Science Chapter 1
Science Chapter 1
Science Chapter 1
aheli and Boojho went to their
uncle’s house during the summer
vacation. Their uncle is a farmer.
One day they saw some tools like khurpi, Food has to be
Farming tools- sickle, shovel, plough, etc., in the field. produced on a large
variety of crops grown in different parts to as agricultural practices which are
of the country. Despite this diversity, listed below:
two broad cropping patterns can be
(i) Preparation of soil
identified. These are:
(ii) Sowing
(i) Kharif Crops : The crops which are (iii) Adding manure and fertilisers
sown in the rainy season are called (iv) Irrigation
kharif crops. The rainy season in India (v) Protecting from weeds
is generally from June to September. (vi) Harvesting
Paddy, maize, soyabean, groundnut and
laid crops (vii) Storage
are crops cotton are kharif crops.
that are (ii) Rabi Crops : The crops grown in the
sown between winter season (October to March) are
1.3 Preparation of Soil
the summer called rabi crops. Examples of rabi The preparation of soil is the first step
between crops are wheat, gram, pea, mustard before growing a crop. One of the most
these 2 types and linseed. important tasks in agriculture is to turn
of season. Besides these, pulses and vegetables the soil and loosen it. This allows the
(march, are grown during summer at many roots to penetrate deep into the soil. The
april, loose soil allows the roots to breathe
approx.) easily even when they go deep into the
muskmelon, 1.2 Basic Practices of Crop soil. Why does the loosening of soil allow
watermelon, veggies, Production the roots to breathe easily?
The loosened soil helps in the growth
of earthworms and microbes present in
the soil. These organisms are friends of
the farmer since they further turn and
loosen the soil and add humus to it.
Why paddy can not be
grown in the winter season? But why the soil needs to be turned and
You have learnt in the previous
classes that soil contains minerals,
water, air and some living organisms.
Paddy requires a lot of In addition, dead plants and animals
water. Therefore, it is grown get decomposed by soil organisms. In
only in the rainy season. this way, various nutrients in the dead
organisms are released back into the
Cultivation of crops involves several soil. These nutrients are again absorbed
activities undertaken by farmers over a by plants.
period of time. You may find that these Since only a few centimetres of the
activities are similar to those carried out top layer of soil supports plant growth,
by a gardener or even by you when you turning and loosening of soil brings the
grow ornamental plants in your house. nutrient-rich soil to the top so that
These activities or tasks are referred plants can use these nutrients. Thus,
turning and loosening of soil is very Plough : This is being used since
important for cultivation of crops. ancient times for tilling the soil, adding
The process of loosening and turning fertilisers to the crop, removing the weeds
of the soil is called tilling or ploughing. and turning the soil. This is made of
This is done by using a plough. Ploughs wood and is drawn by a pair of bulls or
are made of wood or iron. If the soil is other animals (horses and camels). It
very dry, it may need watering before contains a strong triangular iron strip
ploughing. The ploughed field may have called ploughshare. The main part of the
big clumps of soil called crumbs. It is plough is a long log of wood which is
necessary to break these crumbs. called a ploughshaft. There is a handle
Levelling the field is beneficial for at one end of the shaft. The other end is
sowing as well as for irrigation. Levelling attached to a beam which is placed on
of soil is done with the help of a leveller. the bulls’ necks. One pair of bulls and a
Sometimes, manure is added to the man can easily operate the plough
soil before tilling. This helps in proper [Fig. 1.1 (a)].
mixing of manure with soil. The soil is
The indigenous wooden plough is
moistened before sowing.
increasingly being replaced by iron
Agricultural Implements ploughs nowadays.
Before sowing the seeds, it is necessary to Hoe : It is a simple tool which is used
break soil clumps to get better yield. This for removing weeds and for loosening
is done with the help of various tools. the soil. It has a long rod of wood or
The main tools used for this purpose are iron. A strong, broad and bent plate of
the plough, hoe and cultivator. iron is fixed to one of its ends and
works like a blade. It is pulled by Activity 1.1
animals [Fig. 1.1 (b)].
Take a beaker and fill half of it
grip beam with water. Put a handful of wheat
seeds and stir well. Wait for some
bent plate
Are there seeds which float on
Fig. 1.1 (b) : A hoe water? Would those be lighter or
heavier than those which sink? Why
Cultivator : Nowadays ploughing is would they be lighter? Damaged seeds
done by tractor-driven cultivator. The become hollow and are thus lighter.
use of cultivator saves labour and time. Therefore, they float on water.
[Fig. 1.1 (c)]. This is a good method for
separating good, healthy seeds from
the damaged ones.
Before sowing, one of the important
tasks is to know about the tools used
for sowing seeds [Fig. 1.2 (a), (b)].
Traditional tool : The tool used
traditionally for sowing seeds is
shaped like a funnel [Fig. 1.2 (a)]. The
Fig. 1.1 (c) : Cultivator driven by a tractor seeds are filled into the funnel,
passed down through two or three
1.4 Sowing pipes having sharp ends. These
Sowing is an important part of crop ends pierce into the soil and place
production. Before sowing, good quality, seeds there.
clean and healthy seeds of a good
variety—are selected. Farmers prefer to
use seeds which give high yield.
Selection of Seeds
sufficient sunlight, nutrients and water
from the soil. At times a few plants
may have to be removed to prevent
Activity 1.2 better growth of plants? In which glass
was the growth fastest?
Take moong or gram seeds and Fertilisers are chemicals which are
germinate them. Select three equal
rich in a particular nutrient. How are
sized seedlings. Take three empty
they different from manure? Fertilisers
glasses or similar vessels. Mark them
are produced in factories. Some
A, B and C. To glass A add little
amount of soil mixed with a little cow examples of fertilisers are— urea,
dung manure. In glass B put the ammonium sulphate, super
same amount of soil mixed with a phosphate, potash, NPK (Nitrogen,
little urea. Take the same amount Phosphorus, Potassium).
of soil in glass C without adding The use of fertilisers has helped
anything [Fig. 1.3(a)]. Now pour the farmers to get better yield of crops
same amount of water in each glass such as wheat, paddy and maize. But
and plant the seedlings in them. excessive use of fertilisers has made
Keep them in a safe place and water the soil less fertile. Fertilisers have also
them daily. After 7 to 10 days become a source of water pollution.
observe their growth [Fig. 1.3(b)]. Therefore, in order to maintain the
fertility of the soil, we have to
substitute fertilisers with organic
manure or leave the field uncultivated
(fallow) in between two crops.
The use of manure improves soil
texture as well as its water retaining
capacity. It replenishes the soil with
Another method of replenishing
Fig. 1.3 (a) : Preparation of the experiment
the soil with nutrients is through crop
rotation. This can be done by growing
different crops alternately. Earlier,
farmers in northern India used to
grow legumes as fodder in one season
and wheat in the next season. This
helped in the replenishment of the soil
with nitrogen. Farmers are being
encouraged to adopt this practice.
In the previous classes, you have
Fig. 1.3 (b) : Growing seedlings with manure
and fertiliser
learnt about Rhizobium bacteria.
These are present in the nodules of
Did plants in all the glasses grow at roots of leguminous plants. They fix
the same pace? Which glass showed atmospheric nitrogen.
Table 1.1 : Differences between Fertiliser and Manure
3. Fertiliser does not provide Manure provides a lot of humus to the soil.
any humus to the soil.
Table 1.1 gives the differences protects the crop from both frost and
between a fertiliser and manure. hot air currents. To maintain the
moisture of the soil for healthy crop
Advantages of Manure : The organic
growth, fields have to be watered
manure is considered better than
fertilisers. This is because
The supply of water to crops at
l it enhances the water holding regular intervals is called irrigation. The
capacity of the soil. time and frequency of irrigation varies
l it makes the soil porous due to which from crop to crop, soil to soil and season
exchange of gases becomes easy. to season. In summer, the frequency of
l it increases the number of friendly watering is higher. Why is it so? Could
microbes. it be due to the increased rate of
l it improves the texture of the soil. evaporation of water from the soil and
the leaves?
1.6 Irrigation
All living beings need water to live.
Water is important for proper growth I am very careful this
and development. Water is absorbed by year about watering
the plant roots. Along with water, the plants. Last
minerals and fertilisers are also summer my plants
absorbed. Plants contain nearly 90% dried up and died.
water. Water is essential because
germination of seeds does not take place Sources of irrigation : The sources of
under dry conditions. Nutrients water for irrigation are— wells,
dissolved in water are transported to tubewells, ponds, lakes, rivers, dams
each part of the plant. Water also and canals.
Traditional Methods of
The water available in wells,
lakes and canals is lifted up
by different methods in
different regions, for taking it
to the fields.
Cattle or human labour is
used in these methods. So
these methods are cheaper,
but less efficient. The various
traditional ways are:
(i) moat (pulley -system)
(ii) chain pump
Modern Methods of
Modern methods of irrigation
help us to use water
economically. The main
methods used are as follows:
(i) Sprinkler System: This
system is more useful on the
uneven land where sufficient
water is not available. The
perpendicular pipes, having
rotating nozzles on top, are
joined to the main pipeline
Fig. 1.5 (a) : Sprinkler system
at regular intervals. When
water is allowed to flow
through the main pipe under pressure (ii) Drip system : In this system, the
with the help of a pump, it escapes from water falls drop by drop directly near
the rotating nozzles. It gets sprinkled the roots. So it is called drip system. It
on the crop as if it is raining. is the best technique for watering fruit
Sprinkler is very useful for lawns, coffee plants, gardens and trees [Fig. 1.5(b)].
plantation and several other crops Water is not wasted at all. It is a boon in
[Fig. 1.5 (a)]. regions where availability of water is poor.
1.7 Protection from Weeds
Boojho and Paheli went to a nearby
wheat field and saw that there were some
other plants in the field, growing along
with wheat plants.
from the chaff. This process is called Harvest Festivals
threshing. This is carried out with the
help of a machine called ‘combine’ which After three or four months of hard
work there comes the day of the
is in fact a harvester as well as a thresher
harvest. The sight of golden fields
(Fig. 1.8). of standing crop, laden with grain,
fills the hearts of farmers with joy
a n d a s e n s e o f w e l l -b e i n g . T h e
efforts of the past season have
borne fruit and it is time to relax
and enjoy a little. The period of
harvest is, thus, of great joy and
happiness in all parts of India.
Men and women celebrate it with
great enthusiasm. Special
festivals associated with the
h a r v e s t s e a s o n are P o n g a l ,
Baisakhi, Holi, Diwali, Nabanya
Fig. 1.8 : Combine and Bihu.
1.9 Storage
After harvesting, sometimes
Storage of produce is an important task.
stubs are left in the field, which
are burnt by farmers. Paheli is If the harvested grains are to be kept
worried. She knows that it for longer time, they should be safe
causes pollution. It may also from moisture, insects, rats and
catch fire and damage the crops microorganisms. Harvested grains have
lying in the fields. more moisture. If freshly harvested
grains (seeds) are stored without drying,
Farmers with small holdings of land
they may get spoilt or attacked by
do the separation of grain and chaff by
organisms, making them unfit for use
winnowing (Fig. 1.9). You have already
studied this in Class VI. or for germination. Hence, before
storing them, the grains are properly
dried in the sun to reduce the moisture
in them. This prevents the attack by
insect pests, bacteria and fungi.
Fig. 1.10 (a) : Silos for storage of grains 1.10 Food from Animals
Activity 1.3
Make the following Table in your
note book and complete it.
S.No. Food Sources
AGRICULTURAL Ü In order to provide food to our growing
PRACTICES population, we need to adopt certain
agricultural practices.
Ü Same kind of plants cultivated at a place
CROP constitute a crop.
Ü In India, crops can be broadly categorised into
two types based on seasons - rabi and kharif
Ü It is necessary to prepare soil by tilling and
HARVESTING levelling. Ploughs and levellers are used for
this purpose.
Ü Sowing of seeds at appropriate depths and
KHARIF distances gives good yield. Good variety of
seeds are sown after selection of healthy seeds.
MANURE Sowing is done by seed drills.
Ü Soil needs replenishment and enrichment
through the use of organic manure and
RABI fertilisers. Use of chemical fertilisers has
increased tremendously with the introduction
SEEDS of new crop varieties.
Ü Supply of water to crops at appropriate
intervals is called irrigation.
SOWING Ü Weeding involves removal of unwanted and
uncultivated plants called weeds.
STORAGE Ü Harvesting is the cutting of the mature crop
manually or by machines.
Ü Separation of the grains from the chaff is called
WEEDS threshing.
Ü Proper storage of grains is necessary to protect
WEEDICIDE them from pests and microorganisms.
Ü Food is also obtained from animals for which
animals are reared. This is called animal
1. Select the correct word from the following list and fill in the blanks.
float, water, crop, nutrients, preparation
(a) The same kind of plants grown and cultivated on a large scale at a
place is called _____________.
(b) The first step before growing crops is _____________ of the soil.
(c) Damaged seeds would _____________ on top of water.
(d) For growing a crop, sufficient sunlight and _____________ and
_____________ from the soil are essential.
2. Match items in column A with those in column B.
10. Arrange the following boxes in proper order to make a flow chart of
sugarcane crop production.
Sending crop to
Irrigation Harvesting Sowing
sugar factory
1 2 3 4
5 6 7
11. Complete the following word puzzle with the help of clues given below.
1. Providing water to the crops.
2. Keeping crop grains for a long time under proper conditions.
5. Certain plants of the same kind grown on a large scale.
3. A machine used for cutting the matured crop.
4. A rabi crop that is also one of the pulses.
6. A process of separating the grain from chaff.
(iii) effect of extreme cold and extreme hot weather on the plants.
(iv) effect of continuous rain on the plants.
(v) fertilisers/manure used.