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Teenage Pregnancy

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Dream dashed because of adolescent pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is a social issue that
has an enormous impact on the community today and is a big cause for concern. Teenage
pregnancy is described as the pregnancy of a teenage female, typically between the ages of
13 to 19. The phrase is typically used to describe girls who become pregnant but have not
attained the appropriate legal age, which varies globally. Teen pregnancy has a serve
impact on teen parents, their kids, and so society.

Pregnant women drop out of school and are scared due to ignorance, and the population
growth rate in the country continues to rise as a result of the rising number of teenage
pregnancies in the Philippines as a result of the youth accepting the idea of premarital sex.
According to government statistics, the number of teenage pregnancies has increased by
70% in just the past years. Some lawmakers were alerted to these worrying incidents in
our economic situation.

One of the issues the Philippines is currently dealing with is teen pregnancy. The girl who
becomes pregnant while still in her teens, her kid, her parents, and other family members,
as well as the entire country, are all victims. The Philippines ranked first among the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) nations with the highest percentage of
adolescent pregnancies, according to a 2011 UN Population Fund poll. According to Ugochi
Daniels, a representative of the United Nations Population Fund Agency (UNPFA), the rising
rate of teenage pregnancies threatens to scuttle the nation’s Millenium Develop Goals

The first and most important reason why most parents avoid discussing sex with their
children is a lack of parental guidance. In certain circumstances, they provide children with
erroneous knowledge about sex and forbid them from engaging in any enlightening
conversations about it. Several pregnant young moms lack sex education before becoming
pregnant, which results in a lack of communication between the parents and the kids.

Adolescent sexual behavior comes in second. Peer pressure is a significant motivator for
teenage males and girls to engage in sexual activity among teenagers. Another factor that
contributes to teen pregnancy is early dating, which can begin as early as age 13 to 19.

Third is a lack of understanding of safe sex. The majority of teenagers are ignorant of safe
sex. They most likely don’t have access to conventional methods of contraception. And the
main reason for that is that they are either too ashamed or too afraid to look into it.

The fourth is taking advantage of older men. There is yet another important element that
influences teenage pregnancy. Girls who date older women have a higher chance of getting
pregnant before reaching adulthood. Teenage females are subjected to rape, sexual
exploitation, and other crimes that cause unintended pregnancies.
Fifth on the list is socioeconomic considerations. Adolescent girls from low-income families
had a higher chance of getting pregnant. Even in developed nations, teenage pregnancy is
most likely in underprivileged areas, according to researchers.

Teenage pregnancy, according to Dr. Heinie, is an issue in society, particularly in terms of

how it affects the lives of the teen mother, her kid, and her siblings. According to research,
teen pregnancy and motherhood can have negative economic and psychological effects on
the affected individuals. Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of school, have subpar
educational credentials, be jobless, reside in substandard housing, and experience
depression that may lead to suicide. The kid of a teen mother is more likely to be poor,
grow up without a father, experience abuse or neglect, do worse in school, engage in
criminal activity, abuse drugs, and alcohol, and eventually have children of their own and
repeat the cycle Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of school, have subpar
educational credentials, be jobless, reside in substandard housing, and experience
depression that may lead to suicide. The kind of teen mother is more likely to experience
poverty, fatherlessness, abuse, poor academic performance, involvement in crime, drug and
alcohol misuse, and eventually becoming a teen parent themselves, starting the cycle all
over again. A teenage mother’s younger sibling is more likely to accept sexual immaturity
and early marriage and to place less value on education and the pursuit of a career.

Pregnancy in adolescence may carry a higher risk of medical issues, especially in females
13 to 19 years of age and younger because an undeveloped pelvis might make birthing
more challenging. Teenage moms experience more early births and low birth weight
globally as a result of inadequate prenatal care. If a cesarean section is not possible,
obstetric fistula, a rip in the birth canal that causes leakage of urine and/or feces, results
from an obstructed labor in young mothers under the age of twenty. Teenage females
commit 14% of the estimated 20 million unsafe abortions annually, which cause 68,000
fatalities. Young people are also at risk of developing HIV due to unprotected sex.

There is no explicit rule that addresses the rising number of teenage pregnancies globally,
including in the Philippines. The Department of Health (DOH) will devise creative ways to
reach out to adolescents, and program implementation is monitored and evaluated.
However, there are possible actions that the DOH can take to avoid this kind of problem,
and it is by acknowledging adolescents as “vulnerable” and a “group” in need.”

In conclusion, as a teen, teenage pregnancy will increase and continue to rise if it is not
appropriately addressed. Because of the consequences, the rising number of pregnant
teenage girls needs to halt. Everyone needs to be aware of what is it and how it will impact
their lives to invalidate it. The youth must still optimism in the nation rather than
destroying their future, pregnancy between 13 to 19 isn’t as easy as it sounds the
alarmingly rapid population expansion of today has a significant impact on our economy, as
our national hero, Jose P. Rizal once observed, “The youth is the hope of the nation”.

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