RPS Qualitative Research Method in ELT
RPS Qualitative Research Method in ELT
RPS Qualitative Research Method in ELT
MataKuliah : Kode Mata Kuliah: Semester: IV Tahun Bobot: Sifat Mata Kuliah: Mata Kuliah Prasyarat:
Qualitative Research Method PBI-602033 (Kelas PBI- Akademik: 2 SKS Wajib
in ELT 4B,4D,4ICP) Genap
Otorisasi Dosen Pengampu Dosen Koordinator Ka Prodi/Kajur
Sayyidatul Fadlilah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd Sayyidatul Fadlilah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd Sayyidatul Fadlilah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd
Capaian Pembelajaran Students are able to write proposal drafts of qualitative research proposals matrix using one of the following qualitative research
Lulusan Mata Kuliah designs: Case Study, Ethnographic Classroom, Narrative Inquiry, Classroom Research & Classroom Discourse, and Photovoice;
Unity of Science:
Students will be able to implement Islamic values in their learning such as amanah, hardwork, and ihsan during learning process
and doing the tasks. Such values will be supported with fathanah that puts forward tawaduk, humble, and wise in arguing and
criticising the materials learned.
Learning Ethos:
Students will be able to identify their own skill and learning needs as a way to develop their learning autonomy and manage their
learning time. Additionally, they will be able to initiate their own learning and solve their learning problems by themselves or in
consultation with their peers or teacher.
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah This required course helps students to be familiar with the tenets of qualitative and quantitative research in English language
education in terms of approaches, designs, and procedures of different research designs, such as Case Study, Ethnographic
Classroom, Narrative Inquiry, Classroom Research & Classroom Discourse, and Photovoice for qualitative research designs. As
prospective language teachers, they need to become researcher practitioners who have critical awareness of how to develop their
professionalism and who use research tools for putting their practical theory into practice. United by the social constructivist
tradition, students will see qualitative and quantitative research as an avenue of researching their own classroom or teaching
practices. With this in mind, students can reframe or re-appropriate methodological orientations, which suit particular social
phenomena and contexts in the language education domain. Students will be involved in such learning tasks as: (1) academic
extensive reading, (2) critical article summary, (3) oral presentation, and (4) research proposal planning & drafting. Upon the
completion of the course, students are expected to gain a better understanding of language research paradigms and methods and
adopt one of the research paradigms/methods in their future research project. The output of the course will be a research matrix
Minggu Kemampuan yang Bentuk/Metode Waktu Pengalaman Belajar Mahasiswa Kriteria Penilaian dan Bobot
Bahan Kajian
ke diharapkan Pembelajaran Indikator Nilai
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 a. Understanding a. Visi misi; Course a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Reading Vision and Mission of Performance assessment %
and explaining overview-Syllabus learning with UIN Walisongo through:
the vision and & Course Contract; Zoom b. Explaining and discussing the a. Mentioning the
the mission of Future project; b. Lecturing vision and mission Visions and the
University, b. Research and Its c. Sharing/ class c. Negotiating and agreeing the missions of UIN
Faculty and Importance discussion course contract Walisongo, FITK, ELE
Department, d. Pair/group d. Defining the meanings of department, and
and course work research and take the key explaining their
content, course points integration with
contract. e. Explaining the importance of islamic values,
b. Explaining the conducting research science, and local
importance of f. Explaining the subjects/ areas wisdom
conducting of educational research b. Implementing course
research adn g. Writing reflection [LK. 1] contract, semester
the areas of program (RPS) and
educational lesson plan (SAP)
2 a. Explaining the The Process of a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Identifying the steps of a Performance assessment %
process of Research; learning with research process through:
research; Characteristic of Zoom b. Drawing a flowchart to tell a. Explaining the
b. Explaining the Qualitative vs. b. Lecturing the steps of the process of research;
characteristic of Quantitative c. Question and research process b. Explaining the
Qualitative and answer c. Differentiating characteristics characteristic of
Quantitative. d. Sharing/ class of qualitative and quantitative Qualitative and
discussion research. Quantitative research.
e. Pair/group d. Writing reflection [LK. 1]
3 a. Selecting a topic Choosing a research a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Identifying different topics of Performance assessment %
based on topic; learning with research through:
student’s phenomena/problem Zoom b. Examining a. Selecting a research
interest to investigate; what to b. Lecturing Phenomena/problem to topic that interest
research c. Question and investigate. students.
answer c. Discussing what to research b. Presenting a selected
d. Sharing/ class with peer and lecturer topic.
discussion d. Choosing a research topic that
e. Pair/group interest student individually.
work e. Writing reflection [LK. 1]
4 a. Navigating topic Navigation: Reviewing a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Identifying different reputable Performance assessment %
in reputable the Literature; learning with sources for research topic. through:
resources. students choose a topic Zoom b. Determining a research topic to a. Navigating a research
b. Examinning b. Lecturing be navigated. topic in reputable
sources for c. Question and c. Navigating research topic in resources.
selected topic. answer different reputable sources. b. Presenting sources
d. Sharing/ class d. Finding sources for selected found for a selected
discussion research topic. topic.
e. Pair/group e. Presenting related sources for
work selected topic individually
f. Presentation [LK.2]
f. Writing reflection. [LK. 1]
5 a. Identifying Identifying problems; a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Defining a research problem Performance assessment %
problems of Specifying a purpose learning with and explain its importance through:
research and Research Zoom in a study. a. Writing a purpose and
b. Specifying a Questions: formulating b. Lecturing b. Identifying criteria for deciding research questions.
purpose and research questions c. Question and whether a problem can and c. Presenting research
research answer should be researched. questions written.
question d. Sharing/ class c. Learning the elements in
c. Writing discussion writing a “statement of the
research e. Pair/group problem” section.
questions work d. Identifying strategies useful in
f. Presentation writing a “statement of the
problem” section.
e. Writing reflection. [LK. 1]
6 a. Collecting data Collecting data; a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Identifying the steps in Performance assessment 4%
of research; research standard and learning with collecting qualitative and through:
b. Explaining triangulation; ethics Zoom qualitative data. a. Classroom discussion
research with human b. Lecturing b. Identifying different sampling Involvement about
standard and participants; Analyzing c. Question and approaches to selecting Explaining research
triangulation; and interpreting answer participants and sites. data collection;
ethics with Qualitative and d. Sharing/ class c. Explaining research standard standard and
human Quantitative Data discussion and triangulation; triangulation; ethics
participants; e. Pair/group d. Describing the types of with human;
c. Analyzing and work permissions required to gain Analyzing and
interpreting f. Presentation access to participants and interpreting
Qualitative Data sites. Qualitative and
e. Explaining analysis and Quantitative Data
interpretation of qualitative
and quantitative data.
f. Writing reflection. [LK. 1]
7 a. Explaining case Case study: descriptive a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Defining case-study research, Performance assessment 4%
study design: & exploratory; learning with and describe when to use through:
descriptive & Ethnographic Zoom it, and how it developed. a. Explaining case study
exploratory; Classroom: Explaining b. Lecturing b. Identifying the types of case design: descriptive &
ethnographic designs and logical c. Question and study research designs. exploratory;
reading of text answer c. Describing the key b. Resuming &
mentors d. Sharing/ class characteristics of case study presenting designs
discussion research. and logical reading of
e. Pair/group d. Anticipating potential ethical text mentors.
work issues in case-study research.
f. Presentation e. Identifying the steps in
conducting case-study research.
f. Writing resume. [LK. 3]
8 a. Explaining Best Best Practice: a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Defining best-practice research, Performance assessment 4%
Practice Explaining designs and learning with and describe when to use it, and through:
logical reading of text Zoom how it developed. a. Explaining Best
mentors b. Lecturing b. Describe the key characteristics practice design
c. Question and of best practice research. c. Resuming &
answer c. Anticipate potential ethical Presenting designs
d. Sharing/ class issues in best-practice research. and logical reading of
discussion d. Identify the steps in conducting text mentors.
e. Pair/group best-practice research.
work e. Writing resume. [LK. 3]
f. Presentation
9 a. Explaining Narrative Inquiry: a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Defining narrative research, Performance assessment 35%
narrative Explaining designs and learning with and describing when to use it, through:
Inquiry logical reading of text Zoom and how it developed. a. Explaining narrative
research mentors b. Lecturing b. Identifying the types of inquiry research:
c. Question and narrative designs. descriptive &
answer c. Describing the key exploratory;
d. Sharing/ class characteristics of narrative b. Resuming &
discussion designs. Presenting designs
e. Pair/group d. Identifying some potential and logical reading of
work ethical issues in gathering text mentors.
f. Presentation stories.
e. Understanding the steps used
in conducting narrative
f. Listing criteria for evaluating a
narrative study.
g. Writing resume. [LK. 3]
10 a. Explaining Classroom Research & a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Defining classroom research Performance assessment
classroom Discourse: Explaining learning with and discourse, and describing through:
research and designs and logical Zoom when to use it, and how it a. Explaining classroom
discourse reading of text b. Lecturing developed. research and
mentors c. Question and b. Identifying the types of discourse;
answer classroom research and b. Resuming &
d. Sharing/ class discourse. Presenting designs
discussion c. Describing the key and logical reading of
e. Pair/group characteristics of classroom text mentors.
work research and discourse.
f. Presentation d. Understanding the steps used
in conducting classroom
research and discourse.
e. Listing criteria for evaluating
classroom research and
f. Writing resume. [LK. 3]
11 a. Explaining Photovoice: Explaining a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Defining photovoice, and Performance assessment
photovoice designs and logical learning with describing when to use it, and through:
reading of text Zoom how it developed. a. Explaining
mentors b. Lecturing b. Identifying the types of photovoice;
c. Question and photovoice. b. Resuming &
answer c. Describing the key Presenting designs
d. Sharing/ class characteristics of photovoice. and logical reading of
discussion d. Understanding the steps used text mentors.
e. Pair/group in conducting photovoice.
work e. Listing criteria for evaluating a
f. Presentation photovoice.
f. Writing resume. [LK. 3]
12-14 a. Drafting Explaination of matix a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Learning structure of research Performance assessment
research matrix; template; Designing learning with matrix and proposal through:
b. Selecting research matrix and Zoom b. Proposing issue of investigation a. Writing research
references for selected references b. Lecturing c. Selecting references for proposal draft.
research c. Question and research
c. Writing answer d. Conceptualizing rsearch
research matrix; d. Sharing/ class proposal draft
discussion e. Discussing the research
e. Presentation proposal draft
f. Writing research proposal draft
[LK. 4]
15-16 a. Discussing and Presenting research a. Synchronous 3X100’ a. Presenting research matrix and Performance assessment
Submitting matrix and selected learning with proposal draft through:
research matrix references Zoom b. Discussing the draft a. Submitting research
draft b. Lecturing c. Revising the draft proposal draft.
c. Question and d. Submitting the draft
d. Sharing/ class
e. Presentation
1. Creswell, J.W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Boston:
2. McKay, S.L. (2006). Researching Second Language Classrooms. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
3. Ary, D., Jacobs, L.S., & Sorensen (2010). Introduction to Research in Education (8th Edn.). United States: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
4. Coia, L. and Taylor, M. (2009). Co/autoethnography: Exploring Our Teaching Selves Collaboratively. In J. Loughran, M.L. Heston, L.M.
Fitzgerald (Eds.). Research Methods for the Self-Study of Practice . USA: Springer.
5. Chiu-Ching, R.T., and Chan, E.Y. (2009). Teaching and Learning Through Narrative Inquiry. In J. Loughran, M.L. Heston, L.M. Fitzgerald
(Eds.). Research Methods for the Self-Study of Practice . USA: Springer.
a) https://www.emeraldinsight.com/
b) https://www.tandfonline.com/
c) https://journals.sagepub.com/
d) https://www.sciencedirect.com/
e) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/
f) https://www.cambridge.org/core/
g) https://academic.oup.com/journals
h) https://link.springer.com/
i) oatd.org
j) https://ethos.bl.uk