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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/fifth Year Fractures of The Middle Third of The Facial Skeleton

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Oral and Maxillofacial surgery/Fifth year

‫ سلوان يوسف‬.‫د‬

Fractures of the middle third of the facial skeleton

he facial skeleton can be divided into an upper, middle and lower
third. The lower third is the mandible. The upper third is formed
by the frontal bone. The middle third is the region extending
downwards from the frontal bone to the level of the upper teeth, or if the
patient is edentulous the upper alveolus.

The middle third of facial skeleton is formed by bones which articulate

with each other in immobile sutures. The bones are:

 Two maxillae
 Two nasal bones
 Two zygomatic bones
 Two palatine bones
 Two inferior conchae
 The ethmoid and its attached conchae
 Vomer bone
 Sphenoid bone

The bones of the midface constitute a series of vertical and horizontal

bony struts or ‘buttresses’, these buttresses of the face consist of thicker
bone that transmits the chewing forces to the supporting regions of the
skull. These are the pterygomaxillary, zygomaticomaxillary, and
nasomaxillary buttresses. These vertical pillars are further supported by
the horizontal buttresses; the supraorbital or frontal bar, infraorbital
rims, and zygomatic arches. Joining these buttresses together is
lamellar thin bone. This framework results in fairly predictable patterns
of fracture.

The skeleton of the midface has been described as a (crumple zone) that
acts as a cushion, absorbing the energy of any cranially directed impacts
coming from an anterior or anterolateral direction thereby protecting the
brain and conferring a survival advantage.

The Le Fort classification
In 1901, René Le Fort described the classical fracture patterns of the
midface and determined three main levels of fractures:

Le Fort I fracture (also called Guerin fracture or low level fracture) is

caused by a force delivered above the apices of the teeth. The fracture
occurs at the level of the piriform aperture and involves the anterior and
lateral walls of the maxillary sinus, lateral nasal walls and pterygoid
plates at the junction of the lower one-third with the upper two-third. A
unilateral maxillary fracture may also occur, with the fracture coursing
through the palatal suture line or adjacent to it.

Le Fort II fracture is also referred to as a pyramidal or sub-zygomatic

fracture. This fracture involves the nasofrontal suture, nasal and
lacrimal bones, infraorbital rim in the region of the zygomaticomaxillary
suture, maxilla, and pterygoid plates half way. It can be unilateral or

Le Fort III fracture is also called craniofacial disjunction; it starts at the

frontonasal suture, runs through the frontomaxillary suture, over the
lacrimal bone, the lamina papyracea of the ethomoid bone and towards
the optic foramen to reach the inferior orbital fissure, the fracture line
divides into two lines. One line passes around the frontozygomatic suture
to separate the zygomatic bone from the frontal bone. The other line
passes posteriorly to fracture the pterygoid plates at the root, thus
separating them from the cranial base.

Clinical features
Le Fort I fracture

 Examination should include firmly grasping the maxillary arch with

the finger and thumb facially and palatally and attempting
displacement of the maxilla in three dimensions, as well as
compression and expansion of the maxillary arch.
 Malocclusion and mobility of whole of dentoalveolar segment of upper
jaw may be noted.
 Hypoesthesia of the infraorbital nerve may be caused by the rapid
development of edema.
 Palatal ecchymosis (Guerin sign) is usually noted.
 Ecchymosis and tenderness of the zygomaticomaxillary buttress area.

 ‘Cracked pot’ percussion sound from upper teeth.
 Fractured cusps of teeth.

Le Fort II fracture

 Grasping the anterior maxilla and attempting anteroposterior

displacement facilitates evaluation of the nasofrontal suture and infe-
rior orbital rims.
 Edema is often present overlying the fracture sites.
 Mobility of the upper jaw.
 Step deformity in the infraorbital rim.
 Bilateral cirumorbital edema and ecchymosis and subconjunctival
hemorrhage may be noted, it results from the bleeding at the site of
fracture, which escapes in different tissue planes.
 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhea may be encountered as the
result of a dural tear, although a classical Le Fort II fracture does not
include the cribriform plate of ethmoid so CSF rhinorrhea does not
take place, unless there is associated fracture of cribriform plate of
 Epistaxis is common.
 Tenderness over the nasal bridge area and possible nasal deformity.
 Hypoesthesia of the infraorbital nerve is also common because of
direct trauma or rapid edema formation.
 Malocclusion is often present in the form of an anterior open bite and
gagging of posterior teeth.
 ‘Cracked-pot’ sound on tapping teeth.
 Difficulty in opening mouth, and sometimes inability to move the
lower jaw
 Possible diplopia and enophthalmos in severe cases.

Le Fort III fracture

 Bimanual palpation reveals abnormal mobility at the frontonasal and

frontozygomatic sutures.
 Classic dish face deformity and mobility of the zygomaticomaxillary
complex. As the facial bones are disarticulated from the cranial base
the elongation of the face takes place leading to long face syndrome.
 Facial edema.
 Circumorbital ecchymosis and subconjunctival hemorrhage.
 CSF leakage due to the involvement of the cribriform plate leading to
dural tear and CSF rhinorrhea.

 ‘Cracked-pot’ sound on tapping teeth.
 There may be gagging of the occlusion in the molar area.

Detection of CSF Rhinorrhea

Clinical detection of CSF rhinorrhea may be complicated by the presence

of lacrimal fluid, blood and nasal secretions. When the blood clots and
dries and the flow of CSF continues, it produces a classical (tramline
pattern). It also forms classical ring around the clotted blood on the
pillow. If the patient is in supine position it passes in the pharynx giving
salty metallic taste.

Traditional methods for detecting CSF leak include testing for glucose or
protein, but these are neither sensitive nor specific. Testing the discharge
for beta-2 transferrin, a brain specific variant of transferrin, is accepted
as the best available diagnostic method.

Plain radiographs have only limited role and they are indicated when
three-dimensional imaging (CT scan) is not available, these may include:

Occipitomental projection

The occipitomental view (Water’s view) is useful plain radiograph. Two

projections angled at 10° and one at 30° are desirable. These views will
demonstrate uncomplicated middle third fractures with sufficient detail
to determine a treatment plan. For interpretation of occipitomental
radiographs systematic examination along lines where bone disjunction
can be expected if a fracture has occurred. To facilitate interpretation 5
curved lines (Campbell-Trapnell lines) are frequently used.

The occipitomental view may demonstrate the major areas of fracture

discontinuity including the zygomaticomaxillary buttress, the
zygomaticofrontal suture and the inferior orbital rim in addition to
haziness of maxillary sinus due to hemorrhage.

Lateral projection

Le Fort type fractures at each level (I, II and III) can be detected on this
view where the fracture line can be seen passing across the pterygoid
plates. It is often the only plain view that clearly demonstrates a Le Fort I

fracture. It also aids recognition and assessment of any extension of
fractures into the frontal sinus.

CT scan

A CT scan or cone beam CT (CBCT) with multiplanar and 3-D

reconstruction is indicated for visualization and delineation of the
magnitude and comminution of the midfacial fractures and for the
identification of adjacent fractures, such as those of the maxilla, the
naso-orbito–ethmoidal complex and the skull base.


Observation is indicated in:

 Non-mobile or minimally mobile linear Le Fort I fracture with

unaffected occlusion.
 Le Fort I, II or III fractures in edentulous patients with atrophic
maxilla provided that they are nondisplaced stable fractures.
 In edentulous patients with minor displacement.
 In cases when general medical conditions do not allow surgical

A soft diet is advisable for several weeks. Close follow-up is required and
patients should be compliant.

Surgical treatment


Effective reduction of maxillary fractures depends on the degree of

mobility of Le Fort fractures following injury; in some situations it may
be possible to reduce low level maxillary fractures simply by finger
manipulation alone otherwise paired Rowe's disimpaction forceps can
be used to manipulate the fracture into place, also Hayton-Williams
forceps can be used for the same purpose. The guidance for proper
reduction is achievement of satisfactory occlusion and correction of facial


Applying IMF using interdental wiring or arch bars alone is insufficient to

stabilize the middle third of the facial skeleton because of the mobility of
the lower jaw. After using the mandible as a guide to accurate occlusal
reduction, the middle third must be immobilized by attaching it to the
adjacent facial bones superior to the fracture line. This can be achieved
by either internal wire suspension or external suspension. These
methods, however, have been superseded by ORIF method.

Methods of internal wire suspension include:

 Pyriform fossa wiring.

 Infraorbital rim suspension wiring.
 Circumzygomatic wiring.
 Supraorbital rim suspension wiring.

In case of Le Fort II fractures the pyriform fossa wiring suspension and

infraorbital rim wirings cannot be used for treating as the fracture line
passes above these points. In Le Fort III fractures internal suspension is
not effective as the fracture line is very high and only supraorbital rim is
available for internal suspension.

Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF)

The current method of choice is internal fixation with miniplates,

microplates, three-dimensional meshes, and screws. With this method, it
is possible to fix even the smallest fragments and to stably bridge areas
of comminuted fragments in the buttress regions until the fractures have

Le Fort I fracture

Surgical exposure is achieved through a vestibular incision, this

approach allows visualization of the lateral antral wall and zygomatic
buttresses. A Rowe or Hayton-Williams forceps can then be used to
complete the reduction, if necessary. The patient is first placed in IMF to
reestablish the pretraumatic occlusal relationship. Fixation with
miniplates along the piriform (nasomaxillary) and
zygomaticomaxillary buttresses is routinely provided for stability of
this fracture pattern.

Le Fort II fractures

In cases of mobile Le Fort II fractures, the additional fixation of the

nasofrontal suture and the orbital rim is required. Occasionally
exposure can be sufficient using a vestibular incision, but usually an
approach to the orbital rim is required, this is achieved by one of the

 Infraorbital incision.
 Subciliary incision.
 Subtarsal or mid–lower lid incision.
 Transconjunctival Incision

Alternatively a midfacial ‘degloving’ approach can be considered for more

complex fractures if appropriate, the technique combines an intraoral
vestibular approach with degloving of the lower half of the nose to allow
wide exposure of the whole maxilla including the nasal skeleton.

Le Fort III fractures

In Le Fort III cases, besides buttress reconstruction, the fixation of the

frontozygomatic and frontonasal sutures is required, as well as the
stabilization of the outer orbital frame and the zygoma. Access to the
upper and midface from the cranial base to the maxillary occlusal level is
obtained by using a coronal scalp flap with an intra-oral vestibular
incision. Additional bilateral approaches to the infraorbital rims and
orbital floors are usually needed.

Palatal fractures
Isolated fractures of the palate are rare, but up to 8% to 13% of Le Fort
fractures are complicated by concomitant palatal fractures.

Clinical examination may reveal laceration of the lip and concurrent

gingival and palatal lacerations. Often, a change in occlusion is also
noted. Diagnosis is confirmed by a maxillofacial CT with axial and
coronal cuts.


Several classification systems have been suggested for palatal fractures.

A simplified classification system classifies the palatal fractures into:

 Type I: Sagittal; if the fracture is located at the midline, it is
considered the median type. The paramedian type describes a fracture
that parallels the midpalatal suture

 Type II: Transverse

 Type III: Comminuted


Surgical treatment planning depends on the type of fracture, presence or

quality of the dentition, and concomitant facial fractures.

Treatment of the palatal fracture in dentate patients should center on

occlusal reduction with IMF and ORIF through facial vestibular
approach. Occlusal splints can be extremely helpful in the comminuted
palatal fracture.

The zygomatic complex fractures

The zygomatic complex usually fractures in the region of the
frontozygomatic, the zygomaticotemporal and the zygomaticomaxillary
sutures. It is unusual for the zygomatic bone itself to be fractured, but
occasionally it may be especially due to high energy injuries. Sometimes
the bone may even be comminuted. The arch of the zygoma may be
fractured in isolation from the rest of the bone.

Fractures of zygomatic complex can be classified as:

 Fractures of the zygomatic body involving the orbit

1. Minimal or no displacement.
2. Inward and downward displacement.
3. Inward and posterior displacement.
4. Outward displacement.
5. Comminution of the complex as a whole.

 Fractures of the zygomatic arch alone not involving the orbit

1. Minimal or no displacement.
2. V-type in-fracture.
3. Comminuted.

Clinical features of zygomatic complex fractures
 Flattening of cheek
 Flattening over the zygomatic arch
 Swelling of cheek
 Limitation of mouth opening due to impingement of the depressed
zygomatic bone on the temporal muscle and/or coronoid process,
limiting mandibular excursions and due to muscle spasm.
 Anesthesia of cheek, temple, upper teeth and gingiva
 Periorbital (circumorbital) ecchymosis and edema
 Sub-conjunctival hemorrhage
 Epistaxis due to disruption of maxillary sinus mucosa caused by
fracture of the sinus wall.
 Crepitation from air emphysema; fracture through a sinus wall with
tearing of the lining mucosa allows air to escape into the facial soft
 Tenderness and palpable separation at frontozygomatic suture
 Step deformity and tenderness of infraorbital margin
 Ecchymosis and tenderness intra-orally over zygomatic buttress
 Limitation of ocular movement
 Diplopia; binocular diplopia that develops following trauma can be the
result of soft tissue (muscle or periorbital) entrapment,
neuromuscular injury, intraorbital or intramuscular hematoma or
edema, or a change in orbital shape, with displacement of the globe
causing a muscle imbalance. The presence of entrapment of orbital
contents by the fracture through the orbital floor can be determined
with a forced duction test.
 Displacement of the palpebral fissure and unequal pupillary levels;
due to inferior displacement of Whitnall's tubercle with the attached
Lockwood's suspensory ligament that leads to alteration in the level of
the globe.
 Enophthalmos defined as the posterior displacement of the globe that
is often due to increase in orbital volume secondary to interruption of
the skeletal integrity of the bony orbit.

 Occipitomental (Waters’) view; it generally delineates the fracture
pattern and displacement of the zygomatic complex, including isolated
fractures of the zygomatic arch.

 Submentovertex view is helpful for evaluation of the zygomatic arch
and zygomatic projections.
 CT scan; axial and coronal plane CT is the gold standard for
radiographic evaluation of zygomatic fractures. It allows for detailed
evaluation of buttresses of the midfacial skeleton including the orbit.

Zygomatic complex fractures with minimal displacement that are not
causing symptoms do not necessarily require treatment.

The indications for treatment are as follows:

1. To restore the normal contour of the face both for cosmetic reasons
and to re-establish skeletal protection for the globe of the eye.
2. To correct diplopia.
3. To remove any interference with the range of movement of the
4. When pressure on the infraorbital nerve results in significant
numbness or dysesthesia.


Many zygomatic complex fractures are stable after reduction without any
form of fixation, especially when:

 The displacement is a medial or lateral rotation round the vertical axis

without separation of the frontozygomatic suture.
 Recent fractures are more stable than those that are more than 2
weeks old.

Fractures in which there is disruption of the frontozygomatic suture and

those that are extensively comminuted are usually unstable after

Indirect reduction of a zygomatic fracture can be achieved by:

The temporal approach (Gillies approach) is popular and

straightforward. The operation depends on the fact that the deep
temporal fascia is attached along the superior surface of the zygomatic
arch, while the temporalis muscle passes beneath the arch to be
attached to the coronoid process and anterior ramus. It consists of an
incision made in the temporal region and the temporal fascia is incised,

then an instrument is passed superficial to the surface of the temporalis
muscle and deep to the zygoma. The zygomatic bone or arch can then be
elevated into a correct position using Rowe's or Bristow's elevator. The
position of the bone is confirmed by palpation of the infraorbital rim and
the cheek prominence using the uninjured side for comparison.

The percutaneous approach is a rapid method most useful in non-

comminuted fractures with medial displacement and no distraction of
the frontozygomatic suture. The location of the stab incision for insertion
of the bone hook is at the intersection of a perpendicular line dropped
from the outer canthus of the eye and a horizontal line extending
posteriorly from the alar rim of the nostril.

Buccal sulcus approach (Keen approach 1909); an incision is made in

the upper buccal sulcus immediately beneath the zygomatic buttress and
a curved elevator is passed supra-periosteally to engage the deep surface
of the zygomatic bone.

Lateral coronoid approach (Quinn 1977); it is a simple method for

isolated fractures of the arch, this approach consists of intraoral incision
made along the anterior border of the ramus, through which an elevator
is inserted lateral to the coronoid process, and the arch is elevated while
the surgeon palpates extraorally along the arch.

Open reduction and internal fixation

It is indicated in:

 Displaced fractures that are not stable after reduction.

 Comminuted fractures.
 Fractures that are more than 2 weeks old.
 When orbital exploration is required due to the presence of diplopia or

The open reduction is followed by fixation of the fracture segments using

transosseous wiring or miniplates and/or microplates. The wires or
plates can be fixed at frontozygomatic suture, infraorbital rim, the
zygomaticomaxillary buttress and rarely at the zygomaticotemporal
suture. The fractures should be fixed at minimum two points.

Incisions for the surgical exposure of the zygomatic complex

Approaches to the frontozygomatic suture

 Lateral eyebrow (also called supraorbital eyebrow).

 Supratarsal fold (upper eyelid) approach gives an excellent cosmetic
result and good exposure of the fronto-zygomatic suture.

Approaches to the lateral orbital rim, body and arch of zygoma

 Lateral canthal incision in a suitable skin crease lateral to the eye

(‘crow's foot’ crease).
 Extended preauricular approach to expose the whole zygomatic arch
and the lateral aspect of the orbital rim.

Approaches to the inferior orbital rim and orbital floor

 Infraorbital incision.
 Subciliary incision.
 Subtarsal or mid–lower lid incision.
 Transconjunctival Incision

Orbital floor fractures

The orbits are described as conical or pyramidal in shape that consists of
7 bones, the normal orbital volume is about 30 mL, of which the globe
occupies 6.5 mL. The orbit consists of an outer and inner frame; the
outer frame is the orbital rim; inferiorly it is composed of the zygoma
laterally and maxilla medially. Superiorly it is composed of the frontal

The inner frame is composed of the orbital walls:

 Floor; roof of the maxillary sinus and orbital plate of palatine bone;
 Medial wall; ethmoidal and lacrimal bones anteriorly, lesser wing of
sphenoid with optic canal posteriorly
 Lateral wall; zygoma and greater wing of sphenoid
 Roof; frontal bone.

Both the lateral wall and the roof are relatively thick; the most common
areas of fracture are the floor and medial orbital walls. Isolated orbital
wall fractures are termed blow-out or blow-in fractures. Blow-out
fractures are further described as pure, for those that occur in the

presence of an intact orbital rim, and impure, for those with a
concomitant fracture of the orbital rim.

In blow-out fractures, the fragments of bone are displaced downwards

into the antral cavity and the periorbital fat tends to herniate through
the defect, this has the effect of interfering with the action of the inferior
rectus and inferior oblique muscles preventing upward movement and
outward rotation of the eye with resulting diplopia in these directions of
gaze. If a large enough amount of orbital fat is displaced through the
orbital floor defect it may result in enophthalmos.

Blow-in fractures are rare; the orbital wall bone fragments are displaced
or buckled inwards.

Clinical features

 Periorbital (circumorbital) ecchymosis

 Subconjunctival hemorrhage
 Diplopia; diplopia is a relatively common early clinical finding after
orbital trauma, often simply as a result of edema affecting the extra-
ocular muscles.
 Limitation of eye movement especially in upward gaze.
 Globe retraction on upward gaze
 Enophthalmos; enophthalmos may not be clinically apparent
immediately following injury because of swelling of the orbital
contents. True extent of enophthalmos is revealed at around 2–4
weeks following injury when this swelling has resolved. Enophthalmos
clinically obvious to most patients when exceeds 2mm.
 Surgical emphysema of eyelids
 Paresthesia within distribution of infraorbital nerve

The tethering of the inferior muscles can be further demonstrated by the

forced duction test, which may be carried out under local or general
anesthesia. Fine toothed dissecting forceps are inserted under the globe
of the eye via the inferior conjunctival fornix and the insertion of the
inferior rectus is gently grasped enabling the globe to be forcibly rotated
upwards and its freedom of movement compared with the opposite side.
Any increased resistance is readily appreciated and is diagnostic of
muscle tethering.

It is essential to measure this interference with orbital movement by
means of a Hess chart and to monitor any improvement, or lack of it, by
repeating the test during the first 7–10 days after injury.


 Plain radiographs may show evidence of orbital floor or wall fractures,

but are unreliable in excluding such an injury or determining its
extent. Occipitomental view may demonstrate the classical (hanging
drop) appearance of a large orbital floor defect with herniation of
orbital contents.
 CT has the advantage of better bone visualization. Coronal, axial and
sagittal views may be required to determine the extent of the defect.
Enophthalmos is more likely to develop where there is loss of the
‘posteromedial bulge’ of the orbital floor, best seen in sagittal views.
The posterior limit of the defect also gives an indication of difficulty of


When orbital fractures occur with other fractures of the midface, the
latter must be repaired first. This is because safe orbital dissection and
repair of orbital defects are dependent on repositioned key landmarks
and a correctly positioned infraorbital rim to support an implant. This
will not be possible if the peripheral bones are significantly displaced.


1. Significant restriction of eye movement (diplopia) with CT

confirmation of entrapment.
2. Significant enophthalmos.
3. Large ‘blowout’ defect
4. Significant orbital dystopia

Relative contraindications

1. Visual impairment
2. Anticoagulant medication
3. Patient unconcerned
4. Proptosis
5. An already ‘at risk’ globe

It is generally accepted that treatment of orbital floor fractures should be
delayed for 7-10 days allowing time for edema to subside and the true
ophthalmic situation to be revealed. The exception to delayed treatment
is in children and young people with diplopia where exploration should
be performed as soon as possible to prevent persistent problems.

Treatment consists of direct exploration of the orbital floor through a

suitable lower eyelid or transconjunctival approach, gentle retrieval of
the herniated soft tissues and reconstructing the bony defect with
suitable implant or graft material that is of a sufficient size to be
supported at its periphery on sound bone. If stabilization is required this
can be performed by using microplates or by simple wiring to the orbital

Reconstructive options for orbital defects

 Autografts of fascia, bone and cartilage.

 Allograft.
 Xenograft.
 Alloplastic materials; these can be resorbable or non-resorbable such
as titanium mesh and sheets of Silastic (medical grade silicone
polymer), Medpor (porous polyethylene) and PDS (polydioxanone).


1. Retrobulbar hemorrhage
2. Lower eyelid retraction and ectropion
3. Persistent edema of lower eyelid
4. Persistent enophthalmos
5. Persistent globe depression
6. Persistent diplopia in vertical gaze
7. Tissue reaction to implant
8. Extrusion of implant
9. Infection and chronic fistula formation
10. Dacryocystitis
11. Blindness

Nasal bone fractures

The nasal bone is one of the most commonly fractured due to its
prominent position and little protection and support. The nasal bones
are relatively thick superiorly where they are attached to the frontal

bone, but are thinner inferiorly where the upper lateral cartilages are
attached. Hence they are more susceptible to fractures lower down.

According to the force applied, nasal complex fractures can be divided

into three planes:

1. The first plane involves the nasal tip only.

2. The second plane involves the whole of the external nose anterior to
the orbital rim.
3. The third plane is a much more severe injury involving the medial
orbital wall and sometimes the anterior cranial fossa. These latter
injuries are distinguished as fractures of the naso-orbito-ethmoid

Clinical features

 Edema over the bridge of the nose.

 Bilateral circumorbital ecchymosis and possibly subconjunctival
hemorrhage, more marked on the medial aspect.
 Deviation of the nose to one side following a lateral injury while an
anterior fracturing force produces a saddle-type depression of the
 Epistaxis.
 Septal hematoma can sometimes develop as a result of bleeding into
the subperichondrial space. This appears as a dark red swelling on
the septum and results in partial nasal obstruction, usually within
the first 24–72 hours.
 Nasal obstruction due to blood clot, edema of nasal mucous
membrane and the deviated nasal septum.


Isolated nasal bone fractures can be visualized on soft tissue radiographs

of nose, lateral nasal radiograph and CT scans. The septal deviations are
visualized on occipitomental view or CT scans.


Septal hematoma requires incision and drainage which should be

performed urgently under topical or local anesthesia. If untreated it can
become infected leading to a septal abscess, with a risk of intracranial
extension, it may also result in avascular necrosis with loss of cartilage
and a septal perforation.

The vast majority of nasal fractures can be treated by closed
manipulation and simple splinting.


This can be achieved by digital manipulation in simple fractures.

Otherwise Walsham's forceps are used for manipulating the nasal and
the frontal process of the maxilla bone fragments, the external blade of
the forceps is ideally padded with rubber or plastic tubing. The vomer
and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid are then manipulated with
the Asche's septal forceps.

Methods of immobilization

 Ribbon gauze packing; such as bismuth iodoform paraffin paste

(BIPP) is lightly packed in the nasal cavity to impart support and to
achieve hemostasis. The disadvantages of packing are that it
obstructs airway, acts as a source of infection and over-packing may
cause displacement of the nasal bones.
 Plaster of Paris (POP) splints; it consists of 6–8 layers of POP bandage
cut to produce a strip of plaster across the bridge covering either side
of the nose, with an extension up to the forehead. When it is firm it is
fixed into position with strips of adhesive tape across the forehead
and across the nasal bridge. The first splint should be replaced by a
new more accurately fitting splint few days later when the
postoperative edema over the nasal region has subsided. A nasal
splint should be left in situ for about 10–14 days in total.

Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF)

ORIF of isolated nasal fractures is a procedure that is rarely advocated.

Indications may include; grossly displaced fractures where closed
treatment is usually unsatisfactory and when there is an extensive
overlying laceration.

Complications of fractures of the middle third of the

facial skeleton

Early complications
1. Epistaxis post-reduction bleeding from the nose can occur, which is
usually managed by simple anterior nasal packing.

2. Ophthalmic complications
A. Extensive orbital edema or Retrobulbar hemorrhage after reduction of
a fractured zygomatic complex; both can result in a compartment
syndrome of the orbit and loss of eyesight if untreated by compression
and spasm of the posterior ciliary vessels that supply blood to the
optic nerve. It is an emergency that require immediate management.

Signs and symptoms:

 Pain
 Decreasing visual acuity
 Diplopia with developing ophthalmoplegia
 Proptosis
 Tense globe
 Sub-conjunctival edema/chemosis
 Dilated pupil
 Loss of direct light reflex (Relative afferent pupillary defect)


Medical treatment: involves administering intravenous 20% mannitol (1

gm/kg) and 500 mg acetazolamide to reduce intra-ocular pressure, and
3-4 mg/kg intravenous dexamethasone to reduce edema and vascular

Surgical treatment: it aims to decompress the orbit through an access

incision has been used for initial treatment of the fracture or through
lateral canthotomy made with sharp scissors. Small soft drain should be
inserted without repair of the incision performed.

B. Blindness due to direct injury to the optic nerve.

C. Abrasion of the cornea during surgery; protective shells should be
inserted routinely at the beginning of an operation or a temporary
tarsorrhaphy suture inserted.
3. Inaccurate reduction; especially when treatment is not by ORIF.
4. Nerve damage involving the infraorbital nerve, zygomatico-temporal
and zygomatico-frontal nerves. Also coronal approach may result in
damage to the sensory and motor supply of the forehead.

Late complications
1. Delayed or non-union is uncommon, it occurs in fractures treated by
IMF alone. Treatment is by applying miniplates across the fracture
site with or without a bone graft.
2. Malunion causing cosmetic and functional deformity; depressed
malunion of the zygomatic complex may cause cosmetic deformity and
interference with the coronoid process of the mandible and restriction
of mouth opening. Malunion of orbital fractures may result in
Expansion of orbital volume which produces enophthalmos that is
sometimes accompanied by diplopia. In Le Fort I, II and III fractures,
the patients may be left with long face or flattening of the entire profile
(dish-face deformity). It may also cause malocclusion such as
retrusion of upper dentition and anterior or lateral open bite.
3. Residual ophthalmic complications such as enophthalmos and
diplopia; these may result from:
 Deformity of the bony orbit.
 Neurological damage such as damage to the oculomotor and
abducent nerves.
 Damage to the globe itself and its surrounding soft tissue
4. Complications associated with paranasal sinuses; fractures of the
middle third of face are usually associated with comminution of the
walls of the paranasal sinuses, particularly the frontal and maxillary.
This may lead to obstruction of the ostium and disturbance of
drainage leading to chronic infections.
5. Complications associated with the lacrimal system; partial or
complete obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct may be a late
complication of Le Fort II type. The patient complains of epiphora and
may develop dacryocystitis. If the natural pathway for tears cannot be
re-established by dilation of the duct a dacryocystorhinostomy
operation is done as a planned procedure.
6. Loss of sensation; such as anosmia or anesthesia or paresthesia
within the distribution of the maxillary division of the trigeminal
7. Late problems with internal fixation; Plates or transosseous wires
may become infected, palpable or visible as projections. In such
situations they need to be removed.


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