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Thrombosis Research
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Review Article

The hypercoagulable state in COVID-19: Incidence, pathophysiology, and

Mouhamed Yazan Abou-Ismaila,b,1, Akiva Diamonda,b,1, Sargam Kapoorc,1, Yasmin Arafaha,b,
Lalitha Nayaka,b,

University Hospitals, Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, United States of America
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States of America
Alaska Native Medical Center, Anchorage, AK, United States of America


Keywords: The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) presents with a large variety of clinical manifestations ranging from
COVID-19 asymptomatic carrier state to severe respiratory distress, multiple organ dysfunction and death. While it was
SARS-CoV-2 initially considered primarily a respiratory illness, rapidly accumulating data suggests that COVID-19 results in a
coagulopathy unique, profoundly prothrombotic milieu leading to both arterial and venous thrombosis. Consistently, elevated
D-dimer level has emerged as an independent risk factor for poor outcomes, including death. Several other
laboratory markers and blood counts have also been associated with poor prognosis, possibly due to their
connection to thrombosis. At present, the pathophysiology underlying the hypercoagulable state is poorly un-
derstood. However, a growing body of data suggests that the initial events occur in the lung. A severe in-
flammatory response, originating in the alveoli, triggers a dysfunctional cascade of inflammatory thrombosis in
the pulmonary vasculature, leading to a state of local coagulopathy. This is followed, in patients with more
severe disease, by a generalized hypercoagulable state that results in macro- and microvascular thrombosis. Of
concern, is the observation that anticoagulation may be inadequate in many circumstances, highlighting the
need for alternative or additional therapies. Numerous ongoing studies investigating the pathophysiology of the
COVID-19 associated coagulopathy may provide mechanistic insights that can direct appropriate interventional

1. Introduction inflammation, through mechanisms such as cytokine storm, comple-

ment activation, and endotheliitis[8,9,13,14]. It has also been sug-
The novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome cor- gested that the virus itself can possibly activate the coagulation cascade
onavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), emerged in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019 [15]. Although individual institutions have developed guidelines and
and is now a pandemic [1]. The disease it causes, coronavirus disease protocols to institute prophylactic and therapeutic anticoagulation, the
2019 (COVID-19), has affected more than 7 million people worldwide optimal management is rapidly evolving as we continue to gather new
and claimed more than 400,000 lives as of June 2020 [2,3]. The disease insights into the pathophysiology of this disease.
ranges from asymptomatic, or mild to severe illness with multi-organ Retrospective studies have identified clinical parameters that pre-
failure and death [4–6]. Coagulopathy, in the form of venous and ar- dict poor prognosis. In addition to markers of coagulopathy such as D-
terial thromboembolism, is emerging as one of the most severe sequela dimer other hematologic parameters have been studied[9,10,16–19].
of the disease, and has been prognostic of poorer outcomes [7–10]. Neutrophil count, lymphocyte count, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, and
Reports of high incidence of thrombosis despite prophylactic and platelet count correlate with disease severity[8,20–22]. At present, it is
therapeutic dose anticoagulation raise question about a pathophy- clear that patients with COVID-19 infection have a significantly in-
siology unique to COVID-19 [11,12]. Proposed hypotheses include a creased risk of thrombosis that prevails despite anticoagulation. A
severely heightened inflammatory response that leads to thrombo- better understanding of the pathophysiology accompanied by

Corresponding author at: Department of Medicine, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Joan and Richard Ainsworth Chair in Hematologic Research
Case Western Reserve University, 2103 Cornell Road, WRB2-122, Cleveland, OH 44106-7284, United States of America.
E-mail addresses: yazan.abou-ismail@hsc.utah.edu (M.Y. Abou-Ismail), lxn64@case.edu, Nayak@uhhospitals.org (L. Nayak).
These authors have shared first-authorship.

Received 15 May 2020; Received in revised form 13 June 2020; Accepted 17 June 2020
M.Y. Abou-Ismail, et al.

Table 1
Table summarizing global incidence of venous and arterial thromboembolic disease in COVID-19.
Location (first author) Type of study Sample size Use of thromboprophylaxis Venous thromboembolism incidence Arterial thrombosis Key characteristics of patient population/other
incidence salient features of the study

Wuhan, China (Cui et al) Retrospective; hospitalized 81 No VTE 25%; all lower extremity None 41% patients had other comorbidity (HTN, DM,
patients thrombi CAD) and 43% were smokers
Netherlands (Klok et al) Retrospective; multicenter; 184 Yes (nadroparin at different doses) VTE (n = 28) 27%; of those PE Ischemic strokes (n = 3) 76% were male, 2.7% had active cancer and 9.2%
hospitalized patients (n = 25) was most common finding 3.7% were on therapeutic anticoagulation from prior.
in 81% Mean age was 64 and mean weight was 87 kg
Netherlands Retrospective; single center; 198 Yes (nadroparin 2850 units daily for 7-day incidence of VTE (15%) and None The 7-day and 14-day incidence of VTE was higher in
(Middeldorp et al) hospitalized patients < 100 kg and 5700 units daily for 14-day incidence of VTE (34%) the ICU (25% and 48% respectively) than the general
> 100 kg) wards (6.5% and 10% respectively)
Italy (Lodigiani et al) Retrospective; single center; 388 Yes (LMWH) VTE 21% (cumulative rate) Ischemic stroke 2.5% and 68% were male, 24.1% had BMI ≥ 30, 47.2% had
hospitalized patients Ward: 75% used (41% prophylactic ACS/MI 1.1% HTN, 22.7% with DM, 11.6% smokers, 6.4% with
dose, 21% intermediate dose; 23% ICU 27.6% and general ward 6.6% active cancer and 3.1% with history of prior VTE.
therapeutic dose)
ICU: 100% used
France (Llitjos et al) Retrospective study; 2 ICUs 26 Yes (31% with prophylactic dose and VTE 69% None 77% were male, 85% had HTN, 27% consumed
69% with therapeutic dose) tobacco, median BMI 30.2 kg/m2; median D-dimer
was 1750 ng/mL.
56% of patients on therapeutic dose and 100% on
prophylactic dose had VTE.
France (Helms et al) Prospective study; COVID-19 150 Yes (LMWH) PE 16.7%; DVT 2% Ischemic stroke 1.3%; limb Patients with COVID-19 ARDS had significantly
ARDS patients at 4 ICUs in 2 ischemia 0.7%; mesenteric higher thrombotic events, especially PE (11.7% vs.
centers ischemia 0.7% 2.1%, OR 6.2, p = 0.008)
France (Poissy et al) Retrospective case series; ICU 107 Yes PE (20.6%) None 59.1% were male, median age was 57, median BMI
was 30.
Incidence of VTE was 2×- higher than a historical
control period
Netherlands (Beun et al) Retrospective; ICU 75 Unknown PE (26.6%; 21.3% subsegmental and Ischemic stroke 2.7% 4 patients had heparin resistance apparent by PTT
5.3% central); DVT 4% based methods probably due to elevated factor VIII
New York, USA (Oxley Case series 5 No None Ischemic stroke 5 young All patients were < 50 years of age. Historical
et al) patients in 2 week period incidence was 0.73 patients in a 2 week period
Beijing, China (Zhang Case series 3 Unknown None Ischemic strokes in 3 Age 65-70, 2/3 were male, all with cardiovascular
et al) patients comorbidities including 2/3 with history of ischemic
stroke. All with anti-phospholipid antibodies
Italy (Bellosta et al) Observational cohort study 20 25% were on anticoagulation at baseline None Acute limb ischemia in 20 90% patients were male, mean age was 75 years,
due to atrial fibrillation patients (16.3%) 55% had HTN. Incidence increased at 16.3%
compared with a baseline rate of 1.8% in this region

DVT = deep venous thrombosis.

PE = pulmonary embolism.
LMWH = low molecular weight heparin.
M.Y. Abou-Ismail, et al.

Table 2
Summary of ongoing observational trials on incidence of coagulopathic changes or thrombosis in patients with COVID-19.
Clinical trial Location Status Study description

NCT04335162 France Recruiting Screening of cardiovascular complications in COVID-19

(CovCardiovasc) (100 patients)
NCT04356950 France Not yet recruiting Analysis of coagulopathy developed in COVID-19 patients
(175 patients)
NCT04356144 Austria Not yet recruiting Diagnostic TGA and TGA-thrombomodulin (TGA-TM) in critically ill patients
(TGA-TM) (60 patients)
NCT04363528 France Not yet recruiting Incidence of DVT in COVID patients in the ICU
(50 patients)
NCT04366778 France Not yet recruiting Thromboelastography with tPA to detect patients with high risk of thrombosis
(330 patients)
NCT04373486 France Not yet recruiting Assessment of acute PE on CT angiography and relationship to D-dimer
(COVID-APE) (160 patients)
NCT04357847 France Not yet recruiting Assessment of endothelial and hemostatic changes in Severe SARS-CoV-2 infection
(COVID-Thelium) (100 patients)
NCT04366752 France Recruiting Thrombembolic events in critical care patients with acute pneumopathy
(THROMBOCOVID) (100 patients)
NCT04359212 Italy Not yet recruiting Thromboprophylaxis with LMWH or fondaparinux in patients recovered in ICU or medical ward
(VTE-COVID) (90 patients)

Observational Clinical Trials presently listed on ClinicalTrials.gov.

LMWH = low-molecular-weight heparin; TGA = thrombin generation assay.

identification of biomarkers predictive of disease outcomes are critical gender, Caucasian and African-American ethnicities[16,17,28].
to develop appropriate interventional strategies for this devastating
disease. 2.2. Arterial thrombosis
In this review, we summarize results of key studies, and discuss the
current understanding of coagulopathy and hematological parameters In comparison to venous thrombosis, the incidence of arterial
in COVID-19 patients, as well as the pathophysiology and management thrombosis in COVID-19 appears to be minor (Table 1). It is never-
of thrombosis. theless of significant concern and merits further study.

2. The hypercoagulable state with COVID-19 2.2.1. Myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction (MI) has not been commonly reported with
Previous outbreaks of coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-1 and COVID-19. In the Italian study by Lodigiani et al which included 388
Middle-Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) have been asso- patients with COVID-19, the incidence of MI or acute coronary syn-
ciated with increased risk of thrombosis [23]. Similarly, the novel dromes was 1.1% [29]. Troponin levels have been noted to be sig-
SARS-CoV-2 appears to generate a profoundly prothrombotic milieu as nificantly higher in the non-survivors, and may provide prognostic
evidenced by a surge in global reports of arterial, venous and catheter- value [7,30]. While there are many explanations for elevated troponins
related thrombosis [7,24,25]. We summarize the current literature on (renal injury, myocarditis), ischemic injury as a result of plaque rupture
the incidence of venous and arterial thrombosis in Table 1, as well as and consequent infarction or secondary to demand ischemia has been
ongoing observational studies on the incidence of thrombotic outcomes reported, and is postulated as another cause of myocardial injury [14].
in Table 2.
2.2.2. Stroke
2.1. Venous thromboembolism Ischemic strokes were first reported by Dutch investigators[24].
Oxley et al have reported an alarming seven-fold increase in large vessel
Pulmonary embolism is the most common thrombotic manifestation strokes in the < 50-year-old age group in New York City, New York (5
of COVID-19[26]. One of the first substantial datasets on risk of venous patients in a 2-week period during COVID-19 pandemic compared with
thromboembolism (VTE) in critically ill patients with COVID-19, re- 0.7 patients pre-COVID) [31]. Another case series reports three patients
ported a VTE incidence of 25%[16]. In a larger study in the Nether- with COVID-19 presenting with strokes and limb ischemia[32]. Clinical
lands, 184 ICU patients with COVID-19 who were all on at least stan- presentation with ischemic strokes was also noted by Klok et al (3.7%)
dard thromboprophylaxis had a 27% cumulative incidence of VTE, with and Lodigiani et al (2.5%) [24,29].
pulmonary embolism (PE) being most frequent (81%) [24]. Middeldorp
et al. reported a higher incidence of thrombotic complications in their 2.2.3. Microvascular thrombosis
ICU patient population (7-day and 14-day cumulative incidence of 25% Several clinical reports have demonstrated evidence of thrombotic
and 48% respectively) compared to the patients admitted on the wards. microangiopathy (TMA) in patients with COVID-19, most notably in
All patients initially received standard of care thromboprophylaxis that lung autopsies [33–35]. In a study by Menter et al, five out of eleven
was intensified later on[25]. Another data set from France that included patients showed evidence of microthrombi in lung autopsies [34], and
150 patients with COVID-19 associated acute respiratory distress syn- another case series by Ackermann et al. showed widespread thrombosis
drome (ARDS) showed a VTE rate of 18%, with PE being most common. with microangiopathy in the lung autopsies of seven COVID-19 patients
When compared to a historical prospective cohort of non-COVID-19 [35]. The authors compared these findings to those of severe influenza
ARDS after matching, patients with COVID-19 ARDS demonstrated a patients, and found that alveolar microthrombi were 9 times more
significantly higher rate of thrombotic events, mainly PEs (11.7% vs prevalent in COVID-19 patients (p < 0.001) [35]. Interestingly, one
2.1%, OR 6.2, p = 0.008) [27]. Current data is too scant to determine report from China described the presence of extensive microvascular
the demographic characteristics of patients with COVID-19 that are thrombosis in extrapulmonary organs where coronavirus was not de-
more likely to develop thrombosis. It has however been suggested that tected, suggesting that a mechanism beyond viral infection is operative
this hypercoagulability may be more pronounced in older age, male [36]. Tian et al provided evidence of microthrombi in pathological
M.Y. Abou-Ismail, et al.

Table 3
Demographic and clinical characteristics of reported cases of thrombi in unusual sites. An article written in Chinese could not be included in this table but has been cited in the main body of this review.
Location (first Age Gender Thromboembolic event Pathologic findings D-dimer (institution specific Comorbidities VTE prophylaxis Treatment Outcome
author) units)

Switzerland 58 F Mesenteric ischemia Endotheliitis in small intestine, Unknown Diabetes, Unknown Surgical removal of necrotic bowel, Death
(Varga lung, heart, kidney and liver hypertension, renal replacement therapy
et al) obesity
Switzerland 69 M Mesenteric ischemia Endotheliitis of submucosal Unknown Hypertension Unknown Resection of small intestine, Survived
(Varga vessels in small intestine mechanical ventilation
et al)
New York 32 M Purpuric rash on buttocks Thrombogenic vasculopathy with D-dimer 1024 ng/mL that Obstructive sleep Unknown Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, Not mentioned
(Magro necrosis of epidermis and peaked at 2090 ng/mL on day apnea, anabolic remedesvir, mechanical ventilation
et al) adnexa; complement deposits 19 (normal 0-229 ng/mL); INR steroid use
1.6-1.9; normal PTT and
New York 66 F Purpuric rash on palms Superficial vascular ectasia with D-dimer 7030 ng/mL; low None Yes Hydroxychloroquine, prophylactic Not mentioned
(Magro and soles occlusive arterial thrombus; platelets at 128 × 109/L on day anticoagulation, renal replacement
et al) complement deposits 10; normal INR and PTT therapy and supportive care
New York 40 F Livedo racemosa on chest, perivascular lymphocytic D-dimer 1187 ng/mL; INR 1.4; None Unknown Mechanical ventilation Not mentioned
(Magro arms and legs infiltrate in superficial dermis normal platelet and PTT
et al) and deep seated small thrombi in
rare venules; complement
Beijing, China 69 M Lower limb, digital None D-dimer > 21.0 mg/L; PT 17 s, Hypertension, Unknown Oseltamivir, intravenous Not mentioned
(Zhang ischemia in hand and PTT 43.7 s, fibrinogen 4.15 g/L, diabetes and prior immunoglobulin and mechanical
et al) stroke FDP 85.5 mg/L all on admission stroke ventilation
to ICU
Camden, New 84 M Renal infarct in addition None D-dimer 21.6 μg/mL Hypertension No (Thromboembolism at LMWH infusion, mechanical Death
Jersey, USA to stroke and pulmonary presentation) thrombectomy, mechanical
embolus ventilation

LMWH = low-molecular-weight heparin.

VTE = venous thromboembolism.
M.Y. Abou-Ismail, et al.

samples obtained from two asymptomatic patients who underwent lo- kidneys and other organs leading to a hypercoagulable state and mul-
bectomies for lung adenocarcinoma, and were subsequently found to be tiple organ failure.
positive for COVID-19 [37]. Pathological examinations revealed patchy
inflammatory cellular infiltrate with focal areas of fibrin deposit, sug- 3.2. Inflammatory cytokines
gesting that a local hypercoagulable state in the pulmonary tissue may
be an early occurrence. Furthermore, TMA may contribute to findings Excessive cytokine release is postulated to cause the severe illness
of unusual sites and presentations of thrombosis that have been de- noted in younger patients without pre-existing conditions. Higher
scribed in several clinical reports (Table 3). COVID-19 induced chil- serum levels of several inflammatory cytokines and chemokines have
blains eruption has been reported, where histopathology revealed mi- been associated with severe illness and death in multiple studies
croangiopathy thought to be induced by a robust interferon response to [9,51–54]. The cytokine profiles in patients with severe COVID-19
the virus [38]. Chilblain-like lesions have also been reported in other- show increased production of IL-6, IL-7, TNF, and inflammatory che-
wise asymptomatic adolescents[39]. Transient livedo reticularis has mokines such as CCL2, CCL3, and soluble IL-2 receptor, a profile similar
been reported in two patients and is believed to be secondary to coa- to that seen in cytokine release syndromes, such as macrophage acti-
gulopathy[40]. Several reports have mentioned cases with bowel vation syndrome [55]. Excessive cytokine release contributes to
ischemia [14], limb or acral ischemia[32,41] and cutaneous ischemia thrombosis through multiple mechanisms, including activation of
[42]. Whether the renal injury seen in COVID-19 is related to direct monocytes, neutrophils, and the endothelium, all of which generates a
viral toxicity or endothelial/microvascular injury has not been estab- prothrombotic state.
lished. One review of 26 autopsy reports did not find evidence of fi-
brinous material in the renal vasculature[43], while this was found in 3 3.3. Endothelial activation & dysfunction
out of 18 patients in another autopsy review[34].
Varga and colleagues first reported endothelial dysfunction in
3. Pathophysiology of COVID-19 coagulopathy: inflammatory multiple vascular beds on post mortem specimens obtained from three
thrombosis patients [14]. In case series of 7 patients by Ackerman et al, lung au-
topsies of COVID-19 patients showed severe endothelial injury with
In addition to bedside evidence for a hypercoagulable state in presence of intracellular virus, as well as widespread thrombosis with
COVID-19, laboratory tests have also been consistent with a pro- microangiopathy[35]. Furthermore, significantly elevated levels of
thrombotic milieu such as increased D-dimer, fibrinogen, factor VIII VWF and FVIII in COVID-19 patients are suggestive of endothelial ac-
(FVIII), von Willebrand factor (vWF), decreased antithrombin, and TEG tivation in these patients[27,56]. Endothelial activation or dysfunction
results [44]. While critical illness is known to cause a hypercoagulable with COVID-19 may occur through multiple mechanisms. This includes
state due to immobilization, mechanical ventilation, central venous inflammatory cytokines generated in the pulmonary interstitium, the
access devices, and nutritional deficiencies, COVID-19 appears to cause activation of the complement components in blood, or possibly, as a
a hypercoagulable state through mechanisms unique to SARS-CoV-2 direct result of SARS-CoV-2 infection of endothelial cells through the
and centers around the cross-talk between thrombosis and inflamma- ACE2 receptor[57]. Endotheliitis, in turn, is a major forerunner to
tion [45,46]. thrombosis. The observation that male sex, obesity, hypertension, and
The causal, bi-directional relationship between inflammation and diabetes are poor prognostic factors for severe disease with COVID-19
thrombosis is well established [47]. COVID-19 causes a profoundly pro- further supports this theory due to the presence of endothelial dysre-
inflammatory state, as evident from multiple reports of high C-reactive gulation at baseline in these patients[14]. Whether anti-phospholipid
protein, lactate dehydrogenase, ferritin, interleukin-6 and D-dimer le- (aPL) antibodies contribute to endothelial dysfunction and activation in
vels [48]. IL-6 and fibrinogen levels are shown to correlate with each COVID-19 is unclear. Anticardiolipin antibodies, β2 glycoprotein anti-
other in COVID-19 patients, providing credence to the idea of in- bodies and positive lupus anticoagulant have all been reported in a few
flammatory thrombosis [46]. Researchers presently believe that the sudies [27,32,56,58]. The presence of aPL antibodies in the general
inciting event sparking the cycle of inflammation and thrombosis ori- population, especially in states of infection, is common[59]. In addi-
ginates in the pulmonary alveoli, where SARS-CoV-2 enters the alveolar tion, the contribution of IgA aPL antibodies, reported by Zhang et al, to
epithelium through the ACE2 receptor. Consequently, a severe in- thrombosis is controversial. Many lupus anti-coagulant assays are sen-
flammatory response is initiated that sets the stage for thrombosis sitive to C-reactive protein (CRP), and lead to false positive results in
through several mechanisms. We propose the following mechanisms as states where CRP is markedly elevated such as COVID-19[59,60]. Thus,
the central pathophysiological aspects of the inflammatory thrombosis the clinical relevance of these findings is yet to be determined.
caused by COVID-19, which we visually summarize in Fig. 1.
3.4. Mononuclear phagocytes (MNPs)
3.1. Localized intravascular coagulopathy
Monocytes and macrophages are theorized to play a crucial role in
A report by Tang et al. described a high rate (71.4%) of COVID-19 the inflammation and thrombosis seen in COVID-19. Liao et al de-
patients meeting ISTH disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) monstrated that MNPs account for 80% of the total bronchoalveolar
criteria[10]. However, clear evidence of overt clinical DIC in COVID-19 fluid from patients with severe COVID-19 illness, compared to 60% and
is lacking thus far. It is possible that the laboratory abnormalities noted 40% in mild cases and healthy controls, respectively [61]. Furthermore,
are a reflection of a localized coagulopathy in the pulmonary vascu- the composition of the cells was characterized by an abundance of in-
lature, resulting from severe alveolar inflammation [17,49]. Progres- flammatory monocyte-derived macrophages in patients with severe
sion of this process to the systemic circulation may explain micro- disease. Bronchoalveolar fluid in severe patients is enriched with che-
thrombotic complications and ensuing multi-organ failure. In fact, mokines potently recruit monocytes [62]. COVID-19 patients requiring
Ciceri et al propose to label this entire pathophysiology as micro- ICU hospitalization were noted to have a significant expansion of
vascular COVID-19 lung vessels obstructive thrombo-inflammatory CD14+, CD16+ monocyte populations producing IL-6 in peripheral
syndrome or MicroCLOTS.[50] The group postulates that, in individuals blood [55,63–65]. In another study, circulating monocytes were shown
predisposed to severe outcomes, initial viral damage occurring in the to have a sustained production of TNF-α and IL-6, a pattern that differs
alveoli generates inflammation and local microvascular pulmonary from bacterial or influenza sepsis [66]. Similarly, post-mortem analyses
thrombosis. This is followed by more generalized endothelial dysfunc- of COVID-19 positive patients revealed that lymphoid tissue macro-
tion and thrombo-inflammation in the microvasculature of the brain, phages infected with SARS-CoV-2 viral particles expressed IL-6.
M.Y. Abou-Ismail, et al.

Fig. 1. Pathophysiology of the Hypercoagulable State in COVID-19. The current understanding of the pathophysiology of COVID-19 induced coagulopathy centers
around the bidirectional cross-talk between inflammation (yellow arrows) and thrombosis (black arrows). COVID-19 leads to a severe inflammatory response that
originates in the alveoli. Release of inflammatory cytokines leads to activation of epithelial cells, monocytes and macrophages. Direct infection of the endothelial cells
through the ACE2 receptor also leads to endothelial activation and dysfunction, expression of TF, and platelet activation and increased levels of VWF and FVIII, all of
which contribute to thrombin generation and fibrin clot formation. Thrombin, in turn, causes inflammation through its effect on platelets which promote NET
formation in neutrophils. It also activates endothelium through the PAR receptor, which leads to release of C5A that further activates monocytes. These mechanisms
are currently hypothetical based on existing findings in COVID-19 and previous understanding of the cross-talk between inflammation and thrombosis.
ACE2: Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. FVIII: Factor VIII. IL: Interleukin. NET: Neutrophil extracellular trap. TF: Tissue factor. TNF: Tumor necrosis factor. VWF:
von Willebrand factor.

Further, the presence of IL-6+ macrophages was associated with severe 3.5. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs)
depletion of lymphocytes from lymphoid tissue [67]. These findings
suggest that COVID-19 is associated with a clinical and laboratory While neutrophilia [70] and an elevated neutrophil-lymphocyte
picture similar to that of macrophage-activation syndrome (MAS). ratio (NLR) [71] have been reported by numerous studies now as pre-
However, there distinguishing features present in COVID-19, such as dictive of worse disease outcomes, the contribution of neutrophil ex-
higher fibrinogen levels and a less pronounced elevation in ferritin and tracellular traps in the pathophysiology of COVID-19 was reported only
liver dysfunction in comparison to that seen in classical MAS[68]. recently[72]. NETs are implicated to portend pathogenicity in a wide
Presently, the exact mechanisms through which COVID-19 leads to variety of disorders including influenza-associated ARDS [73] and
activation of monocytes and macrophages remains unclear. However thrombo-inflammation [74,75]. Yu et al report elevated levels of serum
accumulating data suggests a role for MNPs in the generation of severe NETs in hospitalized COVID-19 positive patients based on a finding of
illness, including possibly the prothrombotic sequelae. This is not sur- elevated cell-free DNA, myeloperoxidase-DNA and citrullinated his-
prising given the understanding that activated monocytes rapidly up- tones in 50 patients with COVID-19. This was especially noted in hos-
regulate tissue factor (TF) expression. This triggers the coagulation pitalized and mechanically ventilated patients [72]. Moreover, they
cascade resulting in production of thrombin which in turn leads to showed that sera obtained from these patients stimulated NET gen-
thrombus generation, platelet activation, and amplification of pro-in- eration in control neutrophils. Taken together with literature linking
flammatory pathways, primarily through PAR signaling[69]. NETs to pulmonary diseases and thrombo-inflammation, these data
begin to implicate NETs as causative in organ damage, widespread
M.Y. Abou-Ismail, et al.

thrombosis and mortality that is noted in COVID-19 infection. Finally, a 4. Impact of blood count abnormalities
recent manuscript by Barnes et al describes an abundance of neutrophil
infiltration in pulmonary capillaries of three patients who succumbed to COVID-19 is associated with a significant effect on the hematolo-
COVID-19 and suggests that aberrant activation of neutrophils and NET gical and hemostatic system. In this section we will review the available
generation may underlie the cytokine storm and severe disease out- data on the common hematologic parameters and their prognostic
comes noted in this disease[76]. significance. See Table 4 for a summary of the hematologic parameters
from various studies.
3.6. Complement-mediated microangiopathy
4.1. Neutrophil count
Previous studies in animal models provide evidence for complement
Although initial studies from Wuhan reported leukopenia in hospi-
activation in serum and pulmonary tissue [77,78]. A growing body of
talized COVID-19 positive patients, [9], [8], subsequent reports showed
evidence suggests a major role for dysregulated complement activation
a trend of higher neutrophil count in patients who required ICU ad-
in severe COVID-19[79]. Several reports of post-mortem examinations
mission (ANC 4.2 vs 2.6 × 109/L, p = 0.17) [20]. Thus, patients re-
have demonstrated evidence of TMA, including hyaline thrombi in the
quiring ICU care developed neutrophilia during the hospitalization,
small vessels of the lungs and other organs [80,81]. One of those reports
with a median peak Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) of 11.6 × 109/L,
demonstrated lung and skin biopsy findings revealing a pauci-in-
compared to 3.5 × 109/L in the non-ICU group (P value < 0.001).
flammatory thrombogenic vasculopathy with complement deposit.
Further, in a retrospective review of 25 patients who died with COVID-
Researchers in China observed complement hyper-activation in COVID-
19 in Wuhan the neutrophil count trended up prior to death in 87.5% of
19 patients, as well as significantly increased plasma C5a levels in se-
patents with evaluable data [93].
vere cases[82]. Dysregulated complement system activation may be a
major contributor to cytokine storm, particularly through the pro-in-
4.2. Lymphocyte count
flammatory effects of anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a [83]. These effects
are likely to become more detrimental in patients with a genetic pre-
The lymphocyte count has gained much attention in COVID-19
disposition for decreased complement regulation, and may contributed
patients and studies consistently report the presence of lymphopenia in
to findings of TMA and subsequent organ dysfunction.
this setting. In the report from China Medical Treatment Expert Group
for COVID-19 83.2% had lymphocytopenia at hospital admission [8].
3.7. Dysregulated renin angiotensin system (RAS) Importantly, the lymphopenia is a consistent marker of poor prog-
nosis. Thus, when comparing 109 patients who died in Wuhan versus
Although dysfunction of RAS is known to play a significant role in 116 patients who recovered, the patients who died presented with a
ARDS in general [84,85], this system is specifically important in decreased lymphocyte count (0.63 vs 1.0 × 109/L) and decreased
COVID-19 infections for several reasons. The SARS-CoV2 uses its Spike lymphocyte percentage [94]. In a retrospective cohort study of 191
(S) protein and fuses with the enzyme Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme patients with 54 deaths, lymphocyte count was lowest at day 7 of illness
2 (ACE2) located on the cell membrane of human cells to gain entry onset in survivors and then improved, whereas severe lymphopenia was
into cells. ACE2 is homologous to ACE, which cleaves angiotensin I observed until death in non-survivors [7]. Wang et al. reported that
(ANGI) to generate ANGII. ANGII binds to the Angiotensin Type I Re- non-survivors developed more severe lymphopenia over time [70].
ceptor (AT1R) that leads to vasoconstriction and an increase in blood Flow cytometry on peripheral blood lymphocytes of COVID-19 patients
pressure. The inactivation of ANGII by ACE2 results in vasodilation. requiring ICU care showed significantly lower CD45+, CD3+, CD4+,
Conversely, ANGII also negatively regulates ACE2 [86], which is lo- CD8+, CD16+, and CD16/56+ counts, without an inversion of the
cated on lung alveolar epithelial cells, renal tubular epithelial cells, CD4/CD8 ratio [20].
enterocytes of the small intestine, endothelial cells, cardiomyocytes, Interestingly, while the number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were
fibroblasts and pericytes in the heart. SARS-CoV-2 has a high affinity for reduced, both the proportion and number of B cells were not affected or
ACE2, and binding of the SARS-CoV-2 results in loss of ACE2 due to even increased in most patients. Further, the producton of IFN-γ by
internalization of the virus and ACE2 shedding. This decrease in ACE2 CD4+ T cells and not CD8+ T cells or NK cells tended to be lower in
leads to decreased degradation of ANGII resulting in excess ANGII severe cases. Finally, circulating CD8 + T cells contained high con-
binding to AT1R and increase lung injury [86]. Finally, studies suggest centrations of cytotoxic granules including perforin and granulysin. All
that ANGII binding to AT1R may stimulate IL-6 release, further con- these data suggest a dysregulated immune system with overactivation
tributing to the cytokine storm syndrome that is typical of severe of cytotoxic CD8 + T cells [95].
COVID-19 infection. Supporting this hypothesis is the evidence showing Potential mechanisms of lymphocytopenia may include direct in-
increased risk of severe disease in patients infected with SARS-CoV or fection of the lymphocytes by the virus, though the proportion of ACE2-
influenza H7N5 that had higher ANGII levels [87,88]. Further, in recent positive lymphocytes is quite small. Lymphocytes express the cor-
studies on COVID-19 positive patients, viral load and lung injury di- onavirus receptor Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE2) and may be
rectly correlated with plasma ANGII levels[89]. In addition,COVID-19 directly targeted [96,97]. In a retrospective comparison of 42 patients
appears to generate worse outcomes in patients with hypertension, with COVID-19 and hypertension, the 17 patients treated with an ACE
cardiovascular disease and diabetes, all of which are associated with inhibitor/ARB had absolute numbers of CD3+ and CD8+ T cells that
reduced baseline levels of ACE2 expression suggesting imbalance in were significantly higher than that in the non-ACEI/ARB group, but no
ACE/ACE2 levels[8,90]. It has been shown that ANGII induces TF and difference in the CD4+ T cells [98].
plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) expression by endothelial
cells via AT1R, leading to a hypercoagulable state[91,92]. Thus, it is 4.3. Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio
likely these derangements in the RAS pathways, in addition to the
multiple pathways described above, likely contribute to the hypercoa- NLR has been shown to have prognostic significance in septic shock,
guable state of COVID-19, and the ensuing mortality and morbidity of pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, and bacteremia, amongst other diseases
the disease. Presently, rapid investigation into the molecular mechan- [99]. An increasing neutrophil count in the setting of a lymphopenia
isms involved is essential in order to gain a better understanding of the appears to be a sensitive marker of early inflammation and physiologic
pathophysiology of the disease and to direct appropriate, timely ther- stress[100–102]. In a study of 413 healthy volunteers the mean NLR
apeutic interventions. was 1.65 ( ± 1.96 SD: 0.78–3.53) [102].
M.Y. Abou-Ismail, et al.

Table 4
Summary of literature on the impact of common hematologic parameters on disease severity in COVID-19.
Lab Location (reference) N (total, non-severe/severe) Non-severe Severe P value

White blood cell count (×109/L) China (Guan, et.al NEJM) 1099, 926/174 4.9 (3.8–6.0) 3.7 (3.0–6.2) NR
Median (IQR) or [SD] Wuhan, China (Qin, et al. Clin Inf Disease) 452, 166/286 4.9 (3.7–6.1) 5.6 (4.3–8.4) < 0.001
China (Wang et al. JAMA) 138, 102/36 4.3 (3.3–5.4)a 6.6 (3.6–9.8)a 0.003
Shangai, China (Wu, et al. Jama) 201, 117/84 5.02 (3.37 –7.18)b 8.32 (5.07–11.20)b < 0.001
Wuhan, China (Chen, et al. BMJ) 247, 161/113 5.0 (3.7–6.3)c 10.2 (6.2–13.6)c NR
Wuhan, China (Zhou, et.al) 191, 137/54 5.2 (4.3–7.7)c 9.8 (6.9–13.9)c < 0.0001
Absolute neutrophil count (×109/L) Wuhan, China (Qin, et al. Clin Inf Disease) 452, 166/286 3.2 (2.1–4.4) 4.3 (2.9–7.0) < 0.001
Median (IQR) or [SD] China (Wang et al. JAMA) 138, 102/36 2.7 (1.9–3.9)a 4.6 (2.6–7.9)a < 0.001
Shangai, China (Wu, et al. Jama) 201, 117/84 3.06 (2.03–5.56)b 7.04 (3.98–10.12)b < 0.001
Wuhan, China (Chen, et al. BMJ) 247, 161/113 3.2 (2.4–4.5)c 9.0 (5.4–12.7)c NR
Absolute lymphocyte count (×109/L) China (Guan, et.al NEJM) 1099, 926/174 1.0 (0.8–1.4) 0.8 (0.6–1.0) NR
Median (IQR) or [SD] Wuhan, China (Qin, et al. Clin Inf Disease) 452, 166/286 1.0 (0.7–1.3) 0.8 (0.6–1.1) < 0.001
China (Wang et al. JAMA) 138, 102/36 0.9 (0.6–1.2)a 0.8 (0.5–0.9)a 0.03
Shangai, China (Wu, et al. Jama) 201, 117/84 1.08 (0.72–1.45)b 0.67 (0.49–0.99)b < 0.001
Wuhan, China (Chen, et al. BMJ) 247, 161/113 1.0 (0.7–1.4)c 0.6 (0.4–0.7)c NR
Wuhan, China (Zhou, et.al) 191, 137/54 1.1 (0.8–1.5)c 0.6 (0.5–0.8)c < 0.0001
Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio Beijing, China (Liu, et al. preprint) 61, 44/17 2.2 (1.4–3.1) 3.6 (2.5–5.4) 0.003
Median (IQR) or [SD] Wuhan, China (Qin, et al. Clin Inf Disease) 452, 166/286 3.2 (1.8–4.9) 5.5 (3.3–10.0) < 0.001
China (Yang, et al. Int Immun) 93, 69/24 4.8 [ ± 3.5] 20.7 [ ± 24.1] < 0.001
Wuhan, China (Ma. et al.) 37, 17/20 2.6 (1.8–3.5)e 5.5 (3.6–6.5)e 0.022
Platelet count (×109/L) China (Guan, et.al NEJM) 1099, 926/174 172 (139–212) 137 (99–179.5) NR
Median (IQR) or [SD] China (Wang et al. JAMA) 138, 102/36 165 (125–188)a 142 (119–202)a 0.78
Shangai, China (Wu, et al. Jama) 201, 117/84 178 (140.0–239.5)b 187 (124.5–252.5)b 0.73
Wuhan, China (Chen, et al. BMJ) 247, 161/113 198 (160–256)c 156 (111.8–219.3)c NR
Wuhan, China (Zhou, et.al) 191, 137/54 220 (168–271)c 165.5 (107–229)c < 0.0001
Hemoglobin (g/dL) China (Guan, et.al NEJM) 1099, 926/174 13.5 (12.0–14.8) 12.8 (11.2–14.1) NR
Median (IQR) or [SD] Wuhan, China (Chen, et al. BMJ) 247, 161/113 12.8 (11.8–13.8)c 12.8 (11.4–14.5)c NR
Wuhan, China (Zhou, et.al) 191, 137/54 12.8 (12.0–14.0)c 12.6 (11.5–13.8)c 0.3
New York, USA (Goyal et al. NEJM) 393, 263/130 13.5 (12.4–14.8)d 13.7 (12.3–15.3)d NR

NR = not reached.
ICU vs non-ICU.
Without ARDS vs with ARDS.
Survivors vs Non-Survivors.
Non-invasive vs invasive ventilation.
Cancer patients.

Several studies have shown a relationship between an elevated NLR 125 × 109/l. 72.7% of non-survivors had < 125 × 109/L platelets vs only
and more severe COVID-19 infection. An increased NLR at presentation 10.7% in survivors, p < 0.001[22]. 76 patients (5.1%) had a platelet
has a strong association with increased disease severity when compared nadir < 50 × 109/L with a mortality rate of 92.1%. The mortality rate
to patients without severe disease at presentation. Moreover, when was 61.2% in the group of patients with a nadir platelet count between 50
stratified by high NLR (> 3.13) and age ≥ 50, 50% of the patients had and 100 × 109/L. Overall, the majority of patients appear to have a mild
severe illness. Similarly, in another analysis of 96 patients, Yang, et al. thrombocytopenia, which is more pronounced with severe infection.
identified that 46.1% of non-severe patients with an NLR > 3.3 and Presently, it is unclear if a decreased platelet count reflects a more
age > 49.5 would transform into severe cases within a mean of severe DIC and increased consumption or a direct platelet-viral inter-
6.3 days.[103] In a study of 301 patients, an NLR of 2.973 (AUC action [105]. Multiple possible mechanisms are possible for viral in-
0.7338, sensitivity 75.8%, specificity 66.8%) was associated with pro- fection induced thrombocytopenia. These include the development of
gression of disease [104]. Finally, a meta-analysis of 5 studies from autoantibodies and immune complexes mediating clearance; direct in-
China with 828 patients, NLR was found to increase significantly in fection of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and the megakaryocytic
patients with severe disease (standardized mean difference = 2.404, lineage via CD13 or CD66a resulting in decreased production of pla-
95% CI - 0.98-3.82) [21]. telets; and pathologic activation of the coagulation pathway and con-
Increased NLR was also associated with VTE with a mean NLR of 9.5 sumption of platelets[105,106].
(5.9-13) in 33 patients who developed VTE versus 5 (3.5-7.9) in 165
patients without VTE [25].
4.5. Hemoglobin

4.4. Platelets No significant abnormalities have been described regarding red

blood cells and anemia. There has been a trend of worse anemia in
Although a significant drop in platelet counts has not been a prominent patients with more severe disease, [20] with a median hemoglobin
feature of the disease, there are certain situations when the presence of (Hgb) of 13.2 g/dL in patients requiring ICU versus 14.2 g/dL in non
severity thrombocytopenia is being recognized as a marker of worse out- ICU patients (p = 0.07), and the majority of patients presented with a
comes. Thrombocytopenia was more pronounced in patients with severe normal Hgb count. Of 1099 patients with confirmed COVID-19 in
infection with a mean platelet count of 137 × 109/L vs 172 × 109/L in China, the median Hgb was 13.5 g/dL in non-severe patients and
non-severe patients. See Table 4 for the difference in platelet counts be- 12.8 g/dL in severe patients[8]. However, this trend was not appre-
tween patients with mild versus severe disease. In a retrospective review ciated in a review of 393 patients who required or did not require in-
specifically investigating the relationship between thrombocytopenia and vasive ventilation in New York City[107]. See Table 4 for a review of
mortality of 1476 consecutive patients in Jinyintan Hospital, Wuhan, the median Hgb levels reported in the various studies.
thrombocytopenia was reported in 20.7% of patients, using a cutoff of
M.Y. Abou-Ismail, et al.

Table 5
Summary of current literature evidence on the prognostic value of elevated D-dimer in COVID-19 across the globe.
Location (first author) Sample size Clinical setting D-dimer assay (reference range) D-dimer cut-off for Outcome of interest Statistics (sensitivity/ Salient findings
risk assessment specificity/odds ratio with p-

Wuhan, China (Zhou 191 Hospitalized Unknown > 1 μg/mL Mortality OR 18.42, 95% CI: 2.64- D-dimer > 1 μg/mL indicative of higher odds of death
et al) 128.55; p = 0.0033
Wuhan, China 248 Hospitalized Immunoturbidimetric assay (0- > 2.14 mg/L Mortality Se 88.2%/Sp 71.3% D-dimer elevated in 74.6% of inpatients. Median D-dimer
(Yao et al) 0.50 mg/L) 6.21 mg/L and 1.02 mg/L in non-survivors and survivors
respectively, p = 0.000
Wuhan, China (Zhang 343 Hospitalized CS5100 automatic coagulation > 2 μg/mL Mortality HR 51.5, p < 0.001; adjusted D-dimer > 2.0 μg/mL had higher incidence of mortality
et al) analyzer (0-0.5 μg/mL) HR 22.4 (for age, gender and when compared to < 2 (12/67 vs 1/267, P < 0.001)
comorbidity), p = 0.003
Wuhan, China (Tang 183 Hospitalized STA-R MAX coagulation N/A (continuous Mortality N/A Median D-dimer values were 2.12 μg/mL vs 0.61 μg/mL
et al) analyzer variable) in the non-survivors and survivors respectively,
p < 0.001. 71.4% of non-curvivors had DIC per ISTH
Mainland China (Guan 1099 Hospitalized Not mentioned N/A Severe disease; Primary N/A 1) 59.6% of the severe cases presented with elevated D-
et al) (continuous composite endpoint was dimer vs 43.2% of non-severe cases (p = 0.002).
variable) admission to ICU/mechanical 2) 69.4% of patients with the composite primary
ventilation or death endpoint had elevated D-dimer vs. 44.2% of those
without (P = 0.001).
Wuhan, China (Huang 41 Hospitalized Not mentioned N/A ICU admission N/A Median D-dimer values were 2.4 vs 0.5 in the ICU
et al) (continuous patients and non-ICU patients respectively, p = 0.0042.
Wuhan, China (Wang 138 Hospitalized Not mentioned (0-500 mg/L) N/A ICU admission N/A Median D-dimer values were 414 mg/L vs 166 mg/L,
et al) (continuous p < 0.001 in ICU cases and non-ICU cases respectively.
Wuhan, China (Wu 201 Hospitalized Not mentioned N/A ARDS; mortality ARDS HR = 1.03, p < 0.001; Higher D-dimer associated with progress to ARDS and
et al) (continuous mortality HR = 1.02, mortality
variable) p = 0.002
Milan, Italy (Lodigiani 388 Hospitalized Not mentioned N/A ICU; mortality N/A Table 2 in this published study highlights the higher D-
et al) (continuous dimer values in non-survivors vs survivors and also in
variable) ICU patients vs general ward patients.
Beijing, China (Cui 81 ICU Succeeder SF8200 automatic > 1.5 μg/mL VTE Se 85%/Sp 88.5%/NPV 94.7% 20/81 (25%) patients had VTE. 8/20 patients with VTE
et al) coagulation analyzer died. D-dimer values were 5.2 ± 3.0 vs
0.8 ± 1.2 μg/ml in the VTE group and non-VTE group
respectively, P < 0.001.
Strasbourg, France 106 Hospitalized Unknown > 2660 μg/L Pulmonary embolism Se 100%/Sp 67% 32/106 (30%) patients had a PE. Median D-dimer values
(Leonard-Lorant were IQR 6110 ± 4905 versus 1920 ± 3674 μg/L in
et al) the PE and non-PE group respectively, p < 0.001
M.Y. Abou-Ismail, et al.

5. Management physicians globally are compelled to prepare guidelines for manage-

ment of this hypercoagulable state based on the established under-
The first general rule in the management of coagulopathy is the standing of crosstalk between inflammation and thrombosis. Thus,
treatment of the underlying cause. However, with COVID-19, treat- clinicians are using prophylactic, intermediate, or therapeutic doses of
ments of the viral infection remain experimental at the current time. As anticoagulation, based on coagulation parameters and the clinical sce-
such, until an effective treatment option is available, it is crucial to be nario.
able to appropriately manage the sequela of COVID-19-associated Although the optimal dosing remains unclear the benefit of antic-
coagulopathy. oagulation with heparin products (mostly LMWH at prophylactic doses)
in COVID-19 patients was demonstrated by a study in China. [119]
5.1. Monitoring of laboratory parameters Importantly, in the sub-group analysis, those with a sepsis-induced
coagulopathy (SIC) score of greater than 3 (n = 97) had decreased 28-
As a result of the crosstalk between inflammatory and thrombotic day mortality (40.0% vs 64.2%, P = 0.029), as did the 161 patients
pathways, infections are almost always associated with a concomitant with D-dimer greater than 6 times the upper limited of normal (32.8%
activation of the coagulation system, evidenced by elevation in the vs 52.4%, P = 0.017). Of concern, a Dutch study by Klok et al reported
markers of an activated coagulation system. The D-dimer has been a 31% incidence of thrombotic complications that occurred despite the
shown to be frequently elevated in patients with COVID-19 presence of at least prophylactic anticoagulation (with LMWH) in pa-
[7,16,19,28,108,109]. Increased fibrinogen, fibrin degradation pro- tients hospitalized for COVID-19 pneumonia [11]. Consistently, another
ducts, prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time study, albeit smaller, done in France demonstrated the significant hy-
(aPTT), and shortened thrombin time (TT) have been described in pa- percoagulability that exists in COVID-19 patients. Here, Llitjos et al
tients with COVID-19 compared to healthy controls [26,110]. showed that all patients with severe COVID-19 who received prophy-
lactic anticoagulation (n = 8) developed VTE, as did 56% of those who
5.1.1. D-Dimer received therapeutic dose anticoagulation (n = 18) [12].
Numerous studies in COVID-19 patients highlight the prognostic These findings make a strong argument for considering higher doses
value of increased D-dimer (Table 5) [9,10,16–19]. Accumulating data (intermediate or therapeutic) of anticoagulation in the management of
clearly suggests that an elevated D-dimer, and presence of coagulo- patients with severe COVID-19, especially in the absence of obvious
pathy, serve as prognostic indicators of worse morbidity and mortality contraindications such as ongoing bleeding. However, they also bring to
in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. In general, the D-dimer is a mind, the concern that anticoagulation in itself may be insufficient to
marker of fibrin formation and degradation, and specifically of plasmin- prevent thrombotic complications. While we battle with these di-
catalyzed degradation of fibrin polymers and thus, in the case of lemmas, hemostasis experts outline and revise guidelines based on ra-
COVID-19 infection, reflective of pathological activation of the hemo- pidly accumulating data, bearing in mind that there may exist patho-
static pathways. In this review, we describe D-dimer units as reported in physiologic differences in COVID-19 induced coagulopathy. Below, we
the original studies. In the study by Lodigiani et al, the median D-dimer summarize the current guidelines and recommendations from different
of survivors on admission was 353 ng/mL (μg/L), and trended to societies, as of the date this article is written, on the role of prophylactic
529 ng/mL a week later, in comparison to 869 ng/mL and 1494 ng/mL and therapeutic anticoagulation in Table 6.
for non-survivors, respectively [111]. Consistently, data by Tang et al While all guidelines presently recommend intravenous or sub-
shows that non-survivors of COVID-19 infection demonstrated higher cutaneous low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) or unfractionated
D-dimer levels and platelet counts, lower fibrinogen and antithrombin heparin (UFH) for anticoagulation, another proposed approach has
levels, all highly suggestive of ongoing DIC [10]. Monitoring hemostatic been the use of nebulized heparin for an enhanced localized antic-
parameters such as platelet counts, coagulation assays, D-dimer and oagulant effect in the pulmonary vasculature. Prior data demonstrated
fibrinogen is common practice in critical care, especially in DIC that nebulized heparin significantly reduces coagulation activation in
[112–115], These data now provide evidence for the importance of the lungs of critically ill patients [120]. However, as with so many other
these assessments especially in COVID-19 patients and offer crucial therapies, this approach is yet to be studied in the context of COVID-19.
prognostic insights which will likely guide alterations in management.
The ASH expert panel recommends serial monitoring of platelet 5.2.2. Drug Interactions with anticoagulants and antiplatelets
count, PT, aPTT, D-dimer, and fibrinogen in hospitalized COVID-19 Attention should be given to potential drug interactions between
patients. The panel suggests that since worsening of these parameters, anticoagulants and experimental drugs for COVID-19. ISTH guidelines
specifically the D-dimer, indicates worsening illness, this predicts the advice caution (although not avoidance) in patients on DOACs who are
need for aggressive critical care or experimental therapies. Likewise, admitted with COVID-19 illness due to interactions with antiviral or
improvement of these parameters along with stable or improving clin- any other investigational drugs. In a small study by Testa et al, DOAC
ical condition may support the decision to step down on aggressive patients treated with antiviral drugs showed an alarming increase in
anticoagulation therapy [116]. The ISTH provides similar re- DOAC plasma levels [124]. The effect of direct oral anticoagulants
commendations [117]. On the other hand, blood product support can appears to be potentiated by atazanavir, lopinavir/ritonavir, hydroxy-
be considered in bleeding scenarios as with bleeding in DIC, although chloroquine, and decreased by tocilizumab. Furthermore, apixaban
clinically overt bleeding is reportedly uncommon in the setting of may confer increased risk for QT prolongation when used with hydro-
COVID-19 [112,118]. xychloroquine. Atazanavir and lopinavir/ritonavir may decrease the
For therapeutic monitoring of patients who are on anticoagulation active metabolite of clopidogrel and prasugrel. Among atazanavir, lo-
with heparin products, anti-Xa monitoring is recommended over aPTT pinavir/ritonavir, remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, tocilizumab, and
since the latter may be elevated in COVID-19. Furthermore, this allows interferon beta, there has not been shown to be interactions with he-
for less frequent visits to the patient room. parin products, fondaparinux, or argatroban. A list of drug interactions
(collated by the University of Liverpool) can be found at http://
5.2. Anticoagulation covid19-druginteractions.org [125].

5.2.1. Use of prophylactic or therapeutic dose anticoagulants 5.2.3. Duration of Anticoagulation

As our understanding of the coagulopathy associated with COVID- Data on the optimal duration and method of anticoagulation for
19 evolves, the best approach to management continues to be explored. COVID-19 patients post-discharge is currently not available. Aspirin has
Given the paucity of data in the pathophysiology of this disorder, been studied for extended VTE prophylaxis in low-risk orthopedic
M.Y. Abou-Ismail, et al.

Table 6
Current guidelines and recommendations on prophylactic and therapeutic anticoagulation from different societies and institutions.
Recommending source When to consider prophylactic dose anticoagulation When to consider therapeutic dose anticoagulation

International Society of In all patients with COVID-19 who are hospitalized, including non-
Thrombosis & Hemostasis critically ill, in the absence of contraindications (active bleeding and
platelet count < 25 × 109/L). PT and PTT abnormalities are not
considered a contraindication [117].
American Society of
Hematology (Expert Panel)
All hospitalized patients with COVID-19. LMWH or fondaparinux
(suggested over UFH to reduce contact) in the absence of increased
• Intubated patients who develop sudden clinical and laboratory
findings consistent with PE, especially when chest X-ray and/or
bleeding risk[121]. markers of inflammation are stable or improving
• Patients with physical findings consistent with thrombosis, such as
superficial thrombophlebitis, peripheral ischemia or cyanosis,
thrombosis of dialysis filters, tubing or catheters, or retiform
• Patients with respiratory failure, particularly when D-dimer and/
or fibrinogen levels are very high, in whom other causes are not
identified (e.g., ARDS, fluid overload) [122]
Thrombosis UK • For CrCl > 30 mL/min: Give LMWH or fondaparinux
• For CrCl < 30 mL/min or acute kidney injury: UFH 5000 units SC
BD or TDS or dose-reduced LMWH
• pneumatic compression
All completely immobilized patients would benefit from intermittent
in addition to pharmacological
• Mechanical thromboprophylaxis should be used alone if platelets
< 30 × 10 /L or bleeding [123].
National Institute for Public
Health of the Netherlands
All patients with (suspected) COVID-19 admitted to the hospital,
irrespective of risk scores.
• Insignificant
patients with a D-dimer < 1,000 μg/L on admission but a
increase during hospital stay to levels above 2,000-
4,000 μg/L, when imaging is not feasible, therapeutic-dose
LMWH can be considered when the risk of bleeding is

• In2,000-4,000
patients with a strongly increased D-dimer on admission (e.g.
μg/L), D-dimer testing should be repeated within 24-
48 h to detect further increases in which case imaging for DVT or
PE, or empiric anticoagulation, should be considered [15].

patients, and could be considered for COVID-19 VTE prophylaxis if the improvement in respiratory parameters [131,132]. However, bleeding
post-discharge criteria are met [126]. The ASH expert panel re- complications remain a major concern, and given the paucity of data,
commends that any decision to use extended post-discharge thrombo- the use of anti-fibrinolytics is not yet a strong recommendation. An
prophylaxis with anticoagulation or aspirin should consider the in- alternative, safer approach that may confer benefit in COVID-19 in-
dividual patient's VTE risk factors, such as reduced mobility, duced ARDS is the use of nebulized fibrinolytics. In 2019, a study on 60
coagulopathy, and bleeding risk [121]. The International Medical Pre- patients with ARDS showed that use of nebulized streptokinase in pa-
vention Registry on Venous Thromboembolism (IMPROVE) VTE risk tients with severe ARDS resulted in improvements in oxygenation and
score has been used as a tool to identify patients who would benefit lung mechanics more rapidly than nebulized heparin [133]. This ap-
from extended-use prophylaxis with LMWH [127]. Protocols suggest proach would need further investigation in the COVID-19 setting.
that patients hospitalized with COVID-19, especially those with an Another agent with fibrinolytic properties that has been considered
IMPROVE VTE score of > 3, an elevated D-dimer level (> 2× upper is Nafamostat. Nafamostat is a synthetic serine protease inhibitor that
limit of normal), and 2 or more of the following characteristics: has been used in Japan for treatment of DIC in pancreatitis for decades.
age > 60, previous VTE, known thrombophilia, current cancer, should Nafamostat possesses both anti-fibrinolytic activity as well as anti-viral
be strongly considered for extended thromboprophylaxis up to 39- activity, and has thus generated interested in being repurposed as a
45 days post-discharge either with prophylactic dose LMWH or rivar- potential therapeutic agent for COVID-19 in ongoing studies [134].
oxaban [127–129]. For patients who have been empirically started on
therapeutic anticoagulation for suspected PE, the ASH panel re- 5.4. Future therapeutic targets and areas of research
commends that they should remain anticoagulated for at least
3 months, regardless of results of future investigation studies. Fur- As previously highlighted, SARS-CoV-2 presents unique mechanisms
thermore, cases of confirmed VTE should be considered as “provoked” of inducing coagulopathy. The limited data revealing a high incidence
and treated for 3-6 months duration [121]. of thrombosis despite anticoagulation underscores the necessity for
novel therapeutic approaches to prevent thrombotic complications and
5.3. Antifibrinolytics mortality [11,12]. We enlist below the main areas of research that are
either being pursued or warrant further study, and provide a summary
There has been interest in the use of anti-fibrinolytics in the man- of ongoing observation and interventional trials in Table 6 and Table 7.
agement of thrombosis and ARDS in the setting of COVID-19. Fibrin These approaches remain theoretical or experimental, but offer insight
deposition in the alveolar spaces and lung parenchyma is a known into potential future strategies that bear promise.
observation in ARDS leading to worse respiratory outcomes [130]. Al-
though inhibiting thrombin generation with heparin agents may pre- 5.4.1. Inflammatory thrombosis
vent further fibrin deposition, unlike the use of anti-fibrinolytics, it is As previously highlighted, the bidirectional cross-talk between in-
not effective against pre-existing fibrin deposits. The use of tPA to treat flammation and thrombosis, or “immuno-thrombosis”, is emerging as a
ARDS in COVID-19 has been proposed, following a case series of 3 major cornerstone of the prothrombotic complications of COVID-19.
COVID-19 patients in whom tPA was associated with temporary Experimental use of immunosuppressive agents can potentially set the
M.Y. Abou-Ismail, et al.

Table 7
Summary of ongoing interventional trials using different anti-thrombotic agents in COVID-19 patients.
Clinical Trial Location Status Intervention

NCT04345848 Switzerland Recruiting Low and high dose anticoagulation with UFH or LMWH
(200 patients)
NCT04354155 USA Not yet recruiting Thromboprophylaxis with enoxaparin
(COVAC-TP) (38 patients)
NCT04344756 France Not yet recruiting Tinxaparin or UFH for 14 days
(CORIMUNO-COAG) (808 patients)
NCT 04357730 USA Not yet recruiting Fibrinolytic therapy to treat ARDS in COVID-19 patients
(60 patients)
NCT04362085 Canada Not yet recruiting Therapeutic LMWH or UFH versus standard of care
(462 patients)
NCT04360824 USA Not yet recruiting Standard versus intermediate dose enoxaparin
(170 patients)
NCT04367831 USA Not yet recruiting Intermediate to prophylactic dose anticoagulation
(IMPROVE) (100 patients)
NCT04363840 USA Not yet recruiting Aspirin 81 mg plus vitamin D
(LEAD COVID-19) (1080 patients)
NCT04373707 France Not yet recruiting Weight adjusted versus fixed low dose LMWH for VTE
(COVI-DOSE) (602 patients)
NCT04354155 USA Not yet recruiting Thromboprophylaxis with LMWH in children
(COVAC-TP) (38 patients)

Interventional Clinical Trials presently listed on ClinicalTrials.gov.

LMWH = low molecular weight heparin; UFH = unfractionated heparin.

brakes on this inflammatory process in COVID-19 patients and has been attempted with the suggestion of potential benefit [137].
of interest [117]. Additionally, the use of non-anticoagulant heparin-like molecules has
been proposed as a mechanism to attenuate the release of inflammatory Complement pathway. As previously mentioned, a growing cytokines. LMWH is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties,
body of evidence supports the role of complement hyper-activation which could provide additional benefit in COVID19 patients subject to
contributing to severe COVID-19 [79]. These studies provide the basis pro-inflammatory cytokines [8,9,138]. Specifically designed heparan
for the suggestion that severe and fatal cases of COVID-19, that have sulfate oligosaccharides with neutralizing proinflammatory proteins
findings consistent with excessive complement activation, may have an and potential anti-viral effect are being investigated in managing
increased susceptibility to TMA due to a genetic predisposition to a COVID-19 [139].
pathogenic complement activation. Previous data showed that
treatment with humanized anti-C5a antibody greatly ameliorated 5.4.2. Natural anticoagulant pathways
lung injury and inflammation in a monkey model of virus-induced Since the pathogenesis of inflammation and sepsis-induced coagu-
acute lung injury (H7N9 virus) [135]. In fact, in the same study in lopathy involves the generation of thrombin and the reduction of nat-
China where elevated C5a levels were demonstrated in severe COVID- ural anticoagulant proteins, numerous studies have explored the benefit
19, researchers also treated two severe cases with a recombinant C5a of using coagulation inhibitors such as antithrombin in these situations.
monoclonal antibody. Both patients showed significant improvement Hayakawa et al demonstrated that AT treatment in sepsis-induced DIC
with resolved fever and increased oxygenation [82]. Thus, complement may be associated with a reduced in-hospital all-cause mortality [140].
inhibition, with agents such as eculizumab, may also be a promising Similarly a study be Kato et al suggested possible mortality benefit in
treatment for severe COVID-19 [13]. septic patients with coagulopathy treated with recombinant thrombo-
modulin [141]. Although none of the studies with anticoagulants pro- Neutrophil extracellular traps. Accumulating data show that vide data as robust as the PROWESS trial studying activated protein C
neutrophils extracellular traps or NETs have the potential to (APC), the benefit of using APC is offset with the increased risk for
propagate both inflammation and thrombosis. As highlighted above, bleeding [142]. In general, these data provide fuel for considering ex-
NETs are postulated to play a role in COVID-19 associated immuno- perimental therapies that address physiologic anticoagulant pathways
thrombosis as well. This suggests a role for potentially targeting NETs to that are most likely inhibited or inactivated in COVID-19. To this end, a
reduce the clinical severity of COVID-19. Barnes et al propose several group in Austria has already registered a study with Clinicaltrials.gov to
mechanisms of either directly targeting the molecules that form NETs, examine the thrombin generation potential of COVID-19 positive pa-
or the process that leads to their formation[76]. Anakinra targets IL1β, tients, with and without the addition of thrombomodulin
which enhances NET formation, and is currently being investigated in (NCT04356144). The results from such studies may provide the foun-
COVID-19 trials (ClinicalTrials.gov identifiers: NCT04324021, dation for interventional studies exploring anticoagulants such as re-
NCT04330638, NCT02735707) [76]. combinant thrombomodulin or antithrombin for the management of
COVID-19 coagulopathy. Inflammatory cytokines. Tocilizumab, an interleukin-6
inhibitor, has been used in the setting of cytokine release syndrome 5.5. COVID-19 in patients with bleeding disorders
in COVID-19, and recent pilot prospective data suggests a survival
benefit when given early in the course of the disease [136]. While the While we still do not understand how COVID-19 infection may af-
impact of tocilizumab on thrombotic outcomes is unclear, it is possible fect people with bleeding disorders, we are aware that severe illness is
that the survival benefit is secondary to reduced endothelial usually associated with a coagulopathy that resembles DIC. Since some
inflammation and microvascular thrombosis. Regardless, this warrants of the treatments used presently for management of bleeding disorders
further investigation. In a small case series in China, the use of plasma may also interfere with clotting assays, this information is vital to the
exchange for the similar purpose of reducing cytokine storm was management of the disease in patients who may receive these therapies.
M.Y. Abou-Ismail, et al.

Table 8
Coagulation assays used to monitor COVID-19 positive patients that may be affected by emicizumab (adapted from Genetech).
Analyte/assay Assay with interference with emicizumab? Alternatives

aPTT Yes (overestimate coagulation potential of For heparin monitoring: anti Xa assay
PT Yes (weak effect) No mitigation required (small effect)
D-dimer No
Fibrinogen: Clauss method No
Fibrinogen: derived Yes (weak effect) No mitigation required (small effect); or use Clauss method
Protein C: chromogenic No
Protein C: aPTT-based Yes (overestimate coagulation potential of Chromogenic protein C assay
Antithrombin activity No
Anti-Xa activity No
FVIII activity: aPTT based Yes (overestimate coagulation potential of Chromogenic FVIII assay (see below guidance)
FVIII activity: chromogenic bovine reagents No Does not detect emicizumab, but allows measurement of endogenous or
infused FVIII activity
FVIII activity: chromogenic human reagents No Responsive to emicizumab, but may overestimate clinical hemostatic
potential of emicizumab

For additional information on effects and interferences of emicizumab on coagulation assays, please refer to Adamkewicz et al. Thromb Haemost 2019;119:1084-

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