Date :
Grade :
This is classroom observation checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the kinds of
project are found during classroom observation. Please put cross (x) if the kinds of
projects are not found during the observation. Describe on how the teachers do the kinds
of projects on the description column.
No Classification
based on Henry,
as cited from Kinds of Projects
Khoiriyah and based on the
Yes No Description
Setyaningrum, classification
(2015), Novotna
et al. (2016) and
Kalabzova (2015)
1 Based on the way Structured Project
to organize the Semi-structured
project project
2 Based on the Mini projects
amount of time in
doing the project Short-term
Long-term projects
3 Based on the Individual projects
learners’ Group projects
involvement Whole-class
Extensive projects
4 Based on the aims Problem-based
based projects
5 Other projects (if
Date :
Grade :
This is classroom observation checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the procedures are
found during classroom observation. Please put cross (x) if the procedures are not found
during the observation. Describe on how the teachers do the procedures in implementing
PBL on the description column.
No Procedures based
on Papandreou
(1994), The
Criteria Yes No Description
George Lucas
Foundation (2005)
and Bell (2010)
1 Preparation The teacher
introduces the topic
to the students and
asks them to
discuss or ask
The teacher starts
the teaching and
learning process by
giving students
essential questions
activities (if any)
2 Design a plan for The teacher gives
the project students chance to
participate by
sharing their ideas
on the projects
The teacher inform
the rules of the
development (The
project might be in
the form of a
presentation, a
performance, a
product, a
publication, etc.)
The teacher inform
the selection of the
materials, the
activities leading to
the project
and the tools
needed for the
activities (if any)
3 Create a schedule The teacher and
students discuss
about the time
allocation of
working on the
The teacher and
students make an
agreement or about
the deadline of the
development in
which the students
must submit their
end product
activities (if any)
4 Conducting the The teacher
project facilitate the
learning process to
guide the students
during the project
The teacher help
students when they
find difficulties,
and to ensure that
the student is
involved in the
activities (if any)
5 Assess the The teacher
outcome conducts
assessment to
measure the
The teacher also
provides students
with feedback at
this phase
activities (if any)
6 Evaluation The teacher and
students reflect on
the project they
have done
The teacher needs
to make sure that
the students are
able to find
answers of
essential question
The teacher and
students share their
experience of
conducting the
project and discuss
about the projects
(what needs change
and improvement
for the following
project, as well as
share ideas on the
new projects).
activities (if any)
Date :
Grade :
This is classroom observation checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the difficulties are
found during classroom observation. Please put cross (x) if the difficulties are not found
during the observation. Describe on how the teachers faced the difficulties in
implementing PBL on the description column.
No Diffculties
based on
Cintang et al.
Criteria Yes No Description
(2007) and
MacMath et
al. (2017)
1 Preparation Difficulties in
Difficulties in
difficulties (if
2 Project Difficulties in
Activities time
because the
inequality of
needed for
the project
Difficulties in
Difficulties in
difficulties (if
3 Assessment Difficulties in
assessing the
Difficulties in
feedback to
engage them
in self-
difficulties (if
Classroom Observation Checklist for Students’ Attitude toward the
Implementation of PBL in Learning English at Bali Kiddy School
Date :
Grade :
This is classroom observation checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the students’
attitude found during classroom observation. Please put cross (x) if the students’ attitude
not found during the classroom observation. Describe on how the students’ attitude
found on the description column.
No Components of
Attitude based
on Wenden
(1991) as cited
in Samadani Criteria Yes No Description
and Ibnian
(2015) and
Plato as cited in
Khoir, (2014)
1 Cognitive Students like to
give opinion in
English during
English lesson
Students like to
ask someting in
English during
English lesson
Students like to
give comments
and critics to the
other friends’
Other attitudes (if
2 Affective Students feel
enthusiastic when
the English class
is being taught
Students enjoy
doing activities in
English class
Students do not
get anxious when
they have to
answer question
in English class
Students feel
excited when they
communicate in
English with
others in doing
the projects
Students do not
feel embarrassed
to speak English
in front of other
Other attitudes (if
3 Behavioral Students pay
attention when
the teacher is
explaining the
Students like to
practice the four
skills of English
reading, speaking
and writing)
Students do the
project seriously
and show their
Other attitudes (if
Appendix 1a: The Result of Classroom Observation in Grade 4B
Classroom Observation Checklist for Kinds of PBL Implemented
in Teaching English at Bali Kiddy School
Grade : 4B
This is classroom observation checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the kinds of
project are found during classroom observation. Please put cross (x) if the kinds of
projects are not found during the observation. Describe on how the teachers do the kinds
of projects on the description column.
No Classification
based on Henry,
as cited from Kinds of Projects
Khoiriyah and based on the
Yes No Description
Setyaningrum, classification
(2015), Novotna
et al. (2016) and
Kalabzova (2015)
1 Based on the way Structured Project x
to organize the Semi-structured √ The project: Country
project project Card
The project is
defined and
organized in part by
the teacher and in
part by the students.
Teacher gave the
general topic the
students need to
choose a country and
find information
related to the
country. They can
also design it based
on their own
Unstructured x
2 Based on the Mini projects √ It is only a mini
amount of time in project. It can be
doing the project done in one meeting.
Short-term x
Medium-term x
Long-term projects x
3 Based on the Individual projects √ The project is an
learners’ individual project
involvement which prepared,
designed, presented
by the students
Group projects x
Whole-class x
Whole-school x
Extensive projects x
4 Based on the aims Problem-based x
Construction- x
based projects
Aesthetic-based x
Drill-based √ The aim of the
projects project is to certain
writing and speaking
skill. Writing when
the students need to
write the information
about the country
and speaking when
the students present
the country card.
5 Other projects (if x
Classroom Observation Checklist for the Procedures in Implementing PBL for
Teaching English at Bali Kiddy School
Grade : 4B
This is classroom observation checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the procedures are
found during classroom observation. Please put cross (x) if the procedures are not found
during the observation. Describe on how the teachers do the procedures in implementing
PBL on the description column.
No Procedures based
on Papandreou
(1994), The
George Lucas Criteria Yes No Description
Foundation (2005)
and Bell (2010)
1 Preparation The teacher √ Yes, the teacher
introduces the topic inroduce the topic and
to the students and invite the student to ask
asks them to something related to the
discuss or ask topic.
The teacher starts √ The teacher also gave a
the teaching and brainstorming to the
learning process by students in order to
giving students stimulate their critical
essential questions thinking related to the
material that they going
to learn.
Additional x
activities (if any)
2 Design a plan for The teacher gives √ Yes, the teacher asked
the project students chance to the students about what
participate by country that they will
sharing their ideas choose, how they will
on the projects design their country
card and what
information that the
students wants to put
The teacher inform √ Yes, the teacher inform
the rules of the the rules and the form
project of the project. It is a
development (The presentation.
project might be in
the form of a
presentation, a
performance, a
product, a
publication, etc.)
The teacher inform √ Yes, the teacher
the selection of the informed everything in
materials, the the beginning . She
activities leading to informed the material,
the project steps to do the project,
accomplishment, and the things that the
and the tools students need to
needed for the prepare.
Additional x
activities (if any)
3 Create a schedule The teacher and √ Yes, they discussed the
students discuss time allocation. The
about the time time allocation for
allocation of doing the project is in
working on the one meeting.
The teacher and √ The teacher informed to
students make an the students that they
agreement or about will do the project in
the deadline of the one meeting and will
project present it in the next
development in meeting.
which the students
must submit their
end product
Additional x
activities (if any)
4 Conducting the The teacher √ The teacher looked
project facilitate the around, supervised the
learning process to students, asked the
guide the students students’ progress,
during the project assisted the students
development who need help.
The teacher help √ The teacher move
students when they around to check and
find difficulties, make sure all students
and to ensure that involved in the project.
the student is
involved in the
Additional x
activities (if any)
5 Assess the The teacher √ The teacher conduct
outcome conducts assessment based on the
assessment to scoring rubric. She
measure the checked on the project
students’ and the way the
achievement students present the
The teacher also √ The teacher gave a
provides students positife feedback to
with feedback at appreciate the students’
this phase effort in completing the
Additional x
activities (if any)
6 Evaluation The teacher and √ They had a discussion
students reflect on after the students
the project they presented the project.
have done The teacher asked about
the diffuculty faced by
the students and the
most interesting part in
doing the project.
The teacher needs √ The teacher make sure
to make sure that that the students
the students are understand about the
able to find material that they have
answers of learnt by giving some
essential question questions.
The teacher and √ Yes, they had a sharing
students share their session in which the
experience of teacher gave some
conducting the suggestion about what
project and discuss the students need to
about the projects improve for their
(what needs change project.
and improvement
for the following
project, as well as
share ideas on the
new projects).
Additional x
activities (if any)
Classroom Observation Checklist for the Teacher’s Difficulties in Implementing
PBL for Teaching English at Bali Kiddy School
Grade : 4B
This is classroom observation checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the difficulties are
found during classroom observation. Please put cross (x) if the difficulties are not found
during the observation. Describe on how the teachers faced the difficulties in
implementing PBL on the description column.
No Diffculties
based on
Cintang et al.
Criteria Yes No Description
(2007) and
MacMath et
al. (2017)
1 Preparation Difficulties in x I did not find difficulty in
planning planning because all well
organised by teacher and
students. Interview and
questionnaire will be used to get
more information about this.
Difficulties in x
Other x
difficulties (if
2 Project Difficulties in √ It seemed that the teacher had a
Activities time difficulty in managing the time
management especially to handle all students
who worked individually.
Technical x
Difficulties √ It seemed that not all students
which capable enough to do the project
because the individually, so the teacher will
inequality of assist and gave guidance to the
students’ students.
needed for
the project
Classroom x
Difficulties in x
Difficulties in x
Other x
difficulties (if
3 Assessment Difficulties in x
assessing the
Difficulties in x
feedback to
engage them
in self-
Other x
difficulties (if
Grade : 4B
This is classroom observation checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the students’
attitude found during classroom observation. Please put cross (x) if the students’ attitude
not found during the classroom observation. Describe on how the students’ attitude
found on the description column.
No Components of
Attitude based on
Wenden (1991) as
cited in Samadani Criteria Yes No Description
and Ibnian (2015)
and Plato as cited
in Khoir, (2014)
1 Cognitive Students like √ The students were really
to give opinion active to share their ideas
in English during the discussion
during English time in the beginning
lesson using English.
Students like √ The students seemed like
to ask having a high curiosity
someting in and always asked
English during something in learning
English lesson process.
Students like √ The students gave
to give comment and suggestion
comments and to their friends’ project
critics to the especially when it is
other friends’ presentation time.
project Teacher also invited the
students to share their
Other attitudes x
(if any)
2 Affective Students feel √ The students really
enthusiastic showed their enthusiastic
when the in doing the project.
English class is
being taught
Students enjoy √ They seemed really enjoy
doing activities each of the process or
in English activities.
Students do √ When the teacher asked
not get anxious about something, the
when they students did not get
have to answer anxious to answer it.
question in
English class
Students feel √ They seemed really
excited when excited when the teacher
they told them that they can
communicate start doing the project.
in English with
others in doing
the projects
Students do √ The students presented
not feel their project confidently
embarrassed to in front of other students
speak English and the teacher.
in front of
other students
Other attitudes x
(if any)
3 Behavioral Students pay √ They put their attention
attention when when the teacher
the teacher is explaining about the
explaining the project.
Students like √ Yes, in this project they
to practice the practiced writing and
four skills of speaking.
speaking and
Students do the √ Yes, the students did the
project project seriusly and they
seriously and put their best effort on it.
show their
Other attitudes x
(if any)
Appendix 1b: The Result of Classroom Observation in Grade 4C
Classroom Observation Checklist for Kinds of PBL Implemented
in Teaching English at Bali Kiddy School
Grade : 4C
This is classroom observation checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the kinds of
project are found during classroom observation. Please put cross (x) if the kinds of
projects are not found during the observation. Describe on how the teachers do the kinds
of projects on the description column.
No Classification
based on Henry, as
cited from Kinds of Projects
Khoiriyah and based on the
Yes No Description
Setyaningrum, classification
(2015), Novotna et
al. (2016) and
Kalabzova (2015)
1 Based on the way Structured x
to organize the Project
project Semi-structured √ The project: My
project Mythical Beast
on their own creativity.
Unstructured x
2 Based on the Mini projects √ It is only a mini project.
amount of time in It can be done in one
doing the project meeting.
Short-term x
Medium-term x
Long-term x
3 Based on the Individual √ The project is an
learners’ projects individual project
involvement which prepared,
designed, presented by
the students
Group projects x
Whole-class x
Whole-school x
Extensive x
4 Based on the aims Problem-based x
Construction- x
based projects
Aesthetic-based x
Drill-based √ The aim of the project
projects is to certain writing and
speaking skill. Writing
when the students need
to write the information
about the mythical
beast and speaking
when the students
present their mythical
5 Other projects (if x
Grade : 4C
This is classroom observation checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the procedures are
found during classroom observation. Please put cross (x) if the procedures are not found
during the observation. Describe on how the teachers do the procedures in implementing
PBL on the description column.
No Procedures based on
Papandreou (1994),
The George Lucas
Criteria Yes No Description
Foundation (2005)
and Bell (2010)
1 Preparation The teacher √ Yes, the teacher
introduces the topic inroduce the general
to the students and topic and invite the
asks them to student to ask
discuss or ask something related to
questions the topic.
The teacher starts √ The teacher also gave
the teaching and a brainstorming to the
learning process by students in order to
giving students stimulate their critical
essential questions thinking related to the
material that they
going to learn.
Additional x
activities (if any)
2 Design a plan for The teacher gives √ Yes, the teacher asked
the project students chance to the students about
participate by what mythical beast
sharing their ideas that comes up from
on the projects their imagination, how
they will design their
mythical beast and
what information that
the students wants to
put there.
The teacher inform √ Yes, the teacher
the rules of the inform the rules and
project the form of the
development (The project. It is a
project might be in presentation.
the form of a
presentation, a
performance, a
product, a
publication, etc.)
The teacher inform √ Yes, the teacher
the selection of the informed everything
materials, the in the beginning . She
activities leading to informed the material,
the project steps to do the project,
accomplishment, and the things that the
and the tools students need to
needed for the prepare.
Additional x
activities (if any)
3 Create a schedule The teacher and √ Yes, they discussed
students discuss the time allocation.
about the time The time allocation
allocation of for doing the project is
working on the in one meeting.
The teacher and √ The teacher informed
students make an to the students that
agreement or about they will do the
the deadline of the project in one meeting
project and will present it
development in directly.
which the students
must submit their
end product
Additional x
activities (if any)
Additional x
activities (if any)
5 Assess the outcome The teacher √ The teacher conduct
conducts assessment based on
assessment to the scoring rubric. She
measure the checked on the project
students’ and the way the
achievement students present the
The teacher also √ The teacher gave a
provides students positife feedback to
with feedback at appreciate the
this phase students’ effort in
completing the
Additional x
activities (if any)
6 Evaluation The teacher and √ They had a discussion
students reflect on after the students
the project they presented the project.
have done The teacher asked
about the diffuculty
faced by the students
and the most
interesting part in
doing the project.
The teacher needs √ The teacher make sure
to make sure that that the students
the students are understand about the
able to find material that they have
answers of learnt by giving some
essential question questions.
(what needs change improve for their
and improvement project.
for the following
project, as well as
share ideas on the
new projects).
Additional x
activities (if any)
Grade : 4C
This is classroom observation checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the difficulties are
found during classroom observation. Please put cross (x) if the difficulties are not found
during the observation. Describe on how the teachers faced the difficulties in
implementing PBL on the description column.
No Diffculties
based on
Cintang et al.
Criteria Yes No Description
(2007) and
MacMath et
al. (2017)
1 Preparation Difficulties in x I did not find difficulty in
planning planning because all well
organised by teacher and
students. Interview and
questionnaire will be used to
get more information about
Difficulties in x
Other x
difficulties (if
2 Project Difficulties in √ It seemed that the teacher
Activities time had a difficulty in managing
management the time especially to handle
all students who worked
Technical x
Difficulties √ It seemed that not all
which because students capable enough to
the inequality of do the project individually,
students’ so the teacher will assist and
capabilities gave guidance to the
needed for the students.
Classroom x
Difficulties in x
students’ inquiry
Difficulties in x
difficulties (if
3 Assessment Difficulties in x
assessing the
Difficulties in x
feedback to
students and/or
engage them in
Other x
difficulties (if
Grade : 4C
This is classroom observation checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the students’
attitude found during classroom observation. Please put cross (x) if the students’ attitude
not found during the classroom observation. Describe on how the students’ attitude
found on the description column.
No Components of
Attitude based on
Wenden (1991) as
cited in Samadani Criteria Yes No Description
and Ibnian (2015)
and Plato as cited
in Khoir, (2014)
1 Cognitive Students like to √ The students were really
give opinion in active to share their ideas
English during during the discussion time
English lesson in the beginning using
Students like to √ The students seemed like
ask someting in having a high curiosity and
English during always asked something in
English lesson learning process.
Students like to √ The students gave
give comments comment and suggestion
and critics to the to their friends’ project
other friends’ especially when it is
project presentation time. Teacher
also invited the students to
share their opinion.
Other attitudes (if x
2 Affective Students feel √ The students really
enthusiastic when showed their enthusiastic
the English class in doing the project.
is being taught
Students enjoy √ They seemed really enjoy
doing activities in each of the process or
English class activities.
Students do not √ When the teacher asked
get anxious when about something, the
they have to students did not get
answer question anxious to answer it.
in English class
Students feel √ They seemed really
excited when they excited when the teacher
communicate in told them that they can
English with start doing the project.
others in doing
the projects
Students do not √ The students presented
feel embarrassed their project confidently in
to speak English front of other students and
in front of other the teacher.
Other attitudes (if x
3 Behavioral Students pay √ They put their attention
attention when when the teacher
the teacher is explaining about the
explaining the project.
Students like to √ Yes, in this project they
practice the four practiced writing and
skills of English speaking.
reading, speaking
and writing)
Students do the √ Yes, the students did the
project seriously project seriusly, showed
and show their their creativity and they
effort put their best effort on it.
Other attitudes (if x
Appendix 2: Classroom Checklist for English Teachers of Grade 4
Classroom Checklist for Kinds of PBL Implemented
in Teaching English at Bali Kiddy School
Date :
Grade :
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the kinds of project are used
during classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the kinds of projects are not used
during the teaching learning process. Describe on how the teachers do the kinds of
projects on the description column.
No Classification
based on Henry, as
Kinds of
cited from
Khoiriyah and
based on the Yes No Description
(2015), Novotna et
al. (2016) and
Kalabzova (2015)
1 Based on the way Structured
to organize the Project
project Semi-
2 Based on the Mini projects
amount of time in
doing the project Short-term
3 Based on the Individual
learners’ projects
involvement Group
4 Based on the aims Problem-
5 Other projects (if (Please write
any) down here)
Date :
Grade :
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the procedures are used during
classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the procedures are not used during the
teaching learning process. Describe on how the teachers do the procedures on the
description column.
No Procedures based
on Papandreou
(1994), The
George Lucas Criteria Yes No Description
Foundation (2005)
and Bell (2010)
1 Preparation The teacher
introduces the
topic to the
students and asks
them to discuss or
ask questions
The teacher starts
the teaching and
learning process
by giving students
activities (if any)
2 Design a plan for The teacher gives
the project students chance to
participate by
sharing their ideas
on the projects
The teacher
inform the rules
of the project
development (The
project might be
in the form of a
presentation, a
performance, a
product, a
publication, etc.)
The teacher
inform the
selection of the
materials, the
activities leading
to the project
and the tools
needed for the
activities (if any)
Teachers inform
about the
criteria of the
4 Conducting the The teacher
project facilitate the
learning process
to guide the
students during
the project
The teacher help
students when
they find
difficulties, and to
ensure that the
student is
involved in the
activities (if any)
Teachers will
remain the
students about the
time so that the
students can
manage their time
5 Assess the The teacher
outcome conducts
assessment to
measure the
The teacher also
provides students
with feedback at
this phase
activities (if any)
6 Evaluation The teacher and
students reflect on
the project they
have done
The teacher needs
to make sure that
the students are
able to find
answers of
essential question
The teacher and
students share
their experience
of conducting the
project and
discuss about the
projects (what
needs change and
improvement for
the following
project, as well as
share ideas on the
new projects).
activities (if any)
Date :
Grade :
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the difficulties are experienced
during classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the difficulties are not experienced
during the teaching learning process. Describe on how the teachers experienced
difficulties on the description column.
No Diffculties
based on
Cintang et al.
Criteria Yes No Description
(2007) and
MacMath et
al. (2017)
1 Preparation Difficulties in
Difficulties in
difficulties (if
2 Project Difficulties in
Activities time
because the
inequality of
needed for
the project
Difficulties in
Difficulties in
difficulties (if
3 Assessment Difficulties in
assessing the
Difficulties in
feedback to
engage them
in self-
difficulties (if
Date :
Grade :
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the students’ attitude found
during classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the students’ attitude not found during
the teaching learning process. Describe on how the students’ attitude found on the
description column.
No Components of
Attitude based on
Wenden (1991) as
cited in Samadani Criteria Yes No Description
and Ibnian (2015)
and Plato as cited
in Khoir, (2014)
1 Cognitive Students like
to give opinion
in English
during English
Students like
to ask
someting in
English during
English lesson
Students like
to give
comments and
critics to the
other friends’
Other attitudes
(if any)
2 Affective Students feel
when the
English class is
being taught
Students enjoy
doing activities
in English
Students do
not get anxious
when they
have to answer
question in
English class
Students feel
excited when
in English with
others in doing
the projects
Students do
not feel
embarrassed to
speak English
in front of
other students
Other attitudes
(if any)
Other attitudes
(if any)
Appendix 2a: The Result of Classroom Checklist from English Teacher of
Grade 4A
Classroom Checklist for Kinds of PBL Implemented
in Teaching English at Bali Kiddy School
Grade : 4A
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the kinds of project are used
during classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the kinds of projects are not used
during the teaching learning process. Describe on how the teachers do the kinds of
projects on the description column.
No Classification
based on Henry, as
Kinds of
cited from
Khoiriyah and
based on the Yes No Description
(2015), Novotna et
al. (2016) and
Kalabzova (2015)
1 Based on the way Structured √ The teachers determines and
to organize the Project organize the project starting
project from choosing the topic,
informing about what the
students need to prepare, what
they need to do in the project,
how they will present the
project and how will be the
assessment criteria.
Semi- √ Sometimes, the teachers also
structured only give the general topic of
project the project, then the students
need to choose their own topic
as well as the way they
accomplish the project.
Unstructured x
2 Based on the Mini projects √ The project can be done only in
amount of time in one meeting.
doing the project Short-term √ The teacher give the amount of
projects time in doing the project within
days or week.
Medium-term x
Long-term x
3 Based on the Individual √ Students often doing individual
learners’ projects project especially during
involvement home-based learning then they
present it individually.
Group √ In order to improve their
projects collaboration, communication,
critical thinking and creativity,
they sometimes work in group
Whole-class x
Whole- x
Extensive x
4 Based on the aims Problem- √ The teachers sometimes give a
based problem-based and stimulate
projects the students’ critical thinking
through the problem or case
Construction- √ Teachers also give some
based practical or physical task such
projects as making model.
Aesthetic- √ In order to appreciate arts,
based sometimes they makes project
projects which related to appreciation
of someone’s work.
Drill-based √ Every ends of unit material that
projects the students have learnt, they
will make a scrapbook in form
of writing and they need to
present it.
5 Other projects (if (Please write x
any) down here)
Grade : 4A
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the procedures are used during
classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the procedures are not used during the
teaching learning process. Describe on how the teachers do the procedures on the
description column.
No Procedures based
on Papandreou
(1994), The
George Lucas Criteria Yes No Description
Foundation (2005)
and Bell (2010)
1 Preparation The teacher √ Usually, in the
introduces the beginning the teachers
topic to the will introduce the
students and asks topic of the project to
them to discuss or the students.
ask questions
The teacher starts √ The teachers usually
the teaching and do brainstorming
learning process (asking essential
by giving students question) which
essential relevant to the goals
questions that the students must
achieve during the
project development.
Additional x
activities (if any)
2 Design a plan for The teacher gives √ Teachers will give the
the project students chance to time to the students to
participate by share their ideas for
sharing their ideas the project in order to
on the projects meet the students’
capabilities and
The teacher √ The teachers will
inform the rules inform to the students
of the project about how the project
development (The will be and how will
project might be they present the
in the form of a project.
presentation, a
performance, a
product, a
publication, etc.)
The teacher √ The teachers always
inform the do this step because
selection of the it’s really important
materials, the for the students to
activities leading know what is the
to the project material, what do they
accomplishment, need to prepared in
and the tools order to do the project.
needed for the
Additional √ The students always
activities (if any) have a high curiousity
about how the
Teachers inform teachers will assess
about the their project and what
assessment are the criterias.
criteria of the Therefore, the teacher
project need to design the
way to assses the
3 Create a schedule The teacher and √ Time allocation is
students discuss really needed in order
about the time to limit the students’
allocation of time in doing the
working on the project. It is based on
project the situation,
sometimes the
teachers decided the
time allocation,
sometimes they will
discuss it with the
The teacher and √ The teachers usually
students make an decide the deadline for
agreement or the submission of the
about the deadline project.
of the project Sometimes, it is taken
development in from the agreement
which the between teachers and
students must students.
submit their end
Additional x
activities (if any)
4 Conducting the The teacher √ In teaching learning
project facilitate the process at school,
learning process teachers will always
to guide the guide the students
students during during the project
the project development.
The teacher help √ The teachers will look
students when around and help the
they find students when they
difficulties, and to found problems or
ensure that the when the students
student is asked about
involved in the something. The
project teachers also need to
make sure that all
students involve in the
project especilly when
they got a group
Additional √ Reminding the
activities (if any) students about the
Teachers will time is really needed
remain the especially for young
students about the learners. The teachers
time so that the need to help them to
students can manage their time
manage their time well so that they can
well. finish the project on
5 Assess the The teacher √ Teachers always do
outcome conducts assessment to check
assessment to the result of their
measure the project as well as
students’ measure the students
achievement achievement.
The teacher also √ Positive feedback is
provides students really needed for
with feedback at young learners.
this phase Therefore, the
teachers always tried
to give positive
feedback for each
Additional x
activities (if any)
6 Evaluation The teacher and √ Reflection is usually
students reflect on done after the teachers
the project they assess the students’
have done project or
presentation. The
teachers usually ask
about the difficulties
that the students’
found or the most
interesting part in
doing the project.
The teacher needs √ In order to check the
to make sure that students’
the students are understanding, the
able to find teachers need to make
answers of sure that they
essential question
The teacher and √ The teacher and
students share students share their
their experience experience of
of conducting the conducting the project
project and and discuss about the
discuss about the projects, what needs
projects (what change and
needs change and improvement for the
improvement for following project.
the following
project, as well as
share ideas on the
new projects).
Additional x
activities (if any)
Classroom Checklist for the Teacher’s Difficulties in Implementing PBL
for Teaching English at Bali Kiddy School
Grade : 4A
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the difficulties are experienced
during classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the difficulties are not experienced
during the teaching learning process. Describe on how the teachers experienced
difficulties on the description column.
No Diffculties
based on
Cintang et al.
Criteria Yes No Description
(2007) and
MacMath et
al. (2017)
1 Preparation Difficulties in √ Sometimes the teachers finds
planning confusion in choosing the best
topic and suitable project for the
students. It is solved by sharing to
other teachers and sometimes do
discussion with the students.
Difficulties in x
Other x
difficulties (if
2 Project Difficulties in √ In order to complete the project
Activities time well, teachers as a facilitator need
management to have good management skill.
Sometimes the teachers found
problems in managing the time to
reach all the materials within the
Technical x
Difficulties This might be the biggest
which √ challenges faced by the teachers
because the because the students’ capabilities
inequality of are different one with another.
students’ Therefore, the teachers need to
capabilities design a project which can be
needed for done both by the students who
the project have high capability and the low
Classroom x
Difficulties in x
Difficulties in x
Other x
difficulties (if
3 Assessment Difficulties in x
assessing the
Difficulties in x
feedback to
engage them
in self-
Other x
difficulties (if
Grade : 4A
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the students’ attitude found
during classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the students’ attitude not found during
the teaching learning process. Describe on how the students’ attitude found on the
description column.
No Components of
Attitude based on
Wenden (1991) as
cited in Samadani Criteria Yes No Description
and Ibnian (2015)
and Plato as cited
in Khoir, (2014)
1 Cognitive Students like √ The students always
to give opinion active in giving and
in English sharing their opinion
during English during English lesson in
lesson English. If there is a
student who do not speak
English, the teacher will
remind he/she to speak in
Students like √ Students always have
to ask high curiousity to ask
someting in about something which is
English during related to the materia or
English lesson the project by using
Students like √ The teachers usually
to give invite the students to give
comments and comment
critics to the
other friends’
Other attitudes x
(if any)
2 Affective Students feel √ The students really enjoy
enthusiastic and show their
when the enthusiastic when the
English class is English class is being
being taught taught especially when
they have project.
Students enjoy √ They really enjoy and do
doing activities the project happily.
in English
Students do √ They never get anxious,
not get anxious the teachers treated them
when they just like a friend. When
have to answer the teachers ask about
question in something, the students
English class will answer it in English
Students do √ The students really
not feel excited when they need
embarrassed to to present something in
speak English front of the other student
in front of because they really want
other students to show the result of their
Other attitudes x
(if any)
Other attitudes x
(if any)
Coded : E
Appendix 2b: The Result of Classroom Checklist from English Teacher of
Grade 4B
Classroom Checklist for Kinds of PBL Implemented
in Teaching English at Bali Kiddy School
Grade : 4B
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the kinds of project are used
during classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the kinds of projects are not used
during the teaching learning process. Describe on how the teachers do the kinds of
projects on the description column.
No Classification
based on Henry, as
Kinds of
cited from
Khoiriyah and
based on the Yes No Description
(2015), Novotna et
al. (2016) and
Kalabzova (2015)
1 Based on the way Structured √ All well prepared by the
to organize the Project teachers. starting from topic
project selection, design of the
project, project timing,
project criteria and scoring
Semi- √ Sometimes the teachers also
structured give a chance to the students
project to choose their specific topic
for their project and how they
will accomplish it. therefore,
the students will aso have a
chance to share their ideas,
not only from the teachers.
Unstructured x The teachers always take part
Project in the project, all structured
2 Based on the Mini projects √ Most of the projects given to
amount of time in the students is mini project.
doing the project The projects can be done in
one or two meetings only.
Short-term √ Not only mini project,
projects sometimes the teachers also
give a project which need to
be done within a week or
Medium-term x
Long-term x
3 Based on the Individual √ The students prepare the
learners’ projects things, do the project and
involvement present the project
Group √ To improve their social skill,
projects to be more collaborative with
other students, sometimes the
students also work in group.
Whole-class x
Whole- x
Extensive x
4 Based on the aims Problem- √ In order to stimulate the
based students’ critical thinking,
projects topic of the project will
related to problem-based.
Construction- √ Sometimes, the students also
based need to construct something
projects such as making model or 3D
Aesthetic- √ The teachers ever gave a
based project which related to
projects aesthetic such as music
Drill-based √ In each project, the teachers
projects usually focused on 4 skills
(reading, writing, listening
and speaking). Writing and
speaking usually drilled in
each project.
5 Other projects (if (Please write x
any) down here)
Grade : 4B
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the procedures are used during
classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the procedures are not used during the
teaching learning process. Describe on how the teachers do the procedures on the
description column.
No Procedures based on
Papandreou (1994),
The George Lucas
Criteria Yes No Description
Foundation (2005)
and Bell (2010)
1 Preparation The teacher √ In the beginning of the
introduces the topic lesson, the teachers
to the students and will introduce the
asks them to topic that they will
discuss or ask learn.
The teacher starts √ The teachers will do
the teaching and brainstorming in order
learning process by to stimulate the
giving students students’ prior
essential questions knowledge.
Additional x
activities (if any)
2 Design a plan for The teacher gives √ The next step is giving
the project students chance to the students chance to
participate by share their ideas on
sharing their ideas the projects, it is
on the projects usually done in order
to stimulate the
The teacher inform √ Teachers will inform
the rules of the the students about the
project design of the project.
development (The
project might be in
the form of a
presentation, a
performance, a
product, a
publication, etc.)
The teacher inform √ Teachers always
the selection of the inform the students
materials, the about this.
activities leading to
the project
and the tools
needed for the
Additional x
activities (if any)
3 Create a schedule The teacher and √ Teachers and students
students discuss need to set the time
about the time allocation before
allocation of doing the project.
working on the
The teacher and √ Agreement is needed
students make an so the students can
agreement or about manage their time.
the deadline of the
development in
which the students
must submit their
end product
Additional x
activities (if any)
4 Conducting the The teacher √ Teachers here as
project facilitate the facilitator.
learning process to
guide the students
during the project
The teacher help √ Teachers always assist
students when they the students when they
find difficulties, have project at school.
and to ensure that
the student is
involved in the
Additional x
activities (if any)
5 Assess the outcome The teacher √ Teachers always do
conducts this step, usually the
assessment to teachers prepared the
measure the scoring criteria for the
students’ project.
The teacher also √ Feedback is really
provides students needed for the
with feedback at students, usually the
this phase teachers will give
comment for the
students’ project and
for their effort.
Additional x
activities (if any)
6 Evaluation The teacher and √ In the end of the
students reflect on lesson, the teachers
the project they usually do a
have done discussion with the
students to reflect on
their project
The teacher needs √ In the beginning the
to make sure that teachers asked some
the students are question related to the
able to find topic of the project, in
answers of this step, the teachers
essential question need to make sure the
students find the
The teacher and √ Sharing is needed in
students share their order to discuss the
experience of students’ experience,
conducting the problems that the
project and discuss students’ faced and
about the projects things which need to
(what needs change be improved.
and improvement
for the following
project, as well as
share ideas on the
new projects).
Additional x
activities (if any)
Grade : 4B
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the difficulties are experienced
during classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the difficulties are not experienced
during the teaching learning process. Describe on how the teachers experienced
difficulties on the description column.
No Diffculties
based on
Cintang et al.
Criteria Yes No Description
(2007) and
MacMath et
al. (2017)
1 Preparation Difficulties in √ Sometimes, teachers find
planning difficulties in choosing the
topic which is appropriate to
be used as a project
especially for young
learners. In this case,
teachers usually do a
discussion among teachers
or with students.
Difficulties in x
mastering projects
Other difficulties x
(if any)
2 Project Difficulties in √ Sometimes the teacher face
Activities time management difficulty in managing time
because in one project there
might be some material. So
the teachers should have the
capability in managing time
so that all materials can be
Technical x
Difficulties which √ With the heterogeneity of
because the the students, not all students
inequality of capable in doing or
students’ following the procedures of
capabilities the project. So, the teachers
needed for the usually will do group work
project in which they can work and
help one another.
Classroom x
Difficulties in x
students’ inquiry
Difficulties in x
Other difficulties x
(if any)
3 Assessment Difficulties in x
assessing the
students’ projects
Difficulties in x
feedback to
students and/or
engage them in
Other difficulties x
(if any)
Grade : 4B
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the students’ attitude found
during classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the students’ attitude not found during
the teaching learning process. Describe on how the students’ attitude found on the
description column.
No Components of
Attitude based on
Wenden (1991) as
cited in Samadani Criteria Yes No Description
and Ibnian (2015)
and Plato as cited
in Khoir, (2014)
1 Cognitive Students like to √ Students always use
give opinion in English during English
English during lesson to talk with the
English lesson teacher and their friends.
Students like to √ They really likes to ask
ask someting in question related to the
English during material or their project.
English lesson
Students like to √ Usually the teacher will
give comments invite the students to give
and critics to the comment or suggestion
other friends’ for their friends’ project.
Other attitudes (if x
2 Affective Students feel √ The students always fell
enthusiastic when excited and enthusiastic
the English class when they have English
is being taught class especially when
they have project.
Students enjoy √ They seems really enjoy
doing activities in and never complained
English class about something, even
they like to share their
ideas related to the
Students do not √ They always brave to
get anxious when answer the teacher’s
they have to question or their friends’
answer question question.
in English class
Students feel √ Students always feel
excited when they excited to communicate
communicate in using English.
English with
others in doing
the projects
Students do not √ They are really confident
feel embarrassed when they have to
to speak English present their project in
in front of other English.
Other attitudes (if x
3 Behavioral Students pay √ There might be a few
attention when students who did not pay
the teacher is attention but the teachers
explaining the will always try to find a
lesson way to get students’
Students like to √ The students really show
practice the four their interest and effort in
skills of English completing the project
(listening, whether it is focused on
reading, speaking listening, reading,
and writing) speaking or writing.
Students do the √ Yes, they do the project
project seriously seriously and put their
and show their best effort for that.
Other attitudes (if x
Coded : Et
Appendix 2C: The Result of Classroom Checklist from English Teacher of
Grade 4C
Classroom Checklist for Kinds of PBL Implemented
in Teaching English at Bali Kiddy School
Grade : 4C
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the kinds of project are used
during classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the kinds of projects are not used
during the teaching learning process. Describe on how the teachers do the kinds of
projects on the description column.
No Classification
based on Henry, as
Kinds of
cited from
Khoiriyah and
based on the Yes No Description
(2015), Novotna et
al. (2016) and
Kalabzova (2015)
1 Based on the way Structured √ All organised by the
to organize the Project teachers.
project Semi- √ Half organised by the
structured teachers, half from the
project discussion with the
Unstructured x
2 Based on the Mini projects √ Almost all project is only a
amount of time in mini project. It can be
doing the project done only even in one
Short-term √ Sometimes there is a
projects project that needs more
amount of time such as
one or two weeks.
Medium-term x
Long-term x
3 Based on the Individual √ Students prepare the
learners’ projects things, do the project and
involvement present it by individually.
Group √ Sometimes they also work
projects in group which can makes
them more collaborative
and can support each other
in group.
Whole-class x
Whole- x
Extensive x
4 Based on the aims Problem- √ Some of the projects
based aimed at solving problem.
projects It is needed to improve the
students critical thinking.
Construction- √ Sometimes the students
based have project in form of
projects making model or making
Aesthetic- √ The project sometimes
based aimed at having aesthetic
projects sense such as reviewing
music and song that the
students likes.
Drill-based √ The project form given
projects usually writing and
presenting, the students do
practice especially in
writing and speaking many
times from the project.
5 Other projects (if (Please write x
any) down here)
Grade : 4C
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the procedures are used during
classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the procedures are not used during the
teaching learning process. Describe on how the teachers do the procedures on the
description column.
No Procedures based on
Papandreou (1994),
The George Lucas
Criteria Yes No Description
Foundation (2005)
and Bell (2010)
1 Preparation The teacher √ The teachers will
introduces the introduce the topic, the
topic to the material and invite the
students and students to ask something
asks them to related to the topic.
discuss or ask
The teacher √ Teachers usually do
starts the brainstorming to the
teaching and students and ask some
learning process question related to the
by giving material.
Additional x
activities (if any)
2 Design a plan for The teacher √ Teachers will invite
the project gives students students to share their
chance to ideas and opinion for the
participate by project.
sharing their
ideas on the
The teacher √ Teachers will inform the
inform the rules rules and steps that the
of the project students need to follow in
development doing the project.
(The project
might be in the
form of a
presentation, a
performance, a
product, a
publication, etc.)
The teacher √ Teachers inform all in the
inform the beginning.
selection of the
materials, the
activities leading
to the project
and the tools
needed for the
Additional x
activities (if any)
3 Create a schedule The teacher and √ Usually time allocation
students discuss decided by the teacher
about the time and sometimes discuss it
allocation of with the students.
working on the
The teacher and √ Agreement of the
students make deadline is needed.
an agreement or
about the
deadline of the
development in
which the
students must
submit their end
Additional x
activities (if any)
4 Conducting the The teacher √ The teacher will look
project facilitate the around and observe the
learning process students.
to guide the
students during
the project
The teacher help √ The teacher will always
students when facilitate the students and
they find guide them.
difficulties, and
to ensure that
the student is
involved in the
Additional x
activities (if any)
5 Assess the outcome The teacher √ Assessment from the
conducts project and the way the
assessment to students present the
measure the project.
The teacher also √ Usually feedback will be
provides given after the students
students with present their project.
feedback at this
Additional x
activities (if any)
6 Evaluation The teacher and √ Teacher and students
students reflect have a discussion about
on the project the difficulties faced by
they have done the students in doing the
project and the
interesting part.
The teacher √ Teacher will ask again
needs to make the essential question and
sure that the make sure the students
students are able understand what they
to find answers have learnt.
of essential
The teacher and √ Teacher and students will
students share share ideas about what
their experience needs change to make a
of conducting better project.
the project and
discuss about
the projects
(what needs
change and
improvement for
the following
project, as well
as share ideas on
the new
Additional x
activities (if any)
Grade : 4C
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the difficulties are experienced
during classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the difficulties are not experienced
during the teaching learning process. Describe on how the teachers experienced
difficulties on the description column.
Other difficulties x
(if any)
2 Project Difficulties in √ Sometimes the teacher face the
Activities time management difficulty in managing time and
dividing the time for each
project plan to reach all
materials. Therefore, all need
to be well prepared in the
preparation step.
Technical x
Difficulties which √ This might be happened when
because the the students have a group
inequality of work. But this problem solved
students’ by dividing a fair member of
capabilities group, in one group consist of
needed for the high and low achieving
project students.
Classroom x
Difficulties in x
students’ inquiry
Difficulties in x
Other difficulties x
(if any)
3 Assessment Difficulties in x
assessing the
students’ projects
Difficulties in x
feedback to
students and/or
engage them in
Other difficulties x
(if any)
Grade : 4C
This is classroom checklist. Please put thick (√) to yes if the students’ attitude found
during classroom practices. Please put cross (x) if the students’ attitude not found during
the teaching learning process. Describe on how the students’ attitude found on the
description column.
No Components of
Attitude based on
Wenden (1991) as
cited in Samadani Criteria Yes No Description
and Ibnian (2015)
and Plato as cited
in Khoir, (2014)
1 Cognitive Students like to √ The students always
give opinion in communicate using
English during English and they likes to
English lesson share their opinion.
Students like to √ The students always have
ask someting in a high curiosity about
English during something especially
English lesson when they do the project.
Students like to √ Usually the teacher will
give comments invite the students to give
and critics to the comment and critics or
other friends’ suggestion to their
project friends’ project when
their friends present the
Other attitudes (if x
2 Affective Students feel √ They always feel
enthusiastic when enthusiastic especially
the English class when they have project
is being taught because they can show
their creativity.
Students enjoy √ They seems really enjoy
doing activities in each of the process. They
English class do the project happily.
Students do not √ They never get anxious,
get anxious when they feel excited when
they have to they need to ask
answer question someting related to the
in English class material or project.
Students feel √ Yes, they always feel
excited when they excited to communicate
communicate in in English along the
English with working process.
others in doing
the projects
Students do not √ The students really
feel embarrassed excited when they need
to speak English to present because they
in front of other can show their work to
students their friends.
Other attitudes (if x
3 Behavioral Students pay √ Usually they always pay
attention when attention while listening
the teacher is to the teacher’s
explaining the explanation.
Students like to √ Yes, they really like and
practice the four enthusiastic to practice
skills of English the four skills.
reading, speaking
and writing)
Students do the √ So far, the students
project seriously always do the project
and show their seriously and show their
effort best effort.
Other attitudes (if x
Coded : F
Appendix 3: Open-Questionnaire for English Teachers of Grade 4
This questionnaire is administered to have a better understanding about the
Implementation of PBL in Teaching English to Young Learners at Bali Kiddy School.
Please kindly respond to each of the questions provided.
Research Problems Question Answer
1. What kinds of project
are implemented by
the teachers in
teaching English for
grade 4 at Bali Kiddy
2. How do the teachers
1. Kinds of project usually organize the
implemented by project?
the teachers in 3. Do the teachers
teaching English usually give amount
for grade 4 at of time in doing the
Bali Kiddy project?
School 4. How do the teachers
usually ask the
learners’ involvement
in doing the project?
5. Do the teachers
usually determine the
aim of giving each of
the project?
6. What procedures of
teaching English are
implemented in
2. Procedures of teaching each of the
teaching English projects given?
7. What activities do the
implemented in
teachers usually have
teaching each of in the preparation of
the project given the project?
8. How is the teachers
and students’ role in
conducting the project
9. How will the teachers
assess each of the
project given?
10. Will the teachers
give any evaluation
after the students
completing the
projects given?
11. What are the
difficulties faced by
the teachers in
teaching English
using project-based
learning in the
12. What do youfeel
when teaching the
English class using
project-based learning
13. What do you
think about the
3. Difficulties faced implementation of
by the teachers in project-based learning
teaching English in your English class?
14. Have you ever
using PBL in the
found any difficulties
classroom during the preparation
such as choosing the
topic of project-based
learning in your
English class?
15. Have you ever
found any obstacles
during the
implementation such
as handling the
students while
implementing project-
based learning in your
English class?
16. Have you ever
found any difficulties
in assessing the
students projects?
And how are the
students’ achievement
after taught using
project based
17. How is the
students’ attitude
toward the procedure
of project-based
learning which
implemented by
teachers in teaching
18. How is the
students’ attitude
toward the type of
project given?
19. How is the
students’ attitude
toward the group
4. Students’ attitude work during the
toward the project-based
implementation of learning?
PBL in learning
English 20. How is the
students’ attitude
toward the difficulty
level and time
provided in doing
21. How is the
students’ attitude
toward the
establishment of the
22. How is the
students’ attitude
toward the
assessments of the
23. Do your students
have great willingness
and curiosity in
learning English
through project-based
Appendix 3a: The Result of Open-Questionaire from English Teacher of
Grade 4A
This questionnaire is administered to have a better understanding about the
Implementation of PBL in Teaching English to Young Learners at Bali Kiddy School.
Please kindly respond to each of the questions provided.
Research Problems Question Answer
1. What kinds of project We usually have individual and
are implemented by group project, which sometimes
the teachers in organised fully by the teacher or
teaching English for sometumes from the discussion
grade 4 at Bali Kiddy with students, the project can be
School? done in one or two meting, or
within days or week. Every kinds
of project has different goals to be
achieved by the students.
2. How do the teachers The teachers determine and
usually organize the organize the project by
project? themselves in terms of the topic,
1. Kinds of project materials, methodology and
implemented by presentation because the students
the teachers in in young age still need guidance.
teaching English Sometimes, the teachers also only
for grade 4 at give the general topic of the
Bali Kiddy project, then the students need to
School choose their own topic as well as
the way they accomplish the
project. The students should be
given a chance to be brave and
creative in designing the project
3. Do the teachers Yes, we do. Usually the project
usually give amount can be done only in one meeting.
of time in doing the Sometimes within days or week
project? only. It was because the the
project selection should not too
difficult and complex for young
students on grade 4.
4. How do the teachers The teachers ask the students to
usually ask the make the project based on their
learners’ involvement own ideas and creativity. Students
in doing the project? often doing individual project
especially during home-based
learning then they present it
In order to improve their
collaboration, communication,
critical thinking and creativity,
they sometimes work in group
5. Do the teachers Yes, we do. The teachers
usually determine the sometimes give a problem-based
aim of giving each of to stimulate the students’ critical
the project? thinking through the problem or
case given, some practical or
physical task such as making
model, sometimes they makes
project which related to
appreciation of someone’s work
and project which aimed to
practice and drill the students’
skill such as writing.
6. What procedures of Preparation, designing the project,
teaching English are conducting the project, assessing
implemented in and evaluating the project.
teaching each of the
projects given?
7. What activities do the Teachers will introduce the topic
2. Procedures of teachers usually have of the project to the students and
teaching English in the preparation of do brainstorming (asking essential
implemented in the project?
question) which relevant to the
teaching each of goals that the students must
the project given achieve during the project
8. How is the teachers Teachers will always guide the
and students’ role in students during the project
conducting the project development. The teachers will
look around and help the students
when they found problems in
doing the project or when the
students asked about something.
The teachers also need to make
sure that all students involve in
the project especilly when they
have a group project.
9. How will the teachers The teachers will assess based on
assess each of the the scoring rubrics. We always do
project given? assessment to check the result of
their project as well as measure
the students achievement. We also
give like a positive feedback for
each project.
10. Will the teachers Yes, we will. We usually ask
give any evaluation about the difficulties that the
after the students students’ found or the most
completing the
interesting part in doing the
projects given?
project. In order to check the
students’ understanding, the
teachers need to make sure that
they know what they have learnt.
The teacher and students also
share their ideas about what needs
change and improvement for the
following project.
11. What are the Difficulties during preparation
difficulties faced by such as choosing the best topic
the teachers in which can cover material which
teaching English
need to be achieved, difficulties in
3. Difficulties faced using project-based
learning in the time management for project plan
by the teachers in
classroom? or when in the class because need
teaching English
to handle and guide all students,
using PBL in the
difficulties because of the
different capability of students
and also because of classroom
interaction such as indiscipline
12. What do youfeel I feel happy because the students
when teaching the can show their ideas and
English class using creativity.
project-based learning
13. What do you It is usually fun and runs
think about the effectively.
implementation of
project-based learning
in your English class?
4. Students’ attitude 17. How is the Usually, they are enjoy with each
toward the students’ attitude of the procedure and active in
toward the procedure
implementation of each activity.
of project-based
PBL in learning learning which
English implemented by
teachers in teaching
18. How is the They show a good attitude, they
students’ attitude never complained and always
toward the type of show their best effort.
project given?
19. How is the Mostly, they contribute in group
students’ attitude work. But sometimes students’
toward the group misbehavior sometimes happened
work during the
in the class. This might take times
learning? to handle such as indiscipline
students. But the teachers usually
applied rules and agreement with
the students.
20. How is the They never complained because
students’ attitude we usually have a discussion for
toward the difficulty the design of the project and the
level and time
time allocation.
provided in doing
21. How is the They are active, enthusiastic and
students’ attitude enjoy the process.
toward the
establishment of the
22. How is the Teachers will inform clearly about
students’ attitude the scoring criteria, how the
toward the criteria of a good project and what
assessments of the
they need to achieve, so far all is
assessment? well and they show their best
when the assessment time.
23. Do your students Yes, they do. The students
have great willingness
always active in giving and
and curiosity in
sharing their opinion during
learning English
English lesson. Students always
through project-based
learning? have high curiousity to ask about
something which is related to the
material or the project by using
24. Do your students Yes, they do. Students pay
participate enough in attention when the teacher is
your English class explaining the lesson, they likes to
when implementing participate and practice four skills.
They always show their best effort
in doing the project and teachers
always observe the students’
behavioral, so far they do the
project seriously.
25. How do you think The students really enjoy and
your students’ feeling show their enthusiastic when
in learning English learning using project-based.
using project-based?
They do the project happily. They
never get anxious, the teachers
treats them just like a friend.
4. Other information: Additional information:
If you have other ……………
concerning the ……………
implementation of
PBL needs to be ……………
informed, please
kindly describe
briefly in the next
Coded : E
Appendix 3b: The Result of Open-Questionnaire from English Teacher of
Grade 4B
8. How is the teachers Teachers facilitate and
and students’ role in supervise students in working
conducting the on their projects, students
project given? actively involved in designing
their own project.
9. How will the By refering to the scoring
teachers assess each rubric that has been prepared.
of the project given? We will also give comment for
the students’ project and
feedback for their effort.
10. Will the Yes, we will. In the end of the
teachers give any lesson, we usually have a
evaluation after the discussion with the students to
students completing reflect on their project. Sharing
the projects given? is needed in order to discuss
the students’ experience,
problems that the students’
faced and things which need to
be improved.
11. What are the Deciding form of the project
difficulties faced by and the suitable topic of the
the teachers in project especially for young
teaching English learners, time and class
using project-based management, students'
learning in the capability.
12. What do you Excited to see that students are
3. Difficulties faced
feel when teaching enthusiastic to work on their
by the teachers in
the English class project.
teaching English
using project-based
using PBL in the learning strategy?
classroom 13. What do you It's great, fun and enjoyable
think about the both for teacher and students.
implementation of
learning in your
English class?
14. Have you ever Yes, in deciding form of the
found any project and the suitable topic
difficulties during especially for young learners.
the preparation such In this case, teachers usually
as choosing the do a discussion or sharing
topic of project- among teachers or with
based learning in students.
your English class?
project given?
24. Do your Yes, they do. The students
students participate really show their interest and
enough in your effort in completing the project
English class when whether it is focused on
implementing listening, reading, speaking or
project-based writing. They do the project
learning? seriously and put their best
effort for that.
25. How do you think The students always feel
your students’ excited and enthusiastic when
feeling in learning they have project. They seems
English using
really enjoy and do the project
happily. They are also really
confident when they have to
present their project in English.
5. Other information: Additional information:
If you have other ……………
concerning the ……………
implementation of
PBL needs to be ……………
informed, please
kindly describe
briefly in the next
Coded : Et
Appendix 3c: The Result of Open-Questionnaire from English Teacher of
Grade 4C
This questionnaire is administered to have a better understanding about the
Implementation of PBL in Teaching English to Young Learners at Bali Kiddy School.
Please kindly respond to each of the questions provided.
Research Problems Question Answer
1. What kinds of project I usually have my students to
are implemented by the do individual project or group
teachers in teaching project. Sometimes it is fully
English at Bali Kiddy designed by the teacher.
School? Sometimes teacher will decide
the topic and the students are
free to choose any ways to
present it.
2. How do the teachers All organised by the teachers.
usually organize the Starting from choosing the
project? topic, designing the form of
project, as well as designing
the scoring criteria. All
1. Kinds of project
organised by the teachers
implemented by
considering the students still
the teachers in
in the young ages so it would
teaching English
be easier for them if
for grade 4 at Bali
everything organized by the
Kiddy School
Sometimes half organised by
the teachers, half from the
discussion with the students
to stimulate their critical
3. Do the teachers usually Almost all project is only a
give amount of time in mini project. It can be done
doing the project? only even in one meeting.
Sometimes there is a project
that needs more amount of
time such as one or two weeks
maximum. The timing were
limited because it should not
gave pressure to the students
in young age.
given? learners who need to be
involved in the project.
9. How will the teachers Based on the scoring rubric.
assess each of the Assessment is taken from the
project given? project and the way the
students present the project.
Usually feedback will be
given after the students
present their project whether it
is individual or group work.
10. Will the teachers give Yes, we will. Teacher and
any evaluation after the students have a discussion
students completing the about the difficulties faced by
projects given? the students in doing the
project and the interesting
11. What are the difficulties - Choosing appropriate topic
faced by the teachers in which can cover the
teaching English using material need to be
project-based learning in achieved (solved by
the classroom? sharing with other teachers
or students)
- Choosing appropriate form
of the project for young
learners (solved by sharing
3. Difficulties faced with other teachers or
by the teachers in students)
teaching English - Time allotment for the
using PBL in the project sometimes is
classroom limited (Need to manage
the time well)
12. What do you feel when When it was done and planned
teaching the English well, I feel satisfied with the
class using project-based result presented by the
learning strategy? students.
13. What do you think about The implementation of the
the implementation of project-based learning can be
project-based learning in implemented well in my
your English class? English class.
14. Have you ever found Yes, I ever. But it is solved by
any difficulties during having a discussion or sharing
the preparation such as with the other teachers or
choosing the topic of students as well to reach their
project-based learning in capability.
your English class?
15. Have you ever found Yes, when the instruction is
any obstacles during the not clear at the beginning, the
implementation such as implementation can be a
handling the students problem especially in
while implementing managing time. Therefore,
project-based learning in the teacher need to give a
your English class? clear information, guide the
students in doing the project,
ask their progress and remind
about the time allocation.
16. Have you ever found So far, no. Because the
any difficulties in teacher and students usually
assessing the students’ have a deal about the
projects? And how are assessment so the students
the students’ will do their best to achieve a
achievement after taught good result.
using project based
17. How is the students’ They are excited to do the
attitude toward the project as long as we give
procedure of project- clear aim, instruction, and due
based learning which date.
implemented by teachers
4. Students’ attitude in teaching English?
toward the 18. How is the students’ They do it well as long as the
attitude toward the type teacher supervise and check
implementation of
of project given? the progress of their project.
PBL in learning
19. How is the students’ They can work well as long as
attitude toward the the teacher keeps on checking
group work during the their work and how they
project-based learning? divide the workload.
difficulty level and time both for difficulty level and
provided in doing time provided because we
project-based learning? usually inform it well and
always remind the students.
21. How is the students’ The students seems excited,
attitude toward the enjoy the process and they do
establishment of the the project happily.
concerning the especially for young learners.
implementation of They can do the project
PBL needs to be happily, show their creativity,
informed, please involve in the activity and it is
kindly describe also can stimulate their 4C’s
briefly in the next skills.
Coded : F
Appendix 4: Interview Guide for English Teacher of Grade 4
based learning in your English
12. Have you ever found
ever found any difficulties
during the preparation such as
choosing the topic of project-
based learning in your English
13. Have you ever found any
obstacles during the
implementation such as
handling the students while
implementing project-based
learning in your English class?
14. Have you ever found any
difficulties in assessing the
students projects? And how
are the students’ achievement
after taught using project
based learning?
15. How is the students’
attitude toward the procedure
of project-based learning
which implemented by
teachers in teaching English?
16. How is the students’
attitude toward the type of
project given?
17. How is the students’
4. Students’ attitude attitude toward the group work
toward the during the project-based English
implementation of PBL Teacher of
18. How is the students’
in learning English attitude toward the difficulty Grade 4
level and time provided in
doing project-based learning?
19. How is the students’
attitude toward the
establishment of the project?
20. How is the students’
attitude toward the
assessments of the project-
based assessment?
21. Do your students have
great willingness and curiosity
in learning English through
project-based learning?
22. Do your students
participate enough in your
English class when
implementing project-based
23. How do you think your
students’ feeling in learning
English using project-based?
Appendix 4a: Transcript of Interview with English Teacher of Grade 4A
R : Researcher
R: Which grade do you teach currently and how many students are there?
E: The teachers determines and organize the project starting from choosing the
topic, informing about what the students need to prepare, what they need to do in
the project, how they will present the project and how will be the assessment
criteria. The teacher did that ways based on the consideration that the students in
young ages still need guidance.
R: So all well prepared by the teachers? Do you ever ask students’ participation in
organizing the project?
E: Yes, sometimes, the teachers also only give the general topic of the project,
then the students need to choose their own topic as well as the way they
accomplish the project. I think the students should be given a chance to be brave
and creative in designing the project.
R: Oh I see, so they will get their turn to share their ideas. Well, ms, do the
teachers usually give amount of time in doing the project?
E: Yes, sometimes the project can be done only in one meeting and sometimes
within days or week. It was because the project selection should not too difficult
and complex for young students on grade 4.
R: How do the teachers usually ask the learners’ involvement in doing the
R: So, they never had a project in a whole class, whole shool or with other school
R: Okay, what about the aims of each project, ms? Do the teachers usually
determine the aim of giving each of the project?
E: Yes, we do. Sometimes it’s to give a problem-based and stimulate the students’
critical thinking through the problem or case given. Teachers also give some
practical or physical task such as making model. In order to appreciate arts,
sometimes they makes project which related to appreciation of someone’s work.
Then every ends of unit material that the students have learnt, they will make a
scrapbook in form of writing and they need to present it so it’s just like a drill or
repetiotion to improve their skill.
R: What activities do the teachers usually have in the preparation of the project?
E: Usually, in the beginning the teachers will introduce the topic of the project to
the students and do brainstorming (asking essential question) which relevant to
the goals that the students must achieve during the project development.
E: Sometimes, teachers will give time to the students to share their ideas for the
project in order to meet the students’ capabilities and interest. The teachers will
also inform to the students about how the project will be and how will they
present the project. The students always have a high curiousity about how the
teachers will assess their project and what are the criterias. Therefore, the teacher
need to design the way to assses the project as well.
R: Do the teachers and students have a discussion about the schedule or time
allocation of the project?
E: Yes, time allocation is really needed in order to limit the students’ time in
doing the project. It is based on the situation, sometimes the teachers decided the
time allocation, sometimes they will discuss it with the students and take an
agreement between teachers and students.
R: How is the teachers and students’ role in conducting the project given?
E: In teaching learning process at school, teachers will always guide the students
during the project development. The teachers will look around and help the
students when they found problems in doing the project or when the students
asked about something. The teachers also need to make sure that all students
involve in the project especilly when they have a group project. The teachers need
to help them to manage their time well so that they can finish the project on time.
R: Okay, so the teacher as facilitator and the students do the project. How will the
teachers assess each of the project given?
R: Will the teachers give any evaluation after the students completing the projects
E: Yes, we will. Evaluation is usually done after the teachers assess the students’
project or presentation. The teachers usually ask about the difficulties that the
students’ found or the most interesting part in doing the project. In order to check
the students’ understanding, the teachers need to make sure that they know what
they have learnt. The teacher and students also share their ideas about what needs
change and improvement for the following project.
R: What do you feel when teaching the English class using project-based learning
strategy, ms?
E: I feel happy because the students can show their ideas and creativity.
R: What do you think about the implementation of project-based learning in your
English class?
R: Have you ever found any difficulties during the preparation such as choosing
the topic of project-based learning in your English class?
E: Sometimes the teachers finds confusion in choosing the best topic and suitable
project for the students.
R: Have you ever found any obstacles during the implementation of project-based
learning in your English class?
R: Have you ever found difficulties which because of the inequality of students’
capabilities needed for the project?
E: Yes, this might be the biggest challenges faced by the teachers because the
students’ capabilities are different one with another. Therefore, the teachers need
to design a project which can be done both by the students who have high
capability and the low one.
R: Have you ever found any difficulties in assessing the students projects? And
how are the students’ achievement after taught using project based learning?
E: The students enjoy each of the procedure and active in each activity.
R: How is the students’ attitude toward the type of project given?
E: They show a good attitude, they never complained and always show their best
R: How is the students’ attitude toward the group work during the project-based
E: As what I’ve said before when the students work in group or collaboratively,
students’ misbehavior sometimes happened in the class. This might take times to
handle such as indiscipline students. But the teachers usually applied rules and
agreement with the students.
R: How is the students’ attitude toward the difficulty level and time provided in
doing project-based learning?
E: They never complained because we usually have a discussion for the design of
the project and the time allocation.
E: As what I’ve said, teachers will inform clearly about the scoring criteria, how
the criteria of a good project and what they need to achieve, so far all is well and
they show their best when the assessment time.
E: The students always active in giving and sharing their opinion during English
lesson. Students always have high curiousity to ask about something which is
related to the material or the project by using English. They also likes to give
comments and critics to the other friends’ project.
E: Students pay attention when the teacher is explaining the lesson, they likes to
participate and practice four skills. They always show their best effort in doing
the project and teachers always observe the students’ behavioral, so far they do
the project seriously.
R: How do you think your students’ feeling in learning English using project-
E: The students really enjoy and show their enthusiastic when learning using
project-based. They do the project happily. They never get anxious, the teachers
treats them just like a friend. When the teachers ask about something, the students
will answer it in English fluently. The students also really excited when they need
to present something in front of the other students because they really want to
show the result of their project.
Appendix 4b: Transcript of Interview with English Teacher of Grade 4B
R : Researcher
R: Which grade do you teach currently and how many students are there?
Et: All well prepared by the teachers because the students still need assistance and
guidance. Starting from topic selection, design of the project, project timing,
project criteria and scoring criteria.
Et: Yes, sometimes, I also give a chance to the students to choose their specific
topic for their project and how they will accomplish it, not only from the teachers
to make them more creative.
R: Oh I see. Do the teachers usually give amount of time in doing the project?
Et: Yes, most of the projects given can be done in one or two meetings only.
Sometimes, the teachers also give a project which need to be done within a week.
This timing must be considered because the students were still in grade 4.
R: How do the teachers usually ask the learners’ involvement in doing the
Et: The students prepare the things, do the project and present the project
individually. To improve their social skill and to be more collaborative with other
students, sometimes the students also work in group.
R: Okay, what about the aims of each project, ms? Do the teachers usually
determine the aim of giving each of the project?
Et: Yes, of course. Such as to stimulate the students’ critical thinking in solving a
case given, to construct something such as making model or 3D shape, to
appreciate art or someone’s work such as music review and to practice the
students’ skill in reading, writing, listening or speaking.
Et: The procedures such as preparation, designing the project, determine the time
allocation or schedule, conducting the project, assessment of the project as well as
R: What activities do the teachers usually have in the preparation of the project?
Et: In the beginning of the lesson, the teachers usually will introduce the topic
that the students will learn. The teachers also will do brainstorming in order to
stimulate the students’ prior knowledge related to the material.
Et:. Sometimes the design of the project not all prepared by the teachers. As what
I’ve said, we will give the students chance to share their ideas on the projects.
R: Do the teachers and students have a discussion about the schedule or time
allocation of the project?
Et: Yes, we do. Teachers and students need to set the time allocation before doing
the project. I think agreement is needed so the students can manage their time.
R: How is the teachers and students’ role in conducting the project given?
Et: The teacher facilitate the learning process to guide the students. We always
assist the students when they have project at school. While the students’ role, they
need to follow the working procedure of the project.
Et: Usually the teachers prepared the scoring criteria to assess the project. We
will also give comment for the students’ project and feedback for their effort.
R: Will the teachers give any evaluation after the students completing the projects
Et: Yes, we will. In the end of the lesson, we usually have a discussion with the
students to reflect on their project. Sharing is needed in order to discuss the
students’ experience, problems that the students’ faced and things which need to
be improved.
R: What do you feel when teaching the English class using project-based learning
strategy, ms?
Et: I feel excited to see that students are enthusiastic to work on their project.
Et: It's great, fun and enjoyable both for teacher and students.
R: Have you ever found any difficulties during the preparation such as choosing
the topic of project-based learning in your English class?
Et: Yes, I ever, such as deciding form of the project and the suitable topic of the
project especially for young learners. In this case, teachers usually do a discussion
or sharing among teachers or with students.
R: Have you ever found any obstacles during the implementation such as
handling the students while implementing project-based learning in your English
Et: No, the students did the projects seriously and they followed the instructions
nicely. I usually found difficulty in managing time because of handling many
students but it will be solved if we prepared and informed everything clear in the
beginning including time allocation.
R: Have you ever found difficulties which because of the inequality of students’
capabilities needed for the project?
Et: Yes, because with the heterogeneity of the students, not all students capable in
doing or following the procedures of the project. So, the teachers usually will do
group work in which they can work and help one another. The teacher will also
help and guide the students.
Et: Yes, it usually run smoothly because the students usually do the projects
seriously because they wants to show their best.
R: Have you ever found any difficulties in assessing the students projects? And
how are the students’ achievement after taught using project based learning?
Et: So far I never found difficulty in assessing because we prepared all well in the
beginning and we informed the students about what they need to do in order to
get a good result. For the result, in my opinion, almost all students can achieve
well and get a good result.
Et: The students enjoy each of the procedure and attentive to follow teacher's
Et: They show a good attitude, they love to work on hands-on projects and always
show their best effort.
R: How is the students’ attitude toward the group work during the project-based
Et: Some can show good team work but some find it hard to work in group and
thus give less contribution to the group. Therefore, the teacher need to make sure
all students involve in doing the project and divide the group fairly including fast
and slow learners.
R: How is the students’ attitude toward the difficulty level and time provided in
doing project-based learning?
Et: They never complained to the teacher because we usually have a discussion
for the design of the project and the time allocation.
Et: They are active, excited and enjoy each of the the process.
R: How is the students’ attitude toward the assessments of the project-based
Et: So far all is well and they show their best when the assessment time. They are
really excited when they need to present their project.
Et: Yes, they do. They really likes to ask question related to the material or their
project. Usually, the teacher will also invite the students to give comment or
suggestion for their friends’ project.
Et: Yes, the students really show their interest and effort in completing the project
whether it is focused on listening, reading, speaking or writing. They do the
project seriously and put their best effort for that.
R: How do you think your students’ feeling in learning English using project-
Et: The students always feel excited and enthusiastic when they have English
class especially when they have project. They seems really enjoy and do the
project happily. They are also really confident when they have to present their
project in English.
Appendix 4c: Transcript of Interview with English Teacher of Grade 4C
R : Researcher
R: Which grade do you teach currently and how many students are there?
F: All organised by the teachers considering the students still in the young ages so
it would be easier for them if everything organized by the teacher. Starting from
choosing the topic, designing the form of project, as well as designing the scoring
F: Yes, I ever. Half organised by the teachers, half from the discussion with the
students. It’s just like the teacher will decide the topic and the students are free to
choose any ways to present it to stimulate their critical thinking.
R: Oh I see. Do the teachers usually give amount of time in doing the project?
F: Yes, we told them about the project first, then give a period of time to do it.
Almost all project is only a mini project. It can be done only even in one meeting.
Sometimes there is a project that needs more amount of time such as one or two
weeks maximum. The timing were limited because it should not gave pressure to
the students in young age.
R: How do the teachers usually ask the learners’ involvement in doing the
F:. Students prepare the things, do the project and present it by individually.
Sometimes they also work in group which can makes them more collaborative
and can support each other in group. During the check point I asked what they’ve
done so far, and how they divide the workload
R: Okay, what about the aims of each project, ms? Do the teachers usually
determine the aim of giving each of the project?
F: Yes, the project sometimes aimed at having aesthetic sense such as reviewing
music and song that the students likes. The project form given usually writing and
presenting, the students do practice especially in writing and speaking many times
from the project.
F: We usually have preparation, designing the plan of the project, setting the time
allocation, conducting the project, assessing the project and do reflection or
evaluation in the end.
R: What activities do the teachers usually have in the preparation of the project?
F: The teachers will introduce the topic, the material and invite the students to ask
something related to the topic. Teachers usually do brainstorming to the students
and ask some question related to the material.
F: As what I’ve said, sometimes not all handled by the teacher. We will also
invite the students to share their ideas and opinion for the project. When it is
handled by the teacher, we will inform the rules and steps that the students need
to follow in doing the project.
R: Do the teachers and students have a discussion about the schedule or time
allocation of the project?
F: Yes, sometimes we do it. Usually time allocation decided by the teacher and
sometimes we discuss it with the students.
R: How is the teachers and students’ role in conducting the project given?
F: The teacher as facilitator and advisor will look around and observe the
students. The teacher will always facilitate the students and guide them in doing
the project.
F: Assessment is taken from the project and the way the students present the
project. Usually feedback will be given after the students present their project
whether it is individual or group work.
R: Will the teachers give any evaluation after the students complFing the projects
F: Yes, we will. Teacher and students have a discussion about the difficulties
faced by the students in doing the project and the interesting part. Teacher and
students will share ideas about what needs change to make a better project.
R: What do you feel when teaching the English class using project-based learning
strategy, ms?
F: When it was done and planned well, I feel satisfied with the result presented by
the students.
R: Have you ever found any difficulties during the preparation such as choosing
the topic of project-based learning in your English class?
F: Yes, I ever. But it is solved by having a discussion or sharing with the other
teachers or students as well to reach their capability.
R: Have you ever found any obstacles during the implementation of project-based
learning in your English class? What about the classroom interaction?
F: Yes, sometimes the time given was not enough to finish the project. Therefore,
the teacher need to give a clear information, guide the students in doing the
project, ask their progress and remind about the time allocation. The interaction in
classroom usually effective and the students show their best during the lesson
R: Have you ever found difficulties which because of the inequality of students’
capabilities needed for the project?
F: Yes, this might be happened when the students have a group work. But this
problem solved by dividing a fair member of group, in one group consist of high
and low achieving students so they can help each other.
R: Have you ever found any difficulties in assessing the students projects? And
how are the students’ achievement after taught using project based learning?
F: So far, no, I have not. For the achievement, I think all students have a good
result because they show their best effort to reach the critera of a good project.
F: They are excited to do the project as long as we give clear aim, instruction, and
due date.
F: They do it well as long as the teacher supervise and check the progress of their
R: How is the students’ attitude toward the group work during the project-based
F: They can work well as long as the teacher keeps on checking their work and
how they divide the workload.
R: How is the students’ attitude toward the difficulty level and time provided in
doing project-based learning?
F: They never complained and show a good attitude both for difficulty level and
time provided because we usually inform it well and always remind the students.
F: When the assesment time, such as presentation and showing the project, the
students feel ecited and enthusiastic to show their best effort.
F: The students always have a high curiosity about something especially when
they do the project. Usually the teacher will invite the students to give comment
and critics or suggestion to their friends’ project when their friends present the
F: Usually they always pay attention while listening to the teacher’s explanation.
they really like and enthusiastic to practice the four skills. They always do the
project seriously and show their best effort.
R: How do you think your students’ feeling in learning English using project-
F: They always feel enthusiastic especially when they have project because they
can show their creativity. The students also really excited when they need to
presentate because they can show their work to their friends, they never get
F: Yes, in my opinion, project-based learning is a good strategy to be applied in
English class especially for young learners. They can do the project happily, show
their creativity, involve in the activity and it is also can stimulate their 4C’s skills.