the datafile header structure. Must be set to 0000h.
5 Power-on time.
Timestamp The time from power-on at which the Snapshot log was created, in units of 16 μS.
Library Model The model name of the library from which data has been acquired. Filled with ASCII space
characters (20h).
Library Serial Number The serial number of the library from which data has been acquired. Filled with ASCII space
characters (20h).
Subject Device The drive type that created the data file:
Subject Project ID The Product ID of the device from which the data has been acquired, taken from the standard
INQUIRY data left-aligned and space-padded, for example: “Ultrium-5 FC”
152 Commands
Subject Serial Number The serial number of the device from which the data has been acquired.
Number of Dataset The total number of datasets available in this data file.
Dataset descriptor
Byte Description
Dataset Payload If Error Number (in the Dataset Header) = 0000h, the payload is any SCSI data IN captured
when the SCSI command in the CDB field was executed.
If Error Number = 0849h, the payload is any SCSI sense data captured when the SCSI command
in the CDB field was executed.
Dataset header
Byte Description
4–7 Timestamp
8–23 CDB
Timestamp The last 4 bytes of the 6-byte timestamp indicating the time the dataset was created.
CDB The Command Descriptor Block of the command that generated the dataset.
Payload Offset An absolute offset from the start of the data file to the Dataset Payload field for this
Error Number 0000h The SCSI command in the CDB field completed with GOOD status.
Any SCSI data from the command is in the Dataset Payload field.
0849h The SCSI command in the CDB field completed with non-GOOD
status. Any SCSI sense data from the command is in the Dataset
Payload field.
The Snapshot log specified in the Snapshot CHECK CONDN ILLEGAL 2400h (invalid field in
Number field is not available for retrieval, or no REQUEST CDB)
Snapshot log is available for retrieval.
The Snapshot log is in the process of being CHECK CONDN NO SENSE 0016h (operation in
created. progress)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 Reserved (0)
5 Reserved (0)
Allocation Length
11 Control
CDB fields
02h–FFh Reserved
Allocation Length The drive will return up to this number of bytes, truncating any parameter data as necessary.
If a Snapshot log, which will be saved to flash, is in the process of being created, the device server
will terminate the command with CHECK CONDITION, a sense key of NO SENSE and additional
sense of 0016h (operation in progress).
If the specified STTF log is not available for retrieval, the device server will terminate the command
with CHECK CONDITION, a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense of 2400h
(invalid field in CDB).
The retrieved STTF log data is returned in the same format as the READ SNAPSHOT LOG parameter
data format (see page “READ SNAPSHOT LOG returned data” (page 151)
154 Commands
READ TOC (CD-ROM mode) 43h
READ TOC transfers the Table of Contents data to the host.
Pre-execution checks
If the drive is not in CD-ROM mode, the request will return CHECK CONDITION status with a sense
key Illegal Command.
The Track/Session Number must be set to 0 or 1. Any other value will result in CHECK CONDITION
status with sense data as described in Illegal Field Checks.
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 (MSB)
Reserved (0)
5 (LSB)
6 Track/Session Number
7 (MSB)
Allocation Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
CDB fields
Track/Session Number This may be set to 0 or 1. It does not affect the data returned.
Allocation Length The maximum number of data bytes that may be returned.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
TOC Data Length (12h)
1 (LSB)
4 Reserved (0)
7 Reserved (0)
8 (MSB)
Logical Block Address (00000000h)
11 (LSB)
12 Reserved (0)
15 Reserved (0)
16 (MSB)
Logical Block Address (0004B000h)
19 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved(0) PCV
2 Page Code
3 (MSB)
Allocation Length
4 (LSB)
5 Control
CDB fields
0 The device server will return parameter data based on the diagnostic page with the same
page code as that specified in the most recent SEND DIAGNOSTIC command).
The device server will return CHECK-CONDITION with sense key ILLEGAL REQUEST and
additional sense of 2400h (invalid field in CDB) in any of the following circumstances:
• The most recent SEND DIAGNOSTIC command did not define parameter data to
• No SEND DIAGNOSTIC command defining parameter data to return has been
processed since power on, hard reset, or logical unit reset.
• The most recent SEND DIAGNOSTIC command was not for this I_T nexus.
1 The device server will return the diagnostic page specified in the Page Code field.
Page Code Identifier for the diagnostic information page to be returned. 70h returns the Self-Test page.
156 Commands
Allocation Length 0 No data will be returned. This is not considered an error.
>0 The number of bytes which the host has allocated for returned diagnostic data. The drive
will return allocation length bytes or the amount of data that is available, whichever is
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Parameter List Length (0)
3 (LSB)
No parameters are needed. Sending this page is equivalent to a Send Diagnostic command with
both the SelfTest and UnitOfl bits set.
Page format for Read:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Parameter List Length (4)
3 (LSB)
4 (MSB)
Error Code
7 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
5 Control
3rdPty This bit is always zero because third-party reservation is not supported.
Third-Party Device ID This bit is always zero because third-party reservation is not supported.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
3 Third-Party Device ID
Reserved (0)
7 (MSB)
Parameter List Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
1 The initiator requests third-party release. The value in the Third-Party Device ID field is
LongID This is always zero because device IDs greater than 255 are not supported.
Third-Party Device ID This is required and used only when the 3rd Pty bit is set. The device will perform the release
operation only if the initiator ID, the 3rd Pty bit and the Third-Party Device ID are identical to
those in the RESERVE UNIT command that established the reservation.
The drive ignores any attempt to release the reservation made by any other initiator, including
the initiator for which the reservation was made.If an initiator reserved the drive using a
third-party reservation over itself, a non-third-party RELEASE UNIT command could also release
the reservation.
158 Commands
The Report Density Support command returns details about the tape formats supported by the drive.
The data is returned as a header and a series of density descriptor blocks or medium type descriptor
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 (MSB)
Allocation Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
CDB fields
Media 0 One descriptor block is returned for each format supported by the drive. The Capacity field
in the descriptor block indicates the capacity of the current media.
1 One descriptor block is returned with the data for the currently loaded tape. The Capacity
field indicates the maximum for the format. If there is no tape inserted in the drive, the drive
will return CHECK CONDITION with a sense key of NOT READY and additional sense of
3A00h (medium not present).
Allocation This specifies the maximum number of bytes which the drive should return in its data-out phase. Either
Length the entire available data or allocation length bytes of the page are returned, whichever is least.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Available Density Descriptor Length
1 (LSB)
2 Reserved (0)
3 Reserved (0)
The available length gives the total amount of data available to be returned.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 (MSB)
Bits per mm
7 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Media Width
9 (LSB)
10 (MSB)
11 (LSB)
12 (MSB)
Capacity (MB)
15 (LSB)
16 (MSB)
Assigning Organization (LTO-CVE)
23 (LSB)
24 (MSB)
Density Name (8 bytes)
31 (LSB)
32 (MSB)
Description (20 bytes)
51 (LSB)
WRTOK The Write OK flag indicates whether the drive can write at the density indicated by the Density Code.
0 The drive does not support writing to a tape with this density.
1 The drive is capable of writing at this density to the current tape (if the Media bit
in the CDB = 1) or for some tape (if Media = 0).
DUP The Duplicate flag will be set to zero for every descriptor block indicating that each density is only
reported once.
DEFLT The Default flag will be set for the density for which the currently mounted medium is formatted and
clear for all other densities.
Media Width 127 Tape width is 1/2” or 12.65 mm. The value in this field is in tenths of millimeters
rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm.
Track 1280
160 Commands
Capacity 1 500 000 MB The maximum capacity for the format (or the capacity of the media if the Media
bit is set)
Density Name U-516 The format of this is: [U/A]-[Format Generation: 1,2...][No of
Tracks: 4,8,16...]
If this command is sent to the HP LTO Ultrium 5 drive with the Media bit set to 0, three descriptor
blocks will be returned with key values as follows:
44h 1 0 61A80h
46h 1 0 C3500h
58h 1 1 16E3600h
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Medium Type
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Descriptor Length (34h)
3 (LSB)
Reserved (0)
14 (MSB)
Media Width
15 (LSB)
16 (MSB)
Media Length
17 (LSB)
20 (MSB)
Assigning Organization
27 (LSB)
28 (MSB)
Medium Type Name (8 bytes)
35 (LSB)
36 (MSB)
Description (20 bytes)
55 (LSB)
For the other fields, values are returned as in the following table:
Media width (0.1 mm) 127 127 127 127 127 127
Assigning Organization HP HP HP HP HP HP
NOTE: If OBDR is supported, the CD-ROM Medium Type descriptors are the same as Data
Medium Type descriptors but with the Medium Type field set to 80h.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
9 (LSB)
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
Allocation Length The number of bytes that have been allocated for the Device Identifier The actual number
returned will be the lower of the stored Device Identifier length and the allocation length
specified in this command.
162 Commands
The returned Parameter Data is as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Identifier Length (n–3)
3 (LSB)
NOTE: The device server will not report iADT-DISC multicast addresses (see ADT-2).
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Allocation Length
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
Allocation Length The drive will return up to this number of bytes, truncating any parameter data as necessary.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Parameter List Length (n–3)
IP Configuration descriptors
First IP Configuration Descriptor
: :
Last IP Configuration Descriptor
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Descriptor Value
IP Configuration The parameter data contains all descriptors for the following default addresses (those stored
Descriptor Type in non-volatile memory):
00h Control X X
0Bh–0Fh Reserved
11h–1Fh Reserved
164 Commands
22h IPv6 preferred DNS server address X
24h–FFh Reserved
Descriptor may be reported in the REPORT IP CONFIGURATION command parameter
Descriptor may be set in SET IP CONFIGURATION command parameter data.
Descriptor is not reported before the completion of address acquisition.
Descriptor may not be supported in all products.
Descriptor Length The length of the descriptor data to follow. If the descriptor is truncated because of the
Allocation Length, this field is not affected.
Descriptor Value With the exception of the fields noted below, all DESCRIPTOR VALUE fields shall contain
either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.
Descriptor types
IPv4 Address descriptor
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 IPv4 Address—byte 1
1 IPv4 Address—byte 2
2 IPv4 Address—byte 3
4 IPv4 Address—byte 4
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
: :
19 Prefix
Prefix The global routing prefix size for the address. For example, the IPv6 address
FE80::21E:68FF:FE37:BC53/64 will contain the bytes FEh, 80h, 00h, …., FEh, 37h, BCh,
53h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 40h.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
IPV4ACQ The sequence in which IPv4 address acquisition methods are attempted. If the field is set to 2h
and the default static IPv4 address is set to zero, the device server will terminate the command
with CHECK CONDITION status, a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense of
2600h (invalid field in parameter list).
0h Reserved
1. DHCPv4
2. AutoIP
3. Static
1. AutoIP
2. Static
1. DHCPv4
2. Static
5h–Fh Reserved
IPV6ACQ Settings of the IPv6 address acquisition values in EEPROM. If the IPV6ACQ field is set to 3h
and the default static IPv6 address is set to zero the device server will terminate the command
with CHECK CONDITION status, a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense of
2600h (invalid field in parameter list).
0h Reserved
4h–Fh Reserved
Code is treated as reserved in products that do not support IP Configuration Descriptor type
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
: :
Example: If the MAC Address of the device is 00306E:B4B8FE, byte 0 of the descriptor will be
00h and byte 5 will be FEh.
166 Commands
Descriptor type 2: MTU Size
The Maximum Transmission Unit size.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Maximum Transmission Unit Size
If the value in the Maximum Transmission Unit Size field is less than 64 or larger than 1,500, the
device server will terminate the command with CHECK CONDITION status, a sense key of ILLEGAL
REQUEST and additional sense of 2600h (invalid field in parameter list). The value saved in
non-volatile storage is not modified.
Illegal Field
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Reserved (0)
2 Select Report
Reserved (0)
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
9 (LSB)
10 Reserved (0)
12 Control
CDB fields
Select Report The type of logical unit address that will be reported. Allowable values:
00h/02h Report all logical units accessible by the initiator through the address target port.
01h No logical unit descriptors are returned because there are no well-known logical
Allocation Length Must be at least 16 bytes. If not, the drive will return CHECK CONDITION status and provide a
sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense of 2400h (invalid field in CDB).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB) LUN List Length (08h or 0h/10h/18h if the drive is operating within a library
3 and communicating over ADI) (LSB)
List of LUNs
8 (MSB)
LUN 0 (00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00h)
15 (LSB)
If the drive is operating within an ADI library and has bridging enabled...
16 (MSB)
LUN 1 (00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00h)
23 (LSB)
If the drive is operating within an ADI library and the ADC Logical unit ENABLE parameter is set to one in the
ADC Device Server Configuration mode sub-page....
24 (MSB)
LUN 7 (00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00h)
30 (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
9 (LSB)
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
Allocation Length The maximum number of bytes the drive should return in its data-out phase. A zero value means
no data transfer will occur; this is not considered an error. Either the entire network statistic
counters or Allocation Length bytes of the page are returned, whichever is least.
168 Commands
Returned parameter data
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Data Length (n–3)
3 (LSB)
Interface statistics
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
IP layer statistics
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
ICMPv4 statistics
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
170 Commands
ICMPv6 statistics
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
TCP statistics
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
312–315 ActiveOpens
316–319 PassiveOpens
UDP statistics
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
7 (LSB)
11 Control
Allocation Length The drive will return up to this number of bytes, truncating any parameter data as required.
The tape drive is in the process of setting CHECK CONDITION NO SENSE 0016h (operation in progress)
the Snapshot command set.
Parameter data
See “SET SNAPSHOT COMMANDS parameter data” (page 214).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
7 (LSB)
172 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
11 Control
Allocation Length The drive will return up to this number of bytes, truncating any parameter data as required.
Parameter data
See “SET SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION parameter data” (page 216).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Allocation Length
11 Control
Allocation Length The drive will return up to this number of bytes, truncating any parameter data as necessary.
Parameter data
The format of the parameter data is as in “SET Enhanced SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION A4h
(1Fh)” (page 217).format.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
7 (LSB)
11 Control
Allocation Length The drive will return up to this number of bytes, truncating any parameter data as required.
Parameter data
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Logs Available
1 (LSB)
2 (MSB)
Additional Page Length (n–5)
5 (LSB)
6 (MSB)
Snapshot Log Descriptor (first) — 14 bytes
19 (LSB)
: :
n–13 (MSB)
Snapshot Log Descriptor (last) — 14 bytes
n (LSB)
Logs Available The number of Snapshot logs that are available for retrieval.
Allocation Page Length The number of bytes needed to allow transfer of the complete Snapshot log descriptor list,
truncating any parameter data as required.
Snapshot Log 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Log Number
1 (LSB)
2 Log Trigger
3 Reserved (0)
4 (MSB)
Log Length
7 (LSB)
174 Commands
8 (MSB)
Timestamp (6 bytes)
13 (LSB)
Log Number The reference number of the Snapshot log, which must be specified in the
Log Trigger The event that caused the Snapshot log to be created:
Value Description
04h–FFh Reserved
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 (MSB)
Requested Service Action
5 (LSB)
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
9 (LSB)
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
001b Requests the Device Server to return support data for the OpCode specified in
Requested Operation Code field from the port through which the REPORT SUPPORTED
OPCODES command was received. The parameter data has the “one-command”
format. If the OpCode has Service Actions associated, the command will fail with
CHECK CONDITION, a Sense Key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense of
2400h (invalid field in CDB).
010b Requests the Device Server to return support data for the OpCode specified by the
Requested Operation Code and Requested Service Action fields from the port through
which the REPORT SUPPORTED OPCODES command was received. The parameter
data has the “one-command” format. If the OpCode has Service Actions associated,
the command will fail with CHECK CONDITION, a Sense Key of ILLEGAL REQUEST
and additional sense of 2400h (invalid field in CDB).
Allocation Length The number of bytes allocated for the returned parameter data.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Command Data Length
3 (LSB)
Command Data Length The amount of Parameter Data available for return minus the size of the header.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Operation Code
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Service Action
3 (LSB)
4 Reserved (0)
6 (MSB)
CDB Length
7 (LSB)
Timeouts Descriptor (if any) — 12 bytes
176 Commands
Operation Code The operation code of the supported command.
Service Action A supported service action of the operation code. If no service actions are supported this field will
be 00h.
ServActv 0 No service actions are supported and the Service Action field should be ignored.
1 This operation code supports service actions and the Service Action field contains a valid
service actions.
CTPD 1 The command timeout descriptor is included. If the RCTD bit is set, this bit must be set.
CDB Length The length of the CDB for this operation code or operation code/service action command.
One-command format
One-command format
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Reserved (0)
CDB size (n–3)
CDB Usage Data
Timeouts Descriptor (if any) — 12 bytes
Support 001b The device server does not support the requested command. All data after byte 1 is
011b The device server supports the requested command in conformance with a SCSI standard.
101b The device server supports the requested command in a vendor-specific manner.
CDB Usage Data The first byte is the OpCode being queried. If the OpCode has a Service Action associated, this
will be located in the second byte, in the correct location. All other CDB bytes contain a usage
map. Byte by byte, the Device Server must place a one in the corresponding bit position of the CDB
that the Device Server supports as a parameter field. Any CDB fields that are ignored by the device
server, or are reserved, contain a zero.
Timeouts descriptor
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Descriptor Length (0Ah)
2 Reserved (0)
Nominal Command Processing TimeOut (00h)
Recommended Command TimeOut
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
9 (LSB)
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB field
Allocation Length The number of bytes that have been allocated for the returned parameter data. This value must
be at least four.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
ATS 0 FC drives: The Abort Task task management function is not supported.
QTS 0 FC drives: The Query Task task management function is not supported.
178 Commands
TRS 0 SAS drives: The Target Reset task management function is not supported.
QAES One for Fibre Channel as the QUERY ASYNCHRONOUS EVENT management function is supported.
Zero otherwise.
QTSS One for Fibre Channel as the QUERY TASK SET management function is supported. Zero otherwise.
ITNRS 0 Zero as the I_T NEXUS RESET management function is not supported.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 (MSB)
Allocation Length
9 (LSB)
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB field
Allocation Length The number of bytes that have been allocated for the returned parameter data. Zero is not
considered an error.
Data returned
The returned parameter data is as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Returned Data Length (n−3)
3 (LSB)
Primary Target Port Group Descriptor
ADC Target Port Group Descriptor
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 T_Sup (0) Reserved (0) U_Sup (0) S_Sup (0) AN Sup (0) AO_Sup (1)
Target Port Group Descriptor (0)
4 Reserved (0)
6 Reserved (0)
7 Target Port Count (full-height drives:SCSI: 1, FC and SAS: 2, half-height drives: all 1)
First Target Port Descriptor
Last Target Port Descriptor
Asymm Access 0 This target port group has currently active/optimized asymmetric access.
AO_Sup 1 The Active/Optimized asymmetric state is supported from this port group to the SSC Logical
unit if set to 1.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
Relative Port Identifier
Asymm Access State 3 This target port group has currently unavailable asymmetric access.
AO_Sup 1 The Unavailable asymmetric state is supported from this port group to the SSC Logical
unit if set to 1.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 T_Sup (0) Reserved (0) U_Sup (1) S_Sup (0) AN Sup (0) AO_Sup (1)
Target Port Group Descriptor (1)
4 Reserved (0)
180 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 Reserved (0)
Reserved (0)
Relative Port Identifier (0)
02h Port 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Allocation Length
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
Allocation Length The drive will return up to this number of bytes, truncating any parameter data as necessary.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Timestamp Parameter Data Length (0Ah)
3 Reserved (0)
Timestamp Parameter The drive will return up to this number of bytes, truncating any parameter data as necessary.
Data Length
Timestamp Origin 000b Timestamp initialized to zero at power-on as the result of a hard reset.
001b Reserved
100b–111b Reserved
Timestamp The current value of the timestamp (the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since midnight,
1 January 1970 UT).
Positional sense data is valid whenever media is present and loaded and no higher priority sense
data is present. An unsolicited request sense (that is, one with no preceding CHECK CONDITION)
will result in sense data with no valid data, which will be all zeros.
NOTE: The drive maintains valid positional information for normal read and write commands
only (READ, WRITE, SPACE, WRITE FILEMARKS, REWIND). If abnormal commands (such as WRITE
BUFFER) are received this positional sense information is lost. See “Sense data management”
(page 187).
The drive clears sense data for the host following execution of the REQUEST SENSE command for
that host, unless the data is positional sense data.
Pre-execution checks
Only Illegal Field Check is performed before execution of the command.
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
182 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 Allocation Length
5 Control
CDB fields
Fixed format
The Fixed format of the returned data is as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 (MSB)
Information Bytes
6 (LSB)
8 (MSB)
Command Specific Information Bytes
11 (LSB)
16 (MSB)
Field Pointer/Drive Error Code
17 (LSB)
Pad bytes (0)
Valid 1 Indicates that the information bytes contain valid information as defined in the SCSI
Error Code 70h Indicates that the error is current, that is, it is associated with the command for which
CHECK CONDITION status has been reported.
71h Indicates that the error is deferred. A deferred error occurs when there is a failure for
an operation that has already been terminated with a GOOD status, or when failure
occurs in “cleanup” activity following an operation that was terminated by BUS
RELEASE. The command for which CHECK CONDITION status was reported is therefore
unlikely to be the cause of the deferred error. It simply gives the drive the opportunity
to report CHECK CONDITION status for an error that already exists.
Mark 1 The Mark bit is set to 1 if a SPACE, READ or VERIFY command did not complete
because a filemark was read. This bit may only be set if the sense key is NO SENSE.
EOM 1 The End of Medium flag is set if a WRITE or WRITE FILEMARKS command completed
in the early warning area. If no other error occurred, the sense code will be set to NO
SENSE with additional sense of 0002h (EOT). If another error occurred, the sense
code and additional sense will reflect that error. It is also set if BOP is encountered
while spacing over blocks or filemarks in the reverse direction.
ILI 1 Indicates that the requested block length did not match the actual block length. Only
READ and VERIFY can cause this bit to be set.
Sense Key See “Sense keys” (page 189) for details of sense keys that can be returned.
Information Bytes The Information Bytes field is only valid if the Valid bit is set. It contains residue information
following the failure of either a READ, WRITE, WRITE FILEMARKS or SPACE command. The
field can take a negative value, expressed in 2’s complement notation for the SPACE command.
See the description of the command that failed for the contents of the field.
Additional Sense 10h Specifies the number of additional sense bytes to follow. It is never truncated to reflect
Length the actual Transfer Length.
Command Specific 0 Provides additional information specific to the failing command. The field is normally
Information Bytes set to 0.
Additional Sense These two bytes provide additional information about the cause of the CHECK CONDITION,
Code and Qualifier or the current tape position when the REQUEST SENSE is unsolicited. See “Additional Sense
codes” (page 191).
SKSV 0 The Sense Key Specific Bytes (bytes 15 through 17) are invalid. The C/D, BPV and
Bit pointer fields will be zero. The top byte of the Field Pointer will be zero, and the
bottom byte will contain a product-specific error code.
1 The Sense Key Specific Bytes are valid. This will only happen when the bytes assume
the role of Field Pointer Bytes as defined by ANSI. This occurs when an Illegal Field
check detects an error in a command descriptor block or a Parameter List check detects
an error in a command parameter list.
0 The Field Pointer information applies to the parameter list for the command.
1 The Bit Pointer field is valid. If the SKSV bit is set then the BPV bit must be set as well.
Bit Pointer Identifies the bit position of the field in error, whether it is a command descriptor or a command
parameter list field. When a multi-bit field is in error, this will point to the most significant bit of
that field. Only valid when the SKSV flag is set.
184 Commands
Field Pointer /Drive If SKSV = 1, the interpretation of this field depends on the sense key reported. For Sense Key
Error Code = 5 (ILLEGAL REQUEST), this field represents the Field Pointer, identifying in which byte of the
command descriptor or parameter list an error was detected.
Note that the drive scans from byte 0 bit 7 of a command or parameter list through to byte n
bit 0. The field and bit pointers are set to point to the most significant bit of the field that is in
error. See the illegal field check and the parameter list check.
For Sense Key = 0 (NO SENSE) or 2 (NOT READY), this field represents the Progress Indication,
where the returned value is a numerator that has 65536 (10000h) as its denominator. This
reflects the progress being made through the total operation.
If SKSV = 0, this field represents the Drive Error Code. The top byte of this field will be zero.
The bottom byte contains the drive error code associated with the failure of the previous
command, or zero in the case of no failure and no appropriate error code. If the drive’s power-on
self-test failed then, in the absence of an error code associated with the most recent command,
this byte will be set to the error code generated by the failing test.
Note: Drive error codes are provided for information only; they are intended to assist in product
integration and fault diagnosis. The codes should not be relied on by “generic” host drivers,
since these are specific to the product. For a list of codes, see Chapter 10 of the Hardware
Integration Guide, Volume 1 of the HP LTO Ultrium Technical Reference Manual.
Descriptor format
The Descriptor format of the returned data is as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
8 (MSB)
Sense Data Descriptor 0
: (LSB)
Sense Data Descriptor X
Response Code 72h The error is current, that is, it is associated with the command for which CHECK
CONDITION status has been reported.
73h The error is deferred. A deferred error occurs when there is a failure for an operation
that has already been terminated with a GOOD status, or when failure occurs in
“cleanup” activity following an operation that was terminated by BUS RELEASE. The
command for which CHECK CONDITION status was reported is therefore unlikely
to be the cause of the deferred error. It simply gives the drive the opportunity to report
CHECK CONDITION status for an error that already exists.
Additional Sense Additional information about the cause of the CHECK CONDITION, or the current tape position
Code and Qualifier when the REQUEST SENSE is unsolicited. See “Additional Sense codes” (page 191).
Sense Data At least one descriptor is sent (Drive Error Code), the others may or may not be sent depending
Descriptor on the nature of the CHECK CONDITION.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 Reserved (0)
Information Bytes
Field Pointer
The Sense Key is set to Illegal Request.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Field Pointer
7 Reserved (0)
Progress Indication
The Sense Key is set to No Sense or Not Ready.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Progress Indication
7 Reserved (0)
186 Commands
Process Indication The percent complete indication in which the returned value is a numerator that has 65,536
(10000h) as its denominator. The progress indication is based on the total operation.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Drive Error Code
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 Reserved (0)
Current sense
Current sense is the data that is returned in response to a REQUEST SENSE command. It is modified
or updated in the following circumstances:
• It is cleared in response to the arrival of any command other than REQUEST SENSE or
• It is cleared following execution of a REQUEST SENSE command.
UNIT ATTENTION sense that arises as a result of a command executing will not be posted to the
sending initiator, but will be set for the other initiators.
188 Commands
DEFERRED ERROR sense is generated when an operation fails and CHECK CONDITION status
cannot be reported to the host for one of the following reasons:
• The operation had immediate-report on (for example, REWIND with the Immed bit set, or
• The operation was a write that was immediate-reported on after its data was successfully
placed in the write-behind queue.
• The operation was abandoned without status (that is, an SAS or FC connection was closed)
after what the drive perceived was a catastrophic error or when an error occurred following
the drive’s honoring of an ABORT message. Following the bus release, the drive performed
“cleanup” activity that failed. The Deferred Error refers to the reason for this failure.
When any one of the above occurs, the sense generated will be DEFERRED ERROR sense. This
sense persists until the host sends a command that has Unit Attention as part of its pre-execution
checks. When the Deferred Error pre-execution check fails, the DEFERRED ERROR sense is moved
to the Current sense and CHECK CONDITION status is reported to the host. The host is then
expected to issue a REQUEST SENSE command to recover the new Current sense data, otherwise
the data will be lost.
Sense keys
The following table lists the sense keys that may be returned by HP LTO Ultrium drives. SCSI sense
keys are 4-bit codes returned in the sense data. They indicate in what general area the problem
1h RECOVERED ERROR Returned if a Mode Select parameter is truncated or 3700h, 5D00h, 5DFFh
if a TapeAlert event is being reported.
2h NOT READY The drive is not in a state to be able to execute the 0400h–0402h, 0409h,
request. See also the Media Access check. 040Ch, 0412h,
0B01h, 3003h,
3A00h,3A04h, 3E00h
5h ILLEGAL REQUEST The last command sent to the drive or the data 1A00h, 2000h,
associated with the command violated conditions 2400h, 2500h,
imposed by the drive on its acceptance. See also the 2600h, 2604h,
Illegal Command, Illegal Field, Fixed Bit, Reservation 2C00h, 2C0Bh,
and Parameter List pre-execution checks. 3B0Ch, 5302h,
5503h, 5504h, 5506h
6h UNIT ATTENTION Indicates some condition of which the host needs to 2800h, 2901h–2907h,
be made aware. See also the Unit Attention check. 2A01h–2A05h,
2A0Dh, 2A10h,
2A11h, 2A12h,
3F01h, 3F05h, 3F0Eh
7h DATA PROTECT A request has been made to modify the media 2601h, 2700h,
despite the media being write-protected. See also 2A13h, 3000h,
the Media Write check. 3005h, 300Ch,
300Dh, 7400h–7405h,
7409h, 740Ah,
740Bh, 7461h–7464h,
746Eh, 746Fh, 7480h
8h BLANK CHECK The drive tried to read unwritten tape. 0005h, 1403h
Bh ABORTED COMMAND The drive has terminated a command. This could be 0800h, 2F00h, 3F0Fh,
due to a problem related to the SCSI bus or Fibre 4700h, 4701h,
Channel link. For example, it is reported if a target 4703h, 4800h, 4B00h,
or LUN receives a second command from the same 4B02h, 4B05h,
host before the previous command from that host has 4D00h, 4E00h, 7408h
190 Commands
Code Name Description ASC/Qs
Dh VOLUME OVERFLOW Data could not be written due to lack of remaining 0002h
space on the tape. See the WRITE and WRITE
FILEMARKS commands.
00 00h No additional sense The drive has no additional sense information for the host. The flags
in the sense data indicate the reason for failure.
00 02h End of Tape detected A command completed early because End of Tape or the physical
end of the tape was encountered.
unexpectedly. This typically occurs when a drive cannot locate the
target object on tape because the block count is too great.
The EOM flag in the sense data will be set.
00 04h Beginning of Tape detected BOT was encountered during a space command.
00 05h End of Data detected A READ or SPACE command terminated early because it encountered
04 00h LUN not ready, cause not This is set if an unload is executing with immediate report on, or
reportable initiated through the front panel, or a different host initiated the
command. It is present for the duration of the unload or eject, after
which the additional sense changes to 3A 00h (medium not present)
or 0402h (logical unit not ready, initializing command required).
04 01h LUN in process of becoming ready A media access command has been received while a load is occurring
with immediate report on, or initiated through the front panel, or a
different host initiated the command.
04 02h LUN not ready, Initializing A cartridge is present in the drive but is not logically loaded. A LOAD
command required command is required.
04 04h LUN not ready, format in progress A FORMAT MEDIUM command with the Immed bit set to one is
currently executing.
04 07h Command in progress The tape drive is currently executing an immediate mode command
(such as UNLOAD).
04 09h LUN not ready, self-test in progress The drive is currently in "maintenance" mode (such as running special
diagnostic tests).
04 0Ch LUN not accessible, port in The command is not available on the specified Logical Unit when sent
unavailable state to the drive through the specified port.
04 12h Logical unit offline The command cannot be executed because the specified logical unit
has not yet been configured via the appropriate port.
08 00h Logical unit communication failure The ADT interface aborted a command due to a communication
0B 01h Thermal limit exceeded There has been a failure due to the drive temperature being outside
the acceptable range.
0C 00h Write error The drive has failed to write data or filemarks to tape. This is probably
due to bad media, but may be hardware-related. Residue information
will normally be supplied.
0E 03h SK Illegal Request FC drives: Invalid Field In command information unit an FCP_CMD
request with (rd,wr=11b) or (rd,wr=00b and FCP_DL!=0).
11 00h Unrecovered read error A Read operation failed. This is probably due to bad media but may
be hardware related.
11 12h Media Auxiliary Memory read An error has occurred while attempting to write to MAM. The cartridge
error should not be used for further backups but should be able to be used
for restoring data.
14 00h Recorded entity not found A SPACE or LOCATE command failed because of the drive could not
find the target of the operation because of a format violation.
14 03h End of data not found A read-type operation failed because a format violation related to a
missing EOD data set, or there was an attempt to read a brand new
1A 00h Parameter list length error The amount of data (such as mode page, or log page) sent by the
initiator may not match the length specified in the CDB (or too much
or not enough data was sent).
20 00h Invalid command operation code The drive does not recognize the opcode of the command it has
24 00h Invalid field in Command The drive has detected an invalid field in a command descriptor block.
Descriptor Block
25 00h LUN not supported The command was addressed to a logical unit number that does not
26 00h Invalid field in parameter list The drive detected an invalid field in the command parameter data
sent by the initiator.
26 04h Invalid release of persistent The Persistent Reservation holder has tried to release the persistent
reservation reservation using the PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT command, but the
Scope or Type supplied was invalid.
26 10h Data decryption key fail limit A SECURITY PROTOCOL OUT command has failed because an
reached incorrect key was sent to the drive followed by a READ command,
and this cycle has been repeated ten consecutive times.
27 00h Write-protected This is set if a write operation (such as WRITE, WRITE FILEMARKS,
ERASE, or SET CAPACITY) is requested for a write-protected cartridge.
28 00h Not ready to ready transition, A tape has been loaded successfully into the drive and is now ready
medium may have changed to be accessed.
29 01h Power-on reset The drive has powered on since the host last accessed it.
192 Commands
Code Description Explanation
29 02h SCSI bus reset The drive will set the interface data transfer parameters to default.
Therefore renegotiation may be needed. Commands in progress may
be also aborted. The initiator may choose to reset the drive on a per
LUN basis.
29 03h Bus device reset The drive will set the interface data transfer parameters to default.
Therefore renegotiation may be needed. Commands in progress may
be also aborted. The initiator may choose to reset the drive on a per
LUN basis.
29 07h I_T nexus loss occurred The drive has lost the connection with the initiator (host server).
2A 01h Mode parameters changed The Mode parameters for the drive have been changed by a host
other than the one issuing the command. UNIT ATTENTION is set for
all hosts following a MODE SELECT command, apart from the host
that issued the command. This code will only be returned in a multi-host
2A 02h Log parameters changed The Log parameters for the drive have been changed by an initiator
other than the one issuing the command.
2A 03h Reservations pre-empted A PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT command with the Clear service action
removed all reservations and the persistent reservation.
2A 04h Reservations released After PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT command was executed, the original
persistent reservation has been replaced with another of a different
type or has been removed completely.
2A 05h Registrations pre-empted After a PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT command was executed all
registrations were removed.
2A 0Dh Data encryption capabilities There is a new external entity controlling when the encryption
changed parameter may be changed (for example, a tape library may have
given up the control of encryption parameters).
2A 11h Data encryption parameters The encryption parameters that this initiator was using have been
changed by another initiator modified or removed by another initiator.
2A 12h Data encryption parameters The encryption parameters that this initiator was using have been
changed by vendor specific event modified or deleted because of a vendor specific event (such as tape
unload or reservation released).
2A 13h Data Encryption Key Instance The drive received a WRITE command from an initiator that had locked
Counter has changed its encryption parameters to a specific Key Instance Counter, whose
value has now changed.
2C 0Bh Not reserved If the “Only If Reserved” bit is set in the Device Configuration mode
page, and the drive does not hold a reservation or persistent
reservation, some commands will not be allowed to execute. In other
words, some commands can only be executed if the drive is reserved.
2F 00h Commands cleared by another Another initiator has already started a firmware download sequence.
30 00h Incompatible medium installed A write-type operation could not be executed because it is not
supported on the type of tape that is loaded.
30 01h Cannot read media, unknown A LOCATE or SPACE command has found the tape is in a format not
format supported by the drive.
30 02h Cannot read media: incompatible A READ command could not be completed because the logical format
format is not correct.
30 03h Cleaning cartridge installed A medium-access command has been sent to the drive while a
cleaning cartridge was loaded.
30 04h Cannot write medium The tape’s Cartridge Memory is bad so that the tape is unusable.
30 05h Cannot write medium, For example, a WRITE command was received but the LTO tape
incompatible format generation currently loaded cannot be written to.
30 07h Cleaning failure A cleaning operation was attempted but could not be completed for
some reason.
30 0Ch WORM medium—overwrite A write operation could not be executed because an overwrite has
attempted been attempted on a WORM cartridge. This may be because an
overwrite backup was specified instead of an appended backup.
30 0Dh WORM medium—integrity check The drive has detected an inconsistency when performing an integrity
failed check on a WORM cartridge. The cartridge may have been tampered
31 00h Medium format corrupted Data could not be read because the format on tape is not valid,
although it is in a known format.
37 00h Rounded parameter The drive needs to round off the value of a parameter sent by MODE
SELECT because it cannot store it to the degree of accuracy sent by
the command.
3A 00h Medium not present A medium-access command has been received when no cartridge is
in the drive.
3A 04h Medium not present, Media A media access command has been received when the tape has been
Auxiliary Memory accessible loaded but not threaded. This will be reported if the hold bit of the
LOAD CDB was set or the Autoload field in the Control mode page
is non-zero.
3B 00h Sequential positioning error The drive has failed to read data off tape. There are two possibilities:
• The current command (such as READ, SPACE, REWIND, or WRITE)
failed to complete successfully.
• The logical position has been lost.
3B 0Ch Position past BOM A SET CAPACITY command was received when the logical position
was not BOT, a necessary condition for this command.
3E 00h Logical unit has not self-configured This is set during power-up when it is not possible to send medium-
yet access commands to the drive because mechanism tests are being
executed. When the tests are complete, the additional sense changes
to 3A 00h, 04 01h or 04 02h depending on whether a cartridge
was present at power-on.
3F 01h Firmware upgraded The firmware in the drive has just been changed by a WRITE BUFFER
or MAINTENANCE OUT command, or a Firmware Update cartridge.
3F 05h Device identifier changed A SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER command has been successful.
3F 0Fh Echo buffer overwritten A READ BUFFER command has been received with Echo Buffer mode
set, but the echo buffer has been overwritten by a different host.
194 Commands
Code Description Explanation
40 XXh Diagnostic failure on component A self-test command has detected an error, or a command is prohibited
XX from execution due to failure of a previous diagnostic. “XX” is a
vendor-specific code indicating the failing component.
44 00h Internal target failure This code is used to report hardware and firmware related hard errors
that occur when the drive encounters an “impossible” situation.
4B 00h Data phase error The ACI received more raw data than expected.
4B 02h Too much write data The ADT interface received more SCSI data than permitted within a
4B 05h Data offset error The ADT interface received data unexpectedly or with an offset outside
the current burst.
4D 00h Tagged overlapped command A host has selected and sent a new command to the drive even though
the drive is already processing a command with the same tag from
this host to the same LUN.
4E 00h Overlapped commands A host has selected and sent a new command to the drive even though
the drive is already processing a command from this host to the same
50 00h Write append error A write-type command failed because the point at which to append
data was unreadable. This was probably caused by a powerfail, or
Fibre Channel/SAS link reset, preventing the drive from completing
a write operation properly and appending an EOD.
52 00h Cartridge fault A command could not be completed because of a fault in the tape
53 00h Media load or eject failed An attempt to load or eject the tape failed because of a problem with
the tape.
53 01h Unload tape failure The tape unload failed because it cannot be physically completed at
this time.
53 02h Medium removal prevented An unload command has failed to eject the tape because medium
removal has been prevented.
53 03h Insufficient resources The drive is unable to hold any more information specific to the
command sent by the initiator. This may be because an internal
memory buffer has reached its full capacity.
53 04h Medium thread or unthread failure The threading or unthreading operation failed.
55 04h Insufficient registration resources FC drives: FC interface only: Up to 32 initiators may register using
the PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT command. A 33rd attempt to register
is rejected.
55 06h Media Auxiliary Memory full There is insufficient space in the Host Attribute area in MAM to fit the
attribute that need to be written.
5D 00h Failure prediction threshold Failure Prediction thresholds have been exceeded indicating that
exceeded TapeAlert flags have been activated.
5D FFh Failure prediction threshold The Informational Exceptions Mode page has been sent with the Test
exceeded (false) field set to 1 and the DExcpt field to 0, causing the drive to generate
a false informational exception condition (a false device failure).
74 00h Security error Generic security (encryption/decryption) error. For example, the
Decryption mode is set to RAW and the drive has been asked to read,
but this Decryption mode is not allowed on the current block (as was
specified when it was written to tape).
74 01h Unable to decrypt data The drive encountered encrypted data while reading, but decryption
mode is not enabled.
74 02h Unencrypted data encountered The decryption mode is enabled but the drive encountered
while decrypting non-encrypted data while reading.
74 03h Incorrect data encryption key The drive read into a block of data which could not be decrypted
with the current decryption key.
74 04h Cryptographic integrity validation The next block failed the integrity validation process while the drive
failed was attempting to read it.
74 05h Key-associated data descriptors The key-associated data descriptor values have changed compared
changed. with the values in the last recorded read.
74 08h Digital signature validation failure An attempt to download a new firmware image has failed because
the image contains an incorrect digital signature. Therefore the
firmware image could not be authenticated.
74 09h Encryption mode mismatch on The drive tried to read a block written in EXTERNAL encryption mode,
read but the drive is set only to read blocks written in ENCRYPT encryption
mode, or vice versa.
74 0Ah Encrypted block not RAW The decryption mode is set to RAW but the block on tape is marked
read-enabled as disabled for reads in RAW mode.
74 0Bh Incorrect encryption parameters Incorrect KAD descriptors were supplied (decryption mode set to RAW
74 21h Data encryption configuration Encryption settings are controlled by an external device, such as a
prevented tape library, so encryption parameters cannot be currently changed.
74 61h External data encryption Key The external Key Manager experienced an unrecoverable error and
Manager access error could not provide the encryption key requested by the drive.
74 62h External data encryption Key The external Key Manager experienced an error whilst trying to
Manager error retrieve an encryption key after a requested from the drive.
74 63h External data encryption The external Key Manager did not find the encryption key in the
management—key not found database after a request from the drive.
74 64h External data encryption The external Key Manager did not provide the requested encryption
management—request not key because authorization failed.
74 6Eh External data encryption control The external Key Manager did not provide the encryption key
time-out requested by the drive within the specified time limit.
74 6Fh External data encryption control The external Key Manager experienced an unspecified error and
unknown error could not provide the encryption key requested by the drive.
74 71h Logical Unit access not authorized The automation application did not provide a cryptographic key to
the device within the specified period or the key manager did not
provide a cryptographic key to the automation application, which
terminated the command.
82 82h Drive requires cleaning The drive has detected that the heads need to be cleaned to maintain
good operation.
82 83h Bad microcode detected The data transferred to the drive during a firmware upgrade is corrupt
or incompatible with the drive hardware.
Error codes
The error codes that can be reported in bytes 16 and 17 are listed in Chapter 10 of the Hardware
Integration Guide, Volume 1 of the HP LTO Ultrium Technical Reference Manual.
196 Commands
This command enables the host to reserve the drive. Reserving a device is a way of ensuring
exclusive access to that device from a single initiator for the period of the reservation.
Once reserved, the drive will execute commands received from the reserving initiator or from the
third-party initiator if the 3rd-Pty option has been selected. Commands from other initiators will
have RESERVATION CONFLICT status reported for them, apart from INQUIRY, LOG SENSE, READ
with opcode A3h are immune to the effects of a reservation and will continue to execute for all
hosts. The RELEASE UNIT command will have GOOD status reported for other hosts, but will have
no effect on the reservation.
The 10-byte RESERVE UNIT command is supported by all drives. Its functionality is the same as for
the 6-byte command, but it also supports third-party reservation.
The reservation will stay in effect until:
• The reserving host sends another RESERVE UNIT command.
• The reserving host sends a RELEASE UNIT command, clearing the reservation.
• A power-on, firmware upgrade or forced eject.
Pre-execution checks
If the drive is reserved by some other host then reservation conflict status is reported to the host.
Command descriptor block (6–byte version)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
5 Control
Third-Party Device ID This is always zero because third-party reservation is not supported.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
7 (MSB)
Parameter List Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
3rd Pty 0 Third-party reservation is not requested. (Third-party reservation is only possible in
LongID This is always zero because device IDs greater than 255 are not supported.
Third-Party Device ID Third-party reservation is only possible in pSCSI, so this field is set to 0.
REWIND causes the drive to write all buffered logical objects to tape and then positions the tape
at BOM (beginning of media). Once a rewind is started, it will complete even if the SCSI operation
is aborted (for example, if the host selects and sends an abort message).
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 Control
CDB fields
1 The drive first writes any unwritten buffered data to tape. It then returns GOOD status to the host
before beginning the actual rewind operation.
198 Commands
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Security Protocol
Security Protocol Specific
5 Reserved (0)
Allocation Length
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
Security Protocol The contents of this field depend on the protocol specified by the Security Protocol field. See
Specific below.
Allocation Length The number of bytes allocated for the returned parameter data
Code Description
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
Supported Security Protocol List Length (02h)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
Certificate length (00h)
Code Description
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Code (0000h)
Page Length (0Eh)
Tape Data Encryption In Support Page Code (0000h)
Tape Data Encryption Out Support Page Code (0001h)
Data Encryption Capabilities Page Code (0010h)
Supported Key Formats Page Code (0011h)
Data Encryption Management Capabilities Page Code (0012h)
200 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Data Encryption Status Page Code (0020h)
Next Block Encryption Status Page Code (0021h)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Code (0001h)
Page Length (02h)
Tape Data Encryption In Support Page Code (0010h)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Code (0010h)
Page Length (28h)
Reserved (0)
21 Reserved (0)
Descriptor Length (0014h)
Maximum Unauthenticated Key-Associated Data Bytes (20h)
Maximum Authenticated Key-Associated Data Bytes
Key Size (0020h)
Reserved (0)
Encryption Algorithm Identifier (AES-CGM) (00010014h)
AVFMV Algorithm Valid For Mounted Volume. Set to 1 if there is a tape threaded and it is encryption-capable
using the supplied algorithm index.
Decrypt_C 10b The device can decrypt data using this algorithm in hardware.
11b The device can decrypt data using this algorithm but control of the data encryption parameters
is prevented.
Encrypt_C 10b The device can encrypt data using this algorithm in hardware.
11b The device can encrypt data using this algorithm but control of the data encryption parameters
is prevented.
01b The specified encryption algorithm is not valid for writing at the current logical position.
10b The specified encryption algorithm is valid for writing at the current logical position.
RDMC_C The RAW Decryption Mode Control Capabilities field is set to 04h to indicate that:
• Performing read operations in RAW decryption mode is not allowed by default.
• The application may control future RAW reads via the RDMC field in the “Set Data Encryption page”
(page 206).
EAREM The Encryption Algorithm Records Encryption Mode bit is set to one if the encryption mode is recorded
with each encrypted block.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Code (0011h)
Page Length (01h)
See the “Set Data Encryption page” (page 206) of the SECURITY PROTOCOL OUT command for
a description of Key Format of 00h.
202 Commands
Data Encryption Management Capabilities page
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Code (0012h)
Page Length (0Ch)
6 Reserved (0)
Reserved (0)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Code (0020h)
Page Length (n−3)
5 Encryption Mode
6 Decryption Mode
Key Instance Counter
Reserved (0)
Key-Associated Data Descriptors List
Key Instance This field is relative to the key indicated by the Key Scope field value. One key instance counter is kept
Counter for each key the device server is managing. It is cleared to zero only after a power-on condition. Any
event that sets, clears or changes one of the parameters in a set of security parameters will increment
this value. The counter can roll over.
Parameters 001b Data encryption parameters are not exclusively controlled by external data encryption
Control control.
010b Data encryption parameters are exclusively controlled by the SSC device server.
011b Data encryption parameters are exclusively controlled by the ADC device server.
VCELB The Volume Contains Encrypted Mogical Blocks field is set to one when a tape is loaded and contains
at least one encrypted logical block. Otherwise set to zero.
CEEMS The Check External Encryption Mode Status field contains the value from the check external encryption
mode parameter value saved for the I_T nexus on which the command was received.
RDMD The RAW Decryption Mode Disabled bit is set to one if the drive is configured to mark each encrypted
block as disabled for RAW read operations based on the RAW decryption mode disable parameter
value saved for the I_T nexus on which the command was received.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Code (0021h)
Page Length (n−3)
Block Number
15 Reserved (0)
Key-Associated Data Descriptors List
Encryption Status Only 01h, 03h, 05h and 06h are supported.
01h Capable of determining if the block is encrypted, but not at this time (because of EOD,
read error, or similar).
05h The block is encrypted by a supported encryption algorithm. KAD descriptors are
06h The block is encrypted by a supported encryption algorithm, but the drive cannot decrypt
the block, or does not have the correct key or nonce value.
EMES The Encryption Mode External Status bit is set to one if the Encryption Status field is set to either
5h or 6h, and the next block is marked as having been written to the medium while the encryption
mode was set to EXTERNAL. It is set to zero otherwise.
RDMDS The RAW Decryption Mode Disabled Status bit is set to one if the Encryption Status field is set
to either 5h or 6h, and the next block is marked as disabled for RAW decryption mode operations.
It is set to zero otherwise.
204 Commands
The SECURITY PROTOCOL OUT command is used to configure the data security parameters for
the I_T nexus in the device server and on the tape.
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Security Protocol
Security Protocol Specific
5 Reserved (0)
Allocation Length
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
Security Protocol The contents of this field depend on the protocol specified by the Security Protocol field. See
Specific below.
Allocation Length The number of bytes allocated for the returned parameter data
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Page Code (0010h)
Page Length (n−3)
6 Encryption Mode
7 Decryption Mode
Reserved (0)
Key Length (20h)
Key-Associated Data Descriptors List
Scope 0h Public All fields in the Set Data Encryption page other than Scope and Lock
fields are ignored. The I_T nexus will use shared data encryption
parameters. If no I_T nexuses are sharing data encryption parameters,
the drive will use the default parameters.
1h Local Data Encryption parameters are not shared, but are unique to this I_T
2h All I_T Data encryption parameters will be shared with all I_T nexuses whose
Nexus scope is Public.
Lock 1 The I_T nexus will be associated (and locked) to the set of data encryption parameters
established after processing the SECURITY PROTOCOL OUT command, and the current
Key Instance Counter. The bit can only be cleared through a hard reset or another
SECURITY PROTOCOL OUT from the same I_T nexus.
CEEM Check External Encryption Mode. If this field is set to either 10b or 11b, and the decryption
mode is set to DISABLE, SECURITY PROTOCOL OUT is terminated with CHECK CONDITION,
with addition sense of set to 2600h (invalid field in parameter list).
206 Commands
01b Do not check the encryption mode used to write the block.
10b On read and verify commands, check the encryption mode used to write the block.
Decryption Mode is set to DECRYPT or MIXED. Report an error if the block was written
in EXTERNAL mode. The sense key is set to DATA PROTECT with additional sense of
7409h (encryption mode mismatch on read).
11b On read and verify commands, check the encryption mode used to write the block.
Decryption Mode is set to DECRYPT or MIXED. Report an error if the block was written
in ENCRYPT mode. The sense key is set to DATA PROTECT with additional sense of
7409h (encryption mode mismatch on read).
RDMC RAW Decryption Mode Control. This field specifies if the drive shall mark each encrypted block
it writes to tape as disabled for read operations with the decryption mode set to RAW. The field
is ignored if the Encryption Mode field is not set to ENCRYPT.
00b The drive marks each encrypted block according to the RDMC_C flag setting on the
Data Encryption Capabilities page (see page “Data Encryption Capabilities page”
(page 201)).
01b Reserved.
10b The drive marks each encrypted block it writes as enabled for RAW decryption mode
11b The drive marks each encrypted block it writes as disabled for RAW decryption mode
If the decryption mode is set to RAW and an attempt is made to read or verify an encrypted
block that was disabled for RAW decryption mode operations, the drive terminates the command
with CHECK CONDITION. The sense key is set to DATA PROTECT with additional sense of
7409h (encrypted block not RAW read-enabled).
1 Data Encryption parameters are switched to the default values upon tape unload.
1 Data Encryption parameters are switched to the default values upon pre-emption of
the current persistent reservation.
If the CKOD bit is set and there is no tape loaded, the command will be terminated
with CHECK CONDITION, a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense of
2400h (invalid field in CDB).
If the CKORP bit is set and there is no persistent reservation in place for the I_T nexus,
the command will be terminated with CHECK CONDITION, a sense key of ILLEGAL
REQUEST and additional sense of 2400h (invalid field in CDB).
1 Data Encryption parameters are switched to the default values upon reservation loss.
1h External Data sent via WRITE commands has been already encrypted by a
supported encryption algorithm.
2h Encrypt Data from WRITE commands will be encrypted with the specified key.
Decryption Mode 0h Disable The data on the tape is not encrypted, so no decryption will be
3h Mixed There is both encrypted and non-encrypted data on tape. The device
will decrypt or not accordingly.
Authenticated 0h Reserved. This is always the case if KAD descriptors are included.
In the Set Data Encryption page and in the Data Encryption Status page (SECURITY PROTOCOL
IN), if KAD descriptors are included the Authenticated field is always reserved.
In the Next Block Encryption Status page (SECURITY PROTOCOL IN), if KAD descriptors are
included the Authenticated field will have the following values:
01h if U-KAD
02h if A-KAD
03h if S-KAD
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Key Descriptor Length (n−3)
Key Descriptor
208 Commands
• If the Encryption Mode is set to Encrypt and the Key Length is zero, the command will terminate
with CHECK CONDITION, a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense of 2600h
(invalid field in parameter list).
• If the Decryption Mode is set to Decrypt or Mixed and the Key Length is zero, the command
will terminate with CHECK CONDITION, a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional
sense of 2600h (invalid field in parameter list).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Logical Block Address
5 (LSB)
9 Control
CDB fields
• If Self-Test = 0, the UntOffl bit must be set, otherwise CHECK CONDITION is reported. Sense
data will be as described in Illegal Field Checks.
• If Self-Test = 1, the Parameter List Length field must be zero. Otherwise CHECK CONDITION
is reported. Sense data will be as described in Illegal Field Checks.
• It is not an error to set Self-Test = 0 and to have a zero-length parameter list.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
3 (MSB)
Parameter List Length
4 (LSB)
5 Control
CDB fields
PF Page Format. Specifies that the accompanying data follows the SCSI-3 Diagnostic Page format. It
must be set to 1.
Self-Test 0 Perform the diagnostics specified in the parameter list. The UnitOffL bit must be set, otherwise
CHECK CONDITION is reported. The drive reports status when the command has been
1 Perform the standard self-test depending on the value of UnitOffL (see above). The Parameter
List Length must be 0 otherwise CHECK CONDITION is reported. The drive will report GOOD
status following the pre-execution checks and before executing the command.
0 Indicates that the host is not prepared for the drive to perform tests that could affect logical
1 Indicates that the host is prepared for the drive to perform tests that could affect logical position,
modify the tape or modify cartridge status. This bit must be set if the Self-Test bit is 0.
Parameter List Indicates how many bytes of diagnostic parameter data are to be sent to the drive. The length
Length of the data phase for SEND DIAGNOSTIC is limited to 4 bytes of header plus 34 parameters,
each of which is 4 bytes long. This gives an upper limit for the parameter list length of 136
210 Commands
Standard self-test
With a tape inserted: If Self-Test = 1 and UntOffl = 0, a test is performed that does not affect the contents
of the tape. This test is a more extensive set of the tests carried out at power-on.
If UntOffl = 1, the tape contents can be overwritten and will be undefined after
the test. A user can re-use the tape after the test.
With no tape in the drive: The same self-test will be executed regardless of the setting of UntOffl.
The results of any self-test (power on or not) can be determined by reading the
Self-Test diagnostic page before executing a diagnostic (which will overwrite the
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Reserved (0)
3 (MSB)
Capacity Proportion Value
4 (LSB)
5 Control
CDB fields
Immed 0 Status will not be returned until the SET CAPACITY operation has completed.
Capacity The portion of the total volume capacity to be made available for use. The value given here is the
Proportion numerator of a fraction with a denominator of 65,535. The resulting available capacity will be (total
Value volume capacity x capacity proportion value)/65535.
Cartridge Min. capacity proportion value Resultant approx. min. capacity Max. capacity
NOTE: Capacities are approximate and can be affected by defects that reduce the actual capacity
of the tape. Other factors, such as compression and block packing, may also affect capacity.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 (MSB)
Parameter List Length
9 (LSB)
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
Parameter List Length The length in bytes of the Device Identifier to be set. If the value exceeds 64, CHECK
CONDITION is returned with additional sense of 2400h (invalid field in CDB).
212 Commands
The format of the Device Identifier supplied in the Parameter List is as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
n (LSB)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Parameter List Length
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
Parameter List Length The length in bytes of the SET IP CONFIGURATION parameters that will be transferred from
the application client to the device server. A value of zero means no data will be transferred,
and the IP configuration will remain unchanged.
Parameter data
The format of the parameter data is the same as for “REPORT IP CONFIGURATION A3h (1Fh)”
(page 163). The parameter data should contain one or more descriptors indicated by an ‘X’ in the
Configuration Descriptor Type table, which need to be changed. The new values will take effect
after the next hard reset.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 (MSB)
Parameter List Length
7 (LSB)
11 Control
Parameter List Length The length in bytes of the parameter list to be transferred.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
: :
The Command Descriptor list identifies the SCSI commands and the order in which they are executed
when generating Snapshot logs.
Command descriptor
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Dataset Identifier
33 (LSB)
34 (MSB)
49 (LSB)
50 (MSB)
n (LSB)
214 Commands
DIV Dataset Identifier Valid
0 The Dataset Identifier field is ignored and any SCSI data or status produced
from the execution of the SCSI command defined in the CDB field is not recorded
in any Snapshot log produced from the Snapshot command set specified by
this command.
1 The Dataset Identifier field identifies any SCSI data and status in the Snapshot
log produced when the command specified in the CDB field is executed.
SCSI Data Length The number of bytes in the SCSI Data field.
Dataset Identifier The dataset identifier used to identify the snapshot data produced when this command
is executed.
CDB The SCSI command control block of the command to execute when the Snapshot log is
generated. The contents of the CDB field are not validated until the command is executed
when generating the Snapshot logs.
SCSI Data The SCSI data out bytes for the SCSI command specified in the CDB field. The length of
this field is given by the value of the SCSI Data Length field. The number of SCSI Data
bytes and the contents are not validated with the CDB field contents until the command
defined in the CDB field is executed.
The tape drive is in the process of CHECK CONDITION NO SENSE 0016h (operation in progress)
creating a Snapshot log the device
The tape drive is in the process of CHECK CONDITION NO SENSE 0016h (operation in progress)
reading the Snapshot command set.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 (MSB)
Parameter List Length (0008h)
7 (LSB)
11 Control
Parameter List Length The length in bytes of the parameter list to be transferred.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
3 (MSB)
Max Log Length
5 (LSB)
00b The current maximum log length is preserved. The Maximum Log Length field is ignored.
01b Reserved
10b The maximum log length is set to that in the Maximum Log Length field. All Snapshot logs are
11b The maximum log length is set to the default. All Snapshot logs are cleared. The Maximum
Log Length field is ignored.
1 The drive initiates the creation of a new Snapshot log when the drive unloads media, except:
• if the drive is already in the process of creating a Snapshot log, or
• if the snapshot commands are in the process of being set.
1 The drive initiates the creation of a new Snapshot log after reporting CHECK CONDITION
to a command that failed during execution for a media error or hardware error, except:
• if the drive is already in the process of creating a Snapshot log, or
• if the snapshot commands are in the process of being set.
Maximum Log If MMLL = 10b, the value that the maximum log length is set to. All Snapshot logs are cleared. For
Length other values of MMLL, the field is ignored.
216 Commands
The SET Enhanced SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION command is used to:
• configure the events that trigger the creation of Snapshot logs
• save traces to flash
• set the maximum size of Snapshot logs created
• clear all Snapshot logs stored in the drive
This command is supported in LTO-5 products onwards. It specifies trigger conditions for creating
Snapshot logs and Save Trace To Flash (STTF) logs, which are Snapshot logs stored in non-volatile
flash memory. However, the tape drive will not create a Snapshot log when a trigger condition
occurs in any of the following circumstances:
• The tape drive is already in the process of creating a Snapshot log.
• If the snapshot commands are in the process of being set.
• A Snapshot log has been created within the last fifteen minutes.
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Parameter List Length (000Ch)
11 Control
CDB fields
Parameter List Length The length in bytes of the parameter list to be transferred.
Parameter data
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Maximum Log Length
6 Reserved (0)
7 Sense Key
Drive Error Code
MMLL Modify Maximum Log Length. Together with the Max Log Length field, this modifies the maximum
log length as follows:
00b Do not modify the current maximum log length. The Maximum Log Length field
value is ignored.
01b Reserved
10b Set the maximum log length to the value specified in the Maximum Log Length
field. All Snapshot logs are cleared.
11b Set the maximum log length to the default length. All Snapshot logs are cleared.
The Maximum Log Length field value is ignored.
0 The specified snapshot configuration is volatile and will return to the previous
non-volatile snapshot configuration on a drive reset event.
1 The tape drive will save the SOCC, SOU, SODEC, SOSD, STTF, Sense Key,
Additional Sense Code, Additional Sense Code Qualifier and Drive Error Code
field values in non-volatile memory. Setting the STP bit to one overwrites the
Manufacturing Default Configuration values.
0 The tape drive will not save Snapshot logs to non-volatile memory, even if the
STTF bit is set to one in the FORCE SNAPSHOT command.
1 The tape drive will save Snapshot logs to non-volatile flash memory after they
have been created in volatile memory following a Snapshot On trigger condition
(SOCC, SOU, SODEC and SOSD), except in the following circumstances:
• A Snapshot log in flash (STTF log) is being written to or read from.
• The last Snapshot log saved to flash was created for the same error condition
or a related error condition.
0 The drive ignores the contents of the Sense Key, Additional Sense Code, and
Additional Sense Code Qualifier fields.
1 The drive initiates creation of a new Snapshot log when a device server returns
CHECK CONDITION status to a command, or an unload operation fails with
the sense data specified in the Sense Key, Additional Sense Code, and Additional
Sense Code Qualifier fields.
If the Sense Key, Additional Sense Code, and Additional Sense Code Qualifier
fields are set to 00h, the device server will terminate the command with
CHECK-CONDITION, a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and additional sense
2400h (invalid field in CDB).
0 The drive ignores the contents of the Drive Error Code field.
218 Commands
1 The drive initiates creation of a new Snapshot log when a device server returns
CHECK CONDITION status to a command, or an unload operation fails with
the sense data specified in the Drive Error Code field.
If the Drive Error Code field is set to 00h, the device server will terminate the
command with CHECK-CONDITION, a sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST and
additional sense 2400h (invalid field in CDB).
SOU If the Snapshot on Unload bit is set to one the tape drive will initiate the creation of a new
Snapshot log when the tape drive unloads media except in the following circumstances:
• The tape drive is already in the process of creating a Snapshot log.
• The snapshot commands are in the process of being set.
SOCC If the Snapshot on CHECK CONDITION bit is set to one the tape drive will initiate the creation
of a new Snapshot log when the tape drive reported CHECK CONDITION status to a command
that failed during execution for a media error or hardware error, except in the following
• The tape drive is already in the process of creating a Snapshot log.
• The snapshot commands are in the process of being set.
Max Log Length If MMLL = 10b, this specifies the maximum log length for the Snapshot log. Otherwise it is
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Parameter List Length
10 Reserved (0)
11 Control
CDB fields
Parameter List Length The length in bytes of the parameters to be transferred from the application client to the device
server. A length of zero indicates no data will be transferred, and the timestamp will remain
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Timestamp (6 bytes)
Timestamp The initial value of the timestamp, which is the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since
midnight, 1 January 1970 UT. If the high order byte in the field is greater than F0h, the
command will terminate with CHECK CONDITION, sense key of ILLEGAL REQUEST, and
additional sense of 2600h (invalid field in parameter list).
SPACE 11h/91h
SPACE provides a variety of positioning functions that are determined by Code and Count fields
in the Command Descriptor Block. Both forward (towards EOM) and reverse (towards BOM)
positioning are provided.
Any unwritten data in the buffer is flushed to tape before the space is started. The logical media
position is then modified according to the Code and Count fields. Once the space has started, it
will complete even if the SCSI operation is aborted for some reason (for example, the host selects
and sends an abort message).
Pre-execution checks
The Code field must be 0, 1 or 3. If it is not then CHECK CONDITION status is reported. Sense
data will be as described in the Illegal Field Checks.
Command descriptor block (6–byte version)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Count (n)
4 (LSB)
5 Control
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4 (MSB)
Count (n)
11 (LSB)
220 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
12 (MSB)
Parameter Length
13 (LSB)
14 Reserved (0)
15 Control
CDB fields
Count • When spacing over blocks or filemarks this field indicates how many blocks or marks
should be crossed. Spacing is forward (towards EOM) unless Count is negative (twos
complement) when the spacing is towards BOM.
• When spacing to EOD the Count field is ignored.
• When not spacing to EOD, if Count is zero, the SPACE command is treated as a null
operation. The logical position remains unchanged, and unwritten data is not flushed to
Filemarks If the drive meets a filemark while spacing to a block CHECK CONDITION
is reported. The Mark bit in the sense data is set, and the sense key is NO
SENSE. Additional sense is 0001h (filemark encountered). The final position
will be before or after the filemark depending on whether the space was
reverse or forward.
EOD If the drive meets EOD while spacing to a block or mark, CHECK
CONDITION is reported. The EOM bit in the sense data is set. The sense
key is BLANK CHECK and additional sense is 0005h (EOD encountered).
BOM If the drive meets BOM while spacing, CHECK CONDITION is reported.
The EOM bit and Valid bit in the sense data are set to 1 and the information
bytes set to the total number of blocks or filemarks that remain to be spaced
over (in other words, the requested number minus the number that have been
spaced over). The sense key is NO SENSE and additional sense is 0004h
(BOT detected).
Highest priority EOM If the drive meets EOM while spacing, CHECK CONDITION is reported. The
EOM bit in the sense data is set. The sense key is MEDIUM ERROR and
additional sense is 0002h (EOP/M detected).
• If “blank media” is encountered during a space (in other words, the drive attempted to space
on an unformatted tape), the drive behaves as if EOD was at BOM. It will then respond with
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 Control
CDB fields
222 Commands
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved (0)
5 Control
VERIFY verifies one or more blocks beginning with the next block on the tape. The verification is
media verification only. It reads data from the tape as it would for a read but then immediately
discards it. No data is transferred between the host and drive.
The command is identical to the READ command in most respects. The pre-execution checks are
identical. Sense data reporting on errors/exceptions is identical. The only differences are:
• No data phases occur during verification.
• The Verify command has no SILI bit. When an illegal length record is encountered, Verify
behaves like READ with the SILI bit clear.
NOTE: Verify will not complete until all data has been read. It does not support the ANSI
“byte compare” or “Immed” options (see the ANSI SCSI specification).
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Verification Length
4 (LSB)
5 Control
Immed 0 The Immediate Reporting option is not supported, so this bit must be 0.
BCmp 0 The Byte compare option is not supported, so this bit must be 0.
Fixed 0 The Verification Length field specifies the length of the data to be verified in bytes.
1 The Verification field specifies the length of the data to be verified in blocks. The size of each
block (in bytes) is specified by the current block length specified in the Mode Parameter block
Verification 0 No data is verified. This is not considered an error and the current logical position will be
Length unchanged.
>0 The amount of data to be verified, in bytes or blocks as specified by the Fixed field.
Zero or more blocks of data are transferred from the host to tape starting at the current logical
It is recommended that the Buffered Mode field of the MODE SELECT Parameter is set to either 1
or 2 so that Immediate reporting is enabled; upon a write command the drive will report GOOD
status once the data is successfully transferred to the data buffer (but not necessarily to tape).
Data held in the buffer is flushed to tape in the following circumstances:
• A SCSI command is received that forces a flush:
• Buffered mode is not enabled. If buffered mode has not been set to 1 or 2, the buffer is flushed
before the command completes.
• The write delay time is exceeded. This is defined by the Write Delay field of the Device
Configuration Mode Select page. If the drive is idle for longer than this (no operations that
access the tape have been performed), any data in the buffer is flushed to tape.
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Transfer Length
4 (LSB)
5 Control
224 Commands
CDB fields
Fixed 0 The Transfer Length field specifies the length of the transfer in bytes.
1 The Transfer Length field specifies the length of the transfer in blocks. The size of each block
(in bytes) is determined by the current Block Length given in the Mode Select Parameter block
Transfer Length 0 No data is transferred. The current logical position will be unchanged.
>0 The amount of data to be transferred, in bytes or blocks as determined by the Fixed field.
Residue information
Residue information depends on two variables:
• Fixed or Variable block mode
• Immediate or Non-Immediate Report (Buffered mode)
Variable not 0 Total number of unwritten bytes and marks (including those buffered
before the command was received). The size can be greater than the
command operation size.
Fixed not 0 Total number of unwritten blocks and marks (including those buffered
before the command was received). The size can be greater than the
command operation size.
Residue information is set in the sense data byte, with the Valid bit set and the information bytes
set to the residue.
For this command to be executed, there must be a tape in the drive, even if it is only partially
Command descriptor block
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
6 Reserved (0)
7 Partition Number
10 (MSB)
Parameter List Length
13 (LSB)
14 Reserved (0)
15 Control
CDB fields
Volume Number The number of the volume within the MAM. The number of volumes of the MAM must be equal
to that of the tape. In the case of LTO Ultrium, the only has a single volume, so this field is be
set to 0.
Partition Number The number of the partition within the MAM. The number of partitions of the MAM must be
equal to that of the tape.
Parameter List Length The length in bytes of the parameter list contained in the Data-Out buffer.
n The length in bytes of the parameter list contained in the Data-Out buffer.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Parameter Data Length (n−3)
3 (LSB)
Attribute 1
226 Commands
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
: :
Attribute x
Parameter Data Length This is not mandatory and will be ignored by the device server because it duplicates the
Parameter List Length.
If the parameter data contains an attribute with an Attribute Length of zero, one of the following
actions will occur:
• If the attribute is read-only or unsupported, no attributes are changes. The command fails,
returning CHECK CONDITION with ILLEGAL REQUEST sense and additional sense of 2600h
(invalid field in parameter list).
• If the attribute can be written to, it is deleted and will not be returned after a subsequent READ
ATTRIBUTE command.
• If the attribute does not exist, the command cannot affect it. This is not considered an error.
There is no cartridge present in the drive, not even partially NOT READY 3A00h (medium not present)
The Parameter List Length results in the truncation of an ILLEGAL 1A00h (parameter list length error)
attribute. REQUEST
The combination of Volume Number and Partition Number ILLEGAL 2400h (invalid field in CDB)
is not valid. REQUEST
The parameter data attempts to change a read-only attribute, ILLEGAL 2600h (invalid field in parameter
that is, one that has the Read-Only bit (see “MAM attribute REQUEST list)
data” (page 132)) set to one when read with the READ
ATTRIBUTE command. None of the attributes are changed.
The parameter data contains an attribute with an incorrect ILLEGAL 2600h (invalid field in parameter
Attribute Length field value. None of the attributes are REQUEST list)
The parameter data contains an attribute with an unsupported ILLEGAL 2600h (invalid field in parameter
Attribute Value field value. None of the attributes are REQUEST list)
The attributes are not in ascending order in the Parameter ILLEGAL 2600h (invalid field in parameter
List. None of the attributes are changed. REQUEST list)
There is not enough space to write all the attributes to the ILLEGAL 5506h (MAM full)
MAM. None of the attributes are changed. REQUEST
CAUTION: Do not attempt to use the buffer modifying functions of this command unless you really
know what you are doing. The buffer modifying functions are intended as a diagnostic aid to be
used in conjunction with the Read Buffer command. It is not possible to modify data in the buffer
so that it subsequently written to media because all host data is flushed before executing the
The firmware download functions are intended for use by manufacturing and by customers using
upgrade utilities supplied by HP.
Pre-execution checks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 Buffer ID
3 (MSB)
Buffer Offset
5 (LSB)
6 (MSB)
Parameter List Length
8 (LSB)
9 Control
CDB fields
00h The drive transfers a 4-byte header from the host (which should be set to zeros), followed
by (allocation length − 4) bytes of data. The data is written into the buffer identified by
the Buffer ID, starting from offset zero in the buffer.The Buffer ID and Buffer Offset must
both be zero. Allocation Length must not exceed (buffer size + 4).
02h The drive transfers allocation length bytes of data from the host, bytes of data which is
placed in the buffer indicated by Buffer ID, starting from Buffer Offset from the start of
the buffer. No header is sent.The Buffer Offset and Allocation Length must be kept within
the buffer size, and the Buffer ID must to set to one of the valid values.
04h This mode is used to transfer new firmware to the drive. The drive receives Allocation
Length bytes of data from the host. The data is stored in the drive’s buffer. The location
in the buffer at which the data is written is determined by the firmware.
The firmware image is divided into a number of blocks of data which are sent to the
drive using multiple Write Buffer commands.
All the firmware image data should be transferred using this mode. The Buffer ID and
Buffer Offset are ignored.
228 Commands
05h This mode is used to indicate that the complete firmware image has been sent to the
drive. This is the signal for entering the FLASH reprogramming stage of the firmware
upgrade process.
Once this command has been received, and the associated data stored in the buffer,
the resident firmware checks the validity of the image that has been received. If this
seems to be correct, the Firmware Upgrade operation will commence. If any faults are
detected in the format of the image, the drive will report CHECK CONDITION to the
host. The sense key is ABORTED COMMAND, and the additional sense is set to 2600h
(invalid field in parameter list).
CAUTION: Once this command has been sent and completed, the drive’s power
supply must not be interrupted until the drive has completed the firmware upgrade.
The Buffer ID and Buffer Offset are ignored.
0Ah/1Ah This mode is used to write to the Echo Buffer.The Buffer ID and Offset are ignored.
02h FC burst buffer (RAM) Offset Boundary: 512 bytes, or SCSI burst buffer (RAM) Offset
Boundary: 4 bytes
20h—27h Main buffer segments 0–7 (RAM) — see below for description
Buffer Offset Where in the buffer the data should be written. This must be smaller than the size of the buffer and
must obey the specified offset boundary. When downloading new firmware, this field is ignored.
Parameter List The amount of data. This must be smaller than the difference between the Buffer Offset field and the
Length size of the buffer.
Memory sizes
Main buffer memory
The Main Buffer memory is 128 MB.
Areas of the Main Buffer memory are used by the firmware. These should not be written to and
should not be expected to retain values that are written to them. Any Write and Read Buffer tests
can be performed while the drive is idle. If the drive is reading or writing, the data being written
or read can be corrupted.
Since the drive has more than 16 MB of Main Buffer memory, additional buffer IDs have been
defined to allow the whole buffer to be accessed in 16 MB segments. These are defined as follows:
Buffer ID Address
The write range is limited to 500h bytes, starting at 100h (TapeTools area).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
2 (MSB)
Number of Filemarks
4 (LSB)
5 Control
CDB fields
1 The drive returns GOOD status following the pre-execution checks (that is, before the command
starts executing).
230 Commands
6 Support and other resources
Related documents
The following documents provide additional information:
Documentation map
The following will help you locate information in the Technical Reference Manual. A reference like
“1 HW Integration: ch. 7” means Volume 1, Hardware Integration Guide, of the HP LTO Ultrium
Technical Reference Manual, chapter 7.
Specifications 4 Specifications
2 SW Integration: ch. 4
2 SW Integration: ch. 7
2 SW Integration: ch. 5
2 SW Integration: ch. 1
CH-1211 Geneva 20
ECMA 114 Rue du Rhône
Tel: +41 22 849 6000
CH-1204 Geneva
Web URL:
Global Engineering 2805 McGaw
Tel: 800 854 7179 or 714 261 1455
Documents Irvine, CA 92714
reserved Not generally available for use with the drive. A reserved field should contain all zero bits.
sense data Data returned after the execution of a SCSI command, telling the host whether the transaction
was successful, and if not, what went wrong.
sequential access Sequential access devices store data sequentially in the order in which it is received. Tape devices
are the most common sequential access devices. Devices such as disk drives are direct access
devices, where data is stored in blocks, not necessarily sequentially. Direct access allows for
speed of retrieval, but is significantly more costly.
spacing Spacing is moving along the tape over a specified number of blocks or filemarks, or to EOD, in
order to find data quickly.
sub-data set One sixteenth of a data set.
TapeAlert A set of 64 flags is held in the TapeAlert log that indicate faults or predicted faults with the drive
or the media. By reading this log, host software can inform the user of existing or impending
conditions, and can, for example, advise the user to change the tape.
vendor-unique The addition of commands to SCSI that are not included in the standard.
236 Glossary
READ 6 command, 127
A READ CAPACITY command, 142
abort handling, 13 READ TOC command, 155
Aborted Command, 190 SEEK command, 209
additional sense codes, 184, 186, 191 START/STOP command, 222
addressing, fibre channel, 15 CDB, 27
algorithms, 235 CHECK CONDITION, 18, 19
compression, 95 checksum, 235
decompression, 95 cleaning, 185, 194
ANSI, 231, 233, 235 cleaning cartridge, 194
append error, 195 Cleaning Needed sense data descriptor, 187
ASC/Q, 191 clearing logs, 55
attribute data, 132 CLN bit, 185
attributes command descriptor block, 27
ID values, 133 commands, 29
standard device types, 134 ENABLE TRANSPORT LAYER RETRIES, 29
standard host type, 136 enhanced, 235
standard medium type, 135 Enhanced FIRMWARE UPGRADE DOWNLOAD
writing, 226 FIRMWARE SEGMENT, 29
Bad LUN check, 24 31
bit pointer, 184 ERASE, 32
blank media, met during read, 127 FORCED EJECT, 33
blocks, spacing over, 221 FORMAT MEDIUM, 35
BOM, 184, 235 INQUIRY, 36
detected, 191 LOAD/UNLOAD, 51
met during space, 221 LOCATE, 53
BOP, met during space, 221 LOG SELECT, 55
BPV bit, 184 LOG SENSE, 56
brackets, round, square, 88 MANAGEMENT ARM SELF-TEST, 85
buffer MODE SELECT, 86
echo, 139, 229 MOVE MEDIUM, 124
reading, 139 overlapping, 195
writing, 226, 228 PERSISTENT RESERVE IN, 116
buffered data, flushed to tape, 224 PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT, 120
burst size, 92 READ, 125
bus device deferred errors, 189 READ 10, 17, 128
bus device reset, 13, 188 READ 6, 17, 127
bus inactivity limit, 92 READ ATTRIBUTE, 129
BUSY status, 18, 19 READ BLOCK LIMITS, 138
capacity data, 143 READ FIRMWARE TRACE LOG, 143
cartridge memory READ LOGGED-IN HOST TABLE, 145
accessible in hold position, 52, 94 READ MEDIA SERIAL NUMBER, 147
failed, 52, 225 READ SNAPSHOT LOG, 150
size, 141 READ STTF LOG, 154
cartridges READ TOC, 17, 155
removal prevented, 195 RELEASE UNIT, 157
CD-ROM Emulation/Disaster Recovery Mode page, 114 REPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER, 162
READ 10 command, 128 173
REPORT IP CONFIGURATION, 163 algorithm, 95
REPORT LUNS, 167 Deferred Error check, 25
REPORT SNAPSHOT COMMANDS, 171 deferred errors, 184, 185
REPORT SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION, 172 descriptor format sense data, 185
REPORT SNAPSHOTS AVAILABLE, 173 Device Configuration page, 95
REPORT SUPPORTED OPCODES, 175 Device Statistics log page, 68
FUNCTIONS, 178 Device Time mode page, 112
REPORT TARGET GROUPS, 179 Device Wellness log, 80
REPORT TIMESTAMP, 181 Diagnostic Status check, 25
REQUEST SENSE, 182 diagnostics, 156
RESERVE UNIT, 197 failure, 195
REWIND, 198 sending, 209
SECURITY PROTOCOL IN, 198 Disconnect-Reconnect Mode page, 92
SECURITY PROTOCOL OUT, 205 documents, related, 231
SEEK, 17, 209 Drive Error Code sense data descriptor, 187
SEND DIAGNOSTIC, 209 drive error codes, 185, 196
SET CAPACITY, 211 Drive Health log, 71
SET Enhanced SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION, 217 DT device ADC data encryption control status, 63
SET IP CONFIGURATION, 213 DT Device Error log, 81
SET SNAPSHOT COMMANDS, 213 DTD primary status log parameters, 65
SPACE, 220 E
START/STOP, 17, 222 echo buffer, 139, 229
supported, 12 ECMA, 233, 235
VERIFY, 223 ejection failure, 195
WRITE ATTRIBUTE, 226 enhanced commands, 235
compatibility, 194 Enhanced FIRMWARE UPGRADE REBOOT command, 30
algorithm, 95 command, 31
ratio, 235 Enhanced PHY Control mode sub-page, 107
control field, 28 EOD, 235
Control Mode page, 93 detected, 191
current sense, 187 met during locate, 55
clearing, 188 met during read, 127
met during space, 221
D not found, 192
Data Compression spacing to, 221
Capable bit, 95 EOM, 184, 235
Characteristics Mode page, 95 detected, 191
Enable bit, 95 met during locate, 55
log, 79 met during read, 127
SDCA, 96 met during space, 221
data compression, 235 EOP, met during space, 221
algorithm, 95 ERASE command, 32
data decompression algorithm, 95 error codes, 184, 196
Data Decompression Enable bit, 95 drive, 185
data phase error, 195 Error log, 71
DATA PROTECT, 190 errors
DCC bit, 95 bus device deferred, 189
DCE bit, 95 counters, 59
DDE bit, 95 data phase, 195
decompression, 235 deferred, 184, 185
238 Index
read, unrecovered, 192 immediate mode, 235
sequential positioning, 194 during writing, 224
write, 192 INCITS, 233
write append, 195 Information Exceptions Mode page, 109
write-behind deferred, 189 Information sense data descriptor, 186
EW-EOM, 235 command, 36
met during locate, 55 data pages, 37
Extended Reset mode page, 113 Defined Identifiers page, 42
Device Identification page, 42
F drive component revision levels pages, 51
failed cartridge memory, 52, 225 extended INQUIRY data VPD page, 45
FC, 11 Management Network Address page, 44
Logical Unit Mode page, 102 Manufacturer-assigned Serial number page, 50
Protocol-Specific Port mode page, 102 Mode Page Policy VPD page, 46
fibre channel Protocol-Specific Logical Unit Information VPD page, 48
addressing, 15 SCSI Ports VPD page, 47
names, 15 sequential access device capabilities page, 49
fibre channel operation, 15 TapeAlert supported flags page, 50
field pointer, 185 Unit Serial Number page, 41
field replaceable units, 17 interface
field, invalid, 192 FC, 11
filemark count, 235 SAS, 11
filemarks, 184, 235 interface implementation, 11
detected, 191 IP configuration, 163, 213
met during read, 127 ISO, 233
met during space, 221
spacing over, 221 K
writing, 230 key management error data, 64
Firmware Trace log, 143
Fixed bit, 126, 225 L
Fixed Bit check, 25 libraries, fibre channel addressing, 16
fixed format sense data, 183 Load bit, 52
Flag Link check, 25 LOAD/UNLOAD command, 51
flush, buffered data, 224 Load/Unload Specific Status, 52
FORCE SNAPSHOT command, 34 loading, 235
FORCED EJECT command, 33 failure, 195
FORMAT MEDIUM command, 35 tape, 52
format, corrupt, 194 localization identifiers, 138
frames, response, 19 LOCATE command, 53
FRUs, 17, 235 LOG SELECT command, 55
G Data Compression Log page, 79
GOOD status, 18, 19 Device Statistics log page, 68
group code, 28 Device Status Log page, 83
Device Wellness Log page, 80
H DT Device Error Log page, 81
HARD_RESET primitive, 188 DTD Status Log page, 61
HARDWARE ERROR, 190 parameter pages, 57
heads, cleaning, 185 Performance Data Log page, 81
hold bit, 52 Protocol-Specific Port Log page, 75
hold position, 52, 94 Read Error Counters Log page, 59
Host, 235 Requested Recovery Log page, 67
Sequential Access Device Log page, 60
I Service Buffers Information Log page, 70
ILI bit, 184 Supported Log Pages page, 58
Illegal Command check, 25 Tape Capacity Log page, 79
Illegal Field check, 25 Tape Diagnostic log page, 71
ILLEGAL REQUEST, 190 Tape Usage Log page, 79
TapeAlert Log page, 77 Disconnect-Reconnect page, 92
TapeAlert Response log page, 67 Extended Reset mode page, 113
Temperature Log page, 60 Information Exceptions Mode page, 109
Volume Statistics Log page, 73 Medium Configuration mode page, 110
Write Error Counters Log pages, 59 Medium Partitions page, 98
Logical Unit Information VPD Inquiry page, 48 Mode Parameter header, 89
logical unit reset, 188 Mode Parameter pages, 87
logs Protocol-Specific Logical Unit mode page, 102
clearing, 55 Protocol-Specific Port Mode page, 104
Data Compression, 79 Protocol-Specific Port mode page, 102
Device Status, 83 Read-Write Error Recovery page, 91
Drive Health, 71 Serial Number Override mode page, 111
DT Device Error, 81 monitoring condition, 67, 236
Error, 71 MOVE MEDIUM command, 124
Firmware Trace, 143 multi-initiator support, 14
parameter pages, 57
Performance Data, 81 N
reading, 56 names, fibre channel, 15
Requested Recovery, 67 network statistics, 168
Snapshot, 150 NO SENSE, 190
STTF, 154 NOT READY, 190
supported, 58
Tape Capacity, 79 O
Tape Diagnostic, 71 OBDR, 17
Tape Usage, 79 one-button disaster recovery, 17
TapeAlert, 236 opcode, 28
LUN, 235 unrecognized, 192
becoming ready, 191 overlapping commands, 195
not ready, 191
not self-configured, 194 P
not supported, 192 Parameter List check, 27
LVD, 235 parameter list, invalid field, 192
parameter rounding, 194
M Performance Data log, 81
attribute data, 132 PERSISTENT RESERVE OUT command, 120
reading, 129 Physical Control and Discover mode sub-page, 105
write error, 192 polling delay, 63
writing, 226 power-on, 188
MANAGEMENT ARM SELF-TEST command, 85 pre-execution checks, 24
Mark bit, 184 Bad LUN, 24
Media Access check, 26 Deferred Error, 25
Media Information check, 26 Diagnostic Status, 25
Media Write check, 26 Fixed Bit, 25
Medium Configuration mode page, 110 Flag Link, 25
MEDIUM ERROR, 190 Illegal Command, 25
Medium Partitions Mode page, 98 Illegal Field, 25
messages, 18 Media Access, 26
microcode download, 194 Media Information, 26
Mode Page Policy VPD Inquiry page, 46 Media Write, 26
Mode Parameter pages, 87 Parameter List, 27
MODE SELECT Reservation, 27
CD-ROM Emulation/Disaster Recovery Mode page, Unit Attention, 27
114 prevent media removal, 195
Control Mode page, 93 Protocol-Specific Logical Unit Information VPD Inquiry
Data Compression Characteristics page, 95 page, 48
Device Configuration page, 95 Protocol-Specific Logical Unit mode page, 102
Device Time mode page, 112 Protocol-Specific Port Log page, 75
240 Index
Protocol-Specific Port mode page, 102, 104 S
SAS, 11
RAW, 235 Logical Unit Mode page, 102
READ 10 command, 17, 128 Port Log page, 75
READ 6 command, 17, 127 Protocol-Specific Port Mode page, 104
READ ATTRIBUTE command, 129 supported task management functions, 12
READ BLOCK LIMITS command, 138 task management functions, 20
READ BUFFER command, 139 SCSI, 11
READ CAPACITY command, 17, 142 commands, 29
READ command, 125 reset, 188
Read Error Counters Log page, 59 SCSI Ports VPD Inquiry page, 47
READ FIRMWARE TRACE LOG command, 143 SCSI-2, support, 12
Read Keys service action, 117 SECURITY PROTOCOL IN command, 198
READ MEDIA SERIAL NUMBER command, 147 SEEK command, 17, 209
Read Reservation service action, 118 self-test, 156, 209
READ SNAPSHOT LOG command, 150 management ARM, 85
READ STTF LOG command, 154 SEND DIAGNOSTIC command, 209
READ TOC command, 17, 155 sense
Read-Write Error Recovery Mode page, 91 DEFERRED ERROR, 189
reading UNIT ATTENTION, 188
error, 192 sense data, 236
failure, 55, 127 descriptor format, 185
logs, 56 fixed format, 183
reading snapshot data buffer, 141 management, 187
RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command, 156 sense data descriptors
recovery procedures, 67 Cleaning Needed, 187
RELEASE UNIT command, 157 Drive Error Code, 187
Report Capabilities service action, 118 Information, 186
REPORT DENSITY SUPPORT command, 159 Sense Key Specific, 186
REPORT DEVICE IDENTIFIER command, 162 Stream Commands, 187
REPORT Enhanced SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION Sense Key Specific sense data descriptor, 186
command, 173 sense keys, 184, 189
REPORT IP CONFIGURATION command, 163 specific bytes, 184
REPORT LUNS command, 167 sequential access, 236
REPORT NETWORK STATISTICS command, 168 Sequential Access command set, 12
REPORT SNAPSHOT COMMANDS command, 171 Sequential Access Device Log page, 60
REPORT SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION command, 172 sequential positioning error, 194
REPORT SNAPSHOTS AVAILABLE command, 173 Serial Attached SCSI see SAS
REPORT SUPPORTED OPCODES command, 175 Serial Number Override mode page, 111
command, 178 Read Keys, 117
REPORT TARGET GROUPS command, 179 Read Reservation, 118
REPORT TIMESTAMP command, 181 Report Capabilities, 118
REQUEST SENSE Service Buffers Information Log page, 70
command, 182 SET CAPACITY command, 211
data, 183 SET DEVICE IDENTIFIER command, 212
Requested Recovery Log page, 67 SET Enhanced SNAPSHOT CONFIGURATION command,
Reservation check, 27 217
reservations, releasing, 157 SET SNAPSHOT COMMANDS command, 213
reserved field, 28, 236 SET TIMESTAMP command, 219
reset, 188 Share Port Control mode sub-page, 107
strategy, 13 SILI, 126
response frames, 19 bit, 126
REWIND command, 198 error, 127
rounding, 194 SKSV bit, 184
snapshot VHF, 60, 61
available, 173 Volume Overflow, 191
commands, 213 Volume Statistics Log page, 73
configuration, 172, 173, 215, 217
forcing, 34 W
log, 150 WORM cartridges, 96
report commands, 171 write
snapshot data buffer, reading, 141 append error, 195
SPACE command, 220 error, 192
spacing, 236 WRITE ATTRIBUTE command, 226
START/STOP command, 17, 222 WRITE BUFFER command, 228
status WRITE command, 224
BUSY, 18, 19 Write Error Counters Log page, 59
byte, 18, 19 WRITE FILEMARKS command, 230
CHECK CONDITION, 18, 19 write-behind deferred errors, 189
GOOD, 18, 19 write-protection, 192
RESERVATION CONFLICT, 18, 20 WSmk bit, 230
Stream Commands sense data descriptor, 187
STTF log, 154
supported commands, 12
Supported Log Pages page, 58
faulty, 195
incompatible, 194
loaded, 188
loading, 52
removal prevented, 195
unloading, 53
Tape Capacity log, 79
Tape Diagnostic log page, 71
Tape Usage log, 79
Response log page, 67
supported flags, 50
TapeAlert log, 236
TapeAlert Log page, 77
task management functions, 19
task management functions, supported, 12
Temperature Log page, 60
text localization identifiers, 138
third-party, reserving for, 157
reporting, 181
setting, 219
TOC data, 155
Unit Attention check, 27
UNIT ATTENTION sense, 188, 190
UNLOAD command, 51
unloading tape, 53
Vendor-Unique, 236
VERIFY command, 223
very high frequency data, 60, 61
very high frequency polling delay, 63
242 Index