KINGSTON - On Discovery
KINGSTON - On Discovery
KINGSTON - On Discovery
Once upon a time, a man, named Tang Ao, looking for the Gold Mountain, crossed an
ocean, and came upon the Land of Women. The women immediately captured him not on
guard against ladies. When they asked Tang Ao to come along, he followed; if he had had
male companions, he would've winked over his shoulder.
"We have to prepare you to meet the queen," the women said. They locked him in a
canopied apartment equipped with pots of makeup, mirrors, and a woman's clothes. "Let us
help you off with your armour and boots, " said the women. They slipped his coat off his
shoulders, pulled it down his arms, and shackled his wrists behind him. The women who
kneeled to take off his shoes chained his ankles together.
A door opened, and he expected to meet his match, but it was only two old women
with sewing boxes in their hands. "The less you struggle, the less it'll hurt," one said,
squinting a bright eye as she threaded her needle. Two captors sat on him while another
held his head He felt an old woman's dry fingers trace his ear; the long nail on her little
finger scraped his neck. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Sewing your lips together," she
joked, blackening needles in a candle flame. The ones who sat on him bounced with
laughter. But the old women did not sew his lips together. They pulled his earlobes taut and
jabbed a needle through each of them. They had to poke and probe before puncturing the
layers of' skin correctly, the hole in the front of the lobe in line with the one in back, the
layers of skin sliding about so. They worked the needle through - a last jerk for the needle' s
wide eye ("needle' s nose" in Chinese). They strung his raw flesh with silk threads; he could
feel the fibres.
The women who sat on him turned to direct their attention to his feet. They bent his
toes so far backward that his arched foot cracked. The old ladies squeezed each foot and
broke many tiny bones along the sides. They gathered his toes, toes over and under one
another like a knot of ginger root. Tang Ao wept with pain. As they wound the bandages
tight and tighter around his feet, the women sang footbinding songs to distract him: "Use
aloe for binding feet and not for scholars. "
During the months of a season, they fed him on women's food: the tea was thick with
white chrysanthemums and stirred the cool female winds inside his body; chicken wings
made his hair shine; vinegar soup improved his womb. They drew the loops of thread
through the scabs that grew daily over the holes in his earlobes. One day they inserted gold
hoops. Every night they unbound his feet, but his veins had shrunk, and the blood pumping
through them hurt so much, he begged to have his feet re-wrapped tight. They forced him
to wash his used bandages, which were embroidered with flowers and smelled of rot and
cheese. He hung the bandages up to dry, streamers that drooped and draped wall to wall.
He felt embarrassed; the wrappings were like underwear, and they were his.
One day his attendants changed his gold hoops to jade studs and strapped his feet to
shoes that curved like bridges. They plucked out each hair on his face, powdered him white
painted his eyebrows like a moth's wings, painted his cheeks and lips red. He served a meal
at the queen's court. His hips swayed and his shoulders swivelled because of his shaped feet
"She's pretty, don't you agree?" the diners said, smacking their lips at his dainty feet as he
bent to put dishes before them.
In the Women's Land there are no taxes and no wars. Some scholars say that that
country was discovered during the reign of Empress Wu (A.D. 694 - 705), and some say
earlier 45 than that, A.D. 441, and it was in North America.