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 YEAR: 2022
1 Vocabulry unit
2 Organizer graphic
3 Draft writing 1
4 Writng 1 final copy
5 Vocabulary unit 5
6 Outline
7 Oranizer graphic
8 Draft writing 2
9 Writing 2 final copy.


noun A way of consider
or doing something
Many kinds of birds
fly south at the
approach of winter
noun The way a person
react or act.
Her old behavior to
her parents.
noun A lot of
disagreement of
There was a lot of
controversy about the
something use of drugs
adjective in the state of not She was hit on the
being awake and not head by a stone and
aware of things knocked unconscious.
around you,
verb to see, recognize, or
I could just discern a
figure in the darkness.
something that is
not clear

adjective Able to work as
intended or able to
I am afraid your plan
is not commercially
succeed viable.
noun a particular
characteristic that
Arrogance is a very
can produce a personality trait.
particular type of
adjective Connnected with the the sensory organs of
physical senses a human.

noun the use of
a book on human
learning, memory,
mental and cognition


What: ¿what is the main idea of the paragraph?

A: Many animals have extreme perception, especially dogs.


the article?
A: To show the animals
A: the article was are as intelligent as
written by Temple human and they
Grandin and Catherine Extreme acquired their skilld by
Johnson. perception an themselves.
When:¿ when the autor
Where: ¿where the
mention that some
animals can learn new autor mention an
things by themselves? example of these
When he mention the dogs?
example of response dogs
After he explained
become alert dogs and
anybody knows how they the traits of these
can do it. dogs.

How : ¿How the autor describes these animals?

He describes these animals as intelligent beings capable of
learning and creating their own abilities on their own.
Many animals have extreme perception especially dogs . They are good as
x-ray mahcines , they identify drugs , explosives and other dangers , but
there are other activities that can make you believe dogs are smarter that
they seem . we can find the seizure alert dogs . It can show us How they
can use their advanced perceptual abilities This kind of dogs can predict a
seizure before it starts . We know that it is normal to train dogs to help
peole when they are in a risky situation. this is someting common . might
dogs be able to predict a seizure ? Does it show that they are smarter than
humams? However, this is not clear yet . No one knows how dogs do this
because these signs can be invisible for humans .There was a case about a
woman called Connie standly . This case that was related in florida , tell
us How her dogs could predict her seizures . It ocurred many times
according to Connie , but in this case the dogs were trained as seizure alert
dogs . Most of them are trained to respond to seizures.
On the other hand , we can also find the case of Clever Hans that is a
famous horse . It says that Hans was a horse that could count and answer
matemathical questions using his hoof , but the reallity was totally different
and this was explained by a psychologist named Oskar . He showed that
hans wasn't really counting , but that hans was able to detect human
behavior . Hans learned it by itself without a train . All of this is very
similar to seizure alert dogs . They both acquired their abilities from them
showing a high level of intelligence .
They got their skills without human help . They learned it by themselves
which is very unique in our enviroment , so we can say to conclude that
They are intelligent as humans and the fact to create their own skills is
considered intelligence .

Many animals have extreme perception especially dogs . They are
good as x-ray mahcines , they identify drugs , explosives and other
dangers , but there are other activities that can make you believe
dogs are smarter that they seem . we can find the seizure alert dogs
. It can show us How they can use their advanced perceptual
abilities This kind of dogs can predict a seizure before it starts . We
know that it is normal to train dogs to help peole when they are in a
risky situation. this is someting common . might dogs be able to
predict a seizure ? Does it show that they are smarter than
humams? However, this is not clear yet . No one knows how dogs
do this because these signs can be invisible for humans .There was
a case about a woman called Connie standly . This case that was
related in florida , tell us How her dogs could predict her seizures .
It ocurred many times according to Connie , but in this case the
dogs were trained as seizure alert dogs . Most of them are trained
to respond to seizures.
On the other hand , we can also find the case of Clever Hans that is
a famous horse . It says that Hans was a horse that could count and
answer matemathical questions using his hoof , but the reallity was
totally different and this was explained by a psychologist named
Oskar . He showed that hans wasn't really counting , but that hans
was able to detect human behavior . Hans learned it by itself without
a train . All of this is very similar to seizure alert dogs . They both
acquired their abilities from them showing a high level of intelligence
They got their skills without human help . They learned it by
themselves which is very unique in our enviroment , so we can say
to conclude that They are intelligent as humans and the fact to
create their own skills is considered intelligence .

VIGOROUS adjective Very forceful or He takes plenty
energetic of vigorous
IMMEASUR adverb in a way that is My appreciation
so large or great for Lincoln has
that it cannot be grown
measured or immeasurably.
known exactly
DISPARATE adjective different in The two cultures
were so utterly
every way disparate that she
found it hard to
adapt from one to
the other.
UTTERLY adverb Completely or What an
extremely utterly stupid
thing to do!
AWESOME adjectiv Causing An awesome
e feelings or challenge/task
great lies ahead of
admiration them.
IMPPETUO adjectiv Likely to do She tends to
US e something act in a rather
suddenly impetuous
manner when
things go
CHILLY adjective A very She is very
unfriendly chilly at
person . school.
PRESUMPT adjectiv A person who It would be
UOUS e is presumptuou
presumptuous s of me to
shows little comment on
respect for the matter.
others by
doing things
they have no
right to do.
INSUFFERA adjective very annoying, The
BLE unpleasant, or underground
uncomfortable is insufferable
, and therefore in this heat
difficult to
ULTIMATE adverb Finally, after a Ultimately, of
LY series of course, he'd
things have like to have
happened his own
business but
that won't be
for some time.

My life took an
unespected turn because i decided to take that risk
of moving to the moon to live, but obiously it has its
negative and positive aspects.

I have lived wonderful experiences here. I felt like i

was in paradise. It made me feel like I take the best
desicion of my llife.

However, not everything is always rosy. There are

some things that I detest here.

In conclusion

    Life has envolved over the years . Have you ever wondered what it
would be to live in a place other than earth? In the year 2175, a new chapter
has opened for humans over time . The things that we see now  are no
longer the same as before.Our life has completely changed thanks to
advanced technoloy and new inventios . Scientists descovered that it was
possible to live in other spaces than just  staying on earth , so a great
opportunity was presented to many people to travel to the moon. I took that
chance to travel . Things like that don't happen often . Since that day my
life took an unespected turn because I decided to take that risk of moving to
the moon to live , but obviously it has its negative and positive aspects .
    I have lived wonderful experiences here . I felt like i was in paradise. It
made me feel like I take the best desicion of my llife . Every day that I am
here is like an adventure for me  . I discover new things all the time which
makes me feel even more curious about this space. One of the things i love
about being here is that you can easily teleport from one place to another  .
I know it sound too crazy , but you no longer have to wait any longer to
reach the destination that you want, you travel as fast the speed of light .
Another thing I really enjoy being here on the moon is living with
androids . Every part you go you will find many of them of all ages even I
formed my onw family here . Most of the androids that form part of my life
now are children . When I was on the earth , I felt very alone , but It
changed . Now I can teel that my smile came bakc to me again. I can also
tell that I found a job as a space ranger . For all of these reasons mentioned
above I love living here.
    However , not everything is always rosy. There are some things that I 
detest here. Every time I wake up I would like to alt least witness a ray of
sun I still have a hard time getting up early . That is why I hate it , but It is
not like that . Night falls without warning . Everthing darkens  and You
only have to stay at home. Although the earth is a difficult place to live in
some way yoy could appreciate the sun knocking on your window and
letting you know you have to wake up.Another thing that I don't like
sometimes is that even things are much easier here , you should always
have to be aware of cosmic rays this is like a thief doesn't warn when he
will arrive . It is a big problem that you have to deal with sometimes . I try
to overcome all of this every day.
    In conclusion, living in a place like this  can have its good and bad things
. From my point of view , I believe that I have learned a lot here . It is good
to take risks like that sometimes .Don't be afraid of triying new things . If
you do that someday , you will have a nice experience  that can completely
change your life just like mine . This may sound too risky , but I know that
we always have to be brave once in life . Personally , I don't regret anything
. I feel very prouf of myself for having gone through all this and having the
best experience of my live.


    Life has envolved over the years . Have you ever
wondered what it would be to live in a place other
than earth? In the year 2175, a new chapter has
opened for humans over time . The things that we
see now  are no longer the same as before.Our life
has completely changed thanks to advanced
technoloy and new inventios . Scientists descovered
that it was possible to live in other spaces than just 
staying on earth , so a great opportunity was
presented to many people to travel to the moon. I
took that chance to travel . Things like that don't
happen often . Since that day my life took an
unespected turn because I decided to take that risk
of moving to the moon to live , but obviously it has its
negative and positive aspects .
    I have lived wonderful experiences here . I felt like
i was in paradise. It made me feel like I take the best
desicion of my llife . Every day that I am here is like
an adventure for me  . I discover new things all the
time which makes me feel even more curious about
this space. One of the things i love about being here
is that you can easily teleport from one place to
another  . I know it sound too crazy , but you no
longer have to wait any longer to reach the
destination that you want, you travel as fast the
speed of light . Another thing I really enjoy being here
on the moon is living with androids . Every part you
go you will find many of them of all ages even I
formed my onw family here . Most of the androids
that form part of my life now are children . When I
was on the earth , I felt very alone , but It changed .
Now I can teel that my smile came bakc to me again.
I can also tell that I found a job as a space ranger .
For all of these reasons mentioned above I love living
    However , not everything is always rosy. There are
some things that I  detest here. Every time I wake up
I would like to alt least witness a ray of sun I still have
a hard time getting up early . That is why I hate it ,
but It is not like that . Night falls without warning .
Everthing darkens  and You only have to stay at
home. Although the earth is a difficult place to live in
some way yoy could appreciate the sun knocking on
your window and letting you know you have to wake
up.Another thing that I don't like sometimes is that
even things are much easier here , you should
always have to be aware of cosmic rays this is like a
thief doesn't warn when he will arrive . It is a big
problem that you have to deal with sometimes . I try
to overcome all of this every day.
    In conclusion, living in a place like this  can have
its good and bad things . From my point of view , I
believe that I have learned a lot here . It is good to
take risks like that sometimes .Don't be afraid of
triying new things . If you do that someday , you will
have a nice experience  that can completely change
your life just like mine . This may sound too risky ,
but I know that we always have to be brave once in
life . Personally , I don't regret anything . I feel very
prouf of myself for having gone through all this and
having the best experience of my live.

Writing 2 Graphic organizer

I got a job as a
space ranger

Family : House :
My life in the
many I settled in a
year 2175
marriages small house
and live a life there on the
with children moon.

Hopefully and living
thousand year on
the moon.

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