Communication: Century
Communication: Century
Communication: Century
Segment 3
1. Answers will vary. (E.g., Type of business: a 7. one third, (one) half 8. 30, bankruptcy
small gourmet food shop; a takeout restaurant;
Segment 4
a grocery store with specialty products. Cheap
or expensive products: Probably expensive 9. marriage/family life 10. divorced, chose
because it looks like they carry gourmet
products in small quantities (not like a large G (page 8)
supermarket). Also, the cheeses are in a
Main point #1: It is very hard work to have your
special case, which usually indicates that they
own business.
are expensive—often imported from other
countries.) 2. Answers will vary. (E.g., Types Main point #2: Answers will vary. (E.g., There is
of small businesses: private or family-owned no guarantee of becoming rich as a business
restaurants, boutiques/clothing stores, dry owner.)
cleaners, Laundromats, parking lots, car repair
Main point #3: Answers will vary. (E.g., You have
shops, software consulting, bakeries, and bed
to make difficult choices between family and
and breakfast inns. Qualities of small business
owners: hard working, good with money, willing
to take risks, independent, good leadership/
managerial skills, creative, practical, disciplined, H LISTEN AND TAKE NOTES (pages 8–9)
and self-confident. 3. Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
UNIT 1 5
Segment 2
—At least. /
2. Answers will vary. (E.g., Choices you will have
Seven days a week of hard work. / No kidding. / to make)
7. Yours
P THINK CRITICALLY Analyze. (page 12)
Answers will vary. 8. Answers will vary. (E.g., Celebrate your
6 UNIT 1
UNIT 1 7
12 UNIT 2
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. c
UNIT 2 13
14 UNIT 2
Answers will vary. (E.g., A UAV could fly over 4.
Bujold: a, d, h, j
a nuclear disaster area to monitor it; a UMV
could search for survivors in floodwater; a K GIVE REASONS (page 57)
UGV could assess the damage to an area hit Answers will vary.
by an earthquake or a mudslide.)
D VOCABULARY (pages 53–54) 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. a
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. c
7. a 8. b 9. a 10. a
N THINK CRITICALLY Analyze. (page 57)
Answers will vary. (E.g., Some people worry
that robots will take away humans’ jobs. Other
Answers will vary. people worry that robots will become smarter
than humans and take over the world, perhaps
F WATCH FOR MAIN IDEAS (page 55) getting rid of human beings. Murphy would
1 and 2 reassure people by explaining that robots are
not taking away humans’ jobs; rather, they are
G (page 56) doing things that humans aren’t able to do
because they (or the machines they’d need to
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
do the job, e.g. an airplane or a helicopter) are
Segment 1 too big or because the job is too dangerous.
She might have a harder time reassuring
Main Point: Disasters have a huge impact on the those who think robots will become more
world. intelligent than humans and then take over
more than 1M ppl killed/yr the world. She might argue that human (and
animal) intelligence is very different from
2.5M disabled/displaced “machine intelligence” and that robots will
community takes 20–30 yrs to recovr never be able to do many of the things that
humans do easily, such as feel emotions and
Segment 2 form relationships with other humans.)
Main Point: Why reducing response time is so 2.
Answers will vary. (E.g., She means that it is
important in a disaster. not the robots themselves that are actually
rescuing people or helping in recovery after
reduce 1st respns time by 1 day, reduce recvry disasters; in fact, it is the data that the robots
time by 1000 days (3 yrs) provide that give humans the information they
insur. co. – if homeownrs’ claims procssd 1 day need to do the actual rescue and recovery.)
earlier, home rebuilt 6 mths faster
UNIT 3 21
22 UNIT 3
28 UNIT 4
UNIT 4 29
36 UNIT 5
Answers will vary. (E.g., Because they are H WATCH FOR DETAILS (page 117)
critical to several major industries: tourism,
Segment 1
fishing, and drug research. Let me clarify.
They contribute $30–172 billion every year to 1. a 2. b
the world economy through these industries,
Segment 2
and more than 500 million people around the
world rely on coral reefs for food and jobs.) 3. c 4. b
UNIT 6 43
B (page 160)
L THINK CRITICALLY Evaluate. (page 158)
a. 4 b. 9 c. 7 d. 1 e. 6 f. 2 g. 5
Answers will vary. h. 3 i. 8
56 UNIT 8