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Unit 1: People and Animals

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First Bimonthly

page 10
Unit 1
page 12
page 13
and Animals
Unit Purpose:
The purpose of this unit is to enable you to describe people and animals by making reference to their
physical appearance, (in)abilities and habits/routines.
Social Practice:
Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.
Unit functions:
1.1. Expressing (in)ability in the present.
1.2. Describing people and animals.
Performance evidence
You will be able to recognize and understand quotidian texts in order to use
them purposefully.
You will be able to recognize and understand academic texts in order to compare
with the rest of the class their own interpretation and judgment of such texts.
You will be able to recognize and understand short literary texts in order to com-
ment on the feelings generated by them.
You will be able to use language creatively and appropriately by selecting lexis,
phrases and grammatical resources in order to produce short, relevant texts
regarding peoples and/or animals (in)abilities, physical characteristics, and
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page 11
Unit 1
page 12
page 13
and Animals
Unit Purpose:
The purpose of this unit is to enable you to describe people and animals by making reference to their
physical appearance, (in)abilities and habits/routines.
Social Practice:
Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.
Unit functions:
1.1. Expressing (in)ability in the present.
1.2. Describing people and animals.
Performance evidence
You will be able to recognize and understand quotidian texts in order to use
them purposefully.
You will be able to recognize and understand academic texts in order to compare
with the rest of the class their own interpretation and judgment of such texts.
You will be able to recognize and understand short literary texts in order to com-
ment on the feelings generated by them.
You will be able to use language creatively and appropriately by selecting lexis,
phrases and grammatical resources in order to produce short, relevant texts
regarding peoples and/or animals (in)abilities, physical characteristics, and
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Unit 1
Unit one
1. Esta actividad se puede extender si se pide a los alumnos
y las alumnas que elaboren una tarjeta de informacin so-
bre algn miembro de su familia o de ellos mismos. Lue-
go, en parejas, pueden hacer preguntas y contestar sobre
la informacin que obtuvieron..
1. This activity can be extended by having the students create
an information card about a family member or about
themselves and then in pairs ask and answer.
Meeting New People
In this lesson you will: Learn the symbols in your book. Review how to ask for and give personal information.
Review how to express likes and dislikes.
,. Getting information about people. Learn about the people in the ID cards. Work in pairs. Student A, go
to page 166, activity A, and Student B, go to page 171, activity A.
Unit 1, People and Animals page 14
). Learn about your book. Match the symbols with the words.
). Act out
,. Check
. Match
. Underline
;. Listen
6. Complete
!. Point at
. Work in pairs
u. Write
)0. Read
)). Work in groups
),. Look
). Use your notebook
Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.
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page 1
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page 13 Unit 1
1. Sugirales que escriban en sus cuadernos un texto similar
al de la actividad 4 con sus datos y los de un hermano o
. Comente a los estudiantes que en el recuadro Discover the
rule se presentarn actividades con las cuales aprendern
algunas reglas de la lengua inglesa.
1. Suggest to the students to write in their notebooks a text
similar to the one in exercise 4 with their data and that of
a brother or a sister.
. Comment to the students that in the Discover the rule
box there are activities in which they will learn some of the
rules of the English language.
!. Work in groups of three. Interview your partners
and complete the other two columns.
Do you like sports? No, I dont. I hate them.
Do you like music? Yes, I love it.
You Partner A Partner B
). School
,. Music
. Parties
. Friends
;. Sports
6. TV
Meeting New People
. Going back to school. Listen to Ricky and Ana talking to their mother and complete the sentences
with the best option.
). Ricky and Ana get up at _____. . Ricky _____ Mr. Morgan.
z` 6:00 }` 6:45 c` 7:00 z` doesnt like }` hates c` likes
,. Ana _____ to have the same teachers. . Ricky and Ana usually go to the club _____.
z` wants }` doesnt want c` prefers z` by bus }` by car c` on foot.
. In your notebook, complete the paragraph about Ricky and Ana.
Ricky and Ana t)` ____________ twins. t,` ____________ are 14 years old. They t` ____________
American. They t` ____________ in New Albany, Indiana. Their address t;` ____________
25 Fresno St. Ricky and Ana t6` ____________ history, but Ana t!` ____________ Mrs. Torres class.
They t`____________ sports. Ricky (9) _________soccer and Ana t)0` ___________ tennis.
;. Work in pairs. Compare your answers with
a partner.
6. Preferences. Use your notebook. Complete the
You column below with your information.
How do you feel about the following?
page 15
Discover the rule
Circle the correct form of the verbs.
To express likes and dislikes we say:
I/You/We/They + like/love/hate / likes/loves/hates ...
He/She + like/love/hate / likes/loves/hates ...
I/You/We/They + dont like / doesnt like
He/She + dont like / doesnt like
Ry crticj]c Suggestion: You can start your portfolio new. A portfolio is a special place where you can keep
items and check your progress. Every time you see this icon in your book, add your work to your portfolio.
You can include your written work and projects you do in class as well as vocabulary and language from the book that
you nd interesting or difcult to remember. You can include things you nd outside of class such as songs, magazines,
articles, or things from the Internet, etc. You can also share and compare your portfolio with others in your class.
b c
are They are
live is
likes likes like
dosent like
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page 14 Unit 1
Unit one
1. Solicite a los menores que lean el ttulo y los propsitos de
la leccin y anticipen lo que aprendern.
. Propngales que en parejas lean el texto de la primera
actividad en voz alta con la informacin correcta.
1. Ask the students to read the title and the goals of the lesson
and predict what they will learn.
. Suggest to the students that they read aloud in pairs the
text of the rst exercise with the correct information.
Shes very attractive
In this lesson you will learn: How to describe a persons physical characteristics.
). Listen and choose the correct option.
Peter: Whos this?
Lidia: Timmy Nicks. Shes an actress/
a rock singer.
Peter: Wow! Her hair is red/green.
Lidia: Yes, and she always wears strange
Peter: Her hair is very short/long.
Lidia: Yes. I think shes very ugly/attractive.
Peter: Mm Im not sure.
,. Look at the chart. In your notebook, write a
similar chart with your own information.
. Work with a classmate.
Talk about your chart.
page 16 Unit 1, People and Animals

I am a
Junior High student
soccer player
My mother an
My father a doctor
My brother
a police ofcer
My sister a student
Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.
Choose the correct options.
We use a before consonants / vowels.
We use an before consonants / vowels.
Discover the rule
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page 15 Unit 1
1. Sugiera a los estudiantes que elaboren una tarjeta en la
que escriban la descripcin de otro compaero o com-
paera de la clase. Invtelos a que lean la tarjeta ante el
grupo y los dems adivinen de quin se trata.
1. Students can play a guessing game by each writing on a
card a description of one of their classmates and then the
others read it and try to guess who is it.
page 17
. Look at the chart and complete the descriptions of the people in the photographs. Use
your notebook.
Shes Very Attractive
;. Work in pairs. Read your description to your
!. Work in pairs. Describe a classmate for your
partner to guess his/her name.
6. Listen and check.
He/She is
His/Her eyes are
His/Her hair is
Tom is _ _ _l and t_ _ _. His hair
is _h_ _t and b_ _ _ _. His eyes
are _r_w_.
Pat is _ _ _ _t and _a_. Her eyes
are g_ _e_. Her hair is l_n_ and
Sam and Jack are ________ and
Their hair is ________.

Eye colors
green brown blue
tall short
fat thin
Hair styles
Hair colors
blond black
brown red
See Picture Dictionary 1, on page
186, to nd vocabulary related to
colors, and Picture Dictionary 1 and
2, on pages 187, to nd vocabulary
related to physical appearance.
|, ]u|,,u|,ut
Discover the rule
Choose the correct options.
For males (boys), we use his / her.
For females (girls), we use his / her.
For more than one person, we use his / her / their.
t a l h i n
r o wn o s r
o n b u l
n r e
h o s r f t
o g
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page 16 Unit 1
Unit one
1. Solicteles que repitan las actividades de la pgina con sus
actores, deportistas o cantantes favoritos.
1. Ask the students to repeat the activities of the page using
their favorite actors, athletes or singers.
page 18 Unit 1, My First Day of Class
page 18
In this lesson you will learn: How to talk about someones physical characteristics and personality.
). Jack is looking at Bobbys photo album. Listen and match the names with the photographs.
,. Look at the photographs. Write the adjective under the correct photographs.
). Jackie Chan
,. Edward James Olmos
. Dido
. Compare your answers with a classmate.
Salma Hayek is beautiful.
). beautiful ,. ugly . handsome . old ;. young
. Venus and Serena
Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.
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page 17 Unit 1
1. Sugiera a los alumnos y las alumnas que busquen en re-
vistas otras personas y que externen sus opiniones sobre
. Propngales que en parejas usen los adjetivos menciona-
dos en la leccin para describir a su familia o a sus com-
paeros o compaeras.
3. Enfatice que is se usa con las personas en singular y are se
usa con las personas en plural.
1. Students can look through magazines to nd other people
and give their opinions about them.
. Students can work in pairs and use the adjectives to
describe their family or classmates to their partner.
3. Make sure the children understand that is is used with
3rd person singular and are with 3rd person plural.
page 19
. Work with a classmate. Give your opinion about the people in the
photographs for your partner to guess his/her name.
Student A: Shakira.
Student B: I think she is beautiful and intelligent.
Student C: I think she is arrogant.
Student A: I like her very much. She is a very good singer and an excellent dancer.
Student A: He is an American actor.
I think hes very handsome.
Student B: Is he Brad Pitt?
Student A: Yes.
;. Jack and Bobby are looking at another photograph. Listen to their
conversation and draw a line from the adjectives to the person.
6. Work in groups. Write the names of two famous people on separate pieces of paper. Fold the papers
and make a pile. Take turns to get one paper, and give your opinion about the person on it.
). active
,. noisy
. intelligent
. lazy
Photos page 19
Discover the rule
Circle the correct verbs.
She is/are active. My brother is/are lazy.
They is/are active. My brothers is/are lazy.
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page 18 Unit 1
Unit one
1. Pdales que en parejas escriban en sus cuadernos un di-
logo como los de las actividades 1 y 2 con sus datos.
1. Ask the students to work in pairs to write in their notebooks
a dialogue like those in exercises 1 and 2 with their data.
E-mail Pen Pals
In this lesson you will learn: How to ask for and give information about physical characteristics and personality.
). Bobby is chatting with a new friend on the Internet. Listen and complete Bobbys description
with words from the box.
Unit 1, People and Animals page 20
,. Now read the second part of Bobbys chat and choose the correct photograph for Billy.
). black ,. brown . active . tall
Bobby, what do you look like?
Im tz`________ and I have t}`________ hair.
What color are your eyes?
I have tc`________ eyes.
And what are you like?
Well. Im t|`________ and a bit stubborn sometimes.
Yes, I always want to be right.
Now tell me about you. What do you look like, Billy?
Im short and a little fat.
What color are your eyes?
And what are you like?
I think Im kind and outgoing. I like having many friends.
Can you send me your picture and information?
Certainly, yes.
Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.
tall brown

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page 19 Unit 1
1. Pregunte a los alumnos cul es la diferencia que hay entre
las preguntas que se mencionan en el recuadro. Comente
que el verbo look se usa para describir apariencia fsica y
be para describir personalidad. Asegure que no confundan
like (como) en las preguntas con el verbo like (gustar).
. Invite a los escolares a que escriban tarjetas de identi-
cacin con sus datos pero que incluyan, de manera in-
tencional, informacin incorrecta. Luego, que en parejas,
intercambien las tarjetas y formulen preguntas para en-
contrar los errores.
1. Ask students what the difference is between the two
questions the verb look is used to describe physical
appearance and be is used to describe personality.
Make sure they dont confuse like in the questions with
the verb like.
. Students can write ID cards about themselves but
intentionally including wrong information. Then in pairs
they can exchange their cards and ask and answer to nd
the mistakes.
page 21
. Work with a classmate. You are chatting on
the Internet. Sit back to back and ask your
partner about his/her physical appearance
and personality.
Personality Physical appearance
. During their break, Jack and Ana are looking
for Bobby. Listen to the conversation and
identify Bobby.
;. Act out the conversation in pairs.
6. Learn about Bobbys teammates. Student A, go to page 166, activity B, and Student B,
go to page 171, activity B.
!. Student A: Look at Freds ID card, listen to your partner and nd the differences.
. Listen to the telephone conversation and write the adjectives you hear.
E-mail Pen Pals

Discover the rule
What do you look like?
is used to ask for
a) physical appearance. b) personality.
What are you like?
is used to ask for
a) physical appearance. b) personality.
friendly tall, thin, long hair
thin, short hair
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