Sub 10nm Fabrication Methods and Applications PDF
Sub 10nm Fabrication Methods and Applications PDF
Sub 10nm Fabrication Methods and Applications PDF
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pe c Na n
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● The role and significance of sub-10 nm fabrication in basic
etho Templated
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High-energy beam
direct writing
Sub-10-nm Mechanical
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applications Post-
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Subtractive i m m in g Additive
● The challenges and opportunities associated with sub-10 nm
strate gy
fabrication topic are discussed.
ncin ip s
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Citation: Chen Y Q, Shu Z W, Zhang S, Zeng P, Liang H K et al. Sub-10 nm fabrication: methods and applications. Int.
J. Extrem. Manuf. 3, 032002(2021).
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Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
the most significant role because they not only enable con- features, and categories of the fabrication and applications of
tinuous performance improvements of electronic chips and sub-10 nm structures.
devices, but also boost the prototyping and realization of
other advanced devices, such as photonic [20–24], biomed-
2.1. Why is sub-10 nm fabrication interesting and significant?
ical [25–27], and quantum devices [28–30]. After decades of
development, the frontier of nanoscience and nanotechnology The biggest driving force of nanofabrication technology is
has moved to the sub-10 nm scale where the size effects on the the IC industry. After decades of development according to
structure properties become more apparent, and there are more Moore’s law, the node of the IC industry has reduced to the
available novel functionalities for emerging device applica- single-digit nanometer scale. The architecture of field-effect
tions compared to their macroscale counterparts, which calls transistors (FETs) has changed from planar to fin FETs. The
for the development of advanced nanofabrication techniques width of nanofins in the latest complementary metal-oxide
with sub-10 nm resolution and precision. semiconductor (CMOS) chips based on fin-FET technology
While the fabrication methods for feature sizes larger than has shrunk to 7 nm (figure 1(a)) [35]. Moreover, the pitch
10 nm are relatively mature, the reliable fabrication at the sub- of Si nanofins has also reduced from 60 to 34 nm for FET
10 nm scale is much more challenging. Though the node in density scaling, which enables the latest chips with higher
the latest silicon (Si)-based ICs manufacturing industry has performance and lower power consumption. Similarly, sub-
achieved the sub-10 nm scale by combining the most soph- 10 nm structures and features are also imperative to many non-
isticated lithography, etch, and film deposition processes, the CMOS devices. Some typical examples include zone plates for
process portfolio in the Si-based IC industry cannot be directly x-ray (figure 1(b)) [36–40], nanopore sequencing devices for
transferred to applications related to the research and devel- DNA strands (figure 1(c)) [41–45], superconductor nanowire
opment of novel devices because of the extremely high cost single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) (figure 1(d)) [46–49], and
and process compatibility [31–34]. For these emerging devices ultrahigh-frequency surface acoustic wave (SAW, figure 1(e))
with sub-10 nm features, it is impossible to develop a fabric- resonators [50–52]. In these non-CMOS devices, smaller fea-
ation process portfolio for all applications because irregular ture size can either broaden the work range or improve device
layouts and novel materials are usually involved for different performance.
kinds of devices. To satisfy the cost, material, and structure In addition to the above-mentioned functional devices
requirements of the devices with sub-10 nm features, research- which have already been commercialized, the materials and
ers have developed various fabrication methods some of which structures at the sub-10 nm scale also bring many novel and
are very specific for certain applications. Considering the sig- interesting properties to emerging nanodevices. Generally, the
nificance of nanofabrication techniques on pushing the fron- novel properties at the sub-10 nm scale can either be enabled
tier of nanoscience and nanotechnology, we believe that it is by the structure size or by the gap between the structures.
necessary to summarize the existing sub-10 nm fabrication The nanoparticles and nanocrystals of sub-10 nm structures
techniques to provide a reference for researchers who work have much larger specific surface area compared to their bulk
on this research topic. counterparts. Plenty of unpaired electrons on the surfaces
In this review, we aim to provide a comprehensive sum- and the exposed facets on such small nanocrystals are sup-
mary on the background, techniques, and applications of sub- posed to significantly promote their chemical reaction and
10 nm fabrication, which includes the following sections: a catalytic performance (figure 2(a)) [57]. More importantly,
brief introduction of this review (section 1), the research back- the bandgap of the semiconductor nanocrystals (i.e. quantum
ground and the types of sub-10 nm features (section 2), the dots) can be finetuned by varying their sizes at the single-
collection and categorization of fabrication methods and tech- digit nanometer scale (figure 2(b)) [58, 59]. Sub-10 nm gaps
niques (section 3), the relevant applications of various sub- can tune physical properties via the strong resonant energy
10 nm features and structures (section 4), and the remain- coupling and tunneling of electrons [60]. On the one hand,
ing challenges and perspectives of this field (section 5). sub-10 nm gaps can serve as a cavity that enables extreme
We hope that this review equips researchers with basic electromagnetic-wave confinement into a volume (figure 2(c))
knowledge on sub-10 nm fabrication to help them choose [61], which can strengthen weak light-matter interactions for
appropriate fabrication methods in their fundamental studies single molecule and nonlinear spectroscopy [62–65]. Fur-
and device developments. Particularly, we believe that this thermore, sub-10 nm gaps are important building blocks for
review will provide inspirations for researchers who want information processing devices, such as transistors and tun-
to develop new nanofabrication techniques to further push neling junctions (figure 2(d)) [66–72].
the boundaries of science and technology at the sub-10 nm
2.2. Categories of building blocks and their applications
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
1.4 µm
30 nm
3 nm 240 nm
Figure 1. The chips and devices requiring sub-10 nm features. (a) The evolution of nanofin width in fin FETs. (b) An x-ray zone plate. From
the cross-section view, the width of highest aspect-ratio circular nanowall approaches 10 nm. Scale bar: 2 µm. (c) A sub-5 nm nanopore on a
membrane for DNA sequencing. (d) A single unit of a SNSPD. The bottom scheme presents the principle of SNSPD. (e) A scanning
electron microscopic (SEM) image of an ultrahigh-frequency SAW resonator. The bottom image depicts the strain of different order
harmonic SAWs in the interface between the top interdigital electrodes and the underlying piezoelectric substrate. (a) © (2012) IEEE.
Reprinted with permission from [53]. © (2018) IEEE. Reprinted with permission from [55]. The middle electron micrograph is reprinted
from the open-access reference [54]. (b) Reprinted with permission from Springer Nature Customer Service Centre GmbH: Springer, Nature
Communications [36]. Copyright (2014), Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved
(2014). (c) Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Nature Materials [56]. Copyright (2003) Nature Publishing Group. (d)
Reprinted with permission from [47]. Copyright (2011) American Chemical Society. (e) Reprinted from [50], with the permission of AIP
quantum devices are presented. The fabrication techniques 3. Techniques and methods
and methodologies collected in this review fall into three cat-
egories: sophisticated lithography techniques (e.g. photolitho- In this section, we give a comprehensive review of the
graphy, block copolymer (BCP)-based directed self-assembly techniques and methods for sub-10 nm fabrication. The
(DSA), electron-beam lithography, and focused ion beam fabrication techniques are divided into three strategies,
(FIB)), mechanically enabled approaches, and post trimming including lithography-based approaches, mechanics-enabled
of structures, as indicated by some representative structural approaches, and post-trimming approaches. While the
or processing examples in figure 3. Because certain applic- lithography-based approaches are still the mainstream, they
ations require different kinds of structures with sub-10 nm suffer from limited resolution and high cost. Mechanics-
and atomic-scale features, the main building blocks we will enabled and post-trimming approaches provide smart solu-
discuss in this review are listed in table 1 to give the read- tions that complement the lithography-based approaches and
ers a more intuitive map of this research area, which includes have the advantages of higher resolution or lower cost, espe-
regular structures (e.g. nanolines, nanodots, nanotips), inverse cially for fundamental research and non-CMOS device applic-
structures (e.g. antidots, nanopores, nanogaps) and nanode- ations.
fects. The corresponding potential applications are also lis-
ted in table 1. IC-industry-oriented CMOS technology at the
3.1. Lithography-based approaches
sub-10 nm scale is already very mature and has been doc-
umented in numerous past researcher papers, therefore, this Among various fabrication techniques, lithography is the most
review focuses on unconventional methods because they not commonly used method for patterning because it can define
only enrich the methodologies of sub-10 nm fabrication, but resist structures with large degrees of freedom. In combination
also bring complementary merits in terms of resolution, effi- with subsequent pattern transfer processes, such as film depos-
ciency, and cost compared to the CMOS approaches. ition and etching, additional freedom can be introduced to
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
100 nm
20 nm
Figure 2. Novel properties of the structures via sub-10 nm size and gaps. (a) Pt-doped Au nanocrystal and the corresponding 3D model.
(b) The photoluminescence of CdS/CdSe quantum dots with different nanocrystal sizes. (c) The electron-energy loss spectroscopic mapping
of a gold nanobowtie with a 1.6 nm gap. (d) Electromigration-prepared light driven diode with asymmetrical tunneling property.
(a) Reproduced from [57]. CC BY 2.0. (b) Reprinted with permission from [58]. Copyright (1997) American Chemical Society.
(c) Reprinted with permission from [61]. Copyright (2012) American Chemical Society. (d) Reprinted with permission from Springer
Nature Customer Service Centre GmbH: Springer Nature, Nature Nanotechnology [69]. Copyright (2010), Nature Publishing Group.
obtain functional structures. Generally, lithographic methods techniques have been developed [85], such as off-axis
can be categorized into two main parts: direct methods for illumination [86], phase-shifting masking [87], immersion
pushing the lithography resolution to the sub-10 nm scale, and lithography [88], and optical proximity correction [16]. To fur-
smart approaches to achieve sub-10 nm features via pattern ther scale down the power and FET density of IC chips, the
transfer. The following section introduces these approaches. self-aligned double patterning (SADP) technique is used to
double the printed line density. This technique involves the
3.1.1. Advanced photolithography processes for IC manufac-
use of chemical vapor deposition to grow a sidewall spacer
turing. Photolithography with higher resolution has always
on a core (template) pattern defined by conventional photo-
been a key topic in IC chip manufacturing. In IC chip manu- lithography to create a pitch-halving hard mask [89], as shown
facturing, photolithography is the preferred patterning solution in figure 4(a). However, doubling the line pattern density in
due to its capability for large-volume production. The resolu- the SADP process flow makes the process more complex
tion is the most significant parameter to evaluate the capabil- because it requires additional lithography steps and photo-
ity of lithography techniques because it determines the limit masks for trimming closed-loop patterns into individual lines.
of feature size in the follow-up fabrication processes. For a Self-aligned quadruple [90] and octuple patterning [91] have
common photolithography system, the resolution of photo- also been demonstrated to further promote FET density scal-
lithography in modern IC manufacturing is determined by the ing in chips, but the proportion of the lithography cost in
following equation, the entire IC manufacturing soars to over 50%. Fortunately,
extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography (λ = 13.5 nm) further
increases the power and FET density scaling of IC chips [92,
k1 × λ
R= , 93]. Higher-resolution patterning based on EUV lithography
2 × N.A. has been thoroughly developed (figure 4(b)) [94]. However,
due to the high cost, EUV lithography is not suitable for device
where k1 presents the process factor, λ is the wavelength of prototyping or small-volume production. For these specific
illuminated light, and N.A. is the numerical aperture of the illu- applications, other techniques, such as DSA of BCPs, nanoim-
mination system. Clearly, reducing the light wavelength dir- printing and maskless direct writing provide complementary
ectly improves the resolution. Several resolution enhancement capabilities, which we will discuss in the following sections.
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
Separation r2
High-energy beam
direct writing the etch resistance by converting a specific block in a BCP
Sub-10-nm Mechanical
cracking to inorganic oxides using atom-layer deposition (ALD) [99,
Fabrications Raman spectrometer
Si 3N4 cover
100]. The conversion of sub-10 nm patterns from organic
Counter support
Bending beam
to inorganic material with SIS treatments can be used to
Positive photoresist
applications Post-
assembling strengthen mechanical stability and stiffness, which is sig-
neg ative p h oto resist
UV exposure after developing nificant for the fabrication of large-area nanoimprint molds
for nanophotonic and nano-optic applications. However, the
strate gy
Top-down milling
strategy defect control of BCP-based DSA is a long-lasting issue
iridge height
for reliable nanopatterning. In particular, the defect level is
the key parameter in semiconductor manufacturing with a
strict requirement in defect density. Hence, most researchers
in this promising technique topic attempt to reduce defect
Figure 3. Overview of sub-10 nm fabrication methodologies and
their relevant applications. [79] John Wiley & Sons. Copyright
(2008) WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. 3.1.3. Nanoimprint lithography (NIL). NIL is performed by
Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature Customer Service pressing a mold with nanoscale patterns onto a flowable poly-
Centre GmbH: Springer Nature, Nature Communications [80]. mer or curable monomer and inversely duplicating the mold
Copyright (2013) Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan patterns onto the polymer, as shown in figure 6(a), which is a
Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved. (2013). From [81]. promising technique for large-volume production, especially
Reprinted with permission from AAAS. Reprinted with permission
from [82]. Copyright (2006) American Chemical Society. From for the applications of wafer level optical elements [103, 104].
[83]. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. Reprinted with Due to its duplication manner in patterning, the resolu-
permission from [84]. Copyright (2013) American Chemical tion of NIL is determined by the feature size on the mold. A
Society. number of works have demonstrated that NIL has the capabil-
ity of achieving sub-10 nm resolution [108–111]. Figure 6(b)
schematically presents the fabrication of a sub-10 nm imprint
3.1.2. BCP-based DSA. BCP-based DSA is a high- mold by high-resolution patterning based on electron-beam
resolution, low-cost patterning technique to generate uni- lithography (EBL) or He+ -FIB processes [112, 113]. Astin
form domain nanostructures in BCP film via the separation of et al fabricated a high-precision Si mold by reactive ion etch-
microscale phases, as shown in figure 5(a). The spontaneous ing (RIE) based on EBL-predefined hydrogen silsesquioxane
process of microphase separation results in BCP microdo- (HSQ) masks (the left SEM image in figure 6(e)). They sub-
main arrays with short-range order. With the implementations sequently obtained a 5 nm wide nanofin on polymer (the right
of graphoepitaxy or chemoepitaxy via pre-defined physical SEM image in figure 6(e)) [105]. NIL can duplicate patterns
patterns or chemical contrast [95]. The domain structures down to the 2 nm scale. As depicted in figure 6(c), by using
of BCPs can be directed to form ‘single-crystal’ structures single-walled carbon nanotubes as the original master [106],
in which the position and orientation of microdomains can an isolated inverse channel as small as 2 nm can be duplicated
be determined. Subsequently, one of the separated micro- onto a hard polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) mold. Using the
domains can be selectively removed and served as the pat- duplicated hard-PDMS mold, a single 2.4 nm wide line can be
terned template for pattern transfer processes, as shown in imprinted on polyurethane (see figure 6(f)). Meanwhile, high-
figure 5(b). Due to the capability of inexpensive processing to density features with 6 nm half pitches have been obtained
attain oriented and periodic structures with long-range order, using sub-10 nm edge structures in superlattice materials
BCP-based DSA is an emerging lithography process that can (figure 6(d)) as the molds [107], as shown in figure 6(g). How-
advance technology nodes in semiconductor manufacturing. ever, for practical large-volume industrial applications, low-
In the current semiconductor industry requires sub-10 nm fea- cost fabrication of large-area molds with long lifetime and
ture size. Exploring the capability of BCP-based DSA at the high-fidelity duplication of the features over large areas are
sub-10 nm scale usually involves thermodynamic control over still challenging for NIL, especially when involving quasi-3D
the size and morphology of microdomains. Furthermore, the structures, such as slanted features. Due to defect, reproducib-
combination of high-resolution lithography technologies (e.g. ility, and overlay inaccuracy issues, NIL is difficult to apply in
DUV and nanoimprint lithography (NIL)) can assemble BCPs the IC industry. As a result, this method is more appropriate
into essential dense and isolated nanofeatures as currently for non-IC applications.
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
Table 1. Categories of sub-10 nm structures and their possible applications. Reprinted with permission from [61]. Copyright (2012)
American Chemical Society [73]. John Wiley & Sons. Copyright (2005) WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. © (2017)
IEEE. Reprinted with permission from [74]. Reprinted from [75]. Copyright (2008) with permission from Elsevier. Reproduced from [76].
CC BY 4.0. Copyright (2015) The Author(s). Reprinted with permission from [56]. Copyright (2003) American Chemical Society.
Reprinted with permission from [77]. Copyright (2008) American Chemical Society. Reprinted with permission from [61]. Copyright
(2012) American Chemical Society. Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature Customer Service Centre GmbH: Springer Nature,
Nature Nanotechnology, [78]. Copyright (2012) Nature Publishing Group (2012).
Structures and features at
the sub-10 nm scale Schematics Demonstration Possible applications
3.1.4. Electron-beam direct writing (EBDW). EBDW is a For all processes based on EBL, the first step is to obtain
flexible fabrication technique for patterning without any ultrasmall resist structures, a typical process flow is shown
masks. The most sophisticated EBL systems have the capabil- in figure 7(a). Similar to photolithography, EBL is the most
ity to achieve 1 nm scale spot size and even down to the ang- commonly used patterning method based on the EBDW
strom scale. Such small spot size enables us to achieve high- strategy. V Manfrinato et al fabricated sub-5 nm features using
resolution and high-flexibility patterning based on different 200 kV scanning EBL in a transmission electron microscope
principles [114, 115]. (TEM) [116, 117]. In their work, the suppression of electron
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
(1) Print and resist trim
(2) Etch template (3) Form spacers (4) Strip template (5) Transfer etch (6) STI etch and ash
Oxide (or nitride)
Nitride (or a-Si) Nitride (or a-Si) Nitride (or a-Si)
CVD spacer Spacer etch and APF hardmask etch STI etch and ash
APF hardmask
on APF template APF strip-out top view
22.0 nm 22.0 nm
88.8 nm
Reflective mask
Figure 4. (a) The scheme of SADP based on 193 nm immersion lithography. (b) The EUV lithography. Left picture presents that EUV
lithography machine contains a powerful EUV source and a sophisticated set of mirrors. Right image shows the scheme of reflective
projection in EUV lithography. (a) Reprinted with permission from [89]. Copyright (2008) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation
Engineers (SPIE). (b) [94] John Wiley & Sons. Copyright (2009) WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
scatterings is a key factor for achieving such high-resolution induced processing for large-area and fast nanopatterning, and
patterning by adopting ultrathin resist films and freestand- the impurities of the resultant structures caused by carbon con-
ing membrane substrates. Yang et al demonstrated sub-10 nm tamination is an issue in practical applications.
nested-L features based on an HSQ resist using salty developer High-energy focused electron beams (FEBs) can perform
with high development contrast [118–120]. The results are direct patterning based on atomic-scale sculpting via bom-
shown in figure 7(b). Note that the sub-10 nm features reported bardment, as shown in figure 7(e). Drndic et al performed
in these works are only defined on the resist. High-fidelity pat- the nanofabrication of metallic structures and nanodevices
tern transfer is also significant to sub-10 nm fabrication, which on an insulating membrane using transmission FEB sculpt-
is not discussed in this section. ing at 200 keV [123–126]. Zandbergen et al also fabricated
Unlike lithography, electron-beam induced deposition 0.6 nm gaps in nanoelectrodes using transmission FEB sculpt-
(EBID) can directly fabricate functional structures, as schem- ing (figure 7(f)) [127]. An advantage of such processes is
atically depicted in figure 7(c). van Drop et al manufactured that the fabrication can take place in-situ monitoring enabled
periodic dots of about 2 nm with a spacing of 4 nm using an by high-resolution imaging, thus, high precision can be
environmental TEM (200 kV) equipped with a gas injection realized.
system [121], as presented in figure 7(d). In addition, Shen et al
reportedly used electron beam healing in TEM to repair two-
dimensional MoS2 crystals in-situ [122]. Compared to induced 3.1.5. FIB techniques. Similarly to FEB-based fabrication
deposition, electron-beam induced etching (EBIE) is used to techniques, FIB can be used for nanofabrication either via
fabricate inverse nanostructures. Yemini et al presented the lithography, milling, or induced processing (e.g. deposition
smallest nanopore of 17 nm on an Si membrane fabricated and etching) [128]. Extremely small interaction volume is
by EBIE with the assistance of XeF2 gas [10]. By optimizing necessary to obtain sub-10 nm fabrication using FIB [129].
the pressure and process rate, a sub-10 nm nanopore could be Recently, most sub-10 nm fabrication based on FIB utilizes a
achieved with an appropriate etching rate. However, limited focused helium ion beam (He+ -FIB) due to its sub-nanometer
efficiency and the precursor species impedes electron-beam spot size [130]. Less scatterings from the resist and substrate
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
Imprint &
curing Substrate
Imprint mold
(c) SWNT,1−4 nm
SiO2/Si (f) Marter
RMS=0.22 nm
RMS=0.37 nm
Cast and cure
h-PDM,~10 μm
Mold UV light
PU,~1 μm Imprint
2.4 nm 2.4 nm
Substrate Superlattice
(d) (g)
residue resist
6 nm HP 8 nm HP 17 nm HP
Figure 6. NIL and typical methods of fabricating sub-10 nm molds. (a) Schematic flow charts depicting the NIL process. (b)–(d) Three
main methods to fabricate NIL molds at the sub-10 nm scale using (b) the EBL process, (c) single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT), and
(d) edge lithography. (e) and (f) Corresponding patterns on a mold and polymer. (g) SEM image of imprinted periodic nanolines on polymer
with different pitches. (e) Reproduced from [105], with the permission of AIP Publishing. (c) and (f) Reprinted with permission from [106].
Copyright (2004) America Chemical Society. (d) and (g) Reprinted from [107]. © IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
AFM can also initiate nanoscale chemical reactions, such as surface chemistry, the mobility of the ink on the tip, tem-
reducing oxidized graphene to obtain sub-10 nm semicon- perature, environmental humidity, and water solubility of the
ductor graphene ribbons. The atomic-scale-sharpness tip not ink.
only confines energy to conduct lithography but can also be
used to perform resist removal using field-emitted, low-energy
electrons from the tip. In figure 9(d), Rangelow’s team demon- 3.1.7. ‘Sketch and peel’ strategy. The ‘sketch and peel’
strated lithographic approaches for ‘single nanometer manu- strategy was proposed by the authors’ group in 2016. This
facturing’ [141–144]. They achieved feature sizes as small as is a novel patterning strategy based on serial direct writing
5 nm on a calixarene molecular glass resist using the electric techniques. Unlike the conventional strategy which exposes
field current-controlled SPL method [145]. Single ion implant- an entire area, the ‘sketch and peel’ method only exposes the
ation can also be achieved using a hollow tip and small aper- outlines of target structures with a FEB. After film depos-
ture mounted on a pre-collimation membrane [146], which ition, a stripping step is performed to define the desired struc-
is supposed to be a key enabling technology for developing tures by selectively removing the outer metallic film, as seen
quantum devices. in figure 10(a) [150]. Due to the advantage of outline expos-
Another important technique in tip-based approaches ure, the ‘sketch and peel’ strategy can greatly improve pat-
is ‘dip-pen’ nanolithography (DPN). DPN was firstly terning efficiency by more two orders of magnitude and can
demonstrated by Mirkin’s group via delivering alkanethi- also mitigate the proximity effect for high-fidelity fabrication
ols molecules from an AFM tip to a gold substrate through of extreme features with sharp corners and nanogaps [151]. In
capillary transportation [147], as shown in the left graph of figures 10(b), uniform gap of 15 nm in plasmonic oligomers
figure 9(e). Using this process, 30 nm wide lines were obtained and nanogap electrodes 20 nm apart were presented in the ori-
on a gold substrate, as shown in the right picture of figure 9(e). ginal work [152–156].
The further work demonstrated the construction of an organic The ‘sketch and peel’ strategy can also be applied in FIB
transistor using DPN via selectively positioning organic semi- fabrication, except for EBL, which significantly extends the
conductor molecules into gap electrodes [148, 149]. In DPN, patterning capability of FIB for preparing particle-like struc-
tip-substrate molecular transport is a complicated process tures, as depicted in figure 10(c). For He+ -FIB, this novel
that is influenced by many parameters, such as the tip shape, strategy enables it to possess a patterning capability that
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
E-beam resist
HSQ resist
Exposure silsesquioxane)
4.5 nm
(c) (d)
Induced deposition
Electron beam
30 nm
(e) (f)
2 nm
Figure 7. FEB-based fabrication techniques. (a) Process flow of electron beam lithography. (b) Nested L-shaped HSQ lines with 4.5 nm half
pitch. (c) Schematic of focused EBID. (d) Tungsten (W)-containing nanodot array with a spacing of 4 nm fabricated by focused
electron-beam induced deposition (FEBID) from a W(CO)6 precursor. Fabrication was performed by scanning a focused transmission
electron beam at 200 keV. (e) Schematic of nanosculpting enabled by a FEB. (f) Defined nanogap electrode with 0.6 nm separation using
electron-beam sculpting. (b) Reprinted with permission from [118]. Copyright (2009) American Vacuum Society. (d) Reprinted with
permission from [121]. Copyright (2005) American Chemical Society. (f) Reprinted with permission from [127]. Copyright (2005)
American Chemical Society.
was previously impossible. Applying this advanced process, 3.1.8. Smart pattern transfer approaches.This section sum-
a series of plasmonic assemblies with sub-10 nm gaps have marizes smart approaches in pattern transfer to fulfill the
been demonstrated in Chen’s work, as shown in figure 10(d) fabrication of sub-10 nm features in devices [159–161].
[157, 158]. Sub-10 nm fabrication in these approaches does not depend
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
(a) z (b)
The Y H
Realization x
VH Electrons Tip
e− Imaging &
Molecular-based analysis
TH resist on the nanoscale
Teff 5 nm
10 nm
AFM tip
Molecular transport
Water meniscus
Au substrate 100 nm
Figure 9. TBN approaches. (a) Schematic of STM and construction of corral-patterns from the confined surface state of 48 iron atoms on
Cu (111) via STM-based manipulation. (b) Schematic of STM-based hydrogen depassivation lithography. (c) Thermal TBN lithography to
conduct sub-10 nm patterning on an Si surface. (d) Field-emission TBN for a development-less lithography process on a glass-state
calixarene molecular resist. (e) Illustration of DPN method. The AFM image presents a DPN-defined thiol-based molecular nanoline, 30 nm
in width, on a gold surface. (a) From [138]. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. (b) Reprinted with permission from [139]. Copyright
(2014) American Vacuum Society. (c) Reprinted with permission from [140]. Copyright (2017) American Chemical Society. (d) Copyright
(2013) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). (e) From [147]. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. Secondary sputtering lithography. Redeposition on fabrication methods involve various mechanical effects,
sidewalls in ion-beam etching is an unwanted phenomenon. including macroscale stretching, bending, and microscale
Nevertheless, Jung’s team utilized this phenomenon to develop energy-minimization interactions. In these approaches do not
secondary sputtering lithography and demonstrate the fab- utilize additive or subtractive treatments of materials.
rication of 10 nm high-aspect-ratio (HAR) nanostructures
[167, 173–175]. This process is realized by the sputtering
of underlying target materials onto the sidewalls of prepat- 3.2.1. Templated self-assembly. Templated self-assembly
terned resist template via ion bombardments, as presented in is a bottom-up approach for ordering or placing dispers-
figure 11(d). The top resist pattern can be defined with litho-
ive components with programmable engineering. Program-
graphic approaches. The linewidth of thin-walled nanostruc-
mable engineering can be performed by physical templates
tures depends on the dosage of ion beam sputtering. Following
the removal of resist structures, a normal ion-beam etching is and molecular templates. Physical templates are commonly
required to completely remove the film. defined by top-down lithography methods. Based on the capil-
larity effect of the meniscus at the ridge template, ultrathin
structures with ∼10 nm widths can be formed at the edge of
3.2. Mechanics-enabled approaches
a template in the following etching process [176], as demon-
This section summarizes mechanics-enabled approaches to strated in figure 12(a). Via template-directed DSA process,
define sub-10 nm features and structures. These sub-10 nm Mohamod et al demonstrated deterministic arrangement of
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
(i) (ii) (iii)
Spi n-coating Ex
xposure & etal depositio
Me on
(vi) (v) (iv)
a ttap
(vi)) (v)) (iv)
Tape Stripping
ubstrate G
5 nm 5 nm
~5 ~5
5 nm
Figure 10. ‘Sketch and peel’ strategy. (a) Schematic of ‘sketch and peel’ lithography based on the HSQ-based EBL process. (b) Ultrasmall
gold nanogaps fabricated by EBL-based ‘sketch and peel’ lithography. Scale bars: 1 µm in the left picture; 2 µm in the middle image; 10 µm
in the right electron micrograph. The inset in the left is 100 nm. Left panel presents periodic nanoheptamers with uniform gaps of 15 nm;
middle panel shows a zone-plate-like optical element; right panel is the SEM image of sub-millimeter-scale electrode pairs and the enlarged
electron micrograph of gap region. (c) Schematic of FIB-based ‘sketch and peel’ lithography. (d) Different-shape dimer array obtained by
He+ -FIB-based ‘sketch and peel’ lithography. Disk (left panel), dumbbell (middle panel), heart (right panel). Scale bars : 1 µm. (a) and (b)
Reprinted with permission from [150]. Copyright (2016) American Chemical Society. (c) Reprinted with permission from [157]. Copyright
(2016) American Chemical Society. (d) [158]. John Wiley & Sons. © 2020 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
Ag Ag
Peel off
2nd evaporation 1st evaporation
(tilted 10°) (normal)
10 nm
< 3.5 nm
100 nm
15 nm
Figure 11. Schematics and proof-of-demonstration of smart pattern transfer approaches (a) Schematic of film-defined nanogap fabrication.
Scale bars: 300 nm. (b) Schematic of angular deposition. (c) Nanostencil lithography. (d) High-aspect-ratio (HAR) nanowalls defined by
secondary sputtering effect. (a) Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature Customer Service Centre GmbH: Springer Nature, Nature
Communications [80]. Copyright (2013) Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved. (b)
Reprinted with permission from [165]. Copyright (2010) American Chemical Society. (c) Reprinted with permission from [166]. Copyright
(2006) American Vacuum Society. (d) [167] John Wiley & Sons. © (2020) WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
Scaffold strand
10 nm HSQ lines
8 nm Au 500 nm 200 nm
Figure 12. Typical templated self-assembly approaches. (a) Meniscus-mask lithography. (b) Large area DSA of sub-10 nm particles with a
lithographic template. (c) Programmable clustering of thiol-modified gold nanoshells. (d) DNA-origami self-assembly technology.
(a) Reprinted with permission from [176]. Copyright (2013) American Chemical Society. (b) Reprinted with permission from [177].
Copyright (2015) American Chemical Society. (c) From [81]. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. (d) Reproduced from [180].
CC BY 3.0. © (2014) by the authors.
Si Scanning area
(c) (d) Elec mer
e organic solvent
Metal wire
Metal wire
Deposition of atoms 100 nm Nano crack
(hillocks) result in
a short Shrunken nanogap Swell
Metal wire
Metal wire
Depletion of atoms
(voids) result in 5 nm
an open
Figure 13. Mechanical cracking. (a) Setup for the break junction approach to fabricate atomic gaps. (b) Schematic showing
FIB-irradiation-induced cracking process. (c) Electromigration-produced nanogap electrodes. (d) Schematic of swelling controlled
cracking. (a) Reprinted with permission from [82]. Copyright (2006) American Chemical Society. (b) [188]. John Wiley & Sons. © (2015)
WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (c) Reprinted with permission from [186]. Copyright (2006) American Chemical
Society. (d) [190]. John Wiley & Sons. © (2016) WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
Pre-strain 20% Pre-strain 40%
Strain releasing
5 nm
Laser beam
Transparent confinement
Ablative coating 6 nm
Metal nano-arrays
1 μm
200 nm
200 nm 200 nm
Figure 14. Post-assembling approaches for fabricating sub-10 nm gaps. (a) Stress-enabled narrowing gap in gold nanobowties on
pre-stretched elastomers. (b) Ultrafine gap defined by the lateral expansion of a gold nanodimer utilized by laser shock induced superplastic
formation. (c) Capillary force induced cohesion of gold nanofingers. (d) Active approaching of Au-coated nanospheres on AFM tips driven
by electrostatic force. (a) Reprinted with permission from [192]. Copyright (2019) American Chemical Society. (b) [193]. John Wiley &
Sons. © (2016) WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. (c) Reprinted with permission of [196]. Copyright (2010) American
Chemical Society. (d) Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature Customer Service Centre GmbH: Springer Nature, Nature [197].
Copyright (2012) Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved (2012).
sub-10 nm Au dots with low defect density in prepatterned 3.2.2. Mechanical cracking. Cracking is a simple mechan-
HSQ structures [177], as seen in figure 12(b). The template ical approach to fabricate ultrasmall nanogaps. To perform
can also utilize smart molecules to direct the self-organization reliable fabrication with controlled gap size and position,
of dispersive components. Fan et al demonstrated the cap- mechanical cracking is carried out with stress concentration
ability of tailoring the oligomerization of plasmonic nano- in prepatterned notches and necks defined by lithographic
particles with molecular templates (see in figure 12(c)) [81]. approaches. The stress concentration can be induced by vari-
In this work, a 2 nm gap in cluster was achieved by con- ous mechanical loadings, such as bending [82, 181–183], elec-
trolling the length of ligand on synthesized plasmonic nano- tromigration [184–187], stress, and swelling [188–190]. As
particles, which exceeds the resolution of the best lithography shown in figures 13(a) and (c), a closed-loop electric feed-
approaches. DNA-based self-assembly can fabricate complex back system is used to monitor the moment of crack initi-
components with DNA scaffolding [178, 179], as shown in ation at the notch and neck position induced by break junctions
figure 12(d). This fabrication method produces well-designed [82] and electromigration [69], respectively. The cracking-
nanopatterns consisting of ordered gold nanoparticles on pre- defined gap sizes of the above two methods can approach the
assembled DNA scaffolding surfaces [180]. atomic scale. Cracking induced by stress concentration using
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
E-beam modification
2 nm
He ions Top-down
100 nm
Au bridge
First First
(c) (d) contact reaction lift-off
4 nm S-PEG-Biotin
Backfill & protein Second contact reaction
recognition lift-off
Figure 16. Subtractive post trimming approaches. (a) Electron-beam sculpting for single-nanometer gap fabrication. (b) He+ -FIB milling
to etch sub-10 nm gap in gold nanorods. (c) Oxidization of Si nanopillars to prepare sub-10 nm nanowires. (d) Multiple nanometric offset
micro-contact printing to fabricate molecular patterns with feature sizes of ∼10 nm. (a) Reprinted with permission from [127]. Copyright
(2005) American Chemical Society. (b) Reprinted with permission from [84]. Copyright (2013) American Chemical Society. (c) Reprinted
with permission from [205]. Copyright (2010) American Chemical Society. (d) From [206]. Reprinted with permission from AAAS.
additive and subtractive manners by combining two or more Weiss used a molecule ruler to scale down nanostructures
complementary methods. [83]. As shown in figure 15(c), specific decoration of layer-
by-layer mercaptoalkanoic acid molecules on gold surface
can be performed to shrink the middle structure after pattern
3.3.1. Additive post-trimming. Additive post-trimming is transfer. Post molecular trimming can produce a thinnest Pt
carried out to obtain higher resolution in features via material line (<15 nm) the middle structure. Some other additive post-
deposition. As shown in figure 15(a) local electrodeposition trimming examples include using ALD deposition to shrink
with self-inhibited reagent depletion was conducted on later- the dimension of nanopores and nanoslits [202–204].
ally disposed electrodes [198]. Lam et al also performed addit-
ive post-trimming with electrodeposition to shrink a separation
between electrode pair from several tens of nanometers to the 3.3.2. Subtractive post-trimming. Subtractive post-
sub-10 nm scale [199]. However, interpenetrating jagged ele- trimming is executed by the removal and consumption of
ments tend to form at the gap electrodes, limiting the process materials in target structures to shrink the feature sizes. For
uniformity and reproducibility. The lateral growth that occurs sub-10 nm fabrication, atomically precise etching processes
in vacuum deposition can also be applied to perform control- were carried out to reliably define nanogaps below 10 nm or
lable separation. As depicted in figure 15(b), vacuum evapor- sharp tip with sub-10 nm radius of curvature. As shown in
ation was used to shrink the separation of clustered structures figures 16(a) and (b), sub-10 nm gaps on patterned structures
[200, 201]. The edge roughness of the resultant structure were fabricated by etching-based post trimming using 200 kV
is better than that defined by electrodeposition. Hatzor and transmission FEB and He+ -FIB [84, 127], respectively.
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
Intensity (counts)
390 NH2
d 1177
2×104 701 819
1 c
Measurement 1×104 b
Simulation a
1 10 100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Gap size gx(nm) Raman shift (cm−1)
100 nm ω0
(c) (d)
20 nm
Figure 17. Typical surface-enhanced spectroscopic applications based on plasmonic nanogaps. (a) SEIRA to detect single
4,4′ -bis(N-carbazolyl)-1,1′ -biphenyl molecule using plasmonic nanorod dimers with nanometric gaps. (b) Densely distributed gold
nanostructure array with 10 nm gaps for SERS application. The SEM image is the low-magnification view of densely distributed gold
nanodisks with 10 nm gaps. The right diagram shows the SERS signal from different shaped densely distributed nanostructures.
Scale bar: 200 nm. (c) All-dielectric Si nanogap enhanced fluorescence for molecular detection. The left panel shows the schematic of SEF
configuration based on a single Si nanodimer with a nanogap. The right panel presents the SEM image of a single Si nanodimer with a gap
size of 20 nm. (d) Schematic of enhanced THG by the hybrid ITO nanocrystal-incorporated plasmonic gap-antenna. (a) Reprinted with
permission from [215]. Copyright (2014) American Chemical Society. (b) Reprinted with permission from [208]. Copyright (2011)
American Chemical Society. (c) Reprinted with permission from [219]. Copyright (2016) American Chemical Society. (d) Reprinted with
permission from [220]. Copyright (2014) American Chemical Society.
50 1 fM DNA
Au Au Au
Au Au Au −50
(b) (c)
S D 10−5
ID (A/μm)
SiO2 VDS = 1 V
n+Si(B) 10−9 MoS2 thickness
1.3 nm
10−11 12 nm
31 nm
9 nm 50 nm ZrO2 10−13
−2 −1 0 1 2
5 nm VGS−VT (V)
Figure 18. Typical applications of nanogaps electrodes. (a) Schematic of the nano-metal/insulator/metal multilayer sensor device and
representative I–V curve for a 1.0 fM target DNA as referred to as ‘background.’ (b) Top-view SEM image of a 9 nm channel CNT
transistor. (c) Schematic of a 1D2D-FET with an MoS2 channel and SWCNT gate. Cross-sectional TEM image of a representative sample
showing the SWCNT gate, ZrO2 gate dielectric, and bilayer MoS2 channel. Dependence of MoS2 channel thickness on the performance of
1D2D-FET. (a) Reprinted with permission from [221]. Copyright (2009) American Chemical Society. (b) Reprinted with permission from
[170]. Copyright (2012) American Chemical Society. (c) From [222]. Reprinted with permission from AAAS.
Except for the removal of materials, the consumption of mater- thickness of oxide layers. Walavalkar et al demonstrated the
ial with chemical reactions is another post-trimming approach. oxidization process for Si nanopillars and achieved a core
Si oxidization is a mature technique in semiconductor man- Si nanowire with a diameter of 4 nm [205], as shown in
ufacturing, which has atomic precision for controlling the figure 16(c). Self-assembled molecular nanopatterns were
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
0 1.5×105 s−1 3×105 s−1
e− Metal tip
scanner U
fs laser beam splitter
−10 0 10
Spectrometer Z (µm)
High voltage
(b) power supply (c)
−910 V MCP
Phosphor screen
CCD Camera
60 V
Figure 19. Field emission applications based on nanotips. (a) Schematic setup of time resolved PEEM and electron emission distribution at
the apex of the tip. (b) Experimental setup scheme of the gas-field ion source. (c) Image of the helium ion source, which is the trimmer
configuration of three tungsten atoms at the apex of the filament. (a) Reprinted with permission from [224]. Copyright (2015) by the
American Physical Society. (b) Reprinted from [229], with the permission of AIP Publishing. (c) Reprinted with permission from [230].
Copyright (2006) American Vacuum Society.
defined with the recognition of biotin-streptavidin through that have the capability of sub-10 nm fabrication in this
multiple subtractive micro-contact printing with nanoscale section.
offsets in every step [206], as shown in figure 16(d). AFM
images display the decreasing of feature sizes from 90 to
15 nm. The main challenge of this method is the actuation 4.1. Plasmonic nanogaps enhanced spectroscopy
precision of overlay in multiple PDMS contact microprinting.
Plasmonic nanogaps are a promising platform for surface-
Subtractive post-trimming has also shown a particular capab-
enhanced spectroscopy, such as surface enhanced Raman
ility of fine tuning the sharpness of nanotips for imaging or
scattering (SERS) [209–212, 241], surface enhanced infrared
nanofabrication either via electrochemical or FIB processes
absorption (SEIRA) [213–215, 242], surface enhanced fluor-
[75, 207].
escence (SEF), and enhanced nonlinear optics [216–219]
because of large near-field enhancement. The enhancement
4. Applications factor strongly depends on gap size at the sub-10 nm scale.
Huck et al used a single gold nanorod dimer to demon-
As an enabling platform, sub-10 nm fabrication has enabled strate the dependance of SEIRA performance with respect
various high-performance and new-concept devices. In these to gap size (figure 17(a)) [215]. In their work, the enhance-
devices, high-performing CMOS manufacturing is the most ment factor enabled by a 3 nm gap was one order of mag-
attractive application of sub-10 nm fabrication. However, nitude higher than that of a 50 nm gap. Therefore, the reli-
considering that the realization of sub-10 nm resolution able fabrication of sub-10 nm plasmonic gap is the key to
in CMOS devices involves a sophisticated process portfo- high-performance surface enhanced spectroscopy. In order to
lio and has been well documented by many researchers, reliably fabricate sub-10 nm plasmonic nanogaps, Duan et al
we collected only representative non-CMOS applications developed a metal lift-off method based on high-resolution
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
nanogap emit twice as much THG compared to the bare gold
rod dimer.
Current (pA)
80 4.2. Nanogap electrodes
cis 70 Nanogap electrodes are not only the building blocks of high-
60 Current levels
performance nanoelectronic devices but also a platform to
achieve high-sensitivity sensing based on conductance trans-
0 10 20
180 mV trans Time (s) ition for trace detection [221, 226–228]. Roy et al performed
Associated electric Associated tunneling
DNA detection with 1 fM level based on electrochemical sens-
(b) (c)
potential signal current signal ing using a nanogap electrodes array [221]. A nanogap elec-
Vg DNA trode is a pair of top and bottom Au electrodes that are sep-
arated by a nanometer-thick SiO2 layer. The gap size in elec-
trodes can be easily tuned in the range of 5–20 nm by chan-
Field effect
transistor Dielectric ging the thickness of the SiO2 layer. Two DNA capture probes
layer It were immobilized to both electrodes. A primary current path-
(d) Single molecule (e) way was created by hybridizing two termini of the target DNA
SiNx with capture probes on electrodes. The signal in conductance
was then detected, as shown in figure 18(a).
Au Scaling down the channel length to the sub-10 nm scale is
A plasmonic nanopore channel A metallic plasmonic an effective approach to build ultrafast and high-performance
with a bowtie antenna nanopore channel transistors. However, the definition of sub-10 nm gap elec-
trodes is a long-standing challenge. To achieve this goal, much
Figure 20. Nanopore-based DNA sequencing technologies. meaningful work on sub-10 nm channel transistors has been
(a) Basic concept of DNA sequence using a nanopore. conducted. IBM researchers fabricated a 9 nm channel car-
(b) Schematic of nanopore sequencing associated with the analysis bon nanotube (CNT) transistor using edge lithography [170],
of electrical potential signals enabled by nanogap electrodes. as shown in figure 18(b). In combination with an optimized
(c) In-sync tunneling current from a lateral nanogap electrode as a W gate, 3 nm thickness HfO2 gate oxide and palladium (Pd)
complementary signal to enhance the sequencing accuracy.
(d) Sub-10 nm pores device on SiNx membranes for molecular source/drain contacts, the fabricated CNT transistor exhib-
detection. (e) Sub-10 nm Au nanopore device integrated into an ited a considerably improved subthreshold slope. Furthermore,
electrochemical system. (a) Reprinted by permission from Springer Javey et al applied SWCNT as a gate to achieve a 1 nm channel
Nature Customer Service Centre GmbH: Nature Biotechnology, MoS2 transistor [222]. The transistor with such a short chan-
Nature Biotechnology [41]. Copyright (2016) Nature Publishing nel exhibited that the controllability of output characteristics is
Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights
Reserved (2016). (b) Reused with permission from [232] of Nokia strongly dependent upon the gate oxide thickness. At the scal-
Corporation and AT&T Archives. (c) Reprinted by permission from ing limit of the gate length, the gate oxide thickness must also
Springer Nature Customer Service Centre GmbH: Springer Nature, be scaled down accordingly, as shown in figure 18(c).
Nature Nanotechnology [233]. Copyright (1969) Nature Publishing
Group (1969). (d) Reprinted with permission from [234]. Copyright
(2014) American Chemical Society. (e) [235]. John Wiley & Sons. 4.3. Nanotip for field emission sources
© 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
A field emission source can produce a focused spot with an
ultrasmall radius, which is a key component for high-end facil-
ities for characterization (e.g. electron microscopic series and
electron-beam lithography using HSQ resist [208], as shown high-energy spectroscopic series) and fabrication (e.g. EBL
in figure 17(b). Densely distributed nanotriangles presented an and FIB) in nanoscience. Induced by a strong electrostatic
11 times higher enhancement factor than that enabled by nan- field, a high field gradient is generated near the apex of the
odisks. Semiconductors are also a promising material for plas- tip, which enables electrons to spill out from the cathode to
monics, due to its simple structure based on mature nanofab- the vacuum and promotes the ionization of gas molecules
rication technologies and low optical loss. Regmi et al reported around the apex. A sharper tip can generate higher field gradi-
that a Si nanodisk dimer with a nanogap has a SEF capability ents and reduce operation voltage. Therefore, sub-10 nm tip
at the single molecule level [219], as shown in figure 17(c). In emitters are of great importance in high-resolution micro-
their work, the performance was improved by a factor of 270. scopic imaging and fabrication. For example, in photoemis-
Large near-field enhancement in sub-10 nm plasmonic gaps sion electron microscopy (PEEM)—a type of electron micro-
can greatly amplify the weak nonlinear-optics phenomenon. scopy that applies the local variation of electron emission
Metzger et al significantly enhanced the third harmonic gener- induced by light, the spatial resolution is mainly determined by
ation (THG) nonlinear optical performance of indium tin oxide the quasi-point-like electron emitter enabled by the ultrasharp
(ITO) nanocrystal, a high THG-efficiency material, which was tip [223, 224]. Figure 19(a) shows an experimental setup
placed in the gap of a gold rod dimer (see figure 17(d)) [220]. scheme for a time-resolved photoemission electron micro-
The gold rod dimers hybridized with ITO nanocrystals in the scope. The sharp gold nanotaper provides a compact source of
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
Refl. rf power
(a) (b)
Drain Source B
1-d array
Gate voltage
Refl. rf power
100 nm F1 L01
SM-WIS 10 KV ×70,000 100 nm
8 mm 5 KV ×70,000 8 mm
Gate voltage
Figure 21. Typical applications of tunneling devices. (a) SEM image showing the top view of an SET device. (b) SEM image of the
radio-frequency single-elelcton transistor (RF-SET) devices and the relationship between gate voltage and conductance. (c) SEM image of
the final YBCO-based HTS hybrid device. (d) Sketch of an example device and experimental arrangement. Optical microscope image of an
emitter array and SEM image of plasmonic nanotriangle and nanorod arrays. (a) [237] (1998) © Springer Science + Business Media
Dordrecht 2001. With permission of Springer. (b) From [238]. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. (c) Reprinted figure with permission
from [239]. Copyright (2015) by the American Physical Society. (d) Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature Customer Service
Centre GmbH: Springer Nature, Nature Physics [240]. Copyright (2016) Nature Publishing Group, (2016).
ultrashort electron pulses with ultrahigh time resolution [224]. biological nanopore is well defined and highly reproducible in
A single metallic tip with ∼20 nm radius emits intense multi- size and structure. Nevertheless, constant nanopore size and
photon femtosecond electron emission pulses. Field ion emis- the instability of fragile lipid bilayer structures limit the bio-
sion is also based on the sharp metal tip. Kuo et al repor- logical nanopore in practical applications. Hence, solid-state
ted a thermally stable Ir/W(111) single-atom tip that can emit nanopores perforated on inorganic membranes have attracted
high-brightness inert gas (e.g. He+ , Ar+ ) and reactive gas (e.g. much attention due to their robustness, geometry control, and
H+ 2 , O+ 2 ) ion beams with high current stability (figure 19(b)) surface properties. Compared to biological nanopores, the pre-
[229]. As shown in figure 19(c), the helium ion emitter in the paration of solid-state nanopores is supposed to eventually be
He+ -FIB system is a trimmer configuration of three W atoms compatible with mature semiconductor fabrication technolo-
at the apex of the hairpin filament [230]. The atomic scale tip gies. In 2001, Golovchenko et al demonstrated a 1.8 nm pore
makes single ion emission possible from the end of the emitter in a SiNx membrane using an ‘ion-beam sculpting’ method
and provides a promising platform for atom-scale fabrication, and realized DNA detection [202]. In later decades, extensive
such as nanopores for DNA sequencing and quantum light studies on the fabrication of solid-state nanopores (e.g. TEM
source-based nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers, as discussed in sculpting, He+ -FIB milling, and controlled dielectric break-
later parts. down) have been exhibited [231]. However, the limited fab-
rication accuracy in size has inhibited the further improve-
ment of the sequencing capability via merely monitoring ion
4.4. Nanopores for genetic sequencing
current blockade. To address this issue, synchronous detec-
Nanopore-based devices are significant to next-generation tion of both the ion current blockade signals and other in-sync
genetic sequencing because they possess the potential to detection signals, is regarded as an alternative to enhance the
quickly and reliably sequence genetic information at low cost. accuracy of sequencing and detection. For example, electronic
As shown in figure 20(a), the basic concept involve mon- sensing using electrodes [231, 232] (see figures 20(b) and (c))
itoring the change of ion current blockade when unzipped and spectroscopic amplification based on plasmonic antennas
DNA strands translocate through the nanopore [41]. The ion [233, 234] (see figures 20(d) and (e)) were used for synchron-
current varies due to the delicate different sizes of the four ous analysis. These nanopore-based devices require additional
bases (i.e. A, G, C, T). Obtaining nanopores of comparable lateral sub-10 nm fabrication and overlay accuracy. In addi-
size to DNA strands (∼2 nm) is the prerequisite for sequen- tion, considering the fabrication feasibility, lateral nanochan-
cing accuracy. Originally, biological transmembrane proteins nels have recently been investigated as an alternative platform
inserted in a lipid bilayer served as nanopores. This sort of for DNA sequencing [77].
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
(a) (b) HO O
64 14
Metal Precursors
Au Ag Cu Co Ni 10 nm Ag
1) Ar, 120°C Au
2) H2, 500°C
PL intensity [a.u.]
G 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Excit. int. [W/cm2]
100 nm
Figure 22. Typical applications based on the quantum confinement effect. (a) Schematic diagram of an integrated quantum light source
based on an NV center in photonic crystal cavities. (b) Fabrication scheme of multicomponent alloy nanoparticles with the pyrolysis of a
printed metalorganic precursor mixture by DPN. The right graphs show the energy dispersion spectroscopy mappings and TEM micrograph
of different elements in a single trinary alloy nanocrystal. (c) Schematics of graphene-nanoribbon FET device and AFM topography
mappings of different-width graphene channel sections. (d) SEM images (45◦ tilt view) of Si quantum dots after initial patterning and
size-trimming by the first oxidation step and corresponding PL spectra on an Si core with a varied diameter. (a) Reprinted with permission
from [244]. Copyright (2013) American Chemical Society. (b) From [245]. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. (c) Reprinted figure
with permission from [246]. Copyright (2008) by the American Physical Society. (d) Reprinted from [247]. Copyright (2002) with
permission from Elsevier.
4.5. Quantum devices conductance. Ultrasmall gaps can also be used to the real-
ize high-temperature superconductive (HTS) hybrid devices.
Sub-10 nm nanofabrication is fundamentally important for
Baghdadi et al fabricated a 35 nm YBa2 Cu3 O7−δ (YBCO)
developing quantum devices because the structures and fea-
encapsulated nanogap defined by a conformally deposited
tures at the single-nanometer scale and even atomic scale are
film thickness [239], as shown in figure 21(c). Such a small
capable of promoting quantum effects.
superconducting YBCO nanogap bridged with a conventional
metal induced a proximity Josephson coupling. Very recently,
4.5.1. Tunneling devices. As the separation size between researchers performed stable plasmon-induced tunneling in
two conductors decreases to a sufficiently small distance, particle-on-film configurations, in which the nanogaps were
the electrons in one conductor can pass through barriers defined by an ultrathin ALD-coated dielectric layer [240], as
and generate the tunneling effect. Based on the tunneling shown in figure 21(d). The device consisted of a vacuum tube
effect, tunneling devices (e.g. SET) and tools (e.g. STM) have with an optically excited emitter or photocathode, similar to
been demonstrated in recent decades [235, 236]. In tunnel- a microscale phototube, which is supposed to have potential
ing devices, reliable fabrication of small gaps with single- applications in carrier-envelope phase photodetectors.
digit nanometers is crucial. Goldhaber-Gordon et al reported
an SET device which consists of three gate electrodes and
one collector electrode, as shown in figure 21(a) [237]. To 4.5.2. Quantum devices based on the confinement effect.
obtain nanometer gap and island size, this SET was fabricated Quantum confinement is promoted when the size of a mater-
by electron-beam lithography, which was critical to observe ial is comparable to the de Broglie wavelength of electron
the Kondo effect. Schoelkopf et al demonstrated an electro- wave function, which can enable energy band engineering
meter based on the configuration of SET [238]. The elec- of electrons in various applications. The most well-known
trometer was fabricated by an EBL-defined suspended resist examples are semiconductor quantum dots and gold nanocrys-
bridge and a double-angle evaporation method, which allowed tals for luminescence, which have already been widely used in
the study of single electron tunneling oscillations, as shown in industry. The NV center is another important example, which
the SEM image of figure 21(b). The direct-current conduct- is regarded as a promising candidate for quantum light sources
ance displayed Coulomb blockade oscillations, and the reflec- in integrated photonics because of its ease of fabrication and
ted carrier power was strongly correlated with the transistor’s integration compatibility with waveguides. Hausmann et al
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
demonstrated single NV centers hosted in suspended diamond challenges for this research area. From the resolution point of
photonic crystal cavities with quality factors up to 6000, as view, further pushing the resolution down to the 1 nm scale
shown in figure 22(a) [244]. The emission property of the and even the atomic scale is still challenging. From the per-
NV center can be tuned by its size. Electron band engineering spective of practical applications, only a few of these collected
can also enhance the performance of catalysts by tuning their fabrication techniques and methods, such as EUV and nanoim-
dimensions and introducing non-noble metal to form alloys. printing, can be adopted in high-volume manufacturing. Con-
For instance, Chen et al demonstrated alloy nanocrystal lib- sidering the reliability, accuracy, fabrication efficiency, and
raries via pyrolysis of metalorganic precursor nanopatterns cost, most of them can only be applied for proof-of-concept
defined by SPL [245], as shown in figure 22(b). Using polymer demonstrations in laboratory settings. In addition, the existing
nanoreactor-mediated synthesis, a quinary alloy nanocrystal fabrication techniques are only available for defining planar
(∼30 nm) can be prepared with five metallic elements (Au, Ag, structures, which cannot satisfy 3D fabrication requirements.
Co, Cu and Ni), which has the potential to obtain multimetallic Considering it is not realistic to apply EUV for non-IC
nanoparticles toward higher compositional diversity and struc- applications due to its high facility and process costs and
tural complexity for catalysis. The electronic properties can the material/process incompatibility, developing reliable sub-
be engineered via quantum confinement, a famous example 10 nm fabrication techniques with higher resolution and lower
of this effect is graphene. Graphene is a promising electronic cost over large areas is still an essential demand for nanos-
material due to its extremely high mobility. Zero bandgap lim- cience and nanotechnology. This requirement calls for the
its its application in transistor devices, but non-zero bandgap combination of efforts, including further improving the per-
can form in graphene nanoribbons. The bandgap increases formance of fabrication tools, developing more advanced
for smaller nanoribbons. Dai et al reported that sub-10 nm process portfolios, and using better materials, such as new res-
graphene nanoribbons with smooth edges can act as semi- ists. To further push the resolution to atomic scale, the fabric-
conductors. Furthermore, they applied a sub-10 nm graphene ation techniques based on single atoms and molecules, such
nanoribbon with adequate bandgap to fabricate FETs which as single ion implantation, atomic layer deposition, atomic
could be operated at room temperature [246], as shown in layer etching, and single heavy ion lithography, should be
figure 22(c). More interestingly, quantum confinement has the extensively explored. Meanwhile, understanding the nano-
potential to convert indirect bandgap semiconductors to dir- scale and atomistic mechanics, thermodynamics and kinetics
ect bandgap semiconductors for luminescence applications. during the processes will become particularly significant for
To this end, Si nanocrystals have been extensively investig- realizing atomistic control of fabrication, which requires more
ated. For example, Valenta et al prepared Si quantum dots efforts on methods and molecular-dynamic techniques for
using two-stage oxidization of regular Si nanopillars which simulations.
were fabricated by EBL and plasma etching, as shown in Regarding the applications at the sub-10 nm scale, other
figure 22(d) [247]. The photoluminescence spectroscopy can than the driving force from the IC industry, numerous devices
be detected at room temperature. for single electrons, single photons, and single molecules
have also been demonstrated. These new-concept devices are
supposed to support next-generation technologies based on
5. Conclusions and outlooks quantum mechanics. However, most of these devices are lim-
ited by the current fabrication capability and remain in the
This review covered the existing techniques and methods for laboratory and far from the commercialization. It is believed
fabricating structures with sub-10 nm features, and summar- that the development of these devices could be accelerated
ized the main applications enabled by these sub-10 nm fea- along with the availability of the nanofabrication techniques
tures and driven by both the further miniaturization of devices at the 1 nm and atomic scales. Considering the compatib-
and critical-size-dependent new-concept nanodevices. Con- ility of the materials and processes in device fabrication,
tinuously pushing the nanofabrication capability to the sub- merely using lithographic methods to achieve such high res-
10 nm scale is not only a demand of the IC industry, but also olution becomes increasingly difficult, and the combination
highly desirable for the research and development of nano- of bottom-up growth and assembly with top-down lithography
electronic, nano-optical, biomedical, and quantum devices. techniques is expected to be a feasible strategy in future 1 nm
Meanwhile, sub-10 nm fabrication provides a technological and atomic-scale device fabrication.
platform for creating artificial materials and metadevices to
explore new physical phenomena and effects that only appear
at such a small scale. With decades of efforts, researchers Acknowledgments
have developed a large number of methods to obtain struc-
tures with sub-10 nm features via either lithographic or uncon- This work is supported by the National Natural Science
ventional approaches. With these sub-10 nm fabrication cap- Foundation of China (Grants Nos. 51722503, 51805160
abilities, various high-performance and new-concept device and U1930114), the National Key Research and Devel-
applications have been demonstrated and several new phenom- opment Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFE0109200),
ena have been explored. Though significant progress has been and the Guangdong Basic Research Foundation (Grant No.
made in the past decades, there are still many limitations and 2020A1515110971).
Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 3 (2021) 032002 Topical Review
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