Polynom 3
Polynom 3
Polynom 3
Part III
Ferrari and the Biquadratic
Ferrari's solution of the quartic (biquadratic) equation involved the
introduction of a new variable and then specializing this variable to
put the equation into a form that could easily be solved. Finding the
right specialization involved solving a cubic equation (called the
resolvent of the original quartic). Here are the details, again using
modern techniques.
Consider the general quartic equation
x4 + ax3 + bx2 + cx + d = 0,
and rewrite it as
x4 + ax3 = -bx2 -cx -d.
Now add ¼ a2x2 to both sides to make the LHS a perfect square:
(x2 + ½ ax)2 = (¼ a2 – b)x2 – cx -d.
Ferrari and the Biquadratic
We introduce a new variable by adding y(x2 + ½ ax) + ¼ y2 to both
sides of the equation (this keeps the LHS a perfect square):
(x2 + ½ ax + ½ y)2 = (¼ a2 – b + y)x2 + (-c + ½ ay)x + (-d + ¼ y2).
If we can chose a y so that the RHS is a perfect square, the resulting
quartic equation would be very easy to solve. Now, a quadratic
Ax2 + Bx + C
is a perfect square (has two equal roots) if and only if B2 – 4AC = 0.
So we consider the equation (resolvent):
(-c + ½ ay)2 = 4(¼ a2 – b + y)(-d + ¼ y2) or
y3 – by2 + (ac – 4d)y + 4bd – a2d – c2 = 0.
With y being any solution of this cubic, we obtain
(x2 + ½ ax + ½ y)2 = (ex + f)2,
where (in general) ay
a 2
e= −b y and f = .
4 a
2 −b y
Ferrari and the Biquadratic
The solutions of the quartic can now be obtained by solving the two
quadratic equations:
x2 + ½ ax + ½ y = ex + f and x2 + ½ ax + ½ y = -ex – f.
The success with the cubic and quartic equations naturally led to a
search for a similar solution of the general quintic (5th degree)
equation. But the methods that had worked with the lower degree
equations generally produced resolvent equations which could not
be solved. New ideas were needed for any progress to be made,
and these surfaced in the 18th Century.
The two greatest mathematicians of the 18th Century were Euler
and Lagrange, and which of the two was the greater is a matter of
debate that often reflects the differing mathematical sensitivities of
the debaters. - Eves, An Introduction to the History of Mathematics
r 1 r 2 and
3 23
x2 =
r 1 r 2 .
23 3
x3 =
Cardano came close to the realization that other roots of the
resolvent would give other solutions to the cubic ... for he says:
I need not say whether having found another value for [a root of
the resolvent] ... we would come to two other solutions [for x]. If
this operation delights you, you may go ahead and inquire into this
for yourself.
Having expressed all of the roots of the cubic equation in terms of
all of the roots of the resolvent, Lagrange proceeds to now write
the roots of the resolvent in terms of the roots of the cubic. He
finds that the six roots of the resolvent can all be obtained from
y = (1/3)(x' + ωx'' + ω2x''')
where x', x'' and x''' are the three roots of the cubic arranged in any
order (there are 3! = 6 such arrangements ... we call them
permutations today.)
He did not live long enough to carry out this program, but he did
make some headway. In particular, in the case where all the roots
of an equation can be expressed as a rational function of one of
them, say x, then if for any two roots α(x) and β(x), we have
αβ(x) = βα(x), then the equation is algebraically solvable.
Évariste Galois (1811 – 1832) had an even shorter and more tragic
life than Abel. Galois was born in Bourg-la-Reine, a town not far
from Paris in which his father was elected mayor in 1815. He had
mixed success in preparatory school (mostly due to trouble in the
humanities), but began to shine in mathematics to the exclusion of
all other subjects. He published a short paper before he was 18,
and submitted a memoir on the solvability of equations of prime
degree to the French Academy at the same time. However, he
twice failed the entrance exam to the École Polytechnique (the first
time because he wasn't prepared and the second attempt was a few
days after his father had committed suicide). Galois enrolled at the
École Normale to prepare himself for a teaching career.
After the director locked the students into the building so that they
could not participate in the political activities leading to the July
revolution of 1830, Galois attacked the director in a letter for
favoring “legitimacy” over “liberty”. He was expelled.
Galois joined a heavily republican division of the National
Guard, a division that was soon dissolved because of its perceived
threat to the throne of King Louis-Phillipe. He was arrested twice
for his political activities and sent to prison for six months for the
second offense (wearing the uniform of the dissolved National
Guard division).
Although heavily involved in political activities, he continued to
study mathematics. He mastered the mathematical textbooks of his
time with the ease of reading novels and went on to the important
papers of Legendre, Jacobi and Abel, and then to creating his own.
Two of his memoirs, sent to the French Academy were mislaid and
lost, and a revised version of his memoir on the solvability of
equations was rejected because the referee could not understand the
While he was in prison his anger at the Academy for their failure
to appreciate his work grew to such a degree that he lashed out at
France's “official scientists” in a vicious diatribe intended to be a
preface to the private publication of his work.
At this time he also met Stéphanie-Felicie du Motel, daughter of
a physician who lived nearby. After he left prison she rebuffed his
advances and Galois was drawn into a duel of honor with a fellow
republician Pécheux D'Herbinville. On May 30, 1832, five months
before his 21st birthday he was shot in the stomach and died the
following day of peritonitis.
The evening before the duel, expecting to die on the morrow, he
wrote a letter to his friend Auguste Chevalier in which he set forth
briefly his discovery of the connection of the theory of groups
with the solution of equations by radicals. At the end of the letter
he wrote:
I have often in my life ventured to advance propositions of
which I was uncertain; but all that I have written here has been in
my head nearly a year, and it is too much to my interest not to
deceive myself that I have been suspected of announcing theorems
of which I had not the complete demonstration.
Ask Jacobi or Gauss publicly to give their opinion, not as to the
truth, but as to the importance of the theorems.
Subsequently there will be, I hope, some people who will find it
to their profit to decipher all this mess.
This letter was published, as requested, later that year in the Revue
encyclopédique, but his other manuscripts lay unread until they
were finally published in 1846 by Liouville in his Journal des
mathématiques. Within the next few years, several mathematicians
included Galois' material in university lectures or published
commentaries on the work. It was not until 1866, however, that
Galois theory was included in a text, the third edition of the Cours
d'algebre of Paul Serret (1827-1898). Four years later, Camille
Jordan (1838-1922) published his monumental Traité des
substitutions et des équations algébriques (Treatise on
Substitutions and Algebraic Equations), which contains a
somewhat revised version of Galois theory.
Galois' life has been the subject of many biographies (one fictional).
Several of these have been criticized for being overly imaginative
and selective in what they report about Galois – trying to make a
case rather than reporting the facts. One of the worst offenders is
E.T. Bell in his very popular Men of Mathematics. Bell seems to
want to make the case for a gentile misunderstood genius who was
battered around by a cruel world. While Bell mentions his sources,
he seems to chose only certain items and distorts others in order to
support his point of view. A closer reading of the historical
documents do not paint Galois in as rosy a light as Bell would have
it. While his genius is beyond question, “brash”, “impatient”, and
“hothead” would be a bit more descriptive of his personality.