12 16 2011 Curley - Schultz Prelim Hearing Transcript
12 16 2011 Curley - Schultz Prelim Hearing Transcript
12 16 2011 Curley - Schultz Prelim Hearing Transcript
3 :
4 TIMOTHY MARK CURLEY : No. CP-22-MD-1374-2011
5 _____________________________________________________________
8 :
9 GARY CHARLES SCHULTZ : No. CP-22-MD-1375-2011
10 _____________________________________________________________
For - Commonwealth
For - Defendant Curley
For - Defendant Schultz
2 called as a witness, being duly sworn, testified
3 as follows:
5 THE COURT: Good morning.
6 THE WITNESS: Good morning.
10 Q Good morning, sir.
11 A Good morning.
12 Q Would you please state your full name,
13 spell your last name.
14 A Michael J. McQueary, M-C-Q-U-E-A-R-Y.
15 Q How old are you, Mr. McQueary?
16 A Thirty-seven.
17 Q Where did you attend college?
18 A Penn State University.
19 Q Did you play on any of the athletic teams
20 at Penn State University?
21 A Yes.
22 Q And what team was that?
23 A The football team.
24 Q And who was the head coach at the time?
25 A Joe Paterno.
1 Q Correct.
2 A I would say from the showers I am 2 to 3
3 yards, maybe 6 feet.
4 Q And how far -- would that have been
5 closer on this third time than you were on the
6 other two instances when you were -- that would
7 have been closer to your locker?
8 A Yes.
9 Q About how much -- how many steps would
10 you say you're taking in order to get closer?
11 A Two to three steps.
12 Q When you indicate that they had
13 separated, describe what you mean.
14 A They had both turned so their bodies were
15 totally facing me and looking at me. And they
16 were 4 or 5 feet apart.
17 Q This is the third time --
18 A Yes, sir.
19 Q -- that you actually moved closer towards
20 the shower?
21 A Yes.
22 Q Did you go into the shower at all?
23 A No, I did not.
24 Q Did you say anything to either one of
25 them?
1 different floor?
2 A Yes, it's on the second floor.
3 Q The showers in the locker room that you
4 just described where this incident took place, is
5 that, I assume, on the first floor?
6 A Yes.
7 Q Is that the ground floor that when you
8 walk into the building you would be right there?
9 A Yes.
10 Q What did you do once you got up to your
11 office?
12 A I called my father.
13 Q Where did you -- at the time in 2002, I'm
14 not asking for the address, where in general
15 terms did he live?
16 A In State College.
17 Q So he lived close by?
18 A Yes.
19 Q And how old were you in 2002?
20 A Twenty-eight.
21 Q And you call --
22 A Actually at this time, let me correct
23 myself, I would have been 27. Sorry.
24 Q And you call your father. What was the
25 purpose of calling him?
1 young boy?
2 A Yes, I did.
3 Q Did you make it clear where this
4 occurred?
5 A Yes, I did.
6 Q Did you make it clear that this was --
7 the acts that you observed were sexual?
8 A Without a doubt.
9 Q Would you have ever used the term sodomy
10 with Coach Paterno?
11 A No, never.
12 Q Would you have ever used the term anal
13 intercourse with Coach Paterno?
14 A Never.
15 Q Why?
16 A Out of respect and just not getting into
17 detail with someone like Coach Paterno, I would
18 not have done it.
19 Q What was your intention in talking with
20 him?
21 A My intention in talking to him is, one,
22 he's the head coach and he needs to know if
23 things happen inside that program and inside that
24 building; and, two, I saw something that was, in
25 my opinion, outrageous and terrible, and I
1 correct?
2 A Yes.
3 Q Did you know him personally at that time
4 in 2002?
5 A I knew him but not extremely well at that
6 time.
7 Q And the individual that you are referring
8 to as Mr. Curley --
9 A Yes.
10 Q -- is that person seated anywhere in the
11 courtroom?
12 A Yes.
13 MS. ROBERTO: We'll stipulate to
14 Mr. Curley's identity. Thank you.
15 THE COURT: Thank you.
17 Q Can you describe what occurred during
18 that phone conversation?
19 A He said Coach Paterno had talked to me
20 and that he was aware of what I saw and that he
21 felt like he needed to see me and talk to me
22 about it along with Mr. Schultz.
23 Q Who is Mr. Schultz?
24 A At that time he was one of the vice
25 presidents of the university.
3 Q Mr. McQueary, my name is Caroline Roberto
4 and I represent Timothy Curley. I'm going to ask
5 you some questions this morning. If you don't
6 understand my question, let me know and I'll try
7 to rephrase it. Do you understand?
8 A Yes, ma'am.
9 Q Okay. Now, in 2002, you said you were 27
10 years old, correct?
11 A Yes, ma'am.
12 Q And at that time in 2002, you resided on
13 the Penn State campus?
14 A No, I did not reside on the campus. I
15 did reside in State College.
16 Q Okay. Now, we were talking earlier at
17 least when you were answering Mr. Beemer's
18 questions, specifically the night of this
19 incident, how do you know or do you know whether
20 it was 2002?
21 A I'm relatively sure it was 2002. I
22 remember it being a Friday night before spring
23 break.
24 Q And how long was the graduate program
25 that you were attending, how many years?
1 office?
2 MR. BEEMER: Your Honor, I'm going to
3 object to relevance.
4 MS. ROBERTO: I'll withdraw that
5 question.
6 THE COURT: Thank you.
8 Q It's fair to say that you would see even
9 in an off season time, you would see Coach
10 Paterno on a weekly basis?
11 A Yes, absolutely.
12 Q And would you see him on a daily basis?
13 A Most days we would see him, yes.
14 Q All right. And I think you mentioned
15 that -- well, tell me this. Was he a mentor to
16 you?
17 A Without a doubt.
18 Q And a role model for you?
19 A Without a doubt.
20 Q And even in 2002, did you feel close to
21 Coach Paterno?
22 A Yes.
23 Q Now, you stated that in 2002, you didn't
24 really know Timothy Curley very well?
25 A Not overly well, not nearly as well as I
1 anything to drink?
2 A No.
3 Q So you went to the building at about 9 or
4 9:30?
5 A Yes, ma'am.
6 Q Did you go alone?
7 A Yes, ma'am.
8 Q And you parked your car in the parking
9 lot there adjacent to the Lasch Building?
10 A Right in front of the Lasch Building.
11 Q Did you go directly to the showers or did
12 you go to your office first?
13 A No, directly to the showers.
14 Q And when you walked into the showers, I
15 think you described that there were two doors?
16 A Yes, ma'am.
17 Q The first door, could you describe the
18 type of door that is?
19 A It's a wooden door that swings open.
20 Q Was there a lock on that door?
21 A No, there's no lock on that door.
22 Q Does that door slam closed automatically
23 or do you have to pull it closed?
24 A No, it has a -- I don't know the proper
25 term but it closes slowly automatically.
1 Q On a spring?
2 A Yes, or some kind of hydraulic, yes.
3 Q When you walked into that first door,
4 what is in your immediate vicinity?
5 A It's a very small hallway with a
6 telephone on the wall.
7 Q And when you walked into that first door,
8 did you hear the showers running?
9 A Showers running and the slapping, yes,
10 ma'am.
11 Q Okay. So in that hallway is when you
12 heard that noise?
13 A Yes, ma'am.
14 Q All right. And how -- did you stop in
15 that hallway and listen?
16 A Very briefly.
17 Q I'm sorry?
18 A Very briefly.
19 Q About how long?
20 A A second maybe. I hesitated. It was
21 more of a hesitation than stopping.
22 Q All right. Then you went through a
23 second door?
24 A Yes.
25 Q And what is in your immediate vicinity --
1 I'm here?
2 A No. Again, I wasn't sure what to think
3 or do.
4 Q But you can say for certain you did
5 nothing to alert those in the shower that you
6 were there?
7 A That's right. I did nothing.
8 Q And then you did what after you went to
9 your -- your locker?
10 A Turned back to my locker.
11 Q Um-hmm.
12 A Put the shoes in and took another -- I
13 wanted to look again with my own eyes without the
14 reflection in the mirror to make sure the angles
15 or the reflection wasn't lying to me. I wanted
16 to be sure what I saw.
17 Q And you looked again?
18 A Yes.
19 Q You peered just your -- you didn't walk
20 into the shower?
21 A No.
22 Q Okay. And you saw the same thing?
23 A Yes.
24 Q Okay. At that point, Mr. McQueary, did
25 you alert those two individuals in the shower to
1 your presence?
2 A I did not alert them with my voice but I
3 -- as I said before, I slammed that locker door
4 shut and that made a noise.
5 Q And did -- well, when you slammed the
6 locker door shut, were you looking at them at the
7 same time?
8 A No.
9 Q Okay. No. So you don't know whether
10 they heard that locker door shut?
11 A I don't know that for sure, no.
12 Q Right. But you did know the second time
13 that you saw these two figures in the shower that
14 something, according to you, was shocking going
15 on?
16 A Yes.
17 Q Okay. But you didn't stop it, right?
18 A At that time, no.
19 Q Okay. Then how many minutes or how many
20 seconds elapsed from the time you peered the
21 second time into the -- the second time you
22 looked into the shower to looking in the shower
23 the third time?
24 A How many seconds elapsed?
25 Q Yes.
1 you?
2 MR. BEEMER: Objection, calls for --
4 Q What was the expression on Mr. Sandusky's
5 face when he saw you?
6 A Somewhat blank, just kind of a blank
7 expression.
8 Q You have gone through with Mr. Beemer all
9 of the people that you confronted and told about
10 this incident. Did you ever that night or
11 subsequent to that night confront Mr. Sandusky
12 with what you saw?
13 A No, never.
14 Q Never did that?
15 A Never once.
16 Q Okay. Even though you have had lots of
17 experiences on and off campus with Mr. Sandusky,
18 you said earlier that you were familiar with the
19 Second Mile?
20 A Yes. Lots of experiences, I guess we
21 would have to get more into what that means.
22 Q Well, you've gone to some fundraisers
23 with Mr. Sandusky for the Second Mile, right?
24 MR. BEEMER: Objection to the relevance.
25 THE WITNESS: No, I --
1 A Yes, ma'am.
2 Q Okay. Then you went home -- or you went
3 to your father's, you went to your father's
4 residence?
5 A Yes, ma'am.
6 Q You didn't live with your father at the
7 time, right?
8 A No, I did not.
9 Q Okay. Approximately what time did you
10 arrive at your father's residence?
11 A Approximately 10 p.m.
12 Q And when you were there, your father was
13 obviously waiting for you, correct?
14 A Yes, ma'am.
15 Q Was anyone else there?
16 A At my home -- or at my parents' home,
17 yes, my mother was there.
18 Q Okay. Anyone else other than your mother
19 and father?
20 A No, not at that time when I arrived, no.
21 Q Okay. Did anybody come to your home?
22 A Yes, ma'am.
23 Q And who came to your home?
24 A Dr. Dranov, Jon Dranov.
25 Q Okay. And did you call Dr. Dranov to
1 A Anal sodomy?
2 Q Yes.
3 A Those two words together?
4 Q Yes.
5 A No, ma'am.
6 Q Did you explain to Mr. Paterno anal sex?
7 A No, I did not explain that to
8 Mr. Paterno.
9 Q Did you explain to him anal intercourse?
10 A No, I would have explained to him the
11 positions they were in roughly, that it was
12 definitely sexual, but I have never used the word
13 anal or rape in this -- since day one.
14 Q Right. And you didn't use those words
15 because you weren't sure that that is what was
16 happening in the shower, right?
17 A Ma'am, I'm sure I saw what I saw in the
18 shower. I'm sure of that. I did not see
19 insertion or penetration and I didn't hear
20 protests or any verbiage, but I do know for sure
21 what I saw and the positions they were in that --
22 and it was very clear that it looked like there
23 was intercourse going on, ma'am.
24 Q But you could not say for sure that
25 that's what you saw?
2 Q When you met with Mr. Curley, did you
3 take any notes?
4 A No, ma'am.
5 Q All right. Did you ever write down other
6 than when you met with the Attorney General's
7 Office, did you ever write down or memorialize
8 what you saw in the Lasch Building that night?
9 A No, ma'am.
10 Q Did you ever record in any way what you
11 saw in the Lasch Building? I'm talking about
12 before you met with the AG's Office.
13 MR. BEEMER: I'm going to object. These
14 are discovery issues.
15 MS. ROBERTO: Well, they're not discovery
16 issues because --
17 THE COURT: You can answer that,
18 Mr. McQueary.
19 THE WITNESS: No -- rephrase your
20 question or say your question again, please. I'm
21 sorry.
23 Q Did you ever record, write it down or
24 audio recording, video recording, what you saw
25 the night in the Lasch Building between 2002 and
1 2010?
2 A No, ma'am.
3 Q So when you testified at the Grand Jury
4 in 2010, and you testified what you told
5 Mr. Curley, it was by your recollection? No
6 documents did you review in order to refresh your
7 recollection?
8 A That's correct.
9 MR. BEEMER: Objection, Your Honor, to
10 any reference to what he did or did not do during
11 the Grand Jury testimony.
12 MS. ROBERTO: Well, the Grand Jury
13 testimony, Your Honor, is the --
14 THE COURT: I think he answered it so we
15 can move on.
17 Q Now, Mr. Curley was in the meeting and
18 you explained to him, I think you said, that you
19 saw Jerry Sandusky in the showers with a young
20 boy; is that right?
21 A Yes, ma'am.
22 Q That he went over the line?
23 A Yes.
24 Q That what you saw was sexual in nature?
25 A Yes.
3 Q Mr. McQueary, the year that this
4 happened, can you locate this event in relation
5 to any other event in your life that tells you it
6 was 2002 versus 2001 or another year?
7 A Not right now off the top of my head.
8 I'm sure if you give me 30 minutes, I can think
9 of something, but, no, not right now.
10 Q Thirty minutes, okay. When I'm done,
11 I'll ask you again.
12 Well, the cameras that were installed at
13 the Lasch Building, how soon after the shower
14 event were the cameras installed?
15 A I really am not sure.
16 Q Months?
17 A I'm sorry.
18 MR. BEEMER: Objection, Your Honor. He
19 says he's just not sure.
20 THE COURT: Sustained.
22 Q Was it more than a year?
23 MR. BEEMER: Same objection.
24 MR. FARRELL: I'm just testing his
25 recollection, Your Honor, trying to help him.
1 shoulders?
2 A Roughly that height, yes.
3 Q The color of the boy's hair?
4 A I wouldn't be able to tell you, sir. It
5 was wet.
6 Q The boy's height?
7 A I wouldn't be able to give you an
8 accurate height.
9 Q Well, Mr. Sandusky --
10 A Do you want me to guess or do you want me
11 to give you an accurate height?
12 Q Well, I want you to give me an accurate
13 height.
14 A There's no way I could do that without a
15 measuring tape, sir.
16 Q You know Mr. -- how tall are you?
17 A I'm six four and a quarter.
18 Q How tall is Mr. Sandusky?
19 A Again, I can't give you an accurate
20 height. He's a couple inches lower than I am.
21 Q So over six feet?
22 A I would say Jerry is over six feet, yes.
23 Q And the boy's head was up to what part of
24 Jerry's body?
25 A I would say up to his pectoral muscle, in
1 three times)?
2 A You got it.
3 Q And you heard that once and then not
4 again?
5 A Right, right.
6 Q The third time you looked at Mr. Sandusky
7 and the boy, they were both facing you?
8 A Yes, sir.
9 Q And at this time you could see the boy's
10 face, right?
11 A Yes.
12 Q Can you tell us the boy's complexion?
13 A Caucasian.
14 Q Was he fair-skinned, olive-skinned?
15 A I didn't sit there and stare. I would
16 not be able to tell you, sir, accurately.
17 Q At this point can you see the color of
18 his hair, the third time?
19 A I see the color of his hair but, again,
20 he's wet. So for me to sit here and say I know
21 the actual color of his hair, I would not be able
22 to tell you that, sir.
23 Q Did he have any facial hair?
24 A No.
25 Q Hair on his chest?
1 A No.
2 Q Pubic hair?
3 A I didn't sit there and stare, but I don't
4 recall that, no.
5 Q You don't recall if he did or he didn't?
6 A Did not. I don't think he did have pubic
7 hair, sir. As I stated before, in my opinion he
8 was prepubescent. He was a ten- or
9 twelve-year-old boy.
10 Q Uh-huh. As the boy and Mr. Sandusky
11 stood looking at you, they were both still naked?
12 A Naked, yes, sir.
13 Q Did Mr. Sandusky have an erection?
14 A I can't tell you that, sir. I don't
15 know. I did not -- again, I don't look and stare
16 down there.
17 Q At any point during this evening, did you
18 see whether or not Mr. Sandusky had an erect
19 penis?
20 A No, I did not.
21 Q At any point during this night, did you
22 see a look of pain on the boy's face?
23 A Pain?
24 Q Yes.
25 A No.
1 should be called?
2 A He said he wanted to think about what he
3 should do and contact some other folks.
4 Q In all of the conversations, meetings
5 you've had with Coach Paterno since that first
6 time you talked to him about this incident, he
7 never said the police should have been called?
8 MR. BEEMER: Objection to the relevance
9 of what Coach Paterno said should have been done.
10 THE COURT: Sustained.
12 Q You never said to Coach Paterno that the
13 police should be called?
14 A I can't remember saying that.
15 Q You said during your direct examination
16 that you would frequently informally raise
17 questions with them about the way this matter was
18 handled. Do you recall that?
19 A I don't think I said them. Just with
20 people in general.
21 Q Which people?
22 A Not the way this matter was handled. I
23 think it was addressing why Jerry was still
24 around the building, and I thought personally it
25 was wrong. I may be taking that -- maybe I'm not
1 before.
2 Q You can't remember making a fuss about
3 Mr. Sandusky being around the Lasch Building
4 before you learned of the investigation?
5 A No, I cannot remember that, making a
6 fuss, no.
7 Q Now, back in March of 20 -- whatever year
8 this was, 2001 or 2002, you knew Gary Schultz,
9 did you not?
10 A Very informally, not well at all. I
11 mean, I definitely knew Mr. Schultz and knew who
12 he was, but to say I knew him well or anything,
13 that would be a drastic stretch.
14 Q You talked to him maybe three or four
15 times?
16 A Yes, I would say that's accurate, yes,
17 sir.
18 Q Three or four?
19 A Yeah, three, four. Again, I don't know
20 the exact number.
21 Q Did you ever confide in him about a
22 personal matter?
23 A No, not to my knowledge.
24 Q Did you ever talk to him about a police
25 or law enforcement matter before this meeting in
1 March 2002?
2 A Just briefly one day during --
3 MR. BEEMER: Objection to the relevance.
4 MR. FARRELL: It certainly goes to his
5 belief that Mr. Schultz had some police position.
6 MR. BEEMER: I'll withdraw it.
7 THE COURT: Thank you.
8 THE WITNESS: There was a series -- and,
9 again, I hope I'm remembering this correctly.
10 There was a series of riots by the
11 African-American students at Penn State and the
12 black caucus at Penn State.
13 And myself and one of the other assistant
14 coaches walked down to Old Main where they were
15 having a -- I don't know if it was speakers or a
16 riot in front of the building.
17 And I saw Mr. Schultz on that day in a
18 very busy manner, talked to him real briefly.
19 The assistant coach I was with knew him a little
20 better than I had and knew him longer.
21 But, anyway, to make a long story short,
22 he was definitely in an administrative police,
23 trying to organize, trying to take care of things
24 on that day, and I did see that and that would be
25 before this incident.
2 Q Who was the assistant coach you were
3 with?
4 A Coach Anderson.
5 Q Anderson. And you saw Mr. Schultz speak
6 to police officers?
7 A No, no, I didn't see -- I didn't say
8 that. I didn't see him speak to police officers.
9 He was just definitely serving in an
10 administrative capacity trying to organize
11 things.
12 We actually saw him kind of not running
13 but fast -- in a very brisk, fast pace going
14 between Old Main and the Hub and trying to
15 organize things and dealing with what seemed to
16 be to me police issues, I guess.
17 Q When you say organize things, talking to
18 people?
19 A No. On the cell phone, trying to --
20 yeah, organize things. I don't know how better
21 to explain it, sir.
22 Q So you saw him walking quickly talking on
23 his cell phone?
24 A And he stopped. He saw -- Coach Anderson
25 saw him. They spoke briefly. Again, for me to
1 A I was.
2 Q Did you have a boss?
3 A I did.
4 Q Who was your boss?
5 A During that period of time that you
6 mentioned, I reported to Gary Schultz.
7 Q And when you say you reported to Gary
8 Schultz, describe for the Court what does that
9 mean.
10 A Well, he was my direct boss. He did my
11 performance evaluations and was responsible for
12 my supervision.
13 Q So he did performance evaluations on you?
14 A I -- he would have given me any
15 performance evaluations, yes.
16 Q So you had some regular contact with him?
17 A Oh, yes.
18 Q Now, would there be times that you would
19 notify Mr. Schultz as your boss as to the status
20 of certain police activities, either arrests or
21 investigations that occurred within the
22 university police department?
23 A Yes.
24 Q I would like to direct your attention to
25 late spring of 1998, if I could, and ask you if
1 Sandusky?
2 A I did.
3 Q Did you tell him the approximate age of
4 the boy involved?
5 A I don't remember whether or not I
6 mentioned the approximate age.
7 Q Did you tell him where it happened?
8 A Yes.
9 Q Now, where did you tell him it happened?
10 A Lasch Building.
11 Q Did you tell him it was a boy?
12 A Yes.
13 Q Did you keep him apprised of the status
14 of the investigation?
15 A I did.
16 Q How many particular meetings or phone
17 calls would you say you would have had with Gary
18 Schultz relative to this investigation in 1998 by
19 your department?
20 A I have a recollection of four phone
21 calls. There could have been one or two others,
22 but based upon my recollection today I can recall
23 four calls.
24 Q Did you tell him what the conclusion of
25 your investigation was?
1 A Yes.
2 Q And they investigated for some weeks, did
3 they not?
4 A They did.
5 Q Children and Youth Services also got
6 involved in that investigation?
7 A That's correct.
8 Q In addition, a number of psychologists
9 were consulted during that investigation?
10 MR. BEEMER: Objection to the relevance.
11 THE COURT: Are there many more?
12 MR. FARRELL: No, Your Honor.
13 THE COURT: Thank you. You can answer
14 this.
15 THE WITNESS: I'm sorry. What was the
16 question?
18 Q Are you aware that a number of
19 psychologists were consulted during that
20 investigation?
21 A No, I'm not.
22 Q Did Officer Schreffler express any
23 objections or complaints or concerns to you about
24 the closing of the investigation?
25 A Not that I can recall.
1 A That's correct.
2 Q And your department had contact with the
3 Children and Youth division, correct?
4 A Yes. Officer Schreffler did, I believe.
5 I did not.
6 Q At any point subsequent to that
7 investigation, did your department have contact
8 with the Children and Youth Services regarding
9 any other incidents involving Jerry Sandusky?
10 A No.
11 MR. BEEMER: That's all I have.
12 THE WITNESS: Not to my knowledge.
13 THE COURT: Ms. Roberto.
14 MR. FARRELL: I have nothing.
15 MS. ROBERTO: Judge, in light of the
16 questioning, if I may just ask Officer Harmon a
17 couple of questions.
21 Q Officer, you just said that you seldom
22 had contact with, I think you said, child
23 victims. And is that because most of the victims
24 on your campus would be young adults or adults?
25 A That's correct. There were very few
1 questions.
2 MR. BEEMER: Nothing.
3 THE COURT: You may step down. May this
4 witness be released?
5 MS. ROBERTO: Yes, Your Honor.
6 MR. FARRELL: Yes, Your Honor.
7 THE COURT: You may step down. Thank
8 you, sir.
9 (Witness excused.)
12 called as a witness, being duly sworn, testified
13 as follows:
15 THE COURT: Good morning.
16 THE WITNESS: Good morning.
20 Q Please state your name, please.
21 A John McQueary.
22 Q And, Mr. McQueary, is Mike McQueary your
23 son?
24 A Yes.
25 Q I would like to direct your attention
1 acquaintance of mine.
2 So at the time he had, I believe,
3 scheduled a meeting regarding something else in
4 my office, but I made it clear to both my boss
5 and to Mr. Schultz that I had something else I
6 wanted to talk to him about.
7 Q And this was after you were aware that
8 Mike had spoken to Mr. Schultz, if you know?
9 A I do not know that. I can't -- I don't
10 know what time sequence that was.
11 Q Okay. Where did the -- where did the
12 discussion take place?
13 A In my office building, 1850 East Park
14 Avenue in State College.
15 Q Who was present?
16 A Myself, Mr. Schultz, and a Dr. Dranov,
17 Jon Dranov.
18 Q Who is Jon Dranov?
19 A He, too, is a friend, but he also was my
20 boss at the time. He was the President of Centre
21 Medical and Surgical Associates.
22 Q Can you describe for the Court the
23 interaction you had with Gary Schultz at that
24 point? What did you tell him?
25 A Doing it verbatim nine years later is a
1 what's wrong.
2 And collecting himself, he said to me in
3 a very quivering, scared voice -- and he's not a
4 scared-type kid, but he was upset and scared. He
5 said, I just saw something in the locker room.
6 And I said, well, what.
7 I thought maybe he was hurt or something
8 by the way he sounded. And he said -- and I
9 said, what.
10 He says, I saw Coach Sandusky in the
11 shower with a little boy. He says, first I heard
12 it and, he said, I knew that something was going
13 wrong. And he said, I followed -- looked into
14 the locker room and saw him there with a little
15 boy.
16 Q And did you then instruct him to come to
17 your residence?
18 A I did.
19 Q Okay. And --
20 A Not at that exact moment. I -- I'm an
21 administrator, problem solver by design, so I
22 have, I think, an ability to collect a lot of
23 data quickly and try to make a smart decision.
24 Anyway, I asked him where he was. He
25 said he was in his office. I said, where is that
3 Q Was Dr. Dranov present at your home on
4 that night during the whole time that you
5 discussed the incident with your son, in person?
6 A He was there for a significant portion of
7 it, but I don't know if I could say exactly the
8 timing. And did we talk afterwards when
9 Dr. Dranov left? I couldn't make that comment.
10 Q Let's talk about the discussion with
11 Mr. Schultz that happened at 1850 East Park.
12 A Yes.
13 Q And those were the offices of CMSA?
14 A Yes.
15 Q You mentioned -- was Dr. Dranov present
16 during your discussion with Mr. Schultz about the
17 incident?
18 A Yes.
19 Q Did that occur in a conference room?
20 A No, it was actually in my office that has
21 a conference table in it.
22 Q And did the three of you sit around the
23 table?
24 A Yes.
25 Q How big is that table? Bigger than the
1 A No.
2 Q Did Mike tell you that?
3 A And Mike never said that.
4 Q Mike never said that to you at any time?
5 A Specifically your question about
6 thrusting?
7 Q Yes.
8 A I never heard the word thrust.
9 Q Or description of that activity?
10 A Only --
11 MR. BEEMER: Objection to the relevance
12 of what he heard from Mike.
13 THE COURT: Sustained.
15 Q Did you describe that activity to
16 Mr. Schultz?
17 A Did I describe that activity to
18 Mr. Schultz?
19 Q Yes.
20 A I don't think I said thrusting or -- no,
21 I don't think I used that word thrusting.
22 Q All right. Did you describe the activity
23 at all or just describe it as something
24 inappropriate and sexual in nature?
25 A I think I would have used what Mike said
1 Q Sure.
2 A Because of my relationship with
3 Mr. Schultz, and I know who he is and what office
4 he occupied, I also know that he's director of
5 the police department on the campus, as does
6 everyone else around the campus.
7 And so in that regard, I felt we had
8 notified the appropriate person that could take
9 what I would have deemed to be appropriate
10 action.
11 Q Did Mr. Schultz ever report back to you
12 after that meeting?
13 A I don't recall that. And I don't think
14 we met, not specifically or had a conversation,
15 but I think he might have -- you know, when
16 you're remembering things, he might have said
17 something in passing, I'm still looking into it
18 or, John, I'm not turning up much.
19 But could I say that and really know that
20 that was said? No, I can't.
21 Q So you're not sure?
22 A No, I'm not sure.
23 Q Do you recall if you ever expressed any
24 dissatisfaction with Mr. Schultz about the action
25 that was taken or not taken?
1 A Yes, I was.
2 Q And where were you working?
3 A I was working at the Grand Jury in
4 Harrisburg.
5 Q Is that the Statewide Investigating Grand
6 Jury in Harrisburg?
7 A Yes, it is.
8 Q Okay. And during the course of your work
9 as a court reporter, what in very brief terms
10 would you do?
11 A I would go into chambers with the Judge,
12 they would swear the witnesses in, and then I
13 would go into the courtroom with the grand jurors
14 and hear testimony and take down testimony for
15 the day.
16 Q Was one of the individuals that you took
17 testimony for that day an individual by the name
18 of Tim Curley?
19 A Yes, sir.
20 Q Do you see Mr. Curley in the courtroom?
21 A Yes, sir.
22 Q Can you identify where Mr. Curley is
23 located?
24 A He's seated at the defense counsel seat.
25 MR. BEEMER: May the record reflect the
1 State University.
2 Q As that football coach at the
3 Pennsylvania State University, did you have as
4 employed under you an individual by the name of
5 Jerry Sandusky?
6 A I did for a while, yes.
7 Q Do you currently have employed for you
8 since sometime in the early 2000s an assistant
9 coach named Michael McQueary?
10 A Yes.
11 Q I'd like to direct your attention to what
12 I believe would be a spring break of 2002, around
13 that time. Do you recall Michael McQueary
14 calling you and asking to have a discussion with
15 you about something that he observed?
16 A I'm not sure of the date, but he did call
17 me on a Saturday morning. He said he had
18 something that he wanted to discuss. I said,
19 come on over to the house. He came over to the
20 house. And as I said, I'm not sure what year it
21 was, but I know it was a Saturday morning and we
22 discussed something he had seen.
23 Q Without getting into any graphic detail,
24 what did Mr. McQueary tell you he had seen and
25 where?
1 anymore.
2 So I told -- I didn't go any further than
3 that except I knew Mike was upset and I knew some
4 kind of inappropriate action was being taken by
5 Jerry Sandusky with a youngster.
6 Q Did Mike McQueary tell you where he had
7 seen this inappropriate conduct take place?
8 A In the shower.
9 Q Where was the shower?
10 A In the Lasch Building.
11 Q Is that on the campus of Penn State
12 University?
13 A It's right on the campus.
14 Q Did you tell Mike McQueary at that time
15 what you were going to do with that information
16 that he had provided to you?
17 A I don't know whether I was specific or
18 not. I did tell Mike, Mike, you did what was
19 right; you told me. Even though Jerry does not
20 work for the football staff any longer, I would
21 refer his concerns to the right people.
22 Q You recall this taking place on a
23 Saturday morning, the conversation with Mike?
24 A Yes.
25 Q When did you -- did you do something with
1 that information?
2 A Well, I can't be precise. I ordinarily
3 would have called people right away, but it was a
4 Saturday morning and I didn't want to interfere
5 with their weekends. So I don't know whether I
6 did it Saturday or did it early the next week.
7 I'm not sure when, but I did it within the week.
8 Q To whom or with whom did you share the
9 information that McQueary had given you?
10 A I talked to my immediate boss, our
11 athletic director.
12 Q What is that person's name?
13 A Tim Curley.
14 Q How did you contact Mr. Curley?
15 A I believe I did it by phone. As I
16 recall, I called him and I said, hey, we got a
17 problem, and I explained the problem to him.
18 Q Was the information that you passed along
19 substantially the same information that
20 Mr. McQueary had given you?
21 A Yes.
22 Q Other than the incident that Mike
23 McQueary reported to you, do you know in any way,
24 through rumor, direct knowledge or any other
25 fashion, of any other inappropriate sexual
1 A That's correct.
2 Q Was that an in-person meeting or a
3 telephone meeting?
4 A That was an in-person meeting. Well,
5 first I contacted to say I wanted to meet and
6 then we met in person.
7 Q I take it that what you informed the
8 executive director -- well, I don't want to put
9 words in your mouth. Tell me what you told the
10 executive director.
11 A I informed the executive director of the
12 same information that Mike relayed to us and that
13 was the information.
14 Q Did you discuss this matter with Tim
15 Schultz, the senior vice president for the
16 university, at the time that it was reported?
17 A Gary Schultz.
18 Q I'm sorry.
19 A Yes. Gary Schultz is the senior vice
20 president. Gary was the other individual that
21 was with me when Coach Paterno initially reported
22 it to us.
23 Q Did you have discussions with him about
24 how this would be handled or did you make these
25 recommendations yourself?
1 morning.
2 Q Specifically a 1998 report, did you know
3 anything about that in 2002?
4 A No, ma'am.
5 Q If an incident occurs involving an
6 athlete on campus and the university police are
7 involved with an athlete, would that be brought
8 to your attention as the athletic director?
9 A Could you rephrase that? I didn't
10 understand it.
11 Q If a criminal incident occurred or any
12 kind of incident involving an athlete and the
13 university police are involved in the
14 investigation, would that be brought to your
15 attention?
16 A I would say in most cases.
17 Q If there was an incident involving a
18 coach and an allegation of criminal conduct on
19 campus, would that be brought to your attention,
20 would you think, as the athletic director?
21 A I would think, but I don't know.
22 Q But the 1998 incident was never brought
23 to your attention?
24 A No, ma'am, not that I recall.
25 Q Have you ever heard -- anything other
1 A Yes, ma'am.
2 Q The decision not to report this to police
3 was made by you?
4 A Yes.
5 Q The decision to report this to the Second
6 Mile, the individuals in charge there, was made
7 by you?
8 A Yes.
9 Q All of these decisions were made known to
10 the president of the university and he concurred
11 in your decisions?
12 A That's correct.
13 Q By Mr. Fina.
14 Just to be clear, sir, you didn't do
15 these things in a vacuum. You proposed these as
16 the resolution to this and you were affirmed in
17 that by your supervisors?
18 A Yes.
19 Q So, in fact, the ultimate decision was
20 not yours. You made the decision on proposals,
21 but the ultimate decision to take this action
22 instead of any other would have been by your
23 supervisors?
24 A I reported it to my direct employer,
25 which is President Spanier, and made the
1 building.
2 Q While you're on the subject of his
3 retirement, what were the circumstances of his
4 retirement? Was there anything unusual about his
5 retirement that you can recall?
6 A No. I candidly have recollections that
7 Coach Paterno and Jerry had reached a point where
8 I think Coach Paterno felt it would be best to
9 make a coaching change. I had that underlying
10 feeling or understanding. Jerry was enrolled in
11 the Commonwealth State Employee Retirement
12 System, which employees at Penn State have the
13 option to elect into.
14 It turns out at the time that he was
15 contemplating retirement, there was a retirement
16 incentive. I think they called it a retirement
17 window or something that was referred to as such.
18 But in other words, if you retired by a certain
19 date, a window of time, your retirement was
20 enhanced.
21 So Jerry had that as kind of a factor or
22 a key factor in deciding the timing of his
23 retirement, which I believe the window would
24 close at the end of June in that particular year.
25 So if he didn't make the decision to retire by
1 A Yes.
2 Q Do you not recall anything more specific
3 than that that Mike McQueary reported to you?
4 A I do not recall, no.
5 Q Did you consult with Tim Curley as to
6 what would be done as a result of this 2002
7 report?
8 A I believe Tim and I had -- yes, we had
9 conversation at that time.
10 Q Whose recommendations -- what was done,
11 first of all?
12 A Well, my recollection was -- and I'm not
13 so sure it's -- I'm not as confident, but I think
14 we decided it would be appropriate to just say to
15 Jerry that you shouldn't be bringing the Second
16 Mile kids onto campus in the football building.
17 So I believe Tim communicated to Jerry
18 that that type of thing should not be occurring
19 in the future. I also have a recollection that
20 we asked the child protective agency to look into
21 the matter.
22 Q When you say child protective agency, was
23 that a university department or something off
24 university?
25 A Yeah. My understanding is it's somehow
1 1998 allegations --
2 A That's correct.
3 Q -- of the same nature involving Sandusky?
4 A An allegation, yes.
5 Q It's your testimony that you believed the
6 2002 incident was reported to the same agency,
7 that child protective services agency, for an
8 investigation as the '98 one had been?
9 A That's my recollection, yes.
10 Q You did not meet with Jerry Sandusky
11 about any of these incidents whatsoever?
12 A No, I did not.
13 Q Did Tim Curley report back to you about
14 his contact with Jerry Sandusky regarding the
15 incident in 2002?
16 A I can't say for sure. I had the
17 impression that Tim did follow through and make
18 sure Jerry understood that he was no longer
19 permitted to bring Second Mile children into the
20 football facility.
21 Q Did you, yourself, ever attempt to
22 determine the identity or age of the boy in the
23 shower in the 2002 incident?
24 A No.
25 Q Do you know if anyone in the university
1 A No.
2 Q Are you aware of any memorandums or any
3 written documents, other than your own notes,
4 that existed either at the time of this incident
5 or after this incident about the 2002 events?
6 A No.
7 Q Would that be standard? Would that be
8 the way the university operates when an
9 allegation is made against a current employee or
10 a very famous prior employee, that nothing be put
11 in writing?
12 A The allegations came across as not that
13 serious. It didn't appear at that time, based on
14 what was reported, to be that serious, that a
15 crime had occurred. We had no indication a crime
16 had occurred.
17 Q Do you recollect going to Joe Paterno's
18 house on a Sunday to be informed of this?
19 A No.
20 Q No, that you don't recollect? No, that
21 it did not happen?
22 A No, I don't recollect it. Again, I
23 thought I was informed in a meeting that Joe and
24 Tim and I had at my office. Now, could it have
25 happened at Joe's house? Possibly.
1 criminal.
2 Give me an example of conduct -- for
3 example, a university professor does something to
4 a student and a student reports it. I assume
5 that would go to the university police, right?
6 A No, not necessarily. You asked for an
7 example. Not all inappropriate conduct is
8 criminal. Cursing at a student in class, if
9 you're a faculty member losing your temper,
10 perhaps might not be criminal, but it's not
11 appropriate for a faculty member to do such a
12 thing.
13 Q How about an adult individual being naked
14 in the shower with a young boy and touching that
15 young boy? Clearly inappropriate, right?
16 A Yeah, I would say.
17 Q But not criminal in your mind, not
18 potentially criminal?
19 A I didn't get the impression that there
20 was something like that going on.
21 Q I thought you said that you thought
22 perhaps he had grabbed his genitals?
23 A Well, you know, whether he -- I don't
24 know. I mean, I wasn't told what was really
25 going on. But if he did, if that was what it
2 I hereby certify that the proceedings and
3 evidence are contained fully and accurately in
4 the notes taken by me on the hearing of the above
5 cause, and that this is a correct transcript of
6 the same.
7 _
8 Date Brenda S. Shaffer, RMR
9 Official Court Reporter
11 I hereby certify that I have reviewed the
12 transcript prepared by Brenda S. Shaffer from the
13 notes taken by her on the hearing of the above
14 cause, and that this is a correct transcript of
15 the same.
16 ____________ ________________________
17 Date Nativa P. Wood, RDR, CMRS
18 Chief Court Reporter
20 The foregoing record of the proceedings
21 upon the hearing of the above cause is hereby
22 approved and directed to be filed.
24 ___________ _
25 Date Todd A. Hoover, P. Judge
actual [5] - 13:14, African [1] - 107:11 alleged [5] - 180:3, appear [5] - 14:21, arm [1] - 223:25
87:17, 96:21, 102:23, African-American 189:17, 219:15, 15:16, 218:23, arms [5] - 13:14,
109:1 [1] - 107:11 220:10, 242:21 229:13, 242:23 34:2, 57:12, 75:15,
Acuff [1] - 45:9 afternoon [2] - 31:4, allegedly [3] - 207:6, APPEARANCES [1] - 81:2
add [2] - 151:4, 77:10 239:22, 242:20 1:19 Arnold [1] - 128:8
151:21 afterwards [1] - allow [4] - 43:4, appeared [8] - 12:10, arose [1] - 214:14
addition [6] - 74:10, 148:8 51:22, 105:4, 141:15 13:16, 14:22, 66:17, arraignment [2] -
127:8, 128:18, 163:2, AG's [1] - 79:12 allowed [2] - 78:21, 138:7, 139:19, 157:3, 250:14, 250:19
186:18, 186:24 age [10] - 117:18, 191:7 157:5 arrangement [1] -
additional [4] - 119:3, 119:6, 153:14, almost [1] - 104:25 applies [1] - 244:24 206:1
129:15, 129:17, 215:22, 222:19, alone [2] - 52:6, apply [1] - 238:2 arrests [1] - 116:20
129:20, 129:23 233:6, 233:19, 249:13 235:1 appreciate [1] - arrival [1] - 8:19
additionally [1] - agency [28] - 130:12, alongside [1] - 76:17 arrive [5] - 65:10,
182:7 167:1, 212:20, 104:10 apprised [2] - 71:1, 71:16, 147:7,
address [2] - 20:14, 212:22, 213:9, ambiguity [1] - 119:13, 123:5 147:10
101:1 213:13, 213:15, 245:23 approach [1] - 162:6 arrived [7] - 45:18,
addressing [1] - 214:9, 215:6, 215:7, ambiguous [2] - approached [1] - 45:25, 65:20, 67:6,
103:23 216:18, 217:6, 217:7, 243:10, 244:9 117:7 67:14, 70:25, 144:22
adjacent [1] - 52:9 220:13, 220:24, American [1] - appropriate [19] - aside [1] - 100:13
adjoining [1] - 45:1 221:3, 221:7, 223:12, 107:11 156:8, 156:9, 172:1, aspect [1] - 37:3
adjourned [2] - 227:5, 227:7, 227:11, amount [1] - 178:15 183:6, 184:17, 188:4, assault [4] - 102:19,
172:14, 250:24 227:14, 227:20, ample [1] - 250:1 197:5, 197:11, 102:20, 102:21, 153:2
administration [2] - 227:22, 228:1, 228:3, anal [13] - 25:12, 199:25, 200:14, assessment [1] -
105:14, 125:7 228:4, 228:16 71:22, 72:1, 72:6, 200:18, 201:13, 244:1
administrative [4] - Agent [1] - 164:14 72:9, 72:13, 81:15, 212:14, 216:7, assigned [1] -
47:25, 107:22, agent [2] - 165:1, 81:17, 152:20, 183:8, 216:19, 217:6, 192:21
108:10, 179:20 166:13 225:5, 245:13 232:11, 247:2, 248:14 assist [1] - 193:9
administrator [1] - agents [2] - 104:17, Anderson [3] - appropriately [2] - assistant [19] - 6:12,
143:21 104:23 108:4, 108:5, 108:24 178:14, 178:17 6:14, 6:16, 11:7,
Administrator's [1] - ago [2] - 192:10, angle [2] - 10:17, approve [1] - 218:23 11:11, 43:10, 55:8,
250:16 217:2 93:5 approved [1] - 88:2, 88:3, 88:8,
administrators [1] - agree [6] - 76:22, angles [1] - 59:14 251:21 88:15, 92:5, 107:13,
248:19 218:4, 224:19, answer [25] - 43:19, approximate [3] - 107:19, 108:2, 117:3,
admission [2] - 224:22, 225:4, 235:21 55:12, 66:20, 79:17, 17:4, 119:3, 119:6 174:8, 180:20, 248:20
163:9, 163:18 agreeing [1] - 224:24 88:23, 90:7, 90:24, archaic [1] - 153:15 assistants [2] -
admit [3] - 185:19, agreement [4] - 93:15, 105:4, 109:21, area [43] - 17:22, 43:16, 43:20
186:7, 243:10 163:25, 218:7, 112:1, 112:2, 127:13, 21:17, 43:21, 43:22, assistantship [1] -
ADMITTED [1] - 3:3 218:10, 219:2 141:16, 141:20, 44:19, 57:20, 61:5, 43:2
admitted [2] - ahead [5] - 67:12, 141:23, 144:11, 63:1, 63:10, 69:22, associated [1] -
163:22, 185:24 68:7, 117:13, 142:5, 155:24, 170:4, 170:5, 73:15, 87:22, 88:13, 210:13
admitting [3] - 181:10 173:6, 234:21, 88:16, 88:18, 88:21, Associates [2] -
185:23, 239:18, airport [1] - 205:14 241:16, 243:4, 244:8 90:20, 95:1, 95:2, 110:4, 135:21
241:20 alarmed [3] - 10:4, answered [9] - 118:10, 124:2, 124:4, assume [7] - 20:5,
adopting [1] - 233:24 201:9, 201:16 76:21, 80:14, 93:10, 125:1, 137:11, 78:21, 110:18, 184:7,
adult [7] - 183:18, alert [4] - 59:5, 93:12, 101:22, 111:8, 137:19, 144:25, 220:12, 220:25, 232:4
201:13, 211:23, 59:25, 60:2, 114:1 111:9, 142:12, 197:20 181:3, 181:8, 183:4, assumed [1] -
211:24, 224:19, alerted [1] - 10:4 answering [2] - 191:19, 192:15, 220:23
232:13, 234:22 allegation [14] - 42:17, 151:25 192:16, 192:18, assuming [1] -
adults [2] - 131:24 129:1, 190:18, answers [4] - 192:19, 192:22, 238:12
advice [5] - 21:3, 213:18, 215:4, 161:24, 243:9, 249:4, 193:1, 193:5, 193:8, assure [1] - 248:13
21:11, 66:25, 144:18, 216:12, 216:14, 249:5 194:12, 197:14, astonishing [2] -
149:18 219:19, 220:8, 229:9, Anthony [2] - 2:20, 200:15, 201:14 246:9, 246:16
advise [2] - 149:15, 230:15, 230:20, 164:24 areas [3] - 123:8, ate [1] - 51:9
203:10 231:10, 242:22, ANTHONY [1] - 123:11, 179:23 athlete [4] - 190:6,
advised [1] - 117:8 244:18 164:16 argue [1] - 246:10 190:7, 190:12, 231:3
adviser [1] - 140:18 allegations [8] - anyway [4] - 93:12, argued [1] - 246:6 athletes [1] - 193:9
affiliated [2] - 213:1, 139:1, 139:6, 189:22, 107:21, 124:1, 143:24 arguing [1] - 238:13 athletic [24] - 5:19,
222:12 203:18, 214:24, apart [1] - 18:16 argument [5] - 6:21, 27:25, 29:7,
affirmed [1] - 198:16 215:1, 229:12, 233:13 apologize [1] - 236:15, 239:20, 49:3, 49:5, 49:6,
afield [1] - 109:14 allege [1] - 214:19 153:22 242:9, 242:15, 246:6 49:20, 121:5, 132:12,
177:11, 179:12, 167:7, 188:10, 95:9, 101:21, 103:8, better [4] - 24:2, 101:8, 101:15,
179:17, 179:18, 189:16, 189:22, 105:1, 107:3, 107:6, 107:20, 108:20, 214:9 101:19, 102:2, 102:6,
182:15, 186:21, 196:3, 197:3, 197:5, 109:13, 109:20, between [16] - 6:13, 102:9, 119:4, 119:11,
190:8, 190:20, 214:25, 219:4, 220:7, 110:21, 111:8, 26:6, 36:3, 61:1, 121:24, 137:20,
196:24, 205:19, 227:10, 229:2, 233:12 111:24, 112:11, 79:25, 99:2, 108:14, 143:11, 143:15,
205:21, 205:22, 113:10, 113:13, 137:20, 168:16, 144:5, 175:4, 185:20,
206:14 B 114:5, 114:14, 115:4, 183:9, 191:3, 217:3, 185:23, 196:15,
Athletic [2] - 121:1, 122:20, 123:16, 226:13, 228:24, 241:8 207:10, 215:22,
218:24 123:18, 124:7, beyond [4] - 47:17, 216:6, 216:21,
athletics [3] - 49:7, background [2] - 127:10, 130:5, 130:8, 219:17, 219:21,
66:8, 137:25, 141:5
179:8, 179:21 230:19, 236:24 131:11, 133:2, 222:9, 224:8, 224:17,
Big [1] - 50:19
attached [2] - 124:5, backside [2] - 93:1 133:19, 139:25, 224:21, 226:14,
big [2] - 91:12,
193:23 bail [2] - 250:13, 141:4, 144:7, 144:24, 232:14, 232:15,
attaching [1] - 250:15 145:10, 145:23, 233:22, 234:1, 247:8,
bigger [1] - 148:25
243:14 Baldwin [2] - 179:6, 146:16, 154:11, 247:12, 249:12
bind [2] - 248:2,
attempt [6] - 126:7, 204:21 157:16, 158:8, boy's [16] - 57:14,
165:15, 196:18, ball [1] - 45:8 158:16, 159:25, 57:16, 57:22, 75:19,
bit [5] - 12:22, 49:23,
215:21, 221:11, Barker [1] - 173:5 160:3, 160:14, 162:6, 93:7, 93:18, 94:3,
171:24, 175:24, 248:4
221:19 BARKER [1] - 173:10 162:8, 163:7, 163:10, 94:6, 94:23, 95:4,
black [1] - 107:12
attempted [2] - barring [2] - 189:12, 163:16, 164:5, 96:9, 96:12, 97:22,
blank [2] - 62:6
125:13, 216:2 197:9 164:13, 164:21, 153:25, 211:15,
Blasko [1] - 217:11
attend [2] - 5:17, base [1] - 243:21 166:6, 170:3, 171:9, 225:13
blocking [2] - 73:15,
206:6 based [18] - 13:22, 171:13, 172:24, boys [10] - 34:23,
attending [1] - 42:25 13:24, 19:2, 41:1, 173:14, 173:18, 178:1, 184:24, 185:3,
bodies [2] - 18:14,
attention [18] - 7:15, 91:6, 118:14, 119:22, 236:11, 246:4 213:22, 216:6,
58:14, 116:24, 134:5, 197:1, 200:12, Beemer's [1] - 42:17 222:12, 222:18,
body [10] - 15:17,
125:24, 133:25, 225:25, 229:13, BEFORE [1] - 1:14 233:14, 234:23
33:8, 33:20, 73:15,
158:22, 169:24, 239:20, 240:20, began [3] - 9:22, brand [1] - 210:12
73:16, 73:18, 93:6,
174:11, 179:24, 241:24, 242:24, 10:2, 166:23 break [12] - 42:23,
93:7, 94:24, 184:3
180:1, 180:8, 188:18, 243:9, 244:13 begin [2] - 166:14, 43:12, 45:13, 46:21,
booklet [1] - 46:6
190:8, 190:15, basis [8] - 48:10, 167:4 47:2, 50:14, 50:18,
Borough [1] - 195:14
190:19, 190:23, 48:12, 50:3, 214:20, beginning [2] - 4:2, 174:12, 180:1, 206:4,
boss [13] - 66:22,
206:3, 206:22 225:22, 225:24, 172:21 235:22, 250:6
116:2, 116:4, 116:10,
ATTORNEY [1] - 235:19, 244:10 behave [1] - 206:2 Brenda [1] - 251:11
116:19, 121:15,
1:20 basketball [2] - behavior [9] - 61:19, brief [3] - 73:25,
134:17, 135:4,
Attorney [19] - 79:6, 50:14, 117:22 84:13, 199:19, 159:9, 164:14
135:20, 140:15,
104:17, 104:23, bearing [1] - 244:14 200:12, 206:19, briefly [8] - 53:16,
169:7, 170:13, 177:10
118:22, 120:2, 120:6, became [4] - 7:25, 206:25, 214:21, 53:18, 64:7, 107:2,
bother [1] - 23:24
120:9, 122:7, 128:5, 44:12, 92:12, 220:7 219:22, 239:11 107:18, 108:25,
bottom [1] - 169:20
129:12, 161:23, become [2] - 134:1, behind [8] - 12:10, 136:8, 136:9
bought [1] - 8:4
165:2, 168:17, 173:6, 189:22 13:11, 34:1, 54:5, bring [8] - 70:12,
bowl [6] - 50:9,
178:22, 204:11, bed [1] - 7:24 54:15, 57:10, 81:3, 85:5, 113:17, 132:22,
50:10, 50:11, 50:15,
216:23, 216:25, 217:4 beefed [1] - 47:5 246:18 161:4, 206:21,
50:16, 50:17
Attorney's [1] - Beemer [12] - 2:6, belief [3] - 47:4, 215:19, 234:6
boy [89] - 12:9,
128:8 2:10, 2:14, 2:18, 2:21, 107:5, 241:4 bringing [5] -
12:11, 13:9, 14:10,
audio [1] - 79:24 62:8, 78:1, 158:6, benefit [2] - 204:15, 186:22, 189:12,
14:13, 14:14, 14:23,
audit [1] - 230:18 172:23, 236:9, 242:5, 210:1 192:1, 197:9, 212:15
15:18, 16:11, 16:14,
August [1] - 44:9 246:3 benefits [2] - 191:13, brisk [2] - 17:15,
16:23, 16:25, 21:10,
auspices [1] - 216:1 BEEMER [93] - 1:20, 191:14 108:13
21:21, 24:14, 24:19,
authorities [1] - 4:22, 4:24, 5:9, 28:16, bent [3] - 93:21, broken [1] - 100:17
25:1, 26:6, 32:20,
199:4 29:25, 30:12, 32:4, 93:23, 93:24 brought [6] - 179:25,
34:1, 34:9, 35:8, 40:9,
authority [3] - 27:19, 33:1, 33:4, 33:14, beside [2] - 160:12, 188:18, 190:7,
57:10, 57:24, 58:6,
205:5, 228:2 33:18, 40:12, 40:15, 170:19 190:14, 190:19,
73:10, 73:14, 73:18,
automatically [2] - 41:20, 48:2, 51:18, best [15] - 19:14, 190:22
73:19, 73:24, 75:13,
52:22, 52:25 62:2, 62:24, 64:16, 66:23, 101:5, 101:7, BRUCE [1] - 1:20
75:15, 80:20, 81:2,
Avenue [1] - 135:14 66:7, 68:4, 68:18, 128:23, 137:22, Bryce [8] - 31:16,
81:3, 81:16, 93:8,
69:12, 69:25, 71:3, 139:12, 142:9, 146:9, 38:6, 40:7, 49:12,
avoid [1] - 111:19 93:15, 93:16, 93:21,
76:20, 78:14, 79:13, 180:8, 182:16, 49:18, 77:16, 111:12,
aware [20] - 28:20, 95:6, 95:15, 96:7,
80:9, 86:18, 86:23, 202:21, 209:8, 123:14
29:19, 127:18, 134:1, 97:9, 97:10, 98:1,
90:15, 90:20, 93:9, 214:16, 227:21 budget [1] - 205:17
135:7, 139:1, 167:4, 98:18, 99:7, 100:25,
budgetary [1] - 42:2, 48:7, 51:24, capacity [5] - 108:10, championship [1] - citizens [1] - 172:5
122:25 62:3, 63:2, 64:22, 110:3, 158:24, 50:20 City [1] - 47:3
budgets [2] - 125:5, 67:3, 70:20, 71:8, 179:11, 205:4 change [2] - 15:9, claims [1] - 69:2
125:6 76:23, 79:1, 79:22, car [4] - 8:21, 22:11, 209:9 clarification [1] -
building [50] - 7:2, 80:16, 86:2, 86:21, 52:8, 100:17 changed [1] - 31:10 112:13
8:5, 8:24, 9:16, 20:8, 87:6, 91:5, 93:17, card [1] - 194:10 Chapter [1] - 244:6 clarifying [1] - 82:17
21:21, 22:1, 25:24, 95:13, 101:24, care [1] - 107:23 characterize [4] - class [1] - 232:8
44:2, 45:23, 46:20, 103:11, 104:5, 105:9, career [1] - 6:7 19:16, 118:9, 183:24, clear [26] - 24:22,
46:24, 47:13, 47:25, 108:1, 109:16, careful [2] - 141:18, 235:18 24:25, 25:3, 25:6,
49:12, 50:2, 52:3, 109:24, 110:25, 250:5 characterized [1] - 34:10, 72:22, 83:21,
77:16, 87:24, 87:25, 111:10, 112:8, carol [1] - 169:7 118:11 102:3, 102:22,
103:24, 104:3, 112:20, 113:13, CAROLINE [1] - 1:22 charge [11] - 29:6, 112:21, 113:3, 135:4,
107:16, 121:24, 115:4, 122:20, Caroline [3] - 4:11, 29:21, 64:13, 64:20, 152:11, 166:1,
123:12, 123:19, 123:18, 124:14, 42:3, 140:6 69:1, 198:6, 243:22, 197:21, 198:14,
123:21, 134:3, 127:17, 130:8, carry [2] - 99:24, 244:11, 244:12, 211:11, 223:14,
135:13, 137:5, 131:20, 133:19, 100:4 244:19, 246:1 225:9, 237:1, 246:24,
137:10, 137:11, 140:5, 141:25, carrying [1] - 100:9 charges [7] - 167:19, 248:9, 248:15, 249:5,
144:3, 144:6, 180:23, 144:16, 145:4, 147:4, case [15] - 68:6, 167:20, 168:9, 249:6, 249:22
192:24, 193:2, 194:3, 148:2, 154:14, 69:16, 70:8, 90:21, 168:10, 214:14, clearly [10] - 102:24,
194:4, 194:5, 208:17, 158:16, 160:3, 118:23, 167:22, 216:16, 250:9 110:15, 184:13,
208:19, 209:1, 160:14, 162:8, 173:23, 237:5, charging [1] - 244:6 210:12, 225:6,
212:16, 235:4, 163:10, 164:21, 237:19, 237:21, charity [1] - 184:23 232:15, 247:3,
235:10, 235:11, 166:12, 169:4, 242:8, 242:14, CHARLES [1] - 1:9 247:20, 247:25,
235:12, 235:24 170:10, 173:18 242:17, 244:10, 249:9 check [1] - 221:16 249:19
Building [50] - 7:4, cases [5] - 190:16, checked [2] - client [2] - 242:20,
7:7, 8:2, 8:13, 8:16, C 237:1, 237:8, 250:2, 167:25, 168:5 245:22
8:20, 8:21, 11:24, 250:11 chest [1] - 96:25 clients [2] - 172:11,
30:15, 35:8, 44:2, Caucasian [1] - chief [4] - 115:23, 238:25
calendar [1] - 89:2
46:9, 46:16, 47:5, 96:13 124:20, 205:7, 217:3 clock [1] - 240:18
calm [1] - 226:24
49:10, 52:9, 52:10, caucus [1] - 107:12 child [33] - 15:1, close [14] - 13:12,
78:4, 78:9, 79:8, camera [1] - 87:17
cell [5] - 98:3, 98:5, 85:11, 117:25, 118:4, 17:13, 17:21, 20:17,
79:11, 79:25, 86:13, cameras [16] - 46:8,
98:8, 108:19, 108:23 128:21, 131:22, 23:4, 24:9, 24:10,
92:16, 92:22, 98:9, 46:11, 46:13, 46:16,
Center [6] - 31:16, 169:24, 171:4, 34:1, 48:20, 54:7,
102:1, 104:8, 106:3, 46:19, 46:23, 86:12,
38:6, 40:7, 49:18, 183:10, 183:14, 57:12, 73:20, 209:24,
113:18, 117:12, 86:14, 87:12, 87:13,
111:13, 123:14 183:15, 183:18, 210:9
117:19, 117:20, 87:14, 87:22, 88:12,
Centre [8] - 110:4, 183:19, 200:20, closed [6] - 52:22,
119:10, 123:22, 88:15, 88:18
118:22, 135:20, 201:8, 201:14, 52:23, 128:10,
123:25, 124:6, camp [1] - 44:10
166:24, 166:25, 212:20, 212:22, 128:18, 129:5, 129:10
136:11, 140:24, campus [35] - 7:3,
168:19, 170:12, 213:13, 214:9, 215:7, closely [1] - 35:24
166:3, 176:10, 8:19, 38:19, 42:13,
195:14 217:6, 220:13, 222:1, closer [6] - 18:5,
191:20, 192:15, 42:14, 62:17, 83:22,
certain [8] - 59:4, 222:3, 222:5, 222:8, 18:7, 18:10, 18:19,
193:4, 194:15, 117:12, 117:19,
78:2, 78:5, 116:20, 222:10, 228:4, 99:1, 168:2
194:16, 208:14, 118:10, 120:19,
123:5, 209:18, 214:5, 228:16, 246:14 closes [2] - 52:25,
208:16, 219:16, 123:9, 123:13,
248:5 children [10] - 85:5, 54:4
219:24 123:15, 131:24,
132:1, 156:5, 156:6, certainly [11] - 14:18, 113:18, 132:1, 185:2, closing [3] - 127:24,
buildings [1] - 235:3 192:1, 197:22, 128:2, 242:15
176:11, 176:13, 15:20, 104:25, 105:6,
burden [5] - 70:11, 207:22, 208:2, clothes [1] - 34:9
180:22, 190:6, 107:4, 120:18,
242:13, 242:17, 215:19, 222:16 clothing [1] - 26:10
190:19, 191:4, 137:25, 149:11,
249:25, 250:9 Children [8] - 127:5,
191:15, 192:1, 192:4, 210:10, 211:20, clowning [1] - 224:3
burglarized [1] - 130:12, 130:14,
194:21, 205:13, 243:21 club [1] - 179:22
100:19 130:18, 131:3, 131:8,
212:16, 213:23, certainty [1] - 152:1 CMSA [1] - 148:13
burglary [1] - 100:24 165:17, 195:15
216:10, 228:18, CERTIFICATION [1] coach [27] - 5:24,
business [6] - choice [1] - 69:13
234:6, 246:11 - 251:1 6:13, 6:16, 9:4, 11:7,
109:25, 125:2, Chris [1] - 45:9
candidly [1] - 209:6 certified [5] - 162:2, 11:11, 22:23, 25:22,
134:25, 136:5, circled [1] - 182:17
cannot [11] - 35:15, 162:14, 162:18, 47:8, 47:9, 47:10,
204:18, 218:15 circumstance [1] -
73:1, 75:18, 84:25, 162:20, 162:25 107:19, 108:2, 108:4,
busy [1] - 107:18 235:6 117:4, 173:25, 174:2,
102:13, 106:5, certify [1] - 251:3
BY [64] - 5:9, 28:16, circumstances [5] - 174:9, 175:12,
157:12, 167:18, chair [1] - 26:19
29:25, 30:12, 32:4, 122:7, 209:3, 210:19, 180:19, 180:20,
167:19, 185:11, chambers [2] -
33:4, 33:18, 40:15, 224:20, 234:1 181:13, 181:16,
241:21 159:11, 161:3
247:17, 249:16, 111:9, 112:2, 112:6, 120:4, 120:19, 238:11, 238:21, 85:15, 208:23,
249:19 112:15, 112:18, 129:13, 190:11, 239:22, 240:12, 212:14, 214:8
counsel [17] - 4:5, 113:9, 114:6, 114:8, 190:18, 197:8, 199:7, 240:19, 241:11, deciding [1] - 209:22
4:8, 95:25, 114:16, 114:10, 114:13, 214:14, 230:3, 241:15, 241:17, decision [28] - 22:15,
147:2, 159:24, 114:15, 114:19, 230:14, 230:15, 242:1, 246:25, 22:20, 23:1, 23:6,
163:21, 171:20, 115:1, 124:9, 124:11, 230:22, 230:25, 247:16, 248:7, 250:10 66:10, 66:13, 67:5,
172:10, 179:3, 179:6, 127:11, 127:13, 231:2, 231:5, 231:11, Curley's [4] - 49:9, 71:9, 74:6, 74:8,
189:7, 204:20, 217:5, 131:13, 133:3, 133:7, 231:20, 231:24, 50:1, 247:20, 247:25 120:5, 123:4, 134:7,
217:8, 246:7, 250:14 133:15, 140:1, 141:9, 231:25, 232:1, 232:8, curley's [1] - 28:14 143:23, 146:18,
count [1] - 248:3 141:15, 142:4, 232:10, 232:17, current [4] - 55:6, 150:7, 189:2, 189:3,
counted [1] - 247:19 144:11, 145:1, 146:2, 232:18, 233:2, 169:9, 229:9 197:21, 198:2, 198:5,
countertop [1] - 147:1, 147:21, 240:11, 240:24, cursing [1] - 232:8 198:19, 198:20,
54:11 154:13, 157:17, 244:18, 248:15 Cynthia [2] - 179:6, 198:21, 209:25,
County [6] - 118:22, 157:19, 157:22, Criminal [1] - 250:11 204:21 217:5, 217:9, 246:12
166:24, 166:25, 157:24, 158:3, 158:6, CROSS [8] - 2:3, CYS [18] - 128:18, decisions [3] -
168:20, 170:12, 160:2, 160:13, 162:7, 42:1, 86:1, 124:13, 128:22, 129:1, 129:5, 198:9, 198:11, 203:9
195:14 164:2, 164:4, 164:7, 140:4, 148:1, 166:11, 129:8, 165:25, deemed [1] - 156:9
COUNTY [3] - 1:2, 164:10, 166:8, 169:1, 169:3 166:16, 166:22, Defendant [2] - 1:23,
1:7, 1:17 170:4, 171:10, 172:3, curious [1] - 57:4 166:23, 167:4, 1:25
couple [6] - 39:23, 172:23, 173:8, 236:7, CURLEY [1] - 1:4 167:12, 167:17, Defendants [1] -
50:9, 92:10, 94:20, 236:9, 236:14, Curley [115] - 1:23, 167:18, 168:9, 70:8
113:10, 131:17 242:10, 246:2, 250:4 3:7, 4:10, 4:12, 6:23, 168:12, 168:20, defense [4] - 4:8,
course [12] - 89:19, court [9] - 158:21, 27:20, 27:24, 28:8, 169:5, 170:11 114:15, 159:24, 172:9
117:23, 126:11, 158:24, 159:9, 161:8, 30:14, 30:25, 31:21, defensive [2] - 11:6,
126:14, 130:10, 172:6, 204:15, 242:2, 32:10, 33:12, 33:13, D 45:8
145:21, 150:14, 246:19, 250:21 33:19, 34:7, 35:5, define [1] - 225:2
159:8, 165:14, Court's [2] - 71:4, 35:12, 37:1, 37:7, definitely [11] -
165:20, 219:14, 224:6 250:24 37:14, 38:9, 38:16, DA [1] - 36:14
14:22, 55:22, 72:12,
Court [41] - 4:11, 6:1, COURTHOUSE [1] - 39:13, 40:6, 40:18, dad [4] - 66:21,
87:23, 91:3, 105:22,
7:2, 7:6, 7:20, 8:18, 1:17 42:4, 48:24, 49:14, 142:21, 153:15, 249:9
106:11, 107:22,
11:4, 14:12, 16:21, courthouse [1] - 50:6, 50:10, 68:10, daily [2] - 48:12, 50:3 108:9, 109:2, 183:14
19:16, 22:4, 31:22, 250:17 68:16, 68:19, 69:2, data [1] - 143:23 definition [4] - 75:25,
40:16, 68:24, 78:20, Courtney [1] - 69:5, 76:25, 77:3, DATE [1] - 1:15 211:20, 223:22
115:8, 116:8, 117:6, 217:10 77:13, 77:16, 77:18, date [11] - 88:25, definitively [1] -
118:15, 118:20, courtroom [8] - 77:21, 79:2, 80:5, 89:2, 110:12, 110:16, 222:10
135:22, 146:4, 28:11, 30:7, 149:1, 80:17, 81:5, 81:10, 173:14, 174:16, degree [1] - 43:3
146:13, 155:7, 155:6, 159:13, 81:14, 81:22, 82:2, 178:20, 186:3, delicate [1] - 101:4
171:15, 171:19, 159:20, 160:9, 250:21 82:14, 82:15, 82:16, 202:20, 204:9, 209:19
department [39] -
172:14, 172:16, COURTROOM [1] - 83:5, 83:9, 83:19, Date [2] - 251:11,
29:7, 29:9, 29:13,
237:2, 237:23, 238:6, 1:16 84:2, 85:3, 85:4, 251:25
29:15, 29:21, 30:2,
241:25, 242:12, courts [1] - 237:6 85:13, 85:19, 90:23, DAUPHIN [3] - 1:2, 30:4, 35:2, 35:7,
246:23, 247:2, covered [1] - 66:13 111:12, 113:15, 1:7, 1:17 36:18, 87:21, 114:2,
249:24, 250:1, 250:2, CP-22-MD-1374- 132:8, 132:9, 132:12, day-to-day [1] - 116:22, 117:1,
250:16, 251:12 2011 [1] - 1:4 132:16, 132:20, 206:1 117:10, 119:19,
COURT [103] - 1:1, CP-22-MD-1375- 132:22, 140:7, days [14] - 30:18, 121:13, 121:18,
1:6, 4:5, 4:8, 4:14, 2011 [1] - 1:9 159:18, 159:20, 30:20, 37:6, 38:9, 122:13, 123:7,
4:18, 4:20, 4:23, 5:5, credits [1] - 43:3 159:22, 160:1, 48:13, 68:17, 77:1, 124:19, 125:8,
28:15, 29:24, 30:11, crime [26] - 89:11, 160:22, 161:11, 77:2, 83:10, 83:18, 125:21, 126:17,
33:3, 33:16, 40:13, 89:13, 89:14, 89:16, 162:19, 163:2, 201:21, 203:1, 130:11, 130:13,
41:22, 48:6, 51:22, 89:18, 89:22, 102:12, 171:17, 171:23, 203:12, 203:25 130:15, 130:20,
64:21, 66:16, 66:20, 102:14, 128:11, 173:3, 177:13, dealing [1] - 108:15 131:2, 131:7, 156:5,
68:7, 68:22, 69:17, 128:15, 152:9, 177:14, 178:10, dealt [2] - 130:20, 167:21, 168:13,
70:9, 71:7, 76:22, 152:10, 188:11, 178:15, 178:21, 170:13 168:14, 168:15,
78:23, 78:25, 79:17, 188:13, 189:5, 179:2, 179:7, 205:22, DECEMBER [1] - 212:23, 228:9, 246:12
80:14, 85:24, 86:20, 229:15, 236:18, 205:24, 206:15, 1:15 Department [5] -
87:1, 87:5, 90:24, 241:4, 241:5, 242:25, 206:22, 212:5, December [2] - 4:1, 122:18, 167:1,
93:13, 95:11, 101:23, 243:1, 243:5, 244:2, 215:13, 218:4, 6:4 167:23, 168:6, 170:9
103:10, 104:4, 105:4, 249:6, 249:22 218:25, 221:23, decide [2] - 82:10, departments [1] -
107:7, 109:15, crimes [1] - 132:17 227:1, 228:24, 244:19 126:22
109:21, 110:23, criminal [30] - 99:18, 237:13, 238:9, decided [5] - 8:2, departure [1] - 124:1
describe [59] - 7:1, 151:5, 151:10, 174:23 182:4, 182:13, documents [8] - 155:22, 181:20,
7:6, 7:20, 8:18, 9:24, detailed [1] - 137:3 184:22, 186:19, 80:6, 163:11, 168:22, 182:3, 196:14, 245:15
11:4, 12:6, 13:7, details [5] - 32:14, 186:25, 187:8, 168:23, 171:21, Dranov [40] - 65:24,
14:12, 15:8, 17:9, 185:12, 211:5, 187:10, 187:11, 172:8, 172:10, 229:3 65:25, 66:6, 66:19,
18:13, 19:19, 22:3, 213:11, 219:19 190:8, 190:20, 200:2, done [25] - 8:1, 67:6, 67:13, 68:2,
23:5, 24:11, 24:18, determination [2] - 200:8, 205:21, 25:18, 27:2, 27:4, 68:3, 68:6, 68:9,
28:17, 31:22, 32:23, 165:15, 199:11 205:23, 206:14, 220:1 37:11, 37:25, 74:4, 68:11, 68:14, 70:22,
33:5, 33:8, 33:12, determine [7] - disagree [1] - 128:1 84:13, 84:19, 84:21, 71:1, 135:16, 135:17,
33:19, 34:3, 34:7, 165:16, 165:21, disagreeing [2] - 85:15, 86:10, 103:9, 135:18, 140:12,
40:16, 44:19, 47:14, 167:16, 199:14, 151:16, 151:19 122:4, 136:12, 140:14, 140:17,
47:20, 52:17, 54:1, 215:22, 216:8, 216:20 disagreement [1] - 138:18, 138:22, 140:21, 144:21,
58:1, 73:23, 75:9, determined [6] - 218:10 141:24, 212:6, 145:6, 146:6, 147:6,
75:21, 81:5, 81:21, 120:3, 128:11, 129:1, discovery [2] - 212:10, 213:3, 147:10, 147:16,
116:8, 117:13, 129:12, 142:17, 79:14, 79:15 220:10, 221:6, 148:3, 148:9, 148:15,
134:21, 135:22, 165:24 discuss [7] - 112:23, 237:20, 250:17 149:5, 149:14, 151:4,
136:23, 137:2, diameter [1] - 149:2 112:24, 120:15, door [29] - 9:22, 151:9, 151:16, 152:4,
137:15, 138:1, diary [1] - 89:2 140:10, 174:18, 9:25, 10:3, 10:12, 155:22, 245:15
149:25, 153:23, different [13] - 20:1, 187:14, 230:2 10:13, 12:17, 17:15, Dranov's [2] - 69:4,
154:15, 154:17, 50:2, 61:13, 88:10, discussed [6] - 22:7, 52:17, 52:18, 69:23
154:22, 154:23, 88:11, 123:20, 146:1, 114:3, 148:5, 157:5, 52:19, 52:20, 52:21, drastic [1] - 106:13
155:14, 155:17, 146:23, 239:12, 174:22, 178:6, 219:8 52:22, 53:3, 53:7, drawing [1] - 145:8
160:15, 175:22, 239:13, 247:19, discussing [1] - 53:23, 54:1, 54:2, drink [1] - 52:1
200:17, 239:11, 240:6 248:5, 248:13 150:15 54:3, 54:4, 54:9, drinks [1] - 51:14
described [33] - difficult [4] - 17:4, discussion [19] - 54:11, 54:12, 60:3, drive [2] - 8:15, 8:16
9:11, 9:14, 13:6, 122:14, 151:23, 241:5 22:21, 30:16, 109:3, 60:6, 60:10, 61:6, due [1] - 241:18
15:23, 20:4, 24:21, difficulty [1] - 207:23 120:9, 129:8, 132:11, 81:7 duly [6] - 5:2,
31:7, 34:12, 34:17, dilemma [1] - 175:24 135:12, 145:25, doors [4] - 9:21, 114:23, 133:12,
35:11, 44:1, 52:15, dinner [2] - 51:7, 147:16, 147:18, 47:17, 52:15, 87:24 158:12, 164:17,
81:1, 88:1, 91:8, 51:14 148:10, 148:16, doorway [2] - 56:4, 173:11
102:18, 113:14, direct [19] - 7:15, 149:6, 150:10, 56:6 during [30] - 11:20,
118:15, 145:6, 66:14, 70:5, 76:24, 150:17, 151:13, doubt [13] - 21:7, 16:8, 26:8, 28:17,
152:12, 152:15, 85:9, 103:15, 116:10, 153:23, 174:14, 218:9 25:8, 36:2, 36:4, 31:13, 77:25, 80:10,
155:16, 183:16, 116:24, 121:15, discussions [4] - 48:17, 48:19, 49:8, 82:13, 97:17, 97:21,
184:2, 211:4, 240:7, 133:25, 141:7, 125:4, 125:5, 187:23, 67:17, 74:8, 76:5, 100:11, 103:15,
240:8, 240:17, 241:7, 145:14, 158:22, 228:23 111:21, 139:17, 225:7 107:2, 115:13, 116:5,
241:16, 245:8, 165:7, 174:11, dismiss [1] - 246:1 down [20] - 22:6, 117:23, 127:9,
245:14, 245:17 177:24, 179:24, dismissed [1] - 22:8, 31:2, 49:22, 127:19, 136:20,
describing [3] - 198:24, 206:3 250:22 79:5, 79:7, 79:23, 139:3, 148:4, 148:16,
12:24, 14:13, 47:19 DIRECT [6] - 2:3, dispute [1] - 85:16 97:16, 107:14, 149:13, 150:10,
description [8] - 5:8, 115:3, 133:18, dissatisfaction [4] - 110:24, 114:10, 151:3, 151:7, 159:8,
7:12, 73:25, 82:2, 158:15, 164:20 156:24, 157:2, 133:3, 133:7, 146:21, 165:14, 165:20,
151:3, 151:17, 154:9, directed [1] - 251:21 157:10, 157:13 157:19, 159:14, 202:12
237:11, 239:3 directly [22] - 12:10, dissatisfied [1] - 161:8, 164:10,
descriptions [1] - 12:23, 13:11, 19:7, 157:2 171:10, 224:14 E
239:14 19:24, 21:5, 22:13, distraught [1] - DPW [3] - 170:14,
descriptive [1] - 45:3, 47:17, 52:11, 19:22 170:23, 171:6
82:13 Dr [42] - 65:24, E-S-H-B-A-C-H [1] -
52:13, 54:10, 56:4, DISTRICT [1] - 1:14
deserved [1] - 26:2 65:25, 66:6, 66:19, 173:16
61:23, 109:8, 111:13, District [11] - 118:22,
design [1] - 143:21 67:6, 67:13, 68:2, early [10] - 23:9,
145:17, 178:10, 120:2, 120:6, 120:9,
desire [1] - 31:9 68:3, 68:6, 68:9, 23:12, 51:13, 165:9,
202:25, 205:24, 122:7, 128:5, 128:8,
desk [3] - 98:10, 68:11, 68:14, 69:4, 165:11, 166:16,
210:16, 218:11 129:12, 216:22,
98:11, 194:1 69:23, 70:22, 71:1, 174:8, 177:6, 207:23,
Director [3] - 45:4, 216:25, 217:4
despite [2] - 243:23, 135:16, 140:12, 210:2
121:1, 218:24 disturbing [3] -
249:7 140:14, 140:17, east [8] - 124:2,
director [33] - 6:22, 206:20, 206:24, 208:6
destroyed [2] - 140:21, 144:21, 124:4, 191:19,
27:25, 49:3, 49:5, division [1] - 131:3
217:21, 218:1 145:6, 146:6, 147:6, 192:15, 193:1, 193:5,
49:6, 115:11, 115:14, Division [1] - 196:22
detail [12] - 24:21, 147:10, 147:16, 194:4, 194:12
115:19, 115:22, doctor [3] - 66:17,
25:17, 74:3, 99:19, 148:3, 148:9, 148:15, East [2] - 135:13,
121:5, 132:12, 156:4, 145:2, 224:20
136:9, 136:15, 150:4, 149:5, 149:14, 151:4, 148:11
169:9, 177:11, 179:8, document [2] -
150:11, 150:14, 151:9, 151:16, 152:4, eaten [2] - 51:17
179:12, 179:17, 162:11, 164:4
effort [4] - 101:15,
111:19, 113:4, 196:9 7:11 238:3 exchange [2] - 24:15, 28:5, 32:21,
eight [4] - 8:15, encountered [1] - esteemed [1] - 147:2 139:3, 150:14 34:17, 64:14, 75:2,
20:20, 92:3 180:21 estimation [1] - excuse [1] - 168:1 75:3, 81:18, 146:14,
eight-minute [1] - end [6] - 17:11, 83:4, 183:14 excused [6] - 164:14, 241:2
8:15 153:25, 161:6, etc [1] - 224:2 114:20, 133:9, 158:5, eye [2] - 19:7, 61:22
either [30] - 15:17, 209:24, 210:1 evaluations [3] - 164:12, 171:12, 236:8 eyes [2] - 12:20,
15:18, 18:24, 19:3, ended [2] - 6:7, 90:6 116:11, 116:13, executive [10] - 59:13
19:9, 21:21, 26:9, ending [2] - 43:12, 116:15 182:4, 182:13,
31:4, 34:8, 35:5, 37:1, 43:14 evening [22] - 7:22, 184:22, 186:19, F
38:12, 39:13, 51:13, enforce [1] - 191:25 10:21, 10:25, 11:18, 186:25, 187:8,
77:10, 88:19, 95:19, enforcement [13] - 22:18, 23:1, 44:6, 187:10, 187:11,
95:20, 100:14, 200:2, 200:8 F-I-N-A [1] - 178:24
36:18, 106:25, 111:6, 45:19, 51:4, 51:7,
116:20, 125:23, 51:13, 69:9, 70:22, exercise [1] - 117:21 face [9] - 57:14,
124:16, 125:14,
165:22, 165:25, 97:17, 145:7, 147:7, 57:16, 57:22, 58:2,
128:15, 165:18, exhibit [1] - 3:5
175:14, 182:1, 186:7, 147:13, 151:13, 58:5, 58:9, 62:5,
165:25, 199:3, Exhibit [2] - 3:7, 3:9
191:4, 222:22, 151:14, 180:24, 96:10, 97:22
227:25, 228:2, Exhibits [1] - 171:16
228:18, 229:4 234:10, 240:24 185:25, 197:13 faced [1] - 10:15
EXHIBITS [1] - 3:1
elapsed [2] - 60:20, enforcing [1] - event [5] - 86:4, facial [1] - 96:23
existed [1] - 229:4
60:24 125:10 86:5, 86:14, 88:12, facie [9] - 68:6,
existence [2] -
elect [1] - 209:13 engaged [2] - 120:22 69:15, 70:12, 90:21,
118:17, 121:1
element [1] - 69:11 117:20, 207:6 events [4] - 222:15, 236:22, 242:4,
exit [1] - 22:4
elements [1] - enhanced [1] - 222:21, 222:24, 229:5 242:14, 248:1, 250:9
exited [1] - 22:1
205:16 209:20 eventually [1] - facilities [12] - 9:8,
expect [2] - 36:6,
eleven [3] - 68:17, enjoy [1] - 191:22 144:17 37:21, 39:2, 85:6,
243:18, 243:19 everyday [1] - 230:4 182:15, 186:21,
enlist [1] - 126:20 expected [3] - 121:5,
elicit [1] - 238:5 186:23, 195:6,
enrolled [1] - 209:10 evidence [7] - 121:9, 208:20
elsewhere [1] - 197:12, 205:11,
enter [2] - 161:3, 238:24, 241:25, expecting [1] -
189:24 194:7 242:1, 246:23, 138:22
248:11, 250:1, 251:4 facility [9] - 39:5,
embarrass [1] - entered [3] - 8:21, experiences [2] -
39:9, 44:8, 44:9,
155:7 9:15, 56:3 exact [11] - 41:11, 62:17, 62:20
193:3, 208:15,
embarrassed [2] - entering [2] - 9:18, 63:16, 64:11, 64:14, expertise [1] - 88:21
215:20, 235:17
10:5, 56:18 56:5 75:24, 106:20, explain [13] - 16:21,
110:12, 143:20, facing [3] - 13:10,
embarrassment [1] - entire [1] - 196:24 63:16, 63:22, 66:6,
202:20, 208:10, 18:15, 96:7
56:23 entirety [2] - 228:10, 72:6, 72:7, 72:9, 78:8,
210:19 fact [21] - 24:4,
emeritus [3] - 228:13 104:12, 108:21,
exactly [14] - 12:6, 27:14, 29:20, 39:8,
191:10, 191:12, entity [4] - 165:18, 192:23, 205:3, 205:21
57:8, 64:15, 78:19, 83:16, 85:9, 118:15,
191:22 214:10, 227:25, explained [10] -
88:9, 148:7, 175:14, 161:10, 183:13,
emotional [1] - 228:19 63:13, 63:17, 64:2,
175:21, 175:22, 192:6, 198:19,
226:21 entrances [1] - 87:23 64:4, 64:5, 64:23,
182:23, 183:2, 210:20, 217:25,
employed [13] - entry [1] - 9:22 71:21, 72:10, 80:18,
234:21, 245:16, 242:19, 243:8, 244:1,
27:24, 115:9, 115:10, equipment [1] - 177:17
245:17 245:5, 245:16,
115:12, 158:20, 45:23 explaining [2] -
exaggerated [1] - 245:19, 249:7, 250:12
164:25, 173:24, equivalent [1] - 81:24, 224:25
243:24 factor [2] - 209:21,
174:4, 174:7, 179:7, 115:23 explanation [1] -
examination [4] - 209:22
179:8, 179:10, 191:11 erect [1] - 97:18 37:9
66:14, 76:24, 103:15, facts [2] - 151:21
Employee [1] - erection [1] - 97:13 explore [2] - 69:3,
141:8 faculty [2] - 232:9,
209:11 escort [1] - 158:3 78:18
EXAMINATION [15] - 232:11
employee [12] - Eshbach [4] - explored [1] - 69:10
5:8, 42:1, 86:1, fair [6] - 48:8, 49:15,
44:12, 169:18, 182:2, 173:16, 178:23, express [3] - 127:22,
113:12, 115:3, 57:5, 57:6, 96:14,
185:14, 185:15, 204:12, 230:9 157:9, 218:19
124:13, 130:7, 115:18
186:14, 200:21, ESHBACH [1] - expressed [2] -
131:19, 133:18, fair-skinned [1] -
229:9, 229:10, 178:23 156:23, 157:12
140:4, 148:1, 158:15, 96:14
230:13, 231:9, 231:15 especially [1] - 68:15 expression [3] -
164:20, 166:11, 169:3 fairly [3] - 24:9,
employees [1] - ESQUIRE [3] - 1:20, 58:1, 62:4, 62:7
examine [1] - 171:15 24:10, 224:3
209:12 1:22, 1:24 extend [1] - 197:16
example [5] - fall [2] - 43:9, 179:18
employer [2] - essence [1] - 141:14 extended [1] - 93:25
140:15, 198:24 231:22, 232:2, 232:3, false [2] - 242:18
essentially [2] - extent [1] - 151:12
employment [3] - 232:7, 235:3 falsity [1] - 238:2
168:18, 206:16 extraordinary [1] -
6:5, 6:10, 120:16 except [2] - 176:3, familiar [5] - 7:2,
establish [1] - 238:7 200:7
encompasses [1] - 237:25 11:1, 62:18, 124:2,
established [1] - extremely [11] -
240:5 110:3 50:8, 55:5, 55:10, 176:20, 180:20, front [9] - 22:7,
famous [1] - 229:10 favorable [2] - 55:14, 61:3, 81:23, 180:22, 181:16, 47:15, 47:17, 52:10,
fantasy [1] - 247:18 247:24, 248:11 95:10, 99:1 193:2, 193:3, 196:23, 54:10, 54:14, 107:16,
far [12] - 8:12, 18:4, feet [8] - 18:3, 18:16, fixed [1] - 243:20 206:19, 208:16, 160:17
47:25, 109:14, 22:9, 91:18, 93:18, fleet [1] - 205:14 208:25, 212:16, full [9] - 5:12, 6:10,
123:24, 126:10, 94:21, 94:22, 99:2 floor [13] - 20:1, 215:20, 223:1, 235:4, 9:3, 44:12, 55:7, 91:9,
126:13, 145:1, fellow [1] - 95:19 20:2, 20:5, 20:7, 235:15 92:5, 179:16, 244:6
189:10, 223:8, felt [11] - 26:24, 44:20, 44:21, 47:14, Football [1] - 45:4 full-time [5] - 6:10,
223:11, 234:15 28:21, 121:10, 156:7, 47:15, 93:18, 98:12, FOR [2] - 2:3, 3:3 9:3, 44:12, 55:7, 92:5
FARRELL [54] - 1:24, 181:12, 197:4, 98:14, 98:16, 193:8 foregoing [1] - fully [2] - 149:25,
4:7, 4:15, 4:19, 29:22, 199:20, 200:11, folks [1] - 103:3 251:19 251:4
30:9, 70:4, 85:25, 201:2, 209:8, 226:13 folks' [2] - 70:24, foresight [1] - 66:24 function [1] - 122:13
86:2, 86:21, 86:24, few [5] - 36:23, 71:1 form [1] - 211:6 fundamentally [1] -
87:6, 90:17, 91:5, 51:22, 131:25, 132:1, follow [24] - 35:25, formal [2] - 4:9, 248:8
93:11, 93:17, 95:13, 152:5 37:2, 77:20, 82:3, 250:19 fundraisers [1] -
101:24, 103:11, field [3] - 14:19, 82:10, 82:11, 83:5, formally [1] - 105:13 62:22
104:5, 105:2, 105:9, 43:5, 193:6 83:7, 83:24, 84:3, formed [1] - 225:25 fundraising [1] -
107:4, 108:1, 109:16, figure [2] - 30:20, 85:20, 136:12, 140:8, former [2] - 208:21, 222:21
109:24, 110:25, 155:3 144:17, 188:25, 236:1 fuss [3] - 105:25,
111:10, 111:25, figured [1] - 178:13 196:11, 215:17, forth [1] - 222:21 106:2, 106:6
112:8, 112:16, figures [3] - 60:13, 223:12, 226:3, 227:6, forward [6] - 17:16, future [3] - 182:14,
112:20, 113:7, 114:9, 61:12, 63:18 227:22, 249:2, 249:3 70:13, 188:3, 237:10, 207:25, 212:19
114:17, 122:19, file [4] - 167:18, follow-up [22] - 250:12, 250:24
124:14, 127:12, 167:20, 168:9 35:25, 37:2, 77:20, forwarded [1] - G
127:17, 130:4, filed [2] - 216:16, 82:3, 82:10, 82:11, 250:16
131:14, 133:6, 251:21 83:5, 83:7, 83:24, foundation [2] -
147:22, 148:2, files [1] - 217:22 84:3, 85:20, 136:12, GA [1] - 45:7
41:17, 248:22
154:14, 157:14, fina [1] - 198:13 140:8, 144:17, game [1] - 50:11
founded [4] - 41:1,
157:23, 160:11, Fina [3] - 178:24, 188:25, 196:11, 167:14, 185:5, 207:21 games [5] - 50:15,
164:3, 164:9, 169:4, 204:12, 225:8 223:12, 227:6, 50:16, 50:17, 223:1,
four [17] - 37:6, 38:9,
170:10, 171:8, 242:11 finally [5] - 161:18, 227:22, 249:2, 249:3 223:6
50:8, 55:5, 55:10,
farrell [3] - 85:24, 162:22, 231:13, followed [3] - 37:8, 61:3, 70:14, 91:18, Gary [42] - 4:16,
112:4, 124:11 240:23, 244:23 143:13, 149:22 94:17, 99:1, 106:14, 29:20, 30:5, 40:6,
Farrell [12] - 2:7, finance [3] - 125:2, following [6] - 4:2, 106:18, 106:19, 106:8, 113:25, 116:6,
2:10, 2:15, 2:22, 4:15, 111:25, 141:13, 119:20, 119:23, 116:7, 118:24,
204:18, 205:16
83:24, 112:6, 114:8, 171:14, 172:20, 149:2, 248:13 119:17, 120:15,
findings [1] - 128:22
147:21, 164:2, 169:1, 181:22 frame [3] - 7:18, 121:9, 121:15, 122:8,
fine [1] - 50:22
242:10 follows [6] - 5:3, 134:19, 135:23,
finished [1] - 33:1 171:22, 240:20
fashion [2] - 16:24, 114:24, 133:13, 150:18, 151:9,
firearm [2] - 100:9, framework [1] -
177:25 158:13, 164:18, 155:17, 157:8,
100:10 134:24
fashioned [1] - 194:9 173:12 157:13, 160:6,
firearms [1] - 100:4 Frank [2] - 178:24,
fast [3] - 15:20, fondling [16] - 75:8, 162:24, 173:3,
firm [1] - 217:11 204:12
108:13 75:11, 75:12, 75:22, 180:12, 181:14,
firmer [1] - 221:17 frank [8] - 10:4,
father [39] - 20:12, 75:23, 153:4, 153:8, 181:19, 187:17,
first [42] - 4:23, 6:24, 12:19, 17:13, 19:18,
20:24, 63:11, 63:23, 175:3, 175:16, 239:5, 187:20, 188:2, 202:2,
9:22, 9:25, 10:13, 19:20, 36:9, 56:16,
64:3, 64:4, 64:5, 239:7, 239:9, 239:12, 202:11, 203:5,
13:2, 15:12, 15:13, 73:16
64:18, 64:19, 64:23, 239:24, 240:2, 240:5 204:10, 204:16,
17:7, 20:5, 26:17, frankly [2] - 14:19,
65:6, 65:12, 65:19, food [1] - 205:12 238:12, 245:3, 245:8,
32:9, 41:22, 44:10, 41:10
66:4, 66:5, 66:10, fooling [1] - 247:23 245:11, 245:14,
52:12, 52:17, 53:3, frequently [2] -
66:18, 67:4, 67:13, foot [3] - 95:6, 95:8, 245:17, 245:22
53:7, 54:1, 54:2, 39:16, 103:16
67:14, 89:15, 90:4, 149:2 gary [1] - 187:19
57:25, 58:20, 61:6, freshman [1] - 6:3
90:7, 90:13, 91:3, football [43] - 5:23, GARY [1] - 1:9
64:5, 74:12, 81:6, Friday [12] - 4:1,
98:7, 109:25, 110:6, 6:2, 7:8, 7:11, 7:23, general [6] - 20:14,
98:14, 103:5, 115:15, 7:16, 7:18, 7:21,
110:9, 110:10, 8:1, 11:9, 43:17, 44:2, 39:25, 103:20, 139:8,
134:8, 143:11, 10:25, 11:18, 23:2,
110:11, 110:17, 45:14, 45:16, 47:8, 211:5, 214:19
162:10, 172:9, 30:14, 42:22, 51:25,
110:18, 110:22, 47:9, 47:12, 47:13, GENERAL [1] - 1:20
179:24, 182:9, 187:5, 137:6, 235:21
111:1, 111:5, 245:21, 49:6, 117:4, 121:24, General [3] - 173:6,
203:16, 210:21, FRIDAY [1] - 1:15
245:22 123:11, 123:20, 178:23, 204:11
212:11, 238:13, friend [3] - 66:22,
father's [6] - 22:13, 132:17, 132:18, General's [6] - 79:6,
239:20 135:19, 140:18
22:14, 65:3, 65:10, 134:3, 173:25, 174:2, 104:18, 104:24,
five [12] - 37:6, 38:9, friends [1] - 66:23
161:23, 165:2, 168:17 248:13, 249:21 115:7, 115:8, 124:15, helped [1] - 66:12 hoping [1] - 169:6
generally [4] - 7:1, granted [1] - 43:7 131:16 helping [1] - 185:3 horrified [1] - 19:20
226:11, 235:13, 245:8 graphic [4] - 137:4, HARMON [1] - helps [2] - 184:23, horseplay [1] -
generation [1] - 174:23, 237:15, 239:2 114:22 208:1 153:12
153:20 great [1] - 74:3 Harrisburg [3] - hereby [2] - 251:3, horsing [11] -
genitals [12] - 73:10, groin [2] - 153:25, 159:4, 159:6, 167:2 251:20 153:12, 153:17,
73:13, 75:19, 118:2, 226:18 HARRISBURG [1] - hesitated [1] - 53:20 183:5, 184:4, 197:14,
211:15, 211:24, ground [2] - 20:7, 1:17 hesitation [1] - 53:21 200:16, 200:25,
224:7, 224:8, 224:17, 22:6 hastened [1] - 12:16 High [1] - 11:10 201:8, 225:12, 226:2,
224:21, 225:13, group [1] - 234:24 head [15] - 5:24, 9:4, higher [1] - 118:11 247:22
232:22 growing [1] - 11:12 22:23, 25:22, 36:8, himself [5] - 66:25, hour [3] - 68:11,
gentleman [1] - grown [1] - 201:7 36:11, 47:9, 56:17, 143:2, 226:9, 248:23, 71:2, 172:13
113:1 guess [8] - 62:20, 86:7, 91:10, 94:23, 248:25 hours [2] - 46:1,
gentlemen [1] - 31:2 94:10, 99:20, 108:16, 95:4, 115:25, 121:18, hired [1] - 169:19 194:5
germane [1] - 247:10 155:18, 181:2, 249:3 history [1] - 236:24 house [21] - 8:8,
girls [1] - 185:1 182:19, 217:25 headlock [1] - 224:2 hmm [2] - 58:7, 8:10, 22:13, 22:14,
gist [2] - 136:1, guessing [2] - 22:10, health [1] - 120:20 59:11 23:10, 23:21, 24:6,
136:14 44:25 hear [24] - 10:2, 10:7, hockey [1] - 193:6 24:12, 70:24, 71:1,
given [12] - 33:22, guesstimate [1] - 15:25, 16:4, 16:5, hold [3] - 242:2, 73:23, 134:13, 147:7,
71:4, 116:14, 120:24, 10:23 16:9, 16:11, 16:14, 246:1, 250:2 147:10, 174:19,
121:7, 134:6, 171:22, guidance [1] - 16:17, 53:8, 54:18, home [17] - 7:23, 174:20, 202:14,
172:11, 177:9, 118:23 55:22, 55:24, 56:9, 21:13, 23:8, 51:3, 202:17, 229:18,
177:20, 217:19, guns [1] - 99:24 70:16, 72:19, 95:14, 65:2, 65:16, 65:21, 229:25, 230:2
237:14 guy [1] - 223:24 95:15, 95:17, 141:1, 65:23, 66:1, 69:8, housed [1] - 193:7
glance [2] - 12:13, 150:21, 150:24, 71:13, 100:19, houses [1] - 7:8
13:2 H 159:14, 183:3 100:24, 140:10, housing [3] - 132:2,
glances [2] - 17:7, heard [33] - 10:1, 148:3, 240:19 205:12
17:8 12:2, 16:2, 34:4, 34:5, honestly [3] - 178:8, Hub [1] - 108:14
God's [1] - 244:16 H-A-R-M-O-N [1] - 53:12, 54:18, 54:20, 219:18, 220:11 hugged [2] - 117:25,
grab [1] - 224:1 115:7 56:10, 56:15, 60:10, 118:4
Honor [71] - 4:6, 4:7,
grabbed [5] - 211:14, hair [8] - 94:3, 96:18, 74:20, 81:6, 95:17, 4:10, 4:15, 4:22, human [1] - 205:15
211:24, 224:7, 224:8, 96:19, 96:21, 96:23, 95:21, 96:3, 137:9, 41:21, 41:23, 48:2, hundred [1] - 223:6
232:22 96:25, 97:2, 97:7 138:25, 140:23, 51:18, 64:16, 66:8, hurriedly [1] - 12:16
grabbing [2] - half [3] - 71:2, 95:7, 143:11, 153:13, 68:4, 68:18, 68:21, hurt [1] - 143:7
224:17, 224:21 172:13 154:8, 154:12, 69:12, 69:25, 70:4, hydraulic [2] - 53:2,
grad [3] - 43:16, hall [3] - 45:3, 49:23, 166:22, 178:8, 181:1, 76:20, 78:15, 80:9, 54:6
43:20, 207:3 193:8 190:25, 191:1, 191:2, 80:13, 85:25, 86:18,
hallway [6] - 22:7, 200:13, 240:16,
graduate [6] - 6:12,
45:11, 53:5, 53:11, 246:23, 249:19
86:25, 90:16, 90:17, I
6:15, 42:24, 43:2, 90:22, 93:10, 93:12,
43:10, 248:20 53:15, 54:19 hearing [22] - 15:23, 95:9, 101:21, 105:3,
graduated [1] - 6:3 hallways [1] - 46:24 54:21, 56:11, 70:16, 109:13, 110:21, idea [10] - 33:23,
Graham [4] - 181:20, handed [1] - 142:13 112:14, 125:23, 112:1, 112:17, 113:8, 33:24, 34:25, 35:3,
184:20, 195:20, handle [3] - 27:11, 141:14, 145:7, 114:9, 114:14, 81:2, 210:14, 216:12,
218:12 178:14, 178:16 145:24, 146:18, 114:17, 114:18, 246:19, 247:5, 247:13
grand [2] - 3:6, handled [14] - 146:25, 162:10, 124:8, 127:12, 133:5, identification [1] -
159:13 103:18, 103:22, 163:8, 163:17, 133:6, 141:4, 141:11, 160:1
Grand [34] - 3:8, 187:24, 188:22, 163:23, 236:12, 144:7, 144:24, IDENTIFIED [1] - 3:3
3:10, 80:3, 80:11, 189:11, 218:5, 236:18, 242:13, 145:10, 145:13, identify [5] - 32:6,
80:12, 159:3, 159:5, 218:25, 220:16, 243:15, 247:6, 251:5, 146:16, 157:23, 159:22, 162:11,
160:18, 163:20, 228:5, 228:8, 230:13, 251:20 157:25, 160:11, 175:5, 228:3
172:11, 173:20, 231:4, 231:11, 234:9 HEARING [1] - 1:12 162:6, 163:7, 163:16, identity [5] - 28:14,
179:1, 204:14, 205:3, handling [5] - 40:2, heart [1] - 246:18 164:3, 166:7, 171:13, 30:10, 210:10,
205:20, 206:9, 233:5, 118:23, 218:15, height [7] - 13:10, 172:24, 172:25, 215:22, 221:20
237:10, 237:12, 219:11, 230:17 94:2, 94:6, 94:8, 236:11, 236:16, imagine [2] - 226:19,
237:14, 238:24, hands [10] - 12:12, 94:11, 94:13, 94:20 236:17, 240:9, 242:9, 234:22
239:2, 239:3, 240:11, 13:10, 13:13, 13:14, held [2] - 172:16, 242:11, 246:4, 247:25 immediate [7] -
241:11, 242:21, 14:9, 75:13, 75:16, 222:22 honor [2] - 234:8, 45:10, 53:4, 53:25,
244:15, 244:17, 75:18, 75:19, 93:25 hello [1] - 99:17 234:11 54:9, 120:21, 122:6,
244:22, 245:18, hard [1] - 15:20 help [4] - 41:17, Hoover [1] - 251:25 177:10
246:15, 247:1, Harmon [5] - 2:9, 75:9, 86:25, 126:21 hope [1] - 107:9 immediately [2] -
10:12, 201:6 112:10, 117:10, independent [2] - 182:21, 185:15, 91:2, 102:15, 102:17,
important [5] - 117:12, 117:14, 168:13, 168:14 185:17, 186:17, 183:9, 225:23, 239:13
64:14, 199:21, 230:7, 117:16, 118:3, independently [1] - 187:12, 187:13, interfere [3] -
241:2, 241:9 118:21, 118:25, 220:16 188:24, 200:1, 200:4, 125:13, 126:7, 177:4
impression [25] - 120:18, 121:23, INDEX [2] - 2:1, 3:1 202:24, 216:3, interim [2] - 11:21,
46:19, 139:11, 122:9, 123:1, 126:1, indicate [4] - 18:12, 227:18, 237:15, 78:9
206:20, 207:2, 134:19, 136:17, 184:5, 184:8, 186:1 241:14, 247:16 interior [1] - 87:24
208:10, 211:6, 211:9, 136:21, 139:16, indicated [24] - 8:7, informed [7] - 35:4, internal [1] - 230:18
211:16, 215:17, 140:9, 147:8, 147:13, 12:2, 13:2, 13:3, 15:3, 182:17, 187:7, internally [1] - 248:6
216:15, 223:16, 148:5, 148:17, 165:8, 16:4, 26:3, 29:19, 187:11, 219:12, interrupt [1] - 240:14
223:17, 223:23, 165:13, 165:16, 40:17, 113:15, 229:18, 229:23 interview [1] -
224:4, 224:9, 224:10, 165:22, 166:2, 121:17, 138:25, informing [2] - 224:13
224:13, 225:10, 166:17, 166:18, 169:22, 178:9, 139:15, 200:9 interviewed [2] -
225:14, 225:19, 166:19, 169:25, 180:19, 185:7, infraction [1] - 157:4 227:8, 227:11
225:25, 226:4, 226:6, 170:2, 170:17, 171:3, 186:14, 186:18, initial [1] - 204:2 intramurals [1] -
228:1, 232:19 171:5, 175:11, 195:5, 195:10, initiated [1] - 77:4 179:22
improper [2] - 70:1, 177:22, 179:25, 206:18, 218:3, Inn [2] - 205:13, introduce [4] -
145:12 180:3, 188:8, 189:8, 221:25, 247:20 222:23 173:19, 178:25,
improve [1] - 207:24 189:15, 190:5, indicating [3] - innuendos [1] - 179:5, 204:13
IN [2] - 1:1, 1:6 190:11, 190:12, 193:11, 223:8, 247:7 139:6 investigate [4] -
in-person [2] - 190:17, 190:22, indication [5] - input [5] - 22:21, 35:23, 196:10, 216:8,
187:2, 187:4 195:8, 195:13, 183:22, 229:15, 35:21, 149:19, 222:6
inappropriate [42] - 195:22, 196:2, 196:4, 231:21, 242:25, 243:5 188:21, 188:23 investigated [9] -
112:13, 137:23, 196:9, 197:1, 200:10, individual [29] - inquire [3] - 110:6, 35:6, 122:5, 127:2,
152:12, 152:16, 201:20, 201:21, 11:1, 13:3, 14:8, 142:2, 146:12 166:22, 216:11,
154:24, 176:4, 176:7, 202:8, 203:18, 14:13, 14:25, 28:7, insertion [2] - 13:25, 223:9, 231:1, 249:13,
177:25, 189:17, 203:21, 206:7, 30:5, 30:6, 32:7, 72:19 249:14
189:23, 191:3, 206:11, 207:4, 208:5, 35:13, 35:16, 118:12, inside [7] - 25:23, Investigating [1] -
199:19, 201:1, 201:2, 208:12, 213:21, 132:4, 138:24, 46:23, 54:24, 87:13, 159:5
206:21, 206:24, 213:25, 214:12, 140:11, 145:14, 87:14, 87:16 investigation [66] -
207:6, 208:7, 211:10, 214:19, 215:6, 159:17, 160:4, 160:5, installed [4] - 86:12, 99:18, 105:7, 105:21,
211:18, 211:21, 215:15, 215:23, 161:19, 165:5, 174:4, 86:14, 88:13, 88:15 105:23, 106:4, 117:2,
214:21, 214:24, 216:5, 216:6, 216:8, 181:1, 181:7, 186:5, instances [2] - 18:6, 118:17, 119:14,
216:9, 219:22, 216:17, 217:15, 187:20, 193:16, 234:22 119:18, 119:25,
223:17, 223:19, 218:13, 218:19, 213:9, 232:13 instead [4] - 32:7, 120:3, 120:17, 121:2,
224:14, 225:6, 219:4, 219:5, 219:14, individuals [12] - 198:22, 239:4, 245:15 121:14, 126:4, 126:8,
226:13, 226:16, 221:14, 221:16, 15:9, 19:3, 33:21, institution [1] - 126:16, 127:6, 127:9,
230:12, 230:21, 221:24, 222:1, 222:2, 59:25, 74:23, 141:12, 205:6 127:20, 127:24,
231:8, 231:23, 222:5, 223:10, 159:16, 162:3, 198:6, instruct [1] - 143:16 128:2, 128:10,
231:25, 232:7, 227:12, 228:12, 227:25, 234:20, instructed [1] - 128:18, 129:6, 130:2,
232:15, 233:1, 239:8, 229:4, 229:5, 231:2, 235:14 125:19 130:24, 131:7, 132:5,
245:9, 245:15 231:17, 233:21, infer [1] - 238:23 instructions [2] - 132:13, 132:23,
inartful [1] - 240:4 249:12, 249:17 inform [2] - 184:17, 82:6, 125:9 165:4, 165:14,
incentive [1] - incidents [9] - 184:22 insufficient [1] - 165:21, 166:15,
209:16 100:16, 120:14, informal [1] - 105:11 166:23, 167:5,
inches [2] - 94:20, 130:17, 131:9, 165:4, informally [4] - 167:19, 168:12,
intelligence [2] -
99:1 167:24, 168:7, 39:16, 103:16, 104:9, 190:14, 195:25,
155:2, 196:22
incident [132] - 189:16, 215:11 106:10 196:8, 213:3, 213:12,
intent [2] - 246:22,
11:21, 16:8, 20:4, include [2] - 9:7, information [42] - 213:16, 214:4, 214:6,
21:5, 30:15, 30:22, 205:17 26:13, 31:10, 38:16, 214:10, 215:8,
intention [4] - 25:19,
34:20, 36:23, 37:18, included [4] - 101:8, 47:4, 47:6, 120:11, 216:13, 216:19,
25:21, 31:6, 171:19
38:5, 38:7, 39:1, 125:4, 126:16, 206:14 121:9, 134:6, 137:4, 216:21, 216:24,
interaction [1] -
42:19, 44:6, 46:11, including [3] - 140:22, 176:15, 220:15, 220:19,
46:14, 46:17, 47:3, 113:16, 169:21, 245:6 177:1, 177:9, 177:18, 221:9, 227:5, 227:23,
intercollegiate [1] -
51:3, 62:10, 63:6, inconsistent [2] - 177:19, 180:2, 180:7, 228:6, 228:8, 228:16,
69:10, 70:23, 85:11, 238:1, 248:6 180:21, 181:14, 231:19, 246:13,
intercourse [18] -
85:12, 100:13, incorporated [1] - 181:15, 181:17, 246:15, 248:18, 249:1
13:21, 14:3, 17:1,
100:14, 103:6, 237:20 181:19, 181:24, investigations [6] -
25:13, 34:18, 72:9,
104:18, 107:25, incorrect [1] - 182:5, 182:10, 34:22, 116:21,
72:23, 81:15, 81:18,
111:18, 111:23, 213:14 182:11, 182:12, 129:10, 132:15,
81:19, 81:20, 90:14,
221:1, 221:5 37:19, 38:17, 39:2, 140:12 194:10, 194:13, 35:8, 44:1, 46:9,
investigative [4] - 39:4, 39:19, 40:9, Jonelle [3] - 173:16, 194:17, 194:22, 46:16, 47:5, 47:13,
126:21, 199:13, 41:5, 41:7, 41:13, 178:23, 204:12 209:22 49:10, 52:9, 52:10,
199:14, 217:7 57:10, 58:4, 80:19, Jordan [8] - 31:16, keys [3] - 37:22, 78:4, 78:8, 79:8,
Investigator [1] - 81:3, 94:22, 100:25, 38:6, 40:7, 49:12, 85:1, 195:2 79:11, 79:25, 86:13,
117:7 103:23, 104:3, 104:7, 49:18, 77:16, 111:12, kid [2] - 143:4, 234:6 92:16, 92:21, 98:8,
investigator [2] - 104:21, 117:11, 123:14 kid's [1] - 226:18 102:1, 104:8, 106:3,
120:12, 150:15 118:5, 118:25, Joseph [6] - 162:13, kids [7] - 37:20, 113:18, 117:12,
investment [1] - 120:16, 120:23, 163:20, 173:2, 38:19, 39:1, 210:12, 117:19, 117:20,
205:18 121:7, 121:23, 173:16, 173:21, 180:2 212:16, 223:1, 236:2 119:10, 123:11,
involved [20] - 34:22, 125:19, 130:24, journal [1] - 89:1 kind [35] - 16:14, 123:22, 123:24,
117:16, 118:25, 131:9, 136:17, joy [1] - 41:14 16:17, 26:18, 34:18, 124:5, 134:2, 136:11,
119:4, 120:19, 126:1, 136:21, 137:18, Judge [8] - 33:15, 36:6, 41:9, 43:6, 46:5, 140:23, 166:3,
127:6, 136:21, 165:5, 168:7, 169:23, 51:21, 159:11, 47:20, 53:2, 62:6, 176:10, 191:20,
145:17, 165:3, 165:8, 170:18, 171:3, 174:5, 160:25, 161:4, 161:5, 93:5, 108:12, 117:21, 192:15, 193:4,
172:7, 178:3, 190:7, 175:7, 176:5, 176:19, 236:23, 251:25 153:14, 176:4, 184:3, 194:15, 194:16,
190:13, 200:6, 214:7, 178:1, 178:2, 180:5, judge [3] - 14:20, 184:11, 190:12, 208:14, 208:16,
221:9, 222:5, 230:19 182:1, 182:9, 182:24, 131:15, 142:2 192:23, 205:25, 219:16, 219:23,
involvement [1] - 183:9, 185:7, 185:8, JUDGE [1] - 1:14 208:15, 209:21, 235:10
207:17 185:12, 186:13, judgment [3] - 66:23, 211:10, 211:13, last [8] - 5:13, 36:24,
involving [19] - 35:1, 186:16, 188:6, 101:6, 101:7 211:16, 218:15, 88:25, 115:6, 120:1,
121:23, 130:24, 188:12, 189:23, jump [1] - 201:6 219:11, 220:18, 158:18, 164:23,
131:9, 136:17, 165:4, 191:3, 191:9, 196:14, June [6] - 204:24, 223:23, 223:24, 204:14
168:7, 169:23, 171:3, 196:15, 200:14, 204:25, 209:24, 225:19, 226:1, 241:19 lasted [1] - 83:1
180:4, 189:16, 190:5, 207:9, 207:11, 210:1, 233:9, 233:10 kinds [1] - 205:14 late [1] - 116:25
190:12, 190:17, 207:12, 207:15, jurisdiction [2] - kitchen [1] - 24:13 Lauro [2] - 170:18,
213:21, 215:3, 216:6, 207:21, 208:20, 123:8, 167:23 knowing [4] - 39:10, 170:25
231:3, 233:22 208:23, 209:7, jurors [1] - 159:13 210:3, 216:5 law [18] - 36:18,
irrelevant [2] - 64:18, 209:10, 209:21, knowingly [1] - 106:25, 111:6,
Jurors [2] - 206:9,
68:5 211:14, 212:15, 242:18 124:16, 125:10,
issue [2] - 68:25, 212:17, 215:10, knowledge [28] - 125:14, 128:14,
jury [2] - 246:7,
146:14 215:14, 215:18, 34:21, 34:24, 46:15, 165:18, 165:25,
issues [5] - 79:14, 219:22, 222:14, 46:18, 106:23, 111:1, 199:3, 227:24, 228:2,
Jury [33] - 3:6, 3:8,
79:16, 108:16, 223:7, 223:19, 124:15, 124:23, 237:19, 237:21,
3:10, 80:3, 80:11,
120:20, 192:10 223:23, 224:7, 226:1, 128:1, 128:23, 240:24, 241:2, 246:19
80:12, 159:3, 159:6,
items [2] - 171:15, 226:14, 233:13, 131:12, 145:15, laws [1] - 124:20
160:18, 163:20,
173:1 234:5, 234:12, 169:11, 169:14, lawyer [1] - 244:1
172:12, 173:20,
234:18, 248:22, 169:16, 169:17, layout [1] - 49:18
179:1, 204:14, 205:4,
248:24, 249:14
J Jerry's [5] - 13:12,
205:20, 237:10, 170:20, 171:1, 171:2, lead [2] - 69:22,
237:12, 237:14, 171:3, 177:24, 200:4
57:12, 58:9, 94:24, 195:22, 214:16, leading [6] - 32:25,
238:24, 239:2, 239:3,
jack [1] - 182:3 210:12 244:6, 249:11, 33:11, 33:14, 33:16,
240:11, 241:11,
Jack [1] - 195:23 job [3] - 23:23, 249:17, 249:20 122:19, 241:12
242:21, 244:15,
James [1] - 173:5 125:10, 126:5 known [4] - 7:3, learn [3] - 78:18,
244:17, 244:22,
JAMES [1] - 173:10 Joe [15] - 5:25, 6:19, 245:18, 246:15, 77:21, 198:9, 228:19 166:19, 216:2
janitors [1] - 45:23 22:22, 23:16, 27:6, 247:1, 248:13, 249:21 knows [6] - 70:2, learned [3] - 105:20,
January [10] - 30:16, 47:10, 134:17, 91:3, 139:21, 153:18, 106:4, 226:7
juvenile [2] - 117:17,
158:23, 161:11, 161:19, 211:3, 173:22, 250:14 learning [1] - 166:18
161:15, 162:13, 229:17, 229:23, least [13] - 29:8,
162:19, 162:25, 230:2, 230:5, 230:8
Joe's [1] - 229:25
K L 42:17, 43:17, 70:7,
163:13, 173:14, 74:2, 85:4, 118:9,
178:20, 204:9 John [8] - 2:13, 138:6, 151:19,
Jerry [116] - 11:2, 133:21, 139:4, Karen [1] - 128:8 lacrosse [2] - 193:6, 152:11, 152:16,
12:9, 12:10, 12:25, 142:16, 156:18, keep [5] - 119:13, 193:7 199:6, 240:10
13:1, 13:4, 13:11, 245:6, 245:7, 245:12 123:5, 167:6, 221:1, ladies [1] - 41:22 leave [3] - 19:14,
13:20, 14:25, 16:9, JOHN [1] - 133:11 247:9 landline [1] - 98:10 63:10, 250:18
16:17, 16:23, 21:21, join [2] - 70:4, 151:4 kept [2] - 219:12, language [1] - 241:6 leaving [1] - 101:8
24:13, 24:19, 24:22, joint [1] - 168:16 220:18 Lasch [54] - 7:3, 7:7, led [1] - 152:13
26:6, 32:13, 32:19, Jon [4] - 65:24, key [10] - 46:3, 8:2, 8:13, 8:16, 8:20, leeway [2] - 238:6,
33:25, 34:22, 36:3, 135:17, 135:18, 84:23, 194:7, 194:9, 8:21, 11:23, 30:15, 238:7
left [18] - 19:15, 9:19, 9:21, 9:23, lunch [2] - 172:6, manner [1] - 107:18 225:16, 226:7,
21:25, 45:7, 49:19, 10:11, 10:13, 10:14, 250:6 March [12] - 7:16, 226:21, 227:2,
49:25, 54:14, 54:16, 10:15, 12:15, 12:17, lying [1] - 59:15 10:25, 50:25, 106:7, 227:16, 237:9,
56:6, 61:7, 98:18, 12:18, 17:14, 18:7, 107:1, 109:17, 110:8, 237:15, 238:8,
98:21, 99:7, 101:12, 19:14, 19:15, 20:3, M 111:18, 112:22, 238:11, 238:17,
101:14, 102:1, 102:2, 21:17, 21:25, 55:7, 112:23, 166:5, 168:7 238:21, 238:25,
139:15, 148:9 55:8, 56:2, 56:4, 56:9, MARK [1] - 1:4 239:3, 239:15,
legal [3] - 88:20, 59:9, 59:10, 60:3, M-A-N-D-E-R-B-A-C mark [3] - 162:9, 239:17, 239:22,
217:4, 217:8 60:6, 60:10, 61:5, -H [1] - 158:19 162:16, 162:22 239:25, 240:1, 240:6,
Legislature [2] - 87:22, 88:2, 88:3, M-C-Q-U-E-A-R-Y [1] mate [1] - 44:13 240:8, 240:16,
236:21, 237:20 88:4, 88:6, 88:8, - 5:14 material [6] - 242:19, 240:22, 241:8,
length [2] - 91:9, 88:10, 88:11, 88:13, ma'am [74] - 42:8, 244:13, 244:21, 241:15, 241:20,
250:7 88:16, 88:19, 91:25, 42:11, 43:15, 44:4, 246:17, 248:17, 249:1 242:1, 245:1, 245:7,
lengthy [1] - 242:15 92:4, 92:5, 92:8, 44:18, 45:17, 46:2, materiality [2] - 245:13, 247:14,
less [2] - 139:7, 92:11, 92:15, 92:18, 46:4, 46:22, 49:25, 245:23, 246:15 248:8, 248:20, 249:8,
235:16 98:21, 124:3, 137:7, 51:5, 51:12, 52:5, matter [23] - 70:12, 249:18
level [4] - 22:5, 22:6, 143:5, 143:14, 52:7, 52:16, 53:10, McQueary's [9] -
103:17, 103:22,
139:5, 236:23 180:22, 180:23, 53:13, 54:7, 55:18, 69:7, 69:24, 145:18,
105:3, 106:22,
liability [1] - 189:8 180:25, 191:19, 57:21, 61:14, 61:20, 146:8, 238:15,
106:25, 136:8,
193:1, 193:5, 193:13, 64:7, 64:11, 65:1, 241:23, 245:6,
lieu [1] - 74:9 140:10, 142:22,
194:4, 194:12, 65:5, 65:14, 65:22, 247:17, 249:9
life [4] - 21:2, 86:5, 142:24, 160:16,
206:19, 208:18, 67:24, 70:24, 71:11, McQuery [1] - 2:5
207:23, 207:24 162:3, 170:16,
211:2, 211:8, 224:5 71:14, 72:5, 72:17, mean [30] - 18:13,
light [8] - 131:15, 170:23, 187:14,
lockers [3] - 54:13, 72:23, 73:8, 74:1, 22:18, 40:21, 41:12,
189:21, 233:21, 188:21, 189:10,
124:5 74:8, 74:21, 75:7, 47:8, 66:25, 69:20,
242:16, 245:25, 201:21, 212:21,
long-time [2] - 66:22, 75:11, 75:20, 76:3, 77:7, 78:15, 83:21,
247:24, 248:11 218:17, 230:7,
169:18 76:10, 76:15, 77:2, 87:17, 99:19, 105:7,
lights [1] - 137:9 230:12, 244:16
look [24] - 8:2, 12:13, 77:5, 77:17, 77:24, 106:11, 112:12,
likely [1] - 235:7 matters [4] - 122:25,
12:23, 14:18, 14:20, 78:5, 79:4, 79:9, 80:2, 115:21, 116:9,
likewise [1] - 163:2 130:18, 132:16,
15:13, 17:10, 17:24, 80:21, 81:4, 81:13, 123:23, 142:4,
limit [3] - 43:1, 217:23
35:24, 56:12, 58:20, 82:5, 82:19, 82:25, 146:13, 146:21,
155:10, 197:21 mature [1] - 175:2
59:13, 61:10, 82:10, 83:6, 83:8, 84:1, 146:24, 152:3,
limited [1] - 235:19 McQuaide [1] -
85:20, 97:15, 97:22, 84:10, 85:7, 179:14, 207:20, 222:20,
line [3] - 40:11, 217:11
139:12, 178:16, 188:9, 188:17, 224:17, 232:24,
80:22, 226:15 McQueary [98] -
212:20, 213:17, 189:20, 190:4, 235:3, 246:16
lines [4] - 24:15, 2:13, 4:25, 5:1, 5:14,
233:19, 239:1, 245:5 190:24, 191:24, meaning [7] - 92:2,
32:21, 230:13, 244:12 5:15, 42:3, 58:25,
looked [30] - 10:15, 193:25, 198:1 93:23, 105:17, 241:1,
Lion [2] - 205:13, 59:24, 69:2, 69:5,
12:3, 12:4, 12:8, machine [1] - 161:9 243:13, 243:20,
222:23 69:14, 70:7, 79:18,
14:14, 14:16, 15:4, MAGISTERIAL [1] - 243:21
listed [1] - 250:10 86:3, 87:1, 90:24,
15:13, 17:16, 17:19, 1:14 meanings [2] -
listen [4] - 53:15, 133:11, 133:21,
17:21, 19:7, 37:8, Magistrate [1] - 243:11, 243:13
139:22, 149:21, 151:1 133:22, 140:6,
57:2, 57:7, 57:9, 236:23 means [4] - 62:21,
listening [1] - 201:4 141:15, 141:19,
57:19, 59:17, 60:22, main [2] - 245:19, 244:4, 244:8, 244:21
literally [1] - 194:9 141:20, 145:18,
61:21, 61:23, 61:24, 245:20 meant [1] - 76:14
live [3] - 20:15, 65:6, 145:22, 146:11,
72:22, 73:7, 73:12, Main [2] - 107:14, 157:20, 165:9, 166:2, measures [1] -
172:1 108:14
92:24, 96:6, 139:7, 174:9, 174:13, 199:13
lived [2] - 20:17, maintained [1] -
143:13 174:24, 176:6, measuring [1] -
132:1 47:22
looking [13] - 13:16, 176:14, 177:9, 94:15
living [1] - 41:2 male [7] - 180:5,
15:8, 15:24, 17:6, 177:20, 177:23, mechanism [1] -
locate [1] - 86:4 201:7, 211:23,
18:15, 60:6, 60:22, 181:16, 182:18, 234:11
located [4] - 159:23, 64:12, 91:8, 97:11, 211:24, 211:25, 182:21, 183:7, media [1] - 172:5
161:4, 192:18, 213:10 139:2, 156:17, 248:10 224:19 183:24, 188:11, Medical [2] - 110:4,
location [2] - 246:20, looks [4] - 14:15, man [8] - 69:8, 191:1, 194:19, 135:21
249:13 61:1, 63:20, 63:24 90:18, 175:7, 182:25, 194:24, 195:21, meet [11] - 49:14,
lock [2] - 52:20, losing [1] - 232:9 183:20, 183:21, 196:5, 197:2, 200:19, 77:4, 77:15, 180:14,
52:21 lost [1] - 210:1 186:1, 196:19 201:9, 201:19, 187:5, 188:6, 202:23,
locked [2] - 194:4, Manderbach [3] -
loud [2] - 55:20, 202:24, 202:25, 210:16, 215:10,
194:5 2:17, 158:19, 164:6
55:21 203:6, 210:16, 211:1, 230:5, 248:1
locker [76] - 7:9, 8:6, MANDERBACH [1] -
low [1] - 242:13 211:3, 212:3, 223:15, meeting [54] - 31:9,
8:22, 8:23, 9:1, 9:2, 158:11
lower [1] - 94:20 225:11, 225:15, 31:13, 32:10, 35:4,
9:3, 9:6, 9:7, 9:10,
35:19, 36:10, 36:16, 187:6, 194:19, 113:17, 181:25, 39:22, 39:23, 47:2, 105:1, 105:2, 105:9,
77:7, 80:17, 83:1, 194:24, 196:13, 182:5, 182:13, 86:16, 87:9 107:3, 107:4, 107:6,
83:4, 83:20, 84:6, 202:2, 205:20, 184:23, 186:20, morning [33] - 4:5, 108:1, 109:13,
84:7, 106:25, 110:15, 223:15, 245:3, 245:7, 186:25, 188:5, 4:6, 4:7, 5:5, 5:6, 109:16, 109:20,
110:19, 110:22, 249:25, 250:9 189:12, 195:24, 5:10, 5:11, 23:9, 109:24, 110:21,
111:11, 112:22, Michael [4] - 2:5, 198:6, 199:10, 23:17, 27:7, 30:16, 110:25, 111:8,
122:24, 135:3, 5:14, 174:9, 174:13 199:24, 200:1, 200:2, 42:5, 67:5, 71:10, 111:10, 111:24,
138:10, 138:13, MICHAEL [1] - 5:1 200:6, 203:10, 115:1, 117:8, 117:19, 111:25, 112:8,
139:15, 141:7, 151:7, microphone [1] - 207:18, 207:19, 118:18, 133:15, 112:11, 112:16,
152:7, 152:19, 153:9, 168:1 207:20, 210:8, 133:16, 174:17, 112:20, 113:7,
153:11, 155:19, middle [1] - 158:4 210:11, 210:13, 174:21, 176:23, 113:10, 113:13,
156:12, 182:22, midsection [1] - 212:16, 215:19, 177:4, 179:2, 190:1, 114:5, 114:9, 114:14,
187:2, 187:3, 187:4, 13:13 221:25, 222:1, 222:3, 210:20, 237:11, 114:17, 115:4,
196:11, 201:10, might [25] - 66:12, 222:4, 222:8, 222:10, 238:5, 238:16, 239:4, 122:19, 122:20,
202:10, 203:6, 68:13, 78:1, 101:19, 222:13, 222:15, 240:1, 240:17 123:16, 123:18,
203:15, 203:16, 120:15, 120:20, 222:19, 222:21 most [8] - 48:13, 124:7, 124:14,
203:21, 204:2, 206:6, 134:11, 151:14, miles [1] - 8:14 91:13, 105:6, 131:23, 127:10, 127:12,
206:8, 206:13, 156:15, 156:16, mind [16] - 14:24, 145:17, 190:16, 127:17, 130:4, 130:5,
206:16, 210:22, 175:3, 197:16, 26:4, 36:1, 36:5, 247:24, 248:11 130:8, 131:11,
229:23, 230:7, 207:22, 210:4, 211:7, 36:13, 40:8, 46:12, mostly [1] - 11:6 131:14, 133:2, 133:6,
245:14, 248:8 211:14, 221:15, 74:2, 83:20, 89:23, mother [6] - 65:17, 133:19, 139:25,
meetings [4] - 103:4, 224:7, 225:1, 226:19, 139:14, 139:17, 65:18, 117:24, 214:2, 141:4, 144:7, 144:24,
110:1, 119:16, 201:17 228:7, 228:18, 211:11, 224:18, 219:20, 219:21 145:10, 145:23,
member [7] - 36:17, 230:18, 232:10 232:17, 247:9 motion [1] - 4:9 146:16, 147:22,
36:18, 92:9, 118:6, Mike [71] - 4:24, mine [3] - 120:7, motivated [2] - 7:25, 148:2, 154:11,
232:9, 232:11, 236:1 58:25, 113:1, 133:22, 135:1, 218:21 210:4 154:14, 157:14,
memorandums [1] - 134:16, 135:8, minimized [2] - motivation [1] - 157:16, 157:23,
229:2 136:10, 137:4, 239:19, 241:20 247:4 158:8, 158:16,
memorialize [1] - 138:20, 138:21, minor [4] - 36:3, mouth [1] - 187:9 159:25, 160:3,
79:7 139:18, 141:23, 180:5, 200:6, 250:22 move [10] - 51:23, 160:11, 160:14,
memorializing [1] - 142:16, 142:21, minute [3] - 8:15, 70:19, 71:6, 80:15, 162:6, 162:8, 163:7,
217:15 142:25, 145:18, 61:8, 109:5 95:11, 112:3, 112:15, 163:10, 163:16,
memory [7] - 66:15, 145:22, 146:11, minutes [7] - 22:2, 163:8, 163:17, 250:12 164:3, 164:5, 164:9,
84:18, 89:8, 95:23, 151:3, 151:17, 152:4, 60:19, 71:20, 81:23, moved [5] - 18:19, 164:13, 164:21,
138:8, 169:22, 186:2 152:8, 152:12, 83:3, 86:8, 86:10 44:7, 44:9, 164:4, 166:6, 169:4, 170:3,
men [3] - 39:17, 152:17, 153:18, mirror [23] - 10:17, 193:3 170:10, 171:8, 171:9,
191:4, 234:22 154:2, 154:3, 154:4, 12:4, 12:8, 12:21, movement [6] - 171:13, 172:24,
men's [1] - 193:6 154:12, 154:25, 54:12, 56:13, 57:2, 15:17, 15:20, 15:21, 173:14, 173:18,
mental [2] - 51:8, 155:13, 165:8, 166:2, 57:8, 57:9, 58:1, 17:16 236:11, 242:11, 246:4
56:14 175:22, 176:3, 176:6, 58:14, 58:20, 59:14, movie [3] - 7:24, MS [63] - 4:6, 4:10,
mention [1] - 178:4 176:14, 176:18, 73:9, 91:8, 91:10, 7:25, 8:9 28:13, 32:1, 32:24,
mentioned [9] - 176:23, 177:22, 91:11, 91:15, 91:17, MR [145] - 4:7, 4:15, 33:10, 41:23, 42:2,
34:16, 43:25, 47:7, 181:16, 181:17, 92:24, 181:5 4:19, 4:22, 4:24, 5:9, 48:4, 48:7, 51:20,
48:14, 116:6, 119:6, 182:21, 183:2, 183:3, mirror's [1] - 91:20 28:16, 29:22, 29:25, 51:24, 62:3, 63:1,
126:17, 148:15, 183:7, 184:2, 187:12, mirrors [1] - 10:16 30:9, 30:12, 32:4, 63:2, 64:22, 66:9,
189:25 188:10, 191:1, misconduct [2] - 33:1, 33:4, 33:14, 66:18, 67:3, 68:8,
mentor [1] - 48:15 194:19, 194:24, 189:17, 224:25 33:18, 40:12, 40:15, 68:21, 68:24, 69:19,
mentoring [1] - 195:21, 196:5, mislead [2] - 246:22, 41:20, 48:2, 51:18, 70:20, 71:6, 71:8,
207:24 196:12, 197:2, 246:25 62:2, 62:24, 64:16, 76:23, 78:15, 78:24,
merit [1] - 216:14 200:11, 201:19, mistaken [1] - 66:7, 68:4, 68:18, 79:1, 79:15, 79:22,
202:24, 203:24, 167:11 69:12, 69:25, 70:4, 80:12, 80:16, 85:23,
message [2] - 64:10,
210:16, 212:3, model [1] - 48:18 71:3, 76:20, 78:14, 114:7, 114:18,
223:15, 237:9, 238:8, 79:13, 80:9, 85:25, 124:10, 131:15,
messing [1] - 153:16 molester [1] - 246:14
245:1, 247:14, 86:2, 86:18, 86:21, 131:20, 132:25,
met [28] - 40:6, molesting [3] -
247:17, 249:18 86:23, 86:24, 87:6, 133:5, 140:2, 140:5,
49:21, 76:25, 77:7, 13:20, 16:23, 16:24
Mile [48] - 37:18, 90:15, 90:17, 90:20, 141:11, 141:25,
79:2, 79:6, 79:12, moment [4] - 40:12,
40:19, 40:22, 41:1, 91:5, 93:9, 93:11, 142:2, 142:6, 144:16,
81:14, 156:14, 112:16, 123:16,
41:7, 41:9, 41:10, 93:17, 95:9, 95:13, 145:3, 145:4, 145:13,
180:17, 181:15, 143:20
41:12, 62:19, 62:23, 101:21, 101:24, 146:4, 147:4, 147:20,
181:17, 182:3, 182:7, month [1] - 151:24
84:12, 101:19, 103:8, 103:11, 104:5, 157:18, 157:25,
182:9, 185:7, 186:16, months [6] - 36:23,
163:24, 164:8, 166:9,
166:12, 168:25, 23:10, 24:16, 26:1, 227:1 51:19, 71:3, 79:13, 6:10, 25:4, 28:17,
236:16 28:21, 32:14, 76:11, noise [6] - 16:15, 93:9, 141:5, 144:8 31:15, 35:1, 45:13,
mundane [1] - 121:10, 180:13, 16:18, 53:12, 54:5, objection [41] - 47:3, 116:21, 117:11,
247:11 181:23, 192:6, 199:9 60:4, 139:5 29:22, 32:1, 62:2, 118:5, 128:11,
municipality [1] - needs [2] - 25:22, none [4] - 16:16, 62:24, 64:16, 66:7, 128:16, 134:21,
115:24 67:9 114:9, 214:17, 217:17 68:4, 68:23, 69:18, 138:15, 151:23,
muscle [1] - 94:25 never [55] - 23:18, nonprofit [1] - 200:8 69:20, 70:1, 70:5, 163:13, 165:9,
must [3] - 226:16, 25:11, 25:14, 26:11, nonstudent [1] - 70:9, 70:18, 76:20, 172:20, 180:4, 185:9,
238:24, 244:13 38:14, 38:25, 39:3, 233:24 78:14, 78:24, 80:9, 190:11, 199:8,
39:18, 62:13, 62:14, normal [1] - 46:1 86:18, 86:23, 90:15, 203:18, 206:12,
N 62:15, 63:3, 71:24, not-for-profit [1] - 95:9, 101:21, 103:8, 206:13, 208:13,
71:25, 72:12, 74:4, 208:1 105:1, 107:3, 109:13, 210:24, 211:8,
83:17, 85:9, 85:10, note [6] - 51:9, 109:20, 110:21, 216:10, 217:16,
naked [7] - 34:11, 98:1, 98:2, 100:6, 111:24, 112:11, 221:15, 229:15,
56:14, 69:19, 70:5,
97:11, 97:12, 99:5, 100:9, 100:16, 122:19, 127:10, 229:16, 242:25,
78:24, 163:19
184:6, 201:8, 232:13 100:17, 101:15, 144:13, 144:15, 243:1, 243:6, 244:2,
noted [2] - 147:1,
name [29] - 5:12, 102:25, 103:7, 144:25, 145:10, 249:7
5:13, 6:24, 11:2, 42:3, 103:12, 110:9, 146:3, 147:1, 154:11, occurring [8] - 14:6,
notes [7] - 79:3,
115:5, 115:6, 133:20, 110:10, 111:13, 170:3 16:1, 34:13, 120:19,
217:14, 217:18,
140:6, 158:17, 112:22, 113:1, 114:4, objections [2] - 167:24, 183:9,
218:1, 229:3, 250:5,
158:18, 159:17, 125:9, 125:13, 114:15, 127:23 183:23, 212:18
160:5, 161:19, 125:17, 125:18, observation [1] - occurs [1] - 190:5
nothing [25] - 59:5,
164:22, 164:23, 125:19, 132:24, 15:25 October [1] - 36:24
59:7, 61:17, 64:17,
169:7, 173:21, 174:4, 139:8, 152:10, observations [1] - OF [8] - 1:1, 1:1, 1:6,
64:19, 68:5, 68:18,
175:7, 177:12, 179:2, 152:20, 153:13, 226:5 1:6, 1:11, 1:20
90:21, 113:7, 130:4,
204:14, 204:16, 154:3, 154:4, 154:8, observe [1] - 163:3 offense [3] - 69:11,
131:14, 133:2, 144:9,
210:12, 213:9, 190:22, 227:7, observed [20] - 13:7, 120:4, 129:13
157:16, 171:8, 171:9,
216:20, 217:10, 228:23, 241:16, 13:22, 15:12, 17:10, offensive [1] - 6:12
183:14, 225:21,
244:16 245:2, 245:13, 247:21 19:2, 25:7, 26:4, Office [12] - 79:7,
229:10, 233:17,
named [2] - 165:5, nevertheless [1] - 36:20, 134:2, 137:21, 79:12, 104:18,
233:18, 246:17,
174:9 211:6 166:3, 174:15, 104:24, 128:8,
247:18, 248:15,
nanosecond [1] - new [2] - 44:8, 193:3 206:18, 206:24, 161:23, 165:2,
142:14 New [1] - 47:3 207:3, 211:2, 211:4, 168:18, 173:5,
noticed [1] - 137:8
nature [33] - 24:16, next [12] - 23:9, 226:1, 226:7, 226:10 178:22, 204:11,
notification [2] -
75:3, 75:4, 75:7, 26:22, 27:18, 31:4, obstructing [1] - 250:16
121:4, 122:6
80:24, 101:4, 118:14, 35:19, 66:11, 67:5, 93:6 OFFICE [1] - 1:20
notified [5] - 120:24,
120:24, 136:23, 71:10, 74:16, 77:10, obviously [14] - 9:5, office [61] - 6:14,
120:25, 121:3,
137:12, 137:17, 83:19, 177:6 14:16, 46:1, 47:1, 19:24, 20:11, 21:18,
121:11, 156:8
137:24, 138:4, 138:6, night [41] - 7:17, 47:7, 65:13, 172:6, 31:17, 44:1, 44:5,
notify [4] - 40:19,
138:15, 139:16, 7:18, 23:9, 30:14, 175:19, 175:24, 44:7, 44:11, 44:13,
116:19, 118:16,
139:19, 139:20, 42:18, 42:22, 45:24, 196:4, 196:21, 44:14, 44:17, 44:19,
152:14, 152:17, 51:2, 51:25, 62:10, 238:10, 238:22, 45:20, 45:25, 47:11,
November [2] -
154:24, 175:20, 62:11, 67:19, 74:11, 250:11 47:12, 47:16, 47:22,
36:24, 166:20
178:3, 197:8, 199:18, 78:4, 79:8, 79:25, occasion [6] - 50:3, 47:24, 48:1, 49:9,
number [7] - 106:20,
201:7, 215:3, 230:18, 81:25, 89:10, 89:11, 99:11, 100:12, 49:10, 49:15, 49:17,
122:23, 127:8,
239:8, 240:11, 90:1, 90:2, 90:5, 100:13, 222:11, 49:19, 49:22, 49:24,
127:18, 203:12,
245:10, 245:16 90:11, 90:13, 92:8, 230:17 50:1, 52:12, 63:11,
217:22, 235:7
NCAA [3] - 43:1, 92:14, 92:17, 95:14, occasionally [1] - 135:4, 135:13,
numerous [1] -
45:14, 50:25 97:21, 98:3, 98:6, 11:22 143:25, 148:20,
near [2] - 49:15, 101:20, 136:10, occasions [2] - 156:3, 191:15,
240:16 137:5, 137:6, 140:8, 247:19, 248:13 191:16, 191:18,
nearly [1] - 48:25 145:15, 145:19,
occupied [1] - 156:4 192:4, 192:7, 192:11,
necessarily [3] - 147:23, 148:4, 235:22 occupy [1] - 204:25 192:12, 192:14,
142:18, 213:19, 232:6 nine [3] - 30:18, oath [11] - 150:3, occur [11] - 6:9, 192:18, 192:20,
necessary [1] - 30:19, 135:25 160:19, 161:11, 27:14, 30:17, 148:19, 193:3, 193:14,
199:20 nipple [1] - 95:2 161:15, 163:4, 237:7, 160:21, 171:14, 193:17, 193:24,
need [8] - 23:20, Nittany [2] - 205:13, 237:12, 237:18, 196:25, 200:18, 194:2, 194:21,
24:1, 26:20, 85:16, 222:23 246:21 221:15, 228:17, 205:17, 205:18,
85:21, 188:4, 228:18, NO [1] - 1:16 object [10] - 32:2, 250:23 206:14, 210:24,
241:6 nobody [2] - 144:4, 32:24, 33:10, 48:3, occurred [39] - 4:2, 229:24, 231:6, 250:18
needed [12] - 21:11,
Officer [6] - 126:18, 194:16, 213:22, 47:10, 48:10, 48:21, 100:14, 107:11,
126:20, 126:25, 215:8, 219:17, 223:9, 66:11, 67:5, 67:8, 107:12, 113:18,
127:22, 131:4, 131:16 223:14, 228:5, 233:7 68:10, 68:20, 71:10, 115:9, 118:6, 123:8,
officer [7] - 109:9, one-minute [1] - p.m [9] - 10:23, 71:19, 71:22, 72:6, 167:22, 176:11,
115:10, 124:15, 109:5 10:24, 23:4, 65:11, 72:8, 74:2, 74:3, 74:7, 179:9, 182:2, 204:18,
124:24, 131:21, ones [1] - 168:8 172:16, 172:21, 74:9, 74:12, 74:14, 205:13, 205:19,
149:21, 205:7 ongoing [1] - 105:8 204:9, 236:6, 250:25 74:19, 74:20, 75:1, 207:16, 209:12,
officers [12] - 99:22, open [5] - 12:17, pace [1] - 108:13 76:7, 76:13, 76:16, 220:14, 222:23
100:2, 100:22, 108:6, 52:19, 117:2, 235:5, page [2] - 243:16, 77:19, 77:23, 101:25, PENNSYLVANIA [5]
108:8, 109:7, 109:11, 235:16 245:18 102:5, 102:11, 103:5, - 1:1, 1:2, 1:6, 1:7,
124:19, 124:21, opened [4] - 9:22, pages [3] - 171:24, 103:9, 103:12, 1:17
124:22, 126:17, 9:25, 12:16, 44:10 243:18, 243:19 134:17, 161:19, Pennsylvania [12] -
126:21 opening [1] - 10:11 pain [2] - 97:22, 162:13, 163:3, 165:1, 168:5, 170:7,
offices [15] - 7:8, operate [1] - 167:3 97:23 163:21, 171:17, 170:8, 173:25, 174:3,
44:16, 44:20, 44:23, operates [1] - 229:8 pains [1] - 70:6 173:2, 173:17, 213:1, 228:19,
44:25, 45:1, 45:10, operations [2] - paint [1] - 105:12 173:21, 180:3, 236:21, 236:25,
45:20, 49:20, 123:25, 205:4, 205:9 pair [2] - 9:13, 137:7 180:12, 180:19, 237:2, 237:20
148:13, 192:16, Operations [1] - 45:4 paperwork [1] - 181:13, 182:18, people [40] - 26:21,
192:24, 193:20, opinion [6] - 25:25, 250:20 187:21, 195:23, 27:8, 45:23, 56:24,
208:17 97:7, 101:5, 244:3, parents' [1] - 65:16 196:6, 201:19, 56:25, 58:15, 62:9,
official [2] - 115:25, 244:17, 244:20 Park [2] - 135:13, 201:20, 201:25, 68:15, 70:7, 70:17,
178:12 opportunities [1] - 148:11 202:7, 202:10, 76:11, 76:14, 78:19,
Official [1] - 251:12 207:22 parked [2] - 8:20, 203:22, 206:6, 88:22, 90:19, 103:20,
often [3] - 50:6, opportunity [2] - 52:8 206:15, 206:23, 103:21, 104:6,
122:11, 206:2 162:1, 171:20 parking [1] - 52:8 208:6, 209:7, 209:8, 104:10, 104:21,
old [8] - 5:15, 14:17, part [16] - 10:10, 238:22, 238:23, 105:15, 105:16,
oppose [1] - 85:16
20:19, 42:10, 97:9, 41:7, 41:9, 70:19, 239:4, 239:10, 108:18, 145:17,
option [1] - 209:13
193:2, 194:9, 217:20 73:17, 88:5, 92:12, 239:17, 239:19, 168:21, 176:21,
order [4] - 18:10,
Old [2] - 107:14, 94:23, 99:18, 124:5, 240:10, 240:15, 177:3, 181:2, 182:15,
80:6, 167:16, 236:20
108:14 149:11, 194:21, 241:8, 241:11, 182:19, 183:4,
ordinarily [1] - 177:2
old-fashioned [1] - 200:9, 228:23, 249:1, 241:16, 241:21, 186:22, 186:23,
organization [1] -
194:9 250:15 242:7, 245:2, 245:3, 192:7, 195:7, 197:13,
older [5] - 14:21, partial [2] - 91:10, 247:5, 247:13 223:7, 223:25,
organize [5] -
175:1, 175:2, 175:5, 91:11 Paterno's [15] - 235:23, 238:10
107:23, 108:10,
183:15 participate [1] - 47:11, 71:13, 73:23, people's [1] - 91:13
108:15, 108:17,
olive [1] - 96:14 149:5 164:1, 171:24, percent [6] - 14:2,
olive-skinned [1] - participating [1] - 202:16, 208:7, 73:2, 73:3, 73:4,
organized [1] - 45:14
96:14 240:25 229:17, 230:2, 152:1, 192:13
oriented [1] - 13:18
once [9] - 20:10, particular [6] - 13:6, 238:19, 239:1, perfectly [1] - 67:21
original [1] - 146:17
30:24, 62:15, 85:10, 32:6, 32:7, 119:16, 239:21, 240:3, performance [3] -
otherwise [2] -
96:3, 122:15, 167:4 167:22, 209:24 240:21, 241:22 116:11, 116:13,
109:11, 189:19
one [56] - 8:23, 9:12, particularly [1] - path [1] - 110:24 116:15
outrageous [1] -
11:13, 17:8, 18:24, 7:16 pause [3] - 40:14, perhaps [11] -
19:3, 19:9, 25:21, pass [2] - 27:12, 123:17, 211:22 150:19, 152:17,
outside [7] - 46:9,
26:9, 28:24, 29:2, 241:13 Pause [1] - 112:19 211:13, 217:4, 224:6,
46:16, 46:20, 87:13,
29:5, 32:3, 38:12, passed [2] - 177:18, payroll [1] - 6:14 230:14, 232:10,
87:15, 87:16, 121:13
40:12, 55:16, 55:17, 247:15 peace [1] - 124:21 232:22, 234:23,
overhear [1] - 109:10
66:21, 70:7, 72:13, passing [1] - 156:17 pectoral [1] - 94:25 234:25, 235:2
overly [1] - 48:25
84:11, 88:25, 90:10, passports [1] - peered [2] - 59:19, period [8] - 11:21,
oversaw [1] - 30:3
100:22, 107:2, 250:15 60:20 17:5, 38:21, 38:25,
oversees [1] -
107:13, 109:5, past [1] - 153:19 penetration [1] - 77:25, 116:5, 167:6,
111:11, 113:21, patently [2] - 243:10, 72:19 167:8
overtly [1] - 118:2
114:1, 117:8, 119:21, 244:9 penis [1] - 97:19 perjurious [2] -
overtones [2] -
123:11, 123:16, Paterno [101] - 3:5, Penn [39] - 5:18, 242:22, 249:23
138:6, 245:10
130:5, 147:22, 5:25, 6:19, 22:22, 5:20, 6:2, 6:6, 6:16, perjury [20] - 64:13,
own [7] - 12:20,
151:24, 159:16, 23:7, 23:16, 25:10, 6:22, 7:3, 8:19, 11:7, 64:20, 69:1, 236:18,
39:16, 59:13, 229:3,
164:13, 168:18, 25:13, 25:17, 26:12, 11:10, 11:15, 11:20, 236:25, 237:3, 237:7,
240:21, 245:21,
175:8, 183:15, 188:3, 27:6, 27:10, 27:21, 27:25, 29:12, 29:16, 237:16, 237:17,
191:14, 192:8, 28:19, 30:16, 31:8, 42:13, 50:11, 99:12, 240:23, 241:4, 241:5,
192:20, 193:16, 31:24, 39:14, 39:22, 99:18, 99:21, 100:11, 242:17, 243:8,
243:22, 244:10, picture [2] - 105:12, 115:11, 115:14, potentially [1] - previously [6] - 9:14,
244:12, 246:18, 150:5 115:19, 115:24, 232:18 27:23, 34:16, 35:6,
246:19, 248:1 place [17] - 20:4, 115:25, 116:20, practical [1] - 191:25 104:1, 224:12
permitted [2] - 46:11, 46:13, 105:2, 116:22, 117:9, practically [1] - pride [1] - 41:14
146:12, 215:19 105:14, 135:12, 121:18, 122:1, 214:5 prima [9] - 68:5,
person [33] - 27:18, 151:23, 176:7, 122:13, 123:7, practice [1] - 220:5 69:15, 70:12, 90:21,
28:10, 32:3, 83:21, 176:22, 185:16, 124:22, 124:24, practices [2] - 223:1, 236:22, 242:4,
95:20, 134:10, 202:11, 203:21, 125:8, 126:21, 223:5 242:14, 248:1, 250:9
134:14, 134:15, 210:23, 219:15, 130:10, 130:13, precise [3] - 177:2, primary [1] - 125:1
138:24, 145:20, 225:20, 226:20, 130:15, 130:19, 208:8, 243:20 printing [1] - 205:14
148:5, 156:8, 175:1, 235:18 155:20, 156:5, precision [2] - 241:6, probative [1] - 66:14
175:2, 175:5, 183:17, PLACE [1] - 1:16 166:16, 167:21, 241:8 probing [1] - 66:11
186:7, 186:10, placed [3] - 46:16, 168:13, 168:14, predisposed [1] - problem [3] - 143:21,
186:11, 187:2, 187:4, 46:20, 160:19 168:15, 188:8, 142:23 177:17
187:6, 195:24, placing [1] - 21:5 188:16, 189:3, 190:6, preliminary [7] - procedures [1] -
196:21, 197:15, planning [1] - 122:25 190:13, 195:9, 198:2, 70:16, 146:18, 220:12
199:9, 199:12, plant [1] - 205:10 205:15, 214:1, 214:3, 146:25, 236:12, proceed [1] - 4:21
199:24, 199:25, play [1] - 5:19 214:4, 214:6, 214:7, 236:18, 242:13, 247:6 proceeded [1] -
200:15, 201:5, played [5] - 6:2, 217:3, 220:2, 220:5, PRELIMINARY [1] - 199:1
201:14, 231:13 11:8, 11:9, 11:14, 220:6, 220:15, 1:12 proceeding [3] -
person's [1] - 177:12 11:16 220:17, 220:25, prepared [4] - 157:11, 240:25,
personal [6] - players' [1] - 9:5 221:8, 228:8, 228:11, 162:12, 162:14, 241:19
106:22, 157:1, playful [1] - 183:5 228:18, 228:19, 162:21, 163:1 PROCEEDINGS [1] -
169:11, 170:20, PLEAS [2] - 1:1, 1:6 228:22, 230:17, prepubescent [2] - 1:11
171:1, 171:2 point [38] - 12:7, 231:1, 231:6, 231:12, 14:16, 97:8 proceedings [5] -
personally [7] - 28:3, 16:8, 16:11, 17:18, 231:18, 232:5, presence [4] - 60:1, 4:2, 172:20, 250:25,
39:10, 39:11, 103:24, 19:12, 19:17, 21:12, 243:24, 246:12, 249:3 155:22, 178:6, 222:15 251:3, 251:19
120:8, 189:9, 199:7 21:16, 22:25, 27:9, Police [11] - 99:13, present [10] - 31:20, process [3] - 157:3,
persons [2] - 189:13, 51:9, 56:1, 56:12, 100:15, 122:18, 135:15, 147:18, 160:18, 161:2
235:7 59:24, 61:15, 96:17, 167:23, 168:6, 148:3, 148:15, professor [1] - 232:3
perspective [1] - 97:17, 97:21, 101:1, 168:17, 170:8, 161:10, 161:14, profile [3] - 58:10,
70:11 104:16, 121:22, 195:14, 220:14, 203:5, 235:8, 238:11 58:12, 118:11
pertinent [1] - 131:6, 135:24, 228:20
presented [4] - profit [2] - 208:1,
217:24 139:24, 144:7, policed [1] - 118:10
163:12, 238:16, 208:4
phone [37] - 27:20, 146:13, 146:17, policy [2] - 230:10, 241:25, 242:6 program [21] - 7:8,
28:18, 30:13, 30:25, 150:20, 150:23, 233:24 Presentment [1] - 7:11, 25:23, 37:20,
32:11, 37:7, 37:13, 181:12, 186:13, portion [4] - 82:1, 243:3 39:2, 42:24, 43:17,
38:8, 40:17, 77:18, 191:23, 209:7, 241:9, 148:6, 173:4, 173:6 president [19] - 43:18, 49:6, 85:11,
84:6, 84:8, 84:9, 98:3, 242:5, 243:14, posed [1] - 161:22 180:13, 181:20, 179:18, 195:15,
98:5, 98:8, 108:19, 244:23, 250:23 position [16] - 13:6, 182:17, 184:18, 196:23, 196:24,
108:23, 109:11, points [1] - 243:16 13:12, 13:18, 15:9, 187:15, 187:20, 205:20, 207:21,
113:14, 119:16, police [116] - 29:9, 27:18, 61:13, 73:24, 188:19, 198:10, 208:25, 210:8,
119:20, 120:1, 123:2, 29:13, 29:21, 30:2, 74:23, 87:18, 93:22, 203:11, 204:18, 222:13, 235:16
134:13, 141:17, 30:3, 35:2, 35:7, 36:7, 107:5, 120:25, 121:7, 205:1, 205:25, 216:2, progress [2] - 43:2,
141:23, 142:1, 142:3, 36:9, 36:12, 36:14, 157:7, 205:1, 205:22 218:12, 218:16, 43:6
142:7, 142:12, 36:17, 67:15, 67:18, positioned [1] - 218:18, 230:11, prohibited [1] -
144:12, 177:15, 67:25, 68:1, 74:10, 57:11 246:11, 249:10 237:6
186:7, 186:10 74:13, 76:14, 76:18, positioning [6] - President [6] - promise [1] - 147:23
phoned [1] - 141:2 83:13, 83:20, 83:22, 13:23, 13:24, 24:18, 135:20, 195:20, pronoun [1] - 32:8
phrase [5] - 102:19, 89:19, 89:22, 90:1, 24:20, 33:9, 33:20 198:25, 218:23, 219:3 proper [1] - 52:24
149:20, 152:20, 90:3, 90:5, 90:6, 90:8, positions [2] - 72:11, presidents [3] - property [13] -
153:2, 153:12 90:11, 99:9, 99:10, 72:21 28:25, 29:3, 29:6 167:24, 180:4,
phrases [2] - 102:18, 99:22, 100:2, 100:22, possession [2] - pretty [4] - 109:14, 186:15, 189:13,
243:3 102:25, 103:7, 217:14, 217:17 118:19, 235:5, 249:5 189:18, 189:24,
physical [2] - 103:13, 106:24, possible [1] - 82:14 prevent [3] - 113:5, 191:8, 197:10,
205:10, 225:11 107:5, 107:22, 108:6, possibly [2] - 22:23, 234:3, 234:16 197:17, 197:23,
physically [3] - 108:8, 108:16, 109:7, 229:25 preventing [1] - 200:22, 222:18,
14:20, 210:14, 223:24 109:9, 109:11, 111:2, post [1] - 47:5 69:21 222:22
pick [1] - 8:3 113:22, 113:23, potential [3] - 189:7, previous [2] - 34:23, proposals [1] -
picks [1] - 243:3 114:2, 115:10, 239:12, 246:14 112:1 198:20
proposed [1] - 151:23, 187:8, 229:10 4:12, 4:16, 239:25 199:1, 218:6 140:12, 141:6, 146:5,
198:15 ready [1] - 4:20 recommendations 163:25, 166:16,
proposing [1] - Q reaffirmed [1] - [3] - 187:25, 212:10, 168:20, 170:16,
172:25 237:3 218:4 170:17, 189:7, 191:2,
prosecution [2] - real [2] - 107:18, recommended [3] - 215:14, 217:14,
qualitatively [2] - 218:8, 218:9 221:14, 242:1
146:7, 237:24 225:9
239:12, 239:13 reconsider [2] - regular [1] - 116:16
prosecutor [2] - really [17] - 10:9,
quarter [2] - 58:12, 68:25, 146:5 regularly [2] -
241:10, 241:13 21:1, 35:15, 48:24,
94:17 record [15] - 69:19, 223:24, 235:20
prosecutors [1] - 76:17, 86:15, 104:15,
quarterback [1] - 105:25, 109:14, 69:20, 70:3, 70:19, relate [1] - 211:1
47:9 125:6, 139:9, 156:19, 79:10, 79:23, 89:1, related [6] - 21:5,
protection [6] -
quartering [1] - 93:5 205:9, 225:1, 232:24, 89:2, 159:25, 171:22, 68:25, 118:20, 123:2,
213:13, 214:9, 217:6,
220:13, 228:4, 228:16 questioned [1] - 246:16, 247:18 173:1, 173:5, 220:18, 125:7, 132:16
protective [3] - 214:11 rear [2] - 117:25, 220:21, 251:19 relation [3] - 40:1,
212:20, 212:22, 215:7 questioning [4] - 153:25 recording [3] - 68:14, 86:4
protest [1] - 14:1 131:16, 178:22, reason [5] - 117:2, 79:24, 89:4 relationship [3] -
204:11, 226:3 121:25, 172:12, records [7] - 167:6, 144:1, 150:17, 156:2
protests [1] - 72:20
questions [30] - 189:4, 210:3 167:13, 169:12, relationships [1] -
prove [4] - 70:12,
39:16, 42:5, 42:18, reasonable [2] - 169:14, 170:1, 208:24
236:22, 241:5, 242:3
82:3, 82:16, 82:20, 196:22, 201:5 170:19, 170:23 relative [7] - 22:4,
provided [5] - 7:12,
82:21, 85:23, 103:17, reasons [1] - 122:24 recreation [2] - 117:2, 119:18,
38:17, 161:24,
104:9, 104:20, 114:7, recalled [2] - 210:21, 235:3, 235:17 120:15, 122:12,
176:16, 188:23
124:10, 131:17, RECROSS [2] - 2:3, 165:4, 246:13
provides [1] - 207:21 227:4
133:1, 147:20, 149:8, 131:19
providing [1] - receive [5] - 121:21, relatively [3] - 42:21,
149:10, 150:18, recruit [2] - 8:3
160:17 130:9, 141:16, 44:8, 84:20
157:15, 161:22,
provost [2] - 205:8, 141:22, 180:2 redirect [1] - 113:9 relay [2] - 31:9,
164:6, 164:8, 164:9,
230:23 received [17] - 30:13, REDIRECT [3] - 2:3, 227:17
173:15, 178:18,
proximity [3] - 34:1, 32:11, 38:8, 113:15, 113:12, 130:7 relayed [3] - 121:8,
204:7, 243:9, 246:8
55:23, 57:12 117:1, 120:11, 122:1, redoubled [1] - 181:14, 187:12
quick [1] - 14:15
psychologists [2] - 122:3, 130:9, 142:1, 241:3 released [3] -
quickly [5] - 21:11,
127:8, 127:19 182:10, 185:18, refer [5] - 120:5, 114:13, 133:4, 157:22
108:22, 143:23,
pubic [2] - 97:2, 97:6 186:18, 220:21, 136:17, 136:20, relevance [15] - 48:3,
203:8, 203:11
public [2] - 235:10, 241:15, 247:7 176:21, 210:11 62:24, 66:7, 71:4,
quite [4] - 115:15,
235:17 recent [1] - 39:22 reference [2] - 80:10, 78:14, 90:15, 103:8,
123:23, 217:22,
Public [1] - 167:1 recently [1] - 169:19 170:23 105:1, 107:3, 109:20,
pull [2] - 52:23, recess [3] - 172:4, referenced [2] - 111:24, 127:10,
quivering [1] - 143:3
168:1 172:16, 172:18 221:23, 221:24 141:7, 154:11, 170:3
punch [1] - 223:25 recognized [1] - 19:4 referral [1] - 189:11 relevant [8] - 69:15,
pure [1] - 247:18
R recollect [6] - 54:21, referred [8] - 12:24, 90:22, 145:21,
purported [1] - 207:3 55:4, 55:10, 229:17, 14:8, 27:23, 130:19, 145:23, 145:24,
purpose [11] - 20:25, raise [4] - 39:16, 229:20, 229:22 197:2, 205:8, 209:17, 146:14, 146:22,
21:4, 122:16, 122:21, 103:16, 104:9, 104:22 recollection [34] - 231:18 146:23
141:6, 142:3, 142:7, raised [3] - 104:20, 47:21, 51:21, 66:12, referring [6] - 28:7, remain [1] - 250:13
144:9, 146:1, 149:13, 105:13, 105:16 68:9, 68:13, 80:5, 32:5, 155:13, 166:1, remember [40] -
246:18 ran [1] - 248:23 80:7, 86:25, 119:20, 213:15, 213:20 32:9, 35:17, 37:21,
purposes [13] - range [1] - 117:18 119:22, 129:11, reflect [1] - 159:25 37:23, 42:22, 64:11,
112:13, 145:24, rape [3] - 72:13, 145:5, 180:10, reflection [7] - 12:20, 68:14, 75:6, 84:25,
146:19, 146:24, 152:23, 245:13 180:11, 181:4, 56:13, 57:25, 58:13, 102:13, 102:22,
162:10, 162:16, rather [3] - 147:5, 182:16, 183:3, 59:14, 59:15, 163:12 103:14, 105:22,
163:8, 163:17, 200:7, 224:24 183:17, 184:2, refresh [1] - 80:6 105:25, 106:2, 106:5,
163:19, 163:22, 185:13, 186:9, regard [11] - 156:7, 109:2, 109:23,
Raykovitz [3] -
186:21, 236:12, 247:6 200:23, 203:7, 211:3, 182:20, 186:12, 111:15, 111:16,
182:4, 195:23, 196:14
pursue [2] - 120:4, 212:12, 212:19, 186:15, 201:17, 119:5, 136:5, 138:8,
reach [1] - 81:9
129:13 213:16, 214:2, 214:8, 203:15, 205:19, 149:9, 150:13,
reached [2] - 209:7,
purview [1] - 220:2 215:9, 217:1, 217:2, 214:3, 214:12, 150:18, 151:12,
push [1] - 175:22 219:1, 227:21 233:24, 234:18 151:15, 178:7, 184:1,
read [8] - 171:21,
put [12] - 8:6, 12:17, recollections [1] - regarding [22] - 199:17, 201:24,
172:8, 173:1, 173:4,
46:11, 46:13, 59:12, 209:6 81:10, 84:24, 121:22, 203:12, 206:10,
173:6, 237:23, 239:6,
100:12, 137:6, recommendation [4] 131:8, 132:5, 132:13, 206:11, 208:8, 213:7,
145:13, 145:20, - 181:23, 188:25, 132:16, 135:3, 216:22, 218:7, 219:9
reading [4] - 4:9,
remembered [1] - 229:14, 242:24, 147:11 79:15, 79:22, 80:12, 178:5, 178:8
124:4 249:18 responses [2] - 80:16, 85:23, 114:7, run [3] - 126:10,
remembering [3] - reportedly [1] - 26:13, 26:17 114:18, 124:10, 126:13, 205:9
104:1, 107:9, 156:16 165:9 responsibility [2] - 131:15, 131:20, running [10] - 10:7,
repeat [2] - 134:11, reporter [4] - 158:21, 125:2, 179:21 132:25, 133:5, 140:2, 16:3, 53:8, 53:9,
136:19 158:24, 159:9, 161:21 responsible [3] - 140:5, 141:11, 54:20, 56:10, 56:12,
repeated [1] - 237:12 Reporter [1] - 251:12 116:11, 138:23, 141:25, 142:2, 142:6, 56:15, 108:12, 196:22
repeatedly [1] - reporter's [1] - 161:21 144:16, 145:3, 145:4,
90:18 204:15 rest [1] - 54:15 145:13, 146:4, 147:4, S
repeating [1] - reporting [8] - 40:23, restrictions [1] - 147:20, 157:18,
237:11 118:25, 138:14, 235:5 157:25, 163:24,
164:8, 166:9, 166:12, S-A-S-S-A-N-O [1] -
rephrase [5] - 21:4, 161:8, 186:19, rests [1] - 236:13
168:25, 236:16 164:24
33:2, 42:7, 79:19, 221:24, 223:16, result [4] - 180:9,
225:15 rocket [1] - 155:3 S-C-H-U-L-T-Z [2] -
190:9 184:16, 194:25, 212:6
reports [11] - 83:22, role [3] - 29:1, 48:18, 204:10, 204:17
report [56] - 84:12, resulted [2] - 120:20,
120:21, 169:23, 243:23 saddened [1] - 26:18
100:12, 100:14, 225:13
170:17, 205:24, roles [1] - 29:4 safety [1] - 120:20
101:2, 110:17, 117:1, retire [4] - 204:23,
118:1, 118:3, 118:14, 219:13, 219:25, Ronald [1] - 117:7 said/she [1] - 237:4
208:24, 209:25, 210:4
122:2, 122:3, 128:21, 220:6, 221:1, 221:5, room [64] - 8:22, Sandusky [133] -
retired [6] - 175:13,
130:16, 134:16, 232:4 8:23, 9:1, 9:3, 9:6, 11:2, 11:5, 13:1, 13:4,
204:17, 207:15,
156:11, 165:8, represent [2] - 42:4, 9:19, 9:21, 9:23, 15:1, 15:17, 15:18,
209:18, 233:8, 233:12
166:15, 167:12, 140:7 12:23, 19:14, 19:15, 16:9, 16:17, 21:9,
Retirement [1] -
167:14, 167:17, representing [1] - 20:3, 21:17, 21:25, 21:21, 24:23, 26:6,
168:20, 169:11, 4:12 22:9, 31:18, 49:21, 34:8, 34:22, 35:6,
retirement [11] -
170:20, 178:9, reputation [1] - 49:24, 54:16, 55:6, 36:3, 38:17, 39:19,
115:11, 209:3, 209:4,
178:11, 180:14, 11:11 55:7, 55:8, 61:5, 41:5, 41:7, 61:16,
209:5, 209:15,
181:13, 181:24, request [3] - 206:17, 87:22, 88:2, 88:3, 61:25, 62:11, 62:17,
209:16, 209:19,
182:12, 188:5, 188:7, 88:4, 88:6, 88:8, 62:23, 63:4, 73:24,
213:8, 248:2 209:23, 210:2, 217:19
188:10, 188:15, 88:13, 88:16, 88:19, 80:19, 84:24, 85:4,
requested [1] - 206:6 return [1] - 6:5
189:2, 190:2, 195:13, 91:25, 92:4, 92:5, 85:9, 92:15, 92:18,
require [2] - 89:19, review [5] - 80:6,
197:18, 198:2, 198:5, 92:8, 92:12, 92:16, 94:9, 94:18, 95:7,
89:22 162:1, 171:20, 172:8,
199:17, 202:8, 206:7, 92:18, 98:21, 99:4, 96:6, 97:10, 97:13,
required [1] - 236:21 250:5
212:7, 214:15, 124:3, 137:20, 97:18, 98:18, 98:19,
requires [3] - 146:6, reviewed [1] - 120:2
215:13, 220:9, 138:16, 143:5, 98:21, 100:25, 101:8,
237:21, 242:3 reviewing [2] -
220:13, 220:23, 143:14, 148:19, 101:20, 102:2, 106:3,
researched [1] - 243:15, 250:7
226:11, 228:11, 173:22, 180:22, 110:8, 111:7, 111:14,
166:22 rhythmic [4] - 10:1,
240:12, 247:8, 180:23, 180:25, 111:20, 111:22,
resemble [1] - 155:4 12:3, 15:22, 95:23
247:14, 248:19, 191:19, 193:2, 193:5, 112:10, 112:25,
reside [2] - 42:14, riot [1] - 107:16
249:8, 249:21 193:12, 193:13, 113:17, 117:11,
42:15 riots [1] - 107:10
reported [49] - 29:8, 194:1, 194:4, 194:12, 117:17, 117:25,
resided [1] - 42:12 RMR [1] - 251:11
29:10, 30:2, 36:14, 206:19, 208:18, 118:6, 119:1, 120:17,
residence [7] - 24:6, road [1] - 146:21 121:23, 125:16,
37:18, 100:16, 211:2, 211:8, 224:5
51:4, 65:4, 65:10, Roberto [20] - 2:6, 125:20, 126:1,
100:23, 116:6, 116:7, rooms [8] - 7:9, 9:2,
143:17, 144:19, 2:11, 2:14, 2:21, 4:11, 130:25, 131:9, 132:6,
117:10, 117:24, 144:22 9:7, 9:11, 54:15,
41:22, 42:3, 70:2, 132:23, 136:18,
128:25, 130:18, 88:10, 88:11, 193:13
resolution [1] - 114:6, 124:9, 131:13, 136:21, 137:19,
134:14, 134:15, 198:16 rough [4] - 24:20,
140:1, 140:6, 141:9, 143:10, 144:5,
139:19, 157:4, 33:22, 33:24, 81:2
resources [2] - 157:17, 157:24, 153:24, 165:5, 168:7,
165:17, 165:22, 191:15, 205:15 roughly [7] - 14:23,
164:7, 166:8, 236:14, 169:23, 171:4, 174:5,
165:24, 171:4, 71:2, 72:11, 74:24,
respect [8] - 25:16, 244:23 175:7, 175:11,
175:11, 177:23, 77:2, 92:3, 94:2
112:24, 125:16, ROBERTO [64] - 175:25, 176:5, 178:1,
181:19, 186:24, 126:3, 163:13, round [2] - 149:3,
1:22, 4:6, 4:10, 28:13, 180:5, 182:9, 182:24,
187:16, 187:21, 169:15, 170:14, 240:18
32:1, 32:24, 33:10, 183:9, 185:5, 185:8,
194:25, 195:9, 241:18 routine [3] - 122:24,
41:23, 42:2, 48:4, 185:9, 185:19,
195:10, 196:5, 196:7, 218:14, 219:11
respected [1] - 21:2 48:7, 51:20, 51:24, 186:13, 188:12,
198:24, 200:13, routinely [1] - 237:3
respectfully [1] - 62:3, 63:1, 63:2, 189:12, 189:18,
203:22, 206:2, 206:5, row [2] - 10:13,
248:2 64:22, 66:9, 66:18, 189:23, 191:3,
208:5, 212:3, 213:21, 54:13
respond [3] - 23:22, 67:3, 68:8, 68:21, 191:22, 192:17,
213:25, 215:6, ruling [2] - 71:5,
141:10, 142:24 68:24, 69:19, 70:20, 196:13, 196:15,
218:20, 219:21, 78:20
response [5] - 35:10, 71:6, 71:8, 76:23, 197:9, 201:18,
219:23, 225:17, rumor [3] - 177:24,
35:17, 89:22, 104:2, 78:15, 78:24, 79:1, 203:10, 203:16,
204:3, 207:9, 207:11, 226:12, 239:19, 171:18, 173:3, 61:4, 61:9, 61:10 107:10
207:12, 207:15, 241:21 180:12, 187:15, secretary [1] - serious [20] - 24:1,
208:20, 213:22, scared [4] - 143:3, 187:17, 187:19, 193:23 35:22, 67:22, 120:18,
214:25, 215:3, 143:4, 144:12 195:20, 202:3, Section [5] - 78:16, 136:7, 157:4, 224:10,
215:10, 215:14, scared-type [1] - 202:11, 203:5, 146:6, 236:19, 229:13, 229:14,
219:22, 220:10, 143:4 204:10, 204:16, 237:21, 237:22 242:23, 242:24,
222:11, 223:20, scheduled [1] - 238:12, 243:16, section [2] - 237:25 243:4, 243:7, 243:12,
226:5, 231:14, 135:3 244:25, 245:2, 245:3, sector [1] - 45:10 243:18, 243:19,
233:14, 233:22, school [1] - 248:18 245:8, 245:14, security [5] - 46:6, 244:19, 244:20,
234:5, 248:22, Schreffler [6] - 245:17, 245:23, 46:8, 46:10, 46:23, 248:16, 249:6
248:25, 249:14 117:8, 126:18, 246:25, 249:10, 47:4 seriously [2] -
Sandusky's [14] - 126:20, 126:25, 250:10 see [67] - 10:18, 218:22, 243:17
62:4, 73:10, 73:13, 127:22, 131:4 Schultz's [9] - 30:10, 11:20, 11:23, 13:14, service [2] - 165:17,
73:17, 75:13, 75:19, SCHULTZ [1] - 1:9 125:1, 149:18, 13:25, 17:12, 17:25, 208:22
84:12, 92:25, 120:23, Schultz [131] - 1:25, 171:23, 243:7, 21:20, 23:10, 24:1, Services [3] - 127:5,
121:7, 191:6, 193:14, 3:9, 4:16, 28:22, 243:23, 244:17, 26:9, 26:19, 28:21, 131:8, 165:25
195:1, 197:22 28:23, 29:20, 30:3, 245:11, 248:4 30:6, 39:4, 45:22, services [3] - 205:11,
SASSANO [1] - 30:6, 31:21, 33:20, scientist [1] - 155:3 45:24, 48:8, 48:9, 205:12, 215:7
164:16 34:8, 35:5, 35:12, scope [2] - 66:8, 48:12, 48:13, 50:3, serving [1] - 108:9
Sassano [4] - 2:20, 37:1, 38:4, 39:14, 141:5 50:6, 56:12, 57:2, set [2] - 31:1, 250:13
164:14, 164:24, 40:6, 68:19, 90:23, screaming [1] - 14:1 57:8, 57:14, 57:16, seven [2] - 5:16, 22:2
166:13 100:6, 106:8, 106:11, season [4] - 43:5, 58:2, 58:4, 58:5, 58:9, several [4] - 29:4,
sat [1] - 24:12 107:5, 107:17, 108:5, 43:9, 45:16, 48:9 66:24, 72:18, 73:9, 47:2, 113:16, 243:11
satisfied [1] - 130:1 109:7, 109:18, 110:1, seat [1] - 159:24 73:13, 73:18, 75:12, severe [2] - 40:10,
Saturday [7] - 30:15, 110:7, 110:11, 111:2, seated [2] - 28:10, 75:16, 87:15, 92:25, 67:23
174:17, 174:21, 111:6, 111:12, 159:24 93:3, 96:9, 96:17, sex [6] - 72:6, 82:14,
176:23, 177:4, 177:6, 111:13, 111:16, Second [48] - 37:17, 96:19, 97:18, 97:22, 82:15, 152:20, 225:5,
240:13 112:22, 113:25, 40:19, 40:22, 41:1, 107:24, 108:7, 108:8, 245:14
saw [90] - 12:9, 116:6, 116:8, 116:19, 41:7, 41:9, 41:10, 109:7, 109:8, 144:4, sexual [70] - 13:17,
12:19, 12:20, 17:2, 118:19, 118:24, 41:11, 41:12, 62:19, 153:6, 159:20, 160:8, 13:18, 21:11, 24:15,
19:3, 19:5, 21:9, 119:18, 120:15, 62:23, 84:12, 101:18, 168:6, 181:4, 181:6, 25:7, 26:4, 32:13,
21:10, 22:24, 24:13, 121:3, 121:9, 121:15, 113:17, 181:24, 189:4, 222:11, 32:21, 34:17, 36:2,
25:24, 26:21, 28:20, 122:8, 122:12, 182:5, 182:13, 222:14, 222:17, 40:10, 67:23, 72:12,
32:12, 32:19, 33:5, 124:16, 124:23, 184:23, 186:20, 222:24, 222:25, 74:3, 75:2, 75:3,
34:13, 38:23, 39:1, 125:25, 126:4, 186:25, 188:5, 223:4, 242:7 75:23, 80:24, 81:18,
39:10, 40:1, 40:5, 128:14, 128:25, 189:11, 195:24, seeing [6] - 16:20, 102:19, 102:20,
40:9, 45:21, 57:22, 129:14, 132:6, 198:5, 199:10, 19:13, 58:22, 58:23, 102:21, 102:24,
57:24, 58:13, 58:17, 134:19, 134:24, 199:24, 200:1, 200:2, 75:10, 145:9 118:2, 137:23, 138:3,
59:16, 59:22, 60:13, 134:25, 135:5, 135:8, 200:6, 203:10, seek [2] - 21:3, 220:8 138:6, 138:7, 138:15,
61:11, 61:19, 61:25, 135:16, 135:23, 207:17, 207:19, seeking [1] - 149:18 139:16, 139:19,
62:5, 62:12, 63:14, 138:3, 138:11, 207:20, 210:8, seem [2] - 10:9, 139:20, 152:13,
63:18, 64:3, 64:5, 138:23, 139:15, 210:11, 210:13, 217:24 152:17, 153:2,
64:24, 67:22, 71:21, 139:23, 141:6, 212:15, 215:19, seldom [2] - 130:20, 154:24, 175:20,
72:17, 72:21, 72:25, 145:25, 148:11, 221:24, 222:1, 222:3, 131:21 177:25, 184:9,
74:1, 74:22, 75:14, 148:16, 149:14, 222:4, 222:8, 222:10, Senior [1] - 195:19 189:23, 196:25,
75:18, 76:2, 78:8, 149:15, 149:25, 222:13, 222:15, senior [7] - 180:13, 197:3, 197:6, 197:7,
79:8, 79:11, 79:24, 150:10, 150:23, 222:19, 222:21 187:15, 187:19, 199:15, 199:18,
80:19, 80:24, 81:11, 151:9, 151:18, 152:7, second [32] - 10:3, 204:17, 205:1, 216:1, 200:4, 200:5, 201:6,
82:25, 85:9, 89:9, 152:8, 152:16, 10:12, 12:13, 13:16, 230:11 211:18, 211:20,
89:10, 89:11, 93:15, 152:18, 152:21, 14:8, 15:3, 15:8, sense [3] - 139:8, 223:17, 223:19,
98:17, 100:6, 100:9, 153:9, 153:10, 15:13, 16:21, 17:10, 146:24, 150:16 223:21, 224:15,
107:17, 108:5, 153:12, 153:23, 20:2, 43:12, 43:13, separate [4] - 63:20, 224:18, 224:25,
108:12, 108:22, 153:24, 154:16, 43:14, 44:21, 47:14, 63:24, 173:1, 235:4 225:6, 225:21, 230:3,
108:24, 108:25, 154:18, 155:15, 47:15, 53:20, 53:23, separated [5] - 233:13, 239:8, 244:7,
110:8, 112:23, 155:20, 155:23, 54:1, 56:4, 60:12, 17:20, 18:13, 19:13, 245:9, 245:10,
112:24, 137:18, 156:3, 156:11, 60:21, 69:6, 73:12, 98:20, 98:23 245:16, 247:8,
137:22, 143:5, 156:24, 157:8, 157:9, 98:11, 98:16, 122:9, sequence [2] - 247:12, 247:15
143:10, 143:14, 160:6, 160:8, 160:12, 162:15, 193:8, 243:23 135:10, 138:19 sexually [3] - 13:20,
144:1, 152:4, 181:1, 160:22, 161:14, seconds [7] - 17:8, serial [1] - 246:14 189:17, 216:9
181:18, 223:7, 162:24, 163:3, 60:20, 60:24, 61:3, series [2] - 107:8, Shaffer [1] - 251:11
SHANNON [1] - 220:8, 221:21, 226:8, 60:3, 60:5 126:12, 127:15, spending [1] - 210:7
158:11 232:14, 233:22, slap [1] - 224:1 150:22, 170:8, spent [2] - 210:9,
Shannon [2] - 2:17, 234:23, 247:23 slapping [13] - 10:1, 187:18, 197:24 210:14
158:19 showered [1] - 12:3, 15:22, 34:5, sort [9] - 22:15, spoken [2] - 27:21,
share [2] - 44:14, 117:23 53:9, 54:21, 56:15, 26:12, 26:23, 31:17, 135:8
177:8 showerheads [3] - 81:7, 95:17, 95:21, 75:22, 125:20, sports [1] - 179:22
shared [2] - 182:5, 55:1, 55:5, 55:10 95:22, 95:24, 95:25 168:12, 211:15, spring [13] - 42:22,
185:13 showering [2] - slaps [1] - 10:2 219:24 43:11, 45:13, 46:21,
shocked [5] - 12:16, 88:22, 117:24 slept [1] - 23:8 sorts [1] - 241:12 47:1, 50:13, 50:18,
19:20, 26:18, 58:17, showers [30] - 10:6, slightly [1] - 56:19 sound [11] - 54:5, 53:1, 116:25, 174:12,
61:25 10:7, 10:9, 16:2, 18:2, slow [1] - 15:19 55:13, 55:19, 95:25, 180:1, 206:4, 235:22
shocking [1] - 60:14 20:3, 21:10, 32:12, slowly [2] - 52:25, 142:18, 155:3, 155:5, stadium [2] - 132:17,
shockingly [1] - 12:8 32:20, 40:10, 52:11, 54:7 155:10, 155:14, 132:18
shoes [3] - 8:4, 52:13, 52:14, 53:8, slumped [1] - 26:18 155:16, 155:18 staff [19] - 8:22, 9:1,
12:17, 59:12 53:9, 54:20, 55:13, small [4] - 31:18, sounded [4] - 10:5, 9:19, 11:14, 11:17,
short [3] - 107:21, 55:14, 55:15, 55:22, 49:23, 53:5, 183:15 139:20, 143:8, 157:4 88:4, 88:6, 88:13,
139:17, 158:9 56:10, 56:11, 56:15, smaller [1] - 55:5 sounds [13] - 10:1, 91:20, 92:9, 92:12,
shorter [2] - 95:7, 56:18, 80:19, 91:22, smart [3] - 89:5, 12:3, 15:22, 34:3, 92:15, 105:17,
171:25 166:3, 185:10 89:8, 143:23 34:6, 54:18, 55:22, 105:18, 118:7,
shoulder [2] - 10:16, shows [1] - 153:14 Smith [1] - 169:7 74:20, 81:7, 95:22, 176:20, 235:15, 236:1
13:10 shut [4] - 17:15, sneakers [2] - 9:14, 95:24, 137:9, 137:21 stand [6] - 145:14,
shoulders [1] - 94:1 60:4, 60:6, 60:10 137:7 space [4] - 191:15, 145:21, 160:17,
show [3] - 162:5, side [13] - 45:8, 58:2, socialized [1] - 191:16, 191:18, 239:18, 240:17,
162:9, 162:15 58:4, 58:5, 93:4, 109:18 192:10 246:10
shower [106] - 9:7, 98:24, 98:25, 230:23, sodomy [5] - 25:9, Spanier [8] - 181:21, standard [2] - 229:7,
10:18, 12:9, 12:23, 230:24 71:23, 72:1, 152:25, 184:20, 195:20, 245:25
13:4, 14:9, 14:25, sides [1] - 54:13 225:5 198:25, 218:12, standing [2] - 14:15,
15:4, 15:24, 16:1, sign [1] - 46:5 solely [1] - 29:16 218:23, 219:3, 228:24 93:21
17:16, 17:23, 18:20, signatures [1] - solver [1] - 143:21 speakers [1] - stare [3] - 96:15,
18:22, 21:17, 21:22, 250:23 someone [16] - 10:6, 107:15 97:3, 97:15
22:4, 22:6, 22:9, signed [1] - 250:20 21:2, 25:17, 27:13, speaking [8] - 32:6, staring [1] - 14:16
24:14, 26:10, 33:6, significant [2] - 32:6, 36:14, 66:25, 36:11, 36:13, 70:1, start [4] - 50:25,
33:21, 34:11, 34:14, 148:6, 150:7 75:23, 78:10, 117:3, 89:14, 90:13, 102:11, 235:22, 236:15, 246:5
34:21, 35:8, 40:5, similar [3] - 54:2, 130:11, 134:12, 111:16 started [2] - 185:3,
54:16, 54:24, 55:2, 139:4, 218:21 140:9, 140:11, special [1] - 125:20 214:4
55:4, 55:6, 55:16, similarly [1] - 219:16 206:18, 246:20 specific [14] - 32:3, state [7] - 5:12,
55:17, 55:19, 56:24, single [2] - 51:10, sometime [4] - 35:13, 35:15, 123:1, 12:16, 115:5, 133:20,
57:20, 57:25, 58:15, 238:4 166:18, 174:8, 180:1, 141:6, 150:18, 158:17, 164:22, 167:1
58:25, 59:5, 59:20, sink [2] - 91:15, 180:24 176:17, 182:23, State [54] - 5:18,
59:25, 60:13, 60:22, 139:9 somewhat [2] - 10:4, 183:1, 185:11, 5:20, 6:2, 6:6, 6:16,
61:5, 61:11, 63:10, sinks [1] - 54:11 62:6 186:12, 199:2, 212:2 6:22, 7:3, 11:7, 11:10,
63:14, 63:18, 68:12, sit [10] - 14:1, 31:2, somewhere [2] - 8:8, specifically [24] - 11:12, 11:15, 11:20,
72:16, 72:18, 73:7, 96:15, 96:20, 97:3, 95:1 37:12, 42:18, 82:22, 20:16, 24:6, 27:25,
73:13, 74:7, 82:15, 102:4, 105:12, son [16] - 133:23, 84:22, 84:25, 154:5, 29:12, 29:16, 41:2,
86:13, 88:5, 88:18, 148:22, 150:3, 161:7 134:2, 134:7, 140:22, 156:14, 165:7, 166:2, 42:13, 42:15, 50:11,
91:4, 98:14, 99:3, sitting [2] - 83:19, 141:1, 141:17, 166:14, 182:20, 99:12, 99:18, 99:21,
99:4, 118:4, 121:23, 160:12 144:18, 144:22, 183:8, 184:1, 185:8, 100:1, 100:11,
137:19, 137:20, situation [2] - 139:1, 145:5, 145:16, 190:2, 201:9, 203:15, 100:14, 100:15,
138:15, 140:23, 201:15 147:16, 148:5, 206:23, 213:2, 107:11, 107:12,
143:11, 145:7, 145:8, six [9] - 8:14, 22:2, 149:15, 150:1, 220:10, 225:16, 113:18, 115:9, 118:6,
145:9, 176:8, 176:9, 81:23, 87:9, 94:17, 150:11, 214:4 226:10, 237:6, 241:10 123:9, 135:14,
181:2, 181:8, 182:25, 94:21, 94:22, 99:1, son's [1] - 245:12 specifics [5] - 188:1, 167:22, 168:5,
183:4, 185:17, 247:19 sons [1] - 11:9 214:22, 219:9, 227:3 168:17, 170:7, 170:8,
185:19, 196:16, sixty [1] - 233:7 soon [6] - 22:23, spectrum [1] - 174:1, 174:3, 176:11,
197:14, 200:15, sixty-one [1] - 233:7 56:3, 86:13, 203:2, 243:12 179:9, 182:2, 195:13,
200:24, 201:8, skills [1] - 207:24 203:13, 204:5 spell [5] - 5:13, 204:18, 205:13,
201:14, 201:22, skin [2] - 10:2 sorry [15] - 20:23, 115:6, 158:17, 207:16, 209:11,
203:19, 204:4, skinned [2] - 96:14 26:19, 53:17, 58:5, 164:23, 204:14 209:12, 220:14,
211:23, 214:25, slam [1] - 52:22 79:21, 84:7, 86:17, spend [2] - 51:13, 228:20
215:23, 219:16, 89:21, 105:16, 71:18 State's [2] - 8:19,
slammed [3] - 17:14,
205:19 stricken [1] - 70:3 198:17, 198:23 7:9, 11:8, 50:14, 160:5, 160:17,
statement [12] - strictly [2] - 189:11, support [13] - 7:10, 123:20, 235:14 163:20, 164:1,
82:13, 238:2, 242:18, 194:1 8:22, 9:1, 9:19, 88:4, team's [1] - 208:18 171:17, 171:21,
242:20, 243:7, 243:8, strike [5] - 40:3, 88:6, 88:13, 92:9, teams [1] - 5:19 171:23, 173:2,
244:3, 244:13, 120:23, 163:9, 105:18, 192:19, technically [2] - 178:19, 204:7, 215:5,
244:14, 249:20, 168:24, 238:18 192:22, 235:15, 213:14, 222:20 236:6, 238:3, 238:15,
249:23 strongly [1] - 244:24 238:25 teenager [1] - 14:21 238:19, 239:1,
statements [8] - student [11] - 132:2, suppose [3] - 70:15, teenagers [1] - 14:19 239:21, 240:4,
69:7, 145:18, 146:8, 200:20, 207:2, 207:3, 122:14, 144:13 teeth [1] - 139:9 240:21, 241:22,
146:11, 238:1, 230:22, 231:3, 231:7, supposed [6] - telephone [8] - 53:6, 241:23, 242:6,
238:15, 248:1, 249:8 232:4, 232:8 41:16, 181:8, 195:6, 64:6, 64:9, 85:14, 243:25, 245:6, 245:7,
Stater [1] - 222:23 students [1] - 107:11 208:12, 227:17, 234:5 85:20, 141:2, 147:11, 245:12, 246:10,
states [1] - 237:19 study [1] - 193:8 Supreme [1] - 237:1 187:3 247:7, 247:20, 248:4,
Statewide [1] - 159:5 stuff [1] - 109:4 surface [1] - 157:6 temper [1] - 232:9 248:23, 249:19
status [10] - 116:19, subject [1] - 209:2 Surgical [2] - 110:4, ten [15] - 30:18, testing [1] - 86:24
119:13, 120:22, submit [1] - 247:2 135:21 30:19, 68:16, 70:14, tests [2] - 68:9,
129:8, 191:6, 191:10, submitted [2] - surprise [1] - 228:7 71:20, 77:1, 77:2, 68:13
191:12, 191:23, 171:16, 250:8 surprised [1] - 77:25, 78:9, 83:3, THE [125] - 1:1, 1:6,
231:13 subordinates [1] - 217:25 83:10, 83:17, 97:8, 2:3, 3:3, 4:5, 4:8,
statute [2] - 237:18, 114:1 surprisingly [1] - 117:18, 151:24 4:14, 4:18, 4:20, 4:23,
242:3 subpoena [1] - 12:9 Ten [1] - 50:19 5:5, 5:6, 28:15, 29:24,
step [8] - 35:20, 168:23 suspect [1] - 151:14 ten-day [2] - 77:25, 30:11, 33:3, 33:16,
114:10, 133:3, 133:7, subpoenaed [2] - sustain [5] - 68:22, 78:9 40:13, 41:22, 48:6,
157:19, 164:10, 168:22, 170:22 69:17, 144:14, 146:2, tennis [1] - 8:4 51:22, 62:25, 64:21,
171:10, 200:7 subsection [1] - 147:2 term [15] - 16:5, 25:9, 66:16, 66:20, 66:21,
stepped [3] - 12:18, 237:25 sustained [8] - 25:12, 52:25, 71:22, 68:7, 68:22, 69:17,
12:22, 17:12 subsequent [11] - 29:24, 64:21, 86:20, 71:24, 71:25, 153:13, 70:9, 71:7, 76:22,
stepping [1] - 17:22 36:16, 38:22, 62:11, 101:23, 103:10, 153:15, 175:4, 78:23, 78:25, 79:17,
steps [6] - 18:9, 77:8, 85:19, 123:21, 109:15, 110:23, 175:16, 175:17, 79:19, 80:14, 85:24,
18:11, 113:16, 123:23, 131:6, 154:13 239:9, 239:24, 240:2 86:20, 87:1, 87:3,
113:22, 199:14, 132:21, 134:18, swear [1] - 159:12 terminology [2] - 87:5, 90:24, 91:1,
234:16 233:15 swearing [1] - 237:8, 239:16 93:13, 93:14, 95:10,
still [17] - 54:18, 160:24 terms [12] - 13:23, 95:11, 101:23,
subsequently [2] -
91:20, 92:9, 97:11, swears [1] - 161:7 20:15, 30:20, 35:16, 103:10, 104:4, 105:4,
68:15, 186:6
98:20, 98:23, 99:3, swings [1] - 52:19 81:12, 125:10, 137:3, 105:6, 107:7, 107:8,
substantial [1] -
103:23, 104:3, 104:7, 159:9, 185:12, 109:15, 109:21,
139:10 swipe [1] - 194:23
104:21, 144:5, 230:10, 233:23, 240:4 109:23, 110:23,
substantially [3] - sworn [8] - 5:2,
156:17, 191:22, terrible [2] - 25:25, 111:9, 112:2, 112:5,
177:19, 241:14, 114:23, 133:12,
192:4, 194:13, 194:17 26:20 112:6, 112:15,
241:18 158:12, 160:19,
stipulate [3] - 28:13, 112:18, 113:9, 114:6,
substantiate [1] - 163:4, 164:17, 173:11 test [2] - 51:20,
30:9, 160:11 114:8, 114:10,
221:12 swung [1] - 12:17 248:1
stipulation [2] - 114:12, 114:13,
suggest [2] - 129:14, system [9] - 46:10, testified [15] - 5:2,
163:21, 163:25 114:15, 114:19,
249:24 157:6, 157:10, 36:1, 73:1, 80:3, 80:4,
stood [1] - 97:11 115:1, 124:9, 124:11,
suggestion [1] - 194:11, 194:12, 85:8, 90:18, 114:23,
stop [5] - 10:19, 127:11, 127:13,
181:23 194:17, 194:23, 133:12, 140:12,
27:22, 53:14, 60:17, 127:15, 131:12,
suite [4] - 47:16, 234:8, 234:12 158:12, 164:17,
153:16 131:13, 133:3, 133:7,
49:19, 49:22, 49:24 System [1] - 209:12 173:11, 245:13,
133:15, 133:16,
stopped [3] - 61:12, Sunday [9] - 117:19, 248:21
140:1, 141:9, 141:15,
92:11, 108:24 202:1, 202:5, 202:8, T testify [2] - 70:13,
141:22, 142:4,
stopping [2] - 53:21, 202:11, 202:19, 161:19
144:11, 145:1, 146:2,
82:17 229:18, 230:2, 230:8 testifying [1] -
table [7] - 24:13, 147:1, 147:21,
story [2] - 107:21, Sundays [1] - 230:6 237:13
31:19, 144:14, 154:13, 157:17,
247:17 Superior [1] - 237:2 Testimony [3] - 3:6,
148:21, 148:23, 157:19, 157:21,
straight [2] - 19:21, superiors [1] - 3:8, 3:10
148:25, 149:3 157:22, 157:24,
93:25 118:16 testimony [48] -
tables [1] - 149:1 158:1, 158:3, 158:6,
street [2] - 99:16, supervision [1] - 27:23, 69:4, 69:14,
tall [2] - 94:16, 94:18 160:2, 160:13, 162:7,
191:21 116:12 69:23, 69:24, 80:11,
tape [1] - 94:15 164:2, 164:4, 164:7,
strength [4] - 7:9, supervisor [1] - 80:13, 125:24, 132:3,
tapes [2] - 8:3 164:10, 166:8, 169:1,
9:4, 43:21, 193:12 134:17 141:12, 144:10,
team [7] - 5:22, 5:23, 170:4, 170:6, 171:10,
stretch [1] - 106:13 supervisors [2] - 159:14, 159:17,
172:3, 172:23, 173:8,
236:7, 236:9, 236:14, Title [2] - 236:19, 239:25, 243:15, 158:8, 161:5, 180:16, uniform [2] - 100:6,
242:10, 246:2, 250:4 244:7 245:18, 251:6 181:2, 192:9, 192:24, 100:8
theft [1] - 230:14 title [2] - 41:11, Transcript [2] - 3:7, 193:20, 200:25, uniformed [3] -
thereafter [1] - 115:16 3:9 202:16, 203:13, 99:21, 100:2, 100:22
121:22 TO [2] - 2:1, 3:1 transcripts [2] - 203:23, 204:1, 204:6, University [21] -
thinking [3] - 19:19, today [16] - 49:1, 162:2, 250:7 213:22, 243:3 5:18, 5:20, 6:6, 6:17,
19:21, 247:1 63:7, 70:15, 91:22, transpired [3] - 12:7, two-year [1] - 43:1 6:22, 11:8, 27:25,
third [17] - 17:24, 117:16, 119:22, 30:25, 31:23 type [11] - 13:21, 29:12, 29:17, 50:11,
18:5, 18:17, 43:4, 194:13, 204:20, travel [1] - 50:10 17:1, 52:18, 54:3, 99:12, 115:9, 167:23,
43:5, 43:7, 43:8, 43:9, 236:17, 237:13, treatment [1] - 75:12, 143:4, 183:23, 168:6, 170:8, 174:1,
43:15, 57:19, 60:23, 237:15, 240:25, 125:21 211:7, 212:18, 240:9, 174:3, 176:12, 179:9,
61:11, 96:6, 96:18, 246:24, 247:17, tremendous [1] - 249:15 204:19, 220:14
98:17, 241:9 249:25, 250:18 178:14 types [1] - 120:14 university [90] -
thirty [2] - 5:16, Todd [1] - 251:25 trial [1] - 248:3 typically [2] - 122:25, 28:25, 29:2, 29:13,
86:10 toe [1] - 91:9 tried [1] - 101:5 194:3 35:7, 36:17, 105:13,
thirty-seven [1] - together [4] - 72:3, trip [1] - 50:9 115:11, 115:14,
5:16 99:4, 180:16, 250:20 trips [1] - 50:10 U 115:19, 116:22,
Thomas [3] - 2:9, toilets [1] - 54:15 troubled [1] - 141:3 117:9, 121:8, 122:1,
4:15, 115:7 Tom [1] - 45:4 troubling [1] - 39:11 122:12, 125:8,
ultimate [2] - 198:19, 130:10, 130:15,
THOMAS [2] - 1:24, took [22] - 17:15, true [4] - 7:13, 9:10,
198:21 130:19, 149:22,
114:22 20:4, 37:22, 59:12, 140:17, 163:12
ultimately [1] - 178:12, 179:13,
thoughts [1] - 56:21 70:6, 85:1, 113:16, truly [2] - 14:4, 216:9
185:22 179:18, 180:4,
thousand [1] - 223:6 113:22, 149:11, trusted [3] - 66:23,
um-hmm [2] - 58:7, 181:20, 184:17,
three [27] - 10:1, 151:13, 159:16, 140:18, 234:12
59:11 184:18, 186:15,
18:11, 39:15, 39:17, 160:4, 161:11, truth [5] - 161:7,
unbelievably [1] - 187:16, 188:8,
39:23, 55:4, 55:14, 161:15, 181:15, 161:12, 161:15,
249:11 188:16, 188:19,
63:17, 63:20, 63:24, 201:11, 210:23, 163:5, 246:21
218:22, 226:16, uncomfortable [10] - 189:7, 189:8, 189:13,
70:7, 70:14, 95:10, try [5] - 42:6, 143:23,
234:15, 243:17, 151:25, 181:7, 189:18, 189:24,
95:22, 95:23, 96:1, 172:6, 207:24, 238:14
250:15 181:11, 182:11, 190:6, 190:13, 191:7,
106:14, 106:18, trying [11] - 51:20,
top [2] - 86:7, 95:4 184:13, 185:15, 191:9, 191:11, 195:9,
106:19, 148:22, 86:25, 105:2, 107:23,
186:17, 200:12, 196:2, 197:10,
162:2, 163:11, totally [3] - 18:15, 108:10, 108:14,
200:19, 200:24 197:17, 197:22,
163:14, 171:15, 37:23, 87:10 108:19, 109:4, 238:5,
173:1, 173:7, 248:12 uncorroborated [1] - 198:10, 200:9,
touched [1] - 226:17 240:6
238:3 200:21, 204:23,
throughout [1] - touching [6] - 73:10, turned [13] - 10:11,
237:8 uncover [1] - 139:12 205:5, 205:10,
73:14, 73:18, 75:23, 10:14, 10:15, 12:15,
thrust [1] - 154:8 under [17] - 6:19, 205:15, 205:16,
118:2, 232:14 18:14, 59:10, 216:18,
122:7, 124:20, 150:3, 205:25, 212:23,
thrusting [7] - tough [3] - 27:3, 220:15, 220:22,
160:19, 174:4, 212:24, 213:23,
153:24, 154:6, 47:20, 136:1 221:6, 228:15,
179:18, 205:5, 216:1, 214:1, 214:3, 215:25,
154:20, 154:21, tournament [3] - 228:22, 230:16
220:2, 224:19, 217:3, 217:4, 217:8,
155:4, 155:11, 155:12 50:21, 50:25, 51:1 turning [1] - 156:18
237:12, 237:17, 218:12, 218:18,
tim [1] - 177:13 tournaments [4] - turns [1] - 209:14
237:24, 237:25, 220:3, 220:17, 221:8,
Tim [27] - 6:25, 40:5, 45:15, 50:17, 50:18 twelve [4] - 83:3,
242:16, 245:25 222:17, 222:22,
132:8, 132:12, 140:7, towards [3] - 17:16, 83:18, 97:9, 117:18
underage [1] - 223:9, 223:11,
159:18, 162:19, 18:19, 43:3 twelve-year-old [1] -
211:23 227:11, 229:8,
178:10, 178:13, town [1] - 100:1 97:9
underlying [1] - 230:10, 230:16,
178:21, 179:2, townhouse [2] - twenty [1] - 20:20
209:9 230:18, 231:9,
187:14, 206:15, 8:11, 23:8 twenty-eight [1] -
206:22, 212:5, 212:8, underprivileged [1] - 231:14, 231:18,
training [4] - 7:10, 20:20
212:17, 215:13, 41:18 232:3, 232:5, 233:23,
43:21, 124:16, 193:13 two [47] - 9:4, 9:21,
215:17, 218:3, understood [4] - 233:25, 234:15,
transcribed [1] - 10:1, 11:9, 12:14,
229:24, 230:5, 234:9, 117:14, 195:5, 243:24, 246:11, 249:3
163:20 17:7, 17:8, 18:6,
234:12, 237:13, 215:18, 234:13 University's [1] - 7:3
transcribing [1] - 18:11, 25:24, 31:2,
238:9, 247:16 unearth [1] - 139:9 unless [2] - 167:13,
161:22 39:23, 43:1, 52:15,
Tim's [1] - 218:21 unequivocal [1] - 242:5
TRANSCRIPT [1] - 54:11, 55:14, 58:15,
timing [2] - 148:8, 249:5 unnamed [1] -
1:11 59:25, 60:13, 61:1,
209:22 unequivocally [1] - 207:10
transcript [11] - 3:5, 61:12, 70:7, 72:3,
TIMOTHY [1] - 1:4 247:21 unusual [4] - 7:17,
162:12, 162:14, 74:23, 88:10, 88:11,
Timothy [3] - 42:4, unfounded [3] - 206:7, 209:4, 230:1
162:19, 162:20, 95:10, 95:21, 95:23,
48:24, 173:2 128:19, 129:2, 167:5 up [57] - 8:3, 11:12,
162:24, 163:1, 119:21, 122:15,
12:11, 12:12, 13:9, 29:2, 29:5, 180:13, 177:5, 230:6, 240:14 69:13, 70:13, 70:15, year [25] - 36:25,
14:9, 17:14, 20:10, 187:15, 187:19, weekly [2] - 48:10, 146:19, 158:7, 43:1, 43:4, 43:7, 43:8,
23:9, 31:1, 35:25, 204:17, 205:1, 216:2, 50:3 159:12, 160:16, 43:12, 43:13, 43:14,
37:2, 37:8, 38:19, 230:11, 246:11, weeks [6] - 36:22, 163:14, 172:1, 236:10 50:8, 86:3, 86:6,
44:10, 44:25, 47:5, 249:10 122:15, 127:2, WITNESSES [1] - 2:1 86:22, 87:2, 87:4,
73:18, 77:20, 82:3, vicinity [3] - 53:4, 203:14, 203:23, 204:1 witnesses' [1] - 87:7, 97:9, 106:7,
82:10, 82:11, 83:5, 53:25, 54:9 welcome [1] - 4:19 245:6 110:13, 151:24,
83:7, 83:24, 84:3, victims [3] - 130:21, Welfare [1] - 167:2 witnessing [3] - 167:10, 167:11,
85:20, 90:6, 91:13, 131:23 well-being [1] - 16:22, 34:20, 68:12 174:20, 175:14,
93:21, 94:23, 94:25, video [1] - 79:24 39:25 woman [1] - 117:9 192:9, 209:24
98:16, 111:25, videotape [1] - 88:22 Wendell [1] - 217:10 women [1] - 185:1 years [16] - 6:1,
113:18, 132:22, view [1] - 93:6 WENNER [1] - 1:14 women's [1] - 193:7 14:17, 35:1, 36:23,
136:12, 140:8, viewed [1] - 139:18 wet [2] - 94:5, 96:20 wonder [1] - 134:11 42:10, 42:25, 92:3,
141:13, 142:25, vis-à-vis [1] - 205:22 whatsoever [1] - wondering [1] - 92:10, 115:12,
144:17, 145:20, visible [1] - 210:10 215:11 50:23 115:13, 135:25,
146:13, 149:22, visual [1] - 15:25 whereabouts [2] - wooden [1] - 52:19 169:21, 208:22,
156:18, 158:4, visualization [1] - 102:6, 102:9 word [28] - 29:21, 217:24, 226:5
169:19, 188:25, 137:21 wherein [1] - 113:15 29:23, 58:12, 72:12, yelling [1] - 14:1
194:20, 196:11, visualizations [1] - whole [8] - 7:11, 75:6, 75:8, 75:10, yo [1] - 58:24
202:6, 223:12, 227:6, 56:17 81:24, 93:1, 148:4, 89:14, 90:14, 91:2, York [1] - 47:3
227:22, 249:2, 249:3 voice [3] - 60:2, 181:9, 243:12, 246:18 102:12, 102:13, young [54] - 16:11,
updates [1] - 122:17 142:19, 143:3 wide [2] - 91:17, 102:15, 102:16, 16:14, 21:21, 24:14,
upright [1] - 93:22 voices [2] - 55:24, 91:19 102:20, 102:21, 25:1, 26:6, 32:20,
upset [6] - 64:25, 55:25 wife [2] - 142:12, 152:10, 152:23, 34:1, 34:9, 34:23,
143:4, 175:23, 176:3, voluntarily [1] - 142:22 152:25, 153:4, 154:8, 80:19, 131:24,
226:21, 226:23 175:13 WILLIAM [1] - 1:14 154:21, 155:4, 137:20, 153:25,
upstairs [7] - 19:24, willing [1] - 151:1 155:11, 155:12, 175:4, 178:1, 182:15,
19:25, 21:18, 43:22, 182:25, 183:18,
47:16, 47:18, 144:2
W window [4] - 209:17, 243:4, 243:12, 243:20
209:19, 209:23, 210:2 words [26] - 29:15, 183:19, 184:23,
urinals [1] - 54:14 withdraw [2] - 48:4, 34:16, 39:18, 44:14, 185:1, 185:2, 186:1,
uses [1] - 192:12 wage [1] - 6:14 64:11, 64:14, 72:3, 186:22, 186:23,
utilize [2] - 146:19, waist [2] - 13:13, 72:14, 81:17, 91:9, 189:13, 191:4, 195:7,
withing [1] - 142:13
191:15 91:14 102:23, 109:1, 196:19, 197:13,
Witness [3] - 178:21,
utilized [1] - 238:20 waists [1] - 91:13 130:14, 187:9, 201:4, 197:15, 199:8,
204:10, 236:8
waiting [1] - 65:13 208:6, 208:7, 208:8, 199:12, 199:24,
witness [29] - 4:23,
V waive [2] - 4:12, 4:16
5:2, 69:6, 114:13, 208:9, 208:11, 200:15, 201:14,
walk [4] - 20:8, 209:18, 240:21, 211:15, 213:22,
114:20, 114:23,
54:10, 54:12, 59:19 241:1, 241:2, 243:3, 219:17, 219:21,
vacuum [1] - 198:15 133:4, 133:9, 133:12,
walked [9] - 15:23, 243:9 222:12, 224:8,
vague [1] - 112:12 145:14, 145:20,
52:14, 53:3, 53:7, workout [3] - 123:25, 224:21, 232:14,
varieties [1] - 244:7 146:9, 146:23,
54:8, 54:17, 61:6, 181:1, 186:21 232:15, 233:14,
157:22, 158:5,
variety [1] - 179:22 81:6, 107:14 world [1] - 113:5 233:19, 234:1,
158:12, 161:4,
various [4] - 90:19, walking [1] - 108:22 wow [1] - 228:15 234:23, 247:12
164:12, 164:13,
123:8, 132:2, 203:9 wall [8] - 12:11, wrapped [5] - 13:13, younger [2] - 211:25,
164:17, 171:12,
varsity [1] - 179:21 12:12, 13:9, 13:10, 13:15, 34:2, 75:15, 222:9
173:11, 173:16,
vary [1] - 155:18 13:11, 14:10, 53:6, 81:2 youngster [2] -
238:4, 239:18,
vehemence [1] - 57:11 wrestled [1] - 223:25 175:20, 176:5
240:17, 245:20,
69:21 wandering [1] - wrestling [6] - 184:3, yourself [10] - 128:4,
venture [2] - 168:16 125:24 211:13, 225:12, 173:19, 178:25,
WITNESS [20] - 5:6,
Venturino [1] - 45:5 warned [1] - 192:2 225:14, 226:17, 233:3 187:25, 188:7,
62:25, 66:21, 79:19,
verbally [1] - 172:11 warranted [1] - 197:4 write [3] - 79:5, 79:7, 195:19, 204:13,
87:3, 91:1, 93:14,
verbatim [1] - 135:25 watching [3] - 7:23, 79:23 214:11, 215:21,
95:10, 105:6, 107:8,
verbiage [4] - 13:25, 7:25, 8:9 109:23, 112:5, writing [1] - 229:11 218:11
16:6, 72:20, 95:18 ways [1] - 46:12 114:12, 127:15, written [4] - 89:1, youth [3] - 41:18,
verify [2] - 149:9, week [8] - 122:15, 131:12, 133:16, 217:15, 224:14, 229:3 221:20, 233:24
150:3 151:24, 177:6, 177:7, 141:22, 157:21, Youth [8] - 127:5,
version [1] - 150:2 130:12, 130:14,
versus [1] - 86:6
201:24, 202:12, 158:1, 170:6 Y 130:18, 131:3, 131:8,
203:3, 204:1 witnessed [3] - 21:6,
Vice [1] - 195:19 weekend [1] - 23:17 26:9, 140:22 165:17, 195:15
vice [12] - 28:24, weekends [3] - yards [1] - 18:3 youths [2] - 197:10,
witnesses [10] -