Rohini 67207682273
Rohini 67207682273
Rohini 67207682273
High carbon and alloy steels have been the principal material used for many years.
Objections to steel gauges are that they are subjected to some distortion because of the
heat-treating operations and that their surface hardness is limited. These objections are
largely overcome by the use of chrome plating or cemented carbides as the surface
material. Some gauges are made entirely of cemented carbides or they have cemented
carbides inserted at certain wear points.
Gauges are the tools which are used for checking the size, shape and relative
positions of various parts but not provided with graduated adjustable members. Gauges
are, therefore, understood to be single-size fixed-type measuring tools.
Classifications of Gauges
(i) Plug
(ii) Ring
(iii) Snap
(iv) Taper
(v) Thread
(vi) Form
(vii) Thickness
(viii) Indicating
(ix) Air-operated
Standard gauges are made to the nominal size of the part to be tested and have the
measuring member equal in size to the mean permissible dimension of the part to be
checked. A standard gauge should mate with some snugness.
These are also called „go‟ and „no go‟ gauges. These are made to the limit sizes
of the work to be measured. One of the sides or ends of the gauge is made to correspond
to maximum and the other end to the minimum permissible size. The function of limit
gauges is to determine whether the actual dimensions of the work are within or outside
the specified limits. A limit gauge may be either double end or progressive. A double end
gauge has the „go‟ member at one end and „no go‟ member at the other end. The „go‟
member must pass into or over an acceptable piece but the „no go‟ member should not.
The progressive gauge has „no go‟ members next to each other and is applied to a
workpiece with one movement. Some gauges are fixed for only one set of limits and are
said to be solid gauges. Others are adjustable for various ranges.
Working Gauges
Working gauges are those used at the bench or machine in gauging the work as it being
Inspection Gauges
These gauges are used by the inspection personnel to inspect manufactured parts when
Reference Gauges
These are also called master gauges. These are used only for checking the size or
condition of other gauges and represent as exactly as possible the physical dimensions of
the product.
Hole Gauge
Shaft Gauge
Taper Gauge
Thread Gauge
Form Gauge
Some of the important gauges which are commonly used in production work have been
discussed as follows:
These gauges are used for checking holes of many different shapes and sizes. There
are plug gauges for straight cylindrical holes, tapered, threaded square and splined holes.
At one end, it has a plug minimum limit size, the „go‟ end and; at the other end a plug of
maximum limit, the „no go‟ end. These ends are detachable from the handle so that they
may be renewed separately when worn in a progressive limit plug gauge. The „go‟ and
„no go‟ section of the gauge are on the same end of the handle. Large holes are gauged
with annular plug gauges, which are shell-constructed for light weight, and flat plug
gauges, made in the form of diametrical sections of cylinders.
Ring gauges are used to test external diameters. They allow shafts to be checked
more accurately since they embrace the whole of their surface. Ring gauges, however,
are expressive manufacture and, therefore, find limited use. Moreover, ring gauges are
not suitable for measuring journals in the middle sections of shafts. A common type of
standard ring gauge is shown in Figure. In a limit ring gauge, the „go‟ and „no go‟ ends
are identified by an annular groove on the periphery. About 35 mm all gauges are flanged
to reduce weight and facilitate handling.
The most satisfactory method of testing a taper is to use taper gauges. They are
also used to gauge the diameter of the taper at some point. Taper gauges are made in both
the plug and ring styles and, in general, follow the same standard construction as plug
and ring gauges.
When checking a taper hole, the taper plug gauge is inserted into the hole and a
slight pressure is exerted against it. If it does not rock in the hole, it indicates that the
taper angle is correct. The same procedure is followed in a ring gauge for testing tapered
spindle. The taper diameter is tested for the size by noting how far the gauge enters the
tapered hole or the tapered spindle enters the gauge. A mark on the gauge shows the
correct diameter for the large end of the taper.
To test the correctness of the taper two or three chalk or pencil lines are drawn on
the gauge about equidistant along a generatrix of the cone. Then the gauge is inserted into
the hole and slightly turned. If the lines do not rub off evenly, the taper is incorrect and
the setting in the machine must be adjusted until the lines are rubbed equally all along its
length. Instead of making lines on the gauge, a thin coat of paint (red led, carbon black,
Purssian blue, etc.) can be applied. This has two check lines „go‟ and „no go‟ each at a
certain distance from the end of the face. The go portion corresponds to the minimum
and „no go‟ to the maximum dimension.
These gauges are used for checking external dimensions. Shafts are mainly
checked by snap gauges. They may be solid and progressive or adjustable or double
(a) Solid or non-adjustable caliper or snap gauge with „go‟ and „no go‟ each is
used for large sizes.
(b) Adjustable caliper or snap gauge used for larger sizes. This is made with two
fixed anvils and two adjustable anvils, one for „go‟ and another for the „no go‟. The
housing of these gauges has two recesses to receive measuring anvils secured with two
screws. The anvils are set for a specific size, within an available range of adjustment of
3 to 8 mm. The adjustable gauges can be used for measuring series of shafts of different
sizes provided the diameters are within the available range of the gauge.
(iii) Double-ended solid snap gauge with „go‟ and „no go‟ ends are used for
smaller sizes.
Thread gauges are used to check the pitch diameter of the thread. For checking
internal threads (nut, bushes, etc.), plug thread gauges are used, while for checking
external threads (screws, bolts, etc.), ring thread gauges are used. Single-piece thread
gauges serve for measuring small diameters. For large diameters the gauges are made
with removable plugs machined with a tang. Standard gauges are made single-piece.
(b) Threaded portion on one end and plain cylindrical plug on opposite end to give
correct “core” diameter.
Limit plug gauges have a long-thread section on the „go‟ and a short-threaded
section on the „no go‟ end to correspond to the minimum and maximum limits
Roller rings gauges, similarly have „go‟ and „no go‟ ends. They may also be solid
and adjustable.
Roller Snap gauges are often used in production practice for measuring external
threads. They comprise a body, two pairs „go‟ rollers and two pairs „no go‟ rollers.
Taper thread gauges are used for checking taper threads. The taper-ring thread
gauge are made in two varieties – rigid (non-adjustable) and adjustable. The “go” non-
adjustable ring gauges are full threaded while the „no go‟ have truncated thread profile.
Form gauges may be used to check the contour of a profile of workpiece for
Template Gauge
It is made from sheet steel. It is also called profile gauge. A profile gauge may contain
two outlines that represent the limits within which a profile must lie a
Screw pitch gauges serve as an everyday tool used in picking out a required screw
and for checking the pitch of the screw threads. They consist of a number of flat blades
which are cut out to a given pitch and pivoted in a holder as shown in Figure 4.8. Each
blade is stamped with the pitch or number of threads per inch and the holder bears an
identifying number designing the thread it is intended for. The sets are made for metric
threads with an angle 60o, for English threads with an angle of 55o. A set for measuring
metric threads with 30 blades has pitches from 0.4 to 0.6 mm and for English threads
with 16 blades has 4 to 28 threads per inch.
In checking a thread for its pitch, the closest corresponding gauge blade is selected
and applied upon the thread to be tested. Several blades may have to be tried until the
correct is found.
The function of these gauges is to check the radius of curvature of convex and
concave surfaces over a range from 1 to 25 mm. The gauges are made in sets of thin
plates curved to different radius at the ends as shown in Figure 4.9. Each set consists of
16 convex and 16 concave blades.
Feller gauges are used for checking clearances between mating surfaces. They are
made in form of a set of steel, precision machined blade 0.03 to 1.0 mm thick and 100
mm long. The blades are provided in a holder as shown in Figure 4.10. Each blade has
an indication of its thickness. The Indian standard establishes seven sets of feller gauges:
Nos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, which differ by the number of blades in them and by the range of
thickness. Thin blades differ in thickness by 0.01 mm in the 0.03 to 1 mm set, and by
0.05 mm in the 0.1 to 1.0 mm set.
To find the size of the clearance, one or two blades are inserted and tried for a fit
between the contacting surfaces until blades of suitable thickness are found.
The thickness of a sheet metal is checked by means of plate gauges and wire diameters
by wire gauges. The plate gauge is shown in Figure. It is used to check the thickness
of plates from 0.25 to 5.0 mm, and the wire gauge, is used to check the
position with respect to one another. Beside this, indicating gauges can be adapted for
checking the run out of toothed wheels, pulleys, spindles and various other revolving
parts of machines. Indicating gauges can be of a dial or lever type, the former being the
most widely used.
Pneumatic or air gauges are used primarily to determine the inside characteristics
of a hole by means of compressed air. There are two types of air gauges according to
operation: a flow type and a pressure type gauge. The flow type operates on the principle
of varying air velocities at constant pressure and the pressure type operates on the
principle of air escaping through an orifice.
The following are the commonly used terms in the system of limits and fits.
Basic size
This is the size in relation to which all limits of size are derived. Basic or nominal
size is defined as the size based on which the dimensional deviations are given. This is,
in general, the same for both components.
Limits of size
These are the maximum and minimum permissible sizes acceptable for a specific
dimension. The operator is expected to manufacture the component within these limits.
The maximum limit of size is the greater of the two limits of size, whereas the minimum
limit of size is the smaller of the two.
This is the total permissible variation in the size of a dimension, that is, the
difference between the maximum and minimum limits of size. It is always positive.
It is the intentional difference between the LLH and HLS. An allowance may be
either positive or negative.
This is an indication of the tolerance magnitude; the lower the grade, the finer the
It is the algebraic difference between a size and its corresponding basic size. It may
be positive, negative, or zero.
Upper deviation
It is the algebraic difference between the maximum limit of size and its
corresponding basic size. This is designated as ‘ES’ for a hole and as ‘es’ for a shaft.
Lower deviation
It is the algebraic difference between the minimum limit of size and its
corresponding basic size. This is designated as ‘EI’ for a hole and as ‘ei’ for a shaft.
Actual deviation
It is the algebraic difference between the actual size and its corresponding basic
Fundamental deviation
It is the minimum difference between the size of a component and its basic size.
This is identical to the upper deviation for shafts and lower deviation for holes. It is the
closest deviation to the basic size. The fundamental deviation for holes are designated by
capital letters, that is, A, B, C, …, H, …, ZC, whereas those for shafts are designated by
small letters, that is, a, b, c…, h…, zc. The relationship between fundamental, upper, and
lower deviations is schematically represented in Figure.
Zero line
This line is also known as the line of zero deviation. The convention is to draw the
zero line horizontally with positive deviations represented above and negative deviations
indicated below. The zero line represents the basic size in the graphical representation.
These terms are used to designate all the external and internal features of any shape
and not necessarily cylindrical.
It is the relationship that exists between two mating parts, a hole and a shaft, with
respect to their dimensional difference before assembly.
in its maximum metal condition, (i.e., this condition corresponds to either the largest shaft
or the smallest hole). This is also referred to as the GO limit.
This is the minimum limit of an external feature; for example, a shaft will contain
minimum amount of material, when manufactured to its low limits. It is also the
maximum limit of an internal feature; for example, a component will have the maximum
amount of metal removed when a hole is bored in it to its higher limit of size, this
condition corresponds to either the smallest shaft or the largest hole. This is also referred
to as the NO GO limit.
Tolerance zone
The tolerance that is bound by the two limits of size of the component is called the
tolerance zone. It refers to the relationship of tolerance to basic size.
Tolerance class
Tolerance symbols
These are used to specify the tolerance and fits for mating components. For
example, in 40 H8f7, the number 40 indicates the basic size in millimetres; capital letter
H indicates the fundamental deviation for the hole; and lower-case letter f indicates the
shaft. The numbers following the letters indicate corresponding IT grades.
The theory proposed by Taylor, which is extensively used in the design of limit
gauges, not only defines the function, but also defines the form of most limit gauges.
Taylor’s principle states that the GO gauge is designed to check maximum metal
conditions, that is, LLH and HLS. It should also simultaneously check as many related
dimensions, such as roundness, size, and location, as possible.
The NOT GO gauge is designed to check minimum metal conditions, that is, HLH
and LLS. It should check only one dimension at a time. Thus, a separate NOT GO gauge
is required for each individual dimension.
During inspection, the GO side of the gauge should enter the hole or just pass over
the shaft under the weight of the gauge without using undue force. The NOT GO side
should not enter or pass.
The basic or nominal size of the GO side of the gauge conforms to the LLH or
HLS, since it is designed to check maximum metal conditions. In contrast, the basic or
nominal size of the NOT GO gauge corresponds to HLH or LLS, as it is designed to
check minimum metal conditions.
It can be seen that the size of the GO plug gauge corresponds to the LLH and the
NOT GO plug gauge to the HLH. Conversely, it can be observed that the GO snap gauge
represents the HLS, whereas the NOT GO snap gauge represents the LLS.
It is pertinent to discuss here that since the GO plug is used to check more than one
dimension of the hole simultaneously, the GO plug gauge must have a full circular section
and must be of full length of the hole so that straightness of the hole can also be checked.
The short GO plug gauge, if used in inspection, will pass through all the curves
and is hence not possible to identify defective parts. Therefore, in order to get good
results, this condition has to be fulfilled during the inspection of the parts. The length of
the plug should normally be more than 1.5 times the diameter of the hole to be checked.
Compared to GO plug gauges, the NOT GO plug gauges are relatively shorter.
1. The form of GO gauges should be a replica of the form of the opposed (mating)