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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 2 MB0044-Production & Operations Management

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Master of Business Administration MBA Semester 2 MB0044Production & operations Management

Assignment Set- 1 Q.1 What are the components of systems productivity? Explain how CAD and CIM help in improving productivity. Production management encompasses all activities which go into conversion of a sate of inputs into outputs which are useful to meet human needs. It involves the identification of the perquisite materials, knowledge of the processes, and installation of equipments necessary to convert or transform the materials to products. System productivity is generally expressed as the ratio of outputs to inputs. Productivity can be calculated for a single operation, a functional unit, a department division or a plant. It is a measure of the efficiency of the system and looks at the economies achieved during the processes. Every process will have number of contributors which help in achieving maximum productivity which are: people, machines, facilitating goods, ancillary equipments and technology. Each of these elements attempts to enhance the contribution of other elements. Enhancement of productivity is achieved by either reducing the inputs for the same output or increasing the output by using the same input. Opportunities exist at all stages of the workflow in the entire system to introduce measures for increasing productivity. However in actual manufacturing situations, the inefficiencies will have cascading effect in hampering productivity. Communication, effective review processes and innovative methods will ensure optimization of resources. Building up reliability into the equipments, managing the supply chain to economize on the cost factors improves productivity. Quality circles are very efficient in incorporating low cost and non-intrusive methods of improving productivity and quality throughout the organization. Computer Aided Design (CAD) Designs of products are increasingly depending on Computer Aided Design (CAD). It is an electronic system for designing new parts or products or altering existing ones, replacing drafting traditionally done by hand. The designs are made using powerful desktop computers and graphics software. Designer can create drawings and view them from any angle on a display monitor. Images of different components can be seen as assembled; sections taken and relative positions can be checked to great accuracies. Views can be made from different angles and positions, so that the visualization process of the designed component/product helps the designer to suggest alternatives to the customer and the production department.

For example, the many design specifications, blueprints, material lists, and other documents needed to build complex machines can require thousands of highly technical and accurate drawings and charts. If the engineers decide structural components need to be changed, all of these plans and drawings must be changed. Prior to CAD, human designers and draftspersons had to change them manually, a time consuming and errorprone process. When a CAD system is used, the computer can automatically evaluate and change all corresponding documents instantly. In addition, by using interactive graphics workstations, designers, engineers, and architects can create models or drawings, increase or decrease sizes, rotate or change them at will, and see results instantly on screen. The drawings can be sent via intranet or internet to the concerned persons and their opinions taken. Corrections and incorporations can be made very quickly. The computer can also simulate the reaction of a part to strength and stress tests. Using the design data stored in the computers memory, manufacturing engineers and other users can quickly obtain printouts of plans and specifications for a part or product. The software can generate the volume, weights of components as also other engineering parameters like centre of gravity, deflections under estimated loads and various other design parameters on complicated forms, either for single components or assemblies. Laborious mechanical drawings or complicated calculations need not be drawn for people using this software. The database can be prepared, updated continuously and their access to executives controlled. Analysts use CAD to store, retrieve and classify data about various parts.

Design of car using CAD

CAD is particularly valuable in space programs, where many unknown design variables are involved. Previously, engineers depended upon trialand-error testing and modification, a time consuming and possibly lifethreatening process. However, when aided by computer simulation and testing, a great deal of time, money, and possibly lives can be saved. Besides its use in the military, CAD is also used in civil aeronautics, automotive, and data processing industries.

CAD helps to increase the efficiency of a designers work. This aids in reducing the time required for making a design or modifying a product and thus concept market period gets dramatically cut. This implementation also cuts the cost of production development and sharply reduces the time to market new products. It saves time by enabling designers to access and modify old designs quickly rather than start from scratch. CAD is revolutionizing in-house design departments. Many large companies such as IBM, Rubbermaid, AT&T and Steelcase are opting for investing CAD in their organizations.

Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), a term popularized by Joseph Harrington in 1975, is also known as autofacturing. CIM is a programmable manufacturing method designed to link CAD, CAM, industrial robotics, and machine manufacturing using unattended processing workstations. CIM offers uninterrupted operation from raw materials to finished product, with the added benefits of quality assurance and automated assembly. Integration occurs when a broad range of manufacturing and supporting activities are linked. CIM is the complete automation of a manufacturing plant, with all processes functioning under computer control and digital information tying them together. The three major functions in manufacturing are production, design and management function. Production function converts resources into products. The design function transforms customer specifications into design. Finally the management function plan and control production activities. The three computer aids in CIM are: 1. Computer aid to the production function (automated flow of materials) 2. Computer aid to the design function (automated flow of technological information) 3. Computer aid to the management function (automated flow of managerial information) When it comes to production, CIMs are included in different areas of production process such as in engineering design, production planning, shop control, order processing, material control, distribution and many other areas. Information flow across all the functions takes place with the help of computers. Transmission, processing, distribution and feedback happen almost in real time so that intended activities are conducted rapidly.

CIM related activities

CIM helps in rapid production and also reduces indirect costs. CIM uses computers to control the entire production process. This integration allows the processes to exchange information with each other and thus they become capable of initiating actions. As response, time decreases, customer satisfaction increases resulting in better business. CIM helps in avoiding accumulation of materials resulting in better throughput and better utilization of space. Bar coded labels that accompany materials contain instructions for processing them which are read by sensing devices and display the status on monitors. This information is available to all concerned personnel responsible in planning, marketing and other activities so that they will be aware of the status of any order. If expediting is needed to meet deadlines, they will be able to seek intervention. Identifying shortages and ensuring faster deliveries become easy with CIM. Thus, CIM is an important aspect of technology in manufacturing. Almost 40% of manufacturing companies are now using one or more elements of CIM technology. Q.2 What do you understand by industry best practice? Briefly explain different types of Benchmarking. Each industry would have developed over years or decades. During this development materials would have changed and processes would have changed. As all products or services are meant to serve needs of the customers, they undergo continuous changes both in shapes and features. Materials and methods go on improving incessantly because of the research that is conducted. The companies that were at the front innovate to stay in business as new entrants would be adopting the latest techniques that the pioneers had taken decades to establish. So, the

various firms in any industry would end up adopting almost similar methods of getting an output required. Such practices would get refined to a great extent giving rise to what we call industry best practices. These tend to get stabilized or changed owing to the development of new equipments which are designed. A manufacturer, with an eye on growing markets, demands for higher quality and reduced prices. Competition benefits those who can use all these to their advantage. Industry best practices open up the field for benchmarking by companies which need to improve their performance. Pragmatic bench marking Pragmatic bench marking is a method of measuring a companys processes, methods, and procedures; in a way that all functions in great detail. Benchmarking is used to understand how these got into the system and what circumstances brought them about. It is a learning process, with a view to find out whether some of the reasons have changed and to bring in new processes for improvement. The metrics that could be used are the: Number of pieces per hour Cost per unit Number of breakdowns per week Customer alienation during a week Return on investment Number of returns from customers in a month Inventory turnover Many others

The figures obtained from the above determine the efficiency of the organization. To keep focused, many organizations, especially the large ones, select a few processes for purposes of benchmarking. This helps in ensuring constant and deep attention to those aspects which are to be dealt with. The following are the types of benchmarking considered by various firms. Process Benchmarking Business Process: the initiating firm focuses its observation and investigation of business processes with a goal of identifying and observing the best practices from one or more benchmark firms. Activity analysis will be required where the objective is to benchmark cost and efficiency; increasingly applied to back-office processes where outsourcing may be a consideration.

Financial Benchmarking: performing a financial analysis and comparing the results in an effort to assess your overall competitiveness and productivity. Performance Benchmarking: allows the initiator firm to assess their competitive position by comparing products and services with those of target firms. Product Benchmarking: the process of designing new products or upgrades to current ones. This process can sometimes involve reverse engineering which is taking apart competitors products to find strengths and weaknesses. Strategic Benchmarking: involves observing how others compete. This type is usually not industry specific, meaning it is best to look at other industries. Functional Benchmarking: a company will focus its benchmarking on a single function to improve the operation of that particular function. Complex functions such as Human Resources, Finance and Accounting and Information and Communication Technology are unlikely to be directly comparable in cost and efficiency terms and may need to be disaggregated into processes to make valid comparison. Best-in-class benchmarking: involves studying the leading competitor or the company that best carries out a specific function. Operational benchmarking: embraces everything from staffing and productivity to office flow and analysis of procedures performed. Benchmarking from an investor perspective: extending the benchmarking universe to also compare to peer companies that can be considered alternative investment opportunities from the perspective of an investor. Tools like Pareto Analysis (an example is shown in figure below) are used to make the choice or choices from among many aspects in any one of the above categories.

Example of Pareto Analysis

Planning, Analysis, Integration, and Action are the four steps recognized in the process of benchmarking. The select criteria are compared with the performance parameters of the company which is considered the best in the industry. Targets are set and activities are conducted to reach them. Let us discuss in detail, about the steps which are necessary for conducting a benchmarking operation. 1. Planning: Planning determines the process, service or the product to be benchmarked on which metrics are assigned for collection of data. 2. Analysis: Analyzed data gives inputs for comparison with the target companys performance on the parameter benchmark on which data was collected. Measuring gaps helps in identifying the process which should be improved for reaching the benchmark. 3. Integration: Resources are required across all functions to achieve the target needs. Integration involves putting together resources like people, equipments, and communication, so that, progress is unhindered and all activities reach their logical conclusions without loss of initiative or time. 4. Action: When changes are needed, actions have to be planned according to the steps earlier stated. Teams are provided with necessary leadership, authority, and supporting facilities to enable them to complete all activities within the time frame set for the purpose. Since benchmarking is done in specific areas, it is necessary to maintain the focus, and implement actions without losing initiative, so that, results become demonstrable.

A systematic approach to waste reduction is explained using Alan Robinsons 5W2H method. 5W2H method is the modified version of Goal The Famous 5W1H method. A Systematic Approach to Waste Reduction (Cambridge, MA: Productivity Press 1991-Page 246) is explained in Table below. (See Figure below Alan Robinsons 5W2H method)
Table: Systematic approach to waste reduction

Category Subject Purpose Location

5W2H What Why Where

Typical Questions What is being done?

Sequence People Method Cost

When Who How How much

Goal Identify the focus of analysis Why is this necessary? Eliminate unnecessary tasks Where is it being Improve the location cone? Why is it done there? Is there a better place? When is it being done? Improve the Would it be better to sequence do it at another time? Who is doing it? Improve the output Could someone else do it better? How is it being done? Simplify/Improve Is there a better way? tasks/methods How much does it cost Effect cost reductions now? What would be the new cost?

Figure: Alan Robinsons 5W2H method

It is necessary to set achievable targets keeping in view the availability of resources, technology, and to spread awareness about the importance of what is attempted, and how success improves the image of the company.

This approach is recommended by the Total Quality Management (TQM) guru Edwards Deming. His expression is make them proud. This approach can be called pragmatic, because building up knowledge based analysis of data, and achieving the targets, set the tone of continuous improvement, and move the organisation towards excellence, which was the reason we started benchmarking. Many times benchmarking is done internally. When an enterprise has a number of plants, and some of them adopt similar processes, it is likely that one group may have developed techniques and methodologies of doing them better than others. Internal benchmarking is resorted to as a measure of identifying strengths in the organisation. By internal benchmarking, knowledge, and skills are shared and complemented taking the organisation to a leadership position. Q.3 List out the various automated systems for transfer of materials in the production plant. What do you understand by Line Balancing? Explain with an example. Automated Flow Lines When several automated machines are linked by a transfer system which moves the parts by using handling machines which are also automated, we have an automated flow line. After completing an operation on a machine, the semi-finished parts are moved to the next machine in the sequence determined by the process requirements and a flow line is established. The parts at various stages from raw material to ready for fitment or assembly are processed continuously to attain the required shapes or acquire special properties to enable them to perform desired functions. The materials need to be moved, held, rotated, lifted, and positioned for completing different operations. Sometimes, a few of the operations can be done on a single machine with a number of attachments. They are moved further to other machines for performing further operations. Human intervention may be needed to verify that the operations are taking place according to standards. When these can be achieved with the help of automation and the processes are conducted with self regulation, we will have automated flow lines established. (See Figure below Automated flow lines)

Automated flow lines

The main consideration is to balance times that different machines take to complete the operations assigned to them. It is necessary to design the machines in such a way that, the operation times are the same throughout the sequence in the flow of the martial. In fixed automation or hard automation, where one component is manufactured using several operations and machines, it is possible to achieve this condition. We assume that product life cycles are sufficiently stable to invest heavily on the automated flow lines to achieve reduced cost per unit. The global trends are favoring flexibility in the manufacturing systems. The costs involved in changing the set up of automated flow lines are high. So, automated flow lines are considered only when the product is required to be made in high volumes over a relatively long period. Designers now incorporate flexibility in the machines which will take care of small changes in dimensions by making adjustments or minor changes in the existing machine or layout. The change in movements needed can be achieved by programming the machines. Provisions for extra pallets or tool holders or conveyors are made in the original design to accommodate anticipated changes. The logic to be followed is to find out whether the reduction in cost per piece justifies the costs of designing, manufacturing, and setting up automated flow lines. Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing along with conventional Product and Process Layouts are still resorted to, as they allow flexibility for the production system. As the methodologies of JIT and Lean Manufacturing have become important and relevant in manufacturing, many companies have realized that well designed flow lines suit their purpose well. Flow lines compel engineers to put in place equipments that balance their production rates. It is not possible to think of inventories (Work In Process) in a flow line.


Bottlenecks cannot be permitted. By necessity, every bottleneck gets focused upon and solutions found to ease them. Production managers see every bottleneck as an opportunity to hasten the flow and reduce inventories. However, it is important to note that setting up automated flow lines will not be suitable for many industries. Automated Assembly Lines All equipments needed to make a finished product are laid out in such a way as to follow the sequence in which the parts or sub-assemblies are put together and fitted. Usually, a frame, body, base will be the starting point of an assembly. The frame itself consists of a construction made up of several components and would have been assembled or fabricated in a separate bay or plant and brought to the assembly line. All parts or sub-assemblies are fitted to enable the product to be in readiness to perform the function it was designed to. This process is called assembly. Methodologies of achieving the final result may vary, but the basic principle is to fit all parts together and ensure linkages so that their functions are integrated and give out the desired output. (See Figure below) Product Layouts are designed so that the assembly tasks are performed in the sequence they are designed. You will note that the same task gets repeated at each station continuously. The finished item comes out at the end of the line.



Layout for the assembly lines

Line Balancing Assembly lines are best suited for the study and analysis of the line balancing problem, called Assembly Line Balancing (ALB). Line and work cell balancing is an effective tool to improve the throughput of assembly lines and work cells while reducing manpower requirements and costs. Assembly Line Balancing, or simply Line Balancing (LB), is the problem of assigning operations to workstations along an assembly line, in such a way that the assignment be optimal in some sense. Ever since Henry Fords introduction of assembly lines, LB has been an optimization problem of significant industrial importance: the efficiency difference between an optimal and a sub-optimal assignment can yield economies (or waste) reaching millions of dollars per year. LB is a classic Operations Research (OP) optimization problem, having been tackled by OR over several decades. Many algorithms have been proposed for the problem. Yet despite the practical importance of the problem and the OR efforts that have been made to tackle it, little commercially available software is available to help industry in optimizing their lines. In fact, according to a recent survey by Becker and Scholl (2004), there appear to be currently just two commercially available packages featuring both a state of the art optimization algorithm and a

user-friendly interface for data management. Furthermore, one of those packages appears to handle only the clean formulation of the problem (Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem, or SALBP), which leaves only one package available for industries such as automotive. This situation appears to be paradoxical, or at least unexpected: given the huge economies LB can generate, one would expect several software packages vying to grab a part of those economies. A typical example is operations that require the vehicle to be elevated above the operators: such operations can only be assigned to workstations with enough space to contain the elevated vehicle. Zoning constraints are typical in the automotive industry any algorithm to be applied there must support them. Ghosh and Gagnon categorized the ALB problems into four categories Single Model Deterministic, Single Model Stochastic, Multi/Mixed Model Deterministic, and Multi/Mixed Model Stochastic. 1. Single Model Deterministic (SMD): SMD model assumes that, the one product that passes through the dedicated line has all tasks times known. This model is useful when automatic machines or operations have their times predictable with certainty. 2. Single Model Stochastic (SMS): SMS model allows the task times to be variable. This is applicable when a single product goes through machines where manual content is more, and the operations do not have definite periods. Determining locations and sizes of buffers required to keep the throughput is the purpose of this model. 3. Multi/Mixed Model Deterministic (MMD): In MMD case, task times are known, but we have many products that go through the line. The products are assembled in batches. 4. Multi/Mixed Model Stochastic (MMS): Here, the task times are variable and we have many products that go through the production line. The problem of balancing such lines is more. Decomposition of the assembly into sub-assemblies, and having advanced handling equipment may help to make inventories small and keeping the flow line smooth. Generally, the criteria for all the above cases are technical and economic ones. The technical criterion seeks to maximize the line efficiency, that is, throughput. The economic criteria can be minimized by minimizing the: Number of workstations Number of operators Quantum of buffers

Many times, a trade-off may be necessary. It is for the operations manager to balance between the two competing requirements.


Q.4 Explain the different types of Quality Control Tools with examples? How do Crosbys absolutes of quality differ from Demings principles? Quality control tools Flow Chart, Check sheet, Histogram, Pareto Analysis, Scatter Diagram, Control Chart, and Cause and Effect Diagram are the basic seven control tools considered for achieving quality. (See below Figure for Quality control tools)

Quality control tools 1. Flow Chart: Flow chart is a visual representation of process showing the various steps. It helps in locating the points at which a problem exists or an improvement is possible. Detailed data can be collected, analyzed, and methods for correction can be developed using flow charts. The various steps include: Listing out the various steps or activities in a particular job Classifying them as a procedure or a decision

Each decision point generates alternatives. Criteria and consequences that go with decisions are amenable to evaluation for purposes of assessing quality. The flow chart helps in pin-pointing the exact points at which errors have crept in. (See Figure below for Sample flow chart)


Sample flow chart

2. Check Sheet: Check sheets are used to record the number of defects, types of defects, locations at which they are occurring, times at which they are occurring, and workmen by whom they are occurring. The sheet keeps a record of the frequencies of occurrence with reference to possible defect causing parameters. It helps to implement a corrective procedure at the point where the frequencies are more. (See Table below for Sample check sheet)
Table: Sample check sheet

The table shows that the number of defects 1 and 5 are not many as compared to defect no 2 which increased over the days and appears to be stabilizing at the higher side and therefore needs to be attended immediately. The column which shows days can be changed to observed by the hour, if need be. 3. Histogram Histograms are graphical representations of distribution of data (See Figure below for Sample histogram chart). They are generally used to record huge volumes of data about a process. They reveal whether the pattern of distribution has a single peak, or many peaks and also the extent of variation around the peak value. This helps in identifying whether the problem is serious. When used in conjunction with comparable parameters, the visual patterns help us to identify the problem which should be attended to.


Sample histogram chart

The values shown are the number of observations made regarding a parameter. Sometimes, the percentages are shown to demonstrate the relative contribution of each of the parameters. 4. Pareto Analysis: Pareto analysis is a tool for classifying problem areas according to the degree of importance and attending to the most important. Pareto principle, also called 80-20 rule, states that 80 percent of the problems that we encounter arise out of 20 percent of items. If we find that, in a day, we have 184 assemblies having problems and there are 11 possible causes, it is observed that 80 percent of them, that is, 147 of them have been caused by just 2 or 3 of them. It will be easy to focus on these 2 or 3 and reduce the number of defects to a great extent. When the cause of these defects has been attended, we will observe that some other defect becomes predominantly observed and if the process is continued, we are marching toward zero defects. 5. Scatter Diagram: Scatter diagram is used when we have two variables and want to know the degree of relationship between them (See Figure 6.5 for Sample scatter diagram). We can determine if there is cause and effect relationship between the variables and the degree of extent over a range of values of the variables. Sometimes, we can observe that there is no relationship, in which we can change one parameter being sure that it has no effect on the other parameter.


Sample scatter diagram

We can see that the change in variable 2 does not have much effect on variable 1. The other interpretation can be that for a small change in variable 1, the effect on variable 2 is more. 6. Control Charts: Control charts are used to verify whether a process is under control. Variables, when they remain within a range, will render the product and maintain the specifications. This is called the quality of conformance. The range of permitted deviations is determined by design parameters. Samples are taken and the mean and range of the variable of each sample (subgroup) is recorded. The mean of the means of the samples gives the control lines. Assuming normal distribution, we expect 99.97 percent of all values to lie within the Upper Control Limit (UCL) and Lower Control Limit (LCL) corresponding to 3. The graphical representation of data helps in changing settings to bring back the process closer to the target.
Example: A shaft is to be made with a diameter of 25mm. The area required to be ground is between +0.01 and -0.02mm by a process of centre less grinding. A sample of 5 numbers is taken every hour and the observations are recorded as under. (See Table below for Sample check sheet)
Table: Sample check sheet


The method to be followed is as under. 1. Draw a line diagram taking the means of every hour 2. Draw the chart and charts and determine whether the process is under control. The procedure to find the range for the sample readings of each hour is:

1. Find the mean of the readings of each hour, that is, 2. Add all the means calculated above and take the mean of the means. Then you will get the mean for all samples. (See Table below for Mean of all samples) 3. The UCL = + 3 where, is the standard deviation of the means of dimensions obtained on the dimensions of samples obtained every hour. However, in drawing the control charts it is customary to range and a constant that depends on the size of the sample to calculate the UCL and LCL. The formulas are as under:

Table: Mean of all samples

On a graph sheet y-axis represents the dimension. The mean value is drawn as a horizontal line near the middle of the y-axis while the horizontal axis represents the serial number of the samples.

7. Cause and Effect Diagram: Cause and effect diagram represents all the possible causes which lead to a defect on quality characteristics. These are arranged in such a way that different branches representing causes connect the stem in the direction of the discovery of the problem (See Figure below for Sample cause and effect diagram). When each of them is investigated thoroughly we will be able to pin-point some factors which cause the problem. We will also observe that a few of them can have cumulative effect or even a cascading effect.


Sample cause and effect diagram

Difference between Crosbys absolutes of quality and Demings principles To Deming (1986), the quality of any product or service can only be defined by the customer. This implied that there are almost as many definitions of quality as there are consumers, however, some consumers definition of quality will coincide. To Deming, then, consistency in meeting or exceeding the customers expectations about quality, once they have been communicated, is the essence of quality management. Deming alleged that no two manufactured or service products are the same, thereby accepting that variations in quality are natural. Therefore, management should focus on delivering products or services that have predictable uniformity by reducing variability. Demings writings show his cautiousness in defining quality and recognize the difficulty of achieving it. For example, in Out of the Crisis (1986), he states that the difficulty in defining quality is to translate future needs of the customer into measurable characteristics so that the product or service can be designed, manufactured and delivered at a price that the customer is satisfied with. If Deming is tentative about defining quality, then Crosby is his exact opposite. Crosby (1979) states that quality is conformance to requirements and those requirements must be defined in measurable and clearly stated terms. Unlike Deming, Crosby believes that there are no differing levels of quality that quality is either present or absent. Thus, while Deming looked at quality from the customers perspective, Crosby looked at it from the operational perspective. Crosby suggested that the cost of quality is the sum of price of conformance and the price of nonconformance. Managements job is to focus on driving the price of nonconformance to zero. The price of non-conformance is the cost of wasted resources in missing or being unable to satisfy the defined requirements


for the product or service. Crosby does not evaluate the marginal benefitcost ratio of his zero defect requirement. Despite the differences in their perceptions about quality, Deming and Crosby agree that quality is less costly to an organization than poor quality. Poor quality is reflected in inspections, rework, scraps, waste and lost customers. Deming wheel Deming's TQM helps organizations to improve the quality of the products and services they offer. Demings approach is summarized in his 14 points. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Constancy of purpose for continuous improvement Adopt the TQM philosophy for economic purposes Do not depend on inspection to deliver quality Do not award any business based on price alone Improve the system of production and service constantly Conduct meaningful training on the job Adopt modern methods of supervision and leadership Remove fear from the minds of everyone connected with the organization 9. Remove barriers between departments and people 10. Do not exhort, repeat slogans, and put up posters 11. Do not set-up numerical quotas and work standards 12. Give pride of workmanship to the workmen 13. Education and training to be given vigorously 14. State and exhibit top managements commitment for quality and productivity Using the above principles, Deming gave a four step approach to ensure a purposeful journey of TQM (See Figure below for Deming Wheel). The slope is shown to indicate that if efforts are let up the programme will roll back. Plan means that a problem is identified, processes are determined and relevant theories are checked out. Do means that the plan is implemented on a trial basis. All inputs are correctly measured and recorded. Check means that the trials taken according to the plan are in accordance with the expected results. Act means when all the above steps are satisfactory regular production is started so that quality outcomes are assured.


Deming wheel

According to Deming, quality results from studying and changing the system, not inspecting the product. Measurements are used to monitor the processes to ensure that the possibility of producing unacceptable variability from the stable systems products or services. Crosbys philosophy on quality is driven solely by prevention. It may be couched in a phrase he uses: Do it right the first time and every time. Crosby emphasizes zero defects, given that he believes there is only one level of quality. In other words, the presence of any defect in the product deprives it of quality. He believes managements perception and attitude towards quality needs to be transformed if the organization is going to succeed at delivering quality consistently. For example, Deming believes that error is inevitable and one only has to deal with it. Crosby believes it is selfdefeating to plan and invest in strategies that deal with errors instead of investing in strategies and processes that prevent errors from occurring in the first place. Crosbys absolutes of quality Like Deming, Crosby also lays emphasis on top management commitment and responsibility for designing the system so that defects are not inevitable. He urged that there be no restriction on spending for achieving quality. In the long run, maintaining quality is more economical than compromising on its achievement. His absolutes can be listed as under: Quality is conformance to requirements, not goodness Prevention, not appraisal, is the path to quality

Quality is measured as the price paid for non-conformance and as indices Quality originates in all factions. There are no quality problems. It is the people, designs, and processes that create problems Crosby also has given 14 points similar to those of Deming. 1. 2. 3. 4. Management Commitment Quality Improvement Teams Quality Measurement Cost of Quality Evaluation


5. Quality Awareness 6. Corrective Action 7. Zero-Defects Planning 8. Supervisory Training 9. Zero Defects 10. Goal Setting 11. Error Cause Removal 12. Recognition 13. Quality Councils 14. Do It All Over Again His approach emphasizes on measurement of quality, increasing awareness, corrective action, error cause removal and continuously reinforcing the system, so that advantages derived are not lost over time. He opined that the quality management regimen should improve the overall health of the organization and prescribed a vaccine. The ingredients are: 1. Integrity: Honesty and commitment help in producing everything right first time, every time 2. Communication: Flow of information between departments, suppliers, customers helps in identifying opportunities 3. Systems and operations: These should bring in a quality environment so that nobody is comfortable with anything less than the best Because Crosbys view about quality is based fundamentally on his philosophy of preventing errors from occurring, his implementation process rests solely on prevention. For him, prevention is thinking, planning and analyzing processes to anticipate where errors could occur and then taking the appropriate actions to prevent them from occurring. The prevention process, then is a continuous cycle that never ceases if quality is to be maintained. Q.5 Define project cycle, project management, and scope of project. List the various project management knowledge areas? What are the reasons for failure of a project? A Project is a temporary endeavor with a finite completion date undertaken to create a unique product or service. Projects bring form or function to ideas or needs. Definition of Project cycle A project cycle consists of the various activities of operations, resources, and the limitations imposed on them. The life cycle means the important phases that are required by any project from start to end of the project.


A life

cycle of a project consists of understanding the scope of the project, objectives of the project, formulation and planning various activities, project execution and project monitoring and control the project resources.

The various phases in project management life cycle are: Analysis and evaluation Marketing Design Inspecting, testing and delivery Post completion analysis A project plan is documented with the following key issues Key stages of the project Project logic diagram Key stages responsibility chart Estimates for all key stages Optimized project Gantt chart Updated and reviewed project risk log Risk management forms for new high risks Project operating budget Definition of Project management Managing a project is the practice of understanding the problems, needs and controlling the use of resources, such as cost, time, manpower, hardware, and software involved in the project. It usually starts with a problem statement and ends with delivery of a complete product (See Figure below Project management). Project management involves understanding the scope and various processes in a project cycle.


Project management

Some of the other definitions of project management are shown below. Project management is the complete set of tasks, techniques, and tools applied during project execution. DIN 69901 (German Organization for Standardization) Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge, defined by Project Management Institute (PMI)) Project management is composed of interacting processes organized in groups: Project processes Process groups Process interaction Customization The main knowledge areas and processes in project management and their relationships, along with the process groups and its connection is shown in the following figures.

These individual processes are linked by inputs and outputs. Central to them are the tools and techniques. This is depicted in figure below:

Process interactions

Definition of Scope of project Scope of the project refers to the various parameters that affect the


project in its planning, formulation, and executions. The main objective of scoping is to: Define the project boundaries State the objectives that the project will cover Provide directions to the project and to enable assessment of the final products quality Scoping of project will enable the manager to prepare an outline of the project plan. The purpose of project planning and scoping is to first identify the areas of the project work and identifying the forces affecting the project and then to define the boundaries of the project. Also the scoping has to be explicitly stated on the line of the project objectives. It also has to implicitly provide directions to the project. The planning and scoping should be such that the project manager is able to assess every stage of the project and also enabling the assessment of the quality of the deliverable of the project at every stage. The various steps of project scoping and its characteristics are: 1. Identify the various parametric forces relevant to the project and its stages. 2. Enable the team members to work on tools to keep track of the stages and thereby proceed in the planned manner. 3. Avoiding areas of problems which may affect the progress of the project. 4. Eliminating the factors responsible for inducing the problem. 5. Analyzing the financial implications and cost factor at various stage of the project. 6. Understanding and developing the various designs required at various stage of the project. 7. The scope may include identification of key areas from clients through various meetings, discussion, and interviews. 8. Providing a base and track to enable alignment of project with the organization and its business objectives. 9. Finding out the dimensions applicable to the project and also the ones not applicable to the project. 10. List out all the limitations, boundary values and constraints in the project. 11. Understand the assumptions made in defining the scope. Reasons for failure of a project A project may fail because of one or more of the following reasons: 1. Incidence of project failure: The incidents of project failure are due to following reasons: Projects being initiated at random at all levels Project objective not in line with business objective Project management not observed


Project manager with no prior experience in the related project Non-dedicated team Lack of complete support from clients

2. Factors contributing to project success not emphasized Project objective in alignment with business objective the framework of project management Working within methodology

Effective scoping, planning, estimation, execution, controls and reviews, closure intertwined with quality Proactive approach towards project bottlenecks Communication and managing expectations effectively with clients, team members, and stake holders Prior experience of project manager in a similar project

3. Overview of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) projects: Involve information and communications technologies such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, fiber-optics, and satellites Enable societies to produce, access, adapt and apply information in greater amounts, more rapidly and at reduced costs Offer enormous opportunities for enhancing business and economic viability 4. Common problems encountered during projects: No prioritization of project activity from an organizational position One or more of the stages in the project mishandled Less qualified/non-dedicated manpower Absence of smooth flow of communication between the involved parties

Q.6 Explain the various phases in project management life cycle. Explain the necessity and objectives of SCM. Project managers have to keep in mind the various problems that may be encountered during the project. Associated with the project could be the risks that may deter the project processes. It is therefore necessary for project managers to understand the controls that are useful to manage a project. The manager must first understand the change processes in a project to bring about any changes. The important aspect of any such


process introduction or any change is to execute it correctly and then to review the process post execution and finally to document it. Phases of project management life cycle Project management life cycle has six phases:

Project management life cycle

1. Analysis and evaluation phase: is the initial phase of any project. In this phase, information is collected from the customer pertaining to the project. From the collected information, the requirements of the project are analyzed. According to the customer requirement, the entire project is planned in a strategic manner. The project manager conducts the analysis of the problem and submits a detailed report to the top management. The report should consist of the Details of the project justification, Details on what the problem is, Methods of solving the problem, List of the objectives to be achieved, Estimation of project budget, Success rate of completing the project, Information on the project feasibility and Information of the risks involved in the project. The important tasks of the project manager during the phase of analysis and evaluation include: Specification Requirements Analysis (SRA): SRA has to be conducted to determine the essential requirements of a project in order to achieve the target. Feasibility Study: Feasibility study has to be conducted to analyze whether the project is technically, economically, and practically feasible to be undertaken and establishes the risk factors likely to


be faced during the course of the project execution and the related key factors to overcome the problems. Trade-off Analysis: Trade-off analysis has to be conducted to understand and examine the various alternatives which could be considered for solving the problem. Estimation: Before starting a project, estimation has to be conducted on the project cost, effort required for the project, and the functionality of various processes in the project. System Design: According to the customer requirement, a general system design has to be chosen to fulfill the requirements. Project Evaluation: The project has to be evaluated in terms of expected profit, cost, and risks involved.

The preparation stage involves the preparation and approval of project outline, project plan, and project budget. 2. Marketing phase: A project proposal is prepared by a group of people including the project manager. This proposal has to contain the strategies adopted to market the product to the customers. 3. Design phase: Design phase involves the study of inputs and outputs of the various project stages. (See Figure below Study of inputs and outputs in design phase) Inputs received consist of: project feasibility study, preliminary project evaluation details, project proposal, and customer interviews. Outputs produced consist of: system design specifications, functional specifications of the project, design specifications of the project, and project plan.

Study of inputs and outputs in design phase


4. Execution phase: In execution phase, the project manager and the team members work on the project objectives as per the plan. At every stage during the execution, reports are prepared. A detailed definition and plan for the project and its execution is prepared by the team and coordinated by the project manager. 5. Control inspecting, testing, and delivery phase: During this phase, the project team works under the guidance of the project manager. The project manager has to ensure that the team working under him is implementing the project designs accurately. The project has to be tracked or monitored through its cost, manpower, and schedule. The project manager has to ensure ways of managing the customer and marketing the future work, as well as ways to perform quality control work. The implementation stage involves the execution of the project as per the plan. This also involves careful monitoring of the project progress and managing the changes, if any, within the scope of the project framework. 6. Closure and post completion analysis phase: Upon satisfactory completion and delivery of the intended product or service the staff performance has to be evaluated. The project manager has to document the lessons from the project. Reports on project feedback are to be prepared and analyzed. A project execution report is to be prepared. Upon completion, a project review is to be conducted by the project manager along with team members, sponsors, and customers. A project review process involves discussions about the progress, performance, hurdles that were overcome and problems faced, so that, such instances could be avoided in future projects. Supply Chain Management (SCM) Supply Chain Management (SCM) is considered by many experts worldwide as the ultimate solution towards efficient enterprise management. Many management failures have been attributed to the lack of a system to bind various sub-systems within a geographically widespread enterprise, which true to modern trends, also includes an umbrella of customers, suppliers and associates. Managers of tomorrow are therefore, expected to raise themselves above the level of perpetual crisis management to one of proactive, predictive, and performanceoriented management. SCM lets an organization get the right goods and services to the place they are needed at the right time, in the proper quantity and at an acceptable cost. Efficiently managing this process involves overseeing relationships with suppliers and customers, controlling inventory, forecasting demand and getting constant feedback on what is happening at every link in the chain. A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the function of procurement of materials, transformation of


these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers. Supply chains exist in both service and manufacturing organization, although the complexity of the chain may vary greatly from industry to industry and from firm to firm. Necessity and objectives SCM is required by an enterprise as a tool to enhance management effectiveness with the following organizational objectives: Reduction of inventory Enhancement of participation level and empowerment level

Increase in functional effectiveness of existing systems like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Accounting Software, and Documentation such as Financial reports/ Statements/ISO 9000 Documents Effective integration of multiple systems like ERP, communication systems, documentation system and security Design / Research & Development (R&D) systems Better utilization of resources like men, material, equipment, and money Optimization of money flow cycle within the organization as well as from external agencies Enhancement of value of products, operations, and services. These enhancements will consequently enhance the profitability of organization Enhancement of satisfaction level of customers and clients, supporting institutions, statutory control agencies, suppliers and vendors, employees and executives Enhancement of flexibility in the organization to help in easy implementation of schemes involving modernization, expansion and diversification even divestments, mergers and acquisitions Enhancement of information systems coverage and accuracy of management


Master of Business Administration MBA Semester 2 MB0044Production & operations Management

Assignment Set- 2 Q1. Take an example of any product or service industry and explain the factors considered while taking the decision on plant location. Facilities management is an important strategic level decision taken by an organization. It involves planning and management of the plant location and layout. A plant location cannot be changed frequently since a large capital needs to be invested to build the plant and machinery in the selected area. Therefore, before selecting a plant location, a long range forecasting is to be made to foresee the future needs of the company. Location decisions are made on the basis of parameters which make it suitable for various considerations of suppliers and markets. While locating a plant, the following long range forecasting needs are to be considered: The companys expansion plan and policy Diversification plan for the products Changing market conditions The changing sources of raw materials Many other factors that influence the choice of the location decision

Planning the location of the plant Factors influencing Plant Location can be broadly divided into two types namely: general factors and special factors (See below Figure Factors influencing plant location).

Factors influencing plant location

General factors: The general factors that influence the plant location are listed below (See Figure below General factors influencing plant location).

1. Availability of land: Availability of land plays an important role in determining the plant location. Many-a-time, our plans, calculations and forecasts suggest a particular area as the best to start an organization. However, availability of land may be in question. In such cases, we will have to choose the second best location. 2. Availability of inputs: While choosing a plant location, it is very important for the organization to get the labor at the right time and raw materials at good qualities. The plant should be located: Near to the raw material source when there is no loss of weight At the market place when there is a loss of weight in the material Close to the market when universally available, so as to minimize the transportation cost

General factors influencing plant location

3. Closeness to market places: Organizations can choose to locate the plant near to the customers market or far from them, depending upon the product they produce. It is advisable to locate the plant near to the market place, when: The projection life of the product is low The transportation cost is high The products are delicate and susceptible to spoilage After sales services are promptly required very often

The advantages of locating the plant near to the market place are: Consistent supply of goods to the customers


Reduction of the cost of transportation

4. Communication facilities: Communication facility is also an important factor which influences the location of a plant. Regions with good communication facilities viz. Postal and Tele communication links should be given priority for the selection of sites. 5. Infrastructure: Infrastructure plays a prominent role in deciding the location. The basic infrastructure needed in any organization are: Power: For example, industries which run day and night require continuous power supply. So they should be located near to the power stations and should ensure continuous power supply throughout the year. Water: For example, process industries such as, paper, chemical, and cement, requires continuous water supply in large amount. So, such process industries need to be located near to the water. Waste disposal: For example, for process industries such as, paper and sugarcane industries facility for disposal of waste is the key factor.

6. Transport: Transport facility is a must for facility location and layout of location of the plant. Timely supply of raw materials to the company and supply of finished goods to the customers is an important factor. The basic modes of transportation are by Air, Road, Rail, Water, and Pipeline. The choice of location should be made depending on these basic modes. Cost of transportation is also an important criterion for plant location. 7. Government support: The factors that demand additional attention for plant location are the policies of the state governments and local bodies concerning labor laws, building codes, and safety. 8. Housing and recreation: Housing and recreation factors also influence the plant location. Locating a plant with the facilities of good schools, housing and recreation for employees will have a greater impact on the organization. These factor seems to be unimportant, but have a difference as they motivate the employees and hence the location decisions. Special factors: The special factors that influence the plant location are: 1. Economic stability outside investments 2. Cultural factors 3. Wages 4. Joint ventures support of big time players


Rating plan method: In rating plan method, the various factors for locating a plant are given ratings depending upon the perception of the management. The location which gets the maximum rating, considering all the factors, is chosen for locating the plant. Example: Pavan is planning to start a textile industry in India. He has four options to locate the plant, Chandigarh, Bhopal, Bangalore, and Cochin. He used rating plan method to select the best location suitable for his business needs. Pavan initially listed important factors of the business need (See column 1 of table below). According to Rating plan method, in column 2 of the same table, he has given the proportional values for each factor in percentages. For example, the proportionate values given to the factors are 20%, 15%, 20%, 15% and so on. The total of the proportionate value is 100%.
Rating plan approach of Pavana


Availability of labor Raw material sources Market proximity Site Government Policies Infrastructur e for employees Scope for expansion Total

Proportion al Value %age 20 15 20 15 10 10 10 100

Chandiga rh 20 15 20 10 5 10 10 90


Bangalor e 15 15 15 15 5 10 5 80


10 10 20 10 10 5 10 85

05 10 10 10 10 5 5 55

When individual ratings are given to the factors for each city (See Column 3, 4, 5 & 6 of Table 5.2) we see that Chandigarh has maximum rating (90 out of 100) and therefore, Pavan has chosen, Chandigarh for locating the plant. Q.2 What is Business Process? Explain with an example as to why a business process is to be modelled. Coordinating a set of activities to produce a specific outcome is called a process. There is a process involved in almost everything we do like preparing tea, sending a mail and so on.


A business process is a process designed to achieve a particular business objective. It refers to the techniques and activities used as part of Business Process Management discipline. Management process gets exhibited in corporate governance and strategic management. The operational component of Management consists of workflow across the functions which realize the objectives of the business. In this context, modeling acts as a guide for identifying the gaps in the processes and thus undertakes measures to align them. Business Process is a total response that a business undertakes utilizing the resources and delivering the outputs that create a value for the customer. The business process: Has a goal Uses specific inputs Delivers specific outputs Collects resources Performs a number of activities in some order Creates value for the customer

Processes have a tendency of deviating because of the dynamics of the business. Models act as anchors to stabilize the responses to keep the processes on track. Business Process Modelling is a change process. It refers to a set of activities undertaken to optimize the business process. The reasons for optimizing the business process is to: (See figure below Optimizing the business process) Improve the performance of the process Deliver better value for the customer Maximize the earnings of the organization Keep its head above competition from outsiders


Reasons for optimizing the business process

Example Yummy Bakes is one of the leading Bakers in India with more than 10,000 outlets spread over. The goal of the Yummy Bakes is to serve tasty food and fast delivery to customers at each outlet by ensuring fine-tuning its operations. However, with the increasing outlets, the goals were not achieved to the mark. This is due to the management failure. The customers were upset with lousy food, slow service, and surly employees. Yummy Bakes realized it when the customer complaints were growing more frequently and the sales rate went down by 12%. To optimize the business process, Yummy Bakes appointed a new business analyst to solve the business problems. The business analyst scrutinized every detail of the business requirements and problems, its operation procedures, data, present earnings of the business, and many other details related to the business. With a zeal for measuring customer satisfaction, the act of go-between the business people and sharing the data freely with operators, he pulled off a turnaround that stunned everyone in the business with its speed and scope. With the data he formatted the business problems and provided solutions according to the need. The solutions he provided for the improvement of the business are listed below. Installing the massive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system along with inter-net based data management system. The goal was to scrutinise every detail of its business in real time. Initiatives were appointed to collect performance measures and revamp Yummy Bakers processes to reach customers expectations.


Mystery shoppers were sent to the restaurants to conduct anonymous reviews using a hard-number scoring system. Mystery dinners from outside survey firms jot down on a paper check list their grades for: speed of service; food temperature; presentation and taste; cleanliness of the counter; tables and condiment of the Island; even whether the counter crew person smiles at dinners. Training six-month and year-to-date results are posted on an internal website so owners can compare their scores with regional averages. 400 operations missionaries were sent into the field, each visiting stores multiple times to fine-tune processes while also conducting daylong seminars where store managers could share tips from corporate kitchen gurus. Yummy Bakes restored the more expensive ingredients in the Yum Bake sauce and changed the salt-and-pepper seasoning in the chicken patties. The process was changed back to toasting buns rather than microwaving them, and lengthened the toasting time by 6 seconds, giving them an even sweeter caramelized flavor. Outdoor menu boards now have more pictures and fewer words.

Initiatives were taken on Yummy Bakes fast lane. 6 seconds were shaved- off on the weight time. The change has added a percentage point to sales growth. LED display confirms what customer say, reducing confusion later on. Premium sandwiches are put in boxes than in paper wrappers, saving a few seconds. Boxes are color coded by sandwich to improve speed and accuracy Professional order takers with strong communication skills were located at remote call-centers to handle drive-through orders. The orders might be taken better and the on-sight Yummy Bakes employees can focus on delivery better customer services. When customer stopped going to Yummy Bakes, so did investors. Now that sales are on rise, the stock has regained its sizzle. By the start of 2009, the stock had more than doubled in 2 years. Performance measurement and improving process to increase customer values pays-off. To serve close to the customer, Yummy Bakes is now planning to increase more and more branches.

Q.3 What is Value Engineering? Explain briefly its origins and objectives. Value Engineering (VE) or Value Analysis is a methodology by which we try to find substitutes for a product or an operation. Value Engineering/Value Analysis has gained importance in todays


manufacturing field because, of the necessity of making all components as economically as possible. Every unnecessary component, every unwanted operation has to be eliminated for economizing. Materials may have to be changed, tolerances in manufactures relaxed because value can be created in terms of reduced volume, increased strength or longer service. Involving the supplier and utilizing their knowledge and experience are crucial for the companys success. The concept of value engineering originated during the Second World War. It was developed by the General Electric Corporations (GEC). Value Engineering has gained popularity due to its potential for gaining high Returns on Investment (ROI). This methodology is widely used in business re-engineering, government projects, automakers, transportation and distribution, industrial equipment, construction, assembling and machining processes, health care and environmental engineering and many others. Value engineering process calls for a deep study of a product and the purpose for which it is used, such as, the raw materials used; the processes of transformation; the equipment needed, and many others. It also questions whether what is being used is the most appropriate and economical. This applies to all aspects of the product. Let us consider a component which needs a round brass rod as raw material of diameter 21.5mm. The component has to perform seven operations: cutting, drilling, chamfering, boring, milling, plating, and polishing.

Value analysis considers all aspects of each of these and investigates whether any of them can be substituted by another material, a different size, a different tool, a different machine, a different cot sequence, a different tool for an operation, a different chemical, a different concentration, a different voltage, shorter time or processing. For the above example, studies can be conducted to verify whether any operation can be eliminated. Simplification of processes reduces the cost of manufacturing. Every piece of material and the process should add value to the product so as to render the best performance. Thus, there is an opportunity at every stage of the manufacturing and delivery process to find alternatives which will increase the functionality or reduce cost in terms of material, process, and time. The different aspects of value engineering can be encapsulated into a sequence of steps known as a Job Plan. Value Engineering in organizations helps to identify: The problem or situation that needs to be changed/improved


All that is good about the existing situation The improvements required in the situation The functions to be performed The ways of performing each function The best ways among the selected functions The steps to be followed to implement the function The person who executes the function

It should be remembered that we are not seeking a cost reduction sacrificing quality. It has been found that there will be an improvement in quality when systematic value analysis principles are employed. Value Analysis looks at the manufacturing activities with a view to make the components simpler, processes faster, and the products better. Since huge investments are made on the machines, it is mandatory that every component/part used is made as economically as possible. Fabrication, erection, and installation being costly and having long term implications, assessment of utility of the materials used and processes adopted is important. Now-a-days, the principles of value engineering starts at the product concept and design and is carried down the value chain. The aim of value engineering is to effect economies by investigating every opportunity and discovering new materials, methods to achieve high quality performance. The aims of value engineering can be listed as: 1. Product simplification 2. Better and less costly materials 3. Improved product design 4. High efficiency in the processes 5. Economy in all activities The main benefits of the application of VE are: 1. Cost reduction 2. Overall cost consciousness 3. A culture of effecting saving across organization 4. Streamlining of administration and creation of transparency in all dealings even with outsiders 5. Development of reliable suppliers Q.4 Discuss the difference between work study and motion study. Explain with an example.


Work practices are ways of doing any work which has been in vogue and found to be useful. These are determined by motion and time study conducted over years and found to be efficient and practiced. Any method improvement that is conducted may be adopted to change the practice, but only after trials they have shown that, they increase the comfort of the worker and get the job done faster. Work study We say that work study is being conducted when analysis of work methods is conducted during the period when a job is done on a machine or equipment. The study helps in designing the optimum work method and standardization of the work method. This study enables the methods engineer to search for better methods for higher utilization of man and machine and accomplishment of higher productivity. The study gives an opportunity to the workmen to learn the process of study thus making them able to offer suggestions for improved methods. This encourages workmen participation and they can be permitted to make changes and report the advantages that can be derived from those. This course is in alignment with the principle of continuous improvement and helps the organization in the long run. Reward systems may be implemented for recognizing contributions from the workmen. Work study comprises of work measurement and method study. Work measurement focuses on the time element of work, while method study focuses on the methods deployed and development of better methods. Work measurement Work measurement can be defined as a systematic application of various techniques that are designed to establish the content of work involved in performing a specific task. It is the use of accurate observation and recording to determine the time it would take for a qualified worker to complete a specific job to a required level of performance. The task is performed by a qualified worker. With this we arrive at the standard time for a task. This will be used to fix performance rating of other workers. It forms the basis of incentives, promotion, and training for workmen and assessment of capacity for the plant. Hence, training the workers is very important. (See below figure) ILO defines a qualified worker as one who is accepted as having the necessary physical attributes, possessing the required intelligence and education, and having acquired the necessary skill and knowledge to carry out the work in hand to satisfactory standards of safety, quantity, and quality.


Training workers

Methods study Method study focus is on studying the method currently being used and developing a new method of performing the task in a better way. Operation Flow charts, Motion Charts, Flow Process charts, which are the elements of the task, are studied to find the purpose of each activity, the sequence in which they are done, and the effect of these on the work. The study may help in changing some of them and even eliminate some of them to effect improvements. The new method should result in saving of time, reduced motions, and simpler activities. Motion Study Motion Study is an analysis of a specific job in an effort to find the most efficient method in terms of time and effort. Time and Motion Study is a method of finding the best way of performing a complex task by breaking the task into small steps and measuring the time taken to perform each step. This enables standards of performance to be set. These standards can then be used to plan and control production, estimate prices and deliver times, and devise incentive schemes. The standards were set after a lot of documentation and research to fix basic times for various operations. The norms are set for different jobs based on basic motions and the time required for them. System efficiency is also taken into consideration while fixing productivity norms. Production operations are conducted and measured in terms of quantities and time requirements. It is important to make an estimate of both of them to assure deliveries. The operations are based on sequencing, loading, and dispatching. Expediting is done with the purpose of ensuring that the operations are smooth. Shortfalls will have to be made up either by overtime or subcontracting. Evaluation has to be on a continuous basis so that deadlines are met. Measurement of time required for any task is measured using Motion Study and Work Measurement methods. Standards are set taking into consideration the differences in performance by different workers and allowances for accommodating relaxation needs of human beings. Periods during changeover of jobs, taking trials,


inspecting, and adjusting the tools are all factors that should be considered. Difference between work study and motion study The work study technique collects data at intervals of time. For example, data might be collected by determining exactly what a worker is doing four times each hour. Sometimes the data are collected by observing the worker in action at the point in time selected for the observation. In other studies the workers use logs to self-report their activity. In some cases the intervals between observations are of fixed duration. In other cases the observations occur at randomly chosen moments in time. Typically, an inference is made about the portion of overall work time spent on an activity, based on the percent of observations that relate to that activity. In contrast to the work study method, the time-and-motion technique uses an observer to record exactly how much time is being devoted to each task. This is a much more labor-intensive method of data collection, because it requires a one-on-one observation. Observers must follow the subject continuously for extended periods of time. Each activity and its duration must be recorded on a data collection instrument. Both methodologies have advantages and limitations, some of which are functions of the type of observation done for each. Work studies that rely on self-reported logs are generally considered least reliable, since workers may not record activities in a timely fashion, and may not be totally frank concerning what activities were being done at the specified sampling times. Work study approaches that use an observer or observers to record the activities of several workers are used most frequently if workers are in a circumscribed area-for example, nurses on a unit, factory workers on a floor, or pharmacists in a pharmacy. If workers are not in a circumscribed area-for example, residents traveling throughout the hospital-then the time-and-motion approach of one observer for each subject may be more feasible. Although both time-and-motion and work study methods are vulnerable to error because the workers may change their behavior upon being observed, the problem is more severe for continuous observation. Workstudy that uses one observer on a floor may allow the observer to blend in since he or she can usually be stationed at some distance from the worker being observed. On the other hand, time and-motion observers shadowing workers are much more obvious and are more likely to disrupt the normal routine. It is more difficult for the worker to forget that he or she is being observed. However, the distance from the observer creates limitations in what can be observed. In work-sampling the observer needs to make quick judgments about behavior for a number of workers. This means that it may not be possible to make fine-grained distinctions about differing behaviors from a great distance. It may not be possible to distinguish


between "professional interaction" and "personal conversation." With small distances between the observer and subject more subtle characterizations of behavior can be ascertained. For example, the observer must determine if a physician is taking a patient's medical history, or simply having a personal conversation not directly related to the patient's care. Work study cannot determine the duration of a task. While time-andmotion measures the exact number of minutes, work study only catches an instant in time. However, the more observations that are made, and the more closely together the observations are made in time, the more precise work-sampling should become. At an extreme, making an observation every minute under work study should yield essentially the same result as time-and-motion continuous observations. Example Anil and Ravi have a small company to assemble chairs from pre-cut chair kits. They hired three workers. There are three process involved in assembling a chair: 1) assembling the back rest; 2) assembling the frame (seat and arm rest); and 3) attaching the back rest and the frame Each worker was assigned the task of assembling all the three processes of the chair. They were each given a target of 30 chairs a week. Therefore, the weekly target was 90 chairs a week. The workers could meet that target. The company flourished and the demand for chairs increased. To meet the increasing demand with the same amount of workers, Anil and Ravi had to devise a strategy. According to their strategy, each worker was allocated the task of assembling any one of the three processes. This strategy helped each worker to specialize in the task he/she was performing, thereby, improving the efficiency of the job. Thus, Anil and Ravi could increase production by 15 chairs a week.

Q.5 Time taken by three machines on five jobs in a factory is tabulated below in table below. Find out the optimal sequence to be followed to minimise the idle time taken by the jobs on the machines. Job A B Machin e1 (M1) 6 4 Machin e2 (M2) 8 5 Machine 3 (M3) 7 3



5 3 4

5 4 3

7 6 4

Steps to be taken to solve the algorithm are as follows: 1. Take column M1 and M3, ignoring M2. Get the sequence by applying Johnsons rule. 2. Next Combine M1 and M2 Make it as one machine MX and combine M2 and M3 and call it MY. Get the sequence 3. Next Combine M1 and M2 and M3 and call it MC. Find the sequence. 4. Calculate the total time taken to process all jobs A, B C, D and E. Choose whichever given the total time. 5. According to the steps mentioned above the job order sequence of machines 1 and 2, that is, MA can be derived with the help of the following table

Job A B C D E

Machin e1 (M1) 6 4 5 3 4

Machine 3 (M3) 7 3 7 6 4

Using Johnsons algorithm, the job order sequence obtained is:

Q6. List the seven principles of SCM. Discuss Bullwhip effect, its effects and countermeasures. Seven Principles of SCM are: 1. Group customer by needs: Effective SCM groups customers by distinct service needs, regardless of industry and then tailors services to those particular segments 2. Customise the logistics network: In designing their logistics network, companies need to focus on the service requirement and profit potential of the customer segments identified 3. Listen to signals of market demand and plan accordingly: Sales and operations planners must monitor the entire supply chain to detect early warning signals of changing customer demand and needs. This demand driven approach leads to more consistent forecast and optimal resource allocation 4. Differentiate the product closer to the customer: Companies today no longer can afford to stockpile inventory to compensate for possible forecasting errors. Instead, they need to postpone product differentiation in the manufacturing process closer to actual consumer demand. This strategy allows the supply chain to respond quickly and cost effectively to changes in customer needs

5. Strategically manage the sources of supply: By working closely with their key suppliers to reduce the overall costs of owning materials and services, SCM maximises profit margins both for themselves and their suppliers 6. Develop a supply chain wide technology strategy: As one of the cornerstones of successful SCM, information technology must be able to support multiple levels of decision making. It also should afford a clear view and ability to measure the flow of products, services, and information 7. Adopt channel spanning performance measures: Excellent supply chain performance measurement systems do more than just monitor Bullwhip Effect in SCM An organization will always have ups and downs. It is necessary that the managers of the organization keep track of the market conditions and analyze the changes. They must take decisions on the resources and make necessary changes within the organization to meet the market demands. Failing to do so may result in wild swings in the orders. This may adversely affect the functioning of the organization resulting in lack of coordination and trust among supply chain members. The changes may affect the information and may lead to demand amplification in the supply chain. The Bullwhip effect is the uncertainty caused from distorted information flowing up and down the supply chain. This has its affect on almost all the industries, poses a risk to firms that experience large variations in demand, and also those firms which are dependent on suppliers, distributors and retailers. A Bullwhip effect may arise because of: Increase in the lead time of the project due to increase in variability of demand Increase in the stocks to accommodate the increasing demand arising out of complicated demand models and forecasting techniques Reduced service levels in the organization Inefficient allocation of resources Increased transportation cost

How to prevent it? Bullwhip effect may be avoided by one or more of the following measures: Avoid multiple demand forecasting Breaking the single orders into number of batches of orders Stabilize the prices, avoid the risk involved in overstocking by maintaining a proper stock Reduce the variability and uncertainty in Point Of Sale (POS) and sharing information

Reduce the lead time in the stages of the project

Always keep analyzing the past figures and track current and future levels of requirements Enhance the operational efficiency and outsourcing logistics to a capable and efficient agency


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