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Uganda National Bureau OF Standards

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AS AT 30 JUNE 2020

Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Plot 2-12 ByPass Link Bweyogerere
Industrial and Business Park
P.O Box 6329
Kampala, Uganda
Tel Off: +256(0)417-333 250/1/2
E-mail: info@unbs.go.ug

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... ii
VISION ........................................................................................................................................... iii
MISSION ........................................................................................................................................ iii
OUR VALUES ............................................................................................................................... iii
THE MANDATE OF UNBS ......................................................................................................... iii
FUNCTIONS OF UNBS ................................................................................................................ iii
ARRANGEMENT OF UGANDA STANDARDS IN CATALOGUE ....................................... iv
HOW TO OBTAIN STANDARDS .............................................................................................. iv
FOOD AND AGRICULTURE STANDARDS ............................................................................. 1
ENGINEERING STANDARDS ................................................................................................ 189
CHEMICAL AND CONSUMER PRODUCTS STANDARDS .............................................. 484
MANAGEMENT AND SERVICES STANDARDS ................................................................ 701
INDEX.............................................................................................................................................. 1

Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a parastatal under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives established
under Cap 327, of the Laws of Uganda, as amended. UNBS is mandated to coordinate the elaboration of standards and is;

(a) a member of International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and

(b) a contact point for the WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius Commission Food Standards, and
(c) the National Enquiry Point on TBT Agreement of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

The work of preparing Uganda Standards is carried out through Technical Committees. A Technical Committee is established to
deliberate on standards in a given field or area and consists of key stakeholders including government, academia, consumer
groups, private sector and other interested parties.

Draft Uganda Standards adopted on by the Technical Committee are widely circulated to stakeholders and the general public for
comments. The committee reviews the comments before recommending the draft standards for approval and declaration as
Uganda Standards by the National Standards Council.

The following Technical Committees are currently operational:

 UNBS/TC 1 Basic and General Standards

 UNBS/TC 2 Food and Agriculture
 UNBS/TC 3 Building and Civil Engineering
 UNBS/TC 4 Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy
 UNBS/TC 5 Chemicals and Environment
 UNBS/TC 6 Electrotechnology
 UNBS/TC 7 Textiles, Leather, Paper and Related Products
 UNBS/TC 8 Transport and Communication
 UNBS/TC 9 Metrology
 UNBS/TC 10 Management and Services
 UNBS/TC 11 Consumer Products
 UNBS/TC 12 Furniture
 UNBS/TC 13 Energy Management
 UNBS/TC 14 Medical Devices
 UNBS/TC 15 Halal Integrity
 UNBS/TC 16 Petroleum Products and Facilities
 UNBS/TC 17 Applied Statistics
 UNBS/TC 18 Information and Communication Technologies
 UNBS/TC 19 Packaging and Packaging Products
 UNBS/TC 20 Timber

ii | Page
Draft Uganda Standards adopted on by the Technical Committee are widely circulated to stakeholders and the general public for
comments. The committee reviews the comments before recommending the draft standards for approval and declaration as
Uganda Standards by the National Standards Council.


A leading institution of international repute in provision of sustainable standardization services.


To provide standards, measurements and conformity assessment services for improved quality of life.


UNBS attaches much importance to the way management and staff conduct themselves; and how they serve the clients. In its
drive to service excellence, UNBS is guided by the following values: Professionalism, Customer Focus, Innovation, Teamwork,
and Integrity.


The mandate of UNBS is to formulate, promote and enforce national standards to enhance the competitiveness of Ugandan
products, promote fair trade and protect consumers.

This mandate is two-fold;

1. Promotional: Promoting and facilitating the adoption and use of standardization services to enhance the quality and
competitiveness of locally manufactured products.
2. Regulatory: Enforcing standards to protect consumers and ensure fairness in trade.

In fulfilling its mandate UNBS collaborates with partners within and without and subscribes to regional and International
standardization organizations.

UNBS is a member of the International organization for Standardization (ISO); the African Regional Organization for
Standardization (ARSO) and the East African Standards Committee (EASC). UNBS is also the National Contact point for the
FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission international Food Standards and the National Enquiry Point for the WTO TBT


In fulfilling its functions as stated in the UNBS Act (Cap 327), UNBS is obliged to promote harmonization of standards with
trading countries, assist government, industry, or other persons in adopting and practical application of standards, encourage and

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undertake educational work, seek membership to international standardization organizations and develop and seek recognition of
the bureau by any other country.


The entries in the catalogue are listed according to the various subject categories namely; Food and Agriculture, Engineering,
Chemical and Consumer products, and Management and servives Standards.

A subject index is given at the end of the standards entry to help the user to locate Uganda Standards on any particular subject.


Uganda Standards may be procured online at https://webstore.unbs.go.ug/ or from the Information Resource Centre at UNBS
HQ. The price of each Uganda Standard is listed below it in Uganda Shillings (Ush), but does not include any mailing costs or
any handling charges that may be added to its cost by management.

US IEC Standards can be accessed at 50% discount less the online catalogue price at the IEC Webstore www.iec.ch.
To purchase US IEC Standards, please contact maurice.musuga@unbs.go.ug for a quotation.

ISO Standards can be accessed at up to 30% discount off the ISO online Catalogue price at

The terms and conditions of the ISO Policy for the distribution, sales and reproduction
of ISO publications and the protection of ISO’s copyright (ISO POCOSA 2017) apply.

iv | Page
FOOD AND AGRICULTURE This Uganda Standard lists maximum residue limits

STANDARDS (MRLs) and risk management recommendations

(RMRs) for residues of veterinary drugs
1. US EAS 1:2019, Wheat flour — (RESIDUES) in foods.
Specification (4th Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for wheat flour prepared
from common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) or club
4. US ARS/AES 02:2014, Fisheries —
wheat (Triticum compactum Host), or their mixtures
Sustainability and eco-labelling —
intended for human consumption. (This standard
cancels and replaces the third edition US EAS
1:2017, Wheat flour – Specification, which has been This Uganda Standard provides requirements for the
technically revised). sustainable harvesting of fish up to the point at which
the fish are landed. It applies to marine and inland
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
capture fisheries only.


This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

2. US EAS 2:2017, Maize grains —

Specification (2 Edition)
5. US CODEX STAN 3:1981, Standard for
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
canned salmon
sampling and test methods for maize grains of
varieties grown from common maize grains, Zea This Uganda Standard applies to canned salmon.
mays indentata L. and/or Zea mays indurata L. or
their hybrids intended for human consumption. (This This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

standard cancels and replaces US EAS 2:2013,

Maize grains — Specification (2nd Edition), that has
been technically revised). 6. US CAC/GL 3: 1989 (Revised in 2014),
Guidelines for the Simple Evaluation of
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
Dietary Exposure to Food Additives


This Uganda Standard provides a stepwise approach

3. US CAC/MRL 2-2015, Maximum Residue to estimation of the probable daily dietary exposure

Limits (MRLs) and Risk Management to food additives to check whether the Acceptable
Daily Intake of a given food additive is potentially
Recommendations (RMRs) for residues of exceeded.
veterinary drugs in foods

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. with regard to economic, social and environmental
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
7. US EAS 4:2013, Infant formula –
Specification STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and 10. US ARS/AES 06:2018, Aquaculture —
methods of sampling and test for infant formula in Tilapia — Sustainability and eco-
liquid or powdered form intended for use, where labelling — Requirements
necessary, as a substitute for human milk in meeting
This Uganda Standard establishes principles, criteria,
the normal nutritional requirements of infants. (This
indicators and measurable performance levels for
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US CODEX
responsible tilapia (Tilapia spp., Oreochromis spp.
STAN 72:1981, Standards for infant formula).
and Sarotherodon spp.) aquaculture with regard to
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17. economic, social and environmental sustainability

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 This standard was published on 2019-12-10.

8. US EAS 5:2009, Refined white sugar – STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000

11. US EAS 6:2017, Fresh pineapple —
This Uganda Standard applies to refined white sugar, Specification
obtained by processing raw sugars, which is intended
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
for human consumption. (This Uganda Standard is an
sampling and test methods for commercial varieties
adoption of the East African Standard, EAS 5:2009,
of pineapple grown from Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.
and it cancels and replaces US 30:1993, Refined
of the Bromeliaceae family, to be supplied fresh to
white sugar - Specification).
the consumer. This standard does not apply to
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 pineapple for ornamental use or industrial processing.
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
2:2015, Fresh pineapple — Specification which has
been technically revised).
9. US ARS/AES 05:2018, Aquaculture—
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
African catfish — Sustainability and
eco-labelling — Requirements
This Uganda Standard establishes principles, criteria,
indicators and measurable performance levels for
responsible African catfish (Clarias spp.) aquaculture

12. US 6:1993 Standard specification for STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
methods of analysis for foods for infants
15. US EAS 12:2014, Potable water —
and children
This Uganda Standard lays down the methods of
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
analysis of infant formula, cereal-based foods for
methods of sampling and test for potable water
infants and children and canned baby foods.
(treated potable water and natural potable water).
This standard was published on 1993-07-31 (This standard cancels and replaces US 201:2008,
Drinking (potable) water – Specification, which has
been technically revised).

13. US CAC/RCP 6-1972, Code of Hygienic

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
Practice for Tree Nuts
This Uganda Standard provides basic hygienic
requirements for orchards, farm processing (shelling 16. US EAS 13: 2018, Packaged mineral
and hulling), and/or commercial shelling or in-shell waters Specification (3rd Edition)
operations. It covers all tree nuts and tree nut
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
products, including the blanched, diced, ground, and
packaged mineral waters for human consumption.
similar products, but does not include products where
[This standard cancels and replaces US EAS 13:
tree nuts are a minor ingredient.
2014, Packaged natural mineral water —
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. Specification (1 Edition), which has been technically
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
14. US EAS 8:2010, Raw cane sugar –
Specification STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, 17. US EAS 14:2018, Fats spreads and
methods of sampling and test for raw sugar produced blended spreads- Specification (2nd
from sugarcane and intended for further processing to Edition)
make it fit for human consumption. (This Uganda
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
Standard is an adoption of the East African Standard,
sampling and test methods for fat spreads and
EAS 8:2010, and it cancels and replaces US 9:1993,
blended spreads. It does not apply to fat spreads
Standard specification for raw sugar).
derived exclusively from milk and/or milk products
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20. to which only other substances necessary for their
manufacture have been added such as butter and

dairy spreads. (This second edition cancels and 21. US EAS 16:2009, Plantation (mill)
replaces the first edition, US EAS 14:2000, white sugar – Specification
Specification for margarine, which has been
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
technically revised).
methods of sampling and testing for plantation or mill
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 white sugar intended for human consumption. (This
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 29:1993,
Standard specification for plantation (mill) white
18. US 14:2002 Standard specification for sugar, which has been revised).
pulses (excluding beans)
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
This Uganda Standard applies to the whole, shelled
or split pulses which are intended for direct human
22. US CODEX STAN 17:1981, Standard
This standard was published on 2002-12-14.
for canned applesauce


This Uganda Standard applies to canned applesauce
offered for direct consumption, including for catering
19. US CAC/RCP 15:1976, Code of
purposes or for repacking if required. It does not
hygienic practice for eggs and egg
apply to the product when indicated as being intended
for further processing.
This Code of Hygienic Practice for eggs and egg
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
products is intended to provide guidance for the safe
production of eggs and egg products.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

23. US 18:2004, Honey – Specification
(Second edition)/ Corrigendum 1 2012-
20. US EAS 14:2000 Specification for
This Uganda Standard applies to all honeys produced
by honeybees and covers all styles of honey
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, presentations which are processed and ultimately
methods of sampling and test for margarine. intended for direct consumption. It also covers honey
for industrial uses or as an ingredient in other foods,
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14 and honey which is packed for sale in bulk
containers, which may be repacked into retail packs.


This standard was published on 2004-06-16.

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 This Uganda Standard provides hygienic practices
applicable to groundnuts, also known as peanuts,
24. US EAS 19:2017, Fresh avocado — monkey nuts or earth nuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). It
contains the minimum requirements of hygiene for
farm handling, transportation, storage, in-shell
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
operations and commercial shelling. It covers all
sampling and test methods for avocados (Persea
types and forms of raw, dried groundnuts (peanuts)
americana Gartner or P. Grattisima mill) fruits of
in-shell and shelled. (This standard cancels and
the family Lauraceae to be supplied fresh to the
replaces US CODEX/RCP 22:1979, Code of hygienic
consumer. This standard does not apply to avocados
practice for groundnuts (peanuts) which is being
for industrial processing. (This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces US 3:2015, Fresh avocado —
Specification which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
27. US EAS 22:2019, Butter —
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 Specification (3rd Edition)

25. US CODEX/RCP 21:1979 Code of This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

hygienic practice for foods for infants sampling and test methods for butter intended for
and children human consumption or for further processing. (This
standard cancels and replaces the second edition US
This Code of hygienic practice applies to all pre-
EAS 22:2006, Butter – Specification, which has been
packaged foods produced, represented or purported to
technically revised).
be for special use of infants and/or children. It
contains the minimum hygienic requirements for the
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
handling (including production, preparation,
processing, packaging, storage, transport, distribution STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
and sale) of such food to ensure a safe, sound and
28. US EAS 27:2019, UHT milk —
wholesome product.
Specification (3 Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 sampling and test methods for UHT milk obtained
from cow milk. (This standard cancels and replaces
26. US CAC/RCP 22-1979, Code of the second edition US EAS 27:2006, UHT milk –
hygienic practice for groundnuts Specification, which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 This standard was published on 2012-11-29.

29. US 28 EAS 39:2002 Code of practice for STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
hygiene in the food and drink
32. US 32:1999 Specifications for citrus
manufacturing industry
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
This Uganda Standard applies to marmalade prepared
requirements for factories and employees engaged in
from citrus fruit.
the manufacture, processing, packaging, storage,
handling, treatment and delivery of foods intended
This standard was published on 1999-07-31
for human consumption.
This standard was published on 2002-12-14.
33. US 33:2017, Edible ices and ice mixes
— Specification (2nd Edition)

30. US EAS 28:2019, Black tea —

This Uganda standard specifies the requirements,
methods of sampling and test for edible ices ready for
human consumption and ice mixes in liquid or
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
powdered/dried form (This Uganda Standard cancels
sampling and test methods for black tea of Camellia
and replaces US 33:2002, Standard specification for
sinensis (Linneaus) O. Kuntze. This standard also
edible ices and ice mixes, which has been technically
applies to blended black tea. This standard does not
apply to scented or decaffeinated black tea. (This
standard cancels and replaces US 292:2002,
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
Specification for black tea, which has been
technically revised). STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. 34. US EAS 33:2019, Yoghurt —

Specification (3 Edition)
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
31. US 31:1999 Standard specification for
sampling and test methods for yoghurt. (This
jam (fruits preserves) and jellies/
standard cancels and replaces the second edition US
Amend. 1 2012-11-29
EAS 33:2006, Yoghurt – Specification, which has
been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard applies to a class of fruit
spreads commonly known as jams and jellies which
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
are prepared from single fruits or from two or more

35. US CXS 33:1981, Standard for olive oils 38. US CAC/RCP 36-1987, Code of practice
and olive pomace oils (Revised 2017) for the storage and transport of edible
fats and oils in bulk (Revised 2015)
This Uganda Standard applies to olive oils and olive-
pomace oils presented in a state for human This Uganda Standard applies to the handling,
consumption. storage and transport of all crude or processed edible
oils and fats in bulk.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
36. US CAC/RCP 33-1985 (Revised in
2011), Code of hygienic practice for 39. US CODEX STAN 36:1981, Standard
collecting, processing and marketing of for quick frozen finfish, eviscerated or
natural mineral waters un-eviscerated

This Uganda Standard provides hygienic practices This Uganda Standard applies to frozen finfish
applicable to all packaged mineral waters offered for eviscerated and un-eviscerated
sale as food. It does not apply to natural mineral
waters sold or used for other purposes. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

40. US CODEX STAN 37:1981, Standard

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
for canned shrimps or prawns
This standard applies to canned shrimps or canned
37. US EAS 35:2012, Fortified food grade prawns. It does not apply to specialty products where
salt — Specification shrimp constitutes less than 50 % (m/m) of the
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for fortified food grade This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
salt: coarse salt, crushed salt and table salt intended
for human consumption. (This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces US 203:2006, Edible salts —
41. US EAS 38:2014, Labelling of pre-
Specification which has been technically revised.)
packaged foods — General
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.

This Uganda standard applies to the labelling of all

prepackaged foods to be offered as such to the
consumer or for catering purposes and to certain
aspects relating to the presentation thereof. (This

standard cancels and replaces US 7:2002, General This standard was published on 2000-07-31
standard for labelling of pre-packaged foods, which
has been technically revised). STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000

45. US CODEX STAN 41:1981, Standard

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
for quick frozen peas
This standard applies to quick frozen peas of the
42. US CAC/RCP 39:1993, Code of species Pisum sativum L. offered for direct
hygienic practice for precooked and consumption without further processing, except for
cooked foods in mass catering size grading or repacking if required. It does not
apply to the product when indicated as intended for
This Code of hygienic practice deals with the
further processing, or for other industrial purposes.
hygienic requirements for cooking raw foods and
handling cooked and precooked foods intended for This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
feeding large groups of people, such as children in
schools, the elderly either in old people’s homes or
by means of "meals on wheels", patients in nursing
46. US CAC/RCP 42-1995 (Revised in
homes and hospitals, persons in prisons, schools and
2014), Code of hygienic practice for
similar institutions.
spices and dried aromatic herbs
(Second edition)
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

This Uganda Standard covers the minimum

requirements of hygiene for growing, harvesting and
43. US CXS 39-1981, Codex standard for post-harvest practices (e.g. curing, bleaching,
dried edible fungi blanching, cutting, drying, cleaning, grading,
packing, transportation and storage, including
This Uganda Standard applies to dried fungi
disinfestation and fumigation), processing
(including freeze-dried fungi), whole or sliced, of all
establishment, processing technology and practices
edible species, after preparation and packaging.
(e.g. grinding, blending, freezing and freeze-drying,
treatments to reduce the microbial load), packaging
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
and storage of spices and dried aromatic herbs. (This
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 standard cancels and replaces US CODEX/RCP
42:1995, Code of hygienic practice for spices and
44. US 40:2000 Standard specification for dried aromatic herbs which has been technically
papain powder revised)

This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
and methods for test for papain powder.


47. US CODEX STAN 42:1981, Standard 50. US 45: 2019, General standard for food
for canned pineapple additives (7th edition)

This Uganda Standard applies to canned pineapple. This Uganda Standard specifies the guidelines for the
use of food additives and lists the food additives that
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
have been assigned Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADIs)
or determined, based on other criteria to be safe and
suitable for use in specific food products or food
48. US EAS 43:2012, Bread — product categories. [This standard cancels and
Specification/ Corrigendum 1 2013-09- replaces US 45: 2017, General Standard for Food
30 Additives (6th Edition), which has been technically
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for bread intended for This standard was published on 2019-03-26.
human consumption. (This Uganda Standard cancels
and replaces US 281:2006, Bread – Specification,
which has been technically revised.)
51. US CAC RCP 45: 1997, Code of
Practice for the Reduction of Aflatoxin
This standard was adopted on 2013-09-30.
B1 in Raw Materials and Supplemental
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 Feeding stuffs For Milk Producing
49. US EAS 44:2019, Milled maize (corn)
products — Specification (4th Edition) This Uganda Standard provides recommended
practices for the reduction of Aflatoxin B 1 in raw
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, materials and supplemental feeding stuffs for milk
sampling and test methods for whole maize meal, producing animals to reduce the risk of exposure to
granulated maize meal, sifted maize meal, maize grits Aflatoxin M1 from milk and milk products.
and maize flour from the grains of common maize
(Zea mays L.) intended for human consumption. This This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
standard does not apply to fortified milled maize
(corn) products and maize grits intended for brewing,
manufacturing of starch and any other industrial use.
52. US EAS 46:2017, Dry beans —
(This standard cancels and replaces the third edition rd
Specification (3 Edition)
US EAS 44:2017, Milled maize (corn) products –
Specification, which has been technically revised). This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for dry beans (Phaseolus
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

vulgaris L.) intended for human consumption. (This 55. US 49:2000 Standard specification for
standard cancels and replaces US EAS 46:2013, Dry mango chutney
beans — Specification (2 nd
Edition), that has been
This Uganda Standard prescribes the specifications
technically revised).
for mango chutney.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
This standard was published on 2000-11-17.
53. US 47:2011, Carbonated and non-
56. US EAS 49:2019, Milk powders and
carbonated soft drinks – Specification
cream powder — Specification (3rd
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and Edition)
methods of sampling and test for carbonated and non-
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
carbonated soft drinks which may be concentrated
sampling and test methods for milk powders and
(solid or liquid) or ready to drink. (This Uganda
cream powder intended for direct human
Standard cancels and replaces US 47:1999,
consumption or for further processing. (This standard
Carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks –
cancels and replaces the second edition US EAS
Specification and US 48:2003, Imitation soft drinks –
49:2006, Dried whole milk and skimmed milk powder
Specification which have been reviewed and
– Specification, which has been technically revised).
combined in the current Uganda Standard.)

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

This standard was published on 2011-12-20


54. US CAC/RCP 48-2001, Code of 57. US CAC/GL 50-2004, General

hygienic practice for bottled/packaged guidelines on sampling
drinking waters (other than natural
mineral waters) This Uganda Standard lays down general concepts on
food sampling, applicable in any situation including
This Uganda Standard recommends general statistical food control, for which certain sampling
techniques for collecting, processing, packaging, plans have been selected. These Food Sampling
storing, transporting, distributing, and offering for Guidelines are applicable for control at reception, and
sale a variety of drinking waters (other than natural may not be applicable for control of end products and
mineral water) for direct consumption. for process control during production.

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15. This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.


10 | P a g e
58. US 51-1:2000 Specification for This Uganda Standard provides general guidelines for
mayonnaise - Part 1: Real mayonnaise/ the prevention and reduction of mycotoxin
Corrigendum 1 2012-11-29 contamination in cereals by application of
recommended practices based on good agricultural
This part of the standard prescribes the specifications
practices and good manufacturing practices. [This
for real mayonnaise.
standard cancels and replaces US CAC/RCP 51-2003
(Revised in 2014), Code of practice for the
This standard was published on 2012-11-29.
prevention and reduction of mycotoxin contamination
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000 in cereals (Second Edition), which has been
technically revised].
59. US 51-2:2000 Specification for
mayonnaise - Part 2: Low fat This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
mayonnaise/ Corrigendum 1 2012-11-29
This part of the standard prescribes the specifications
62. US CODEX STAN 52:1981, Standard
for low fat mayonnaise.
for quick frozen strawberries
This standard was published on 2012-11-29.
This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000 strawberries (excluding quick frozen strawberry
puree) of the species Fragaria grandiflora L. and
60. US EAS 51:2017, Wheat grains — Fragaria vesca L. offered for direct consumption
Specification (3 Edition) without further processing, except for size grading or
repacking if required. It does not apply to the product
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
when indicated as intended for further processing or
sampling and test methods for wheat grain of
for other industrial purposes
varieties (cultivars) grown from common wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.) intended for human This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
consumption. (This standard cancels and replaces
US EAS 51:2013, Wheat grains — Specification (2nd STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000
Edition), that has been technically revised).
63. US CAC/RCP 52:2003, Code of practice
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. for fish and fishery products

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 This Code of practice applies to the growing,
harvesting, handling, production, processing, storage,
61. US CAC/RCP 51: 2003 (Revised in transportation and retail of fish, shellfish and aquatic
2016), Code of Practice for the invertebrates and products thereof from marine and
Prevention and Reduction of Mycotoxin freshwater sources that are intended for human
Contamination in Cereals (3 Edition) consumption. This Code also deals with the

11 | P a g e
distribution and retail display of fish and fishery reduction of aflatoxin contamination in
products. peanuts

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. This Code of Practice provides guidance for those
producing and handling peanuts for human

64. US CAC/RCP 53:2003, Code of

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14
hygienic practice for fresh fruits and
vegetables STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000

This code of practice covers general hygienic 67. US EAS 55:2019, Compounded pig
practices for the primary production and packing of feeds — Specification
fresh fruits and vegetables cultivated for human
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
consumption in order to produce a safe and
methods of sampling and test for compounded feeds
wholesome product: particularly for those intended to
used as a sole source of nutrients for: pig starter feed;
be consumed raw.
pig growers feed; pig finishing feed; and lactating
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. sow feed. (This standard cancels and replaces US
811:2009, Pig feeds – Specification, which has been
technically revised).

65. US CAC/RCP 54:2004, Code of practice

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
on good animal feeding
This Uganda Standard is to establish a feed safety
system for food producing animals which covers the 68. US CAC/RCP 58-2005, Code of
whole food chain, taking into account relevant hygienic practice for meat
aspects of animal health and the environment in order
The Uganda Standard covers hygiene provisions for
to minimize risks to consumers’ health. This Code
raw meat, meat preparations and manufactured meat
applies in addition to the principles of food hygiene
from the time of live animal production up to the
already established by the Codex Alimentarius
point of retail sale. It further develops General
Commission, taking into account the special aspects
Principles of Food Hygiene in respect of these
of animal feeding.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
66. US CODEX/RCP 55:2004 Code of
Practice for the prevention and

12 | P a g e
69. US CAC/RCP 59-2005 (Revision in STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000
2010), Code of practice for the
72. US CAC/GL 61-2007, Guidelines on the
prevention and reduction of aflatoxin
application of general principles of food
contamination in Tree Nuts
hygiene to the control of Listeria
This Uganda Standard provides general principles for monocytogenes in foods
the reduction of aflatoxins in tree nuts and applies to
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines and
all varieties of tree nuts of commercial and
control measures that can be used to minimize and/or
international concern, including almonds (Prunus
prevent the contamination and/or the growth of
amygdalus), Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa),
Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods
cashews (Anacardium occidentale), hazel nuts
throughout the food chain, from primary production
(Corylus spp.), macadamia nuts (Macadamia spp.),
through consumption.
pecans (Carya spp.), pine nuts (Pinus spp.), chestnuts
(Castanea spp.), pistachio nuts (Pistacia spp.) and
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
walnuts (Juglans spp.).
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
73. US CODEX STAN 61:1981, Standard
for canned pears

70. US EAS 60:2013, Peanut butter –

This Uganda Standard applies to canned pears
Specification (2nd Edition)
offered for direct consumption, including for catering
purposes or for repacking if required. It does not
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
apply to the product when indicated as being intended
methods of sampling and test for peanut butter
for further processing.
derived from seeds of peanuts (groundnuts) of the
species Arachis hypogaea L. (This Uganda Standard
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
cancels and replaces US EAS 60:2000, Peanut butter
– Specification, which has been technically revised). STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17. 74. US EAS 61:2014, Opaque beer —
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
71. US CODEX STAN 60:1981, Standard
methods of sampling and test for opaque beer. The
for canned raspberries
standard does not cover stout beer

This Uganda standard applies to canned raspberries.

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.


13 | P a g e
75. US EAS 62-1:2017, Fish handling and contamination in wine from production and
processing — Code of practice — Part harvesting through processing and packaging.
1: Fresh fish
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for the
handling and processing of fresh fish intended for
human consumption.
79. US CAC/GL 66–2008, Guidelines for
the use of flavourings
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.

This Uganda Standard provides principles for the safe

use of flavourings whose Acceptable Daily Intakes
76. US CODEX STAN 62:1981, Standard (ADIs) have been established or that have been
for canned strawberries evaluated and determined to present no safety
concern at the specified levels of application. The
This Uganda Standard applies to canned strawberries.
standard also defines the principles for establishing
practices for the use of flavourings to avoid
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
misleading the consumer.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
77. US EAS 63:2019, Beer — Specification
(3rd edition)

80. US EAS 66-1:2017, Tomato products —

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
Specification — Part 1: Canned
sampling and test methods for beer. (This third
(preserved) tomato
edition cancels and replaces the second edition, US
EAS 63:2014, Beer — Specification which has been
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
technically revised)
sampling and test methods for canned (preserved)
tomatoes. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
replaces US EAS 66-1:2000, Tomato products —
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 Specification — Part 1: Canned tomato which has
been technically revised).
78. US CAC/RCP 63-2007, Code of practice
for prevention and reduction of This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
ochratoxin A contamination in wine
This Uganda Standard lays down practices
81. US EAS 66-2:2017, Tomato products —
undertaken to prevent and reduce ochratoxin A
Specification — Part 2: Tomato sauce
and ketchup

14 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, 84. US CODEX STAN 66:1981, Standard
sampling and test methods for tomato sauce and for table olives
ketchup (also known as catsup and catchup). (This
This Uganda Standard applies to the fruit of the
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 38:1999,
cultivated olive tree (Olea europaea L.) which has
Specification for tomato ketchup and US 39:1999,
been suitably treated or processed, and which is
Specification for tomato sauce which have been
offered for direct consumption as table olives,
technically revised).
including for catering purposes or olives packed in
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20. bulk containers which are intended for repacking into
consumer size containers. It does not apply to the
product when indicated as being intended for further
82. US EAS 66-3:2017, Tomato products —
Specification — Part 3: Tomato juice
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

sampling and test methods for unfermented but
fermentable juice, intended for direct consumption, 85. US EAS 67:2019, Raw cow milk —
obtained from fresh tomatoes (Lycopersicum Specification (3rd Edition)
esculentum L.), puree, paste or concentrates.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20. sampling and test methods for raw cow milk. (This
standard cancels and replaces the second edition US
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 EAS 67:2006, Raw cow milk – Specification, which
has been technically revised).
83. US EAS 66-4:2017, Tomato products —
Specification — Part 4: Tomato
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
concentrates (paste and puree)
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for tomato concentrates 86. US CODEX STAN 67:1981, Standard
(paste and puree). (This Uganda Standard cancels for raisins
and replaces US 1508:2013, Tomato puree —
This Uganda Standard applies to dried grapes of
Specification and US 1507:2013, Tomato paste —
varieties conforming to the characteristics of Vitis
Specification which have been technically revised).
vinifera L. which have been suitably treated or
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20. processed and which are offered for direct
consumption as raisins or sultanas. It also covers
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 raisins packed in bulk containers which are intended
for repacking into consumer size containers. This

15 | P a g e
standard does not include a similar dried vine fruit This part of US EAS 68 specifies a method for the
known as dried currants. enumeration of coliforms by means of the culture
technique involving a liquid medium, and calculation
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
of the most probable number (MPN) after incubation
at 30 °C.

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

87. US CAC/RCP 68-2009, Code of practice
for the reduction of contamination of
food with polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAH) from smoking and 90. US EAS 68-4:2006 Milk and milk
direct drying process products — Methods of microbiological
examination ─ Part 4:Swab test
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on
reduction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons This part of US EAS 68 deals with the test intended
(PAH) during commercial smoking, both direct and for checking sanitization of the surface of containers
indirect, and direct drying process and equipment with which milk and milk products
can come into direct contact.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
88. US EAS 68-2-1:2006 Milk and milk
products — Methods for 91. US EAS 69:2019, Pasteurized milk —
microbiological examination — Part 2- Specification (3rd Edition)
1: Enumeration of coliforms ─ Colony
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
count technique at 30 °C
sampling and test methods for pasteurized milk
This part of US EAS 68 describes a method for obtained from raw cow milk. (This standard cancels
determining the number of Coliform bacteria in milk and replaces the second edition (US EAS 69:2006),
and milk products. Pasteurized milk – Specification, which has been
technically revised)
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
89. US EAS 68-2-2:2006 Milk and milk
products — Methods of microbiological 92. US CODEX STAN 69:1981, Standard
examination ─ Part 2-2: Enumeration for quick frozen raspberries
of coliforms ─ Most probable number
technique at 30 °C

16 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
raspberries of the species Rubus idaeus L. offered for methods of sampling and test for processed cereal-
direct consumption without further processing, except based foods intended for feeding infants as a
for repacking if required. It does not apply to the complementary food generally from the age of six
product when indicated as intended for further months onwards, taking into account infants’
processing or for other industrial purposes. individual nutritional requirements, and for feeding
young children as part of a progressively diversified
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
diet. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
CODEX STAN 74:1981, Standard for processed
cereal-based foods for infants and young children).
93. US EAS 70:2019, Dairy ice cream —
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
Specification (3rd Edition) .

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

sampling and test methods for dairy ice cream
intended for human consumption. (This standard 96. US CAC/RCP 72:2013, Code of practice
cancels and replaces the second edition US EAS for the prevention and reduction of
70:2006, Dairy ices and dairy ice creams – Ochratoxin A contamination in cocoa
Specification, which has been technically revised).
This Code of practice provides guidance for the
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. prevention and reduction of Ochratoxin A
contamination by producing and handling cocoa
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 beans for human consumption.

94. US CODEX STAN 70:1981, Standard This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
for canned tuna and bonito
This Uganda Standard applies to canned tuna and
bonito. It does not apply to speciality products where 97. US CODEX STAN 73:1981 Standard
the fish content constitutes less than 50 % (m/m) of for canned baby foods
the contents.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. baby foods are foods intended primarily for use
during the normal infant's weaning period and also
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 for the progressive adaptation of infants and children
to ordinary food
95. US EAS 72:2013, Processed cereal-
based foods for infants and young This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
children – Specification

17 | P a g e
98. US CAC/RCP 73:2013, Code of practice repacking, if required. It does not apply to the
for reduction of Hydrocyanic Acid product when indicated as intended for further
(HCN) in cassava and cassava products processing or for other industrial purposes.

This Code of practice provides guidance on how to This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
produce cassava products with safe concentrations of
residual cyanogenic compounds.

101. US EAS 75:2019, Compounded

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
cattle feeds — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies supplementary
99. US CAC/RCP 75-2015, Code of practice feeding requirements, method of sampling and test
for low-moisture foods for compounded cattle feeds which include feeds for
calves, weaners, dairy beef and draught cattle. (This
This Uganda Standard covers good manufacturing
standard cancels and replaces US 807:2009, Cattle
practices (GMPs) and good hygiene practices (GHPs)
feeds – Specification, which has been technically
for the manufacturing of low-moisture foods for
human consumption. This Code applies to, dried
fruits and vegetables (e.g. desiccated coconut), This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
cereal-based products (e.g. breakfast cereals), peanut
and other nut butters, dry protein products (e.g. dried
dairy products and soy protein), confections (e.g.
102. US EAS 76:2000 Tomato
chocolate and cocoa), snacks (e.g. spice-seasoned
products - Test methods
chips/crisps), tree nuts, seeds for consumption (e.g.
sesame seeds and sesame seed paste), spices and This Uganda Standard specifies methods of test for
dried aromatic herbs, and specialized lipid based tomato concentrates, modified tomato products,
nutritional products for the treatment of moderate and tomato juice and canned tomatoes
severely acute malnutrition.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
103. US CODEX STAN 76:1981,
100. US CODEX STAN 75:1981, Standard for quick frozen bilberries
Standard for quick frozen peaches
This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen
This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen bilberries of the species Vaccinium myrtillus L.
peaches of the species Prunus persica L. offered for offered for direct consumption, without further
direct consumption without further processing, except processing, except for repacking, if required. It does

18 | P a g e
not apply to the product when indicated as intended This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for the
for further processing or for other industrial purposes prevention and reduction of arsenic contamination in
nor to the product covered by the special standard for rice based on source directed measures and good
quick frozen blueberries. agricultural practices. It also provides guidance on
monitoring and risk communication.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
104. US EAS 77:2019, Fruit drinks —
Specification (2nd Edition) 107. US EAS 78:2000 Milk-based
baby foods – Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for fruit drinks either as This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements for
ready-to-drink or dilutables containing fruit juice. infant milk-based foods. This standard does not
(This standard cancels and replaces the US 62:2011, include foods covered by the standards for infant
Fruit juice drinks – Specification, which has been formula, for processed cereal-based foods for infants
technically revised). and children and for canned baby foods.

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.


105. US CODEX STAN 77:1981, 108. US CODEX STAN 78:1981,

Standard for quick frozen spinach Standard for canned fruit cocktail

This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen This Uganda Standard applies to canned fruit
spinach of the species Spinacia oleracea L. offered cocktail.
for direct consumption without further processing
except for repacking, if required. It does not apply to This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

the product when indicated as intended for further

processing or for other industrial purposes.
109. US EAS 81-1:2006 Milk powders
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
─ Methods of analysis ─ Part 1:
Determination of ash and alkalinity

This part of US EAS 81 specifies a method for the

106. US CAC/RCP 77: 2017, Code of
determination of ash and alkalinity together with
Practice for the Prevention and
guidance for sample preparation.
Reduction of Arsenic Contamination in

19 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.


110. US EAS 81─7:2006 Milk 113. US EAS 87:2019, Sweetened

powders - Assessment of heat class - condensed milk — Specification (3rd
Heat-number reference method Edition)

This part of US EAS 81 specifies the reference This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
method, based on the determination of heat number, sampling and test methods for sweetened condensed
for assessing the heat class of dried whole milk, dried milk obtained from cow milk, intended for direct
partly skimmed milk and dried skimmed milk. The human consumption or for further processing. (This
method is also applicable to all types of instant dried standard cancels and replaces the second edition US
milk. EAS 87:2006, Sweetened condensed milk –
Specification, which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
111. US EAS 83:2017, Fresh tomato
— Specification 114. US CAC/GL 87-2016, Guidelines
for the control of non typhoidal
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
Salmonella spp. in beef and pork meat
sampling and test methods for fresh tomato
(Lycopersicon esculentum) of the family Solanaceae This Uganda Standard is applicable to all non
for direct human consumption. (This Uganda typhoidal Salmonella that may contaminate beef and
Standard cancels and replaces US 1506:2013, Fresh pork meat and cause foodborne disease. The primary
tomatoes — Specification which has been technically focus is to provide information practices that may be
revised). used to prevent, reduce, or eliminate nontyphoidal
Salmonella in fresh beef and pork meat. Other
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
measures, in addition to those described here, may be
needed to control Salmonella in offal. These
guidelines in conjunction with the relevant OIE
112. US CODEX STAN 86:1981, standards can apply from primary production-to
Standard for cocoa butter consumption for beef and pork meat produced in
commercial production systems.
This Uganda Standard applies exclusively to cocoa
butter used as an ingredient in the manufacture of This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
chocolate and chocolate products.

20 | P a g e
115. US CAC/GL 88–2016, Guidelines standard cancels and replaces US EAS 89:2011,
on the application of general principles Millet flour — Specification (1st Edition), that has
of food hygiene to the control of been technically revised).
foodborne parasites
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for the
control of foodborne parasites in all foods from
primary production through consumption.
118. US CODEX STAN 89-
1981(Revised in 2015), Standard for
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
luncheon meat
This Uganda Standard applies to products designated
116. US CODEX STAN 88- as "Luncheon Meat" which have been packed in any
1981(Revised in 2015), Standard for suitable packing material. (This standard cancels and
corned beef replaces US 35 CS 89:1993, Standard specification
for luncheon meat which has been technically
This Uganda Standard applies to canned beef
products designated as "Corned Beef" and sold in
hermetically sealed containers which have been heat This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
treated after sealing to such an extent that the product
is shelf-stable. (This standard cancels and replaces
US 36 CS 88:1993, Standard specification for canned
119. US CODEX STAN 90:1981,
corned beef which has been technically revised)
Standard for canned crab meat

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.

This Uganda Standard applies to canned crab meat. It
does not apply to specialty products where crab meat
constitutes less than 50 % (m/m) of the contents.
117. US EAS 89:2017, Millet flour —
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
Specification (2nd Edition)


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for millet flour obtained
120. US EAS 90:2019, Compounded
from pearl millet of varieties (cultivars) “souna” and
poultry feeds — Specification
“sanio” grown from Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.
proso millet grown from Panicum miliaceum and This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
finger millet grown from Eleusine coracana (L.) compounded poultry feeds used as a sole source of
Gaertner intended for human consumption. It does nutrients for poultry. This standard applies to feeds
not apply to grits obtained from pearl millet. (This for the following categories of chicken and turkeys:

21 | P a g e
chicks and poults; growers; broilers — Starters and This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
finishers; layers; and breeders. (This standard cancels
and replaces US 806:2009, Poultry feeds – STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

Specification, which has been technically revised).

123. US EAS 95:2017, Sorghum flour
– Specification (2nd Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

sampling and test methods for sorghum flour
121. US EAS 91:2017, Passion fruits obtained from decorticated sorghum grains (Sorghum
— Specification bicolour (L) Moench.) intended for human
consumption. It does not apply to grits or meal
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
obtained from sorghum. (This standard cancels and
sampling and test methods for commercial varieties
replaces US EAS 95:2011, Sorghum flour —
of passion fruits from the species golden passion
Specification (1st Edition), that has been technically
fruit/sweet granadilla (Passiflora ligularis Juss),
purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims forma
edulis), yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
forma flavicarpa) and their hybrids grown from the
Passifloraceae family, to be supplied fresh to the
consumer. This standard does not apply to passion
124. US CODEX STAN 95:1981,
fruits for industrial processing. (This Uganda
Standard for quick frozen lobsters
Standard cancels and replaces US 1610:2015, Fresh
passion fruit — Specification which has been This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen raw or
technically revised). cooked lobsters, rock lobsters, spiny lobsters and
slipper lobsters. It also applies to quick frozen raw or
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
cooked squat lobsters (red and yellow).


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

122. US CODEX STAN 94:1981,

Standard for sardines and sardine type
products 125. US CODEX STAN 96:1981
(Revision:2015), Standard for cooked
This Uganda Standard applies to canned sardines and
cured ham (2nd edition)
sardine-type products packed in water or oil or other
suitable packing medium. It does not apply to This Uganda Standard applies to products designated
speciality products where fish content constitute less as "Cooked Ham" packaged in any suitable
than 50 % (m/m) of the net contents of the can. packaging material. It does not apply to cooked ham
products with compositional characteristics different

22 | P a g e
from those specified. These products shall be for cooked cured pork shoulder, which has been
designated with a qualifying statement which technically revised].
describes the true nature in such a way that it does
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
not mislead the consumer and that it does not lead to
confusion with products covered by this standard.
[This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
CODEX STAN 96:1981 (Revision 1991), Standard 128. US CODEX STAN 98:1981
for cooked cured ham, which has been technically (Revision:2015), Standard for cooked
revised]. cured chopped meat (2nd edition)

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12. This Uganda Standard applies to products designated
as "Chopped Meat" which have been packed in any
suitable packaging material. [This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces US CODEX STAN 98:1981
126. US EAS 97:1999, Fishmeal —
(Revision 1991), Standard for cooked cured chopped
meat, which has been technically revised].

This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements for

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
fishmeal for use in compounding livestock feeds
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
129. US EAS 98:2019, Curry powder
— Specification (2nd Edition)

127. US CODEX STAN 97:1981

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
(Revision:2015), Standard for cooked
sampling and test methods for curry powder, which is
cured pork shoulder (2nd edition)
used as a flavouring material in the preparation of
food. (This standard cancels and replaces the first
This Uganda Standard applies to products designated
edition US EAS 98:1999, Curry powder –
as "Cooked Pork Shoulder" packaged in any suitable
Specification, which has been technically revised).
packaging material. It does not apply to cooked pork
shoulder products with compositional characteristics
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
different from those specified. These products shall
be designated with a qualifying statement which STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
describes the true nature in such a way that it does
not mislead the consumer and that it does not lead to 130. US EAS 99:2019, Spices and

confusion with products covered by this standard. condiments — Terminology

[This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US

This Uganda Standard provides the list of botanical
CODEX STAN 97:1981 (Revision 1991), Standard
names of plant classification under spices and

23 | P a g e
condiments. This standard gives the part of the plant This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen leek of
used, the common English and available Swahili the species Allium porrum L. offered for direct
names of the spices and condiments. (This standard consumption without further processing, except for
cancels and replaces US ISO 676:1995, Spices and sizing or repacking, if required. It does not apply to
condiments – Botanical nomenclature, which has the product when indicated as intended for further
been withdrawn). processing or for other industrial purposes.

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.


131. US CODEX STAN 99:1981, 134. US EAS 104:2014, Alcoholic

Standard for canned tropical fruit salad beverages — Methods of sampling and
This Uganda Standard applies to canned tropical fruit
salad. This Uganda Standard prescribes methods of
sampling and test for alcoholic beverages.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
132. US CODEX STAN 103:1981,
Standard for quick frozen blueberries 135. US EAS 105:1999, Roasted coffee
beans and roasted ground coffee –
This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen
blueberries of the species Vaccinium corymbosum L.,
Vaccinium angustifolium AIT. and Vaccinium ashei This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements
READE, offered for direct consumption without and methods of sampling and test for roasted coffee
further processing, except for repacking, if required. beans and roasted ground coffee. (This Uganda
It does not apply to the product when indicated as Standard is an adoption of the East African Standard
intended for further processing or for other industrial EAS 105:1999)
purposes, nor to the bilberries as covered by the
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
standard for quick frozen bilberries


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

136. US CODEX STAN 105:1981,

Standard for cocoa powders (cocoas)
133. US CODEX STAN 104:1981, and dry mixtures of cocoa and sugars
Standard for quick frozen leek

24 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard applies to cocoa powders Potable spirit — Specification, which has been
(cocoas) and dry mixtures of cocoa and sugars technically revised).
intended for direct consumption.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
140. US 110:1999 Sodium chloride for
137. US EAS 106:2000, Coffee and its industrial use – Determination of
products – Glossary of terms cadmium content

This Uganda Standard provides and defines the most This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
commonly used terms relating to coffee and its determination of the loss of mass at 110°C
products in the coffee industry. (This Uganda (conventional moisture) of sodium chloride.
Standard is an adoption of the East African Standard
This standard was published on on 1999-07-31.
EAS 106:2000)


This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

141. US CODEX STAN 110:1981,

Standard for quick frozen broccoli
138. US CODEX STAN 106:1981,
This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen
General standard for irradiated foods
broccoli of the species Brassica oleracea L. var.
This Uganda Standard applies to foods processed by italica Plenck (Sprouting broccoli) offered for direct
ionizing radiation that is used in conjunction with consumption without further processing, except for
applicable hygienic codes, food standards and re-packing, if required. It does not apply to the
transportation codes. It does not apply to foods product when indicated as intended for further
exposed to doses imparted by measuring instruments processing or for other industrial purposes.
used for inspection purposes.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
142. US 111:1999 Sodium chloride for
139. US EAS 109:2018, Potable spirit industrial use - Determination of
— Specification (3rd Edition) copper content

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This Uganda Standard describes a photometric
sampling and test methods for potable spirits. (This method, using zinc dibenzyldithiocarbamate for the
standard cancels and replaces US EAS 109:2014, determination of copper in sodium chloride.. The

25 | P a g e
method is applicable to products having copper size grading or repacking, if required. It does not
contents equal to or greater than 0.01 mg/kg. apply to the product when indicated as intended for
further processing or for other industrial purposes.
This standard was published on on 1999-07-
31.STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
143. US CODEX STAN 111:1981,
146. US 113:1999 Sodium chloride -
Standard for quick frozen cauliflower
Determination of mercury content
This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen
This Uganda Standard describes a cold vapour
cauliflower of the species Brassica oleracea L. var.
atomic, absorption spectrometric method for the
botrytis L. offered for direct consumption without
determination of total mercury in sodium chloride.
further processing, except for repacking, if required.
The method is applicable to products having mercury
It does not apply to the product when indicated as
contents greater than 0.02 mg of mercury per
intended for further processing or for industrial
kilogram of sodium chloride.

This standard was published on on 1999-07-31.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.



147. US CODEX STAN 113:1981,

144. US 112:1999 Sodium chloride -
Standard for quick frozen green and
Determination of lead content
wax beans
This Uganda Standard describes a flame atomic
This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen green
absorption spectrometric (AAS) method for the
beans and quick frozen wax beans from suitable
determination of total lead in sodium chloride.
varieties of the species Phaseolus vulgaris L. and
This standard was published on on 1999-07-31. quick frozen green beans from suitable varieties of
the species Phaseolus coccineus L. offered for direct
consumption without further processing, except for
size-grading or repacking, if required. It does not
145. US CODEX STAN 112:1981,
apply to the product when indicated as intended for
Standard for quick frozen Brussels
further processing or for other industrial purposes.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen
Brussels sprouts of the species Brassica oleracea L.
var. gemmifera (DC) Schulz offered for direct
consumption, without further processing except for

26 | P a g e
148. US 114:1999 Sodium chloride - This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the
Determination of pH and total determination of water-soluble hexacyanoferrate (II)
alkalinity (anti-caking additives) in salt for food use.

This Uganda Standard specifies a potentiometric This standard was published on on 1999-07-31.
method for the measurement of the pH of a sodium
chloride solution, of concentration 100 g/L, and for
the determination of total alkalinity. The method is
152. US CODEX STAN 119:1981,
applicable to products of total alkalinity content,
Standard for canned finfish
expressed as Na2CO3, of lower than 1000mg/kg.
This Uganda Standard applies to canned finfish
This standard was published on on 1999-07-31.
packed in water, oil or other suitable packing
medium. It does not apply to speciality products
where the canned finfish constitutes less than 50 %
149. US 115:1999 Sodium chloride - (m/m) of the net contents of the can or to canned
Determination of iron content finfish covered by other product standards

This Uganda Standard specifies a photometric This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
method, using 1,10-phenanthroline, for the
determination of iron in sodium chloride. The method
is applicable to products having iron contents equal to
153. US EAS 128:2017, Milled rice –
or greater than 1 mg/kg.
Specification (3rd Edition)

This standard was published on on 1999-07-31.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for milled rice of the
varieties grown from rice grains, Oryza spp. intended
150. US CODEX STAN 115:1981, for human consumption. (This standard cancels and
Standard for pickled cucumbers replaces US EAS 128:2013, Milled rice —
Specification (2nd Edition), that has been technically
This Uganda Standard applies to pickled cucumbers
intended for direct consumption.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
154. US 129:1999 Code of Practice for
151. US 116:1999 Sodium chloride -
the handling, processing, storage, and
Determination of anti-caking additives
placing on the market of fish and
content of salt
fishery products

27 | P a g e
This Code of Practice for the handling, processing, This Uganda Standard describes a reference
storage, and placing on the market of fish and fishery procedure for identifying the Nitrogen concentration
products lays down the health conditions for the of volatile nitrogenous bases (Total-Volatile Base-N:
production and placing on the market of fish and TVB-N) in fish and fish products.
fishery products for human consumption.
This standard was published on on 1999-07-31.
This standard was published on on 1999-07-31.
157. US CODEX STAN 131:1981,
155. US 130: 2017, Hazard Analysis Standard for unshelled pistachio nuts
Critical Control Point (HACCP) based
This Uganda Standard applies to unshelled pistachios
Food Safety Systems — Requirements
from varieties of Pistacia vera L. either in natural or
(2nd Edition)
in processed condition and which are offered for
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for direct consumption. It also covers unshelled
operational Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point pistachios which are packed in bulk containers and
(HACCP) based food safety systems which ensure which are intended for repacking in consumer size
the safety of foodstuffs during production, containers
preparation, processing, manufacturing, packaging,
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
storage, transportation, distribution and handling, or
facilities offering food for sale and/or supply. The
standard lays down the requirements for food
business companies, processes, and their resultant 158. US EAS 138:2019, Still table wine
products to be HACCP certified. [This Uganda — Specification (3rd Edition)
Standard cancels and replaces US 130: 1999,
General requirements for establishing a Hazard This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

Analysis Critical Control Points — (HACCP) sampling and test methods for still table wine

Programme for Food Processing Establishments, prepared from grape or other fruits. (This third

which has been technically revised]. edition cancels and replaces the second edition, US
EAS 138:2014, Still table wine — Specification,
This standard was published on 2017-12-12. which has been technically revised).

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

156. US 131:1999 Fish and fishery STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

products – Determination of the
concentration of Total Volatile Basic 159. US EAS 139:2018, Fortified wine

Nitrogen (TVBN) — Specification (3rd Edition)

28 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, (cocoa/chocolate Liquor) and cocoa
sampling and test methods for fortified wine. (This cake
standard cancels and replaces US EAS 139:2014,
This Uganda Standard applies to cocoa (cacao) mass
Fortified wine — Specification that has been
or cocoa/chocolate liquor, and cocoa cake, for the use
technically revised).
in the manufacture of cocoa and chocolate products.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. These products may also be sold directly to the
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
160. US EAS 140:2018, Sparkling
wine — Specification (3rd Edition) STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, 163. US EAS 141:2018, Whisky —
sampling and test methods for sparkling wine. This Specification (3rd Edition)
standard also applies to carbonated wine. (This
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
standard cancels and replaces US EAS 140:2014,
sampling and test methods for whisky (whiskey).
Sparkling wine — Specification, which has been
(This standard cancels and replaces US EAS
technically revised).
141:2014, Whisky — Specification, which has been
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. technically revised).

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000 This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.


Standard for quick frozen carrots
164. US EAS 142:2018, Vodka ―
This Uganda Standard applies to quick frozen carrots Specification (3rd Edition)
of the species Daucus carota L. offered for direct
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
consumption without further processing, except for
sampling and test methods for vodka. This standard
repacking, if required. It does not apply to the
also applies to flavoured vodka. (This standard
product when indicated as intended for further
cancels and replaces US EAS 142:2014, Vodka —
processing or for other industrial purposes.
Specification, which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
162. US CODEX STAN 141:1983,
165. US EAS 143:2018, Brandy ―
Standard for cocoa (cacao) mass
Specification (3rd Edition)

29 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for brandy, fruit brandy sampling and test methods for gin and flavoured gin.
and blended brandy. (This standard cancels and (This standard cancels and replaces US EAS
replaces US EAS 143:2014, Brandy — Specification, 145:2014, Gin — Specification that has been
which has been technically revised). technically revised).

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.


166. US CODEX STAN 143:1985, 169. US CODEX STAN

Standard for dates 145:1985,Standard for canned
chestnuts and chestnut puree
This Uganda Standard applies to commercially
prepared whole dates in pitted or un-pitted styles This Uganda Standard applies to canned chestnuts
packed ready for direct consumption. It does not and chestnut puree.
apply to other forms such as pieces or mashed dates
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
or dates intended for industrial purposes


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

170. US EAS 146:2018, Rum ―

Specification (3rd Edition)
167. US EAS 144:2018, Neutral spirit
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
― Specification (3rd Edition)
sampling and test methods for rum. (This standard
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, cancels and replaces US EAS 146:2014, Rum —
sampling and test methods for neutral spirit intended Specification, which has been technically revised).
for use in the manufacture or blending of alcoholic
beverages. (This standard cancels and replaces US This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

EAS 144:2014, Neutral spirit — Specification that

has been technically revised).
171. US EAS 147-1:2019, Vinegar
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
from natural sources — Specification
(2nd Edition)

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

168. US EAS 145:2018, Gin ―
sampling and test methods for vinegar from natural
Specification (3rd Edition)
sources intended for human consumption. (This
standard cancels and replaces the first edition US

30 | P a g e
212-1:2000/EAS 147-1, Vinegar – Specification Part water for direct consumption. (This standard cancels
1: Vinegar from natural sources, which has been and replaces US 42:2008, Packaged water other than
technically revised). natural mineral water – Specification, which has
been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
172. US EAS 147-2:2019, Vinegar
from artificial sources — Specification 175. US CODEX STAN 156:1987
(2 Edition) Standards for follow-up formula

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This Uganda Standard applies to the composition and
sampling and test methods for vinegar from artificial labeling of follow-up formula. It does not apply to
sources intended for human consumption. (This Infant Formula (US CODEX STAN 72.)
standard cancels and replaces the first edition US
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
212-2:2000/EAS 147-2, Vinegar – Specification Part
2: Vinegar from artificial sources, which has been
technically revised).
176. US CODEX STAN 159:1987,
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
Standard for canned mangoes


This Uganda Standard applies to canned mangoes.

173. US CODEX STAN 151:1985,

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
Standard for gari
This Uganda Standard applies to gari destined for
direct human consumption which is obtained from 177. US EAS 160:2006 Milk and dried
the processing of cassava tubers (Manihot esculenta milk, butter milk and butter milk
Crantz). powder, whey and whey powder
— Determination of phosphatase
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.


This Uganda Standard specifies a screening method
for the detection of the phosphatase activity in cow's
174. US EAS 153:2014, Packaged
milk and dried milk, buttermilk and buttermilk
drinking water — Specification
powder, and whey and whey powder.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
method of sampling and test for packaged drinking

31 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 181. US 174:2000 Standard
specifications for edible palm kernel oil
178. US 163: 2019, Milk and milk
products — Hygiene requirements (2nd This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
Edition) test methods for to edible oil derived from palm
kernels. The standard does not apply to palm kernel
This Uganda Standard specifies the hygienic
oil subject to further processing in order to render it
requirements for production, handling, processing,
suitable for human consumption.
storage, transportation, marketing, distribution and
sale of milk and milk products. (This standard This standard was published on on 2000-07-31.
cancels and replaces US 163: 2000, Code of hygienic
practice for milk and milk products (1st Edition)
which has been technically revised).
182. US CODEX STAN 174:1989,
General standard for vegetable protein
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
This Uganda Standard applies to vegetable protein
179. US CODEX STAN 163:1987, products (VPP) intended for use in foods, which are
Standard for wheat protein products prepared by various separation and extraction
processes from proteins from vegetable sources other
This Uganda Standard applies to wheat protein
than single cell protein
products prepared from wheat by various processes.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
183. US 175:2000 Standard
180. US 170:2000 Standard
specification for edible sesame oil
specifications for edible cotton seed oil
This Uganda Standard applies to edible oil derived
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
from sesame seeds. The standard does not apply to
edible oil derived from cottonseeds. The standard
sesame oil subject to further processing in order to
does not apply to cottonseed oil which must be
render it suitable for human consumption
subject to further processing in order to render it
suitable for human consumption. This standard was published on on 2000-07-31.

This standard was published on on 2000-07-31. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000


Standard for grated desiccated coconut

32 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard applies to desiccated coconut. family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer, after
This standard does not cover salted, sugared, preparation and packaging. Nopals for industrial
flavoured or roasted products. processing are excluded.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.


185. US CODEX STAN 181:1991, 188. US CODEX STAN 186:1993,

Standard for formula foods for use in Standard for prickly pear
weight control
This Uganda Standard applies to the fruit of
This Uganda Standard applies to formula foods for commercial varieties of prickly pears grown from
use in weight control diets. It does not apply to Opuntia ficus indica, O. streptachanthae, and O.
prepackaged meals controlled in energy and lindheimeiri, of the Cactaceae family, to be supplied
presented in the form of conventional foods. fresh to the consumer, after preparation and
packaging. Prickly pears for industrial processing are
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

186. US CODEX STAN 183:1993,

Standard for papaya
189. US CODEX STAN 187:1993,
This Uganda Standard applies to fruits of commercial
Standard for carambola
varieties of papayas grown from Carica papaya L., of
the Caricaceae family, to be supplied fresh to the This Uganda Standard applies to the fruit of
consumer, after preparation and packaging. Papayas commercial varieties of carambolas grown from
for industrial processing are excluded. Averrhoa carambola L., of the Oxalidaceae family, to
be supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
and packaging. Carambolas for industrial processing
are excluded.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

187. US CODEX STAN 185:1993,
Standard for nopal

This Uganda Standard applies to modified stem of

190. US 190:2000 EAS 101:2000
commercial varieties of nopals grown from Opuntia
Foodstuffs – Method for determination
ficus indica, O. tomentosa, O. hyptiacantha, O.
of arsenic
robusta, O. inermis, O. ondulata, of the Cactaceae

33 | P a g e
This standard prescribes methods for determination This Uganda Standard applies to commercial
of arsenic.Modified Gutzeit method of test for arsenic varieties of mangosteens grown from Garcinia
shall be employed in cases, where arsenic content is mangostana L., of the Guttiferae family, to be
not needed and only knowledge of limit is desired. In supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and
cases where the actual arsenic content is to be packaging. Mangosteens for industrial processing are
determined, silver diethyldithiocarbamate method excluded.
shall be followed. The method is applicable to
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
quantities of arsenic (As) greater than 1 μg.


This standard was published on on 2000-07-31.

194. US CODEX STAN 206:1999

General standard for use of dairy terms
191. US CODEX STAN 196:1995,
This Uganda Standard applies to the use of dairy
Standard for litchi
terms in relation to foods to be offered to the
This Uganda Standard applies to commercial consumer or for further processing.
varieties (cultivars) of litchis grown from Litchi
chinensis Sonn. of the Sapindaceae family, to be This standard was adopted on 2014-07-
supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and
packaging. Litchis for industrial processing are
195. US CODEX STAN 209:1999
(Rev. 1-2001) Maximum level and
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
sampling plan for total
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 aflatoxins in peanuts intended for
further processing
192. US CODEX STAN 201:1995,
Standard for oats This Uganda Standard prescribes the maximum
aflatoxin level and sampling plan for peanuts
This Uganda Standard applies to oat grains intended
intended for further processing.
for processing for direct human consumption. This
standard does not apply to Avena nuda (hulless oats). This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000


Standard for limes
193. US CODEX STAN 204:1997,
Standard for mangosteens This Uganda Standard applies to commercial
varieties of limes grown from Citrus latifolia Tanaka,

34 | P a g e
of the Rutaceae family, to be supplied fresh to the This standard was published on on 2000-07-31.
consumer, after preparation and packaging. Limes for
industrial processing are excluded STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000

200. US CODEX STAN 216:1999,

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
Standard for chayotes
This Uganda Standard applies to commercial
197. US CODEX STAN 214:1999, varieties of chayotes grown from Sechium edule
Standard for pummelos (citrus grandi) (Jacq.) Sw., of the Cucurbitaceae family, to be
supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and
This Uganda Standard applies to commercial
packaging. Chayotes for industrial processing are
varieties of pummelos grown from Citrus grandis
(L.) Osbeck (syn. C. maxima Merr.), of the Rutaceae
family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer, after This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
preparation and packaging. Pummelos for industrial
processing are excluded

201. US 217-1/EAS 217-1:2001

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
Methods for microbiological
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 examination of foods – Part 1: General
procedures and techniques
198. US CODEX STAN 215:1999,
Standard for guavas This Uganda Standard on methods for
microbiological examination of foods provides the
This Uganda Standard applies to commercial
general laboratory procedures and techniques for the
varieties of guavas grown from Psidium guajava L.,
microbiological examination of foods.
of the Myrtaceae family, to be supplied fresh to the
consumer, after preparation and packaging. Guavas This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.
for industrial processing are excluded.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
202. US 217-5/EAS 217-5:2001
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 Methods for microbiological
examination of foods – Part 5:
199. US 216-1:2000 Carbon dioxide
Enumeration of coagulase-positive
for use in manufacture of beverages -
Part 1: Specifications
This Uganda Standard describes the reference
This Uganda Standard prescribes the specification for
procedure for the enumeration of coagulase-positive
carbon dioxide used for the carbonation of beverages.
staphylococci in foods.

35 | P a g e
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31. This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.


203. US 217-6/EAS 217-6:2001 206. US CODEX STAN 218:1999,

Methods for microbiological Standard for ginger
examination of foods – Part 6:
This Uganda Standard applies to the rhizome of
Examination for Salmonella Spp
commercial varieties of ginger grown from Zingiber
This Uganda Standard method describes the reference officinale Roscoe, of the Zingiberaceae family, to be
procedure for the detection of Salmonella in foods. supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and
packaging. Ginger for industrial processing is
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

204. US 217-7/EAS 217-7:2001

Methods for microbiological
examination of foods – Part 7: 207. US CODEX STAN 219:1999,
Examination for Clostridium Standard for grapefruits (Citrus
Botulinum and Clostridium Botulinum paradisi)
This Uganda Standard applies to commercial
This Uganda Standard method describes the reference varieties of grapefruits grown from Citrus paradisi
procedure for the detection and confirmation of Macfad., of the Rutaceae family, to be supplied fresh
Clostridium botulinum and its toxins in food and to the consumer, after preparation and packaging.
culture supernatants. Grapefruits for industrial processing are excluded.

This standard was published on on 2001-07-31. This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.


205. US 217-8/EAS 217-8:2001 208. US CODEX STAN 220:1999,

Methods for microbiological Standard for longans
examination of foods – Part 8:
This Uganda Standard applies to commercial
Enumeration of Yeast and Moulds in
varieties of longans grown from Dimocarpus longan
Lour., of the Sapindaceae family, to be supplied fresh
This Uganda Standard prescribes the method of to the consumer, after preparation and packaging.
enumerating viable yeasts and moulds in food Longans for industrial processing are excluded.

36 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000


225:2001,Standard for asparagus
209. US EAS 221:2001, Woven bags
(100 % sisal) for coffee beans – This Uganda Standard applies to shoots of
Specification commercial varieties of asparagus grown from
Asparagus officinalis L., of the Liliaceae family, to
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
be supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation
woven bags (100 % sisal) for clean coffee beans.
and packaging. Asparagus for industrial processing is
(This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the East
African Standard EAS 221:2001).
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
213. US CODEX STAN 226:2001,
210. US CODEX STAN 221-2001
Standard for cape gooseberry
(Revision in 2013), Group standard for
unripened cheese including fresh cheese This Uganda Standard applies to commercial
varieties of cape gooseberries grown from Physalis
This Uganda Standard applies to unripened cheese
peruviana (L.), of the Solanaceae family, to be
including fresh cheese, intended for direct
supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and
consumption or further processing.
packaging. Cape gooseberries for industrial
processing are excluded.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.



211. US CODEX STAN 224:2001,
Standard for tannia
214. US EAS 230:2001, Maize bran as
livestock feed — Specification
This Uganda Standard applies to the tubercles of
commercial varieties of lilac tannia grown from
This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements for
Xanthosoma violaceum Schott and white tannia
maize bran as a livestock feed.
grown from Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott, of
the Araceae family, to be supplied fresh to the This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
consumer, after preparation and packaging. Tannias
for industrial processing are excluded

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

37 | P a g e
215. US EAS 231:2001, Bone meal for This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
compounding animal feeds—

219. US CODEX STAN 242:2003,

This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements for
Standard for canned stone fruits
bone meal used as a mineral supplement in animal
This Uganda Standard applies to canned stone fruits
of the genus Prunus, and offered for direct
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
consumption, including for catering purposes or for
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 repacking if required. It does not apply to the product
when indicated as being intended for further
216. US EAS 232: 2001, Maize gluten
feed — Specification
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements for
maize gluten feed used for livestock feeding. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04. 220. US 243:2000/ EAS 173 Standard
specification for pasta
This standard specifies requirements and methods of
217. US EAS 233: 2001, Ostrich feed
test for pasta products.
— Specification
This standard was published on on 2000-07-31.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
test methods for ostrich feed. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04. 221. US CODEX STAN 243:2003

Standard for fermented milks
This Uganda Standard applies to fermented milks,
218. US CODEX STAN that is fermented milk including, Heat Treated
241:2003,Standard for canned bamboo
Fermented Milks, Concentrated Fermented Milks and
composite milk products based on these products, for
direct consumption or further processing
This Uganda Standard applies to canned bamboo
shoots, complying with the characteristics of edible
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
varieties from species of bamboo shoots and offered
for direct consumption, including for catering STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
purposes, repacking or further processing

38 | P a g e
222. US CODEX STAN This Uganda Standard applies to commercial
249:2006,Standard for instant noodles varieties (cultivars) of table grapes grown from Vitis
vinifera L., of the Vitaceae family, to be supplied
This Uganda Standard applies to various kinds of
fresh to the consumer, after preparation and
noodles. The instant noodle may be packed with
packaging. Grapes for industrial processing are
noodle seasonings, or in the form of seasoned noodle
and with or without noodle garnish(s) in separate
pouches, or sprayed on noodle and ready for This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
consumption after dehydration process. This standard
does not apply to pasta.

226. US ISO 257:2004, Pesticides and

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
other agrochemicals — Principles for
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 the selection of common names

223. US CODEX STAN 251-2006, This Uganda Standard gives principles for creating
Blend of skimmed milk and vegetable common names for pesticides and other
fat in powdered form agrochemicals. These principles are defined for the
guidance of proposers of such common names.
This Uganda Standard applies to a blend of skimmed
milk and vegetable fat in powdered form, intended This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
for direct consumption, or further processing.
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13.
227. US CODEX STAN 260:2007,
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 Standard for pickled fruits and
224. US CODEX STAN 253:2006,
Standard for dairy fat spreads This Uganda Standard applies to pickled fruits and
vegetables and offered for direct consumption,
This Uganda Standard applies to dairy fat spreads
including for catering purposes or for repacking if
intended for use as spreads for direct consumption, or
required. It does not apply to the product when
for further processing.
indicated as being intended for further processing.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.



225. US CODEX STAN 255:2007,

228. US CODEX STAN 262-2006
Standard for table grapes
(Revision in 2013), Standard for

39 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard applies to Mozzarella intended This Uganda Standard applies to Gouda intended for
for direct consumption or for further processing. direct consumption or for further processing.

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.


229. US CODEX STAN 263-1966 233. US CODEX STAN 267-1966

(Revision in 2013), Standard for (Revision in 2013), Standard for
Cheddar Havarti

This Uganda Standard applies to Cheddar intended This Uganda Standard applies to Havarti intended for
for direct consumption or for further processing. direct consumption or for further processing.

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.


230. US CODEX STAN 264-1966 234. US CODEX STAN 268-1966

(Revision in 2013), Standard for Danbo (Revision in 2013), Standard for Samsø

This Uganda Standard applies to Danbo intended for This Uganda Standard applies to Samsø intended for
direct consumption or for further processing. direct consumption or for further processing.

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.


231. US CODEX STAN 265-1966 235. US CODEX STAN 269-1967

(Revision in 2013), Standard for Edam (Revision in 2013), Standard for
This Uganda Standard applies to Edam intended for
direct consumption or for further processing. This Uganda Standard applies to Emmental intended
for direct consumption or for further processing.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
232. US CODEX STAN 266-1966
(Revision in 2013), Standard for Gouda 236. US CODEX STAN 270-1968
(Revision in 2013), Standard for Tilsiter

40 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard applies to Tilsiter intended for 240. US CODEX STAN 274-1969
direct consumption or for further processing. (Revision in 2010), Standard for
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This Uganda Standard applies to Coulommiers
intended for direct consumption or for further
237. US CODEX STAN 271-1968
(Revision in 2013), Standard for Saint-
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This Uganda Standard applies to Saint-Paulin
intended for direct consumption or for further 241. US CODEX STAN 275-1973
processing. (Revision in 2010), Standard for Cream
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This Uganda Standard applies to Cream Cheese
intended for direct consumption or for further
238. US CODEX STAN 272-1968
(Revision in 2013), Standard for
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13.
This Uganda Standard applies to Provolone intended
for direct consumption or for further processing. 242. US CODEX STAN 276-1973
(Revision in 2010), Standard for
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.


This Uganda Standard applies to Camembert
intended for direct consumption or for further
239. US CODEX STAN 273-1968
(Revision 2010), Cottage cheese

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

This Uganda Standard applies to cottage cheese
intended for direct consumption or for further
243. US CODEX STAN 277:1973
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13.
(Revision in 2010), Standard for Brie


This Uganda Standard applies to Brie intended for
direct consumption or for further processing.

41 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. This standard specifies a method of sampling fruits,
vegetables and their products, forming the subject of
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 international trade, with a view to determining the
quality or particular characteristics of the goods
244. US 277:2017, General standard
for the labelling of food additives when
This standard was published on on 2000-07-31.
sold as such (2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
labelling food additives and processing aids sold by 247. US CODEX STAN 283:1978,
retail or other than by retail, including sales to General standard for cheese
caterers and food manufacturers for their businesses.
This Uganda Standard applies to cheese intended for
This standard is an adoption of the latest revision of
direct consumption or further processing. (This
CODEX STAN 107-1981. (This Uganda Standard
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US CODEX
cancels and replaces US 277:2002, General
STAN A-6:1978 (Rev 1 1999, Amend 2003), General
Standard for the Labelling of Food Additives when
standard for cheese which has been technically
sold as such (1st Edition) which has been technically

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

This standard was published on 2017-06-20.



248. US EAS 284:2013, Pearl millet

245. US CODEX STAN 281:1971,
grains – Specification (2nd Edition)
Standard for evaporated milks

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and

This Uganda Standard applies to evaporated milks,
methods of sampling and test for whole and
intended for direct consumption or further
decorticated pearl millet of the Senegalese varieties
processing. (This standard cancels and replaces US
(cultivars) “souna” and “sanio” grown from
CODEX STAN A-3:1999, Standard for evaporated
Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br. intended for human
milks which has been technically revised).
consumption. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. replaces US EAS 284:2011, Pearl millet grains –
Specification, which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
246. US 282:2000/EAS 41- 0 Fruit,
vegetables and derived products – STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000
Sampling and test methods – General

42 | P a g e
249. US CODEX STAN 284:1971 This Uganda Standard applies to edible acid casein,
(Revision in 2010), Standard for Whey edible rennet casein and edible caseinate, intended for
Cheeses direct consumption or further processing.

This Uganda Standard applies to all products This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
intended for direct consumption or further

253. US EAS 297:2013, Edible soya

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
bean oil – Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
250. US CODEX STAN 288:1976 methods of sampling and test for edible soya bean
(Revision in 2010), Standard for cream (soybean) oil derived from soya beans (seeds of
and prepared creams Glycine max (L) Merr). This standard does not apply
to soya bean oil intended for further processing in
This Uganda Standard applies to cream and prepared
order to render it suitable for human consumption.
creams for direct consumption or further processing.
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
169:2000, Standard specifications for edible soya
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
bean oil, which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
251. US CODEX STAN 289:1995,
Standard for whey powders

254. US EAS 299:2013, Edible

This Uganda Standard applies to whey powder and
sunflower oil – Specification
acid whey powder, intended for direct consumption
or further processing. (This Uganda Standard cancels
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
and replaces US CODEX STAN A-15:2003, Standard
methods of sampling and test for edible sunflower oil
for whey powders which has been technically
derived from the seeds of Hellanthus annuus L
intended for human consumption. The standard does
not apply to sunflower oil, intended for further
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
processing in order to render it suitable for human
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 consumption. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US 171:2000, Standard specifications for
252. US CODEX STAN 290:1995, edible sunflower oil, which has been technically
Standard for edible casein products revised).

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.

43 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 This Uganda Standard applies to fish sauce produced
by means of fermentation by mixing fish and salt and
255. US EAS 300:2013, Edible may include other ingredients added to assist the
groundnut oil – Specification
fermentation process. The product is intended for
direct consumption as a seasoning, or condiment or
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
ingredient for food. This standard does not apply to
methods of sampling and test for edible groundnut oil
fish sauce produced by acid hydrolysis.
derived from seeds of Arachis hypogaea L.
(groundnuts, peanuts). The standard does not apply to
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
groundnut oil intended for further processing in order
to render it suitable for human consumption. (This STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 172:2000,
Standard specifications for edible groundnut oil, 258. US 303:2002 Glossary of terms
used in tea trade
which has been technically revised).

This standard lists terms used in tea industry and

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
provides their definitions in relation to the
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 technicalities of processing and assessment of tea for
the market.
256. US EAS 301:2013, Edible palm
oil – Specification This standard was published on 2002-12-14.

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000
methods of sampling and test for virgin and refined
edible palm oil derived from fruit (mesocarp) of the 259. US CODEX STAN 303:2011 –
Standard for tree tomatoes
palm (Elaeis guineensis). This standard does not
cover crude palm oil subject to further processing in
This Uganda Standard applies to commercial
order to render it suitable for human consumption.
varieties of tree tomatoes grown from Cyphomandra
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
betacea Sendt or Solanum betaceum Cav. of the
173:2000, Standard specifications for edible palm oil
Solanaceae family, to be supplied fresh to the
which has been technically revised).
consumer, after preparation and packaging. Tree
tomatoes for industrial processing are excluded.
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.



257. US CODEX STAN 302:2011,
Standard for fish sauce
260. US EAS 304:2013, Edible corn oil
– Specification

44 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and 263. US 314-2:2001/EAS 216-2
methods of sampling and test for edible corn oil Ethanol for Industrial use - Methods of
derived from the embryo (endosperm) of maize or test - Part 2: Detection of alkalinity or
corn (Zea mays L.). The standard does not apply to determination of acidity to
corn oil intended for further processing in order to phenolphthalein
render it suitable for human consumption. (This
This part of the standard describes a method for the
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 185:2000,
detection of alkalinity and, if appropriate, the
Standard specifications for edible corn oil, which has
subsequent determination of acidity of ethanol for
been technically revised).
industrial use.
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.
261. US CODEX STAN 310:2013,
264. US 314-3/EAS 216-3 Ethanol for
Standard for pomegranates
Industrial use - Methods of test Part 3:
This Uganda Standard applies to fruits of commercial Estimation of content of carbonyl
varieties of pomegranates grown from Punica compounds present in small amounts -
granatum L., of the Punicaceae family, to be Photometric method
supplied fresh to the consumer after preparation and
This part of the standard specifies a photometric
packaging. Pomegranates for industrial processing
method for estimation of the content of carbonyl
are excluded.
compounds present in small amounts in ethanol for
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. industrial use.

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.

262. US 314-1:2001/EAS 216-1 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

Ethanol for Industrial use - Methods of
265. US 314-4:2001/EAS 216-4
test - Part 1: General
Ethanol for Industrial use - Methods of
This part of the standard gives general instructions test Part 4: Estimation of content of
relating to methods of test for ethanol for industries carbonyl compounds present in
use. moderate amounts - Titrimetric method

This standard was published on on 2001-07-31. This part of the standard specifies the titrimetric
method for estimation of the content of carbonyl
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 compounds present in moderate amounts in ethanol
for industrial use.

45 | P a g e
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 269. US 314-8:2001/EAS 216-8

Ethanol for Industrial use - Methods of
266. US 314-5:2001/EAS 216-5
test Part 8: Determination of methanol
Ethanol for Industrial use - Methods of
content [Methanol contents between
test Part 5: Determination of aldehydes
0.10% and 1.50% (v/v) - Visual
Content – Visual calorimetric method
Calorimetric method

This part of the standard specifies a visual

This part of the standard specifies a visual
calorimetric method for the determination of the
calorimetric method for the determination of the
aldehydes content for industrial use.
methanol content for industrial use.

This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.

This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.



267. US 314-6:2001/EAS 216-6

270. US 314-9:2001/EAS 216-9
Ethanol for Industrial use - Methods of
Ethanol for Industrial use - Methods of
test Part 6: Test for miscibility with
test Part 9: Determination of esters
content – Titrimetric method after
This part of the standard specifies a test for
miscibility with water of ethanol for industrial use.
This part of the standard describes a titrimetric
method, after saponification, for the determination of
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.
the esters content of ethanol for industrial use.
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.
268. US 314-7:2001/EAS 216-7
Ethanol for Industrial use - Methods of
test Part 7:Determination of methanol
271. US 314-10:2001/EAS 216-10
content [Methanol content between
Ethanol for Industrial use - Methods of
0.01% to 0.02% (v/v)] - photometric
test Part 10: Estimation of
hydrocarbons content – Distillation
This part of the standard describes a photometric
method for the determination of the methanol content
This part of the standard specifies a distillation
of ethanol for industrial use.
method for estimating the hydrocarbon content of
ethanol for industrial use.
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.

46 | P a g e
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31. This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.


272. US 314-11:2001/EAS 216-11 275. US 317:2001/EAS 213 Liquid

Ethanol for Industrial use - Methods of chemical products for industrial use -
test Part 11: Test for detection of Determination of absolute density at 20
furfural ºC

This part of the standard specifies a test method for This standard specifies a reference method for the
checking whether or not furfural is present in ethanol determination of the density, at 20 °C of liquid
for industrial use. chemical products for industrial use.

This standard was published on on 2001-07-31. This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.


273. US 314-12:2001/EAS 216-12 276. US 318:2001/EAS 212

Ethanol for Industrial use - Methods of Determination of Lead Content -
test Part 12: determination of Flameless atomic absorption
permanganate time spectrometric method

This part of the standard specifies a method for the This standard specifies a flameless atomic absorption
determination of the permanganate time of ethanol spectrometric method for the determination of the
for industrial use. lead content of fruits and vegetables and derived
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.
274. US 316:2001/EAS 214 Volatile
organic liquids for industrial use - 277. US CODEX STAN 318:2014,
Determination of dry residue after Standard for Okra
evaporation a water bath - General
This Uganda Standard applies to commercial
varieties of okra grown from varieties of
This standard specifies a general method for the Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench (syn. Hibiscus
determinations of dry residue, after evaporation a esculentus L.) of the Malvaceae family, to be
water bath, of volatile organic liquids for industrial supplied fresh to the consumer after preparation and
use. packaging.

47 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16



281. US EAS 329:2017, Fresh mango

278. US EAS 320:2006 Code of
— Specification
hygiene for transportation of edible fats
and oils in bulk
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for mango (Mangifera
This Code of Practice applies to the handling, storage
indica L.) from the family Anacardiaceae to be
and transport of all crude or processed edible oils and
supplied fresh to the consumer. This standard does
fats in bulk.
not apply to green preserving mango and mango for
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. industrial processing. (This Uganda Standard cancels
and replaces US 1611:2015, Fresh mango —
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 Specification, which has been technically revised).

279. US CODEX STAN 321-2015, This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.

Standard for ginseng products
This Uganda Standard applies to ginseng products
offered for direct consumption, including for catering 282. US CXS 330-2018, Standard for
purposes or for repacking, if required. This Standard aubergines
applies to ginseng products used as a food or food
This Uganda Standard applies to commercial
ingredient and does not apply to products used for
varieties of aubergine or eggplant grown from
medicinal purposes.
Solanum melongena L. of the Solanaceae family, to
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20. be supplied fresh to the consumer after preparation
and packaging. Aubergines for industrial processing
STATUS: COMPLULSORY PRICE: 40,000 are excluded.

280. US EAS 321: 2018, Edible fats This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
and oils — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and tests methods for edible fats and oils 283. US 330:2001 Cereals, pulses and
intended for human consumption. It does not apply to other food grains – Nomenclature
any fat or oil, which is a subject of specific East
This Uganda Standard lists the botanical names of the
African Standard designated by specific name. (This
main species of cereals (sectione); pulses (section
standard cancels and replaces US 168:2006, Edible
two); and other food grains (section three).
oils and fats — Specification, which has been
technically revised).

48 | P a g e
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31. This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for kernels of cultivated
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) intended for human
consumption. (This second edition cancels and
284. US 331:2001 Cereals –
replaces the first edition, US 334:2001, Barley grains
— Specification, which has been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard gives a list of terms relating to
This standard was published on 2020-06-16
cereals and their definitions, in English.
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.
288. US EAS 349:2014, Liquid glucose
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 (glucose syrup) – Specification

285. US CXS 331-2017, Standard for This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
dairy permeate powders the methods of sampling and test for liquid glucose
(glucose syrup) for human consumption. (This
This Uganda Standard applies to dairy permeate
standard cancels and replaces US 421:2002,
powders, intended for further processing and/or as
Specification for liquid glucose which has been
ingredient in other foods.
technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
286. US EAS 331:2019, Green grams
289. US EAS 350:2014, Hard boiled
— Specification (3rd Edition)
sweets – Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
sampling and test methods for the dry whole grains of
the methods of sampling and test for hard-boiled
the green gram of Vigna radiata (L.) intended for
sweets. (This standard cancels and replaces US
human consumption. (This standard cancels and
413:2002, Specification for hard boiled sugar
replaces the second edition US EAS 331:2013, Green
confectionery which has been technically revised).
grams – Specification, which has been technically
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 290. US 351:2001 Sorghum –

Determination of tannin content
287. US 334:2020 Barley grains —
Specification (2nd Edition)

49 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a universal method 293. US EAS 353:2004, Wheat bran
for the determination of tannin content in sorghum for animal feeds — Specification
grains. It is not specific for one single type of
This Uganda Standard prescribes requirements for
polyphenols. Its usefulness, meanwhile, is justified
wheat bran for use as animal feedstuff and or
by the good negative correlation observed between
ingredient for compounding animal feeds.
the metabolizable energy of sorghum grain, measured
using animal experiments on cocks, and the results
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
obtained using this method.
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.
294. US 365:2019, Powdered (icing)
sugar — Specification (2nd Edition)

291. US EAS 351:2019, Toffee —

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
Specification (2nd Edition)
sampling and test methods for white powdered
(icing) sugar intended for use in toppings, icings and
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
other sugar content bakery products. (This second
sampling and test methods for toffee. (This second
edition cancels and replaces the first edition, US
edition cancels and replaces US 420:2002,
365:2002, Specification for powdered (icing) sugar,
Specification for toffee, which has been technically
which has been technically revised

This standard was published on 2019-12-10.

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.



295. US 367: 2001/EAS 82, Milled

292. US EAS 352:2019, Chewing gum
cereal products – Methods of test
and bubble gum — Specification (3rd
(General methods)

This Uganda Standard prescribes methods of test for

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
milled cereal products. It does cover tests for which
sampling and test methods for chewing gum. This
the method is the subject of another Uganda
standard also applies to bubble gum. (This third
edition cancels and replaces the second edition, US
EAS 352:2014, Chewing gum and bubble gum –
This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.
Specification, which has been technically revised
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
296. US 368:2001 Rice -
Determination of extraneous matter,

50 | P a g e
broken kernels, defective kernels This standard specifies requirements for oil-seed
and other kinds of rice cakes used as livestock feed stuffs.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for This standard was published on 2002-12-14.
determination of extraneous matter, broken kernels,
defective kernels and other kinds of rice. It is
applicable to husked rice, milled rice and parboiled
300. US EAS 456:2019, Organic
production standard (2nd Edition)

This standard was published on on 2001-07-31.

This Uganda Standard provides requirements for
organic production. It covers plant production, animal
husbandry, aquaculture, sustainable fisheries, bee-
297. US 395:2002 Specification for keeping, the harvesting of wild products, and the
wheat semolina processing and labelling of the products therefrom. It
does not cover procedures for verification such as
This standard applies to wheat semolina prepared
inspection or certification of products. (This second
from common wheat, Triticum aestivum L. or club
edition cancels and replaces the first edition US EAS
wheat, Triticum compactum Host or mixtures thereof,
456:2007, Organic products standard which has
which is pre-packaged ready for sale to the consumer
been technically revised).
or destined for use in other food products for human
consumption. This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

This standard was published on 2002-12-14. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 65,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 301. US 472:2002 Specification for

durum wheat semolina
298. US 422:2002 Glossary of terms
used in confectionery This standard applies to durum wheat semolina for
human consumption prepared from durum wheat,
This standard defines the various terms frequently
triticum durum Desf. which is prepackaged ready for
used in industries concerned with the confectionery
sale to the consumer or destined for use in other food

This standard was published on 2002-12-14.

This standard was published on 2002-12-14.



299. US 446:2002 Oil-seed cakes for

302. US 473:2002 Specification for
compounding livestock feed –
durum wheat flour

51 | P a g e
This standard applies to durum wheat flour for human rectangular packaging usable one or both types of
consumption prepared from durum wheat, triticum standardized pallets (800 x 1200 and 1000 x 1200
Desf. which is prepackaged ready for sale to the mm), together with the tests to be passed. This
consumer or destined for use in other food products. standard applies to single use packaging, whatever
the nature of the constituent material or materials
This standard was published on 2002-12-14.
(woods, paperboard, plastics materials), used for the
dispatch or storage of fruit or vegetables. It also
applies to cold storage or long-term storage. It
303. US ISO 520:2010, Cereals and excludes long distance transport by sea.
pulses -- Determination of the mass of
This standard was published on 2005-1-24.
1000 grains


This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the mass of 1 000 grains of cereals
306. US 569:2005 General guidelines
and pulses. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
for labeling of fresh fruits and
replaces US 409:2002, Cereals and pulses -
Determination of mass of 1000 grains which has been
technically revised.) These guidelines concern the marking of
consignments of fresh fruit and vegetables to which
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
common standards apply in accordance with the
provisions of those standards in connection with
304. US ISO 542:1990 Oilseeds –
These guidelines do not apply to the labeling of
prepackaged units for direct sale to the consumer.
This Uganda Standard specifies methods of sampling
This standard was published on 2005-02-25.


This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

307. US 570:2006 Code of hygienic

practice for dried fruits
305. US 568: 2005, Packaging for the
This code of practice applies to all fruits that have
international transport of fresh fruits
been dried by natural or artificial means or a
or refrigerated fruits and vegetables –
combination of both. The fruit is dried to the extent
that the greater part of the moisture has been
This standard lays down the recommendations on the removed, and in addition the fruit may be subjected
dimensions and mechanical strength characteristics of to a safe and appropriate treatment in preparation and

52 | P a g e
packing, to permit marketing in normal trade This Uganda Standard specifies methods not given in
channels. other Uganda Standards for testing pulses which have
not been processed and which are intended for human
This standard was published on 2006-3-16.
consumption or for animal feeding stuffs. (This
standard cancels and replaces US 280:2001/ISO 605,
Pulses – Determination of impurities, size, foreign
308. US 571:2019, Baking powder — odours, insects, and species and variety – Test
Specification (2nd Edition) methods, which has been renumbered).

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
sampling and test methods for baking powder. (This
standard cancels and replaces US 571: 2006, Baking
powder — Specification (1st Edition), that has been
311. US 615:2006 Soya beans –
technically revised).

This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
soya beans for direct human consumption or for
further processing into food. It does not apply to
309. US 572:2017, Sodium other products derived from soya beans for which
bicarbonate — Specification (2nd other standards shall apply.
This standard was published on 2006-11-14.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test and methods for sodium
bicarbonate. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
312. US 616:2006 Sunflower seeds –
replaces US 572:2006, Sodium bicarbonate —
Specification (1st Edition) which has been technically
revised). This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.) for direct
This standard was published on 2017-06-20.
human consumption or for further processing into
edible products i.e., ready for its intended use as
human food, presented in packaged form or sold
310. US ISO 605:1991, Pulses — loose from the package directly to the consumer. It
Determination of impurities, size, does not apply to sunflower seeds for planting
foreign odours, insects, and species and purposes.
variety — Test methods
This standard was published on 2006-11-14.

53 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 316. US ISO 658:2002 Oilseeds –
Determination of content of impurities
313. US 635:2006 Code of hygiene
practice for oilseeds handling and This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
milling determination of the impurities content in oilseeds
used as primary industrials materials. It also defines
This code of practice lays down the requirements for
the various categories of what are usually understood
handling, storage, milling of vegetable oil seeds and
to be impurities.
subsequent handling of oil.
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
This standard was published on 2006-11-14.
317. US ISO 659:2009, Oilseeds —
314. US 640:2006 Code of practice for
Determination of oil content (Reference
production, handling and processing of
method) (2nd Edition)
solar dried fruits
This Uganda Standard specifies a reference method
This code of practice applies to all fruits that have
for the determination of the hexane extract (or light
been dried by natural or artificial means or a
petroleum extract), called the “oil content”, of
combination of both. This code does not apply to
oilseeds used as industrial raw materials [This
fruits commonly known as "dehydrated fruits" with
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO
moisture content not exceeding 5 %.
659:1998, Oilseeds — Determination of oil content
(Reference method), 1st Edition, which has been
This standard was published on 2006-11-14.
technically revised.]
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
315. US 641:2006 Code of practice for
apiary management, handling and
processing of bee products
318. US ISO 660:2009, Animal and
vegetable fats and oils — Determination
This code of practice applies to apiary management
of acid value and acidity (2nd Edition)
operations like siting and maintenance of hives and
harvesting and processing of bee products. This code
This Uganda Standard specifies three methods (two
of practice does not cover specifications of products
titrimetric and one potentiometric) for the
like honey, wax, and hives among others.
determination of the acidity in animal and vegetable
fats and oils, hereinafter referred to as fats. The
This standard was published on 2006-11-14.
acidity is expressed preferably as acid value, or
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 alternatively as acidity calculated conventionally.

54 | P a g e
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
179:2000/ISO 660, Animal and vegetable fats and
oils – Determination of acid value and acidity, which STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

has been technically revised.)

321. US ISO 663:2007, Animal and
vegetable fats and oils — Determination
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
of insoluble impurities content
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
319. US ISO 661:2003, Animal and determination of the insoluble impurities content of
vegetable fats and oils — Preparation of animal and vegetable fats and oils. (This Uganda
test sample Standard cancels and replaces US 184:2000/ISO
663, Animal and vegetable fats and oils —
This Uganda Standard specifies procedures for the
Determination of insoluble impurities content, which
preparation of a test sample from a laboratory sample
has been technically revised.)
of animal or vegetable fats and oils for the purpose of
analysis. The method is not applicable to emulsified This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
fats such as butter, margarine or mayonnaise. (This
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

177:2000/ISO 661, Animal and vegetable fats and

322. US ISO 665:2000 Oilseeds –
oils — Preparation of test sample, which has been
Determination of moisture and volatile
technically revised.)
matter content

This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the moisture and volatile matter
content of oilseeds.
320. US ISO 662:1998, Animal and
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
vegetable fats and oils — Determination
of moisture and volatile matter content

This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the

323. US ISO 707:2008, Milk and milk
determination, by drying, of the moisture and volatile
products – Guidance on sampling (2nd
matter content of animal or vegetable fats and oils:
method A, using a sand bath or hotplate; and method
B, using a drying oven. (This Uganda Standard This Uganda Standard gives guidance on methods of
cancels and replaces US 183:2000/ISO 662, Animal sampling milk and milk products for microbiological,
and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of chemical, physical and sensory analysis, except for
moisture and volatile matter content which has been (semi)automated sampling. (This Uganda Standard
published on. cancels and replaces US ISO 707:1997, Milk and

55 | P a g e
milk products – Guidance on sampling, which has 326. US ISO 729:1988 Oilseeds –
been technically revised). Determination of acidity of oils

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17. This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the acidity of oils in oilseeds. The
acidity is expressed by preference, as an acid value or
alternatively as conventionally calculated acidity.
324. US ISO 711:1985, Cereals and
cereal products — Determination of
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
moisture content (Basic reference

This Uganda Standard specifies the basic reference 327. US 733:2019, Handling and
method for the determination of the moisture content transportation of slaughter animals —
of cereals and cereal products. (This standard cancels Requirements (2nd Edition)
and replaces US 353:2001/ISO 711:1985, Cereals
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
and cereal products – Determination of moisture
handling and transportation of live animals for
content (Basic reference method), which has been
slaughter. (This standard cancels and replaces US
733:2007, Requirements for handling and
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. transportation of slaughter animals (1st Edition), that
has been technically revised).
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
325. US ISO 712:2009, Cereals and
cereal products -- Determination of STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
moisture content -- Reference method
328. US 734:2019, Design and
This Uganda Standard specifies a routine reference operation of abattoirs and
method for the determination of the moisture content slaughterhouses — Requirements (2nd
of cereals and cereal products. (This Uganda Edition)
Standard cancels and replaces US 98/ISO 712,
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements
Cereals and cereal products - Determination of
applying to domestic animals commonly slaughtered
moisture content - Routine reference method which
in slaughterhouses, that is, cattle, buffalo, sheep,
has been technically revised.)
goats, deer, horses, pigs, ratites, camelids and
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20. poultry. (This standard cancels and replaces US
734:2007, Requirements for the design and operation
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 of abattoirs and slaughterhouses (1st Edition), that
has been technically revised).

56 | P a g e
This standard was published on 2019-3-26. standard cancels and replaces US 737:2007,
Requirements for hygiene in the production of
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 packaged meat products (processed or
manufactured) (1st Edition), that has been technically
329. US ISO 735:1977, Oilseed
residues — Determination of ash
insoluble in hydrochloric acid
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

determination of the ash insoluble in hydrochloric
acid, from residues (excluding compounded products) 332. US 738: 2019, General standard
obtained by the extraction of oil from oilseeds by for contaminants and toxins in food and
pressure or solvent. feed (6th Edition)

This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18. This Uganda Standard defines the recommended
principles for dealing with contaminants and toxins in
food and feed, and specifies the maximum levels and
associated sampling plans for contaminants and
330. US 736:2019, Hygienic
natural toxicants in food and feed. This standard
requirements for butcheries (2nd
includes only maximum levels of contaminants and
natural toxicants in feed in cases where the
This Uganda Standard specifies hygienic contaminated feed can be transferred to food of
requirements that apply to butcheries as minimum animal origin and can be relevant to public health.
standards required of them to satisfy the consumers [This standard cancels and replaces US 738:2017,
need for safe, healthy and hygienic meat and meat General standard for contaminants and toxins in food
products. (This standard cancels and replaces US and feed (5th Edition), which has been technically
736:2007, Hygienic requirements for butcheries (1st revised].
Edition) that has been technically revised).
This standard was published on 2019-03-26.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
333. US EAS 738:2010, Fresh sweet
331. US 737:2019, Production of cassava – Specification
packaged meat products (processed) —
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
Hygienic requirements (2nd Edition)
methods of sampling and test for varieties of fresh
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the sweet cassava roots of Manihot esculenta Crantz, of
production of packaged meat products processed in the Euphorbiaceae family, to be supplied to the
an established meat processing factory. (This consumer, intended for direct human consumption.

57 | P a g e
Cassava root intended for industrial processing is esculenta Crantz) intended for human consumption.
excluded. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the East
the East African Standard, EAS 738:2010 and it African Standard, EAS 740:2010 and it cancels and
cancels and replaces US 598:2007, Fresh cassava replaces US 347:2007, Cassava flour –
storage roots – Specification). Specification).

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20. This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.


334. US 739:2012, Sausages — 337. US EAS 741:2010, Cassava

Specification composite wheat flour – Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for sausages intended the methods of sampling and test for cassava-wheat
for use as food or as an ingredient in other foods. composite. This standard does not apply to other
composite flours from non-wheat sources which may
This standard was published on 2012-12-18.
be used in different products. (This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces US 599:2007, Cassava-wheat
composite flour for baking – Specification, which has
335. US EAS 739:2010, Dried cassava been revised).
chips – Specification
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for dried cassava chips
intended for human consumption. (This Uganda
338. US EAS 742:2010, Food grade
Standard is an adoption of the East African Standard,
cassava starch – Specification
EAS 739:2010 and it cancels and replaces US
579:2007, Dried cassava chips – Specification). This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
the methods of sampling and test for food grade
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
cassava starch. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US 597:2007, Food grade cassava starch –
Specification, which has been revised).
336. US EAS 740:2010, Cassava flour
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
– Specification


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of sampling and test for cassava flour, which
339. US EAS 743:2010, Cassava crisps
is obtained from the processing of cassava (Manihot
– Specification

58 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for crisps made from methods of sampling and test for frozen potato
sweet varieties of cassava (Manihot esculenta (Solanum tuberosum L.) chips to be supplied
Crantz). (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces packaged either in retail packs or in bulk for human
US 707:2007, Cassava crisps – Specification, which consumption. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
has been revised) replaces US 708:2007, Frozen potato chips –
Specification, which has been revised).
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
340. US EAS 744:2010, Cassava and
cassava products – Determination of 343. US EAS 747:2010, Fried potato
total cyanogens – Enzymatic assay chips – Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the methods of sampling and test for deep fried potato
determination of total cyanogens in cassava and chips ready for consumption. (This Uganda Standard
cassava products. (This Uganda Standard cancels and cancels and replaces US 702:2007, Fried potato chips
replaces US 581:2007, Cassava and cassava products – Specification, which has been revised).
– Determination of total cyanogens – Enzymatic
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
assay method, which has been revised).


This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

344. US EAS 748:2017, Fresh ware

potato — Specification
341. US EAS 745:2010, Potato crisps –
Scope: This Uganda Standard specifies the
requirements, sampling and test methods for fresh
This tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.). (This Uganda ware potato of varieties (cultivars) grown from
Standard cancels and replaces US 703:2007, Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) of the family Solanaceae for
crisps – Specification, which has been revised). human consumption. This standard does not apply to
ware potato for industrial processing and seed potato.
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
748:2010, Fresh potato tuber (ware potato tuber) —
Specification which has been technically revised).
342. US EAS 746:2010, Frozen potato
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
chips – Specification

59 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 348. US EAS 753:2011, Seed potato –
345. US EAS 749:2010, Brown sugar –
Specification This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of sampling and test for seed potato. It
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
specifies requirements for varietal identity, purity;
methods of sampling and testing for light brown and
genealogy, traceability, pests and diseases, internal
brown sugar intended for human consumption. This
and external quality, physiology, sizing, packaging
standard does not apply to soft brown sugars.
and labeling.

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.



346. US ISO 750:1998, Fruit and

349. US EAS 754:2013, Chickpeas –
vegetable products – Determination of
Specification (2nd Edition)
titratable acidity
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the
methods of sampling and test for dry chickpeas of the
determination of the titratable acidity of fruit and
varieties (cultivars) grown from Cicer arietinum
vegetable products, a potentiometric reference
Linn. intended for human consumption. (This
method; and a routine method using a coloured
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
754:2011, Chickpeas – Specification, which has been
technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-12.

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.



347. US ISO 751:1998, Fruit and
vegetable products — Determination of
350. US EAS 755:2013, Cowpeas –
water-insoluble solids
Specification (2nd Edition)

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
determination of the content of water-insoluble solids
methods of sampling and test for dry cowpeas of the
in the edible parts of fruit and vegetable products
varieties (cultivars) grown from Vigna unguiculata
Linn.Sync. Vigna sinensis (L.) Hassk. intended for
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
human consumption. (This Uganda Standard cancels
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 and replaces US EAS 755:2011, Cowpeas –
Specification, which has been technically revised).

60 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17. nitrate (ASN) fertilizer. (This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces, US 757:2007, Ammonium
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000 sulphate nitrate fertilizer — Specification, which has
been technically revised).
351. US EAS 756:2013, Pigeon peas –
Specification (2nd Edition)
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

methods of sampling and test for dry pigeon peas of
the varieties (cultivars) grown from Cajanus cajan 354. US EAS 758:2019, Finger millet
Linn. intended for human consumption. (This grains — Specification (3rd Edition)
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
756:2011, Pigeon peas – Specification, which has
sampling and test methods for finger millet grains of
been technically revised).
varieties (cultivars) grown from Eleusine coracana
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17. (L.) Gaertner intended for human consumption. (This
standard cancels and replaces the second edition US
EAS 758:2013, Finger millet grains – Specification,
which has been technically revised).
352. US EAS 757:2019, Sorghum
grains — Specification (3rd Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

sampling and test methods for whole sorghum grains
of varieties (cultivars) grown from Sorghum bicolor 355. US EAS 759:2013, Dry whole
(L.) Moench intended for human consumption. This peas – Specification (2nd Edition)
standard does not cover decorticated sorghum grains.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
(This standard cancels and replaces the second
methods of sampling and test for dry whole peas of
edition US EAS 757:2013, Sorghum grains –
varieties (cultivars) grown from Pisum sativum L. and
Specification, which has been technically revised).
Pisum sativum var. arvense (L.) Poir. intended for
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. human consumption. (This Uganda Standard cancels
and replaces US EAS 759:2011, Dry whole peas –
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 Specification, which has been technically revised).

353. US 757:2017, Ammonium

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
sulphate nitrate fertilizer —
Specification (2nd edition) STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, 356. US 759:2017, Monoammonium

sampling and test methods for ammonium sulphate phosphate (MAP) and Diammonium

61 | P a g e
phosphate (DAP) fertilizer — Determination of water — Karl Fischer method
Specification (2nd edition) (General method) is being reissued].

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
sampling and test methods for Monoammonium
phosphate (MAP) and Diammonium phosphate
(DAP) fertilizers. (This Uganda Standard cancels
359. US EAS 761:2013, Dry split peas
and replaces, US 759:2007, Monoammonium
– Specification (2nd Edition)
phosphate (MAP) and diammonium phosphate
fertilizer — Specification, which has been technically This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
revised). methods of sampling and test for dry split peas of
varieties (cultivars) grown from Pisum sativum L. and
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
Pisum sativum var. arvense (L.) Poir. intended for
human consumption. (This Uganda Standard cancels
and replaces US EAS 761:2011, Dry split peas –
357. US EAS 760:2013, Lentils – Specification, which has been technically revised).
Specification (2 Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for shelled whole lentils
of varieties (cultivars) grown from Lens culinaris
360. US EAS 762:2017, Dry soybeans
Medic. Syn. Lens esculenta Moench. intended for
— Specification (3rd Edition)
human consumption. (This Uganda Standard cancels
and replaces US EAS 760:2011, Lentils – This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
Specification, which has been technically revised). sampling and test methods for dry soybeans of
varieties (cultivars) grown from Glycine max (L.)
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
Merr. intended for human consumption. (This
standard cancels and replaces US EAS 762:2013,
Dry soybeans — Specification (2nd Edition), that has
358. US ISO 760:1978, Determination been technically revised).
of water — Karl Fischer method
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
(General method)


This Uganda Standard specifies methods suitable for
the determination of free water or water of
361. US ISO 762:2003, Fruit and
crystallization in most solid or liquid chemical
vegetable products — Determination of
products, both organic and inorganic. (This standard
mineral impurities content
cancels and replaces US 315: 2001/EAS 215: 2001,

62 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
determination of the mineral impurities content methods of sampling and test for rough rice of the
(impurities generally originating from the soil) of varieties grown from Oryza spp., used for further
fruit and vegetable products. processing. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US EAS 764:2011, Rough (Paddy) rice –
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
Specification, which has been technically revised).


This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.

362. US ISO 763:2003, Fruit and

Vegetable Products — Determination of
ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid 365. US ISO 765:2016, Pesticides
considered not to require common
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the hydrochloric-acid-insoluble ash
yielded by fruit and vegetable products. The method This Uganda Standard gives a list of certain pesticide
serves for the determination of siliceous impurities, chemicals with reasonably short and distinctive
together with the silica endogenous to the plant. chemical names or trivial names already known, to
which it is deemed unnecessary to assign
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
recommended common names at present.


This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.

363. US EAS 763:2013, Faba beans –

Specification (2nd Edition)
366. US EAS 765:2013, Brown rice –
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
Specification (2nd Edition)
methods of sampling and test for faba beans of
cultivated varieties (cultivars) grown from Vicia faba This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
L. intended for human consumption. (This Uganda methods of sampling and test for brown rice of the
Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 763:2011, varieties grown from Oryza spp., intended for human
Faba beans – Specification, which has been consumption or for processing to milled rice. (This
technically revised). Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
765:2011, Brown rice – Specification, which has
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
been technically revised).


This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.

364. US EAS 764:2013, Rough

(Paddy) rice – Specification (2nd

63 | P a g e
367. US EAS 767:2019, Fortified and oils intended for human consumption. This
wheat flour — Specification (2 nd Standard is not applicable to fat spreads and blended
Edition) spreads. (This standard cancels and replaces the first
edition US EAS 769:2012, Fortified edible oils and
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
fats – Specification, which has been technically
sampling and test methods for fortified wheat flour
prepared from common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.),
club wheat (T. compactum Host.) or a mixture thereof This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
intended for human consumption. (This standard
cancels and replaces the first edition US EAS
767:2012, Fortified wheat flour – Specification,
370. US EAS 770:2012, Fortified
which has been technically revised).
sugar — Specification

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for fortified brown
sugars and fortified plantation (mill) white sugar
368. US EAS 768:2019, Fortified intended for direct human consumption. (This
milled maize (corn) products — Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 510:2003,
Specification (2nd Edition) Specification for fortified sugar which has been
technically revised.)
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for fortified milled maize This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
(corn) products prepared from the grains of common
maize (Zea mays L.) intended for human
consumption. (This standard cancels and replaces
371. US EAS 771:2012, Fresh
the first edition US EAS 768:2012, Fortified milled
sweetpotato — Specification
maize products – Specification, which has been
technically revised). This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for fresh sweetpotatoes
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
[Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] to be supplied fresh and
either packaged or sold loose for human
369. US EAS 769:2019, Fortified
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
edible fats and oils — Specification (2nd

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

372. US EAS 772:2012, Dried
sampling and test methods for fortified edible fats
sweetpotato chips — Specification

64 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and tuberosum L.) tubers intended for human
methods of sampling and test for dried sweetpotato consumption.
chips intended for human consumption.
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
376. US EAS 776:2012, Production
373. US EAS 773:2012, Sweetpotato and handling of fresh cassava — Code
flour — Specification of practice

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and This Uganda Standard provides recommended
methods of sampling and test for flour which is practices for the production, storage, packaging and
obtained from the processing of sweetpotato transportation of fresh cassava intended for human
[Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] intended for human consumption.
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
377. US EAS 777:2012, Code of
374. US EAS 774:2012, Sweetpotato practice for reduction of acrylamide in
crisps – Specification potato products

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and This Uganda Standard provides recommended
methods of sampling and test for crisps made from practices for reducing the formation of acrylamide in
storage roots of sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) potato products.
Lam.] intended for human consumption.
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
378. US EAS 778:2012, Fresh bitter
375. US EAS 775:2012, Production cassava — Specification
and handling of fresh ware potato —
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
Code of practice
methods of sampling and test for fresh roots of
This Uganda Standard provides recommended varieties of bitter cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz,
practices for the production, storage, packaging and for preparation before human consumption.
transportation of fresh ware potato (Solanum
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.

65 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000 flour, which is obtained from the processing of
cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), intended for
379. US 778:2019, Animal stock human consumption, industrial use and other
routes, check points and holding
grounds — Requirements (2nd Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
animal stock routes, animal check points and holding STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000
grounds for control of animal movement for the
382. US 780:2012, Powdered silver
purposes of trade, breeding, or other purposes other
cyprinid (Mukene) — Specification
than for grazing within a given locality. (This
standard cancels and replaces US 778:2007,
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
Requirements for animal stock routes, check points
methods of sampling and test for powdered silver
and holding grounds (1st Edition), that has been
cyprinid (mukene) of the species Rastrineobola
technically revised).
argentea, intended for human consumption.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

This standard was published on 2012-12-18.



380. US 779:2019, Transportation of

383. US EAS 780:2012, Fresh cassava
meat and meat products —
leaves — Specification
Requirements (2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
methods of sampling and test for fresh cassava leaves
transportation of meat and meat products. (This
of Manihot esculenta Crantz, for preparation before
standard cancels and replaces US 779:2007,
human consumption
Requirements for the transportation of meat and meat
products (1st Edition), that has been technically This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
384. US EAS 781:2012, Biscuits —
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000 Specification

381. US EAS 779:2012, High quality This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
cassava flour — Specification methods of sampling and test for biscuits intended for
human consumption. (This Uganda Standard cancels
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
and replaces US 556:2006, Biscuits — Specification,
methods of sampling and test for high quality cassava
which has been technically revised.)

66 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18. mesocarp of the fruit of the oil palm (Elaeis
guineensis). (This standard cancels and replaces US
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 636: 2006, Specification for edible palm stearin,
which has been technically revised).
385. US EAS 782:2019, Composite
flour — Specification (2nd Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

sampling and test methods for composite flour
388. US EAS 797:2013, Vitamin and
intended for human consumption. This standard does
mineral food supplements –
not apply where there are specific published on
standards for blends or composite flours. (This
standard cancels and replaces the first edition US
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
EAS 782:2012, Composite flour – Specification,
vitamin and mineral food supplements intended for
which has been technically revised).
use in supplementing the daily diet with vitamins
and/or minerals. This standard covers vitamin and
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
mineral food supplements in concentrated forms of
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 those nutrients singly or in combinations, marketed in
forms such as capsules, tablets, powders, paste and
386. US EAS 795: 2018, Palm olein — solutions. This standard does not cover vitamin and
Specification mineral products intended for special dietary uses or
medical/therapeutic purposes.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for crude, semi-refined This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
and refined palm olein derived from fleshy mesocarp
of the fruit of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). (This STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
standard cancels and replaces US 617: 2006,
389. US EAS 798:2013, Lipid food
Specification for edible palm olein, which has been
supplements – Requirements
technically revised).

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
lipid food supplements used for complementing the
normal diet with essential fatty acids. This standard
covers lipid food supplements primarily providing
387. US EAS 796: 2018, Palm stearin
essential fatty acids and presented in forms such as
— Specification
capsules, paste or liquid. The product may be taken
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, directly or added to another food with the primary
sampling and test methods for crude, semi-refined objective of increasing the energy content of the food
and refined palm stearin derived from fleshy and provide essential fatty acids. This standard does

67 | P a g e
not cover lipid food supplements intended for special protein products – Specification, which has been
dietary uses or medical/therapeutic purposes technically revised).

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17. This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.


390. US EAS 799:2019, Edible full fat 393. US EAS 802:2014, Textured soya
soya flour — Specification (2nd Edition) protein products — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
sampling and test methods for edible full fat soya methods of sampling and test for textured soya
flour obtained from soya bean (Glycine max (L.) protein products intended for human consumption.
Merr) intended for human consumption. (This
standard cancels and replaces the first edition US This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

EAS 799:2014, Edible full fat soya flour –

Specification, which has been technically revised).
394. US EAS 803:2014, Nutrition
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
labelling — Requirements


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
nutrition labelling of foods. The standard applies to
391. US EAS 800:2014, Soya milk —
the nutrition labeling of all foods except for foods for
special dietary uses. (This standard cancels and
This Uganda standard specifies requirements and replaces US 500:2003, Requirements for nutrition
methods of sampling and test for soya milk intended labelling of foods, which has been technically
for human consumption. revised).

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.


392. US EAS 801:2014, Soya protein 395. US EAS 804:2014, Claims on

products — Specification food — Requirements

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements
methods of sampling and test for soya protein for claims made on a food irrespective of whether or
products intended for human consumption. (This not the food is covered by an individual East African
standard cancels and replaces US 984:2013, Soy Standard. (This standard cancels and replaces US

68 | P a g e
566:2006, Use of nutrition claims – Requirements, This Uganda Standard prescribes requirements for the
which has been technically revised). goats and sheep feeds.

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. This standard was published on 2009-09-04.


396. US EAS 805:2014, Use of 399. US 813:2009, Rabbit feeds —

nutrition and health claims — Specification
This Uganda Standard prescribes requirements for
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the rabbit feeds.
use of nutrition and health claims in food labeling
This standard was published on 2009-09-04.
and in advertising. This standard applies to all foods
for which nutrition and health claims are made
without prejudice to specific provisions under other
standards or guidelines relating to foods for special 400. US 815:2009, Cat feeds —
dietary uses and foods for special medical purposes. Specification
These requirements for nutrition and health claims do
not apply to foods for infants and young children. This Uganda Standard prescribes requirements for cat

(This standard cancels and replaces US 508:2003, feeds.

Requirements for nutritional and health claim for

This standard was published on 2009-09-04.
food, which has been technically revised).


This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

401. US 817: 2019, Milk fat products

— Specification (2nd edition)

397. US 808:2009, Dog feeds —

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for anhydrous milk fat,

This Uganda Standard prescribes requirements for the anhydrous butter oil and butter oil, which are

dog feeds. intended for further processing. (This standard

cancels and replaces US 817:2008, Milk fat products
This standard was published on 2009-09-04. — Specification, which has been technically revised).

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

398. US 812:2009, Goats and sheep STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

feeds — Specification

69 | P a g e
402. US EAS 818:2014, Sugar cane and certified seed of maize (Zea mays L.). It includes
jaggery – Specification requirements for eligible varieties, field standards,
field inspections, seed sampling, laboratory
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
standards, certificates, packaging and labelling and
methods of sampling and test for sugar cane jaggery.
post-control tests.

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.



403. US EAS 819:2014, Molasses –

406. US EAS 822:2015, Sorghum seed
– Requirements for certification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and

This Uganda Standard specifies the certification
methods of sampling and test for molasses for
requirements for the production of pre-basic, basic
industrial use.
and certified seed of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.)
Moench). It includes requirements for eligible
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
varieties, field standards, field inspections, seed
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 sampling, laboratory standards, certificates,
packaging and labeling, and post control tests.
404. US EAS 820:2014, Dextrose
monohydrate (glucose powder) – This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
407. US EAS 823:2015, Sunflower
methods of sampling and test for dextrose
seed – Requirements for certification
monohydrate (glucose powder) intended for human
consumption as food and industrial applications. This
This Uganda Standard specifies the certification
standard does not apply to dextrose monohydrate for
requirements for the production of pre-basic, basic
intravenous applications.
and certified seed of sunflower (Helianthus annuus
L.). It includes requirements for eligible varieties,
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
field standards, field inspections, seed sampling,
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 laboratory standards, certificates, packaging and
labelling, and post-control tests.
405. US EAS 821:2015, Maize seed –
Requirements for certification This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

This Uganda Standard specifies the certification STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
requirements for the production of pre-basic, basic

70 | P a g e
408. US EAS 824:2015, Soybean seed This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
— Requirements for certification
This Uganda Standard specifies the certification
411. US EAS 827:2015, Fresh and
requirements for the production of pre-basic, basic
frozen whole fin fish – Specification
and certified seed of soybean (Glycine max (L.)
Merrill). It includes requirements for eligible
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
varieties, field standards, field inspections, seed
methods of sampling and test for fresh and frozen
sampling, laboratory standards, certificates,
whole fin fish.
packaging and labelling, and post-control tests.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
412. US EAS 828:2017, Dried and
409. US EAS 825:2015, Groundnut
salted-dried fish — Specification
seed — Requirements for certification
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
This Uganda Standard specifies the certification
the methods of sampling and test for dried and salted-
requirements for the production of pre-basic, basic
dried fish. This standard does not apply to
and certified seed of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea
Rastrineobola argentea and smoked fish. (This
L.). It includes requirements for eligible varieties,
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 920:2012,
field standards, field inspections, seed sampling,
Dried and dried-salted fish — Specification which
laboratory standards, certificates, packaging and
has been technically revised).
labelling, and post-control tests.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
413. US EAS 829:2015, Transport of
410. US EAS 826:2017, Dried silver
live fish seeds for aquaculture purposes
cyprinid (Rastrineobola argentea) —
– Code of practice
This Uganda Standard prescribes conditions for the
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
handling and transportation of live fish seeds for
methods of sampling and test for dried silver cyprinid
aquaculture purposes.
(Rastrineobola argentea). (This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces US 919:2012, Dried silver This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
cyprinid (Mukene) — Specification which has been
technically revised). STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

71 | P a g e
414. US EAS 830:2015, Fresh fish This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for
sticks (fish fingers), fish portions and processing and handling of dried fish and fish
fish fillets – Breaded or in batter – products intended for human consumption.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of sampling and test for frozen fish sticks
(fish fingers), fish portions and fish fillets – breaded
418. US EAS 834:2015, Processing
or in batter, intended for human consumption.
and handling of salted fish and fish
products – Code of practice
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.

This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for

processing and handling of salted fish and fish
415. US EAS 831:2015, Frozen fish products intended for human consumption.
fillets – Specification
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of sampling and test for frozen fish fillets
intended for human consumption.
419. US EAS 870:2017, Crackers from
marine and freshwater fish, crustacean
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
and molluscan shellfish — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
416. US EAS 832:2015, Fish industry sampling and test methods for crackers prepared from
– Operational cleanliness and hygiene – marine and freshwater fish, crustacean and molluscan
Guidelines shellfish. It does not include ready-to-eat fried as well
as artificially flavored fish, crustacean and molluscan
This Uganda Standard covers guidelines for
shellfish crackers.
operational cleanliness and hygiene in the fish
industry. This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 420. US EAS 871:2017, Fish sausages

— Specification
417. US EAS 833:2015, Processing
and handling of dried fish and fish This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
products – Code of practice sampling and test methods for fish sausages intended
for human consumption. This standard applies to

72 | P a g e
fresh fish sausage, smoked fish sausage, dried fish 424. US EAS 873:2017, Frozen tuna
sausage and fermented fish sausage. loins — Specification

This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for frozen tuna loins
intended for human consumption.

421. US 871:2011, Malted cereal

This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
beverages — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of sampling and test for malted cereal 425. US ISO 873:1980, Peaches –
beverages. Guide to cold storage

This standard was published on 2011-11-22. This Uganda Standard describes methods for
obtaining conditions for the successful cold storage
of varieties of peaches (peaches, nectarines and
clingstone peaches) obtained from Prunus Persica
422. US 872:2011, Fermented (non-
Sieb. and Zuce. immediately after picking until their
alcoholic) cereal beverages —
use in the fresh state.

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of sampling and test for fermented (non-
alcoholic) cereal beverages.
426. US ISO 874:1980, Fresh fruits
This standard was published on 2011-11-22.
and vegetables — Sampling


This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
sampling fresh fruits and vegetables, forming the
423. US EAS 872:2015, Frozen
subject of international trade, with a view to
octopus — Specification
determining the quality or particular characteristics of
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, the goods.
sampling and test methods for frozen octopus
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
intended for human consumption.


This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.

427. US EAS 874:2017, Processing

and handling of prawns and shrimp —
Code of practice

73 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
processing and handling of prawns or shrimps whole and ground (powdered) chillies [Capsicum
intended for human consumption. frutescens L. Capsicum annum L.].

This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20. This standard was published on 2009-09-04.


428. US EAS 875:2017, Quick frozen 431. US 877: 2011, Dried fruits —
prawns or shrimps — Specification Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
sampling and test methods for quick frozen prawns or methods of sampling and test for tropical dried fruits
shrimps. (This Uganda Standard cancels and and other fruits which have been suitably treated and
replaces US CODEX STAN 92:1981, Standard for which are offered for direct consumption or further
quick frozen shrimps and prawns which has been processing.
technically revised).
This standard was published on 2011-11-22.
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
432. US 882: 2011, Fruit chips and
429. US EAS 876:2017, Smoked fish, crisps — Specification
smoke-flavoured fish and smoke-dried
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
fish — Specification
methods of sampling and test for fruits chips and
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, crisps which have been suitably treated and which are
sampling and test methods for smoked fish, smoke- offered for direct consumption or for further
flavoured fish and smoke-dried fish intended for processing.
human consumption. The standard covers all fish
This standard was published on 2011-11-22.


This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.

433. US EAS 887: 2018, Crude and

semi refined palm oil — Specification
430. US 876:2009, Chillies, whole and
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
ground (powdered) — Specification
sampling and test methods for crude and semi refined
(neutralized and/or bleached) palm oil derived from

74 | P a g e
the fleshy mesocarp of the fruit of oil palm (Elaeis This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
guineensis) intended for further processing. methods of sampling and test for dried vegetables and
herbs which have been suitably treated and which are
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
offered for direct consumption or use in food
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 industry. This standard does not apply to vegetables
and herbs for which specific standards have been
434. US EAS 888: 2018, Raw and declared.
roasted groundnuts — Specification
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for raw and roasted STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
groundnuts of the fruit of the plant Arachis hypogea
437. US EAS 890: 2018, Blended
intended for direct human consumption. This
edible oils — Specification
standard applies to shelled raw and roasted/fried
groundnuts kernels. It does not apply to groundnuts
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
for further processing. (This standard cancels and
sampling and test methods for blended edible oils of
replaces US EAS 57-1:2000, Groundnuts (peanuts)
plant origin intended for human consumption.
— Specification — Part 1: Raw groundnuts for table
use and for oil milling and US EAS 57-2:2000, This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
Groundnuts (peanuts) — Specification — Part 2:
Roasted groundnuts, which has been technically
revised). 438. US 890:2011 Dried tomatoes –
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of sampling and test for dried tomatoes of
435. US EAS 889: 2018, Groundnuts varieties (cultivars) grown from Lycopersicon
for oil extraction — Specification esculentum Mill and its hybrids, intended for direct
consumption without further processing or for use in
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
the food industry.
sampling and test methods for groundnuts of the fruit
of the plant Arachis hypogea intended for oil This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
439. US 891:2011 Dried carrots –

436. US 889:2011, Dried vegetables

and herbs for food use – Specification

75 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
methods of sampling and test for dried carrots
(Daucus carota L.) which have been suitably treated 442. US EAS 893:2017, Chilli sauce —
and which are offered for direct consumption or
further processing.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for chilli sauce for human
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
consumption. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 replaces US 972:2013, Chilli sauce — Specification
which has been technically revised).
440. US EAS 891:2017, Fresh carrot
— Specification This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

sampling and test methods for carrots of varieties
443. US EAS 894:2017, Fresh onions
(cultivars) grown from Daucus carota (L.) of
— Specification
Apiaceae family to be supplied fresh to the consumer.
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
1617:2015, Fresh carrot — Specification which has
sampling and tests methods for fresh bulb onions
been technically revised).
Allium cepa (L.) of the family Alliaceae to be
supplied to the consumer. This standard does not
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
apply to onions for industrial processing. (This
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
1501:2013, Fresh onions — Specification which has
441. US EAS 892:2016, Fresh sweet
been technically revised).
banana — Specification
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for fresh sweet banana of STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
Musa spp, Musaceae family, in an unripe or ripe
444. US 894:2011 Dried edible
state, to be supplied to the consumer. Bananas
mushrooms – Specification
intended for cooking (plantains and East Africa
highland banana) or industrial processing are
This Uganda standard specifies requirements and
excluded. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
methods of sampling and test for dried edible
replaces US 1533:2013, Fresh bananas —
mushrooms after preparation and packaging.
Specification which has been technically revised).
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.

76 | P a g e
445. US EAS 895:2017, Fish protein This Standard provides guidelines for processing,
concentrate — Specification handling and storing of smoked fish, smoke-
flavoured fish, smoke-dried fish and smoked fish
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
products intended for human consumption. This code
sampling and test methods for fish protein
of practice applies to all fish species.
concentrate intended for human consumption.
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
449. US EAS 899: 2017, Tuna canned
446. US EAS 896:2017, Fried fish —
in oil — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for tuna canned in oil
sampling and test methods for fried fish of all
intended for human consumption.
species, which may be whole or portions intended for
human consumption. This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.

This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 450. US EAS 900:2017, Cereals and

pulses — Sampling
447. US EAS 897:2017, Frozen lobster
tails — Specification This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
dynamic or static sampling, by manual or mechanical
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
means, for assessment of compliance to East African
sampling and test methods for frozen lobster tails of
standards for cereals, pulses and their products. It is
all the species of the genera Panulirus, Thunnus and
not applicable to seed grain.
Peurulus intended for human consumption.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
This standard was adopted on 2017-6-20.
451. US EAS 901:2017, Cereals and
448. US EAS 898:2017, Processing
pulses — Test methods
and handling of smoked fish, smoke-
flavoured fish, smoke-dried fish and This Uganda Standard prescribes the test methods for
smoked fish products — Code of cereals, pulses and their products.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

77 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 455. US EAS 907:2019, Fertilizers —
Potassium sulphate (sulphate of potash)
452. US EAS 904:2019, Fertilizers —
— Specification
Phosphate rock powder — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for potassium sulphate
sampling and test methods for phosphate rock
(sulphate of potash) fertilizer.
fertilizers in powder form of biogenic sedimentary
origin. This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 456. US 907:2011, Instant coffee –

453. US EAS 905:2019, Fertilizers —
Granulated phosphate rock — This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
Specification methods of sampling and test for instant coffee.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
sampling and test methods for granulated phosphate
rock fertilizers. The fertilizer shall contain STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

phosphorus as the only predominant primary plant

457. US 908:2013, Nutrient-
nutrient of biogenic sedimentary origin.
concentrated foods for therapeutic uses
– Specification
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and

methods of sampling and test for nutrient-
454. US EAS 906:2019, Fertilizers — concentrated foods for therapeutic uses.
Triple superphosphate — Specification
This standard was published on 2013-07-31.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for Triple Superphosphate
(TSP) fertilizer.
458. US EAS 908:2019, Fertilizers —
Potassium chloride (muriate of potash)
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
— Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for potassium chloride
(muriate of potash) fertilizer. (This standard cancels

78 | P a g e
and replaces US 760:2017, Potassium chloride This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
(muriate of potash) – Specification, which has been sampling and test methods for ammonium sulphate
technically revised). fertilizer.

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.


459. US EAS 909:2019, Fertilizers — 462. US EAS 912:2019, Fertilizers —

Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) — Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium
Specification (NPK) compound — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for calcium ammonium sampling and test methods for NPK fertilizer
nitrate (CAN) fertilizer. (This standard cancels and (compound and blended).
replaces US 758:2017, Calcium ammonium nitrate
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
fertilizer – Specification, which has been technically

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

463. US EAS 913:2019, Solid
fertilizers — Methods of sampling

This Uganda Standard specifies methods for drawing

460. US EAS 910:2019, Fertilizers —
test samples from bags, as well as drawing samples of
Urea — Specification
bulk material from wagon, truck loads or from
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, flowing streams and from transfer.
sampling and test methods for urea fertilizer. (This
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
standard cancels and replaces US 756:2017, Urea
fertilizer – Specification, which has been technically
464. US EAS 915:2019, Ghee —
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for ghee intended for
461. US EAS 911:2019, Fertilizers —
human consumption.
Ammonium sulphate (sulphate of
ammonia) — Specification
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.


79 | P a g e
465. US EAS 916:2019, Ginger — 468. US EAS 918:2019, Cloves —
Specification Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for dried ginger, of the sampling and test methods for cloves (Syzygium
species Zingiber officinale Roscoe, whole, in pieces aromaticum (L.) Merril & Perry). (This standard
and ground. (This standard cancels and replaces US cancels and replaces US ISO 2254:1980, Cloves,
ISO 1003:2008, Spices – Ginger (Zingiber officinale whole and ground (powdered) – Specification, which
Roscoe) – Specification, which has been withdrawn. has been withdrawn).

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.


466. US 917:2012, Dressed poultry — 469. US EAS 919:2019, Pilau masala

Specification — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
methods of sampling and test for dressed poultry. It sampling and test methods for pilau masala.
applies to poultry including chickens, ducks, geese,
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
turkeys, pigeons, guinea fowl or any other
domesticated bird.

This standard was published on 2012-12-18.

470. US EAS 920:, Tea masala —

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

467. US EAS 917:2019, Turmeric —
sampling and test methods for tea masala which is
used as a flavouring material in the preparation of tea.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
sampling and test methods for dried turmeric,
Curcuma longa (L.), whole, in pieces and ground.
(This standard cancels and replaces US ISO
5562:1983, Turmeric, whole or ground (powdered) – 471. US EAS 921:2019, Green tea —
Specification, which has been withdrawn). Specification

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for green tea of Camellia
sinensis (Linneaus) O. Kuntze. This standard is not

80 | P a g e
applicable to green tea subject to further processing This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
such as decaffeination or further roasting. This sampling and test methods for instant tea of the
standard does not apply to flavoured green tea. (This species Camellia sinensis (Linneaus) O. Kuntze.
standard cancels and replaces US ISO 11287, Green (This standard cancels and replaces US ISO
tea – Definition and basic requirements, which has 6079:1990, Instant tea in solid form – Specification,
been withdrawn). which has been withdrawn).

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.


472. US EAS 922:2019, Flavoured 475. US 923:2013, Code of practice for

black tea — Specification Horticulture Industry

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
sampling and test methods for flavoured black tea. the responsible and safe production of both edible
and ornamental horticultural products. The code also
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
applies to the procurement of inputs and placing in
the market of all horticultural products.

This standard was published on 2013-07-31.

473. US 922:2019, Meat grading
system — Requirements — Part 1: Beef
(2nd Edition)
476. US ISO 927:1982, Spices and
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for a
condiments - Determination of
grading system of whole cattle carcasses which are fit
extraneous matter content
for human consumption at the abattoir. It applies to
all categories of cattle. (This second edition cancels This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
and replaces the first edition, US 922:2011, Meat determination of extraneous matter in spices and
grading system — Requirements — Part 1: Beef, condiments.
which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
This standard was published on 2019-12-10.
477. US ISO 928:1997, Spices and
474. US EAS 923:2019, Instant tea — condiments — Determination of total
Specification ash

81 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the of production to the place of consumption and during
determination of total ash from spices and maritime transport.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
481. US 932:2019, Bovine carcasses
478. US ISO 930:1997, Spices and and cuts — Specification (2nd Edition)
condiments — Determination of acid-
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
insoluble ash
sampling and test methods for bovine (beef)
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the carcasses and cuts meant for human consumption.
determination of acid-insoluble ash from spices and (This second edition cancels and replaces the first
condiments edition, US 932:2012, Bovine (beef) carcasses and
cuts — Specification, which has been technically
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.


This standard was published on 2019-12-10.

479. US 931:2019, Minced meat —

Specification (2nd Edition)
482. US ISO 936:1998, Meat and meat
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
products — Determination of total ash
sampling and test methods for minced meat intended
for use as food or as an ingredient in foods. (This This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, determination of the total ash from all kinds of meat
US 931:2012, Minced meat — Specification, which and meat products, including poultry.
has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
This standard was published on 2019-12-10.
483. US ISO 937:1978, Meat and meat
480. US ISO 931:1980, Green bananas products — Determination of nitrogen
– Guide to storage and transport content (Reference method)

This Uganda Standard describes conditions for the This Uganda Standard specifies a reference method
successful keeping, with or without artificial cooling, for the determination of the nitrogen content of meat
of green bananas, Musa sp., in the preclimacteric and meat products.
phase during storage before transport from the place

82 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.


484. US ISO 939:1980, Spices and 487. US ISO 948:1980, Spices and
condiments — Determination of condiments — Sampling
moisture content - Entrainment
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
sampling Spices and condiments
This Uganda Standard specifies an entrainment
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
method for the determination of the moisture content
of spices and condiments

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.

488. US ISO 949:1987, Cauliflower –
Guide to cold storage and refrigerated
485. US ISO 941:1980, Spices and
This Uganda Standard describes methods for
condiments — Determination of cold
obtaining conditions for the successful cold storage
water soluble extract
and long-distance refrigerated transport of
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the cauliflowers of various varieties derived from
determination of cold water-soluble extract in spices Brassica oleracea Linnaeus var. botrytis Linnaeus
and condiments. subvar. cauliflora A.P. Decandolle, intended either
for direct consumption or for industrial processing.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
486. US EAS 948:2019, Fruits juices
and nectars — Specification (1st 489. US 952:2013, Amaranth grain —
Edition) Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
sampling and test methods for fruit juices, nectars methods of sampling and test for whole grains
and fruit puree and concentrated fruit puree intended obtained from Amaranthus caudutus, A.
for direct human consumption or for further hypochondaricus and A. cruentus intended for human
processing. (This standard cancels and replaces US consumption.
818:2019, Fruit juices and nectars –
This standard was published on 2013-06-25.
Specification/Amend. 1 2012-11-29).

83 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 493. US ISO 972:1997, Chillies and
capsicums, whole or ground (powdered)
490. US 953:2013, Amaranth flour —
– Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
chillies and capsicums in the whole or ground
methods of sampling and test for flour prepared from
(powdered) form. It does not apply to “chili powder”
dried amaranth grain (Amaranthus caudutus, A.
and paprika
hypochondaricus, A. cruentus) intended for human
consumption. This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

This standard was published on 2013-06-25. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 494. US ISO 973:1999, Pimento

(allspice) [Pimenta dioica (L.) Merr.],
491. US ISO 959-1:1998, Pepper
whole or ground – Specification
(Piper nigrum L.), whole or ground —
Specification —Part 1: Black pepper This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
pimento or allspice [Pimentadioica (L.) Merr.], whole
This Uganda Standard part specifies requirements for
or ground.
black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), whole or ground.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
495. US EAS 973:2019, Compounded
492. US ISO 959-2:1998, Pepper
fish feeds — Specification
(Piper nigrum L.), whole or ground –
Specification – Part 2: White pepper This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
method of sampling and test for compounded fish
This part of Uganda Standard specifies requirements
feeds used in aquaculture. It applies to tilapia and
for white pepper (Piper nigrum L.), whole or ground,
catfish feeds. (This standard cancels and replaces US
at the following commercial stages: a) semi-
814:2009, Fish feeds – Specification, which has been
processed (SP); b) processed (P). It is not applicable
technically revised).
to white pepper categories called "light".
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
496. US EAS 974:2019, Compounded
dairy goat feeds — Specification

84 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies supplementary This Uganda Standard applies to fruits of commercial
feeding requirements, methods of sampling and test varieties (cultivars) of apples grown from Malus
for compounded dairy goat feeds. domestica Borkh, of the Rosaceae family, to be
supplied fresh to the consumer, after preparation and
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
packaging. Apples for industrial processing are

This standard was published on 2014-10-15.

497. US 979:2013, Breakfast cereals
— Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and

501. US 997:2014, Cooking banana
methods of sampling and test for breakfast cereals
(matooke) — Specification
intended for human consumption.
This Uganda standard specifies requirements for
This standard was published on 2013-06-25.
cooking banana (matooke) grown from Musa spp.
(AAA-EAH) and of family Musaceae to be supplied
raw to the consumer.
498. US 980:2013, Herbal tea –
This standard was published on 2014-10-15.


This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of sampling and test of herbal tea.
502. US 998:2014, Plantain (gonja) —
This standard was published on 2013-12-17.

This Uganda standard specifies requirements for

plantain (gonja) (AAB genome) banana grown from
499. US 983:2015, Banana (matooke) Musa spp. (AAA-B) and of family Musaceae.
flour – Specification
This standard was published on 2014-10-15.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of sampling and test for banana (matooke)
503. US 999:2013, Fresh chilli
pepper— Specification
This standard was published on 2015-12-15.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for

fresh chili peppers of varieties grown from Capsicum
500. US 985:2014, Apple — species to be supplied fresh to the consumer. This

85 | P a g e
standard does not cover requirements for chili pepper 507. US ISO 1208:1982, Spices and
for industrial processing. condiments — Determination of filth

This standard was published on 2013-07-31. This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
quantitative determination of filth in spices and

504. US ISO 1108, Spices and

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
condiments — Determination of non-
volatile ether extract STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the 508. US ISO 1211:2010, Milk –
determination of the non-volatile ether extract in Determination of fat content –
spices and condiments. Gravimetic method (Reference method)

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04. This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
for the determination of the fat content of milk of
good physicochemical quality. The method is
applicable to raw cow milk, raw sheep milk, raw goat
505. US ISO 1114:1977, Cocoa beans
milk, reduced fat milk, skimmed milk, chemically
– Cut test
preserved milk, and processed liquid milk.
This Uganda Standard specifies the “cut test” for
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
cocoa beans.


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

509. US ISO 1212:1995, Apples – Cold

506. US ISO 1134:1993, Pears – Cold
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on conditions
for the successful cold storage of apples (Malus
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on conditions communis L.).
for the successful cold storage of varieties of pears
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
(Pyrus communis Linnaeus) up to their use in the
fresh state.

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

510. US ISO 1237:1981, Mustard seed
– Specification

86 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for 514. US 1502:2013, Fresh Bermuda
mustard seed. onions — Specification

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
onions of varieties (cultivars) of Bermuda-Granex-
Grano grown from Allium cepa L. to be supplied to
the consumer in the natural state. This standard does
511. US ISO 1442:1997, Meat and
not specify requirements for Bermuda onions for
meat products — Determination of
industrial processing.
moisture content (Reference method)

This standard was published on 2013-06-25.

This Uganda Standard specifies a reference method
for the determination of the moisture content of meat
and meat products.
515. US 1503:2013, Fresh common
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
green onions — Specification


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
fresh common green onions of varieties (cultivars)
512. US ISO 1443:1973, Meat and
grown from Allium fistulosum, Allium ascalonicum,
meat products — Determination of
Allium chinense and other non-bulbing onion
total fat content
cultivars to be supplied fresh to the consumer. This
This Uganda Standard specifies a reference method standard does not specify requirements for green
for the determination of the total fat content of meat onions for industrial processing.
and meat Products
This standard was published on 2013-06-25.
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
516. US 1504:2013, Fresh Creole
513. US ISO 1444:1996, Meat and onions — Specification
meat products — Determination of free
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
fat content
Creole onions of varieties (cultivars) grown from
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the Allium cepa L. to be supplied to the consumer in the
determination of the free fat content of meat and meat natural state. This standard does not specify
products by means of extraction. requirements for Creole onions for industrial
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
This standard was published on 2013-06-25.

87 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of sampling and test for soya beverage.
517. US 1534:2014, Liqueur —
Specification This standard was published on 2015-12-15.

This Uganda standard specifies requirements and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
methods of sampling and test for spirit-based
521. US 1548: 2019 Raw goat milk —
Specification (2nd Edition)
This standard was published on 2014-10-15.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 sampling and test methods for raw goat milk. (This
second edition cancels and replaces the first edition
518. US 1536:2013, Code of practice
(US 1548:2013,), which has been technically revised)
for prevention and reduction of
Ochratoxin A in Coffee This standard was published on 2019-12-10.

This Uganda Standard specifies practices for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
prevention and reduction of Ochratoxin A in Coffee
522. US 1558:2015, Food grain snacks
(intended for human consumption) during production,
processing, storage, and transportation – Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and

This standard was published on 2013-07-31.
methods of sampling and test for food grain snacks.
This standard was published on 2015-12-15.
519. US 1541:2013, Chocolate and
chocolate products – Specification

523. US ISO 1572:1980, Tea —

The Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
Preparation of ground sample of known
methods of sampling and test for chocolate and
chocolate products intended for human consumption. dry matter content

This standard does not apply to products in which

This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
chocolate is used as an enhancer.
preparing dry samples of tea and of determining its
dry matter content for use in analytical
This standard was published on 2013-12-17.
determinations which require the results to be
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 expressed on dry weight basis. (This standard cancels
and replaces US 294:2002/ISO 1572, Tea –
520. US 1545:2015, Soya beverage –
Preparation of ground sample of known dry matter
content, which has been renumbered).

88 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. Determination of water-soluble ash and water-
insoluble ash, which has been renumbered).
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.


524. US ISO 1573:1980, Tea —
Determination of loss in mass at 103 °C 527. US 1576:2015, Biofertilizer –
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determination of loss in mass when tea is heated at This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
103 C. (This standard cancels and replaces US methods of sampling and test for biofertilizers. This
295:2002/ISO 1573, Tea – Determination of loss in standard does not cover requirements for
mass at 103 °C, which has been renumbered). conventional chemical fertilizers.

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. This standard was published on 2015-06-30..


525. US ISO 1575:1987, Tea — 528. US 1577:2015, Biopesticide –

Determination of total ash Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
determination of total ash from tea. (This standard methods of sampling and test for biopesticides. This
cancels and replaces US 297:2002/ISO 1575, Tea – standard does not cover requirements for
Determination of total ash, which has been conventional chemical pesticides and Plant
renumbered). Incorporated Protectants

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. This standard was published on 2015-06-30..


526. US ISO 1576:1988, Tea — 529. US ISO 1577:1987, Tea —

Determination of water-soluble ash and Determination of acid-insoluble ash
water-insoluble ash
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for determination of acid-insoluble ash from tea. (This
determination of water- soluble ash and water- standard cancels and replaces US 299:2002/ISO
insoluble ash of tea. (This standard cancels and 1577, Tea – Determination of acid-insoluble ash,
replaces US 298:2002/ISO 1576, Tea – which has been renumbered).

89 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. 533. US 1599:2015, Pastry –
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
530. US 1584:2017, Organic fertilizer
methods of sampling and test for pastries.
— Specification
This standard was published on 2015-12-15.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for organic fertilizers. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

This standard was published on 2017-06-20. 534. US 1600:2015, Dairy whitener –

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
531. US 1597:2017, Flavoured milk —
methods of sampling and test for dairy whitener
Specification (2nd Edition) (sweetened partially skimmed milk powder).

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and

This standard was published on 2015-06-30.
methods of sampling and test for flavoured milk from
cow, goat, camel, buffalo, or sheep milk. This STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
standards does not apply to raw flavoured milk. (This
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 535. US 1603: 2016, Chia seed —
1597:2015, Flavoured UHT milk — Specification,
which has been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for chia seed (Salvia
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
hispanica L.) for human consumption. This standard
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000 does not apply to chia seed as a planting material.

532. US 1598:2015, Alcoholic This standard was published on 2016-12-13.

beverages —Ready to Drink (RTD) —

536. US 1612:2015, Fresh mushroom –

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
method of sampling and test for Ready to Drink
spirit-based alcoholic beverages (RTD).
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
carpophores (fruiting bodies) of strains grown from
This standard was published on 2015-06-30.
the genus Agaricus (syn. Psalliota) to be supplied
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 fresh to the consumer. This standard does not apply
to mushrooms for industrial processing.

90 | P a g e
This standard was published on 2015-06-30. This standard was published on 2015-06-30.


537. US 1613:2015, Fresh papaya – 540. US 1616:2015, Fresh headed

Specification cabbage – Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
commercial varieties of papayas grown from Carica headed cabbages of varieties (cultivars) grown from
papaya L., of the Caricaceae family, to be supplied Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. (including red
fresh to the consumer. This standard does not apply cabbages and pointed cabbages) and from Brassica
to papayas for industrial processing. oleracea L. var. bullata DC. and var. sabauda L.
(savoy cabbages) to be supplied fresh to the
This standard was published on 2015-06-30. consumer. This standard does not apply to headed
cabbages for industrial processing.

This standard was published on 2015-06-30.

538. US 1614:2015, Fresh orange –

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for

541. US 1618:2015, Fresh water melon
commercial varieties (cultivars) of oranges grown
– Specification
from Citrus Sinensis (L.) Osbeck (sweet oranges) and
Citrus Aurantium. L. (sour oranges) of the Rutaceae This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer. This watermelons of varieties (cultivars) grown from
standard does not apply to oranges for industrial Citrullus lanatus (Thunberg), Matsumara & Nakai
processing. (also called C. vulgaris) to be supplied fresh to the
consumer. This standard does not apply to
This standard was published on 2015-06-30. watermelons for industrial processing.


This standard was published on 2015-06-30.

539. US 1615:2015, Fresh jackfruit –

542. US 1619:2015, Fresh tangerine
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
jackfruit grown from Artocarpus heterophyllus This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
Lamarck of the family Moraceae, to be supplied tangerines (Citrus tangerina hort. ex Tanaka) grown
fresh to the consumer. This standard does not apply to be supplied fresh in the export and local markets.
to jackfruit for industrial processing. This standard does not apply to tangerine for
industrial processing.

91 | P a g e
This standard was published on 2015-06-30. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 546. US 1636:2016, Shea nut –

543. US 1620:2015, Fresh lemon –
Specification This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for shea nut/kernel
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
originating from fruits of the tree Vitellaria paradoxa
lemons of varieties (cultivars) grown from the species
cf Gaertn of the family Sapotaceae which is
Citrus limon (L.) Burm. F. to be supplied fresh in the
processed into fat/oil and other products destined for
export and local markets. This standard is also
human use.
applicable to Citron, Citrus medica Linn. This
standard does not apply to lemons for industrial This standard was published on 2016-06-28.
This standard was published on 2015-06-30.
547. US 1635 2016, Shea butter –
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 Specification

544. US 1621:2015, Fresh grapes – This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

Specification sampling and test methods for shea butter Vitellaria
paradoxa derived from the kernels of the nut of
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
Vitellaria paradoxa.
grapes of varieties (cultivars) grown from Vitis
vinifera L. to be supplied fresh to the consumer. This This standard was published on 2016-06-28.
standard does not apply to fresh grapes for industrial

548. US 1648:2016, Warehouse and

This standard was published on 2015-06-30.
warehousing for bagged storage for
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 cereals and pulses – Requirements

545. US 1628:2016, Sesame – This Uganda Standard covers the location, structural,
Specification facility, safety and management requirements for a
warehouse storing bagged cereals and pulses.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for sesame (Sesamun This standard was published on 2016-06-28.
indicum.L.) for human consumption.
This standard was published on 2016-06-28.

92 | P a g e
549. US 1653:2017, Dairy based STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000
beverages — Specification
553. US ISO 1666:1996, Starch —
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, Determination of moisture content —
sampling and test methods for dairy based beverages. Oven-drying method

This standard was published on 2017-06-20. This standard specifies a method for the
determination of the moisture content of starch using
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000 oven- drying at 130 °C under atmospheric pressure.
The method is applicable to native or modified starch
550. US 1659:2017, Materials in
in the dry form. In special circumstances, for example
contact with food — Requirements for
if the starch contains substances which are unstable at
packaging materials
130 °C, the method is not applicable.
This Uganda Standard provides the general
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
requirements of packaging items for food contact and
their subsequent use.

This standard was published on 2017-06-20.

554. US 1675:2017, Determination of
overall migration of constituents of
plastic materials and articles intended
551. US 1660:2017, Inorganic foliar to come into contact with food stuffs —
fertilizer — Specification Methods of analysis

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, This Uganda Standard prescribes the methods of
sampling and test methods for inorganic foliar analysis for determination of overall migration of
fertilizers. constituents of single or multi-layered heat-sealable
films, single homogenous non-sealable films,
This standard was published on 2017-06-20. finished containers and closures for sealing as lids, in
the finished form, preformed or converted form.

This standard was published on 2017-06-20.

552. US.1661:2017, Magnesium
sulphate fertilizer — Specification STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, 555. US 1676:2017, Pulse flour —

sampling and test methods for magnesium sulphate Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This standard was published on 2017-06-20. sampling and test methods for pulse flour for human

93 | P a g e
consumption. This standard does not apply to soy STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
bean flour for which standards exist.
559. US 1683:2017, Egg powder —
This standard was published on 2017-06-20. Specification

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for egg powder obtained
556. US 1677:2017, Poultry feed
from poultry eggs. This includes all egg powder
premix — Specification processed from edible birds’ eggs domesticated for
human consumption.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for compounded poultry
This standard was published on 2017-06-20.
feed premixes used as a sole source of vitamins and
trace elements for poultry. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

This standard was published on 2017-06-20. 560. US 1684:2017, Plant protein-

based yoghurt (vegetable curd) —
Specification/Amendement 1:2018

557. US 1678:2017, Dairy cattle feed

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
premix — Specification sampling and test methods for plant protein-based
yoghurt obtained from protein isolates.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
sampling for compounded dairy cattle feed premixes
This standard was published on 2017-06-20.
used in animal feeds as a sole source of vitamins and
trace elements for dairy cattle. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

This standard was published on 2017-06-20. 561. US 1698:2017, Caprine (goat)

meat — Carcasses and cuts —

558. US 1682:2017, Edible eggs in This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
shell — Specification
sampling and test methods for raw caprine (goat)
meat carcasses and cuts fit for the food industry and
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
human consumption.
sampling and test methods for edible eggs-in-shell fit
for human consumption and for use in the food
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
and/or non-food industries and may be from any
poultry domesticated. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000

This standard was published on 2017-06-20.

94 | P a g e
562. US 1699:2017, Porcine (pig) meat 565. US 1704:2017, Raw cashew nuts
— Carcasses and cuts — Specification — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for raw porcine (pig) meat sampling and test methods for cashew nuts obtained
cuts and carcasses fit for the food industries and from cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale
human consumption. Linnaeus).

This standard was published on 2017-12-12 This standard was published on 2017-06-20.


563. US 1702:2017, Raw macadamia 566. US 1705:2017, Roasted cashew

nuts – Specification nuts — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for macadamia nuts of sampling and test methods for roasted cashew nuts.
varieties grown from Macadamia integrifolia,
This standard was published on 2017-06-20.
Macadamia tetraphylla, Macadamia ternifolia
(Maiden & E.Betche), and their hybrids, intended for
human consumption.
567. US 1712:2017, Dried insect
This standard was published on 2017-06-20.
products for compounding animal feeds
— Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

564. US 1703:2017, Roasted
sampling and test methods for dried insect products
macadamia nuts — Specification
for compounding animal feeds.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for roasted macadamia This standard was published on 2017-06-20.

nuts of varieties grown from Macadamia integrifolia,

Macadamia tetraphylla, Macadamia ternifolia
(Maiden & E. Betche), and their hybrids, intended for 568. US 1723: 2017, Sucralose —
human consumption. Specification

This standard was published on 2017-06-20. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for food grade sucralose.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.

95 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000 571. US ISO 1738:2004, Butter –
Determination of salt content
569. US ISO 1736:2008, Dried milk
and dried milk products – This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
Determination of fat content – determination of the salt content of butter. The
Gravimetic method (Reference method) method is applicable to all types of butter containing
more than 0.1 % (mass fraction) of salt. (This
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
standard cancels and replaces US EAS 80-4:2006,
for the determination of the fat content of dried milk
Butter ─ Methods of chemical analysis ─ Part 4:
and dried milk products. (This standard cancels and
Determination of salt content which has been
replaces US EAS 81-3:2006, Milk powders ─
republished on).
Methods of analysis ─ Part 3: Determination of fat
content ─ Gravimetric method (Reference method) This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
which has been revised and republished on).
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
572. US ISO 1739:2006, Butter –
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 Determination of the refractive index of
the fat (Reference method)
570. US ISO 1737:2008, Evaporated
milk and sweetened condensed milk — This Uganda Standard specifies a reference method
Determination of fat content — for the determination of the refractive index of the fat
Gravimetric method (Reference obtained by melting butter. (This standard cancels
method) and replaces US EAS 80-5:2006, Butter ─ Methods
of chemical analysis ─ Part 5: Determination of the
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
refractive index of the fat (Reference method) which
for the determination of the fat content of all types of
has been republished on).
evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk
(liquid sweetened and unsweetened concentrated This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
milk). (This standard cancels and replaces US ISO
1737:1999 Evaporated milk and sweetened
condensed milk — Determination of fat content —
573. US ISO 1740:2004, Milk fat
Gravimetric method (Reference method) which has
products and butter – Determination of
been revised).
fat acidity (Reference method)

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the acidity of the fat contained in
milk fat products and in butter. (This standard
cancels and replaces US EAS 80-6:2006, Butter ─

96 | P a g e
Methods of chemical analysis ─ Part 6: This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
Determination of fat acidity (Reference method)
which has been republished on). STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

577. US 1800:2019, Dry roasted silver

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
cyprinid (Mukene) — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
574. US ISO 1743:1982, Glucose syrup sampling and test methods for dry roasted silver
– Determination of dry matter – cyprinid (Mukene) of the species Rastrineobola
Refractive index method argentea, intended for human consumption.

This Uganda Standard specifies a refractive index This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
method for determination of dry matter on an
undiluted product, at a specified temperature; STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

calculation of the wanted content by means of tables

578. US 1801:2019, Dried fish maws
showing the index as a function of composition,
— Specification
concentration and temperature. The method is also
applicable to syrup containing fructose. This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for dried fish maws
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
processed from the air bladder of fish.


This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

575. US ISO 1750:1981, Pesticides and

other agrochemicals — Common names
579. US 1802:2017, Code of practice
This Uganda Standard lists approved common names
for establishment and operation of cage
for certain pest control chemicals and plant growth
fish farming
This Uganda Standard specifies guidelines for
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
establishment and operation of cage fish farming and
aquaculture parks.

This standard was published on 2017-12-12.

576. US 1778:2017, Sugarcane juice —
Specification/Amendment 1:2019

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements

580. US 1810:2019, Beeswax —
sampling and test methods for sugarcane juice
intended for direct human consumption.

97 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for crude and refined sampling and test methods for rice flour from Oryza
beeswax. sativa L for human consumption.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26. This standard was published on 2019-3-26.


581. US ISO 1839:1980, Tea — 584. US 1852:2019, Instant cereal

Sampling composite flour — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies methods for This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling of tea. It applies to sampling of tea in sampling and test methods for instant cereal
containers of all sizes. (This standard cancels and composite flour intended for human consumption.
replaces US 293:2002/ISO 1839, Tea – Sampling,
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
which has been renumbered).


This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

585. US 1853:2019, Pre-cooked

dehydrated pulse products —
582. US ISO 1842:1991, Fruit and Specification
vegetable products — Determination of
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for pre-cooked dehydrated
This Uganda Standard specifies a potentiometric pulse products for human consumption.
method of measuring the pH of fruit and vegetable
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
products. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US 287:2000/EAS 41-4, Fruit and vegetable
products — Determination of pH, which has been
republished on.) 586. US 1866:2020, Edible collagen
sausage casings — Specification
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
This Uganda Standard specifies the
recommendations, requirements, test and sampling
methods for Edible natural casings used in sausage
583. US 1851:2019, Rice flour —
production fit for the food industries and human

This standard was published on 2020-06-16

98 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 590. US 1925:2019, Food grade
saccharin — Specification
587. US ISO 1871:2009, Food and feed
products — General guidelines for the This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
determination of nitrogen by the sampling and test methods for food grade saccharin.
Kjeldahl method
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
This Uganda Standard provides general guidelines for
the determination of nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000

It applies to food and feed products containing

591. US 1926: 2019, Food grade
nitrogenous compounds that can be directly
aspartame — Specification
determined by the Kjeldahl method. (This standard
cancels and replaces US 343:2001/ISO 1871:1975, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
Agricultural food products – General directions for sampling and test methods for food grade aspartame.
the determination of nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method,
which has been renumbered and revised). This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 592. US 1930:2019, Dried meat —

588. US 1902: 2017, Baker’s yeast —
Specification This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for dried meat.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for baker’s yeast. This standard was published on 2019-12-10.

This standard was published on 2017-12-12. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 593. US ISO 1955:1982, Citrus fruits

and derived products — Determination
589. US 1923:2020, Cakes — of essential oils content
Specification (Reference method)

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
sampling and test methods for cakes for human for the determination of the total essential oils content
consumption. of citrus fruits and their derived products.

This standard was published on 2020-06-16 This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.



99 | P a g e
594. US 1957: 2019, Green coffee This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
beans — Specification sampling and test methods for whipping cream,
intended for direct human consumption or further
This Uganda standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for wet and dry processed
green coffee beans intended for human consumption. This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
This standard applies to both Arabica (Coffea Arabia
Linn), Robusta (Coffee canephora) coffee beans and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

Liberia (Coffea liberica). [This standard cancels and

598. US 2022:2019, Vegetable and nut
replaces US EAS 130:1999, Green coffee beans –
spread — Specification
Specification that has been technically revised].
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
sampling and test methods for vegetable and nut
spread for human consumption.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

595. US 1967:2019, Sesame paste —

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

599. US 2026:2019, Pasteurized goat
sampling and test methods for sesame paste, also
milk — Specification
known as Tehena, for human consumption.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
sampling and test methods for pasteurized goat milk.


This standard was published on 2019-12-10.

596. US 1980: 2019, Unsweetened

condensed milk — Specification
600. US 2027:2019, Edible offals —
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for unsweetened
condensed milks, intended for direct consumption or This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
further processing. sampling and test methods for edible offals for
human consumption from the cattle, buffalo, sheep,
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
goats, deer, horses, pigs, ratites, camelids and

This standard was published on 2019-12-10.

597. US 1987: 2019, Whipping cream
— Specification

100 | P a g e
601. US 2028:2019, Rabbit meat STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
(carcasses and cuts) — Specification
605. US 2037: 2019, Kombucha drink
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, — Specification
sampling and test methods for rabbit meat (carcasses
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements
and cuts) meant for human consumption.
sampling and test methods for Kombucha drink.
This standard was published on 2019-12-10.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
602. US 2029:2019, Edible sugarcane
606. US 2038:2019, Blended fertilizer
— Specification
— Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for edible sugarcane for
sampling and test methods for blended fertilizers (or
direct human consumption.
physical mixtures of fertilizers) intended for use as
This standard was published on 2019-12-10. fertilizers.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

603. US 2035: 2019, Steviol glycosides STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

— Specification
607. US 2078:2019, Organic-inorganic
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, compound fertilizer — Specification
sampling and test methods for steviol glycosides
This Uganda standard specifies the requirements,
from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni intended for human
sampling and test methods of organic-inorganic
compound fertilizer.
This standard was published on 2019-12-10.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
604. US 2036: 2019, Food grade
608. US 2081:2019, Compound
nitrogen — Specification
microbial fertilizer — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
sampling and test methods for food grade nitrogen.
sampling and test methods for compound microbial
This standard was published on 2019-12-10. fertilizers.

101 | P a g e
This standard was published on 2019-3-26. Water by High-Resolution Alpha-
Liquid-Scintillation Spectrometry
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for the
609. US 2087: 2019, Standard Test
determination of total soluble uranium activity in
Method for Purgeable Organic
drinking water in the range of 0.037 Bq/l (1 pCi/l) or
Compounds in Water Using Headspace
greater by selective solvent extraction and high-
Sampling resolution alpha-liquid-scintillation spectrometry.

This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for the

This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
determination of most purgeable organic compounds
that boil below 200 °C and are less than 2 % soluble STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
in drinking water.
612. US 2092:2019, Vegetable juice —
This standard was published on 2019-3-26. Specification

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

sampling and test methods for vegetable juices. It
610. US 2088: 2019, Standard Test
does not apply to vegetable juices for which specific
Methods for Filterable Matter (Total standards exist. (This standard cancels and replaces
Dissolved Solids) and Nonfilterable
US CODEX STAN 179:1991 General standard for
Matter (Total Suspended Solids) in
vegetable juices, which has been withdrawn).
This standard was published on 2019-12-10.
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for the
determination of filterable matter, total dissolved STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000
solids (TDS), and nonfilterable matter, total
613. US 2122:2020, Ovine (lamb) meat
suspended solids (TSS), in drinking, surface, and
saline waters, domestic and industrial wastes. The cuts and carcasses — Specification

practical range of the determination of nonfilterable

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, test
particulate matter (TSS) is 4 to 20 000 mg/l. The
and sampling methods for raw lamb meat fit for
practical range of the determination of filterable
human consumption and for use in the food
matter (TDS) is 10 mg/l to 150 000 µg/g.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

This standard was published on 2020-06-16



611. US 2089: 2019, Standard Test

614. US 2123:2019, Full fat groundnut
Method for Uranium in Drinking
flour – Specification

102 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
methods of sampling and testing for full fat
groundnut flour suitable for human consumption. 618. US 2132:2019, Cider and perry
— Specification
This standard was published on 2019-12-10.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 sampling and test methods for cider and perry for
human consumption.
615. US 2124:2019, Code of practice
for handling sesame seed This standard was published on 2019-12-10.

This Uganda Standard provides guidance for all STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000
interested parties involved in the cultivation,
619. US 2135:2019, Chicken feet –
processing and handling of sesame seeds. It
recommends practices that are to be observed in order Specification

to obtain quality sesame seed intended for human

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for chicken feet including
paws fit for food industries and human consumption.
This standard was published on 2019-12-10.

This standard was published on 2019-12-10.



616. US 2125:2019, Full fat sesame
flour – Specification
620. US 2143:2019, Banana alcoholic
beverage (Tonto) — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
methods of sampling and testing for full fat sesame
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
flour suitable for human consumption.
sampling and test methods for banana alcoholic
beverage (Tonto).
This standard was published on 2019-12-10.

This standard was published on 2019-12-10.



617. US 2127:2019, Food grade gelatin
— Specification
621. US 2146:2020, Edible insects —
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for food grade gelatin,
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
also known as edible gelatin.
sampling and test methods for edible insects intended
for human consumption.
This standard was published on 2019-12-10.

103 | P a g e
This standard was published on 2020-06-16 This Uganda Standard describes methods for
obtaining conditions for the successful keeping, with
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 or without artificial cooling, of potatoes of the
species Solanum tuberosum Linnaeus intended for
622. US 2149:2020, Food seasoning
consumption, either directly or after industrial
mixtures — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
sampling and test methods for food seasoning

This standard was published on 2020-06-16

626. US ISO 2166:1981, Carrots —
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 Guide to storage

623. US 2156:2020, Live animals’ This Uganda Standard describes methods for
grades — Specification obtaining conditions for the successful conservation,
with or without artificial cooling, of carrots of
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and varieties of Daucus carota Linnaeus.
grading of live animals for cattle, goat and sheep
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
for the purpose of slaughtering.


This standard was published on 2020-06-16

627. US ISO 2167:1991, Round-

headed cabbage – Guide to cold storage
624. US ISO 2164:1975, Pulses -- and refrigerated transport
Determination of glycosidic
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the
hydrocyanic acid
operations to be carried out before and the conditions
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for to be met during the cold storage and refrigerated
determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic acid in transport of round-headed cabbages (Brassica
pulses. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the oleracea L. var. capitata L., and Brassica oleracea L.
International Standard ISO 2164:1975) var. sabauda L.), for maintaining quality and
avoiding deterioration. This Standard is applicable to
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20. round-headed cabbages intended for human

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

625. US ISO 2165:1974, Ware
Potatoes — Guide to storage STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

104 | P a g e
628. US ISO 2168:1974, Table grapes Determination of ash yield by
– Guide to cold storage incineration

This Uganda Standard describes methods for This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
obtaining conditions for the more or less prolonged determining the ash yielded by cereals, pulses and
keeping, by cold storage, of certain varieties of table their milled products intended for human
grape, originating from Vitis vinifera Linnaeus. consumption.( This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US 350:2001, Cereals and milled cereal
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
products - Determination of total ash which has been
technically revised.)

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

629. US ISO 2169:1981, Fruits and
vegetables – Physical conditions in cold
stores – Definitions and measurements
632. US ISO 2172:1983, Fruit juice —
This Uganda Standard gives definitions of the
Determination of soluble solids content
physical factors usually employed in the industrial
— Pyknometric method
cold storage of fruits and vegetables (temperature,
relative humidity, air-circulation ratio, rate of air This Uganda Standard specifies a pyknometric
change, etc.), and provides useful information method for the determination of the soluble solids
concerning their measurement. content of fruit juice.

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.


630. US 2170:2020, Pasteurized liquid 633. US ISO 2173:2003, Fruit and

eggs — Specification vegetable products — Determination of
soluble solids — Refractometric method
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for pasteurized liquid eggs This Uganda Standard specifies a refractometric
obtained from domesticated birds for human method for the determination of the soluble solids in
consumption. fruit and vegetable products.

This standard was published on 2020-06-16 This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.


631. US ISO 2171:2007, Cereals, 634. US ISO 2199:1972, Sodium

pulses and by-products -- hydrogen carbonate for industrial use

105 | P a g e
— Determination of sodium hydrogen 636. US ISO 2256:1984, Dried mint
carbonate content — Titrimetric (spearmint) (Mentha spicata Linnaeus
method syn. Mentha viridis Linnaeus) —
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the sodium hydrogen carbonate This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
content of sodium hydrogen carbonate for industrial leaves of dried mint (spearmint) in whole, broken or
use. rubbed form

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.


635. US 2241:2020, Climate action 637. US ISO 2291:1980, Cocoa beans

market incentives for agro- – Determination of moisture content
industrialisation — Compliance (routine method
This Uganda Standard specifies a routine method for
This Uganda Standard provides for quality control of the determination of the moisture content of cocoa
products & processes along the entire Ecosystem- beans
based adaptation (EBA)-Driven Agriculture & Clean
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
Energy powered value addition chain. This guideline
provides information on the classes of standards to
enforce in a cascade towards incentivising the clean
energy powered agro-industrialisation. The 638. US ISO 2292, Cocoa beans –
requirements cover four levels of compliance that Sampling
include use of nature based EBA approaches for on-
farm production (which also covers for organic); use This Uganda Standard specifies general conditions

of clean energy for various levels of value addition at relating to sampling for the assessment of the quality

both on-farm (e.g. solar powered irrigation) & off- of cocoa beans. It relates to the sampling of cocoa

farm; use of Information & Communication beans packed in sacks as specified by US ISO 2451,

Technology (ICT) to effect various linkages to but it also gives the procedure to be followed for

markets & supply chains; services including finance, sampling cocoa beans in bulk.

advisory & compliance

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

This standard was published on 2020-06-16

639. US ISO 2446:2008, Milk –
Determination of fat content

106 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the Gerber method 642. US ISO 2451:1973, Cocoa beans
for the determination of the fat content of milk and — Specification
includes guidance on the determination of the
This Uganda specifies requirements for cocoa beans.
appropriate capacity of the milk pipette and on the
Recommendations relating to storage and
determination of the corrections to apply to the
disinfestation are given as a guide.
results if the milk is not of average fat content. The
method is applicable to liquid milk, whole or partially
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
skimmed, raw or pasteurized. (This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces US EAS 164:2006, Milk – STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
Determination of fat content (Routine method), which
has been technically revised and republished on). 643. US ISO 2460:1973, Sodium
hydrogen carbonate for industrial use
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17. — Determination of iron content —
1,10-phenanthroline photometric

640. US ISO 2447:1998, Fruit and

This Uganda Standard specifies a 1,10-
vegetable Products — Determination of
phenanthroline photometric method for the
tin content
determination of the iron content of sodium hydrogen
carbonate for industrial use.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the tin content in fruit and vegetable
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
This standard was adopted on 2011-06-21
644. US ISO 2479:1972, Sodium
chloride for industrial use —
Determination of matter insoluble in
641. US ISO 2448:1998, Fruit and
water or in acid and preparation of
vegetable products — Determination of
principal solutions for other
ethanol content
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
chemical determination of ethanol in fruit and
determining insoluble matter in sodium chloride for
vegetable products.
industrial use. It also describes the preparation of
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22. principal solutions for other determinations.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.


107 | P a g e
645. US ISO 2480:1972, Sodium This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
chloride for industrial use —
Determination of sulphate content –
Barium sulphate gravimetric method
648. US ISO 2483:1973, Sodium
chloride for industrial use —
This Uganda Standard specifies a gravimetric method
Determination of the loss of mass at 110
for the determination of sulphate content of sodium
chloride for industrial use. C

This Uganda standard specifies a method for the

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
determination of the loss of mass at 110C
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 (conventional moisture) of sodium chloride.

646. US ISO 2481:1973, Sodium This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

chloride for industrial use —
Determination of halogens, expressed as
chlorine – Mercurimetric method
649. US ISO 2825:1981, Spices and
condiments — Preparation of a ground
This Uganda Standard specifies a mercurimetric
method for the determination of halogens expressed sample for analysis

as chlorine, in sodium chloride. (This standard

This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
cancels and replaces US 106:1999/ISO 2481, Sodium
preparing a ground sample of spice or condiment for
chloride for industrial use – Determination of
analysis, from a laboratory sample obtained by the
halogens expressed as chlorine, which has been
method specified in ISO 948.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
650. US ISO 2826:1974, Apricots –
647. US ISO 2482:1973, Sodium
Guide to cold storage
chloride for industrial use —
Determination of calcium and This Uganda Standard describes methods for
magnesium contents — EDTA obtaining conditions for the more or less prolonged
complexometric methods keeping of apricots by means of cold storage.

This Uganda Standard specifies complexometric This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
methods for determining the calcium and magnesium
contents in sodium chloride. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

108 | P a g e
651. US ISO 2911:2004, Sweetened This method is applicable to cereal grains, in
condensed milk – Determination of particular to wheat and rye and their flours, durum
sucrose content – Polarimetric method wheat and its semolina.

This Uganda Standard specifies a polarimetric This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
method for the determination of sucrose in sweetened
condensed milk. The method is applicable to
sweetened condensed milk of normal composition
654. US ISO 3356:2009, Milk –
prepared from whole, partially skimmed or skimmed
Determination of alkaline phosphatase
milk and sucrose only and containing no altered
sucrose. This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of alkaline phosphatase activity in milk
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
652. US ISO 2917:1999, Meat and
meat products — Determination of pH 655. US ISO 3493:2014, Vanilla –
— Reference method Vocabulary (2nd Edition)

This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method This Uganda Standard defines the most commonly
for measuring the pH of all kinds of meat and meat used terms relating to vanilla. It applies to Vanilla
products, including poultry. The method is applicable fragrans (Salisbury) Ames, syn. Vanilla planifolia
to products which may be homogenized and also to Andrews, Vanilla tahitensis J.W. Moore and certain
non-destructive measurements on carcass meat, forms obtained from seeds, possibly hybrids, of
quarters and muscles. Vanilla fragrans (Salisbury) Ames. It is not
applicable to Vanilla pompona Schiede (Antilles
This standard was adopted on 2012-06-21
vanilla). (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US ISO 3493:1999, Vanilla – Vocabulary
which has been technically revised.)
653. US ISO 3093:2009, Wheat, rye
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
and their flours, durum wheat and
durum wheat semolina – Determination
of falling number according to
Hargberg-Perten 656. US ISO 3513:1995, Chillies —
Determination of Scoville index
This Uganda Standard specifies the determination of
the α-amylase activity of cereals by the falling
number (FN) method according to Hagberg-Perten.

109 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the This Uganda Standard specifies a method using
determination of the Scoville index of chillies, whole diethyl ether extraction for the determination of the
or ground, unadulterated by other spices or products. unsaponifiable matter content of animal and
vegetable fats and oils. [This Uganda Standard
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
cancels and replaces US 180:2000/ISO 3596-1,
Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination
of unsaponifiable matter — Part 1: Method using
657. US ISO 3588:1977, Spices and diethyl ether extraction (Reference method), which
condiments — Determination of degree has been republished on.]
of fineness of grinding — Hand sieving
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
method (reference method)


The Uganda Standard specifies a reference method
for the determination of the degree of fineness of
660. US ISO 3632-1:2011, Spices –
grinding of spices and condiments, by hand sieving to
Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) – Part 1:
obtain the distribution of particle size in the sample.

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04. This Uganda Standard establishes specifications for
dried saffron obtained from the pistils of Crocus
sativus L. flowers.
658. US ISO 3595:1976, Milk fat —
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
Detection of vegetable fat by the
phytosteryl acetate test

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

661. US ISO 3632-2:2010, Spices –
detection in milk fat of the presence of the more
Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) – Part 2:
common vegetable fats, using the phytosteryl acetate
Test methods
test. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
International Standard ISO 3595:1976) This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
dried saffron obtained from the Crocus sativus L.
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.


This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

659. US ISO 3596:2000, Animal and

vegetable fats and oils — Determination
of unsaponifiable matter — Method 662. US ISO 3657:2013, Animal and
using diethyl ether extraction vegetable fats and oils – Determination
of saponification value (2nd Edition)

110 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the 665. US ISO 3727-2:2001, Butter –
determination of the saponification value of animal Determination of moisture, non-fat
and vegetable fats and oils. (This Uganda Standard solids and fat contents – Part 2:
cancels and replaces US ISO 3657:2002, Animal and Determination of non-fat solids content
vegetable fats and oils – Determination of (Reference method)
saponification value which has been technically
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
for the determination of the non-fat solids content of
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. butter. (This standard cancels and replaces US EAS
80-2:2006, Butter — Methods of chemical analysis ─
Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat
contents ─ Part 2: Determination of non-fat solids
663. US ISO 3659:1977, Fruits and
content (Reference method) which has been
vegetables – Ripening after cold storage
republished on).
This Standard describes methods the application of
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
which enable good ripening conditions for fruit and
vegetables to be achieved following cold storage.

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

666. US ISO 3727-3:2003, Butter –
Determination of moisture, non-fat
solids and fat contents – Part 3:
664. US ISO 3727-1:2001, Butter – Calculation of fat content
Determination of moisture, non-fat
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
solids and fat contents – Part 1:
calculation of the fat content of butter. (This standard
Determination of moisture content
cancels and replaces US EAS 80-3:2006, Butter —
(Reference method)
Methods of chemical analysis — Determination of
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method moisture, non-fat solids and fat contents ─ Part 3:
for the determination of the moisture content of Calculation of fat content which has been
butter. (This standard cancels and replaces US EAS republished on).
80-1:2006, Butter — Methods of chemical analysis ─
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
Determination of moisture, non-fat solids and fat
contents ─ Part 1: Determination of moisture content
(Reference method) which has been republished on).
667. US ISO 3728:2004, Ice-cream
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
and milk ice – Determination of total
solids content (Reference method)

111 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a reference method This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
for the determination of the total solids content of
ice-cream, milk ices and similar products. (This STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

standard cancels and replaces US EAS 162-3: 2006,

670. US ISO 3944:1992, Fertilizers —
Milk and milk products — Part 3: Ice-cream and milk
Determination of bulk density (loose)
ice ─ Determination of total solids content
(Reference method) which has been republished on). This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the bulk density (loose) of solid
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
fertilizers, except powder fertilizers. The method is
applicable to dry fertilizers only.

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.

668. US ISO 3890-1:2009, Milk and
milk products – Determination of
residues of organochlorine compounds
(pesticides) – Part 1: General 671. US ISO 3960:2007, Animal and
considerations and extraction methods vegetable fats and oils — Determination
of peroxide value — Iodometric (visual)
This Uganda Standard describes general
endpoint determination
considerations and specifies extraction methods for
the determination of residues of organochlorine This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
pesticides in milk and milk products. iodometric determination of the peroxide value of
animal and vegetable fats and oils with a visual
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
endpoint detection. (This Uganda Standard cancels
and replaces US 178:2000/ISO 3960, Animal and
vegetable fats and oils — Determination of peroxide
669. US ISO 3890-2:2009, Milk and value — Iodometric (visual) endpoint determination,
milk products – Determination of which has been technically revised.)
residues of organochlorine compounds
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
(pesticides) – Part 2: Test methods for
crude extract purification and
672. US ISO 3961:2013, Animal and
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for the
vegetable fats and oils – Determination
purification of the crude extracts and methods for the
of iodine value (2nd Edition)
determination of the residues of organochlorine
compounds in milk and milk products, together with This Uganda Standard specifies a reference method
confirmatory tests and clean-up procedures. for the determination of the iodine value (commonly
known in the industry as IV) of animal and vegetable

112 | P a g e
fats and oils, hereinafter referred to as fats. (This This Uganda Standard gives definitions of the terms
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO “dry fruits” and “dried fruits”, together with the
3961:2009, Animal and vegetable fats and oils – common names, in English, French and Russian, of
Determination of iodine value which has been the most common fruits grown commercially in the
technically revised). world for human consumption.

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17. This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.


673. US ISO 3976:2006, Milk fat — 676. US ISO 4174:1998, Cereals,

Determination of peroxide value oilseeds and pulses — Measurement of
unit pressure loss in one-dimensional
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
air flow through bulk grain
determination of the peroxide value of anhydrous
milk fat. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
International Standard ISO 3976:2006). measuring unit pressure loss in one-dimensional air
flow through bulk grain, permitting calculation of the
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08. total pressure loss of a ventilation unit. (This Uganda
Standard is an adoption of the International Standard
ISO 4174: 1998)
674. US ISO 4112:1990, Cereals and
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
pulses — Guidance on measurement of
the temperature of grain stored in bulk

This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the

677. US ISO 4186:1980, Asparagus —
measurement of the temperature of grain stored in
Guide to storage
silos or any other bulk store. (This Uganda Standard
is an adoption of the International Standard ISO This Uganda Standard describes methods for
4112: 1990) obtaining conditions for the successful long distance
transport of shoots of the species Asparagus
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
officinalis Linnaeus, intended either for direct
consumption or for industrial processing.

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.

675. US ISO 4125:1991, Dry fruits
and dried fruits — Definitions and
678. US ISO 4831:2006, Microbiology
of food and animal feeding stuffs —

113 | P a g e
Horizontal method for the detection Technique at 30°C which has been technically
and enumeration of coliforms — Most revised.)
probable number technique
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
This Uganda Standard gives general guidelines for
the detection and the enumeration of coliforms. It is
applicable to products intended for human
680. US ISO 4833-1:2013,
consumption and for the feeding of animals, and
Microbiology of the food chain –
environmental samples in the area of food production
Horizontal method for the enumeration
and food handling. Enumeration is carried out by
of microorganisms – Part 1: Colony
calculation of the most probable number (MPN) after °
count at 30 C by the pour plate
° °
incubation in a liquid medium at 30 C or at 37 C.
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
217-4/EAS 217-4:2001 Methods for microbiological This Uganda Standard specifies a horizontal method
examination of foods — Part 4: General guidance for for enumeration of microorganisms that are able to
the enumeration of coliforms — Most Probable grow and form colonies in a solid medium after
Number Technique at 30°C which has been aerobic incubation at 30 °C. The method is applicable
technically revised.) to: products intended for human consumption and for
animal feed; and environmental samples in the area
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
of food and feed production and handling. (This
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO
4833:2003, Microbiology of food and animal feeding
679. US ISO 4832:2006, Microbiology stuffs – Horizontal method for the enumeration of
of food and animal feeding stuffs — microorganisms – Colony count technique at 30 0C
Horizontal method for the enumeration which has been technically revised).
of coliforms — Colony-count technique
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
This Uganda Standard gives general guidelines for
the enumeration of coliforms. It is applicable to
products intended for human consumption and for the
681. US ISO 4833-2:2013,
feeding of animals, and environmental samples in the
Microbiology of the food chain –
area of food production and food handling, by means
Horizontal method for the enumeration
of the technique of counting colonies after incubation
of microorganisms – Part 2: Colony
a solid medium at or at 30 °C or at 37 °C. (This
count at 30 °C by the surface plating
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 217-
3/EAS 217-3:2001 Methods for microbiological
examination of foods – Part 3: General guidance for This Uganda Standard specifies a horizontal method
the enumeration of Coliforms – Colony Count for enumeration of microorganisms that are able to

114 | P a g e
grow and form colonies on the surface of a solid STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
medium after aerobic incubation at 30 °C. The
method is applicable to: products intended for human 684. US ISO 5314:1981, Fertilizers —
Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen
consumption or for animal feed; and environmental
content — Titrimetric method after
samples in the area of food and feed production and
food handling. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US ISO 4833:2003, Microbiology of food
This Uganda Standard specifies a titrimetric method,
and animal feeding stuffs – Horizontal method for the
after distillation, for the determination of the
enumeration of microorganisms – Colony count
ammoniacal nitrogen content of fertilizers. The
technique at 30 C which has been technically
method is applicable only in the absence of urea or its
derivatives, of cyanamide and of organic nitrogenous
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.

This standard was adopted on 2014-06-20.



682. US ISO 5223: 1995, Test sieves
for cereals
685. US ISO 5315:1984 Fertilizers —
Determination of total nitrogen content
This International Standard specifies requirements for
— Titrimetric method after distillation
test sieves to be used for the laboratory determination
of undesirable substances in a Sample of cereals and
This Uganda Standard specifies a titrimetric method,
which pass through test sieves of various nominal
after distillation, for the determination of the total
nitrogen content of fertilizers in all forms, including
those which have to be digested. The method is not
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
recommended for fertilizers containing more than 7
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 % of organic matter.

683. US ISO 5311:1992, Fertilizers — This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.

Determination of bulk density (tapped)
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the
determination of the bulk density (tapped) of solid 686. US ISO 5316:1977, Fertilizers —
Extraction of water-soluble phosphates
fertilizers i.e. the machine-tapping method (method
1) and the hand-tapping method (method 2). These
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
methods are applicable to dry fertilizers only.
extraction of water-soluble phosphorus (V) Oxide
from fertilizers. It is applicable to all fertilizers for
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.

115 | P a g e
which the determination of water-soluble phosphorus sulphur dioxide content – Acidi-metric
(V) Oxide content is required. method and nephelometric method

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. This Uganda Standard specifies two methods (an
acidimetric method and a nephelometric method) for
the determination of the sulphur dioxide content of
starches and derived products.
687. US ISO 5317:1983, Fertilizers —
Determination of water-soluble
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
potassium content — Preparation of the
test solution STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method 690. US ISO 5498:1981, Agricultural
for the preparation of test solutions of fertilizers for food products — Determination of
the subsequent determination of their water-soluble crude fibre content — General method
potassium contents.
This Uganda Standard specifies a conventional
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. method for the determination of the crude fibre
content of agricultural food products. (This standard
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 cancels and replaces US 345:2001/ISO 5498:1981,
Agricultural food products – Determination of crude
688. US ISO 5377:1981, Starch
fibre content – General methods, which has been
hydrolysis products – Determination of
reducing power and dextrose equivalent
– Lane and Eynon constant titre
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determination of reducing power and dextrose 691. US ISO 5506:1998, Soya bean
equivalent using titration of a prescribed volume of products — Determination of urease
mixed Fehling's solution with a solution of a test activity
portion under specified conditions, using methylene
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
blue as internal indicator.
determining the urease activity of products derived
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15. from soya beans. The method allows inadequate
cooking of these products to be detected. (This
standard cancels and replaces US 458:2002/ISO
5506, Soya bean products – Determination of urease
689. US ISO 5379:2013, Starches and
activity, which has been renumbered).
derived products – Determination of

116 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.


692. US ISO 5507:2002 Oilseeds, 695. US ISO 5515:1979, Fruits,

vegetable oils and fats – Nomenclature vegetables and derived products —
Decomposition of organic matter prior
This Uganda Standard gives the botanical names of
to analysis — Wet method
the main species of oleaginous plants, together with
the names of the corresponding raw materials and oils This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
(fats). decomposition of the organic matter in fruits,
vegetables or derived products by wet digestion, prior
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
to the analysis of their mineral (metal) content.


This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

693. US ISO 5508:2013, Animal and

vegetable fats and oils – Analysis by gas
chromatography of methyl esters of 696. US ISO 5517:1978, Fruit and
fatty acids vegetables products — Determination
of iron content – 1,10-phenathroline
This Uganda Standard gives general guidance for the
application of gas chromatography, using packed or
capillary columns, to determine the qualitative and This Uganda Standard specifies a 1,10-
quantitative composition of a mixture of fatty acid phenanthroline photometric method for the
methyl esters. The method is not applicable to determination of the iron content of fruits, vegetables
polymerized fatty acids. and derived products.

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17. This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.


694. US ISO 5510:1984, Animal 697. US ISO 5518:2007, Fruits,

feeding stuffs - Determination of vegetables and derived products —
available lysine Determination of benzoic acid content
— Spectrophotometric method
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the available lysine in animal This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
feeding stuffs containing animal or vegetable determining the benzoic acid content of fruits,
proteins. This standard cancels and replaces US vegetables and derived products
447:2002, which has been revised.

117 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22. This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.


698. US ISO 5519:2008, Fruits, 701. US ISO 5524:1991, Tomatoes –

vegetables and derived products — Guide to cold storage and refrigerated
Determination of sorbic acid content transport

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the
extracting the sorbic acid present in fruits, vegetables operations to be carried out before and the conditions
and derived products, and two techniques for to be met during the cold storage and refrigerated
determining the sorbic acid extracted. transport of tomatoes [Lycopersicon lycopersicum
(L.) Karsten ex Farw., syn. Lycopersicon esculentum
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22. Miller nom. cons., syn. Solanum lycopersicum L.],
for maintaining quality and avoiding deterioration.
These recommendations are not applicable to
699. US ISO 5522:1981, Fruits, tomatoes intended for industrial processing.
vegetables and derived products —
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
Determination of total sulphur dioxide

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

702. US ISO 5525:1986, Potatoes —
determination of the total sulphur dioxide content of
Storage in open (in clamps)
fruits, vegetables and derived products, whatever the
sulphur dioxide content. This Uganda Standard lays down guidelines related
to the technique of storing potatoes outdoors in
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
clamps, to allow a quality suitable for consumption to
be maintained.

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.

700. US ISO 5523:1981, Liquid fruit
and vegetable products —
Determination of sulphur dioxide
content (Routine method) 703. US ISO 5527:2015, Cereals –
This Uganda Standard specifies a routine method for
the determination of the sulphur dioxide content of This Uganda Standard defines terms relating to
liquid fruit and vegetable products. (This Uganda cereals.
Standard cancels and replaces US 237:2000/ ISO
5523:1981(E), which has been republished on) This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.

118 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000 size for any situation where it is required to measure
the conformity to a specification of a lot of a dairy
704. US ISO 5536:2009, Milk fat product by examination of a representative sample.
products – Determination of water
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
content – Karl Fischer method (2nd
161:2006, Milk and milk products – Sampling –
Inspection by attributes, which has been republished
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the water content of milk fat
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
products by the Karl Fischer method. (This standard
cancels and replaces US ISO 5536:2002, Milk fat STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
products — Determination of water content — Karl
Fischer method which has been revised). 707. US ISO 5555:2001, Animal and
vegetable fats and oils — Sampling
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
This Uganda Standard describes methods of sampling
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 crude or processed animal and vegetable fats and oils
(referred to as fats hereafter), whatever the origin and
705. US ISO 5537:2004, Dried milk – whether liquid or solid. (This Uganda Standard
Determination of moisture content
cancels and replaces US 176:2000/ISO 5555, Animal
(Reference method)
and vegetable fats and oils – Sampling, which has
been technically revised.)
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the moisture content of all types of
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
dried milk. (This standard cancels and replaces US
EAS 81-2:2006, Milk powders — Methods of analysis STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
— Part 2: Determination of moisture content
(Reference method) which has been republished on). 708. US ISO 5559:1995, Dehydrated
onion (Allium cepa Linnaeus) —
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30. Specification

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
dehydrated onion (Allium cepa Linnaeus) in its
706. US ISO 5538:2004, Milk and various commercial forms.
milk products – Sampling – Inspection
by attributes This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.

This Uganda Standard specifies sampling plans for STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
the inspection by attributes of milk and milk
products. It is intended to be used to choose a sample

119 | P a g e
709. US ISO 5560:1997, Dehydrated This Uganda Standard specifies a spectrophotometric
garlic (Allium sativum L.) — method for the determination of the piperine content
Specification of black or white pepper (Piper nigrum L.), in whole
or in ground form.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
dehydrated garlic (Allium sativum L.) This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 713. US ISO 5565-1:1999, Vanilla

[Vanilla fragrans (Salisbury) Ames] —
710. US ISO 5561:1990, Black
Part 1: Specification
caraway and blond caraway (Carum
carvi Linnaeus), whole — Specification This part of US ISO 5565 specifies requirements for
vanilla belonging to the species Vanilla fragrans
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
(Salisbury) Ames, syn. Vanilla planifolia Andrews.
whole black and blond caraway (Carum carvi
This standard is applicable to vanilla in pods, bulk,
Linnaeus), having biennal and annual fructification
cut or in the form of powder. It is not applicable to
respectively. It does not apply to Carum
vanilla extracts.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
714. US ISO 5565-2:1999, Vanilla
711. US ISO 5563:1984, Dried
[Vanilla fragrans (Salisbury) Ames] –
peppermint (Mentha piperita Linnaeus)
Part 2: Test methods
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for the
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
analysis of vanilla belonging to the species Vanilla
dried leaves, or broken or rubbed dried leaves, of
fragrans (Salisbury) Ames, syn. Vanilla planifolia
Andrews. It applies to vanilla in pods, cut in bulk and
in powder form. It is not applicable to vanilla
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
712. US ISO 5564:1982, Black pepper
and white pepper, whole or ground -
Determination of piperine content
— Spectrophotometric method

120 | P a g e
715. US ISO 5566:1982, Turmeric — programmes and sampling techniques
Determination of colouring power — (2nd Edition)
Spectrophotometric method
This Uganda Standard provides general principles
This Uganda Standard specifies a spectrophotometric for, and provides guidance on, the design of sampling
method for the determination of the colouring power programmes and sampling techniques for all aspects
of turmeric. of sampling of water (including waste waters,
sludges, effluents and bottom deposits). [This
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
standard cancels and replaces US ISO 5667-1:1980,
Water quality — Sampling — Part 1: Guidance on
the design of sampling programmes and US ISO
716. US ISO 5567:1982, Dehydrated 5667-2:1991, Water quality — Sampling — Part 2:
garlic — Determination of volatile Guidance on sampling techniques, which have been
organic sulphur compounds technically revised].

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
determination of volatile organic sulphur compounds
in dehydrated garlic.

719. US ISO 5667-3:2018, Water

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
quality — Sampling — Part 3:
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 Preservation and handling of water
samples (2nd Edition)
717. US ISO 5664:1984, Water quality
— Determination of ammonium — This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements
Distillation and titration method for sampling, preservation, handling, transport and
storage of all water samples including those for
This Uganda Standard specifies a distillation and biological analyses. It is not applicable to water
titration method for the determination of ammonium samples intended for microbiological analyses as
in raw, potable and waste water. (This Uganda specified in ISO 19458, ecotoxicological assays,
Standard is an adoption of the International Standard biological assays and passive sampling. (This
ISO 5664:1984) standard cancels and replaces US ISO 5667-3:2003,
Water quality — Sampling — Part 3: Guidance on
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
preservation and handling of water samples, which

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 has been technically revised).

718. US ISO 5667-1:2006, Water This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

quality — Sampling — Part 1:

Guidance on the design of sampling

121 | P a g e
720. US ISO 5667-4:2016, Water This Uganda Standard specifies principles to be
quality — Sampling — Part 4: applied to the design of sampling programmes,
Guidance on sampling from lakes, sampling techniques, and the handling of water
natural and man-made (2nd Edition) samples from rivers and streams for physical and
chemical assessment. (This standard cancels and
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for the
replaces US ISO 5667-6:2005, Water quality —
design of sampling programmes, techniques and the
Sampling — Part 6: Guidance on sampling of rivers
handling and preservation of samples of water, from
and streams, which has been technically revised).
natural and man-made lakes during open-water and
ice-covered conditions. It is applicable to lakes with This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
and without aquatic vegetation. (This standard
cancels and replaces US ISO 5667-4:1987, Water STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

quality — Sampling — Part 4: Guidance on sampling

723. US ISO 5667-11:2009, Water
from lakes, natural and man-made, which has been
quality — Sampling — Part 11:
technically revised).
Guidance on sampling of ground waters
(2nd Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

This Uganda Standard provides guidance on the

sampling of ground waters. It informs the user of the
721. US ISO 5667-5:2006, Water necessary considerations when planning and
quality — Sampling — Part 5: undertaking groundwater sampling to survey the
Guidance on sampling of drinking quality of groundwater supply, to detect and assess
water from treatment works and piped groundwater contamination and to assist in
distribution systems groundwater resource management, protection and
remediation. (This standard cancels and replaces US
This Uganda Standard establishes principles to be
ISO 5667-11:1993, Water quality — Sampling —
applied to the techniques of sampling water intended
Part 11: Guidance on sampling of ground waters,
for human consumption. (This Uganda Standard is an
which has been technically revised).
adoption of the International Standard ISO 5667-
5:2006). This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 724. US ISO 5738:2004, Milk and

milk products – Determination of
722. US ISO 5667-6:2014, Water
copper content – Photometric method
quality — Sampling — Part 6:
(Reference method)
Guidance on sampling of rivers and
streams (2nd Edition)

122 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a reference method STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
for the determination of the copper content of milk
and milk products. (This standard cancels and 727. US ISO 5810:1982, Starches and
derived products — Determination of
replaces US EAS 80-8:2006, Butter ─ Methods of
chloride content — Potentiometric
analysis ─ Part 8: Determination of copper content
which has been republished on).

This standard specifies a potentiometric method for

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
the determination of the chloride content of starches
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 and derived products, except cationic starches and
amyloids soluble when cold, the viscosity of these
725. US ISO 5764:2009, Milk –
being too high to allow for correct stirring when
Determination of freezing point – titrating.
Thermistor cryoscope method
(Reference method) This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.

This Uganda Standard specifies a reference method STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
for the determination of the freezing point of raw
bovine milk, heat-treated whole, reduced fat and 728. US ISO 5961:1994, Water quality
— Determination of cadmium by
skimmed bovine milk, as well as raw ovine and
atomic absorption spectrometry
caprine milk, by using a thermistor cryoscope. (This
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the
163:2006, Milk – Determination of freezing point –
determination of cadmium: flame atomic absorption
Thermistor cryoscope method, which has been
spectrometry and electrothermal atomization (AAS).
technically revised).
(This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
International Standard ISO 5961:1994)
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.

This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.



726. US ISO 5809:1982, Starches and
derived products — Determination of
729. US ISO 5983-1:2005, Animal
sulphated ash
feeding stuffs — Determination of
nitrogen content and calculation of
This standard specifies a method for the
crude protein content — Part 1:
determination of sulphated ash in starches and
Kjeldahl method
derived products.

This part of US ISO 5983 specifies a method for the

This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
determination of the nitrogen content of animal

123 | P a g e
feeding stuffs by the Kjeldahl process, and a method This Uganda Standard specifies two procedures for
for the calculation of the crude protein content. This animal feeding stuffs for the determination of the ash
standard cancels and replaces US 448:2002, which which is insoluble in hydrochloric acid. This standard
has been revised. cancels and replaces US 450:2002, which has been
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
730. US ISO 5983-2:2005, Animal
feeding stuffs — Determination of 733. US ISO 6000:1981, Round-
nitrogen content and calculation of headed cabbage — Storage in the open
crude protein content — Part 2: Block
This Uganda Standard lays down guidelines relating
digestion/steam distillation method
to the technique of storing round-headed cabbage
This part of US ISO 5983 specifies a method for the (Brassica oleracea var. capitata Linnaeus sv. alba and
determination of nitrogen content of animal feeding Brassica olerancea var. capitata sv. rubra) outdoors,
stuffs according to the Kjeldahl method, and a to allow a quality suitable for consumption or
method for the calculation of the crude protein industrial use to be maintained.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
734. US ISO 6058:1984, Water quality
731. US ISO 5984:2002, Animal — Determination of calcium content —
feeding stuffs — Determination of EDTA titrimetric method
crude ash
This Uganda Standard specifies a titrimetric method
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) for the
determination of crude ash of animal feeding stuffs. determination of the calcium content of
This standard cancels and replaces US 449:2002, groundwaters, surface waters and drinking waters. It
which has been revised. can also be used for municipal and industrial raw
waters, provided they do not contain interfering
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
amounts of heavy metals. (This Uganda Standard is
an adoption of the International Standard ISO
732. US ISO 5985:2002, Animal
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
feeding stuffs — Determination of ash
insoluble in hydrochloric acid

124 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 of dried milk. (This standard cancels and replaces
US EAS 81-5:2006 Milk powders ─ Determination of
735. US ISO 6059:1984, Water quality titratable acidity (Routine method) which has been
— Determination of the sum of calcium
republished on).
and magnesium —— EDTA
titrimetric method This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

This Uganda Standard specifies a titrimetric method STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000
using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) for the
738. US ISO 6222:1999, Water quality
determination of the sum of the calcium and
— Enumeration of culturable micro-
magnesium concentrations in ground waters, surface
organisms — Colony count by
waters and drinking waters. (This Uganda Standard is
an adoption of the International Standard ISO inoculation in a nutrient agar culture

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
enumeration of culturable micro-organisms in water
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 by counting the colonies formed in a nutrient agar
culture medium after aerobic incubation at 36 °C and
736. US ISO 6091:2010, Dried milk –
22 °C. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
Determination of titratable acidity
International Standard ISO 6222:1999)
(Reference method)
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
This Uganda Standard specifies a reference method
for the determination of the titratable acidity of all STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
types of dried milk. (This standard cancels and
739. US ISO 6320:2000/Cor 1:2006,
replaces US EAS 81-4:2006 Milk powders ─
Determination of titratable acidity (Reference Animal and vegetable fats and oils —
Determination of refractive index
method) which has been revised and republished on).

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
determination of the refractive index of animal and
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 vegetable fats and oils. (This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces US 182:2000/ISO 6320, Animal
737. US ISO 6092:1980, Dried milk –
and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of
Determination of titratable acidity
refractive index, which has been technically revised.)
(Routine method)
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
This Uganda Standard specifies a routine method for
the determination of the titratable acidity of all types STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000

125 | P a g e
740. US ISO 6321:2002, Animal and This Uganda Standard specifies a 1,10-
vegetable fats and oils — Determination phenanthroline spectrometric method for the
of melting point in open capillary tubes determination of iron in water and waste water. (This
(Slip point) Uganda Standard is an adoption of the International
Standard ISO 6332:1988)
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the
determination of the melting point in open capillary This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
tubes, commonly known as the slip point, of animal
and vegetable fats and oils (referred to as fats
hereinafter). [This Uganda Standard cancels and
743. US ISO 6333:1986, Water quality
replaces US EAS 319:2006, Animal and vegetable
— Determination of manganese —
fats and oils — Determination of melting point in
Formaldoxime spectrometric method
open capillary tubes (slip point), which has been
republished on.] This Uganda Standard specifies a formaldoxime
spectrometric method for the determination of total
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
manganese (including dissolved, suspended and
organically bound manganese) in surface and
drinking water. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption
741. US ISO 6322-1:1996, Storage of of the International Standard ISO 6333:1986)
cereals and pulses — Part 1: General
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
recommendations for the keeping of

This Uganda Standard gives general guidance related

744. US ISO 6461-1: 1986, Water
to the problems of keeping cereals. (This standard
quality — Detection and enumeration
cancels and replaces US 279-1:2001/ISO 6639-1,
of the spores of sulphite reducing
Cereals and pulses – Determination of hidden insect
anaerobes (clostridia) — Part 1:
infestation – Part 1: General principles, which has
Method by enrichment in a liquid
been renumbered).

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
detection and enumeration of the spores of sulfite-
reducing anaerobes (clostridia) by enrichment in a
742. US ISO 6332:1988, Water quality liquid medium.
— Determination of iron —
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
Spectrometric method using 1,10-

126 | P a g e
745. US ISO 6461-2:1986 phosphorus content — Spectrometric
Water quality — Detection and enumeration of the
spores ofsulfite-reducing anaerobes (clostridia) — This Uganda Standard specifies a spectrometric
Part 2: Method bymembrane filtration method for the determination of the phosphorus
content of animal feeding stuffs. This standard
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08
cancels and replaces US 451-1:2002, which has been
republished on.

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.

746. US ISO 6465:2009, Spices –
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) –
Specification (2 Edition)
749. US ISO 6492:1999, Animal
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
feeding stuffs — Determination of fat
fruits of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.). (This
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO
6465:1984, Whole cumin (Cuminurn cyminum This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
Linnaeus) — Specification which has been determination of the fat content of animal feeding
technically revised). stuffs. The method is applicable to animal feeding
stuffs except oilseeds and oilseed residues.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
747. US ISO 6490-1:1985, Animal
feeding stuffs — Determination of 750. US ISO 6493:2000, Animal
calcium content — Part 1: Titrimetric feeding stuffs — Determination of
method starch content — Polarimetric method

This Uganda Standard specifies a titrimetric method This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
for the determination of the calcium content of polarimetric determination of the starch content of
animal feeding stuffs. This standard cancels and animal feeding stuffs and raw materials for animal
replaces US 452:2002, which has been revised. feeding stuffs.

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04. This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.


748. US ISO 6491:1998, Animal

feeding stuffs — Determination of

127 | P a g e
751. US ISO 6495:1999, Animal 754. US ISO 6498:1998, Animal
feeding stuffs — Determination of feeding stuffs — Preparation of test
water-soluble chlorides content samples

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
determination of the water-soluble chlorides content, preparation of test samples from laboratory samples
expressed as sodium chloride, of animal feeding of animal feeding stuffs including pet foods. This
stuffs. This standard cancels and replaces US standard cancels and replaces US 455:2002 which
453:2002, which has been republished on. has been republished on.

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04. This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.


752. US ISO 6496:1999, Animal 755. US ISO 6539:2014, Cinnamon

feeding stuffs — Determination of (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) –
moisture and other volatile matter Specification (2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the whole or ground (powdered) cinnamon, of the Sri
determination of the moisture and other volatile Lankan, Madagascan and Seychelles types obtained
matter content of animal feeding stuffs. This standard from the bark of the tree or shrub Cinnamomum
cancels and replaces US 454:2002, which has been zeylanicum Blume. (This Uganda Standard cancels
republished on. and replaces US ISO 6539:1997, Cinnamon, Sri
Lankan type, Seychelles type and Madagascan type
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
(Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) — Specification
which has been technically revised).

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

753. US ISO 6497:2002, Animal
feeding stuffs — Sampling

This Uganda Standard specifies methods of sampling

756. US ISO 6540:1980, Maize —
animal feeding stuffs, including fish feed, for quality
Determination of moisture content (on
control for commercial, technical and legal purposes.
milled grains and on whole grains)

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.

This Uganda Standard specifies a routine reference
method for the evaluation of and an absolute method
for determination of the moisture content of maize
grains and ground whole maize. (This standard

128 | P a g e
cancels and replaces US 474:2002/ISO 6540, Maize content — Part 1: Method using
– Determination of moisture content (on milled graphite furnace atomic absorption
grains and on whole grains), which has been spectrometry
This Uganda Standard specifies a graphite furnace
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. atomic absorption spectrometric method for the
determination of the cadmium content of fruits,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 vegetables and derived products.

757. US ISO 6557-1:1986, Fruits,

This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
vegetables and derived products —
Determination of ascorbic acid — STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000
Part 1: Reference method
760. US ISO 6561-2:2005, Fruits,
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference vegetables and derived products —
method, using molecular fluorescence spectrometry, Determination of cadmium
for the determination of the combined ascorbic and content — Part 2: Method using
dehydroascorbic acid content of fruits, vegetables and flame atomic absorption spectrometry
derived products.
This Uganda Standard specifies an atomic absorption
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22. spectrometric method for the determination of the
cadmium content of fruits, vegetables and derived

758. US ISO 6557-2:1984, Fruits,

This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
vegetables and derived products —
Determination of ascorbic STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000
acid content — Part 2: Routine
761. US ISO 6571:2008, Spices,
condiments and herbs — Determination
This Uganda Standard specifies two routine methods of volatile oil content
for the determination of the ascorbic acid content of (hydrodistillation method)
fruits, vegetables and derived products.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22. determination of the volatile oil content of spices,
condiments and herbs.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
759. US ISO 6561-1:2005, Fruits,
vegetables and derived products — STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000
Determination of cadmium

129 | P a g e
762. US ISO 6574:1986, Celery seed swabs. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces
(Apium graveolens Linnaeus) — US ISO 6579:2002/Cor. 1:2004, Microbiology of
Specification food and animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method
for the detection of Salmonella spp., which has been
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
technically revised).
whole celery seed’) (Apium graveolens Linnaeus) for
use as a spice. lt does not apply to seeds used for This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
agricultural purposes.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
765. US ISO/TS 6579–2: 2012,
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 Microbiology of food and animal feed
— Horizontal method for the detection,
763. US ISO 6577:2002, Nutmeg,
enumeration and serotyping of
whole or broken, and mace, whole or in
Salmonella — Part 2: Enumeration by
pieces (Myristica fragrans Houtt.)
a miniaturized most probable number
— Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
nutmeg, whole or broken, and for mace, whole or in
enumeration of Salmonella spp. present in: products
pieces, obtained from the nutmeg tree (Myristica
intended for human consumption and for the feeding
fragrans Houtt.) for wholesale commercial purposes.
of animals; environmental samples in the area of food
production and food handling; animal faeces; and
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
environmental samples from the primary production
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 stage by calculation of the most probable number
(MPN). The method is not appropriate for the
764. US ISO 6579–1: 2017, enumeration of Salmonella spp. in (very) low
Microbiology of the food chain — contaminated samples (<1 cfu/g). (This Uganda
Horizontal method for the detection, Standard cancels and replaces US ISO
enumeration and serotyping of 6579:2002/Cor. 1:2004, Microbiology of food and
Salmonella — Part 1: Detection of animal feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for the
Salmonella spp. detection of Salmonella spp., which has been
technically revised).
This Standard specifies a horizontal method for the
detection of Salmonella in: products intended for This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
human consumption and the feeding of animals;
environmental samples in the area of food production STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000
and food handling; and samples from the primary
766. US ISO 6598:1985, Fertilizers —
production stage such as animal faeces, dust, and
Determination of phosphorus content

130 | P a g e
— Quinoline phosphomolybdate fresh products and to products preserved without
gravimetric method Chemical preservatives, as well as to products to
which sulphur dioxide has been added with or
This Uganda Standard specifies a gravimetric method
without one of the following preservatives: sorbic
using quinoline phosphomolybdate for the
acid, benzoic acid, formic acid.
determination of phosphorus (expressed as
diphosphorus pentaoxide) in a solution prepared from This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
natural mineral phosphates or fertilizers.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
769. US ISO 6633:1984, Fruit and
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 vegetables products — Determination
of lead content — Flameless atomic
767. US ISO 6611:2004, Milk and
absorption spectrometric method
milk products – Enumeration of colony-
forming units of yeasts and/or moulds – This Uganda Standard specifies a flameless atomic
Colony-count technique at 25 °C absorption spectrometric method for the
determination of the lead content of fruits, vegetables
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
and derived products.
detection and enumeration of colony-forming units
(CFU) of viable yeasts and/or moulds in milk and This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
milk products by means of the colony-count
technique at 25 °C. (This standard cancels and
replaces US EAS 68-3:2006, Milk and milk products
770. US ISO 6634:1982, Fruit,
— Methods of microbiological examination — Part
vegetables and derived products —
3: Enumeration of colony forming units of yeasts
Determination of arsenic content
and/or moulds - Colony-count technique at 25 °C
— Silver diethyldithiocarbamate
which has been republished on).
spectrophotometric method

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the mercury content of fruits,
vegetables and derived products.
768. US ISO 6632:1981, Fruit and
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
vegetable products — Determination of
volatile acidity

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

771. US ISO 6636-1:1986, Fruits,
determination of volatile acidity in fruits, vegetables
vegetables and derived products —
and derived products. The method is applicable to all

131 | P a g e
Determination of zinc content — Part Determination of mercury content
1: Polarographic method — Flameless atomic absorption method

This Uganda Standard specifies a polarographic This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
method for the determination of the zinc content of determination of the mercury content of fruits,
fruits, vegetables and derived products vegetables and derived products.

This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22. This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.


772. US ISO 6636-2:1981, Fruits, 775. US ISO 6639-2:1986, Cereals and

vegetables and derived products — pulses — Determination of hidden
Determination of zinc content — Part insect infestation — Part 2: Sampling
2: Atomic absorption spectrometric
This Uganda Standard specifies methods of sampling
cereals and pulses, in bags or in bulk, for the
This Uganda Standard specifies an atomic absorption determination of hidden insect infestation. The
spectrometric method for the determination of the methods are applicable as a routine to grain in any
zinc content of fruits, vegetables and derived form of store or vehicle at any level of trade from
products. producer to consumer. (This standard cancels and
replaces US 279-2:2001/ISO 6639-2, Cereals and
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
pulses – Determination of hidden insect infestation –
Part 2: Sampling, which has been renumbered).

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

773. US ISO 6636-3:1983, Fruit and
vegetable products — Determination of
zinc content — Part 3: Dithizone
spectrometric method 776. US ISO 6639-3:1986, Cereals and
pulses — Determination of hidden
This Uganda Standard specifies a dithizone
infestation – Part 3: Reference method
spectrometric method for the determination of the
zinc content of fruit and vegetable products. This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
for determining the nature and number of hidden
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
insects in a sample of cereals or pulses. Its aim is to
count all the individuals, at every stage of life, of
every insect species that normally feeds and develops
774. US ISO 6637:1984, Fruits, within cereals and pulses. (This standard cancels and
vegetables and derived products — replaces US 279-3:2001/ISO 6639-3, Cereals and

132 | P a g e
pulses – Determination of hidden insect infestation – This Uganda Standard specifies a spectrometric
Part 3: Reference method, which has been method for the determination of the Urea content of
renumbered). animal feeding stuffs.

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.


777. US ISO 6639-4:1987, Cereals and 780. US ISO 6655:1997, Animal

pulses — Determination of hidden feeding stuffs - Determination of soluble
insect infestation – Part 4: Rapid nitrogen content after treatment with
methods pepsin in dilute hydrochloric acid

This Uganda Standard specifies five rapid methods This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
for estimating the degree of, or detecting the presence determination of the soluble nitrogen content of
of, hidden insect infestation in a sample of a cereal or animal feeding stuffs after treatment with pepsin in
pulse. (This standard cancels and replaces US 279- dilute hydrochloric acid. This standard cancels and
4:2001/ISO 6639-4, Cereals and pulses – replaces US 460:2002, which has been republished
Determination of hidden insect infestation – Part 4: on.
Rapid methods, which has been renumbered).
This standard was adopted on 2009-04-09
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
781. US ISO 6659:1981, Sweet pepper
778. US ISO 6651:2001, Animal — Guide to refrigerated storage and
feeding stuffs — Semi-quantitative transport
determination of aflatoxin B1 — Thin-
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
layer chromatographic method
storage, over short durations, of sweet peppers
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the (Capsicum annum L.) for direct consumption, in
determination of aflatoxin B1 in animal feeding refrigerated storehouses and during refrigerated
stuffs. transport.

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04. This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.


779. US ISO 6654:1991, Animal 782. US ISO 6660:1993, Mangoes –

feeding stuffs - Determination of Urea Cold storage

133 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on conditions (Vaccinium myrtillus L), blueberries (Vaccinium
for the successful storage of the more usual varieties angustifolium Ait.) and cultivated varieties (cultivars)
of mangoes (Mangifera indica Linnaeus), for fresh of Vaccinium corymbosum L.
consumption and for processing into various
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.


This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

786. US ISO 6665:1983, Strawberries

– Guide to cold storage
783. US ISO 6662:1983, Plums –
This Uganda Standard describes the optimum
Guide to cold storage
conditions for the cold storage of varieties (cultivars)
This Uganda Standard describes a method for the of fresh strawberries (genus Fragaria) intended for
cold storage of certain varieties (cultivars) of plums marketing in the fresh condition or for processing.
obtained from Prunus domestica Linnaeus, Prunus
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
insititia Linnaeus and Prunus saliina Lindley (Prunus
triflora Roxburgh), intended for delivery in the fresh
condition to the consumer.
787. US ISO 6703-1:1984, Water
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
quality — Determination of cyanide —
Part 1: Determination of total cyanide

This Uganda Standard specifies three methods for the

784. US ISO 6663:1995, Garlic – Cold
determination of total cyanide in water. (This Uganda
Standard is an adoption of the International Standard
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on conditions ISO 6703-1:1984)
for cold storage for the successful keeping of garlic
(Allium sativum Linnaeus) intended for consumption This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.

in the fresh state.


This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

788. US ISO 6703-2:1984, Water
quality — Determination of cyanide —
Part 2: Determination of easily
785. US ISO 6664:1983, Bilberries and liberatable cyanide
blueberries – Guide to cold storage
This Uganda Standard specifies three methods for the
This Uganda Standard describes the optimum determination of easily liberatable cyanide in water.
conditions for the cold storage of bilberries

134 | P a g e
(This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the content – Spectrometric method
International Standard ISO 6703-2:1984) (Reference method)

This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08. This Uganda Standard specifies a spectrometric
reference method for the determination of the iron
content of milk and milk products. (This standard
cancels and replaces US EAS 80-9:2006, Butter ─
789. US ISO 6703-3:1984, Water
Methods of analysis ─ Part 9: Determination of iron
quality — Determination of cyanide —
content which has been revised and republished on).
Part 3: Determination of
cyanogen chloride
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

determination of cyanides, as cyanogen chloride in
water. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the 792. US ISO/TS 6733:2006, Milk and
International Standard ISO 6703-3:1984) milk products — Determination of lead
content — Graphite furnace atomic
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
absorption spectrometric method

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This Uganda Standard describes a method for the
quantitative determination of the total lead content in
790. US ISO 6731:2010, Milk, cream
milk and milk products.
and evaporated milk – Determination
of total solids content (Reference
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
method) [2 Edition]
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
for the determination of the total solids content of 793. US ISO 6734:2010, Sweetened
milk, cream and evaporated milk. (This Uganda condensed milk – Determination of
Standard cancels and replaces US ISO 6731:1989, total solids content (Reference method)
Milk, cream and evaporated milk – Determination of
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
total solids content (Reference method), which has
for the determination of the total solids content of
technically been revised).
sweetened condensed milk. (This standard cancels
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17. and replaces US EAS 162-2: 2006, Milk and milk
products — Part 2: Sweetened condensed milk ─
Determination of total solids content (Reference
method) which has been revised and republished on).
791. US ISO 6732:2010, Milk and
milk products – Determination of iron
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

135 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 797. US ISO 6822:1984, Potatoes, root
vegetables and round-headed cabbages
794. US ISO 6754:1996, Dried thyme
— Guide to storage in silos using forced
(Thymus vulgaris L.) — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for

This Uganda Standard specifies a method of storing
dried thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) leaves in the
potatoes, root vegetables and round-headed cabbages
rubbed form.
in silos using forced ventilation.

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.



795. US ISO 6777:1984, Water quality

798. US ISO 6865:2000, Animal
— Determination of nitrite —
feeding stuffs — Determination of
Molecular absorption spectrometric
crude fibre content — Method with
intermediate filtration

This Uganda Standard specifies a molecular

This Uganda Standard specifies a method with
absorption spectrometric method for the
intermediate filtration for the determination of the
determination of nitrite in potable, raw and waste
crude fibre content. A manual procedure and a semi-
water. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
automatic procedure are described.
International Standard ISO 6777:1984)
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
799. US ISO 6866-1985, Animal
796. US ISO 6785:2001 Milk and milk
feeding stuffs - Determination of free
products — Detection of Salmonella
and total gossypol
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the content of free and total
detection of Salmonella spp. in milk and milk
gossypol and chemically related substances in animal
feeding stuffs. This standard cancels and replaces US
457:2002 which has been republished on.
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.



136 | P a g e
800. US ISO 6869:2000, Animal Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
feeding stuffs — Determination of the 316:2006, Animal and vegetable fats and oils —
contents of calcium, copper, iron, Determination of conventional mass per volume (litre
magnesium, manganese, potassium, weight in air) which has been republished on.]
sodium and zinc — Method using
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
atomic absorption spectrometry.

This Uganda Standard specifies an atomic absorption STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

spectrometric method for the determination of the

803. US ISO 6887-1:1999,
contents of calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), iron (Fe),
Microbiology of food and animal
magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), potassium (K),
feeding stuffs — Preparation of test
sodium (Na) and zinc (Zn) in animal feeding stuffs.
samples, initial suspension and decimal
dilutions for microbiological
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
examination — Part 1: General rules
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 for the preparation of the initial
suspension and decimal dilutions
801. US ISO 6882:1981, Asparagus —
Guide to refrigerated transport This Uganda Standard defines general rules for the
aerobic preparation of the initial suspension and of
This Uganda Standard describes methods for
decimal dilutions for microbiological examinations of
obtaining conditions for the successful keeping of
products intended for human or animal consumption.
shoots of the species Asparagus officinalis Linnaeus
intended, after storage, either for direct consumption This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
or for industrial processing.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
804. US ISO 6887-2:2003,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 Microbiology of food and animal
feeding stuffs — Preparation of test
802. US ISO 6883:2007, Animal and
samples, initial suspension and decimal
vegetable fats and oils — Determination
dilutions for microbiological
of conventional mass per volume (litre
examination — Part 2: Specific rules
weight in air)
for the preparation of meat and meat
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the conventional mass per volume
This Uganda Standard specifies rules for the
(“litre weight in air”) of animal and vegetable fats
preparation of meat and meat product samples and
and oils (hereinafter referred to as fats) in order to
their suspension for microbiological examination
convert volume to mass or mass to volume. [This

137 | P a g e
when the samples require a different preparation from microbiological examination of food products other
the method described in ISO 6887-1. than those covered in other parts of ISO 6887.

This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18. This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.


805. US ISO 6887-3:2009, 807. US ISO 6887-5:2010,

Microbiology of food and animal Microbiology of food and animal
feeding stuffs — Preparation of test feeding stuffs — Preparation of test
samples, initial suspension and decimal samples, initial suspension and decimal
dilutions for microbiological dilutions for microbiological
examination — Part 3: Specific rules examination — Part 5: Specific rules
for the preparation of fish and fishery for the preparation of milk and milk
products products

This Uganda Standard specifies rules for the This Uganda Standard specifies rules for the
preparation of fish and fishery product samples and preparation of samples of milk and milk products and
their suspension for microbiological examination their suspension for microbiological examination
when the samples require a different preparation from when the samples require a different preparation from
the method described in ISO 6887-1. the general methods specified in ISO 6887-1.

This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18. This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.


806. US ISO 6887-4:2003, 808. US ISO 6888-1:1999

Microbiology of food and animal Microbiology of food and animal
feeding stuffs — Preparation of test feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for
samples, initial suspension and decimal the enumeration of coagulase-positive
dilutions for microbiological staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus
examination — Part 4: Specific rules and other species) — Part 1: Technique
for the preparation of products other using Baird-Parker agar medium
than milk and milk products, meat and
This part of US ISO 6888 specifies a horizontal
meat products, and fish and fishery
method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive
staphylococci in products intended for human
This Uganda Standard specifies rules for the consumption or feeding of animals, by counting of
preparation of samples and decimal dilutions for the colonies obtained on a solid medium (Baird-Parker
medium) after aerobic incubation at 35 °C or 37 °C.

138 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 1999-02-15. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 811. US ISO 7027–1: 2016, Water

quality — Determination of turbidity –
809. US ISO 6888-2:1999
Part 1: Quantitative methods
Microbiology of food and animal
feeding stuffs ─ Horizontal method for This Uganda Standard specifies two quantitative
the enumeration of coagulase-positive methods using optical turbidimeters or nephelometers
staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus for the determination of turbidity of water:
and other species) ─ Part 2: Technique
nephelometry, procedure for measurement of diffuse
using rabbit plasma fibrinogen agar
radiation, applicable to water of low turbidity (for
example drinking water); and
This part of US ISO 6888 describes a horizontal
turbidimetry, procedure for measurement of the
method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive
attenuation of a radiant flux, more applicable to
staphylococci in products intended for human
highly turbid waters (for example waste waters or
consumption or feeding of animals by counting of
other cloudy waters).
colonies obtained on a solid medium (rabbit plasma
fibrinogen medium) after aerobic incubation at 35 °C
(This standard cancels and replaces US ISO
or 37 °C.
7027:1999, Water quality — Determination of
turbidity which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 1999-02-15.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.



810. US ISO 6888-3:2003
Microbiology of food and animal
812. US ISO 7086-1:2000, Glass
feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for
hollowware in contact with food —
the enumeration of coagulase-positive
Release of lead and cadmium — Part 1:
staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus
Test methods
and other species) — Part 3: Detection
and MPN technique for low numbers This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for the
release of lead and cadmium from glass hollowware
This part of US ISO 6888 specifies a horizontal
that is intended to be used in contact with food. This
method for the enumeration and detection of
part of US ISO 7086 is applicable to glass
coagulase-positive staphylococci, using the most
hollowware intended for use in the preparation,
probable number (MPN) technique.
cooking, serving and storage of food and beverages,
excluding glass ceramic ware, glass flatware and all
This standard was adopted on 2003-03-15.

139 | P a g e
articles used in food manufacturing industries or 815. US ISO 7218:2007, Microbiology
those in which food is sold. of food and animal feeding stuffs —
General requirements and guidance for
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
microbiological examinations (2nd

This Uganda Standard covers examination for

813. US ISO 7086-2:2000, Glass
bacteria, yeasts and moulds and
hollowware in contact with food —
Release of lead and cadmium — Part 2:
can be used if supplemented with specific guidance
Permissible limits
for prions, parasites and viruses. It applies to the
microbiology of food, animal feeding stuffs, the food
This Uganda Standard specifies permissible limits for
production environment and the primary production
the release of lead and cadmium from glass
environment. [This Uganda Standard cancels and
hollowware that is intended to be used in contact with
replaces US ISO 7218:1996, Microbiology of food
food. This part of US ISO 7086 is applicable to glass
and animal feeding stuffs – General rules for
hollowware intended for use in the preparation,
microbiological examinations, which has been
cooking, serving and storage of food and beverages,
technically revised (1st Edition).]
excluding glass ceramic ware, glass flatware, and all
articles used in food manufacturing industries or
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
those in which food is sold
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
816. US ISO 7238:2004, Butter –
Determination of pH of the serum –
Potentiometric method
814. US ISO 7208:2004, Skimmed
milk, whey and butter milk – This Uganda Standard specifies a potentiometric
Determination of fat content –
method for the determination of the pH of the serum
Gravimetric method (Reference
from all types of butter. (This standard cancels and
replaces US EAS 80-7:2006, Butter ─ Methods of
chemical analysis ─ Part 7: Determination of pH of
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
the serum ─ Potentiometric method which has been
for the determination of the fat content of liquid
republished on).
skimmed milk, whey and buttermilk.

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.



140 | P a g e
817. US ISO 7251:2005, Microbiology Determination of fat content –
of food and animal feeding stuffs — Gravimetric method (Reference
Horizontal method for the detection method)
and enumeration of presumptive
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
Escherichia coli — Most probable
for the determination of the fat content of most milk-
number technique
based edible ices and ice mixes.
This standard gives general guidelines for the
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
detection and enumeration of presumptive
Escherichia coli by means of the liquid-medium
culture technique and calculation of the most
probable number (MPN) after incubation at 37 °C, 820. US ISO 7393-1:1985, Water
then at 44 °C. This standard is applicable to products quality — Determination of free
intended for human consumption and the feeding of chlorine and total chlorine — Part
animals, and environmental samples in the area of 1: Titrimetric method using N,N-
food production and food handling. diethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine

This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19. This Uganda Standard specifies a titrimetric method
for the determination of free chlorine and total
chlorine in water. (This Uganda Standard is an
adoption of the International Standard ISO 7393-
818. US ISO 7305:2019, Milled cereal
products — Determination of fat
acidity (3rd Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

determination of the fat acidity of milled cereal
products. It is applicable to flours and semolinas 821. US ISO 7393-2:1985, Water
obtained from wheat and durum wheat, and to pasta. quality — Determination of free
(This standard cancels and replaces the second chlorine and total chlorine — Part
edition US ISO 7305:1998, Milled cereal products – 2: Colorimetric method using
Determination of fat acidity, which has been N,N-diethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine, for
technically revised). routine control purposes

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of free chlorine and total chlorine in
water, readily applicable to field testing; it is based
on measurement of the colour intensity by visual
819. US ISO 7328:2008, Milk-based
comparison of the colour with a scale of Standards
edible ices and ice mixes –

141 | P a g e
which is regularly calibrated. (This Uganda Standard substances which release ammonia
is an adoption of the International Standard ISO when treated with sodium hydroxide —
7393-2:1985) Titrimetric method

This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08. This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the ammoniacal nitrogen content of
fertilizers containing other substances, such as urea or
Urea-aldehyde condensates, which release ammonia
822. US ISO 7393-3:1990, Water
in the presence of sodium hydroxide.
quality — Determination of free
chlorine and total chlorine — Part
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
3: lodometric titration method
for the determination of total chlorine STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This Uganda Standard specifies an iodometric 825. US ISO 7409:2018, Fertilizers —

titration method for the determination of total Marking — Presentation and
chlorine in water. (This Uganda Standard is an declarations (2nd Edition)
adoption of the International Standard ISO 7393-
This Uganda Standard specifies the procedure for
marking containers or labels for fertilizers. (This
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08. standard cancels and replaces US ISO 7409:1984,
Fertilizers — Marking — Presentation and
declarations, which has been technically revised).

823. US ISO 7407:1983, Fertilizers —

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
Determination of acid-soluble
potassium content — Preparation of the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
test solution
826. US ISO 7485: 2000, Animal
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method feeding stuffs — Determination of
for the preparation of test solutions of fertilizers for potassium and sodium contents —
the subsequent determination of their acid-soluble Methods using flame-emission
potassium contents. spectrometry

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. This Uganda Standard specifies a calibration method
and a standard addition method for th determination
of potassium and sodium contents of animal feeding
stuffs by flame-emission spectrometry.
824. US ISO 7408:1983, Fertilizers —
Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
content in the presence of other

142 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 830. US ISO 7516:1984, Instant tea in
solid form — Sampling
827. US ISO 7497:1984, Fertilizers —
Extraction of phosphates soluble in This Uganda Standard specifies methods of sampling
mineral acids instant tea in solid form (hereinafter referred to as
"instant tea"). It applies to sampling from containers
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
of all sizes.
extraction of mineral acid-soluble phosphates by
attack with a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
and a method by attack with a mixture of sulfuric and
nitric acids. These methods are applicable to all
phosphate fertilizers and to mineral phosphates
831. US ISO 7540:2006, Ground
containing low amounts of organic matter.
paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) —
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.

This Uganda Standard defines the requirements for

ground paprika.
828. US ISO 7513:1990, Instant tea in
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
solid form — Determination of
moisture content (loss in mass at
832. US ISO 7541:1989, Ground
This Uganda standard specifies a method for the
(powdered) Paprika — Determination
determination of the moisture content of instant tea in
of total natural colouring matter
solid form as received (loss in mass at 103 °C).

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the total natural colouring matter
content of ground (powdered) Paprika.
829. US ISO 7514:1990, Instant tea in
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
solid form — Determination of total ash


This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the total ash of instant tea in solid
833. US ISO 7542:1984, Ground
(powdered) paprika (Capsicum
annuum Linnaeus) —Microscopical
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

143 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard describes the morphological 836. US ISO 7563:1998, Fresh fruits
and anatomical structure of paprika (Capsicum and vegetables — Vocabulary
annuum Linnaeus) and specifies a method for the
This Uganda Standard defines the terms most
microscopical examination of ground (powdered)
frequently used in the context of fresh fruits and
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
834. US ISO 7543-1:1994, Chillies and
837. US ISO 7560:1995, Cucumbers
chilli oleoresins — Determination of
— Storage and refrigerated transport
capsaicinoid content — Part 1:
Spectrometric method
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on conditions
for the successful storage and long-distance transport
This standard specifies a method for the
of cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L.), intended either
determination, by a spectrometric method, of the total
for direct consumption or for industrial processing.
capsaicinoid content of whole or powdered chillies
(usually Capiscum frutescens L.) and their oleoresins.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.



838. US ISO 7561:1984, Cultivated
mushrooms – Guide to cold storage and
835. US ISO 7543-2:1993, Chillies and
refrigerated transport
chilli oleoresins — Determination of
total capsaicinoid content -Part 2:
This Uganda Standard describes methods for
Method using high — performance
obtaining conditions for the successful cold storage
liquid chromatography
and long distance refrigerated transport of cultivated
mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus L), intended either
This part of US ISO 7543 specifies a method for the
for direct consumption or for industrial processing.
determination, by high-performance liquid
chromatography, of the total capsaicinoid content of
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
whole or powdered chillies (usually Capsicum
frutescens L.) and their extracts (oleoresins). STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04. 839. US ISO 7562:1990, Potatoes —

Guidelines for storage in artificially
ventilated stores

144 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard establishes guidelines for the 842. US ISO 7851:1983, Fertilizers
storage of potatoes, intended for use as seed potatoes, and soil conditioners — Classification
for consumption or for processing, in artificially
This Uganda Standard establishes a classification
ventilated stores. The application of these guidelines
System for fertilizers and soil conditioners. The
will permit preservation of the growth potential and
classification scheme includes an explanation of the
productivity of seed potatoes and of the good cooking
meaning of each heading and clearly assigns each
quality (e.g. characteristic flavour, lack of
fertilizer or soil conditioner to an appropriate group
discoloration and light colour of fried products) of
whilst recognizing that a few fertilizers or soil
potatoes for consumption. These guidelines are
conditioners may be classified differently in some
applicable only in regions with temperate climates.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
840. US ISO 7742:1988, Solid
843. US ISO 7875-1:1996, Water
fertilizers — Reduction of samples
quality — Determination of surfactants
This Uganda Standard specifies a method suitable for — Part 1: Determination of anionic
the reduction of a sample of a solid fertilizer to a surfactants by measurement of the
smaller quantity such as may be used for analysis or methylene blue index (MBAS)
for further reduction after suitable comminution.
This Uganda Standard specifies a spectrometric
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. method for the determination of anionic surfactants
by measurement of the methylene blue index
(MBAS) in aqueous media such as drinking water,
surface water as well as waste water. This method is
841. US ISO 7837:1992, Fertilizers —
applicable to a range of concentrations from 0.1 mg/l
Determination of bulk density (loose) of
to 5.0 mg/l and the limit of detection is about 0.05
fine-grained fertilizers
mg/l for solutions of standard surfactants in distilled
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the water.
determination of the bulk density (loose) of solid
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
fine-grained fertilizers. The method is applicable to
fertilizers which contain a large proportion of
particles of diameters less than 0.5 mm.
844. US ISO 7887:2011, Water quality
This standard was adopted on 2014-06-20.
— Examination and determination of
colour (2nd Edition)

145 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies four different STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
methods, for the examination of water colour.
Method A involves examination of apparent colour 846. US ISO 7889:2003, Yoghurt —
Enumeration of characteristic
by visually observing a water sample in a bottle. This
microorganisms – Colony count
gives only preliminary information, for example for
technique at 37 degree C
use in field work. Only the apparent colour can be
reported. Method B involves determination of the
This Uganda Standard specifies a horizontal method
true colour of a water sample using optical apparatus
for the detection or the enumeration of low numbers
and is applicable to raw and potable water and to
of viable presumptive Bacillus cereus by means of
industrial water of low colour. Method C involves
the most probable number technique. The standard is
determination of the true colour of a water sample
applicable to products intended for human
using optical apparatus for comparison with
consumption and the feeding of animals, and
hexachloroplatinate concentration at wavelength, λ =
environmental samples in the area of food production
410 nm. Method D involves determination of colour
and food handling
by visual comparison with hexachloroplatinate
standard solutions and can be applied to raw and This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
drinking water. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US ISO 7887:1994, Water quality — STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

Examination and determination of colour, 1 st Edition,

847. US ISO 7890-3:1988, Water
which has been technically revised).
quality — Determination of nitrate —

This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25. Part 3: Spectrometric method using

sulfosalicylic acid
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
845. US ISO 7888:1985, Water quality determination of nitrate ion in water. (This Uganda
— Determination of electrical Standard is an adoption of the International Standard
conductivity ISO 7890-3:1988)

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
measurement of the electrical conductivity of all
types of water. Electrical conductivity can be used to STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

monitor the quality of a) surface waters; b) process

848. US ISO 7899-1:1998 Water
waters c) waste waters. (This Uganda Standard is an
quality — Detection and enumeration
adoption of the International Standard ISO
of intestinal enterococci — Part 1:
Miniaturized method (Most Probable

This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08. Number) for surface and waste water

146 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a miniaturized sour cherries (Prunus cerasus L.) intended either for
method for the detection and enumeration of major direct consumption or for industrial processing.
intestinal enterococci in surface and waste water by
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
inoculation in a liquid medium.


This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

851. US ISO 7922:1985, Leeks –

Guide to cold storage and refrigerated
849. US ISO 7899-2:2000, Water transport
quality — Detection and enumeration
This Uganda Standard describes methods for
of intestinal enterococci — Part 2:
obtaining good conditions of cold storage and
Membrane filtration method
refrigerated transport of leeks (Allium porrum)
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the intended for human consumption, for maintaining
detection and enumeration of intestinal enterococci in their quality and avoiding deterioration.
water by membrane filtration. This Uganda Standard
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
is especially intended for examination of drinking
water, water from swimming pools and other
disinfected or clean waters. Nevertheless, the method
can be applied to all types of water, except when a 852. US ISO 7927-1:1987, Fennel seed,
large amount of suspended matter or many interfering whole or ground (powdered) -Part 1:
microorganisms are present. It is particularly suitable Bitter fennel seed (Foenicuhm vulgare
for the examination of large volumes of water P. Miller var. vulgare) — Specification
containing only a few intestinal enterococci. (This
Uganda Standard is an adoption of the International This part of US ISO 7927 specifies requirements for

Standard ISO 7899-2:2000). bitter fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare P. Miller var.
vulgare), whole or ground (powdered).
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
850. US ISO 7920:1984, Sweet
cherries and sour cherries – Guide to 853. US ISO 7937:2004, Microbiology

cold storage and refrigerated transport of food and animal feeding stuffs —
Horizontal method for the enumeration
This Uganda Standard describes the optimum of Clostridium perfringens — Colony-
conditions for the cold storage and refrigerated count technique
transport of sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.) and

147 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard describes a horizontal method STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
for the enumeration of viable Clostridium
perfringens. It is applicable to products intended for 856. US ISO 7971-3:2009, Cereals –
Determination of bulk density, called
human consumption and the feeding of animals, and
mass per hectolitre – Part 3: Routine
environmental samples in the area of food production
and food handling.

This Uganda Standard specifies a routine method for

This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
the determination of bulk density, called “mass per
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 hectolitre” of cereals as grain using manual or
automatic, mechanical, electric or electronic mass per
854. US ISO 7952:1994, Fruits,
hectoliter measuring instruments.
vegetables and derived products —
Determination of copper content — This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
Method using flame atomic absorption

857. US ISO 7980:1986, Water quality

This Uganda Standard specifies a flame atomic
absorption spectrometric method for the — Determination of calcium and
magnesium — Atomic absorption
determination of the copper content of fruits,
spectrometric method
vegetables and derived products. (This standard
cancels and replaces US 235:2000/ISO 3094, Fruits
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
and vegetable products – Determination of copper
determination of dissolved calcium and magnesium
which has been revised).
by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. (This
Uganda Standard is an adoption of the International
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
Standard ISO 7980:1986)
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
855. US ISO 7971-1:2009, Cereals –
Determination of bulk density, called
mass per hectolitre – Part 1: Reference
858. US ISO 8070:2007, Milk and
milk products – Determination of
calcium, sodium, potassium and
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
magnesium contents – Atomic
for the determination of bulk density, called “mass
absorption spectrometric method
per hectolitre”, of cereals as grain.

This Uganda Standard specifies a flame atomic

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
absorption spectrometric method for the

148 | P a g e
determination of calcium, sodium, potassium and STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
magnesium contents in milk and milk products. The
method is applicable for milk and whey, buttermilk, 861. US ISO 8156:2005, Dried milk
and dried milk products –
yogurt, cream, dried milk, butter, cheese, casein and
Determination of insolubility index

This Uganda Standard specifies a method of

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
determining the insolubility index, as a means of
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 assessing the solubility, of dried whole milk, dried
partly skimmed milk and dried skimmed milk,
859. US ISO 8128-1:1993, Apple juice,
whether non-instant or instant. (This standard cancels
apple juice concentrates and drinks
and replaces US EAS 81-6:2006, Milk powders –
containing apple juice — Determination Determination of solubility index which has been
of patulin content — Part 1: Method
republished on).
using high-performance liquid
chromatography This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method using high STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
performance liquid chromatography for the
862. US ISO 8157:2015, Fertilizers
determination of the patulin content of apple juice,
and soil conditioners — Vocabulary
apple juice concentrates and drinks containing apple
This Uganda Standard defines terms relating to
fertilizers and soil conditioners.
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.



860. US ISO 8128-2:1993, Apple juice,
apple juice concentrates and drinks
863. US ISO 8165-1: 1992, Water
containing apple juice — Determination
quality — Determination of selected
of patulin content — Part 2: Method
monovalent phenols — Part 1: Gas-
using thin-layer chromatography
chromatographic method after

This Uganda Standard specifies a method using thin enrichment by extraction

layer chromatography for the determination of the

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
patulin content of apple juice, apple juice
determination of phenols in a concentration range
concentrates and drinks containing apple juice.
from 0.1 µg/l to 1 mg/l in aqueous media such as
drinking water, ground water and surface waters.
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

149 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon
864. US ISO 8165-2:1999, Water
quality — Determination of selected This Uganda Standard gives guidance for the
monovalent phenols — Part 2: Method determination of total carbon (TC), total inorganic
by derivatization and gas carbon (TIC) and total organic carbon (TOC) in
chromatography drinking water, ground water, surface water, sea
water and waste water. It also defines terms and
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
specifies interferences, reagents, and sample pre-
determination of phenols by gas chromatography,
treatment for water samples. The method described in
following pentafluorobenzoyl chloride (PFBC)
this standard applies to water samples containing
derivatization. It may in particular be applied to the
organic carbon content ranging from 0.3 mg/l to 1000
examination of drinking water, ground water and
mg/l. The lower limit concentration is only applicable
moderately contaminated surface water. With this
in special cases, for example drinking water,
method, lower limits of detection may be obtained
measured by highly sensitive instruments. Higher
compared with extraction procedures.
concentrations may be determined after appropriate
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.



865. US ISO 8197:1988, Milk and
milk products – Sampling – Inspection
867. US ISO 8199:2005 Water quality
by variables
— General guidance on the
enumeration of micro-organisms by
This Uganda Standard describes the basis for
sampling plans for the inspection of variables of milk
and milk products. (This Uganda Standard cancels
This Uganda Standard presents guidance for carrying
and replaces US EAS 165:2006, Milk and milk
out manipulations which are common to each
products – Sampling – Inspection by attributes, which
technique for the microbiological examination of
has been republished on).
water, particularly the preparation of samples, culture
media and apparatus. (This Uganda Standard is an
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
adoption of the International Standard ISO
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 8199:2005).

866. US ISO 8245: 1999, Water This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
quality — Guidelines for the
determination of total organic carbon

150 | P a g e
868. US ISO 8262-1:2005, Milk Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric method
products and milk based foods – (Reference method) — Part 3: Special
Determination of fat content by the cases
Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric method
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
(Reference method) – Part 1: Infant
for the determination of the fat content of milk-based
and of liquid, concentrated or dried milk products to
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method which the Röse-Gottllieb method is not applicable;
for the determination of the fat content of infant i.e. those containing distinct quantities of free fatty
foods to which the Röse-Gottlieb method is not acids or those which are not completely soluble in
applicable [i.e. those milk-based and other types of ammonia owing to the presence of lumps or non-milk
infant food that contain more than 5 % (mass ingredients, such as custards, porridges or certain
fraction) (dry matter) of starch or dextrin, or milk-based products for bakery purposes.
vegetable, fruit, meat, etc.].
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
871. US ISO 8288:1986, Water quality
869. US ISO 8262-2:2005, Milk — Determination of cobalt, nickel,
products and milk based foods – copper, zinc, cadmium and lead —
Determination of fat content by the Flame atomic absorption spectrometric
Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric method methods
(Reference method) – Part 2: Edible
This Uganda Standard specifies three methods for the
ices and ice-mixes
determination of cobalt, nickel, topper, zinc,
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method cadmium and lead in water by flame atomic
for the determination of the fat content of edible ices absorption spectrometry.
and ice-mixes to which the Röse-Gottlieb method is
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
not applicable (i.e. those products containing high
levels of stabilizer or thickening agent, or of egg yolk
or of fruit, or of combinations of these constituents).
872. US ISO 8294:1994, Animal and
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
vegetable fats and oils — Determination
of copper, iron and nickel contents —
Graphite furnace atomic absorption
870. US ISO 8262-3:2005, Milk method
products and milk-based foods —
Determination of fat content by the

151 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the Release of lead and cadmium – Part 2:
determination of trace amounts of copper, iron and Permissible limits
nickel in animal and vegetable fats and oils, referred
This Uganda Standard specifies the permissible limits
to hereinafter as fats. (This Uganda Standard cancels
for the release of lead and cadmium by ceramic
and replaces US 188:2000/ISO 8294, Animal and
cookware intended for use in contact with food. This
vegetable fats and oils — Determination of copper,
part of ISO 8391 is applicable to ceramic cookware
iron and nickel contents — Graphite furnace atomic
intended to be used for the preparation of foods by
absorption method which has been republished on.)
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
873. US ISO 8381:2008, Milk-based
876. US ISO 8397:1988, Solid
infant foods – Determination of fat
fertilizers and soil conditioners — Test
content – Gravimetric method
(Reference method)

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method
determination of the particle size distribution of solid
for the determination of the fat content of milk-based
fertilizers and soil conditioners by test sieving.
infant foods.

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.



877. US ISO 8633:1992, Solid

874. US ISO 8391-1:1986, Ceramic
fertilizers — Simple sampling method
cookware in contact with food —
for small lots
Release of lead and cadmium — Part 1:
Methods of test
This Uganda Standard defines a sampling plan for the
control of quantities of solid fertilizer not more than
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of test for
250 t and outlines the method to be used. It is
the release of lead and cadmium by ceramic
applicable to all solid fertilizers which may be in bulk
cookware intended for use in contact with food.
or in packages.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
875. US ISO 8391-2:1986, Ceramic
cookware in contact with food —

152 | P a g e
878. US ISO 8634:1991, Solid This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
fertilizers — Sampling plan for the
evaluation of a large delivery

881. US ISO 8683:1988, Lettuce —

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
Guide to precooling and refrigerated
sampling a delivery of more than 250 t of fertilizer
and, after analysis of the Sample or samples, presents
rules for assessing whether the delivery tan be
This Uganda Standard gives general guidance on the
accepted by a buyer, allowing for given reselling
precooling and refrigerated transport of lettuce
risks under given local legal conditions (or if he
(Lactuca sativa Linnaeus) or industrial use to be
wishes to guarantee to the final buyer a given mean
assay with a given risk).
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
882. US ISO 9174:1998, Water quality
879. US ISO 8968-1:2014, Milk and
— Determination of chromium —
milk products – Determination of
Atomic absorption spectrometric
nitrogen content – Part 1: Kjeldahl
principle and crude protein calculation
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of chromium in water by atomic
determination of the nitrogen content and crude
absorption spectrometry. (This Uganda Standard is an
protein calculation of milk and milk products by the
adoption of the International Standard ISO
Kjeldahl principle, using traditional and block
digestion methods.
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
883. US ISO 9231:2008, Milk and
880. US ISO 8968-3:2004, Milk –
milk products – Determination of the
Determination of nitrogen content –
benzoic and sorbic acid contents
Part 3: Block-digestion method (Semi-
micro rapid routine method) This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the benzoic and sorbic acid contents
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
in milk and milk products.
determination of the nitrogen content of liquid, whole
or skimmed milk. This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

153 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 method, 1st Edition, which has been technically
884. US ISO 9297:1989, Water quality
— Determination of chloride — Silver This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.
nitrate titration with chromate
indicator (Mohr's method)

886. US ISO 9390:1990, Water quality

This Uganda Standard specifies a titration method for
the determination of dissolved chloride in water. The — Determination of borate —
Spectrometric method using
method is applicable to the direct determination of
dissolved chloride in concentrations between 5 mg/l
and 150 mg/l. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption
This Uganda Standard specifies a spectrometric
of the International Standard ISO 9297:1989)
method for the determination of borate in water. The
method is applicable to the determination of borate in
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
concentrations between 0.01 mg and 1 mg of boron
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 per litre. The working range may be extended by
dilution. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
885. US ISO 9308-2:2012, Water International Standard ISO 9390:1990)
quality — Enumeration of Escherichia
coli and coliform bacteria — Part 2: This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
Most Probable Number method (2

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the 887. US ISO 9696: 2017, Water
quality — Gross alpha activity — Test
enumeration of E. coli and coliform bacteria in water.
method using thick source
The method is based on the growth of target
organisms in a liquid medium and calculation of the
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
“Most Probable Number” (MPN) of organisms by
determination of gross alpha activity in non-saline
reference to MPN tables. This method can be applied
waters for alpha-emitting radionuclides which are not
to all types of water, including those containing an
volatile up to 350 °C. The method is applicable to
appreciable amount of suspended matter and high
raw and potable waters.
background counts of heterotrophic bacteria. (This
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
9308-2:1990, Water quality — Detection and
enumeration of coliform organisms, thermo tolerant STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

coliform organisms and presumptive Escherichia coli

888. US ISO 9697: 2015, Water
— Part 2: Multiple tube (Most Probable Number)
quality — Gross beta activity in non-

154 | P a g e
saline water – Test method using thick This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
source determination of water extract from tea. (This
standard cancels and replaces US 296:2002/ISO
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for the
9768, Tea – Determination of water extract, which
determination of gross beta activity concentration in
has been renumbered).
non-saline waters. The method covers non-volatile
radionuclides with maximum beta energies of This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
approximately 0.3 MeV or higher. This test method is
applicable to raw and drinking waters.

891. US ISO 9831:1998, Animal

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
feeding stuffs, animal products, and
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 faeces or urine — Determination
of gross calorific value — Bomb
889. US ISO 9719:1995, Root
calorimeter method
vegetables – Cold storage and
refrigerated transport This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the gross calorific value of animal
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on conditions
feeding stuffs, animal products and faeces or urine at
for cold storage and refrigerated transport of fresh
constant volume in an adiabatic, an isothermal, or a
root vegetables. It applies only to stemless root
static bomb calorimeter.
vegetables intended for long-term storage in large-
capacity warehouses, or refrigerated transport. This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
Requirements for the storage of root vegetables with
leaves are considerably different and are applicable
only to short-term storage. This Standard applies to
892. US ISO 9833:1993, Melons –
black radish (Raphanus sativus), blackroot
Cold storage and refrigerated transport
(Scorzonera hispanica), carrot (Daucus carota),
horseradish (Armoracia rusticana), parsley This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the
(Petroselinum crispum var. tuberosum), red beetroot operations to be carried out before and the conditions
(Beta vulgaris var. cruenta) and similar root crops. to be met during the cold storage and refrigerated
transport of melons (Cucumis melo L.). It is
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
applicable to early, mid- and late-ripening cultivars of

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

890. US ISO 9768:1994/Cor 1: 1998,
Tea — Determination of water extract

155 | P a g e
893. US ISO 9930:1993, Green beans drinking waters. The method is applicable to water
– Storage and refrigerated transport samples with a mass concentration of potassium in
the range from 5 mg/l to 50 mg/l. This range can be
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on conditions
extended to lower or higher limits if dilution factors
for the successful cold storage and long-distance
are chosen.
refrigerated transport of green (snap) beans belonging
to the species Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Phaseolus This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
coccineus L., intended for direct consumption or
industrial processing.

896. US ISO 9964-3: 1993, Water

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
quality — Determination of sodium and
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 potassium — Part 3: Determination of
sodium and potassium by flame
894. US ISO 9964-1:1993, Water
emission spectrometry
quality — Determination of sodium and
potassium — Part 1: Determination of This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
sodium by atomic absorption determination of dissolved sodium and potassium by
spectrometry flame emission spectrometry (FES) in raw and
drinking waters. The method is applicable to water
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
samples with a mass concentration of sodium and
determination of dissolved sodium by flame atomic
potassium of up to 10 mg/l. For samples containing
absorption spectrometry (AAS). It is intended for the
higher concentrations of sodium and potassium, a
analysis of raw and drinking water. (This Uganda
smaller test portion is taken for analysis. The lower
Standard is an adoption of the International Standard
limits of determination are less than 0.1 mg/l for both
ISO 9964-1:1993)
sodium and potassium.

This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.



895. US ISO 9964-2: 1993, Water

897. US ISO 10084:1992, Soil
quality — Determination of sodium and
fertilizers — Determination of mineral-
potassium — Part 2: Determination of
acid-soluble sulfate content —
potassium by atomic absorption
Gravimetric method
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
gravimetric determination of the mineral-acid-soluble
determination of dissolved potassium by flame
sulfate content of solid fertilizers. The method is
atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) in raw and

156 | P a g e
applicable to fertilizers with sulfate contents, STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
expressed as SO3, from 3 % (m/m) to 50 % (m/m).
900. US ISO 10301: 1997, Water
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. quality — Determination of highly
volatile halogenated hydrocarbons —
Gas-chromatographic methods

898. US ISO 10249:1996, Fluid

This Uganda Standard specifies two test methods for
fertilizers — Preliminary visual the determination of highly volatile halogenated
examination and preparation of
hydrocarbons in water e.g. drinking water, ground
samples for physical testing
water, swimming pool water, rivers, lakes, sewage
and industrial effluents using gas-chromatography.
This Uganda Standard specifies both a procedure for
preliminary examination of a single sample as
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
received for testing, and a procedure for preparing a
test sample by blending and reduction of a series of STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000
samples representative of a consignment or a bulk
901. US ISO 10304-1: 2007, Water
delivery of fluid fertilizer.
quality — Determination of dissolved
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. anions by liquid chromatography of
ions — Part 1: Determination of
bromide, chloride, fluoride, nitrate,
nitrite, phosphate and sulfate (2nd
899. US ISO 10272-1:2017,
Microbiology of the food chain —
Horizontal method for detection and
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
enumeration of Campylobacter spp. —
determination of dissolved bromide, chloride,
Part 1: Detection method fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and sulfate in
water, e.g. drinking water, ground water, surface
This Uganda Standard specifies a horizontal method
water, waste water, leachates and marine water by
for the detection by enrichment or direct plating of
liquid chromatography of ions. The lower limit of
Campylobacter spp. It is applicable to products
application is ≥ 0.05 mg/l for bromide and for nitrite,
intended for human consumption, products intended
and ≥ 0.1 mg/l for chloride, fluoride, nitrate,
for animal feeding, environmental samples in the area
orthophosphate, and sulfate. (This standard cancels
of food and feed production, handling, and samples
and replaces US ISO 10304-1:1992, Water quality —
from the primary production stage such as animal
Determination of dissolved fluoride, chloride, nitrite,
faeces, dust, and swabs.
orthophosphate, bromide, nitrate and sulfate ions,
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. using liquid chromatography of ions — Part 1:

157 | P a g e
Method for water with low contamination, which has 904. US ISO 10359-1:1992, Water
been technically revised). quality — Determination of fluoride —
Part 1: Electrochemical probe
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
method for potable and lightly polluted

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

902. US ISO 10304-3: 1997, Water
determination of dissolved fluoride in fresh, potable
quality — Determination of dissolved
and low contaminated water, and some surface
anions by liquid chromatography of
waters, using an electrochemical technique. (This
ions — Part 3: Determination of
Uganda Standard is an adoption of the International
chromate, iodide, sulfite, thiocyanate
Standard ISO 10359-1:1992)
and thiosulfate

This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.

This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
determination of dissolved anions of iodide,
thiocyanate, thiosulfate, sulfite and chromate in
aqueous solutions, including raw, drinking, ground 905. US ISO 10359-2:1994, Water
and surface waters. quality — Determination of fluoride —
Part 2: Determination of
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
inorganically bound total fluoride
after digestion and distillation

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

903. US ISO 10304-4: 1997, Water
determination of inorganically bound total fluoride.
quality — Determination of dissolved
The method is applicable to waste waters which are
anions by liquid chromatography of
highly contaminated inorganically, with a fluoride
ions — Part 4: Determination of
ion concentration of more than 0.2 mg/l. (This
chlorate, chloride and chlorite in water
Uganda Standard is an adoption of the International
with low contamination
Standard ISO 10359-2:1994).
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
determination of the dissolved chlorate, chloride, and
chlorite anions in water with low contamination (e.g.
drinking water, raw water and swimming pool water).
906. US ISO 10390:2005, Soil quality
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
— Determination of pH

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This Uganda Standard specifies an instrumental

method for the routine determination of pH using a

158 | P a g e
glass electrode in a 1:5 (volume fraction) suspension STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
of soil in water (pH in H2O), in 1 mol/l potassium
chloride solution (pH in KCl) or in 0.01 mol/l 909. US ISO 10530: 1992, Water
quality — Determination of dissolved
calcium chloride solution (pH in CaCl2).
sulfide — Photometric method using
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08. methylene blue

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 This Uganda Standard specifies a photometric

method for the determination of dissolved sulfide in
907. US ISO 10520:1997, Native
natural waters and waste waters requiring filtration in
starch — Determination of starch
mass concentrations ranging from 0.04 mg/l to 1.5
content — Ewers polarimetric method
mg/l. Higher concentrations may be determined by
reducing and subsequently diluting the volume of the
This standard specifies a polarimetric method for the
water sample used.
determination of the starch content of native starch,
with the exception of starch with high amylose
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
content. It is not applicable to modified or pre-
gelatinized (water-soluble) starch. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19. 910. US ISO 10539:2002, Animal and
vegetable fats and oils — Determination
of alkalinity

908. US ISO 10523: 2008, Water

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
quality — Determination of pH (2nd determination of the alkalinity of animal and
vegetable fats and oils without distinguishing
between the various constituents. (This Uganda
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 318:2006,
determining the pH value in rain, drinking and
Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination
mineral waters, bathing waters, surface and ground
of soap content method which has been republished
waters, as well as municipal and industrial waste
waters, and liquid sludge, within the pH range 2 to
pH 12, ionic strength below I = 0.3 mol/kg
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
(conductivity: γ25 °C < 2000 mS/m) solvent and
temperature range 0 °C to 50 °C. (This standard STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
cancels and replaces US ISO 10523:1994, Water
911. US ISO 10566:1994, Water
quality — Determination of pH, which has been
technically revised). quality — Determination of aluminium
— Spectrometric method using
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. pyrocatechol violet

159 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of filterable (dissolved) and acid- determination of the total carbon content in soil after
soluble aluminium in potable waters, ground waters, dry combustion. The organic carbon content is
and lightly polluted surface and sea waters. (This calculated from this content after correcting for
Uganda Standard is an adoption of the International carbonates present in the Sample. If carbonates are
Standard ISO 10566:1994) removed beforehand, the organic carbon content is
measured directly. This standard is applicable to all
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
types of air-dried soil samples.


This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.

912. US ISO 10620:1995, Dried sweet

marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) —
Specification 915. US ISO 10705-2:2000, Water
quality — Detection and enumeration
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
of bacteriophages — Part 2:
dried sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) both
Enumeration of somatic coliphages
as bunches (bouquets) and as rubbed.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
detection and enumeration of somatic coliphages by
incubating the sample with an appropriate host strain.
(This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
913. US ISO 10622:1997, Large International Standard ISO 10705-2:2000).
cardamom (Amomum subulatum
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
Roxb.), as capsules and seeds —

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for

916. US ISO 10727:2002, Tea and
large cardamom as capsules and seeds (Amomum
instant tea in solid form —
subulatum Roxb)
Determination of caffeine content –
Method using high-performance liquid
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
914. US ISO 10694:1995, Soil quality determination by high-performance liquid
— Determination of organic and total chromatography (HPLC) of the caffeine content of
carbon after dry combustion teas and instant teas. It is applicable to green tea,
(elementary analysis) black tea and decaffeinated tea products.

160 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10. 919. US ISO 11050:1993, Wheat flour
and durum wheat semolina —
Determination of impurities of animal
917. US ISO 11027:1993, Pepper and
pepper oleoresins — Determination of
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
piperine content - Method using
determining the content of impurities of animal origin
high-performance liquid in wheat flours, with or without additives and having
an ash yield not exceeding 0.63 % (m/m), and in
durum wheat semolinas (This standard cancels and
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
replaces US 475:2002/ISO 11050:1993, Wheat flour
determination, by high-performance liquid
and durum wheat semolina – Determination of
chromatography, of the piperine content of peppers
impurities of animal origin, which has been
(Piper nigrum Linnaeus), whole or powdered, as well
as their extracts (oleoresins)

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.



920. US ISO 11053:2009, Vegetable

918. US ISO 11047:1998, Soil quality
fats and oils — Determination of cocoa
— Determination of cadmium,
butter equivalents in milk chocolate
chromium, cobalt, copper, lead,
manganese, nickel and zinc in aqua This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the
regia extracts of soil— Flame and
detection and quantification of cocoa butter
electrothermal atomic absorption
equivalents (CBEs) and milk fat (MF) in milk
spectrometric methods chocolate by triacylglycerol (TAG) profiling using
high-resolution capillary gas-liquid chromatography
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the
(HR-GLC), and subsequent data evaluation by simple
determination, by atomic absorption spectrometry, of
and partial least squares regression analysis.
one or more of cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper,
lead, manganese, nickel and zinc, in aqua regia
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
extracts of soil obtained in accordance with ISO

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04. 921. US ISO 11085:2008, Cereals,

cereals-based products and animal
feeding stuffs — Determination of
crude fat and total fat content by the
Randall extraction method

161 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies procedures for the This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
determination of the fat content of cereals, cereal
based products, and animal feeding stuffs. These STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

procedures are not applicable to oilseeds and

925. US ISO 11165:1995, Dried sage
oleaginous fruits.
(Salvia officinalis L.) — Specification

This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
dried sage (Salvia officinalis L.) in the form of whole
or cut leaves.
922. US ISO 11162:2001, Peppercorns
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
(Piper nigrum L.) in brine —
Specification and test methods

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for

926. US ISO 11178:1995, Star anise
peppercorns (Piper nigrum L.) in brine.
(Illicium verum Hook. f.) – Specification

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
dried fruits of the star anise tree (Illicium verum
Hook. f.).
923. US ISO 11163:1995, Dried sweet
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
basil (Ochwm basilicum L.) —

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for

927. US ISO 11212-1:1997, Starch and
dried sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) in the form
derived products — Heavy metals
of cut (rubbed) leaves.
content — Part 1: Determination of
arsenic content by atomic absorption
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
This part specifies a method for the determination of
924. US ISO 11164:1995, Dried the arsenic content of starch, including derivatives
rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) — and by-products, by atomic absorption spectrometry
Specification with hybride generation.

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
dried rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) leaves in
cut form.

162 | P a g e
928. US ISO 11212-2:1997, Starch and and by-products, by atomic absorption spectrometry
derived products — Heavy metals with electro thermal atomization.
content — Part 2: Determination of
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
mercury content by atomic absorption

This part specifies a method for the determination of

931. US ISO 11261:1995, Soil quality
the mercury content of starch, including derivatives
— Determination of total nitrogen —
and by-products, by atomic absorption spectrometry
Modified Kjeldahl method
with cold-vapour generation.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
determination of the total nitrogen (ammonium-N,
nitrate-N, nitrite-N and organic N) content of a soil.
Nitrogen in N-N-linkages, N-0-linkages and some
929. US ISO 11212-3:1997, Starch and heterocyclics (especially pyridine) is only partially
derived products — Heavy metals determined. This standard is applicable to all types of
content — Part 3: Determination of soils.
lead content by atomic absorption
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
spectrometry with electro thermal

This part specifies a method for the determination of

932. US ISO 11265:1994, Soil quality
the lead content of starch, including derivatives and
— Determination of the specific
by-products, by atomic absorption spectrometry with
electrical conductivity
electro thermal atomization.
This Uganda Standard specifies an instrumental
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
method for the routine determination of the specific
electrical conductivity in an aqueous extract of soil.
The determination is carried out to obtain an
930. US ISO 11212-4:1997, Starch and indication of the content of water-soluble electrolytes
derived products — Heavy metals in a soil. This standard is applicable to all types of
content — Part 4: Determination of air-dried soil samples.
cadmium content by atomic absorption
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
spectrometry with electro thermal

This part specifies a method for the determination of

the Cadmium content of starch, including derivatives

163 | P a g e
933. US ISO 11286:2004, Tea — This part of US ISO 11290 specifies a horizontal
Classification of grades by particle size method for the enumeration of Listeria
analysis monocytogenes.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the This standard was adopted on 1998-07-01.
classification of grades of tea according to an analysis
of their particle size. It is not applicable to large,
leafy grades of tea. This method may not be suitable
936. US ISO 11423-1:1997, Water
for blends of tea. (This standard cancels and replaces
quality — Determination of benzene
US 443:2002/ISO 11286, Tea – Classification of
and some derivatives — Part 1: Head-
grades by particle size analysis, which has been
space gas chromatographic method
This Uganda Standard describes a method applicable
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
to the determination of benzene, methylbenzene
(toluene), dimethylbenzenes (xylenes) and
ethylbenzene (abbreviated hereafter to BTX) in
934. US ISO 11290-1:1996 homogeneous samples of water and waste water in
Microbiology of food and animal concentrations above 2 µg/l. (This Uganda Standard
feeding stuffs — Horizontal method is an adoption of the International Standard ISO
for the detection and 11423-1:1997)
enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
— Part 1: Detection method


This part of US ISO 11290 specifies a horizontal
method for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes.
937. US ISO 11423-2:1997, Water
quality — Determination of benzene
This standard was adopted on 1996-l2-15.
and some derivatives — Part 2: Method
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 using extraction and gas
935. US ISO 11290-2:1998
Microbiology of food and animal This Uganda Standard describes a method applicable
feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for to the determination of benzene, methylbenzene
the detection and enumeration of (toluene), dimethylbenzenes (xylenes) and
Listeria monocytogenes -- Part 2: ethylbenzene (abbreviated hereafter to BTX) in water
Enumeration method and waste water in concentrations above 5 µg/l. High
concentrations may be determined by diluting the
extract. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
International Standard ISO 11423-2:1997)

164 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19. This Uganda Standard specifies a flame atomic
absorption spectrometric method for the
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 determination of the zinc content of milk and milk
938. US ISO 11465:1993, Soil quality
— Determination of dry matter and
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
water content on a mass basis —
Gravimetric method STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the 941. US ISO 11816-1:2013, Milk and
determination of the dry matter content and water milk products – Determination of
content of soil samples on a mass basis. This method alkaline phosphatase activity – Part 1:
can be applied to all types of soil samples. Fluorimetric method for milk and milk-
based drinks
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
This Uganda Standard specifies a fluorimetric
method for the determination of alkaline phosphatase
activity in raw and heat-treated whole milk, semi-
939. US ISO 11732: 2005, Water
skimmed milk, skimmed milk and flavoured milks.
quality — Determination of ammonium
This method is applicable to milk and milk-based
nitrogen — Method by flow analysis
drinks from cows, sheep and goats. It is also
(CFA and FIA) and spectrometric
applicable to milk powder after reconstitution.

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

This Uganda Standard specifies methods suitable for
the determination of ammonium nitrogen in various
types of waters (such as ground, drinking, surface,
and waste waters) in mass concentrations ranging 942. US ISO 11816-2:2003, Milk and
from 0.1 mg/l to 10 mg/l (in the undiluted sample), milk products – Determination of
applying either FIA or CFA. alkaline phosphatase activity – Part 2:
Fluorimetric method for cheese
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
This Uganda Standard specifies a fluorometric
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 method for the determination of alkaline phosphatase
activity in cheese.
940. US ISO 11813:2010, Milk and
milk products – Determination of zinc
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
content – Flame atomic absorption
spectrometric method STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

165 | P a g e
943. US ISO 11885: 2007, Water medium with MUG, and calculation of the number of
quality — Determination of selected presumptive Escherichia coli and/or coliforms per
elements by inductively coupled plasma gram or per millilitre by the most probable number
optical emission spectrometry (ICP- (MPN) technique after incubation at 30 °C.
OES) (2 Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of dissolved elements, elements bound STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

to particles (“particulate”) and total content of

945. US ISO 11866-2:2005 Milk and
elements in different types of water (e.g. ground,
milk products — Enumeration of
surface, raw, potable and waste water) for the
presumptive Escherichia coli — Part 2:
following elements: aluminium, antimony, arsenic,
Colony-count technique at 44 ° C using
barium, beryllium, bismuth, boron, cadmium,
calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gallium, indium,
iron, lead, lithium, magnesium, manganese, This part of US ISO 11866 specifies a method for the
molybdenum, nickel, phosphorus, potassium, enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli by
selenium, silicon, silver, sodium, strontium, sulfur, means of a colony-count technique at 44 °C.
tin, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, zinc and
zirconium. (This standard cancels and replaces US This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

ISO 11885: 1996, Water quality — Determination of

33 elements by inductively coupled plasma atomic
emission spectroscopy, which has been technically 946. US ISO 12010:2012, Water
revised). quality — Determination of short-chain
polychlorinated alkanes (SCCPs) in
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
water — Method using Gas

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

(GC-MS) and Negative-ion Chemical
944. US ISO 11866-1:2005 Milk and Ionization (NCI)
milk products — Enumeration of
presumptive Escherichia coli — Part 1: This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

Most probable number technique using quantitative determination of the sum of short-chain

4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D- polychlorinated n‑alkanes, also known as short-chain

glucuronide (MUG) polychlorinated paraffins (SCCPs), in the carbon

bond range n-C10 to n-C13 inclusive, in mixtures
This part of US ISO 11866 specifies a combined with chlorine mass fractions (“contents”) between 49
method for the enumeration of presumptive % and 67 %, including approximately 6 300 of
Escherichia coli and of presumptive coliforms by approximately 8 000 congeners. This method is
means of a culture technique involving a liquid applicable to the determination of the sum of SCCPs

166 | P a g e
in unfiltered surface water, ground water, drinking using high-performance liquid
water and waste water using gas chromatography- chromatography
mass spectrometry with electron capture negative
This Uganda Standard specifies a method using high-
ionization (GC-ECNI-MS).
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for the
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25. determination of vitamin A in dried skimmed milk
containing at least 10 IU (International Units) of
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 vitamin A per gram.

947. US ISO 12020:1997, Water

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
quality — Determination of aluminium
— Atomic absorption spectrometric STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
950. US ISO 12081:2010, Milk –
This Uganda Standard describes two atomic Determination of calcium content –
absorption spectrometric (AAS) methods for the Titrimetric method
determination of aluminium in water. (This Uganda
This Uganda Standard specifies a titrimetric method
Standard is an adoption of the International Standard
for the determination of the calcium content of milk
ISO 12020:1997)
and of milk reconstituted from evaporated, condensed
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08. or dried milk.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

948. US ISO 12080-1:2009, Dried STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

skimmed milk – Determination of
951. US ISO 12193:2004, Animal and
vitamin A content – Part 1:
vegetable fats and oils — Determination
Colorimetric method
of lead by direct graphite furnace
This Uganda Standard specifies a colorimetric atomic absorption spectroscopy
method for the determination of vitamin A in dried
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
skimmed milk containing at least 10 IU (International
determination of trace amounts (> 0.001 mg/kg) of
Units) of vitamin A per gram.
lead in all types of crude or refined edible oils and
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30. fats. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
187:2000/ISO 12193, Animal and vegetable fats and
oils — Determination of lead by direct graphite
furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy which has
949. US ISO 12080-2:2009, Dried
been technically revised.)
skimmed milk – Determination of
vitamin A content – Part 2: Method

167 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18. This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the
determination of mercury in drinking, surface,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 ground, rain and waste water after appropriate pre-
digestion. For the first method, an enrichment step by
952. US ISO 12228-1:2014,
amalgamation of the mercury on, for example, a
Determination of individual and total
gold/platinum absorber is used. For the second
sterols contents – Gas chromatographic
method, the enrichment step is omitted. The choice of
method – Part 1: Animal and vegetable
method depends on the equipment available, the
fats and oils
matrix and the concentration range of interest. (This
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO
gas chromatographic determination of the content and 5666:1999, Water quality — Determination of
composition of sterols in animal and vegetable fats mercury and US ISO 16590:2000, Water quality —
and oils. Determination of mercury — Methods involving
enrichment by amalgamation, which have been
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. technically revised).

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.

953. US ISO 12228-2:2014, STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

Determination of individual and total
sterols contents – Gas chromatographic 955. US ISO 12871:2010, Olive oils
method – Part 2: Olive oils and olive and olive-pomace oils – Determination
pomace oils of aliphatic alcohols content by
capillary gas chromatography
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the
gas chromatographic determination of the contents This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the
and composition of sterols and triterpenedialcohols in determination of the content, as a mass fraction
olive and olive pomace oils. expressed as milligrams per kilogram, of aliphatic
alcohols in olive oils and olive-pomace oils.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
954. US ISO 12846:2012, Water
quality — Determination of mercury — 956. US ISO 12872:2010, Olive oils
Method using Atomic Absorption and olive-pomace oils – Determination
Spectrometry (AAS) with and without of the 2-glyceryl monopalmitate content
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the
determination of the content, as a percentage mass

168 | P a g e
fraction, of 2-glyceryl monopalmitate in olive oils chromatography of fatty acid methyl
and olive-pomace oils that are liquid at ambient esters – Part 2: Preparation of methyl
temperature (20 °C). esters of fatty acids

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. This Uganda Standard specifies methods of preparing
the methyl esters of fatty acids.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
957. US ISO 12873:2010, Olive oils
and olive-pomace oils – Determination STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
of wax content by capillary gas
960. US ISO 12966-3:2009, Animal
and vegetable fats and oils – Gas
This Uganda Standard specifies the determination of chromatography of fatty acid methyl
the wax content, as a mass fraction expressed in esters – Part 3: Preparation of methyl
milligrams per kilogram, of olive oils and olive- esters using trimethylsulfonium
pomace oils. hydroxide (TMSH)

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. This Uganda Standard specifies a rapid base-
catalysed trans esterification method for fats and oils
with trimethylsulfonium hydroxide (TMSH) to
prepare fatty acid methyl esters. This method is not
958. US ISO 12966-1:2014, Animal
applicable to the determination of the complete fatty
and vegetable fats and oils – Gas
acid composition of milk fat samples.
chromatography of fatty acid methyl
esters – Part 1: Guidelines on modern
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
gas chromatography of fatty acid
methyl esters STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This Uganda Standard gives an overview of the gas 961. US ISO 12966-4:2015, Animal
chromatographic determination of fatty acids, free and vegetable fats and oils – Gas
and bound, in animal and vegetable fats and oils chromatography of fatty acid methyl
following their conversion to fatty acid methyl esters esters – Part 4: Determination by
(FAMEs). capillary gas chromatography

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs)
derived by trans-esterification or esterification from
fats, oils, and fatty acids by capillary gas
959. US ISO 12966-2:2011, Animal
chromatography (GLC). This method is not suitable
and vegetable fats and oils – Gas

169 | P a g e
for the analysis of dairy, ruminant fats and oils, or and shogaols) – Method using high-
products supplemented with conjugated linoleic acid performance liquid chromatography
This Uganda Standard describes a method for the
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. determination of gingerols [6]-G, [8]-G and [10]-G
and the corresponding shogaols [6]-S, [8]-S and [10]-
S in dried ginger or in oleoresins of ginger, by high-
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in the
962. US ISO 13366-1:2008, Milk –
reverse phase.
Enumeration of somatic cells – Part 1:
Microscopic method (Reference
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This Uganda Standard specifies a microscopic
method (reference method) for the counting of 965. US ISO 13720:2010, Meat and
somatic cells in both raw and chemically preserved meat products — Enumeration of
milk. presumptive Pseudomonas spp.

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17. This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
enumeration of presumptive Pseudomonas spp.
present in meat and meat products, including poultry.

963. US ISO 13559:2002 Butter,

This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
fermented milks and fresh cheese —
Enumeration of contaminating STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
micro-organisms — Colony-count
966. US ISO 13903:2005 Animal
technique at 30 °C
feeding stuffs — Determination of
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the amino acids content
enumeration of contaminating microorganisms by
This Uganda Standard describes the determination of
means of the colony-count technique at 30 °C. The
free (synthetic and natural) and totals (peptide-bound
method is applicable to butter, fermented milks and
and free) amino acids in feeding stuffs, using an
fresh cheese.
amino acid analyser or HPLC equipment.
This standard was adopted on 2002-11-01.
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
964. US ISO 13685:1997, Ginger and
its oleoresins – Determination of the
main pungent components (gingerols

170 | P a g e
967. US ISO 13904:2005 Animal determination of the tin content of (sterilized) canned
feeding stuffs — Determination of evaporated milk. It is applicable to samples with tin
tryptophan content contents of more than 5 mg/kg.

This Uganda Standard describes determination of the This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
total and free tryptophan content in feeding stuffs
(e.g. complete and complementary feeds,
supplementary feeds, raw materials, ingredients, pre-
970. US ISO 14403-1:2012, Water
mixtures and concentrates)
quality — Determination of total
cyanide and free cyanide using flow
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
analysis (FIA and CFA) — Part 1:
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 Method using Flow Injection Analysis
968. US ISO 14159:2002, Safety of
machinery — Hygienic requirements This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
for design of machinery determination of cyanide in various types of water
(such as ground, drinking, surface, leachate, and
This Uganda Standard specifies hygiene requirements
waste water) with cyanide concentrations from 2 μg/l
of machines and provides information for the
to 500 μg/l expressed as cyanide ions in the undiluted
intended use to be provided by the manufacturer. It
sample. The range of application can be changed by
applies to all types of machines and associated
varying the operation conditions, e.g. by diluting the
equipment used in applications where hygiene risks
original sample or using a different injection volume.
to the consumer of the product can occur. This
A suitable mass concentration range from 20 μg/l to
standard does not cover requirements relative to the
200 μg/l is described.
uncontrolled egress of microbiological agents from
the machine. This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 971. US ISO 14403-2:2012, Water

quality — Determination of total
969. US ISO 14377:2002, Canned
cyanide and free cyanide using flow
evaporated milk – Determination of tin
analysis (FIA and CFA) — Part 2:
content – Method using graphite
Method using continuous flow analysis
furnace atomic absorption
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
This Uganda Standard specifies a graphite furnace
determination of cyanide in various types of water
atomic absorption spectrometric method for the
(such as ground, drinking, surface, leachate, and

171 | P a g e
waste water) with cyanide concentrations usually This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
from 2 μg/l to 500 μg/l expressed as cyanide ions in determination of the total polyphenol content of leaf
the undiluted sample. The range of application can be teas and instant teas by a colorimetric assay using
changed by varying the operation conditions, e.g. by Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent. It is applicable to
diluting the original sample or changing the both green and black tea products.
pathlength of the flow cell. a suitable mass
concentration range from10 μg/l to 100 μg/l is This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

described. (This Uganda Standard cancels and

replaces US ISO 14403:2002, Water quality —
Determination of total cyanide and free cyanide by 974. US ISO 14502-2:2005,
continuous flow analysis, which has been technically Determination of substances
revised). characteristic of green and black tea —
Part 2: Content of catechins in tea –
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.
Method using high-performance liquid

This Uganda Standard specifies a high-performance

972. US ISO 14501:2007, Milk and
liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the
milk powder – Determination of
determination of the total catechin content of tea from
Aflatoxin M1 content – Clean-up by
the summation of the individual catechins. It is
immunoaffinity chromatography and
applicable to both leaf and instant green tea, and with
determination by high-performance
precision limitations to black tea.
liquid chromatography

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of aflatoxin M1 content in milk and
milk powder. The limit of detection is 0.08 µg/kg for
whole milk powder, that is, 0.008 µg/l for 975. US ISO 14565:2000 Animal
reconstituted liquid milk. feeding stuffs — Determination of
vitamin A content — Method using
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
high-performance liquid

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

973. US ISO 14502-1:2005,
determination of the total vitamin A (retinol) content
Determination of substances
of animal feeding stuffs and pet foods using high-
characteristic of green and black tea —
performance liquid chromatography.
Part 1: Content of total polyphenols in
tea – Colorimetric method using folin-
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-04.
ciocalteu reagent

172 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA)
976. US ISO 14718:1998 Animal of soya products.
feeding stuffs — Determination of
aflatoxin B1 content of mixed feeding This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
stuffs — Method using high-
performance liquid chromatography

This Uganda Standard specifies a high-performance 979. US ISO 15061:2001, Water

quality — Determination of dissolved
liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the
bromate — Method by liquid
determination of aflatoxin B1 content of animal
chromatography of ions
feeding stuffs including those containing citrus pulp.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
determination of dissolved bromate in water (e.g.
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 drinking water, raw water, surface water, partially
treated water or swimming pool water). (This Uganda
977. US ISO 14892:2002, Dried
Standard is an adoption of the International Standard
skimmed milk – Determination of ISO 15061:2001).
vitamin D content using high-
performance liquid chromatography This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
determination of vitamin D in a test sample
containing at least 10 µg of vitamin D per 100 g 980. US ISO 15089: 2000, Water
quality — Guidelines for selective
[equal to 400 International Units (IU) of vitamin D
immunoassays for the determination of
per 100 g] by using high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC). plant treatment and pesticide agents

This Uganda Standard specifies a guide for the

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
selective quantitative analysis by immunoassays of
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 environmental chemicals such as pesticides
(including insecticides) or their metabolites in
978. US ISO 14902:2001, Animal drinking, ground and surface water for mass
feeding stuffs — Determination of
concentrations ≥ 0.05 μg/l.
trypsin inhibitor activity of
soya products This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.


173 | P a g e
981. US ISO 15141-1:1998, Food stuffs 983. US ISO 15304:2002/Cor 1:2003,
— Determination of ochratoxin A in Animal and vegetable fats and oils —
cereals and cereal products — Part 1: Determination of the content of trans
High performance liquid fatty acid isomers of vegetable fats and
chromatographic method with silica gel oils — Gas chromatographic method
clean up
This Uganda Standard specifies a gas
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the chromatographic method using capillary columns for
determination of ochratoxin A at levels greater than the determination of the content of trans fatty acid
0.4 μg/kg. (This standard cancels and replaces US isomers of vegetable oils and fats.
408-1:2002/ISO 15141-1, Food stuffs –
Determination of Ochratoxin A in cereals and cereal This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.

products – Part 1: High performance liquid

chromatography method with silica gel clean up,
which has been renumbered). 984. US ISO 15305:1998, Animal and
vegetable fats and oils — Determination
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
of Lovibond colour


This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the Lovibond colour of animal and
982. US ISO 15141-2:1998, Food stuffs
vegetable fats and oils. (This Uganda Standard
— Determination of ochratoxin A in
cancels and replaces US EAS 317:2006, Animal and
cereals and cereal products — Part 2:
vegetable fats and oils — Determination of lovibond
High performance liquid
colour which has been republished on.)
chromatographic method with
bicarbonate clean up
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

determination of ochratoxin A (OTA) at levels
greater than 3 μg/kg. (This standard cancels and 985. US ISO 15553:2006, Water
replaces US 408-2:2002/ISO 15141-2, Food stuffs – quality — Isolation and identification of
Determination of Ochratoxin A in cereals and cereal Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia
products – Part 2: High performance liquid cysts from water
chromatography method with bicarbonate clean up,
which has been renumbered). This Uganda Standard specifies a method that is
applicable for the detection and enumeration of
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts in water.
It is applicable for the examination of surface and
ground waters, treated waters, mineral waters,

174 | P a g e
swimming pool and recreational waters. (This wheat semolinas, which is an important
Uganda Standard is an adoption of the International characteristic. (This standard cancels and replaces
Standard ISO 15553:2006). US 476:2002/ISO 15793, Durum wheat semolinas –
Determination of undersize fraction, which has been
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.


This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

986. US ISO 15598:1999, Tea —

Determination of crude fibre content
989. US ISO 15914:2004, Animal
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
feeding stuffs — Enzymatic
determination of crude content in tea. (This standard
determination of total starch content
cancels and replaces US 302:2003/ISO 15598, Tea –
Determination of crude fibre content, which has been This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
renumbered). enzymatic determination of the total starch content of
animal feeding stuffs and raw materials for animal
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
feeding stuffs.


This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.

987. US ISO 15604:2016, Fertilizers

— Determination of different forms of
nitrogen in the same sample, containing 990. US ISO 16002:2004, Stored
nitrogen as nitric, ammoniacal, urea cereal grains and pulses — Guidance on
and cyanamide nitrogen the detection of infestation by live
invertebrates by trapping
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of any one form of nitrogen in the This Uganda Standard describes methods for the
presence of any other form. detection by trapping of live invertebrates in cereal
grains and pulses stored in bags or in bulk. (This
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
Uganda Standard is an adoption of the International
Standard ISO 16002:2004).

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

988. US ISO 15793:2000, Durum
wheat semolinas — Determination of
the undersize fraction
991. US ISO 16050:2003, Food stuffs
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
─ Determination of aflatoxins B1 and
determination of the undersize fraction of durum
total content of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1

175 | P a g e
and G2 in cereals, nuts, and derived aeruginosa in samples of bottled water by a
products ─ High performance liquid membrane filtration technique. This method can also
chromatographic method be applied to other types of water with a low
background flora, for example, pool waters and
This standard specifies a reverse-phase high-
waters intended for human consumption. (This
performance liquid chromatographic method, with
Uganda Standard is an adoption of the International
immunoaffinity column clean-up and post-column
Standard ISO 16266:2006).
derivatization, for the determination of aflatoxins in
cereals, nuts and derived products. The limit of This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.
quantification for aflatoxin B1, and for the sum of
aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2, is 8 µg/kg.

994. US ISO 16305:2005, Butter –

This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
Determination of firmness
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
992. US ISO 16265: 2009, Water determination of the firmness of butter.
quality — Determination of the
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
methylene blue active substances
(MBAS) index – Method using
continuous flow analysis (CFA)
995. US ISO 16654:2001,
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the
Microbiology of food and animal
determination of the methylene blue active
feeding stuffs – Horizontal method for
substances (MBAS) index, in the ranges 0.05 mg/l to
the detection of Escherichia coli O157
0.5 mg/l and 0.5 mg/l to 5.0 mg/l, in various water
samples (e.g. ground water, drinking water, surface This Uganda Standard specifies a horizontal method
water, waste water and leachates). for the detection of Escherichia coli serogroup O157.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.


993. US ISO 16266:2006, Water 996. US ISO 16931:2009, Animal and

quality — Detection and enumeration vegetable fats and oils – Determination
of Pseudomonas aeruginosa — Part 2: of polymerized triacylglycerols by high-
Membrane filtration method performance size-exclusion
chromatography (HPSEC)
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
isolation and enumeration of Pseudomonas

176 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method using high- of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead
performance size-exclusion chromatography and mercury contents
(HPSEC) to determine the contents, as mass
This Uganda Standard specifies the test methods for
fractions, of polymerized triacylglycerols (PTAGs) in
determination of metals soluble in nitric acid: arsenic,
oils and fats which contain at least 3 % (from peak
cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury contents in
areas) of these polymers.
fertilizers. This standard is applicable to the analysis
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury
contents in fertilizers. Special attention should be
given when analysing some micro- nutrients
997. US ISO 17184:2014, Soil quality
— Determination of carbon and
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
nitrogen by near-infrared spectrometry

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the 1000. US ISO 17319:2015, Fertilizers
determination of carbon and nitrogen in soils by and soil conditioners — Determination
direct measurement of sample spectra in the near- of water-soluble potassium content —
infrared spectral region. Potassium tetraphenylborate
gravimetric method
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
This Uganda Standard specifies a gravimetric method
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 for the determination of the water-soluble potassium
content of test solutions of fertilizers. It is suitable for
998. US ISO 17189:2003, Butter,
use in arbitration and for reference purposes. This
edible oil emulsions and spreadable fats
standard is applicable to those fertilizers containing
— Determination of fat content
more than 1.0 % K2O or equivalent amount of K
(Reference method)
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
determination of the fat content of butter, edible oil
emulsions and spreadable fats (margarine, vegetable
oil spreads, dairy spreads and blended spreads).
1001. US ISO 17322:2015, Fertilizers
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
and soil conditioners — Analytical
methods for Sulfur Coated Urea (SCU)

This Uganda Standard specifies analytical methods

999. US ISO 17318:2015, Fertilizers
for the determination of mass fraction of total
and soil conditioners — Determination

177 | P a g e
nitrogen, one-day dissolution rate (1DDR), seven-day This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
dissolution rate (7DDR), mass fraction of sulphur, determination of arsenic and antimony in drinking
mass fraction of biuret, mass fraction of water (H2O), water, surface water, ground water, and rain water.
and particle size of SCU. [This standard cancels and replaces US ISO
11969:1996, Water quality — Determination of
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
arsenic — Atomic absorption spectrometric method
(hydride technique), which has been technically
1002. US ISO 17323:2015, Fertilizers
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
and soil conditioners — Sulphur
Coated Urea (SCU) — General
1005. US ISO/TS 17379-2: 2013, Water
This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements,
quality — Determination of selenium —
sampling and preparation of test sample, marking and
Part 2: Method using hydride
labelling, packaging, transport, and storage for SCU.
generation atomic absorption
spectrometry (HG-AAS)
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

determination of selenium in drinking water, surface
1003. US ISO 17375:2006, Animal water, ground water, and rain water in the dynamic
feeding stuffs — Determination of range of approximately 0.5 µg/l to 20 µg/l. Samples
aflatoxin B1 containing selenium at higher concentrations than the
application range can be analysed following
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the appropriate dilution. The method is unlikely to detect
determination of aflatoxin B1 in animal feeding stuffs organoselenium compounds. [This standard cancels
using high-performance liquid chromatography with and replaces US ISO 9965: 1993, Water quality —
post-column derivatization. Determination of selenium — Atomic absorption
spectrometric method (hydride technique), which has
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
been technically revised].


This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

1004. US ISO 17378-2: 2014, Water

quality — Determination of arsenic and
antimony — Part 2: Method using 1006. US ISO 17780:2015, Animal and
hydride generation atomic absorption vegetable fats and oils – Determination
spectrometry (HG-AAS) of aliphatic hydrocarbons in vegetable

178 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry
determination of saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons (HRGC/HRMS).
from C10 to C56 of natural origin present in
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
vegetable oils, and for detecting the presence of
mineral oil and diesel oil. This rapid method is not
adapted for crude oils due to a lack of retention of
triglycerides observed for some samples. 1009. US ISO 18301:2014 Animal and
vegetable fats and oils – Determination
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
of conventional mass per volume (litre
weight in air) – Oscillating U-tube
1007. US ISO 17932:2011 Palm oil –
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
Determination of the deterioration of
determination of the conventional mass per volume
bleachability index (DOBI) and
of vegetable and animal oils and fats within the range
carotene content
of 0,800 kg/l to 1,000 kg/l which are in a single-phase
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the liquid state at the test temperature. This method is not
determination of the deterioration of bleachability intended for use in calibrating online density meters.
index (DOBI) of crude palm oil and the carotene
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
content of crude or bleached palm oil and their
fractions by spectrophotometric examination in the
ultraviolet and visible range of the spectrum.
1010. US ISO 18643:2016, Fertilizers
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
and soil conditioners — Determination
of biuret content of urea-based
fertilizers — HPLC method
1008. US ISO 18073: 2004, Water
This Uganda Standard specifies the test procedure for
quality — Determination of tetra- to
determination of the biuret content in liquid and solid
octa-chlorinated dioxins and furans —
urea-based fertilizers based on the HPLC method.
Method using isotope dilution
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

determination of tetra- to octa-chlorinated dibenzo-p-
dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in 1011. US ISO 18644:2016, Fertilizers
waters and waste waters (containing less than 1 % by and soil conditioners — Controlled-
mass solids) using high-resolution gas release fertilizer — General

179 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000
testing methods, sampling and preparation of test
sample, marking and labelling, as well as package, 1014. US ISO 19458:2006, Water
quality — Sampling for microbiological
transport, and storage of controlled-release fertilizer.
This standard is applicable to controlled-release
products having one or more primary fertilizer
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on planning
nutrient (nitrogen and/or phosphorous and/or
water sampling regimes, sampling procedures and
potassium) in a controlled-release form. They can be
transport, handling and storage of samples for
made by bulk blending (BB) fertilizers or by special
microbiological analysis.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
1015. US ISO 19746:2017,
1012. US ISO 18645:2016, Fertilizers
Determination of urea content in urea-
and soil conditioners — Water soluble
based fertilizers by high performance
fertilizer — General requirements
liquid chromatography (HPLC)

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for

This Uganda Standard specifies the test procedure for
testing methods, sampling and preparation of test
determining the urea content in urea-based fertilizers,
sample, marking and labelling, as well as package,
including urea, urea aldehydes [methylene urea
transport, and storage of water soluble fertilizers.
fertilizers, isobutylene diurea (IBDU), crotonylidene
This standard is applicable to water soluble fertilizers
diurea (CDU)], urea triazone fertilizers, urea
which are completely soluble in water and are
ammonium nitrate (UAN), sulfur- and polymer-
suitable for fertigation and sprinkling irrigation, as
coated urea (SCU and PCU), as well as compound
well as for foliar application (foliar feeding).
fertilizers containing urea. The method is based on
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.



1013. US ISO 19250: 2010, Water
quality — Detection of Salmonella spp.
1016. US ISO 20128:2006, Milk
products – Enumeration of presumptive
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
Lactobacillus acidophilus on a selective
detection of Salmonella spp. (presumptive or
confirmed) in water samples. medium – Colony-count technique at 37
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

180 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
enumeration of presumptive Lactobacillus
acidophilus in milk products on a selective medium STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

by using a colony-count technique at 37 °C.

1019. US ISO 20938:2008, Instant
coffee – Determination of moisture
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
content – Karl Fisher method
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 (Reference method)

1017. US ISO 20481:2008, Coffee and This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
its products – Determination of caffeine determination of moisture content in instant coffee by
content using High Performance Liquid the Karl Fischer titration method, suitable for use as a
Chromatography (HPLC) – Reference reference method. (This Uganda Standard is an
method adoption of the International Standard ISO
This Uganda Standard specifies a high performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
determination of the caffeine content of: green coffee;
roasted coffee; soluble coffee, regular and STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

decaffeinated; and mixed instant coffee products (for

1020. US ISO 21067-1:2016, Packaging
example, coffee/chicory mix or cappuccino-type
— Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms
coffee drink). (This Uganda Standard is an adoption
of the International Standard ISO 20841:2008). This Uganda Standard specifies preferred terms and
definitions related to packaging and materials
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
handling, for use in international commerce, except
for dangerous goods packaging where terms and
definitions are given in the United Nations
1018. US ISO 20483:2006, Cereals and Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous
pulses — Determination of the nitrogen Goods.
content and calculation of the crude
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
protein content — Kjeldahl method

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

determination of the nitrogen content of cereals,

1021. US ISO 21067-2:2015, Packaging
pulses and derived products, according to the
and environment
Kjeldahl method, and a method for calculating the
crude protein content. (This Uganda Standard is an
adoption of the International Standard ISO

181 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard defines terms used in the field 1024. US ISO 21415-2:2006, Wheat and
of packaging and the environment. It does not include wheat flour — Gluten content — Part

terminology already covered by US ISO 21067-1. 2: Determination of wet gluten by

mechanical means

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 determination of the wet gluten content of wheat
flour (Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum durum
1022. US ISO 21263:2017, Slow-release Desf.) by mechanical means. This method is directly
fertilizers — Determination of the applicable to flour.
release of the nutrients — Method for
coated fertilizers This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

determination of the slow release properties of

1025. US ISO 21415-3:2006, Wheat and
nutrients from coated fertilizers. PH-dependent
wheat flour — Gluten content — Part
hydrolysis and degradation by biological or microbial
3: Determination of dry gluten from
mechanisms are excluded.
wet gluten by an oven drying method

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 determination of the dry gluten content from wet
gluten. (This standard cancels and replaces US
1023. US ISO 21415-1:2006, Wheat and 477:2002/ISO 645, Wheat flour – Determination of
wheat flour — Gluten content — Part dry gluten, which has been renumbered and revised)
1: Determination of wet gluten by a
manual method This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

This Uganda Standard specifies a manual washing STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

out method for the determination of the wet gluten

1026. US ISO 21415-4:2006, Wheat and
content of wheat flour (Triticum aestivum L. and
wheat flour — Gluten content — Part
Triticum durum Desf.). This method is directly
4: Determination of dry gluten from
applicable to flour. (This standard cancels and
wet gluten by a rapid drying method
replaces US 407:2002/ISO 5531, Wheat flour –
Determination of wheat gluten, which has been This Uganda Standard specifies a rapid method for
renumbered and revised). the determination of the dry gluten content from wet
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.


182 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 1029. US ISO 21527-2:2008,
Microbiology of food and animal
1027. US ISO 21469:2006, Safety of
feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for
machinery — Lubricants with
the enumeration of yeasts and moulds
incidental product contact — Hygiene
— Part 2: Colony count technique in
products with water activity less than
or equal to 0.95
This Uganda Standard specifies hygiene requirements
for the formulation, manufacture, use and handling of
This Uganda Standard specifies a horizontal method
lubricants which, during manufacture and processing,
for the enumeration of viable osmophilic yeasts and
can come into incidental contact (e.g. through heat
xerophilic moulds in products intended for human
transfer, load transmission, lubrication or the
consumption or feeding of animals that have a water
corrosion protection of machinery) with products and
activity less than or equal to 0.95.
packaging used in the food, food-processing,
cosmetics, pharmaceutical, tobacco or animal- This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04.
feeding-stuffs industries.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
1030. US ISO 21528-1:2017,
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 Microbiology of the food chain —
Horizontal method for the detection
1028. US ISO 21527-1:2008,
and enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae
Microbiology of food and animal
— Part 1: Detection of
feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for
the enumeration of yeasts and moulds
— Part 1, Colony count technique in This Uganda Standard specifies a method, with
products with water activity greater enrichment, for the detection of Enterobacteriaceae.
than 0.95 It is applicable to products intended for human
consumption and the feeding of animals, and
This Uganda Standard specifies a horizontal method
environmental samples in the area of primary
for the enumeration of viable yeasts and moulds in
production, food production and food handling. This
products intended for human consumption or feeding
method is applicable when the microorganisms
of animals that have a water activity greater than 0.95
sought are expected to need resuscitation by
[eggs, meat, dairy products (except milk powder),
enrichment, and when the number sought is expected
fruits, vegetables, fresh pastes, etc.], by means of the
to be below 100 per millilitre or per gram of test
colony count technique at 25 °C ± 1 °C.

This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.



183 | P a g e
1031. US ISO 21567: 2004, enteropathogenic Vibrio spp. – Part 1:
Microbiology of food and animal Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus
feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for and Vibrio cholera
the detection of Shigella spp.
This Uganda Standard specifies a horizontal method
This Uganda Standard specifies a horizontal method for the detection of the two main pathogenic Vibrio
for the detection of Shigella species in products species causing intestinal illness in humans: V.
intended for human consumption and the feeding of Parahaemolyticus and V. Cholerae. It is applicable to
animals, and environmental samples in the area of products intended for human consumption and the
food production and food handling. feeding of animals, and environmental samples in the
area of food production and food handling.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
1032. US ISO 21871:2006,
Microbiology of food and animal 1034. US ISO/TS 21872-2:2007,
feeding stuffs — Horizontal method for Microbiology of food and animal
the determination of low numbers of feeding stuffs – Horizontal method for
presumptive Bacillus cereus – Most the detection of potentially
probable number technique and enteropathogenic Vibrio spp. – Part 2:
detection method Detection of species other than Vibrio
parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae
This Uganda Standard specifies a horizontal method
for the detection or the enumeration of low numbers This Uganda Standard specifies a horizontal method
of viable presumptive Bacillus cereus by means of for the detection Vibrio species, causing illness in or
the most probable number technique. The standard is via the intestinal tract other than V. Parahaemolyticus
applicable to products intended for human and V. Cholerae. The species detectable by the
consumption and the feeding of animals, and methods specified include Vibrio fluvialis, Vibrio
environmental samples in the area of food production mimicus and Vibrio vulnificus.
and food handling.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
1035. US ISO 22662:2007, Milk and
1033. US ISO/TS 21872-1:2007, milk products – Determination of
Microbiology of food and animal lactose content by high-performance
feeding stuffs – Horizontal method for liquid chromatography (Reference
the detection of potentially method)

184 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference method Determination of the presence of cocoa
for the determination of lactose content of raw milk, butter equivalents
heat-treated milks, dried milk and raw and
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the
pasteurized cream.
detection of cocoa butter equivalents (CBEs) in cocoa
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17. butter (CB) and plain chocolate by high-resolution
capillary gas liquid chromatography (HR-GC) of
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 triacylglycerols and subsequent data evaluation by
regression analysis.
1036. US ISO 22855:2008, Fruit and
vegetable products — Determination of
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
benzoic acid and sorbic acid
concentrations — High-performance STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
liquid chromatography method\
1039. US ISO 23275-2:2006, Animal
This Uganda Standard specifies a method using high- and vegetable fats and oils — Cocoa
performance liquid chromatography for the butter equivalents in cocoa butter and
determination of the concentration of benzoic and plain chocolate — Part 2:
sorbic acids in fruit and vegetable juices. Quantification of cocoa butter
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the
quantification of cocoa butter equivalents (CBEs) in
cocoa butter (CB) and plain chocolate by high-
1037. US ISO 22964:2017,
resolution capillary gas chromatography (HR-GC) of
Microbiology of the food chain —
triacylglycerols, and subsequent data evaluation by
Horizontal method for the detection of
partial least-squares regression analysis.
Cronobacter spp.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

This Uganda Standard specifies a horizontal method
for the detection of Cronobacter spp.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

1040. US ISO 24333:2009, Cereals and
cereal products — Sampling

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the

1038. US ISO 23275-1:2006, Animal
dynamic or static sampling, by manual or mechanical
and vegetable fats and oils — Cocoa
means, of cereals and cereal products, for assessment
butter equivalents in cocoa butter and
of their quality and condition.
plain chocolate — Part 1:

185 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18. of peroxide value — Potentiometric
end-point determination
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
1041. US ISO 24557:2009, Pulses —
potentiometric end-point determination of the
Determination of moisture content —
peroxide value, in milliequivalents of active oxygen
Air-oven method
per kilogram, of animal and vegetable fats and oils.

This Uganda Standard specifies a routine reference

This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
method for the determination of moisture content of
pulses. The procedure is applicable to chickpeas, STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
lentils, peas, and all classes of beans with the
1044. US ISO 27608:2010 Animal and
exception of soybeans. (This Uganda Standard is an
adoption vegetable fats and oils – Determination
of Lovibond colour – Automatic
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20. method

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of Lovibond colour of animal and
1042. US ISO 25475:2016, Fertilizers vegetable fats and oils using automatic
— Determination of ammoniacal
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the ammoniacal nitrogen content in STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
fertilizers. The method is applicable to all
1045. US ISO 28540: 2011, Water
nitrogenous fertilizers including compound
quality — Determination of 16
fertilizers, in which nitrogen is found exclusively
either in the form of ammonium salts or ammonium polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAH) in water – Method using gas
salts together with nitrates. This standard is not
chromatography with mass
applicable to fertilizers containing urea, cyanamide or
spectrometric detection (GC-MS)
other organic nitrogenous compounds.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
determination of at least 16 polycyclic aromatic
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 hydrocarbons (PAH) in drinking water and ground
water in mass concentrations above 0,005 µg/l and
1043. US ISO 27107:2008, Animal and
surface water in mass concentrations above 0,01 µg/l
vegetable fats and oils — Determination (for each individual compound). The method is
applicable to water samples containing up to 150

186 | P a g e
mg/l of suspended matter. The PAH include:
Naphthalene, Acenaphthylene, Anthracene, Pyrene,
Chrysene, Benzo[k]fluoranthene, Indeno[1,2,3-
cd]pyrene, Benzo[ghi]perylene, Fluorene,
Acenaphthene, Phenanthrene, Fluoranthene,
Benzo[a]anthracene, Benzo[b]fluoranthenea,
Benzo[a]pyrene, and Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.


187 | P a g e

188 | P a g e
use. (This standard cancels and replaces the second
edition US EAS 11:2013, which has been technically

1046. ISO 3:1973, Preferred numbers This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01

— Series of preferred numbers


This Uganda Standard specifies series of preferred

1049. US ISO 16:1975, Acoustics —
Standard tuning frequency (Standard

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. musical pitch)

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 This Uganda Standard specifies the Standard tuning
frequency (or Standard musical pitch).
1047. US ISO 7-1:2007, Pipe threads
where pressure-tight joints are made on This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

the threads — Part 1: Dimensions,

tolerances and designation
1050. US EAS 18-1:2017, Cement —
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
Part 1: Composition, specification and
thread form, dimensions, tolerances and designation
conformity criteria for common
for jointing pipe threads, sizes 1/16 to 6 inclusive, for
joints made pressure-tight by the mating of the
threads. These threads are taper external, parallel This Uganda standard gives the specifications which
internal or taper internal and are intended for use with include mechanical, physical and chemical
pipes suitable for threading and for valves, fittings or requirements of 27 distinct common cements, seven
other pipeline equipment interconnected by threaded sulphate resisting common cements as well as three
joints. distinct low early strength blast furnace cements and
two sulphate resisting low early strength blast
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
cements and their constituents. (This standard

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 cancels and replaces US 310 -1:2016, Cement —
Part 1: Composition, specifications, and conformity
1048. US EAS 11:2019, Hot-dip criteria for common cements, which has been
galvanized plain and corrugated steel technically revised).
sheets —Specification (3 Edition)

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
methods and sampling for hot-dip galvanized plain STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000

and corrugated steel sheets for roofing and general

189 | P a g e
1051. US EAS 18-2:2017, Cement — main raw materials, produced through pressurization,
Part 2: Conformity evaluation vibration pressurization or other forming processes,
for paving concrete pavement and ground works for
This Uganda Standard specifies the scheme for the
walkway, carriageway, square and warehouse
assessment and verification of constancy of
(hereinafter referred to as paving units). The surface
performance (AVCP) of cements to their
may have or be free of surface course (material), and
corresponding product specification standards,
may have colour or be colourless. (This standard
including certification of constancy of performance
cancels and replaces the first edition US 65:2002,
by a product certification body. (This standard
Specification for precast paving blocks, which has
cancels and replaces US 310-2:2016, Cement — Part
been technically revised).
2: Conformity evaluation, which has been technically
revised). This standard was published on 2019-10-01.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 1054. US EAS 73: 2000, Building limes
(quicklime and hydrated lime) —
1052. US EAS 54: 1999, Burnt building
bricks — Specification
This Uganda Standard specification applies to quick
This Uganda Standard specifies building bricks of
and hydrated lime intended for use in buildings. (The
burnt clay, shale or brick earth for use in buildings
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 156-
for decoratives, structural and non-structural
1:2017, Building limes — Part 1: Specification and
purposes. It also specifies sampling and testing
US 156-2:2017, Building limes — Part 2: Test
methods which have been withdrawn).

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

1053. US 65:2019, Precast concrete

1055. US EAS 94: 2002, Burnt clay
paving units — Specification (2nd
building blocks — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
This Uganda Standard specifies the classification,
type, quality, dimensions and other physical
general provisions, technical requirements, test
characteristics, of burnt clay, shale or brick earth
method, inspection rules, marking, operation
building blocks for use in buildings for structural and
instruction, packaging, transport and storage of
non-structural purposes. It also specifies sampling
precast concrete paving units. The standard applies to
and testing methods. (The Uganda Standard cancels
the blocks and slabs with cement and aggregate as

190 | P a g e
and replaces US 102:1995 Standard specification for strips of commercial quality, drawing quality special
burnt clay bricks, which has been withdrawn) killed, and structural quality.

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.



1056. US ISO IEC 99:2007,

1058. US EAS 124:1999, Rounding off
International vocabulary of metrology
number values
— Basic and general concepts and
associated terms (VIM) This Uganda Standard sets out rules for the rounding
of numbers, the number of significant figures to be
This Uganda Standard gives a set of definitions and
retained in presenting any particular value, and
associated terms, in English and French, for a system
conventions concerning the interpretation of
of basic and general concepts used in metrology,
specification limits in relation to their mode of
together with concept diagrams to demonstrate their
expression. General principles and working rules
relations. Additional information is given in the form
relating to different aspects of this subject are set out
of examples and notes under many definitions. This
and illustrated with examples. (This Uganda Standard
vocabulary is meant to be a common reference for
is an adoption of the East African Standard EAS
scientists and engineers including physicists,
chemists, medical scientists as well as for both
teachers and practitioners involved in planning or This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
performing measurements, irrespective of the level of
measurement uncertainty and irrespective of the field STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

of application. It is also meant to be a reference for

1059. US EAS 131-1: 2008, Concrete —
governmental and intergovernmental bodies, trade
associations, accreditation bodies, regulators, and
professional societies. This Uganda Standard applies to concrete for
structures cast in situ, precast structures, and
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
structural precast products for buildings and civil
engineering structures. The concrete may be mixed
on site, ready mixed concrete or produced in a plant
1057. US EAS 108:2013, Hot-rolled, for precast concrete products. This standard specifies
heavy-thickness carbon steel sheets, requirements for: the constituent materials of
coils and strips — Specification concrete; the properties of fresh and hardened
concrete and their verification; the limitations for
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for hot-
concrete composition; the specification of concrete;
rolled, heavy-thickness carbon steel sheets, coils and
the delivery of fresh concrete; the production control
procedures; the conformity criteria and evaluation of

191 | P a g e
conformity. This standard applies to concrete 1061. US EAS 148-1:2017, Cement —
compacted to retain no appreciable amount of Test methods — Part 1: Determination
entrapped air other than entrained air. This standard of strength
applies to normal-weight, heavy-weight and light-
This Uganda Standard describes the method for the
weight concrete. Other standards for specific
determination of the compressive and, optionally, the
products e.g. precast products or for processes within
flexural strength of cement mortar. The method
the field of the scope of this standard may require or
applies to common cements and to other cements and
permit deviations from this standard. Additional or
materials. (This standard cancels and replaces US
different requirements may be given in further parts
100-1:2016, Cement — Test methods – Part 1:
of this standard or in other specific standards, for
Determination of strength, which has been
example: concrete to be used in roads and other
technically revised).
trafficked areas; concrete using other materials (e.g.
fibres); concrete with an upper aggregate size of 4
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
mm or less (mortar); special technologies (e.g.
sprayed concrete); concrete for disposal of liquids STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
and gaseous waste; concrete for vessels for storage of
polluting substances; concrete for massive structures 1062. US EAS 148-2:2017, Cement —

(e.g. dams); dry mixed concrete. This standard does Test methods — Part 2: Chemical

not cover health and safety requirements for the analysis

protection of workers during production and delivery

This Uganda Standard specifies the methods for the
of concrete.
chemical analysis of cement. The standard describes

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 the reference methods and, in certain cases, an
alternative method which can be considered to be
equivalent. In the case of dispute, only the reference
methods are used. (This standard cancels and
1060. US EAS 134:2019, Cold rolled
replaces US 100-2:2016,: Cement — Test methods –
steel sections — Specification (3rd
Part 2: Chemical analysis, which has been
technically revised).
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
sectional properties of cold rolled steel sections of This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

thickness of 1.0 mm to 8.0 mm for use in structural

and general engineering applications. (This standard
cancels and replaces the second edition US EAS 1063. US EAS 148-3:2017, Cement —
134:2013, which has been technically revised). Test methods — Part 3: Determination
of setting times and soundness)
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.


192 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the methods for conforming to US EAS 18-1. This standard does not
determining standard consistence, setting times and apply to Portland pozzolana cements or to
soundness of cements. The method applies to pozzolanas. (This standard cancels and replaces US
common cement and to other cements and materials. 100-5:2016, Methods of testing cement — Part 5:
It may not apply to other cement types that have a Pozzolanicity test for pozzolanic cements, which has
very short initial setting. It describes the reference been technically revised).
methods and allows the use of alternative procedures
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
and equipment, as indicated in notes, provided that
they have been calibrated against the reference
methods. (This standard cancels and replaces US
100-3:2016, Cement — Test methods — Part 3: 1066. US EAS 148-6:2017, Cement —
Determination of standard consistency, setting time Test methods — Part 6: Determination
and soundness, which has been technically revised). of fineness

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. This Uganda Standard describes three methods for
determining the fineness of cement and applies to all
the cements defined in US EAS 18-1. (This standard
cancels and replaces US 100-6: 2016, Cement —
1064. US EAS 148-4:2017, Cement —
Test methods — Part 6: Determination of fineness,
Test methods — Part 4: Quantitative
which has been technically revised).
determination of constituents

This Uganda Standard describes the procedures for This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

determining the contents of the most of the

constituents of cements that fall within the scope of
US EAS 18-1. (This standard cancels and replaces 1067. US EAS 148-7:2017, Cement —
US 100-4:2016, Cement — Test methods — Part 4: Test methods — Part 7: Methods of
Quantitative determination of constituents, which has taking and preparing samples
been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard describes the equipment to be
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. used, the methods to be followed and the provisions
to be complied with for taking samples of cement
representative of given lots for testing to assess the
quality of products prior to, during or after delivery.
1065. US EAS 148-5:2017, Cement —
(This standard cancels and replaces US 100-7:2016,
Test methods — Part 5: Pozzolanicity
Cement — Test methods — Part 7: Methods of
test for pozzolanic cements
taking and preparing samples, which has been
This Uganda Standard specifies the method of technically revised).
measuring the pozzolanicity of pozzolanic cements

193 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. installations in Uganda and promote the installation
of safe, high quality photovoltaic, in such a way as to
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 generally promote the adoption of Photovoltaic
power as a source of energy.
1068. US EAS 148-8:2017: Cement —
Test methods — Part 8: Heat of
This standard was published on 2000-11-17.
hydration — Solution method
This Uganda Standard lays down the methods for
determining the heat of hydration by means of 1071. US 153-1:1999, Uncoated
solution calorimetry, also known as the solution Aluminium Hollow-Ware Utensils Part
method. The heat of hydration is expressed in joules 1: Domestic aluminium cooking
per gram of cement. This standard is applicable to pots(sufuria) and lids
cements and hydraulic binders whatever their
This Uganda Standard specifies the materials
chemical composition. (This standard cancels and
construction and preferred sizes of domestic
replaces US 100-8:2016, Cement — Test methods —
aluminium cooking pots and lids (sufurias).
Part 8: Heat of hydration — Solution method, which
has been technically revised).
This standard was published on 1999-06-30.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.



1072. US 153-2:2000, Uncoated
aluminium hollow -ware utensils Part
1069. US 150:2000 Specifications for
2: Aluminium cooking pans
fluorescent lights for use in photovoltaic
This Uganda Standard specifies the materials
construction and preferred sizes of uncoated
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
aluminium pans and covers aluminium saucepans,
requirements for fluorescent tube lights powered with
stew pans and frying pans.
direct current (dc) inverter ballasts for use in
photovoltaic systems.
This standard was published on 2000-11-17.

This standard was published on 2000-11-17.



1073. US 154:1995 Standard
specification for concrete roofing tiles
1070. US 152:2000 Code of practice for
installation of photovoltaic systems
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for two
groups of concrete roofing tiles (and slates)
This Code of Practice is intended to form a basic
including: Group A: Plain, double lap, non-
reference document for use in all photovoltaic

194 | P a g e
interlocking tiles. Group B: Single-lap, interlocking length of round wire, cut to length, for bright steel
tiles. wire (i.e. uncoated), metallic coated steel wire and
non-metallic coated steel wire.
This standard was published on 1995-06-30.
This standard was published on 2000-11-17.
1074. US 158:2019, Wheelbarrows —
Specification (2nd Edition) 1077. US 161:2000 Specifications for
hurricane lanterns
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
test methods for five types of wheelbarrows of single This Uganda Standard covers the requirements for
wheel make suitable for domestic, industrial, hurricane lanterns complete with globe and wick,
agricultural and building-site conditions. (This burning kerosene from the wick at atmospheric
standard cancels and replaces US 158:2000, pressure.
Specifications for wheel barrows, which has been
This standard was published on 2000-11-17.
technically revised).


This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

1078. US 162:2019, Machetes —

Specification (2 Edition)

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

1075. US 159:2000 Specification for sampling and test methods straight blade, curved
steel pipes for water and gas suitable blade, and double-edged blade machetes (panga).
for screwing (This standard cancels and replaces US 162:2000,
Specification for machetes, which has been
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
technically revised).
welded steel pipes and socket suitable for screwing.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
This standard was published on 2000-11-17.
1079. US EAS 168:2014, Junction boxes
1076. US 160:2000 Steel wire and wire
for use in electrical installations —
products - General - Wire and wire
Specification (2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
This Uganda Standard specifies the tolerances on
methods of sampling and test for junction boxes of
diameter of round wire and, where applicable, on the
surface or flush mounting types for use in fixed

195 | P a g e
wiring installations. This standard applies to junction STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
boxes used in a.c. and d.c. circuits where the rated
voltage does not exceed 250 V and where the 1082. US 193-2:2019, Steel wires and
wire products for fencing —
conductors are not subject to mechanical tension in
Specification — Part 2: Chain link
normal use. It covers junction boxes having fixed
terminals with capacity for cable conductors up to 10
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
mm2. It does not apply to junction boxes for use in
the dimensions, tolerances, coatings, test methods
conditions where special protection against the
and delivery conditions of chain link steel wire mesh
ingress of dust or moisture is required.
products specified for fencing and civil engineering
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

This standard was published on 2019-10-01.



1080. US 192-1:2000 Specification for
locks and latches for doors in buildings
1083. US 196:2001 Specification for
window stays fasteners and handles for
This Uganda Standard specifies tests and levels of
performance for locks and latches for doors used in vertically hinged windows

This Uganda Standard specifies performance and
functional requirements of window stays, fasteners
This standard was published on November 2001.
and handles for vertically hinged windows.
This standard was published on 2001-11-21.
1081. US 193-1:2019, Steel wires and
wire products for fencing —
Specification — Part 1: Barbed wires
1084. US EAS 196:2013, High-strength

This Uganda Standard specifies the mechanical low-alloy Carbon Steel for hot rolled
sheet and cold rolled sheet —
requirements, dimensions, sampling criteria and test
methods for zinc-coated steel barbed wire to be used
for general fencing purposes. (This standard cancels
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
and replaces US ISO 7900:2013, Steel wire and wire
steel sheet in coils and cut lengths. It applies to the
products for fences — Zinc and zinc-alloy coated
carbon steel and high-strength, low-alloy steel
steel barbed wire and US 195:2000, Specification for
(HSLA) supplied as hot-rolled sheet and cold-rolled
Zinc coated fencing wires, which have been
sheet. This standard is not applicable to hot-rolled,
heavy-thickness carbon sheet coils. In case of any
conflict in requirements, the requirements of the
This standard was published on 2019-10-01.

196 | P a g e
individual material specification shall prevail over This standard was published on 2001-11-21.
those of the general specification. For the purposes of
determining conformance with this specification and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

the various material specifications, values shall be

1088. US EAS 203:2014, Boxes for
rounded to the nearest unit in the right-hand place of
enclosure of electrical accessories —
figures used in expressing the limiting values.
Specification (2nd Edition)

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of test for boxes intended to contain one or
more electrical accessories and to be recessed into a
1085. US 197:2001 Specification for wall, ceiling or similar flat-surfaced structure.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
This Uganda Standard specifies the preferred range,
dimensions, materials, construction, finish and testing
peg general-purpose tools.
1089. US EAS 205:2014, Controls for
heating units in household electric
This standard was published on 2001-11-17.
ranges — Specification (2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
1086. US 198:2019, Spades — test methods for control units for household electric
Specification (2nd Edition) ranges. It applies to multi-heat switches, energy
regulators and thermostats including those for ovens,
This Uganda standard specifies requirements,
hotplates and rotisseries.
sampling and test methods for spades. (This standard
cancels and replaces US 198:2000, Specification for This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
spades, which has been technically revised).
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
1090. US ISO 209:2007, Aluminium
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 and aluminium alloys — Chemical
1087. US 199:2001Specification for
shovels This Uganda Standard specifies the designations
indicating the chemical composition of aluminium
This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions,
and aluminium alloys.
materials, construction, finish and testing. It also
provides for the preferred range and permits certain This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
variations to the preferred range.

197 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000 manufacture of cylinders, their construction, marking,
and testing.
1091. US 219:2000 Specification for
laminated leaf springs for automobiles This standard was published on 2003-07-31.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
laminated leaf springs for automobiles.
1094. US 261-1:2000/ EAS178
This standard was published on 2000-11-21. Specification for PVC conduits for
electric wiring. Part 1: Plain flexible
This part 1 of the standard specifies requirements for
1092. US 220:2019, Hoes —
plain flexible conduits, made of PVC material or any
Specification (2nd Edition)
other suitable material.

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

This standard was published on 2001-11-21.
sampling and test methods for forged hoes (jembes),
both plain and fork hoes (jembes) used for digging. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
(This standard cancels and replaces US 220:2003,
1095. US 261-2:2000/EAS 179
Specification for hoes, both plain and fork hoes,
which has been technically revised). Specification for PVC conduits for
electric wiring. Part 2: Corrugated
This standard was published on 2019-3-26. conduits

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 This part 2 of the standard specifies requirements for
flexible corrugated conduits of insulating materials
1093. US 252:2003 Low Pressure Gas
Cylinders - Specification for Welded This standard was published on 2001-11-21.
Low Carbon Steel Gas Cylinders
exceeding 5-Litre Water Capacity for
Low Pressure Liquefiable Gases
1096. US 263:2000/EAS 181 Fuel tank
assembly for automotive: Safety
This specification deals with welded low carbon steel
cylinders intended for storage and transportation of
low pressure liquefiable gases, other than toxic gases,
This standard covers the safety requirements for the
of nominal capacity, above 5 litres up to and
integrity and security of fuel tanks, fuel tank filter
including 250 litres water capacity and design
deliver pipes and fuel tank connections, used on
pressure of 18 N/mm2. This standard lays down the
automotive vehicles to minimize fire hazards
requirements for the material to be used in the
resulting from fuel spillage during and after crash
and/or collision.

198 | P a g e
This standard was published on 2000-04-16. tests on small, clear test pieces free from visible
defects. This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 East African Standard EAS 273:2002).

1097. US 271:2000 Steel and iron-

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
Sampling and preparation of samples
for the determination of chemical STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
1100. US EAS 274:2002, Timber —
This standard specifies methods for sampling and Determination of the average moisture
sample preparation for the determination of the content of a lot
composition of pig iron, cast iron and steel.
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the
This standard was published on 2000-04-16. determination of the average moisture content of a
homogeneous lot of sawn timber of the same Cross-
section. This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
East African Standard EAS 274:2002).
1098. US EAS 272:2002, Timber —
Determination of moisture content for
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
physical and mechanical tests
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the moisture content of wood for 1101. US EAS 275:2002, Timber —
physical and mechanical tests. This Uganda Standard Determination of volumetric shrinkage
is an adoption of the East African Standard EAS
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the
determination of the volumetric shrinkage of wood,
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20. the stereometric method and the mercury
volumenometer method. This Uganda Standard is an
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 adoption of the East African Standard EAS
1099. US EAS 273:2002, Timber —
Sampling methods and general
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
requirements for physical and
mechanical tests STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the 1102. US 288:2001 Specification for
selective and mechanical sampling of wood, for the lime for soil stabilization
conditioning of selected material and for the
This standard covers quick limes and slaked limes of
preparation of test pieces. In addition, it specifies the
three types, namely, calcium, magnesium and
general requirements for physical and mechanical

199 | P a g e
dolomitic, for use in soil stabilization and produced 1106. US 306:2003 Specification for
by calcimining of limestone or treatment of calcium standard sand for use in the testing of
carbide. cement

This standard was published on 2001-11-21. This Uganda standard specifies the source,
preparation and properties of standard to be used with
a standard coarse aggregate for making for making
concrete prisms used for testing cement.
1103. US 289:2001 Specification for
limestone for chemical industries
This standard was published on 2003 06 16.

This standard covers the requirements for the quality

of limestone of various grades. It also covers
seashells and calcite, a crystalline form of naturally 1107. US 310-3:2000 Definitions and
occurring calcium carbonate. terminology for cements

This standard was published on 2001-11-21. This standard gives the general definitions applicable
to cements (hydraulic binders), as well as the
particular definitions pertaining to each type of
1104. US 290:2000 Glossary of terms
used in lime products
This standard was published on 2000-06-
This standard lists terms relating to the
manufacturing, testing and use of lime for building
and chemical purposes.
1108. US 319:2003 Seismic code of
practice for structural designs
This standard was published on 2001-11-17.

This code provides the basis for the design and

construction of structures in seismic regions of
1105. US 291:2001 Specification for Uganda. It also proposes operational rules for its
Lime (Quicklime and Hydrated Lime) application. Its purpose is to ensure, with adequate
for Chemical Industries reliability, that in the event of earthquakes, human
lives are protected; damages are limited; critical
This standard prescribes the requirements for quality facilities remain operational.
quicklime and hydrated lime of various grades for use
in chemical industries. This code sets down requirements for the general
structural design and seismic design loadings for
This standard was published on 2001-11-21. structures within any of the following categories: all
buildings having a floor area greater than 20 square

200 | P a g e
metres; any building with a height greater than 5 STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000
metres; all masonry or concrete walls greater than 1.5
metres in height; all elevated tanks of up to 200 cubic 1111. US 323:2006 Timber -
Dimensions for coniferous sawn timber
metres capacity. Larger tanks should be subjected to
(Cypress and Pine) Sizes of sawn and
a further study; all buildings to which the general
planed timber
public has access; unusual buildings or structures or
those with unusual configuration or risk shall be
This Uganda standard specifies dimensions for a
designed in accordance with 6.2. The requirements
range of coniferous sawn timber sizes in metric units.
are not intended to apply to: large civil engineering
works (e.g. large-span bridges, dams, earth This standard was published on 2006-11-14.
structures); buildings or structures greater than 90
metres in height (or having more than 30 storeys). STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000

For the application of this code reference shall be

1112. US EAS 323:2002, Specification
made to other relevant Seismic Design Codes in so
for wood preservation by means of
far as this code is not self-sufficient.
pressure creosoting

This standard was published on 2003-06-16.

This Uganda Standard specifies methods that can be

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 used for the preservation of wood by pressure
creosoting and other methods of treatment with coal
1109. US 322:2006 Glossary of terms tar creosote. This Uganda Standard is an adoption of
used in the timber industry the East African Standard EAS 323:2002).

This standard gives definitions for terms used in the This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
timber industry.
This standard was published on 2006-11-
14.STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 1113. US 324:2006 Preservation of

30,000 timber– Specifications

1110. US EAS 322:2002 Wood poles This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for

and blocks for power and preservative treatment of timber. The preservatives,

telecommunication lines— Specification methods of application and suggested average

retention levels have all been specified with the
This Uganda Standard specifies materials and objective of achieving long service life.
performance requirements for solid wood poles. The
poles described herein are considered as simple This standard was published on 2006-11-14.

cantilever members subject to transverse loads only.


This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

201 | P a g e
1114. US EAS 324:2002, mixtures of compounds of copper, chromium and
Copper/chromium/arsenic compositions arsenic.
for the preservation of timber —
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
Method for timber treatment


This Uganda Standard prescribes procedures for
treatment of timber using water borne
1117. US 329-1/ISO 3134-1 Light
copper/chromium/arsenic (CCA) preservative
metals and their alloys – Terms and
formulations complying with US EAS 326. This
definitions – Part 1: Materials
Uganda Standard is an adoption of the East African
Standard EAS 324:2002). This part of Uganda Standard US 329 gives terms for
and definitions of materials in the field of light metals
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
and their alloys.


This standard was published on 2011-12-20.

1115. US EAS 325:2002, Wood

preservatives and treated timber —
Guide to sampling and preparation of 1118. US 329-2/ISO 3134-2 Light
wood preservatives and treated timber metals and their alloys – Terms and
for analysis definitions – Part 2: Unwrought
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the general
procedures to be followed in the sampling and This part of Uganda Standard US 329 gives terms for
preparation for analysis of preservatives and and definitions of unwrought products of light metals
preservative-treated timber. This Uganda Standard is and their alloys.
an adoption of the East African Standard EAS
325:2002). This standard was published on 2011-12-20.

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 1119. US 329-3/ISO 3134-3 Light

metals and their alloys – Terms and
1116. US EAS 326:2002, definitions – Part 3: Wrought products
Copper/chromium/arsenic composition
for the preservation of timber — This part of Uganda Standard US 329 gives terms for

Specification and definitions of wrought products of light metals

and their alloys.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for two
types of water-borne preservatives containing This standard was published on 2011-12-20.

202 | P a g e

1120. US 329-4/ISO 3134-4 Light 1123. US EAS 357:2004, Pneumatic

metals and their alloys – Terms and tyres for trucks and buses —
definitions – Part 4: Castings Specification

This part of Uganda Standard US 329 gives terms for This Uganda Standard specifies tyre dimensions
and definitions of castings made from light metals designation and marking requirements; and load
and their alloys. ratings. It also gives laboratory test requirements for
strength endurance for tyres primarily intended for
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
trucks and buses. (This standard cancels and replaces
US 514:2004, Specification for new pneumatic tyres
— Trucks and buses).
1121. US 329-5/ISO 3134-5 Light
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
metals and their alloys – Terms and
definitions – Part 5: Methods of
processing and treatment
1124. US EAS 358:2004, Pneumatic
This Uganda Standard gives terms for and definitions
tyres for passenger cars —
relating to methods of processing and treatment of
light metals and their alloys.
This Uganda Standard specifies tyre dimensions
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
designation and marking requirements; and load
ratings. It also gives laboratory test requirements for
bead unseating resistance, strength, endurance and
1122. US EAS 354: 2004, Plastic high-speed performance for tyres primarily intended
containers for up to 5 litres capacity — for passengers. (This standard cancels and replaces
Specification US 513:2004, Specification for new pneumatic tyres
— Passenger cars).
This Uganda Standard covers minimum requirements
for plastic containers of nominal capacities up to and This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
including 5 litres intended for storage of commodities
other than explosives, compressed gases and
radioactive materials. (This Uganda Standard cancels
1125. US EAS 359:2004, Pneumatic
and replaces US 438:2002 Specification for plastic
tyres for light trucks — Specification
containers for up to 5 litres capacity which is being
republished on). This Uganda Standard specifies tyre dimensions,
designation, marking requirements and load ratings.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

203 | P a g e
It also gives laboratory test requirements for bead STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
unseating, strength and endurance performance for
light truck tyres. This standard also specifies 1128. US 366-2:2003 Masonry cement –
Part 2: Test methods
sampling methods and disposition of non-conforming
tyres. (This standard cancels and replaces US
This Uganda standard describes reference and
515:2004, Specification for new pneumatic tyres —
alternative test methods to be used when testing
Light trucks).
masonry cement to assess their conformity to US
366-1. It gives the test on fresh mortar for
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
consistence, water retention, air content and
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000 workability. In the event of dispute, only reference
methods are used.
1126. US EAS 360:2004, Pneumatic
tyres for agricultural implements — This standard was published on 2003-06-16.
This Uganda Standard specifies tyre dimensions,
1129. US 369-3: 2001 Batteries - Part 3:
designation and marking requirements and load
ratings. It also gives laboratory test equipments for General information - Definitions,
abbreviations and symbols.
strength for tyres primarily intended for agricultural
implements. (This standard cancels and replaces US
This part of US 369 details the definitions,
516:2004, Specification for new pneumatic tyres —
abbreviations, symbols and formulae used throughout
Agricultural implements).
the other parts of the standard

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.

This standard was published on 2011-12-20.



1127. US 366-1:2003 Masonry cement –

1130. US 371:2003 Hydraulic road
Part 1: Specification
binders – Composition, specification
and conformity criteria
This standard gives the definition and composition of
masonry cements as commonly used in East Africa
This Uganda Standard specifies properties of the
for the production of mortar for bricklaying and block
constituents of common cements and proportions in
laying and for rendering and plastering. It includes
which they are to be combined to produce a range of
physical, mechanical and chemical requirements and
types, compositions and strength classes.
defines strength classes.
This standard was published on 2003-06-16.
This standard was published on 2003-06-16.

204 | P a g e
1131. US EAS 371-10:2005 Power 1133. US EAS 372-3:2005 Specification
transformers — Specification — Part for telecommunications installations –
10: Determination of sound levels Part 3: Integrated
telecommunications cabling
This part defines sound pressure and sound intensity
systems for small office residential
measurement methods by which sound power levels
of transformers, reactors and their associated cooling
auxiliaries may be determined. This standard is This standard covers telecommunications wiring
primarily intended to apply to measurements made at systems installed within an individual building with
the factory. Conditions on-site may be very different residential (single, multi-unit or home office) and
because of the proximity of objects, including other light commercial (small office, manufacturing, store,
transformers. Nevertheless, the same general rules as retail, etc.) end use. It does not apply to caravan parks
are given in this standard may be followed when on- or marinas. Installation of basic telephone services
site measurements are made. not intended for advanced applications or integrated
services is not the subject of this Standard.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
1132. US EAS 372-2:2005
Specifications for telecommunications 1134. US EAS 373:2005 External TV
installations – Part 2: aerials in the frequency range 30MHz –
Telecommunications pathways and 1GHz – Specification
spaces for commercial buildings
This standard specifies the performance requirements
This standard is limited to the telecommunications and methods of measurement of fixed receiving
aspects of commercial building design and aerials, for domestic use, in the frequency range of
construction, encompassing telecommunications 30MHz to 1GHz.
considerations both within and between buildings.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
Telecommunications aspects in this context generally
means the pathways into which telecommunications
media are placed, and the rooms and areas associated
with the building used to terminate cabling and 1135. US EAS 375-5:2005 Low –
accommodate associated telecommunications voltage switchgear and control gear
equipment. assemblies – Part 5: Particular
requirements for assemblies intended to
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
be installed outdoors in public places –
cable distribution cabinets (CDCs) for
power distribution in networks

205 | P a g e
This standard gives supplementary requirements for 1138. US EAS 379-2:2005 Information
cable distribution cabinets (CDCs), which are technology – Configuration of customer
stationary, type-tested assemblies (TTA) for outdoor premises cabling (CPC) for applications
installation in places which are exposed to the public, – Part 2: Integrated services digital
but where only skilled persons have access for their network (ISDN) primary rate
use. They are for use in public three-phase systems.
This standard specifies the design and configuration
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. of Customer Premises Cabling for the connection of
primary access ISDN equipment.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
1136. US EAS 376-1:2005 Safety of
machinery – Electrical equipment of STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000
machines – Part 1: General
1139. US EAS 380:2005 Public
information symbols – Specifies the
This part of US EAS 376 applies to the application of image content of graphical symbols
electrical, electronic and programmable electronic used for the information of the public
equipment and systems to machines not portable by
This standard specifies the image content of graphical
hand while working, including a group of machines
symbols used for the information of the public. The
working together in a co-ordinated manner.
fields of application specified for each graphical
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. symbol are indicative of the way it is intended that
the symbols should be used; their application may be
extended into other fields where this is considered
1137. US EAS 379-1:2005 Information
technology – Configuration of customer
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
premises cabling (CPC) for applications
– Part 1: Integrated services digital STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000
network (ISDN) basic access
1140. US 402:1993 Standard
This standard defines the requirements for the design specification for portable reflective
and configuration of customer premises cabling for triangles
the connection of basic access ISDN equipment.
This standard specifies requirements for portable
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. retro-reflective triangular road safety signs for
indicating temporary obstruction in a roadway which
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 may constitute a traffic hazard.

206 | P a g e
This standard was published on 1993-06-16. and powder metallurgical products. US ISO 10474
describes the inspection documents to be used. Where
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 the delivery requirements agreed upon for the order
or specified in the appropriate product or material
1141. US 403:1995 Standard
standard differ from the general technical delivery
specification for deep well CBMS hand
requirements defined in this standard, then it is the
pump (model U3)
requirements agreed for ordering or specified in the
This standard covers Community Based Maintenance appropriate product or material standard that apply
System (CBMS) handpumps for lifting water from
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
boreholes with static water levels from 24 m up to 50
m. The pumps shall be used for boreholes fitted with
casing pipes of nominal diameters minimum 100mm
to 150mm. 1144. US 405:1995 Standard
specification for shallow well
This standard was published on 1995-11-16.
handpumps (model U2/U3)


This standard covers Handpumps for lifting water
from boreholes with static water levels from 3m up to
1142. US 404:1995 Standard
specification for Extra deepwell CBMS
This standard was published on 1995-11-16.

This standard covers Community Based Maintenance

System (CBMS) handpumps for lifting water from
boreholes with static water levels from 51 m up to 1145. US 406:1995 Standard
90m. The pumps shall be used for bore holes fitted specification for deep well hand pump
casing pipes of nominal diameters minimum 100mm (model U2)
to 150mm.
This standard covers hand pumps for lifting water
This standard was published on 1995-11-16. from boreholes with static water levels from 24m up
to 50m.
This standard was published on 1995-11-16.
1143. US ISO 404:2013, Steel and steel
products — General technical delivery STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 110,000
1146. US EAS 410: 2005, Hot-dip
This Uganda Standard specifies the general technical aluminium-zinc coated plain and
delivery requirements for all steel products covered corrugated steel sheets — Specification
by US ISO 6929, with the exception of steel castings

207 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for and replaces the second edition US EAS 412-2:2013,
continuous hot-dip Aluminium-Zinc (AZ) coated which has been technically revised).
plain and corrugated steel sheets for roofing,
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
cladding, fencing, fabrication and general use. This
standard does not cover the special purpose profiles.
The Aluminium-Zinc alloy composition by mass is
nominally 55 % Aluminium, 1.6% Silicon and 1149. US EAS 412-3:2019, Steel for the
balance Zinc. The product is intended for applications reinforcement of concrete — Part 3:
where the corrosion characteristics of Aluminium Welded fabric
coupled with those of Zinc are most desired. (This
standard cancels and replaces US 540:2006 Hot-dip This Uganda Standard specifies technical

aluminium –zinc plain and corrugated steel sheets— requirements for factory made sheets and rolls of

Specification). welded fabric, manufactured from steel wires or bars

with diameters from 4 mm to 16 mm and designed
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 for the reinforcement of concrete structures and the

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 ordinary reinforcement of pre stressed concrete

structures. (This standard cancels and replaces the
1147. US EAS 412-1:2019 Steel for the second edition US ISO 6935-3:1992, which has been
reinforcement of concrete — Part 1: technically revised).
Plain bars (3rd Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
This Uganda Standard specifies technical
requirements for plain bars to be used as STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

reinforcement in non-structural concrete. (This

1150. US EAS 415: 2005, Hot-rolled
standard cancels and replaces the second edition US
steel sheet of high yield stress structural
EAS 412-1:2013, which has been technically
This Uganda Standard applies to hot-rolled steel
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
sheet of high yield stress structural quality with the
use of micro-alloying elements. The product is
intended for structural purposes where particular
1148. US EAS 412-2:2019 Steel for the mechanical properties are required. It is generally
reinforcement of concrete — Part 2: used in the delivered condition and is intended for
Ribbed bars (3 Edition) bolted, riveted or welded structures. Because of the
combination of higher strength and micro-alloy
This Uganda Standard specifies technical
composition, it is possible to obtain savings in mass
requirements for ribbed bars to be used as
along with better formability and weldability as
reinforcement in concrete. (This standard cancels
compared with steel sheet without micro-alloying

208 | P a g e
elements. The product is produced on a wide strip referred to as “jacking pipes”) intended to be installed
mill, not a plate mill. This product is commonly by pipe jacking, microtunnelling or other trenchless
produced in thicknesses from 1.6 mm to 6 mm and technology. This part of US EAS 426 specifies
widths of 600 mm and over, in coils and cut lengths. complementary requirements to those in EAS 419 for
Hot-rolled sheet less than 600 mm wide may be slit unreinforced and reinforced concrete pipes and
from wide sheet and considered as sheet. fittings, as provided for in that European Standard,
with nominal sizes not exceeding DN 1500 for
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
circular pipes with base and WN/HN 800/1200 for
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 egg shaped pipes. Full requirements for reinforced
concrete circular trench and jacking pipes with
1151. US EAS 416:2005, Building and nominal sizes greater than DN 1750, but not
civil engineering terms — Parts of exceeding DN 3000, are also specified.
construction works — Roofs and
roofing This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16


This Uganda Standard gives standard definitions
related to roofs and roofing processes.
1153. US EAS 426-2:2006, Concrete
pipes and ancillary concrete products
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
— Part 2: Specification for
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 unreinforced and reinforced concrete
manholes and soakaways

1152. US EAS 426-1:2006, Concrete This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
pipes and ancillary concrete products describes test methods for precast concrete manholes
— Part 1: Specification for of circular, rectangular (with or without chamfered or
unreinforced and reinforced concrete rounded corners) or elliptical cross-section,
pipes (including jacking pipes) and unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced, with nominal
fittings with flexible joints sizes or nominal lengths not exceeding DN1250 or
LN 1250, respectively. The intended use of EAS 418
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
is to permit access to, and to allow aeration of, drain
describes test methods for precast concrete pipes and
or sewer systems for the conveyance of sewage,
fittings, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced, with
rainwater and surface water under gravity or
flexible joints and nominal sizes not exceeding DN
occasionally at low head of pressure, mainly installed
1750 or WN/HN 1200/1800, for which the main
in areas subjected to vehicular and/or pedestrian
intended use is the conveyance of sewage, rainwater
traffic. This part of US EAS 426 specifies
and surface water under gravity or occasionally at
complementary requirements to those in US EAS 418
low head of pressure in pipelines that are generally
for unreinforced and reinforced concrete manholes of
buried. The scope includes pipes (collectively
circular and rectangular cross-section (with or

209 | P a g e
without chamfered or rounded corners), as provided the conveyance of sewage, rainwater and surface
for in that European Standard, i.e. units with nominal water under gravity or occasionally at low head of
sizes or nominal lengths not exceeding DN 1250 or pressure, mainly installed in areas subjected to
LN 1250, respectively. Full requirements for vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic. This part of US
unreinforced and reinforced concrete manholes with EAS 426 specifies complementary requirements to
nominal sizes greater than DN 1250, but not those in EAS 418 for unreinforced and reinforced
exceeding DN 3000, are also specified. The manholes concrete inspection chambers of circular and
are intended to be installed in carriageways of roads rectangular cross-section (with or without chamfered
(including pedestrian streets), hard shoulders and or rounded corners), as provided for in that standard.
parking areas for all types of road vehicles, though This part also specifies requirements for inspection
provision is also made for units subject to lighter chamber units less than or equal to DN 1000 or
traffic loading. Requirements for soakaways, landing LN/WN1000/675 not exceeding 1 metre depth to
slabs and corbel slabs are also specified. Steel fibre invert. The inspection chambers are mainly intended
concrete manholes are not manufactured in the for installation in areas outside the highway and
United Kingdom and so have been excluded from this where vehicle loading is restricted.
part of US EAS 426. EN 752-2, -3 and -4, EN 1295-1
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
and EN 1610 deal with the planning, design,
installation and testing of drains and sewers.

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

1155. US EAS 426-4: 2006, Concrete
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 pipes and ancillary concrete products
— Part 4: Specification for pre-stressed
1154. US EAS 426-3: 2006, Concrete
non-pressed non-pressure pipes and
pipes and ancillary concrete products
fittings with flexible joints
— Part 3: Specification for
unreinforced and reinforced concrete This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
inspection chambers describes test methods for prestressed concrete
nonpressure circular pipes and fittings with flexible
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
joints (with seals either integrated in the units or
describes test methods for precast concrete inspection
supplied separately) and nominal sizes not exceeding
chambers, designed to be used for inverts not
DN 3200, for which the main intended use is the
exceeding 2 metres deep, of circular, rectangular
conveyance of sewage, rainwater and surface water
(with or without chamfered or rounded corners) or
under gravity or occasionally at low head of pressure,
elliptical cross-section, unreinforced, steel fibre and
in pipelines that are generally buried.
reinforced, with nominal sizes or nominal lengths not
exceeding DN 1250 or LN 1250, respectively. The This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
intended use of this standard is to permit access to,
and to allow aeration of, drain or sewer systems for

210 | P a g e
1156. US EAS 426-5: 2006, Precast covers constituent materials, dimensional
concrete pipes and ancillary concrete requirements, performance requirements, appropriate
products — Part 5: Specification for test methods and inspection procedures.
ogee pipes and fittings (including Combinations of special cements have not been
perforated) included in this standard in the absence of experience
with them in this context
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
precast concrete cylindrical units, perforated or This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
unperforated, each with ogee or other rebated joints,
either unreinforced or reinforced with steel cages or
hoops. Perforated unreinforced pipes are also 1158. US EAS 426-7: 2006, Precast
included. The units specified are intended for concrete pipes and ancillary concrete
drainage and for the construction of culverts, other products — Part 7: Specification for
than systems carrying foul water. The specification road gullies and gully cover slabs
covers constituent materials, dimensional
requirements, performance 70 requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for

appropriate test methods and inspection procedures. precast concrete road gullies manufactured from

This standard does not include the structural or monolithic concrete or prefabricated sections of

hydraulic design of the pipeline, its durability under concrete. A gully outlet may incorporate a permanent

unusual environmental conditions or standards of former, with or without a jointing profile for the

workmanship and supervision during construction connection of pipelines. Requirements are also

and operation specified for gully cover slabs.

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16


1157. US EAS 426-6: 2006, Precast 1159. US 464:2002 Susceptibility of

concrete pipes, fittings and ancillary Photovoltaic (PV) modules to accidental

products — Part 6: Specification for impact damage (resistance to impact

porous pipes test)

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for This standard specifies the method of test for

unreinforced porous concrete pipes, which are assessment the assessment of the susceptibility of the

intended to admit water through the pipe wall module to accidental impact damage.

throughout their full length and full circumference or,

This standard was published on 2002-07-17
in the case of pipes with non-porous inverts,
throughout part of their circumference. Porosity of STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
the joint is not a requirement. The specification

211 | P a g e
1160. US 465-1:2003 Stabilized 1163. US 468-2:2002 Specification for
materials for civil engineering photovoltaic systems -system design,
purposes. Part 1 General requirements, installation, operation, monitoring and
sampling, sample preparation and tests maintenance - Part 2: Test procedure
on materials before stabilization for main components -charge
This part 1 of US 465 deals with general
requirements, sampling sample preparation and This part 2 of US 468 specifies test procedures for
preliminary test carried out on materials in the charge regulators for use of photovoltaic systems.
unsterilized condition to assess their suitability for
This standard was published on 2002-07-17


This standard was published on 2003-07-30

1164. US 468-3:2002 Specification for

photovoltaic systems -systems design,
1161. 1. US EAS 466: 2007, installation, operation, monitoring and
Sanitation — Glossary of terms maintenance - Part 3: Test procedure
for main components –inverters
This Uganda Standard defines terms relating to
sanitation. This part of 3 US 468 specifies test procedures for
inverters for use of photovoltaic systems.
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This standard was published on 2002-07-30
1162. US EAS 468:2019, Pre-painted
metal coated steel sheets and coils — 1165. US 469: 2005 Characteristic
Specification (3 Edition) parameters of standalone photovoltaic
(PV) systems
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for pre-painted metal This Uganda Standard defines the major electrical,
coated steel sheets and coils. (This standard cancels mechanical and environmental parameters for the
and replaces the second edition US EAS 468:2013, description and performance analysis of stand-alone
which has been technically revised). photovoltaic systems.

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01. This standard was published on 2005-07-15


212 | P a g e
1166. US 479:2003 Code of practice for STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
inspection of vehicles for
1169. US EAS 492:2008, Incineration
plant for the destruction of hospital
This code of practice specifies general, safety and waste — Method of test and calculation
environmental requirements for Road Vehicles and for the performance
also includes inspection schedule for Road Vehicles.
This Uganda Standard describes methods of test for
This standard was published on 2003-07-30 the performance of the incineration plant to be carried
out in accordance with EAS 491:2008 and as
specified by the purchaser in accordance with EAS
493:2008. These tests are made after installation
1167. US EAS 489:2008, Concrete poles
when the plant is operating in accordance with the
for telephone, power and lighting
manufacturer's instruction. In addition, certain
purposes — Specification
methods of calculation are given. Methods of test for
This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of materials and methods of construction are not
pre-cast reinforced, partially pre-stressed and pre- included.
stressed concrete poles. Possible uses for the poles
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13.
include electrical reticulation and distribution,
railway traction, telephone line support, street
lighting standards and high mast lighting structures.
1170. US EAS 493:2008, Incineration
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-30
plant for the destruction of hospital
waste — Method for specifying
purchaser’s requirements
1168. US EAS 491:2008, Incineration
This Uganda Standard details a method for specifying
plant for the destruction of hospital
requirements for incinerators for the destruction of
waste — Specification
hospital waste manufactured to specifiers'
This Uganda Standard specifies the performance requirements. It does not cover other items of plant
requirements for incineration plant, assisted by such as charging machine, chimneys, flues, etc.
auxiliary fuel if required, suitable for the destruction
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13.
of hospital waste. Devices which utilize intensities of
combustion exceeding an average heat release rate of
350 W/m3 are not included. This standard does not
specify materials or methods of construction. 1171. US EAS 494:2008, Incineration
plant for the destruction of hospital
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13.
waste — Code of practice for the

213 | P a g e
design, specification, installation and This Uganda Standard specifies mechanical,
commissioning electrical and climatic test methods for low-frequency
cables and wires designed for use in
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the design,
telecommunication inside plant and equipment and in
specification, installation and commissioning of
electronic devices employing similar techniques.
incineration plant for the destruction of hospital
waste. It also gives information training of staff and This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11.
maintenance of plant, on collection and transports of
hospital waste

1174. US EAS 498-2:2008, Low-

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13.
frequency cables and wires with PVC
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 insulation and PVC sheath — Part 2:
Cables in pairs, triples, quads and
1172. US EAS 497:2008, Colours of the
quintuples for inside installations
cores of flexible cables and cords
This Uganda Standard is applicable to cables for
This Uganda Standard applies to flexible cables and
inside installations, intended for the interconnection
cords with not more than five cores. The object of
of transmission equipment; telecommunications
this standard is to establish standard colour
equipment; and equipment for data processing.
identification for the earthing core in flexible cables
and cords. The introduction of the same identification This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11.
code in all countries would remove the risk of
accidents due to connecting plugs to flexible cables STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

or cords attached to imported appliances. This risk

1175. US EAS 498-3:2008, Low-
may occur where the colour standardized for the
frequency cables and wires with PVC
identification of the earthing core in the country of
insulation and PVC sheath — Part 3:
import is different from that standardized in the
Equipment wires with solid or stranded
country of export.
conductor wires, PVC insulated, in
singles, pairs and triples
This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11.

This Uganda Standard is applicable to equipment

wires with solid or stranded conductor, polyvinyl
1173. US EAS 498-1:2008, Low- chloride (PVC) insulated, in singles, pairs and triples
frequency cables and wires with PVC to be used for internal wiring of telecommunication
insulation and PVC sheath — Part 1: equipment, industrial and consumer electronic
General test and measuring methods equipment.

This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11.

214 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 alphanumerics are intended to be applied in cables or
cores, bus bars, electrical equipment and installations.
1176. US EAS 502:2008, Electric cables
— Tests on extruded over sheaths with This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11.
a special protective function
This Uganda Standard provides a range of tests which
1179. US EAS 512:2008, Thermal-
may be required for electric cables which have an
extruded over sheath and where that over sheath resistant aluminium alloy wire for
overhead line conductor
performs a special protective function. The standard
covers cables for use in insulated systems and in
This Uganda Standard is applicable to thermal-
uninsulated systems.
resistant aluminium alloy wires before stranding for
manufacture of stranded conductors for overhead
This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11.
lines. It specifies the mechanical, electrical and
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 thermal resistant properties of wires in the diameter
range commercially available.
1177. US EAS 504:2008, Standard
colours for insulation for low-frequency This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11.
cables and wires
This Uganda Standard applies to thermoplastic
1180. US 512:2003 Specification for
insulation to be used with low-frequency cables and
axes and hatchets

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements on

This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11.
dimensions, weight and performance for axes and
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 hatchets.

1178. US EAS 505:2008, Basic and This standard was published on 2003-10-01.
safety principles for man-machine
interface, marking and identification —
Identification of conductors by colours
1181. US EAS 513:2008, Overhead
or alphanumeric
electrical conductors — Formed wire,

This Uganda Standard provides general rules for the concentric lay, stranded conductors

use of certain colours or alphanumerics to identify

This Uganda Standard specifies the electrical and
conductors with the aim of avoiding ambiguity and
mechanical characteristics of concentric lay,
ensuring safe operation. These conductor colours or
overhead conductors of wires formed or shaped

215 | P a g e
before, during or after stranding, made of This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
combinations of any of the following metal wires:
 hard aluminium as per IEC 60889
1183. US 533:2006 Retro reflective
designated A1;
warning signs for road vehicles –
 hard aluminium as per IEC 60889
Chevron signs
designated A1F wire shaped before
This standard specifies requirements for retro-
 hard aluminium alloy as per IEC 60104 reflective chevron signs that incorporate a substrate
designated A2 or A3; and that are intended for use on motor vehicle that
 hard aluminium alloy as per IEC 60104 operate on public roads.
designated A2F or A3F shaped before
stranding; This standard was published on 2006-07-30
 regular strength steel, designated S1A or
S1B, where A and B are zinc coating
classes, 1184. US 545: 2004 Seat belt assemblies
 corresponding respectively to classes 1 and for motor vehicles – Specification
 high strength steel, designated S2A or S2B; This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for

 extra high strength steel, designated S3A; automobile seat belt assemblies, which are designed

 aluminium clad steel, designated SA. to accommodate one adult and are fitted, in the main,

This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11. to all seats for the safety of all vehicle occupants in
the event of a traffic accident.
This standard was published on 2004-06-16.
1182. US ISO 525:2013, Bonded
abrasive products — General STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

1185. US 546: 2004 Anchorages for

This Uganda Standard is applicable to bonded automobile seat belts – Specification

abrasive products (e.g. grinding wheels, segments,

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements to
sticks and stones) in general, excluding super
be followed in the choice of position of the
abrasive products and coated abrasive products. This
anchorages, the force that the anchorages must be
standard specifies the ISO type number and shape;
able to withstand and the tests to which they are to be
dimensional symbols; standard profiles; requirements
for dimensions, limit deviations and tolerances as
well as permissible unbalance; the specification This standard was published on 2004-07-06.
mark; the marking requirements.

216 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 1189. US 552:2005 Photovoltaic system
performance monitoring — Guidelines
1186. US 548: 2004 Motor vehicle
for measurement, data exchange and
safety specification - Strength of seats
and of their anchorages
This Uganda standard recommends procedures for
This specification covers the strength of seats and of
the monitoring of energy-related PV system
their anchorages for motor vehicles for carrying
characteristics such as in-plane irradiance, array
output, storage input and output and power
conditioner input and output; and for the exchange
This standard was published on 2004-08-11.
and analysis of monitored data. The purpose of these
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 procedures is to assess the overall performance of PV
systems configured as stand-alone or utility grid-
1187. US 549: 2004 Code of practice - connected, or as hybridized with non-PV power
Installation of safety belts in motor sources such as engine generators and wind turbines.
This standard was published on 2005-04-06.
This code of practice applies to the installation of
restraint systems (safety belts) intended for use by STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
persons of adult build occupying forward-facing seats
1190. US 555:2005 Direct coupled
in motor vehicles.
photovoltaic pumping systems —
This standard was published on 2004-08-11. Design qualification and type approval

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard constitutes a guide and gives
an overview of terrestrial PV power generating
1188. US 551: 2005 Rating of direct systems and the functional elements of such systems.
coupled photovoltaic (PV) pumping
systems This standard was published on 2005-04-22.

This Uganda Standard defines predicted short-term STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
characteristics (instantaneous and for a typical daily
1191. US 557:2005 Photovoltaic
period) of direct-coupled photovoltaic (PV) water
systems – Characteristics of utility
pumping systems. It also defines minimum actual
performance values to be obtained on-site. It does not
address PV pumping systems with batteries.
This Uganda standard addresses the interface
requirements between the PV system and the utility,
This standard was published on 2005-04-06.
and provides technical recommendations.

217 | P a g e
This standard was published on 2005-05-10. performance of spark-plugs for use with spark
ignition engines. (This Uganda Standard is an
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 adoption of the East African Standard 565:2006).

1192. US 558-1:2005 Environmental

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
Testing – Part 1: General and guidance
This Uganda standard includes a series of methods of
environmental test and their appropriate severities, 1195. US EAS 566:2008, Road vehicles
and prescribes various atmospheric conditions for — Spark-plugs — Terminals
measurements and tests designed to assess the ability
This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions of the
of specimens to perform under expected conditions of
solid post terminals and threaded terminals for spark-
transportation, storage and all aspects of operational
plugs for use with spark ignition engines. (This
Uganda Standard is an adoption of the East African
This standard was published on 2005-04-06. Standard 566:2006).

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

1193. US 559: 2005 Balance-of system STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

components for photovoltaic systems -
1196. US EAS 581:2008, Road vehicles
Design qualification and type approval
– Retro-reflective registration plates for
This Uganda Standard lays down requirements for motor vehicles and trailers –
the design qualification and type approval of Specification
terrestrial balance-of system (BOS) components for
This Uganda Standard specifies the provisions
photovoltaic (PV) systems suitable for long-term
applicable to retro-reflective registration plates for
operation either indoor, conditioned or
motor vehicles and their trailers.
unconditioned; or outdoor in general open-air
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08.

This standard was published on 2005-04-06.



1197. US 601:1995 Standard
specification for PVC - Insulated cables
1194. US EAS 565:2006, Road vehicles
for electricity supplies
— Spark-plugs — Test methods and
This standard specifies requirements and dimensions
for PVC-insulated cables for operation at nominal
This Uganda Standard specifies the test methods and
voltages up to and including 1900 V to armour or
requirements for the mechanical and electrical

218 | P a g e
earth and 3300 V between conductors. Covers cables 1200. US 604:1995 Standard
intended for general use where the combination of the specification for PVC insulation and
ambient temperature and temperature rise due to the sheath of electric cables
loading current results in a conductor temperature not
This standard specifies the physical and electrical
exceeding 70 degree C.
requirements for the types of PVC insulation and
This standard was published on 1995-04-06. sheath of electric cables.

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000 This standard was published on 1995-04-06.

1198. US 602:1995 Standard STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

specification for PVC - Insulated cables
1201. US 605:1995 Standard
(non armoured) for electric power and
Specification for conductors in
insulated cables and cords
This standard specifies requirements and dimensions
This standard specifies the nominal cross-sectional
for non-armoured Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC)
areas and requirements, including numbers and sizes
insulated cables for fixed installations and for
of wires and resistance values, for conductors in
operation at voltages up to and including 450 V to
electric cables and cords of a wide range of types.
earth and 750 V a.c. between conductors.
These conductors include solid and stranded copper
This standard was published on 1995-04-06. and aluminium conductors in cables for fixed
installations and flexible copper conductors.
This standard was published on 1995-04-06.
1199. US 603:1995 Standard
specification for Electro technical, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
power, telecommunication, electronics,
1202. US 607-1:1996 Insulating and
lighting and colour terms. Terms
sheathing materials of electric cables -
particular to power engineering -
Methods of test for general application
Electric cable terminology
– Part 1: Measurement of thickness and
This standard is for the purpose of clarification of overall dimensions - Tests for
terms used in all standards pertaining to electric determining the mechanical properties
cables and wires.
This part 1gives the methods for measuring the
This standard was published on 1995-04-06. thickness and overall dimensions and for determining
the mechanical properties, which apply to the most
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 common types of insulating and sheathing
compounds (elastomeric, PVC, PE, PP e.t.c)

219 | P a g e
This standard was published on 1996-11-06. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 1206. US 607-6:1996 Insulating and

sheathing materials of electric cables -
1203. US 607-2:1996 Insulating and
Methods of test for general application -
sheathing materials of electric cables -
Part 6: Pressure test at high
Methods of test for general application -
temperature - Test for resistance to
Part 2: Thermal ageing methods

This part 2 gives the thermal ageing methods which

This part 6 gives the methods for pressure test at high
apply to the most common types of insulating and
temperature and for tests for resistance to cracking,
sheathing compounds (elastomeric, PVC, PE, PP,
which apply to PVC compounds.
This standard was published on 1996-11-06.
This standard was published on 1996-11-06.
1207. US 607-7:1996 Insulating and
1204. US 607-4:1996 Insulating and
sheathing materials of electric cables -
sheathing materials of electric cables -
Methods of test for general application
Methods of test for general application
– Part 3:methods for determining the
– Part 4:Tests at Low temperature
density - water absorption tests -
shrinkage test
This part 4 gives the methods for tests at low
temperature which apply to PVC and PE compounds.
This part gives the methods for determining the
density, water absorption tests and shrinkage test
This standard was published on 1996-11-06.
which apply to the most common types of insulating
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 and sheathing compounds (elastomeric, PVC, PE, PP,
1205. US 607-5:1996 Insulating and
sheathing materials of electric cables - This standard was published on 1996-11-06.
Methods of test for general application
– Part 5:Ozone Resistance test - Hot Set
test - Mineral oil Immersion
1208. US 607-8:1996 Insulating and
sheathing materials of electric cables -
This part 5 gives the methods for the ozone resistance
Methods of test for general application -
test, hot set test and mineral oil immersion test, which
Part 8: Resistance to environmental
apply to elastomeric compounds.
Stress Cracking - Wrapping test after
This standard was published on 1996-11-06. thermal ageing in air - Measurement of

220 | P a g e
melt flow index - Carbon black Separation of oil - Lower temperature
and/or Mineral Content Measurement brittleness - total acid number-Absence
in PE of corrosive components -Permittivity at
23 degrees centigrade and 100 degrees
This part 8 gives the methods for measurement of the
resistance to environmental stress cracking, for
wrapping test after thermal ageing in air, for This part 10 gives the methods for drop-point,
measurement of melt flow index and for separation of oil, lower temperature brittleness, total
measurement of carbon black and/or mineral filler acid number, absence of corrosive components,
content, which apply to PE and PP compounds, permittivity at 23 degrees centigrade, d.c. resistivity
including cellular compounds and foam skin for at 23 degrees centigrade and 100 degrees centigrade.
This standard was published on 1996-11-06.
This standard was published on 1996-11-06.
1211. US 607-11:1996 Test methods for
1209. US 607-9:1996 Elongation at electric cables - Part 11: Test methods
break after pre-conditioning-Wrapping for testing polymeric insulating and
test after pre-conditioning -Wrapping sheathing materials for electric cables
test after thermal ageing in air-
This section of the standard specifies the test methods
Measurement of mass increase -Long-
to be used for testing polymeric insulating and
term stability test-Test method for
sheathing materials of electric cables.
Copper - Catalyzed oxidative
This standard was published on 1996-11-06.

This part 9 gives the methods for measurement of

elongation at break after pre-conditioning, for
wrapping test after pre-conditioning, for wrapping 1212. US 611:1995 Standard
test after thermal ageing in air, for measurement of specification for aluminium stranded
mass increase, for long-term stability test and for conductors and aluminium stranded
measurement of copper-catalyzed oxidative conductors, steel-reinforced for
degradation, which apply to polyolefin insulations. overhead power transmission
Aluminium stranded conductors
This standard was published on 1996-11-06.
This standard applies to aluminium stranded
conductors for overhead power transmission.

1210. US 607-10:1996 Test methods for

This standard was published on 1995-04-06.
electric cables – Part 10- Drop-point -

221 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 profiled sheeting as the external surface. It does not
deal with profiled sheeting used as a supporting
1213. US 618:2006 Industrial standard substrate (decking) to form elements such as built-up
for hot-dip zinc-coated steel sheets and
roofing, structurally composite formations of profiled
metal sheeting and concrete, small element cladding
such as simulated slating and tiling, nor exceptional
This Uganda Standard specifies the steel sheets and
applications such as buildings for cold storage.
coils, (hereafter referred to as "sheet and coil"),
equally zinc-coated on both surfaces applied by
This standard was published on 2006-11-14.
dipping in a bath or molten zinc containing not less
than 97% of zinc in percentage by mass (provided STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
that the aluminium content is normally 0,30% or
less). In this case the term “sheet” includes not only 1216. US ISO 630-1:2011, Structural
steels — Part 1: General technical
sheets in flat form but also sheets with corrugations
delivery conditions for hot-rolled
of specified shape and dimensions
This standard was published on 2006-11-14.
This Uganda Standard specifies the general technical
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 delivery conditions for steel flat and long products
(plate/sections/wide flats and bars) used principally
1214. US 619:2006 Building and civil
for general-purpose structural steels. The steels
engineering terms — Parts of
specified in this part of US ISO 630 are intended for
construction works- Roofs and roofing use in welded or bolted structures. This part of US
ISO 630 does not include structural steels sheet and
strip; and tubular products.
This Uganda Standard gives the definitions of terms
used in the construction industry concerning roofs
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
and roofing.
This standard was published on 2006-11-02.
1217. US ISO 630-2:2011, Structural
steels — Part 2: Technical delivery
conditions for structural steels for
1215. US 621:2006 Code of practice for
general purposes
the use of profiled sheet for roof and
wall cladding on buildings — Design
This part of US ISO 630 specifies qualities for steels
for general structural use. This part of US ISO 630
This code of practice gives recommendations for the
applies to steel plates rolled on a reversing mill, wide
design and construction of external cladding
flats, hot-rolled sections and bars, which are used in
assemblies for roof and walls of buildings, using
the as-delivered condition and normally intended for

222 | P a g e
welded or bolted structures. This part of US ISO 630 1220. US 643:2006 Roofing products
does not include structural steels sheet and strip; and from metal sheet — Fully supported
tubular products. products of stainless steel sheet —
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
roofing products used for assembly into coverings for
pitched roofs, made from stainless steel, terne coated,
1218. US ISO 630-3:2012, Structural
tin coated or organic coated stainless steel sheet. The
steels — Part 3: Technical delivery
standard establishes general characteristics,
conditions for fine-grain structural
definitions and labeling for the products, together
with requirements for the materials from which the
This part of US ISO 630 specifies requirements for products can be manufactured.
flat and long products of hot-rolled weldable fine-
This standard was published on 2006-11-14.
grain structural steels in the as-rolled (for SG grades
only), normalized/normalized-rolled and
thermomechanical-rolled delivery conditions. It
applies to steel plates rolled on a reversing mill, wide 1221. US 644:2006 Roofing products
flats, hot-rolled sections and bars, which are intended from metal sheet — Fully supported
for use in heavily loaded parts of welded or bolted roofing products of steel sheet —
structures. Specification

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
roofing products used for assembly into coverings for
pitched roofs, made from metallic coated steel sheet
with or without additional organic coatings. The
1219. US ISO 631:1975, Mosaic
standard establishes general characteristics,
parquet panels — General
definitions and labeling for the products, together
with requirements for the materials from which the
This Uganda Standard specifies the general products can be manufactured.
manufacturing characteristics (dimensions,
This standard was published on 2006-11-14.
permissible deviations, etc.), the inspection and
delivery conditions and the marking of mosaic
parquet Panels of any species of wood.
1222. US 645:2006 Roofing products
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
from metal sheet— Fully supported
roofing products of zinc sheet—

223 | P a g e
This Standard specifies requirements for roofing particular mechanical properties are required. It is
products used for assembly into coverings for pitched generally used in the delivered condition for
roofs, made from Zinc-copper-titanium alloy sheet fabricating purposes, such as bending, forming or
with or without additional coatings. The standard welding. This product is commonly produced in
establishes the general characteristics, definitions, thicknesses from 0,36 mm up to 3 mm and in widths
labeling and quality control for the products. Products of 600 mm and over, in coils and cut lengths. Cold
can be prefabricated or semi formed products (e.g. reduced sheet less than 600 mm wide may be slit
interlocking tiles, slates, flashings) as well as strip, from wide sheet and will be considered as sheet.
coil, sheet for on-site-formed applications (e.g.
This standard was published on 2006-11-14.
standing seam roofs, roll cap).


This standard was published on 2004-11-14.

1225. US ISO 657-1:1989 Hot-rolled

steel sections – Part 1: Equal-leg angles
1223. US 646:2006 Roofing products – Dimensions
from metal sheet — Fully supported
This Uganda Standard consists of parts integrating
roofing products of copper sheet —
any shapes of sections. US ISO 657-1 specifies
dimensions of hot-rolled equal-leg angles.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
roofing products used for assembly into coverings for
pitched roofs, made from copper sheet. The standard
establishes general characteristics, definitions and
labeling for the products, together with requirements 1226. US ISO 657-2: 1989 Hot-rolled
for the materials from which the products can be sections – Part 2: Unequal-leg angles –
manufactured. Dimensions

This standard was published on 2006-11-14. This Uganda Standard consists of parts integrating
any shapes of sections. US ISO 657-2 specifies
dimensions of hot-rolled unequal-leg angles.

1224. US 648:2006 Cold reduced sheet

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
of structural quality
This Uganda Standard applies to cold-reduced steel
sheet of structural quality in grades CR220, CR250, 1227. US ISO 657-5:1976 Hot-rolled
CR320 and CH550 in the classes given in table 1, sections – Part 5: Equal-leg angles and
usually without the use of micro alloying elements. unequal-leg angles – Tolerances for
The product is intended for structural purposes where metric and inch series

224 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard includes tolerances on leg This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
length, on thickness, cutting tolerance for length, determining the mass per unit area of hot dip
tolerances on mass, straightness and out-of-square. galvanized coatings on ferrous materials.

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. This standard was published on 2006-11-02.


1228. US 662:2008, Code of practice for 1230. US 695:2006 Fluorescent lamps

inspection and acceptance of audio, for general lighting
video and similar electronics apparatus
This standard specifies requirements for tubular hot
This Code of practice is intended to form a basic cathode fluorescent lamps for general lighting
reference document for acceptable used electronic service, for operation with or without starters, at
apparatus in Uganda and promote the safe usage and room temperature of 10 °C to 40 °C.
dumping of used electronic apparatus to safeguard
This standard was published on 2006-11-14.
the environment. Any contract adhering to these
general procedures with the intention of providing
such safe and performing used electronic apparatus
should be eligible to apply for certification to this 1231. US ISO 669:2000, Resistance
code. This code of practice applies to used electronic welding — Resistance welding
apparatus designed to be fed from the mains, from a equipment — Mechanical and electrical
supply apparatus, from batteries or from remote requirements
power feeding and intended for reception, generation,
recording or reproduction respectively of audio, This Uganda Standard applies to resistance welding

video and associated signals. This code also concerns equipment, to guns with inbuilt transformers and to

apparatus intended for household and similar general complete movable welding equipment. The following

use but which may also be used in places of public types are included:

assembly such as schools, theatres, places of worship

 single-phase equipment with alternating
and the workplace.
welding current;

This standard was published on 2008-12-11.  single-phase equipment with rectified

welding current by rectification of the output
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 of the welding transformer;
 single-phase equipment with inverter
1229. US 664:2006 Metallic coatings -
welding transformer;
Hot dip galvanized coatings on ferrous
 three-phase equipment with rectified
materials -Gravimetric determination
welding current by rectification of the output
of the mass per unit area
of the welding transformer;

225 | P a g e
 three-phase equipment with a current This code of practice specifies the requirements for
rectification in the input of the welding repairers of electrical and electronic
transformer (sometimes called frequency machines/devices. It provides the essential elements
convertor); and and conditions for service points centres or
 three-phase equipment with inverter welding workshops undertaking servicing or repairing of
transformers. electrical equipments or devices.

This standard applies neither to welding transformers This standard was published on 2008-12-11.
sold separately nor to safety requirements
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
1235. US ISO 737:1975, Coniferous
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000 sawn timber — Sizes — Methods of
1232. US 708:2006 Carbon steel tubes
for general structural purposes This Uganda Standard defines methods of
measurement of thickness, width, length and volume
This Uganda Standard specifies the carbon steel tubes of coniferous sawn timber. It covers unplaned square-
used for civil engineering, architecture, steel towers, edged and unedged coniferous sawn timber
scaffolding, struts piles for suppression of landslide
and other structures. This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

This standard was published on 2006-11-14. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 1236. US ISO 738:1981, Coniferous

sawn timber — Sizes — Permissible
1233. US 709:2006 Carbon square deviations and shrinkages
pipes for general structural purposes
This Uganda Standard specifies permissible
This Uganda Standard specifies the carbon steel deviations, due to inaccuracies in sawing, from
square pipes, hereinafter referred to as the “square nominal thicknesses, widths and lengths, for
tubes”, used for civil engineering, architecture and coniferous sawn timber. It also gives, for information,
other structures average values for shrinkage for some wood species.
It is applicable to unplaned square-edged and
This standard was published on 2006-11-14.
unedged coniferous sawn timber having thicknesses

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 or widths in the range 10 mm (0.393 7 in) to 310 mm
(12.204 7 in).
1234. US 735:2008, Code of practice for
repair and service of electrical and This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

electronic machines/devices

226 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 that is derived from woody and other solid biomass
sources, and that is intended for energy provision
1237. US 761: 2019, Household biomass (fuel). (This standard cancels and replaces US
stoves Requirements
765:2007, Wood charcoal and charcoal briquettes
for household, which has been withdrawn).
This Uganda Standard specifies the classification,
technical requirements, performance requirements,
This standard was published on 2019-10-01.
safety requirements and test methods of biomass
cookstoves intended for use in households. This STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
standard is applicable to cookstoves using solid
1240. US 765-2:2019, Solid biofuels —
biomass. (This standard cancels and replaces US
Specification — Part 2: Carbonized
761:2007, Energy efficiency stoves Household
biomass stoves Performance requirements and test briquettes

methods, which has been technically revised).

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for carbonized briquettes
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
made from biomass that are intended for energy
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 provision. (This standard cancels and replaces US
765:2007, Wood charcoal and charcoal briquettes
1238. US ISO 764:2002, Horology —
for household, which have been withdrawn).
Magnetic resistant watches
This standard was published on 2019-10-01.
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
requirements and test methods for magnetic resistant STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
watches. It is based on the simulation of an accidental
1241. US 774:2011, Specification for
exposure of a watch to a direct current magnetic field
protective helmets for motorcycle users
of 4 800 A/m. Annex A deals with watches
designated as magnetic resistant with an additional
This Uganda Standard specifies types, sizes and
indication of intensity of a magnetic field exceeding 4
tolerances, components, materials and construction,
800 A/m.
requirements, marking and labeling, sampling and
criteria for conformity and testing for protective
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
helmets for motorcycle users (riders and passengers).
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
1239. US 765-1:2019, Solid biofuels —
Specification — Part 1: Lump charcoal

1242. US 775-1:2008, Retro-reflective

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for charcoal in lump form registration plates for motor vehicles —

227 | P a g e
Specification — Part 1: Blanks This Uganda Standard specifies material,
(metal) dimensional, and constructional requirements for
stainless steel tanks.
This part of US 775 specifies requirements for the
type of blank intended for use in the production of the This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
embossed registration plates that are covered by US

1246. US EAS 784:2013, Galvanized

This standard was published on 2008-09-08.
and aluminum zinc corrugated steel
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 sheet for roofing and wall covering —
Code of practice
1243. US 775-2:2008, Retro-reflective
registration plates for motor vehicles — This Code of practice provides guidelines for the use
Specification — Part 2: Metallic of galvanized and aluminum zinc corrugated steel
registration number plates sheets for roofing and wall covering.
Recommendations are given on materials and design,
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
construction and maintenance, together with
metallic registration number plates that are intended
information weather-tightness, durability, thermal
for use on motor vehicles (including motor cycles and
insulation, fire hazard, rainwater drainage from roofs
tricycles) and trailers.
and other characteristics. (This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces US 620:2006, Sheet roof and
This standard was published on 2008-09-08.
wall coverings — Galvanized corrugated steel —
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 Code of practice, which has been technically revised
and republished on).
1244. US 776:2008, Furniture —
Chairs and tables for educational This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17.
institutions — Functional sizes
This Uganda Standard specifies the basic functional
1247. US ISO 789-1:1990, Agricultural
sizes for seating and tables in educational institutions.
tractors — Test procedures — Part 1:
It does not include any special requirements that
Power tests for power take-off
apply to "special schools" or to adjustable furniture.

This Uganda Standard specifies test procedures for

This standard was published on 2008-12-11.
determining the power available at the power take-off
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 (PTO), and at the belt or pulley shaft, on agricultural
tractors of the wheeled, track-laying or semi-track-
1245. US EAS 783:2013, Stainless steel laying type.
tanks ― Specification

228 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15. independent of supply or communication wires or
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
1248. US 794:2007, Limits and methods
of measurement of radio disturbance STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
characteristics of electrical lighting and
1250. US EAS 811-2:2014, Code of
similar equipment
practice for safety of electrical
This Uganda Standard applies to the emission installations — Part 2: Installation and
(radiated and conducted) of radio frequency maintenance of electric supply stations
disturbances from all lighting equipment with a and equipment
primary function of generating and/or distributing
This Uganda Standard specifies the safety
light intended for illumination purposes, and intended
requirements for installations, operations and
either for connection to the low voltage electricity
maintenance of electric supply stations. It also
supply or for battery operation; the lighting part of
provides safety guidelines to personnel involved in
multi-function equipment where one of the primary
electric supply stations and their associated structural
functions of this is illumination; independent
arrangements that are accessible only to qualified
auxiliaries exclusively for use with lighting
equipment; UV and IR radiation equipment;
street/flood lighting intended for outdoor use;
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
transport lighting (installed in buses and trains) and
neon advertising signs. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

This standard was published on 2007-12-11. 1251. US EAS 811-3:2014, Code of

practice for safety of electrical
installations — Part 3: Installation and
maintenance of overhead electric
1249. US EAS 811-1: 2014, Code of
supply and communication lines
practice for safety of electrical
installations — Part 1: General
This Uganda Standard specifies safety requirements
for installation and maintenance of overhead electric
This Uganda Standard specifies the terms and
supply and communication lines and their associated
definitions, symbols and methods of earthing of
equipment. It prescribes the associated structural
electrical supply, communication facilities and
arrangements of such systems and the extension of
associated equipment. It applies to all new and
such systems into buildings. It includes requirements
existing installations and extensions. This standard
for spacing, clearances, and strength of construction.
does not cover the earthed return of electric railways
This part of US EAS 811 does not apply to
nor those lightning protection wires that are normally

229 | P a g e
installations in electric supply stations except as This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
required by US EAS 811-1.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
1254. US 816:2020, Clay roofing tiles
STATUS: COMPULSORY, PRICE: 110,000 and ridges — Specification (2nd Edition)

1252. US EAS 811-4:2014, Code of This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

practice for safety of electrical sampling and test methods for roofing tiles and ridges
installations — Part 4: Installation and intended for use as roof covering. (The Uganda
maintenance of underground electric Standard cancels and replaces US 816:2008 which
supply and communication lines has been technically revised).

This Uganda Standard specifies safety requirements This standard was published on 2020-06-16
for the installation and maintenance of underground
electric supply and communication lines. It prescribes
the associated structural arrangements and the 1255. US 819:2008, General labeling of
extension of such systems into buildings. It also electrical appliances — Instructions for
covers the cables and equipment employed primarily use
for the utilization of electric power when such cables
and equipment are used by the utility in the exercise This standard establishes the principles of, and gives

of its function as a utility. This part does not apply for recommendations on the design and formulation of

installations in electric supply stations. instructions for the use of consumer products with
specific reference to electrical appliances. It is
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. intended for committees preparing standards for
consumer products, and product designers,
manufacturers, technical writers or other people
engaged in the work of conceiving and drafting such
1253. US EAS 811-5: 2014, Code of
instructions. It also guides consumers and traders of
practice for safety of electrical
electrical items on the instructions used on these
installations — Part 5: Operation of
electric supply lines, communication
lines and equipment
This standard was published on 2008-12-11.

This Uganda Standard specifies the practical work

requirements to be followed during installation,
operation and maintenance of electric supply and 1256. US 833-1:2013, Sawn softwood
communications lines and equipment as a means of timber — Part 1: General requirements
safeguarding employees and the public from injury.

230 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for 1259. US 833-4:2013, Sawn softwood
visually, mechanically and proof-graded sawn timber — Part 4: Brandering and
softwood timber, for use as structural timber, battens — Specification
brandering and batten, for frame wall construction
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for one
and for structural purposes derived from the trees of
grade of timber suitable for use as brandering and
genus Pinus.
battens intended for being fixed against beams and
This standard was published on 2013-12-17. joists in roofs for the attachment of ceilings and for
the boxing in of eaves, and for use as supports on
roof trusses for the fixing of roofing slates, tiles,
wooden shingles and thatch.
1257. US 833-2:2013, Sawn softwood
timber — Part 2: Stress-graded
This standard was published on 2013-12-17.
structural timber and timber for frame
wall construction — Specification STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for 1260. US 837:2009 Decorative

three stress grades of visually graded structural melamine-faced boards
timber and three stress grades of mechanically graded
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
structural timber (including finger-jointed structural
decorative aminoplast-faced boards, which are
referred to as decorative melamine-faced boards
This standard was published on 2013-12-17. (MFB) or low-pressure laminates, and are used, for
example, for furniture and interior work.
This standard was published on 2009-04-20.
1258. US 833-3:2013, Sawn softwood
timber — Part 3: Industrial timber — STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
1261. US 839: 2009 Particleboards –
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for six Specification
grades of timber intended for industrial use. This
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
standard does not apply timber intended for structural
resin-bonded unfaced particleboards. This standard
does not give requirements for Oriented Boards
This standard was published on 2013-12-17. (OSB) and does not apply to extruded particleboards.

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 This standard was published on 2009-09-04.


231 | P a g e
1262. US 844:2015, Code of Practice STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
for the design, production, supply and
1265. US 853:2009, Code of practice for
provision of wheelchairs and tricycles
solar water heating systems — Design,
(2nd Edition)
installation, testing, repair and
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for the design maintenance
and manufacture/production, supply (including
This code of practice provides recommendations for
importation) and provision of wheelchairs and
solar water heating systems having collectors with
tricycles. This standard does not cover sports and
liquid heat transfer media for heating water to help
electrical wheelchairs. (This Uganda Standard
ensure adequate operation and safety. It specifies
cancels and replaces, US 844:2011, Code of practice
design, consideration, manufacture, handling,
for the design, production supply and distribution of
installation, operation, testing and maintenance. It
wheelchair and tricycles).
also applies regardless of fraction of heating
This standard was published on 2015-06-30. requirements supplied by solar energy, the type of
conventional fuel used in conjunction with solar, or
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 heat transfer fluid used as energy transport medium.

1263. US 845:2017, Road vehicles —

This standard was published on 2011-11-22.
Requirements for inspection and testing
of used motor vehicles for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
roadworthiness (2nd edition)
1266. US 854-1:2011, Thermal solar
This Uganda Standard specifies the safety, systems & components — Solar
operational and performance related characteristics of collectors — Part 1: General
used motor vehicles and their inspection and testing requirements
for roadworthiness.
This Uganda Standards specifies requirements on
This standard was published on 2017-12-12. durability (including mechanical strength), reliability
and safety for liquid heating solar collectors. It also
includes provisions for evaluation of conformity to
these requirements. It is not applicable to those
1264. US 849:2011, Specification for
collectors in which thermal storage unit is an integral
stabilized soil blocks
part of the collector to such an extent that the
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for collection process cannot be separated from the
stabilized soil blocks using cement and/or lime for storage process for purposes of making
usein general construction. measurements of these two processes.

This standard was published on 2011-11-22. This standard was published on 2011-11-22.

232 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
validating the requirements for factory made thermal
1267. US 854-2:2011, Thermal solar solar heating systems as specified in US 855-1. The
systems & components — Solar
standard also includes two test methods for thermal
collectors — Part 2: Test methods
performance characterization by means of whole
system testing.
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
validating the durability, reliability and safety
This standard was published on 2011-11-22.
requirements for liquid heating collectors as specified
in US 854-1. It also includes three test methods for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000
the thermal performance characterization for liquid
1270. US 856:2011, Standard method
heating collectors.
for on-site inspection and verification of
This standard was published on 2011-11-22. operation of solar hot water systems

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 This guide covers procedures and test methods for
conducting an on-site inspection and acceptance test
1268. US 855-1:2011, Thermal solar
of an installed hot water system using flat plate,
systems & components – Factory made concentrating-type collectors or tank absorber
solar systems –Part 1: General
systems. It is intended as a simple and economical
acceptance test to be performed by the system
installer or an independent tester to verify that critical
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements on
components of the system are functioning and to
durability, reliability and safety for Factory Made
acquire baseline data reflecting overall short term
thermal solar heating systems. The standard also
system heat output.
includes provisions for evaluation of conformity to
these requirements. The requirements in this standard
This standard was published on 2011-11-22.
apply to factory made solar systems as products. The
installation of these systems itself is not considered, STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
but requirements are given for the documentation for
1271. US 857-1: 2011, Custom built
the installer and the user which is delivered with the
system. solar systems – Part 1: General
This standard was published on 2011-11-22.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements on
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 durability, reliability and safety of small and large
custom built solar heating systems with liquid heat
1269. US 855-2:2011, Thermal solar transfer medium for residential buildings and similar
systems & components – Factory made
applications. The standard contains also requirements
solar systems – Part 2: Test methods
on the design process of large custom built systems.

233 | P a g e
This standard was published on 2011-11-22. 1274. US 858: 2011, Method of test for
exposure of solar collector cover
materials to natural weathering under
conditions simulating stagnation mode
1272. US 857-2: 2011, Custom built
systems – Part 2: Test methods
This practice covers a procedure for the exposure of
solar collector cover materials to the natural weather
This Uganda Standard applies to small and large
environment at elevated temperatures that
custom built solar heating systems with liquid heat
approximate stagnation conditions in solar collectors
transfer medium for residential buildings and similar
having a combined back and edge loss coefficient of
applications, and gives test methods for verification
less than 1.5 W/(m2 • °C). This practice is suitable
of the requirements specified in US 857-1. This
for exposure of both glass and plastic solar collector
Uganda Standard includes also a method for thermal
cover materials.
performance characterization and system
performance prediction of small custom built systems
This standard was published on 2011-11-22.
by means of component testing and system
simulation. Furthermore, the Uganda Standard STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
contains methods for thermal performance
1275. US 859: 2011, Standard practice
characterization and system performance prediction
for exposure of cover materials for
of large custom built systems.
solar collectors to natural weathering
This standard was published on 2011-11-22. under conditions simulating operational
This Uganda Standard practice provides a procedure
1273. US 857-3: 2011, Custom built
for the exposure of cover materials for flat-plate solar
solar systems – Part 3: Performance collectors to the natural weather environment at
characterization of stores for solar
temperatures that are elevated to approximate
heating systems
operating conditions. It is suitable for exposure of
both glass and plastic solar collector cover materials
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for the
but does not apply to cover materials for evacuated
performance characterization of stores which are
collectors or photovoltaic.
intended for use in small custom built systems as
specified in US 857-1. The standard applies to stores
This standard was published on 2011-11-22.
with a nominal volume between 50 and 3000 litres
and without integrated oil or gas burner. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

This standard was published on 2011-11-22. 1276. US 860: 2011, Standard practice
for non-operational exposure and
inspection of a solar collector

234 | P a g e
This practice defines the procedure to expose a solar This standard was published on 2011-11-22.
thermal collector to an outdoor or simulated outdoor
environment in a non-operational model. The STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

procedure provides for periodic inspections and a

1279. US 878:2011,— Determination of
post-exposure disassembly and inspection of the
formaldehyde content — Extraction
method called the perforator method

This standard was published on 2011-11-22.

This Uganda Standard specifies an extraction
method, known as the “Perforator Method”, used for
the determination of the formaldehyde content of
1277. US 861: 2011, Method of test for unlaminated and uncoated wood-based panels.
evaluating absorptive solar receiver
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
material when exposed to conditions
simulating stagnation in solar collectors
with cover plates
1280. US EAS 879:2018, Aluminium
This practice covers a test procedure for evaluating
cans for beverages — Specification
absorptive solar receiver materials and coatings when
exposed to sunlight under cover plate(s) for long This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
durations. This practice is intended to evaluate the methods for aluminium cans used as primary pack for
exposure resistance of absorber materials and packaging of beverages.
coatings used in flat-plate collectors where maximum
non-operational stagnation temperatures will be This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

approximately 200 °C. This practice does not apply

to receiver materials used in solar collectors without
cover (unglazed) or in evacuated collectors. 1281. US EAS 880:2018, Waxed paper
for packaging of confectionery —
This standard was published on 2011-11-22.


This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and

1278. US 866:2011, Classification of test methods for waxed paper for packaging of

fires confectionery.

This Uganda Standard classifies, in five categories, This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

the different kinds of fires which can be defined in

terms of the nature of the fuel. Such a classification is
particularly useful in the context of fire-fighting by 1282. US EAS 881:2018, Packaging —
means of an extinguisher Flexible tubes — Determination of the

235 | P a g e
air tightness of closures — Test method 1285. US 885:2011, Standard practice
(1 Edition) for generating all-day thermal
performance data for solar collectors
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for air
tightness of the closures for flexible tubes. It is This Uganda Standard practice covers a means of
applicable to flexible single-layer metal or plastics generating all-day thermal performance data for flat-
tubes, and multilayer or laminated tubes, used for plate collectors, concentrating collectors, and tracking
packing pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hygiene, food and collectors.
other domestic and industrial products.
This standard was published on 2011-11-22.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
1286. US EAS 886:2018, Packaging —
1283. US EAS 882:2018, Packaging — Flexible packaging material —
Flexible carrier bags — Specification Determination of residual solvents by
(1st Edition) headspace gas chromatography — Test
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for flexible carrier bags This Uganda Standard prescribes a method for the
made of paper and any other flexible material. This quantitative determination of residual solvents in
standard does not apply to carrier bags made from flexible packaging materials by headspace gas
thermoplastic material. chromatography. Residues from thermal
decomposition products are not within the scope of
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
this standard. The method is applicable to flexible
packaging materials that may consist of mono- or
multilayer plastic films, paper or board, foil or
1284. US EAS 884:2018, Packaging — combinations thereof.
Flexible tubes — Determination of
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
puncture resistance — Test method


This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for
determining the puncture resistance of flexible
1287. US 888:2011, Code of practice –
packaging materials. The method is applicable to
Solar heating systems for swimming
multilayer flexible packaging materials.

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

This Uganda Standard code gives recommendations
and guidance for the design, performance, installation
and commissioning of solar heating systems for

236 | P a g e
indoor and outdoor swimming pools. Brief This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
consideration is given to the thermal properties of
pool covers. The code does not deal with the filtration STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

systems for swimming pools to which solar heating

1291. US 898-1:2011, Polypropylene
systems are often connected.
(PP) pipes — Dimensions

This standard was published on 2011-11-22.

This Uganda Standard specifies dimensions and
tolerances for seamless pipes of circular cross
section, made from homopolymer polypropylene (PP-
1288. US EAS 988:2018, Plastic crates H 100), block copolymer polypropylene (PP-B 80) or
— Specification random copolymer polypropylene (PP-R 80). It
covers all available types of polypropylene pipes for
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
all possible applications.
test methods for rigid plastic crates for holding and
transportation of beverages, fruits, vegetables, bread This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
and milk among others.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
1292. US 898-2 :2011, Types 1, 2 and 3
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 Polypropylene (PP) pipes — Part 2:
General quality requirements and
1289. US 895-1:2011, Specification for
expanded metal — Part 1: Sheets and
plates This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and the
relevant methods of test for seamless pipes of circular
This Uganda Standard covers expanded metal sheets
cross section made from propylene homo polymers
or plates for general use.
(PP-H) (type 1), thermoplastic propylene impact
copolymers (PP-B) (type 2) or thermoplastic
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
propylene random copolymers (type 3).
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
1290. US 895-2:2011, Specification for
expanded metal — Part 2: Building
1293. US 900-1:2011, Performance of
household electrical appliances
This Uganda Standard covers eight types of building
refrigerating appliances Part 1: Energy
product made from expanded metal and intended for
labeling and minimum energy
use as a plaster base or as a reinforcing medium for
performance standards requirements

237 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the energy labeling refrigeration circuit and having one evaporator and
and Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) one condenser.
requirements for vapour compression refrigerating
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
appliances that can be connected to mains power and
which are within the scope of US 900-2. Such
refrigerating appliances that are used in the
commercial sector are included within the scope. 1296. US 902:2011, Self-ballasted
lamps for General Lighting Services
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
(GLS) — Performance requirements


This Uganda Standard specifies the performance
requirements, together with the test methods and
1294. US 900-2:2011, Performance of
conditions required to show compliance of tubular
household electrical appliances —
fluorescent and other gas-discharge lamps with
Refrigerating appliances — Part 2:
integrated means for controlling starting and stable
Energy consumption and performance
operation (self-ballasted lamps), intended for
This Uganda Standard specifies the method for domestic and similar general lighting purposes.
determining the performance characteristics of
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
electric refrigerating appliances suitable for
connection to mains power, whatever the cooling
technology. Appliances covered by this standard
include refrigerators, refrigerator/freezers and 1297. US 903-1:2011, Double-capped
freezers. fluorescent lamps-performance
specifications — Part 1: Minimum
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
Energy Performance Standard (MEPS)


This Uganda Standard specifies Minimum Energy
Performance Standard (MEPS) requirements for
1295. US 901:2011, Non-ducted air
double-capped tubular fluorescent lamps with a
conditioners — Testing and rating for
nominal length of 550 mm to 1500 mm and having
nominal lamp wattage of 16 watts or more. This
This Uganda Standard specifies the standard standard covers lamps for general illumination
conditions on which the ratings of single-package and purposes, for use in luminaires and with lamp ballasts
split-system non-ducted air conditioners employing connected to a 240 V 50 Hz single phase or similar
air cooled condensers are based, and the test methods mains supply.
to be applied for determination of the various ratings.
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
This standard is limited to systems utilizing a single

238 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000 Method of measurement to determine
energy consumption and performance
1298. US 903-2:2011, Double-capped
of ballast-lamp circuits
fluorescent lamps — Performance
specifications — Part 2: Procedure for This Uganda Standard provides methods of
quantitative analysis of mercury measurement of ballast energy consumption and
present in fluorescent lamps performance when used with their associated
fluorescent lamp(s).
This Uganda Standard outlines a procedure for
quantitative analysis of mercury present in This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
fluorescent lamps that are used in general lighting
service. The testing method specifies the procedures
that can be used to determine accurately the mercury
1301. US 905-1:2011, Rotating
content in a fluorescent lamp in which mercury is
electrical machines — General
introduced as the medium for discharge between the
requirements — Part 1: Three phase
cage induction motors — High
efficiency and Minimum Energy
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
Performance Standards requirements
This Uganda Standard applies to three-phase cage
1299. US 904-1:2011, Performance of induction motors with ratings from 0.73 kW and up
electrical lighting equipment-ballasts to but not including 185 kW. The scope covers
for fluorescent lamps — Part 1: Energy motors of rated voltages up to 1100 V a.c.
labeling and Minimum Energy
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
Performance Standards requirements

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

classification of ballasts for a range of fluorescent

1302. US 905-2:2011, Rotating
lamp types according to their Energy Efficiency
electrical machines-general
Index (EEI) and the form of labeling of the EEI,
requirements — Part 2: Methods for
which is generally shown on the ballast rating plate.
determining losses and efficiency —
Three phase cage induction motors
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.

This Uganda Standard specifies two indirect methods

for determining losses and efficiency of three phase
1300. US 904-2:2011, Performance of cage induction motors by the summation of losses.
electrical lighting equipment — Ballasts
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.
for fluorescent Lamps — Part 2:

239 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 transportation. This specification includes a system of
nomenclature for PE-AL-PE pipes, the requirements
1303. US 906:2011, Energy efficiency and test methods for materials, the dimensions and
test methods for single- and three-
strengths of finished pipe, adhesion test and the burst
phase small motors
and sustained pressure performance test along with
requirements and methods for marking. This
This Uganda Standard specifies the test methods to
specification excludes fittings and connectors.
be used in measuring the energy efficiency of small
single- and three-phase rotating motors.
This standard was published on 2011-12-20.

This standard was published on 2011-12-20.



1306. US 928-1:2012, Threaded
unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-
1304. US EAS 914:2019, Mild steel
U) water well filter pipes and casings —
nails — Specification
Part 1: DN 35 to DN 100 Pipes with
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, Whitworth pipe thread
sampling and test methods, tolerance on dimensions,
This Uganda Standard specifies dimensions and
finish and surface coating, for the mild steel nails for
requirements for DN 35 to DN 100 unplasticized
general applications.
polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) filter pipes and casings
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01. with Whitworth pipe thread for use in well
This standard was published on 2012-12-18.
1305. US 927:2011,
Polyethylene/aluminium/ polyethylene STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
(PE-AL-PE) and polyethylene-
1307. US 928-2:2012, Threaded
RT/aluminium/ polyethylene-RT
unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-
(PERT-AL-PERT) composite pressure
U) water well filter pipes and casings —
pipes — Specification
Part 2: DN 100 to DN 200 pipes with
This Uganda Standard covers a coextruded trapezoidal thread
polyethylene composite pressure pipe ranging from
This Uganda Standard specifies dimensions and
12 mm to 110 mm in diameter. These pipes are used
requirements for DN 100 to DN 200 unplasticized
for conveyance of water supply for domestic and
polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) filter pipes and casings
industrial purposes including internal and external
with trapezoidal thread for use in well construction.
plumbing, air conditioning, heating installations,
Chemical, Natural Gas, LPG and chemical
This standard was published on 2012-12-18.

240 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 1311. US EAS 932:2019, Paper plates
and cups for food packaging —
1308. US 928-3:2012, Threaded
unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-
U) water well filter pipes and casings — This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
Part 3: DN 250 to DN 400 pipes with sampling and test methods for paper plates and cups,
trapezoidal thread with or without lids, used for food packaging

This Uganda Standard specifies dimensions and This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
requirements for DN 250 to DN 400 unplasticized
polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) filter pipes and casings
with trapezoidal thread for use in well construction.
1312. US EAS 933:2019, Paper and
board intended to come into contact
This standard was published on 2012-12-18.
with foodstuffs — Determination of
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 formaldehyde in an aqueous extract

1309. US EAS 930:2019, Paper and This Uganda Standard specifies the determination of
board food contact material — formaldehyde in aqueous extracts prepared from
Specification paper and board intended to come in contact with
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for paper and board food This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
contact packaging material
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
1313. US EAS 934:2019, Packaging —
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 Flexible laminate tubes — Test methods
to assess the strength of the side seam
1310. US EAS 931:2019, Packaging
ancillary materials — Code of practice This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
— Desiccants assessment of the strength of the side seam of flexible
laminate tubes
This Uganda Standard gives the guidelines on the
selection and use of desiccants in packaging This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 1314. US EAS 935-1:2019, Packaging

code — Part 1: Packaging in glass

241 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines on the pressures up to 10 bar for a design lifetime of at least
manufacture, types, selection and use of glass 30 years. This standard does not cover surveillance
containers for packaging. systems.

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01. This standard was published on 2012-12-18.


1315. US 945-1:2012, Pre-insulated 1317. US 970-1:2012, Agglomerated

flexible pipe systems — Part.1: stone-slabs and cut-to-size product —
Classification, general requirements Part 1: Terminology of their
and methods of test components

This Uganda Standard specifies the classification, This Uganda Standard specifies the terminology and
general requirements and methods of test for flexible, classification of the agglomerated stone products.
pre-insulated, directly buried district heating pipe
This standard was published on 2012-12-18.
systems. Depending on the pipe assembly, this
standard can be used for maximum operating
temperatures of 95 °C to 140 °C and operating
pressures of 6 bar to 25 bar. The pipe systems are 1318. US 970-2:2012, Agglomerated
designed for a lifetime of 30 years. For pipe systems stone-slabs and cut-to-size product —
with plastic service pipes, the respective temperature Part 2: Product requirements
profiles are defined in US 945-2.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
This standard was published on 2012-12-18. slabs and cut-to-size product of agglomerated stone
which are made for use as vanity, kitchen tops and
other similar uses in furnishing and modular tiles of
agglomerated stone which are made for use as
1316. US 945-2:2012, Pre-insulated
flooring and stairs for internal and external uses,
flexible pipe systems – Part 2: Non
fixed by mortar or adhesives
bonded system with plastic service
pipes — Requirements and methods of
This standard was published on 2012-12-18.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of test for flexible, pre-insulated, direct 1319. US 1000:2014, Hexagonal
buried district heating pipes with plastic service pipes weights — Specification
and no bonding between the layers of the pipes. This
standard is valid for maximum operating
temperatures of 95 °C and maximum operating

242 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies metrological and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000
technical requirements for hexagonal weights made
of grey cast iron 1322. US 1004:1999/OIML R76-1
Standard specification for Non
This standard was published on 2014-07-31. automatic weighing instruments

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 This standard specifies the metrological and technical
requirements non-automatic weighing instruments
1320. US 1002:2014, Tyre pressure that are subject to official metrological control .It is
gauges for motor vehicles —
intended to provide standardized requirements and
testing procedures to evaluate the metrological and
technical characteristics in a uniform and traceable
pressure gauges used in “fixed” or mobile
installations in service stations and intended for
checking pressure while the tyres are being inflated;
This standard was published on 1999-07-31.

hand-held pressure gauges from vehicle tool-kits and

intended for periodic checks of tyre pressure ; these
pressure gauges are hereinafter called briefly “hand- 1323. US 1005:1999/OIML R 117
held pressure gauges”; and Standard specification for measuring
systems for liquids other than water
pressure gauges fixed on vehicle dashboards and
intended for the continuous checking of vehicle-tyre This standard specifies the metrological and technical
pressure while the vehicle is moving. requirements applicable to dynamic measuring
systems for quantities of liquids other than water
This standard was published on 2014-07-31.
subject to legal controls. It also provides
requirements for the approval of parts of the
measuring systems (meter, etc.).
1321. US 1003:1999/OIML R111
This standard was published on 1999-07-31.
Standard specification for weights of
classes E1, E2, F1, F2, M1, M2, M3

This standard contains the principle physical

1324. US 1015:2006 Clinical
characteristics and metrological requirements for
thermometers (mercury in glass with
weights which are used for the verification of
maximum devices)
weighing instruments for the verification of weights
of a lower class accuracy with weighing instruments. This standard applies to those thermometers called
“clinical thermometers” of the mercury in glass type,
This standard was published on 1999-07-31.

243 | P a g e
with a maximum device, intended for the This standard was published on 2014-07-31.
measurement of internal human body temperature.
This standard was published on 2006-07-31.
1328. US 1019:2006 Diaphragm gas

1325. US 1016:2006 Non-invasive This Uganda Standard applies to diaphragm gas

mechanical sphygmomanometers meters, that are gas volume meters in which the gas
flow is measured by means of measuring chambers
This standard specifies general, performance,
with deformable walls, including gas meters with a
efficiency and mechanical and electrical safety
built in temperature conversion device.
requirements, including test methods for type
approval, for non-invasive mechanical This standard was published on 2006-07-31.
sphygmomanometers and their accessories which by
means of inflatable cuff, are used for non-invasive STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

measurement of arterial blood pressure.

1329. US 1020:2006 Rotary gas meters
and turbine gas meters
This standard was published on 2006-07-31.

This Uganda standard applies to rotary piston gas

meters in which internal walls defining the measuring
1326. US 1017:2006 Taximeters chambers are set in rotation and the number of
revolutions of these walls represents measurement of
This Uganda standard concerns time and distance
the volume of the gas passed and to turbine gas
counters known as taximeters for fitting on public
meters where the gas flow rotates a turbine wheel and
hire vehicles.
the number of revolutions of this wheel represents the
volume of the gas passed.
This standard was published on 2006-07-31.

This standard was published on 2006-07-31.



1327. US 1018:2013, Medical syringes
with glass barrels — Specification
1330. US 1021:2014, Accuracy classes
of measuring instruments — Principles
This Uganda Standard applies to medical syringes
for classification
with glass barrels intended for general use. This
standard does not apply to syringes for insulin,
This Uganda Standard lays down the principles for
syringes for tuberculin or syringes with barrels of a
the classification of measuring instruments according
substance other than glass, for example, plastic.
to their accuracy. The measuring instruments to
which this standard applies include: material

244 | P a g e
measures, measuring instruments, and measuring This standard was published on 2013-06-25.
transducers. Where these instruments are intended for
use in conditions in which errors due to inertia are STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

negligible in relation to the maximum errors laid

1332. US 1024:2006 Continuous
down for them. This standard does not apply to
totalizing automatic weighing
measuring instruments intended to reproduce, convert
instruments (belt weighers) - Part 1:
or measure quantities linked simultaneously to
Metrological and technical
several parameters, if different maximum errors have
requirements – Tests
to be fixed for these instruments.
This Uganda standard specifies the metrological and
This standard was published on 2014-07-31.
technical requirements for continuous totalizing
automatic weighing instruments of the belt conveyor
type(belt weighers) that are subject to national
1331. US 1022-1:2013, Material metrological control. It is intended to provide
measures of length for general use — standardized requirements and testing procedures to
Part 1: Metrological and technical evaluate metrological and technical characteristics in
requirements (2 Edition) a uniform and traceable way.

This Uganda Standard applies to material measures This standard was published on 2006-07-31.
of length for general use, hereinafter called
“measures”. This standard specifies the technical,
metrological and administrative conditions which are
1333. US 1025:2013, Moisture meters
mandatory for these measures. It also includes the
for cereal grain and oilseeds —
requirements for digital readouts on the cases of
Specification (2nd Edition)
tapes, whether electronic or mechanical. This
standard does not apply to high-precision measures This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
used by industry in the field of mechanics or in moisture meters for cereal grains and oilseeds, that is
geodesy (for example: gauge blocks, geodetic wires to say instruments measuring and indicating, either
and precision line measures). It also does not address directly or by means of conversion tables and (or)
safety aspects, for example the use of material correction tables, the moisture content of cereal
measures with electronic devices in hazardous areas. grains and the moisture and volatile matter content of
Guidelines for these aspects should be followed in oilseeds. This standard applies only to moisture
accordance with the applicable international, regional meters used for measurements on statistical samples.
or national regulations or other standards. (This (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 1025:2006, Moisture meters for cereal grain and
1022:2006, Material measures of length for general oilseeds, which has been technically revised).
use, which has been technically revised).
This standard was published on 2013-06-25.

245 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 and the net quantity of the product. This standard
does not apply to the labeling of prepackaged foods
1334. US 1026:2006 Automatic for which a separate standard applies. (This Uganda
gravimetric filling instruments - Part 1:
Standard cancels and replaces US 1028:2006,
Metrological and technical
Labelling requirements for pre-packaged products,
requirements – Tests
which has been technically revised).

This Uganda standard specifies metrological and

This standard was published on 2013-06-25.
technical requirements for automatic gravimetric
filling instruments which produce predetermined STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
mass of individual fills of products from one or more
1337. US 1029:2006 Road and rail
loads by automatic weighing.
This standard was published on 2006-07-31.
This Uganda standard concerns tankers for transport
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 by rail or road of liquid products and used (in
addition to their functions as carriers), as measuring
1335. US 1027:2006 Fixed storage
instruments subject to national metrological controls,
tanks – General requirements and tankers whose effective volumes must be known
in order to determine their maximum permissible
This Uganda standard covers fixed storage tanks at
filling loads for reasons of transport safety.
atmospheric pressure or under pressure that are built
for bulk liquid storage and may be used for
This standard was published on 2006-12-29.
measurement of volumes (quantities) of liquid
contained, which are subject to national metrological STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
control shall comply to this standard.
1338. US ISO 1029:1974, Coniferous
This standard was published on 2006-07-31. sawn timber — Defects —
This Uganda Standard specifies the Ugandan
1336. US 1028:2013, Labelling classification of defects of coniferous sawn timber,
requirements for prepackaged products for which the terms and definitions are specified in
(2nd Edition) US ISO 1031.This standard covers unplanned sawn
timber and sawn timber surfaced to size or planed but
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
without profiling.
labelling of prepackaged products with constant
nominal content with respect to the identity of the
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
product, the name and place of business of the
manufacturer, packer, distributor, importer or retailer STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

246 | P a g e
1339. US 1030:2013, Quantity of to determine the mass of rail wagons when they
nd weighed in motion.
product in prepackages (2 Edition)

This Uganda Standards specifies the legal metrology This standard was published on 2006-07-31.
requirements for prepackaged products (also called
prepackaged commodities or prepackaged goods) STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

labelled in predetermined constant nominal quantities

1342. US ISO 1031:1974, Coniferous
of weight, volume, linear measure, area, or count; and
sawn timber — Defects — Terms and
sampling plans and procedures for use by legal
metrology officials in verifying the quantity of
product in prepackages. (This Uganda Standard This Uganda Standard establishes Ugandan terms and
cancels and replaces US 1030:2006, Quantity of definitions for defects in coniferous sawn timber,
product in prepackages, which has been technically classified in US ISO 1029. This standard covers all
revised). unplanned sawn timber, and sawn timber surfaced to
size or planed but without profiling.
This standard was published on 2013-06-25.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
1340. US ISO 1030:1975, Coniferous
sawn timber — Defects — 1343. US ISO 1032:1974, Coniferous
Measurement sawn timber — Sizes — Terms and
This Uganda Standard specifies methods of
measurement of defects of coniferous sawn timber, This Uganda Standard establishes a first series of
classified in US ISO 1029. This standard covers terms for correct and adequate understanding of the
unplanned sawn timber, and sawn timber surfaced to terms relating to the squared edged and unedged
size. sawn timber, its geometrical elements and sizes.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.


1341. US 1031:2006 Automatic rail 1344. US 1032:2006 Discontinuous

weighbridges - Part 1: Metrological and totalizing automatic weighing
technical requirements – Tests instruments (totalizing hopper
weighers) - Part 1: Metrological and
This Uganda standard specifies the requirements and
technical requirements – Tests
test methods for automatic rail bridges that are used

247 | P a g e
This Uganda standard specifies the requirements and This Uganda Standard prescribes the methods,
test methods for discontinuous totalizing automatic equipment and conditions for the initial and periodic
weighing instruments (totalizing hopper weighers). verifications of wood moisture meters. This standard
covers all moisture meters, irrespective of their
This standard was published on 2006-07-31.
principles of operation.


This standard was published on 2013-06-25.

1345. US 1033:2006 Standard capacity

measures for testing measuring systems
for liquids other than water 1348. US 1039:2013, Speedometers,
mechanical odometers and
This Uganda standard specifies characteristics of
chronotachographs for motor vehicles
standard capacity measures and describes the
— Metrological requirements
methods by which measuring systems for liquids
other than water are tested in order to verify that they This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
comply with the relevant metrological requirements speedometers, mechanical odometers and
in US 1005:1999/OlML R 117. chronotachographs for motor vehicles.

This standard was published on 2006-07-31. This standard was published on 2013-06-25.


1346. US 1034:2006 Automatic 1349. US 1042:2013, Alcoholometers

instruments for weighing road vehicles and alcohol hydrometer; and
in motion - Total vehicle weighing thermometers for use in
alcoholometry— Specification
This Uganda standard specifies the requirements and
test methods for automatic instruments for weighing This Uganda Standards specifies the requirements for
road vehicles in motion that are used to determine the alcoholometers and alcohol hydrometers used for the
total mass of road vehicles when the vehicles are determination of the alcoholic strength of mixtures of
weighed in motion. water and ethanol, and to thermometers for use in
alcoholometry. It sets out technical and metrological
This standard was published on 2006-07-31. specifications for these instruments, in accordance
with International Alcoholometric Tables. This
standard covers glass hydrometers indicating
1347. US 1035:2013, Wood moisture percentage alcoholic strength by mass, referred to as
meters — General provisions for mass alcoholometers, glass hydrometers indicating
verification methods and equipment percentage alcoholic strength by volume, referred to
as volume alcoholometers, and glass hydrometers

248 | P a g e
indicating density in kilogram per cubic metre, processing of materials and products ―
referred to as alcohol hydrometers Part 1: Radiochromic film dosimetry
system ― Specification
This standard was published on 2013-06-25.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
defining, testing and verifying the performance of a
radiochromic film dosimetry systems used for the
1350. US 1043:2014, Radar equipment
legal measurements of absorbed dose from ionizing
for measurement of the speed of
radiation for industrial processing of materials and
vehicles — Specification
products. This standard applies to dosimeters
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for irradiated by either photons or electrons within the
microwave Doppler radar equipment (hereafter energy range of 0.1 MeV - 10 MeV. Tests of
referred to as radar) for the measurement of traffic dosimeters according to this standard are specified to
speed on roads, when the results of measurement are be carried out at a reference temperature and
to be used in legal proceedings. humidity within specified absorbed dose range and
absorbed dose-rate range. This standard does not
This standard was published on 2014-07-31. cover nor does it exclude the use of other equivalent
means of measurement or determination of absorbed
dose for such applications. Requirements that may be

1351. US 1045:2014, Standard necessary for personnel safety are not covered in this

graduated glass flasks for verification Standard; therefore, users should determine that a

officers — Specification dosimetry system meets the safety and labelling

requirements in accordance with national regulations.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
standard graduated flasks made of glass, used by This standard was published on 2014-07-31.

verification officers to check volumetric or capacity

measures, for which the maximum permissible error
is at least three times that for the standard graduated 1353. US 1047-2:2014, Dosimetry
flask. This Uganda Standard applies to new standard systems for ionizing radiation
graduated flasks, intended for the replacement of processing of materials and products ―
flasks actually in use, or when new flasks are to be Part 2: Polymethylmethacrylate
acquired as supplementary standards. dosimetry system ― Specification

This standard was published on 2014-07-31. This Uganda Standard specifies the metrological and
technical performance requirements for PMMA
dosimetry systems used to control and supervise any

1352. US 1047-1:2014, Dosimetry application of ionizing radiation for industrial

systems for ionizing radiation processing of materials and products. This standard

249 | P a g e
applies to dosimeters irradiated by either photons radiation thermometers (including visual or
within the energy range from 0.1 MeV - 10 MeV, or photoelectric tungsten ribbon lamps) and for tungsten
electrons within the energy range from 1.0 MeV - 10 ribbon lamps subject to legal metrological control.
MeV. Tests of dosimeters according to this standard This standard also specifies for these lamps:
are specified to be carried out at a reference temperature measurement units; main technical
temperature and within a specified absorbed dose characteristics; main parameters characterizing their
range and absorbed dose rate range. metrological quality and the values of these
parameters; and main methods to ensure the
This standard was published on 2014-07-31.
uniformity of calibrations.


This standard was published on 2014-07-31.

1354. US 1047-3:2014, Dosimetry

systems for ionizing radiation
processing of materials and products ― 1356. US 1050:2014, Platinum, copper
Part 3: Alanine EPR dosimetry system and nickel resistance thermometers –
― Specification Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies the metrological and This Uganda Standard specifies the metrological
technical performance requirements for alanine EPR requirements and test methods for resistance
dosimetry systems used to control and supervise any thermometers having one or more sensing elements
application of ionizing radiation for industrial made of platinum, copper or nickel, designed for use
processing of materials and products. This standard in measuring temperatures in the range from – 200 °C
applies to dosimeters irradiated by either photons or to + 850 °C. This standard also sets out the methods
electrons within the energy range of 0.1 MeV - 28 and general specifications of the equipment for
MeV - Tests of dosimeters according to this standard verifying resistance thermometers. It applies neither
are specified to be carried out at a reference to instruments for the measurement of resistance, nor
temperature and humidity within a specified absorbed to indicating instruments. Values of temperatures in
dose range and absorbed dose rate range. this standard correspond to the International
Temperature Scale.
This standard was published on 2014-07-31.
This standard was published on 2014-07-31.
1355. US 1049:2014, Tungsten ribbon
lamps for the calibration of radiation 1357. US 1051:2014, Glass capillary
thermometers — Specification viscometers for the measurement of
kinematic viscosity — Verification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
tungsten ribbon lamps used for the calibration of

250 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard prescribes the test method for 1360. US ISO 1089:1980, Electrode
initial and subsequent verifications of glass capillary taper fits for spot welding equipment —
viscometers (ordinary instruments), free liquid flow, Dimensions
intended for the measurement of kinematic viscosity
This Uganda Standard lays down the taper
of liquids
dimensions and tolerances of electrode taper fits for
This standard was published on 2014-07-31. spot welding electrode taps, electrode adaptors,
electrode holders and similar parts.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
1358. US 1053:2014, Legal units of
measurement— General provisions STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

This Uganda Standard specifies the legal units of 1361. US ISO 1096:1999, Plywood —
measurement with their classification and fields of Classification
use. This standard provides for rules for the
This Uganda Standard gives a classification of
formation of decimal multiples and sub-multiples of
plywood panels.
the coherent SI units by means of the SI prefixes. It
also provides for the list of units which continue to be
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
used for practical reasons, but are not standardized
internationally.) STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This standard was published on 2014-07-31. 1362. US ISO 1112:2009, Horology —

Functional and non-functional jewels
This Uganda Standard specifies the technical
1359. US ISO 1072:1975, Solid wood
definitions of functional and non-functional
parquet — General characteristics
horological movement jewels. It describes the
different types of jewels used, and how this is to be
This Uganda Standard the manufacturing
marked on a timekeeping instrument or used in
characteristics (Cross-section, dimensions,
permissible deviations, etc.), the inspection and
delivery conditions and the marking of solid wood
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
parquet Strips with rectangular face of any species of

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30. 1363. US ISO 1307:2006, Rubber and
plastics hoses — Hose sizes, minimum
and maximum inside diameters, and
tolerances on cut-to-length hoses

251 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the sizes of rubber 1366. US ISO 1402:2009, Rubber and
and plastics hoses and the minimum and maximum plastics hoses and hose assemblies —
inside diameters permitted for each hose size. For this Hydrostatic testing
purpose, hoses are divided into four types according
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
to the process by which they are manufactured. The
hydrostatic testing of rubber and plastics hoses and
standard also specifies tolerances on cut-to-length
hose assemblies, including methods for the
rubber and plastics hoses for industrial and
determination of dimensional stability.
automotive applications. This standard is intended to
be used with the relevant hoses product standard
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
unless there is justification for using a different hose
size or unless a hose size needs a different inside- STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
diameter range for a particular application.
1367. US ISO 1403:2005, Rubber hoses,
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. textile-reinforced, for general-purpose
water applications — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
1364. US ISO 1324:1985, Solid wood
three types of general-purpose textile-reinforced
parquet — Classification of oak strips
rubber water hose with an operating temperature
range of −25 °C to +70 °C and a maximum working
This Uganda Standard establishes the classification,
pressure of up to 25 bar. These hoses are not intended
by quality, of non-assembled solid oak parquet Strips
to be used for conveyance of potable (drinking)
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30. water, for washing-machine inlets, as firefighting
hoses, for special agricultural machines or as
collapsible water hoses. These hoses may be used
with additives which lower the freezing point of
1365. US ISO 1401:1999, Rubber hoses
for agricultural spraying

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
three types of flexible rubber hose for pressure
spraying of agropharmaceutical and/or fertilizer
products within a temperature range of –10 °C to + 1368. US ISO 1413:1984, Horology —
60 °C. Shock resistant watches

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
requirements for shock-resistant watches and
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 describes the corresponding method of test. It is
intended to allow homologation testing of watches

252 | P a g e
rather than the individual control of all watches of a Unplasticised poly(vinyl chloride)
production batch. Indeed, assuming that each watch (PVC-U) — Part 1: General
could comply with the minimum requirements
This Uganda Standard specifies the general aspects of
without apparent damage, readjustment could still be
unplasticised poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) solid-
made necessary because the test can lead to an
wall piping systems intended for water supply and for
alteration of the initial rate of a watch. This standard
buried and above-ground drainage and sewerage
is based on the simulation of the shock received by a
under pressure. In conjunction with US ISO 1452-2,
watch on falling accidentally from a height of 1 m on
US ISO 1452-3, US ISO 1452-4 and US ISO 1452-5,
to a horizontal hardwood surface.
it is applicable to PVC-U pipes, fittings, valves and
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. ancillary equipment, their joints and to joints with
components of other plastics and non-plastics
materials intended to be used for the following:

1369. US ISO 1436:2009, Rubber hoses

a) water mains and services buried in the
and hose assemblies — Wire-braid- ground;
b) conveyance of water above ground for
reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based both outside and inside buildings;
or water-based fluids — Specification c) buried and above-ground drainage and
sewerage under pressure.
It is applicable to piping systems intended for the
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for six
supply of water under pressure up to and including 25
types of wire-braid-reinforced hose and hose
°C (cold water), intended for human consumption and
assembly of nominal size from 5 to 51 plus, for one
for general purposes as well as for waste water under
of the five types (type R2ATS), nominal size 63.
pressure. This part of US ISO 1452 is also applicable
They are suitable for use with water-based hydraulic
to components for the conveyance of water and waste
fluids HFC, HFAE, HFAS and HFB as defined in
water up to and including 45 °C. (This standard
ISO 6743-4 at temperatures ranging from to −40 °C
cancels and replaces US 264-1:2001/EAS 182-1
to +60 °C or oil-based hydraulic fluids HH, HL, HM,
Specification for pipes and fittings made of
HR and HV as defined in ISO 6743-4 at temperatures
Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC-U) for water
ranging from −40 °C to +100 °C. This standard does
supply - Part 1: General requirements).
not include requirements for end fittings. It is limited
to requirements for hoses and hose assemblies.
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 1371. US ISO 1452-2:2009, Plastics

piping systems for water supply and for
1370. US ISO 1452-1:2009, Plastics buried and above-ground drainage and
piping systems for water supply and for sewerage under pressure —
buried and above-ground drainage and
sewerage under pressure —

253 | P a g e
Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) sewerage under pressure —
(PVC-U) — Part 2: Pipes Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
(PVC-U) — Part 3: Fittings
This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
solid-wall pipes made from unplasticized poly(vinyl This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
chloride) (PVC-U) for piping systems intended for fittings made from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
water supply and for buried and above-ground (PVC-U) for piping systems intended for water
drainage and sewerage under pressure. supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and
sewerage under pressure. It also specifies the test
It also specifies the test parameters for the test
parameters for the test methods referred to in this part
methods referred to in this part of US ISO 1452.
In conjunction with US ISO 1452-1 and US ISO of US ISO 1452. In conjunction with US ISO 1452-1,
1452-5, it is applicable to extruded PVC-U pipes US ISO 1452-2 and US ISO 1452-5, it is applicable
without a socket and pipes with a socket (integral or to PVC-U fittings and to joints with components of
not), intended to be used for the following: PVC-U, other plastics and non-plastics materials
intended to be used for the following:
a) water mains and services buried in the
a) water mains and services buried in the
b) conveyance of water above ground for
both outside and inside buildings;
b) conveyance of water above ground for both
c) buried and above-ground drainage and
outside and inside buildings;
sewerage under pressure.
c) buried and above-ground drainage and
It is applicable to piping systems intended for the
sewerage under pressure.
supply of water under pressure up to and including 25 It is applicable to fittings in piping systems intended
°C (cold water) intended for human consumption and for the supply of water under pressure up to and
for general purposes as well as for waste water under including 25 °C (cold water), intended for human
pressure. This part of US ISO 1452 specifies pipes consumption and for general purposes as well as for
for the conveyance of water and waste water up to waste water under pressure. This part of US ISO
and including 45 °C. (This standard cancels and 1452 is also applicable to components for the
replaces US 264-2:2001/EAS 182-2 Specification for conveyance of water and wastewater up to and
pipes and fittings made of Unplasticized Poly Vinyl including 45 °C. Depending on the jointing method,
Chloride (PVC-U) for water supply - Part 2 Nominal this part of US ISO 1452 is applicable to the
diameters, wall thicknesses and nominal pressures following types of fittings:
(metric series)).
a) fittings for solvent cementing;
b) elastomeric ring seal fittings.
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 PVC-U fittings can be manufactured by injection-
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 moulding and/or be fabricated from pipe. This part of
US ISO 1452 is also applicable to PVC-U flange
1372. US ISO 1452-3:2009, Plastics adapters and to the corresponding flanges made from
piping systems for water supply and for various materials. This part of US ISO 1452 covers a
buried and above-ground drainage and

254 | P a g e
range of fitting sizes and pressure classes and gives ISO 1452 is applicable to valves of the following
requirements concerning colours. types:

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 a) valves for solvent cementing;

b) valves for elastomeric ring seal joints;
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 c) valves for flanged joints.

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

1373. US ISO 1452-4:2009, Plastics
piping systems for water supply and for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
buried and above-ground drainage and
1374. US ISO 1452-5:2009, Plastics
sewerage under pressure —
piping systems for water supply and for
Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
buried and above-ground drainage and
(PVC-U) — Part 4: Valves
sewerage under pressure —
This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
valves made from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) — Part 5: Fitness for purpose
(PVC-U) for piping systems intended for water of the system
supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and
This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics for
sewerage under pressure. It also specifies the test
the fitness for purpose of unplasticized poly(vinyl
parameters for the test methods referred to in this part
chloride) (PVC-U) piping systems intended for water
of US ISO 1452. In conjunction with US ISO 1452-1,
supply and for buried and above-ground drainage and
US ISO 1452-2, US ISO 1452-3 and US ISO 1452-5
sewerage under pressure. It also specifies the test
it is applicable to PVC-U valves with components of
parameters for the test methods referred to in this part
PVC-U, other plastics and non-plastics materials
of US ISO 1452. In conjunction with US ISO 1452-1,
intended to be used for the following:
US ISO 1452-2, US ISO 1452-3 and US ISO 1452-4,
a) water mains and services buried in ground; it is applicable to joints and assemblies with
b) conveyance of water above ground for both
components of PVC-U, other plastics and non-
outside and inside buildings;
c) buried and above-ground drainage and plastics materials intended to be used for the
sewerage under pressure.
It is applicable to valves in piping systems intended
for the supply of water under pressure up to and
a) water mains and services buried in
including 25 °C (cold water) intended for human ground;
b) conveyance of water above ground for
consumption and for general purposes as well as for
both outside and inside buildings;
waste water under pressure. This part of US ISO c) buried and above-ground drainage and
sewerage under pressure;
1452 is also applicable to valves for the conveyance
It is applicable to piping systems intended for the
of water and waste water up to and including 45 °C.
supply of water under pressure up to and including 25
For temperatures between 25 °C and 45 °C, Figure
°C (cold water) intended for human consumption and
A.1 of US ISO 1452-2:2009 applies. This part of US
for general purposes as well as for waste water under
pressure. This part of US ISO 1452 is also applicable

255 | P a g e
to components for the conveyance of water and waste STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
water up to and including 45 °C.
1378. US 1539:2013, Wooden ceiling
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 and panelling boards — Specification.


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of sampling and test for three grades of
1375. US ISO 1461:2009, Hot dip
profiled boards (planed or planed and sanded)
galvanized coatings on fabricated iron
manufactured from hardwood or softwood timber and
and steel articles – Specification and
intended for use in ceilings or paneling.
test methods

This standard was published on 2013-12-17.

This Uganda Standard specifies the general properties
of coatings and test methods for coatings applied by
dipping fabricated iron and steel articles
1379. US 1540:2013, Mechanical stress
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
grading of softwood timber (Flexural
method) — Code of practice

This Code of practice covers the mechanical stress

1376. US 1535:2013, Guidelines for the
grading, by the determination of stiffness in bending,
manufacture of finger-jointed
of solid timber (free from glued or other joints)
structural timber
derived from trees of the genus Pinus grown in
This Uganda Standard covers recommendations for Uganda.
the manufacture of finger-jointed structural timber.
This standard was published on 2013-12-17.
This standard was published on 2013-12-17.
1380. US 1560:2013, Rotational
1377. US 1537:2013, Softwood flooring moulded polyethylene water storage
boards — Specification tank — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
three grades of softwood flooring boards obtained methods of sampling and test for rotational moulded
from timber derived from trees of the genera Pinus polyethylene water storage tanks (closed and open
(pine), Cedrus (cedar), Podocarpus (conifer), and top tank). This standard is not applicable to
Cupressus (cypress) grown in Uganda. underground tanks and mobile water tanks and
horizontal cylindrical water tanks
This standard was published on 2013-12-17.
This standard was published on 2013-12-17.

256 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 This standard was published on 2015-12-15.

1381. US 1566:2017, Pressed steel tanks STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

— Specification
1384. US 1632-1:2015, Wheelchairs —
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for Part 1:Guidelines for the application of
materials, fabrication, erection and supply of pressed the US ISO 7176 series on wheelchairs
steel tanks for the storage of cold and hot water and
This Uganda Standard explain how you can use the
certain other liquids, under a pressure not greater than
International Standards on wheelchairs to select your
the static head corresponding to the depth of the tank.
next wheelchair.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
This standard was published on 2015-12-15.
1382. US 1622:2017, Glossary of terms
1385. US 1632-2:2015, Wheelchairs —
in timber technology and utilization of
Part 2:Typical values and
wood, bamboo and cane
recommended limits of dimensions,
This Uganda Standard covers definitions of common mass and manoeuvring space as
terms applicable to timber technology and forest determined in US ISO 7176-5
products utilization.
This Uganda Standard lists the typical values and
This standard was published on 2017-20-06. recommended limits of the dimensions obtained from
measurements taken in accordance with US ISO

1383. US 1631:2015, Wheelchair

This standard was published on 2015-12-15.
seating — Clinical interface pressure
mapping guidelines for seating STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000

This Uganda Standard has been produced to guide 1386. US 1633:2017, Cold rolled low
users in the performance of the tasks that are directly carbon steel flat products for cold
involved in the clinical use of interface pressure forming — Technical delivery
mapping (IPM) or are synergistic with its use in a conditions
comprehensive wheelchair seating evaluation. This
This Uganda Standard applies to cold rolled uncoated
standard do not cover other aspects of the clinical
low carbon steel flat products in rolled widths equal
assessment process (e.g. taking a Medical history),
to or over 600 mm for cold forming, with a minimum
nor the prescription or treatment process which might
thickness of 0.35 mm. This standard does not apply
arise from an assessment.
to cold rolled narrow strip (rolling width < 600 mm)

257 | P a g e
nor to flat cold rolled products in particular the STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
1389. US 1643:2016, Domestic biogas
 cold rolled non-grain oriented magnetic steel lamps — Specification
sheet and strip;
This Uganda Standard covers construction, operation,
 semi-processed steel strip for the
safety requirements, sampling and test methods for
construction of magnetic circuits;
lamps intended for use with biogas
 blackplate in coils;
 cold rolled flat products in high yield This standard was published on 2016-06-28.
strength steels for cold forming;
 cold rolled uncoated non-alloy mild steel STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
narrow strip for cold forming; and
1390. US 1644-1:2016, Domestic biogas
cold rolled low carbon steel flat products for vitreous plants ― Design and construction —
enamelling. Code of practice ― Part 1: General

This standard was published on 2017-12-12. This Uganda Standard covers all the aspects of biogas
production, conveyance, biogas quality improvement
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 and biogas utilisation in domestic biogas plants. The
scale of plants under consideration is limited to
1387. US 1641:2016, Biogas —
domestic/household biogas plants with capacity up to
Glossary, abbreviations and
12 m3.
fundamental principles

This standard was published on 2016-06-28.

This Uganda Standard provides definitions of specific
terms and abbreviations used in the context of biogas STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000
technology. The standard also gives an overview of
fundamental principles of biogas technology. 1391. US 1644-2:2016, Domestic biogas
plants design and construction — Code
This standard was published on 2016-06-28. of practice — Part 2: Fixed dome

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 This Uganda Standard outlines the requirements for
the design and construction of domestic biogas plants
1388. US 1642: 2016, Domestic biogas
that are specific to the fixed dome design and its
stoves — Specification
variants. It builds on the requirements of US 1644 -1

This Uganda Standard covers construction, operation, and as such it shall be read in conjunction with US

safety requirements and test methods for stoves 1644 -1.

intended for use with domestic biogas systems.

This standard was published on 2016-06-28.

This standard was published on 2016-06-28.

258 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 This Uganda Standard lays down requirements
regarding types, sizes, material, construction,
1392. US 1644-3:2016, Domestic biogas workmanship and finish, and tests of solid core
plants design and construction — Code
wooden flush door shutters with face panels of
of practice — Part 3: Floating dome
plywood or cross-band and face veneers

This Uganda Standard outlines the requirements for

This standard was published on 2017-06-20.
the design and construction of domestic biogas plants
that are specific to the floating design and its variants. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000
It builds on the requirements of US 1644 -1 and as
1395. US 1652-2:2017, Wooden flush
such it shall be read in conjunction with US 1644 -1.
door shutters (solid core type) — Part:
This standard was published on 2016-06-28. 2: Particleboards and hardwood face
panels — Specification
This Uganda Standard down the requirements
1393. US 1649:2016, Information
regarding material, grade, type, sizes, construction,
technology — Distributed Application
finishes and tests of wooden flush door shutters of
Platforms and Services (DAPS) — solid core type with particleboard face panels (both
General technical principles of Service
veneered and unveneered) and hard-board face
Oriented Architecture

This Uganda Standard describes the general technical

This standard was published on 2017-06-20.
principles underlying Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA), including principles relating to functional STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
design, performance, development, deployment and
1396. US 1657-1:2017, Wooden flush
management. It provides a vocabulary containing
definitions of terms relevant to SOA. It includes a door shutters (cellular and hollow core
type) — Part 1: Plywood face panels —
domain-independent technical framework, addressing
functional requirements and non-functional
This Uganda Standard lays down requirements
regarding types, sizes, material, construction,
This standard was published on 2016-12-13.
workmanship and finish, and tests of cellular and
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000 hollow core wooden flush door shutters. With face
panels of plywood or cross-band and face veneers
1394. US 1652-1:2017, Wooden flush
door shutters (solid core type) — This standard was published on 2017-06-20.
Part 1: Plywood face panels —

259 | P a g e
1397. US 1657-2:2017, Wooden flush This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
door shutters (cellular and hollow core
type) — Part 2: Particle boards and
hardwood face panels — Specification
1400. US 1664:2017, Containers for
packaging of natural mineral water and
This Uganda Standard lays down the requirements
packaged drinking water —
regarding material, grade, types, sizes, construction,
finishes and tests of wooden flush door shutter of Specification

cellular and hollow core type with particle board face

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
panels (both veneered and un veneered) and hard-
raw materials, dimensions and performance,
board face panels
sampling and test methods for plastic containers
except flexible pouches, for packaging of natural
This standard was published on 2017-06-20.
mineral water and packaged drinking water.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
1398. US 1663-1:2017, Aluminium and
aluminium alloys — Part 1: Bare foil
for food packaging — Specification
1401. US 1666:2017, Polystyrene —
Safe use in contact with foodstuffs,
This Uganda Standard covers the requirements of
pharmaceuticals and drinking water —
annealed aluminium and aluminium alloy bare foil
for food packaging. It is applicable for 0.011mm
(11µm) to 0.075mm (75µm) thickness
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for polystyrene (crystal
This standard was published on 2017-06-20.
and high impact) materials for the manufacture of
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000 plastic items used in contact with foodstuffs,
pharmaceuticals and drinking water. This standard
1399. US 1663-2: 2019, Aluminium and
does not cover requirements of a packaging media for
aluminium alloys — Part 2: Foil for
a particular foodstuff and drinking water other than
pharmaceutical packaging —
toxicological considerations.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
This Uganda Standard covers the requirements of
aluminium and aluminium alloy- STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
bare/coated/laminated foil for pharmaceutical
1402. US 1668:2017, Polyethylene —
packaging applications. It is applicable for 0.020-mm
(20-µm) to 0.040-mm (40-µm) foil thicknesses. Safe use in contact with foodstuffs,

260 | P a g e
pharmaceuticals and drinking water — 1405. US 1672:2017, Copper and
Specification copper alloys — Copper rod, bar and
wire for general electrical purposes —
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for polyethylene plastic
materials for the manufacture of plastic items used in This Uganda Standard specifies the composition,
contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking property requirements including electrical properties,
water. This standard does not cover requirements of a and tolerances on dimensions and form for copper
packaging media for a particular foodstuff and rod, bar and wire, sampling procedures and test
drinking water other than toxicological methods for general electrical purposes.
This standard was published on 2017-06-20.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
1406. US 1673-1:2017, Steel tubes for
1403. US 1670:2017, Padlocks — non-pressure purposes — Sections for
Specification scaffolding general engineering and
structural applications — Part 1:
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
inspection, sampling and test methods of various
types and grades of padlocks. This Uganda Standard specifies the general
requirements, manufacturing process and test
This standard was published on 2017-12-12. methods for tubes for scaffolding, hollow sections for
structural and general engineering purposes and cold-
drawn and cold-formed hollow sections made from
1404. US 1671:2017, Plastic cling wrap welded or seamless tubes.
film for food contact use —
This standard was published on 2017-06-20.


This Uganda Standard specifies the definitions and
terms, product classificati ons, marking,
1407. US 1679:2017, Polyvinyl chloride
requirements, test methods, inspection rules, labels,
(PVC) — Safe use in contact with
packaging, transport and storage of plastic cling wrap
foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and
film for food contact use.
drinking water — Specification

This standard was published on 2017-06-20.

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) and its copolymers for the manufacture of

261 | P a g e
plastic items used in contact with foodstuffs,  Type D - Water-reducing and retarding
pharmaceuticals and drinking water. admixtures;
 Type E - Water-reducing and accelerating
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000  Type F - Water-reducing, high range

1408. US 1680:2017, Polyalkylene  Type G - Water-reducing, high range, and
terephthalates — Safe use in contact retarding admixtures; and
with foodstuffs and drinking water —  Type S - Specific performance admixtures.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for polyalkylene STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000
terephthalates also known as thermoplastic saturated
polyesters polymer materials for the manufacture of 1410. US 1717:2017, Information and

plastic items used in contact with foodstuffs and documentation — Implementation

drinking water. This standard applies to polyethylene guidelines for digitization of records

terephthalates (PET) and Polybutylene terephthalates

This Uganda Standard:
(PBT). This standard does not cover requirements of
a packaging media for a particular foodstuff and establishes guidelines for creating and maintaining
drinking water other than toxicological records in digital format only, where the original
considerations. paper, or other non-digital source record, has been
copied by digitizing;
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.

establishes best practice guidelines for digitization to

ensure the trustworthiness and reliability of records

1409. US 1681:2017, Chemical and enable consideration of disposal of the non-

admixtures for concrete — digital source records;

establishes best practice guidelines for the

This Uganda Standard specifies materials for use as trustworthiness of the digitized records which may

chemical admixtures to be added to hydraulic-cement impact on the legal admissibility and evidential

concrete mixtures in the field for the purpose(s) weight of such records;

indicated for the eight types as follows:

establishes best practice guidelines for the

 Type A - Water-reducing admixtures; accessibility of digitized records for as long as they

 Type B - Retarding admixtures; are required;

 Type C - Accelerating admixtures;

262 | P a g e
specifies strategies to assist in creating digitized 1413. US 1790:2017, Measurement of
records fit for long-term retention; roughness average Ra and peak count
RPc on metallic flat products
establishes best practice guidelines for the
management of non-digital source records following This Uganda Standard defines the measurement
digitization. conditions for surface roughness parameters of
metallic flat products, both uncoated (cold and hot
This standard was published on 2017-06-20. rolled pickled steel) and coated with metallic coatings
(e.g. zinc, aluminium, tin, chromium, among others).

This standard was published on 2017-12-12.

1411. US ISO 1728:2006, Road vehicles
— Pneumatic braking connections
between motor vehicles and towed
vehicles — Interchangeability 1414. US 1795:2017, Glossary of terms
relating to wooden furniture and
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements
which ensure interchangeability of the pneumatic
braking connections between motor vehicles and This Uganda Standard covers definitions of various
towed vehicles. It concerns vehicle combinations terms used for wooden furniture and fixtures.
equipped with pneumatic braking systems with two
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
lines: one control line and one supply line.


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

1415. US ISO 1804:1972, Doors —

1412. US 1777:2017, General wooden
This Uganda gives the terminology for hinged or
door shutters — Specification
pivoted doors of all materials used in building
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for construction. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption
wooden door shutters of three exposure classes and of the International Standard ISO 1804:1972)
three performance classes. This specification does not
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
cover the requirements for fire doors.


This standard was published on 2017-12-12.

1416. US ISO 1825:2010, Rubber hoses

and hose assemblies for aircraft ground
fuelling and defuelling — Specification

263 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions and This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
construction of, and requirements for, four types of
hose and hose assembly for use in all operations STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000

associated with the ground fuelling and defuelling of

1419. US 1836:2017, Standard Test
aircraft. All four types are designed for use with
Method for Density (Unit Weight),
petroleum fuels having an aromatic-hydrocarbon
Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of
content not exceeding 30 % by volume; operation
within the temperature range of −30 °C to +65 °C and
such that they will be undamaged by climatic This Uganda Standard covers determination of the
conditions of −40 °C to +70 °C when stored in static density of freshly mixed concrete and gives formulas
conditions; andoperation at up to 2,0 MPa (20 bar) for calculating the yield, cement content, and air
maximum working pressure, including surges of content of the concrete.
pressure which the hose can be subjected to in service
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
1420. US 1837:2017, Standard Test
1417. US 1834:2017, Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-
Method for Compressive Strength of Cement Concrete
Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
This Uganda Standard covers determination of slump
This Uganda Standard covers determination of of hydraulic-cement concrete, both in the laboratory
compressive strength of cylindrical concrete and in the field.
specimens such as molded cylinders and drilled
cores. It is limited to concrete having a density in This standard was published on 2017-12-12.

excess of 800 kg/m3.


This standard was published on 2017-12-12.

1421. US 1838:2017, Standard Test

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 Method for Length Change of

Hardened Hydraulic-Cement
1418. US 1835:2017, Standard Method Mortar and Concrete
for Flexural Strength of Concrete
(Using Simple Beam with Third-Point This Uganda Standard covers the determination of

Loading) the length changes that are produced by causes other

than externally applied forces and temperature
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of changes in hardened hydraulic-cement mortar and
the flexural strength of concrete by the use of a concrete specimens made in the laboratory and
simple beam with third-point loading.

264 | P a g e
exposed to controlled conditions of temperature and of the change in volume of concrete with a change in
moisture. pressure.

This standard was published on 2017-12-12. This standard was published on 2017-12-12.


1422. US 1839:2017, Standard Practice 1425. US 1842:2017, Standard

for Sampling and the Amount of Specification for Air-Entraining
Testing of Hydraulic Cement Admixtures for Concrete

This Uganda Standard covers procedures for This Uganda Standard covers materials proposed for
sampling and for the amount of testing of hydraulic use as air-entraining admixtures to be added to
cement after it has been manufactured and is ready to concrete mixtures in the field.
be offered for sale.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
1426. US 1843:2017, Standard Test
1423. US 1840:2017, Standard Practice Method for Time of Setting of Concrete
for Making and Curing Concrete Test Mixtures by Penetration Resistance
Specimens in the Laboratory
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
This Uganda Standard covers procedures for making the time of setting of concrete, with slump greater
and curing test specimens of concrete in the than zero, by means of penetration resistance
laboratory under accurate control of materials and test measurements on mortar sieved from the concrete
conditions using concrete that can be consolidated by mixture.
rodding or vibration as described herein.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
1427. US 1844:2017, Standard Test
1424. US 1841:2017, Standard Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to
Method for Air Content of Freshly Rapid Freezing and Thawing
Mixed Concrete by the Pressure
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
the resistance of concrete specimens to rapidly
This Uganda Standard covers determination of the air repeated cycles of freezing and thawing in the
content of freshly mixed concrete from observation laboratory by two different procedures: Procedure A,

265 | P a g e
Rapid Freezing and Thawing in Water, and Procedure acceptance or rejection of the materials.
B, Rapid Freezing in Air and Thawing in Water. Both
procedures are intended for use in determining the This standard was published on 2017-12-12.

effects of variations in the properties of concrete on

the resistance of the concrete to the freezing-and-
thawing cycles specified in the particular procedure. 1430. US 1847:2017, Standard Test
Neither procedure is intended to provide a Methods for Specific Gravity,
quantitative measure of the length of service that may Apparent, of Liquid Industrial
be expected from a specific type of concrete. Chemicals

This standard was published on 2017-12-12. This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
the specific gravity, apparent, of liquid industrial
chemicals. Two test methods are covered as follows:
Test Method A, specific gravity, apparent, by means
1428. US 1845:2017, Standard
of a hydrometer; and Test Method B, specific gravity,
Specification for Chemical Admixtures
apparent, by means of a pycnometer.
for Use in Producing Flowing Concrete

This Uganda Standard covers two types of chemical This standard was published on 2017-12-12.

admixtures to be added to hydraulic cement concrete

mixtures for the purpose of producing flowing
concrete. The types are as follows: Type I— 1431. US 1848:2017, Standard
Plasticizing, and Type II—Plasticizing and retarding. Specification for Reagent Water

This standard was published on 2017-12-12. This Uganda Standard describes the required
characteristics of waters deemed suitable for use with
the standards under the jurisdiction of ASTM.

1429. US 1846:2017, Standard Practice

This standard was published on 2017-12-12.
for Sampling Aggregates
This Uganda Standard covers sampling of coarse and
fine aggregates for the following purposes: 1432. US 1849:2017, Standard Practice
for General Techniques for Obtaining
preliminary investigation of the potential source of
Infrared Spectra for Qualitative
Analysis Manual of Aggregate and
control of the product at the source of supply,

This Uganda Standard covers the spectral range from

control of the operations at the site of use, and
4 000 to 50 cm−1 and includes techniques that are

266 | P a g e
useful for qualitative analysis of liquid-, solid-, and 1435. US 1867: 2019, Stainless steel
vapor-phase samples by infrared spectrometric milk cans — Specification
techniques for which the amount of sample available
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
for analysis is not a limiting factor. These techniques
sampling criteria and test methods for stainless steel
are often also useful for recording spectra at
milk cans used for collection and distribution of fluid
frequencies higher than 4 000 cm–1, in the near-
infrared region.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

This standard was published on 2017-12-12.



1436. US 1869:2018, Sickles —

1433. US 1855:2019, Motorcycle
rubber wheel inner tubes

This Uganda standard specifies the requirements,

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for plain and serrated
sampling and test methods for motorcycle inner tubes
blade sickles for harvesting of fodder, grasses, cereal
made of natural rubber (hereinafter referred to as
crops, among other activities.
inner tube).

This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26.



1437. US 1874:2019, Codes of practices

1434. US 1857:2020, Criteria for
for selection, installation and
issuance of licences and certificate of
maintenance of wooden door shutters
competence to persons and firms
involved in repair of weighing and This code covers the selection, installation and
measuring instruments maintenance of wooden doors, windows and
ventilator frames and shutters for residential
This Uganda Standard prescribes the criteria for
buildings, schools, hospitals and other non-industrial
issuance of repair and workshop licences to
buildings. This code does not cover industrial doors
technicians and workshops respectively and
and windows and fire-resistant doors and windows.
certificate of competence to both technicians and
workshops involved in weighing and measuring This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
This standard was published on 2020-06-16
1438. US 1875:2019, Wooden door
shutters — Test methods

267 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard covers the various test unsupported, low-density polyethylene and linear
methods which shall be followed to subject the door low-density polyethylene films (hereafter referred to
shutters to evaluate their quality. as film or films) with densities ranging from 0.910
g/cm3 - 0.925 g/cm3 This specification is applicable
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
to homopolymer polyethylene, but is not restricted to
it. It is applicable to films made from polyethylene
copolymers, and also applicable to films made from
1439. US 1890: 2020, Polyethylene film blends of homopolymers and copolymers, including
and sheeting — Specification ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymers.

This Uganda Standard covers the classification of This standard was published on 2020-06-16
polyethylene film and sheeting from 0.03 mm - 0.3
mm in thickness, inclusive. The film or sheeting may
contain additives for the improvement of the surface
1441. US 1904:2019, Furniture —
properties, pigments, or stabilizers, or combinations
Dining tables — Specification
thereof. This specification allows for the use of
recycled polyethylene film or resin as feedstock, in This Uganda Standard covers requirements for
whole or in part, as long as all the requirements as materials, sizes and functional dimensions of all types
governed by the producer and end user are also met. of dining tables.
This standard does not purport to address all of the
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is
the responsibility of the user of this standard to
establish appropriate safety and health practices and
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations 1442. US 1906-1:2019, Library
prior to use. furniture and fittings — Specification
— Part 1: Timber
This standard was published on 2020-06-16
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
the following items of wooden furniture meant for
use in a library: unit book rack; bay guide holder;
1440. US 1891:2020, Plastic films made
book trolley; catalogue cards tray and cabinet;
from low-density polyethylene and
catalogue cards box; catalogue cards work tray;
linear low-density polyethylene for
control region fittings; charging trays; reading room
general use and packaging applications
table; study table; periodicals display rack; chairs;
— Specification
and display stand.
This Uganda Standard covers dimensional tolerances,
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
classifications, intrinsic quality requirements,
sampling and test methods for unpigmented,

268 | P a g e

1443. US 1906-2:2019, Library 1446. US 1910-1:2019, Furniture —

furniture and fittings — Specification Metal chairs for office purposes — Part
— Part 2: Steel 1: Specification for non_revolving and
non_tilting chairs
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
the following items of steel furniture and fittings This Uganda Standard covers requirements for
meant for use in a library: book racks; book trolley; materials, construction, dimensions and finish of non-
book ends; catalogue cards tray; card index cabinets; revolving and non-tilting metal chairs for office
catalogue cards work tray; charging trays; reading- purposes.
room table; study table; chairs; book cases; and glass-
front cabinets. This standard was published on 2019-3-26.


This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

1447. US 1910-2:2019, Furniture —

Metal chairs for office purposes — Part
1444. US 1907:2019, Furniture — Steel 2: Specification for revolving and tilting
shelving cabinets (adjustable type) — chairs
This Uganda Standard covers the requirements of
This Uganda Standard covers the requirements for materials, dimensions, construction and finish of
materials, sizes, construction and finish of adjustable revolving and tilting metal chairs for office purposes.
steel shelving cabinets with hinged doors with or
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
without the provision of a locker.


This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

1448. US 1911:2019, Furniture —

Wooden shelving cabinets (adjustable
1445. US 1908:2019, Furniture — Steel type) — Specification
filing cabinets for general office
This Uganda Standard covers the requirements for
purposes — Specification
materials, sizes, construction and finish of adjustable
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for wooden shelving cabinets with hinged doors.
materials, sizes, construction and finish and tests of
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
steel filing cabinets for general office purposes.


This standard was published on 2019-3-26.

269 | P a g e
1449. US 1912:2019, Furniture — This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
Composite office table — Specification design, construction and performance of alloy
aluminium windows and external pedestrian door
This Uganda Standard covers the requirements of
sets, thermally or non-thermally improved, including
materials, sizes, construction and finish for composite
constituent materials and glazing. This standard does
office tables.
not apply to composite door sets, but it does cover
door sets that are predominantly aluminium framed
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
(stile and rail construction) with replaceable
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000 composite panels. It applies to windows and door sets
fabricated in a factory, to be installed vertically
1450. US 1920:2019, Furniture — (±15°) into the external face of buildings, as single or
Wooden wardrobes (adjustable and multi-light units, or in coupled assemblies where
non-adjustable) — Specification appropriate, of the following types:

This Uganda Standard covers requirements for a) windows;

materials, sizes, construction and finish of wooden
i. hinged: side-hung, top-hung,
portable wardrobes with hinged doors. bottom-hung, tilt before turn or
turn before tilt;
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
ii. projecting: side-hung and top-hung
(including reversible windows);
iii. pivoted: horizontal and vertical;
1451. US 1928:2019, Road vehicles —
iv. sliding: horizontal and vertical
Bus body design and construction — (including tilting-in sash to
Specification vertical);

v. fixed lights;
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for bus
body design and construction. This standard applies vi. fixed casement;
to buses with bodies designed and constructed for
vii. parallel opening;
carriage of persons. This standard does not include
viii. double opening French casement;
provisions for persons of reduced mobility.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26. ix. louvered, adjustable;

b) door sets;
(i) single leaf, single-swing or double-
1452. US 1981: 2020, Alloy aluminium swing hinged or pivoted doors
with or without side lights and top
door sets and windows — Specification

(ii) double leaf, single-swing or

double-swing hinged or pivoted

270 | P a g e
doors with or without side lights 1455. US 2023:2019, Automotive
and top lights;
vehicles — Retreaded pneumatic tyres
(iii) sliding doors (includes tilt-and- for passenger cars — Specification
slide and lift-and-slide doors); and
This Uganda Standard provides requirements for the
(iv) sliding folding doors.
production of re-treaded tyres intended to be fitted to
This standard is applicable to windows in which a passenger cars and their trailers used on the road.
casement or sash frame member is no longer than 3 m This standard does not apply to:
and in which a door leaf frame member is no longer
than 3.5 m. It does not apply to curtain walls that re-treaded tyres for commercial vehicles and their
span across horizontal structural members of floors, trailers;
but it is applicable to windows or door sets fitted
re-treaded tyres with a speed capability below 120
within a curtain walling system.
km/h or above 240 km/h (limit of below 120 km/h is
This standard was published on 2020-06-16 not applicable for bias-ply tyres);


tyres for cycles and motor cycles;

1453. US 1984:2019, Geometry sets —

tyres originally produced without speed symbols and
Specification load indices;

This Uganda Standard covers the requirements of

tyres designed exclusively for competition or off road
school type geometry sets, namely, Grade 1.
use and marked accordingly; and

This standard was published on 2020-06-16

tyres designated as ‘T’ type temporary use spares.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26.
1454. US ISO 1954:1999, Plywood —
Tolerances on dimensions

1456. US 2032:2019, Hollow concrete

This Uganda Standard specifies dimensional
block — Specification
tolerances of plywood panels (length, width,
thickness) and tolerances for squareness and edge
This Uganda Standard covers the terminology, size,
type, grade and mark, raw material, technical
specification, test methods, inspection standard,
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
qualification certificate, storage and transportation for
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 normal concrete block. The standard applies to the
industrial and civil concrete block (“Block”).

This standard was published on 2019-10-01.

271 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 workmanship, mass and methods of test for military
combat helmets intended to protect the wearer from
1457. US 2033:2019, Solid concrete the damaging effects of bullets of small arms
block — Specification
ammunition, fragments, and cold weapons. Terms
and classification of military combat helmets
This Uganda Standard specifies the terms,
established by this standard are obligatory for use in
definitions, specifications, grades and marks, raw
all types of documentation and literature included in
materials, technical requirements, test methods,
the scope of work on standardization or using the
inspection rules, signs, product certificates, and
results of these works.
transport of solid concrete bricks. The standard
applies to the solid concrete bricks for buildings and
This standard was published on 2020-06-16
This standard was published on 2019-10-01.
1460. US ISO 2081:2008, Metallic and
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 other inorganic coatings —
Electroplated coatings of zinc with
1458. US 2034:2019, Grass planting supplementary treatments on iron or
tiles — Specification steel

This Uganda Standard provides the terms and This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
definitions, classification, general provisions, electroplated coatings of zinc with supplementary
technical requirements, testing methods, testing rules, treatments on iron or steel. It includes information to
marks, operation instruction, package, transportation be supplied by the purchaser to the electroplater, and
and storage of grass planting tiles. This standard the requirements for heat treatment before and after
applies to tiles and hollow bricks which are built by electroplating. It is not applicable to zinc coatings
cement and aggregates, specially paved at the applied
sidewalks, parks and revetments, with grass planting
holes and able to green the pavement and ground ⎯ to sheet, strip or wire in the non-fabricated form,
⎯ to close-coiled springs, or
This standard was published on 2019-10-01.
⎯ for purposes other than protective or decorative
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
1459. US 2080: 2019, Military combat
helmets — Specification STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This Uganda Standard covers performance 1461. US 2094:2019, Eaves gutters and

requirements, materials, design and construction, fittings made of PVC-U — Specification

272 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test 1464. US 2109:2019, Limits of
methods of eaves gutters and fittings made from radionuclides in building materials
unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), and
This Uganda Standard prescribes the test methods for
intended to be used for rainwater drainage.
the limits of radionuclides and the specific activity of
226 232 40
This standard was published on 2019-10-01. the natural radionuclides Ra, Th and K in
building materials. This standard applies to inorganic
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 non-metallic type building materials which have the
requirement for limits of radionuclides.
1462. US 2103:2019, Terminology of
wall materials
This standard was published on 2019-10-01.

This Uganda Standard provides definition and

meaning on basic name, materials, production
process, production equipment, supporting materials, 1465. US 2110:2019, Lightweight
property and application technology of wall aggregate — Specification
materials. The standard is applicable to the teaching,
This Uganda Standard specifies the terms and
scientific research, design, normal production, trade
definitions, classification, requirements, test methods,
and economy, works and translation of technical
inspection rules and product certification, stacking
and transportation for lightweight aggregate. The
This standard was published on 2019-10-01. standard is applicable to the lightweight aggregate
used for concrete, including artificial lightweight
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 aggregate, natural lightweight aggregate and
industrial waste slag lightweight aggregate.
1463. US 2108:2019, Sand for
Lightweight aggregate of other types and uses can
construction — Specification
also be referred to in use.
This Uganda Standard specifies the terms and
This standard was published on 2019-10-01.
definitions, classification and specification, technical
requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marks,
storage and transport etc. of sand for construction.
This standard is applicable to the sand for concrete 1466. US 2113:2019, Concrete kerbs —
and its products and normal mortar in engineering Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies the definition,
This standard was published on 2019-10-01. symbols and acronyms, grades and marks, general
provisions, requirements, sampling, test methods,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 inspection rules, label, certificate of quality,
operating instruction manual, package, transportation

273 | P a g e
and storage of the concrete kerb (hereinafter referred STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
to as kerb). This standard is applicable to kerbs used
for water diversion, and precast kerbs for pavement 1469. US 2225:2020, Expanded
polystyrene cap vaults and coffers —
edges and road boundaries which are made of cement
and compacted aggregate by means of vibration,
compression or other methods to achieve the same
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for expanded polystyrene
cap vaults and coffers used as a lost formwork for
This standard was published on 2019-10-01.
slabs in intermediate floors and roofs in combination
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 with prefabricated concrete joists with inverted (T)
shaped section ( ).
1467. US 2115:2019, Fly ash used for
cement and concrete — Specification This standard was published on 2020-06-16


This Uganda Standard specifies the terms and
definition, classification, grade, technical
1470. US 2230:2020, Standard
requirements, test methods, inspection rules,
Specification for Marble Dimension
packaging, marking, transportation and storage of the
fly ash used for cement and concrete. The standard is
applicable to the fly ash used as admixture at time of This Uganda Standard specification covers the
mixing mortar and concrete, and fly ash used as material characteristics, physical requirements, and
active addition at time of cement production. sampling appropriate to the selection of marble for
general building and structural purposes. Refer to
This standard was published on 2019-10-01.
Guides C1242 and C1528 for the appropriate
selection and use of marble dimension stone.
Dimension marble shall include stone that is sawed,
1468. US 2224:2020, Expanded cut, split, or otherwise finished or shaped into blocks,
polystyrene flagstones and semi- slabs or tiles, and shall specifically exclude molded,
cylinders — Specifications cast and artificially aggregated units composed of
fragments, and also crushed and broken stone.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for expanded polystyrene This standard was published on 2020-06-16
slabs and semi-cylinders used as thermal insulators in
rooms, isothermal installations and cold-storage
plants, which work in a temperature range of -140 °C 1471. US 2239: 2020, Plastic closures —
to 70 °C. Specification

This standard was published on 2020-06-16

274 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard covers geometrical and windows, ventilators and fixed-lights for use in
dimensional accuracy, physical properties, storage industrial buildings
and handling conditions, processing and application
This standard was published on 2020-06-16
of plastic closures for sealing of still products,
carbonated drinks and hot fill. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000

This standard was published on 2020-06-16 1475. US ISO 2299:1973, Sawn timber
of broadleaved species — Defects —
1472. US 2240:2020, Metallic crown
This Uganda Standard specifies the classifications of
caps — Specification
defects for sawn timber of broadleaved species
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for growing in the temperate zones of the globe. It covers
metallic crown caps designed to secure seal in unplanned sawn timber and sawn timber surfaced to
capping applications with glass and aluminium size or planned but without profiling.
bottles in the brewing and beverage industry.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
This standard was published on 2020-06-16
1476. US ISO 2300:1973, Sawn timber
1473. US 2244: 2020, Non-woven bags
of broadleaved species — Defects —
— Specification
Terms and definitions

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test

This Uganda Standard establishes terms and
methods for non-woven bags used for packaging.
definition for defects of sawn timber of broadleaved
species classified in US ISO 2299.
This standard was published on 2020-06-16

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

1474. US 2247: 2020, Windows and STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

doors made from rolled mild steel
1477. US ISO 2301:1973, Sawn timber
sections – Specification
of broadleaved species — Defects —
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements Measurement
regarding material, fabrication and finish of steel
This Uganda Standard specifies measurement of
doors, windows, ventilators and fixed-lights
defects of sawn timber of broadleaved species
manufactured from rolled steel sections to specified
classified in US ISO 2299. It covers unplanned sawn
sizes and designs. It does not cover steel doors,

275 | P a g e
timber and sawn timber surfaced to size or planned defects enabling the visual assessment of the
but without profiling. plywood for allocation to an appearance class.

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.


1478. US ISO 2398:2006, Rubber hoses, 1481. US ISO 2426-3:2000, Plywood —

textile-reinforced, for compressed air Classification by surface appearance —
— Specification Part 3: Softwood

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for This Uganda Standard specifies the nature and limits
three types, three classes and two categories of of characteristics inherent in wood and manufacturing
textile-reinforced rubber hose for compressed air, up defects enabling the visual assessment of the
to a maximum working pressure of 25 bar with an plywood for allocation to an appearance class.
operating-temperature range of – 40 °C to + 70 °C,
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
depending on the type and category.


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

1482. US ISO 2457:1976, Solid wood

parquet — Classification of beech strips
1479. US ISO 2426-1:2000, Plywood —
This Uganda Standard establishes the classification,
Classification by surface appearance —
by quality, of non-assembled solid beech parquet
Part 1: General
This Uganda Standard establishes general rules for
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
the classification of plywood by its surface
appearance. It does not apply to overlaid plywood.

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

1483. US ISO 2503:2009, Gas welding
equipment — Pressure regulators and
pressure regulators with flow-metering
1480. US ISO 2426-2:2000, Plywood — devices for gas cylinders used in
Classification by surface appearance — welding, cutting and allied processes up
Part 2: Hardwood to 300 bar (30 MPa)

This Uganda Standard specifies the nature and limits This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
of characteristics inherent in wood and manufacturing single or two-stage pressure regulators without flow

276 | P a g e
metering devices for connection to gas cylinders used 1485. US ISO 2929:2014, Rubber hoses
for and hose assemblies for bulk fuel
delivery by truck — Specification
compressed gases up to 300 bar 1) (30 MPa),
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
dissolved acetylene,
two groups of rubber hoses and rubber hose
assemblies for loading and discharge of liquid
liquefied petroleum gases (LPG),
hydrocarbon fuels with a maximum working pressure
methylacetylene-propadiene mixtures (MPS), and of 10 bar (1,0 MPa). Both groups of hoses are
designed for:use with hydrocarbon fuels having an
carbon dioxide (CO2), aromatic-hydrocarbon content not exceeding 50 % by
volume and containing up to 15 % of oxygenated
for use in welding, cutting and allied processes. It
compounds; andoperation within the temperature
does not cover pressure regulators having a nominal
range of − 30 °C to + 70 °C, undamaged by climatic
outlet pressure p2 > 20 bar. This standard also
conditions of − 50 °C to + 70 °C when stored in static
specifies requirements for single or two-stage
pressure regulators with flow metering devices for
connection to gas cylinders used for compressed This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
gases or mixtures up to 300 bar (30 MPa), and carbon
dioxide (CO2), for use in welding, cutting and allied STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
processes. This standard does not cover pressure
1486. US ISO 3055:1985, Kitchen
regulators intended for direct use on cylinder bundles.
equipment — Coordinating sizes
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This Uganda Standard defines sizes for components
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 of kitchen equipment in dwellings. lt also specifies
the sizes of zones for hot and cold water and waste
1484. US ISO 2509:1989, Sound- and gas pipes in kitchen cabinets and certain
absorbing expanded pure agglomerated appliances. General guidance on the planning of
cork in tiles domestic kitchens is given, for informationly,

This Uganda Standard specifies certain characteristics This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
of sound-absorbing expanded pure agglomerated cork
in tiles. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. 1487. US ISO 3129:2012, Wood —

Sampling methods and general
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 requirements for physical and
mechanical testing of small clear wood

277 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
extensive and limited sampling of wood, conditioning
and preparation of test pieces. It also specifies the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

general requirements for physical and mechanical

1490. US ISO 3132:1975, Wood —
testing of small clear wood specimens. The sampling
Testing in compression perpendicular
guidance provided in this standard can be applied for
to grain
timber taken from either trees, logs, or pieces of
ungraded/graded/presorted sawn timber for non- This Uganda Standard specifies a method of testing
structural applications, such as furniture, windows, wood in compression perpendicular to the grain to
doors, etc., only. determine the proportional limit (conventional
ultimate strength), the load being applied to the
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
whole surface (radial or tangential) of the test piece.


This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

1488. US ISO 3130:1975, Wood —

Determination of moisture content for
physical and mechanical tests 1491. US ISO 3133:1975, Wood —
Determination of ultimate strength in
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
static bending
determining the moisture content of wood for
physical and mechanical tests This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the ultimate strength of wood in static
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.


This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

1489. US ISO 3131:1975, Wood —

Determination of density for physical
and mechanical tests 1492. US ISO 3179:1974, Coniferous
sawn timber — Nominal dimensions
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the density (ratio of mass to volume) of This Uganda Standard specifies the nominal
wood for physical and mechanical tests both at the dimensions of coniferous sawn timber. It applies to
moisture content at the time of test and in the unplanned square-edged and unedged sawn timber of
absolutely dry condition, as well as the conventional 16 to 300 mm thick, of the following widths: - from
density (ratio of mass in the absolutely dry condition 75 to 300 mm : for square-edged timber with parallel
to volume of the test piece with moisture content edges; - 60 mm and over : for unedged and square-
greater than or equal to the fibre Saturation Point). edged timber with tapered edges

278 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. 1496. US ISO 3397:1977, Broadleaved
wood raw parquet blocks — General

1493. US ISO 3346:1975, Wood —

This Uganda Standard lays down the manufacturing
Determination of ultimate tensile stress
characteristics and the dimensions, the permissible
perpendicular to grain
deviations, the methods for quality control and the
delivery conditions, the measurement and the
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
marking of broadleaved wood raw parquet blocks.
determining the ultimate tensile stress of wood
perpendicular to grain in the radial and tangential
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
1497. US ISO 3398:1977, Broadleaved
wood raw parquet blocks —
Classification of oak parquet blocks
1494. US ISO 3347:1976, Wood —
Determination of ultimate shearing
This Uganda Standard establishes the classification,
stress parallel to grain by quality, of oak raw parquet blocks used for
manufacturing different types of wood parquets.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the ultimate shearing stress of wood by
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
compressive loading parallel to grain either along the
radial or along the tangential surface. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. 1498. US ISO 3399:1976, Broadleaved

wood raw parquet blocks —
Classification of beech parquet blocks

1495. US ISO 3348:1975, Wood — This Uganda Standard establishes the classification,
Determination of impact bending
by quality, of beech raw parquet blocks used for
manufacturing the strips for different types of wood
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determination of the impact bending strength of wood
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
using a pendulum impact testing machine.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
1499. US ISO 3739-1:2007, Industrial
tyres and rims — Part 1: Pneumatic

279 | P a g e
tyres (metric series) on 5 degrees This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
tapered or flat base rims —
Designation, dimensions and marking

1502. US ISO 3779:2009, Road vehicles

This Uganda Standard specifies the main
— Vehicle identification number (VIN)
requirements of the metric series of pneumatic tyres
— Content and structure
primarily intended for industrial vehicles, including
designations, dimensions and markings.
This Uganda Standard specifies the content and
structure of a vehicle identification number (VIN) in
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
order to establish, on a world-wide basis, a uniform
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 identification numbering system for road vehicles.
This standard applies to motor vehicles, towed
1500. US ISO 3739-2:1992, Industrial vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds as defined in ISO
tyres and rims — Part 2: Pneumatic
tyres (metric series) on 5 degrees
tapered or flat base rims — Load This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This Uganda Standard specifies the load ratings of
1503. US ISO 3780:2009, Road vehicles
the metric series of pneumatic tyres primarily
— World manufacturer identifier
intended for industrial vehicles for use on prepared
(WMI) code
surfaces. US ISO 3739-1 deals with designation,
dimensions and marking; US ISO 3739-3 deals with
This Uganda Standard specifies the content and
rim contours for these tyres.
structure of an identifier in order to establish, on a
worldwide basis, the identification of road vehicle
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
manufacturers. The world manufacturer identifier
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 (WMI) constitutes the first section of the vehicle
identification number (VIN) described in US ISO
1501. US ISO 3739-3:2008, Industrial
3779. This standard applies to motor vehicles, towed
tyres and rims — Part 3: Rims
vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds as defined in ISO
This Uganda Standard specifies the main
requirements, including size designation and
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
marking, of 5° tapered and flat base rims, with
diameters not exceeding rim diameter code 15 for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
pneumatic tyres and for solid tyres for pneumatic tyre
rims, primarily intended for industrial vehicles for 1504. US ISO 3810:1987, Floor tiles of
agglomerated cork — Methods of test
use on prepared surfaces.

280 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies methods of test for MPa (20 bar) and light duty [limited to hoses for
determining the following characteristics of maximum working pressure of 1 MPa (10 bar) and
agglomerated cork floor tiles: dimensions and with bore up to and including 6,3 mm]. This standard
squareness, apparent density, tensile strength, initial applies to hoses operated at temperatures −20 °C to
and residual indentation, ash content and resistance to +60 °C and used in:
boiling hydrochloric acid.
⎯ gas welding and cutting;
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
⎯ arc welding under the protection of an inert or
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 active gas; and

1505. US ISO 3813:2004, Resilient floor ⎯ processes allied to welding and cutting, in
coverings — Cork floor tiles — particular, heating, brazing, and metallization.
This standard applies neither to thermoplastics hoses
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for nor to hoses used for high pressure [>0,15 MPa (>1,5
cork floor coverings made from agglomerated bar)] acetylene.
composition cork supplied in tile form which are
designed to be used with a factory finish and/or an in This standard was adopted on 2014-07-

situ finish. Cork floor coverings can be covered with 31.STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

other complementary layers of decorative materials,

1507. US ISO 3861:2005, Rubber hoses
e.g. decorative cork or wood veneers, with or without
for sand and grit blasting —
applied colours. This standard includes a
classification system based on intensity of use which
shows where cork floor tiles should give satisfactory This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
service. It also specifies requirements for marking, rubber hoses for wet and dry sand and grit blasting,
labelling and packing. suitable for use up to a maximum working pressure
of 6,3 bar and over an operating temperature range of
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
−25 °C to +70 °C.


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

1506. US ISO 3821:2008, Gas welding

equipment — Rubber hoses for
welding, cutting and allied processes 1508. US ISO 3862:2009, Rubber hoses
and hose assemblies — Rubber-covered
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
spiralwire- reinforced hydraulic types
rubber hoses (including twin hoses) for welding,
for oil-based or water based fluids —
cutting and allied processes. This standard specifies
requirements for rubber hoses for normal duty of 2

281 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for five and oil-based hydraulic fluids HH, HL, HM, HR and
types of spiral-wire-reinforced hydraulic hose and HV as defined in ISO 6743-4 at temperatures ranging
hose assembly of nominal size from 6,3 to 51. They from −40 °C to +100 °C. This standard does not
are suitable for use with water-based hydraulic fluids include requirements for end fittings. It is limited to
HFC, HFAE, HFAS and HFB as defined in ISO the performance of hoses and hose assemblies.
6743-4 at temperatures ranging from −40 °C to +60
°C and oil-based hydraulic fluids HH, HL, HM, HR This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

and HV as defined in ISO 6743-4 at temperatures

ranging from −40 °C to +100 °C for types 4SP and
4SH and −40 °C to +120 °C for types R12, R13 and 1511. US ISO 3994:2007, Plastics hoses
R15. — Helical-thermoplastic reinforced
thermoplastics hoses for suction and
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
discharge of aqueous materials —

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for

1509. US ISO 3877-2:1997, Tyres,
three types of helical-thermoplastic-reinforced
valves and tubes — List of equivalent
thermoplastics hoses for suction and discharge of
terms — Part 2: Tyre valves
water, weak aqueous chemical solutions and abrasive
This Uganda Standard presents a list of equivalent solids and slurries, for use in the ambient temperature
tyre valve terms commonly used in the tyre industry. range from − 10 °C to + 55 °C. The three types of
hose are for light-, medium- and heavy-duty
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
applications. The types of hoses covered in this
standard are not intended for use with flammable or
combustible materials, nor with aromatic solvents.
1510. US ISO 3949:2009, Plastics hoses
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
and hose assemblies — Textile-
reinforced types for hydraulic
applications — Specification
1512. US ISO 4023:2009, Rubber hoses
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
and hose assemblies for steam — Test
three types of textile-reinforced thermoplastics hose
and hose assembly of nominal size from 3,2 to 25.
Each type is divided into two classes dependent on This Uganda Standard specifies test methods in
electrical conductivity requirements. They are which a rubber hose test piece or hose assembly is
suitable for use with water-based hydraulic fluids exposed to saturated steam, thus simulating service
HFC, HFAE, HFAS and HFB as defined in ISO conditions. Four methods are specified, namely:
6743-4 at temperatures ranging from 0 °C to +60 °C method A: vertical rack method; method B:

282 | P a g e
horizontal rack method; method C: flexing test, 1514. US ISO 4064-2:2014, Water
vertical arrangement; and method D: flexing test, meters for cold potable water and hot
horizontal arrangement. water — Part 2: Test method

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. This Uganda Standard is applicable to the type
evaluation and initial verification testing of water
meters for cold potable water and hot water as
defined in US ISO 4064-1. This part of US ISO 4064
1513. US ISO 4064-1:2014, Water
sets out details of the test programme, principles,
meters for cold potable water and hot
equipment and procedures to be used for the type
water — Part 1: Metrological and
evaluation, and initial verification of meter type. The
technical requirements
provisions of this standard also apply to ancillary
This Uganda Standard specifies the metrological and devices, if required by national regulations.
technical requirements for water meters for cold
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
potable water and hot water flowing through a fully
charged, closed conduit. These water meters
incorporate devices which indicate the integrated
volume. In addition to water meters based on 1515. US ISO 4064-3: 2014, Water
mechanical principles, this part of US ISO 4064 meters for cold potable water and hot
applies to devices based on electrical or electronic water — Part 3: Test report
principles, and mechanical principles incorporating format
electronic devices, used to measure the volume of
This Uganda Standard specifies a test report format to
cold potable water and hot water. This standard also
be used in conjunction with US ISO 4064‑1 and US
applies to electronic ancillary devices. Ancillary
ISO 4064‑2 for water meters for cold potable water
devices are optional. However, it is possible for
and hot water.
national or regional regulations to render some
ancillary devices mandatory in relation to the
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
utilization of water meters. (This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces US 1023:2006, Water meters STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 90,000
intended for metering of cold portable water - Part 1:
Metrological and technical requirements, which has 1516. US ISO 4064-4:2014, Water

been renumbered). meters for cold potable water and hot

wate — Part 4: Non- metrological
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 requirements not covered in ISO 4064-1

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard applies to water meters used to
meter the volume of cold potable water and hot water
flowing through a fully charged, closed conduit.

283 | P a g e
These water meters incorporate devices which These water meters incorporate devices which
indicate the integrated volume. This part of US ISO indicate the integrated volume. This part of US ISO
4064 specifies technical characteristics and pressure 4064 specifies criteria for the selection of single,
loss requirements for meters for cold potable water combination and concentric water meters, associated
and hot water. It applies to water meters which can fittings, installation, special requirements for meters,
withstand: and the first operation of new or repaired meters to
ensure accurate constant measurement and reliable
a maximum admissible pressure (MAP) equal to at
reading of the meter. In addition to meters based on
least 1 MPa1) [0,6 MPa for meters for use with pipe
mechanical principles, this standard also applies to
nominal diameters (DNs) ≥500 mm];
water meters based on electrical or electronic
principles, and to water meters based on mechanical
a maximum admissible temperature (MAT) for cold
principles electronic devices, used to measure the
potable water meters of 30 °C; and
volume of cold potable water and hot water. It also
a MAT for hot water meters of up to 180 °C, applies to electronic ancillary devices. Ancillary
depending on class. devices are optional. However, national or
international regulations may make some ancillary
In addition to meters based on mechanical principles, devices mandatory in relation to the utilization of the
this standard also applies to water meters based on water meter. The recommendations of this part of US
electrical or electronic principles, and to water meters ISO 4064 apply to water meters, irrespective of
based on mechanical principles incorporating technology, defined as integrating measuring
electronic devices, used to meter the volume flow of instruments continuously determining the volume of
hot water and cold potable water. It also applies to water flowing through them.
electronic ancillary devices. As a rule ancillary
devices are optional. However, national or This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
international regulations may make some ancillary
devices mandatory in relation to the utilization of the
water meter.
1518. US ISO 4079:2009, Rubber hoses
and hose assemblies — Textile-
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 or water-based fluids — Specification

1517. US ISO 4064-5:2014; Water This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for five
meters for cold potable water and hot types of textile-reinforced hydraulic hose and hose
water installation requirements assembly of nominal size from 5 to 100. They are
suitable for use with water-based hydraulic fluids
This Uganda Standard applies to water meters used to HFC, HFAE, HFAS and HFB as defined in ISO
meter the volume of cold potable water and hot water 6743-4 at temperatures ranging from −40 °C to +60
flowing through a fully charged, closed conduit. ºC or oil-based hydraulic fluids HH, HL, HM, HR

284 | P a g e
and HV as defined in ISO 6743-4 at temperatures internal combustion engines —
ranging from −40 °C to +100 °C. This standard does Specification
not include requirements for end fittings. It is limited
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
to requirements for hoses and hose assemblies.
straight or pre-formed rubber hoses and tubing for
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. use in pressurized or unpressurized cooling circuits
containing 1,2-ethanediol-based coolants in internal
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 combustion engines for vehicles with an unladen
mass (as defined in ISO 1176) of 3,5 t or less. In
1519. US ISO 4080:2009, Rubber and
addition, this specification may also be applied as a
plastics hoses and hose assemblies —
classification system to enable original equipment
Determination of permeability to gas
manufacturers (OEMs) to detail a “line call-out” of
This Uganda Standard specifies three methods for the tests for specific applications where these are not
determination of the volume of gas diffusing through covered by the main types specified.
a rubber or plastics hose or length of tubing in a
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
specified time.Method 1: For determining the
permeability of the complete hose or length of tubing,
excluding end fittings, to the test gas. The
permeability is calculated with respect to the length 1521. US ISO 4082:1981, Road vehicles
of the hose or tubing; Method 2: For determining the — Motor vehicles — Flasher units
permeability at the hose/fitting interface. This method
This Uganda Standard defines the electrical
is used when determining the permeability
characteristics with which flasher units for motor
characteristics of hoses with an unpricked cover,
vehicles shall comply when submitted for acceptance.
when the gas usually issues from the textile
reinforcement at the cut ends. The permeability is
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
calculated with respect to the length of the hose; and
Method 3: For determining precisely the permeability STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
of a hose or hose assembly to the test gas. The
permeability is calculated with respect to the surface 1522. US ISO 4209-2:2012, Truck and

area of the hose lining. The methods are applicable bus tyres and rims (metric series) —

only to gases which are insoluble in water. Part 2: Rims

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. This Uganda Standard specifies the designations,
contours and dimensions of drop-centre (one-piece)
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 rims for use on trucks and buses.

1520. US ISO 4081:2010, Rubber hoses This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
and tubing for cooling systems for

285 | P a g e
1523. US ISO 4210-1:2014, Cycles — STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
Safety requirements for bicycles —
1526. US ISO 4210-4:2014, Cycles —
Part 1: Terms and definitions
Safety requirements for bicycles —
This Uganda Standard specifies terms and definitions Part 4: Braking test methods
related to safety and performance requirements for
This Uganda Standard specifies the braking test
the design, assembly, and testing of bicycles and sub-
methods for US ISO 4210-2.
assemblies. This part of US ISO 4210 does not apply
to specialized types of bicycle such as delivery
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
bicycles, recumbent bicycles, tandems, BMX
bicycles, and bicycles designed and equipped for use STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
in severe applications such as sanctioned competition
events, stunting, or aerobatic manoeuvres. 1527. US ISO 4210-5:2014, Cycles —
Safety requirements for bicycles —
This standard was adopted on 2015-12- Part 5: Steering test methods
30,000 This Uganda Standard specifies the steering test
methods for US ISO 4210-2.
1524. US ISO 4210-2:2014, Cycles —
Safety requirements for bicycles — This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.

Part 2:Requirements for city and

trekking, young adult, mountain and
racing bicycles 1528. US ISO 4210-6:2014, Cycles —
Safety requirements for bicycles —
This Uganda Standard specifies safety and
Part 6: Frame and fork test
performance requirements for the design, assembly,
and testing of bicycles and sub-assemblies.

This Uganda Standard specifies the frame and fork

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
test methods for US ISO 4210-2.


This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.

1525. US ISO 4210-3:2014, Cycles —

Safety requirements for bicycles —
Part 3: Common test methods 1529. US ISO 4210-7:2014 Cycles —
Safety requirements for bicycles —
This Uganda Standard specifies the common test
Part 7: Wheels and rims test
methods for US ISO 4210‑2.

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.

286 | P a g e
This part of ISO 4210 specifies wheel and rim test and finished in the identical manner as the finished
methods for ISO 4210-2. furniture.

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15. This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15


1530. US ISO 4210-8:2014, Cycles — 1533. US ISO 4211-2:2013, Furniture

Safety requirements for bicycles — — Tests for surface finishes — Part 2:
Part 8: Pedal and drive system Assessment of resistance to wet heat
test methods
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This Uganda Standard specifies pedal and drive assessment of the resistance to wet heat of all rigid
system test methods for US ISO 4210-2. furniture surfaces regardless of materials. It does not
apply to leather and textile surfaces. The test is
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15. intended to be carried out on a part of the finished
furniture, but can be carried out on test panels of the
same material, finished in an identical manner to the
1531. US ISO 4210-9:2014, Cycles — finished product and of a size sufficient to meet the
Safety requirements for bicycles — requirements of the test. The test is carried out on
Part 9: Saddles and seat-post unused surfaces.
test methods
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
This Uganda Standard specifies saddle and seat-post
test methods for US ISO 4210-2.

1534. US ISO 4211-3:2013 Furniture —

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
Tests for surface finishes — Part 3:
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 Assessment of resistance to dry heat

1532. US ISO 4211:1979, Furniture — This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
Assessment of surface resistance to cold assessment of the resistance to dry heat of all rigid
liquids furniture surfaces regardless of materials. It does not
apply to leather and textile surfaces. The test is
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of intended to be carried out on a part of the finished
assessment of surface resistance to cold liquids and furniture, but can be carried out on test panels of the
relates to the surface of finished furniture. It can also same material, finished in an identical manner to the
be applied to test panels with a size sufficient to meet finished product and of a size sufficient to meet the
the requirements of the test and of the same material requirements of the test. The test is carried out on
unused surfaces.

287 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 1538. US ISO 4224:2000, Ambient air

— Determination of carbon monoxide
1535. US ISO 4211-4:1988, Furniture
— Non-dispersive infrared
— Tests for surfaces — Part 4:
spectrometric method
Assessment of resistance to impact
This Uganda Standard specifies a non-dispersive
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
infrared spectrometry method for the continuous
assessment resistance to impact of the surfaces of
analysis and recording of the carbon monoxide (CO)
finished furniture. The tests are generally carried out
content of the ambient air. The method is applicable
on panels of a size sufficient meet the requirements
to the determination of carbon monoxide
of the test and of the same material as, and finished 3
concentrations from 0.6 mg/m (0.5 ppm volume
identically to, the finished furniture.
fraction) to 115 mg/m3 (100 ppm volume fraction).
The method has a lower limit of detection of about
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
0.06 mg/m3 (0.05 ppm volume fraction) carbon
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 monoxide in air.

1536. US ISO 4223-1:2002, Definitions This standard was adopted on 2018-3-26

of some terms used in the tyre industry
— Part 1: Pneumatic tyres

1539. US ISO 4249-1:1985, Motorcycle

This Uganda Standard defines a number of
tyres and rims (Code-designated series)
significant terms related to pneumatic tyres used in
— Part 1: Tyres
the tyre industry, together with corresponding codes,
symbols and values.
This Uganda Standard sets out the designation in use
and the dimensions for an inch code designated series
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
of tyres for motorcycles.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-
1537. US ISO 4223-2:1991, Definitions 15STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE:
of some terms used in the tyre industry 40,000
— Part 2: Solid tyres
1540. US ISO 4249-2:1990, Motorcycle
This part of US ISO 4223 presents definitions of tyres and rims (Code-designated series)
some terms relating to solid tyres, as used in the tyre — Part 2: Tyre load ratings

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

288 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the load ratings for 1543. US ISO 4250-2:2014, Earth-
an inch code-designated series of tyres for mover tyres and rims — Part 2: Loads
motorcycles. and inflation pressures

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 This Uganda Standard consists of three parts laying
down the technical designation and dimensions of
tyres and rims for earth-movers; it also gives load
tables for these tyres. This part of US ISO 4250 gives
1541. US ISO 4249-3:2010, Motorcycle
working definitions of masses and load cycles, and
tyres and rims (code-designated series)
specifies tyre loads and reference inflation pressures
— Part 3: Rims
for narrow- and wide-base tyres primarily intended
This Uganda Standard specifies the rim dimensions for earth-mover machines.
for a selection of rims for motorcycle tyres. It
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
stipulates only those rim contour dimensions
necessary for tyre mounting, and for fitting the tyre to
the rim.
1544. US ISO 4250-3:2011, Earth-
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
mover tyres and rims — Part 3: Rims

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard sets out the designation,
contours and dimensions for rims for narrow- and
1542. US ISO 4250-1:2014, Earth-
wide-base off-road tyres primarily intended for earth-
mover tyres and rims — Part 1: Tyre
moving machinery.
designation and dimensions

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard consists of three parts laying
down the technical elements relating to designation
and dimensions of tyres and rims for earth-movers; it
also gives load tables for these tyres. This part of US 1545. US ISO 4251-1:2005: Tyres (ply
ISO 4250 specifies designations and dimensions for rating marked series) and rims for
earth-mover tyres and gives the recommended rims agricultural tractors and machines —
primarily intended for earth-moving machinery as Part 1: Tyre designation and
defined in ISO 6165. dimensions, and approved rim contours

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 This Uganda Standard establishes the designation in
use and the dimensions of the ply rating marked
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 series of tyres for agricultural tractors and machines.
Tyre load ratings, rim dimensions, and tyre
classification and nomenclature are given in US ISO

289 | P a g e
4251-2, US ISO 4251-3 and US ISO 4251-4 1548. US ISO 4251-4:2010, Tyres (ply
respectively. rating marked series) and rims for
agricultural tractors and machines —
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
Part 4: Tyre classification and

This Uganda Standard specifies the classification

1546. US ISO 4251-2:2005, Tyres (ply
codes and nomenclature of the ply rating marked
rating marked series) and rims for
series of tyres for agricultural tractors and machines.
agricultural tractors and machines —
Tyre designation and dimensions, load ratings, and
Part 2: Tyre load ratings
specific log skidder tyres are given in US ISO 4251-
This Uganda Standard specifies load ratings for the 1, US ISO 4251-2 and US ISO 4251-5, respectively.
ply rating marked series of tyres for agricultural
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
tractors and machines. Tyre designation and
dimensions, and approved rim contours, rim
dimensions, and tyre classification and nomenclature
are given in US ISO 4251-1, US ISO 4251-3 and US 1549. US ISO 4251-5:1992, Tyres (ply
ISO 4251-4 respectively. rating marked series) and rims for
agricultural tractors and machines —
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
Part 5: Log skidder tyres

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard sets out the designation,
dimensions, load ratings and rim coordination of ply
1547. US ISO 4251-3:2006, Tyres (ply
rating marked series of log skidder tyres of diagonal
rating marked series) and rims for
construction. Rim dimensions are given in US ISO
agricultural tractors and machines —
Part 3: Rims

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard specifies rim dimensions for
the ply rating marked series of tyres for agricultural
tractors and machines. Tyre designation and
dimensions, load ratings and tyre classification and 1550. US ISO 4427-1:2019, Plastics
nomenclature are given in US ISO 4251-1, US ISO piping systems for water supply and for
4251-2, US ISO 7867-2, US ISO 4251-4, US ISO drainage and sewerage under pressure
7867-1 and ISO 8664. — Polyethylene (PE) — Part 1: General

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 This Uganda Standard specifies the general aspects of
polyethylene (PE) compounds for the manufacture of
pressure pipes and fittings (mains and service pipes)

290 | P a g e
for buried or above ground applications, intended for a) water for human consumption;
b) raw water prior to treatment;
the conveyance of:
c) drainage and sewerage under pressure;
d) vacuum sewer systems;
a) water for human consumption; e) water for other purposes.
b) raw water prior to treatment; Pipes complying with this document are not
c) drainage and sewerage under pressure; intended for the transport of water intended for
d) vacuum sewer systems; human consumption in contaminated soils unless
e) water for other purposes. special consideration has been taken. This
document specifies three types of pipe:
This document also specifies the test parameters and
a) PE pipes (outside diameter dn),
requirements for the test methods referred to in this including any identification stripes;
document. In conjunction with other parts of the US b) PE pipes with co-extruded layers on
either or both the outside and/or inside
ISO 4427 series, this document is applicable to PE of the pipe (total outside diameter dn)
pipes and fittings, their joints and to joints with where all layers have the same MRS
components made of PE and other materials, intended c) PE pipes (outside diameter dn) having a
to be used under the following conditions: peelable and contiguous thermoplastics
additional layer on the outside of the
pipe (“coated pipe”).
a) a maximum allowable operating
pressure (PFA) up to and including 25 This document also specifies the test parameters for
b) an operating temperature of 20 °C as the test methods referred to in this document. In
the reference temperature. conjunction with the other parts of the US ISO 4427

The US ISO 4427 series covers a range of maximum series, this document is applicable to PE pipes, their

allowable operating pressures and gives requirements joints and to joints with components made of PE and

concerning colours. (This standard cancels and other materials, intended to be used under the

replaces US 482-1:2003, High density polyethylene following conditions:

(PE-HD) pipes — Part 1: General quality

a) a maximum allowable operating pressure
requirements). (PFA) up to and including 25 bar;
b) an operating temperature of 20 °C as the
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 reference temperature.

This document covers a range of maximum allowable

operating pressures and gives requirements
1551. US ISO 4427-2:2019, Plastics concerning colours. (This standard cancels and
piping systems for water supply, and replaces US 482-2:2003 High Density Polyethylene
for drainage and sewerage under (PE-HD) pipes — Part 2: Dimensions).
pressure — Polyethylene (PE) — Part
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
2: Pipes
This Uganda Standard specifies the pipes made from
polyethylene (PE) for buried or above ground 1552. US ISO 4427-3:2019, Plastics
applications, intended for the conveyance of: piping systems for water supply, and

291 | P a g e
for drainage and sewerage under 1553. US ISO 4427-5:2019, Plastics
pressure — Polyethylene (PE) — Part piping systems for water supply, and
3: Fittings for drainage and sewerage under
pressure — Polyethylene (PE) — Part
This Uganda Standard specifies the fittings made
5: Fitness for purpose of the system
from polyethylene (PE) for buried or above ground
applications, intended for the conveyance of water for This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
human consumption, raw water prior to treatment, the fitness for purpose of pipes and/or fittings
drainage and sewerage under pressure, vacuum sewer assemblies made from polyethylene (PE) for buried
systems, and water for other purposes. or above ground applications, intended for the
conveyance of water for human consumption, raw
NOTE The intended uses include sea outfalls,
water prior to treatment, drainage and sewerage under
laid in water and connection between pipes
suspended below bridges. pressure, vacuum sewer systems, and water for other

This document also specifies the test parameters for purposes.

the test methods referred to in this document. In

NOTE 1 The intended uses include sea outfalls, laid
conjunction with the other parts of the US ISO 4427
in water and pipes suspended below bridges.
series, this document is applicable to PE fittings, to
joints with components of PE or other materials, NOTE 2 This document is intended to be only used
intended to be used under the following conditions: by the product manufacturer to assess the
performance of components according to US ISO
a) a maximum allowable operating pressure
(PFA) up to and including 25 bar; 4427-2 and/or US ISO 4427-3 when joined together
b) an operating temperature of 20 °C as the under normal and extreme conditions. It is not
reference temperature.
This document covers a range of maximum intended for on-site testing of pipe systems.
allowable operating pressures and gives
requirements concerning colours. This document also specifies the test parameters for
This document is applicable to fittings of the the test methods referred to in this document. In
following types:
conjunction with the other parts of the US ISO 4427
1. fusion fittings;
series, this document is applicable to PE pipes,
a) electrofusion fittings;
b) spigot end fittings (for butt fusion using fittings, their joints and to joints with components of
heated tools and electrofusion socket
PE and other materials, intended to be used under the
c) socket fusion fittings; following conditions:
2. mechanical fittings;
a) compression fittings;
a) a maximum allowable operating
b) flanged fittings;
pressure (PFA) up to and including 25
3. fabricated fittings.
b) an operating temperature of 20 °C as the
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 reference temperature.
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

292 | P a g e
1554. US ISO 4471:1982, Wood — materials with special characteristics, for example
Sampling sample trees and logs for post formability or defined reaction to fire.
determination of physical and
This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04
mechanical properties of wood in
homogeneous stands

This Uganda Standard specifies the method of

1556. US ISO 4586-2: 2004 High-
selecting Sample trees and logs in test areas of
pressure decorative laminates — Sheets
homogeneous stands for determination of physical
made from thermosetting resins —Part
and mechanical properties of wood.
2: Determination of properties

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

This Uganda Standard specifies methods of test for
determination of the properties of high-pressure
decorative laminated sheets. These methods are
US ISO 4570:2002, Tyre valve threads primarily intended for testing the sheets specified in
part 1.
This Uganda Standard specifies limit dimensions and
tolerances for three series of tyre valve threads: This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04

5V1, 5V2, 6V1 and 8V1; STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

9V1, 10V2, 12V1, 13V1; 1557. US ISO 4641:2010, Rubber hoses

and hose assemblies for water suction
8V2, 10V1, 11V1, 13V2, 15V1, 16V1, 17V1, 17V2,
and discharge — Specification
17V3, 19V1 and 20V1.
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
requirements for textile-reinforced, smooth-bore
rubber water-suction and discharge hoses and hose
assemblies. Three types of hoses and hose assemblies
1555. US ISO 4586-1:1997: High- are specified according to their operating duty
pressure laminates — Sheets from requirements, i.e. their ambient and water
thermosetting resins — Part 1: temperature ranges: ambient temperatures: −25 °C to
Classification and specifications +70 °C; and water temperatures during operation: 0
°C to +70 °C.
This Uganda Standard establishes a classification
system for high-pressure decorative laminated sheets This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
according to their performance and main
recommended fields of application, including

293 | P a g e
1558. US ISO 4642-1:2009, Rubber and delivery hoses for fire-fighting purposes intended for
plastics hoses, non-collapsible, for fire- use at a minimum ambient temperature of −20 °C.
fighting service — Part 1: Semi-rigid
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
hoses for fixed systems

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000

test methods for semi-rigid reel hoses for fire-fighting

1560. US ISO 4647:2010, Rubber,
purposes for use with fixed systems. The hoses are
vulcanized — Determination of static
intended for use at a maximum working pressure of
adhesion to textile cord — H-pull test
1,2 MPa for hoses of 19 mm and 25 mm inside
diameter and 0,7 MPa for hoses of 33 mm inside This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
diameter. Hoses conforming to this part of US ISO determination of the static adhesion of textile cord to
4642 are intended for applications where long vulcanized rubber using the H-pull test. It is
intervals can occur between the occasions of use, for applicable to cords made from natural or man-made
example on fixed fire hose reels in buildings and fibres.
other construction works. This part of US ISO 4642
applies exclusively to hoses for fire-fighting purposes This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

intended for use at ambient conditions in non-

aggressive or non-corrosive atmospheres within the
temperature range −20 °C to +60 °C. 1561. US ISO 4671:2007, Rubber and
plastics hoses and hose assemblies —
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
Methods of measurement of the

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 dimensions of hoses and the lengths of

hose assemblies
1559. US ISO 4642-2:2009, Rubber and
plastics hoses, non-collapsible, for fire- This Uganda Standard specifies methods of

fighting service — Part 2: Semi-rigid measuring the inside diameter, outside diameter

hoses (and hose assemblies) for pumps (including diameter over reinforcement of hydraulic

and vehicles hoses), wall thickness, concentricity and lining and

cover thickness of hoses, methods of measurement
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and and identification of the lengths of hoses and hose
test methods for semi-rigid reel hoses for use on fire- assemblies, and a method of verifying the through-
fighting vehicles and trailer pumps. The hoses are bore of hydraulic hose assemblies.
intended for use at a maximum working pressure of
1,5 MPa for normal pressure hoses (category I) and This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

4,0 MPa for high pressure hoses (category II). The

hoses are further subdivided into types and classes
(see Clause 4). This part of US ISO 4642 applies to

294 | P a g e
1562. US ISO 4951-1:2001 High yield steels designated as commercial quality, or drawing
strength steel bars and sections – Part quality. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces
1: General delivery requirements US 649:2006, Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated carbon
steel sheet of structural quality, which has been
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
technically revised and republished on).
the general delivery conditions of hot rolled bars and
sections, in high yield strength steels for use in This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
bolted, riveted or welded structures.
This standard was adopted on 2001-11-21
1565. US ISO 5019-1:1984, Refractory
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 bricks — Dimensions — Part 1:
Rectangular bricks
1563. US ISO 4951-2:2001 High yield
strength steel bars and sections – Part This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions of
2: Delivery conditions for normalized, two series of rectangular refractory bricks. These two
normalized rolled and as rolled steels series of bricks may be used in conjunction with the
series of arch bricks whose dimensions are specified
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
in US ISO 5019-2.
hot rolled bars and sections of diameter or thickness ≤
150 mm in high yield strength steels in the This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
normalized, normalized rolled or as rolled delivery
conditions for use in bolted, riveted or welded STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

1566. US ISO 5019-2: 1984, Refractory
bricks — Dimensions — Part 2: Arch
This standard was adopted on 2001-11-21
This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions of
1564. US ISO 4998:2011, Continuous two series of refractory arch bricks, each with a
hot-dip zinc-coated carbon steel sheet of constant median dimension and one series of
structural quality refractory arch bricks with a constant backface
dimension. These series of bricks may be used in
This Uganda Standard applies to continuous hot-dip
conjunction with the two series of rectangular bricks
zinc- and zinc-iron-alloy-coated carbon steel sheet of
whose dimensions are specified in US ISO 5019-1.
structural quality. The product is intended for
applications where resistance to corrosion is of prime This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
importance. The steel sheet is produced in a number
of grades, coating mass, ordering conditions and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

surface treatments. This standard does not cover

295 | P a g e
1567. US ISO 5019-3:1984, Refractory bricks for oxygen steel-making
bricks — Dimensions — Part 3: converters
Rectangular checker bricks for
This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions of
regenerative furnaces
basic refractory bricks for use in oxygen steel-making
This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions of converters.
rectangular checker bricks for regenerative furnaces.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
1571. US ISO 5049-1:1994, Mobile
1568. US ISO 5019-4:1988, Refractory equipment for continuous handling of
bricks — Dimensions — Part 4: Dome bulk materials — Part 1: Rules for the
bricks for electric arc furnace roofs design of steel structures

This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions of This Uganda Standard establishes rules for
refractory bricks for use in the domes of electric arc determining the loads, types and combinations of
furnace roofs. The dimensions of special bricks also loads (main, additional and special loads) which must
used for the construction of these furnaces are given be taken into account when designing steel structures
for informationly. for mobile continuous bulk handling equipment. This
part of US ISO 5049 is applicable to rail-mounted
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
mobile equipment for continuous handling of bulk

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.

1569. US ISO 5019-5:1984, Refractory
bricks — Dimensions — Part 5:
1572. ISO 5320:1980, Solid wood
This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions of
parquet — Classification of fir and
two skewbacks, one for use with bricks of a course
spruce strips
height 64 mm and one for use with bricks of a course
height 76 mm. This Uganda Standard establishes the classification,
by quality, of non-assembled solid fir and spruce
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
parquet strips.


This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

1570. US ISO 5019-6:2005, Refractory

bricks — Dimensions — Part 6: Basic

296 | P a g e
1573. US ISO 5323:1984, Solid wood 1576. US ISO 5151:1994, Non-ducted
parquet and raw parquet blocks – air conditioners and heat pumps —
Vocabulary Testing and rating for performance

This Uganda Standard establishes terms and This Uganda Standard specifies the standard
definitions for the purpose of expressing as correctly conditions on which the ratings of single-package and
as possible concepts relating to wood parquet split-system non-ducted air conditioners employing
flooring and to raw parquet blocks. The terms and air and water cooled condensers and heat. Pumps
definitions given in this standard are not restrictive. employing air-cooled condensers are based and the
test methods to be applied for determination of the
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
various ratings. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption
of the International Standard ISO 5151:1994).

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

1574. US ISO 5333:1978, Coniferous
wood raw parquet blocks —
Classification of fir and spruce parquet
blocks 1577. US ISO 5171:2009, Gas welding
equipment — Pressure gauges used in
This Uganda Standard establishes the classification,
welding, cutting and allied processes
quality, of raw parquet blocks of: - fir (Abies SP.), -
spruce (Picea sp.), intended for the manufacture of This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
strips for different types of parquet floorings. Bourdon-tube pressure gauges normally used with
compressed gas systems at pressures up to 30 MPa
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 (300 bar) in welding, cutting and allied processes. It
also covers use for dissolved acetylene and for
liquefied gases under pressure. It does not cover
1575. US ISO 5417:1986, Refractory gauges for acetylene in acetylene-manufacturing
bricks for use in rotary kilns — plants.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This Uganda Standard specifies a range of
dimensions of basic, fireclay and high alumina
refractory bricks for use in rotary kilns. It does not
1578. US ISO 5172:2006, Gas welding
apply to special closure bricks for use in completing
equipment — Blowpipes for gas
welding, heating and cutting —
Specifications and tests
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31


297 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies specifications and ancillary equipment which are used for carrying
tests for blowpipes for gas welding, heating and current and transmitting force to the work.
cutting of metals. It applies to manual blowpipes for
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
welding and heating with a nominal thermal power
up to 32 000 kcal/h, and manual and machine cutting
blowpipes with a cutting range up to 300 mm. This
standard does not apply to air-aspirated blowpipes 1581. US ISO 5183-1:1998, Resistance
which are covered in US ISO 9012. welding equipment — Electrode
adaptors, male taper 1:10 — Part 1:
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
Conical fixing, taper 1:10


This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions and
tolerances of resistance spot welding electrode
1579. US ISO 5175:1987, Equipment
adaptors where the fixing element for the cap is a
used in gas welding, cutting and allied
male taper of 1:10 and for which the electrode taper
processes — Safety devices for fuel
fits in conformance with US ISO 1089.
gases and oxygen or compressed air —
General specifications, requirements
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
and tests
This Uganda Standard lays down the general
specifications, requirements and tests of safety 1582. US ISO 5183-2:2000, Resistance
devices for fuel gases and oxygen or compressed air welding equipment — Electrode
used downstream of cylinder or pipeline outlet adaptors, male taper 1:10 — Part 2:
regulators and of pipeline outlet valves, and upstream Parallel shank fixing for end-thrust
of blowpipes for welding, cutting and allied electrodes
processes. It does not specify location and
combination of these devices in the gas system. This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions and
tolerances of resistance spot welding electrode
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 adaptors where the fixing element for the cap is a
male taper of 1:10 and a parallel shaft is used to fix
the adaptor to the electrode holder in accordance with
US ISO 8430-3.
1580. US ISO 5182:2008, Resistance
welding — Materials for electrodes and
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
ancillary equipment
This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
materials for resistance welding electrodes and

298 | P a g e
1583. US ISO 5359:2008, Low-pressure is applicable to motorcycle tyres with a reduced
hose assemblies for use with medical height/width ratio (100 and lower) that can be fitted
gases on cylindrical bead-seat or 5° tapered bead-seat rims.
It is also applicable to other concepts of tyre and rim,
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
provided the appropriate rim/section ratios and
low-pressure hose assemblies intended for use with
coefficients are established for them.
the following medical gases: oxygen; nitrous oxide;
medical air; helium; carbon dioxide; xenon; This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
specified mixtures of the gases listed above; oxygen-
enriched air; air for driving surgical tools; nitrogen STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

for driving surgical tools; vacuum. It is intended in

1585. US ISO 5751-2:2010, Motorcycle
particular to ensure gas-specificity and to prevent
tyres and rims (metric series) — Part 2:
cross-connection between systems conveying
Tyre dimensions and load-carrying
different gases. These hose assemblies are intended
for use at maximum operating pressures of less than 1
400 kPa. This standard specifies the allocation of This Uganda Standard specifies the tyre size
(NIST), (DISS), (SIS) connectors to medical gases designation, dimensions and load-carrying capacities
and specifies the dimensions of non-interchangeable of metric series motorcycle tyres. It is applicable to
screw-threaded (NIST) connectors. This standard such tyres with a height-to-width ratio of 100 % and
does not specify: below.

requirements for coaxial hoses used for the supply This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
and disposal of air for driving surgical tools; and
requirements for electrical conductivity.
1586. US ISO 5751-3:2010, Motorcycle
This standard does not specify the intended uses of tyres and rims (metric series) — Part 3:
hose assemblies. Range of approved rim contours

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 This Uganda Standard specifies the approved rim
contours for motorcycle rims on which metric series
motorcycle tyres are mounted.

1584. US ISO 5751-1:2010, Motorcycle

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
tyres and rims (metric series) — Part 1:
Design guides STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for the design 1587. US ISO 5771:2008, Rubber hoses
of, and specifies the designation and calculation of and hose assemblies for transferring
the dimensions for metric series motorcycle tyres. It anhydrous ammonia — Specification

299 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum reinforced, for compressed-air applications in the
requirements for rubber hoses used for transferring temperature range from − 10 °C to + 60 °C. The four
ammonia, in liquid or in gaseous form, at ambient types are classified as light service for a maximum
temperatures from −40 °C up to and including +55 working pressure of 7 bar at 23 °C and 4,5 bar at 60
°C. It does not include specifications for end fittings, °C, medium service for a maximum working pressure
but is limited to the performance of the hoses and of 10 bar at 23 °C and 6,5 bar at 60 °C, heavy service
hose assemblies. for a maximum working pressure of 16 bar at 23 °C
and 11 bar at 60 °C, and heavy service for use in
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
mining for a maximum working pressure of 25 bar at
23 °C and 13 bar at 60 °C.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

1588. US ISO 5772:1998, Rubber hoses
and hose assemblies for measured fuel
dispensing — Specification
1590. US ISO 5775-1:2014, Bicycle
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
tyres and rims — Part 1: Tyre
three types of rubber hose and hose assembly used
designations and dimensions (Second
for measured fuel dispensing, including oxygenated
fuels (up to a maximum of 15 % oxygenated
compounds). The three types of hose are as follows: This Uganda Standard specifies the designations and
type 1: hoses with textile reinforcement suitable for dimensions for the following pneumatic bicycle tyres:
reeling on a drum or hanging in bends;type 2: hoses
“wired edge” tyres mounted on straight side or
with textile and helical wire reinforcement designed
crotchet type rims;
for torsional flexibility, suitable for coiling, reeling
on a drum or hanging in bends; andtype 3: hoses with
“beaded edge” tyres mounted on hooked bead rims.
fine wire reinforcement designed for low dilation,
suitable for reeling on a drum or hanging in bends. Tubular sew-up tyres and non-pneumatic tyres are
not covered by this part of US ISO 5775. (This
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
standard cancels and replaces US ISO 5775-1:1997,
Bicycle tyres and rims — Part 1: Tyre designations
and dimensions, which has been technically revised).
1589. US ISO 5774:2006 Plastics hoses
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
— Textile-reinforced types for
compressed-air applications —
1591. US ISO 5775-2:1996, Bicycle
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
tyres and rims — Part 2: Rims
four types of flexible thermoplastic hose, textile

300 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies rim dimensions for STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
bicycle tyres: it gives only those rim contour
dimensions necessary for tyre mounting and to fit the 1594. US ISO 5826:2014, Resistance
welding equipment — Transformers —
tyre on the rim. US ISO 5775-1 covers designations
General specifications applicable to all
and dimensions for tyres. US ISO 5775 covers
straight side (SS) rims, hooked bead (HB) rims and
crotchet type (C) rims.
This Uganda Standard gives specifications applicable
to the following types of transformers for use in
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
resistance welding equipment:single-phase
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 transformers for a.c. welding, typically operating at
50 Hz or 60 Hz;single-phase transformers with
1592. US ISO 5794-3:2011, Rubber connected rectifier for d.c. welding, typically
compounding ingredients — Silica, operating at 50 Hz or 60 Hz;single-phase inverter
precipitated, hydrated — Part 3:
transformers with connected rectifier for d.c.
Evaluation procedures in a blend of
welding, typically operating at 400 Hz to 2 kHz;
solution styrene-butadiene rubber (S- andthree-phase transformers with connected rectifier
SBR) and butadiene rubber (BR) for d.c. welding, typically operating at 50 Hz or 60
Hz.For the purposes of this standard, the term
This Uganda Standard specifies the test formulation,
transformer can refer to the transformer alone or with
equipment, procedure and test methods for
connected rectifier (transformer-rectifier unit). This
determining the physical properties of precipitated
standard applies to transformers built to protection
hydrated silica in a compound based on a blend of
class I or II according to IEC 61140.
solution styrene butadiene and butadiene rubber. The
formulation can be regarded as a model compound
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
for silica-based passenger car tyre treads.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
1595. US ISO 5828:2001, Resistance
welding equipment — Secondary
connecting cables with terminals
1593. US ISO 5822:1988, Spot welding
connected to water-cooled lugs —
equipment — Taper plug gauges and
Dimensions and characteristics
taper ring gauges

This Uganda Standard specifies dimensions and

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
characteristics of secondary connecting cables which
taper plug and ring gauges used for the checking of
are aircooled over their length and with terminals
type A, B and C tapers according to US ISO 1089.
connected to water-cooled lugs. The secondary
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 connecting cables are used for connection between

301 | P a g e
the secondary terminals of a welding transformer and lapping and disc wheels, ball wheels or glass grinding
the electrode holders. wheels.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.


1596. US ISO 6134:2005, Rubber hoses 1598. US ISO 6224:2011

and hose assemblies for saturated steam Thermoplastics hoses, textile-
— Specification reinforced, for general-purpose water
applications — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for two
types of hoses and hose assemblies, low pressure This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
with a maximum working pressure of 6 bar and high general-purpose textile-reinforced thermoplastics
pressure with a maximum working pressure of 18 water-discharge hoses. Three types of hose are
bar, made of rubber and hose fittings made of metal, specified according to their operating duty
designed to convey saturated steam and hot water requirements, i.e. their ambient and water
condensate. temperature ranges: ambient temperatures: −10 °C to
+60 °C; andwater temperature during operation: 0 °C
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 to +60 °C.


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

1597. US ISO 6103:2014, Bonded

abrasive products — Permissible
unbalances of grinding wheels as 1599. US ISO 6361-1:2011, Wrought
delivered — Static testing aluminium and aluminium alloys —
Sheets, strips and plates — Part 1:
This Uganda Standard specifies the maximum
Technical conditions for inspection and
permissible values of unbalances for bonded abrasive
wheels with an outside diameter D ≥ 125 mm and
maximum operating speed vs ≥ 16 m/s, in the as- This Uganda Standard specifies the technical
delivered condition. It also specifies the method for conditions for inspection and delivery of wrought
measuring the unbalance and the practical method for aluminium and aluminium alloy sheets, strips and
testing whether a grinding wheel is acceptable or not. plates for general engineering applications. It applies
This standard is applicable to bonded abrasive wheels to flat-rolled products with a thickness over 0.15 mm
in the as-delivered condition. This standard is not up to and including 400 mm. (This Uganda Standard
applicable to diamond, cubic boron nitride or natural cancels and replaces US 328-1:2001/EAS 202-1/ISO
stone grinding wheels, or centreless control wheels, 6361-1, Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy
sheets, strips and plates — Part 1: Technical

302 | P a g e
conditions for inspection and delivery, which has those that are corrugated or embossed. (This Uganda
been technically revised). Standard cancels and replaces US 328-3:2001/EAS
202-3/ISO 6361-3, Wrought aluminium and
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
aluminium alloy sheets, strips and plates — Part 3:
Strips — Tolerances on shape and dimensions, which
has been technically revised).
1600. US ISO 6361-2:2014, Wrought
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
aluminium and aluminium alloys —
Sheets, strips and plates — Part 2:
Mechanical properties
1602. US ISO 6361-4:2014, Wrought
This Uganda Standard specifies the mechanical
aluminium and aluminium alloys —
properties of wrought aluminium and aluminium
Sheets, strips and plates — Part 4:
alloy sheets, strips, and plates for general engineering
Sheets and plates: Tolerances on shape
applications. It applies to flat-rolled products. (This
and dimensions
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 328-
2:2001/EAS 202-2/ISO 6361-2, Wrought aluminium This Uganda Standard specifies the tolerances on
and aluminium alloy sheets, strips and plates — Part shape and dimensions for wrought aluminium and
2: Mechanical properties, which has been technically aluminium alloy sheet and plate by hot-rolling or
revised). cold-rolling for general engineering applications. It
applies to products with a thickness over 0,15 mm up
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. to and including 203 mm. It does not apply to semi-
finished rolled products in coiled form to be
subjected to further rolling (reroll stock) or to special
1601. US ISO 6361-3:2014, Wrought products, such as those that are corrugated or
aluminium and aluminium alloys — embossed. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
Sheets, strips and plates — Part 3: replaces US 328-4:2001/EAS 202-4/ISO 6361-4,
Strips: Tolerances on shape and Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy sheets,
dimensions strips and plates — Part 4: Sheets and plates —
Tolerances on shape and dimensions, which has been
This Uganda Standard specifies the tolerances on technically revised).
shape and dimensions for wrought aluminium and
aluminium alloy strip by cold-rolling for general This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
engineering applications. It applies to products with
thickness of over 0.15 mm up to, and including 16
mm. It does not apply to semi-finished rolled
1603. US ISO 6361-5:2011, Wrought
products in coiled form to be subjected to further
aluminium and aluminium alloys —
rolling (reroll stock), or to special products such as

303 | P a g e
Sheets, strips and plates — Part 5: 1606. US ISO 6362-3:2012, Wrought
Chemical composition aluminium and aluminium alloys —
Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles
This Uganda Standard specifies the chemical
— Part 3: Extruded rectangular bars
composition of wrought aluminium and aluminium
— Tolerances on shape and dimensions
This Uganda Standard specifies the tolerances on
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. dimensions and shape of wrought aluminium and
aluminium alloy extruded rectangular bars, having
thicknesses in the range from 2 mm up to 240 mm
1604. US ISO 6362-1:2012, Wrought and widths in the range from 10 mm up to 600 mm. It
aluminium and aluminium alloys — applies to extruded rectangular bars.
Extruded rods/ bars, tubes and profiles
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
— Part 1: Technical conditions for
inspection and delivery

This Uganda Standard specifies the technical

1607. US ISO 6362-4:2012, Wrought
conditions for inspection and delivery of wrought
aluminium and aluminium alloys —
aluminium and aluminium alloy rods/bars, tubes and
Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles
profiles for general engineering applications.
— Part 4: Profiles — Tolerances on
shape and dimensions
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

This Uganda Standard specifies the tolerances on

dimensions and shape of wrought aluminium and
1605. US ISO 6362-2:2014, Wrought aluminium alloy extruded profiles with a cross-
aluminium and aluminium alloys — section contained within a circumscribing circle not
Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles greater than 800 mm. This part of US ISO 6362
— Part 2: Mechanical properties applies to extruded profiles for general engineering
applications only.
This Uganda Standard specifies the mechanical
properties of wrought aluminium and aluminium This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
alloy extruded rods/bars, tubes, and profiles for
general engineering applications. It applies to
extruded products.
1608. US ISO 6362-5:2012, Wrought
aluminium and aluminium alloys —
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 — Part 5: Round, square and

304 | P a g e
hexagonal bars — Tolerances on shape 1610. US ISO 6362-7:2012, Wrought
and dimensions aluminium and aluminium alloys —
Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles
This Uganda Standard specifies the tolerances on
— Part 7: Chemical composition
dimensions and shape of the following:
This Uganda Standard specifies the chemical
wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded
composition of wrought aluminium and aluminium
round bars, having diameters in the range from 8 mm
up to 350 mm;
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded
square and hexagonal bars, having widths across flats STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
in the range from 10 mm up to 220 mm.
1611. US ISO 6425:1996, Divers’
It applies to extruded round, square and hexagonal watches
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. methods for divers’ watches and for divers’ watches
for use in deep diving.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
1609. US ISO 6362-6:2012, Wrought
aluminium and aluminium alloys — STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 45,000
Extruded rods/bars, tubes and profiles
1612. US ISO 6443: 2005, Door leaves
— Part 6: Round, square, rectangular
— Method for measurement of height,
and hexagonal tubes — Tolerances on
width, thickness, and squareness
shape and dimensions

This Uganda Standard specifies the method to be

This Uganda Standard specifies the tolerances on
used to measure the dimensions of height, width and
dimensions and shape of wrought aluminium and
thickness, and defects of squareness of door leaves. It
aluminium alloy extruded round bars having
applies to all rectangular door leaves and the
diameters in the range from 8 mm up to 350 mm; and
measurable parameters of doors of other shapes.
square and hexagonal bars having widths across flats
in the range from 10 mm up to 220 mm. It applies to
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18
extruded round, square and hexagonal bars.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
1613. US ISO 6444: 2005, Door leaves
— Determination of the behavior under

305 | P a g e
humidity variations in successive This Uganda Standard specifies the method for
uniform climates. Rockwell regular and Rockwell superficial hardness
tests for scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, 15N, 30N,
This Uganda Standard describes the method which is
45N, 15T, 30T, and 45T for metallic materials and is
to be used to test the behaviour under humidity
applicable to stationary and portable hardness testing
variations of door leaves placed in successive
machines. For specific materials and/or products,
uniform climates. This standard can be applied to all
other specific standards apply.
door leaves, (e.g. solid doors, hollow core doors,
panelled doors and glazed doors), which are This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
nominally flat and rigid, and which contain
hygroscopic materials that might influence their
behaviour during this test.
1616. US ISO 6605:2002, Hydraulic
fluid power — Hoses and hose
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18
assemblies — Test methods
This Uganda Standard specifies uniform test methods
1614. US ISO 6460-2:2014, Motorcycles for evaluating the performance of hoses and hose
— Measurement method for gaseous assemblies (hoses and attached hose fittings) used in
exhaust emissions and fuel hydraulic fluid power systems. Specific tests and
consumption — Part 2: Test cycles and performance criteria for evaluating hoses and hose
specific test conditions assemblies used in hydraulic applications are in
accordance with the requirements of the respective
This Uganda Standard defines test cycles for
product (hoses or hose fitting) specifications.
measurement for the gaseous exhaust emissions from
motorcycles, as well as for determining the fuel This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
consumption of motorcycles as defined in ISO 3833,
equipped with a spark ignition engine (four-stroke
engine, two-stroke engine, or rotary piston engine) or
1617. US ISO 6698:1989, Cycles —
a compression ignition engine.
Screw threads used to assemble
freewheels on bicycle hubs
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard specifies the thread profile and

limits and tolerances for the screw threads used to
1615. US ISO 6508-1:2016, Metallic assemble freewheels on bicycle hubs. It is based on
materials — Rockwell hardness test — the use of the ISO basic thread profile given in ISO
Part 1: Test method 68; satisfactory interchangeability with the
corresponding British Standard Cycle (B.S.C.)
thread; this has required the use of an inch pitch

306 | P a g e
(t.p.i.);the use of screw thread tolerance grades and This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
tolerance positions given in ISO 965-l1; andthe use of
gauges made to ISO 1502. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

1620. US ISO 6742-2:2015, Cycles —

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
Lighting and retroreflective devices —
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 Part 2: Retroreflective devices

1618. US ISO 6699:1990, Cycles — This Uganda Standard is applicable to retro-reflective

Stern and handlebar bend — Assembly devices used on cycles intended to be used on public
dimensions roads and, especially, bicycles complying with US
ISO 4210 and US ISO 8098. This part of US ISO
This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions and
6742 specifies photometric and physical requirements
tolerances to ensure secure assembly between the
of retro-reflective devices.
stem and the handlebar bend of a bicycle. It applies to
bicycles intended for use on public roads, and on This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
which the saddle can be adjusted to provide a saddle
height of 635 mm or more. It does not apply to STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

specialized types of bicycle such as tradesmen’s

1621. US ISO 6742-3:2015, Cycles —
delivery bicycles, tandems, toy bicycles and bicycles
Lighting and retroreflective devices —
designed and equipped for use in sanctioned
Part 3: Installation and use of lighting
competitive events.
and retro-reflective devices

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This Uganda Standard is applicable to lighting and
retro-reflective devices used on cycles intended to be
used on public roads and, especially, bicycles
1619. US ISO 6742-1:2015, Cycles — complying with US ISO 4210 and US ISO 8098. This
Lighting and retroreflective devices — part of US ISO 6742 specifies the safety requirements
Part 1: Lighting and light and test methods of lighting and retro-reflective
signalling devices devices for fastening devices, control, (guidelines for
maintenance), instructions for mounting and use.
This Uganda Standard is applicable to lighting
devices used on cycles intended to be used on public This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
roads and, especially, bicycles complying with US
ISO 4210 and US ISO 8098. This part of US ISO
6742 specifies the functions, safety requirements,
1622. US ISO 6742-4:2015, Cycles —
photometric performance and test methods of lighting
Lighting and retroreflective devices —
and signalling devices that can be used on cycles.

307 | P a g e
Part 4: Lighting systems 1624. .US ISO 6801:1983, Rubber or
powered by the cycle’s movement plastics hoses — Determination of
volumetric expansion
This Uganda Standard is applicable to lighting
systems used on cycles intended to be used on public This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
roads and, especially, bicycles complying with US determination of the volumetric expansion of rubber
ISO 4210 and US ISO 8098. This part of US or plastics hoses under hydrostatic pressure. This
ISO 6742 specifies requirements and test methods for standard does not specify the dimensions of the test
the performance of lighting systems powered by the piece and the test pressures) as each of which will be
cycle’s movement. It applies to light devices specified in the appropriate specification.
complying with US ISO 6742-1. Lighting systems
include lighting devices and power supplied by This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

cycle's movement such as generator.


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

1625. US ISO 6802:2005, Rubber and
plastics hoses and hose assemblies with
wire reinforcements — Hydraulic
1623. US ISO 6742-5:2015, Cycles — impulse test with flexing
Lighting and retroreflective devices —
This Uganda Standard describes a pressure impulse
Part 5: Lighting systems not
test with flexing for wire-reinforced rubber and
powered by the cycle’s movement
plastics hydraulic hoses and hose assemblies. The test
This Uganda Standard is applicable to lighting is applicable to high-pressure hydraulic hoses and
systems used on cycles intended to be used on public hose assemblies, which are subject to pulsating
roads and, especially, bicycles complying with US pressure in service. This International Standard
ISO 4210 and US ISO 8098. This part of US ISO describes two methods of flexing the hose or hose
6742 specifies requirements and test methods for the assembly. The actual pressure impulse test is
performance of lighting systems not powered by the described in US ISO 6803.
cycle’s movement. It applies to light devices
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
complying with ISO 6742-1. Lighting systems
include lighting devices and power not supplied by
cycle’s movement such as battery.
1626. US ISO 6803:2008 Rubber or
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
plastics hoses and hose assemblies —
Hydraulic pressure impulse test without

308 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard describes hose impulse testing, This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
without flexing, of rubber or plastics hydraulic hose textile- and steel-reinforced rubber hoses and hose
assemblies at both high and low impulse pressures. assemblies for use with water-based and/or oil-based
The high-pressure testing is carried out at pressures muds, up to a maximum temperature of 82 °C, which
greater than 3 MPa and the low-pressure testing at are pumped at high pressure in large volumes in
pressures from 1,5 MPa to 3 MPa . The test rotary drilling service and which, when tested in
procedure is applicable to hydraulic hose assemblies accordance with ISO 2977, have a minimum aniline
that are subject to pulsating pressures in service point of 66 °C. This standard applies to hoses which
which are included in the product requirements. are suitable for use at ambient temperatures between
− 20 °C and + 52 °C, unless changed by a
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 supplementary requirement on request of the
purchaser, and are resistant to ageing and tropical
conditions. This standard does not apply to hoses
1627. US ISO 6804:2009, Rubber and which are intended for use with gases.
plastics inlet hoses and hose assemblies
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
for washing-machines and dishwashers
— Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for

1629. US ISO 6814:2009, Machinery
three types of rubber or plastics inlet hoses and hose
for forestry — Mobile and self-
assemblies for washing-machines and dishwashers
propelled machinery— Terms,
connected to the domestic water supply at a pressure
definitions and classification
not exceeding 1 MPa (10 bar).It is applicable to the
following types of hose:Type 1: rubber hoses for This Uganda Standard defines terms corresponding
unheated water supply (maximum temperature 70 to, and gives guidance for the classification of mobile
°C).Type 2: rubber hoses for heated water supply and self-propelled machinery used in forestry and
(maximum temperature 90 °C).Type 3: plastics hoses related operations. Both the definitions and the
for unheated water supply (maximum temperature 60 classification have been determined according to the
°C). end use of the machines as intended by the
manufacturer. The terms and definitions do not cover
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 all possible forestry and related operations or
machinery, nor do they describe specific machines,
but are given as an aid to nomenclature. This standard
1628. US ISO 6807:2003, Rubber hoses is applicable to machines designed for use in forestry
and hose assemblies for rotary drilling for site preparation, planting, harvesting, processing,
and vibration applications — and the transport of wood and wood fibre. It is not
Specification applicable to machines designed to be used

309 | P a g e
exclusively in sawmills or wood yards, to on- This Uganda Standard specifies the principal
highway transport vehicles, or to aerial vehicles. requirements intended to ensure the safety, reliability
and performance of portable fire extinguishers. It is
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
applicable to a fully charged extinguisher having a
maximum mass of 20 kg. Subject to local acceptance,
application to extinguishers having a total mass of up
1630. US ISO 6892-1:2016, Metallic to 25 kg when fully charged is permitted.
materials — Tensile testing — Part 1:
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22.
Method of test at room temperature


This Uganda Standard specifies the method for
tensile testing of metallic materials and defines the
1633. US ISO 7170:2005, Furniture —
mechanical properties which can be determined at
Storage units — Determination of
room temperature. (This Uganda Standard cancels
strength and durability
and replaces US 266:2000/EAS 189 Steel — Tensile
testing (metallic materials- tensile testing at ambient This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
temperatures, which is been reissued). determining the strength and durability of storage
units that are fully assembled and ready for use,
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12. including their movable and non-movable parts.


This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

1631. US ISO 6929:2013, Steel products

— Vocabulary
1634. US ISO 7171:1988, Furniture —
This Uganda Standard defines terms for steel
Storage units — Determination of
products according to their

stage of manufacture,
This Uganda Standard describes methods for
determining the stability of free-standing storage
shape and dimensions, and
furniture, including cupboards, cabinets and
appearance. bookshelves that are fully assembled and ready for
use. The tests are not applicable to wall-mounted or
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15. other vise built-in units.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

1632. US ISO 7165:2009 Firefighting STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

— Portable fire extinguishers —
Performance and construction

310 | P a g e
1635. US ISO 7172:1988, Furniture — stools and pouffes. It does not apply to settees and
Tables — Determination of stability other multiple seating, nor to reclining chairs when
they are reclined, chairs with tilting mechanisms
This Uganda Standard describes methods for
when they are tilted, nor to swiveling or rocking
determining the stability of all kinds of tables, except
chairs. The methods are, however, applicable to
tables permanently attached to the structure of the
testing chairs with reclining, tilting and adjustable
building. The test results are only valid for the article
back-angle mechanisms when these are used as
tested. When the test results are intended to be
upright chairs.
applied to other similar articles, the test specimen
should be representative of the production model. In This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
the case of designs not catered for in the test
procedures, the test should be carried out as far as STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

possible as described, and a list made of the

1638. US ISO 7174-2:1992, Furniture
deviations from the test procedure.
— Chairs — Determination of stability
— Part 2: Chairs with tilting or
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
reclining mechanisms when fully
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 reclined, and rocking chairs

1636. US ISO 7173:1989, Furniture — This Uganda Standard describes methods for
Chairs and stools — Determination of determining the rearward stability of chairs with
strength and durability tilting, reclining and adjustable back angle
mechanisms when they are fully tilted or reclined,
This Uganda Standard describes test methods for
and of rocking chairs. Forward and sideward stability
determining the strength and durability of all types of
of these chairs and of upright chairs is determined by
chairs, easy chairs and stools. Additional tests may be
methods described in US ISO 7174-1. This standard
required for certain types of chairs and for chairs for
describes test methods only for the rearward stability
specific fields of use. Such test methods will be
of chairs when fully tilted or reclined, and should not
described in future Ugandan Standards.
be considered as an alternative test for upright chairs.

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15



1637. US ISO 7174-1:1988, Furniture

1639. US ISO 7175-1:1997, Children's
— Chairs — Determination of stability
cots and folding cots for domestic use
— Part 1: Upright chairs and stools
— Part 1: Safety requirements

This Uganda Standard describes methods for

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements relating
determining the stability of all types of upright chairs,
to the safety of children’s cots and folding cots for

311 | P a g e
domestic use. It is applicable to cots and folding cots STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000
with an internal length of between 900 mm and 1 400
mm. It does not cover rocking and swinging cots. 1642. US ISO 7176-2:2001,
Wheelchairs — Part 2: Determination
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 of dynamic stability of electric
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
1640. US ISO 7175-2:1997, Children's determining the dynamic stability of electrically
cots and folding cots for domestic use powered wheelchairs. This part of US ISO 7176 is
— Part 2: Test method applicable to electrically powered wheelchairs
including scooters with a maximum nominal speed
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods that
not exceeding 15 km/h, intended to carry one person.
assess the safety of children’s cots and folding cots
for domestic use. It is applicable to cots and folding
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
cots with an internal length between 900 mm and 1
400 mm that are designed to prevent the child from STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
climbing out. It does not cover rocking and swinging
1643. US ISO 7176-3:2012,
cots. The tests are designed to be applied to a cot that
is fully assembled and ready for use. Wheelchairs —Part 3: Determination of
effectiveness of brakes
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for the
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 measurement of the effectiveness of brakes of manual
wheelchairs and electrically powered wheelchairs,
1641. US ISO 7176-1:2014, including scooters, intended to carry one person, with
Wheelchairs —Part 1:Determination of a maximum speed not exceeding 15 km/h. It also
static stability
specifies disclosure requirements for the
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
determining the static stability of wheelchairs. It is
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
applicable to manual and electrically powered
wheelchairs, including scooters, with a maximum STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
speed not greater than 15 km/h, intended to provide
1644. US ISO 7176-5:2008,
indoor and/or outdoor mobility for one disabled
Wheelchairs — Part 5: Determination
person whose mass is within the range represented by
US ISO 7176-11. of dimensions, mass and
manoeuvring space
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

312 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the specify nominal seating and wheel dimensions for
determination of wheelchair dimensions and mass. wheelchairs.
This includes specific methods for the determination
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
of outside dimensions when the wheelchair is
occupied by a reference occupant and the required
manoeuvring space needed for wheelchair
manoeuvres commonly carried out in daily life. 1647. US ISO 7176-8:2014,
Wheelchairs — Part 8: Requirements
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
and test methods for static,
impact and fatigue strengths

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for

1645. US ISO 7176-6:2001,
static, impact, and fatigue strength of wheelchairs
Wheelchairs —Part 6: Determination of
including scooters. It specifies the test methods for
maximum speed, acceleration and
determining whether the requirements have been met.
deceleration of electric wheelchairs
It also specifies requirements for disclosure of the test
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for results.
determining the maximum speed, acceleration and
deceleration of electrically powered wheelchairs, This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

including scooters, intended to carry one person, with

a maximum nominal speed not exceeding 15 km/h
(4,167m/s). 1648. US ISO 7176-9:2009,
Wheelchairs — Part 9:Climatic tests
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
for electric wheelchairs


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
methods to determine the effects of rain, dust,
1646. US ISO 7176-7:1998,
condensation and the effects of changes of
Wheelchairs — Part 7: Measurement of
temperature on the basic functioning of electrically
seating and wheel dimensions
powered wheelchairs, including scooters, intended to
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for carry one person, with a maximum speed not
measuring the seating and wheel dimensions of exceeding 15 km/h. This part of US ISO 7176 does
wheelchairs. It is applicable to wheelchairs and not include requirements for resistance to corrosion.
vehicles intended to provide indoor and outdoor
mobility at speed up to 15 km/h for people with This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

disabilities whose mass does not exceed 120 kg. It

does not apply to wheelchairs with a seat width of
less than 212 mm. This part of US ISO 7176 does not

313 | P a g e
1649. US ISO 7176-11:2012, wheelchair or provided in the presale specification
Wheelchairs — Part 11:Test dummies sheets by the manufacturer.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for test This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
dummies of any mass greater than or equal to 25 kg,
to be used in the evaluation of wheelchairs. This part STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 70,000

of US ISO 7176 provides formulae that specify the

1652. US 7176-16:2012, Wheelchairs —
location of the overall centre of mass of test
Part 16: Resistance to ignition of
dummies, the masses of the segments that comprise
postural support devices
the test dummies and the locations of pivots that
connect the segments. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
methods to assess the resistance to ignition by match
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
flame equivalent of all postural support devices that
are supplied to be part of a wheelchair or its seating
1650. US IS0 7176-13:1989,
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
Wheelchairs — Part 13: Determination
of coefficient of friction of test
1653. US 7176-19, 2008, Wheelchairs
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for
— Part 19: Wheeled mobility devices
determining the coefficient of friction of a test
for use as seats in motor vehicles
surface that has a rough texture, such as unfinished
concrete. In the event that the test method is used for This Uganda Standard applies to all manual and
smooth or polished surfaces, care should be exercised powered wheelchairs, including scooters, which, in
that the coefficient of friction is measured as being addition to their primary function as wheeled
constant over the whole area of the test surface. mobility devices, are also likely to be used as
forward-facing seats in motor vehicles by children
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
and adults with a body mass equal to or greater than
22 kg.

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

1651. US ISO 7176-15:1996,
Wheelchairs — Part 15: Requirements
for information disclosure,
documentation and labelling 1654. US 7176-22:2014, Wheelchairs —
Part 22: Set-up procedures
This Uganda Standard specifies the information,
documentation and labelling to be supplied with a

314 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a set-up procedure to This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
be used as a part of the preparation of adjustable
wheelchairs for testing. This procedure takes the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 100,000

manufacturer’s instructions into account. This part of

1657. US ISO 7212:1986, Enclosures
US ISO 7176 is applicable to manual wheelchairs and
for protection against ionizing radiation
electric wheelchairs (including scooters) intended to
— Lead shielding units for 50 mm and
provide indoor and/or outdoor mobility.
100 mm thick walls

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard specifies the properties of the
various lead units used in the construction of shielded
enclosures for protection against ionizing radiation.
1655. US 7176-26:2007, Wheelchairs — The units dealt with are basic units: bricks, posts;
Part 26: Vocabulary functional units: aperture bricks, windows, sphere
units, plugs and reducing units. Only one and two
This Uganda Standard specifies a vocabulary
chevron bricks are standardized in this standard. The
consisting of terms and definitions used in the field of
50 mm and 100 mm shielding units are dealt with
manual and electrically powered wheelchairs
separately in order to simplify general reference.
(including scooters) and associated seating systems.
This part of US ISO 7176 includes, but is not limited This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
to, the preferred terms used in two or more ISO
standards of the ISO 7176, ISO 10542, and ISO STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

16840 series, but does not include terms considered

1658. US ISO 7233:2006, Rubber and
to be adequately defined in everyday English.
plastics hoses and hose assemblies —
Determination of resistance to vacuum
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard specifies three methods for

determining the resistance to vacuum of hoses and
1656. US 7176-28:2012, Wheelchairs — hose assemblies manufactured from plastic or rubber.
Part 28: Requirements and test Applicable dimensions of hoses for each method are
methods for stairclimbing devices as follows:method A — for hoses of nominal bore up
to and including 80 mm;method B — for hoses of
This Uganda Standard is applicable to stair-climbing
nominal bore greater than 80 mm; andmethod C —
chairs and stair-climbing wheelchair carriers where
for hoses of all dimensions.
the stair-climbing device climbs backwards up the
stairs, with the occupant facing downstairs, and This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
climbs forwards down the stairs with the occupant
also facing downstairs.

315 | P a g e
1659. US ISO 7240-1:2005, Fire the application of specific requirements, tests and
detection and alarm systems — Part 1: performance criteria. This standard specifies fire
General and definitions alarm audible alarm devices for two types of
application environment, type A for indoor use and
This Uganda Standard provides a set of general
type B for outdoor use. This part of US ISO 7240 is
guidelines and definitions to be used in describing the
not intended to cover: loudspeaker-type devices
fire detection and alarm system equipment, tests and
primarily intended for emitting emergency voice
requirements in the other parts of US ISO 7240.
messages that are generated from an external audio
source; and supervisory audible alarm devices, e.g.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
within the control and indicating equipment.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
1660. US ISO 7240-2:2003, Fire
detection and alarm systems — Part 2:
Control and indicating equipment
1662. US ISO 7240-4:2003, Fire
detection and alarm systems — Part 4:
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
Power supply equipment
methods and performance criteria for control and
indicating equipment (c.i.e.) for use in fire detection
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
and fire alarm systems installed in buildings.
methods and performance criteria for power supply
equipment (p.s.e.) for use in fire detection and alarm
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
systems installed in buildings. It is not necessarily
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000 applicable to power supply equipment with special
characteristics, developed for particular applications,
1661. US ISO 7240-3:2010, Fire which could require further tests.
detection and alarm systems — Part 3:
Audible alarm devices This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, test STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000
methods and performance criteria for audible alarm
1663. US ISO 7240-5:2012, Fire
devices intended to signal an audible warning of fire
detection and alarm systems — Part 5:
between a detection and alarm system and the
Point-type heat detectors
occupants of a building. It is intended to cover only
those devices which derive their operating power by
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
means of a physical electrical connection to an
methods and performance criteria for point-type heat
external source such as a fire alarm system. This part
detectors for use in fire detection and fire alarm
of US ISO 7240 is also intended to cover audible
systems for buildings (see US ISO 7240-1). For other
alarm devices capable of giving voice messages by
types of heat detector or for detectors intended for

316 | P a g e
use in other environments, this standard should only (see US ISO 7240-1). This standard also covers point
be used for guidance. This standard is not applicable smoke detectors that incorporate more than one
to heat detectors with special characteristics and smoke sensor operating on these principles.
developed for specific risks. Additional requirements and test methods for such
detectors are given in Annex N. For the testing of
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
other types of smoke detectors, or smoke detectors
working on different principles, this standard can be
used only for guidance. Smoke detectors with special
1664. US ISO 7240-6:2011, Fire characteristics, developed for specific risks, are not
detection and alarm systems — Part 6: covered.
Carbon monoxide fire detectors using
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
electro-chemical cells


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
methods and performance criteria for point fire
1666. US ISO 7240-8:2007, Fire
detectors using electro-chemical cells that operate
detection and alarm systems — Part 8:
using carbon-monoxide detection principles for use in
Carbon monoxide fire detectors using
fire detection and alarm systems installed in buildings
an electro-chemical cell in combination
(see US ISO 7240-1). For the testing of other types of
with a heat sensor
CO fire detectors working on different principles, this
standard can be used only for guidance. Fire detectors This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
with special characteristics and developed for specific methods and performance criteria for point multi-
risks are not covered by this standard. sensor fire detectors that incorporate an
electrochemical cell for sensing carbon monoxide
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
(CO) in combination with one or more heat sensors,
for use in fire detection and alarm systems installed
in buildings (see US ISO 7240-1). For the testing of
1665. US ISO 7240-7:2011, Fire other types of CO multi-sensor fire detectors, or CO
detection and alarm systems — Part 7: and heat multi-sensor fire detectors working on
Point-type smoke detectors using different principles, this standard can be used for
scattered light, transmitted light or guidance. CO and heat multi-sensor fire detectors
ionization with special characteristics and developed for specific
risks are not covered by this standard.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
methods and performance criteria for point-type This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
smoke detectors that operate using scattered light,
transmitted light or ionization, for use in fire
detection and alarm systems installed in buildings

317 | P a g e
1667. US ISO 7240-10:2012, Fire This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
detection and alarm systems — Part 10:
Point-type flame detectors

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test 1669. US ISO 7240-12:2006, Fire

methods and performance criteria for point-type, detection and alarm systems — Part 12:
Line type smoke detectors using a
resettable flame detectors that operate using radiation
from a flame for use in fire detection systems transmitted optical beam

installed in buildings. This standard is not applicable

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
to flame detectors with special characteristics,
methods and performance criteria for line-type smoke
developed for specific risks.
detectors for use in fire detection systems installed in
buildings. The detectors consist of at least a
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
transmitter and a receiver and can include
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000 reflector(s), for the detection of smoke by the
attenuation and/or changes in attenuation of an
1668. US ISO 7240-11:2011, Fire
optical beam. This standard does not coverline-type
detection and alarm systems — Part 11:
smoke detectors designed to operate with separations
Manual call points between opposed components of less than 1 m; line-
type smoke detectors whose optical path length is
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements; test
defined or adjusted by an integral mechanical
methods and performance criteria for manual call
connection; andline-type smoke detectors with
points in fire detection and alarm systems in and
special characteristics, which cannot be assessed by
around buildings (see US ISO 7240-1). It takes into
the test methods in this standard.
account indoor and outdoor conditions, the
appearance and operation of the manual call points
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
for type A “direct operation” and type B “indirect
operation”, and covers those which are simple STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000
mechanical switches, those which are fitted with
simple electronic components (e.g. resistors, diodes) 1670. US ISO 7240-13:2005, Fire
detection and alarm systems — Part 13:
and those which contain active electronic components
Compatibility assessment of system
and which work with the control and indicating
equipment for signalling and identifying, for components

example, an address or location. This standard does

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
not cover manual call points for special applications,
compatibility and connectability assessment of
for example manual call points that are intrinsically
system components that either comply with the
safe or for use in hazardous conditions, if such
requirements of US ISO 7240 or with a
applications require additional or other requirements
manufacturer’s specification where there is standard.
or tests than those given in this standard.
This standard includes only system requirements

318 | P a g e
when these are necessary for compatibility systems, and to other precautions and actions. The
assessment. This standard also specifies requirements protection of property is outside the scope of this
for the integrity of the fire detection and fire alarm standard. However, the requirements specified herein
system when connected to other systems. This may be used as recommendations for property
standard does not specify the manner in which the protection.
system is designed, installed and used in any
particular application. This standard is applicable to This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

systems where the components are connected to

control-and-indicating equipment (c.i.e.) and where
the components are interconnected by electrical 1672. US ISO 7240-15:2004, Fire
wires. For fire detection and fire alarm systems using detection and alarm systems — Part 15:
other means of interconnection (for example optical Multisensor fire detectors
fibre or radio frequency links), this standard may be
used as guidance. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
methods and performance criteria for point-type
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 resettable multisensor fire detectors for use in fire
detection systems installed in buildings, incorporating
in one mechanical enclosure at least one smoke
sensor and at least one other sensor which responds
1671. US ISO 7240-14:2013, Fire
to heat, and in which the signal(s) of the smoke
detection and alarm systems — Part 14:
sensor(s) is (are) combined with the signal(s) of the
Design, installation, commissioning and
heat sensor(s).
service of fire detection and fire alarm
systems in and around buildings
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This Uganda Standard specifies the design,

installation, commissioning, and service requirements
for a fire detection and alarm system (FDAS) (see US 1673. US ISO 7240-16:2007, Fire
ISO 7240-1, Figure 1), which is primarily intended to detection and alarm systems — Part 16:
provide early detection of fire and notification within Sound system control and indicating
one or more specified indoor or outdoor areas for the equipment
protection of lives. The FDAS includes automatic
detection of a fire and manual initiation of a fire This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, test

alarm, with audible and visual warning to people methods and performance criteria for sound system

within the detection area. This standard also specifies control and indicating equipment (s.s.c.i.e.) for use in

requirements for FDAS capable of providing signals buildings and structures as part of a sound system for

to audible warning systems in accordance with US emergency purposes (s.s.e.p.) (see in US ISO 7240-

ISO 7240-19, to initiate the operation of ancillary 1). The s.s.c.i.e. is primarily intended to broadcast

technical services, such as fixed fire extinguishing information for the protection of lives within one or

319 | P a g e
more specified areas in an emergency, to effect a indicating equipment in US ISO 7240-1, are not
rapid and orderly mobilization of occupants in an covered by this standard.
indoor or outdoor area. This includes systems using
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
loudspeakers to broadcast voice announcements for
emergency purposes, alert signals complying with
ISO 7731, and evacuate signals complying with ISO
8201. The overall requirements of an s.s.e.p., 1675. US ISO 7240-18:2009, Fire
especially concerning audibility and intelligibility, detection and alarm systems — Part 18:
are contained within ISO 7240-19. In addition to Input/output devices
ensuring compliance with this standard, the
manufacturer should also consider the requirements This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test

of ISO 7240-19, national regulations, codes and methods and performance criteria for input/output

standards that affect the s.s.c.i.e. design and usability. devices connected to a transmission path of a fire

For example, some regulations require certain detection and alarm system used to receive and/or

optional functions to be available on all s.s.c.i.e. transmit signals to or from the transmission path,

installed within the jurisdiction. The use of the necessary for the operation of the fire detection and

equipment for normal sound reinforcement and fire alarm system and/or fire protection system. An

distribution systems purposes under nonhazardous input/output device can be a physically separate

circumstances is not excluded. This standard can also device or its function can be integrated into another

be used for the assessment of similar control and device, in which case this standard can be used to

indicating equipment for use in systems where the assess this function. An input/output device can

warning-signal broadcast does not include a voice include signal amplifiers and signal transfer in

message. This standard does not apply to systems separate enclosures, in which case the requirements

using only sounders or bells. of this standard shall apply. Control and indicating
equipment and ancillary control and indicating
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 equipment (e.g. repeater panels and fire brigade
panels) are not covered by this standard.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
1674. US ISO 7240-17:2009, Fire
detection and alarm systems — Part 17: STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000
Short-circuit isolators
1676. US ISO 7240-19:2007, Fire
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test detection and alarm systems — Part 19:
methods and performance criteria for short-circuit Design, installation, commissioning and
isolators, for use in fire detection and alarm systems service of sound systems for emergency
for buildings; see US ISO 7240-1. Means of isolation purposes
or protection incorporated within control and

320 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the design, functionality for which this standard does not define a
installation, commissioning and service requirements test or assessment method) are also covered by this
for a sound system for emergency purposes (s.s.e.p.; standard. The performance requirements for any
see US ISO 7240-1), which is primarily intended to special characteristics are beyond the scope of this
broadcast information for the protection of lives standard.
within one or more specified indoor or outdoor areas
during an emergency. The s.s.e.p. is intended to This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

initiate a rapid and orderly mobilization of occupants

in an emergency by including systems using
loudspeakers to broadcast voice announcements for 1678. US ISO 7240-21:2005, Fire
emergency purposes, alert signals complying with detection and alarm systems — Part 21:
ISO 7731 (where applicable) and evacuation signals Routing equipment
complying with ISO 8201. In some cases, sound
systems are used in preference to sounders or bells in This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

order to broadcast a range of coded warnings that is methods of test, and performance criteria for fire-

difficult to communicate with sounders or bells. The alarm routing (transmitting) equipment (see US ISO

use of the s.s.e.p. for normal sound reinforcement and 7240-1) and for fault (trouble) warning routing

distribution systems purposes under non-hazardous equipment (see US ISO 7240-1) for use in fire

circumstances is not excluded. When used for non- detection and fire alarm systems installed in

emergency purposes, the zoning of the loudspeakers buildings.

can differ from the zones used for emergency

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
purposes. This standard does not apply to sound
systems that use bells or sounders. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 55,000

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 1679. US ISO 7240-22:2007, Fire

detection and alarm systems — Part 22:
Smoke-detection equipment for ducts

1677. US ISO 7240-20:2010, Fire

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
detection and alarm systems — Part 20:
methods and performance criteria for smoke-
Aspirating smoke detectors
detection equipment for ducts (s.d.e.d.) for use in

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, test fire-detection and fire alarm systems installed in

methods and performance criteria for aspirating buildings (see US ISO 7240-1). The s.d.e.d. samples

smoke detectors for use in fire detection and alarm the air from a duct and detects smoke in the sample.

systems installed in buildings. Aspirating smoke

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
detectors developed for the protection of specific
risks that incorporate special characteristics STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000
(including additional features or enhanced

321 | P a g e
1680. US ISO 7240-23:2013, Fire addressable loudspeakers or loudspeakers with active
detection and alarm systems — Part 23: components.
Visual alarm devices
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, test
methods and performance criteria for visual alarm STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000

devices in a fixed installation intended to signal a

1682. US ISO 7240-25:2010, Fire
visual warning of a fire between a fire detection and
detection and alarm systems — Part 25:
alarm system and occupants in and around buildings.
Components using radio transmission
This standard specifies visual alarm devices for three
types of application environment. It is only applicable
to pulsing or flashing visual alarm devices, for This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
example xenon beacons or rotating beacons. It is not methods and performance criteria for components
applicable to devices giving continuous light output. used in fire detection and alarm systems, installed in
This standard is not intended to cover visual and around buildings, which use radio-frequency
indicators, for example, on detectors or on the control (r.f.) transmission paths. It specifies requirements for
and indicating equipment. the assessment of conformance of the components to
the requirements of this standard. Where components
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
work together and this requires knowledge of the
system design, this standard also specifies
requirements for the system. When the fire detection
1681. US ISO 7240-24:2010, Fire and alarm system uses wired and r.f. transmission
detection and alarm systems — Part 24: paths, the relevant parts of US ISO 7240 apply
Sound-system loudspeakers together with this part of US ISO 7240. Requirements
relevant to wire transmission paths are superseded or
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
modified by those included in this standard. This
methods and performance criteria for loudspeakers
standard does not restrict the intended use of radio
intended to broadcast a warning of fire between a fire
spectrum, e.g. frequency, power output of devices;
detection and alarm system and the occupants of a
the allowed maximum number of the components
building (see US ISO 7240-1). This standard
using r.f. transmission paths within the fire detection
specifies loudspeakers for two types of application
and alarm system or one wire transmission path
environment: type A, generally for indoor use, and
and/or r.f. transmission path; andthe allowed
type B, generally for outdoor use. This standard does
maximum number of the components affected by loss
not cover loudspeakers for special applications, for
of one wire transmission path and/or r.f. transmission
example loudspeakers for use in hazardous
applications, if such applications require additional or
other requirements or tests other than those given in This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
this standard. This standard is not intended to cover

322 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 80,000 f.p.c.e. receives signals from control and indicating
equipment (see ISO 7240-1), sends control signals to,
1683. US ISO 7240-27:2009, Fire and indicates the condition of, the a.f.p.e. The control
detection and alarm systems — Part 27:
signals are used to initiate automatic fire protection
Point-type fire detectors using a
equipment, such as pumps associated with fire
scattered-light, transmitted-light or
suppression systems, control doors, dampers, fans
ionization smoke sensor, an and the like.
electrochemical-cell carbon-monoxide
sensor and a heat sensor This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000
methods and performance criteria for multi-sensor
point-type fire detectors that incorporate an optical or 1685. US ISO 7286:1986, Graphical

ionization smoke sensor, an electro-chemical cell for symbols for resistance welding
sensing carbon monoxide (CO) and, optionally, one
or more heat sensors, for use in fire detection and
This Uganda Standard covers graphical symbols
alarm systems installed in buildings (see US ISO
which are placed on resistance welding equipment,
7240-1). For the testing of other types of fire
e.g. indicators and operator’s controls, in order to
detectors using smoke, CO and, optionally, heat
instruct the persons handling the equipment as to its
sensors working on different principles, this standard
use and operation.
can be used only for guidance. Fire detectors using
smoke, CO and, optionally, heat sensors which have This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
special characteristics and which have been
developed for specific risks are not covered by this STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

1686. US ISO 7289:2010, Gas welding

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 equipment — Quick-action couplings

with shut-off valves for welding, cutting
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000 and allied processes

1684. US ISO 7240-28:2009, Fire This Uganda Standard defines the specifications and
detection and alarm systems — Part 28: the type tests for quick-action couplings with shutoff
Fire protection control equipment valves. It applies to quick-action couplings used
between the regulator and the torch in equipment for
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
gas welding, cutting and allied processes. This
methods of test and performance criteria for fire
standard applies to cases where these couplings are
protection control equipment (f.p.c.e.) (see ISO 7240-
used with hoses in accordance with US ISO 3821 or
1) connected to automatic fire protection equipment
threaded unions in accordance with ISO 3253.
(a.f.p.e.) (see ISO 7240-1) installed in buildings. The

323 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.


1687. US ISO 7291:2010, Gas welding 1689. US ISO 7326:2006, Rubber and
equipment — Pressure regulators for plastics hoses — Assessment of ozone
manifold systems used in welding, resistance under static conditions
cutting and allied processes up to 30
This Uganda Standard specifies five methods for
MPa (300 bar)
determining the ozone resistance of the outer covers
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test of hoses:method 1, for bore sizes up to and including
methods for pressure regulators in manifold systems 25 mm, carried out on the hose itself;method 2, for
used in welding, cutting, and allied processes for: bore sizes greater than 25 mm, carried out on a test
piece from the hose wall;method 3, for bore sizes
 compressed gases up to 30 MPa (300 bar); greater than 25 mm, carried out on a test piece from
 dissolved acetylene; the cover;method 4, for all bore sizes, carried out on
 liquefied petroleum gases (LPG); the hose itself; andmethod 5, for all bore sizes,
 methylacetylene-propadiene-mixtures carried out on hoses that are expandable, for example
(MPS); textile-reinforced hose.
 carbon dioxide (CO2).
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
It is not applicable to pressure regulators fitted
directly to the gas cylinders, as defined in US ISO STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000

1690. US ISO 7369:2004, Pipework —

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 Metal hoses and hose assemblies —
This Uganda Standard defines current terms
1688. US ISO 7295:1988: Tyre valves concerning metal hoses, metal hose assemblies and
for aircraft — Interchangeability component parts. This standard applies to:stripwound
dimensions metal hoses and hose assemblies; andcorrugated
metal hoses and hose assemblies.
This Uganda Standard specifies the basic dimensional
requirements for interchangeability of tyre valve core This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
with the tyre valve stem and to permit assembly of
the cap and ground inflation connection of the Source STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 70,000

of compressed air or nitrogen supply to the tyre.

1691. US ISO 7396-1:2007, Medical gas
Functional requirements of the valve core or valve
pipeline systems — Part 1: Pipeline
cap are not covered by this standard.

324 | P a g e
systems for compressed medical gases 1693. US ISO 7438:2016, Metallic
and vacuum materials — Bend test

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for This Uganda standard specifies a method for
design, installation, function, performance, determining the ability of metallic materials to
documentation, testing and commissioning of undergo plastic deformation in bending. This
pipeline systems for compressed medical gases, gases standard applies to test pieces taken from metallic
for driving surgical tools and vacuum in healthcare products, as specified in the relevant product
facilities to ensure continuous delivery of the correct standard. It is not applicable to certain materials or
gas and the provision of vacuum from the pipeline products, for example tubes in full section or welded
system. It includes requirements for supply systems, joints, for which other standards exist.
pipeline distribution systems, control systems,
This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26.
monitoring and alarm systems and non-
interchangeability between components of different
gas systems.
1694. US ISO 7539-1:2012, Corrosion
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion
testing — Part 1: General guidance on
testing procedures
1692. US ISO 7396-2:2007 Medical gas
This Uganda Standard describes the general
pipeline systems — Part 2: Anaesthetic
considerations that apply when designing and
gas scavenging disposal systems
conducting tests to assess susceptibility of metals to
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the stress corrosion. This standard also gives some
design, installation, function, performance, general guidance on the selection of test methods.
documentation, testing and commissioning of
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
anaesthetic gas scavenging disposal systems to ensure
patient safety and to minimize exposure of the
operator and other persons to anaesthetic gases and
vapours. It includes requirements for the power 1695. US ISO 7458:2004, Glass
device, pipeline system, performance, non- containers — Internal pressure
interchangeability between key components and resistance — Test methods
avoidance of cross connections between anaesthetic
gas scavenging (AGS) disposal systems and medical This Uganda Standard specifies two test methods for

gas and vacuum pipeline systems. the determination of the internal pressure resistance
of glass containers, Method A by application of
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 uniform internal pressure for a predetermined period


325 | P a g e
and Method B by application of internal pressure This Uganda Standard covers procedures for
increasing at a predetermined constant rate. designing, preparing and using U-bend test
specimens for investigating the susceptibility of a
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
metal to stress corrosion. The term “metal” as used in
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 this standard includes alloys. U-bend specimens may
be used to test a variety of product forms.

1696. US ISO 7459:2004, Glass This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

containers — Thermal shock resistance

and thermal shock endurance — Test
methods 1699. US ISO 7539-4:1989, Corrosion
of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
testing — Part 4: Preparation and use
determining the thermal shock resistance and thermal
of uniaxially loaded tension specimens
shock endurance of glass containers. This standard
does not apply to the determination of properties of This Uganda Standard covers procedures for
laboratory glassware. designing, preparing and using uniaxially loaded
tension test specimens for investigating the
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
susceptibility of a metal to stress corrosion. The term
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 “metal” as used in this standard includes alloys.
Tension test specimens are adaptable for testing a
1697. US ISO 7539-2:1989, Corrosion
wide variety of product forms, including plate, rod,
of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion
wire, sheet and tubes, as well as parts joined by
testing — Part 2: Preparation and use
welding, riveting, or other methods. Notched
of bent-beam specimens
specimens may also be used. Uniaxially loaded

This Uganda Standard covers procedures for tensile specimens may be stressed quantitatively with

designing, preparing and using bent-beam test equipment for application of either a constant load, a

specimens for investigating the susceptibility of a constant strain or an increasing load or strain.

metal to stress corrosion.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31



1700. US ISO 7539-5:1989, Corrosion

1698. US ISO 7539-3:1989, Corrosion of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion

of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion testing — Part 5: Preparation and use

testing — Part 3: Preparation and use of C-ring specimens

of U-bend specimens

326 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard covers procedures for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
designing, preparing, stressing, exposing and
inspecting C-ring test specimens for investigating the 1703. US ISO 7539-8:2000, Corrosion
of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion
susceptibility of a metal to stress corrosion. Analysis
testing — Part 8: Preparation and use
of the state and distribution of stress in the C-ring is
of specimens to evaluate weldments

This Uganda Standard covers the procedures

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
available for stress corrosion testing of welded
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 specimens and examines the additional factors which
must be taken into account when conducting tests on
1701. US ISO 7539-6:2011, Corrosion
welded specimens. In particular this standard gives
of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion recommendations for the choice of specimens and
testing — Part 6: Preparation and use test procedures to determine the resistance of a metal
of pre-cracked specimens for tests
to stress corrosion when it is welded.
under constant load or constant
displacement This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This Uganda Standard covers procedures for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
designing, preparing and using pre-cracked
1704. US ISO 7539-9:2003, Corrosion
specimens for investigating susceptibility to stress
of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion
corrosion. It gives recommendations for the design,
testing — Part 9: Preparation and use
preparation and use of pre-cracked specimens for
investigating susceptibility to stress corrosion. of pre-cracked specimens for tests
under rising load or rising displacement
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This Uganda Standard covers procedures for
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 designing, preparing and using pre-cracked
specimens for investigating the susceptibility of metal
1702. US ISO 7539-7:2005,Corrosion of to stress corrosion cracking by means of tests
metals and alloys — Stress corrosion conducted under rising load or rising displacement.
testing — Part 7: Method for slow
Tests conducted under constant load or constant
strain rate testing
displacement are dealt with in US ISO 7539-6.

This Uganda Standard covers procedures for

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
conducting slow strain rate tests for investigating
susceptibility of a metal to stress corrosion cracking, STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
including hydrogen-induced failure.
1705. US ISO 7539-10:2013, Corrosion
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion

327 | P a g e
testing —Part 10: Reverse U-bend method may be used for comparison of the abrasion
method resistance of different types of hose, but not for
specification of maximum abrasion in a hose
This Uganda Standard covers procedures for
standard. Comparison should be made on the same
designing, preparing and using reversed U-bend
type and size of hose. Results from tests carried out
(RUB) test specimens for investigating the
with different types of grit should not be compared.
susceptibility of the metal to stress corrosion
cracking. This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 1708. US ISO 7751:1991, Rubber and

plastics hoses and hose assemblies —
1706. US ISO 7539-11:2013, Corrosion
Ratios of proof and burst pressure to
of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion
maximum working pressure
testing — Part 11: Guidelines for
testing the resistance of metals and This Uganda Standard specifies ratios of proof
alloys to hydrogen embrittlement and pressure and minimum burst pressure to design
hydrogen-assisted cracking working pressure for various categories of hose
service. The methods and procedures to perform the
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the key
proof and burst tests are specified in US ISO 1402.
features that should be accounted for in designing and
conducting tests to evaluate the resistance of a metal This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
or its alloy to hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen-
assisted cracking. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

1709. US ISO/IEC 7816-1:2011,

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
Identification cards — Integrated
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 circuit cards — Part 1: Cards
with contacts — Physical
1707. US ISO 7662:1988, Rubber and
plastics hoses — Determination of
abrasion of lining This Uganda Standard specifies the physical
characteristics of integrated circuit cards with
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
contacts. It applies to identification cards of the ID-1
determining the abrasion of a hose lining when a
card type, which can include embossing and/or a
certain amount of specified grit is passed through the
magnetic stripe and/or tactile identifier mark as
hose. The method is applicable to rubber and plastics
specified in US ISO/IEC 7811.
hoses with an internal bore of 20 to 50 mm used for
grit blasting, shot blasting and similar operations. The This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

328 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 1712. US ISO 7931: 1985, Insulation
taps and bushes for resistance welding
1710. US ISO 7867-1:2005, Tyres and
rims (metric series) for agricultural
tractors and machines — Part 1: Tyre This Uganda Standard specifies dimensions and
designation, dimensions and marking, requirements for insulated taps and bushes in the
and tyre/rim coordination secondary circuit for resistance welding equipment,
especially for use in back-ups according to ISO 5827.
This Uganda Standard establishes the size
designation, the dimensional calculation and the This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
markings of the metric series of tyres primarily
intended for use on agricultural tractors and
machines. Tyre and rim coordination is also given. It
1713. US ISO 7989-1:2006, Steel wire
applies to bias-belted, diagonal and radial tyres
and wire products — Non-ferrous
mounted an 5° tapered rims, as specified in US ISO
metallic coatings on steel wire — Part
4251-3. This part of US ISO 7867 also applies to
1: General principles
different concepts and types of tyres and rims; in this
case, however, appropriate rim/section ratios K1 and This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
coefficients K2, a and b will be established and added. the coating mass per unit area, for other properties
Dimensions of existing rims are specified in US ISO and also for testing of non-ferrous metallic coatings
4251-3. on steel wire products, of circular or other cross-
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
1711. US ISO 7867-2:2005, Tyres and
rims (metric series) for agricultural 1714. US ISO 7989-2:2007, Steel wire
tractors and machines — Part 2: and wire products — Nonferrous
Service description and load ratings metallic coatings on steel wire — Part
2: Zinc or zinc-alloy coating
This Uganda Standard establishes the service
description, the tyre load ratings in basic and special This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
applications, and reference inflation pressure the coating mass per unit area, for other properties
increments for the metric series of tyres primarily and also for testing of zinc or zinc-alloy coatings on
intended for agricultural tractors and machines. steel wire and steel wire products, of circular or other
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

329 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 1717. US ISO 8030:1995, Rubber and
plastics hoses — Method of test for
1715. US ISO 8028:1999, Rubber
and/or plastics hoses and hose
assemblies for airless paint spraying — This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
Specification assessing the flammability of hoses, except for hoses
intended for use with petroleum fuels for combustion
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
engines. The method is restricted to hoses of sizes up
four types, differentiated by burst pressure and
to and including nominal bore 50.
temperature of use, of elastomeric hose and hose
assembly for use in airless paint spraying. This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 1718. US ISO 8031:2009, Rubber and

plastics hoses and hose assemblies —
1716. US ISO 8029:2007, Plastics hose
Determination of electrical resistance
— General-purpose collapsible water
and conductivity
hose, textile reinforced — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies electrical test
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
methods for rubber and plastics hoses, tubing and
four types of textile-reinforced thermoplastics
hose assemblies to determine the resistance of
collapsible water hoses for general applications for
conductive, antistatic and non-conductive hoses and
use in the temperature range of −10 °C to +55 °C.
the electrical continuity or discontinuity between
Such hoses are classified into four types, as
metal end fittings.
follows:low pressure, designed for a maximum
working pressure of up to 4,0 bar at 23 °C and up to This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
2,0 bar at 55 °C;medium pressure, for a maximum
working pressure of up to 7,0 bar at 23 °C and up to
3,6 bar at 55 °C;high pressure, for a maximum
1719. US ISO 8033:2006, Rubber and
working pressure of up to 10,0 bar at 23 °C and up to
plastics hoses — Determination of
5,1 bar at 55 °C; andextra-high pressure, for a
adhesion between components
maximum working pressure of up to 15,5 bar at 23
°C and up to 7,9 bar at 55 °C.This standard does not This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
apply to products used for fire-fighting or the determination of the adhesion between lining and
conveyance of drinking water. reinforcement, between cover and reinforcement,
between reinforcement layers, between cover and
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
outer lamination (thin layer of material outside the
cover for protection) and between lining and inner

330 | P a g e
lamination (thin layer of material inside the lining to automotive air conditioning —
reduce permeation of fluid into the lining). It covers Specification — Part 2: Refrigerant 134
all bore sizes and the following types of hose
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
rubber or thermoplastic hoses and hose assemblies
 woven textile fabric; used for circulating liquid and gaseous R134a
 braided textile fabric; (tetrafluoroethane) in the air-conditioning systems of
 knitted textile fabric; automobiles. The hoses and hose assemblies are

 circular-woven textile fabric; designed in such a way as to restrict losses of

 textile spiral; refrigerant and contamination of the system. The

 textile cord; operational temperature range is 40 °C to +125 °C.

 wire braid;
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
 wire spiral; and
hoses containing a supporting helix. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
1722. US ISO 8090:1990, Cycles —
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 Terminology

1720. US ISO 8041:2005, Human This Uganda Standard defines the terminology of
response to vibration — Measuring cycles in English and French. lt also specifies the
instrumentation symbols to designate bicycle main dimensions.

This Uganda Standard specifies the performance This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
specifications and tolerance limits for instruments
designed to measure vibration values, for the purpose STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

of assessing human response to vibration. It includes

1723. US ISO 8098:2014, Cycles —
requirements for pattern evaluation, periodic
Safety requirements for bicycles for
verification and in-situ checks, and the specification
young children
of vibration calibrators for in-situ checks. Vibration
instruments specified in this standard can be single This Uganda Standard specifies safety and
instruments, combinations of instrumentation or performance requirements and test methods for the
computer-based acquisition and analysis systems. design, assembly and testing of fully assembled
bicycles and sub-assemblies for young children.
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
1721. US ISO 8066-2:2001, Rubber and
plastics hoses and hose assemblies for

331 | P a g e
1724. US ISO 8106:2004, Glass This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
containers — Determination of capacity
by gravimetric method — Test method

This Uganda Standard specifies a gravimetric method 1727. US ISO 8191-2:1988, Furniture

for determining the capacity of glass containers and — Assessment of ignitability of

upholstered furniture — Part 2:
their compliance with specification limits.
Ignition source: match-flame equivalent
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This Uganda Standard lays down a test method to
assess the ignitability of material combinations, such
as covers and fillings used in upholstered seating,
1725. US ISO 8113:2004, Glass
when subjected to a small flame as an ignition source.
containers — Resistance to vertical load
The tests measure only the ignitability of a
— Test method
combination of materials used in upholstered seating
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for and not the ignitability of a particular finished item of
determination of the resistance of glass containers to furniture incorporating these materials. They give an
external force in the direction of the vertical axis. indication of, but cannot guarantee, the ignition
behaviour of the finished item of furniture.
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.


1726. US ISO 8191-1:1987, Furniture
— Assessment of the ignitability of 1728. US ISO 8207:1996, Gas welding
upholstered furniture — Part 1: equipment — Specification for hose
Ignition source: smouldering cigarette assemblies for equipment for welding,
cutting and allied processes
This Uganda Standard lays down a method of test to
assess the ignitability of material combinations, such This Uganda Standard specifies performance and test
as covers and fillings used in upholstered seating requirements of hose assemblies using rubber hose, if
when subjected to a smouldering cigarette as an supplied in assembled condition for equipment for
ignition source. The tests measure only the gas welding, cutting and allied processes. This
ignitability of a combination of materials used in standard is not applicable to hose assemblies
upholstered seating and not the ignitability of a upstream of the regulators.
particular finished item of furniture incorporating
these materials. They give an indication of, but This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
cannot guarantee, the ignition behaviour of the
finished item of furniture.

332 | P a g e
1729. US ISO 8269:1985, Doorsets — to be fitted in exterior walls and supplied in the form
Static loading test of completely assembled and finished units. It
applies to all doorsets, made of any materials, in the
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of testing
normal operating conditions for which they are
the behaviour of doorsets under static loading. It
designed and installed according to the manufacturer
applies to doorsets with one pivoting leaf, without
recommendations as in a finished building, bearing in
fixed parts other than the door frame itself, and for
mind the condition of test as defined. It does not
which special requirements against static loading
apply to joints between the doorsets and surrounding
apply, for example requirements relating to burglar
components and material.
resistance. The requirements of this standard relate
only to type testing. This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.

This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 1732. US ISO 8273: 1985, Door leaves
— Standard atmospheres for testing the
1730. US ISO 8271: 2005, Door leaves
performance of the doors and doorsets
— Determination of resistance to hard
placed between different climates
body impact
This Uganda Standard specifies standard atmospheres
This Uganda Standard applies to all door leaves. It
to be used when various performance tests are carried
specifies the method to be used to determine the
out on doors and doorsets that may be exposed to
damage caused to a door leaf by the impact of a hard
different climates on each side.
body. Such impacts that might reasonably be
expected from contact with small objects or parts of This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
larger objects such as corners on furniture or
footwear can produce local surface failures affecting
both strength and appearance. The kind of damage
1733. US ISO 8274: 2005, Windows
caused by impact can vary with the material used in
and doors — Resistance to repeated
the door construction.
opening and closing — Test method

This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.

This Uganda Standard specifies the method to be
used to determine the mechanical durability of
doorsets and the opening parts of the windows after
1731. US ISO 8272:1986, Doorsets — defined number of operating cycles. It applies,
Air permeability test whatever their construction materials and operating
system, to any window or any door in the form of
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
complete assemblies in normal operating conditions.
determination of the air permeability of the doorsets
The parts concern in the testing are the frames, the

333 | P a g e
opening elements (including any secondary elements) synonymous terms are indicated by “(deprecated)”.
and all essential hardware, including the operating The expression "SEE" is used to refer to another term
devices. It does not include any additional fasteners (not always a synonym) which contains information
such as pegstays or cabin hooks, nor any related to the term preceding the expression.
independently installed restrictor. In this standard, it
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
is assumed that the operating cycles impart
movement to ancillary items such as hinges, stays,
balances and other mechanism.
1736. US ISO 8331:2007, Rubber and
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18.
plastics hoses and hose assemblies —
Guidelines for selection, storage, use
and maintenance
1734. US ISO 8308:2006, Rubber and
This Uganda Standard sets out recommendations
plastics hoses and tubing —
designed to maintain rubber and plastics hoses and
Determination of transmission of
hose assemblies, prior to use, in a condition as close
liquids through hose and tubing walls
as possible to the condition they were in when they
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the were received and to obtain the expected service life.
determination of transmission of liquids through hose
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
and tubing walls. Both methods are applicable to
rubber and plastics hose and tubing, and
comprise:method A, for all hose sizes and
constructions: a practical comparative test, simulating 1737. US ISO 8430-1:1988, Resistance
working conditions; andmethod B, for hose and spot welding — Electrode holders —
tubing up to internal diameter. Part 1: Taper fixing 1:10

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions and
tolerances of resistance spot welding electrode
holders (type AI without offset and with the facility
for cable clamping, and where a male taper 1:10 is
1735. US ISO 8330:2007, Rubber and
used to fix the holder directly to the welding cylinder
plastics hoses and hose assemblies —
in multiple spot welding equipment.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

This Uganda Standard defines terms used in the hose
industry. The terms are listed alphabetically in
English. When a term has one or more synonyms, the
synonymous term(s) follow the preferred term and
are also listed in alphabetical order. Deprecated

334 | P a g e
1738. US ISO 8430-2:1988, Resistance STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
spot welding — Electrode holders —
1741. US ISO 8442-1:1997, Materials
Part 2: Morse taper fixing
and articles in contact with foodstuffs
This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions and — Cutlery and table holloware — Part
tolerances of resistance spot welding electrode 1: Requirements for cutlery for the
holders (type 9) without offset and with a facility for preparation of food
cable clamping, and where a male Morse taper is
This Uganda Standard specifies material and
used to fix the holder directly to the welding cylinder
performance requirements and test methods for metal
in multiple spot welding equipment.
cutlery and related implements intended for use in the
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. preparation of food. Two grades of cutlery are
a normal grade with corrosion resistant blades or
1739. US ISO 8430-3:1988, Resistance
prongs capable of withstanding dishwasher cleaning
spot welding — Electrode holders —
Part 3: Parallel shank fixing for end
thrust a special grade with corrosion resistant blades
capable of withstanding dishwasher cleaning
This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions and
procedures and sterilization processes.
tolerances of resistance spot welding electrode
holders (type C) without offset and with a facility for This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
cable clamping, and where a clamp is used to fix the
holder directly to the welding cylinder in multiple
spot welding equipment.
1742. US ISO 8442-2:1997, Materials
and articles in contact with foodstuffs
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
— Cutlery and table holloware — Part
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 2: Requirements for stainless steel and
silver-plated cutlery
1740. US ISO 8439:1990, Forms design
— Basic layout This Uganda Standard specifies material,
performance requirements and test methods for table
This Uganda Standard specifies overall sizes, image
cutlery (knives, forks, spoons, carving sets, ladles,
areas, their division and data fields for forms
children’s cutlery and other serving pieces). This
intended for use within administration, commerce
standard is applicable to stainless steel cutlery and to
and industry.
silver-plated nickel silver, or silver-plated stainless
steel, cutlery. It does not cover cutlery made wholly
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
of precious metals, aluminium, nonstainless steel or

335 | P a g e
that made entirely of nickel silver, nor does it cover — Cutlery and table holloware — Part
gold-plated or chromium-plated cutlery. 4: Requirements for gold-plated cutlery

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01. This Uganda Standard specifies the following
requirements for gold plated cutlery:
performance requirements for table cutlery (for
1743. US ISO 8442-3:1997, Materials
example, knives, forks, spoons, carving sets, ladles,
and articles in contact with foodstuffs and other serving pieces);
— Cutlery and table holloware — Part
3: Requirements for silver-plated table composition limits for base metals for cutlery;
and decorative hollowware
tests for resistance to permanent deformation ,
This Uganda Standard specifies material, firmness of handle attachment, hardness of blades,
performance requirements and test methods for resistance to corrosion and the thickness and
silver-plated table and decorative holloware made adhesion of gold coatings;
principally from metals, and intended for use at or
three minimum thicknesses of gold plating: a first
upon the dining table. Composition limits are
class, a second class, and a third class.
specified for the basic metals for fabrication of the
holloware prior to silver-plating. This standard
This standard specifies the method of defining gold
applies to decorative items such as vases and trophies
deposits for each and every item and also test
and includes such items as jugs, dishes, tea- and
methods. This standard does not apply to table
coffee-pots, trays and tureens, candlesticks, wine-
cutlery which has only small areas of gold plate as
coolers. Requirements are specified for brass, copper,
inlays in non-gold plated decoration.
nickel-silver, pewter and stainless steel holloware
with a silver-plated coating and for silver-plated cast This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
attachments thereto. The thickness levels of silver
coatings are specified as first, second and third class, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

these deposits can also be protected by lacquer. The

1745. US ISO 8442-5:2004, Materials
standard does not apply to holloware made entirely of
and articles in contact with foodstuffs
precious metals, brass, nickel-silver, pewter, stainless
— Cutlery and table holloware — Part
steel or that made from ceramics or glass.
5: Specification for sharpness and edge

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01. retention test of cutlery

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 This Uganda Standard specifies the sharpness and
edge retention of knives which are produced for
1744. US ISO 8442-4:1998, Materials professional and domestic use in the preparation of
and articles in contact with foodstuffs food of all kinds, specifically those knives intended

336 | P a g e
for hand use. Powered blade instruments of any kind 7: Requirements for table cutlery made
are excluded. of silver, other precious metals and
their alloys
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
This Uganda Standard specifies material and
performance requirements for table cutlery made of
silver, other precious metals and their alloys (knives
1746. US ISO 8442-6:2000, Materials
with stainless steel blades, forks, spoons, carving
and articles in contact with foodstuffs
sets, ladles and other pieces). It does not include
— Cutlery and table holloware — Part
requirements for design, size, type of finish, blade
6: Lightly silver-plated table holloware
flexibility, or similar characteristics which are
protected by lacquer
matters of personal choice or which can be readily
This Uganda Standard specifies material and assessed by the purchaser at the point of sale. No
performance requirements for table holloware and sampling provisions are included in this standard, the
cast attachments, made from metals which are lightly requirements specified are applicable for each and
silver-plated and protected by lacquer. This standard every item produced.
is applicable to such items as jugs, dishes, wine
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
coolers, tea- and coffee-pots, trays and tureens.
Requirements are specified for brass, copper, bronze,
nickel-silver, pewter and stainless steel holloware
with a light silver-plating and a lacquered coating. 1748. US ISO 8442-8:2000, Materials
The standard does not cover holloware made entirely and articles in contact with foodstuffs
of precious metals, brass, nickel-silver, stainless steel — Cutlery and table holloware — Part
or made from ceramics or glass or non-stainless steel 8: Requirements for table cutlery made
or zinc-based die cast. Composition limits are of silver table and decorative holloware
specified for the basic metals for fabrication of the
This Uganda Standard specifies material,
holloware prior to silver-plating and lacquering. The
performance and marking requirements for silver
standard does not include requirements for design,
table and decorative holloware, intended for use at or
size or any other characteristics which are matters of
upon the dining table. This standard extends to
personal choice or which can be readily assessed by
decorative items such as vases and candlesticks and
the purchaser at the point of sale.
includes such items as jugs, dishes, tea- and coffee-
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01. pots, trays and tureens and wine-coolers.

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.

1747. US ISO 8442-7:2000, Materials STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

and articles in contact with foodstuffs
— Cutlery and table holloware — Part

337 | P a g e
1749. US ISO 8442-9:2018, Materials and silicon carbide. It specifies the grit designation
and articles in contact with foodstuffs for the testing of those grits used in the manufacture
— Cutlery and table holloware — Part of bonded abrasive products and general industrial
9: Requirements for ceramic knives applications and those removed from bonded
products, as well as loose grits used in polishing.
This Uganda Standard specifies material and
performance requirements and test method of ceramic This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
blades of knives intended for use in the preparation of

1752. US ISO 8488:1986, Cycles —

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
Screw threads used to assemble head
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 fittings on bicycle forks

1750. US ISO 8486-1:1996, Bonded This Uganda Standard specifies details of the screw
abrasives — Determination and threads used to assemble head races and locknuts, i.e.
designation of grain size distribution — fittings, on bicycle fork steering columns.
Parts 1: Macrogrits F4 to F220.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This Uganda Standard sets forth a method for
determining or checking the size distribution of STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

macrogrits from F4 to F220 in fused aluminium oxide

1753. US ISO 8528-1:2005,
and silicon carbide. It specifies the grit designation
Reciprocating internal combustion
for the testing of those grits used in the manufacture
engine driven alternating current
of bonded abrasive products and general industrial
generating sets — Part 1: Application,
applications and those removed from bonded
ratings and performance
This Uganda Standard defines various classifications
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
for the application, rating and performance of
generating sets consisting of a Reciprocating Internal
Combustion (RIC) engine, Alternating Current (a.c.)
1751. US ISO 8486-2:2007, Bonded generator and any associated controlgear, switchgear
abrasives — Determination and and auxiliary equipment. It applies to a.c. generating
designation of grain size distribution — sets driven by RIC engines for land and marine use,
Parts 2: Microgrits F230 to F2000 excluding generating sets used on aircraft or to propel
land vehicles and Iocomotives. For some specific
This Uganda Standard sets forth a method for
applications (e.g. essential hospital supplies, high-rise
determining or checking the size distribution of
buildings) supplementary requirements may be
microgrits F230 to F2000 in fused aluminium oxide
necessary. The provisions of this part of US ISO

338 | P a g e
8528 should be regarded as the basis for establishing part of US ISO 8528 should be used as a basis for
any supplementary requirements. For other establishing these requirements.
reciprocating-type prime movers (e.g. sewage-gas
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
engines, steam engines), the provisions of this part of
US ISO 8528 should be used as a basis for
establishing these requirements. Generating sets
meeting the requirements of this Standard are used to 1755. US ISO 8528-3:2005,
generate electrical power for continuous, peak-load Reciprocating internal combustion
and standby applications. The classifications laid engine driven alternating current
down in this part of US ISO 8528 are intended to generating sets — Part 3: Alternating
help understanding between manufacturer and current generators for generating sets
This Uganda Standard specifies the principal
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. characteristics of Alternating Current (a.c.) generators
under the control of their voltage regulators when
used in generating set applications. It supplements the
requirements of IEC 60034-1. This part of US ISO
1754. US ISO 8528-2:2005,
8528 applies to a.c. generators used in a.c. generating
Reciprocating internal combustion
sets driven by reciprocating internal combustion
engine driven alternating current
(RIC) engines for land and marine use, excluding
generating sets — Part 2: Engines
generating sets used on aircraft or to propel land
This Uganda Standard specifies the principal vehicles and locomotives. For some specific
characteristics of a Reciprocating Internal applications (e.g. essential hospital supplies, high-rise
Combustion (RIC) engine when used for alternating buildings), supplementary requirements may be
current (a.c.) generating set applications. It applies to necessary. The provisions of this part of US ISO
RIC engines for a.c. generating sets for land and 8528 should be regarded as the basis for establishing
marine use, excluding generating sets used on aircraft any supplementary requirements. For a.c. generating
or to propel land vehicles and locomotives. For some sets driven by other reciprocating-type prime movers
specific applications (e.g. essential hospital supplies, (e.g. steam engines) the provisions of this part of US
high rise buildings), supplementary requirements may ISO 8528 should be used as a basis for establishing
be necessary. The provisions of this part of ISO 8528 these requirements.
should be regarded as the basis for establishing any
supplementary requirements. The terms which define This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.

the speed governing and speed characteristics of RIC

engines are listed and explained where they apply
specifically to the use of the engine for driving a.c. 1756. US ISO 8528-4:2005,
generators. For other reciprocating-type prime Reciprocating internal combustion
movers (e.g. steam engines), the provisions of this engine driven alternating current

339 | P a g e
generating sets — Part 4: Control gear and high-rise buildings) supplementary requirements
and switchgear can be necessary. The provisions of this part of US
ISO 8528 are a basis for establishing any
This Uganda Standard specifies the criteria for
supplementary requirements. For generating sets
control gear and switchgear for generating sets with
driven by other reciprocating-type prime movers (e.g.
reciprocating internal combustion engines. It applies
steam engines), the provisions of this part of US ISO
to Alternating Current (a.c.) generating sets driven by
8528 can be used as a basis for establishing these
Reciprocating Internal Combustion (RIC) engines for
land and marine use excluding generating sets used
on aircraft or to propel land vehicles and This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
locomotives. For some specific applications (e.g.
essential hospital supplies and high-rise buildings), STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

supplementary requirements may be necessary. The

1758. US ISO 8528-6:2005,
provisions of this part of US ISO 8528 should be
Reciprocating internal combustion
regarded as a basis for establishing any
engine driven alternating current
supplementary requirements. For generating sets
generating sets — Part 6: Test methods
driven by other prime movers (e.g. steam engines),
this part of US ISO 8528 should be regarded as a This Uganda Standard specifies the test methods to
basis for establishing these requirements. be used for characterizing an entire generating set. It
applies to alternating current (a.c.) generating sets
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
driven by reciprocating internal combustion (RIC)
engines for land and marine use, excluding
generating sets used on aircraft or to propel land
1757. US ISO 8528-5:2013, vehicles and locomotives. For some specific
Reciprocating internal combustion applications (e.g. essential hospital supplies, high-rise
engine driven alternating current buildings) supplementary requirements may be
generating sets — Part 5: Generating necessary. The provisions of this part of ISO 8528 are
sets intended as a basis for establishing any
supplementary requirements. For a.c. generating sets
This Uganda Standard defines terms and specifies
driven by other reciprocating type prime movers (e.g.
design and performance criteria arising out of the
steam engines), this part of US ISO 8528 is intended
combination of a Reciprocating Internal Combustion
as a basis for establishing these requirements.
(RIC) engine and an Alternating Current (a.c.)
generator when operating as a unit. It applies to a.c. This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
generating sets driven by RIC engines for land and
marine use, excluding generating sets used on aircraft
or to propel land vehicles and locomotives. For some
1759. US ISO 8528-7:1994,
specific applications (e.g. essential hospital supplies
Reciprocating internal combustion

340 | P a g e
engine driven alternating current reciprocating internal combustion engines for the
generating sets — Part 7: Technical generation of single or multiphase alternating current
declarations for specification and or direct current up to 500 V. The generating sets are
design standard manufactured sets. In this part of US ISO
8528, "low-power" is taken to mean rated power of a
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
magnitude up to approximately 10 kW/50 Hz, 12
parameters for the specification and design of a
kW/60 Hz. Low-power generating sets, for the
reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engine
purpose of this standard, are determined by the
driven generating set, with reference to the
following special features:
definitions given in US ISO 8528-1 to US ISO 8528-
6. lt applies to alternating current (a.c.) generating the users normally are laymen (for further details, see
sets driven by RIC engines for land and marine use, 3.1);
excluding generating sets used on aircraft or to propel
the complete generating set is usually transportable or
land vehicles and locomotives. For some specific
applications (for example, essential hospital supplies,
high-rise buildings, etc.) supplementary requirements
the electrical output is connected by means of plugs,
may be necessary. The provisions of this part of US
sockets and screwed terminal except for extra low
ISO 8528 should be regarded as a basis. For other
reciprocating-type Prime movers (e.g. sewage gas
engines, steam engines), the provisions of this part of the generating set is ready for use without any
US ISO 8528 should be used as a basis. additional installation work by the user.

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. Generating sets for special applications or of higher
rated power conforming to the above special features
may, by agreement between manufacturer and
customer, be tested in accordance with this part of
1760. US ISO 8528-8:2016,
ISO 8528. If supplementary stipulations are required
Reciprocating internal combustion
for certain applications, this is to be done taking this
engine driven alternating current
part of ISO 8528 as a basis. This part of US ISO 8528
generating sets — Part 8: Requirements
deals with the special requirements of design and test
and tests for low-power generating sets
which are observed in addition to the definitions and
This Uganda Standard defines design requirements, requirements laid down in US ISO 8528-1, US ISO
minimum performances and type tests for low-power 8528-2, US ISO 8528-3, US ISO 8528-4, US ISO
generating sets driven by reciprocating internal 8528-5 and US ISO 8528-6, where applicable. This
combustion engines for land and marine use part of US ISO 8528 does not deal with safety
(domestic, recreational and industrial application), requirements in order to protect the user from dangers
excluding generating sets used on aircraft. It concerns which are laid down in US ISO 8528-13.
mainly low-power generating sets driven by

341 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. reciprocating internal combustion engine driven
generating sets in such a way that the total of relevant
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 noise emissions, e.g. exhaust and cooling system
noise, together with all other sources of engine noise,
1761. US ISO 8528-9:1995,
are evaluated on a similar basis to yield comparable
Reciprocating internal combustion
results. However, when the exhaust and cooling
engine driven alternating current
systems are ducted to a remote site their noise
generating sets — Part 9: Measurement
contribution is not to be included in this part of US
and evaluation of mechanical vibrations
ISO 8528. The essential noise emission characteristic
This Uganda Standard describes a procedure for value is the sound power level.
measuring and evaluating the external mechanical
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
vibration behaviour of generating sets at the
measuring lt applies to RIC engine driven AC
generating sets for fixed and mobile installations with
rigid and/or resilient mountings. lt is applicable for 1763. US ISO 8528-12:1997,
land and marine use, excluding generating sets used Reciprocating internal combustion
on aircraft or those used to propel land vehicles and engine driven alternating current
locomotives. For some specific applications (essential generating sets — Part 12: Emergency
hospital supplies, high rise buildings, etc.) power supply to safety services
supplementary requirements may be necessary. The
This Uganda Standard applies to generating sets
provisions of this part of US ISO 8528 should be
driven by reciprocating internal-combustion (RIC)
regarded as a basis. For generating sets driven by
engines for emergency power supply to safety
other reciprocating-type Prime movers (e.g. sewage
services. It applies, for example, to safety equipment
gas engines, steam engines), the provisions of this
in hospitals, high-rise buildings, public gathering
part of US ISO 8528 should be regarded as a basis.
places etc. This part of US ISO 8528 establishes the
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. special requirements for the performance, design and
maintenance of power generators used in the
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 applications referred to above and taking into account
the provisions of US ISO 8528-1 to US ISO 8528-6
1762. US ISO 8528-10:1998,
and US ISO 8528-10.
Reciprocating internal combustion
engine driven alternating current
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20.
generating sets — Part 10:
Measurement of airborne noise by the STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
enveloping surface method
1764. US ISO 8528-13:2016,
This Uganda Standard defines measurement methods Reciprocating internal combustion
for the determination of airborne noise emitted by

342 | P a g e
engine driven alternating current intervals and recurring time intervals or of the
generating sets — Part 13: Safety formats of these representations are included in
information interchange.
This Uganda Standard specifies the safety
requirements for reciprocating internal combustion It includes;
(RIC) engine driven generating sets up to 1 000 V
calendar dates expressed in terms of calendar year,
consisting of an RIC engine, an alternating current
calendar month and calendar day of the month;
(AC) generator including the additional equipment
required for operating, e.g. controlgear, switchgear,
ordinal dates expressed in terms of calendar year and
auxiliary equipment. It is applicable to generating
calendar day of the year;
sets for land and marine use (domestic, recreational
and industrial application). It is not applicable to week dates expressed in terms of calendar year,
generating sets used on board of seagoing vessels and calendar week number and calendar day of the week;
mobile offshore units as well as on aircraft or to
propel road vehicles and locomotives. The special local time based upon the 24-hour timekeeping

requirements needed to cover operation in potentially system;

explosive atmospheres are not covered in this part of

Coordinated Universal Time of day;
US ISO 8528. The hazards relevant to RIC engine
driven generating sets are identified in Annex A. This local time and the difference from Coordinated
part of US ISO 8528 deals with the special Universal Time;
requirements of test and safety design which should
be observed in addition to the definitions and combination of date and time of day;
requirements in US ISO 8528-1, US ISO 8528-2, US
time intervals;
ISO 8528-3, US ISO 8528-4, US ISO 8528-5 and US
ISO 8528-6, where applicable. It specifies safety recurring time intervals.
requirements in order to protect the user from danger.
This standard does not cover dates and times where
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20. words are used in the representation and dates and
times where characters are not used in the
representation. This standard does not assign any
1765. US ISO 8601:2004, Data elements particular meaning or interpretation to any data
and interchange formats — element that uses representations in accordance with
Information interchange — this standard. Such meaning will be determined by
Representation of dates and times the context of the application.

This Uganda Standard is applicable whenever This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
representation of dates in the Gregorian calendar,
times in the 24-hour timekeeping system, time

343 | P a g e
1766. US ISO 8720:1991, Passenger 1769. US ISO 9009:1991, Glass
cars — Specifications for mechanical containers — Height and non-
jacks parallelism of finish with reference to
container base — Test methods
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements to
ensure the safety in use of original equipment This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
mechanical jacks supplied with passenger cars (as determining the height and the non-parallelism of
defined in ISO 3833), in changing wheels and putting finish with reference to the container base of glass
on chains. containers.

This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26 This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16



1770. US ISO 9012:2008, Gas welding

1767. US ISO 8965:2013, Logging
equipment — Air-aspirated hand
industry — Technology — Terms and
blowpipes — Specifications and tests

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test

This Uganda Standard defines terms relating to
methods for air-aspirated hand blowpipes. This
technological operations in the logging industry.
standard applies to blowpipes for brazing, soldering,
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 heating, fusion and other allied thermal processes,
which use a fuel gas and aspirated air (injector-type
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 blowpipes), and are intended for manual use. This
International Standard is applicable to:air-aspirated
1768. US ISO 9008:1991, Glass bottles
hand blowpipes which are fed with a fuel gas in the
— Verticality — Test method
gaseous phase, at a controlled pressure by a regulator,
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for through a gas supply hose;air-aspirated hand
determination of the verticality of glass bottles. blowpipes which are fed with a liquefied fuel gas in
NOTE Deviation from the vertical axis may cause the gaseous phase at the container pressure, through a
difficulties on fast-filling lines. This test method gas supply hose; andso-called liquid-phase blowpipes
determines not only the deviation of the whole body which are fed with a fuel gas in the liquid phase, and
from the vertical, but also the combined effect of where thermal evaporation takes place within the
various deformations which may also be present, e.g. blowpipe. It does not apply to blowpipes in which the
the deviation of the neck from vertical, offset finish fuel gas leaves the injector in the liquid phase, or to
and ovality of the finish (ring). so-called “cartridge” blowpipes where the gas supply
is fixed directly onto the blowpipe and possibly
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 constitutes the shank.


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

344 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 1773. US ISO/IEC 9075-14:2011,
Information technology — Database
1771. US ISO/IEC 9075-2: 2011,
languages — SQL — Part 14: XML-
Information technology — Database
Related Specifications (SQL/XML)
languages — SQL — Part 2:
Foundation (SQL/Foundation) This Uganda Standard defines ways in which
Database Language SQL can be used in conjunction
This Uganda Standard defines the data structures and
with XML.
basic operations on SQL-data. It provides functional
capabilities for creating, accessing, maintaining, This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
controlling, and protecting SQL-data.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
1774. US ISO 9090:1989, Gas tightness
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000 of equipment for gas welding and allied
1772. US ISO/IEC 9075-11:2011,
Information Technology — Database This Uganda Standard specifies the maximum
Language — SQL — Part 11: external leakage rates which are acceptable for
Information and Definition Schemas equipment used for welding, cutting and allied
(SQL/Schemata) processes. It applies to individual components which
are used in the gas supply to a blowpipe from the
This Uganda Standard specifies an Information
connecting point of the hose (outlet of the cylinder
Schema and a Definition Schema that describes:
valve or connecting point to a gas supply plant). It
does not apply to gas supply plants.
the structure and integrity constraints of SQL-data.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

the security and authorization specifications relating
to SQL-data.

the features and subfeatures of ISO/IEC 9075, and

1775. US ISO 9096:2017, Stationary
the support that each of these has in an SQL-
source emissions — Manual
determination of mass concentration of
particulate matter
the SQL-implementation information and sizing
items of US ISO/IEC 9075 and the values supported
This Uganda Standard describes a reference method
by an SQL-implementation.
for the measurement of particulate matter (dust)
concentration in waste gases of concentrations from
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
20 mg/m3 to 1 000 mg/m3 under standard conditions.
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000 This standard is applicable to the calibration of

345 | P a g e
automated monitoring systems (AMS). If the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
emission gas contains unstable, reactive or semi-
volatile substances, the measurement will depend on This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

the filtration temperature. In-stack methods can be

1778. US ISO 9205:1988, Refractory
more applicable than out-stack methods for the
bricks for use in rotary kilns — Hot-
calibration of automated monitoring systems.
face identification marking

This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26

This Uganda Standard specifies a system of marking
the working face of refractory bricks for use in rotary
kilns. The method is intended to provide a quick and
1776. US ISO 9098-2:1994, Bunk beds easy way of checking that each brick has been
for domestic use — Safety requirements installed with the taper in the correct direction, and
and tests — Part 2:Test methods also to assist in brick identification for turning
circles. The sizes of the bricks are given in US ISO
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods to
assess the safety of bunk beds for domestic use. It is
in particular intended to minimize the risk of This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
accidents happening to children. Only the sleeping
function is considered. This standard also applies to STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

single beds for use at a height of the bed base of 800

1779. US ISO 9221-1:1992, Furniture
mm or more above floor level, irrespective of the use
— Children's high chairs — Part 1:
to which the space below is put. The tests are
Safety requirements
designed to be applied to a freestanding bunk bed that
is fully assembled and ready. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements relating
to the safety of children’s high chairs for domestic
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
use, with the aim of minimizing accidents to children
resulting from normal usage and reasonably
foreseeable misuse of high chairs and multi-purpose
1777. US ISO 9112:2008, Truck and high chairs when in the high chair mode. Such chairs
bus tyres — Methods of measuring tyre may be convertible to low chairs, low chairs and
rolling circumference — Loaded new tables and for such uses as baby walking frames,
tyres pushchairs, Swings, car chairs or reclining low chairs.
These additional functions are not covered by US
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for
ISO 9221. Nor does it deal with accidents or injuries
measuring the rolling circumference and the number
which might result from the interaction of older
of revolutions per unit distance (kilometre) of new
children with children in the high chair or accidents
commercial vehicle tyres, under loaded conditions,
which might result from abuse or misuse by persons
for use on trucks and buses.
over three years of age.

346 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 is not applicable to porous pipe (pipe that is porous
along its entire length), nor does it cover the
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 performance of pipes as regards clogging.

1780. US ISO 9221-2:1992, Furniture

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
— Children's high chairs — Part 2:
Test methods STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

This Uganda Standard specifies test methods that 1782. US ISO 9312:2013, Resistance
assess the safety requirements given in US ISO 9221- welding equipment — Insulated pins
1 of children’s high chairs and multi-purpose chairs for use in electrode back-ups
for domestic use. Such chairs may be convertible to
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
low chairs, low chairs and tables and for such uses as
insulated pins used to pin parts in the secondary
baby walking frames, pushchairs, Swings, car chairs
circuit of resistance welding equipment, or other live
or reclining low chairs.
equipment, which need to be insulated from each
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 other.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

1781. US ISO 9261:2004, Agricultural STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

irrigation equipment — Emitters and
1783. US ISO 9313:1989, Resistance
emitting pipe — Specification and test
welding equipment — Cooling tube

This Uganda Standard specifies dimensions and

This Uganda Standard gives mechanical and
tolerances of cooling tubes for resistance spot
functional requirements for agricultural irrigation
welding equipment.
emitters and emitting pipes, and, where applicable,
their fittings, and provides methods for testing
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
conformity with such requirements. It also specifies
the data to be supplied by the manufacturer to permit STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
correct information, installation and operation in the
field. It is applicable to emitters, emitting and 1784. US ISO 9366:2001, Agglomerated

dripping (trickling) pipes, hoses, including cork floor tiles — Determination of

collapsible hoses (“tapes”) and tubing of which the dimensions and deviation from

emitting units form an integral part, to emitters and squareness and from straightness of

emitting units with or without pressure regulation and edges

with flow rates not exceeding 24 l/h per outlet

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
(except during flushing), and to fittings dedicated to
determination of the dimensions of agglomerated
the connection of emitting pipes, hoses and tubing. It

347 | P a g e
cork floor tiles or slabs, and the deviation from This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18
squareness and from straightness of their edges.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
1787. US ISO 9381: 2005, Hinged or
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 pivoted doors — Determination of the
resistance to static torsion
1785. US ISO 9379: 2005, Operating
forces — Test method — Doors This Uganda Standard applies to all vertically hinged
or pivoted doors. It specifies the method to be used to
This Uganda Standard is for hinged/pivoted and
determine the permanent deformation caused when
sliding doorsets with latches, for pedestrian use. It
static stress in torsion is applied to an open door leaf
defines the test methods to determine the forces to
fixed in its own door frame as part of a doorset. Such
open/close doors and to engage/release and
torsional stresses that might reasonably be expected,
lock/unlock the hardware using a key or handle. It is
such as in attempts to free a door which sticks, should
only applicable to the manual operation doorsets. The
neither damage nor impair the performance of a door.
measurement of forces for doorsets with self-closing
The method may also be used in respect a door leaf
devices engaged is excluded from this test method. It
submitted for test in a frame which the manufacturer
is also not applicable to doorsets with special
considers appropriate to and typical for the intended
hardware e.g. emergency exit devices. The tests are
applicable to doorsets of any material. The operation
of some windows involves latches and may be tested This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18
in accordance with this standard.
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18
1788. US ISO 9404-1:1991, Enclosures
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 for protection against ionizing radiation
— Lead shielding units for 150 mm, 200
1786. US ISO 9380: 1990, Doorsets —
mm and 250 mm thick walls — Part 1:
Repeated torsion test
Chevron units of 150 mm and 200 mm
This Uganda Standard specifies the method to be
used to determine the effects of repeated torsion
This Uganda Standard specifies the properties of the
doorsets and their hardware. It applies to all doorsets
various lead units used in the construction of shielded
made of any materials with vertically hinged
enclosures for protection against ionizing radiation.
doorleaves in their normal operating condition to
The units dealt with are:
which they are designed and installed according the
manufacturer’s recommendations as in a finished basic units: bricks, posts; and
building, bearing in mind he test conditions defined.

348 | P a g e
functional units: aperture bricks, windows, sphere 1791. US ISO 9426:2003, Wood-based
units, plugs and reducing units. panels — Determination of dimensions
of panels
Only bricks for walls of 150 mm thickness are
standardized in this part of US ISO 9404. Since four- This Uganda Standard specifies methods for
and five-chevron bricks are not manufactured, 200 measuring the thickness, width and length, as well as
mm and 250 mm thick walls are constructed with the squareness, edge straightness and flatness of
bricks of 50 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm thickness. wood-based panels. It applies to full-size flat panels.
The 150 mm and 200 mm shielding units are dealt
This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11
with separately in two sections for clarity. The 50
mm and 100 mm shielding units are standardized in
US ISO 7212.
1792. US ISO 9427:2003, Wood-based
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
panels — Determination of density


This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the density of wood-based panels.
1789. US ISO 9413:2012, Tyre valves
— Dimensions and designation
This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11

This Uganda Standard defines the essential

dimensions and the designation of tube valves and
tubeless valves. 1793. US ISO 9488:1999, Solar energy
– Vocabulary
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18
This Uganda Standard defines basic terms relating to
solar energy.

1790. US ISO 9424:2003, Wood-based

This standard was adopted on 2011-11-12
panels — Determination of dimensions
of test pieces STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for 1794. US ISO 9475:1994, Aircraft inner
measuring the thickness, length and width of test tube and tubeless tyre valves — Cores
pieces of wood-based panels. and caps — Test methods

This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11 This Uganda Standard specifies the test methods used
for valve cores and taps for aircraft tyres, with or
without inner tubes, and minimum air tightness
standards. It constitutes a detailed method allowing

349 | P a g e
products to be evaluated on the same basis, and Systems Interconnection — The
results to be compared. Directory: Public-key and attribute
certificate frameworks
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This Uganda Standard addresses some of the security
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 requirements in the areas of authentication and other
security services through the provision of a set of
1795. US ISO 9539:2010, Gas welding
frameworks upon which full services can be based.
equipment — Materials for equipment
Specifically, it defines frameworks for:
used in gas welding, cutting and allied
processes public-key certificates;

This Uganda Standard specifies the general, and

attribute certificates;
some of the special, requirements on materials used
for the construction of equipment used in gas authentication services.
welding, cutting and allied processes. Additional
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
requirements on materials for some equipment are
given in other standards. This standard is not
applicable to materials used for the construction of
welding hoses which are specified in US ISO 3821. 1798. US ISO 9606-1:1994 Approval
testing of welders — Fusion welding —
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
Part 1: Steels


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, ranges
of approval, test conditions, acceptance requirements
1796. US ISO 9553:1997, Solar energy
and certification for the approval testing of welder
– Methods of testing preformed rubber
performance for the welding of steels. This Uganda
seals and sealing compounds used in
standard does not cover the issue of the certificate of
approval testing which is under the sole responsibility
This Uganda Standard gives requirements for the of the examiner or test body.
classification and testing of rubbers used to seal solar
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
energy collectors in order to aid selection for specific

This standard was adopted on 2011-11-12

1799. US ISO 9606-2: 2004
Qualification test of welders – Fusion
welding – Part 2: Aluminium and
1797. US ISO/IEC 9594-8: 2008, aluminium alloys
Information technology — Open

350 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies essential 1802. US ISO 9808:1990, Solar water
requirements, ranges of approval, test conditions, heaters – Elastomeric materials for
acceptance requirements and certification for the absorbers, connecting pipes and fittings
approval testing of welder performance for the – Method of assessment
welding of aluminium.
This Uganda Standard specifies a means of assessing
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12. elastomeric materials for use in the manufacture of
absorbers, connecting piping and fittings for use in
solar water heaters.

1800. US ISO 9701:1994, Wrist and

This standard was adopted on 2011-11-12
pocket watches — Fitting diameters for
hour, minute and second hands STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This Uganda Standard specifies the fitting diameters 1803. US ISO 9885:1991, Wide-mouth
of hour, minute and second hands for wrist and glass containers — Deviation from
pocket watches. flatness of top sealing surface — Test
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This Uganda Standard specifies two complementary
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 test methods for the determination of the deviation
from flatness of the top sealing surface of wide-
1801. US ISO/IEC 9798-6:2010,
mouth glass containers. It applies to wide-mouth
Information technology — Security
glass containers, designated for sterilization and other
techniques — Entity authentication —
purposes, where a hermetic seal is required.
Part 6: Mechanisms using manual data
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

This Uganda Standard specifies eight entity STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000
authentication mechanisms based on manual data
1804. US ISO 10042:1992 Arc welded
transfer between authenticating devices. It indicates
joints in aluminium and its weldable
how these mechanisms can be used to support key
alloys – Guidance on quality levels for
management functions, and provides guidance on
secure choices of parameters for the mechanisms. A
comparison of the levels of security and efficiency
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on levels of
provided by the eight mechanisms is given.
imperfections in arc-welded joints in aluminium and
its weldable alloys.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30


351 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 1807. US ISO 10191:2010, Passenger
car tyres — Verifying tyre capabilities
1805. US ISO 10131-1:1997, Foldaway
— Laboratory test methods
beds — Safety requirements and tests
— Part 1 Safety requirements This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
verifying the capabilities of tyres for passenger cars.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements relating
to the safety and strength of foldaway beds for This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
domestic use. It also deals with the strength of the
mounting of the bed to the building structure, where STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000

applicable. This part of ISO 10131 does not specify

1808. US ISO TR 10217:1989, Solar
the properties of the materials or electrical equipment
energy – Water heating systems –
used in the construction of foldaway beds.
Guide to material selection with regard
to internal corrosion
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

This Uganda Standard provides a discussion of the

parameters that have a bearing on the internal
1806. US ISO 10131-2:1997, Foldaway corrosion of solar water heating systems
beds — Safety requirements and tests
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-12.
— Part 2: Test methods


This Uganda Standard specifies test methods to
assess the safety of foldaway beds for domestic use.
1809. US ISO 10225:2013, Gas welding
The tests are designed to be applied to a foldaway
equipment — Marking for equipment
bed that is fully assembled and ready for use. The test
used for gas welding, cutting and allied
results are only valid for the article tested. When the
test results are intended to be applied to other similar
articles, the test specimen should be representative of This Uganda Standard specifies the gas letter code to
the production model. In the case of designs not be used for marking the equipment for gas welding,
catered for in the test procedures, the test should be cutting and allied processes, when the full name of
carried out as far as possible as described, and a list the gas cannot be used.
made of the deviations from the test procedure.
Folding, beds, camping beds, convertible bed/chairs This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

or settees are not covered by this part of ISO 10131.


This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

1810. US ISO 10231:2003, Motorcycle

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 tyres — Test methods for verifying tyre

352 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for 1813. US ISO 10454:1993, Truck and
verifying the capabilities of tyres for motorcycles. Of bus tyres — Verifying tyre capabilities
the test methods presented, only some may be — Laboratory test methods
required depending on the type of tyre to be tested.
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
The test methods presented in this standard are not
verifying the capabilities of truck and bus tyres. Of
intended for gradation of tyre performance or quality
the test methods presented, only some may be
levels. This standard is applicable to all motorcycle
required depending on the type of tyre to be tested.
The tests are carried out in a laboratory under
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 controlled conditions.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

1811. US ISO 10265:2008, Earth- STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

moving machinery — Crawler
1814. US ISO 10499-1:1991, Industrial
machines — Performance requirements
tyres and rims — Rubber solid tyres
and test procedures for braking systems
(metric series) for pneumatic tyre rims
This Uganda Standard specifies minimum — Part 1: Designation, dimensions and
performance criteria and test methods to enable marking
uniform assessment of the service, secondary and
This Uganda Standard specifies the main
parking brake systems of crawler machines.
requirements, including designations, dimensions and
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 markings, of the metric series of rubber solid tyres for
pneumatic tyre rims primarily intended for industrial
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 machines for use on prepared surfaces. Rim contours
fitting these tyres will be specified in a future part of
1812. US ISO 10380:2012, Pipework —
ISO 3739.
Corrugated metal hoses and hose
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum

requirements for the design, manufacture, testing and
installation of corrugated metal hose and metal hose 1815. US ISO 10499-2:1998, Industrial
assemblies. tyres and rims — Rubber solid tyres
(metric series) for pneumatic tyre rims
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
— Part 2: Load ratings

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard specifies the load ratings of
the metric series of rubber solid tyres for pneumatic

353 | P a g e
tyre rims primarily intended for industrial vehicles 1818. US ISO 10545-2:1995, Ceramic
for use on prepared surfaces. Designation, tiles — Part 2: Determination of
dimensions and marking are covered in US ISO dimensions and surface quality
10499-1; rim contours fitting these tyres are specified
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for
in US ISO 3739-3.
determining the dimensional characteristics (length,
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 width, thickness, straightness of sides, rectangularity,
surface flatness) and the surface quality of ceramic
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 tiles. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces
US EAS 422-2:2005, Ceramic tiles — Part 2:
1816. US ISO 10500:1991, Industrial
Determination of dimensions and surface quality)
tyres and rims — Cylindrical and
conical base rubber solid tyres (metric
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
series) — Designation, dimensions and

This Uganda Standard specifies the main 1819. .US ISO 10545-3:1995, Ceramic
requirements, including designations, dimensions, tiles — Part 3: Determination of water
markings and load ratings, of the metric series of absorption, apparent porosity,
cylindrical and conical base rubber solid tyres apparent relative density and bulk
primarily intended for industrial machines for use on density
prepared surfaces.
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 determining water absorption, apparent porosity,
apparent relative density and bulk density of ceramic
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 tiles. There are two methods of obtaining
impregnation with water of the samples’ open pores:
1817. US ISO 10545-1:2014; Ceramic
boiling and immersion under vacuum. (This Uganda
tiles — Part 1: Sampling and basis for
Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 422-3:2005,
acceptance (2nd Edition)
Ceramic tiles — Part 3: Determination of water
This Uganda Standard specifies rules for batching, absorption, apparent porosity, apparent relative
sampling, inspection, and acceptance/rejection of density and bulk density).
ceramic tiles. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
replaces US ISO 10545-1:1995 which has been
technically revised).

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

1820. US ISO 10545-4:2014, Ceramic
tiles — Part 4: Determination of

354 | P a g e
modulus of rupture and breaking 6:2005, Ceramic tiles — Part 6: Determination of
nd resistance to deep abrasion for unglazed tiles).
strength (2 Edition)

This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
determining the modulus of rupture and breaking
strength of all ceramic tiles. (This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces US ISO 10545-4:2004, which
1823. US ISO 10545-7:1996, Ceramic
has been technically revised).
tiles — Part 7: Determination of
resistance to surface abrasion for
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
glazed tiles
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
1821. US ISO 10545-5:1996, Ceramic determining the resistance to surface abrasion of all
tiles — Part 5: Determination of impact glazed ceramic tiles used for floor covering. (This
resistance by measurement of Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 422-
coefficient of restitution 7:2005, Ceramic tiles — Part 7: Determination of
resistance to surface abrasion for glazed tiles).
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for
determining the impact resistance of ceramic tiles by This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
measuring the coefficient of restitution. (This Uganda
Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 422-5:2005,
Ceramic tiles — Part 5: Determination of impact
1824. US ISO 10545-8:2014, Ceramic
resistance by measurement of coefficient of
tiles — Part 8: Determination of linear
thermal expansion (2nd Edition)

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

This Uganda Standard defines a test method for
determining the coefficient of linear thermal
expansion of ceramic tiles. (This Uganda Standard
1822. US ISO 10545-6:2010, Ceramic cancels and replaces US ISO 10545-8:1994, which
tiles — Part 6: Determination of has been technically revised).
resistance to deep abrasion for
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
unglazed tiles


This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for
determining the resistance to deep abrasion of all
1825. US ISO 10545-9:2013, Ceramic
unglazed ceramic tiles used for floor coverings. (This
tiles — Part 9: Determination of
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 422-
resistance to thermal shock

355 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
determining the resistance to thermal shock of all
ceramic tiles under normal conditions of use. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

Depending on the water absorption of the tiles,

1828. US ISO 10545-12:1994, Ceramic
different procedures (tests with or without
tiles — Part 12: Determination of frost
immersion) are used unless there is an agreement to
the contrary. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US EAS 422-9:2005, Ceramic tiles — Part This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
9: Determination of resistance to thermal shock). determining the frost resistance of all ceramic tiles
intended for use in freezing conditions in the
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
presence of water. (This Uganda Standard cancels
and replaces US EAS 422-12:2005, Ceramic tiles —
Part 12: Determination of frost resistance).
1826. US ISO 10545-10:1995, Ceramic
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
tiles — Part 10: Determination of
moisture expansion

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for

1829. US ISO 10545-13:1995, Ceramic
determining the moisture expansion of ceramic tiles.
tiles — Part 13: Determination of
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
chemical resistance
422-10:2005, Ceramic tiles — Part 10:
Determination of moisture expansion). This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for
determining the chemical resistance of ceramic tiles
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
at room temperature. The method is applicable to all
types of ceramic tiles. (This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces US EAS 422-13:2005, Ceramic
1827. US ISO 10545-11:1994, Ceramic tiles — Part 13: Determination of chemical
tiles — Part 11: Determination of resistance).
crazing resistance for glazed tiles
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This Uganda Standard defines a test method for
determining the crazing resistance of all glazed STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

ceramic tiles except when the crazing is an inherent

1830. US ISO 10545-14:2015, Ceramic
decorative feature of the product. (This Uganda
tiles — Part 14: Determination of
Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 422-11:2005,
resistance to stains (2nd Edition)
Ceramic tiles — Part 11: Determination of crazing
resistance for glazed tiles). This This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the resistance to stains of the proper

356 | P a g e
surface of ceramic tiles. (This Uganda Standard This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
cancels and replaces US ISO 10545-14:1995, which
has been technically revised). STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

1833. US ISO 10553:2003, Horology —

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
Procedure for evaluating the accuracy
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 of quartz watches

1831. US ISO 10545-15:1995, Ceramic This Uganda Standard specifies the procedure for
tiles — Part 15: Determination of lead evaluating the accuracy of quartz watches,
and cadmium given off by glazed tiles individually and by lots, and the relationship between
the accuracy tested and the accuracy classification
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
given by the manufacturer. It applies to quartz
determination of lead and cadmium given off by the
watches having accompanying documents on which
glaze of ceramic tiles. (This Uganda Standard
the accuracy classification is indicated.
cancels and replaces US EAS 422-15:2005, Ceramic
tiles — Part 15: Determination of lead and cadmium This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
given off by glazed tiles).
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
1834. US ISO 10595:2010, Resilient
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 floor coverings — Semi-flexible/vinyl
composition (VCT) poly(vinyl chloride)
1832. US ISO 10545-16:2010, Ceramic
floor tiles — Specification
tiles — Part 16: Determination of small
colour differences This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
semi-flexible/vinyl composition floor tiles based on
This Uganda Standard describes a method for
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) binder and supplied in tile
utilizing colour measuring instruments for
form. Products may contain a transparent, non-PVC
quantifying the small colour differences between
factory finish. To encourage the consumer to make an
plain coloured ceramic tiles, which are designed to be
informed choice, this standard includes a
of uniform and consistent colour. It permits the
classification system (see ISO 10874) based on the
specification of a maximum acceptable value, which
intensity of use, which shows where these floor
depends only on the closeness of match and not on
coverings give satisfactory service. It also specifies
the nature of the colour difference. This part of US
requirements for marking.
ISO 10545 is not applicable to colour variations
produced for artistic purposes. (This Uganda This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 422-16:2005,
Ceramic tiles — Part 16: Determination of small STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

colour differences

357 | P a g e
1835. US ISO 10604:1993, Road tubing when rubber or plastics hoses or tubing are
vehicles — Measurement equipment for bent to a specific radius at ambient temperature.
orientation of headlamp luminous
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensional, STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

mechanical and optical quality criteria for equipment

1837. US ISO 10619-2:2011, Rubber
to measure or to verify the orientation of the
and plastics hoses and tubing —
luminous beams emitted by the headlamps installed
Measurement of flexibility and stiffness
on road motor vehicles excluding mopeds and
— Part 2: Bending tests at sub-ambient
motorcycles This standard lays down the
requirements for
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for
the floor on which the vehicles are placed;
measuring the stiffness and one method for the
determination of the flexibility of rubber and plastics
the vehicle preparation;
hoses and tubing when they are bent to a specific
equipment using a distant screen; radius at sub-ambient temperatures. Method A is
suitable for non-collapsible rubber and plastics hoses
optical equipment with installation and operating
and tubing with a bore of up to and including 25 mm.
instructions; and
This method provides a means of measuring the
stiffness of the hose or tubing when the temperature
photometric devices.
is reduced from a standard laboratory temperature.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. Method B is suitable for rubber and plastics hoses
and tubing with a bore of up to 100 mm and provides
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 a means of assessing the flexibility of the hose or
tubing when bent around a mandrel at a specified
1836. US ISO 10619-1:2011, Rubber
sub-ambient temperature. It can also be used as a
and plastics hoses and tubing —
routine quality control test. Method C is suitable for
Measurement of flexibility and stiffness
rubber and plastics hoses and tubing with a bore of
— Part 1: Bending tests at ambient
100 mm and greater. This method provides a means
of measuring the stiffness of the hose and tubing at

This Uganda Standard specifies three methods for sub-ambient temperatures. This method is only

measuring the flexibility of rubber and plastics hoses suitable for hoses and tubing which are non-

and tubing (methods A1, B and C1), where the collapsible.

deformation of the hose or tubing is measured, and

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
two methods for measuring the stiffness (methods A2
and C2) by measuring the force to bend the hose or STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

358 | P a g e
1838. US ISO 10619-3:2011, Rubber 1840. US ISO 10806:2003, Pipework —
and plastics hoses and tubing — Fittings for corrugated metal hoses
Measurement of flexibility and stiffness
This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
— Part 3: Bending tests at high and low
fittings for corrugated metal hose conforming with
the requirements of ISO 10380. This International
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the Standard is also valid for other fittings provided they
determination of the bending characteristics of rubber meet the material, design, assembly and test
and plastics hoses and tubing, including the force requirements specified herein.
required for bending, over a range of temperatures
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
from −60 ºC to +200 ºC. The nature of the apparatus,
however, limits its applicability to rubber and plastics
hoses and tubing of small internal diameter, i.e. up to
12,5 mm. 1841. US ISO 10844:2014: Acoustics —
Specification of test tracks for
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
measuring noise emitted by road
vehicles and their tyres

This Uganda Standard specifies the essential

1839. US ISO/IEC 10779:2008,
characteristics of a test surface intended to be used
Information technology — Office
for measuring vehicle and tyre or road noise
equipment accessibility guidelines for
elderly persons and persons with
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard specifies accessibility

guidelines to be considered when planning,
developing and designing electrophotographic 1842. US ISO 11237:2010, Rubber
copying machines, page printers and multi-function hoses and hose assemblies — Compact
devices. These guidelines are intended to improve wire-braid reinforced hydraulic types
accessibility required when primarily older persons, for oil-based or water-based fluids —
persons with disabilities and persons with temporary Specification
disabilities (hereafter referred to as older persons and
persons with disabilities) use office equipment. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for five
types of compact, wire-braid-reinforced hose and
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13 hose assembly of nominal size from 5 to 31,5. They
are suitable for use with water-based hydraulic fluids
HFC, HFAE, HFAS and HFB as defined in ISO
6743-4 at temperatures ranging from −40 °C to +60

359 | P a g e
°C and oil-based hydraulic fluids HH, HL, HM, HR performance tests and, in order to take account of
and HV as defined in ISO 6743-4 at temperatures technological developments, no requirements are
ranging from −40 °C to +100 °C. This standard does included for specific materials, detailed construction
not include requirements for end fittings. It is limited or manufacturing methods.
to requirements for hoses and hose assemblies.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

1845. US ISO 11530:1993, Road

1843. US ISO 11424:1996, Rubber
vehicles — Hydraulic jacks —
hoses and tubing for air and vacuum
systems for internal-combustion
engines — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies design and safety
requirements, and test methods for hydraulic jacks for
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
road vehicles, used for changing wheels and putting
vulcanized-rubber hoses and tubing for use in the
on chains.
various air and vacuum systems found on internal
combustion engines. The standard does not cover
This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26.
hoses used for direct power-brake actuation in trucks
and trailers, nor for air intakes and ducting within the STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000
passenger compartment. The highest-temperature
hoses are generally used for turbocharger 1846. US ISO 11601:2008 Firefighting

applications. All hoses and tubing remain serviceable — Wheeled fire extinguishers —

down to - 40 “C. Performance and construction

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. This Uganda Standard specifies the principal
requirements intended to ensure the safety, reliability
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 and performance of wheeled fire extinguishers.

1844. US ISO 11425:1996, Rubber This standard was adopted on 2011-11-12.

hoses and hose assemblies for
automobile power steering systems — STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 45,000

1847. US ISO 11602-1:2000, Fire

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for five protection — Portable and wheeled fire

types of hose and hose assembly used in automobile extinguishers — Part 1: Selection and

power-steering systems, the five types differing in installation

their pressure ratings and volumetric expansion. They

This part of US ISO 11602 gives requirements for the
are for use with fluids in the temperature range - 40
selection and installation of portable and wheeled fire
“C to + 135 “C. This standard is based on

360 | P a g e
extinguishers. It should be used in conjunction with This Uganda Standard specifies the principles, the
US ISO 11602-2. essential performance characteristics and the
calibration of automated systems for measuring
This standard was adopted on 2011-11-
carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and oxygen in the
12.STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 flues of stationary sources. This standard specifies
extractive and non-extractive systems in connection
1848. US ISO 11602-2:2000 Fire
with several types of instrumental analyzer. The
protection — Portable and wheeled fire
following techniques have provided the basis for
extinguishers —Part 2: Inspection and
practical instrumentation: paramagnetism (O2);
magnetic wind (O2); differential pressure (Quinke)
This part of US ISO 11602 specifies the inspection, (O2); magnetodynamics; zirconium oxide (O2);
maintenance, and periodic testing of portable and electrochemical cell (O2 and CO); and infrared
wheeled fire extinguishers. absorption (CO and CO2).

This standard was adopted on 2011-11-12. This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26.


1849. US ISO 11795:1997, Agricultural 1851. US ISO 12151-1:2010,

tractor drive wheel tyres — Method of Connections for hydraulic fluid power
measuring tyre rolling circumference and general use — Hose fittings — Part
1: Hose fittings with ISO 8434-3 O-ring
This Uganda Standard specifies the method for face seal ends
measuring rolling circumference for new tyres, under
loaded conditions, made for use on agricultural This Uganda Standard specifies the general and
tractors and machines, and applies to agricultural dimensional requirements for the design and
tractor drive wheel tyres in diagonal and radial performance of hose fittings with O-ring face seal
construction. ends in accordance with ISO 8434-3, made of carbon
steel, for nominal hose inside diameters of 6,3 mm to
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-14. 38 mm, inclusive, in accordance with ISO 4397.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

1850. US ISO 12039:2001, Stationary STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

source emissions — Determination of
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and 1852. US ISO 12151-2:2003,
oxygen — Performance characteristics Connections for hydraulic fluid power
and calibration of automated and general use — Hose fittings — Part
measuring systems 2: Hose fittings with ISO 8434-1 and

361 | P a g e
ISO 8434-4 24° cone connector ends This Uganda Standard specifies the general and
with O-rings dimensional requirements for the design and
performance of ISO 6149 metric stud-end hose
This Uganda Standard specifies the general and
fittings made of carbon steel, for nominal hose inside
dimensional requirements for the design and
diameters of 6,3 mm through 38 mm inclusive, in
performance of hose fittings with 24° cone connector
accordance with ISO 4397.
ends with O-rings, in accordance with ISO 8434-1
and ISO 8434-4. These hose fittings are made of This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
carbon steel and are intended for use with hoses with
nominal inside diameters from 5 mm through 38 mm STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

1855. US ISO 12170:1996, Gas welding
equipment— Thermoplastic hoses for
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
welding and allied processes
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
1853. .US ISO 12151-3:2010, relevant methods of measurement and testing of two
Connections for hydraulic fluid power types of thermoplastic hoses with maximum design
and general use — Hose fittings — Part working pressure of 1 MPa and of 2 MPa, used for
3: Hose fittings with ISO 6162-1 or ISO flexible gas supply lines in specific fields of
6162-2 flange ends application as follows:small kits for brazing and
welding in accordance with US ISO 14112;air-
This Uganda Standard specifies the general and
aspirated blowpipes for welding and allied
dimensional requirements for the design and
processes;miniature welding such as jewellery work,
performance of flange hose fittings, made of carbon
dental work excluding acetylene applications; andarc
steel, for nominal hose inside diameters of 12,5 mm
welding with shielding gas.
to 51 mm inclusive, in accordance with ISO 4397, for
use with ports and clamps in accordance with ISO This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
6162-1 and ISO 6162-2.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
1856. US ISO 12219-1:2012, Interior
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 air of road vehicles — Part 1: Whole
vehicle test chamber — Specification
1854. US ISO 12151-4:2007,
and method for the determination of
Connections for hydraulic fluid power
volatile organic compounds in cabin
and general use — Hose fittings — Part
4: Hose fittings with ISO 6149 metric
stud ends This Uganda describes and specifies the whole
vehicle test chamber, the vapour sampling assembly

362 | P a g e
and the operating conditions for the determination of formaldehyde release- Part 3: Gas
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and carbonyl analysis method
compounds in vehicle cabin air.
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. determination of accelerated formaldehyde release
from wood-based panels using the gas analysis

1857. US ISO 12418-2:2012, Plastics —

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
Post-consumer poly(ethylene
terephthalate) (PET) bottle recyclates STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
— Part 2: Preparation of test specimens
1860. US ISO 12460-4, 2008, Wood
and determination of properties
based panels — Determination of
This Uganda Standard specifies the test methods to formaldehyde release — Part 4:
be used in determining the properties of post- Desiccator method
consumer poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) bottle
This Uganda Standard specifies a desiccator method
for the determination of the quantity of formaldehyde
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15. emitted from particleboard, fibreboard, plywood,
oriented strand board (OSB), and wooden laminated
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 flooring.

1858. US ISO 12460-1:2007, Wood-

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
based panels — Determination of
formaldehyde release — Part 1: STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
Formaldehyde emission by the 1-cubic-
1861. US ISO 12540:2017, Glass in
metre chamber method
building — Tempered soda lime silicate
This Uganda Standard specifies a 1 m3 chamber safety glass
method for the determination of the formaldehyde
This Uganda Standard covers product definitions,
emission from wood-based panels under defined
product characteristics, i.e. tolerances, flatness,
conditions, relating to typical conditions in real-life.
edgework, etc., fracture characteristics, including
This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11 fragmentation, and the physical and mechanical
characteristics of flat tempered soda lime silicate
safety glass for use in buildings.
1859. US ISO 12460-3: 2008, Wood
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
based panels — Determination of


363 | P a g e
1862. US ISO 12543-1:2011, Glass in 1865. US ISO 12543-4:2011, Glass in
building — Laminated glass and building — Laminated glass and
laminated safety glass — Part 1: laminated safety glass — Part 4: Test
Definitions and description of methods for durability
component parts
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods in
This Uganda Standard defines terms and describes respect of resistance to high temperature, humidity
component parts for laminated glass and laminated and radiation for laminated glass and laminated
safety glass for use in building. safety glass for use in building.

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01. This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.


1863. US ISO 12543-2:2011, Glass in 1866. US ISO 12543-5:2011, Glass in

building — Laminated glass and building — Laminated glass and
laminated safety glass — Part 2: laminated safety glass — Part 5:
Laminated safety glass Dimensions and edge finishing

This Uganda Standard specifies performance This Uganda Standard specifies dimensions, limit
requirements for laminated safety glass as defined in deviations and edge finishes of laminated glass and
US ISO 12543-1. laminated safety glass for use in building. This part of
US ISO 12543 is not applicable to panes having an
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01. area less than 0.05 m2


This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.

1864. US ISO 12543-3:2011, Glass in

building — Laminated glass and
laminated safety glass — Part 3: 1867. US ISO 12543-6:2011, Glass in
Laminated glass building — Laminated glass and
laminated safety glass — Part 6:
This Uganda Standard specifies performance
requirements for laminated glass as defined in US
ISO 12543-1. This Uganda Standard specifies defects of finished
sizes and test methods with regard to the appearance
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
of laminated glass when looking through the glass.
This part of US ISO 12543 is applicable to finished
sizes at the time of supply.

364 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01. US ISO 5019-6 and US ISO 5417, unless otherwise
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
1868. US ISO 12678-1:1996, Refractory
products — Measurement of STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
dimensions and external defects of
1870. US ISO 12818:2013, Glass
refractory bricks — Part 1: Dimensions
packaging —Standard tolerances for
and conformity to drawings
This Uganda Standard describes apparatus and
This Uganda Standard specifies the tolerances for the
specifies simple methods for routine measurement of
bottles intended to be used for pharmaceutical
dimensions of refractory bricks. It also specifies
products, cosmetic and perfumery products and
metho+ds for inspection of conformity to shape,
chemical products.
determining concavity, convexity and out-of-
squareness. It does not establish criteria for
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
acceptance or rejection of bricks. The application of
these methods is limited to standard shapes in STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
accordance with US ISO 5019-1 to US ISO 5019-6
and US ISO 5417, unless otherwise agreed. 1871. US ISO 12821:2013, Glass
packaging — 26 H 180 crown finish —
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 Dimensions

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions of the
26-mm-tall crown finish for glass bottles containing
1869. US ISO 12678-2:1996, Refractory
beverages. The tall crown finish is designed to use a
products — Measurement of
metal crown closure.
dimensions and external defects of
refractory bricks — Part 2: Corner and This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
edge defects and other surface
imperfections STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

This Uganda Standard describes apparatus and 1872. US ISO 12822:2020, Glass

specifies simple methods for routine measurement of packaging — 26 H 126 crown finish —

corner and edge defects, as well as other surface Dimensions

imperfections of refractory bricks. It does not apply

This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions of the
to the measurement of internal defects. It does not
26 mm shallow crown finish for glass bottles
establish criteria for acceptance or rejection of bricks.
containing beverages. The shallow crown finish is
The application of these methods is limited to
designed to use a metal crown closure.
standard shapes in accordance with US ISO 5019-1 to

365 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 internal and external tile installations on walls and
floors. It is not applicable to criteria or
recommendations for the design and installation of
1873. US ISO 13006:2018, Ceramic ceramic tiles. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
tiles — Definitions, classification, replaces US ISO 13007-1:2005, Ceramic tiles —
characteristics and marking (2nd Grouts and adhesives — Part 1: Terms, definitions
Edition) and specifications for adhesives, which has been
technically revised).
This Uganda Standard defines terms and establishes
classifications, characteristics and marking This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
requirements for ceramic tiles of the best commercial
quality (first quality). This document is not applicable
to tiles made by other than normal processes of
1875. US ISO 13007-2:2013, Ceramic
extrusion or dry pressing. It is not applicable to
tiles — Grouts and adhesives — Part 2:
decorative accessories or trim such as edges, corners,
Test methods for adhesives (2nd Edition)
skirting, capping, coves, beads, steps, curved tiles and
other accessory pieces or mosaics (i.e. any piece that This Uganda Standard describes the methods for
can fit into a square, the side of which is less than 7 determining the characteristics for adhesives used in
cm). (This standard cancels and replaces the first the installation of ceramic tiles. The following test
edition US ISO 13006:2012, Ceramic tiles — methods are described: determination of open time;
Definitions, classification, characteristics and determination of slip; determination of shear
marking, which has been technically revised). adhesion strength; determination of tensile adhesion
strength; and determination of transverse
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01.
deformation. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US ISO 13007-2:2005, Ceramic tiles —
Grouts and adhesives —Part 2: Test methods for
1874. US ISO 13007-1:2010, Ceramic adhesives, which has been technically revised)
tiles — Grouts and adhesives — Part 1:
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
Terms, definitions and specifications
for adhesives (2nd Edition)

This Uganda Standard defines terms concerning the

1876. US ISO 13007-3:2010, Ceramic
products, working methods and application properties
tiles — Grouts and adhesives — Part 3:
for ceramic tile adhesives. It specifies values of
Terms, definitions and specifications
performance requirements for all ceramic tile
for grouts (2nd Edition)
adhesives [cementitious (C), dispersion (D) and
reaction resin (R) adhesives]. This part of US ISO This Uganda Standard defines terms concerning the
13007 is applicable to ceramic tile adhesives for products, working methods and application properties

366 | P a g e
for ceramic tile grouts. It specifies values of 1878. US ISO 13008:2012, Information
performance requirements for all ceramic tile grouts and documentation — Digital records
[cementitious (CG) and reaction resin (RG) grouts]. conversion and migration process
This part of US ISO 13007 is applicable to ceramic
This Uganda Standard specifies the planning issues,
tile grouts for internal and external tile installations
requirements and procedures for the conversion
on walls and floors. It is not applicable to criteria or
and/or migration of digital records (which includes
recommendations for the design and installation of
digital objects plus metadata) in order to preserve the
ceramic tiles. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
authenticity, reliability, integrity and usability of such
replaces US ISO 13007-3:2004, Ceramic tiles —
records as evidence of business transactions. These
Grouts and adhesives — Part 3: Terms, definitions
digital records can be active or residing in a
and specifications for grouts, which has been
repository. These procedures do not comprehensively
technically revised).
cover backup systems; preservation of digital records;
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 functionality of trusted digital repositories; the
process of converting analogue formats to digital
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 formats and vice versa.

1877. US ISO 13007-4:2013, Ceramic

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
tiles — Grouts and adhesives — Part 4:
Test methods for grouts (2nd Edition) STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

This Uganda Standard describes methods for 1879. US ISO/IEC 13066-1:2011,

determining characteristics for grouts used in the Information technology —
installation of ceramic tiles. The following test Interoperability with assistive
methods are described:determination of flexural and technology (AT) — Part 1:
compressive strength ;determination of water Requirements and recommendations
absorption;determination of shrinkage ;determination for interoperability
of resistance to abrasion;determination of transverse
This Uganda Standard defines the responsibilities of
deformation; anddetermination of chemical
different information technology (IT) and assistive
resistance. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
technology (AT) functional units in supporting
replaces US ISO 13007-4:2005, Ceramic tiles —
interoperability. It recognizes that AT can be
Grouts and adhesives — Part 4: Test methods for
provided both as functional units that are installed or
grouts, which has been technically revised).
otherwise connected to a system or can be utilized by
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 being provided as a service which is accessed via
communications connections. It bases these
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 responsibilities on fundamental IT definitions of
major types of functional units. It focuses on the
utilization of standard, public interfaces for

367 | P a g e
functional units and on the provision of accessible documentation of their capabilities. This standard
documentation of their capabilities. This standard recognizes that IT is implemented both in
recognizes that IT is implemented both in conventional computer systems and as a major
conventional computer systems and as a major component of other systems within the wider scope
component of other systems within the wider scope of information and communications technology
of information and communications technology (ICT). This part of ISO/IEC 13066 recognizes the
(ICT). This part of ISO/IEC 13066 recognizes the fundamental role of operating systems and
fundamental role of operating systems and application programming interfaces (APIs), in
application programming interfaces (APIs), in managing interoperability, and in providing guidance
managing interoperability, and in providing guidance to developers of other functional units. It also
to developers of other functional units. It also recognizes that different operating systems will have
recognizes that different operating systems will have their own standardized methods of supporting
their own standardized methods of supporting interoperability.
interoperability. This standard does not define or
require specific technology, commands, APIs, or This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

hardware interfaces. It defers to other


This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

1881. US ISO 13106:2014, Plastics —
Blow-moulded polypropylene
containers for packaging of liquid
1880. US ISO/IEC 13066-1:2011, foodstuffs
Information technology —
This Uganda Standard provides the requirements of
Interoperability with assistive
polypropylene resins intended for use in blow-
technology (AT) — Part 1:
moulded, round containers with capacities up to, and
Requirements and recommendations
including two litres intended for the packaging of
This Uganda Standard defines the responsibilities of liquids for human consumption. This standard also
different information technology (IT) and assistive provides tolerances on mass, dimensions, methods of
technology (AT) functional units in supporting sampling, testing, and performance requirements.
interoperability. It recognizes that AT can be
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
provided both as functional units that are installed or
otherwise connected to a system or can be utilized by
being provided as a service which is accessed via
communications connections. It bases these 1882. US ISO 13216-1:1999, Road
responsibilities on fundamental IT definitions of vehicles — Anchorages in vehicles and
major types of functional units. It focuses on the attachments to anchorages for child
utilization of standard, public interfaces for restraint systems — Part 1: Seat bight
functional units and on the provision of accessible anchorages and attachments

368 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions, This Uganda Standard classifies the spatial
general requirements and static strength requirements requirements in a vehicle to enable a child restraint
of rigid anchorages for anchoring child restraint system (CRS) to be conveniently mounted. It also
systems (CRS) in vehicles. It is applicable to fittings specifies the dimensions of child restraint systems, in
for the installation of CRSs for children with a mass order to ensure that they will fit in vehicles.
of up to 22 kg, by means of two rigid anchorages
positioned in the seat bight area, in passenger This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

carrying vehicles.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

1885. US ISO 13325:2003, Tyres —
Coast-by methods for measurement of
tyre-to-road sound emission
1883. US ISO 13216-2:2004, Road
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for
vehicles — Anchorages in vehicles and
measuring tyre-to-road sound emissions from tyres
attachments to anchorages for child
fitted on a motor vehicle or towed trailer under coast-
restraint systems — Part 2: Top tether
by conditions - i.e. when the vehicle or trailer is in
anchorages and attachments
free-rolling, non-powered operation, with
This Uganda Standard establishes the positioning transmission in the neutral position and the engine as
zones, dimensions and general and static-strength well as all auxiliary systems not necessary for safe
requirements for top tether anchorages used together driving switched off.
with seat bight anchorages according to ISO 13216-1
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
or with other systems for anchoring child restraint
systems (CRS) in road vehicles. It is applicable to
child restraint systems intended for children with a
mass of up to 22 kg. 1886. US ISO 13326:1998, Test
methods for measuring tyre uniformity
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods carried
out under controlled conditions for verifying the
uniformity of tyres for passenger cars, commercial
1884. US ISO 13216-3:2006, Road
vehicles and motorcycles. This standard does not
vehicles — Anchorages in vehicles and
include methods for measuring the static and the
attachments to anchorages for child
dynamic unbalance nor methods related to tyre-wheel
restraint systems — Part 3:
assemblies. The test methods specified in this
Classification of child restraint
standard are not intended for the gradation of tyres or
dimensions and space in vehicle
the definition of quality levels.

369 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 intended for diesel engines; andclass B intended for
petrol engines, and for diesel engines with a very
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 high exhaust temperature.

1887. US ISO 13328:2000, Motorcycle

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
tyres — Measurement of tyre rolling
circumference — Loaded new tyres STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for 1889. US ISO 13473-2:2002,

measuring the rolling circumference and revolutions Characterization of pavement texture
per unit distance (kilometre) for new tyres, under by use of surface profiles — Part 2:
loaded conditions, made for use on motorcycles and Terminology and basic requirements
mopeds. The values obtained according to this related to pavement texture profile
method are not intended for use as levels of analysis
performance or quality. This standard is applicable to
This Uganda Standard defines terms, expressions and
all motorcycle and moped tyres designed and
parameters that are related to the analysis of
intended for use on the road.
pavement texture, on roads as well as on airport
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 runways and taxiways.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

1888. US ISO 13363:2004, Rubber and STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

plastics hoses for marine engine wet-
1890. US ISO 13608:2014, Plywood —
exhaust systems — Specification
Decorative veneered plywood
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
This Uganda Standard specifies the terms,
three types and two classes of hose. The hoses are
classifications, requirements, test methods, marking,
intended for use in marine-engine wet-exhaust
for decorative veneered plywood with natural wood
systems (where the exhaust gases are mixed with the
veneer, colored veneer, laminated veneer,
discharge of cooling water).The three types are:type
multilaminar veneer, and other types of veneer as
1: a softwall hose, made of oil-resistant material, with
decorative surface and plywood as a core panel,
a synthetic-fabric reinforcement;type 2: a hardwall
where the surface veneer thickness is less than 0,55
hose, made of oil-resistant material, with a synthetic-
fabric reinforcement with a helical wire embedded in
it; and type 3: a hose or tube (flexible connector),
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
made of oil-resistant material, with or without a
reinforcement or cover, intended for use in short STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
lengths in locations where the connector is protected
from mechanical damage.The two classes are:class A

370 | P a g e
1891. US ISO 13774:1998, Rubber and vehicles powered by internal-combustion engines.
plastics hoses for fuels for internal- This specification is intended especially for use by
combustion engines — Method of test original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)
for flammability
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
assessing the flammability of hoses with a nominal
bore of 16 or smaller, intended for use with
1894. US ISO 13942:2000, Bonded
petroleum fuels for internal-combustion engines.
abrasive products — Limit deviations
and run-out tolerances
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This Uganda Standard specifies the essential limit

deviations and run-out tolerances, in millimetres, for
1892. US ISO 13775-1:2000, bonded abrasive products as specified in ISO 603-1
Thermoplastic tubing and hoses for to ISO 603-16.
automotive use — Part 1: Non-fuel
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.


This Uganda Standard specifies the test requirements
and the test methods for extruded thermoplastic
1895. US ISO 14112:1996, Gas welding
tubing and hoses for use in vehicles powered by
equipment — Small kits for gas brazing
internal-combustion engines, excluding use in air
and welding
braking systems (see ISO 7628-2), fuel lines (see ISO
13775-2) and high-pressure hydraulic systems. This This Uganda Standard specifies safety requirements
specification is intended especially for use by original for the construction of small kits for brazing,
equipment manufacturers (OEMs). soldering and welding for non-professional use. This
standard is applicable to appliances whose welding
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-
equipment is completely set up in the factory and
which use a liquefied gas or gas mixture as
combustible gas, and compressed oxygen, air or an
air/oxygen mixture for combustion. It is applicable to
1893. US ISO 13775-2:2000,
appliances which use gases contained in refillable
Thermoplastic tubing and hoses for
containers having a maximum water capacity of 5
automotive use — Part 2: Petroleum-
litres, or in disposable containers with maximum
based-fuel applications
water capacity of 1 litre. It is not applicable to the
This Uganda Standard specifies test requirements and following: appliances using acetylene or hydrogen as
test methods for extruded thermoplastic tubing and combustible gas; air-aspirated appliances; appliances
hoses for use in petroleum-based-fuel lines in

371 | P a g e
working with an oxygen generator; andappliances cylinder manifold systems for the supply of acetylene
working by electrolysis. for use in welding, cutting and allied processes. This
standard applies to acetylene cylinder manifold
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
systems in which up to 16 acetylene single cylinders
or two acetylene bundles are coupled for collective
gas withdrawal.
1896. .US ISO 14113:2013, Gas welding
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
equipment — Rubber and plastics hose
and hose assemblies for use with
industrial gases up to 450 bar (45 MPa
1898. US ISO 14373:2006, Resistance
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
welding — Procedure for spot welding
rubber and plastics hose and hose assemblies for use
of uncoated and coated low carbon
with compressed, liquefied, and dissolved gases up to
a maximum working pressure of 450 bar (45 MPa),
within the ambient temperature range of −20 °C to This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
+60 °C. This standard applies to hose assemblies resistance spot welding in the fabrication of
used to connect industrial gas cylinders to manifolds assemblies of uncoated and metallic coated low
or bundles prior to any pressure reduction stage. This carbon steel, comprising two or three sheets of metal,
standard does not cover rubber or thermoplastic hoses where the maximum single sheet thickness of
for welding, cutting, and allied processes (see US components to be welded is within the range 0,4 mm
ISO 3821 and US ISO 12170). This standard does not to 3 mm, for the following materials:
apply to refrigerated liquefied gases or to liquefied
uncoated steels;
petroleum gases (LPG).

hot-dip zinc or iron-zinc alloy (galvannealed) coated

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
electrolytic zinc, zinc-iron, or zinc-nickel coated
1897. US ISO 14114:1999, Gas welding steel;
equipment — Acetylene manifold
aluminium coated steel; ad
systems for welding, cutting and allied
processes — General requirements
zinc-aluminium coated steel.

This Uganda Standard is applicable to acetylene

This standard is applicable to the welding of sheets of
cylinder manifold systems extending from the
the same or dissimilar thickness, where the thickness
cylinder valve or the bundle outlet connections to the
ratio is less than or equal to 3:1. It applies to the
connection of the flame arrestor. It specifies
welding of three thicknesses, where the total
requirements for design, materials and testing of

372 | P a g e
thickness is less than or equal to 9 mm. Welding with and telecommunications bonds (other than that
the following types of equipment is within the scope specified in ISO/IEC 30129) in support of generic
of this standard: cabling standards and associated documents. (This
second edition cancels and replaces the first edition
pedestal welding equipment;
US ISO/IEC 14763-2:2012, Information technology –
Implementation and operation of customer premises
gun welders;
cabling — Part 2: Planning and installation, which
automatic welding equipment where the components has been technically revised).
are fed by robots or automatic feeding equipment;
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
multi welders; and
robotic welders.
1901. US ISO 14960-1:2014, Tubeless
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 tyres — Valves and components — Part
1: Test methods
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
1899. US ISO 14557:2002, Fire-fighting snap-in tubeless tyre valves intended for, but are not
hoses — Rubber and plastics suction limited to, highway applications.
hoses and hose assemblies
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This Uganda Standard gives requirements and test
methods for rubber and plastics suction hoses for fire- STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
fighting purposes.
1902. US ISO 14960-2:2014, Tubeless
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 tyres — Valves and components — Part
2: Clamp-in tubeless tyre valve-test

1900. US ISO/IEC 14763-2:2019, This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
Information technology – clamp-in tubeless tyre valves. A clamp-in valve is an
Implementation and operation of assembly of a valve stem, valve core, valve cap,
customer premises cabling — Part 2: rubber grommet or O-ring, hex nut, and ring washer
Planning and installation (2nd Edition) which conforms to US ISO 9413.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
planning, installation and operation of
telecommunications cabling and cabling STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
infrastructures including cabling, pathways, spaces

373 | P a g e
1903. US ISO 15008:2009, Road STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
vehicles — Ergonomic aspects of
1904. US ISO 15011-1:2009, Health and
transport information and control
safety in welding and allied processes —
systems — Specifications and test
Laboratory method for sampling fume
procedures for in-vehicle visual
and gases — Part 1: Determination of
fume emission rate during arc welding
This Uganda Standard specifies minimum and collection of fume for analysis
requirements for the image quality and legibility of
This Uganda Standard defines a laboratory method
displays containing dynamic (changeable) visual
for measuring the emission rate of fume from arc
information presented to the driver of a road vehicle
welding. It also defines a method of collecting the
by on-board transport information and control
fume for subsequent analysis and refers to suitable
systems (TICS) used while the vehicle is in motion.
analytical techniques.
These requirements are intended to be independent of
display technologies, while reference to test methods
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
and measurements for assessing compliance with
them have been included where necessary. This STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
standard is applicable to mainly perceptual, and some
basic cognitive, components of the visual 1905. US ISO 15011-2:2009, Health and

information, including character legibility and colour safety in welding and allied processes —

recognition. It is not applicable to other factors Laboratory method for sampling fume

affecting performance and comfort, such as coding, and gases — Part 2: Determination of

format and dialogue characteristics, or to displays the emission rates of carbon monoxide

using (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen

monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide
characters presented as a part of a symbol or pictorial (NO2) during arc welding, cutting and
information, gouging

superimposed information the external field (e.g. This Uganda Standard defines laboratory methods for
head-up displays), measuring the emission rates of carbon monoxide
(CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen monoxide (NO)
pictorial images (e.g. rear view camera),
and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) generated during arc
welding, cutting and gouging, using a hood
maps and topographic representations (e.g. those for
technique. The methodology is suitable for use with
setting navigation systems), or
all open arc welding processes, cutting and gouging
quasi-static information but different designs of hood are used depending on
the process and whether or not it can be conducted
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
automatically. The method can be used to evaluate

374 | P a g e
the effects of welding wires, welding parameters, process, depositing unalloyed steel, alloyed steel and
processes, shielding gases, test piece composition and non-ferrous alloys. Manual metal arc welding, gas-
test piece surface condition emission rate. shielded metal arc welding with solid wires, metal-
cored and flux-cored wires and arc welding with self-
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
shielded flux-cored wires are included within the
scope of this standard.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

1906. US ISO 15011-3:2009, Health and
safety in welding and allied processes —
Laboratory method for sampling fume
and gases — Part 3: Determination of 1908. US ISO 15011-5: 2011, Health
ozone emission rate during arc welding and safety in welding and allied
processes — Laboratory method for
This Uganda Standard defines a laboratory method
sampling fume and gases — Part 5:
for measuring the emission rate of ozone during arc
Identification of thermal-degradation
welding, using a hood technique. The method is
products generated when welding or
directed primarily at measuring ozone emission rate
cutting through products composed
when using gas-shielded arc welding processes, but it
wholly or partly of organic materials
can also be employed with other processes, e.g.
using pyrolysis-gas chromatography
selfshielded flux-cored arc welding, provided that
mass spectrometry
welding can be performed automatically under the
hood. This Uganda Standard specifies procedures for
obtaining information about thermal degradation
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
products generated when welding, cutting through,
preheating and straightening metal treated with
coatings composed wholly or partly of organic
1907. US ISO 15011-4:2006, Health and substances, e.g. shop primers, paints, oils, waxes and
safety in welding and allied processes — inter‑weld materials such as adhesives and sealants. It
Laboratory method for sampling fume is aimed primarily at test laboratories performing
and gases — Part 4: Fume data sheet such procedures. The data generated can be used by
coating manufacturers to provide information for
This Uganda Standard covers health and safety in inclusion in safety data sheets and by occupational
welding and allied processes. It specifies hygienists to identify thermal degradation products of
requirements for determination of the emission rate significance in the performance of risk assessments
and chemical composition of welding fume in order and/or workplace exposure measurements. The data
to prepare fume data sheets. It applies to all filler cannot be used to estimate workplace exposure
materials used for joining or surfacing by arc welding directly. This standard is applicable to all coatings
using a manual, partly mechanised or fully automatic composed partly or wholly of organic materials that

375 | P a g e
can be heated during welding and cutting, preheating processes. The method can be used with capture
and straightening to temperatures at which thermal devices of any aspect ratio and cross-sectional area,
degradation products are generated and where it is but it is not applicable to on-gun extraction systems
not apparent what those degradation products are. and down draught tables. This standard also specifies
the test data to be marked on the capture devices.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
1909. US ISO 15012-1:2013, Health and
safety in welding and allied processes — 1911. US ISO 15222:2011, Truck and
Equipment for capture and separation bus tyres — Method for measuring
of welding fume — Part 1: relative wet grip performance —
Requirements for testing and marking Loaded new tyres
of separation efficiency
This Uganda Standard specifies the method for
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for testing measuring relative wet grip braking performance
equipment for the separation of welding fume in index to a reference under loaded conditions for new
order to determine whether its separation efficiency tyres for use on commercial vehicles on a wet-paved
meets specified requirements. The method specified surface. The methods developed in this standard are
does not apply to testing of filter cartridges meant to reduce the variability. This standard applies
independent of the equipment in which they are to all truck and bus tyres (commercial vehicle tyres).
intended to be used.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
1912. US ISO 15296:2004, Gas welding
1910. US ISO 15012-2:2008, Health and equipment — Vocabulary — Terms
safety in welding and allied processes — used for gas welding equipment
Equipment for capture and separation
of welding fume — Part 2: This Uganda Standard constitutes a compilation of
Determination of the minimum air technical terms and definitions specifically related to
volume flow rate of captor hoods and gas welding equipment.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
establishing the minimum air volume flow rate
required for captor hoods and nozzles to effectively
capture fume and gases from welding and allied

376 | P a g e
1913. US ISO 15465:2004, Pipework — assessment — Part 4: Guidance on use
Stripwound metal hoses and hose for process improvement and process
assemblies capability determination

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for This Uganda Standard provides guidance on how to
the design, manufacture and testing of four principal utilize a conformant process assessment within a
types of strip wound metal hose and hose assemblies, process improvement programme or a process
of which only one type is for pressure applications. capability determination. This part of US ISO/IEC
The four are: single overlap, unpacked and packed; 15504 is for informationly.
double overlap, unpacked and packed, the last of
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
these having maximum allowable pressures of up to
40 bar. These hoses and hose assemblies may be
supplied in nominal sizes from DN 6 to DN 500 and
may operate at temperatures up to 600 °C dependent 1916. US ISO 15615:2013, Gas welding
on materials of construction. equipment — Acetylene manifold
systems for welding, cutting and allied
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
processes — Safety requirements in
high-pressure devices

This Uganda Standard establishes the general

1914. US ISO/IEC 15504-1:2004,
specifications, requirements and tests for devices
Information technology — Process
located on the high-pressure side of acetylene
assessment — Part 1: Concepts and
manifold systems as defined in US ISO 14114. It
does not cover the high-pressure piping, flexible
This Uganda Standard provides overall information hoses and the regulator.
the concepts of process assessment and its use in the
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
two contexts of process improvement and process
capability determination. It describes how the parts of
the suite fit together, and provides guidance for their
selection and use. It explains the requirements 1917. US ISO 15616-1:2003,
contained within US ISO/IEC 15504, and their Acceptance tests for CO2-laser beam
applicability to performing assessments. machines for high quality welding and
cutting — Part 1: General principles,
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
acceptance conditions


This Uganda Standard is applicable to CO2-laser
beam machines for welding and cutting in two
1915. US ISO/IEC 15504-4:2004,
operating directions (2D). The main purpose of this
Information technology — Process

377 | P a g e
standard is to provide requirements for acceptance 1919. US ISO 15616-3:2003,
testing of CO2-laser beam machines prior to or during Acceptance tests for CO2-laser beam
installation at the user’s premises. The acceptance machines for high quality welding and
tests are used to document the ability of CO2-laser cutting — Part 3: Calibration of
beam machines to produce welded joints and cuts of instruments for measurement of gas
consistent quality. This standard is intended to be flow and pressure
used for preparation of the technical specification for
This Uganda Standard is applicable to the
CO2-laser beam machines for high quality welding
measurement of the process oriented gas parameters
and cutting in two operating directions (2D). This
for the acceptance tests for CO2-laser beam machines
standard specifies basic requirements. Additional
for high quality welding and cutting in two operation
tests and requirements may be specified in the
directions (2D) in accordance with US ISO 15616-
technical specification for the CO2- laser beam
1.This standard specifies examination procedures for
instruments used for control of process oriented gas
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 parameters.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

1918. ISO 15616-2:2003, Acceptance STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

tests for CO2-laser beam machines for
1920. US ISO 15616-4:2008,
high quality welding and cutting —
Acceptance tests for CO2-laser beam
Part 2: Measurement of static and
machines for high quality welding and
dynamic accuracy
cutting — Part 4: Machines with 2-D
This Uganda Standard is applicable to the moving optics
measurement of the precision of the manipulation
This Uganda Standard provides minimum
system;the positioning accuracy;the repeatability of
requirements for acceptance testing, using practical
positioning;the trajectory exactness,for the
test methods, for CO2-laser beam machines for high
acceptance testing of CO2-laser beam machines for
quality welding and cutting in two dimensions (2-D),
high quality welding and cutting in two operation
having a fixed workpiece on the platen and moving
directions (2D) in accordance with US ISO 15616-1.
optics. This part of US ISO 15616 is not applicable to
This standard specifies the testing procedure and
CO2-laser beam machines which use an articulated
equipment. This standard establishes a classification
robot, nor does it apply to work stations, such as a
system for the motion system related to the required
welding positioner, fixed board cutter, etc. This part
precision for the application being used.
of US ISO 15616 does not cover hazard protection
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 devices, such as those for discharging chips and
particles generated during welding and cutting.

378 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 1923. US ISO 15845:2014, Aircraft
ground equipment — Boarding vehicle
for persons with reduced mobility —
Functional and safety requirements
1921. US ISO 15763:2002, Road
vehicles — Alarm systems for buses and This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
commercial vehicles of maximum
functional and safety requirements for enclosed self-
authorized total mass greater than 3,5 t propelled boarding vehicles designed for transporting
and boarding/de-boarding persons with reduced
This Uganda Standard defines terms and specifies
mobility onto/from the main deck or upper deck of
requirements and tests for vehicle alarm systems
main line civil transport aircraft on which they are
(VAS) intended for installation within buses and
travelling as a passenger.
commercial vehicles (as defined in ISO 3833) having
a maximum authorized total mass (code ISO-M08 as
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
defined in ISO 1176) of greater than 3,5 t.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
1924. US ISO 16120-1:2011, Non-alloy
steel rod for drawing and/or cold
rolling — Part 1: General requirements
1922. US ISO 15821:2007, Doorsets and
windows — Water-tightness test under
This Uganda Standard is applicable to wire rod of
dynamic pressure —Cyclonic Aspects
non-alloy steel intended for wire drawing and/or cold
rolling. The cross-section can be circular, oval,
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for the
square, rectangular, hexagonal, octagonal, half-round
determination of the water tightness under dynamic
or another shape, generally with at least 5 mm
pressure of doorsets and windows assembled for
nominal dimension, and with a smooth surface.
normal use and installed as in practice. This standard
is applicable to areas subject to severe weather, e.g.,
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
that are heavily weathered-beaten, stricken by driving
rain and winds, including hurricane typhoons, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
cyclones and other severe climate. This standard does
1925. US ISO 16120-2:2017, Non-alloy
not apply to joint between the door or windows frame
steel wire rod for conversion to wire —
and the building construction. The requirements of
this standard relate only to type testing. Part 2: Specific requirements for
general purpose wire rod (2 edition)
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18
This Uganda Standard is applicable to general
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 purpose steel wire rod for drawing and/or cold
rolling. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces

379 | P a g e
US ISO 16120-2:2011, Non-alloy steel wire rod for This Uganda Standard specifies dimensions and
conversion to wire — Part 2: Specific requirements tolerances to the dimensions applicable to steel wire
for general purpose wire rod, which has been rod as defined in US ISO 6929.
technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12


1929. US ISO 16175-1:2010,

1926. US ISO 16120-3:2011, Non-alloy Information and documentation —

steel rod for drawing and/or cold Principles and functional requirements

rolling — Part 3: Specific requirements for records in electronic office

for nominal and rimmed substitute low environments — Part 1: Overview and

carbon steel rod statement of principles

This Uganda Standard is applicable to wire rod made The Uganda Standard aims to produce globally

of low-carbon, low-silicon, rimmed and rimmed harmonised principles and functional requirements

substitute steel with high ductility intended for for software used to create and manage digital

drawing and/or cold rolling. records in office environments. There currently exist
a number of jurisdiction-specific functional
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. requirements and software specifications. The
project’s objective is to synthesise this existing work
into requirements and guidelines to meet the needs of
the international archives, records and information
1927. US ISO 16120-4:2011, Non-alloy
management community and to enable that
steel rod for drawing and/or cold
community to liaise, in a consolidated manner, with
rolling — Part 4: Specific requirements
the global software industry.
for wire rod for special applications

This Uganda Standard is applicable to steel wire rod This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

with improved characteristics intended for drawing

and/or cold rolling.
1930. US ISO 16175-2:2011,
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
Information and documentation —

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 Principles and functional requirements

for records in electronic office
1928. US ISO 16124:2015, Steel wire environments — Part 2: Guidelines and
rod — Dimensions and tolerances functional requirements for digital
records management systems

380 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard is applicable to products that thermoplastic collapsible hoses, which are intended
are often termed ‘electronic records management to be used as main and sub-main supply lines for the
systems’ or ‘enterprise content management conveyance and distribution of water for irrigation at
systems’. This standard will use the term digital water temperatures up to 50 °C. It is applicable to
records management systems for those software irrigation hoses with nominal diameters between 40
applications whose primary function is records mm and 500 mm and working pressures between 0,3
management. It does not seek to set requirements for bar (0,03 MPa) and 6 bar (0,6 MPa). This
records still in use and held within business systems. International Standard is applicable to two types of
Digital objects created by email, word processing, hose configurations: distributor hose (with outlet
spreadsheet and imaging applications (such as text connections) and plain hose (without outlet
documents, and still or moving images), where they connections).
are identified to be of business value, should be
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
managed within digital records management systems
which meet the functional requirements set out in this
1933. US ISO 16528-1:2007, Boilers
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
and pressure vessels — Part 1:
Performance requirements

This Uganda Standard defines the performance

1931. US ISO 16392:2007, Tyres —
requirements for the construction of boilers and
Electrical resistance — Test method for
pressure vessels. It is not the intent of this standard to
measuring electrical resistance of tyres
address operation, maintenance and in-service
on a test rig
inspection of boilers and pressure vessels. In relation
This Uganda Standard describes a test method to to the geometry of the pressure-containing parts for
measure the electrical resistance of pneumatic and pressure vessels, the scope of this standard includes
solid tyres, under load, on a test rig. the following:welding end connection for the first
circumferential joint for welded connections;first
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
threaded joint for screwed connections;face of the
first flange for bolted, flanged connections;first
sealing surface for proprietary connections or
1932. US ISO 16438:2012, Agricultural fittings;safety accessories, where necessary.In
irrigation equipment — Thermoplastic relation to the geometry of pressure-containing parts
collapsible hoses for irrigation — for boilers, the scope of this standard covers the
Specifications and test method following:feedwater inlet (including the inlet valve)
to steam outlet (including the outlet valve), including
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test all inter-connecting tubing that can be exposed to a
methods for reinforced and non-reinforced risk of overheating and cannot be isolated from the

381 | P a g e
main system;associated safety the dimensions, location and orientation of seating
accessories;connections to the boilers involved in support surfaces, which together comprise the body
services, such as draining, venting, superheating, support system.This standard does not specify any
etc.This standard does not apply for nuclear methods for use in measuring a person's seated
components, railway and marine boilers, gas posture, nor does it define terms for dynamic
cylinders or piping systems or mechanical equipment, physiological movements (such as flexion or
e.g. turbine and machinery casings. extension). This standard might be applicable to
seating other than that intended to be used within a
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

1934. US ISO 16528-2:2007, Boilers

and pressure vessels — Part 2:
Procedures for fulfilling the 1936. US ISO 16840-2:2007,
requirements of ISO 16528-1 Wheelchair seating — Part 2:
Determination of physical and
This Uganda Standard provides a procedure and a
mechanical characteristics of devices
standard format for standard-issuing bodies to
intended to manage tissue integrity —
demonstrate that their standards fulfil the
Seat cushions
performance requirements of US ISO 16528-1.
This Uganda Standard specifies apparatus, test
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
methods and disclosure requirements for wheelchair
seat cushions intended to maintain tissue integrity
and prevent tissue trauma. It does not include test
1935. US ISO 16840-1:2006, methods or requirements for determining the fire
Wheelchair seating — Part 1: resistance of cushions. Annex B provides guidance
Vocabulary, reference axis convention on selecting cushions with appropriate fire resistance
and measures for body segments, characteristics. This standard does not address the
posture and postural support surfaces interface pressure distributing characteristics of seat
cushions nor the heat and water vapour dissipation
This Uganda Standard applies to seating intended to characteristics of seat cushions that will be addressed
provide postural support within a wheelchair. It in further parts of US ISO 16840. This standard can
specifies:a global coordinate system that permits the also be applicable to tissue integrity management
determination and recording of a person's posture devices used as other support systems, as well as to
whileseated in a wheelchair;the standard terms and cushions used in situations other than a wheelchair.
definitions for use in describing both the posture and
the anthropometrics of a person seated in a This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
wheelchair;the terms and definitions for describing

382 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 system that conforms to ISO 7176-19 performance
requirements and that has securement points for use
1937. US ISO 16840-3:2014, with four-point, strap-type tiedowns. This standard
Wheelchair seating — Part 3:
applies to seating systems designed to be used with
Determination of static, impact and
occupant restraints that anchor either to the vehicle,
repetitive load strengths for postural
the tiedown system, the seating system or the
support devices wheelchair base. Seating systems that are intended
only for use with a specific wheelchair base should
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for the
be tested to ISO 7176-19 using the specifically
determination of static, impact, and repetitive load
intended wheelchair base.
strengths as well as disclosure requirements for
postural support devices (PSD) with associated
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
attachment hardware intended for use with an
undefined wheelchair. This standard does not apply STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000
to the strength of PSDs under crash conditions in a
1939. US ISO 16840-10:2014,
motor vehicle. This standard does not apply to PSDs
that are designed to fail under certain static, dynamic, Wheelchairs — Resistance to ignition of

or repetitive loads. non- integrated seat and back support

cushions —Part 10: Requirements and
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 test methods

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
methods to assess the resistance to ignition by
1938. US ISO 16840-4:2009, smouldering cigarette equivalent of non-integrated
Wheelchair seating — Part 4: Seating
components of a wheelchair intended to protect tissue
systems for use in motor vehicles

This Uganda Standard specifies test methods and

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-
requirements for design and performance, for
instructions and warnings and for product marking
and labelling of seating systems intended to be used
as a forward-facing seat in a motor vehicle when 1940. US ISO/TS 16840-11:2014,
fitted to a manual or powered wheelchair. It evaluates Wheelchair seating — Part 11:
the frontal crashworthiness performance of complete Determination of perspiration
seating systems for occupancy by adults or children dissipation characteristics of seat
of mass equal to or greater than 22 kg. This standard cushions intended to manage tissue
only applies to complete wheelchair seating systems integrity
including attachment hardware, designed to be used
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
with a wheelchair base tested as part of a wheelchair
determining the dissipation characteristics of

383 | P a g e
simulated perspiration exposure on wheelchair seat 1943. US ISO 16895-2:2010, Wood-
cushions. This part of US ISO 16840 is applicable to based panels — Dry-process fibre
wheelchair seat cushions that include a cushion board — Part-2: Requirements
This Uganda Standard provides the manufacturing
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15. property requirements for uncoated dry-process fibre
board. The values listed relate to product properties
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 used to classify fibre boards into one of four types,
UDF, LDF, MDF and HDF, for use in one of four
1941. US ISO/TS 16840-12:2015,
service conditions, REG, MR, HMR and EXT. The
Wheelchair seating — Part
values are not characteristic values to be used for
12:Apparatus and method for
design purposes. (This Uganda Standard is an
cushion envelopment testing
adoption of the International Standard ISO 16895-
This Uganda Standard specifies apparatus, test 2:2010).
methods, and disclosure requirements for
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
characterization of wheelchair seat cushion
immersion and envelopment properties using
instrumented indenters to characterize the interface
1944. US ISO 16978:2003,
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
Determination of modulus of elasticity
in bending and of bending strength

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for

1942. US ISO 16895-1:2008, Wood-
determining the apparent modulus of elasticity and
based panels — Dry process fibre board
bending strength of wood-based panels in flatwise
— Part 1: Classification
bending. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
This Uganda Standard specifies a classification International Standard ISO 16978:2003).
matrix, related mandatory tests and thickness ranges
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
for ultra-low-, low-, medium-, and high-density dry
process fibre board. (This Uganda Standard is an
adoption of the International Standard ISO 16895-
1:2008). 1945. US ISO 16979-1:2003, Wood-
based panels — Determination of
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
moisture content


This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the moisture content of wood-based

384 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2008-12-11 panel, also known as “internal bond”, of
particleboards, OSB, fibre boards, and cement-
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 bonded particleboards. (This Uganda Standard is an
adoption of the International Standard ISO
1946. US ISO 16981:2003, Wood-based
panels — Determination of surface
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
assessing the surface soundness of coated wood-
based panels and uncoated particleboards, wet and
1949. US ISO 16985:2003, Wood-based
dry-process fibre boards and cement-bonded
panels — Determination of dimensional
particleboards. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption
changes associated with changes in
of the International Standard ISO 16981:2003).
relative humidity

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of dimensional changes in wood-based
panels, due to variations in relative humidity. (This
1947. US ISO 16983:2003, Wood-based Uganda Standard is an adoption of the International
panels — Determination of swelling in Standard ISO 16985:2003).
thickness after immersion in water
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the swelling in thickness of flat-pressed
or drum-pressed particleboards, fibre boards, OSB,
1950. US ISO 16992:2010, Passenger
and cement-bonded particleboards, after immersion
car tyres — Spare unit substitutive
in water. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
equipment (SUSE)
International Standard ISO 16983:2003).
This Uganda Standard describes spare unit
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
substitutive equipment (SUSE) for passenger car
tyres, which is designed to enable users to continue
their journey (with or without a stop) in a reasonably
1948. US ISO 16984:2003, Wood-based safe manner.
panels — Determination of tensile
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
strength perpendicular to the plane of
the panel

This Uganda specifies a method for determining the

resistance to tension perpendicular to the plane of the

385 | P a g e
1951. US ISO 16999:2003, Wood- based This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
panels — Sampling and cutting of test

This Uganda Standard specifies certain rules for the 1953. US ISO 17090-2: 2008, Health

sampling and cutting of test pieces. It does not cover informatics — Public key
Infrastructure — Part 2: Certificate
the sampling and cutting of test pieces for the
derivation of characteristic values for structural profile

design. These tests are carried out on medium-sized

This Uganda Standard specifies the certificate
test pieces. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of
profiles required to interchange healthcare
the International Standard ISO 16999:2003).
information within a single organization, between
different organizations and across jurisdictional
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
boundaries. It details the use made of digital
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 certificates in the health industry and focuses, in
particular, on specific healthcare issues relating to
1952. US ISO 17090-1:2013, Health
certificate profiles.
informatics — Public key
infrastructure — Part 1: Overview of This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
digital certificate services
This Uganda Standard defines the basic concepts
underlying the use of digital certificates in healthcare 1954. US ISO 17090-3:2008, Health
informatics — Public key
and provides a scheme of interoperability
requirements to establish a digital certificate-enabled infrastructure— Part 3: Policy

secure communication of health information. It also management of certification authority

identifies the major stakeholders who are

This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for certificate
communicating health-related information, as well as
management issues involved in deploying digital
the main security services required for health
Certificates in healthcare. It specifies a structure and
communication where digital certificates may be
minimum requirements for certificate policies, as
required. US ISO 17090-1 gives a brief introduction
well as a structure for associated certification practice
to public key cryptography and the basic components
statements. This part of US ISO 17090 also identifies
needed to deploy digital certificates in healthcare. It
the principles needed in a healthcare security policy
further introduces different types of digital
for cross-border. Communication and defines the
certificates, identity certificates and associated
minimum levels of security required, concentrating
attribute certificates for relying parties, self-signed
on aspects unique to healthcare.
certification authority (CA) certificates, and CA
hierarchies and bridging structures. This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

386 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 This Uganda Standard specifies the pressure test
method to be applied to resistance-seam-welded
1955. US ISO 17165-1:2007, Hydraulic specimens of different types of materials with single
fluid power — Hose assemblies — Part
sheet thicknesses ranging from 0,3 mm to 3,2 mm.
1: Dimensions and requirements
The purpose of this pressure test is to determine the
suitability of the material, welding equipment,
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
welding parameters and of other factors on a tank, a
hose assemblies that are manufactured from hoses
vessel or a container for liquids or gases, which are
that conform to US ISO 3949 and to all parts of US
manufactured by resistance seam welding.
ISO 1436, US ISO 3862, US ISO 4079 and US ISO
11237 and hose fittings with elastomeric seals that
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
conform to US ISO 12151-1, US ISO 12151-2, US
ISO 12151-3 and ISO 12151-6. This part of US ISO STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
17165 contains information of the most important
1958. US ISO 17657-1:2005, Resistance
criteria for the selection of preferred types of hoses
welding — Welding current
and hose fittings with elastomeric sealing for use in
hydraulic fluid power applications. measurement for resistance welding —
Part 1: Guidelines for measurement
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-3
This Uganda Standard specifies equipment for the
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 45,000 calibration of measuring systems of welding current
and indicating weld time in resistance welding using
1956. US ISO/IEC 17203:2011,
single-phase alternating current of frequency 50 Hz
Information technology — Open or 60 Hz, or direct current. The guidelines define
Virtualization Format (OVF)
various basic terms for the measurement of welding
current, and give some basic information for users of
welding current measuring systems including
The Uganda Standard describes an open, secure,
welding current meters with current sensing coil.
portable, efficient and extensible format for the
packaging and distribution of software to be run in
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
virtual machines.
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
1959. US ISO 17657-2:2005, Resistance
welding — Welding current
measurement for resistance welding —
1957. US ISO 17654:2011, Resistance
Part 2: Welding current meter with
welding — Destructive tests of welds —
current sensing coil
Pressure test of resistance seam welds

387 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a welding current used for measuring welding current in resistance
meter with a current sensing coil to measure the weld welding with alternating current of 50 Hz or 60 Hz,
time and the r.m.s. value of the welding current or with direct current.
during a certain interval using single-phase
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
alternating current of frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz, or
direct current. This standard is applicable for a
welding current measuring system, with a display or
calibrated output port, which may be connected to a 1962. US ISO 17662:2005, Welding —
welding controller. Calibration, verification and validation
of equipment used for welding,
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
including ancillary activities


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements to
calibration, verification and validation of equipment
1960. US ISO 17657-3:2005, Resistance
used for: control of process variables during
welding — Welding current
fabrication, or control of the properties of equipment
measurement for resistance welding —
used for welding or welding allied processes, where
Part 3: Current sensing coil
the resulting output cannot be readily or
This Uganda Standard specifies current sensing coils economically documented by subsequent monitoring,
of the toroidal-coil type as a current sensor for inspection and testing.
welding current meters or a welding current
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
measuring system used to monitor the welding
current in resistance welding, and is applicable for
both current types, i.e. alternating current of 50 Hz or
60 Hz and direct current. 1963. US ISO 17745:2016, Steel wire
ring net panels — Definitions and
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31


This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
steel wire ring net panel for retaining of unstable
1961. US ISO 17657-4:2005, Resistance
slopes controlling and preventing rockfalls and loose
welding — Welding current
debris flow along roads, highways and railway, urban
measurement for resistance welding —
areas, mines and quarries, and for snow avalanche
Part 4: Calibration system
protection produced from metallic coated steel wire
This Uganda Standard specifies calibration systems or advanced metallic coating. It is not applicable to
and calibration procedures for welding current anchors or soil nails for fixing of steel mesh to an
measuring systems, current sensors, welding current unstable slope.
meters and monitoring devices with current sensor

388 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12. This Uganda Standard specifies the cloud computing
reference architecture (CCRA). The reference
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 architecture includes the cloud computing roles,
cloud computing activities, and the cloud computing
1964. US ISO 17746:2016, Steel wire
functional components and their relationships.
rope net panels and rolls — Definitions
and specifications
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of

steel wire rope net panels and rolls for retaining of
unstable slopes controlling and preventing rockfalls 1967. US ISO/IEC 17826:2016,
and loose debris flow along roads, highways and Information technology — Cloud Data
railway, urban areas, mines and quarries, and for Management Interface (CDMI) (2nd
snow avalanche protection. Steel wire rope net panels Edition)
and rolls are produced from metallic-coated wire
This Uganda Standard specifies the interface to
access cloud storage and to manage data stored
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12. therein. This standard applies to developers who are
implementing or using cloud storage. (This second
edition cancels and replaces the first edition US
ISO/IEC 17826:2012, Information technology —
1965. US ISO/IEC 17788:2014,
Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI), which
Information technology — Cloud
has been technically revised).
computing — Overview and vocabulary

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

This Uganda Standard provides an overview of cloud
computing along with a set of terms and definitions. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000
It is a terminology foundation for cloud computing
1968. US ISO 17846:2004, Welding and
standards. This Uganda Standard is applicable to all
allied processes — Health and safety —
types of organizations (e.g., commercial enterprises,
Wordless precautionary labels for
government agencies, not-for-profit organizations).
equipment and consumables used in arc
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13 welding and cutting

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This Uganda Standard specifies the format and
symbols for wordless precautionary labels placed by
1966. US ISO/IEC 17789:2014, manufacturers on their equipment and consumables
Information technology — Cloud used in arc welding and plasma arc cutting processes.
computing — Reference architecture This standard addresses neither workplace safety
signs (as specified by ISO 3864-1) nor operator

389 | P a g e
training. In addition, the wordless precautionary computer either to another computer or to a network
labels specified in this standard are not intended to using public networks and its implication for IT
replace other mandatory labels or signs (e.g. material security. It introduces the different types of remote
safety data sheets) required by certain countries or access including the protocols in use, discusses the
regions. authentication issues related to remote access and
provides support when setting up remote access
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 securely. It is intended to help network administrators
and technicians who plan to make use of this kind of
connection or who already have it in use and need
1969. US ISO 17832:2009, Non-parallel advice on how to set it up securely and operate it
steel wire and cords for tyre securely.
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18
This Uganda Standard specifies the definition and
requirements of non-parallel steel wire and cords for
tyre reinforcement.
1972. US ISO 18125:2017, Solid
biofuels — Determination of calorific
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
1970. US ISO/IEC 17963:2013, Web determination of the gross calorific value of a solid
Services for Management (WS- biofuel at constant volume and at the reference
Management) Specification temperature 25 °C in a bomb calorimeter calibrated
by combustion of certified benzoic acid. The result
The Uganda Standard describes a Web services obtained is the gross calorific value of the analysis
protocol based on SOAP (Simple Object Access sample at constant volume with all the water of the
Protocol) for use in management-specific domains. combustion products as liquid water. In practice,
biofuels are burned at constant (atmospheric)
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
pressure and the water is either not condensed

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 (removed as vapour with the flue gases) or
condensed. Under both conditions, the operative heat
1971. US ISO/IEC 18028-4:2005, of combustion to be used is the net calorific value of
Information technology — Security the fuel at constant pressure. The net calorific value
techniques — IT network security — at constant volume may also be used; formulae are
Part 4: Securing remote access given for calculating both values.

This Uganda Standard provides guidance for securely This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
using remote access – a method to remotely connect a

390 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 70,000 This Uganda Standard recommends procedures for
determining the generic weldability for resistance
1973. US ISO/IEC 18598:2016, spot, seam and projection welding of metallic
Information technology — Automated
materials. This procedure is applicable for the
infrastructure management (AIM)
assessment of the weldability of uncoated/coated
systems — Requirements, data
steels, stainless steels and non-ferrous alloys such as
exchange and applications aluminium, titanium, magnesium and nickel and their
alloys of single thickness lower than or equal to 5
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
recommendations for the attributes of automated
infrastructure management (AIM) systems. This
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
standard explains how AIM systems can contribute to
operational efficiency and deliver benefits to STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

cabling infrastructure and connected device 1975. US ISO 18278-2:2004, Resistance

administration, welding — Weldability — Part 2:
Alternative procedures for the
facilities and IT management processes and systems,
assessment of sheet steels for spot
other networked management processes and systems
(e.g. intelligent building systems),
This Uganda Standard specifies a laboratory test
procedure for the determination of the acceptable
business information systems covering asset tracking
welding current range and the assessment of
and asset management together with event
electrode life using a multi-spot test with specific
notifications and alerts that assist with physical
conditions. This document is applicable for the
network security. This standard specifies a
assessment of the weldability of uncoated and coated
framework of requirements and recommendations for
sheet steels of thicknesses up to 3 mm. The test
data exchange with other systems
procedure specified in this document and the results
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. obtained, apply only for the introduction of a new
type or batch of material.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
1974. US ISO 18278-1:2004, Resistance
welding — Weldability — Part 1: STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
Assessment of weldability for resistance
1976. US ISO 18595:2007, Resistance
spot, seam and projection welding of
welding — Spot welding of aluminium
metallic material
and aluminium alloys — Weldability,
welding and testing

391 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for information technology and information technology
resistance spot welding in the fabrication of standards, this part of US ISO 19101 independent of
assemblies of aluminium sheet, extrusions (both any application development method or technology
work- and age-hardening alloys) and/or cast material implementation approach.
comprising two or three thicknesses of metal, where
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
the maximum single (sheet) thickness of components
to be welded is within the range 0,6 mm to 6 mm.
This standard is applicable to the welding of sheets or
plates of dissimilar thickness where the thickness 1978. US ISO/TS 19101-2:2008,
ratio is less than or equal to 3:1. It applies to the Geographic information — Reference
welding of three thicknesses where the total thickness model — Part 2: Imagery
is less than or equal to 9 mm. Welding with the
following types of machines is within the scope of This Uganda Standard defines a reference model for

this International Standard: standardization in the field of geographic imagery

processing. This reference model identifies the scope
pedestal welding machines; of the standardization activity being undertaken and
the context in which it takes place. The reference
gun welders;
model includes gridded data with an emphasis on
imagery. Although structured in the context of
automatic welding equipment where the components
information technology and information technology
are fed by robots or automatic feeding equipment;
standards, this Technical Specification is independent
multi-welders; and of any application development method or
technology implementation approach.
robotic welders.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
1979. US ISO 19103:2015, Geographic
1977. US ISO 19101-1:2014,
information — Conceptual schema
Geographic information — Reference
model — Part 1: Fundamentals
This Uganda Standard provides rules and guidelines
This Uganda Standard defines the reference model
for the use of a conceptual schema language within
for standardization in the field of geographic
the context of geographic information. The chosen
information. This reference model describes the
conceptual schema language is the Unified Modeling
notion of interoperability and sets forth the
Language (UML). This standard provides a profile of
fundamentals by which this standardization takes
the Unified Modelling Language (UML). The
place. Although structured in the context of

392 | P a g e
standardization target type of this standard is UML for conformance to geographic information standards
schemas describing geographic information. will allow verification of conformance to those
standards. Verifiable conformance is important to
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
geographic information users, in order to achieve data
transfer and sharing.

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

1980. US ISO 19104:2016, Geographic
information — Terminology

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the

1982. US ISO 19106:2004, Geographic
collection, management and publication of
information — Profiles
terminology in the field of geographic information.
The scope of this document includes selection of This Uganda Standard is intended to define the
concepts, harmonization of concepts and concept of a profile of the ISO geographic
development of concept systems, structure and information standards and to provide guidance for the
content of terminological entries, term selection, creation of such profiles. Only those components of
definition preparation, cultural and linguistic specifications that meet the definition of a profile
adaptation, layout and formatting requirements in contained herein can be established and managed
rendered documents, and establishment and through the mechanisms described in this standard.
management of terminology registers. This document also provides guidance for
establishing, managing, and standardizing at the
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
national level (or in some other forum).


This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

1981. US ISO 19105:2000, Geographic

information — Conformance and
testing 1983. US ISO 19109:2015, Geographic
information — Rules for application
This Uganda Standard specifies the framework,
concepts and methodology for testing and criteria to
be achieved to claim conformance to the family of This Uganda Standard defines rules for creating and
ISO geographic information standards. It provides a documenting application schemas, including
framework for specifying abstract test suites (ATS) principles for the definition of features. The scope of
and for defining the procedures to be followed during this standard includes the following: conceptual
conformance testing. Conformance may be claimed modelling of features and their properties from a
for data or software products or services or by universe of discourse; definition of application
specifications including any profile or functional schemas; use of the conceptual schema language for
standard. Standardization of test methods and criteria application schemas; transition from the concepts in

393 | P a g e
the conceptual model to the data types in the printers and multi-function devices that
application schema; integration of standardized contain printer components
schemas from other ISO geographic information
This Uganda Standard is limited to the evaluation of
standards with the application schema.
toner cartridge page yield for toner containing
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. cartridges (i.e. all-in-one toner cartridges and toner
cartridges without a photoconductor) for
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000 monochrome electro photographic print systems. This
document could also be applied to the printer
1984. US ISO 19595:2017, Natural
component of any multifunctional device that has a
aggregates for concrete
digital input-printing path (i.e. multi-function devices
This Uganda Standard specifies the properties and that contain printer components). This standard is
requirements of aggregates obtained by processing only intended for the measurement of toner cartridge
natural materials and mixtures of these aggregates for yield. No other claims can be made from this testing
use in concrete. It is applicable to aggregates with an regarding quality, reliability, etc.
oven-dried particle density greater than 2,00 Mg/m3
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
(2 000 kg/m3) in accordance with ISO 22965 (all
parts). This document incorporates a general
requirement that natural aggregates are not intended
to release any harmful substances in excess of the 1986. US ISO 19867-1:2018, Clean
maximum permitted levels specified for the material cookstoves and clean cooking solutions
or permitted in the national regulations of the place in — Harmonized laboratory test
use. National provisions, preferably given in a protocols — Part 1: Standard test
national annex or a project specification, can specify sequence for emissions and
additional or deviating requirements. (This Uganda performance, safety and durability
Standard cancels and replaces US 101:2002
This Uganda Standard is applicable to cookstoves
Specification for aggregates from natural sources for
used primarily for cooking or water heating in
domestic, small-scale enterprise, and institutional
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 applications, typically with firepower less than 20
kW and cooking vessel volume less than 150 l,
excluding cookstoves used primarily for space
1985. US ISO/IEC 19752:2017, heating. For solar cookstoves, the provisions of this
Information technology — Office document are applicable only for evaluating cooking
equipment — Method for the power, safety, and durability.
determination of toner cartridge yield
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
for monochromatic electrophotographic


394 | P a g e
1987. US ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 (This standard cancels and replaces the first edition
Information technology — Service US ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011, Information technology
management — Part 1: Service — Service management — Part 1: Service
management system requirements (2nd management system requirements which has been
Edition) technically revised)

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for an This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
organization to establish, implement, maintain and
continually improve a service management system
(SMS). The requirements specified in this document
1988. US ISO/IEC 20000-2:2019,
include the planning, design, transition, delivery and
Information technology — Service
improvement of services to meet the service
management — Part 2: Guidance on
requirements and deliver value. This document can
the application of service management
be used by:
systems (2nd Edition)

a customer seeking services and requiring assurance

This Uganda Standard provides guidance on the
regarding the quality of those services;
application of a service management system (SMS)
based on US ISO/IEC 20000-1. It provides examples
a customer requiring a consistent approach to the
and recommendations to enable organizations to
service lifecycle by all its service providers, including
interpret and apply US ISO/IEC 20000-1, including
those in a supply chain;
references to other parts of US ISO/IEC 20000 and
an organization to demonstrate its capability for the other relevant standards. (This second edition cancels
planning, design, transition, delivery and and replaces the first edition US ISO/IEC 20000-
improvement of services; 2:2012, Information technology — Service
management — Part 2: Guidance on the application
an organization to monitor, measure and review its
of service management systems, which has been
SMS and the services;
technically revised).

an organization to improve the planning, design,

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
transition, delivery and improvement of services
through effective implementation and operation of an
1989. US ISO/IEC 20000-3:2019,
Information technology — Service
an organization or other party performing conformity
management — Part 3: Guidance on
assessments against the requirements specified in this
scope definition and applicability of
ISO/IEC 20000-1 (2nd Edition)
a provider of training or advice in service

395 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard includes guidance on scope Exemplar implementation plan for
definition and applicability to the requirements ISO/IEC 20000-1
specified in US ISO/IEC 20000-1. This document can
This Uganda Standard provides guidance for an
assist in establishing whether US ISO/IEC 20000-1 is
approach to implement an SMS that can fulfil the
applicable to an organization’s circumstances. It
illustrates how the scope of an SMS can be defined, requirements specified in US ISO/IEC 20000-1. This
irrespective of whether the organization has standard illustrates a generic, three phased plan to
experience of defining the scope of other manage implementation activities, taking into
management systems. The guidance in this document consideration the design, transition, delivery,
can assist an organization in the planning and management and improvement of services. The
preparing for a conformity assessment against US service provider can tailor the phases to suit its needs
ISO/IEC 20000-1. (This second edition cancels and and constraints.
replaces the first edition US ISO/IEC 20000-3:2012,
Information technology — Service management — This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15.
Part 3: Guidance on scope definition and
applicability of ISO/IEC 20000-1, which has been
technically revised).
1992. US ISO 20292:2009, Materials
for the production of primary
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
aluminium — Dense refractory bricks
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 — Determination of cryolite resistance

1990. US ISO/IEC TR 20000-4:2010, This Uganda Standard covers materials for the
Information technology — Service production of primary aluminium. This standard
management — Part 4: Process specifies a method for the determination of the
reference model resistance of dense refractory bricks to cryolite melt
with excess sodium fluoride.
This Uganda Standard defines a process reference
model comprising a set of processes, described in This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
terms of process purpose and outcomes that
demonstrate coverage of the requirements of US STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
ISO/IEC 20000-1.
1993. US ISO 20349:2010, Personal
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15. protective equipment — Footwear
protecting against thermal risks and
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 molten metal splashes as found in
foundries and welding — Requirements
1991. US ISO/IEC TR 20000-5:2013,
and test method
Information technology — Service
management — Part 5:

396 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000
methods for footwear protecting users against thermal
risks and molten iron or aluminium metal splashes 1996. US ISO 20858:2007, Ships and
marine technology — Maritime port
such as those encountered in foundries, welding and
facility security assessments and
allied process.
security plan development
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This Uganda Standard establishes a framework to
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 assist marine port facilities in specifying the
competence of personnel to conduct a marine port
1994. US ISO 20562:2014, Tyre valves facility security assessment and to develop a security
— ISO core chambers No. 1, No. 2, No.
plan as required by the ISPS Code International
3 and No. 4 Standard, conducting the marine port facility security
assessment, and drafting/implementing a Port Facility
This Uganda Standard specifies the
Security Plan (PFSP).
interchangeability dimensions of ISO core chambers
Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 for tyre valves. For the
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
applicability of the core chambers, see US ISO 9413.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
1997. US ISO 21015:2007, Office
furniture — Office work chairs — Test
methods for the determination of
1995. US ISO 20828:2006, Road
stability, strength and durability
vehicles — Security Certificate
Management This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for
determining the stability, strength and durability of
This Uganda Standard establishes a uniform practice
office work chairs. Guidance is given on the choice
for the issuing and management of security
of forces, cycles, etc., for these tests.
certificates for use in Public Key Infrastructure
applications. Assuming that all entities, intending to
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
set up a secure data exchange to other entities based
on private and public keys, are able to provide their STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
own certificate, the certificate management scheme
1998. US ISO 21016:2007, Office
guarantees that the entities will get all additional
furniture — Tables and desks — Test
information needed to establish trust to other entities,
methods for the determination of
from a single source in a simple and unified format.
stability, strength and durability
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

397 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for the This standard was adopted on 2014-10-
determination of the stability, the strength and the 15STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE:
durability of all types of office tables designed for 110,000
use in the seated and/or standing position, e.g. work
tables, height-adjustable tables, meeting tables and 2000. US ISO 21500: 2012, Guidance

desks. It applies to tables that are fully assembled and on project management

ready for use. This Ugandan Standard does not

This Uganda Standard provides guidance for project
contain test methods for storage elements, which can
management and can be used by any type of
be found in US ISO 7170. The tests consist of the
organization, including public, private or community
application, to various parts of the unit, of loads,
organizations, and for any type of project,
forces and velocities simulating normal functional
irrespective of complexity, size or duration. This
use, as well as misuse, that can reasonably be
standard provides high-level description of concepts
expected to occur. With the exception of the
and processes that are considered to form good
deflection of table tops, the tests are designed to
practice in project management. Projects are placed
evaluate properties without regard to materials,
in the context of programmes and project portfolios,
design/construction or manufacturing processes. The
however, this standard does not provide detailed
test results are valid only for the unit/component
guidance on the management of programmes and
tested. These results can be used to represent the
project portfolios. Topics pertaining to general
performance of production models provided that the
management are addressed only within the context of
tested model is representative of the production
project management.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
2001. US ISO 21750:2006, Road
1999. US ISO 21188:2006, Public key
vehicles — Safety enhancement in
infrastructure for financial services —
conjunction with tyre inflation pressure
Practices and policy framework

This Uganda Standard sets out a framework of

This Uganda Standard deals with electronic Tyre
requirements to manage a PKI through certificate
Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) for tubeless
policies and certification practice statements and to
tyres in association or not with an extended mobility
enable the use of public key certificates in the
system, with a reference pressure lower or equal to
financial services industry. It also defines control
375 kPa, fitted in single formation four wheeled
objectives and supporting procedures to manage
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

398 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 2004. US ISO 22034-1: 2007, Steel wire
and wire products — Part 1: General
2002. US ISO 21887:2007, Durability of
test methods
wood and wood-based products — Use
classes This Uganda Standard specifies the methods for the
general testing of steel wire and wire products which
This Uganda Standard defines five use classes that
have been cold worked, annealed or oil hardened and
represent different service situations to which wood
tempered and/or coated and are of constant cross-
and wood-based products can be exposed all over the
section (either round or special section).
world. Subclasses are also defined for these use
classes. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
International Standard ISO 21887:2007)
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
2005. US ISO 22034-2:2016, Steel wire
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 and wire products — Part 2:
Tolerances on wire dimensions (2nd
2003. US ISO/IEC 21990:2002
Information technology —
Telecommunications and information This Uganda Standard specifies the tolerances on the
exchange between systems — Private diameter of round wire and, where applicable, on the
Integrated Services Network — Inter- length of round wire cut to length, for bright (i.e.
exchange signalling protocol — Short uncoated) steel wire, metallic-coated steel wire and
message service non-metallic-coated steel wire. This standard applies
to round wires in the diameter range 0.050 mm to
This Uganda Standard specifies the signalling
25.00 m. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
protocol for the support of the Short Message Service
replaces US ISO 22034-2:2007, Steel wire and wire
(SMS) at the Q reference point between Private
products — Part 2: Tolerances on wire dimensions,
Integrated services Network eXchanges (PINXs)
which has been technically revised).
connected together within a Private Integrated
Services Network (PISN). This service is based on This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
GSM 03.40. The Service Centre functionality
described in this International Standard is equal to the
functionality of a Service Centre in GSM 03.40.
2006. US ISO 22088-2:2006, Plastics —
Determination of resistance to
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
environmental stress cracking (ESC) —
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 Part 2: Constant tensile load method

399 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the delivery systems. The requirements can also be
determination of environmental stress cracking (ESC) applied as a part of verification testing as part of
of thermoplastics when they are subjected to a maintenance, as appropriate. If modifications are
constant tensile load in the presence of chemical made to a laser beam machine (rebuilding, repairs,
agents. It is applicable to test specimens prepared by modifications to the operating conditions, etc.) that
moulding and/or machining and can be used both for have an effect on the acceptance testing, a repeat test
the assessment of ESC of plastic materials exposed to may be necessary to cover the machine parameters
different environments, and for the determination of affected by such modifications. This part of ISO
ESC of different plastic materials exposed to a 22827 applies to the beam generating system, the
specific environment. optical delivery system and the devices for shielding
and assist gases.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
2007. US ISO 22810:2010, Horology —
Water-resistant watches 2009. US ISO 22827-2:2005,
Acceptance tests for Nd:YAG laser
This Uganda Standard establishes the requirements
beam welding machines — Machines
and specifies the test methods used to verify the
with optical fibre delivery — Part 2:
water resistance of watches. Moreover, it indicates
Moving mechanism
the marking which the manufacturer is authorized to
apply to them. Divers' watches, specified as such, are This Uganda Standard covers acceptance testing of
covered by US ISO 6425 which establishes special equipment for 2D manipulation and also, to some
requirements. extent, movements along the Z-axis.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31


2008. US ISO 22827-1:2005 Acceptance 2010. US ISO 22877:2004, Castors and

tests for Nd:YAG laser beam welding wheels — Vocabulary, symbols and
machines —Machines with optical fibre multilingual terminology
delivery — Part 1: Laser assembly
This Uganda Standard defines terms and symbols
This Uganda Standard specifies basic requirements relating to castors and wheels.
and test methods for acceptance testing of high-
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
power (average power more than 100 W), lamp-
pumped or laser-diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser beam
welding machines for seam welding with optical fibre

400 | P a g e
2011. US ISO 22878:2004, Castors and without adhesive bond between layers) of wire or
wheels — Test methods and apparatus synthetic yarn reinforced hydraulic hoses and hose
assemblies of nominal size from 3,2 to 31,5. Each
This Uganda Standard specifies the test methods and
class has a single maximum working pressure for all
apparatus to be used to check the performance of
sizes. Such hoses are suitable for use with hydraulic
castors and wheels.
fluids HH, HL, HM, HR, and HV as defined in ISO
6743-4 at temperatures ranging from −40 °C to +100
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
°C for grades A and B and −40 °C to +120 °C for
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 grades C and D. This standard does not include
requirements for end fittings. It is limited to the
2012. US ISO 22897:2003, Glass in performance of hoses and hose assemblies. The hose
building — Glazing and airborne sound assembly maximum working pressure is governed by
insulation — Product descriptions and the lowest maximum working pressure of the
determination of properties components.

This Uganda Standard assigns sound insulation This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
values to all transparent, translucent and opaque glass
products that are intended to be used in glazed STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000
assemblies in buildings, and which exhibit properties
2014. US ISO 23337:2007, Rubber,
of acoustic protection, either as a prime intention or
vulcanized or thermoplastic —
as a supplementary characteristic. It outlines the
Determination of abrasion resistance
procedure by which glass products can be rated
using the Improved Lambourn test
according to their acoustic performance, which
enables assessment of compliance with the acoustic
requirements of buildings.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the resistance of rubber to abrasion
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
using the Improved Lambourn test machine.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
2013. US ISO 23297:2008,
Thermoplastics hoses and hose
assemblies — Wire or synthetic yarn
2015. US ISO 23560: 2015, Woven
reinforced single-pressure types for
polypropylene sacks for bulk packaging
hydraulic applications — Specification
of foodstuffs

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for

This Uganda Standard specifies the general
eight classes and two types (construction with
characteristics, requirements, and methods of test for
adhesive bond between layers and construction
woven polypropylene (PP) sacks. It is applicable to

401 | P a g e
woven PP sacks, having a capacity of 50 kg or 25 kg, information interchange by means of such disks. This
intended for the transport and storage of foodstuffs, disk is identified as a DVD Recordable (DVD-R)
such as cereals, sugar, and pulses. disk.

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15. This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.


2016. US ISO 23671:2006, Passenger 2018. US ISO 24011:2009, Resilient

car tyres — Method for measuring floor coverings — Specification for
relative wet grip performance — plain and decorative linoleum
Loaded new tyres
This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
This Uganda Standard specifies the method for plain and decorative linoleum, supplied as either tiles
measuring relative wet grip braking performance or rolls. To encourage the consumer to make an
index to a reference under loaded conditions for new informed choice, this standard includes a
tyres for use on passenger cars on a wet-paved classification system based on the intensity of use,
surface. The methods developed are meant to reduce which shows where resilient floor coverings provide
variability. The use of a reference tyre is necessary to satisfactory service.
limit the variability of the testing procedures. This
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
standard applies to all passenger car tyres.


This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

2019. US ISO 24294:2013, Timber —

Round and sawn timber — Vocabulary
2017. US ISO/IEC 23912:2005,
This Uganda Standard contains the terms and
Information technology — 80 mm (1,46
definitions of concepts to establish a multilingual
Gbytes per side) and 120 mm (4,70
vocabulary of terminology to be applied in forest and
Gbytes per side) DVD Recordable Disk
wood working spheres, with the scope of
identification of a tree and of its parts in round and
This Uganda Standard specifies the mechanical, sawn aspects; its measurements; grading; condition;
physical and optical characteristics of an 80 mm and features; sizes; and the natural, biological and
a 120 mm DVD Recordable disk to enable the infestational defects of wood.
interchange of such disks. It specifies the quality of
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
the pre-recorded, unrecorded and the recorded
signals, the format of the data, the format of the
information zone, the format of the unrecorded zone,
and the recording method, thereby allowing for

402 | P a g e
2020. US ISO 24342:2007, Resilient and the assessment and for the
textile floor-coverings — Determination improvement of the service to users
of side length, edge straightness and
This Uganda Standard specifies the elements of
squareness of tiles
drinking water and wastewater services of relevance
This Uganda Standard describes methods for and interest to users. It also provides guidance on
determining side lengths, straightness of edges and how to identify users’ needs and expectations and
squareness of resilient or textile floor tiles. The side how to assess whether they are being met.
lengths, straightness and squareness of resilient or
The following are within the scope of this
textile floor tiles are important considerations
because installed flooring will have an objectionable
appearance if these performance criteria are not  the definition of a language common to the
different stakeholders;
followed. This may cause the installed tiles to line up
unevenly, producing unsightly seams and corners that  the definition of key elements and
characteristics of the service to users;
do not match.
 the objectives for the service with respect to
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 users’ needs and expectations;

 guidelines for satisfying users’ needs and

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 expectations;

2021. US ISO 24343-3:2011, Resilient  service to users assessment criteria;

and laminate floor coverings —
 introduction to performance indicators;
Determination of indentation and
residual indentation — Part 3:  examples of performance indicators.

Indentation of resilient semi- The following are outside the scope of this
flexible/vinyl composition tiles International Standard:

 methods of design and construction of

This Uganda Standard describes a method for drinking water and wastewater systems;
determining the short-term indentation resistance of
 the regulating management structure and
resilient semi-flexible/vinyl composition tile (VCT) methodology of operation and management
floor covering after the application of constant load. of activities relating to drinking water and
wastewater services, including contracting.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16


2022. US ISO 24510:2007, Activities 2023. US ISO 24534-2:2010, Automatic

relating to drinking water and vehicle and equipment identification —
wastewater services — Guidelines for Electronic registration identification

403 | P a g e
(ERI) for vehicles — Part 2: STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 65,000
Operational requirements
2025. US ISO/IEC 24760-1: 2019, IT
This Uganda Standard provides requirements for Security and Privacy — A framework
electronic registration identification (ERI) that are for identity management — Part 1:
based on an identifier assigned to a vehicle (e.g. for Terminology and concepts
recognition by national authorities) suitable to be
This Uganda Standard defines terms for identity
used for:
management, and specifies core concepts of identity
electronic identification of local and foreign vehicles and identity management and their relationships. It is
by national authorities; applicable to any information system that processes
identity information.
vehicle manufacturing, in-life maintenance and end-
of-life identification (vehicle life cycle management); This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.

adaptation of vehicle data (e.g. for international STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
resales); safety-related purposes; crime reduction; and
2026. US ISO/IEC 24760-2:2015
commercial services.
Information technology — Security
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 techniques — A framework for identity
management — Part 2: Reference
architecture and requirements

2024. US ISO/IEC 24734:2014,

This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for the
Information technology — Office implementation of systems for the management of
equipment — Method for measuring identity information, and specifies requirements for
digital printing productivity
the implementation and operation of a framework for
identity management. This Uganda Standard is
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
applicable to any information system where
measuring the productivity of digital printing devices
information relating to identity is processed or stored.
with various office applications and print job
characteristics. This standard is applicable to digital
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
printing devices, including single-function and multi-
function devices, regardless of print technology. This STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000
Standard includes test files, test setup procedure, test
2027. US ISO/IEC 24760-3:2016
runtime procedure, and the reporting requirements for
Information technology — Security
the digital printing productivity measurements.
techniques — A framework for identity
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. management — Part 3: Practice

404 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard provides guidance for the scope of this standard.This standard does not: provide
management of identity information and for ensuring any guidance on business continuity management as
that an identity management system conforms to a whole for organizations;take precedence over any
ISO/IEC 24760-1 and ISO/IEC 24760-2. This part of laws and regulations, both existing and those in the
US ISO/IEC 24760 is applicable to an identity future;have any legal power over the Service Level
management system where identifiers or Personally Agreements (SLAs) included in negotiated contracts
Identifiable Information (PII) relating to entities are between organizations and service providers;address
acquired, processed, stored, transferred or used for requirements, legal or otherwise, governing normal
the purposes of identifying or authenticating entities business operations to be adhered to by service
and/or for the purpose of decision making using providers. Examples of such requirements include
attributes of entities. Practices for identity detailed regulations covering building and fire safety,
management can also be addressed in other standards. occupational health and safety, copyright regulation
and prevailing human resource practices; provide an
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
exhaustive list, and thus technical security controls
are not covered. Readers should refer to ISO/IEC
27001 and ISO/IEC 27002, vendor literature and
2028. US ISO/IEC 24762: 2008, other technical references, as necessary.
Information technology — Security
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18
techniques — Guidelines for
information and communications
technology disaster recovery services
2029. US ISO/IEC 24786:2009,
This Uganda Standard describes the basic practices
Information technology — User
which ICT DR service providers, both in-house and
interfaces — Accessible user interface
outsourced. It covers the requirements that service
for accessibility settings
providers should meet, recognizing that individual
organizations may have additional requirements that This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
are specific to them (which would have to be recommendations for making accessibility settings
addressed in the agreements/contracts with service accessible. It provides guidance on specific
providers). Examples of such organization accessibility settings. It specifies how to access and
requirements may include special encryption operate the accessibility setting mode, and how to
software and secured operation procedures, directly activate specific accessibility features. This
equipment, knowledgeable personnel and application standard applies to all operating system user
documentation. Such additional organization specific interfaces on computers, but can also be applied to
requirements, if necessary, are generally negotiated other types of information/communication
on a case-by-case basis and are the subject of detailed technology, where appropriate. This standard does
contract negotiations between organizations and their not apply to the user interface before the operating
ICT DR service providers and are not within the system is loaded and active.

405 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 25010, and is intended to be used together with
ISO/IEC 25010. It can be used in conjunction with
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 the ISO/IEC 2503n and the ISO/IEC 2504n standards
or to more generally meet user needs with regard to
2030. US ISO/IEC 25010:2011, Systems
product or system quality. This standard contains the
and software engineering — Systems
following: a basic set of measures for each quality in
and software Quality Requirements and
use characteristic; an explanation of how quality in
Evaluation (SQuaRE) — System and
use is measured. This standard provides a suggested
software quality models
set of quality in use measures to be used with the
This Uganda Standard defines: quality in use model ISO/IEC 25010.

a quality in use model composed of five This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
characteristics (some of which are further subdivided
into sub-characteristics) that relate to the outcome of
interaction when a product is used in a particular
2032. US ISO/IEC 25023:2016, Systems
context of use. This system model is applicable to the
and software engineering — Systems
complete human-computer system, including both
and software Quality Requirements and
computer systems in use and software products in
Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Measurement
of system and software product quality

a product quality model composed of eight

This Uganda Standard defines quality measures for
characteristics (which are further subdivided into sub-
quantitatively evaluating system and software
characteristics) that relate to static properties of
product quality in terms of characteristics and sub
software and dynamic properties of the computer
characteristics defined in ISO/IEC 25010 and is
system. The model is applicable to both computer
intended to be use together with ISO/IEC 25010. It
systems and software products.
can be used in conjunction with ISO/IEC 2503 and
the ISO/IEC 2504 or to more generally meet user
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
needs with regard to software products or system
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000 quality.

2031. US ISO/IEC 25022:2016, Systems This standard was adopted on 2017-06-

and software engineering — Systems 20STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE:
and software quality requirements and 60,000
evaluation (SQuaRE) — Measurement
2033. US ISO/IEC 25051:2014,
of quality in use
Software engineering — Systems and
This Uganda Standard defines quality in use software Quality Requirements and
measures for the characteristics defined in ISO/IEC Evaluation (SQuaRE) — Requirements

406 | P a g e
for quality of Ready to Use Software This Uganda Standard specifies procedures for the
Product (RUSP) and instructions for extraction and measurement of filterable particulate
testing matter from stationary source flue gas samples by the
use of cyclone samplers and the measurement of
This Uganda Standard is applicable to Ready to Use
condensed particulate matter using dilution sampling
Software Product (RUSP). In this standard, the term
technique, which simulates the interaction of stack
“RUSP” is used as an adjective and stands for
gas components with the atmosphere as they mix
“Ready to Use Software Product”.
after the stack exit.

This standard establishes:

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

quality requirements for Ready to Use Software

Product (RUSP);
2035. US ISO 26865:2009, Road
requirements for test documentation for the testing of
vehicles — Brake lining friction
Ready to Use Software Product (RUSP), including
materials — Standard performance test
test plan, test description, and test results;
procedure for commercial vehicles with
air brakes
instructions for conformity evaluation of Ready to
Use Software Product (RUSP).
This Uganda Standard applies to commercial vehicles
of the categories M2, M3, N2, N3, O3 and O4, as
It includes also recommendations for safety or
defined in UNECE R.E.3, which are equipped with
business critical Ready to Use Software Product
air brakes.
(RUSP). This standard deals only with providing the
user with confidence that the Ready to Use Software
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
Product (RUSP) will perform as offered and
delivered. It does not deal with the production STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000
realization (including activities and intermediate
products, e.g. specifications). The quality system of a 2036. US ISO 26867:2009, Road

supplier is outside the scope of this standard. vehicles — Brake lining friction
materials — Friction behaviour
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 assessment for automotive brake
This Uganda Standard describes a test procedure for
2034. US ISO 25597:2013, Stationary assessing the influence of pressure, temperature, and
source emissions — Test method for
linear speed on the coefficient of friction of a given
determining PM2.5 and PM10 mass in
friction material in combination with a specific
stack gases using cyclone samplers and
mating component (rotor or drum).
sample dilution

407 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16



2039. US ISO/IEC 27001:2013,

2037. US ISO 26986:2010, Resilient
Information technology — Security
floor coverings — Expanded
techniques — Information security
(cushioned) poly(vinyl chloride) floor
management systems — Requirements
covering — Specification
(2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
floor coverings based on expanded (cushioned) poly
establishing, implementing, maintaining and
(vinyl chloride), supplied as either tiles or rolls. This
continually improving an information security
standard includes a classification system based on the
management system within the context of the
intensity of use, which shows where resilient floor
organization. This Standard also includes
coverings give satisfactory service.
requirements for the assessment and treatment of
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. information security risks tailored to the needs of the
organization. (This standard cancels and replaces US
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 ISO/IEC 27001:2005, Information technology --
Security techniques -- Information security
2038. US ISO/IEC 27000: 2018,
management systems – Requirements, which has been
Information technology — Security
technically revised).
techniques — Information security
management systems — Overview and This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
This Uganda Standard provides the overview of
information security management systems (ISMS). It 2040. US ISO/IEC 27002:2013,
also provides terms and definitions commonly used Information technology — Security
in the ISMS family of standards. This document is techniques — Code of practice for
applicable to all types and sizes of organization (e.g. information security controls (2nd
commercial enterprises, government agencies, not- Edition)
for-profit organizations). The terms and definitions
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for
provided in this document cover commonly used
organizational information security standards and
terms and definitions in the ISMS family of
information security management practices including
standards; do not cover all terms and definitions
the selection, implementation and management of
applied within the ISMS family of standards; and do
controls taking into consideration the organization’s
not limit the ISMS family of standards in defining
information security risk environment(s). This
new terms for use.
standard is designed to be used by organizations that

408 | P a g e
intend to: select controls within the process of This Uganda Standard provides guidelines intended
implementing an Information Security Management to assist organizations in evaluating the information
System based on ISO/IEC 27001; implement security performance and the effectiveness of an
commonly accepted information security controls; information security management system in order to
and develop their own information security fulfil the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2013, 9.1.
management guidelines. (This standard cancels and It establishes:
replaces US ISO/IEC 27002:2005, Information
the monitoring and measurement of information
technology -- Security techniques -- Code of practice
security performance;
for information management, which has been
technically revised).
the monitoring and measurement of the effectiveness
of an information security management system
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
(ISMS) including its processes and controls;
the analysis and evaluation of the results of
2041. US ISO/IEC 27003:2017, monitoring and measurement.
Information technology — Security
(This standard cancels and replaces US ISO/IEC
techniques — Information security
27004:2009, Information technology -- Security
management systems — Guidance (2nd
techniques -- Information security management --
Measurement, which has been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard provides explanation and
guidance on ISO/IEC 27001:2013. (This Uganda This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

Standard cancels and replaces US ISO/IEC

27003:2010, Information technology -- Security
techniques -- Information security management 2043. US ISO/IEC 27005: 2018,
system implementation guidance, which has been Information technology — Security
technically revised). techniques — Information security risk
management (2nd Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for
information security risk management. This standard
supports the general concepts specified in ISO/IEC
2042. US ISO/IEC 27004:2016,
27001 and is designed to assist the satisfactory
Information technology — Security
implementation of information security based on a
techniques — Information security
risk management approach. This standard is
management — Monitoring,
applicable to all types of organizations (e.g.
measurement, analysis and evaluation
commercial enterprises, government agencies, non-
(2nd Edition)
profit organizations) which intend to manage risks

409 | P a g e
that can compromise the organization’s information 2045. US ISO/IEC 27007:2011,
security. (This second edition cancels and replaces Information technology — Security
the first edition US ISO/IEC 27005:2011, techniques — Guidelines for
Information technology — Security techniques — information security management
Information security risk management, which has systems auditing
been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 managing an information security management
system (ISMS) audit programme, on conducting the
audits, and on the competence of ISMS auditors, in
2044. US ISO/IEC 27006:2015, addition to the guidance contained in ISO 19011.
Information technology — Security This standard is applicable to those needing to
techniques — Requirements for bodies understand or conduct internal or external audits of
providing audit and certification of an ISMS or to manage an ISMS audit programme.
information security management
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
provides guidance for bodies providing audit and
certification of an information security management
2046. US ISO/IEC 27010: 2015,
system (ISMS), in addition to the requirements
Information technology — Security
contained within ISO/IEC 17021-1 and ISO/IEC
techniques —Information security
27001. It is primarily intended to support the
management for inter-sector and inter-
accreditation of certification bodies providing ISMS
organizational communications (2nd
certification. The requirements contained in this
standard need to be demonstrated in terms of
competence and reliability by anybody providing This Uganda Standard provides guidelines in addition
ISMS certification, and the guidance contained in this to the guidance given in the ISO/IEC 27000 family of
International Standard provides additional standards for implementing information security
interpretation of these requirements for anybody management within information sharing
providing ISMS certification. (This standard cancels communities. This standard provides controls and
and replaces US ISO/IEC 27006:2011, Information guidance specifically relating to initiating,
technology -- Security techniques -- Requirements for implementing, maintaining, and improving
bodies providing audit and certification of information security in inter-organizational and inter-
information security management systems, which has sector communications. It provides guidelines and
been technically revised). general principles on how the specified requirements
can be met using established messaging and other
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
technical methods. (This second edition cancels and
replaces the first edition US ISO/IEC 27010: 2012,

410 | P a g e
Information technology — Security techniques — a framework to enable stakeholders to collaborate on
Information security management for inter-sector resolving Cybersecurity issues.
and inter-organizational communications, which has
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18
been technically revised).


This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 2048. US ISO/IEC 27033-1:2015,

Information technology — Security
2047. US ISO/IEC 27032:2012,
techniques — Network security — Part
Information technology — Security
1: Overview and concepts.
techniques — Guidelines for cyber
security This Standard provides an overview of network
security and related definitions. It defines and
This Uganda Standard provides guidance for
describes the concepts associated with, and provides
improving the state of Cyber security, drawing out
management guidance on, network security.
the unique aspects of that activity and its
(Network security applies to the security of devices,
dependencies on other security domains, in
security of management activities related to the
devices, applications/services, and end-users, in
addition to security of the information being
information security,
transferred across the communication links.)
network security,
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
internet security, and
critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP).
2049. US ISO/IEC 27033-2:2012,
It covers the baseline security practices for Information technology — Security
stakeholders in the Cyberspace. This standard techniques — Network security — Part
provides: 2: Guidelines for the design and
implementation of network security.
an overview of Cybersecurity,
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for
an explanation of the relationship between organizations to plan, design, implement and
Cybersecurity and other types of security, document network security.

a definition of stakeholders and a description of their This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
roles in Cybersecurity,
guidance for addressing common Cybersecurity
issues, and

411 | P a g e
2050. US ISO/IEC 27033-3:2010, addressing issues associated with implementing,
Information technology — Security operating, monitoring and reviewing network security
techniques — Network security — Part gateway controls.
3: Reference networking scenarios —
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
Threats, design techniques and control

This Uganda Standard describes the threats, design

2052. US ISO/IEC 27033-5:2013,
techniques and control issues associated with
Information technology — Security
reference network scenarios. For each scenario, it
techniques — Network security —Part
provides detailed guidance on the security threats and
5: Securing communications across
the security design techniques and controls required
networks using Virtual Private
to mitigate the associated risks.
Networks (VPNs)

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for the
selection, implementation, and monitoring of the
technical controls necessary to provide network
2051. US ISO/IEC 27033-4:2014, security using Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Information technology — Security connections to interconnect networks and connect
techniques — Network security — Part remote users to networks. (This standard cancels and
4: Securing communications between replaces US ISO/IEC 18028-5:2006, Information
networks using security gateways technology -- Security techniques -- IT network
security -- Part 5: Securing communications across
This Uganda Standard gives guidance for securing
networks using virtual private networks, which has
communications between networks using security
been technically revised).
gateways (firewall, application firewall, Intrusion
Protection System, etc.) in accordance with a This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
documented information security policy of the
security gateways, including:

identifying and analyzing network security threats 2053. US ISO/IEC 27033-6:2016,

Information technology — Security
associated with security gateways;
techniques — Network security — Part
defining network security requirements for security 6: Securing wireless IP network access.
gateways based on threat analysis;
This standard describes the threats, security
using techniques for design and implementation to requirements, security control and design techniques
address the threats and control aspects associated associated with wireless networks. It provides
with typical network scenarios; and guidelines for the selection, implementation and

412 | P a g e
monitoring of the technical controls necessary to STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 95,000
provide secure communications using wireless
networks. 2055. US ISO/IEC 27039:2015,
Information technology — Security
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. techniques — Selection, deployment
and operations of intrusion detection
and prevention systems (IDPS)

2054. US ISO/IEC 27035:2011, This Uganda Standard provides guidelines to assist

Information technology — Security
organizations in preparing to deploy intrusion
techniques — Information security
detection and prevention systems (IDPS). In
incident management
particular, it addresses the selection, deployment, and
operations of IDPS. It also provides background
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on
information from which these guidelines are derived.
information security incident management for large
(This standard cancels and replaces US ISO/IEC
and medium-sized organizations. Smaller
18043:2006, Information technology -- Security
organizations can use a basic set of documents,
techniques -- Selection, deployment and operations of
processes and routines described in this standard,
intrusion detection systems, which has been
depending on their size and type of business in
technically revised).
relation to the information security risk situation. It
also provides guidance for external organizations
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
providing information security incident management
services. The standard provides a structured and STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000
planned approach to:
2056. US ISO 27567:2009, Laminated
detect, report and assess information security veneer lumber — Measurement of
incidents; dimensions and shape — Method of test

respond to and manage information security This Uganda Standard describes the methods for
incidents; determining the thickness, length, width, spring, bow,
twist and section squareness and cupping of test
detect, assess and manage information security
pieces of structural Laminated Veneer Lumber
vulnerabilities; and
(LVL). (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
International Standard ISO 27567:2009).
continuously improve information security and
incident management as a result of managing
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
information security incidents and vulnerabilities.
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-18

413 | P a g e
2057. US ISO/IEC 27701: 2019, 2059. US ISO 27769-2:2009, Wood-
Security techniques — Extension to based panels — Wet-process fibre
ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002 for board — Part 2: Requirements
privacy information management —
This Uganda Standard specifies the manufacturing
Requirements and guidelines
property requirements for wet-process fibre board.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
provides guidance for establishing, implementing, International Standard ISO 27769-2:2009)
maintaining and continually improving a Privacy
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
Information Management System (PIMS) in the form
of an extension to ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC
27002 for privacy management within the context of
the organization. This document specifies PIMS- 2060. US ISO 27955:2010, Road
related requirements and provides guidance for PII vehicles — Securing of cargo in
controllers and PII processors holding responsibility passenger cars, station wagons and
and accountability for PII processing. This Uganda multi-purpose vehicles —
Standard is applicable to all types and sizes of Requirements and test methods
organizations, including public and private
companies, government entities and not-for-profit This Uganda Standard applies to devices for the

organizations, which are PII controllers and/or PII securing of cargo in passenger cars, station wagons

processors processing PII within an ISMS. and multi-purpose passenger cars, where the seats
directly delimit the loading space. This standard
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 defines minimum requirements and tests for front and
rear seats and partitioning systems, in order to
improve the protection of the vehicle occupants
2058. US ISO 27769-1:2009, Wood- against shifting load during a frontal impact.
based panels — Wet process fibre
board — Part 1: Classifications This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.

This Uganda Standard provides a classification STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

matrix and related mandatory tests for two types of

2061. US ISO 27956:2009, Road
wet process fibre board: soft boards and hardboards.
vehicles — Securing of cargo in delivery
(This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
vans — Requirements and test methods
International Standard ISO 27769-1:2009).
This Uganda Standard applies to vehicle-relevant
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
equipment for the securing of cargo in delivery vans

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 with a gross vehicle mass up to 7,5 t. This Draft
Standard specifies minimum requirements and test

414 | P a g e
methods for securing cargo in a reliable and point test and correlation of
roadworthy way, in order to protect occupants against measurement results
injuries caused by shifting cargo.
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. measuring rolling resistance, under controlled
laboratory conditions, for new pneumatic tyres
designed primarily for use on passenger cars, trucks
and buses.
2062. US ISO 28007-1:2015, Ships and
marine technology — Guidelines for
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
Private Maritime Security Companies
(PMSC) providing privately contracted STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
armed security personnel (PCASP) on
2064. US ISO 28702:2008, Rubber and
board ships (and pro forma contract)
plastics hoses and tubing — Textile-
— Part 1: General
reinforced types — Sub-ambient
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines containing temperature crush test
additional sector-specific recommendations, which
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for
companies (organizations) who comply with US ISO
measuring the low-temperature brittleness of rubber
28000 can implement to demonstrate that they
and plastics hoses with a textile reinforcement and
provide Privately Contracted Armed Security
tubing at sub-ambient temperatures by crushing a test
Personnel (PCASP) on board ships. To claim
piece of the hose. This Standard is only applicable to
compliance with these guidelines, all
hoses with a nominal bore up to and including 100
recommendations (“shoulds”) should be complied
with. Compliance with this part of US ISO 28007 can
be by first, second and third party (certification).
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
Where certification is used, it is recommended the
certificate contains the words: “This certification has STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
been prepared using the full guidelines of US ISO
28007-1 as a Private Maritime Security Company 2065. US ISO 29061-1:2010, Road

providing Privately Contracted Armed Security vehicles — Methods and criteria for

Personnel”. usability evaluation of child restraint

systems and their interface with vehicle
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. anchorage systems — Part 1: Vehicles
and child restraint systems equipped
with ISOFIX anchorages and
2063. US ISO 28580:2009, Passenger
car, truck and bus tyres — Methods of
measuring rolling resistance — Single

415 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard provides criteria for the 2067. US ISO/IEC 29151:2017,
judgement of usability of child restraint systems Information technology — Security
(CRS) with ISOFIX attachments and their techniques — Code of practice for
corresponding anchorages in the vehicle. This personally identifiable information
standard provides criteria for a separate evaluation of protection
the child restraint ISOFIX attachments, of the
This Uganda Standard establishes control objectives,
ISOFIX anchorage installation in the vehicle, and an
controls and guidelines for implementing controls, to
evaluation of the interface issues when installing a
meet the requirements identified by a risk and impact
child restraint system in a certain vehicle. This
assessment related to the protection of personally
standard covers both rigid and flexible attachment
identifiable information (PII). This standard is
systems of the CRS.
applicable to all types and sizes of organizations
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 acting as PII controllers (as defined in ISO/IEC
29100), including public and private companies,
government entities and not-for-profit organizations
that process PII.
2066. US ISO/IEC 29146:2016
Information technology — Security
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
techniques — A framework for access
management STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000

This Uganda Standard defines and establishes a 2068. US ISO 30013:2011, Rubber and
framework for access management (AM) and the plastics hoses — Methods of exposure
secure management of the process to access to laboratory light sources —
information and Information and Communications Determination of changes in colour,
Technologies (ICT) resources, associated with the appearance and other physical
accountability of a subject within some context. This properties
Uganda Standard provides:
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
concepts, terms and definitions applicable to exposure of rubber and plastics hoses to three types
distributed access management techniques in network of laboratory light source (xenon-arc, fluorescent UV
environments. and open-flame carbon-arc lamps). These methods
are designed to simulate the exposure of hoses used
Explanations about related architecture, components
in an outdoor environment (exposure to xenon-arc
and management functions.
lamps by method A, exposure to fluorescent UV
lamps by method A and exposure to open-flame
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10.
carbon-arc lamps with type 1 filters) or in an indoor
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 environment (exposure to xenon-arc lamps by
method B, exposure to fluorescent UV lamps by

416 | P a g e
method B and exposure to open-flame carbon-arc integrated treatment units — General
lamps with type 2 filters). safety and performance requirements
for design and testing
Four types of test piece (two strained and two
unstrained upon exposure) are specified. Results from This Uganda Standard specifies general safety and
the three light sources and the different sets of performance requirements for design and testing as
exposure conditions specified are not comparable. well as sustainability considerations for non-sewered
sanitation systems (NSSS). A NSSS, for the purposes
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
of this document, is a prefabricated integrated
treatment unit, comprising frontend (toilet facility)
and backend (treatment facility) components that
2069. US ISO/IEC 30134-1:2016,
collects, conveys, and fully treats the specific input
Information technology — Data centres
within the system, to allow for safe reuse or disposal
— Key performance indicators — Part
of the generated solid, liquid, and gaseous output, and
1: Overview and general requirements.

is not connected to a networked sewer or networked

This Uganda Standard specifies the following for the
drainage systems.
other parts of ISO/IEC 30134:

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01

a common structure;


definitions, terminology and boundary conditions for
KPIs of data centre resource usage effectiveness and
2071. US ISO/IEC 33020: 2019,
Information technology — Process
assessment — Process measurement
common requirements for KPIs of data centre
framework for assessment of process
resource usage effectiveness and efficiency;
common objectives for KPIs of the data centre
This Uganda Standard defines a process measurement
resource effectiveness and efficiency;
framework that supports the assessment of process
general information regarding the use of KPIs of data capability, in accordance with the requirements of
centre resource usage effectiveness and efficiency. ISO/IEC 33003. The process measurement
framework provides a schema that can be used to
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26. construct a process assessment model conformant
with ISO/IEC 33004 which can be used in the
performance of assessment of process capability

2070. US ISO 30500:2018, Non-sewered according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 33002.

sanitation systems — Prefabricated (This standard cancels and replaces US ISO/IEC

15504-2:2003, Information technology — Process

417 | P a g e
assessment — Part 2: Performing an assessment, This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26.
which has been withdrawn).
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
US IEC Standards can be accessed at 50%
discount less the online catalogue price at the IEC
Webstore www.iec.ch.
2072. US ISO/IEC TS 33030: 2017,
Information technology — Process
Please contact maurice.musuga@unbs.go.ug to
assessment — An exemplar
request for a quotaion for any US IEC Standard.
documented assessment process

This Uganda Standard contains an exemplar 2074. US IEC 60034 – 1:2004 Rotating
documented assessment process, and serves as electrical machines – Part 1: Rating and
guidance on the nature of activities required by this Performance
document. The content of this exemplar contains the
This standard is applicable to all rotating electrical
minimum elements of a documented assessment
machines except those covered by other IEC
process applicable for performing all classes of
standards – for example, IEC 60349. Machines
assessments as defined in ISO/IEC 33002. (This
within the scope of this standard may also be subject
standard cancels and replaces US ISO/IEC 15504-
to superseding, modifying or additional requirements
3:2004, Information technology — Process
in other publications – for example, IEC 60079, and
assessment — Part 3: Guidance on performing an
IEC 60092.
assessment, which has been withdrawn).

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16


2073. US ISO/IEC 38500:2015,
Corporate governance of information 2075. US IEC 60034-2:1972 Rotating
technology (2 Edition) electrical machines – Part 2: Methods
for determining losses and efficiency of
This Uganda Standard provides guiding principles for rotating electrical machinery from tests
directors of organizations (including owners, board (excluding machines for traction
members, directors, partners, senior executives, or
similar) on the effective, efficient, and acceptable use
of Information Technology (IT) within their This standard applies to d.c. machines and to a.c.
organizations. (This standard cancels and replaces synchronous and induction machines to all sizes
US ISO IEC 38500:2012, Corporate governance of within the scope of this Publications 34-1. The
information technology, which has been technically principles can, however, be applied to other types of
revised). machines such as rotary convertors, a.c. commutator

418 | P a g e
motors and single-phase induction motors for which as preferential values for the nominal voltage of
other methods of determining losses are generally electrical supply systems, and
as reference values for equipment and system design.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 350,000/= 514:2008, IEC standard voltages, which has been
republished on).
2076. US IEC 60038:2009, IEC
standard voltages This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

This Uganda Standard applies to: STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 140,000/=

a.c. transmission, distribution and utilization systems 2077. US IEC 60050-161:1990, Amend
and equipment for use in such systems with standard 1 1998, International Electrotechnical
frequencies 50 Hz and 60 Hz having a nominal Vocabulary Part 161:Electromagnetic
voltage above 100 V; Compatibility

a.c. and d.c. traction systems; This Uganda Standard covers vocabularies used in
electromagnetic compatibility.
a.c. and d.c. equipment having nominal voltages
below 120 V a.c. or below 750 V d.c., the a.c. This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
voltages being intended (but not exclusively) for 50
Hz and 60 Hz applications; such equipment covers
batteries (from primary or secondary cells), other
2078. US IEC 60050-851:1991
power supply devices (a.c. or d.c.), electrical
International Electrotechnology –
equipment (including industrial and communication),
and appliances.
This standard covers terms applied in electric
This publication does not apply to voltages
representing or transmitting signals or measured
values. This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.

This publication does not apply to standard voltages STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 560,000/=
of components and parts used within electrical
2079. US IEC 60061-1:2007, Lamp caps
devices or items of equipment.
and holders together with gauges for
This publication specifies standard voltage values the control of interchangeability and
which are intended to serve safety – Part 1: Lamp caps

419 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard contains the recommendations STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 2,200,000/=

of the IEC in regard to lamp caps and holders in

general use, together with relevant gauges, with the 2082. US IEC 60064:2005, Tungsten
filament lamps for domestic and similar
object of securing international interchangeability.
general lighting purposes —
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19. Performance requirements

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 2,200,000/= This Uganda Standard applies to tungsten filament
incandescent lamps for general lighting service
2080. US IEC 60061-2:2007,Lamp caps
(GLS) which comply with the safety requirements in
and holders together with gauges for
IEC 432-1 and having:
the control of interchangeability and
safety – Part 2: Lamp holders rated wattage of 25 W to 200 W, inclusive;

This standard contains the recommendations of the rated voltage 100 V to 250 V, including marked
IEC in regard to lamp caps and holders in general voltage range not exceeding ± 2.5 % of the mean
use, together with relevant gauges, with the object of voltage;
securing international interchangeability.
bulbs of the A or PS shapes;
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
bulbs with clear, frosted or equivalently coated
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 2,200,000/= finishes.

2081. US IEC 60061-3:2003 Lamp caps This standard states the performance requirements for
and holders together with gauges for lamps, including test methods and means of
the control of interchangeability and confirming compliance with the requirements
safety – Part 3: Gauges
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
This standard is based on the third edition (1969) and
its supplements A(1970), B(1971), C(1971), STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 1,300,,000/=

D(1972), E(1972), F(1975), G(1977), H(1980),

2083. US IEC 60065:2005 Audio, video
J(1983), K(1987), L(1989), M(1992), N(1994),
and similar electronic apparatus –
P(1994), Q(1995), R(1996), S(1996), T(1996),
Safety requirements
U(1997) and amendments 20(1998), 21(1999),
22(1999), 23(2000), 24(2001), 25(2001), 26(2001), This standard applies to receiving apparatus for
27(2002), 28(2002), 29(2002), 30(2003) and sound or vision, amplifiers, load and source
31(2003). transducers, motor-driven apparatus (radio-
gramophones, tape recorders and sound-film
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
projectors, etc.) which are to be connected to the
mains, directly or indirectly, and which are intended

420 | P a g e
for domestic and similar indoor use. Gives a safety This Uganda Standard applies to three-phase and
and classification terminology based on IEC 60536. single-phase power transformers (including auto-
Specifies requirements for marking, insulation, transformers) with the exception of certain categories
components, electrical connections and fixings, of small and special transformers such as: single-
protection against ionizing radiation, resistance to phase transformers with rated power less than 1 kVA
heating, mechanical strength and stability, etc., as and three-phase transformers less than 5 kVA;
well as a requirement for splash-proof mains operated transformers, which have no windings with rated
electronic equipment. Does not apply to apparatus voltage higher than 1 000 V; instrument transformers;
designed for rated supply voltage exceeding 433 V amongst others. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
(r.m.s.) between phases in the case of three-phase replaces US EAS 371-1:2005, Specification for
supply and 250 V (r.m.s.) in all other cases. Has the power transformers — Part 1: General requirements,
STATUS of a group safety publication in accordance which has been technically revised).
with IEC Guide 104.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.
2086. US IEC 60076-2:2011, Power
2084. US IEC 60068-1: 1988, transformers — Part 2: Temperature
Environmental testing — Part 1: rise for liquid-immersed transformers
General and guidance
This Uganda Standard applies to liquid-immersed
This Uganda Standard includes a series of methods of transformers, identifies power transformers according
environmental test and their appropriate severities, to their cooling methods, defines temperature rise
and prescribes various atmospheric conditions for limits and gives the methods for temperature rise
measurements and tests designed to access the ability tests. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces
of specimens to perform under expected conditions of US EAS 371-2:2005, Specification for power
transportation, storage and all aspects of operational transformers — Part 2: Specification for temperature
use. Although primarily intended for electrotechnical rise requirements, which has been technically
products this publication is not restricted to them and revised).
may be used in other fields where desired.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 410,000/= 490,000/=

2085. US IEC 60076-1:2011, Power 2087. US IEC 60076-3:2013, Power

transformers — Part 1: General transformers — Part 3: Insulation
levels, dielectric tests and external
clearances in air

421 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard applies to power transformers 2089. US IEC 60081:2002 Double –
as defined by and in the scope of US IEC 60076-1. It capped fluorescent lamps —
gives details of the applicable dielectric tests and Performance specifications
minimum dielectric test levels. Recommended
This standard specifies the performance requirements
minimum external clearances in air between live parts
for double-capped fluorescent lamps general lighting
and between live parts and earth are given for use
service. The requirements of this standard relate only
when these clearances are not specified by the
to type testing. Conditions of compliance, including
purchaser. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
methods of statistical assessment, are under
replaces US EAS 371-3:2005, Specification for
power transformers — Part 3: Insulation levels and
dielectric tests, which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.



2090. US IEC 60086-1: 2011, Primary
batteries — General
2088. US IEC 60076-5:2006, Power
transformers — Part 5: Ability to
This Uganda Standard is intended to standardize
withstand short circuit
primary batteries with respect to dimensions,
nomenclature, terminal configurations, markings, test
This Uganda Standard identifies the requirements for
methods, typical performance, safety and
power transformers to sustain without damage the
environmental aspects. As a primary battery
effects of overcurrent originated by external short
classification tool, electrochemical systems are also
circuits. It describes the calculation procedures used
standardized with respect to system letter, electrodes,
to demonstrate the thermal ability of a power
electrolyte, nominal and maximum open circuit
transformer to withstand such over currents and both
voltage. This standard specifies test methods for
the special test and the theoretical evaluation method
testing primary cells and batteries. (This Uganda
used to demonstrate the ability to withstand the
Standard cancels and replaces US 481-1:2003,
relevant dynamic effects. The requirements apply to
Primary batteries — Part 1: General, which has
transformers as defined in the scope of IEC 60076-1.
being renumbered).
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
371-5:2005, Specification for power transformers –
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit, which has
been technically revised). STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE:
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
2091. US IEC 60086-2: 2011, Primary
batteries — Part 2: Physical and
electrical specifications

422 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard is applicable to primary Part 4: Safety of lithium, which has been
batteries based on standardized electrochemical renumbered).
systems. It specifies the physical dimensions and the
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
discharge test conditions and discharge performance
requirements. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US 481-2:2003 Primary batteries — Part 2:
Physical and electrical specifications, which has 2094. US IEC 60086-5: 2011 Primary
been renumbered). batteries — Part 5: Safety of batteries
with aqueous electrolyte
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This Uganda Standard specifies tests and
requirements for primary batteries with aqueous
electrolyte to ensure their safe operation under
2092. US IEC 60086-3: 2011, Primary
intended use and reasonably foreseeable misuse.
batteries — Part 3: Watch batteries
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
This Uganda Standard specifies dimensions, 481-5:2003 Primary batteries — Part 5: Safety of
designation, methods of tests and requirements for batteries with aqueous electrolyte, which has been
primary batteries for watches. In several cases, a renumbered).
menu of test methods is given. When presenting
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
battery electrical characteristics and/or performance
data, the manufacturer specifies which test method
was used. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US 481-3:2003 Primary batteries — Part 3: 2095. US IEC 60095-1:2006, Lead-acid
Watch batteries, which has been renumbered). starter batteries — Part 1: General
requirements and methods of test
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This Uganda Standard is applicable to lead-acid
batteries with a nominal voltage of 12 V, used
primarily as a power source for the starting of
internal combustion engines, lighting and for
2093. US IEC 60086-4: 2007, Primary
auxiliary equipment of internal combustion engine
batteries — Part 4: Safety of lithium
vehicles. These batteries are commonly called "starter
batteries". This standard specifies general
This Uganda Standard specifies tests and requirements; essential functional characteristics,
requirements for primary batteries to ensure their safe relevant test methods and results required, for several
operation under intended use and reasonably classes of starter batteries; according to the general
foreseeable misuse. (This Uganda Standard cancels type of application; and according to the type of
and replaces US 481-4:2003, Primary batteries — product. (This Uganda Standard cancels and

423 | P a g e
replaces US 369-1:2001 Batteries — Lead acid 507:2008, Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wire
starter batteries — Part 1: General requirements and for overhead line conductors, which has been
methods of test, which has been technically revised) republished on).

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.


2098. US IEC 60155:1993 Glow –
2096. US IEC 60095-2:2009, Lead-acid starters for fluorescent lamps
starter batteries — Part 2: Dimensions
This standard specifies interchangeable glow-starters
of batteries and dimensions and
used with pre-heat type fluorescent lamps, hereafter
marking of terminals
called “starters”.
This Uganda Standard is applicable to lead-acid
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
batteries used for starting, lighting and ignition of
passenger cars and light vehicles with a nominal
voltage of 12 V. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US 369-2:2001, Batteries — Lead-acid 2099. US IEC 60188:2001 High –
starter batteries — Part 2: Dimensions of batteries pressure mercury vapour lamps —
and dimensions and making of terminals, which has Performance specifications
been technically revised).
This standard specifies the performance requirements
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. for high-pressure mercury vapour lamps for general
lighting purposes, with or without a red correcting
fluorescent coating.

2097. US IEC 60104:1987, Aluminium-

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
magnesium-silicon alloy wire for
overhead line conductors STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 410,000/=

This Uganda Standard is applicable to aluminium- 2100. US IEC 60192:2001 Low –

magnesium-silicon alloy wires of two types having pressure sodium vapour lamps —
different mechanical and electrical properties for the Performance specifications
manufacture of stranded conductors for overhead
power transmission purposes. It specifies the This standard specifies the performance requirements

mechanical and electrical properties of wires in the for low-pressure sodium vapour lamps for general

diameter range 1.50 mm to 4.50 mm. The two types lighting purposes.

are designated Type A and Type B respectively. (This

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS

424 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 350,000/= This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

2101. US IEC 60227-1:2007, Polyvinyl STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 210,000/=

chloride insulated cables of rated
2103. US IEC 60227-3:1997, Polyvinyl
voltages up to and including 450/750 V
chloride insulated cables of rated
— Part 1: General requirements (2nd
voltages up to and including 450/750 V
— Part 3: Non-sheathed cables for fixed
This Uganda Standard applies to rigid and flexible wiring
cables with insulation, and sheath if any, based on
This Uganda Standard details the particular
polyvinyl chloride, of rated voltages Uo/U up to and
specifications for polyvinyl chloride insulated single-
including 450/750 V used in power installations of
core non-sheathed cables for fixed wiring of rated
nominal voltage not exceeding 450/750 V a.c. (This
voltages up to and including 450/750V. All cables
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 499-
shall comply with the appropriate requirements given
1:2008, Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated
in US IEC 60227-1 and the individual types of cables
voltages up to and including 450/750 V — Part 1:
shall each comply with the particular requirements of
General requirements and US IEC 60227-1:2005,
this part. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages
replaces US EAS 499-3:2008, Polyvinyl chloride
up to and including 450/750V — Part 1: General
insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including
requirements, which has been technically revised).
450/750 V — Part 3: Non-sheathed cables for fixed
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. wiring and US IEC 60227-3:2005, Polyvinyl chloride
insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including
450/750 V — Part 3: Non-sheathed cables for fixed
wiring, which has been renumbered).
2102. US IEC 60227-2:2003, Polyvinyl
chloride insulated cables of rated
This standard was adopted on 2005-07-18.
voltages up to and including 450/750 V
— Part 2: Test methods STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 300,000/=

The Uganda Standard gives methods of carrying out 2104. US IEC 60227-4:1997, Polyvinyl
the tests specified in all parts of US IEC 60227. (This chloride insulated cables of rated
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 499- voltages up to and including 450/750 V
2:2008, Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated — Part 4: Sheathed cables for fixed
voltages up to and including 450/750 V — Part 2: wiring
Test methods and US IEC 60227-2:2005, Polyvinyl
This Uganda Standard details the particular
chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and
specification for light polyvinyl chloride sheathed
including 450/750 V — Part 2: Test methods, which
cables of rated voltage of 300/500 V. Each cable shall
has been renumbered).
comply with the appropriate requirements given in

425 | P a g e
US IEC 60227-1 and the particular requirements of This Uganda Standard details the particular
this part. (This Uganda Standard cancels and specifications for both circular and flat lift cables and
replaces US EAS 499-4:2008, Polyvinyl chloride cables for flexible connections of rated voltages up to
insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including and including 450/750 V. Each cable complies with
450/750 V — Part 4: Sheathed cables for fixed wiring the appropriate requirements given in US IEC 60227-
and US IEC 60227-4:2005 Polyvinyl chloride 1, and with the particular requirements of this part of
insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including US IEC 60227. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
450/750V — Part 4: Sheathed cables for fixed replaces US EAS 499-6:2008, Polyvinyl chloride
wiring, which has been renumbered). insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including
450/750 V — Part 6: Lift cables and cables for
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. flexible connections, which has been renumbered).


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

2105. US IEC 60227-5:2011, Polyvinyl

chloride insulated cables of rated
voltages up to and including 450/750 V 2107. US IEC 60227-7:2012-01,
— Part 5: Flexible cables (cords) Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of
rated voltages up to and including
This Uganda Standard details the particular
450/750 V — Part 7: Flexible cables
specifications for polyvinyl chloride insulated
screened and unscreened with two or
flexible cables (cords), of rated voltages up to and
more conductors
including 300/500 V. All cables comply with the
appropriate requirements given in IEC 60227-1 and This Uganda Standard details the particular
each individual type of cable complies with the specifications for polyvinyl chloride insulated,
particular requirements of this part. (This Uganda screened and unscreened control cables of rated
Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 499-5:2008, voltages up to and including 300/500 V. All cables
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages comply with the appropriate requirements given in
up to and including 450/750 V — Part 5: Flexible US IEC 60227-1 and each individual type of cable
cables (cords), which has been renumbered). complies with the particular requirements of this part.
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
499-7:2008, Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of
rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V — Part
7: Flexible cables screened and unscreened with two
2106. US IEC 60227-6: 2001, Polyvinyl or more conductors, which has been renumbered).
chloride insulated cables of rated
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
voltages up to and including 450/750 V
— Part 6: Lift cables and cables for
flexible connections

426 | P a g e
2108. US IEC 60228:2004, Conductors STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 900,000/=
of insulated cables
2110. US IEC 60245-1:2007, Rubber
This Uganda Standard specifies the nominal cross- insulated cables — Rated voltages up to
sectional areas, in the range 0.5 mm2 to 2 500 mm2, and including 450/750 V — Part 1:
for conductors in electric power cables and cords of a General requirements
wide range of types. Requirements for numbers and
This Uganda Standard applies to rigid and flexible
sizes of wires and resistance values are also included.
cables with insulation, and sheath if any, based on
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces, US
vulcanized rubber of rated voltages Uo/U up to and
EAS 501:2008, Conductors of insulated cables, which
including 450/750 V used in power installations of
has been republished on).
nominal voltage not exceeding 450/750 V a.c. (This
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30. Uganda Standard cancels and replaces, US EAS 503-
1:2008, Rubber insulated cables — rated voltages up
to and including 450/750 V — Part 1: General
requirements, which has been republished on).

2109. US IEC 60238:2004, Edison

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
screw lamp holders
This Uganda Standard applies to lampholders with
Edison thread E14, E27 and E40, designed for 2111. US IEC 60245-2:1998, Rubber
connection to the supply of lamps and semi- insulated cables — Rated voltages up to
luminaires only. It also applies to switched-lamp and including 450/750 V — Part 2: Test
holders for use in a.c. circuits only, where the methods
working voltage does not exceed 250 V r.m.s. This
This Uganda Standard gives the test methods
standard also applies to lampholders with Edison
specified in all parts of IEC 60245 as far as not laid
thread E5 designed for connection to the supply
down in IEC 60811. (This Uganda Standard cancels
mains of series connected lamps, with a working
and replaces, US EAS 503-2:2008 Rubber insulated
voltage not exceeding 25 V, to be used indoors, and
cables — Rated voltages up to and including 450/750
to lampholders with Edison thread E10 designed for
V — Part 2: Test methods, which has been
connection to the supply mains of series connected
republished on).
lamps, with a working voltage not exceeding 60 V, to
be used indoors or outdoors. It also applies to
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
lampholders E10 for building-in, for the connection
of single lamps to the supply. These lamp holders are STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 360,000/=
not intended for retail sale.
2112. US IEC 60245-3:1994, Rubber
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19. insulated cables — Rated voltages up to

427 | P a g e
and including 450/750 V — Part 3: and including 450/750 V — Part 5: Lift
Heat resistant silicone insulated cables cables

This Uganda Standard details the particular This Uganda Standard details the particular
specifications for silicone rubber insulated cables of specifications for rubber insulated lift cables of rated
rated voltage of 300/500 V. Each cable should voltage of 300/500 V. Each cable should comply with
comply with the appropriate requirements given in the appropriate requirements given in IEC 245-1 and
IEC 245-1 and the particular requirements of this the particular requirements of this part. (This Uganda
part. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces, Standard cancels and replaces, US EAS 503-5:2008,
US EAS 503-3:2008, Rubber insulated cables — Rubber insulated cables — rated voltages up to and
rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V — Part including 450/750 V — Part 5: Lift cables, which has
3: Heat resistant silicone insulated cables, which has been republished on)
been republished on).
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
2115. US IEC 60245-6:1994, Rubber
2113. US IEC 60245-4:2011, Rubber insulated cables — Rated voltages up to
insulated cables — Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V — Part 6: Arc
and including 450/750 V — Part 4: welding electrode cables
Cords and flexible cables
This Uganda Standard details the particular
This Uganda Standard details the particular specifications for rubber insulated arc welding
specifications for rubber insulated and braided cords electrode cables. Each cable should comply with the
and for rubber insulated and rubber or appropriate requirements given in IEC 245-1 and the
polychloroprene or other equivalent synthetic particular requirements of this part. (This Uganda
elastomer sheathed cords and flexible cables of rated Standard cancels and replaces, US EAS 503-6:2008
voltages up to and including 450/750 V. (This Rubber insulated cables — rated voltages up to and
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces, US EAS 503- including 450/750 V — Part 6: Arc welding electrode
4:2008, Rubber insulated cables — rated voltages up cables, which has been republished on).
to and including 450/750 V — Part 4: Cords and
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
flexible cables, which has been republished on).


This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

2116. US IEC 60245-7:1994, Rubber

insulated cables — Rated voltages up to
2114. US IEC 60245-5:1994, Rubber and including 450/750 V — Part 7: Heat
insulated cables — Rated voltages up to

428 | P a g e
resistant ethylene-vinyl acetate rubber 2118. US IEC 60270:2000, High-voltage
insulated cables test techniques — Partial discharge
This Uganda Standard details the particular
specifications for ethylene-vinylacerate rubber This Uganda Standard is applicable to the
insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including measurement of partial discharges which occur in
450/750 V. Each cable should comply with the electrical apparatus, components or systems when
appropriate requirements given in IEC 245-1 and the tested with alternating voltages up to 400 Hz or with
particular requirements of this part. (This Uganda direct voltage.
Standard cancels and replaces, US EAS 503-7:2008,
This standard
Rubber insulated cables — rated voltages up to and
including 450/750 V — Part 7: Heat resistant
defines the terms used;
ethylene-vinyl acetate rubber insulated cables, which
has been republished on). defines the quantities to be measured;

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30. describes test and measuring circuits which may be

defines analogue and digital measuring methods

2117. US IEC 60245-8:2012, Rubber
required for common applications;
insulated cables — Rated voltages up to
and including 450/750 V — Part 8: specifies methods for calibration and requirements of
Cords for applications requiring high instruments used for calibration;
gives guidance on test procedures;
This Uganda Standard details the particular
specifications for rubber insulated and textile braid gives some assistance concerning the discrimination

covered cords of rated voltage 300/300 V, for use in of partial discharges from external interference.

applications where high flexibility is required, for

(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces, US
example iron cords. (This Uganda Standard cancels
EAS 508:2008, High-voltage test techniques —
and replaces, US EAS 503-8:2008, Rubber insulated
Partial discharge measurements, which has been
cables — rated voltages up to and including 450/750
republished on)
V — Part 8: Cords for applications requiring high
flexibility, which has been republished on). This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 800,000/=


429 | P a g e
2119. US IEC 60282-1:2014, High- 2121. US IEC 60304:1982, Standard
voltage fuses — Part 1: Current- colours for insulation for low-frequency
limiting fuses cables and wires

This Uganda Standard applies to all types of high- This Uganda Standard applies to thermoplastic
voltage current-limiting fuses designed for use insulation to be used with low-frequency cables and
outdoors or indoors on alternating current systems of wires. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces,
50 Hz and 60 Hz and of rated voltages exceeding 1 US EAS 504:2008, Standard colours for insulation
000 V. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces for low-frequency cables and wires, which has been
US EAS 388-1:2005, High-voltage fuses — Part 1: republished on).
Current-limiting fuses, which has been technically
revised). This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.


This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

2122. US IEC 60335-1: 2010,

Household and similar electrical
2120. US IEC 60282-2:2008, High- appliances — Safety — Part 1: General
voltage fuses — Part 2: Expulsion fuses requirements (2nd Edition)

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for This Uganda Standard deals with the safety of
expulsion fuses designed for use outdoors or indoors electrical appliances for household and similar
on alternating current systems of 50 Hz and 60 Hz, purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250
and of rated voltages exceeding 1 000 V. This V for single phase appliances and 480 V for other
standard covers only the performance of fuses, each appliances. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
one comprising a specified combination of fuse-base, replaces US IEC 60335-1:2005, Household and
fuse-carrier and fuse-link which have been tested in similar electrical appliances — Safety — Part 1:
accordance with this standard; successful General requirements, which has been technically
performance of other combinations cannot be implied revised).
from this standard. (This Uganda Standard cancels
and replaces US EAS 388-2:2005, High-voltage fuses This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.

— Part 2: Expulsion fuses, which has been

technically revised).
2123. US IEC 60335-2-2:2002
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-2:
Particular requirements for vacuum
cleaners and water-suction cleaning

430 | P a g e
This standard deals with the safety of electric vacuum Particular requirements for spin
cleaners and water suction cleaning appliances for extractors
household and similar purposes, including vacuum
This standard deals with spin extractors incorporated
cleaners for animal grooming, their rated voltage
in washing machines that have separate containers for
being not more than 250 V. It also applies to
washing and spin extraction are within the scope of
centrally-sited vacuum cleaners.
this standard.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
2124. US IEC 60335-2-3: 2012,
2126. US IEC 60335-2-5:2003
Household and similar electrical
appliances — Safety — Part 2-3: Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-5:
Particular requirements for electric
Particular requirements for electric
irons (2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard deals with the safety of
This standard deals with the safety of electric
electric dry irons and steam irons, including those
dishwashers for household use that are intended for
with a separate water reservoir or boiler having a
washing and rinsing dishes, cutlery and other
capacity not exceeding 5 L, for household and similar
utensils, their rated voltage being not more than 250
purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250
V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other
V. Appliances not intended for normal household
use, but which nevertheless may be a source of
danger to the public, such as appliances intended to
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
be used by laymen in shops, in light industry and on
farms, are within the scope of this standard. (This STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 420,000/=
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US IEC
60335-2-3:2005, Household and similar electrical 2127. US IEC 60335-2-6: 2008,

appliances — Safety — Part 2-3: Particular Household and similar electrical

requirements for electric irons, which has been appliances — Safety — Part 2-6:

technically revised). Particular requirements for stationary

cooking ranges, hobs, ovens and similar
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25. appliances (2nd Edition)

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 300,000/= This Uganda Standard deals with the safety of
stationary electric cooking ranges, hobs, ovens and
2125. US IEC 60335-2-4:2003
similar appliances for household use, their rated
Household and similar electrical
voltages being not more than 250 V for single phase
appliances – Safety – Part 2-4:

431 | P a g e
appliances connected between phase and neutral, and Particular requirements for shavers,
480 V for other appliances. (This Uganda Standard hair clippers and similar appliances
cancels and replaces US IEC 60335-2-6:2002,
This standard deals with the safety of electric
Household and similar electrical appliances — Safety
shavers, hair clippers and similar appliances intended
— Part 2-6: Particular requirements for stationary
for household and similar purposes, their rated
cooking ranges, hobs, ovens and similar appliances,
voltage being not more than 250 V.
which has been technically revised).

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.


2128. US IEC 60335-2-7: 2012,
2130. US IEC 60335-2-9:2002
Household and similar electrical
Household and similar electrical
appliances — Safety — Part 2-7:
appliances – Safety – Part 2-9:
Particular requirements for washing
Particular requirements for grills,
machines (2nd Edition)
toasters and similar portable cooking
This Uganda Standard deals with the safety of appliances
electric washing machines for household and similar
This standard deals with the safety of electric
use, that are intended for washing clothes and
portable appliances for household purposes that have
textiles, their rated voltage being not being more than
a cooking function such as baking, roasting and
250 V for single phase appliances and 480 V for
grilling, their rated voltage being not more than 250
other appliances. This standard also deals with the
safety of electric washing machines for household
and similar use employing an electrolyte instead of a
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
detergent. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US IEC 60335-2-7:2002, Household and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE:
similar electrical appliances — Safety — Part 2-7: 638,000/=
Particular requirements for washing machines, which
has been technically revised). 2131. US IEC 60335-2-10:2002
Household and similar electrical
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25. appliances – Safety – Part 2-10:
Particular requirements for floor
treatment machines and wet scrubbing
2129. US IEC 60335-2-8:2002
Household and similar electrical
This standard deals with the safety of electric floor
appliances – Safety – Part 2-8:
treatment and wet scrubbing machines intended for

432 | P a g e
household and similar purposes, their rated voltage appliances – Safety – Part 2-13:
being not more than 250 V. Particular requirements for deep fat
fryers, frying pans and similar
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.


This standard deals with the safety of electric deep fat
fryers having a recommended maximum quantity of
2132. US IEC 60335-2-11:2003
oil not exceeding 5 l, frying pans, woks and other
Household and similar electrical
appliances in which oil is used for cooking, and
appliances – Safety – Part 2-11:
intended for household use only, their rated voltage
Particular requirements for tumble
being not more than 250 V.

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

This standard deals with the safety of electric tumble
dryers intended for household and similar purposes,
their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for
single phase appliances and 480 V for other 2135. US IEC 60335-2-14:2002
appliances. Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-14:
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
Particular requirements for kitchen

This standard deals with the safety of electric kitchen

2133. US IEC 60335-2-12:2002
machines for household and similar purposes, their
Household and similar electrical
rated voltage being not more than 250 V.
appliances – Safety – Part 2-12:
Particular requirements for warming
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
plates and similar appliances
This standard deals with the safety of electric
warming plates, warming trays and similar appliances 2136. US IEC 60335-2-15:2003
intended to keep food or vessels warm, for household Household and similar electrical
and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not appliances – Safety – Part 2-15:
more than 250 V. Particular requirements for appliances
for heating liquids
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This standard deals with the safety of electrical
appliances for heating liquids for household and
similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more
2134. US IEC 60335-2-13:2004
than 250 V.
Household and similar electrical

433 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.


2137. US IEC 60335-2-21: 2009, 2139. US IEC 60335-2-24: 2012,

Household and similar electrical Household and similar electrical
appliances — Safety — Part 2-21: appliances — Safety — Part 2-24:
Particular requirements for storage Particular requirements for
water heaters (2nd Edition) refrigerating appliances, ice-cream
appliances and ice-makers (2 Edition)
This Uganda Standard deals with the safety of storage
water heaters for household and similar purposes and This Uganda Standard deals with the safety of
intended for heating water below boiling temperature, refrigerating appliances, ice-cream appliances and
their rated voltage being not being more than 250 V ice-makers, their rated voltage being not being more
for single phase appliances and 480 V for other than 250 V for single phase appliances, 480 V for
appliances. As far as is practicable, this standard other appliances and 24 V d.c for appliances when
deals with the common hazards presented by battery operated. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
appliances that are encountered by all persons in and replaces US IEC 60335-2-24:2005, Household and
around the home. (This Uganda Standard cancels similar electrical appliances — Safety — Part 2-24:
and replaces US IEC 60335-2-21:2004, Household Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances,
and similar electrical appliances — Safety — Part 2- ice-cream appliances and ice-makers, which has
21: Particular requirements for storage water been technically revised).
heaters, which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 480,000/= 930,000/=

2138. US IEC 60335-2-23:2003 2140. US IEC 60335-2-25:2002

Household and similar electrical Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-23: appliances – Safety – Part 2-25:
Particular requirements for appliances Particular requirements for microwave
for skin or hair care ovens, including combination
microwave ovens
This standard deals with the safety of electric
appliances for the care of skin or hair of persons or This standard deals with the safety of microwave
animals and intended for household and similar ovens for household use, their rated voltage being not
purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 more than 250 V.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

434 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 534,000/= voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase
appliances and 480 V for other appliances.
2141. US IEC 60335-2-26:2002
Household and similar electrical This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
appliances – Safety – Part 2-26:
Particular requirements for clocks

2144. US IEC 60335-2-29:2004

This standard deals with the safety of electric clocks
having a rated voltage not more than 250 V. Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-29:
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. Particular requirements for battery
This standard deals with the safety of electric battery
2142. US IEC 60335-2-27:2004 chargers for household and similar use having an
Household and similar electrical
output at safety extra-low voltage, their rated voltage
appliances – Safety – Part 2-27:
being not more than 250 V.
Particular requirements for appliances
for skin exposure to ultraviolet and This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
infrared radiation
This standard deals with the safety of electrical
2145. US IEC 60335-2-31:2002
appliances incorporating emitters for exposing the
Household and similar electrical
skin to ultraviolet or infrared radiation, for household
and similar use, their rated voltage being not more appliances – Safety – Part 2-31:
Particular requirements for range
than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for
other appliances.

This standard deals with the safety of electric range

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
hoods intended for installing above household
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 534,000/= cooking ranges, hobs and similar cooking appliances,
their rated voltage being not more than 250 V.
2143. US IEC 60335-2-28:2002
Household and similar electrical This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
appliances – Safety – Part 2-28:
Particular requirements for sewing
2146. US IEC 60335-2-32:2002
Household and similar electrical
This standard deals with the safety of electric sewing
machines for household and similar use, their rated appliances – Safety – Part 2-32:

435 | P a g e
Particular requirements for massage Particular requirements for
appliances instantaneous water heaters

This standard deals with the safety of electric This standard deals with the safety of electric
massage appliances for household and similar instantaneous water heaters for household and similar
purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 purposes and intended for heating water below
V for single phase appliances and 480 V for other boiling temperature, their rated voltage being not
appliances. more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480
V for other appliances.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
274,000/= STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 420,000/=

2147. US IEC 60335-2-34:2002 2149. US IEC 60335-2-36:2002

Household and similar electrical Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-34: appliances – Safety – Part 2-36:
Particular requirements for motor Particular requirements for
compressors commercial electric cooking range,
ovens, hobs and hob elements
This standard deals with the safety of sealed
(hermetic and semi-hermetic type) motor- This standard deals with the safety of electrically
compressors, their protection and control systems, if operated commercial cooking and baking ranges,
any, which are intended for use in equipment for ovens, hobs, hob elements and similar appliances not
household and similar purposes and which conform intended for household use, their rated voltage being
with the standards applicable to such equipment. It not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances
applies to motor-compressors tested separately, under connected between one phase and neutral and 480 V
the most severe conditions that may be expected to for other appliances.
occur in normal use, their rated voltage being not
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
more than 250 V for single-phase motor-compressors
and 480 V for other motor-compressors.

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

2150. US IEC 60335-2-37:2002
Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-37:
2148. US IEC 60335-2-35:2002 Particular requirements for
Household and similar electrical commercial electric deep fat fryers
appliances – Safety – Part 2-35:

436 | P a g e
This standard deals with the safety of electrically not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances
operated commercial deep fat fryers including connected between one phase and neutral and 480 V
pressurized types not intended for household use, for other appliances.
their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
single-phase appliances connected between one phase
and neutral and 480 V for other appliances.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

2153. US IEC 60335-2-40:2002

Household and similar electrical
2151. US IEC 60335-2-38:2002 appliances – Safety – Part 2-40:
Household and similar electrical Particular requirements for electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-38: heat pumps, air- conditioners and
Particular requirements for dehumidifiers
commercial electric griddles and
This standard deals with the safety of electric heat
griddle grills
pumps, including sanitary hot water heat pumps, air-
This standard deals with the safety of electrically conditioners, and dehumidifiers incorporating sealed
operated commercial griddles and griddle grills not motor compressors, their maximum rated voltages
intended for household use, their rated voltage being being not more than 250 V for single phase
not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances appliances and 600 V for all other appliances.
connected between one phase and neutral and 480 V
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
for other appliances.


This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

2154. US IEC 60335-2-41:2004

Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-41:
2152. US IEC 60335-2-39:2002 Particular requirements for pumps
Household and similar electrical
This standard deals with the safety of electric pumps
appliances – Safety – Part 2-39:
for liquids having a temperature not exceeding 90 °C,
Particular requirements for
intended for household and similar purposes, their
commercial electric multi-purpose
rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-
cooking pans
phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances.
This standard deals with the safety of electrically
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
operated commercial multipurpose cooking pans not
intended for household use, their rated voltage being

437 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 210,000/= 2157. US IEC 60335-2-45:2002
Household and similar electrical
2155. US IEC 60335-2-42:2002
appliances – Safety – Part 2-45:
Household and similar electrical
Particular requirements for portable
appliances – Safety – Part 2-42:
heating tools and similar appliances
Particular requirements for
commercial electric forced convection This standard deals with the safety of electrically
ovens, steam cookers and steam- operated commercial boiling pans not intended for
convection ovens household use, their rated voltage being not more
than 250 V for single-phase appliances connected
This standard deals with the safety of electrically
between one phase and neutral, and 480 V for other
operated commercial forced convection ovens, steam
cookers, steam-convection ovens and, exclusive of
any other use, steam generators, not intended for This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
household use, their rated voltage being not more
than 250 V for single-phase appliances connected
between one phase and neutral and 480 V for other
2158. US IEC 60335-2-47:2002
Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-47:
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
Particular requirements for
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 600,000/= commercial electric boiling pans

2156. US IEC 60335-2-44:2003 This standard deals with the safety of electrically
Household and similar electrical operated commercial boiling pans not intended for
appliances – Safety – Part 2-44: household use, their rated voltage being not more
Particular requirements for ironers than 250 V for single-phase appliances connected
between one phase and neutral, and 480 V for other
This standard deals with the safety of portable
electric heating tools and similar appliances, their
rated voltage being not more than 250 V. Appliances This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
not intended for normal household use, but which
nevertheless may be a source of danger to the public,
such as appliances intended to be used by laymen in
2159. US IEC 60335-2-48:2002
shops, in light industry and on farms, are within the
Household and similar electrical
scope of this standard.
appliances – Safety – Part 2-48:
Particular requirements for
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
commercial electric grillers and toasters

438 | P a g e
This standard deals with the safety of electrically household use, their rated voltage being not more
operated commercial grillers and toasters not than 250 V for single-phase appliances connected
intended for household use, their rated voltage being between one phase and neutral, and 480 V for other
not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances appliances.
connected between one phase and neutral, and 480 V
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
for other appliances. Rotary or continuous grillers
and toasters and similar appliances intended for
grilling by radiant heat such as rotisseries,
salamanders, etc. are within the scope of this 2162. US IEC 60335-2-51:2002
standard. Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-51:
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
Particular requirements for stationary
circulation pumps for heating and
service water installations
2160. US IEC 60335-2-49:2002
This standard deals with the safety of electric
Household and similar electrical
stationary circulation pumps intended for use in
appliances – Safety – Part 2-49:
heating systems or in service water systems, having a
Particular requirements for
rated power input not exceeding 300 W, their rated
commercial electric hot cupboards
voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase
This standard deals with the safety of electrically appliances and 480 V for other appliances.
operated commercial hot cupboards not intended for
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
household use, their rated voltage being not more
than 250 V for single-phase appliances connected
between one phase and neutral, and 480 V for other
appliances. 2163. US IEC 60335-2-53:2002
Household and similar electrical
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
appliances – Safety – Part 2-53:
Particular requirements for sauna
heating appliances
2161. US IEC 60335-2-50:2002
This standard deals with the safety of electric sauna
Household and similar electrical
heating appliances having a rated power input not
appliances – Safety – Part 2-50:
exceeding 20 kW, their rated voltage being not more
Particular requirements for
than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for
commercial electric bains-marie
other appliances.
This standard deals with the safety of electrically
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
operated commercial bains-marie not intended for

439 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 560,000/= commercial electric dishwashing
2164. US IEC 60335-2-54:2004
Household and similar electrical This standard deals with the safety of electrically
appliances – Safety – Part 2-54: operated dishwashing machines for washing plates,
Particular requirements for surface dishes, glassware, cutlery and similar articles, with or
cleaning appliances for household use without means for water heating or drying, not
employing liquids or steam intended for household use, their rated voltage being
not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances
This standard deals with the safety of electric
connected between one phase and neutral and 480 V
cleaning appliances for household use that are
for other appliances.
intended for cleaning surfaces such as windows,
walls and empty swimming pools by using liquid This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
cleansing agents or steam, their rated voltage being
not more than 250 V. It also covers wallpaper
2167. US IEC 60335-2-59:2002
Household and similar electrical
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
appliances – Safety – Part 2-59:
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 420,000/= Particular requirements for insect
2165. US IEC 60335-2-56:2002
Household and similar electrical This standard deals with the safety of electric insect
appliances – Safety – Part 2-56: killers for household and similar purposes, their rated
Particular requirements for projectors voltage being not more than 250 V. Appliances not
and similar appliances intended for normal household use but that
nevertheless may be a source of danger to the public,
This standard deals with the safety of electric
such as appliances intended to be used by laymen in
projectors and similar appliances for household and
shops, in light industry and on farms, are within the
similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more
scope of this standard.
than 250 V.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
2168. US IEC 60335-2-64:2003
2166. US IEC 60335-2-58:2002
Household and similar electrical
Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-64:
appliances – Safety – Part 2-58:
Particular requirements for
Particular requirements for
commercial electric kitchen machines

440 | P a g e
This standard deals with the safety of electrically This standard deals with the safety of electrical
operated commercial kitchen machines not intended motor-operated vacuum cleaners and includes
for household use, their rated voltage being not more appliances and stationary equipment specifically
than 250 V for single phase appliances connected designed for wet suction, dry suction, or wet and dry
between one phase and neutral, and 480 V for other suction for industrial and commercial use with or
appliances. without attachments, for example for suction to
withdraw dust or the like from work benches and
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
production machines, their rated voltage being not
more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480
V for other appliances.
2169. US IEC 60335-2-67:2002
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-67:
Particular requirements for floor
treatment and floor cleaning machines, 2171. US IEC 60335-2-70:2004
for industrial and commercial use Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-70:
This standard deals with the safety of electric motor-
Particular requirements for milking
operated appliances primarily designed for industrial
and commercial use, with or without attachments,
including appliances incorporating wet and/or dry This standard deals with the safety of milking
suction, their rated voltage being not more than 250 machines, to be used in stalls and in the open, that are
V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other designed for milking farm animals, such as cows, the
appliances. Such appliances may be used for floor rated voltage of the milking machine being not more
polishing (including waxing and buffing), scrubbing than 250 V for single-phase operation and 480 V for
and grinding, scarifying and carpet shampooing. other operations.

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.


2170. US IEC 60335-2-69:2002 2172. US IEC 60335-2-71:2002

Household and similar electrical Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-69: appliances – Safety – Part 271:
Particular requirements for wet and Particular requirements for electrical
dry vacuum cleaners, including power heating appliances for breeding and
brush, for industrial and commercial rearing animals

441 | P a g e
This standard deals with the safety of all kinds of purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250
electrical heating appliances used for livestock V. Appliances not intended for normal household use
rearing and breeding, such as: heat-radiating but which nevertheless may be a source of danger to
appliances, electrical sitting-hens, incubators, chicken the public, such as appliances intended to be used by
breeding units and heating plates for animals, the laymen in shops, in light industry and on farms, are
rated voltage of the appliances being not more than within the scope of this standard.
250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
other appliances.


This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

2175. US IEC 60335-2-76:2002

Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part2-76:
2173. US IEC 60335-2-73:2002 Particular requirements for electric
Household and similar electrical fence energizers
appliances – Safety – Part 2-73:
This standard deals with the safety of electric fence
Particular requirements for fixed
energizers, the rated voltage of which is not more
immersion heaters
than 250 V and by means of which fence wires in
This standard deals with the safety of fixed electric agricultural, feral animal control and security fences
immersion heaters for household and similar may be electrified or monitored.
purposes that are intended for installation in a water
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
tank for heating water to a temperature below its
boiling point. The rated voltage is not more than 250
V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other
2176. US IEC 60335-2-77:2002 Safety
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
of household and similar electrical
appliances – Part 2-77: Particular
requirements for pedestrian controlled
2174. US IEC 60335-2-74:2003 mains-operated lawnmowers
Household and similar electrical
This standard deals with the safety of pedestrian
appliances – Safety – Part 2-74:
controlled mains-operated electrical, cylinder or
Particular requirements for portable
rotary lawnmowers designed primarily for use around
immersion heaters
the home or for similar purposes, their rated voltage
This standard deals with the safety of portable being not more than 250 V single phase.
electric immersion heaters for household and similar

442 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 378,000/=

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 560,000/= 2179. US IEC 60335-2-82:2002

Household and similar electrical
2177. US IEC 60335-2-78:2002
appliances – Safety – Part 2-82:
Household and similar electrical
Particular requirements for amusement
appliances – Safety – Part 2-78:
machines and personal service
Particular requirements for outdoor
This standard deals with the safety of electric
This standard deals with the safety of outdoor
commercial amusement machines and personal
barbecues for household and similar use, their rated
service machines, their rated voltage being not more
voltage being not more than 250 V. Appliances not
than 250 V for single phase appliances and 480 V for
intended for normal household use but that
other appliances.
nevertheless may be a source of danger to the public,
such as appliances intended to be used by laymen in This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
shops, in light industry and on farms, are within the
scope of this standard. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 300,000/=

2180. US IEC 60335-2-89:2002

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
Household and similar electrical
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 260,000/= appliances – Safety – Part 2-89:
Particular requirements for
2178. US IEC 60335-2-80: 2008,
commercial refrigerating appliances
Household and similar electrical
with an incorporated or remote
appliances — Safety — Part 2-80:
refrigerant condensing unit or
Particular requirements for fans (2nd
This standard specifies safety requirements for
This Uganda Standard deals with the safety of
electrically operated commercial refrigerating
electric fans for household and similar purposes, their
appliances that have an incorporated compressor or
rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single
that are supplied in two units for assembly as a single
phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances.
appliance in accordance with the manufacturer’s
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US IEC
instructions (split system).
60335-2-80:2004, Household and similar electrical
appliances — Safety — Part 2-80: Particular This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
requirements for fans, which has been technically

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

443 | P a g e
2181. US IEC 60335-2-90:2002 Particular requirements for drives for
Household and similar electrical gates, doors and windows
appliances – Safety – Part 2-90:
This standard deals with the safety of gas, oil and
Particular requirements for
solid-fuel burning appliances having electrical
commercial microwave ovens
connections, for household and similar purposes,
This standard deals with the safety of microwave their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for
ovens intended for commercial use, their rated single-phase appliances and 480 V for other
voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances. This Standard deals with the safety of
appliances connected between one phase and neutral electric drives for horizontally and vertically moving
and 480 V for other appliances. Appliances covered gates, doors and windows for household and similar
by this standard incorporate a door for user access to purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250
the cavity. V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other
appliances. It also covers the hazards associated with
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
the movement of the driven part. This standard
covers the electrical safety and some other safety
aspects of these appliances.
2182. US IEC 60335-2-91:2002
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-91:
Particular requirements for walk
behind and hand-held lawn trimmers 2184. US IEC 60335-2-104:2004
and lawn hedge trimmers Household and similar electrical
appliances – Part 2-104: Particular
This standard deals with the safety of microwave
requirements for appliances to recover
ovens intended for commercial use, their rated
and/or recycle refrigerant from air
voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase
conditioning and refrigeration
appliances connected between one phase and neutral
and 480 V for other appliances. Appliances covered
by this standard incorporate a door for user access to This standard applies to appliances not intended for
the cavity. normal household use but which nevertheless may be
a source of danger to the public, such as appliances
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
intended to be used by laymen in shops, offices,
hotels, restaurants, hospitals, in industry and on
farms, are within the scope of this standard.
2183. US IEC 60335-2-103:2003
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
Household and similar electrical
appliances – Safety – Part 2-103:

444 | P a g e
2185. US IEC 60335-2-105:2004 2187. US IEC 60400:1999 Lamp
Household and similar electrical holders for tubular fluorescent lamps
appliances - Safety - Part 2-105: and starter holders
Particular requirements for
This standard states the technical and dimensional
multifunctional shower cabinets
requirements for lamp holders for tubular fluorescent
This standard deals with the safety of electric lamps and for starter-holders, and the methods of test
multifunctional shower cabinets for household and to be used in determining the safety and the fit of the
similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more lamps in the lamp holders and the starters in the
than 250 V for single phase appliances and 480 V for starter holders.
other appliances. Appliances not intended for normal
household use but which nevertheless may be a This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

source of danger to the public, such as appliances

intended to be used by laymen in hotels, fitness
centers and similar locations, are within the scope of 2188. US IEC 60432-
this standard. 1:1999+AMD1:2005+AMD2:2011,
Incandescent lamps — Safety
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
specifications — Part 1: Tungsten
filament lamps for domestic and similar
general lighting purposes
2186. US IEC 60360:1998 Standard
This Uganda Standard specifies the safety and
method of measurement of lamp cap
interchangeability requirements of tungsten filament
temperature rise
incandescent lamps for general lighting service. (This
This standard describes the standard method of Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 254:2000,
measurement of lamp cap temperature rise which is Specification for tungsten filament lamps for general
to be used when testing tungsten filament or lighting service, which has been republished on).
discharge lamps for compliance with the limits. It
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
covers the method of test and the specifications for
test lamp holders for lamps fitted with various sizes
of ES and BC caps. This method has been used
widely for incandescent lamps but its application is 2189. US IEC 60502-1:2009, Power
not limited to that type of lamp. cables with extruded insulation and
their accessories for rated voltages from
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um =
36 kV) - Part 1: Cables for rated
voltages of 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) and 3
kV (Um = 3,6 kV)

445 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the construction, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE:
dimensions and test requirements of power cables 806,000/=
with extruded solid insulation for rated voltages of 1
2191. US IEC 60502-4:2010, Power
kV (Um = 1,2 kV) and 3 kV (Um = 3,6 kV) for fixed
cables with extruded insulation and
installations such as distribution networks or
their accessories for rated voltages from
industrial installations. (This Uganda Standard
cancels and replaces, US EAS 506-1:2008, Power 1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (U m =
36 kV) - Part 4: Test requirements on
cables with extruded insulation and their accessories
accessories for cables with rated
for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1.2 kV) up to 30
voltages from 6 kV (U m = 7,2 kV) up to
kV (Um = 36 kV) — Part 1: Cables for rated voltages
of 1 kV (Um = 1.2 kV) and 3 kV (Um = 3.6 kV), 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)

which has been republished on).

This Uganda Standard specifies the test requirements
for type testing of accessories for power cables with
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
rated voltages from 3,6/6 (7,2) kV up to 18/30 (36)
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 800,000/= kV, complying with IEC 60502-2. (This Uganda
Standard cancels and replaces, US EAS 506-4:2008,
2190. US IEC 60502-2:2014, Power
Power cables with extruded insulation and their
cables with extruded insulation and
accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1.2
their accessories for rated voltages from
kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) — Part 4: Test
1 kV (Um = 1,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = requirements on accessories for cables with rated
36 kV) – Part 2: Cables for rated
voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7.2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um =
voltages from 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) up to
36 kV), which has been republished on)
30 kV (Um = 36 kV)
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
This Uganda Standard specifies the construction,
dimensions and test requirements of power cables STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE:
with extruded solid insulation from 6 kV up to 30 kV 410,000/=
for fixed installations such as distribution networks or
industrial installations. (This Uganda Standard 2192. US IEC 60669-1: 2007, Switches
for household and similar fixed-
cancels and replaces, US EAS 506-2:2008, Power
electrical installations — Part 1:
cables with extruded insulation and their accessories
General requirements (2 Edition)
for rated voltages from 1 kV (Um = 1.2 kV) up to 30
kV (Um = 36 kV) — Part 2: Cables for rated voltages
This Uganda Standard applies to manually operated
from 6 kV (Um = 7.2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV),
general switches, for a.c only with a rated voltage not
which has been republished on)
exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding 63
A, intended for household and similar fixed electrical
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
installations, either indoors or outdoors. (This

446 | P a g e
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US IEC 2195. US IEC 60669-2-3:1997 Switches
60669-1:2000, Switches for household and similar for household and similar fixed
fixed-electrical installations — Part 1: General electrical installations – Part 2-3:
requirements, which has been technically revised). Particular requirements – Time-delay
switches (TDS)
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.
This standard applies to remote-control switches
(hereinafter referred to as RCS). This standard
applies to electromagnetic RCS with a rated voltage
2193. US IEC 60669-2-1:2002 Switches
not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not
for household and similar fixed
exceeding 63 A, and to electronic RCS with a rated
electrical installations – Part 2-1:
voltage not exceeding 250 V and a rated current not
Particular requirements - Electronic
exceeding 16 A, intended for household and similar
fixed electrical installations, either indoors or
This standard applies to manually operated general outdoors.
purpose switches for a.c. only, with a rated voltage
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not
exceeding 63 A.

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

2196. US IEC 60669-2-4:2004 Switches
for household and similar fixed
electrical installations – Part 2-4:
Particular requirements – Isolating
2194. US IEC 60669-2-2:2002 Switches switches
for household and similar fixed
This standard applies to time-delay switches
electrical installations – Part 2:
(hereinafter referred to as TDS) with a rated voltage
Particular requirements – Section 2:
not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not
Remote-control switches (RCS)
exceeding 63 A, intended for household and similar
This standard applies to electronic switches and to fixed electrical installations, either indoors or
associated electronic extension units for household outdoors, operated by hand and/or by remote control
and similar fixed electrical installations either indoors and which are provided with a mechanical, thermal,
or outdoors. pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical operated time-
delay device or with a device which combines any of
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.


This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

447 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
2197. US IEC 60686:1980 Stabilized
2200. US IEC 60695-2-10:2000, Fire
power supplies, a.c. output
hazard testing — Part 2-10:
This standard applies to stabilized power supplies Glowing/hot-wire based test methods —
designed to supply a.c. power from an a.c. or d.c. Glow-wire apparatus and common test
source. Power supplies for electrical measurements procedure
are excluded.
This Uganda Standard specifies the glow-wire
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. apparatus and common test procedure to stimulate the
effect of thermal stresses which may be produced by
heat sources such as glowing elements or overloaded
resistors, for short periods, in order to assess the fire
2198. US IEC 60695-1-1:1999, Fire
hazard by a simulation technique. The test described
hazard testing — Part 1-1: Guidance
in this standard is applicable to electro technical
for assessing the fire hazard of electro
equipment, its subassemblies and components, and
technical products — General
may also be applied to solid electrical insulating
materials or other solid combustible materials.
This Uganda Standard provides guidance for
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
assessing the fire hazard of electro technical products
and for the resulting development of fire hazard
testing as related directly to harm to people, animals
or property. Products, as defined in this standard, 2201. US IEC 60695-2-11:2000, Fire
relate to materials, components or complete end-use hazard testing — Part 2-11:
products. Glowing/hot-wire based test methods —
Glow-wire flammability test method for
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.


This Uganda Standard specifies the details of the
glow-wire test to be applied to end-products for fire
2199. US IEC 60695-2-1:1991 Fire
hazard testing.
hazard testing – Part 2: Test methods –
Glow wire test and guidance
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.

This standard specifies the details of the glow wire

test when applied to end products for fire hazard

448 | P a g e
2202. US IEC 60695-2-12:2000, Fire exceeding 440 V and a rated current not exceeding
hazard testing — Part 2-12: 125 A, intended for household and similar fixed
Glowing/hot-wire based test methods — electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors.
Glow-wire flammability test method for
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.


This Uganda Standard specifies the details of the
glow-wire test to be applied to test specimens of solid
2205. US IEC 60670-21:2004 Boxes and
electrical insulating materials or other solid materials
enclosures for electrical accessories for
for flammability testing to determine the glow-wire
household and similar fixed electrical
flammability index (GWFI).
installations – Part 21: Particular
requirements for boxes and enclosures
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
with provision for suspension means
This standard applies to boxes, enclosures and parts
2203. US IEC 60695-2-13:2000, Fire of enclosures (hereafter called “boxes” and
hazard testing — Part 2-13: “enclosures”) for electrical accessories with a rated
Glowing/hot-wire based test methods — voltage not exceeding 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c.
Glow-wire ignitability test method for intended for household or similar fixed electrical
materials installations, either indoors or outdoors.

This Uganda Standard specifies the details of the This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
glow-wire test to be applied specimens of solid
electrical insulating materials or other solid materials
for ignitability testing to determine the glow-wire
2206. US IEC 60670-22:2003 Boxes and
ignition temperature (GWIT)
enclosures for electrical accessories for
household and similar fixed electrical
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
installations – Part 22: Particular
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 240,000/= requirements for connecting boxes and
2204. US IEC 60670-1:2002 Boxes and
enclosures for electrical accessories for This standard applies to boxes and enclosures with
household and similar fixed electrical provision for suspension means.
installations – Part 1: General
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

This standard applies to manually operated general STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 240,000/=

purpose isolating switches with a rated voltage not

449 | P a g e
2207. US IEC 60705:1999 Household Part 1: Methods for general application
microwave ovens – Methods for - Section two Thermal ageing methods
measuring performance
This Part of the standard gives the thermal ageing
This standard applies to microwave ovens for methods which apply to the most common types of
household use. It also applies to combination insulating and sheathing compounds (elastomeric,
microwave ovens. This standard defines the main PVC, PE, PP, etc.)
performance characteristics of household microwave
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
ovens which are of interest to the user and specifies
methods for measuring these characteristics.

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

2210. US IEC 60811-1-3:2005 Common
test methods for insulating and
1,100,000/= sheathing materials of electric and
optical cables - Part 1-3: General
2208. US IEC 60811-1-1:2005 Common application - Methods for determining
test methods for insulating and the density - Water absorption tests -
sheathing materials of electric cables Shrinkage test
and optical cables - Part 1-1: Methods
for general application – Measurement This Part of the standard specifies the test methods to

of thickness and overall dimensions – be used for testing polymeric insulating and

Tests for determining the mechanical sheathing materials of electric cables for power

properties distribution and telecommunications including cables

used on ships.
This Part of the standard specifies gives the methods
for measuring thicknesses and overall dimensions, This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.

and for determining the mechanical properties, which

apply to the most common types of insulating and
sheathing compounds (elastometic, PVC, PE, PP, 2211. US IEC 60811-1-4:2005 Common
etc.). test methods for insulating and
sheathing materials of electric cables -
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
Part 1: Methods for general application

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 300,000/= - Section four - Test at low temperature

2209. US IEC 60811-1-2:2005 Common This Part of the standard gives the methods for tests

test methods for insulating and at low temperature which apply to PVC and PV

sheathing materials of electric cables - compounds.

450 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19. This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.


2212. US IEC 60811-2-1:2005 Common 2214. US IEC 60811-3-2:2005 Common

test methods for insulating and test methods for insulating and
sheathing materials of electric and sheathing materials of electric
optical cables - Part 2-1: Methods cables - Part 3: Methods specific to
specific to electrometric compounds - PVC compounds – Section two - Loss of
Ozone resistance, hot set and mineral mass test - Thermal stability test
oil immersion tests
This Part of the standard specifies the test methods to
This Part of the standard specifies the test methods to be used for testing polymeric insulating and
be used for testing polymeric insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables for power
sheathing material of electric cables for power distribution and telecommunications including cables
distribution and telecommunications including cables used on ships.
used on ships. Gives the methods for the ozone
resistance test, hot set test and mineral oil immersion This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.

test, which apply to elastomeric compounds.


This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.

2215. US IEC 60811-4-1:2005 Common
test methods for insulating and
sheathing materials of electric cables -
2213. US IEC 60811-3-1:2005 Common Part 4-1: Methods specific to
test methods for insulating and polyethylene and polypropylene
sheathing materials of electric compounds - Resistance to
cables - Part 3: Methods specific to environmental stress cracking
PVC compounds – Sectione - Pressure Wrapping test after thermal ageing in
test at high temperature - Tests for air - Measurement of the melt flow
resistance to cracking index – Carbon black and/or mineral
content measurement in PE
This Part of the standard specifies the test methods to
be used for testing polymeric insulating and This Part of the standard specifies the test methods to
sheathing materials of electric cables for power be used for testing polymeric insulating and
distribution and telecommunications including cables sheathing materials of electric and optical fibre cables
used on ships. Gives the methods for pressure test at for power distribution and telecommunications,
high temperature and for tests for resistance to including cables used on ships and in offshore
cracking, which apply to PVC compounds. applications. These test methods apply specifically to

451 | P a g e
PE and PP compounds, including cellular compounds brittleness - Total acid number -
and foam skin for insulation. Absence of corrosive components -
Permittivity at 23°C - D.C. resistivity at
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
23°C and 100°C


This Part of the standard specifies the test methods
for filling compounds of electric cables used with
2216. US IEC 60811-4-2:2005
telecommunication equipment. Gives the methods
Insulating and sheathing materials of
for drop-point, separation of oil, lower temperature
electric and optical cables - Common
brittleness, total acid number, absence of corrosive
test methods - Part 4-2: Methods
components, permittivity at 23 °C, d.c. resistivity at
specific to polyethylene and
23°C and 100°C.
polypropylene compounds - Tensile
strength and elongation at break after
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.
conditioning at elevated temperature -
Wrapping test after conditioning at STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 210,000/=
elevated temperature - Wrapping test
2218. US IEC 60884-1:2005 Plugs and
after thermal ageing in air -
socket-outlets for household and similar
Measurement of mass increase - Long-
purposes Safety - Part 1: General
term stability test - Test method for
copper-catalyzed oxidative degradation

This Part of the standard applies to plugs and fixed or

This standard specifies the test methods for testing
portable socket-outlets for a.c. only, with and without
polymeric insulating and sheathing materials of
earthing contact, with a rated voltage above 50 V but
electric and optical fibre cables for power distribution
not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not
and communications, including cables used on ships
exceeding 32 A, intended for household and similar
and in offshore applications. These test methods
proposes, either, indoors or outdoors.
apply specifically to polyolefin insulation and sheath.

This standard was adopted on 2005-08-24.



2217. US IEC 60811-5-1:2005 Common
test methods for insulating and
2219. US IEC 60884-2-1:2005 Plugs
sheathing materials of electric cables
and socket-outlets for household and
Common test methods for insulating
similar purposes Part 2-1: Particular
and sheathing materials of electric
requirements for fused plugs
cables - Part 5-1: Methods specific to
filling compounds - Drop point –
Separation of oil- Lower temperature

452 | P a g e
This Part of the standard applies where fuses are Particular requirements for plugs 'and
primarily intended to protect the flexible cable or socket-outlets for SELV
cord (e.g. with ring circuits).
This Part of the standard applies to plugs, fixed or
This standard was adopted on 2005-08-24. portable socket-outlets, and to socket-outlets for
appliances with d.c. or a.c. (50/60 Hz) SELV with
rated current of 16 A.

2220. US IEC 60884-2-2:2005 Plugs

This standard was adopted on 2005-08-24.
and socket-outlets for household and
similar purposes Part 2-2: Particular STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 290,000/=
requirements for socket-outlets for
2223. US IEC 60884-2-5:2005 Plugs
and socket-outlets for household and
This Part of the standard applies to socket-outlets similar purposes Part 2-5: Particular
integrated or intended to be incorporated in or fixed requirements for adaptors
to appliances.
This standard applies to shuttered and non-shuttered,
This standard was adopted on 2005-08-24. fused and non-fused adaptors for a.c. only.

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 80,000/= This standard was adopted on 2005-08-24.

2221. US IEC 60884-2-3:2005 Plugs STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 490,000/=

and socket-outlets for household and
2224. US IEC 60888:1987, Zinc-coated
similar purposes - Part 2-3: Particular
steel wires for stranded conductors
requirements for switched socket-
outlets without interlock for fixed
This Uganda Standard applies to zinc-coated steel
wires used in the construction and/or reinforcement
of conductors for overhead power transmission
This Part of the standard applies to fixed switched
purposes. It is intended to cover all wires used in
socket-outlets for a.c. only, with or without earthing,
constructions where the individual wire diameters,
with a rated voltage not exceeding 440 V and a rated
including coating, are in the range of 1.25 mm to 5.50
current not exceeding 32 A.
mm. Three grades of steel are included to reflect the
This standard was adopted on 2005-08-24. needs of conductor users: regular steel, high strength
steel and extra high strength steel. Two classes of
coating represented by minimum zinc mass per unit
area are included: Class 1 and Class 2. (This Uganda
2222. US IEC 60884-2-4:2005 Plugs
Standard cancels and replaces, US EAS 509:2008,
and socket-outlets for household and
similar purposes Part 2- 4:

453 | P a g e
Zinc-coated steel wires for stranded conductors, 2227. US IEC 60904-2:2015,
which has been republished on) Photovoltaic devices – Part 2:
Requirements for photovoltaic
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
reference devices


This Uganda Standard gives requirements for the
classification, selection, packaging, marking,
2225. US IEC 60889:1987, Hard-drawn
calibration and care of photovoltaic reference
aluminium wire for overhead line
devices. This standard covers photovoltaic reference
devices used to determine the electrical performance
This Uganda Standard is applicable to hard-drawn of photovoltaic cells, modules and arrays under
aluminium wires for the manufacture of stranded natural and simulated sunlight. It does not cover
conductors for overhead power transmission photovoltaic reference devices for use under
purposes. It specifies the mechanical and electrical concentrated sunlight. (This Uganda Standard
properties of wires in the diameter range 1.25 mm to cancels and replaces, US 463-2:2005 Photovoltaic
5.00 mm. (This Uganda Standard cancels and devices — Part 2: Requirements for reference solar
replaces, US EAS 510:2008, Hard-drawn aluminium cells, which has been republished on)
wire for overhead line conductors, which has been
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.


This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

2228. US IEC 60904-3:2008

Photovoltaic devices – Part 3:
2226. US IEC 60901:1996 Single- Measurement principles for terrestrial
capped fluorescent lamps – photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with
Performance specifications reference spectral irradiance data

This standard specifies the performance requirements This Uganda Standard applies to the following
for single-capped fluorescent lamps for general photovoltaic devices for terrestrial applications:
lighting service. The requirements of this standard
solar cells with or without a protective cover;
relate only to type testing. Conditions of compliance,
including methods of statistical assessment, are under
sub-assemblies of solar cells;
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

454 | P a g e
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces, US This Uganda Standard describes the procedure for
463-3:2005 Photovoltaic devices — Part 3: correcting the bias error introduced in the testing of a
Measurement principles for photovoltaic (PV) solar photovoltaic device, caused by the mismatch between
devices with reference spectral irradiance data, the test spectrum and the reference spectrum and by
which has been republished on) the mismatch between the spectral responses (SR) of
the reference cell and of the test specimen. (This
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30. Uganda Standard cancels and replaces, US 463-7:
2005 Photovoltaic devices — Part 7: Computation of
spectral mismatch error introduced in the testing of a
2229. US IEC 60904-5:2011, photovoltaic device, which has been republished on).
Photovoltaic devices - Part 5:
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
Determination of the equivalent cell
temperature (ECT) of photovoltaic
(PV) devices by the open-circuit voltage
method 2231. US IEC 60904-8:2014,
Photovoltaic devices - Part 8:
This Uganda Standard describes the preferred method
Measurement of spectral responsivity of
for determining the equivalent cell temperature
a photovoltaic (PV) device
(ECT) of PV devices (cells, modules and arrays of
one type of module), for the purposes of comparing This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
their thermal characteristics, determining NOCT the measurement of the spectral responsivity of both
(nominal operating cell temperature) and translating linear and non-linear photovoltaic devices. (This
measured I-V characteristics to other temperatures. Uganda Standard cancels and replaces, US 463-8:
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces, US 2005 Photovoltaic devices — Part 8: Measurement of
463-5: 2005 Photovoltaic devices — Part 5: spectral response of a photovoltaic (PV) device,
Determination of the equivalent cell temperature which has been republished on).
(ECT) of photovoltaic (PV) devices by the open-
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
circuit voltage method, which has been republished

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.

2232. US IEC 60904-9:2007,
Photovoltaic devices - Part 9: Solar
simulator performance requirements
2230. US IEC 60904-7:2008,
This Uganda Standard provides the definitions of and
Photovoltaic devices - Part 7:
means for determining simulator classifications. (This
Computation of the spectral mismatch
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces, US 463-9:
correction for measurements of
2005 Photovoltaic devices – Part 9: Solar simulators
photovoltaic devices

455 | P a g e
for crystalline solar cells and modules, which has This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
been republished on)
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30.
2235. US IEC 60934:2000 Circuit
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 350,000/= breakers for equipment (CBE)

2233. US IEC 60904-10:2009, This Uganda Standard is applicable to mechanical

Photovoltaic devices - Part 10: Methods switching devices designed as "circuit breakers for
of linearity measurement equipment (CBE) intended to provide protection to
circuits within electrical equipment. This standard is
This Uganda Standard describes procedures used to
also applicable to switching devices for protection of
determine the degree of linearity of any photovoltaic
electrical equipment in case of under voltage and/or
device parameter with respect to a test parameter.
over voltage. It is applicable for a.c. not exceeding
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces, US
440 V and/or d.c. not exceeding 250 V and a rated
463-10: 2005 Photovoltaic devices – Part 10:
current not exceeding 125 A.
Methods of linearity measurement, which has been
republished on). This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 858,000/=

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 350,000/= 2236. US IEC 60947-1:2004 Low-

voltage switchgear and control gear –
2234. US IEC 60921:2004 Ballasts for
Part 1: General rules
tubular fluorescent lamps —
Performance requirements This standard applies, when required by the relevant
product standard, to switchgear and control gear
This standard specifies the performance requirements
hereinafter referred to as "equipment" and intended to
for ballasts, excluding resistance types, for use on a.c.
be connected to circuits, the rated voltage of which
supplies up to 1 000 V at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, associated
does not exceed 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.
with tubular fluorescent lamps with pre-heated
cathodes operated with or without a starter or starting This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
device and having rated wattages, dimensions and
characteristics as specified in IEC 60081 and 60901. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 700,000/=

It applies to complete ballasts and their component

2237. US IEC 60947-2:2003 Low-
parts such as resistors, transformers and capacitors.
voltage switchgear and control gear –
A.C. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular
Part 2: Circuit breakers
fluorescent lamps for high frequency operation
specified in IEC 61347-2-3 are excluded from the This standard applies, when required by the relevant
scope of this standard. product standard, to switchgear and controlgear

456 | P a g e
hereinafter referred to as "equipment" and intended to comply with the requirements of IEC 60947-5-1. This
be connected to circuits, the rated voltage of which standard does not include the additional requirements
does not exceed 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. necessary for electrical apparatus for explosive gas
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
1,800,000/= STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 910,000/=

2238. US IEC 60947-3:1999 Low- 2240. US IEC 60947-4-2:1999 Low-

voltage switchgear and control gear – voltage switchgear and control gear –
Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switch- Part 4-2: Contactors and motor-starters
disconnectors and fuse-combination – AC semiconductor motor controllers
units and starters

This standard applies to circuit-breakers, the main This part of standard applies to the types of
contacts of which are intended to be connected to equipment listed in 1.1 and 1.2 whose main contacts
circuits, the rated voltage of which does not exceed 1 are intended to be connected to circuits the rated
000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.; it also contains additional voltage of which does not exceed 1 000 V a.c. or 1
requirements for integrally fused circuit-breakers. It 500 V d.c.
applies whatever the rated currents, the method of
construction or the proposed applications of the This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

circuit-breakers may be.


This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

2241. US IEC 60947-4-3:1999 Low-

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 660,000/= voltage switchgear and control gear –

Part 4-3: Contactors and motor-starters
2239. US IEC 60947-4-1:1990 Low- - A.C. semiconductor controllers and
voltage switchgear and control gear – contactors for non-motor loads
Part 4-1: Contactors and motor-starters
- Electromechanical contactors and This standard applies to controllers and starters,

motor- starters which may include a series mechanical switching

device, intended to be connected to circuits, the rated
This standard applies to switches, disconnectors, voltage of which does not exceed 1 000 V a.c. This
switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units to standard characterizes controllers and starters with
be used in distribution circuits and motor circuits of and without bypass means. Controllers and starters
which the rated voltage does not exceed 1 000 V a.c. dealt with in this standard are not normally designed
or 1 500 V d.c. Auxiliary switches fitted to to interrupt short-circuit currents.
equipment within the scope of this standard shall

457 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.


2242. US IEC 60947-5-1:2003 Low- 2244. US IEC 60947-5-3:2013, Low-

voltage switchgear and control gear – voltage switchgear and control gear —
Part 5-1: Control circuit devices and Part 5-3: Control circuit devices and
switching elements – Electromechanical switching elements — Requirements for
control circuit devices proximity devices with defined
behaviour under fault conditions
This standard applies to a.c. semiconductor non-
motor load controllers and contactors intended for
performing electrical operations by changing the state This Uganda Standard provides additional
of a.c. electric circuits between the ON-state and the requirements to those given in US IEC 60947-5-2. It
OFF-state. addresses the fault performance aspects of proximity
devices with a defined behaviour under fault
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
conditions (PDDB). It does not address any other
characteristics that can be required for specific
applications. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
2243. US IEC 60947-5- replaces US EAS 378-5-3:2005, Low-voltage
2:2007+AMD1:2012, Low-voltage switchgear and control gear — Part 5-3: Control
switchgear and control gear - Part 5-2: circuit devices and switching elements —
Control circuit devices and switching Requirements for proximity devices with defined
elements — Proximity switches behaviour under fault conditions, which has been
technically revised).
This Uganda Standard applies to inductive and
capacitive proximity switches that sense the presence This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.
of metallic and/or non-metallic objects, ultrasonic
proximity switches that sense the presence of sound
reflecting objects, photoelectric proximity switches
2245. US IEC 60947-5-4:2002, Low-
that sense the presence of objects and non-mechanical
voltage switchgear and control gear —
magnetic proximity switches that sense the presence
Part 5-4: Control circuit devices and
of objects with a magnetic field. (This Uganda
switching elements — Method of
Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 378-5-
assessing the performance of low-
2:2005, Low-voltage switchgear and control gear —
energy contacts — Special tests
Part 5-2: Control circuit devices and switching
elements — Proximity switches, which has been This Uganda Standard applies to separable contacts
technically revised). used in the utilization area considered, such as
switching elements for control circuits. (This Uganda

458 | P a g e
Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 378-5- 2247. US IEC 60947-5-6:1999, Low-
4:2005, Low-voltage switchgear and control gear — voltage switchgear and control gear —
Part 5-4: Control circuit devices and switching Part 5-6: Control circuit devices and
elements — Method of assessing the performance of switching elements — DC interface for
low-energy contacts — Special tests, which has been proximity sensors and switching
republished on). amplifiers (NAMUR)

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. This Uganda Standard applies to proximity sensors
connected for operation by a two-wire connecting
cable to the control input of a switching amplifier.
The switching amplifier contains a d.c. source to
2246. US IEC 60947-5-
supply the control circuit and is controlled by the
5:1997+AMD1:2005, Low-voltage
variable internal resistance of the proximity sensor.
switchgear and control gear — Part 5-5:
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
Control circuit devices and switching
378-5-6:2005, Low-voltage switchgear and control
elements — Electrical emergency stop
gear — Part 5-6: Control circuit devices and
device with mechanical latching
switching elements dc interface for proximity sensors
and switching amplifiers (NAMUR), which has been
This Uganda Standard provides detailed republished on).
specifications relating to the electrical and
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
mechanical construction of emergency stop devices
with mechanical latching function and to their testing.
This standard is applicable to electrical control circuit
devices and switching elements which are used to 2248. US IEC 60947-5-7:2003, Low-
initiate an emergency stop signal. Such devices may voltage switchgear and control gear —
be either provided with their own enclosure, or Part 5-7: Control circuit devices and
installed according to the manufacturer's instructions. switching elements — Requirements for
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS proximity devices with analogue output
378-5-5:2005, Low-voltage switchgear and control
This Uganda Standard states the requirements for
gear — Part 5-5: Control circuit devices and
proximity devices with analogue output. They may
switching elements — Electrical emergency stop
consist of one or more parts. (This Uganda Standard
devices with mechanical latching function, which has
cancels and replaces US EAS 378-5-7:2005, Low-
been republished on).
voltage switchgear and control gear — Part 5-7:
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. Control circuit devices and switching elements —
Requirements for proximity devices with analogue
output, which has been republished on).

459 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. and protective switching devices (or
equipment) (CPS)
This Uganda Standard applies to control and
2249. US IEC 60947-6-
protective switching devices (or equipment) (CPS),
1:2005+AMD1:2013, Low-voltage
the main contacts of which are intended to be
switchgear and control gear — Part 6-1:
connected to circuits of rated voltage not exceeding 1
Multiple function equipment —
000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. CPSs are intended to
Transfer switching equipment
provide both protective and control functions for
circuits and are operated otherwise than by hand.
This Uganda Standard applies to transfer switching
They may also fulfil additional functions, such as
equipment (TSE) to be used in power systems for
isolation. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
transferring a load supply between a normal and an
replaces US EAS 378-6-2:2005, Low-voltage
alternate source with a supply interruption during
switchgear and control gear — Part 6-2: Multiple
transfer, the rated voltage of which does not exceed 1
function equipment — Control and protective
000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.
switching devices (or equipment) (CPS), which has
It covers: been republished on).

manually operated transfer switching equipment This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

remotely operated transfer switching equipment

2251. US IEC 60947-7-1:2009, Low-
voltage switchgear and control gear —
automatic transfer switching equipment (ATSE). Part 7-1: Ancillary equipment —
Terminal blocks for copper conductors
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
378-6-1:2005, Low-voltage switchgear and control This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
gear — Part 6-1: Multiple function equipment — terminal blocks with screw-type or screwless-type
Automatic transfer switching equipment, which has clamping units primarily intended for industrial or
been republished on). similar use and to be fixed to a support to provide
electrical and mechanical connection between copper
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. conductors. lt applies to terminal blocks intended to
connect round copper conductors, with or without
special preparation, having a cross-section between

2250. US IEC 60947-6- 0,2 mm2 and 300 mm2 (AWG 24/600 kcmil),

2:2002+AMD1:2007, Low-voltage intended to be used in circuits of a rated voltage not

switchgear and control gear — Part 6-2: exceeding 1 000 V a.c. up to 1 000 Hz or 1 500 V d.c.

Multiple function equipment — Control (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS

460 | P a g e
378-7-1:2005, Low-voltage switchgear and control copper conductors for the reception of cartridge fuse-
gear – Part 7-1: Ancillary equipment – Terminal links in accordance with IEC 60127-2, intended
blocks for copper conductors, which has been primarily for industrial or similar use in circuits not
technically revised). exceeding 1 000 V a.c., up to 1 000 Hz or 1 500 V
d.c., and having a maximum short-circuit breaking
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
capacity of 1 500 A. (This Uganda Standard cancels
and replaces US EAS 378-7-3:2005 Low-voltage
switchgear and control gear – Part 7-3: Ancillary
2252. US IEC 60947-7-2:2009, Low- equipment – Safety requirements for fuse terminal
voltage switchgear and control gear — blocks, which has been technically revised).
Part 7-2: Ancillary equipment —
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
Protective conductor terminal blocks
for copper conductors

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for

2254. US IEC 60947-8:2011, Low-
protective conductor terminal blocks with PE
voltage switchgear and control gear —
function up to 120 mm2 (250 kcmil) and for
Part 8: Control units for built-in
protective conductor terminal blocks with PEN
thermal protection (PTC) for rotating
function equal to and above 10 mm2 (AWG 8) with
electrical machines
screw-type or screwless-type clamping units,
primarily intended for industrial applications. (This This Uganda Standard specifies rules for control
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 378- units, which perform the switching functions in
7-2:2005, Low-voltage switchgear and control gear response to the thermal detectors incorporated in
— Part 7-2: Ancillary equipment — Protective rotating electrical machines according to IEC 60034-
conductor terminal blocks for copper conductors, 11, and the industrial application. It specifies rules for
which has been technically revised). that type of system comprising a positive temperature
coefficient (PTC) thermistor detector having
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
particular characteristics, and its associated control
unit. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
EAS 378-8:2005, Low-voltage switchgear and
2253. US IEC 60947-7-3:2009, Low- control gear – Part 8: Control units for built-in
voltage switchgear and control gear — thermal protection (PTC) for rotating electrical
Part 7-3: Ancillary equipment — Safety machines, which has been technically revised).
requirements for fuse terminal blocks
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This Uganda Standard applies to fuse terminal blocks
with screw-type or screwless-type clamping units for
the connection of rigid (solid or stranded) or flexible

461 | P a g e
2255. US IEC 60950-1:2001 Safety requirements, which has been technically
Information technology equipment - revised).
Safety – Part 1: General
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.


This standard is applicable to mains-powered or
battery-powered information technology equipment,
including electrical business equipment and
2257. US IEC 60969:2016, Self-
associated equipment, with a rated voltage not
ballasted compact fluorescent lamps for
exceeding 600 V. This standard is also applicable to
general lighting services —
such information technology equipment: designed for
Performance requirements (2nd
use as telecommunication terminal equipment and
telecommunication network infrastructure equipment,
regardless of the source of power; designed and This Uganda Standard specifies performance
intended to be connected directly to, or used as requirements together with test methods and
infrastructure equipment in a cable distribution conditions required to show compliance of self-
system, regardless of the source of power; and ballasted compact fluorescent lamps intended for
designed to use the ac mains supply as a general lighting services. This standard applies to
communication transmission medium. self-ballasted compact fluorescent lamps of voltages
>50V and all power ratings with lamp caps
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
complying with IEC 60061-1. (This Uganda
Standard cancels and replaces US IEC 60969:1999,
Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services —
Performance requirements, which has been
2256. US IEC 60968:2015, Self- technically revised).
ballasted fluorescent lamps for general
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
lighting services — Safety requirements
(2nd edition)

This Uganda Standard specifies the safety and

2258. US IEC 60974-1:1998 Welding
interchangeability requirements, together with the test
arc equipment – Part 1: Welding power
methods and conditions required to show compliance
of tubular fluorescent lamps with integrated means
for controlling starting and stable operation (self- This standard is applicable to power sources for arc
ballasted fluorescent lamps). (This Uganda Standard welding and allied processes designed for industrial
cancels and replaces US IEC 60968:1999, Self- and professional use and supplied by a voltage within
ballasted lamps for general lighting services — the low voltage range (as specified in IEC 38) or
driven by mechanical means. This standard is not

462 | P a g e
applicable to welding power sources for manual insulating material for live working, which has been
metal arc welding with limited duty operation which republished on).
are designed mainly for use by laymen.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
2262. US IEC 61000-1-1: 1992,
2259. US IEC 60974-11:2004 Welding Electromagnetic compatibility
arc equipment – Part 11: Electrode
The Uganda Standard describes and interprets various
terms considered to be of basic importance to
This standard specifies safety and performance concepts and practical application in the design and
requirements of electrode holders; is applicable to evaluation of electromagnetically compatible
electrode holders for manual metal arc welding with systems. In addition, attention is drawn to the
electrodes up to 10 mm in diameter. distinction between electromagnetic compatibility
(EMG) tests carried out in a standardized set-up and
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
those carried out at the location where a device
(equipment or system) is installed (in situ tests).

This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.

2260. US IEC 60974-12:1992 Welding
arc equipment – Part 12: Coupling
devices for welding cables
2263. US IEC 61000-3-2: 2005,
This standard specifies the test and construction
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
requirements of coupling devices for flexible welding
— Part 3-2: Limits – Limits for
harmonic current emissions

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. This Uganda Standard deals with the limitation of
harmonic currents injected in the public supply
system. It specifies limits of harmonic components of
2261. US IEC 60984:2014, Live the input current which may be produced by
working — Electrical insulating sleeves equipment under specified conditions. This part of
standard is applicable to electrical and electronic
This Uganda Standard is applicable to electrical equipment having an input current up to and
insulating sleeves for the protection of workers from including 16 A per phase, and intended to be
accidental contact with live electrical conductors, connected to public low-voltage distribution systems.
apparatus or circuits. (This Uganda Standard cancels
and replaces, US EAS 511:2008, Sleeves of This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19.

463 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 800,000/= This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
conduit fittings of insulating material, for use with
2264. US IEC 61035-1:1990 circular conduits complying with IEC 60614. It is not
Specification for conduit fittings for
applicable to fittings for use with flexible conduits.
electrical installations – Part 1: General
requirements This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 80,000/=
conduit fittings for use with conduits for the
2267. US IEC 61035-2-3:1993
protection of conductors and/or cables in electrical
Specification for conduit fittings for
installations, and type tests for the quality of joints of
electrical installations – Part 2:
conduit fittings to conduit.
Particular specifications – Section 3:
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. Fittings for flexible conduits of metal,
insulating or composite materials
and for pliable conduits of metal or
composite materials
2265. US IEC 61035-2-1:1993
Specification for conduit fittings for This standard specifies requirements for conduit
electrical installations – Part 2:
fittings for use with flexible conduits of metal,
Particular specifications – Section 1:
insulating or composite materials and with pliable
Metal conduit fittings
conduits of metal or composite materials.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
metal conduit fittings, for use with circular,
threadable or non-threadable conduits complying STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 80,000/=
with IEC 60614. This standard is not applicable to
fittings for use with flexible conduits. 2268. US IEC 61035-2-4:1995
Specification for conduit fittings for
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14. electrical installations – Part 2:
Particular specifications – Section 4:
Conduit fittings of aluminium alloy

2266. US IEC 61035-2-2:1993 This standard specifies requirements for aluminium

Specification for conduit fittings for
alloy conduit fittings, for use with alumimium alloy
electrical installations – Part 2:
Particular specifications – Section 2:
Conduit fittings of insulating material This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.


464 | P a g e
2269. US IEC 61058-1:2001 Switches 2271. US IEC 61058-2-4:2003 Switches
for appliances – Part 1: General for appliances – Part 2-4: Particular
requirements requirements for independently
mounted switches
This standard applies to switches for appliances
actuated by hand, by foot or by other human activity This standard applies to independently mounted
for use in, on or with appliances and other equipment switches for appliances (mechanical or electronic)
for household and similar purposes, with a rated actuated by hand, by foot or by other human activity,
voltage not exceeding 440 V and a rated current not to operate or control electrical appliances and other
exceeding 63 A. Also covers the indirect actuation of equipment for household or similar purposes with a
the switch when the function of the actuating member rated voltage not exceeding 480 V and a rated current
is provided by a part of an appliance or equipment. not exceeding 63 A. These switches are intended to
be operated by a person, via an actuating member or
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
by actuating a sensing unit. The actuating member or
sensing unit can be integral with or arranged
separately, either physically or electrically, from the
2270. US IEC 61058-2-1:1992 Switches switch and may involve transmission of a signal, for
for appliances – Part 2-1: Particular example electrical, optical, acoustic or thermal,
requirements for cord switches between the actuating member or sensing unit and the
This standard applies to switches intended to be
connected to a flexible cable and: For switches used This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
in tropical climates, additional requirements may be
necessary; Attention is drawn to the fact that the
standards for appliances and equipment may contain
2272. US IEC 61058-2-5:1994 Switches
additional or alternative requirements for switches;
for appliances – Part 2-5: Particular
Throughout this standard the word “appliance” means
requirements for change-over selectors
“apparatus” or “equipment”; This part of standard is
applicable when testing cord switches; Throughout This Uganda Standard applies to change-over
this standard the word “switch” means ”cord switch” selectors for appliances actuated by hand, by foot, or
unless otherwise stated; and Throughout this standard by other human activity for use in, on, or with,
the term “flexible cable” means “flexible cable or appliances and other equipment for household and
cord”. similar purposes, with rated voltage not exceeding
440 V and a rated current not exceeding 63 A.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

465 | P a g e
2273. US IEC 61084-1:1991 Cable IEC standards apply, or current carrying parts within
trunking and ducting systems for the system.
electrical installations – Part 1: General
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.


This standard specifies requirements for cable
trunking and cable ducting systems intended for the
2275. US IEC 61084-2-2:2003 Cable
accommodation, and where necessary for the
trunking and ducting systems for
segregation, of conductors, cables or cords and/or
electrical installations – Part 2-2:
other electrical equipment in electrical installations. It
Particular requirements - Cable
does not apply to conduit, cable tray or cable ladder
trunking systems and cable ducting
or current-carrying parts within the system.
systems intended for underfloor and
flushfloor installations
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

This standard specifies requirements for cable

trunking systems and cable ducting systems intended
2274. US IEC 61084-2-1:1996 Cable for the accommodation, and where necessary for the
trunking and ducting systems for segregation, of conductors, cables or cords and/or
electrical installations – Part 2: other electrical equipment in electrical installations. It
Particular requirements – Section 1: applies to cable trunking systems and cable ducting
Cable trunking and ducting systems systems which are mounted beneath or flush with the
intended for mounting on walls or top face of the finished floor, including their system
ceilings components. This specification does not apply to
conduits, cable trays or cable ladders or to current-
This standard specifies requirements for cable
carrying parts within the system.
trunking and ducting systems intended for mounting
on walls or ceilings. The cable trunking and ducting This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
systems accommodate and, where necessary,
segregate conductors, cables or cords and other
electrical equipment. The systems are intended to be
2276. US IEC 61084-2-4:1996 Cable
mounted directly on walls or ceilings, flush or semi
trunking and ducting systems for
flush, or indirectly on walls or ceilings or on
electrical installations – Part 2:
structures away from walls or ceilings. Cable
Particular requirements – Section 4:
trunking and ducting systems are hereinafter called
Service poles
CTIDS. This standard does not apply to conduits,
cable trays or cable ladders, electrical accessories e.g. This standard specifies requirements for service poles
switches, socket-outlets or the like, for which other intended for the accommodation, and where
necessary for the segregation, of conductors, cables

466 | P a g e
or cords and/or other electrical equipment in This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
electrical installations. This standard does not apply
to conduits, cable trays or cable ladders or to current- STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 210,000/=

carrying parts within the system.

2279. US IEC 61215-1-1:2016,
Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
— Design qualification and type
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 410,000/= approval — Part 1-1: Special
requirements for testing of crystalline
2277. US IEC 61199:1999 Single-
silicon photovoltaic (PV) modules
capped fluorescent lamps– Safety
specifications This Uganda Standard lays down IEC requirements
for the design qualification and type approval of
This standard specifies the safety requirements for
terrestrial photovoltaic modules suitable for long-
single-capped fluorescent lamps for general lighting
term operation in general open air climates, as
purposes of all groups having 2G7, 2GX7, GR8,
defined in IEC 60721-2-1. (This Uganda Standard
G10q, GR10q, GX10q, GY10q, 2G11, G23, GX23,
cancels and replaces US IEC 61215:2005,
G24, GX32 and 2G13 caps. Also specifies the
Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV)
method a manufacturer should use to show
modules — Design qualification and type approval,
compliance with the requirements of this standard.
which has been technically revised).

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.



2278. US IEC 61215-1:2016, Terrestrial

2280. US IEC 61215-2:2016, Terrestrial
photovoltaic (PV) modules — Design
photovoltaic (PV) modules — Design
qualification and type approval — Part
qualification and type approval — Part
1: Test requirements (2nd Edition)
2: Test procedures

This Uganda Standard lays down IEC requirements

This Uganda Standard lays down IEC requirements
for the design qualification and type approval of
for the design qualification and type approval of
terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules suitable for
terrestrial photovoltaic modules suitable for long -
long term operation in general open air climates, as
term operation in general open air climates, as
defined in IEC 60721-2-1. (This Uganda Standard
defined in IEC 60721-2-1. This part of US IEC 61215
cancels and replaces US IEC 61215:2005,
is intended to apply to all terrestrial flat plate module
Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV)
materials such as crystalline silicon module types as
modules — Design qualification and type approval,
well as thin -film modules. (This Uganda Standard
which has been technically revised).
cancels and replaces US IEC 61215:2005,
Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic (PV)

467 | P a g e
modules — Design qualification and type approval, This standard specifies the requirements for pliable
which has been technically revised). conduit systems including self-recovering conduit
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
2281. US IEC 61386-1:1996 Conduit
systems for electrical installations – 2284. US IEC 61386-23:2002 Conduit
Part 1: General requirements systems for cable management – Part
23: Particular requirements – Flexible
This standard specifies requirements and tests for
conduit systems
conduit systems, including conduits and conduit
fittings, for the protection and management of This standard specifies the requirements for flexible
insulated conductors and/or cables in electrical conduit systems.
installations or in communication systems up to 1 000
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
V a.c. and/or 1 500 V d.c.


This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.

2285. US IEC 61386-24:2004 Conduit

systems for cable management – Part
2282. US IEC 61386-21:2002 Conduit 24: Particular requirements – Conduit
systems for cable management – Part systems buried underground
21: Particular requirements – Rigid
This standard specifies requirements and tests for
conduit systems
conduit systems buried underground including
This standard specifies the requirements for rigid conduits and conduit fittings for the protection and
conduit systems. management of insulated conductors and/or cables in
electrical installations or in communication systems.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
This standard applies to metallic, non-metallic and
composite systems including threaded and non-
threaded entries which terminate the system
2283. US IEC 61386-22:2002 Conduit
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
systems for cable management – Part
22: Particular requirements – Pliable
conduit systems
2286. US IEC 61427-1:2013, Secondary
cells and batteries for renewable energy
storage - General requirements and

468 | P a g e
methods of test — Part 1: Photovoltaic STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 560,000/=
off-grid application
2288. US IEC 61439-1:2011, Low-
This Uganda Standard gives general information voltage switchgear and control gear
relating to the requirements for the secondary assemblies — Part 1: General rules
batteries used in photovoltaic energy systems and to
This Uganda Standard lays down the definitions and
the typical methods of test used for the verification of
states the service conditions, construction
battery performances. This part deals with cells and
requirements, technical characteristics and
batteries used in photovoltaic off-grid applications.
verification requirements for low voltage switchgear
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
and control gear assemblies. (This Uganda Standard
149-1:2002, Secondary cells and batteries for solar
cancels and replaces US EAS 375-1:2005, Low-
photovoltaic energy systems — Part 1: General
voltage switch gear and control gear assemblies —
requirements and methods of test, which has been
Part 1: Type-tested and particularly type-tested
technically revised).
assemblies, which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
2287. US IEC 61427-2:2015, Secondary
2289. US IEC 61439-3:2012, Low-
cells and batteries for renewable energy
voltage switchgear and control gear
storage — General requirements and
methods of test — Part 2: On-grid assemblies — Part 3: Distribution
boards intended to be operated by
ordinary persons (DBO)
This Uganda Standard relates to secondary batteries
This Uganda Standard defines the specific
used in on-grid Electrical Energy Storage (EES)
requirements for distribution boards intended to be
applications and provides the associated methods of
operated by ordinary persons (DBO). (This Uganda
test for the verification of their endurance, properties
Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 375-3:2005,
and electrical performance in such applications. The
Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies
test methods are essentially battery chemistry neutral,
— Part 3: Particular requirements for low–voltage
i.e. applicable to all secondary battery types. (This
switchgear and control gear assemblies intended to
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 149-
be installed in places where unskilled persons have
1:2002, Secondary cells and batteries for solar
access for their use — Distribution boards, which has
photovoltaic energy systems — Part 1: General
been technically revised).
requirements and methods of test, which has been
technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.


469 | P a g e
2290. US IEC 61439-4:2012, Low- 2292. US IEC 61646: 2008, Thin-film
voltage switchgear and control gear terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules —
assemblies — Part 4: Particular Design qualification and type approval
requirements for assemblies for
This Uganda Standard lays down requirements for
construction sites (ACS)
the design qualification and type approval of
This Uganda Standard defines the specific terrestrial, thin-film photovoltaic modules suitable for
requirements of ACS. (This Uganda Standard long term operation in general open-air climates as
cancels and replaces US EAS 375-4:2005, Low- defined in IEC 60721-2-1. This standard is intended
voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies — to apply to all terrestrial flat plate module materials
Part 4: Particular requirements for assemblies for not covered by US IEC 61215. (This Uganda
construction sites (ACS), which has been technically Standard cancels and replaces US 553:2005, Thin
revised). film terrestrial PV (PV) modules – design
qualification and type approval, which has been
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
republished on).


This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.

2291. US IEC 61439-6:2012, Low-

voltage switchgear and control gear
assemblies — Part 6: Busbar trunking 2293. US IEC 61701: 2011, Salt mist
systems (busways) corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV)
This Uganda Standard lays down the definitions and
states the service conditions, construction This Uganda Standard describes test sequences useful
requirements, technical characteristics and to determine the resistance of different PV modules
verification requirements for low voltage BTS. (This to corrosion from salt mist containing Cl- (NaCl,
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 375- MgCl2, etc).
2:2005 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25.
assemblies — Part 2: Particular requirements for
busbar trunking systems (busways), which has been
technically revised).
2294. US IEC 61702: 1995, Rating of
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.
direct coupled photovoltaic (PV)
pumping systems

This Uganda Standard defines predicted short-term

characteristics (instantaneous and for a typical daily
period) of direct coupled photovoltaic (PV) water

470 | P a g e
pumping systems. It also defines minimum actual STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 210,000/=
performance values to be obtained on-site. It does not
address PV pumping systems with batteries. 2297. US IEC 62040-1:2013,
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS)
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25. — Part 1: General and safety
requirements for UPS
This Uganda Standard applies to uninterruptible
2295. US IEC TS 61836:2007, Solar power systems (UPS) with an electrical energy
photovoltaic energy systems — Terms,
storage device in the d.c. link. (This Uganda
definitions and symbols
Standard cancels and replaces US IEC 62040-1-
1:2004, Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) — Part
This Uganda Standard includes the terms and
1-1: General and safety requirements for UPS used
symbols compiled from the published on IEC
in operator access areas; and US IEC 62040-1-
technical committee 82 standards, previously
2:2004, Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) — Part
published on as technical report IEC 61836:1997.
1-2: General and safety requirements for UPS used
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
in restricted access locations; which has been
218: 2005, Solar photovoltaic power systems —
technically revised).
Terms and symbols, which has been technically
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28.


2298. US IEC 62040-

2296. US IEC 61829:2015, Photovoltaic
2:2005, Uninterruptible power systems
(PV) array — On-site measurement of
(UPS) — Part 2: Electromagnetic
current-voltage characteristics
compatibility (EMC) requirements (2nd

This Uganda Standard specifies procedures for on- Edition)

site measurement of flat –plate photovoltaic (PV)

This Uganda Standard applies to UPS units intended
array characteristics, the accompanying
to be installed
meteorological conditions, and use of these for
translating to standard test conditions (STC) or other As a unit or in UPS systems comprising a number of
selected conditions. (This Uganda Standard cancels interconnected UPS and associated
and replaces US 461:2002, Crystalline silicone control/switchgear forming a single power system;
photovoltaic (PV) array -On site measurements of I-V and
characteristics, which has been technically revised).
in any operator accessible area or in separated
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28. electrical locations, connected to low-voltage supply

471 | P a g e
networks for either industrial or residential, 2300. US IEC 62040-
commercial and light industrial environments. 4:2013, Uninterruptible power systems
(UPS) — Part 4: Environmental aspects
This part of US IEC 62040 is intended as a product
— Requirements and reporting
standard allowing the EMC conformity assessment of
products of categories C1, C2 and C3 as defined in This Uganda Standard specifies the process and
this standard, before placing them on the market. requirements to declare the environmental aspects
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US IEC concerning uninterruptible power systems (UPS),
62040-2:1999, Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) with the goal of promoting reduction of any adverse
— Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) environmental impact during a complete UPS life
requirements, which has been technically revised). cycle. This standard is harmonized with the
applicable generic and horizontal environmental
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
standards and contains additional details relevant to
UPS. This standard applies to movable, stationary
and fixed UPS that deliver single or three - phase
2299. US IEC 62040- fixed frequency a.c. output voltage not exceeding 1
3:2011, Uninterruptible power systems 000 V a.c. and that present, generally through a d.c.
(UPS) — Part 3: Method of specifying link, an energy storage. The following applications
the performance and test requirements are excluded from the scope:
(2nd Edition)
conventional a.c. input and output distribution
This Uganda Standard applies to movable, stationary boards;
and fixed electronic uninterruptible power systems
d.c. distribution boards and their associated switches
(UPS) that deliver single or three - phase fixed
(for example, switches for batteries, rectifier output
frequency a.c. output voltage not exceeding 1 000 V
or inverter input);
a.c. and that incorporate an energy storage system,
generally connected through a d.c. link. This standard
stand-alone static transfer systems (STS) specified in
is intended to specify performance and test
product standards for STS; and
requirements of a complete UPS and not of individual
UPS functional units. (This Uganda Standard cancels systems wherein the output voltage is derived from a
and replaces US IEC 62040-3:1999 Uninterruptible rotating machine.
power systems (UPS) — Part 3: Method of specifying
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
the performance and test requirements, which has
been technically revised)

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

2301. US TR (IEC) 62051-1:2004,
Electricity metering – Data exchange
for meter reading, tariff and load

472 | P a g e
control – Glossary of terms – Part 1: This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements
Terms related to data exchange with for the type of newly manufactured indoor tariff and
metering equipment using load control equipment, like electronic ripple control
DLMS/COSEM receivers and time switches that are used to control
electrical loads, multi-tariff registers and maximum
This Uganda Standard reflects the most important
demand indicator devices. (This Uganda Standard is
terms used in International Standards. The new terms
an adoption of the International Standard IEC 62052-
are mainly related to data exchange with metering
equipment for meter reading, tariff and load control
using DLMS/COSEM. (This Uganda Standard is an This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
adoption of the International Standard IEC/TR
62051-1:2004). STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 800,000/=

2304. US IEC 62053-11:2003,

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
Electricity metering equipment (AC) –
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 410,000/= Particular requirements – Part 11:
Electromechanical meters for active
2302. US IEC 62052-11:2003,
energy (classes 0.5, 1 and 2)
Electricity metering equipment (AC) –
General requirements, tests and test This Uganda Standard applies only to newly
conditions – Part 11: Metering manufactured electromechanical watt-hour meters of
equipment accuracy classes 0.5, 1 and 2, for the measurement of
alternating current electrical active energy of 50Hz or
This Uganda Standard covers type tests for electricity
60Hz networks and it applies to their type tests only.
metering equipment for indoor and outdoor
It applies only to electromechanical watt-hour meters
application and applies to newly manufactured
for indoor and outdoor application consisting of a
equipment designed to measure the electrical energy
measuring element and register(s) enclosed together
on 50Hz or 60Hz networks, with a voltage up to
in a meter case. It also applies to operation
indicator(s) and test output(s).

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.



2303. US IEC 62052-21:2004,

2305. US IEC 62053-22:2003,
Electricity metering equipment (AC) –
Electricity metering equipment (AC) –
General requirements, tests and test
Particular requirements – Part 22:
conditions – Part 21: Tariff and load
Static meters for active energy (classes
control equipment
0.2S and 0.5S)

473 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard applies only to newly conventional definition of reactive energy for
manufactured static watt-hour meters of accuracy sinusoidal currents and voltages containing the
classes 0.2S and 0.5S, for the measurement of fundamental frequency only. (This Uganda Standard
alternating current electrical active energy in 50Hz or is an adoption of the International Standard IEC
60Hz networks and it applies to their type tests only. 62053-23:2003).
It applies only to transformer operated static watt-
hour meters for indoor application consisting of a This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

measuring element and register(s) enclosed together

in a meter case. It also applies to operation
indicator(s) and test output(s). If the meter has a 2307. US IEC 62053-31:1998,
measuring element for more than one type of energy Electricity metering equipment (AC) —
(multi-energy meters), or when other functional Particular requirements — Part 31:
elements, like maximum demand indicators, Pulse output devices for
electronic tariff registers, time switches, ripple electromechanical and electronic
control receivers, data communication interfaces, etc. meters (two wires only)
are enclosed in the meter case, then the relevant
standards for these elements also apply. It does not This Uganda Standard is applicable to passive, two-

apply to: watt-hour meters where the voltage across wire, externally powered pulse output devices to be

the connection terminals exceeds 600V (line-to-line used in electricity meters as defined by the relevant

voltage for meters for polyphase systems); portable standards as well as future standards for static VA-

meters and meters for outdoor use; data interfaces to hour meters. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of

the register of the meter; and reference meters. the International Standard IEC 62053-31:1998)

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20. This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.


2306. US IEC 62053-23:2003, 2308. US IEC 62053-52:2005,

Electricity metering equipment (AC) – Electricity metering equipment (AC) –

Particular requirements – Part 23: Particular requirements – Part 52:

Static meters for reactive energy Symbols

(classes 2 and 3)
This Uganda Standard applies to letter and graphical

This Uganda Standard applies only to newly symbols intended for marking on and identifying the

manufactured static var-hour meters of accuracy function of electromechanical or static a.c electricity

classes 2 and 3, for the measurement of alternating meters and their auxiliary devices.

current electrical reactive energy in 50Hz or 60Hz

The symbols specified in this standard shall be
networks and it applies to their type tests only. For
marked on the name-plate, dial-plate, external labels
practical reasons, this standard is based on a

474 | P a g e
or accessories, or shown on the display of the meter sale (POS) system to an STS-compliant payment
as appropriate. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption meter in a one-way token carrier system. It is
of the International Standard IEC 62053-52:2005). primarily intended for application with electricity
payment meters without a tariff employing energy-
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
based tokens, but may also have application with
currency-based token systems and for services other
than electricity. It specifies:
2309. US IEC (TR) 62055-21:2005
A POS to token carrier interface structured with an
Electricity metering – Payment systems
application layer protocol and a physical layer
– Part 21: Framework for
protocol using the OSI model as reference;

Tokens for the application layer protocol to transfer

This Uganda Standard sets out a framework for the
the various messages from the POS to the payment
integration of standards into a system specification
for electricity payment metering systems. It addresses
the payment metering system application process,
security functions and processes in the application
generic processes, generic functions, data elements,
layer protocol such as the Standard Transfer
system entities and interfaces that exist in present
Algorithm and the Data Encryption Algorithm,
payment metering systems. The approach taken in the
including the generation and distribution of the
framework is sufficiently generic to payment
associated cryptographic keys;
metering systems so that it should be equally
applicable to future systems. (This Uganda Standard Security functions and processes in the application
is an adoption of the International Standard IEC/TR layer protocol at the payment meter such as
62055-21:2005). decryption algorithms, token authentication,
validation and cancellation;
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
Specific requirements for the meter application
process in response to tokens received;

2310. US IEC 62055-41:2014,

A scheme for dealing with payment meter
Electricity metering — Payment functionality in the meter application process and
systems — Part 41: Standard transfer
associated companion specifications;
specification (STS) — Application layer
protocol for one-way token carrier Generic requirements for an STS-compliant key
systems management system;

This Uganda Standard specifies the application layer Guidelines for a key management system;
protocol of the STS for transferring units of credit
Entities and identifiers used in an STS system;
and other management information from a point of

475 | P a g e
Code of practice for the management of TID roll-over The general acceptance inspection methods specified
key changes in association with the revised set of in this standard apply to newly manufactured
base dates; electricity meters produced and supplied in lots of 50
and above. (This Uganda Standard is an adoption of
Code of practice and maintenance support services
the International Standard IEC 62058-11:2008).
from the STS Association.
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.
2313. US IEC 62058-31:2008,
2311. US IEC 62056-47:2006,
Electricity metering equipment (ac) –
Electricity metering — Data exchange
Acceptance inspection – Part 31:
for meter reading, tariff and load
Particular requirements for static
control — Part 47: COSEM transport
meters for active energy (classes 0.2S,
layers for IPv4 networks
0.5S 1, and 2)

This Uganda Standard specifies the transport layers

This Uganda Standard specifies particular
for COSEM communication profiles for use on IPv4
requirements for acceptance inspection of newly
networks. These communication profiles contain a
manufactured direct connected or transformer
connection-less and a connection-oriented transport
operated static meters for active energy (classes 0.2S,
layer, providing OSI-style services to the service user
0.5S 1, and 2) delivered in lots of quantities above
COSEM application layer. The connection-less
50. The method of acceptance of smaller lots should
transport layer is based on the Internet standard User
be agreed upon by the manufacturer and the
Datagram Protocol. The connection-oriented
customer. The process described herein is primarily
transport layer is based on the Internet standard
intended for acceptance inspection between the
Transmission Control Protocol. (This Uganda
manufacturer and the purchaser. (This Uganda
Standard is an adoption of the International Standard
Standard is an adoption of the International Standard
IEC 62056-47:2006).
IEC 62058-31:2008).

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.


2314. US IEC 62106:2000 Specification
2312. US IEC 62058-11:2008,
of the radio data system (RDS) for
Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) -
VHF/FM sound broadcasting in the
Acceptance inspection – Part 11:
frequency range from 87,5 to 108,0
General acceptance inspection methods

476 | P a g e
This standard deals with Radio Data System, RDS, is STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 680,000/=
intended for application to VHF/FM sound
broadcasts in the range 87.5 MHz to 108.0 MHz 2316. US IEC 62116:2014, Utility-
interconnected photovoltaic inverters
which may carry either stereophonic (pilot-tone
— Test procedure of islanding
system) or monophonic programmes. The main
prevention measures
objectives of RDS are to enable improved
functionality for FM receivers and to make them
This Uganda Standard is to provide a test procedure
more user-friendly by using features such as
to evaluate the performance of islanding prevention
Programme Identification, Programme Service name
measures used with utility-interconnected PV
display and where applicable, automatic tuning for
systems. This standard describes a guideline for
portable and car radios, in particular. The relevant
testing the performance of automatic islanding
basic tuning and switching information therefore has
prevention measures installed in or with single or
to be implemented by the type 0 group (see,
multi-phase utility interactive PV inverters connected
and it is not optional unlike many of the other
to the utility grid. The test procedure and criteria
possible features in RDS.
described are minimum requirements that will allow
repeatability. Additional requirements or more
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14.
stringent criteria may be specified if demonstrable
STATUS: COMULSORY PRICE: 700,000/= risk can be shown. Inverters and other devices
meeting the requirements of this standard are
2315. US IEC 62109-1:2010, Safety of considered non-islanding as defined in IEC 61727.
power converters for use in
This standard may be applied to other types of utility-
photovoltaic power systems — Part 1:
interconnected systems (e.g. inverter-based micro
General requirements turbine and fuel cells, induction and synchronous
This Uganda Standard applies to the power
conversion equipment (PCE) for use in Photovoltaic
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-20.
(PV) systems where a uniform technical level with
respect to safety is necessary. This standard defines STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 350,000/=
the minimum requirements for the design and
2317. US IEC/TS 62257-9-5:2016,
manufacture of PCE for protection against electric
Recommendations for renewable
shock, energy, fire, mechanical and other hazards.
energy and hybrid systems for rural
This standard provides general requirements
applicable to all types of PV PCE. There are electrification — Part 9-5: Integrated
systems — Selection of stand-alone
additional parts of this standard that provide specific
lighting kits for rural electrification
requirements for the different types of power
This Uganda Standard applies to stand-alone
rechargeable electric lighting appliances or kits that
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.

477 | P a g e
can be installed by a typical user without employing a measures to be adopted on to reduce the risk to or
technician. This standard presents a quality assurance below the tolerable limit. (This Uganda Standard is
framework that includes product specifications (a an adoption of the International Standard IEC 62305-
framework for interpreting test results), test methods, 2:2010).
and standardized specification sheets (templates for
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
communicating test results).


This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.

2320. US IEC 62305-3:2010, Protection

against lightning – Part 3: Physical
2318. US IEC 62305-1:2010, Protection damage to structures and life hazard
against lightning – Part 1: General
This Uganda Standard provides the requirements for
protection of a structure against physical damage by
This Uganda Standard provides general principles to means of a lightning protection system (LPS), and for
be followed for protection of structures against protection against injury to living beings due to touch
lightning, including their installations and contents, and step voltages in the vicinity of an LPS (see IEC
as well as persons. The following cases are outside 62305-1). This standard is applicable to: design,
the scope of this standard: railway systems; vehicles, installation, inspection and maintenance of an LPS
ships, aircraft, offshore installations; underground for structures without limitation of their height, and
high pressure pipelines; and pipe, power and establishment of measures for protection against
telecommunication lines placed outside the structure. injury to living beings due to touch and step voltages.
(This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
International Standard IEC 62305-1:2010).


This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.

2321. US IEC 62305-4;2010 Protection

against lightning – Part 4: Electrical
2319. US IEC 62305-2:2010, Protection and electronic systems within structures
against lightning – Part 2: Risk
This Uganda Standard provides information for the
design, installation, inspection, maintenance and
This Uganda Standard is applicable to risk testing of electrical and electronic system protection
assessment for a structure due to lightning flashes to (SPM) to reduce the risk of permanent failures due to
earth. Its purpose is to provide a procedure for the lightning electromagnetic impulse (LEMP) within a
evaluation of such a risk. Once an upper tolerable structure. This standard does not cover protection
limit for the risk has been selected, this procedure against electromagnetic interference due to lightning,
allows the selection of appropriate protection which may cause malfunctioning of internal systems.

478 | P a g e
This standard provides guidelines for cooperation This standard does not cover MPPT performance, but
between the designer of the electrical and electronic it is applicable to BCC units that have this feature.
system, and the designer of the protection measures,
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
in an attempt to achieve optimum protection
effectiveness. This standard does not deal with
detailed design of the electrical and electronic
systems themselves. (This Uganda Standard is an 2323. US IEC 62560:2015, Self-
adoption of the International Standard IEC 62305- ballasted led-lamps for general lighting
4:2010). services by voltage >50V — Safety
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20.
This Uganda Standard specifies the safety and
interchangeability requirements, together with the test
methods and conditions required to show compliance
2322. US IEC 62509:2010, Battery
of LED-lamps with integrated means for stable
charge controllers for photovoltaic
operation (self-ballasted LED-lamps), intended for
systems — Performance and
domestic and similar general lighting purposes,
This Uganda Standard establishes minimum
a rated wattage up to 60 W;
requirements for the functioning and performance of
battery charge controllers (BCC) used with lead acid
a rated voltage of >50 V upto 250 V;
batteries in terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) systems. The
main aims are to ensure BCC reliability and to caps according to Table 1.
maximize the life of the battery. This standard shall
be used in conjunction with IEC 62093, which This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12.

describes test and requirements for intended

installation application. In addition to the battery
charge control functions, this standard addresses the 2324. US IEC
following battery charge control features: 62612:2013+AMD1:2015, Self-ballasted
LED lamps for general lighting services
photovoltaic generator charging of a battery,
with supply voltages >50V —

load control, Performance requirements

protection functions, and This Uganda Standard specifies the performance

requirements, together with the test methods and
interface functions. conditions, required to show compliance of LED
lamps with integral means for stable operation,

479 | P a g e
intended for domestic and similar general lighting 2327. US ISO 80000-3:2019, Quantities
purposes, having: and units — Part 3: Space and time (2nd
a rated power up to 60 W;
This Uganda Standard gives names, symbols and
a rated voltage of >50 V a.c. up to 250V a.c.
definitions for quantities and units of space and time.
Where appropriate, conversion factors are also given.
a lamp cap as listed in IEC 62560.
(The standard cancels and replaces the first edition,
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12. US ISO 80000-3:2006, Quantities and units — Part
3: Space and time).
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
2325. US ISO 80000-1:2009, Quantities
and units — Part 1: General

2328. US ISO 80000-4:2019, Quantities

This Uganda Standard gives general information and
and units — Part 4: Mechanics (2nd
definitions concerning quantities, systems of
quantities, units, quantity and unit symbols, and
coherent unit systems, especially the International This Uganda Standard gives the names, symbols and
System of Quantities, ISQ, and the International definitions for quantities and units of classical
System of Units, SI. mechanics. Where appropriate, conversion factors are
also given. (The standard cancels and replaces the
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
first edition, US ISO 80000-4:2006, Quantities and
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 units — Part 4: Mechanics).

2326. US ISO 80000-2:2019, Quantities This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

and units — Part 2: Mathematics (2nd STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
2329. US ISO 80000-5:2019, Quantities
This Uganda Standard gives general information and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics
about mathematical signs and symbols, their (2nd edition)
meanings, verbal equivalents and applications. (The
standard cancels and replaces the first edition, US This Uganda Standard gives names, symbols and
ISO 80000-2:2009, Quantities and units — Part 2: definitions for quantities and units of
Mathematical signs and symbols to be used in the thermodynamics. Where appropriate, conversion
natural sciences and technology). factors are also given. (The standards cancels and
replaces the first edition, US ISO 80000-5:2007,
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 Quantities and units — Part 5: Thermodynamics).

480 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 2333. US ISO 80000-9:2019, Quantities
and units — Part 9: Physical chemistry
and molecular physics (2nd edition)
2330. US ISO 80000-6:2007, Quantities
This Uganda Standard gives names, symbols, and
and units — Part 6: Electromagnetism
definitions for quantities and units of physical
This Uganda Standard givesnames, symbols, and chemistry and molecular physics. Where appropriate,
definitions for quantities and units of conversion factors are also given. (The standard
electromagnetism. Where appropriate, conversion cancels and replaces the first edition, US ISO 80000-
factors are also given. 9:2009, Quantities and units — Part 9: Physical
chemistry and molecular physics).
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
2331. US ISO 80000-7:2019, Quantities
2334. US ISO 80000-10:2019,
and units — Part 7: Light and radiation
Quantities and units — Part 10: Atomic
(2nd edition)
and nuclear physics (2nd edition)
This Uganda Standard gives names, symbols and
This Uganda Standard gives the names, symbols, and
definitions for quantities and units used for light and
definitions for quantities and units used in atomic and
other electromagnetic radiation. Where appropriate,
nuclear physics. Where appropriate, conversion
conversion factors are also given. (The standard
factors are also given. (The standard cancels and
cancels and replaces the first edition, US ISO 80000-
replaces the first edition, US ISO 80000-10:2009,
7:2008 Quantities and units — Part 7: Light)
Quantities and units — Part 10: Atomic and nuclear
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 physics).

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

2332. US ISO 80000-8:2007, Quantities STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000

and units — Part 8: Acoustics
2335. US ISO 80000-
This Uganda Standard gives names, symbols and 11:2019, Quantities and units — Part
definitions for quantities and units of acoustics. 11: Characteristic numbers (2nd edition)
Where appropriate, conversion factors are also given.
This Uganda Standard gives the names, symbols and
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31. definitions for characteristic numbers used in the
description of transport phenomena. (The standard
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 cancels and replaces the first edition, US ISO 80000-

481 | P a g e
11:2008, Quantities and units — Part 11:
Characteristic numbers).

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16


2336. US ISO 80000-

12:2019, Quantities and units — Part
12: Condensed matter physics (2nd

This Uganda Standard gives names, symbols and

definitions for quantities and units of solid state
physics. Where appropriate, conversion factors are
also given. (The standard cancels and replaces the
first edition, US ISO 80000-12:2009, Quantities and
units — Part 12: Solid state physics).

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16


2337. US ISO 80000-13:2007,

Quantities and units — Part 13:
Information science and technology

This Uganda Standard gives names, symbols and

definitions for quantities and units used in
information science and technology. Where
appropriate, conversion factors are also given.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31.


482 | P a g e

483 | P a g e
2341. US EAS 31: 2013, Laundry soap
— Specification (2nd Edition)
STANDARDS This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for two grades of laundry
2338. US 1: 2011, National flag of soaps. This standard covers two grades of laundry
Uganda – Specification soap pure and built laundry soap in the form of cakes,
tablets or bars, produced from vegetable or animal
This Uganda Standard prescribes requirements for the
oils or fats or a blend of all or part to these materials.
materials, design and make of two types (internal and
It does not cover liquid soap for household purposes,
external) of the national flag of the Republic of
and bar soap, in which synthetic detergents have been
added to enhance its performance. (This Uganda

This standard was published on 2011-06-26 Standard cancels and replaces US EAS 31:2011,
Laundry soap — Specification, which has been
STATUS: COMPLULSORY PRICE: 20,000 technically revised)

2339. US EAS 24:2002,Timber industry This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17

— Glossary of terms
This Uganda Standard specifies terms and definitions
used in the timber industry. 2342. US ISO 32:1977, Gas cylinders
for medical use — Marking for
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 identification of content

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This Uganda Standard establishes a system of

marking and a series of colours for the identification
2340. US EAS 25:2000, School chalks
of the content of gas cylinders intended for medical
— Specification
use only.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
methods of sampling and tests for white and coloured
chalks, made from good quality calcined gypsum or STATUS: COMPLULSORY PRICE: 15,000
calcium sulphate (CaSO4.½H2O), intended for
writing on chalkboards. The standard does not apply 2343. US EAS 64: 2017, Groundnut

to calcium carbonate type of chalks. (peanut) oil for cosmetic industry —

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for groundnut (peanut) oil
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000 for cosmetic industry.

484 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2019-2-26 matter in commercial soaps, excluding compounded
This standard was adopted on 1999-12-03
2344. US EAS 65: 2017, Coconut oil for
cosmetic industry — Specification STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

THIS STANDARD WAS ADOPTED ON 2019-3- 2347. US EAS 86: 2017, Sesame
26 (simsim) oil for cosmetic industry —
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for coconut oil for This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
cosmetic industry. sampling and test methods for sesame oil for
cosmetic industry.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
2345. US 67:1999/ISO 684 Analysis of
soaps- Determination of total free alkali 2348. US ISO 91:2017, Petroleum and
related products — Temperature and
This standard specifies a method for the
pressure volume correction factors
determination of the total free alkali content of
(petroleum measurement tables) and
commercial soaps, excluding compounded products.
standard reference conditions
This method is not applicable if the soap contains
additives which can be decomposed by sulphuric acid This Uganda Standard refers to temperature volume
by the procedure specified. It is also not applicable to correction factors, which allow users to convert
coloured soaps if the colour interferes with the volumes, measured at ambient conditions, to those at
phenolphthalein end point. reference conditions for transactional purposes. This
standard also refers to compressibility factors
This standard was adopted on 1999-12-03
required to correct hydrocarbon volumes measured
under pressure to the corresponding volumes at the
equilibrium pressure for the measured temperature.
2346. US 76:1999/ISO 673 Analysis of
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
soaps – Determination of content of
ethanol insoluble matter

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

2349. US EAS 93-1:2000, Raw hides
determination of the contents of ethanol-insoluble
and skins —Code of practice — Part 1:
By stack salting

485 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard shall apply to raw cattle hides, 2352. US EAS 96-1:2018, Sanitary
calfskins, goatskins and hair sheep skins to be towels — Specification — Part 1:
preserved by stack salting and intended for tanning Disposable (2nd Edition)
for local and export markets. (This standard cancels
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
and replaces US 72:2000 Standard code of practice
sampling, and test methods for disposable sanitary
for grading and preservation of raw hides and skins)
towels (also known as sanitary pads/sanitary
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 napkins). This standard does not apply to reusable
sanitary towels. (This standard cancels and replaces
US EAS 96: 2009, Sanitary towels — Specification,
which has been technically revised).
2350. US EAS 93-2:2000, Raw hides
and skins —Code of practice — Part 2:
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
By air-drying
This Uganda Standard shall apply to raw hides and
skins to be preserved by air-drying and intended for 2353. US ISO 105-B01:2014, Textiles —
tanning. (This standard cancels and replaces US Tests for colour fastness — Part B01:
72:2000 Standard code of practice for grading and Colour fastness to light: Daylight
preservation of raw hides and skins).
This Uganda Standard specifies a method intended
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles
of all kinds and in all forms to the action of daylight.
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
2351. US EAS 93-3:2000, Raw hides
and skins —Codes of practice — Part STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
3: By pickling
2354. US ISO 105- B02:2014, Textiles
This Uganda Standard shall apply to raw lamb, sheep, — Tests for colour fastness — Part
kid and goat skins to be preserved by pickling and B02: Colour fastness to artificial light:
intended for tanning. (This standard cancels and Xenon arc fading lamp test
replaces US 72:2000 Standard code of practice for
This Uganda Standard specifies a method intended
grading and preservation of raw hides and skins).
for determining the effect on the colour of textiles of
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 all kinds and in all forms to the action of an artificial
light source representative of natural daylight (D65).
The method is also applicable to white (bleached or
optically brightened) textiles

486 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 pile fabrics, to rubbing off and staining other
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
2355. US ISO 105- C10:2006, Textiles
— Tests for colour fastness — Part STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
C10: Colour fastness to washing with
2358. US ISO 105- E04:2013, Textiles
soap or soap and soda
— Tests for colour fastness — Part
This Uganda Standard specifies five methods E04: Colour fastness to perspiration
intended for determining the resistance of the colour
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to washing
determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of
procedures, from mild to severe, used for normal
all kinds and in all forms to the action of human
household articles.
perspiration. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 replaces US 389:2001/EAS 238 Method for
determination of colour fastness of textile materials
to perspiration which has been republished on)

2356. US ISO 105-D01:2010, Textiles

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
— Tests for colour fastness — Part
D01: Colour fastness to drycleaning STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
using perchloroethylene solvent
2359. US ISO 105-Z01:1993, Textiles —
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for Tests for colour fastness — Part Z01:
determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of Colour fastness to metals in the dye-
all kinds and in all forms to drycleaning using bath — Chromium salts
perchloroethylene solvent.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 determining the effect, on the colour of a dye, of
dyeing in the presence of hexavalent chromium salts.
It is applicable to wool. An alternative method is
specified in 6.3 to provide a milder test suitable for
2357. US ISO 105- X12:2001, Textiles
assessing the effect of chromium salts in such
— Tests for colour fastness — Part
concentrations as might be found when shading.
X12: Colour fastness to rubbing

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of
all kinds, including textile floor coverings and other

487 | P a g e
2360. US ISO 105-Z02:1993, Textiles — of dispersion under specified conditions in aqueous
Tests for colour fastness — Part Z02: media only.
Colour fastness to metals in the dye-
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
bath — Iron and copper


This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the effect, on the colour of a dye, of
2363. US ISO 105-Z05:1996, Textiles —
dyeing in the presence of metals (iron and copper or
Tests for colour fastness — Part Z05:
their salts) either used in the construction of dyeing
Determination of the dusting behaviour
machine or resulting from water and steam used in
of dyes
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
determination of the dusting behaviour of dyes.


This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

2361. US ISO 105-Z03:1996, Textiles —

Tests for colour fastness — Part Z03:
Intercompatibility of basic dyes for 2364. US ISO 105-Z06:1998, Textiles —
acrylic fibres Tests for colour fastness — Part Z06:
Evaluation of dye and pigment
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the behaviour of a basic dye in relation
to its compatibility with other basic dyes when This Uganda Standard describes a method for
applied to acrylic fibres in the presence of those basic assessing the migration propensity of a pad liquor
dyes. system containing dyes or pigments, subsequently
referred to as colorants, and which may also contain
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
different types and amounts of migration inhibitors.
The degree of migration is obtained by visual
examination or by reflectance measurements.
2362. US ISO 105-Z04:1995, Textiles —
The test method may be used to compare the
Tests for colour fastness — Part Z04:
migration propensity of dyes and the effect on
Dispersibility of disperse dyes
migration of different types of migration inhibitors,
This Uganda Standard describes a method for thickeners and electrolyte. The method may also be
determining the dispersibility, as evaluated by used to evaluate a pad liquor with which migration
filtering time and filter residue, of disperse dyes.. has been found on a continuous dye range.
This test method is used for determining the degree
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

488 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This Uganda Standard describes a method for the
determination of solubility of water-soluble dyes at
2365. US ISO 105-Z07:1995, Textiles — 25 °C in aqueous solution without previous heating.
Tests for colour fastness — Part Z07:
The method is not intended to measure absolute
Determination of application solubility
and solution stability of water-soluble
dyes This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

This Uganda Standard describes a method for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
determination of the application solubility of water-
2368. US ISO 105-Z10:1997, Textiles —
soluble dyes in the range 40 °C to 90 °C and of their
Tests for colour fastness — Part Z10:
solution stability. The method is not intended to
measure absolute solubility. Determination of relative colour
strength of dyes in solution
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
This Uganda Standard is intended for the
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 determination of the colour strength of a dye in
relation to that of a reference dye by means of
2366. US ISO 105-Z08:1995, Textiles — spectrophotometric absorption measurements on
Tests for colour fastness — Part Z08:
solutions of dyes.
Determination of solubility and solution
stability of reactive dyes in the presence This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
of electrolytes
This Uganda Standard describes a method for the
2369. US ISO 105-Z11:1998, Textiles —
determination of the solubility and the solution
Tests for colour fastness — Part Z11:
stability of reactive dyes for use in batch wise and
continuous dyeing processes in the presence of Evaluation of spickiness of colorant

This Uganda Standard describes a test method to

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
determine speckiness primarily of disperse dye, vat
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 dye and pigment dispersions. Agglomerates in
colorant dispersions may become apparent as specks
2367. US ISO 105-Z09:1995, Textiles —
on a continuously dyed (padded), or on a printed
Tests for colour fastness — Part Z09:
fabric, especially when pale and light shades are
Determination of cold water solubility
of water-soluble dyes
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

489 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 Specification for polyester adjacent
2370. US ISO 105-F01:2001, Textiles —
Tests for colour fastness — Part F01: This Uganda Standard specifies an un-dyed polyester
Specification for wool adjacent fabric adjacent fabric which may be used for the assessment
of staining in colour fastness tests. The staining
This Uganda Standard specifies an un-dyed wool
properties of the polyester adjacent fabric under test
adjacent fabric which may be used for the assessment
are assessed against a polyester reference adjacent
of staining in colour fastness tests. The staining
fabric, using a polyester dyed reference fabric, both
properties of the wool adjacent fabric under test are
of which are available from a specified source.
assessed against a wool reference adjacent fabric,
using two wool dyed reference fabrics and one cotton This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
dyed reference fabric, all of which are available from
a specified source.

2373. US ISO 105-F05:2001, Textiles —

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
Tests for colour fastness — Part F05:
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 Specification for acrylic adjacent fabric

2371. US ISO 105-F03:2001, Textiles — This Uganda Standard specifies an un-dyed acrylic
Tests for colour fastness — Part F03: adjacent fabric which may be used for the assessment
Specification for polyamide adjacent of staining in colour fastness tests. The staining
fabric properties of the acrylic adjacent fabric under test are
assessed against an acrylic reference adjacent fabric,
This Uganda Standard specifies an un-dyed
using an acrylic dyed reference fabric, both of which
polyamide adjacent fabric which may be used for the
are available from a specified source.
assessment of staining in colour fastness tests. The
staining properties of the polyamide adjacent fabric This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
under test are assessed against a polyamide reference
adjacent fabric, using a polyamide dyed reference
fabric, both of which are available from a specified
2374. US ISO 105-F06:2000, Textiles —
Tests for colour fastness — Part F06:
Specification for silk adjacent fabric
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

This Uganda Standard specifies an un-dyed silk

adjacent fabric which may be used for the assessment
2372. US ISO 105-F04:2001, Textiles — of staining in colour fastness tests. The staining
Tests for colour fastness — Part F04: properties of the silk adjacent fabric under test are
assessed against a silk reference adjacent fabric,

490 | P a g e
using a silk dyed reference fabric, both of which are This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
available from a specified source.
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
2378. US EAS 123:2006 Distilled water
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 — Specification (2nd Edition)

2375. US ISO 105-F10:1989, Textiles — This East African Standard prescribes the
Tests for colour fastness — Part F10: requirements and methods of test for water, distilled
Specification for adjacent fabric — quality intended for general laboratory use,
Multifibre photograph washings, etc.

This Uganda Standard establishes general This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14
requirements for un-dyed multifibre adjacent fabrics
which may be used for the assessment of staining in STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000

colour fastness test procedures. The multifibre

2379. US EAS 125: 2011 Safety
adjacent fabrics exhibit standardized staining
matches — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
sampling and methods of testing for safety matches
that has been packed in any suitable material.

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

2376. US EAS 121:2006 Water for lead
acid batteries — Specification (2nd
2380. US 126: 2019, Toilet paper —
This standard specifics requirements for sampling
Specification (2nd Edition)
and testing water for lead acid batteries.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14
sampling and test methods for toilet paper made from
virgin, blended or recycled pulp. (This standard
cancels and replaces the second edition, US
2377. US EAS 122:1999, Sulfuric acid 126:2003, Toilet paper — Specification, which has
— Specification been technically revised).

This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements This standard was published on 2019-10-01
and the methods of sampling and test for sulfuric

491 | P a g e
2381. US 127:2000 National cheque – 2384. US ISO 137:2015, Wool —
Specification Determination of fibre diameter —
Projection microscope method
This standard was published on 2000-07-31.
This Uganda Standard specifies the procedure and the
This Uganda standard prescribes the general
measurement conditions for the determination of the
requirements for the personal cheque and corporate
wool fibre diameter using a projection microscope.
The method is suitable for wool fibres in any form
and also for other fibres of reasonably circular cross-
section. (In the case of dyed, bleached or finished
2382. US EAS 127-1: 2013, Synthetic fibres, the diameter might be different from that of
detergent powders — Specification — fibres not subjected to such treatments.
Part 1: Household hand use (2 nd
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12


This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for synthetic detergents
2385. US ISO 139:2005, Textiles —
for household use. This standard does not cover
Standard atmospheres for conditioning
machine wash and industrial detergent powders. (This
and testing
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US EAS
127:2011, Synthetic laundry detergents for household This Uganda Standard defines the characteristics and
use — Specification, which has been technically use of a standard atmosphere for conditioning, for
revised). determining the physical and mechanical properties
of textiles and a standard alternative atmosphere that
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
may be used if agreed upon between parties.


This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

2383. US EAS 127-2:2014, Synthetic

detergent powders — Specification —
Part 2: Machine wash 2386. US ISO 148-1:2009, Metallic
materials — Charpy pendulum impact
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
test — Part 1:Test method
methods of sampling and test for synthetic detergents
for machine wash. It does not cover hand wash This Uganda Standard specifies the Charpy pendulum
powders and industrial detergent powders impact (V-notch and U-notch) test method for
determining the energy absorbed in an impact test of
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28 metallic materials.


492 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 ready for dispatch. (This standard cancels and
replaces US 246:2000 Woven bags made from
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 natural fibres for cereals and pulses).

2387. US EN 149:2001+A1, Respiratory

This standard was adopted on 2001-06-26
protective devices — Filtering half
masks to protect against particles — STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
Requirements, testing, marking
2390. US EAS 156-2:2000, Woven bags
This Uganda Standard specifies minimum from natural fibres — Specification —
requirements for filtering half masks as
Part 2: Woven bags for milled
respiratory protective devices to protect against
particles except for escape purposes. Laboratory products
and practical performance tests are included for
the assessment of compliance with the
This Uganda Standard specifies the bag cloth and
requirements. (This Uganda Standard is an
adoption of EN 149:2001+ A1). making-up requirements for woven bags made from
natural fibres for packing and storage of milled
This standard was adopted on 2020-05-12
products. (This standard cancels and replaces US
250:2000/EAS 175 Specification for woven bags
made from natural fibres for milled products).
2388. US EAS 154:2018, Baby napkins
— Specification (2nd Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2001-06-26

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

sampling and test methods for baby napkins. (This
standard cancels and replaces US 244:2000/EAS 2391. US EAS 156-3:2000, Woven bags
154, Standard specification for baby napkins, which from natural fibres — Specification —
has been technically revised.) Part 3: Woven bags for sugar

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 This Uganda Standard specifies minimum
requirements and other particulars of natural fibre
bags made from sisal, jute or kenaf for the packaging
of sugar. (This standard cancels and replaces US
2389. US EAS 156-1:2000, Woven bags
251/EAS 175 Specification for woven bags made
from natural fibres — Specification —
from natural fibres for sugar).
Part 1: Woven bags for cereals

This standard was adopted on 2001-06-26

This Uganda Standard specifies the constructional
and performance requirements of woven bags made
from natural fibres to contain 90 kg load of any type
of cereal or pulses. It also prescribes the packing and
marking requirements of a bale containing the bags,

493 | P a g e
2392. US EAS 158:2019, Automotive liquid soap or sea-water soap. (This Uganda Standard
gasoline (Premium motor spirit) — cancels and replaces US EAS 186: 2011, Toilet soap
Specification (3rd Edition) — Specification, which has been technically revised).

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements; and This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
sampling and test methods for automotive gasoline,
Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), also commonly known
as petrol, for use in spark ignition engines, including
2395. US ISO 186:2002, Paper and
those equipped with devices to reduce emitted
board — Sampling to determine
pollutants. The standard applies to PMS as
average quality
manufactured, stored, transported and marketed.
(This standard cancels and replaces US EAS This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
158:2012, which has been technically revised). obtaining a representative sample from a lot of paper
or board, including solid and corrugated fibreboard,
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01
for testing to determine whether or not its average
quality complies with set specifications.

It defines the conditions which apply when sampling

2393. US EAS 177:2019, Automotive
is carried out to resolve disputes between buyer and
gas oil (automotive diesel) —
seller relating to a defined lot of paper or board,
Specification (3rd Edition)
which has been or is being delivered.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements; and
sampling and test methods for Automotive Gas Oil This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08

(AGO), automotive diesel as manufactured, stored,

transported and marketed. (This standard cancels and
replaces US EAS 177:2012, which has been 2396. US ISO 187:1990, Paper, board
technically revised). and pulps — Standard atmosphere for
conditioning and testing and procedure
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01
for monitoring the atmosphere and
conditioning of samples

This Uganda Standard specifies the standard

2394. US EAS 186: 2013, Toilet soap —
atmosphere for conditioning, and for testing pulp,
Specification (2nd Edition)
paper and board, and also the procedures for
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, measuring the temperature and relative humidity.
sampling and test methods for toilet soap. It does not
apply to carbolic soap or specialty soaps such as This standard was adopted on 2008-12-15

medicated soap, transparent soap, floating soap,


494 | P a g e
2397. US 189:2000/Amendment 1:2017, 2400. US 202-2:2015, Flexible
Standard specification for toothpaste/ polyurethane foam — Part 2:
Amendment 1:2017 Mattresses — Specification/
Amendement 1 2020
This Uganda Standard specifies the basic
requirements for fluoridated toothpaste for use with a This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
brush in the cleaning of natural teeth. It does not sampling and test methods for foam mattresses
include tooth paste intended for children and non- suitable for domestic and hotel use.
fluoridated toothpaste.
This standard was published on 2015-06-30
This standard was pubished 2000-07-31.
2401. US 202-3:2015, Flexible
2398. US 191: 2016 Petroleum jelly — polyurethane foams — Part 3:
Specification (3 Edition) Reconstituted foams — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
methods of sampling and test for petroleum jelly for sampling and test methods for seven classes (based
cosmetic use. (This Uganda Standard cancels and on density) of reconstituted flexible polyurethane
replaces US 191:2007 which has been technically foams, in the form of blocks, slabs, sheets, or other
revised). shapes cut from these.

This standard was published on 2016-06-28 This standard was published on 2015-06-30


2399. US 202-1:2015, Flexible 2402. US 202-4:2015, Flexible

polyurethane foams — Part 1: polyurethane foams — Part 4:
Polyether type — Polyester type — Specification
Specification/Amendement 1 2020
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, sampling and test methods for five classes (based on
sampling and test methods for seven classes (based density) of flexible polyurethane foams of the
on density) of flexible polyurethane foams of the polyester type, in the form of blocks, slabs, sheets, or
polyether type, in the form of blocks, slabs, sheets, other shapes cut from these. Each class is subdivided,
and shapes cut from these. according to the hardness of the foam, into two
This standard was published on 2015-06-30
This standard was published on 2015-06-30

495 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for knitted polyester-
2403. US ISO 216:2007, Writing paper cellulosic blended fabric for apparel purposes. (This
and certain classes of printed matter —
standard cancels and replaces US 360:2002,
Trimmed sizes — A and B series, and
Specification for knitted polyster/cellulosic blended
indication of machine direction
fabric, which has been technically revised).

This Uganda Standard specifies the trimmed sizes of

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
writing paper and certain classes of printed matter. It
applies to trimmed sizes of paper for administrative, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000
commercial and technical use, and also to certain
2406. US EAS 223:2001, Zippers —
classes of printed matter, such as forms, catalogues,
etc. It does not necessarily apply to newspapers, Specification

published on books, posters or other special items

This Uganda Standard specifies performance
which may be the subject of separate International
requirements for zippers made from interlocking
components mounted on textile tapes.

This standard also specifies the method for the

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
indication of the machine direction for trimmed

This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08 2407. US EAS 224:2018, Cotton

Khanga — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
2404. US EAS 220:2018, Knitted
sampling and test methods for cotton khanga. (This
polyester fabric — Specification
standard cancels and replaces US 424:2002, Cotton
khanga — Specification, which has been technically
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for knitted polyester fabric
for apparel purposes.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26



2408. US EAS 225-1:2018, Umbrella
fabrics — Specification — Part 1:
2405. US EAS 222:2018, Knitted
Cotton fabrics (2 Edition)
polyester-cellulosic blended fabric —
This Uganda standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for woven umbrella

496 | P a g e
fabrics composed of cotton fibres. (This standard 2411. US EAS 226:2018, Kitenge —
cancels and replaces US EAS 225-1:2001, Umbrella Specification (2nd Edition)
fabrics — Specification — Part 1: Cotton
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
fabrics which has been technically revised). sampling and test methods for Kitenge. (This
standard cancels and replaces US EAS 226:2001,
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
Kitenge — Specification, which has been technically

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

2409. US EAS 225-2:2018, Umbrella
fabrics — Specification — Part 2: Man-
made fibre fabric (2nd Edition)
2412. US EAS 227:2018, Knitted cotton
This Uganda standard specifies the requirements,
fabric — Specification (2nd Edition)
sampling and test methods for woven umbrella
fabrics composed of man-made fibres. (This standard This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
cancels and replaces US EAS 225-2:2001, Umbrella sampling and test methods for knitted cotton fabric
fabrics — Specification — Part 2: Man-made fibre suitable for apparel purposes. (This standard cancels
fabric, which has been technically revised). and replaces US EAS 227:2001, Knitted cotton
fabric — Specification, which has been technically
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26


This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

2410. US EAS 225-3:2018, Umbrella

fabrics — Specification — Part 3: Silk
fabrics (2nd Edition) 2413. US EAS 228:2018, Cotton bed
sheets — Specification (2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for woven umbrella This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
fabrics made of silk fibres. (This standard cancels sampling and test methods for bed sheets made from
and replaces US EAS 225-3:2001, Umbrella fabrics cotton fabrics. This standard applies to finished bed
— Specification — Part 3: Silk fabrics, which has sheets made from bleached fabrics, printed fabrics,
been technically revised). dyed fabrics and dyed and printed fabrics. (This
standard cancels and replaces US EAS 228:2001)
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

497 | P a g e
2414. US ISO 228-1: 2000, Pipe threads This Uganda Standard covers classification for
where pressure-tight joints are not crankcase engine lubricating oils, for automotive type
made on the threads —Part 1: internal combustion and spark-ignition engines, two
Dimensions, tolerances and designation stroke and four-stroke cycle motorcycle engines that
employ a crankcase scavenging system. (This
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
Uganda Standard, together with US 249-2:2019, US
thread form, dimensions, tolerances and designation
249-3:2019, US 249-4:2019 and US 249-5:2019,
for fastening pipe threads, thread sizes 1/16 to 6
cancels and replaces US 249:1999/EAS159, Engine
inclusive. Both internal and external threads are
oil— Specification, which has been technically
parallel threads, intended for the mechanical
assembly of the component parts of fittings, cocks
and valves, accessories, etc. This standard was published on 2019-3-26

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 2418. US 249-2:2019, Engine oil —

Performance classification — Part 2:
2415. US EAS 229:2001, Crepe
API specification for spark ignition
bandages — Specification
(petrol) engine lubricating
oils/Amendment 1:2019
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
crepe bandages used for surgical dressings.
This Uganda Standard specifies performance
requirements, sampling and test methods for spark
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
ignition engine lubricating oil of passenger cars, light
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000 duty trucks, vans and related equipment meeting or
exceeding API service category SJ. It does not cover
2416. US 245:2000/EAS 155:2000 Code engine lubricating oil for compression ignition
of practice for grading of spun yarns engines, aviation equipment, outboard motors, lawn
mowers, railroad locomotives or ocean going vessels.
This Code of Practice describes methods for grading
(This standard, together with US 249-1:2019, US
of cotton yarns by appearance.
249-3:2019, US 249-4:2019 and US 249-5:2019,

This standard was published on 2000-11-17 cancels and replaces US 249:1999/EAS159, Engine
oil— Specification, which has been technically
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 revised).

2417. US 249-1:2019, Engine oil — This standard was published on 2019-3-26

Performance classifications — Part 1:

498 | P a g e
2419. US 249-3:2019, Engine oil — standard, together with US 249-1:2019, US 249-
Performance classification — Part 3: 2:2019, US 249-3:2019 and US 249-5:2019, cancels
API Specification for light and heavy and replaces US 249:1999/EAS159, Engine oil—
duty compression ignition (diesel) Specification, which has been technically revised).
engine lubricating oils/ Amendment
This standard was published on 2019-3-26

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

sampling and test methods of engine lubricating oil

2421. US 249-5:2019, Engine oil —
for light and heavy duty naturally aspirated, turbo-
Performance classification — Part 5:
charged or super-charged compression-ignition
Specification for internal combustion
engines, meeting or exceeding API Service Category
engine lubricating oils used in two-
CH-4. This standard does not cover engine
stroke cycle motorcycle gasoline engines
lubricating oil for spark ignition engines, aviation
and associated drive trains
equipment, outboard motors, lawn mowers, railroad,
locomotives, industrial and marine application. (This This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
standard, together with US 249-1:2019, US 249- methods for motorcycle engine lubricating oils for
2:2019, US 249-4:2019 and US 249-5:2019, cancels two-stroke cycle spark ignition gasoline engines that
and replaces US 249:1999/EAS159, Engine oil— employ a crankcase scavenging system and are used
Specification, which has been technically revised). in transportation and leisure applications. This
standard specifies the performance classification of
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
two-stroke cycle gasoline engine oils based on the
API classification, JASO and ISO classifications.
(This standard, together with US 249-1:2019, US
2420. US 249-4:2019, Engine oil — 249-2:2019, US 249-3:2019 and US 249-4:2019,
Performance classification — Part 4: cancels and replaces US 249:1999/EAS159, Engine
Specification for internal combustion oil— Specification, which has been technically
engine lubricating oils used in four- revised).
stroke cycle motorcycle gasoline engines
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
and associated drive trains


Uganda Standard specifies performance
requirements, sampling and test methods for four-
2422. US EAS 253-1:2018, Textiles —
stroke cycle spark ignition engines employing a
Requirements for grading of textile
common sump containing the lubricating oil for both
materials — Part 1: Fabrics (2nd
the engine and associated drive train (transmission,
clutch, starter) of motorcycles, motor scooters, all-
terrain vehicles (ATVs) and related equipment. (This

499 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for postal purposes. It does not contain any specification
grading of textile fabrics. This standard applies to as to the ways of closing them.
both woven and knitted fabrics. (This standard
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
cancels and replaces US EAS 253-1:2001, Code of
practice for grading of textile materials — Part 1.
Fabrics, which has been technically revised).
2426. US EAS 290-2:2002, Polishes —
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Specification — Part 2: Floor polish
solvent type (liquid and paste)

This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements

2423. US EAS 257: 2001, Methods for
and the methods of test for solvent based floor
estimation of moisture total size for
polishes (liquid and paste). The standard applies to
finish, ash, fatty matter and
solvent based floor polishes liquid or paste, that are
determination of water-soluble matter
intended for use on all wooden and solvent-resistant
in textiles
floors. (This standard cancels and replaces US 411-
This Uganda Standard prescribes methods for 2:2001, Specification for polishes — Part 2: Floor
estimating moisture, total size or finish, ash, fatty polish solvent type).
matter and determination of water-soluble matter in
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
textile materials.


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

2427. US EAS 290-3:2002, Polishes —

Specification — Part 3: Floor polish
2424. US EAS 260:2007, Zippers — water emulsion buffable type
Glossary of terms
This Uganda Standard prescribes requirements and
This Uganda Standard covers terms or meanings used methods of test for water emulsion floor polish
in the zipper industry. buffable type. This standard applies to a buffable
water emulsion floor polish for general application
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
vinyl, thermoplastic, linoleum, rubber vinyl asbestos,
asphalt terrazo, marble, cured concentrate ceramic
and quarry tiles. It shall not be used on wooded, cork
2425. US ISO 269:1985, Corresponding or magnesite floors unless these are properly sealed.
envelopes — Designation and sizes Floor polish in this specification is for polishes used
on floor areas that are subjected to heavy abraise foot
This Uganda Standard specifies the designations and traffic and any areas where buffing is desired.
the sizes of correspondence envelopes intended for

500 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 surfaces of equipment for machine dishwashing. It
does not cover detergent for machine dishwashing.
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
2428. US EAS 294:2002, Scouring
powders — Specification STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and 2431. US 308:2001 Standard

methods of test for synthetic household detergent specification for insecticide for
scouring powder for the removal of tenacious soil treatment of mosquito nets
from hard surfaces and kitchen utensils. (This
This standard prescribes the general requirements for
standard cancels and replaces US 326:2001,
insecticide intended for use in the treatment of
Scouring powders — Specification).
mosquito nets.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
This standard was published on 2001-10-15
2429. US EAS 295:2002, Sodium
2432. US 313:2002 Cigarettes –
hypochlorite solutions for domestic use
Specification/Amd 1:2006
— Specification

This Ugandan Standard specifies the requirements

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
and methods of sampling and test for cigarettes. The
dilute solutions of sodium hypochlorite intended for
tobacco blend of cigarettes is produced from leaves
domestic use. (This standard cancels and replaces
of the cultivated plant Nicotianatobaccum and N.
US 327:2001, Sodium hypochlorite solutions for
Rustica. This standard does not cover the
domestic use — Specification).
requirements for flavour and aroma of cigarettes and
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 cigars.

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 This standard was published on 2002-12-14

2430. US EAS 296:2011, Liquid STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

household hand dishwashing detergent
2433. US EAS 334: 2013, List by
category of cosmetic products
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
This Uganda Standard lays down the list of products
liquid detergent for household dishwashing and for
that are classified as cosmetics. (This Uganda
cleaning of hard surfaces such as painted surfaces,
Standard cancels and replaces US 442-1:2002,
floors, ceilings, ceramic and plastic tiles, and the
Illustrative list by category of cosmetic products,

501 | P a g e
which has been technically revised and republished This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, and
on). methods of sampling and test for pure henna powder.
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
507:2003 Specification for henna powder, which has
been technically revised and republished on).

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17

2434. US EAS 335: 2013, Cologne —

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and

2437. US EAS 338: 2013, Chemical hair
methods of test for cologne intended for human use.
relaxers and hair waving products —
This standard applies to toilet waters, lavender waters
and all alcohol-based fresheners. (This Uganda
Standard cancels and replaces US 505:2003, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
Cologne — Specification, which has been technically methods of sampling and test for chemical hair
revised and republished on). relaxers and hair waving products. This standard
applies to chemical cream hair relaxers based on
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17 alkalis or thioglycollates, as well as hair waving
(curling) products based on thioglycollates.

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17

2435. US EAS 336: 2013, Chemical
depilatories — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and

2438. US EAS 339: 2013, Hair creams,
methods of sampling and test for chemical
lotions and gels — Specification
depilatories of alkaline-thioglycollic acid
composition. This standard does not cover This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
depilatories of epilatory type and those having methods of sampling and test for hair creams, lotions
metallic sulphides or stannite composition. (This and gels based on vegetable oil or mineral oil, or any
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 506:2003, combination of the above, with fatty acids or fatty
Chemical depilatories – Specification, which has acid emulsions. It also applies to hair conditioners
been technically revised and republished on). and setting lotions. This standard does not cover hair
sprays, hair sheens or hair oils including hair creams,
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
lotions and gels for which therapeutic claims are
made. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces
US 487:2003, Hair creams, lotions and gels –
2436. US EAS 337: 2013, Henna Specification, which has been technically revised and
powder — Specification republished on).

502 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17 Pomades and brilliantines — Specification, which
has been technically revised and republished on).
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
2439. US EAS 340: 2013, Nail polish —
Specification STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 45,000

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and 2442. US EAS 345:2004, Toluene —
methods of test for nail polishes used for cosmetic Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17 toluene for use in paints, adhesive and printing inks.

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

2440. US EAS 341: 2013, Nail polish STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
removers — Specification
2443. US EAS 346: 2013, Labelling of
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and cosmetics — General requirements
methods of sampling and test for nail polish removers
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
used for cosmetic purposes. (This Uganda Standard
labelling of cosmetic products. (This Uganda
cancels and replaces US 486:2003, Nail polish
Standard cancels and replaces US 484:2007,
removers — Specification — Part 1: Organic solvent
Labelling of cosmetic products — General
based, which has been technically revised and
requirements, which has been technically revised and
republished on).
republished on).
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
2441. US EAS 342: 2013, Pomades and
2444. US EAS 356:2019, Textiles —
solid brilliantines — Specification
Requirements for inspection and
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and acceptance of used textile products (2nd
methods of sampling and test for pomades and solid Edition)
brilliantines for general use. It applies to pomades
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
and solid brilliantines which are either vegetable oil
sampling method for the inspection and acceptance of
or petroleum based but excludes oil emulsions. This
used textile products. (This standard cancels and
standard does not cover liquid brilliantines. (This
replaces the first edition, US EAS 356:2004, Textiles
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 485:2003,
— Requirements for inspection and acceptance of

503 | P a g e
used textile products which has been technically STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
2448. US EAS 377-1: 2013, Cosmetics
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01 and cosmetic products — Part 1: List of
substances prohibited in cosmetic

2445. US 359:2002 Bed sheets and

This Uganda Standard prescribes the chemical name,
pillow cases specification state and formulation under which specific use as
substance is prohibited in the cosmetic products. This
This standard specifies requirements for flat bed-
standard applies only to cosmetic products and not to
sheets and pillow cases made from woven cotton or
medicinal products, medical devices or biocidal
polyster fabrics or their blends meant for household
products. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
replaces US 442-2:2002, Cosmetics — List of
This standard was published on 2004-12-14 substances which must not form part of the
composition of any cosmetic product, which has been
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 technically revised and republished on).

2446. US EAS 361:2004, Carbaryl This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17

dusting powders — Specification
This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements
and the methods of test for carbaryl dusting powders. 2449. US EAS 377-2: 2013, Cosmetics
and cosmetic products — Part 2: List of
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 substances which cosmetic products
must not contain except subject to the
restrictions laid down

2447. US 363:2006 Household

This Uganda Standard prescribes the list of
insecticidal aerosols — Specification
substances which cosmetic products must not contain

This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements except subject to the restrictions laid down. This

and methods of test for non-returnable, hand-held, standard applies only to cosmetic products and not to

insecticide aerosol dispensers intended for use in medicinal products, medical devices or biocidal

domestic and similar situations. The insecticide products. (This Uganda Standard cancels and

solution may be that supplied to a standard replaces US 442-3:2003, List of substances which

formulation or that permitted as an approved cosmetics must not contain except subject to

alternative. conditions applicable to drugs and conditions laid

down, which has been technically revised and
This standard was adopted on 2006-10-15 republished on).

504 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17 2453. US 380:2001/EAS 246 Method
for determination of added oil content
of sisal of jute yarn or fabric

2450. US EAS 377-3: 2013, Cosmetics

This Uganda Standard describes a method for
and cosmetic products — Part 3: List of
determination of added oil content of sisal or jute
colorants allowed in cosmetic products
yarn or fabric or a combination of sisal and jute
This Uganda Standard prescribes the list of colorants
allowed in cosmetic products. This standard includes
This standard was published on 2001-06-17
the salts and flakes of substances and when a colorant
is expressed as a specific salt, its other salts and STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
flakes shall also be included.
2454. US EAS 383: 2013, Synthetic
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17 organic liquid detergent for household
use — Specification
This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements
2451. US EAS 377-4: 2013, Cosmetics
and methods of sampling and test for synthetic liquid
and cosmetics products — Part 4: List detergents for household use both for general purpose
of preservatives allowed in cosmetic
and dishwashing liquid detergent.
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
This Uganda Standard prescribes the list of
preservatives allowed in cosmetic products. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17 2455. US 383:2001/EAS 251 Textile

fabrics - Determination of resistance of
fabrics to penetration - Hydrostatic
head test
2452. US EAS 377-5: 2013, Cosmetics
and cosmetic products — Part 5: List of
This Uganda Standard specifies a hydrostatic
UV filters allowed in cosmetic products
pressure method for determining the resistance of
fabrics to penetration by water. This method is
This Uganda Standard prescribes the list of UV filters
primarily intended for dense fabrics, e.g. ducks,
allowed in cosmetic products.
tarpaulins and tenting.
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
This standard was published on 2001-06-17

505 | P a g e
2456. US ISO 383:1976, Laboratory This Uganda Standard prescribes a method for
glassware — Interchangeble conical determination of colour fastness of textile materials
ground joints of all kinds and in all forms to hot pressing (ironing)
and to processing on hot cylinders.
This Uganda Standard specifies the essential
geometric requirements for interchangeability in This standard was published on 2001-06-17
relations to four series of conical ground glass joints
for laboratory use. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

2460. US EAS 386:2005, Used footwear

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
― Inspection and acceptance criteria
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 ― Code of practice

2457. US EAS 384:2005, Disinfectants This Uganda Standard prescribes a Code of Practice
— Glossary of terms for the inspection and acceptance criteria for used
footwear. This standard applies to used footwear of
This Uganda Standard defines the terms used in the
all types and sizes irrespective of their intended end
disinfectants industry. This will help to eliminate
confusing terms in related specifications. (This
standard cancels and replaces US 652:2006 This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
Disinfectants – Glossary of terms).
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
2461. US 388:2001/EAS 247 Method
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 for determination of colour fastness of
textiles to peroxide washing (sodium
2458. US EAS 385:2008, Footwear —
This Uganda Standard is intended for determining the
This Uganda Standard gives the glossary of terms
resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds, and all
relating to footwear for use in the footwear industry. .
forms to the action of baths containing sodium
(This Uganda Standard is an adoption of the East
African Standard EAS 385:2008).
This standard was published on 2001-06-17
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
2462. US 390-1:2002 Code of practice
2459. US 386 – 2:2001/EAS 243 Method
for grading of textile materials - Part 1:
for determination of colour fastness of
textile materials to hot pressin

506 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies r7equirements for STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000
grading of textiles fabrics for both woven and knitted
fabrics. 2465. US 432:2002 Glossary of terms
used in paper industry and trade
This standard was published on 2002-12-14
This standard defines the terms and expressions used
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 in the paper industry and trade.

This standard was published on 2002 –06-16

2463. US EAS 425-1: 2017, Skin
powders — Specification — Part 1:
Body and face powder
2466. US 434:2002 Specification for
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
files and folders
sampling and test methods for body and face powders
which cover talcum powders, toilet powders, This Uganda standard specifies the requirements for
deodorant powders and dusting powders, for adult files and folders made of board. The standard applies
use only. This standard does not apply to medicated to files and folders with or without back intended for
powders for which medicinal claims are made. housing papers of A4 or smaller sizes.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 This standard was published on 2002-12-14


2464. US 426:2019, Labelling and 2467. US 435:2003 Duplicating paper –

marking of textiles and household specification
textile articles (2 Edition)
This standard specifies requirements for duplicating
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for papers. It applies to duplicating paper for stencil
labelling and marking of textiles and household duplicators using emulsion or oil based inks.
textiles. It also specifies alternative methods for
designating the fibre content of textiles and textile This standard was published on 2003-06-16

products and for applying this information to made-

up products, piece-goods and yarns. It also specifies
the methods for determining the fibre content of 2468. US 441-5:2002/ISO 7211-5
textiles and textile products. (This standard cancels Textiles -Woven fabrics -Construction -
and replaces the first edition, US 426:2002, Code of Method of analysis Part 5:
practice for fibre content labelling of textiles and Determination of linear density of yarn
textile products, which has been technically revised). removed from fabric

This standard was published on 2019-10-01

507 | P a g e
This part of US 441/ISO 7211 specifies methods for 2471. US ISO 456:1973, Surface active
the determination of linear density of yarn removed agents — Analysis of soaps —
from the fabric. It relates to yarns of normally Determination of free caustic alkali
uniform linear density; it describes the method for the
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods of
removal of threads from the fabric and species the
determining free caustic alkali in commercial soaps,
number of threads whose straightened length is to be
excluding compounded products:
determined and methods of determining the mass of
all the threads.
Method A, ethanol method;

This standard was published on 2002-12-14

Method B, barium chloride method.


(This standard cancels and replaces US 78:1999/ISO
456, Surface active agents — Analysis of soaps —
2469. US 441-6:2002/ISO 7211 Textiles
Determination of free caustic alkali which is being
-Woven fabrics - Method of analysis
republished on).
Part: 6 Determination of the mass of
warp and weft per unit area of fabric
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28

This part of US 441/ISO 7211 determining the mass

of warp and weft threads per unit area of fabric after
the removal of any non-fibrous matter. 2472. US EAS 461-1: 2013, Hair dyes
— Part 1: Aryl diamine based
This standard was published on 2002-12-14
formulated powders — Specification


This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for aryl diamine based
2470. US EAS 455:2019, Long Lasting
formulated powder hair dyes. This standard only
Insecticide treated mosquito nets —
covers permanent powder hair dyes based on aryl
diamines which act as primary intermediates in dyes.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, It does not apply to vegetable-based hair dyes,
sampling and test methods for treated Long Lasting metallic-based hair dyes and liquid hair dye. (This
Insecticidal Nets (LLIN) (This standard cancels and Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 489:2003,
replaces US 307:2014, mosquito nets — Specification Formulated powder, hair dyes, aryl diamine based —
which has been withdrawn). Specification, which has been technically revised and
republished on).
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17

508 | P a g e
2473. US 466:2006, Toothbrushes – This standard prescribes the requirements and
Specification methods of test for baby powders.

This specification covers toothbrushes of four sizes This standard was published on 2003-06-16
and four grades, having tufts of synthetic
monofilaments, and intended to be used manually for
general oral hygiene. It does not cover electrically
2477. US EAS 490:2008, Meter rules
operated toothbrushes or toothbrushes with natural
and rulers for school and office use —
bristle tufts.

This standard was adopted on 2006-06-17

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
metre rules and rulers for school and office use.

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

2474. US ISO 472: 2013, Plastics —
Vocabulary (2nd Edition)

This Uganda Standard defines terms used in the

2478. US ISO 534:1995, Paper and
plastics industry. (This second edition cancels and
board — Determination of thickness,
replaces the first edition US ISO 472:1999, Plastics
density and specific volume
— Vocabulary, which has been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
measuring the thickness of paper and board: the
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000 measurement of a single sheet of paper or board as a
single sheet thickness and the measurement of a pack
2475. US 483:2003 Ballpoint pens for
of sheets of paper as a bulking thickness.
general use –Specification
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08
This standard establishes minimum quality
requirements for ball point pens (refillable or non- STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
refillable) and refills for general use.
2479. US ISO 536:1995, Paper and
This standard was published on 2003-06-16 board — Determination of grammage

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000 This Uganda Standard specifies a method of

determining the grammage of paper and board.
2476. US 488:2003 Skin powders –
specification - Part 2: Baby powders/ This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08
Amd. 1:2018

509 | P a g e
2480. US 573:2017, Shoe polish — This standard was published on 2006-11-
Specification (2 edition) 14STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE:
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for shoe polish in the form 2484. US 575:2006 Polish paste for
of paste, liquid and cream suitable for the general floor and wooden furniture –
application to leather footwear. (This Uganda Specification
Standard cancels and replaces US 573:2006, Wax
This Uganda Standard prescribes requirements and
Shoe polish – Specification which has been
methods of sampling and test for wax-solvent and
technically revised).
wax-emulsion type of polishes, paste for floor and
This standard was published on 2017-06-20 wooden furniture.

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 This standard was published on 2006-11-14

2481. US 574-1:2006 Wax polishes – STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

Preparation of samples
2485. US 576:2006 Polishes and related
This Part 1 of the standard specifies a method for the materials -Glossary of terms
preparation of samples of wax polishes.
This Uganda Standard covers definitions of terms
This standard was published on 2006-11- relating to footwear polishes and creams, polishes for
14STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: application floor, automobile and aircraft, metals and
30,000 glass, in addition to industrial polishing compounds.

2482. US 574-3:2006 Wax polishes – This standard was published on 2006-11-14

Determination of Heat – cool stability
This Part 3 of the standard specifies a method for the
determination of the heat –cool stability of wax 2486. US 578:2006 Determination of
tearing strength

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

This standard was published on 2006-11-
determination of tearing strength.
This standard was published on 2006-11-1

2483. US 574-4:2006 Wax polishes –

Penetration of wax (paste) polishes

This Part 4 of the standard specifies a method for the

penetration of wax polishes.

510 | P a g e
2487. US 583:2007, Footwear materials 2490. US 587:2007, Footwear —
— Determination of collapsing load of Determination of spigot holding
domed shapes strength of ladies' plastics moulded heel
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
preparation of dome-shaped test specimens formed This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
from thermoplastic or solvent-activated toe-puff, determining the spigot holding strength of ladies'
stiffener or similar footwear materials. It specifies a plastics moulded heel top-pieces.
method for the measurement of the collapsing load of
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
these dome-shaped test specimens.


This standard was published on 2007-12-19

US 588:2007, Footwear — Determination of

accumulated impact strength of ladies' shoeheels
2488. US 584:2007, Footwear — Toe- of height greater than 25 mmThis Uganda Standard
puff and stiffener materials — specifies a method for determining the accumulated
Determination of shape retention impact strength of ladies' shoe heels of height greater
than 25 mm.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
measuring area shape retention of toe-puff and This standard was published on 2007-12-19
stiffener materials.
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
2491. US 589:2007, Footwear —
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 Determination of moisture stability of
insoles and shank boards
2489. US 586:2007, Footwear —
Measurement of distension and This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
strength of grain of leather by the ball determination of the moisture stability of insoles and
burst test (Metric units) shank boards for footwear.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method of This standard was published on 2007-12-19
determining the measurement of distension and
strength of grain of leather by the ball burst test STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

(Metric units).
2492. US 591:2007, Textile fabrics —
Abrasion resistance of textile fabrics
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
(Martindale test)

511 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the and not adapted to filing cabinets of a special
determination of the abrasion resistance of textile character. This standard does not apply to box files
fabrics using the Martindale test. and transfer storage cases.

This standard was published on 2007-12-19 This standard was published on 2011-12-20


2493. US 595:2007, Footwear — 2496. US 623:2006 Abrasion resistance

Determination of bending modulus of of textile shoelaces (without core) and
steel shanks similar articles

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the This standard specifies a method for the
determination of bending modulus of steel shanks for determination of the abrasion resistance of textile
footwear. shoelaces (without core) and similar articles.

This standard was published on 2007-12-19 This standard was published on 2006-11-14


2494. US 596:2007, Footwear — 2497. US 624:2006 Chrome tanned

Determination of resilience of steel bend outer sole leather
This standard specifies requirements for chrome
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the tanned, wax impregnated and bend outer sole leather
determination of the resilience of steel shanks for
footwear. This standard was published on 2006-11-14


This standard was published on 2007-12-19

2498. US 625:2006 Leather –

Determination of sulphated total ash
2495. US ISO 623:1974, Paper and and sulphated water insoluble ash
board — Folders and files — Sizes
This standard specifies a method for the
This Uganda Standard specifies the sizes of folders determination of the sulphated total ash and the
and files manufactured from paper or board intended sulphated water-insoluble ash of leather. The method
to receive either sheets of Paper of the A4 size (210 is applicable to all types of leather. The determination
mm X 297 mm) or simple folders (without back) or may be inaccurate by the extent to which the leather
folders or, when possible, files with a very small contains organo-metallic compounds, for example
back; not forming part of any particular filing system; silicone.

512 | P a g e
This standard was published on 2006-11-14 This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of Thickness of leather and fibre board.
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 It is applicable to all kinds of leather, of any type of
tannage (except to firm leathers of thickness 3 mm or
2499. US 626:2006 Determination of
more), and to all types of fibre board.
ether insoluble matter content (PVC
upper, outer sole and heel materials)
This standard was published on 2006-11-14

This standard specifies a method for the

determination of ether-soluble matter content (PVC
upper, outer sole and heel materials). 2503. US 630:2006 Vegetable tanned
bend outer sole leather
This standard was published on 2006-11-14
This standard specifies requireme
nts for vegetable-tanned bend outer sole leather.
2500. US 627:2006 Pull off strength for
ladies shoe heels This standard was published on 2006-11-14

This standard specifies a method for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
determination of pull off strength for ladies’ shoe
heels. 2504. US 631:2006 Determination of
heat insulation of granulated cork
This standard was published on 2006-11-14 bottom filler for footwear

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of heat insulation of granulated cork
2501. US 628:2006 Determination of bottom filler for footwear.
total ash content (PVC upper, outer
sole and heel materials) This standard was published on 2006-11-14

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
determination of total ash content (PVC upper, outer
2505. US 634:2006 Specification for
sole and heel materials).
plastic monobloc chairs
This standard was published on 2006-11-14
This Uganda Standard sets out requirements for the
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 evaluation and selection of plastic monobloc chairs
for adults but does not include chairs intended for
2502. US 629:2006 Leather and fibre
bathroom use. It specifies minimum requirements for
board – Measurement of thickness
strength, durability and stability of the completed

513 | P a g e
chair, but does not account for materials, design, 2509. US 656:2006 Preparation of
construction or the process of manufacture. samples (leather, elastomeric materials
and other footwear materials)
This standard was published on 2006-11-14
This standard specifies a method for the preparation
of samples (leather, elastomeric material and other
footwear materials).
2506. US 638:2006 Household washing
bars – Specification
This standard was published on 2006-11-14

This standard prescribes requirements and methods of

sampling and testing for household washing bars.
2510. US 657:2006 Determination of
This standard was published on 2006-11-14
water content in leather

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the water content of leather as
2507. US 653:2006 Disinfectants –
delivered as well as the water content of analytical
Quaternary ammonium based –
samples of leather.

This standard was published on 2006-11-14

This standard specification covers formulations based
on quaternary ammonium compounds in liquid or
powder form for disinfecting inanimate spaces. It is
intended primarily for destruction of pathogens on 2511. US 658:2006 Determination of
floors, walls and other hard surfaces. sulphated ash content of water soluble
in water in leather (Metric units)
This standard was published on 2006-11-14
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the sulphated ash content of water-
soluble in water in leather.
2508. US 655:2006 Method for the
sampling of leather and other footwear
This standard was published on 2006-11-14
This standard specifies a method for the sampling of
leather and other footwear materials. 2512. US 659:2006 Leather — Matter
extractable by petroleum ether
This standard was published on 2006-11-14


514 | P a g e
This standard specifies a method for the matter content — Oven method which is being re-
determination of matter extractable from leather by issued).
petroleum ether.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
This standard was published on 2006-11-14
2516. US 673:2007, Footwear —
2513. US 660:2006 Determination of Determination of welt stitch tear
water-soluble matter content in leather strength (leather, leather board,
fibre board)
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the water-soluble matter content in This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
leather. determination of the tear strength for leather, leather
board and fibre board).
This standard was published on 2006-11-14
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
2514. US 696:2006 Abrasion resistance
of footwear materials (Martindale) 2517. US 674:2007, Footwear materials
— Determination of wet compressibility
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
of leather and fibre boards (Metric
determining the wet or dry abrasion resistance of
footwear materials.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This standard was published on 2006-11-14 determination of wet compressibility of leather and
fibre boards in Metric units.

This standard was published on 2007-12-19

2515. US ISO 672:1978, Analysis of
soaps — Determination of moisture
content and volatile matter content —
Oven method 2518. US 675:2007, Footwear —
Determination of shrinkage
This Uganda Standard specifies an oven method for
temperature of leather
the determination of the moisture and volatile matter
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
content of commercial soaps, excluding compounded
the determination of the shrinkage temperature
products. (This standard cancels and replaces US
of leather.
77:1999/ISO 672, Analysis of soaps —
Determination of moisture content and volatile This standard was published on 2007-12-19

515 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 This standard was published on 2007-12-19


2522. US ISO 685:1975, Analysis of

2519. US 676:2007, Footwear —
soaps — Determination of total alkali
Determination of flex resistance
content and total free fatty matter
(leather fibre board and cellulose fibre
board inner soles)

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

simultaneous determination of the total alkali content
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the and the total fatty matter content of soaps, excluding
determination of flex resistance for leather fibre compounded products. This method for the
board and cellulose fibre board inner soles. determination of total alkali is not applicable to
coloured soaps if the colour interferes with the
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
methyl orange end-point. (This standard cancels and
replaces US 73:1999/ISO 685, Analysis of soaps —
Determination of total alkali content and total free
2520. US 677:2007, Footwear — fatty matter content which is being republished on).
Determination of wet and dry bursting
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
strength of stiffeners (Metric units)


This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of wet and dry bursting strength of
2523. US 704: 2014; Absorbent cotton
stiffeners (Metric units).
wool — Specification

This standard was published on 2007-12-19

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of test for absorbent cotton (surgical cotton
or cotton wool) wool for medical use.
2521. US 678:2007, Footwear —
This standard was published on 2014-07-31
Determination of water absorption of
inner soles and inner-sole material
(Metric units)
2524. US 706:2011, Non-woven surgical
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
dressings — Specification
determination of water absorption of inner soles and
inner-sole material (metric units rence numbers, titles This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements
and scopes are listed below for consideration as and methods of test for three types of non-woven
national standards.

516 | P a g e
surgical dressings; unpadded swabs, padded swabs This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
and surgical pads. measuring the resistance to corrosion of metallic
components in rubber and safety footwear.
This standard was published on 2011-12-20
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
2525. US 711:2007, General
requirements for fitness for purpose of 2528. US 721:2007, Footwear materials
products — Determination of absorption and
desorption of water
This Uganda Standard provides the general
requirements for fitness for purpose and safety. It This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
applies to consumer goods in which standards have measuring the absorption and desorption of water of
not been elaborated or where the existing standard footwear materials.
does not does not cover adequately the performance
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
requirements as may be considered in the daily life,
what is generally perceived as good a quality product.

This standard was published on 2007-12-19

2529. US 722:2007, Footwear materials
— Determination of water vapour
2526. US 719:2007, Footwear — Soling
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
material —Determination of hot
measuring the water vapour absorption of footwear
contact resistance
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
measuring the hot contact resistance of footwear
soling materials.

This standard was published on 2007-12-19

2530. US 723:2007, Footwear materials
— Determination of water vapour
2527. US 720:2007, Footwear —
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
Determination of corrosion resistance
measuring the water vapour coefficient of footwear
of metallic components of rubber and
safety footwear

This standard was published on 2007-12-19

517 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 The Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test and
sampling methods for candles suitable for
2531. US 728:2007, Leather — illuminating purposes. This Uganda Standard does
Determination of adhesion of finish
not cover decorative (ornamental) candles. (This
Uganda standard cancels and replaces US 762:2007,
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
Illuminating candles— Specification, which has been
determination of adhesion of finish to leather.
technically revised).
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
2532. US 729:2007, Leather —
2535. US 766:2020, Plastic basins —
Determination of water absorption
Specification (2nd Edition)
[Kubelka apparatus (Metric units)

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
sampling and test methods for basins made from
measuring the water absorption of leather using the
polyolefin. (This second edition cancels and replaces
Kubelka apparatus.
the first edition US 766:2007, Plastic basins —
This standard was published on 2007-12-19 Specification, which has been technically revised).

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 This standard was published on 2020-06-16


2533. US 743:2007, Decorative high
gloss paints — Specification 2536. US EAS 766-1: 2013,
Antibacterial toilet soap —
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
Specification — Part 1: Solid
two grades of air-drying gloss enamel paints for use
on suitably primed and uncoated steel, wood, This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
masonry, hard board, compressed fibre board and methods of sampling and test for solid antibacterial
similar materials used in the construction and toilet soap. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
finishing of buildings. replaces US EAS 766: 2011, Antibacterial solid toilet
soap — Specification, which has been technically
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
2534. US 762:2017, Illuminating
candles — Specification

518 | P a g e
2537. US EAS 766-2: 2013, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
Antibacterial toilet soap — insulated flasks and vacuum ware for domestic use
Specification ― Part 2: Liquid with food or drinks. It also specifies the requirements
for materials in contact with food.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
methods of sampling and test for liquid antibacterial This standard was published on 2007-12-19
toilet soap. It includes antibacterial (bacteriostatic)
and antifungal (fungal static). This standard does not STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

cover synthetic hand wash liquid detergents,

2541. US 773:2007, Flat and carrier
shampoo and products for specific purposes such as
plastic bags — Specification
those for industrial and surgical uses.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
methods of sampling and test for carrier bags and flat
bags that are made from thermoplastic materials. This
standard covers plastic carrier bags and flat bags,
2538. US 767-1:2007, Safety razor both domestically produced and imported for use in
blades and razors — Part 1: Blades — Uganda. This standard covers the thickness and
Specification printing requirements of these bags. This standard
does not cover primary packaging such as barrier
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
double-edged safety razor blades used for shaving
and cutting. This standard was published on 2007-12-19

This standard was published on 2007-12-19 STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 2542. US EAS 786: 2013, Skin care
creams, lotions and gels — Specification
2539. US 767-2:2007, Safety razor
blades and razors— Part 2: Razors— This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
Specification methods of sampling and test for creams, lotions and
gels for skin care. This standard does not apply to
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
skin care products for which therapeutic claims are
safety razors with two shaving sides and forms.
made and also does not apply to non-emulsified
lotions and gels. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
replaces US 339:2006, Specification for creams,
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 lotions and gels for skin care, which has been
technically revised and republished on).
2540. US 768:2007, Insulated flasks —
Specification This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17

519 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 pastes based predominantly on alkyl aryl sulphonates
for hand and machine wash.
2543. US 786: 2020, Plastics — Codes
for resin identification on plastic This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
containers (2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard specifies codes for identifying
2546. US EAS 789: 2013, Instant hand
the resin content of plastic containers used by the
public and for facilitating sorting as prerequisites for sanitizers — Specification

successful plastic recovery and recycling. The codes

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
are not intended to be a guarantee to consumers that a
methods of test for alcohol based instant hand
given item bearing the code will be readily accepted
sanitizers. The standard does not cover non-alcohol
for recycling. Users of the codes are encouraged to
based hand sanitizers
adhere to the guidelines of this standard. (This second
edition cancels and replaces the first edition US This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
786:2008, Plastics — Codes for resin identification
on plastic containers, which has been technically STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000

2547. US EAS 790: 2013, Liquid soap

This standard was published on 2020-06-16 — Specification

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
methods of sampling and test for liquid soap for
2544. US EAS 787: 2013, Synthetic
general purposes. It does not cover shampoos and
industrial detergent powder —
products intended for specific purposes, such as those
for industrial and surgical uses.

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
methods of sampling and test for synthetic industrial
detergent powders based predominantly on alkyl aryl STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000
2548. US: 790:2007, Paints and
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17 varnishes — Determination of dynamic
of viscosity liquids — Stormer
viscometer method

2545. US EAS 788: 2013, Synthetic

This Uganda Standard specifies the determination of
detergent paste — Specification
the dynamic viscosity of liquids at a fixed frequency

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and of rotation, that is, constant stress. This method

methods of sampling and test for synthetic detergent

520 | P a g e
provides useful information for the quality control of This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
surface coating materials and related materials. methods of sampling and test for a liquid foaming
shampoo used for both general cleaning and spot
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
cleaning of colourfast carpets and upholstery that are
not damaged by water alone.

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17

2549. US: 791:2007, Paints and
varnishes — Determination of
resistance to cold water
2552. US 792:2007, Paints and
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
varnishes — Determination of wet
determination of resistance of a single-coat film or
hiding power (brush-out method)
multicoat system of paints or related products to the
action of water by immersion. This Uganda Standard specifies the brush-out method
for the determination of the wet hiding power of
This standard was published on 2007-12-19


This standard was published on 2007-12-19

2550. US EAS 791: 2013, Oven cleaner

and grease remover — Specification
2553. US 793:2007, Paints and
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
varnishes — Determination of traffic
methods of sampling and test for oven cleaner and
wear index
grease remover. The standard covers three types of
oven cleaners and grease removers that are suitable This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
for the removal of carbon deposits, grease, baked-on determining the wear index of dry paint films of road
fats and other surface contaminants from industrial and runway markings applied to traffic-bearing
and domestic cooking ovens, grills, fryers and other surfaces. The standard also serves as a comparative
steel kitchen equipment, but that are not intended for test of paints that have been applied at the same time
use in self-cleaning ovens. and in close proximity to one another.

This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17 This standard was published on 2007-12-19


2551. US EAS 792: 2013, Carpet and 2554. US EAS 793-1: 2013, Toilet
upholstery shampoo — Specification cleansers ― Specification ― Part 1:
Acidic liquid toilet cleansers

521 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and 2557. US 799:2007, Paints and
methods of test for acidic liquid toilet cleansers. This varnishes – Determination of skid
standard applies to a liquid acid, heavy- duty resistance
compound suitable for cleaning toilet bowls and
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
determining the skid resistance of road-marking and
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17 runway marking paints, both under laboratory
conditions and on painted traffic-bearing surfaces.
This standard was published on 2007-12-19
2555. US EAS 794: 2013,
Determination of the microbial STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
inhibition of cosmetic soap bars and
2558. US 800:2007, Paints and
liquid hand and body washes — Test
varnishes — Determination of retro-
reflected luminance by means of
This Uganda Standard prescribes a method for testing portable retro-reflectometer
and comparing the microbial inhibition properties of
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
cosmetic soap bars and liquid hand and body washes.
determining the retro-reflected luminance of road
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17 marking and runway-marking paints by means of a
portable instrument. The results will give an
indication of the night-time visibility of road
markings from the driver position and as illuminated
2556. US 798:2007, Paints and
by the headlights of a motor vehicle.
varnishes – Determination of brush and
roller application properties
This standard was published on 2007-12-19

This Uganda Standard specifies a method of

assessing the brush and roller application properties
and the flow characteristics of paints when the paints 2559. US 801:2007, Paints and
are applied over relatively large areas. It can also be varnishes — Determination of daylight
used to assess other properties such as recoating, 45°, 0° luminous directional reflectance
lapping and retraction from sharp edges. of surface coatings and pigments

This standard was published on 2007-12-19 This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of daylight 45°, 0° luminous
directional reflectance of surface coatings (paint
film), pigments and extenders.

522 | P a g e
This standard was published on 2007-12-19 This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28


2560. US 803:2008, Kerosene for 2563. US EAS 814:2015, Determination

domestic heating and illuminating of biodegradability of surfactants —
(BIK) Test method

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for This Uganda Standard prescribes a method for the
a hydrocarbon fuel suitable for use in wick-fed, determination of biodegradability of surfactants and
pressure vaporizing and other kerosene burning for assessment of results, for both anionic and non-
appliances for space heating, cooking and ionic surfactants. The method is applicable to anionic
illumination. and non-ionic surfactants separately, but directly
applicable to surfactant mixtures. Reference
This standard was published on 2008-09-08
standards of both biologically “hard” and “soft”
surfactants are nominated for both anionics and non-
ionics. The reference standards apply to detergents
2561. US ISO 817:2005, Refrigerants for household use only.
— Designation system
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
This Uganda Standard provides an unambiguous
system for numbering and assigning composition-
designating prefixes to refrigerants. (This Uganda
2564. US EAS 815: 2015, Soap noodles
Standard is an adoption of the International Standard
— Specification
ISO 817:2005).
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
methods of test for soap noodles used as an
intermediate product for subsequent conversion into a
marketable soap.
2562. US EAS 812-1:2015, Liquid hand
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
wash — Specification — Part 1:
Synthetic and combined (soap and
synthetic) hand wash
2565. US EAS 816-1: 2015, Synthetic
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
liquid laundry detergents —
methods of test for synthetic and combined (soap and
Specification — Part 1: Hand wash
synthetic) hand wash. This standard does not apply to
soap-based hand wash.

523 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and This standard was published on 2008-09-08
methods of sampling and test for hand wash synthetic
liquid laundry detergents. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 45,000

2569. US 821:2008, Bond paper —

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
This specification covers four classes (based on
2566. US EAS 816-2:2015, Synthetic grammage) of general purpose bond paper suitable
liquid laundry detergents — for printing, typewriting and for pen and ink writing
Specification — Part 2: Machine wash and that are supplied in sheets or reels.

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and This standard was published on 2008-09-08
methods of sampling and test for machine wash
synthetic liquid laundry detergents. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

2570. US EAS 835-1: 2017, Bath

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
preparations — Part 1: Synthetic
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 detergent-based foam baths and shower
gels — Specification
2567. US EAS 817:2015, Stain remover
for tableware — Specification This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for synthetic foam baths
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
and shower gels. This standard covers synthetic
methods of test for a stain remover used in hard or
detergent-based foam baths (also referred to as cream
soft water to remove coffee, tea and other adsorbed
baths), shower gels (also referred to as body wash,
food stains, primarily from plastic tableware, by
cream wash, cream shower, bath shower, and shower
shampoo), and other such related products. This
standard does not apply to bath salts, bath oils, bath
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
powders, and soap-based bath and shower products.
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 This standard does not apply to medicinal products
for which therapeutic claims are made.
2568. US 820:2008, Scholastic
stationery — Specification This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

This specification covers several types of books and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000
sheets of paper intended for scholastic and related
2571. US EAS 837: 2017, Avocado oil
uses. It specifies the covers, the bindings, the grades
for cosmetic industry — Specification
of paper and the types of ruling.

524 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, products. It applies to the message content; language
sampling and test methods for avocado oil for use as and design requirements in terms of the appropriate
a raw material in the cosmetic industry. This standard location, size and colour.
does not apply to packaged avocado oil, ready for
This standard was published on 2009-09-04


This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

2575. US 842:2009 General

requirements for the production,
2572. US EAS 840: 2017, Shaving distribution, publishing and filing of
cream — Specification audio/audiovisual works of art

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, This Uganda Standard lays down the requirements
sampling and test methods for shaving creams. This for the production, publication, reproduction,
standard covers two types of shaving cream: Type 1; distribution, making available and filing of
and Type 2. audio/audiovisual works of art normally distributed in
electronic formats for entertainment through
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 mediums (carriers) such as Compact Discs (CDs),
Digital Video Discs (DVDs), Video Compact Discs
(VCDs), Audio or Video Cassette and any other
2573. US EAS 841: 2017, Hair oils — storage medium.
This standard was published on 2009-09-04
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for hair oils. The standard
covers three types of hair oils as follows: Type 1;
2576. US EAS 842-1: 2017, Hair
Type 2; and Type 3. Hair oils for which therapeutic
shampoo — Part 1: Soap based —
claims are made are not covered by this standard.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for soap-based hair
2574. US 841:2009, Requirements for
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
packaging and labelling of tobacco

This Uganda standard specifies requirements for

packaging and labelling requirements for tobacco

525 | P a g e
2577. US EAS 842-2: 2017, Hair 2580. US EAS 845: 2017, Cosmetic
shampoo — Part 2: Synthetic pencils — Specification
detergent-based — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements, sampling and test methods for cosmetic pencils. The
sampling and test methods for synthetic detergent- standard covers four types of cosmetic pencils: eye-
based hair shampoo. brow pencil; eye-liner pencil; bindi pencil; and lip-
liner pencil.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
2578. US EAS 844: 2017, Aryl di-
amine-based liquid oxidation hair dyes 2581. US ISO 845:2006, Cellular
— Specification plastics and rubbers — Determination
of apparent density
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for permanent liquid This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
oxidation hair dyes which are aryl di-amine based. determining the apparent overall density and the
This standard does not apply to powder hair dyes, apparent core density of cellular plastics and rubbers.
plant-based hair dyes, and metallic-based hair dyes
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20


This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

2582. US EAS 846: 2017, Glossary of

terms relating to the cosmetic industry
2579. US ISO 844:2007, Rigid cellular
This Uganda Standard defines the terms relating to
plastics — Determination of
the cosmetic industry.
compression properties

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
determining the compressive strength and
corresponding relative deformation, the compressive
stress at 10 % relative deformation and when desired, 2583. US EAS 847-1: 2017,
the compressive modulus of rigid cellular plastics. Cosmetics— Analytical methods —
Part 1: Glossary of terms
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
This Uganda Standard defines terms used in the test
methods for oils for cosmetic industry. This standard

526 | P a g e
does not deal with the specifications of the oils or This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
2587. US EAS 847-5: 2017, Cosmetics
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 — Analytical methods — Part 5:
Determination of unsaponifiable matter
2584. US EAS 847-2: 2017,
Cosmetics— Analytical methods — This Uganda Standard prescribes the test method for
Part 2: Determination of moisture the determination of unsaponifiable matter.
content and volatile matter content
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard prescribes the test methods for
the determination of moisture content and volatile
matter content in oils for cosmetic industry.
2588. US EAS 847-6: 2017, Cosmetics
— Analytical methods — Part 6:
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
Determination of melting point
This Uganda Standard prescribes the test methods for
2585. US EAS 847-3: 2017, Cosmetics the determination of melting point of oils in the
— Analytical methods — Part 3: cosmetic industry.
Determination of insoluble impurities
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard prescribes the test method for
the determination of insoluble impurities in oils for
cosmetic industry.
2589. US EAS 847-7: 2017, Cosmetics
— Analytical methods — Part 7:
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
Determination of specific gravity
This Uganda Standard prescribes the test methods for
2586. US EAS 847-4: 2017, Cosmetics the determination of specific gravity in oils for
— Analytical methods — Part 4: cosmetic industry.
Determination of acid value and free
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
fatty acids

This Uganda Standard prescribes the test method for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000

the determination of acid value and free fatty acids in

2590. US EAS 847-8: 2017, Cosmetics
oils for cosmetic industry.
— Analytical methods — Part 8: Titre

527 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard prescribes the test method for This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
the determination of the solidification (titre) point of
fatty acids for oils in the cosmetic industry. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000

2594. US EAS 847-12: 2017, Cosmetics

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
— Analytical methods — Part 12:
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 Determination of flash point by Pensky-
Martens closed cap tester
2591. US EAS 847-9: 2017, Cosmetics
— Analytical methods — Part 9: This Uganda Standard prescribes the test method for
Determination of colour the determination of flash point by Pensky-Martens
closed cap tester in oils for cosmetic industry.
This Uganda Standard prescribes the test method for
the determination of colour in oils for cosmetic This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
2595. US EAS 847-13: 2017, Cosmetics
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 — Analytical methods — Part 13:
Determination of rancidity
2592. US EAS 847-10: 2017, Cosmetics
— Analytical methods — Part 10: This Uganda Standard prescribes the test method for
Determination of acetyl value and the determination of rancidity.
hydroxyl value
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard prescribes the test methods for
the determination of acetyl value and hydroxyl value STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000

in oils for cosmetic industry.

2596. US EAS 847-14: 2017, Cosmetics
— Analytical methods — Part 14:
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
Determination of Polenske value
This Uganda Standard prescribes the test method for
2593. US EAS 847-11: 2017, Cosmetics the determination of Polenske value.
— Analytical methods — Part 11:
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
Determination of allyl isothiocyanate

This Uganda Standard prescribes the test method for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000

the determination of allyl isothiocyanate in oils for

2597. US EAS 847-15: 2017, Cosmetics
cosmetic industry.
— Analytical methods — Part 15:
Determination of ash content

528 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard prescribes the test method for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000
the determination of ash content in cosmetics and oils
for cosmetic industry. 2601. US EAS 847-19: 2017, Cosmetics
— Analytical methods — Part 19:
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 Determination of non-ionic, anionic and
cationic surfactant content
This Uganda Standard prescribes the procedure for
2598. US EAS 847-16: 2017, Cosmetics the determination of non-ionic, anionic and cationic
— Analytical methods — Part 16:
surfactant content in cosmetics.
Determination of lead, mercury and
arsenic content This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

This Uganda Standard prescribes methods for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000
determination of lead, mercury and arsenic content in
2602. US EAS 847-20: 2017, Cosmetics
cosmetics and oils for cosmetic industry.
— Analytical methods — Part 20:
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 Determination of lather volume
(foaming power)
This Uganda Standard prescribes the procedure for
2599. US EAS 847-17: 2017, Cosmetics
the determination of lather volume (foaming power)
— Analytical methods — Part 17:
in cosmetics.
Determination of pH
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard prescribes the procedures for
the determination of pH in cosmetics and oils for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000
cosmetics industry.
2603. US EAS 847-21: 2017, Cosmetics
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 — Analytical methods — Part 21:
Determination of free acid in oils
This Uganda Standard prescribes the procedure for
2600. US EAS 847-18: 2017, Cosmetics
the determination of free acid in cosmetics and oils
— Analytical methods — Part 18:
for cosmetic industry.
Determination of thermal stability
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard prescribes the procedure for
the determination of thermal stability in cosmetics. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

529 | P a g e
2604. US EAS 847-22: 2017, Cosmetics This Uganda Standard prescribes the procedure for
— Analytical methods — Part 22: the determination of fineness in powders.
Determination of sulphur and sulphides
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
in oils


This Uganda Standard prescribes the procedure for
the determination of sulphur and sulphides in oils.
2608. US EAS 847-26: 2017, Cosmetics
— Analytical methods — Part 26:
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
Determination of boric acid
This Uganda Standard prescribes the procedure for
2605. US EAS 847-23: 2017, Cosmetics the determination of boric acid in powders.
— Analytical methods — Part 23: Test
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
for absence of grit in powders


This Uganda Standard prescribes the procedure for
the determination of absence of grit in powders.
2609. US EAS 847-27: 2017, Cosmetics
— Analytical methods — Part 27:
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
Determination of total fatty substance
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 by gravimetric method

2606. US EAS 847-24: 2017, Cosmetics This Uganda Standard prescribes the procedure for
— Analytical methods — Part 24: the gravimetric determination of total fatty substance
Determination of matter insoluble in for cosmetics and oils in the cosmetic industry.
boiling water
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard prescribes the procedure for
the determination of matter insoluble in boiling water
in powders.
2610. US EAS 847-28: 2017, Cosmetics
— Analytical methods — Part 28:
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
Determination of free caustic alkali
This Uganda Standard prescribes the procedure for
2607. US EAS 847-25: 2017, Cosmetics the determination of free caustic alkali in cosmetics.
— Analytical methods — Part 25:
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
Determination of fineness


530 | P a g e
2611. US EAS 848:2016, Water-thinned STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
priming paints for wood —
2614. US EAS 851:2016, Matt emulsion
paint for interior and exterior use —
THIS STANDARD WAS ADOPTED ON 2016-12- Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, sampling and test methods for matt emulsion paint
sampling and test methods for water-thinned priming for interior and exterior use.
paints intended for application by brush, roller spray
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
or any other suitable method to the exterior and
interior of soft wood joinery.

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

2615. US EAS 852: 2016, Air-dried
roofing paint — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

2612. US EAS 849:2016, Silk (sheen)
sampling and test methods for solvent-borne air dried
emulsion paint for interior use —
roofing paint for use on galvanized iron sheet, zinc
and zinc alloy coated steel.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
sampling and test methods for silk (sheen) emulsion
paint for interior use.

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

2616. US EAS 853-1:2016, Auto-
refinishing paint — Specification —
Part 1: Synthetic resin based
2613. US EAS 850:2016, Matt solvent-
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
borne paint for interior and exterior
sampling and test methods for auto-refinishing paint,
use — Specification
synthetic resin based.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
sampling and test methods for matt solvent-borne
paint for interior and exterior use, intended for
application by brush, spray or roller and any other
suitable method. 2617. US EAS 853-2:2016, Auto-
refinishing paint — Specification —
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
Part 2: Nitrocellulose resin based

531 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
sampling and test methods for auto-refinishing paint,
nitrocellulose resin based. 2621. US EAS 857:2016, Thinner for
acrylic resin based auto-refinishing
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13 paints — Specification

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

sampling and test methods for thinner for acrylic
2618. US EAS 854:2016, Thinner for resin based auto-refinishing paints.
nitrocellulose resin-based paints and
lacquers — Specification This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

sampling and test methods for thinners for nitro-
cellulose resin based paints and lacquers. 2622. US ISO 857-1: 1998, Welding and
allied processes — Vocabulary — Part
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13 1: Metal welding processes

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard defines metal welding
processes and relating terms
2619. US EAS 855:2016, Thinner for
synthetic resin-based auto-refinishing This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
paints — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
2623. US EAS 983:2017, Carbon paper
sampling and test methods for thinners for synthetic
resin-based auto-refinishing paints. — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
sampling and test methods for carbon paper. It covers
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 carbon papers for typewriting and carbon papers for
handwriting with their respective grades.
2620. US EAS 856: 2016, 2-Pack acrylic
resin based auto-refinishing paint — This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for thinners for 2-Pack 2624. US EAS 858:2017, Base paper for
carbon paper — Specification
acrylic resin based auto-refinishing paint.

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

532 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, 2628. US EAS 862:2017, Facial tissue
sampling and methods of test for base paper for paper — Specification
carbon paper with their respective grades.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26 sampling and test methods for facial tissue paper in
sheet form for facial hygiene.
This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26
2625. US EAS 859:2017, Paper bags —
Specification STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test 2629. US EAS 863:2017, Paper and
methods for gusseted paper bags that have board — Cut-size for general purpose
rectangular bottoms and are intended primarily for — Specification
packaging and/or carrying items.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26 sampling and test methods for cut-size paper and
board for general use.
This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26
2626. US EAS 860 2015, Base paper for
waxed bread wrap — Specification STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, 2630. US EAS 864:2017, Photocopy

sampling and test methods for base paper for waxed paper — Specification
bread wrap.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26 methods of sampling and test for photocopy paper.

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000 This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26

2627. US EAS 861:2017; Paper STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

serviettes (napkins) — Specification
2631. US EAS 865:2017, Corrugated
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, fibre board boxes for general packaging
sampling and test methods for virgin, blended or —Specification
recycled pulp paper serviettes (napkins) in sheet form
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
used for hygienic purposes.
sampling and test methods for corrugated fibreboard
This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26 boxes for general packaging. This standard does not


533 | P a g e
include special treatment measures of the boxes in 2635. US EAS 869:2017, Wrapping
case of expected contamination of the contents. paper — Specification

This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for wrapping paper.
This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26
2632. US EAS 866:2017, Paper sacks
for packaging of cement — STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000
2636. US 874:2009, Methods of test for
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, safety evaluation of cosmetics
sampling and test methods for valve sewn-gusseted
This Uganda standard covers methods of test for
and valve-pasted ends paper sacks for packaging of
safety evaluation of cosmetics.

This standard was published on 2009-12-18

This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26



2637. US 875: 2019, Lipstick —

2633. US EAS 867:2017, Waxed paper
Specification (2 Edition)
for bread wrap — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

This Uganda standard specifies requirements
sampling and test methods for lipstick. (The standard
sampling and test methods for waxed paper for bread
cancels and replaces US 875:2009, Lipstick —
Specification, which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26
This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26
2634. US EAS 868:2017, Natural and
2638. US EAS 877: 2017, Bathing bars
extensible sack Kraft paper —
— Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for bathing bars. This
sampling and test methods for natural and extensible
standard applies to bathing bars supplied in the form
sack Kraft paper.
of bars/cakes and produced from vegetable or animal
This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26 oils or fats, fatty acids, or from a blend of all or part
of these materials, with or without the addition of

534 | P a g e
rosins or non-soapy surfactants. (This standard This standard was adopted on 2011-11-12
cancels and replaces US 637: 2006, Bathing bars –
Specification, which has been technically revised). STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000

2641. US 883-2:2011, Single-use

This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26
medical examination gloves — Part 2:
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 Specification for gloves made from poly
(vinyl chloride)
2639. US EAS 878: 2017, Antibacterial
bathing bars — Specification This part of the Uganda Standard, US 883, specifies
requirements and test methods for packaged sterile,
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
or bulked non-sterile, poly(vinyl chloride) gloves
sampling and test methods for solid antibacterial
intended for use in medical examinations, and
bathing bars. This standard applies to antibacterial
diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, to protect the
bathing bars supplied in the form of bars/cakes and
patient and the user from cross-contamination. It also
produced from vegetable or animal oils or fats, fatty
covers poly (vinyl chloride) gloves intended for use
acids, or from a blend of all or part of these materials,
in handling contaminated medical materials.
with or without the addition of rosins or non-soapy
surfactants. (This standard cancels and replaces US This standard was adopted on 2011-11-12
637: 2006, Bathing bars – Specification, which has
been technically revised).

2642. US EAS 902:2018, Bulk

This standard was adopted on 2019-03-26
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) road
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 tankers — Assembling —
2640. US 883-1:2011, Single-use
medical examination gloves — Part 1: This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
Specification for gloves made from vehicle, equipment, accessories and assembling
rubber latex or rubber solution thereof used to form a bulk LPG road tanker for safe
transportation, filling, and discharge operations.
This Uganda Standard, US 883-1 specifies
requirements and methods of test for packaged This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
sterile, or bulked non-sterile, rubber gloves intended
for use in medical examinations and diagnostic or
therapeutic procedures to protect the patient and the
2643. US EAS 903:2018, Road tankers
user from cross-contamination. It also covers rubber
— Welded steel tanks for Liquefied
gloves intended for use in handling contaminated
Petroleum Gas (LPG) — Design and
medical materials and gloves with smooth surfaces or
with textured surfaces over all or part of the glove.

535 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies minimum blankets made from wool and wool/polyamide, which
requirements for materials, design, construction and has been technically revised).
workmanship procedures, and tests for welded LPG
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
road tanker and their welded attachments
manufactured from carbon, carbon/manganese and
micro alloy steels. This standard does not cover tanks
for ISO type containers. 2646. US 916:2011, Specification for
denatured fuel ethanol as used for
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
blending with gasoline


This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements
and the methods of sampling and test for anhydrous
2644. US 914-1:2019, Bed blankets —
denatured fuel ethanol intended to be blended with
Part 1: Blankets made from suitable
unleaded motor gasoline of premium grade for use as
flame resistant fabrics — Specification
a spark-ignition automotive engine fuel.
(2nd Edition)

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for flame resistant
blankets composed of suitable flame resistant fabrics
(This standard cancels and replaces the first edition 2647. US 918:2011, Textiles — Fabrics
US 914-1:2011, Bed blankets — Part 1 — for household curtains and drapery —
Specification for blankets made from suitable flame Specification
resistant fabrics, which has been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard specifies performance
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 requirements of fabrics for curtains and drapery. It
covers all knit, lace, stitch-bonded, foam back and
woven fabrics to be used in the manufacture of
curtains and drapery. It is applicable to all fabrics
2645. US 914-2:2019, Bed blankets —
except those made of glass. Except where otherwise
Part 2: Blankets made from wool and
indicated, these requirements also apply to fabrics for
wool/polyamide — Specification (2nd
window blinds.

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for woven wool and
woven wool/polyamide blankets intended for
institutional and household use. (This standard 2648. US EAS 924-1:2018, Handling,
cancels and replaces the first edition, US 914- storage, and distribution of Liquefied
2:2011, Bed blankets — Part 2 — Specification for Petroleum Gas (LPG) in domestic,

536 | P a g e
commercial, and industrial installations This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
— Code of practice — Part 1: Storage
and filling sites for refillable LPG
containers of capacity not exceeding
2650. US EAS 925:2018, Inspection and
150 L
testing of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
(LPG) road tankers
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for the
location, installation and operation of storage and
This Uganda Standard specifies minimum
filing sites for refillable Liquefied Petroleum Gas
requirements for the inspection and testing of the
(LPG) containers of capacity not exceeding 150 L. It
LPG road tanker which includes its tank, tank
identifies safe methods of filling and storing refillable
accessories and vehicle LPG equipment.
containers and makes recommendations towards safe
working procedures that cover all aspects of the This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
storage and filling of refillable containers.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
2651. US 925:2012, Chemicals used for
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 treatment of water intended for human
consumption — Sodium
2649. US EAS 924-2:2018, Handling,
hypochlorite — Specification
storage, and distribution of Liquefied
Petroleum Gas (LPG) in domestic, This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
commercial, and industrial installations methods of sampling and test for sodium
— Code of practice — Part 2: LPG hypochlorite solution used for disinfection of water
installations involving gas storage intended for human consumption.
vessels of individual water capacity
exceeding 150 L and combined water This standard was published on 2012-12-18

capacity not exceeding 9 000 L per


2652. US 926:2012, Chemicals used for

This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for the layout,
treatment of water intended for human
design and installation of butane, propane and LPG
consumption — Polyamides —
equipment and of storage vessels of combined water
capacity not exceeding 9 000 L. These guidelines
cover storage vessels of individual water capacity This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
exceeding 150 L and associated vapourizers, pipe methods of sampling and test for polyamines used for
work and fittings up to the outlet of the first pressure water treatment intended for human consumption.
reduction stage in the line.
This standard was published on 2012-12-18

537 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 The Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
methods of sampling and test for hot applied
2653. US EAS 926:2019, Varnishes for thermoplastic road marking paint and constituents
interior surfaces — Specification
that are melted and applied by spray, screed or
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
methods of sampling and test for varnishes used on
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01
interior surfaces such as wood, concrete, stones,
metals etc. This standard covers two types of STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000
varnishes namely type I and type II.
2656. US EAS 928-2:2019, Hot applied
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01 thermoplastic road marking paint —
Specification — Part 2: Road

2654. US. EAS 927:2019, Road

This Uganda Standard specifies the performance
marking paints — Specification
requirements for thermoplastic material which have
been melted and applied on road surfaces by spray,
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
screed or extruded.
methods of sampling and test for solvent-borne and
water-borne paints for marking on bituminous or
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01
concrete surfaces. It makes provision for white,
yellow, and black colours. (This standard cancels STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
and replaces US 745-1:2007, Road and runway
marking paints — Specification — Part 1: Single 2657. US EAS 929:2019, Solvent-based
paint remover — Specification
pack solvent borne and water-borne paints and: US
745-2:2007, Road and runway marking paints —
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
Specification — Part 2: Single pack water borne
methods of sampling and test for solvent-based paint
paints, which have been withdrawn).
removers. The paint removers are intended for
general use on painted, varnished or lacquered on
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01
metal and other appropriate surfaces.
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01
2655. US EAS 928-1:2019, Hot applied
thermoplastic road marking paint —
Specification — Part 1: Constituent
2658. US 933:2011, Gasohol —
material and mixtures
Specification for E5 and E10

538 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard prescribes the requirements used in transportation. This standard does not cover
and methods of sampling and test for blends of the installation of pressurized storage tanks such as
gasoline with anhydrous ethyl alcohol (denatured fuel liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage vessels. (This
ethanol) for use as a fuel in the automobile spark standard cancels and replaces the US 947-1:2011,
ignition internal combustion engines of vehicles. Handling of petroleum products and their derivatives
— Part 1: Siting, design and construction of service
This standard was published on 2011-12-20 station which has been technically revised).


This standard was published on 2019-3-26

2659. US 946:2011, Specification for

biodiesel fuel as used for blending with
automotive gas oil 2661. US 947-2:2019, Petroleum
Industry — Above ground storage
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
tanks of petroleum products — Part 2:
methods of sampling and testing for 100 % biodiesel
Siting, design and construction of large
as marketed and delivered to be used as a blend
consumer installations and handling of
component for automotive fuel for diesel engines.
petroleum products and their
This standard applies to the blend of biodiesel and
automotive gas oil to be used for automotive diesel
engines, as in heavy commercial vehicles, diesel This Uganda Standard covers the layout and design
engine vehicles and tractors. It does not cover diesel of petroleum bulk depots, and the installation of
fuel used in industrial burners or stationary diesel equipment of the types normally used for the
engine. handling, storage and distribution of petroleum
products and their derivatives, other than equipment
This standard was published on 2011-12-20 that is used for storage and dispensing on consumer
premises (including service stations) and for which
relevant standards exist.
2660. US 947-1:2019, Handling of
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
petroleum products and their
derivatives — Part 1: Siting, design and
construction of service stations (2nd
Edition) 2662. US 948-1:2019, Textiles —
Sewing threads — Part 1: Sewing
This Standard covers the siting, design and
threads made wholly or partly from
construction of service stations, installation and
synthetic fibres — Specification (2nd
operation of equipment in service stations for
handling, storage and dispensing of petroleum
products and their derivatives, other than equipment

539 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test indoor furniture. The requirements apply to both the
methods for sewing threads made wholly or partly warp and weft directions for those factors where each
from synthetic fibres. This standard applies to sewing fabric direction is pertinent. It is not applicable to
threads made from the following fibres and fabrics used in contract, porch, deck and lawn
combinations thereof: furniture; nor for knitted fabrics, bounded or
laminated fabrics, or surface coated fabrics (such as
continuous filament polyester;
vinyl and urethanes).

staple fibre polyester;

This standard was published on 2011-12-20

air-jet (loop) textured polyester;


false twist (crimp) textured polyester;

2664. US 949-2:2011, Textiles —
Upholstery fabrics — Part 2: Knitted
continuous filament nylon;
upholstery fabric — Specification
polyester and cotton core spun (continuous filament
This Uganda standard prescribes the performance
polyester core, cotton sheath);
requirements for knitted upholstery fabrics as used in
polyester and polyester core spun (continuous the manufacture of indoor furniture. The
filament polyester core, polyester sheath); and requirements apply to both the wale and course
directions for those factors where each fabric
polyester and cotton component plied. direction is pertinent. It is not applicable to fabrics
used in contract, porch, deck and lawn furniture; nor
(This standard cancels and replaces the first edition,
for woven fabrics, bounded or laminated fabrics, or
US 948-1:2011, Textiles — Sewing thread made
surface coated fabrics (such as vinyl and urethanes.
wholly or partly from synthetic fibres —
Specification, which has been technically revised). This standard was published on 2011-12-20

This standard was published on 2019-3-26 STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 2665. US 950:2019, Disposable baby

diapers — Specification (2nd Edition)
2663. US 949-1:2011, Textiles —
Upholstery fabrics — Part 1: Plain, This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
tufted, or flocked woven upholstery test methods for disposable baby diapers. (This
fabrics — Specification standard cancels and replaces US 950:2011,
Disposable baby diapers — Specification, which has
This Uganda Standard prescribes the performance
been technically revised).
requirements for plain, tufted or flocked woven
upholstery fabrics as used in the manufacture of This standard was published on 2019-3-26

540 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 This Uganda Standard specifies performance
requirements for surgical drapes, gowns and clean air
2666. US 966-1:2011, Medical devices suits.
— Surgical gowns, drapes and clean air
suits, — Part 1: General requirements This standard was published on 2011-12-20

This Uganda Standard specifies information to be STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000

supplied to users and third party verifiers, in addition
to the usual labelling of medical devices (ISO 2669. US 971:2019, Liquefied
Petroleum Gases (LPG) —
15223), concerning manufacturing and processing
requirements. This standard gives general guidance
on the characteristics of single-use and reusable
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
surgical gowns, surgical drapes and clean air suits
sampling and test methods for those products
used as medical devices for patients, clinical staff and
commonly referred to as liquefied petroleum gases,
equipment. This standard does not include
consisting of commercial propane, commercial
requirements for incision drapes.
butane, and commercial propane butane mixture. This
standard is applicable to products intended for use as
This standard was published on 2011-12-20
domestic, commercial and industrial heating (This
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000 standard cancels and replaces US 971-4: 2014,
Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) — Part 4:
2667. US 966-2:2011, Medical devices
Specification which has been technically revised).
— Surgical gowns, drapes and clean air
suits, — Part 2: Test methods This standard was published on 2019-12-10

This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
evaluating characteristics of surgical gowns, drapes
and clean air suits. 2670. US ISO 979: 1974, Sodium
hydroxide for industrial use — Method
This standard was published on 2011-12-20 of assay

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 This Uganda Standard specifies a method of assay of
sodium hydroxide for industrial use.
2668. US 966-3:2011, Medical devices
— Surgical gowns, drapes and clean air This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
suits, — Part 3: Performance
requirements and performance levels

2671. US ISO 981: 1973, Sodium

hydroxide for industrial use —

541 | P a g e
Determination of chloride content — This Uganda Standard provides uniform symbols for
Mercurimetric method terms referring to fillers and reinforcing materials. It
includes only those symbols that have come into
This Uganda Standard specifies a mercurimetric
established use and its main aim is both to prevent the
method for the determination of the chloride content
occurrence of more than one symbol for given filler
of sodium hydroxide for industrial use.
or reinforcing material and to prevent a given symbol
being interpreted in more than one way. (This second
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
edition cancels and replaces the first edition US ISO
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 10,000 1043-2:2000, Plastics — Symbols and abbreviated
terms —Part 2: Fillers and reinforcing materials
2672. US ISO 1043-1:2011, Plastics — which has been technically revised).
Symbols and abbreviated terms — Part
1: Basic polymers and their special This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
characteristics (2nd Edition) STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000

This Uganda Standard provides abbreviated terms for

2674. US ISO 1043-3:2016, Plastics —
the basic polymers used in plastics, symbols for Symbols and abbreviated terms — Part
components of these terms, and symbols for special 3: Plasticizers (2nd Edition)
characteristics of plastics. It includes only those
abbreviated terms that have come into established use This Uganda Standard provides uniform symbols for
and its aim is both to prevent the occurrence of more components of terms relating to plasticizers to form
than one abbreviated term for a given plastic and to abbreviated terms. It includes, in general, only those
prevent a given abbreviated term being interpreted in abbreviated terms that have come into established
more than one way. (This second edition cancels and use. The purpose of this part of US ISO 1043 is to
replaces the first edition US ISO 1043-1:2001, prevent the occurrence of more than one abbreviated
Plastics — Symbols and abbreviated terms — Part 1: term for a given plasticizer. The Symbols are
Basic polymers and their special characteristics, primarily intended to be convenient shorthand for
which has been technically revised). forming abbreviated terms for chemical names in
publications and other written matter. (This second
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 edition cancels and replaces the first edition US ISO
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 1043-3:1996, Plastics — Symbols and abbreviated
terms — Part 3: Plasticizers, which has been
2673. US ISO 1043-2:2011, Plastics — technically revised).
Symbols and abbreviated terms —Part
2: Fillers and reinforcing materials (2nd This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

542 | P a g e
2675. US ISO 1043-4:1998, Plastics — This Uganda Standard specifies a simple method for
Symbols and abbreviated terms —Part assessing the behaviour of a bar of rigid cellular
4: Flame retardants plastic under the action of three-point bending. It may
be used to determine either the load for a specified
This part of US ISO 1043 provides uniform symbols
deformation or the load at break.
for flame retardants added to plastics materials. The
symbols are written with the abbreviated term “FR” This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
and one or more succeeding code numbers as given
in clause 5. They are used in addition to the symbols
for the plastics materials, for plastics material
2678. US ISO 1209-2:2007, Rigid
designation and for identification and marking of
cellular plastics — Determination of
plastics products.
flexural properties — Part 2:
Determination of flexural strength and
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08
apparent flexural modulus of elasticity
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
2676. US ISO 1067:1974, Analysis of determining the flexural strength and the apparent
soaps — Determination of flexural modulus of elasticity of rigid cellular
unsaponifiable, unsaponified and plastics.
unsaponified saponifiable matter
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the contents of unsaponifiable, STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

unsaponified and unsaponified saponifiable matter in

2679. US 1511:2014, Oxygen for
commercial soaps, excluding compound products.
medical use — Specification
(This standard cancels and replaces US 74:1999/ISO
1067, Analysis of soaps — Determination of This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
unsaponifiable, unsaponified and unsaponified methods of sampling and test requirements for
saponifiable matter which is being re-issued). oxygen for medical use only.

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28 This standard was published on 2014-07-31


2677. US ISO 1209-1:2007, Rigid 2680. US 1512:2014, Adhesives —

cellular plastics — Determination of Ethyl & methyl cyanocrylate types 1,2
flexural properties — Part 1: Basic and 3 — Specification
bending test

543 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
methods of test for two grades of one component
Grade M - methyl 2-cyanoacrylate and Grade E - STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate (commonly sold under trade

2683. US ISO 1519:2011, Paints and
name such as "Super Glue").
varnishes — Bend test (cylindrical
mandrel) (2nd edition)
This standard was published on 2014-07-31

This Uganda Standard is one of six which specify

empirical test procedures for assessing the resistance
2681. US ISO 1513:2010, Paints and of coatings of paints, varnishes and related products
varnishes — Examination and to cracking and/or detachment from the substrate
preparation of test samples under different conditions of deformation. (This
Uganda standard cancels and replaces US ISO
This Uganda Standard specifies both the procedure
1519:2002, Paints and varnishes — Bend test
for preliminary examination of a single sample, as
(cylindrical mandrel), which has been technically
received for testing, and the procedure for preparing a
test sample by blending and reduction of a series of
samples representative of a consignment or bulk of This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
paint, varnish or related product. (This standard
cancels and replaces US 84:1999/ ISO 1513 Paints
and Varnishes –Examination and preparation of
2684. US ISO 1524:2013, Paints and
samples for testing, which has been renumbered).
varnishes — Determination of fineness
of grind
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for

determining the fineness of grind of paints, inks and
2682. US ISO 1514:2016, Paints and related products by use of a suitable gauge, graduated
varnishes — Standard panels for in micrometres. It is applicable to all types of liquid
testing (2nd edition) paints and related products, except products
containing pigments in flake form (e.g. glass flakes,
This Uganda Standard specifies several types of
micaceous iron oxides, zinc flakes). (This standard
standard panels and describes procedures for their
cancels and replaces US 82:1999/ISO 1524, Paints
preparation prior to painting. These standard panels
and varnishes — Determination of fineness of grind
are for use in general methods of test for paints,
which has been technically revised).
varnishes and related products. (This Uganda
standard cancels and replaces US ISO 1514:2004, This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
Paints and varnishes — Standard panels for testing,
which has been technically revised).

544 | P a g e
2685. US 1532:2013, Hair extensions — This Uganda Standard establishes performance
Specification/ Amendment 1 , 2014-04- requirements, test methods and marking requirements
14/ Amend. 2 2017-09-15 to promote safe use of soft infant and toddler carriers.

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and This standard was published on 2014-07-31
methods of test for hair extensions for use on

2689. US 1571:2014, Standard test

This standard was published on 2013-06-25
method of field testing topical
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 applications of compounds as repellents
for medically important and pest
2686. US 1564:2014, Standard
arthropods (including insects, ticks, and
performance specification for men’s,
mites): I Mosquitoes
women’s, and children’s woven
handkerchief fabrics This Uganda Standard is used to evaluate the
repellency of promising compounds that have
This Uganda Standard covers woven fabrics to be
undergone primary laboratory studies and have been
used in the manufacture of men’s, women’s, and
approved for skin application for secondary testing.
children’s handkerchiefs, both utilitarian and
This test method is designed for the study of
mosquito repellents, but with some modifications this
test method can be used to determine the repellency
This standard was published on 2014-07-31
of candidate compounds for other flying insects that
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 attack humans.

2687. US 1565:2014, Standard This standard was published on 2014-07-31

specification for water emulsion floor

2690. US 1572:2014, Standard

This Uganda Standard covers floor polish intended
specification for epoxy (flexible)
for use on all non-wood floors and on sealed-wood
adhesive for bonding metallic and non-
metallic materials
This standard was published on 2014-07-31
This Uganda Standard covers a two-part modified
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 epoxy paste adhesive for bonding metallic and
nonmetallic materials. The adhesive should be
2688. US 1570:2014, Standard suitable for forming bonds that can withstand
consumer safety specification for soft environmental exposure to temperatures from –184 to
infant and toddler carriers 82 °C (–300 to 180 °F) when exposed to an expected

545 | P a g e
combination of stress, temperature, and relative This standard was published on 2017-06-20
humidity to be encountered in service.
This standard was published on 2014-07-31
2694. US 1578-2:2017, Pillows for
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 domestic use — Specification — Part 2:
Plumage filled
2691. US 1574:2014, Standard
performance specification for towel This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
products for institutional and sampling and test methods of plumage filled pillows
household use for domestic use.

This Uganda Standard covers the evaluation of This standard was published on 2017-06-20
specific performance characteristics of importance in
woven and knitted kitchen towel, dishcloth, crash STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

towel, huck towel, washcloth, hand towel, bath towel,

2695. US 1583:2019, Fishing gill nets —
and bath sheet products for use in institutional and
household environments.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
This standard was published on 2014-07-31
methods of test for fishing gill nets.


This standard was published on 2019-3-26

2692. US 1575:2014, Spring mattresses

— Specification
2696. US 1608:2015, Men's, women's
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
and children’s leather belts —
methods for spring mattresses intended for
institutional and domestic use.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
This standard was published on 2014-07-31
materials, basic design, size and construction of lined,
unlined and reversible men's, women's and children’s
leather belts.
2693. US 1578-1:2017, Pillows for
This standard was published on 2015-12-15
domestic use — Specification — Part 1:
Synthetic-fibre filled

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

2697. US 1625:2015, Acid based instant
sampling and test methods for synthetic-fibre filled
hand sanitizers— Specification/ Amend.
pillows for domestic use.
1 2015-12-14/Replaces “Acid-based”

546 | P a g e
with “Anti bacterial and Anti viral” in 639:2006 Specification for the production of men’s
the title heavy boots, service type made according to the
Good Year Welted principle; which are being
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
reissued as a single standard).
sampling and test methods for acid based instant
sanitizers. This standard was published on 2017-06-20

This standard was published on 2015-06-30 STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 45,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 45,000 2700. US 1654-2:2017, Footwear —

Specification for men’s shoes — Part 2:
2698. US 1650:2016, Standard Test
Open shoes/Correction 1_2019
Methods for Determination of Organic
Chloride Content in Crude Oil This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for men’s open shoes
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
made from all types of materials and of all
organic chloride (above 1 μg/g organically-bound
constructions and designs.
chlorine) in crude oils, using either distillation and
sodium biphenyl reduction or distillation and This standard was published on 2017-06-20
This standard was published on 2016-12-13
2701. US 1655-1:2017, Footwear —
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 Specification for ladies’ shoes — Part 1:
Closed shoes/Correction 1_2019
2699. US 1654-1:2017, Footwear —
Specification for men’s shoes — Part 1: This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
Closed shoes/Correction 1_2019 sampling and test methods for ladies’ closed shoes
made from all types of materials and of all
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
constructions and designs. (This Uganda Standard
sampling and test methods for men’s closed shoes
cancels and replaces US 654:2006, Ladies shoes, flat
made from all types of materials and of all
lasted with stuck on outer soles – Specification,
constructions and designs. (This Uganda Standard
which is being reissued).
cancels and replaces US 582-1:2007, Men's shoes
with stuck-on outer soles — Part 1: Flat lasted This standard was published on 2017-06-20
construction — Specification; US 582-2:2007, Men's
shoes with stuck-on outer soles — Part 2: California
type construction — Specification; US 582-3:2007,
2702. US 1655-2:2017, Footwear —
Men's shoes with stuck-on outer soles — Part 3:
Specification for ladies’ shoes — Part 2:
Moccasin type construction — Specification; US
Open shoes/Correction 1_2019

547 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, 2705. US 1662:2017, Waste
sampling and test methods for ladies’ open shoes management — Requirements
made from all types of materials and of all
This Uganda standard specifies requirements for the
constructions and designs.
management of hazardous waste and non- hazardous
This standard was published on 2017-06-20 waste. This standard covers amongst other things,
collection, storage, transportation, treatment and
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 45,000 disposal of waste. It also includes provisions for
monitoring and regulation of waste. The standard
2703. US 1656-1:2017, Footwear —
applies to a range of industry sectors whose activities
Specification for children’s shoes —
generate, store, or handle any quantity of waste.
Part 1: 2 years and below/Correction
This standard was published on 2017-12-12

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

sampling and test methods for children’s shoes of
children aged 2 years and below. (This Uganda 2706. US 1674:2017, Surface polish —
Standard cancels and replaces US 651:2006, Young Specification
people’s shoes, stuck on and stitch down construction
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
– Specification, which is being reissued).
sampling and test methods for wax-based polishes in
This standard was published on 2017-06-20 the form of paste and liquid intended for use on
surfaces like plastics, leather, rubber, finished
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 45,000 furniture and car interiors.

2704. US 1656-2:2017, Footwear —

This standard was published on 2017-12-12
Specification for children’s shoes —
Part 2: Between 2 and 6 STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
years/Correction 1_2019
2707. US 1685:2017, Standard
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, Specification for Denatured Ethanol for
sampling and test methods for children’s shoes of use as Cooking and Appliance Fuel
children age between 2 to 6 years. (This Uganda
This Uganda Standard covers denatured ethanol
Standard cancels and replaces US 651:2006, Young
intended to be used as a cooking or appliance fuel, or
people’s shoes, stuck on and stitch down construction
– Specification, which is being reissued).

This standard was published on 2017-06-20

This standard was published on 2017-06-20



548 | P a g e
2708. US 1686:2017, Standard Test This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
Method for API Gravity of Crude materials, cut, make and trim of trousers and shorts.
Petroleum and Petroleum Products
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
(Hydrometer Method)


This Uganda Standard covers the determination by
means of a glass hydrometer in conjunction with a
2712. US 1687-4:2019, School clothing
series of calculations of the API gravity of crude
— Part 4: Shirts
petroleum and petroleum products normally handled
as liquids and having a Reid vapor pressure (Test This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
Method D323) of 101.325 kPa (14.696 psi) or less. materials, cut, make and trim of shirts for boys and
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
2709. US 1687-1:2019, School clothing
— Part 1: General requirements 2713. US 1687-5:2019, School clothing
— Part 5: Dresses, tunics and gyms
This Uganda Standard specifies the general
requirements for the materials, workmanship, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
packing, sampling, care-labelling, marking and materials, cut, make and trim of girls' dresses, tunics
inspection of school clothing. and gyms.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26 This standard was published on 2019-3-26


2710. US 1687-2:2019, School clothing 2714. US 1687-6:2019, School clothing

— Part 2: Blazers — Part 6: Girls’ slacks and skirts

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
materials, the sizes and make of school blazers for materials, cut, make and trim of girls' slacks and
boys and girls. skirts.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26 This standard was published on 2019-3-26


2711. US 1687-3:2019, School clothing

— Part 3: Trousers and shorts

549 | P a g e
2715. US 1687-7:2019, School clothing STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
— Part 7: Knee high stockings and
2719. US 1687-11:2019, School clothing
ankle socks
— Part 11: Athletic wear
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for two
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
types of knee-high stockings and two types of ankle
the materials, size and make of athletic wear made
socks for school wear.
from woven or knitted fabrics (or both).
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
2716. US 1687-8:2019, School clothing
2720. US 1688:2017, Footwear —
— Part 8: Jerseys and cardigans
Sports shoes — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
This Uganda Standard specifies the performance,
materials, size, and make of school jerseys and
requirements, sampling and test methods of sports
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
2717. US 1687-9:2019, School clothing
2721. US 1689:2017, Standard Test
— Part 9: Briefs
Method for the Distillation of Volatile
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the Organic Liquids
materials and the sizes and make of school briefs for
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
the distillation range of liquids boiling between 30
This standard was published on 2019-3-26 and 350°C that are chemically stable during the
distillation process by manual or automatic
distillation procedures.

2718. US 1687-10:2019, School clothing

This standard was published on 2017-06-20
— Part 10: Tracksuits
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
materials, size and make of tracksuits. 2722. US 1690:2017, Standard Test
Method for Determination of the Ash
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Content of adhesives

550 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard covers procedures used in STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
determining the ash content of adhesives. (This
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 574- 2725. US 1696:2017, Standard Test
Method for Pour Point of Crude Oils
2:2006, Wax polishes – Determination of ash content
of the non-volatile matter which has been technically
This Uganda Standard covers two procedures for the
determination of the pour point temperatures of crude
oils down to -36°C.
This standard was published on 2017-06-20

This standard was published on 2017-06-20



2723. US 1692:2017, Determination of
bactericidal efficacy of
2726. US 1697:2017, Standard Test
Method for Distillation of Crude
Petroleum (15-Theoretical Plate
This Uganda Standard prescribes a method to
determine the bactericidal efficacy of
disinfectants/sanitizers using the Kelsey Sykes test
This Uganda Standard covers the procedure for the
(modified). This method is also applicable to
distillation of stabilized crude petroleum to a final cut
temperature of 400 °C Atmospheric Equivalent
Temperature (AET).
This standard was published on 2017-06-20

This standard was published on 2017-06-20



2724. US 1693:2017,
Disinfectants/sanitizers — Specification
2727. US 1700-1:2019, School wear
fabrics — Part 1: Basic requirements
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for disinfectants/sanitizers
This Uganda Standard specifies the basic
intended for general use on inanimate surfaces
requirements for packing, labelling, marking,
including food contact and non-food contact surfaces.
sampling, inspection and testing of fabrics that are
This standard is applicable to disinfectants/sanitizers
suitable for use in the manufacture of school clothing.
represented for use on non-critical medical devices,
environmental surfaces and other inanimate objects. This standard was published on 2019-3-26
This standard does not apply to
disinfectants/sanitizers containing iodophor(s) and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 10,000

aldehydes as active ingredients.

2728. US 1700-2:2019, School wear

This standard was published on 2017-06-20 fabrics — Part 2: Blazer fabrics

551 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for six This standard was published on 2019-3-26
types of plain dyed fabric and one type of striped
fabric suitable for use in the manufacture of school STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

wear blazers.
2732. US 1700-6:2019, School wear
fabrics — Part 6: Shirting and blouse
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
2729. US 1700-3:2019, School wear fabrics suitable for use in the manufacture of school
fabrics — Part 3: Polyester and wool wear shirts and blouses.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
polyester-and-wool fabrics suitable for use in the STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

manufacture of school clothing.

2733. US 1700-7:2019, School wear
fabrics — Part 7: Fabrics containing
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
textured yarns
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
2730. US 1700-4:2019, School wear fabrics, of two weave structures, containing textured
fabrics — Part 4: Polyester and viscose yarns and suitable for use in the manufacture of
fabrics school clothing.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for This standard was published on 2019-3-26
polyester-and-viscose fabrics, of three weave
structures, suitable for use in the manufacture of
school clothing.
2734. US 1700-8:2019, School wear
fabrics —
This standard was published on 2019-3-26

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for one

type of warp-knitted fabric suitable for use in the
2731. US 1700-5:2019, School wear manufacture of school clothing.
fabrics — Part 5: Polyester and cotton
This standard was published on 2019-3-26


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
polyester-and-cotton fabrics, of two weave structures,
2735. US 1701:2017, Hairspray —
suitable for use in the manufacture of school clothing.

552 | P a g e
The Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, This Uganda Standard covers the use of automated
sampling and test methods for hair spray. This vapor pressure instruments to determine the vapor
standard is applicable to both water based and oil pressure exerted in vacuum of crude oils.
based hair sprays delivered by the aerosol or non-
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
aerosol system.


This standard was published on 2017-12-12

2739. US 1713:2017, Standard Test

Method for Flexibility and Adhesion of
2736. US 1709:2017, finish on Leather
Disinfectants/sanitizers based on
This Uganda Standard is intended for use on finished
iodophors — Specification
leather to evaluate resistance to cracking,
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, delamination, and discoloration of the finish when
sampling and test methods for disinfectants/sanitizers subjected to repeated flexing. This test method does
that contain iodophor(s) as active ingredient(s) and not apply to wet blue. The values stated in SI units
intended for use on inanimate surfaces. are to be regarded as standard. No other units of
measurement are included in this standard.
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
2737. US 1710:2017,
Disinfectants/sanitizers based on 2740. US 1714:2017, Standard Test
glutaraldehyde for general use — Method for Calculation of (Non
Specification mineral) Combined Tanning Agents
and Degree of tannage
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for two types of This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
disinfectants/sanitizers based on glutaraldehyde and the combined tannin and non-extractable organic
intended for general use on inanimate surfaces. resins and the degree of tannage of all types of
vegetable-tanned leather and leather with organic
This standard was published on 2017-06-20 retannages. This practice does not apply to wet blue.


This standard was published on 2017-06-20

2738. US 1711:2017, Standard Test

Method for Determination of Vapor
Pressure of Crude Oil: VPCRx 2741. US 1715:2017, Standard Test
(Expansion Method) Method for Determination of

553 | P a g e
Asphaltenes (Heptane Insolubles) in 2744. US 1725:2017, Standard Guide
Crude Petroleum and Petroleum for Use of the Petroleum Measurement
Products Tables

This Uganda Standard covers a procedure for the This Uganda Standard provides the algorithm and
determination of the heptane insoluble asphaltene implementation procedure for the correction of
content of gas oil, diesel fuel, residual fuel oils, temperature and pressure effects on density and
lubricating oil, bitumen, and crude petroleum that has volume of liquid hydrocarbons. Natural gas liquids
been topped to an oil temperature of 260 °C. (NGLs) and liquefied petroleum gases (LPGs) are
excluded from consideration.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
2742. US 1716:2017, Standard Test
Method for Determination of Light 2745. US 1726:2017, Standard Test
Hydrocarbons in Stabilized Crude Oils Method for Density, Relative Density,
by Gas Chromatography or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and
Liquid Petroleum Products by
This Uganda Standard specifies a method to
Hydrometer Method
determine the boiling range distribution of
hydrocarbons in stabilized crude oil up to and This Uganda Standard covers the laboratory
including n-nonane. determination using a glass hydrometer in
conjunction with a series of calculations, of the
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
density, relative density, or API gravity of crude
petroleum, petroleum products, or mixtures of
petroleum and nonpetroleum products normally
2743. US 1724:2017, Standard Test handled as liquids, and having a Reid vapor pressure
Method for Vapor Pressure of of 101.325 kPa (14.696 psi) or less.
Petroleum Products (Reid Method)
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
This Uganda Standard covers procedures for the
determination of vapor pressure of gasoline, volatile
crude oil, and other volatile petroleum products.
2746. US 1727:2017, Standard Test
Method for Density, Relative Density,
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
and API Gravity of Crude Petroleum
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 and Liquid Petroleum Products by
Thermohydrometer Method

554 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard covers the determination, This test method covers and is intended for use on
using a glass thermohydrometer in conjunction with a any petroleum product.
series of calculations, of the density, relative density,
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
or API gravity of crude petroleum, petroleum
products, or mixtures of petroleum and nonpetroleum
products normally handled as liquids and having a
Reid vapor pressures of 101.325 kPa (14.696 psi) or 2750. US 1731:2017, Standard Test
less. Method for Corrosiveness to Copper
from Petroleum Products by Copper
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
Strip Test


This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
the corrosiveness to copper of aviation gasoline,
2747. US 1728:2017, Standard
aviation turbine fuel, automotive gasoline, cleaners
Specification for Liquid-in-Glass
(Stoddard) solvent, kerosine, diesel fuel, distillate
fuel oil, lubricating oil, and natural gasoline or other
This Uganda Standard covers liquid-in-glass hydrocarbons having a vapor pressure no greater than
thermometers graduated in degrees Celsius or degrees 124 kPa (18 psi) at 37.8 °C.
Fahrenheit that are frequently identified and used in
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
methods under the jurisdiction of the various
technical committees within ASTM.

This standard was published on 2017-06-20

2751. US 1732:2017, Standard Practice
for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and
Petroleum Products
2748. US 1729:2017, Standard
This Uganda Standard covers procedures and
Specification for Hydrometers
equipment for manually obtaining samples of liquid
This Uganda Standard covers glass hydrometers of petroleum and petroleum products, crude oils, and
various scale graduation systems, as required by the intermediate products from the sample point into the
ASTM Test Methods in which they are used. primary container are described.

This standard was published on 2017-06-20 This standard was published on 2017-06-20


2749. US 1730:2017, Standard Test 2752. US 1733:2017, Standard Practice

Method for Pour Point of Petroleum for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum
Products and Petroleum Products

555 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard describes general procedures of Petroleum Fractions by Gas
and equipment for automatically obtaining samples of Chromatography
liquid petroleum and petroleum products, crude oils,
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
and intermediate products from the sample point into
the boiling range distribution of petroleum products.
the primary container.

This standard was published on 2017-06-20

This standard was published on 2017-06-20



2756. US 1739:2017, Standard Test

2753. US 1734:2017, Standard Test
Method for Density, Relative Density,
Method for Inspection and Verification
and API Gravity of Liquids by Digital
of Thermometers
Density Meter
This Uganda Standard covers visual and dimensional
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
inspection and test for scale accuracy to be used in
the density, relative density, and API Gravity of
the verification of liquid-in-glass thermometers as
petroleum distillates and viscous oils that can be
specified in Specifications E1 and E2251.
handled in a normal fashion as liquids at the
This standard was published on 2017-06-20 temperature of test, utilizing either manual or
automated sample injection equipment.
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
2754. US 1736:2017, Standard Test
Method for Density and Relative STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
Density (Specific Gravity) of Liquids by
2757. US 1740:2017, Standard Test
Bingham Pycnometer
Method for Detailed Analysis of
This Uganda Standard covers the measurement of the Petroleum Naphthas through n-Nonane
density of pure hydrocarbons or petroleum distillates by Capillary Gas Chromatography
boiling between 90 °C and 110 °C that can be
This Uganda Standard [detailed hydrocarbon analysis
handled in a normal fashion as a liquid at the
(DHA) test method] covers the determination of
specified test temperatures of 20 °C and 25 °C.
hydrocarbon components paraffins, naphthenes, and
This standard was published on 2017-06-20 monoaromatics (PNA) of petroleum naphthas as
enumerated in Table 1.
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
2755. US 1737:2017, Standard Test
Method for Boiling Range Distribution STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

556 | P a g e
2758. US 1741:2017, Standard Practice This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
for Determination of Precision and Bias individual hydrocarbon components of spark-ignition
Data for Use in Test Methods for engine fuels and their mixtures containing oxygenate
Petroleum Products and Lubricants blends (MTBE, ETBE, ethanol, and so forth) with
boiling ranges up to 225 °C. Other light liquid
This Uganda Standard covers the necessary
hydrocarbon mixtures typically encountered in
preparations and planning for the conduct of
petroleum refining operations, such as blending
interlaboratory programs for the development of
stocks (naphthas, reformates, alkylates, and so forth)
estimates of precision (determinability, repeatability,
may also be analyzed; however, statistical data was
and reproducibility) and of bias (absolute and
obtained only with blended spark-ignition engine
relative), and further presents the standard
phraseology for incorporating such information into
standard test methods. This standard was published on 2017-06-20

This standard was published on 2017-06-20 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 2761. US 1744:2017, Standard Test

Method for Determination of Individual
2759. US 1742:2017, Standard Test
Components in Spark Ignition Engine
Method for Determination of Individual
Fuels by 50-Metre Capillary High
Components in Spark Ignition Engine
Resolution Gas Chromatography
Fuels by 100 Metre Capillary High
Resolution Gas Chromatography This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
individual hydrocarbon components of spark-ignition
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
engine fuels with boiling ranges up to 225 °C.
individual hydrocarbon components of spark-ignition
engine fuels and their mixtures containing oxygenate This standard was published on 2017-06-20
blends (MTBE, ETBE, ethanol, and so forth) with
boiling ranges up to 225 °C.

2762. US 1745:2017, Standard Practice

This standard was published on 2017-06-20
for Obtaining LPG Samples Using a
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 Floating Piston Cylinder

2760. US 1743:2017, Standard Test This Uganda Standard covers the equipment and
Method for Determination of Individual procedures for obtaining a representative sample of
Components in Spark Ignition Engine liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), such as specified in
Fuels by 100–Metre Capillary (with ASTM Specification D1835, GPA 2140, and
Precolumn) High-Resolution Gas comparable international standards.

557 | P a g e
This standard was published on 2017-06-20 This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
the existent gum content of aviation fuels, and the
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 gum content of motor gasolines or other volatile
distillates in their finished form, (including those
2763. US 1746:2017, Standard Test
containing alcohol and ether type oxygenates and
Method for Vapor Pressure of
deposit control additives for additional information)
Petroleum Products (Mini Method)
at the time of test.
This Uganda Standard covers the use of automated
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
vapor pressure instruments to determine the total
vapor pressure exerted in vacuum by air-containing,
volatile, liquid petroleum products, including
automotive spark-ignition fuels with or without 2766. US 1749:2017, Standard Practice
oxygenates. for Aviation Fuel Sample Containers
for Tests Affected by Trace
This standard was published on 2017-06-20


This Uganda Standard covers the types of and
preparation of containers found most suitable for the
2764. US 1747:2017, Standard Practice
handling of aviation fuel samples for the
for Statistical Assessment and
determination of critical properties affected by trace
Improvement of Expected Agreement
between Two Test Methods that
Purport to Measure the Same Property
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
of a Material
This Uganda Standard covers statistical methodology
for assessing the expected agreement between two 2767. US 1750:2017, Standard Test
standard test methods that purport to measure the Method for Determination of MTBE,
same property of a material, and deciding if a simple ETBE, TAME, DIPE, tertiary-Amyl
linear bias correction can further improve the Alcohol and C1 to C4 Alcohols in
expected agreement. Gasoline by Gas Chromatography

This standard was published on 2017-06-20 This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
ethers and alcohols in gasolines by gas
chromatography. Specific compounds determined are
methyl tert-butylether (MTBE), ethyl tert-butylether
2765. US 1748:2017, Standard Test
(ETBE), tert-amylmethylether (TAME),
Method for Gum Content in Fuels by
diisopropylether (DIPE), methanol, ethanol,
Jet Evaporation
isopropanol, n-propanol, isobutanol, tert-butanol, sec

558 | P a g e
-butanol, n-butanol, and tert-pentanol (tert- 2770. US 1753:2017, Standard Test
amylalcohol). Method for Acidity in Ethanol and
Ethanol Blends by Titration
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
acidity as acetic acid (see Specification D4806) in
commonly available grades of denatured ethanol, and
2768. US 1751:2017, Standard Test
ethanol blends with gasoline ranging from E95 to
Method for Determination of Ethanol
E30. This test method is used for determining low
and Methanol Content in Fuels
levels of acidity, below 200 mg⁄kg (ppm mass), with
Containing Greater than 20% Ethanol
the exclusion of carbon dioxide.
by Gas Chromatography

This standard was published on 2017-06-20

This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
the ethanol content of hydrocarbon blends containing
greater than 20 % ethanol. This method is applicable
to denatured fuel ethanol, ethanol fuel blends, and 2771. US 1754:2017, Standard Practice
mid-level ethanol blends. for Sampling Industrial Chemicals

This standard was published on 2017-06-20 This Uganda Standard covers procedures for
sampling several classes of industrial chemicals. It
also includes recommendations for determining the
number and location of such samples, to ensure their
2769. US 1752:2017, Standard Practice
being representative of the lot in accordance with
for Mixing and Handling of Liquid
accepted probability sampling principles.
Samples of Petroleum and Petroleum
This standard was published on 2017-06-20

This Uganda Standard covers the handling, mixing,

and conditioning procedures that are required to
ensure that a representative sample of the liquid 2772. US 1755:2017, Standard Test
petroleum or petroleum product is delivered from the Method for Water in Organic Liquids
primary sample container/receiver into the analytical by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration
test apparatus or into intermediate containers.
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
This standard was published on 2017-06-20 water from 0 to 2.0 % mass in most liquid organic
chemicals, with Karl Fischer reagent, using an
automated coulometric titration procedure. Use of
this test method is not applicable for liquefied gas

559 | P a g e
products such as Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), This standard was published on 2017-12-12
Butane, Propane, Liquid Natural Gas (LNG), etc.
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
2776. US 1757:2017, Commercial
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 blasting explosives — Terms and
2773. US 1756-1:2017, Commercial
blasting explosives — Specification — The Uganda Standard defines the key technical terms
Part 1: Emulsion explosive used in the field of commercial explosives.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This standard was published on 2017-12-12
sampling and test methods for emulsion explosives.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
2777. US 1758:2017, Standard Test
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 Method for Distillation of Heavy
Hydrocarbon Mixtures (Vacuum
Potstill Method)

2774. US 1756-2:2017, Commercial

This Uganda Standard covers the procedure for
blasting explosives — Specification — distillation of heavy hydrocarbon mixtures having
Part 2: Ammonium nitrate fuel oil
initial boiling points greater than 150 °C (300 °F),
such as heavy crude oils, petroleum distillates,
residues, and synthetic mixtures. It employs a pot still
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
with a low pressure drop entrainment separator
sampling and test methods for ammonium nitrate fuel
operated under total takeoff conditions. Distillation
oil explosives.
conditions and equipment performance criteria are
This standard was published on 2017-12-12 specified and typical apparatus is illustrated.

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 This standard was published on 2017-06-20

2775. US 1756-3:2017, Commercial STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

blasting explosives — Specification —
2778. US 1776:2017, Light metal in
Part 3: Ammonium nitrate for
hazardous locations at mines —
Guidelines for use
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
The Uganda Standard provides guidelines regarding
sampling and test methods for ammonium nitrate
the use of light metals in hazardous locations at
intended primarily for use in explosives.

560 | P a g e
mines, and gives a short description of the hazards or surfaces for levelling of surface imperfections, filling
risks associated with such metals. dents, cracks and other uneven surfaces on any wall
and partitions like plaster, concrete, ceilings and
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
building boards. The standard does not apply to sand
filling and structural cracks.

This standard was published on 2017-12-12

2779. US 1779:2017, Standard test
method for wale and course count of
weft knitted fabrics
2782. US 1782:2017, Reusable sanitary
This Uganda Standard covers the measurement of
towels — Specification
wale and course counts of weft knitted fabrics. Weft
knit fabrics are made on circular or flat-bed knitting This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
machines and include single- as well as double-knit sampling and test methods for reusable sanitary
fabric categories. Typical examples of single-knits towels (including reusable panty liners) for external
include jersey and single-pique fabrics; typical use. This standard does not apply to disposable
double-knits are rib, interlock, and swiss pique sanitary towels.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
2783. US 1783:2017, Disposable adult
2780. US 1780:2017, Standard Test absorbent (incontinence) products —
Method for Water in Crude Oils by Specification
Potentiometric Karl Fischer Titration
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
This test method covers the determination of water in sampling and test methods for disposable adult
the range from 0.02 to 2 % in crude oils. absorbent products for managing incontinence
including adult diapers, adult briefs, adult under pads
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
(inserted in pants) and others.


This standard was published on 2017-12-12

2781. US 1781:2017, Wall fillers —

2784. US 1784:2017, Code of practice
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
for garment measurement
sampling and test methods for fillers in form of
powder and paste used on both interior and exterior

561 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard defines the various measuring This Uganda Standard covers a test for measuring the
points used to determine the dimensions of various cut growth in rubber vulcanizates subjected to
categories of garments. repeated bend flexing.

This standard was published on 2017-12-12 This standard was published on 2017-12-12


2785. US 1785:2017, Standard Test 2788. US 1789:2017, Standard test

Method for Water in Crude Oils by method for Quantitative analysis of
Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration textiles

This Uganda Standard covers the determination of This Uganda Standard covers procedures for the
water in the range from 0.02 to 5.00 mass or volume determination of the fiber blend composition of
% in crude oils. mixtures of the fibres. Procedures for quantitative
estimation of the amount of moisture and certain non-
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
fibrous materials in textiles are also described, for use
in the analysis of mixtures, but these are not the
primary methods for the determination of moisture
2786. US 1787:2017, Standard test content for commercial weights.
method for tear strength of
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
conventional vulcanized rubber and
thermoplastic elastomers

This Uganda Standard describes procedures for

2789. US 1797:2017, Test Method for
measuring a property of conventional vulcanized
Boiling Point Distribution of Samples
rubber and thermoplastic elastomers called tear
with Residues Such as Crude Oils and
Atmospheric and Vacuum Residues by
High Temperature Gas
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
2787. US 1788:2017, Standard test the boiling point distribution and cut point intervals
method for measuring rubber of crude oils and residues by using high temperature
deterioration — Cut growth using Ross gas chromatography.
flexing apparatus
This standard was published on 2017-12-12


562 | P a g e
2790. US 1798:2017,Standard Practice This Uganda Standard is intended as a general guide
for Gas Chromatography Terms and for the application of the volumetric Karl Fischer
Relationships (KF) titration for determining free water and water of
hydration in most solid or liquid organic and
This Uganda Standard covers primarily the terms and
inorganic compounds.
relationships used in gas elution chromatography.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
2794. US ISO 1805:2006, Fishing nets
2791. US ISO 1798:2008, Flexible
— Determination of breaking force and
cellular polymeric materials —
knot breaking force of netting yarns
Determination of tensile strength and
elongation at break This Uganda Standard specifies a method of testing
the breaking force and knot breaking force of netting
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
yarns for fishing nets.
determining the strength and deformation properties
of flexible cellular materials when a test piece is This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
extended at a constant rate until it breaks.
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
2795. US 1807:2017, Standard Test
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 Method for Sediment in Crude Oil by
Membrane Filtration
2792. US 1799:2019, Methylated spirit
— Specification This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
sediment in crude oils and fuel oils by extraction with
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
toluene. The precision applies to a range of sediment
sampling and test methods for methylated spirit as a
levels from 0.01 % to 0.40 % mass, although higher
finished product suitable for general purpose
levels may be determined.
disinfection and cleaning. This standard does not
apply to industrial methylated spirits. This standard was published on 2017-12-12

This standard was published on 2019-3-26 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000 2796. US 1808:2017, Standard Test

Method for Salts in Crude Oil
2793. US 1805:2017, Standard Test
(Electrometric Method)
Method for Water Using Volumetric
Karl Fischer Titration

563 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
the approximate chloride (salts) concentration in sampling and test methods for baby oils intended for
crude oil. The range of concentration covered is 0 to use on the babies. Products for which therapeutic
500 mg/kg or 0 to 150 lb/1000 bbl as chloride claims are made are not covered by this standard.
concentration/volume of crude oil. Such products shall be registered with the Ministry of
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
2797. US ISO 1817:2015, Rubber,
vulcanized or thermoplastic — 2800. US ISO 1833-1: 2006,Textiles —
Determination of the effect of liquids Binary fibre mixtures — Quantitative
chemical analysis
This Uganda Standard describes methods of
evaluating the resistance of vulcanized and This Uganda Standard contains methods for the
thermoplastic rubbers to the action of liquids by quantitative Chemical analysis of various binary
measurement of properties of the rubbers before and mixtures of fibres. The methods given are applicable
after immersion in test liquids. The liquids concerned in general to fibres in any textile form. (This standard
include current service liquids, such as petroleum cancels and replaces US 440:2002/ISO 1833 Textile
derivatives, organic solvents and chemical reagents, — Binary fibre mixtures -Quantitative chemical
as well as reference test liquids. analysis).

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15


2798. US 1832:2019, Glycerine for 2801. US ISO 1856:2000, Flexible

cosmetic use — Specification cellular polymeric materials —
Determination of compression set
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for glycerine for cosmetic This Uganda Standard specifies three methods for
use. determining the compression set of flexible cellular
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
2799. US 1833:2019, Baby oils —

564 | P a g e
2802. US 1863:2017, Guide for 2805. US 1872:2017, Standard Test
Generation and Dissipation of Static Methods for Determination of Nickel,
Electricity in Petroleum Fuel Systems Vanadium, and Iron in Crude Oils and
Residual Fuels by Inductively Coupled
This Uganda Standard describes how static electricity
Plasma (ICP) Atomic Emission
may be generated in petroleum fuel systems, the
types of equipment conducive to charge generation, This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
and methods for the safe dissipation of such charges. nickel, vanadium, and iron in crude oils and residual
fuels by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) atomic
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
emission spectrometry.


This standard was published on 2017-12-12

2803. US 1864:2017, Test Method for

Sediment in Crude Oils and Fuel Oils
by the Extraction Method 2806. US 1873:2017, Gas cylinders —
Seamless, welded and composite
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
cylinders for compressed and
sediment in crude oils and fuel oils by extraction with
liquefied gases (excluding acetylene) —
Inspection at time of filling

This standard was published on 2017-12-12

This Uganda Standard specifies the inspection
requirements at the time of filling, and applies to
seamless or welded transportable gas cylinders made
2804. US 1871:2017, Standard Test of steel or aluminium-alloy (Type 1), and for
Methods for Determination of Nickel, composite transportable gas cylinders (Types 2 to 5
Vanadium, Iron, and Sodium in Crude inclusive) for liquefied or compressed gases of a
Oils and Residual Fuels by Flame water capacity up to 150 l. It may be applicable to
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. cylinders and tubes with a water capacity between
150 l and 450 l, provided they are inspected and filled
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of as individual cylinders and tubes.
nickel, vanadium, iron, and sodium in crude oils and
residual fuels by flame atomic absorption This standard was published on 2017-12-12
spectrometry (AAS).
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
2807. US 1877:2019, Deodorants and
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 antiperspirants — Specification

565 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics
sampling and test methods for deodorants and and the choice of the measuring equipment and
antiperspirants. This standard does not apply to the procedure for determination of the linear dimensions
medicated deodorants and antiperspirants, which of sheets, blocks or test specimens of cellular
claim therapeutic value. material (flexible and rigid).

This standard was published on 2019-3-26 This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30


2808. US 1898:2019, Industrial 2811. US 1931:2019, Shea butter for

methylated spirit — Specification cosmetic industry— Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for industrial methylated sampling and test methods for shea butter for
spirit. cosmetic use derived from the kernels of the sheanuts
(Butyrospermum parkii). This standard does not
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
cover products for which therapeutic claims are

This standard was published on 2019-3-26

2809. US 1921:2019, Body oils —

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

2812. US 1932:2019, Lip balm (salve)
sampling and test methods for body oils based on
— Specification
refined vegetable oils or vegetable oils blends,
mineral oils or mixture of the vegetable oils and This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
mineral oils meant for application the skin. It does sampling and test methods for lip balm which are
not cover skin creams, lotions, hair oils and pure petroleum or vegetable oil based. This standard does
essential oils. Body oils for which therapeutic claims not cover lip balm for which therapeutic claims are
are made are not covered by this standard. made, lipsticks, lip gloss and emulsion types.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26 This standard was published on 2019-3-26


2810. US ISO 1923:1981, Cellular 2813. US 1933:2019, Lip shine (gloss)

plastics and rubbers — Determination — Specification
of linear dimensions

566 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for lip shine (gloss) based sampling and test methods for non-absorbable
on refined vegetable or mineral oils. This standard surgical sutures.
does not cover lip shine (gloss) for which therapeutic
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
claims are made. This standard does not apply to lip
sticks and lip balms.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26

2817. US 1959:2019, Surgical suture
needles — Specification

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

2814. US 1934:2019, Aftershave —
sampling and test methods for surgical suture
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
sampling and test methods for aftershave. This
standard covers both alcoholic and non-alcoholic
aftershaves. This standard does not cover aftershave
for which therapeutic claims are made. 2818. US 1960:2019, Standard
Specification for Wrought Stainless
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Steels for Surgical Instruments


This Uganda Standard covers the chemistry
requirements for wrought stainless steels used for the
2815. US 1958-1:2019, Surgical sutures
manufacture of surgical instruments.
— Specification — Part 1: Absorbable

This standard was published on 2019-3-26

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for absorbable surgical
2819. US 1961:2019, Standard Test
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Method for Bend Testing of Needles
Used in Surgical Sutures

This Uganda Standard describes the procedure for

2816. US 1958-2:2019, Surgical sutures
bend testing needles used for the placement of
— Specification — Part 2: Non-
surgical sutures.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26


567 | P a g e
2820. US 1962:2019, Standard Test This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Method for Penetration Testing of
Needles Used in Surgical Sutures

2823. US 1965:2019, Sodium hydroxide

This Uganda Standard describes the procedure for
for industrial use — Test method —
penetration testing sharp and blunt needles used for
Determination of copper content
the placement of surgical sutures.

This Uganda Standard prescribes a test method for

This standard was published on 2019-3-26
the determination of the copper content of sodium
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 hydroxide for industrial use. The method is
applicable to products having copper contents,
2821. US 1963:2019, Caustic soda —
expressed as Cu, in the ranges 0.5 mg/kg to 10 mg/kg
Specification and 0.25 mg/kg to 5 mg/kg for the solid and liquid
products, respectively.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
sampling and test methods for caustic soda, pure and
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
technical grade. It covers the material in the solid and
lye form. This standard does not apply to sodium STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000
hydroxide for medical or pharmaceutical use, or
2824. US 1966:2019, Sodium hydroxide
sodium hydroxide for photographic use.
for industrial use — Test method —
This standard was published on 2019-3-26 Determination of silica content

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000 This Uganda Standard specifies a reduced silico-
molybdic complex photometric method for the
2822. US 1964:2019, Standard Test
determination of the silica content of sodium
Method for Chemical Analysis of
hydroxide for industrial use. The method is
Caustic Soda and Caustic Potash applicable to products having silica (SiO2) contents
(Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium
exceeding 10 mg/kg.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard covers only the analyses
usually required on the following commercial STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000
products: caustic soda (sodium hydroxide), 50 and 73
2825. US 1968:2019, Textiles — Cotton
% liquors; anhydrous (solid, flake, ground, or
T-shirts — Specification
powdered), and caustic potash (potassium
hydroxide), 45 % liquor; anhydrous (solid, flake,
This Uganda Standard prescribes the constructional,
ground, or powdered).
dimensional details, sampling and other particulars as

568 | P a g e
a guideline to manufacturers of various types of T- STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
shirts manufactured from 100% cotton yarn.
2829. US ISO 1974:1990, Paper —
This standard was published on 2019-3-26 Determination of tearing resistance
(Elmendorf method)
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
2826. US 1969:2019, Textiles —
determining the tearing resistance of paper. It can
Hospital cotton bedsheets — also be used for light boards if the tearing resistance
is within the range of the instrument. This standard
does not apply to corrugated fibre board, but it may
This Uganda Standard describes the constructional
be applied to the components of such boards. It is not
details of hospital cotton bedsheets.
suitable for determining the cross-direction tearing
This standard was published on 2019-3-26 resistance of highly directional paper (or board).

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000 This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08

2827. US 1971:2019, Green surgical STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

fabric for gowns and drapery —
2830. US ISO 1998-1:1998, Petroleum
industry — Terminology — Part 1:
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the Raw materials and products
performance, of green coloured surgical gowns and
This Uganda Standard consists of a list of equivalent
drapes materials used in the operating theatre.
terms, in use in the petroleum industry to indicate raw
This standard was published on 2019-3-26 materials or petroleum products, together with the
corresponding definitions.
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
2828. US ISO 1973:1995, Textile fibres
— Determination of linear density — STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000
Gravimetric method and vibroscope
2831. US ISO 1998-2:1998, Petroleum
industry — Terminology — Part 2:
This Uganda Standard specifies a gravimetric method Properties and tests
and a vibroscope method for the determination of the
This Uganda Standard consists of a list of terms, in
linear density of textile fibres applicable respectively
use in the petroleum industry to indicate properties of
to bundles of fibres and individual fibres.
petroleum products and test methods, together with
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 the corresponding definitions.

569 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 2835. US ISO 1998-6:1998, Petroleum
industry — Terminology — Part 6:

2832. US ISO 1998-3:1998, Petroleum

This Uganda Standard introduces a list of terms, in
industry — Terminology — Part 3:
use in the petroleum industry to indicate the
Exploration and production
measurement of crude oils and petroleum products,
together with the corresponding definitions.
This Uganda Standard consists of a list of terms, in
use in the petroleum industry in the area of
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
exploration and production, together with the
corresponding definitions. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 65,000

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 2836. US ISO 1998-7:1998, Petroleum

industry — Terminology — Part 7:
Miscellaneous terms

2833. US ISO 1998-4:1998, Petroleum

This Uganda Standard consists of a list of terms, with
industry — Terminology — Part 4:
the corresponding definitions, in use in the petroleum
Refining industry and that are not definitely relevant to one of
the six categories of other parts of this standard.
This Uganda Standard consists of a list of terms, in
use in the petroleum industry in the area of refining,
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
together with the corresponding definitions.
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
2837. US ISO 1998-99:2000, Petroleum
industry — Terminology — Part 99:
General and index
2834. US ISO 1998-5:1998, Petroleum
industry — Terminology — Part 5: This Uganda Standard gives a list of terms in use in
Transport, storage, distribution
the petroleum industry, accompanied by the
corresponding definitions. It was compiled to serve
This Uganda Standard consists of a list of terms, in
an evident need for a ready form of reference
use in the petroleum industry in the area of transport,
document. It therefore does not include all the
storage and distribution, together with the
possible terms, those terms of which significance is
corresponding definitions.
unambiguous being excluded.
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

570 | P a g e
2838. US 2011: 2019, Sterile surgical This Uganda Standard describes the determination of
blades — Specification the flash point and fire point of petroleum products
by a manual Cleveland open cup apparatus or an
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
automated Cleveland open cup apparatus.
sampling and test methods for sterile surgical blades.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
This standard was published on 2019-10-01
2842. US 2041:2019, Standard test
2839. US 2030-1:2019, Proving systems
method for foaming characteristics of
— Methods of Calibration for
lubricating oils
Displacement and Volumetric Tank
Provers — Part 1: Introduction to the This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
Determination of the Volume of the foaming characteristics of lubricating oils at 24 °C
Displacement and Tank Provers and 93.5 °C. Means of empirically rating the foaming
tendency and the stability of the foam are described.
This Uganda Standard covers procedures required to
determine the field data necessary to calculate a Base This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Prover Volume (BPV) of either Displacement
Provers or Volumetric Tank Provers.

2843. US 2042:2019, Standard practice

This standard was published on 2019-12-10
for calculating viscosity index from
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 kinematic viscosity at 40 °C and 100 °C

2840. US 2031:2019, Metering This Uganda Standard covers the procedures for
assemblies — Lease Automatic Custody calculating the viscosity index of petroleum products,
Transfer (LACT) Systems such as lubricating oils, and related materials from
their kinematic viscosities at 40 °C and 100 °C.
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for the
design, installation, calibration and operation of a This standard was published on 2019-3-26
lease automatic custody transfer (LACT) system.
This standard was published on 2019-12-10
2844. US 2043:2019, Standard Test
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 Method for Measuring Viscosity of New
and Used Engine Oils at High Shear
2841. US 2040:2019, Standard test
Rate and High Temperature by
method for flash and fire points by
Tapered Bearing Simulator Viscometer
Cleveland open cup tester
at 150 °C

571 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard covers the laboratory This Uganda Standard covers the quantitative
determination of the viscosity of engine oils at 150 °C determination of barium, boron, calcium, copper,
and 1.0·106 s−1 using a viscometer having a slightly magnesium, molybdenum, phosphorus, sulfur, and
tapered rotor and stator called the Tapered Bearing zinc in unused lubricating oils and additive packages.
Simulator (TBS) Viscometer.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
2847. US 2046:2019, Standard test
2845. US 2044:2019, Standard test method for evaporation loss of
method for determination of yield stress lubricating oils
and apparent viscosity of used engine
The Uganda Standard covers four procedures for
oils at low temperature
determining the evaporation loss of lubricating oils
This Uganda Standard covers the measurement of the (particularly engine oils). Procedure A uses the
yield stress and viscosity of engine oils after cooling Noack evaporative tester equipment; Procedure B
at controlled rates over a 43 h or 45 h to a final test uses the automated non-Woods metal Noack
temperature of –20 °C or –25 °C. The precision is evaporative apparatus; Procedure C uses Selby-
stated for test temperatures –20 °C and –25 °C. The Noack volatility test equipment, and Procedure D
viscosity measurements are made at a shear stress of uses the Noack S2 test equipment. The test method
525 Pa over a shear rate of 0.4 s to 15 s . This test
-1 -1
relates to one set of operating conditions but may be
method is suitable for measurement of viscosities readily adapted to other conditions when required.
ranging from 4000 mPa·s to >400 000 mPa·s, and is
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
suitable for yield stress measurements of 7 Pa to
>350 Pa. This test method is applicable for used
diesel oils. The applicability and precision to other
used or unused engine oils or to petroleum products 2848. US 2047:2019, Standard test
other than engine oils has not been determined. method for high temperature foaming
characteristics of lubricating oils
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard describes the procedure for
determining the foaming characteristics of lubricating
oils (specifically transmission fluid and motor oil) at
2846. US 2045:2019, Standard test
150 °C.
method for determination of additive
elements in lubricating oils by
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
inductively coupled plasma atomic
emission spectrometry STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

572 | P a g e
2849. US 2048:2019, Standard test STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
method for determination of high
2852. US 2050:2019, Standard Test
temperature deposits by thermo-
Method for Evaluation of Rust
oxidation engine oil simulation test
Preventive Characteristics of
This Uganda Standard covers the procedure to Automotive Engine Oils
determine the amount of deposits formed by
This Uganda Standard covers a Ball Rust Test (BRT)
automotive engine oils utilizing the thermo-oxidation
procedure for evaluating the anti-rust ability of fluid
engine oil simulation test (TEOST). An
lubricants. The procedure is particularly suitable for
interlaboratory study has determined it to be
the evaluation of automotive engine oils under low-
applicable over the range from 10 mg to 65 mg total
temperature, acidic service conditions.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26

This standard was published on 2019-3-26



2853. US 2051:2019, Standard Test

2850. US 2049:2019, Standard Test
Method for Evaluation of Automotive
Method for Estimation of Engine Oil
Engine Oils for Inhibition of Deposit
Volatility by Capillary Gas
Formation in a Spark-Ignition Internal
Combustion Engine Fuelled with
This Uganda Standard covers an estimation of the Gasoline and Operated Under Low-
amount of engine oil volatilized at 371 °C (700 °F). Temperature, Light-Duty Conditions

This standard was published on 2019-3-26 This Uganda Standard covers and is commonly
referred to as the Sequence VG test, and it has been
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 correlated with vehicles used in stop-and-go service
prior to 1996, particularly with regard to sludge and
2851. US ISO 2049:1996, Petroleum
varnish formation. It is one of the test methods
products - Determination of colour
required to evaluate oils intended to satisfy the API
(ASTM scale)
SL performance category.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
visual determination of the colour of a variety of
petroleum products, such as lubricating oils, heating
fuels, diesel fuels and petroleum waxes. It is limited
to products that do not contain artificial dyes. 2854. US 2052:2019, Standard Test
Method for Measuring the Effect on
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Filterability of Engine Oils After

573 | P a g e
Treatment with Water and Dry Ice and range of applicability of the Moderately High
a Short (30 min) Heating Time Temperature Thermo-Oxidation Engine Test (TEOST
MHT) test method as derived from an interlaboratory
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
study is approximately 10 mg to 100 mg. However,
the tendency of an oil to form a precipitate that can
experience indicates that deposit values from 1 mg to
plug an oil filter. It simulates a problem that may be
150 mg or greater may be obtained.
encountered in a new engine run for a short period of
time, followed by a long period of storage with some This standard was published on 2019-3-26
water in the oil.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
2857. US 2055:2019, Standard Test
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 Method for Evaluation of Automotive
Engine Oils in the Sequence IIIG,
2855. US 2053:2019, Standard test
Spark-Ignition Engine
method for the determination of
homogeneity and miscibility in This Uganda Standard covers an engine test
automotive engine oils procedure for evaluating automotive engine oils for
certain high-temperature performance characteristics,
This Uganda Standard covers the determination if an
including oil thickening, varnish deposition, oil
automotive engine oil is homogeneous and will
consumption, as well as engine wear. Such oils
remain so, and if it is miscible with certain standard
include both single viscosity grade and multiviscosity
reference oils after being submitted to a prescribed
grade oils that are used in both spark-ignition,
cycle of temperature changes.
gasoline-fuelled engines, as well as in diesel engines.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26

This standard was published on 2019-3-26



2856. US 2054:2019, Standard Test

2858. US 2056:2019, Standard Test
Method for Determination of
Method for Apparent Viscosity of
Moderately High Temperature Piston
Engine Oils and Base Stocks Between –
Deposits by Thermo-Oxidation Engine
10 °C and –35 °C Using Cold-Cranking
Oil Simulation Test — TEOST MHT

This Uganda Standard covers the procedure to

This Uganda Standard covers the laboratory
determine the mass of deposit formed on a specially
determination of apparent viscosity of engine oils and
constructed test rod exposed to repetitive passage of
base stocks by cold cranking simulator (CCS) at
8.5 g of engine oil over the rod in a thin film under
temperatures between –10 °C and –35 °C at shear
oxidative and catalytic conditions at 285 °C. The
stresses of approximately 50 000 Pa to 100 000 Pa

574 | P a g e
and shear rates of approximately 105 to 104 s–1 for 2861. US 2059:2019, Standard Test
viscosities of approximately 900 mPa·s to 25 000 Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and
mPa·s. The range of an instrument is dependent on Thermoplastic Elastomers —Tension
the instrument model and software version installed.
This Uganda Standard cover procedures used to
This standard was published on 2019-3-26 evaluate the tensile (tension) properties of vulcanized
thermoset rubbers and thermoplastic elastomers.
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 These methods are not applicable to ebonite and
similar hard, low elongation materials. The methods
2859. US 2057:2019, Standard Test
appear as follows: Test Method A—Dumbbell and
Method for Low Temperature, Low
Straight Section Specimens and Test Method B—Cut
Shear Rate, Viscosity/Temperature
Ring Specimens.
Dependence of Lubricating Oils Using a
Temperature-Scanning Technique
This standard was published on 2019-3-26

This Uganda Standard covers the measurement of the

apparent viscosity of engine oil at low temperatures.
2862. US 2060:2019, Standard Test
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Method for Rubber Property — Effect
of Liquids

This Uganda Standard covers the required procedures

2860. US 2058:2019, Standard Test
to evaluate the comparative ability of rubber and
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum
rubber-like compositions to withstand the effect of
Products by Wavelength Dispersive X-
liquids. It is designed for testing: (1) specimens of
ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
vulcanized rubber cut from standard sheets, (2)
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of specimens cut from fabric coated with vulcanized
total sulfur in petroleum and petroleum products that rubber, or (3) finished articles of commerce. This test
are single-phase and either liquid at ambient method is not applicable to the testing of cellular
conditions, liquefiable with moderate heat, or soluble rubbers, porous compositions, and compressed sheet
in hydrocarbon solvents. These materials can include packing.
diesel fuel, jet fuel, kerosene, other distillate oil,
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
naphtha, residual oil, lubricating base oil, hydraulic
oil, crude oil, unleaded gasoline, gasoline-ethanol
blends, and biodiesel.
2863. US ISO 2060:1994, Textiles —
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Yarn from packages — Determination
of linear density (mass per unit length)
by the skein method

575 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000
determination of the linear density of all types of yarn
in package form, with the exception of any yarn that 2866. US 2063:2019, Standard Test
Method for Measuring the Effect on
may be the subject of a separate standard.
Filterability Of Engine Oils after
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 Treatment with Various Amounts of
Water and a long (6-H) Heating Time
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
2864. US 2061:2019, Standard Test
the tendency of an oil to form a precipitate that can
Method for Rubber Property —
plug an oil filter. It simulates a problem that may be
Durometer Hardness
encountered in a new engine run for a short period of
time, followed by a long period of storage with some
This Uganda Standard covers twelve types of rubber
water in the oil.
hardness measurement devices known as durometers:
Types A, B, C, D, DO, E, M, O, OO, OOO, OOO-S,
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
and R. The procedure for determining indentation
hardness of substances classified as thermoplastic STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000
elastomers, vulcanized (thermoset) rubber,
2867. US 2064:2019, Standard Test
elastomeric materials, cellular materials, gel-like
Method for Multielement
materials, and some plastics is also described.
Determination of Used and Unused
This standard was published on 2019-3-26 Lubricating Oils and Base Oils by
Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic
Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES)

2865. US 2062:2019, Standard Test

This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
Method for Evaluation of the Ability of additive elements, wear metals, and contaminants in
Engine Oil to Emulsify Water and
used and unused lubricating oils and base oils by
Simulated Ed85 Fuel
inductively coupled plasma atomic emission
spectrometry (ICP-AES).
This Uganda Standard describes a qualitative
procedure to measure the ability of a specific volume
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
of engine oil to emulsify a specific added volume of
combined water and simulated Ed85 fuel upon STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
agitation in a high-speed blender and to retain this
2868. US 2065:2019, Standard Test
emulsified state for at least 24 h at temperatures of
both 20 °C to 25 °C and –5 °C to 0 °C Method for Bench Oxidation of Engine
Oils by ROBO Apparatus
This standard was published on 2019-3-26

576 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard describes a bench procedure to This standard was published on 2019-3-26
simulate the oil aging encountered in US 2055, the
Sequence IIIG engine test method. These aged oils STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000

are then tested for kinematic viscosity and for low-

2871. US 2068:2019, Standard
temperature pumpability properties as described in
Specification for Fuel System Icing
the Sequence IIIGA engine test, Appendix X1 of US
This Uganda Standard covers additives for aviation
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
fuels (for example, Specifications D910, D7547, and
D1655) used to inhibit ice formation in aircraft fuel
2869. US 2066:2019, Standard Practice
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
for Utilization of Test Data to
Determine Conformance with
2872. US 2069:2019, Standard Test
This Uganda Standard covers guidelines and
Method for Shear Stability of Polymer
statistical methodologies with which two parties,
Containing Fluids Using a European
usually a supplier and a receiver, can compare and
Diesel Injector Apparatus at 30 Cycles
combine independently obtained test results to obtain
and 90 Cycles
an Assigned Test Value (ATV) for the purpose of
resolving a product quality dispute. This Uganda Standard covers the evaluation of the
shear stability of polymer-containing fluids. The test
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
method measures the viscosity loss, in mm2/s and
percent, at 100 °C of polymer-containing fluids when
evaluated by a diesel injector apparatus procedure
2870. US 2067:2019, Standard Test that uses European diesel injector test equipment. The
Method for Sulfated Ash from viscosity loss reflects polymer degradation due to
Lubricating Oils and Additives shear at the nozzle. Viscosity loss is evaluated after
both 30 cycles and 90 cycles of shearing.
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of
the sulfated ash from unused lubricating oils This standard was published on 2019-3-26
containing additives and from additive concentrates
used in compounding. These additives usually
contain one or more of the following metals: barium,
2873. US 2070:2019, Standard Test
calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, and
Method for Evaluation of Diesel Engine
tin. The elements sulfur, phosphorus, and chlorine
can also be present in combined form.

577 | P a g e
Oils in the T-11 Exhaust Gas of those used in the sealing materials in contact with
Recirculation Diesel Engine these oils. Compatibility is evaluated by determining
the changes in volume, Durometer A hardness, and
This Uganda Standard covers an engine test
tensile properties when the elastomer specimens are
procedure for evaluating diesel engine oils for
immersed in the oil for a specified time and
performance characteristics in a diesel engine
equipped with exhaust gas recirculation, including
viscosity increase and soot concentrations (loading). This standard was published on 2019-3-26
This test method is commonly referred to as the
Mack T-11.

2876. US 2074:2019, Standard Test

This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Method for Determination of Yield
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 Stress and Apparent Viscosity of
Engine Oils at
2874. US 2071:2019, Standard Test
Method for Measuring Viscosity of New This Uganda Standard covers the measurement of the
and Used Engine Oils at High Shear yield stress and viscosity of engine oils after cooling
Rate and High Temperature by at controlled rates over a period exceeding 45 h to a
Tapered Bearing Simulator Viscometer final test temperature between –10 °C and –40 °C.
at 150 ºC The precision is stated for test temperatures from –
40 °C to –15 °C. The viscosity measurements are
This Uganda Standard covers the laboratory
made at a shear stress of 525 Pa over a shear rate of
determination of the viscosity of engine oils at 150 °C
0.4 s–1 to 15 s–1. The viscosity as measured at this
6 −1
and 1.0·10  s using a viscometer having a slightly
shear stress was found to produce the best correlation
tapered rotor and stator called the Tapered Bearing
between the temperature at which the viscosity
Simulator (TBS) Viscometer.
reached a critical value and borderline pumping
failure temperature in engines.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26

This standard was published on 2019-3-26



2875. US 2072:2019, Standard Test
Method for Determining Automotive
2877. US 2075:2019, Standard Test
Engine Oil Compatibility with Typical
Method for Shear Stability of Polymer
Seal Elastomers
Containing Fluids Using a European
Diesel Injector Apparatus
This Uganda Standard covers quantitative procedures
for the evaluation of the compatibility of automotive
This Uganda Standard covers the evaluation of the
engine oils with several reference elastomers typical
shear stability of polymer-containing fluids. The test

578 | P a g e
method measures the percent viscosity loss at 100 °C This standard was published on 2019-3-26
of polymer-containing fluids when evaluated by a
diesel injector apparatus procedure that uses STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000

European diesel injector test equipment. The

2880. US 2083:2019, Standard Test
viscosity loss reflects polymer degradation due to
Method for Evaluation of Corrosiveness
shear at the nozzle.
of Diesel Engine Oil at 135 °C

This standard was published on 2019-3-26

This Uganda Standard covers testing diesel engine
lubricants to determine their tendency to corrode
various metals, specifically alloys of lead and copper
2878. US 2079:2019, Standard Test commonly used in cam followers and bearings.
Method for Measuring Viscosity at
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
High Temperature and High Shear rate
by Tapered-Plug Viscosimeter

This Uganda Standard covers the laboratory

2881. US 2101:2019, Standard Test
determination of the viscosity of oils at 150 °C and 1
Method for Determination of Intrinsic
× 106 s–1 and at 100 °C and 1 × 106 s–1, using high
Stability of Asphaltene-Containing
shear rate tapered-plug viscometer models BE/C or
Residues, Heavy Fuel Oils, and Crude
Oils (n-Heptane Phase Separation;
Optical Detection)
This standard was published on 2019-3-26

This Uganda Standard covers a procedure for

quantifying the intrinsic stability of the asphaltenes in
2879. US 2082:2019, Standard Test an oil by an automatic instrument using an optical
Method for Measuring Apparent device. This test method is applicable to residual
Viscosity at High-Temperature and products from thermal and hydrocracking processes,
High-Shear Rate to products typical of Specifications D396 Grades
No. 5L, 5H, and 6, and D2880 Grades No. 3-GT and
This Uganda Standard covers the laboratory
4-GT, and to crude oils, providing these products
determination of high-temperature high-shear
contain 0.5 % by mass or greater concentration of
(HTHS) viscosity of engine oils at a temperature of
150 °C using a multicell capillary viscometer
containing pressure, temperature, and timing This standard was published on 2019-10-01
instrumentation. The shear rate for this test method
corresponds to an apparent shear rate at the wall of STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000

1.4 million reciprocal seconds (1.4 × 106 s−1).

579 | P a g e
2882. US 2104: 2019, Face pack temperatures from −60 °C to +49 °C with temperature
(Cosmetic mask) — Specification resolution of 0.1 °C, however, the range of
temperatures included in the 1997 interlaboratory
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
cooperative test program only covered the
sampling and test methods for face packs.
temperature range of –56 °C to +34 °C.

This standard was published on 2019-10-01

This standard was published on 2019-10-01



2883. US 2105: 2019, Standard Test

2885. US 2111:2019, Umbilical cord
Method for Cloud Point of Petroleum
clamps — Specification
Products and Liquid Fuels (Linear
Cooling Rate Method) This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and test methods for umbilical cord clamps.
This Uganda Standard covers the description of the
It does not include specifications for devices for
determination of the cloud point of petroleum
dividing the umbilical cord after clamping.
products and biodiesel fuels that are transparent in
layers 40 mm in thickness by an automatic instrument This standard was published on 2019-10-01
using a linear cooling rate. This test method covers
the range of temperatures from -60 °C to 49 °C with
temperature resolution of 0.1 °C, however, the range
2886. US 2116:2019, Standard
of temperatures included in the 1997 interlaboratory
Terminology Relating to Petroleum
cooperative test program only covered the
Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants
temperature range of –56 °C to +34 °C.
This Uganda Standard covers the compilation of
This standard was published on 2019-10-01
terminology on Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels,
and Lubricants, except that it does not include
terms/definitions specific only to the standards in
2884. US 2106:2019, Standard Test which they appear.
Method for Cloud Point of Petroleum
This standard was published on 2019-10-01
Products and Liquid Fuels (Constant
Cooling Rate Method)

This Uganda Standard covers the determination of

2887. US 2117:2019, Standard Test
the cloud point of petroleum products and biodiesel
Method for Determination of Total
fuels that are transparent in layers 40 mm in thickness
Sediment in Residual Fuels
by an automatic instrument using a constant cooling
rate. This test method covers the range of

580 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard covers the determination of specified minimum values. Its aim is to outline
total sediment up to 0.40 % m/m for distillate fuel methods which should aid in clarifying the intended
oils containing residual components and to 0.50 % meaning of specification limits with which observed
m/m in residual fuel oils having a maximum viscosity values or calculated test results are compared in
of 55 cSt (mm /s) at 100 °C. Some fuels can exceed
determining conformance with specifications.
the maximum filtration time specified in this test
method due to factors other than the presence of This standard was published on 2019-10-01

significant quantities of insoluble organic or

inorganic material. This test method can be used for
the assessment of total sediment after regimes of fuel 2890. US 2120:2019, Standard Practice
pretreatment designed to accelerate the aging process. for Dealing with Outlying Observations

This standard was published on 2019-10-01 This Uganda Standard covers outlying observations
in samples and how to test the statistical significance
of outliers.

2888. US 2118:2019, Standard Practice

This standard was published on 2019-10-01
for Quality Management Systems in
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
Lubricants Testing Laboratories
2891. US 2129:2019, Medical
This Uganda Standard covers the establishment and ultrasound gel— Specification
maintenance of the essentials of a quality
management system in laboratories engaged in the The Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

analysis of petroleum products, liquid fuels, and sampling and test methods for medical ultrasound

lubricants. gel.

This standard was published on 2019-10-01 This standard was published on 2019-10-01


2889. US 2119:2019, Standard Practice 2892. US 2134:2019, Knitted vests —

for Using Significant Digits in Test Data Specification

to Determine Conformance with

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
test methods of knitted vests with or without sleeves.

This Uganda Standard is intended to assist in the use

This standard was published on 2019-10-01
of uniform methods of indicating the number of digits
which are to be considered significant in specification STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000
limits, for example, specified maximum values and

581 | P a g e
2893. US ISO 2137:2007, Petroleum STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
products and lubricants —
2896. US 2151: 2019, Beeswax for
Determination of cone penetration of
cosmetic industry — Specification
lubricating greases and petrolatum

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,

This Uganda Standard specifies several methods for
sampling and test methods for beeswax for cosmetic
the empirical estimation of the consistency of
lubricating greases and petrolatum by measuring the
penetration of a standardized cone.
This standard was published on 2020-06-16

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 2897. US 2159-1:2019, Hydraulic fluid

— Performance classification — Part 1:
2894. US 2140:2019, Requirements for
the application of US ISO 7886 and US
ISO 7864 standards for hypodermic This Uganda Standard covers classification of
syringes and hypodermic needles hydraulic fluids used in hydraulic systems.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements on the This standard was published on 2019-10-01
application, sampling and acceptance criteria of US
ISO 7886 and US ISO 7864 standards for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

hypodermic syringes and hypodermic needles

2898. US 2159-2:2019, Hydraulic fluid
— Performance classification — Part 2:

This standard was published on 2019-10-01 Specifications for categories HH, HL,
HM, HV and HG
This Uganda Standard specifies performance
2895. US 2141-1: 2019, Detonators — requirements, sampling and test methods for new
Specification — Part 1: Shock-tube mineral oil hydraulic fluids of categories classified as
detonator HH, HL, HM, HV and HG, and intended for
hydraulic systems, particularly for hydrostatic
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
hydraulic fluid power application.
sampling and test methods for permitted shock-tube
detonators for commercial use. This standard applies This standard was published on 2019-10-01
to shock-tube detonator No. 6 (surface) and No.8 (In-
hole) for commercial use. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

This standard was published on 2019-10-01 2899. US 2159-3:2019, Hydraulic fluid

— Performance classification — Part 3:

582 | P a g e
Specifications for hydraulic fluids in petroleum products and certain solvents. Volatile
categories HFAE, HFAS, HFB, HFC, products, having a maximum vapour pressure of 124
HFDR and HFDU kPa at 37.80C are included.

This Uganda Standard specifies performance This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
requirements, sampling and test methods for unused
fire-resistant and less-flammable hydraulic fluids of
the categories HFAE, HFAS, HFB, HFC, HFDR and
2902. US 2160:2019, Measurement of
HFDU, and is intended for hydrostatic and
fluid flow — Methods of specifying
hydrodynamic systems in general industrial
flowmeter performance
This Uganda Standard specifies methods of
This standard was published on 2019-10-01
describing the performance of any flowmeter, for use
in either closed conduits or open channels. It
indicates how flowmeters may be classified
2900. US 2159-4:2019, Hydraulic fluid according to their traceability group, and specifies
— Performance classification — Part 4: how manufacturer's statements on traceability, quality
Specifications for hydraulic fluids in assurance and conditions of use should be expressed,
categories HETG, HEPG, HEES and although further statements may be required for other
HEPR conditions of use.

This Uganda Standard specifies performance This standard was published on 2019-12-10
requirements, sampling and test methods for
environmentally acceptable hydraulic fluids and is
intended for hydraulic systems, particularly hydraulic
2903. US ISO 2176:1995, Petroleum
fluid power systems. This standard stipulates the
products — Lubricating grease —
requirements for environmentally acceptable
Determination of dropping point
hydraulic fluids at the time of delivery.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This standard was published on 2019-10-01
determination of the dropping point of lubricating

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

2901. US ISO 2160:1998, Petroleum
products — Corrosiveness to copper —
Copper strip test
2904. US 2220:2020, Zinc oxide
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
surgical adhesive plaster (tape) —
determination of the corrosiveness to copper of liquid

583 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, 2907. US ISO 2440:1997, Flexible and
sampling and test methods for zinc oxide surgical rigid cellular polymeric materials —
adhesive plaster (tape). Accelerated ageing tests

This standard was published on 2020-06-16 This Uganda Standard specifies, for flexible and rigid
cellular polymeric materials, laboratory procedures
which are intended to imitate the effects of naturally
2905. US ISO 2419:2012, Leather — occurring reactions such as oxidation or hydrolysis
Physical and mechanical tests — by humidity. The physical properties of interest are
Sample preparation and measured before and after the application of the
conditioning specified treatments.

This Uganda Standard specifies the preparation of This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
leather for physical and mechanical testing together
with standard atmospheres for conditioning and
testing. It is applicable to all types of dry leather.
2908. US ISO 2470:1990, Paper, board
and pulps — Measurement of diffuse
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
blue reflectance factor (ISO
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 brightness)

2906. US ISO 2439:2008, Flexible This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
cellular polymeric materials — measuring the diffuse blue reflectance factor (ISO
Determination of hardness (indentation brightness) of pulps, papers and boards. This Uganda
technique) Standard is limited in its scope to white and near-
white pulps, papers and boards. Materials exhibiting
This Uganda Standard specifies four methods (A to fluorescence which promotes the appearance of
D) for the determination of indentation hardness and whiteness may be measured but the ultraviolet energy
one method (E) for determination of compressive level of the illumination must be adjusted using a
deflection coefficient and hysteresis loss rate of fluorescent calibration standard if standardization and
flexible cellular materials. Annex A provides a agreement between instruments is to be achieved.
summary of test parameters and typical force-
indentation graphs obtained with these methods. This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 2909. US ISO 2471:1998, Paper and

board — Determination of opacity
(paper backing) — Diffuse reflectance

584 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the measurement is valid for both the whole leather and a
determination of the opacity (paper backing) of paper test sample.
by diffuse reflectance. It is restricted to white and
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
near-white papers (and boards). Paper or board that
has been treated with a fluorescent dyestuff or
exhibits significant fluorescence may be measured,
but the agreement between values obtained with 2912. US ISO 2714:1980, Liquid
different instruments may be unsatisfactory and there hydrocarbons — Volumetric
may be difficulty in assessing the meaning of results. measurement by displacement meter
systems other than dispensing pumps
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08
This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
displacement meters and gives rules for
systematically applying appropriate consideration to
2910. US 2552:2020, Non-medical
the nature of the liquids to be measured, to the
masks— Specification
installation of a metering system, and to the selection,
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, and performance, operation and maintenance of the
methods of sampling and test for the non-medical same.This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
face masks intended to reduce the risk of general
transmission of the infectious agent. It covers non-
medical face masks and other face covers made of
2913. US ISO 2715:1981, Liquid
textiles intended for single use (disposable) or for
hydrocarbons — Volumetric
multiple use that may be washed, disinfected and
measurement by turbine meter system
reused. It does not cover respiratory protective
devices such as medical face masks, filtering face This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
masks and breathing apparatus. turbine meters and gives rules for systematically
applying consideration to the nature of the liquids to
This standard was published on 2020-05-12
be measured, to the installation of a metering system,
and to the selection, performance, operation and
maintenance of the same.
2911. US ISO 2589:2016, Leather —
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
Physical and mechanical tests —
Determination of thickness

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for

2914. US ISO 2719:2002,
determining the thickness of leather. The method is
Determination of flash point — Pensky-
applicable to all types of leather of any tannage. The
Martens closed cup method

585 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard describes two procedures, A related products using a metal or Gay-Lussac
and B, using the Pensky-Martens closed cup tester, pycnometer. (The Uganda Standard cancels and
for determining the flash point of combustible replaces US 83:1999/ ISO 2811-1, Paints and
liquids, liquids with suspended solids, liquids that varnishes — Determination of density — Part 1:
tend to form a surface film under the test conditions Pycnometer method, which is being reissued).
and other liquids. It is applicable for liquids with a
flash point above 40 °C. This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12


This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

2918. US ISO 2813:2014, Paints and

varnishes — Determination of gloss
2915. US ISO 2758:2001, Paper — value at 20 degrees, 60 degrees and 85
Determination of bursting strength degrees

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
measuring the bursting strength of paper submitted to determining the gloss of coatings using the three
increasing hydraulic pressure. geometries of 20°, 60° or 85°. The method is suitable
for the gloss measurement of non-textured coatings
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08
on plane, opaque substrates. (This standard cancels
and replaces US 85:1999/ISO 2813, Paints and
Varnishes — Determination of specular gloss of non-
2916. US ISO 2808:2007, Paints and metallic paint films at 20°, 60°, and 85°which has
varnishes — Determination of film been technically revised ).
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
This standard describes a number of methods that are
applicable to the measurement of the thickness of
coatings applied to a substrate.
2919. US ISO 2820:1974, Leather —
Raw hides of cattle and horses —
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19
Method of trim
This Uganda Standard specifies the method of
2917. US ISO 2811-1:2016, Paints and trimming the raw hides of cattle and horses, intended
varnishes — Determination of density for the tanning industry.
— Part 1: Pycnometer method
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the density of paints, varnishes and

586 | P a g e
2920. US ISO 2821:1974, Leather — 2923. US ISO 2928: 2003, Rubber hoses
Raw hides of cattle and horses — and hose assemblies for liquefied
Preservation by stack salting petroleum gas (LPG) in the liquid or
gaseous phase and natural gas up to 25
This Uganda Standard analyses the various
bar (2.5 MPa) — Specification
preserving process defects Iikely to affect the raw
hides of cattle and horses, and defines the rules for This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
the preservation of these hides by stack salting. rubber hoses and rubber hose assemblies used for the
transfer of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
liquid or gaseous phase and natural gas and designed
for use at working pressures ranging from vacuum to
a maximum of 25 bar (2.5 MPa) within the
2921. US ISO 2822-1:1998, Raw cattle temperature range 30 °C to +70 °C or, for low-
hides and calf skins — Part 1: temperature hoses (designated -LT), within the
Descriptions of defects temperature range −50 °C to +70 °C.

This Uganda Standard describes the defects which This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
may occur on raw cattle hides and calf skins intended
for tanning. It is applicable to fresh and cured raw
cattle hides and calf skins, but not to casualty hides
2924. US ISO 3071:2005, Textiles —
and skins.
Determination of pH of aqueous extract

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the pH of the aqueous extract of textiles.
The method is applicable to textiles in any form.
2922. US ISO 2859-1:1999, Sampling
procedures for inspection by attributes — This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by

acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot
2925. US ISO 3104:1994, Petroleum

This Uganda Standard specifies an acceptance sampling products - Transparent and opaque

system for inspection by attributes. It is indexed in terms liquids - Determination of

of the acceptance quality limit (AQL). kinematic viscosity and
calculation of dynamic viscosity
This standard was adopted on 2020-05-12
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000 determination of the kinematic viscosity, v, of liquid
petroleum products, both transparent and opaque, by

587 | P a g e
measuring the time for a volume of liquid to flow Part 2: Procedure for testing
under gravity through a calibrated glass capillary performance when cleaning and
viscometer. The dynamic viscosity, ƞ, can be finishing using tetrachloroethene
obtained by multiplying the measured kinematic
This Uganda Standard specifies drycleaning
viscosity by the density, ρ, of the liquid.
procedures for tetrachloroethene (perchloroethylene),
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 using commercial drycleaning machines, for fabrics
and garments. It comprises a procedure for normal
materials and procedures for sensitive and very
sensitive materials.
2926. US ISO 3105:1994, Glass
capillary kinematic viscometers —
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
Specifications and operating
instructions STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

This Uganda Standard gives specifications and 2929. US ISO 3183: 2012, Petroleum
operating instructions for glass capillary viscometers and natural gas industries — Steel pipe
widely used for the determination of kinematic for pipeline transportation systems
viscosity of petroleum products by the procedure
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
described in ISO 3104. The calibration of these
manufacture of two product specification levels (PSL
viscometers is also described.
1 and PSL 2) of seamless and welded steel pipes for
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 use in pipeline transportation systems in the
petroleum and natural gas industries. This standard is
not applicable to cast pipe.

2927. US 1SO 3171:1988, Petroleum

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
liquids — Automatic pipeline sampling
This Uganda Standard recommends procedures to be
used for obtaining, by automatic means, 2930. US ISO 3195: 1975, Sodium
representative samples of crude oil and liquid hydroxide for industrial use —
petroleum products being conveyed by pipeline. Sampling — Test sample —
Preparation of the main solution for
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
carrying out certain determinations


This Uganda Standard gives instructions relating to
the sampling of consignments of sodium hydroxide,
2928. US ISO 3175-2:2010, Textiles —
indicates the conditions under which the test sample
Professional care, dry-cleaning and
shall be prepared, and specifies a method for the
wet-cleaning of fabrics and garments —

588 | P a g e
preparation of the main solution which will be used given volume of liquid coating, which has been
for carrying out certain determinations. technically revised).

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12


2931. US ISO 3196: 1975, Sodium 2933. US ISO 3251:2008, Paints and
hydroxide for industrial use — varnishes — Determination of non-
Determination of carbonates content — volatile matter of paints, varnishes and
Titrimetric method binders for paints and varnishes

This Uganda Standard specifies a titrimetric method This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
for the determination of the carbonates content of determining the non-volatile-matter content by mass
sodium hydroxide for industrial use. of paints, varnishes, binders for paints and varnishes,
polymer dispersions and condensation resins such as
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
phenolic resins (resols, novolak solutions, etc.). The
method is also applicable to formulated dispersions
containing fillers, pigments and other auxiliaries (e.g.
2932. US ISO 3233-1:2013, Paints and thickeners and film-forming agents). (This standard
varnishes — Determination of the cancels and replaces US 79:1999/ISO 3251, Paints
percentage volume of nonvolatile and varnishes — Determination of non-volatile
matter — Part 1: Method using a matter of paints, varnishes and binders for paints and
coated test panel to determine non- varnishes which has been technically revised).
volatile matter and to determine dry
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
film density by the Archimedes

This Uganda Standard describes a procedure for

2934. US ISO 3270:1984, Paints and
determining the non-volatile matter by volume, NVV,
varnishes and their raw materials —
of coating materials and related products by
Temperature and humidities for
measuring the density of a dried coating for any
conditioning and testing
specified temperature range and period of drying or
curing. This method determines the non-volatile This Uganda Standard specifies conditions of
matter immediately after application. (This Uganda temperature and relative humidity for general use in
Standard cancels and replaces US ISO 3233:1998, the conditioning and testing of paints and varnishes
Paints and varnishes — Determination of volume of and their raw materials. It is applicable to paints and
dry coating (non-volatile matter) obtained from a varnishes in liquid or powder form, to wet or dry
films, and their raw materials. (This standard cancels

589 | P a g e
and replaces US 86:1999/ISO 3270, Paints and This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for the
varnishes and their raw materials — Temperature determination of distension and strength of the
and humidities for conditioning and testing which is leather grain or finished surface. This method is
being re-issued). applicable to all flexible leathers and it is particularly
suitable to determine the lastability of leathers for
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
footwear uppers.


This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

2935. US ISO 3376:2011, Leather —

Physical and mechanical tests —
Determination of tensile strength 2938. US ISO 3380:2002, Leather —
and percentage extension Physical and mechanical tests —
Determination of shrinkage
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
temperature up to 100 °C
determining the tensile strength, elongation at a
specified load and elongation at break of leather. It is This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
applicable to all types of leather. determination of the shrinkage temperature of leather
up to 100 °C. It is applicable to all leathers.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
2936. US ISO 3378:2002, Leather —
Physical and mechanical tests — 2939. US ISO 3385:2014, Flexible
Determination of resistance to grain cellular polymeric materials —
cracking and grain crack index Determination of fatigue by constant-
load pounding
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining the resistance of leather to grain cracking This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
and for determining the grain crack index. It is determination of loss in thickness and loss in
applicable to all heavy leathers. hardness of flexible cellular materials intended for
use in load-bearing applications such as upholstery. It
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 provides a means of assessing the service
performance of flexible cellular materials based on
rubber latex or polyurethane used in load-bearing
2937. US ISO 3379:2015, Leather — upholstery.
Determination of distention and
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
strength of surface (Ball burst method)

590 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 varnishes, binders for paints and varnishes,
adhesives, solvents, petroleum, and related products.
2940. US ISO 3405:2000, Petroleum
products — Determination of This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
distillation characteristics at
atmospheric pressure

2943. US ISO 3733:1999, Petroleum

This Uganda Standard specifies a laboratory method
for the determination of the distillation characteristics products and bituminous materials —
Determination of water — Distillation
of light and middle distillates derived from petroleum
with initial boiling points above 0 °C and end-points
below approximately 400 ° C, utilizing either manual
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
or automated equipment, with the manual procedure
determination of water up to 25 % in petroleum
being the referee method in cases of dispute, unless
products, bitumens, tars and products derived from
otherwise agreed.
these materials, excluding emulsions, by the
distillation method.
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10



2941. US ISO 3448:1992, Industrial
liquid lubricants — ISO viscosity
2944. US ISO 3735:1999, Crude
petroleum and fuel oils —

This Uganda Standard establishes a system of Determination of sediment —

Extraction method
viscosity classification for industrial liquid lubricants
and related fluids.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of sediment in crude petroleum and
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
fuel oils by extraction with toluene. The precision
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 applies to a range of sediment levels from 0,01 %
(m/m) to 0,40 % (m/m), although higher levels may
2942. US ISO 3679:2015,
be determined.
Determination of flash no flash and
flash point — Rapid equilibrium This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
closed-cup method
This Uganda Standard specifies procedures for flash
2945. US ISO 3758: 2012, Textiles —
point tests, within the temperature range of -30 °C to
300 °C, for paints, including water-borne paints, Care labelling code using symbols

591 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard establishes a system of graphic the selection of the appropriate level of quality
symbols, intended for use in the marking of textile requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials,
articles, and for providing information the most among the three levels specified in US ISO 3834-2
severe treatment that does not cause irreversible [3], US ISO 3834-3 [4] and US ISO 3834-4 [5]. It
damage to the article during the textile care process, applies to manufacturing, both in workshops and at
and specifies the use of these symbols in care field installation sites.
labelling. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
replaces US 372: 2001, Specification for care
labeling of textiles).

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

2948. US ISO 3834-2: 2005, Quality
requirements for fusion welding of
metallic materials — Part 2:
2946. US ISO 3801:1977, Textiles — Comprehensive quality requirements
Woven fabrics — Determination of
This Uganda Standard defines comprehensive quality
mass per unit length and mass per unit
requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials
both in workshops and at field installation sites.
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
determination of the mass per unit length and the
mass per unit area of woven fabrics that have been
conditioned in the Standard atmosphere for testing.
(This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US 2949. US ISO 3834-3:2005, Quality
428:2002/ISO 3801 Method for determination of requirements for fusion welding of
mass per unit length and mass per unit area of woven metallic materials — Part 3: Standard
fabrics which has been republished on). quality requirements

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 This Uganda Standard defines standard quality
requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials
both in workshops and at field installation sites.

2947. US ISO 3834-1:2005, Quality

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
requirements for fusion welding of
metallic materials — Part 1: Criteria STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
for the selection of the appropriate level
of quality requirements 2950. US ISO 3837:1993, Liquid
petroleum products — Determination
This Uganda Standard provides a general outline of of hydrocarbon types - Fluorescent
US ISO 3834 and criteria to be taken into account for indicator adsorption method

592 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a fluorescent This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
indicator adsorption method for the determination of
hydrocarbon types over the concentration ranges STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000

from 5 % (VW) to 99 % (WV) aromatic

2953. US ISO 3951-2:2013, Sampling
hydrocarbons, 0.3 % (VW) to 55 % (V/V) olefins,
procedures for inspection by variables
and 1 % (VIV) to 95 % (V/v) saturated hydrocarbons
— Part 2 — General specification for
in petroleum fractions that distill below 315 “C.
single sampling plans indexed by
acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
by lot inspection of independent quality
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 characteristics

2951. US ISO 3856-1:1984, Paints and This Uganda Standard specifies an acceptance
varnishes — Determination of sampling system of single sampling plans for
"soluble" metal content — Part 1: inspection by variables. It is indexed in terms of the
Determination of lead content — Flame acceptance quality limit (AQL) and is of a technical
atomic absorption spectrometric nature, aimed at users who are already familiar with
method and dithizone sampling by variables or who have complicated
spectrophotometric method requirements.

This Uganda Standard describes two methods for the This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
determination of the lead content of the test solutions.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
2954. US ISO 3951-3:2007, Sampling
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 procedures for inspection by variables
— Part 3 —Double sampling schemes
2952. US ISO 3951-1:2013, Sampling
indexed by acceptance quality limit
procedures for inspection by variables
(AQL) for lot by lot inspection
— Part 1: Specification for single
sampling plans indexed by acceptance This Uganda Standard specifies an acceptance
quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot sampling system of double sampling schemes for
inspection for a single quality inspection by variables for percent nonconforming. It
characteristic and a single AQL is indexed in terms of the acceptance quality limit
This Uganda Standard specifies an acceptance
sampling system of single sampling plans for This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
inspection by variables. It is indexed in terms of the
acceptance quality limit (AQL) and is designed for
users who have simple requirements.

593 | P a g e
2955. US ISO 3951-4:2011, Sampling from unused lubricating oils containing additives and
procedures for inspection by variables from additive concentrates used in compounding.
— Part 4 — Procedures for assessment These additives usually contain one or more of the
of declared quality levels following metals: barium, calcium, magnesium, zinc,
potassium, sodium and tin. The elements sulfur,
This Uganda Standard establishes sampling plans and
phosphorus and chlorine can also be present in
procedures by variables that can be used to assess
combined form.
whether the quality level of an entity (lot, process,
etc.) conforms to a declared value. This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 2958. US ISO 3993: 1984, Liquefied

petroleum gas and light hydrocarbons
2956. US ISO 3951-5:2006, Sampling
— Determination of density or
procedures for inspection by variables
relative density — Pressure hydrometer
— Part 5 — Sequential sampling plans
indexed by acceptance quality limit
(AQL) for inspection by variables This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
(known standard deviation) determination of density or relative density of
liquefied petroleum gases and other light
This Uganda Standard specifies a system of
hydrocarbons. The prescribed apparatus shall not be
sequential sampling plans (schemes) for lot-by-lot
used for materials having gauge vapour pressures
inspection by variables. The schemes are indexed in
higher than 1.4 MPa (14 bar) (absolute vapour
terms of a preferred series of acceptance quality limit
pressure 1.5 MPa) at the test temperature. Alternative
(AQL) values, ranging from 0.01 to 10, which are
calibration procedures are described, but only the one
defined in terms of percent nonconforming items.
using a certified hydrometer is suitable for the
The schemes are designed to be applied to a
determination of density to be used in calculations of
continuing series of lots.
quantities for custody transfer or fiscal purposes.

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15



2957. US ISO 3987:2010, Petroleum

2959. US ISO 3998:1977, Textiles —
products — Determination of sulfated
Determination of resistance to certain
ash in lubricating oils and additives
insect pests

This Uganda Standard describes a procedure for the

This Uganda Standard is applicable to all textiles
determination of the mass percentage of sulfated ash
containing animal fibres in any proportion.

594 | P a g e
Conditioned voracity control specimens and test This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
specimens of known mass are placed in contact with determination of the substances in leather which are
selected larvae for 14 days. The loss in mass of all soluble in dichloromethane. This method is
specimens and the condition of the test larvae are applicable to all types of leather. This standard
ascertained to assess the resistance of each test includes two techniques for extraction of the fatty
specimen. substances: extraction using the Soxhlet apparatus;
and extraction using a pressurized extraction system.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
2960. US ISO 4045:2008, Leather —
Chemical tests — Determination of pH 2963. US ISO 4074:2015, Natural
rubber latex male condoms —
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
Requirements and test methods (2 nd
determining the pH value and the difference figure of
an aqueous leather extract. It is applicable to all types
of leather. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
methods for male condoms made from natural rubber
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
latex. (The Uganda Standard cancels and replaces
US ISO 4074:2002, Natural latex rubber condoms —
Requirements and test methods, which has been
2961. US ISO 4047:1977, Leather — technically revised).
Determination of sulphated total ash
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
and sulphated water insoluble ash


This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the sulphated total ash and the
2964. US ISO 4098:2006, Leather —
sulphated water-insoluble ash of all types of leather.
Chemical tests — Determination of
water-soluble matter, water-soluble
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
inorganic matter and water-soluble
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 organic matter

2962. US ISO 4048:2008, Leather — This Uganda Standard specifies a method of

Chemical tests — Determination of determination of water-soluble matter, water-soluble
matter soluble in inorganic matter and water-soluble organic matter.
dichloromethane and free fatty acid
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

595 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This Uganda Standard describes a method for the
determination of gauge vapour pressures of liquefied
2965. US ISO 4124:1994, Liquid petroleum gas products (see clause 3) at temperatures
hydrocarbons — Dynamic
within the approximate range of 35 ⁰C to 70 ⁰C.
measurement — Statistical control of
volumetric metering systems This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard has been prepared as a guide STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
for establishing and monitoring the performance of
2968. US ISO 4257: 2001, Liquefied
such meters, using appropriate statistical control
petroleum gases — Method of sampling
procedures for both central and on-line proving.
These procedures may be applied to measurements
This Uganda Standard specifies the procedure to be
made by any type of volumetric or mass metering
used for obtaining samples of unrefrigerated liquefied
petroleum gases (LPG). It is suitable for sampling
from bulk containers, to provide samples for
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
laboratory testing of products.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
2966. US ISO 4136: 2012, Destructive
tests on welds in metallic materials —
Transverse tensile test
2969. US ISO 4259-1:2017, Petroleum
and related products — Precision of
This Uganda Standard specifies the sizes of test
specimen and the procedure for carrying out measurement methods and results —
Part 1: Determination of precision data
transverse tensile tests in order to determine the
in relation to methods of test
tensile strength and the location of fracture of a
welded butt joint. This standard applies to metallic
This Uganda Standard specifies the methodology for
materials in all forms of product with joints made by
the design of an Interlaboratory Study (ILS) and
any fusion welding process.
calculation of precision estimates of a test method
specified by the study. In particular, it defines the
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
relevant statistical terms (Clause 3), the procedures to
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 be adopted on in the planning of ILS to determine the
precision of a test method (Clause 4), and the method
2967. US ISO 4256:1996, Liquefied
of calculating the precision from the results of such a
petroleum gases — Determination of
gauge vapour pressure — LPG
method This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

596 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 2972. US ISO 4263-3:2010, Petroleum
and related products — Determination
2970. US ISO 4261:2013, Petroleum
of the ageing behaviour of inhibited oils
products — Fuels (class F) —
and fluids using the TOST test — Part
Specifications of gas turbine fuels for
3: Anhydrous procedure for synthetic
industrial and marine applications
hydraulic fluids

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
petroleum fuels for gas turbines (see ISO 3977) used
determination of the ageing behaviour of synthetic
in public utility, industrial, and marine applications. It
hydraulic fluids of categories HFDU, HEES, HEPG
does not cover requirements for gas turbine fuels for
and HETG as defined in ISO 6743-4.
aviation use. This standard is intended for the
guidance of users such as turbine manufacturers, This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
suppliers, and purchasers of gas turbine fuels. This
standard sets out the properties of fuels at the time
and place of transfer of custody to the user.
2973. US ISO 4263-4:2006, Petroleum
and related products — Determination
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
of the ageing behaviour of inhibited oils
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 65,000 and fluids — TOST test — Part 4:
Procedure for industrial gear oils
2971. US ISO 4263-1:2003, Petroleum
and related products — Determination This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
of the ageing behaviour of inhibited oils determination of the ageing behaviour of gear oils of
and fluids — TOST test — Part 1: categories CKC, CKD, CKS and CKT as defined in
Procedure for mineral oils ISO 6743-6.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
determination of the ageing behaviour of rust and
oxidation inhibited mineral oils having a density less
than that of water, used as turbine oils (categories
2974. US ISO 4267-2:1988, Petroleum
TSA, TGA, TSE, TGE of ISO 6743-5), hydraulic oils
and liquid petroleum products —
(categories HL, HM, HR, HV, HG of ISO 6743-4),
Calculation of oil quantities — Part 2:
and circulating oils (category CKB of ISO 6743-6)
Dynamic measurement

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

This Uganda Standard defines the various terms (be
they words or Symbols) employed in the calculation
of metered Petroleum quantities.

597 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 This Uganda Standard specifies the code to be used
in defining the quantity of solid particles in the fluid
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 used in a given hydraulic fluid power system.

2975. US ISO 4404-1:2012, Petroleum

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
and related products — Determination
of the corrosion resistance of fire STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000
resistant hydraulic fluids — Part 1:
2978. US ISO 4512:2007, Petroleum
Water-containing fluids
and liquid petroleum products —
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method to Equipment for measurement of liquid
determine the influence on metals of fire-resistant levels in storage tanks — Manual
fluids in categories HFA, HFB and HFC, as classified methods
in ISO 6743-4.
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 the equipment required to measure manually the
liquid level or the corresponding volume of
petroleum and petroleum products stored in tanks and
2976. US ISO 4404-2:2010, Petroleum
and related products — Determination
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
of the corrosion resistance of fire
resistant hydraulic fluids — Part 2: STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000
Non-aqueous fluids
2979. US ISO 4590:2016, Rigid cellular
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the plastics — Determination of the volume
determination of the corrosion-inhibiting properties percentage of open cells and of closed
of non-aqueous hydraulic fluids within the category cells (2nd Edition)
HFD, as classified.
This Uganda Standard specifies a general procedure
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 for the determination of the volume percentage of
open and of closed cells of rigid cellular plastics, by
measurement first of the geometrical volume and
then of the air impenetrable volume of test
2977. US ISO 4406:2017, Hydraulic
specimens. The procedure includes the correction of
fluid power — Fluids — Method for
the apparent open-cell volume by taking into account
coding the level of contamination by
the surface cells opened by cutting during specimen
solid particles
preparation. Two alternative methods (method 1 and
method 2), and corresponding apparatus, are
specified for the measurement of the impenetrable

598 | P a g e
volume. (This second edition cancels and replaces Standard cancels and replaces US ISO 4628- 4:2003,
the first edition US ISO 4590:2002, Rigid cellular Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of
plastics — Determination of the volume percentage coatings — Designation of quantity and size of
of open cells and of closed cells, which has been defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in
technically revised). appearance — Part 4: Assessment of degree of
cracking which has been technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12


2980. US ISO 4625-1:2004, Binders for
paints and varnishes — Determination
2982. US ISO 4628-5:2016, Paints and
of softening point — Part 1: Ring-and-
varnishes — Evaluation of degradation
ball method
of coatings — Designation of quantity
and size of defects, and of intensity of
This Uganda Standard specifies methods of
uniform changes in appearance — Part
determining the softening point of resins (including
5: Assessment of degree of flaking (2nd
rosin) and similar materials by means of the ring-and-
ball apparatus. Both manual and automatic methods
are specified (This Uganda Standard cancels and
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
replaces US 574-5:2006, Wax polishes –
assessing the degree of flaking of coatings by
Determination of the softening point of the non-
comparison with pictorial standard. (This Uganda
volatile matter of wax polishes which has been
Standard cancels and replaces US ISO 4628-5:2003,
technically revised).
Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of
paint coatings — Designation of intensity, quantity
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
and size of common types of defect — Part 5:
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 Designation of degree of flaking, which has been
technically revised).
2981. US ISO 4628-4:2016, Paints and
varnishes — Evaluation of degradation This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
of coatings — Designation of quantity
and size of defects, and of intensity of
uniform changes in appearance — Part
2983. US ISO 4628-6:2011, Paints and
4: Assessment of degree of cracking
varnishes — Evaluation of degradation
(2nd edition)
of coatings — Designation of quantity
and size of defects, and of intensity of
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
uniform changes in appearance — Part
assessing the degree of cracking of coatings by
6: Assessment of degree of chalking by
comparison with pictorial standards. (This Uganda
tape method (2nd edition)

599 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard provides pictorial reference This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
standards for designating the degree of chalking of
paint coatings. It also describes a method by which STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

the degree of chalking is rated. In using this method,

2986. US ISO 4683-2:1999, Raw sheep
it is essential that care be taken to distinguish
skins — Part 2: Designation and
between true degradation products and adhering dirt,
particularly when chalking is slight. (This Uganda
Standard cancels and replaces US ISO 4628- 6:2007, This Uganda Standard specifies a system for the
Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of designation and presentation of fine- and coarse-
paint coatings - Designation of intensity, quantity and wooled sheep skins still bearing their wool which are
size of common types of defect — Part 6: Rating of intended for the leather or fur industry. It applies to
degree of chalking by the method, which has been fresh, raw-dried, wet-salted, dry-salted or pickled
technically revised) sheep skins.

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15


2984. US ISO 4643:1992, Moulded 2987. US ISO 4684:2005, Leather —

plastics footwear — Lined or unlined Chemical tests — Determination of
poly(vinyl chloride) boots for volatile matter
general industrial use — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for determination of volatile matter which is applicable
boots, moulded from poly(vinyl chloride) to all leather types. It is not possible to determine the
compounds, for general industrial use. The boots may exact moisture content of leather by this method. This
be either fabric-lined or unlined and of any style from is because at elevated temperatures other volatile
ankle boots to full thigh height inclusive. substances escape and tannins and fats can be
oxidized. Some absorbed water may be left in the
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
leather after drying.


This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

2985. US ISO 4683-1:1998, Raw sheep

skins — Part 1: Descriptions of defects
2988. US ISO 4706:2008, Gas cylinders
This Uganda Standard describes the defects which
— Refillable welded steel cylinders
may occur on raw sheep skins. It is applicable to
— Test pressure 60 bar and
fresh and cured (air dried, wet salted or dry salted)
sheep skins.

600 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum illustrate a number of the most used seam types. It is
requirements concerning material selection, design, applicable to seams used most particularly in the
construction and workmanship, procedure and test at clothing industry. All illustrations show the
manufacture of refillable welded-steel gas cylinders crosssection of the material configurationly.
of a test pressure not greater than 60 bar, and of water
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
capacities from 0.5 l up to and including 500 l
exposed to extreme worldwide temperatures (-50 °C
to +65 °C) used for compressed, liquefied or
dissolved gases. Transportable large cylinders of 2991. US ISO 4925:2005, Road vehicles
water capacity above 150 l and up to 500 l may be — Specification of non-petroleum-base
manufactured and certified to this standard provided brake Fluids for hydraulic systems
handling facilities are provided. This standard is
primarily intended to be used for industrial gases This Uganda Standard gives the specifications,

other than Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), but may requirements and test methods, for non-petroleum-

also be applied for LPG. For specific LPG base fluids used in road-vehicle hydraulic brake and

applications see ISO 22991. clutch systems that are designed for use with such
fluids and equipped with seals, cups or double-lipped
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 type gland seals made of styrene-butadiene rubber
(SBR) and ethylene-propylene elastomer (EPDM).
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
2989. US ISO 4915:1991, Textiles —
Stitch types — Classification and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 45,000
2992. US ISO 5077: 2007, Textiles —
This Uganda Standard classifies, designates, Determination of dimensional change in
describes and illustrates the various kinds of stitch washing and drying
types used in hand and machine-sewn seams.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 determination of the dimensional change of fabrics,
garments or other textile articles when subjected to an
appropriate combination of specified washing and
drying procedures.
2990. US ISO 4916:1991, Textiles —
Seam types — Classification and
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This Uganda Standard classifies, illustrates and
designates, the various kinds of stitched seams. It is
not intended to be fully comprehensive but to

601 | P a g e
2993. US ISO 5079:1995, Textile fibres This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
— Determination of breaking force and
elongation at break of individual fibres

2996. US ISO 5145: 2014, Cylinder

This Uganda Standard specifies the method and
valve outlets for gases and gas mixtures
conditions of test for the determination of the
— Selection and dimensioning
breaking force and elongation at break of individual
fibres in the conditioned or wet state.
This Uganda Standard establishes practical criteria
for determining valve outlet connections for gas
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
cylinders. It applies to the selection of gas cylinder
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 valve outlet connections and specifies the dimensions
for a number of them. This standard does not apply to
2994. US ISO 5086: 1977, Hand- connections used for cryogenic gas withdrawal or
knotted carpets — Sampling and
gases for breathing equipment, which are the subjects
selection of areas of test
of other International Standards.

This Uganda Standard specifies the method of

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
sampling and defines the areas of test for the physical
testing and chemical analysis of hand-knotted STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000
carpets. It is applicable to most carpets in which the
2997. US ISO 5165:1998, Petroleum
knots are tied by finger or by hook.
products — Determination of the
This standard was adopted on 2011-12- ignition quality of diesel fuels
20STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: — Cetane engine method
This Uganda Standard establishes the rating of diesel
2995. US ISO 5089:1977,Textiles — fuel oil in terms of an arbitrary scale of cetane
Preparation of laboratory test samples numbers using a standard single cylinder, four-stroke
and test specimens for chemical testing cycle, variable compression ratio, indirect injected
diesel engine. The cetane number provides a measure
This Uganda Standard specifies methods of obtaining
of the ignition characteristics of diesel fuel oil in
laboratory test samples of textile materials from
compression ignition engines. The cetane number is
Iaboratory bulk samples taken from a bulk source,
determined at constant speed in a pre-combustion
and gives general directions for the preparation of test
chamber-type compression ignition test engine.
specimens of convenient size for chemical tests. (This
standard cancels and replaces US 439:2002/ISO This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
5089 Textiles — Preparation of laboratory test
samples and test a specimen for chemical testing,
which has been renumbered).

602 | P a g e
2998. US ISO 5167-1:2003, 3000. US ISO 5168:2005 Measurement
Measurement of fluid flow by means of of fluid flow — Procedures for the
pressure differential devices inserted in evaluation of uncertainties
circular cross-section conduits running
This Uganda Standard establishes general principles
full — Part 1: General General
and describes procedures for evaluating the
principles and requirements
uncertainty of a fluid flow-rate or quantity.
This Uganda Standard defines terms and symbols and
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
establishes the general principles for methods of
measurement and computation of the flowrate of
fluid flowing in a conduit by means of pressure
differential devices (orifice plates, nozzles and 3001. US ISO 5173: 2009, Destructive
Venturi tubes) when they are inserted into a circular tests on welds in metallic materials —
cross-section conduit running full. This part of US Bend tests
ISO 5167 also specifies the general requirements for
methods of measurement, installation and This Uganda Standard specifies a method for making

determination of the uncertainty of the measurement transverse root, face and side bend tests on test

of flowrate. It also defines the general specified limits specimens taken from butt welds, butt welds with

of pipe size and Reynolds number for which these cladding (subdivided into welds in clad plates and

pressure differential devices are to be used. clad welds) and cladding without butt welds, in order
to assess ductility and/or absence of imperfections on
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 or near the surface of the test specimen. It also gives
the dimensions of the test specimen.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
2999. US ISO 5167-2:2003,
Measurement of fluid flow by means of STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
pressure differential devices inserted in
circular cross-section conduits running 3002. US ISO 5178: 2001, Destructive

full — Part 2: Orifice plates tests on welds in metallic materials —

Longitudinal tensile test on weld
This Uganda Standard specifies the geometry and metal in fusion welded joints
method of use (installation and operating conditions)
of orifice plates when they are inserted in a conduit This Uganda Standard specifies the sizes of test

running full to determine the flowrate of the fluid specimens and the test procedure for carrying out

flowing in the conduit. longitudinal tensile tests on cylindrical test specimens

in order to determine the mechanical properties of
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 weld metal in a fusion welded joint.


603 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20


3003. US ISO 5208:2015, Industrial 3006. US ISO 5388:1981, Stationary air

valves — Pressure testing of metallic compressors — Safety rules and code of
valves practice

This Uganda Standard specifies examinations and This Uganda Standard establishes standards for the
tests that a valve manufacturer needs to act upon in safe design, construction, installation and operation
order to establish the integrity of the pressure of stationary and skid-mounted air compressors for
boundary of an industrial metallic valve and to verify general use. It specifies requirements to help
the degree of valve closure tightness and the minimize compressor accidents and defines general
structural adequacy of its closure mechanism. safety practices for the field.

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10


3004. US ISO 5272:1979 Toluene for 3007. US ISO 5398-1:2007, Leather —

industrial use — Specifications Chemical determination of chromic
oxide content — Part 1: Quantification
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for two
by titration
grades of toluene suitable for industrial purposes.
Grade 1 (synthesis grade) is a high quality grade This Uganda describes a method for the
normally required for use only as a chemical determination of chromium in aqueous solution
feedstock. Grade 2 (ordinary grade) relates to obtained from leather. This is an analysis for total
commercially pure toluene and is suitable for most chromium in leather; it is not compound specific or
normal commercial uses. This standard is applicable specific to its oxidation state.
to material which consists essentially of toluene
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20


This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

3008. US ISO 5402-1:2011, Leather —

Determination of flex resistance — Part
3005. US ISO 5280:1979, Xylene for 1: Flexometer method
industrial use — Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for determining the wet or dry flex resistance of leather
xylene suitable for industrial purposes. and finishes applied to leather. It is applicable to all

604 | P a g e
types of flexible leather which are less than 3.0 mm wool and with the use of basic chromium sulfate as
thick. the primary tanning agent.

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15


3009. US ISO 5423:1992 Moulded 3012. US ISO 5433:2013, Leather —

plastics footwear - Lined or unlined Bovine wet blue — Specification
polyurethane boots for general
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements,
industrial use – Specification
methods of sampling and methods of test for wet blue
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for leather produced from bovine hides and parts of
boots, moulded from polyurethane compound, for bovine hides tanned without hair and with the use of
general industrial use. The boots may be either basic chromium sulfate as the primary tanning agent.
fabric-lined or unlined and of any style from ankle
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
boots to full thigh height inclusive.


This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

3013. US ISO 5598:2008, Fluid power

systems and components — Vocabulary
3010. US ISO 5431:2013, Leather —
This Uganda Standard establishes the vocabulary, in
Wet blue goat skins — Specification
English, French and German, for all fluid power
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, systems and components, excluding aerospace
methods of sampling and methods of test for wet blue applications and compressed air supply installations.
leather produced from goat skins tanned without hair
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
and with the use of basic chromium sulfate as the
primary tanning agent.

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

3014. US ISO 5832-1:2016, Implants
for surgery — Metallic materials —
Part 1: Wrought stainless steel
3011. US ISO 5432:2013, Leather —
This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of,
Wet blue sheep skins — Specification
and corresponding test methods for, wrought stainless
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, steel for use in the manufacture of surgical implants.
methods of sampling and methods of test for wet blue
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
leather produced from sheep skins tanned without

605 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

3015. US ISO 5923:1989, Fire STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000

protection — Fire extinguishing media
3018. US ISO 6112:1992 Moulded
— Carbon dioxide
plastics footwear - Lined or unlined
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for poly(vinyl chloride) industrial boots
carbon dioxide as a fire extinguishing medium. with general purpose resistance to
animal fats and vegetable oils –
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-20


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
lined or unlined moulded poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC)
3016. US ISO 6009:2016, Hypodermic
industrial boots, having resistance to animal fats and
needles for single use — Colour coding
vegetable oils consistent with general purpose
for identification
industrial usage.
This Uganda Standard establishes a colour code for
This standard was adopted on 2006-06-20
the identification of single-use hypodermic needles of
designated metric size in the range of 0.18 mm (34
Gauge) to 3.4 mm (10 Gauge). It applies to regular-
walled, thin-walled, extra-thin-walled and ultra-thin 3019. US ISO 6246:1995, Petroleum
walled needles and to opaque and translucent colours. products - Gum content of light and
This standard is not applicable to pen-needles. middle distillate fuels - Jet
evaporation method
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the existent gum content of aviation
fuels, and the gum content of motor gasolines or
3017. US ISO 6072:2002, Hydraulic
other volatile distillates in their finished form, and at
fluid power — Compatibility between
the time of test.
fluids and standard elastomeric
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for

evaluating the effect of hydraulic fluids on standard
elastomeric materials that have been manufactured in 3020. US ISO 6247:1998, Petroleum
accordance with specified processes. It allows products — Determination of foaming
baseline comparisons of fluids with standard characteristics of lubricating oils

606 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the This Uganda Standard specifies domestic washing
determination of the foaming characteristics of and drying procedures for textile testing. The
lubricating oils at specified moderate temperatures. It procedures are applicable to textile fabrics, garments
is applicable to lubricants which may or may not or other textile articles which are subjected to
contain additives to modify or suppress the tendency appropriate combinations of domestic washing and
to form stable foams. The ratings used to describe the drying procedures. This standard also specifies the
foaming tendency and/or stability are empirical. reference detergents and ballasts for the procedures.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31


3021. US ISO 6251: 1996, Liquefied 3024. US ISO 6341:2012, Water quality
petroleum gases — Corrosiveness to — Determination of the inhibition of
copper — Copper strip test the mobility of Daphnia magna Straus
(Cladocera, Crustacea) — Acute toxicity
This Uganda Standard describes a method for the
determination of the corrosiveness to copper of
liquefied petroleum gases. This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the acute toxicity to Daphnia magna
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
Straus (Cladocera, Crustacea). This method is
applicable to:

chemical substances which are soluble under the

3022. US ISO 6299:1998, Petroleum
conditions of the test, or can be maintained as a stable
products — Determination of dropping
suspension or dispersion under the conditions of the
point of lubricating greases (wide
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
industrial or sewage effluents;
determination of the dropping point of lubricating
grease over a wide temperature range.
treated or untreated waste water;

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

aqueous extracts and leachates;

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 fresh water (surface and ground water);

3023. US ISO 6330:2012, Textiles —

eluates of fresh water sediment;
Domestic washing and drying
procedures for textile testing pore water of fresh water sediment.

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

607 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard specifies the Vickers hardness
test method, for the three different ranges of test force
3025. US ISO 6347: 2004, Textile floor for metallic materials.
coverings — Consumer information
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This Uganda Standard specifies the technical subjects
that form the basis for the provision of information, at STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
the point of sale, for the guidance of the consumer
prior to and after the purchase of a textile floor 3028. US ISO 6520-1:2007, Welding
and allied processes — Classification of
covering. It is applicable to textile floor coverings of
geometric imperfections in
all types.
metallic materials — Part 1: Fusion
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 welding

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 This Uganda Standard serves as the basis for a
precise classification and description of weld
3026. US ISO 6406:2005, Gas cylinders
imperfections. In order to avoid any confusion, the
— Seamless steel gas cylinders—
types of imperfection are defined with explanations
Periodic inspection and testing and illustrations where necessary. Metallurgical
imperfections are not included.
This Uganda Standard deals with seamless steel
transportable gas cylinders (single or those that
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
comprise a bundle) intended for compressed and
liquefied gases under pressure, of water capacity STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
from 0.5 l up to 150 l; it also applies, as far as
3029. US ISO 6551:1982, Petroleum
practical, to cylinders of less than 0.5 l water
liquids and gases — Fidelity and
capacity. This standard specifies the requirements for
periodic inspection and testing to verify the integrity security of dynamic measurement —
Cabled transmission of electric and/or
of such gas cylinders to be re-introduced into service
electronic pulsed data
for a further period of time. This standard does not
apply to periodic inspection and testing of acetylene
This Uganda Standard establishes guidelines for
cylinders or composite cylinders with steel liners.
ensuring the fidelity and security of pulsed data
cabled transmission Systems utilized for the metering
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
of fluids (see the note), a main objective being to
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 ensure the integrity of the primary indication.

3027. US ISO 6507-1: 2005, Metallic This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
materials — Vickers hardness test —
Part 1: Test method

608 | P a g e
3030. US ISO 6614:1994, Petroleum STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
products — Determination of water
3033. US ISO 6708:1995, Pipe
separability of petroleum oils and
components — Definition and selection
synthetic fluids
of DN (nominal size)
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
This Uganda Standard gives the definition of DN
measuring the ability of petroleum oils or synthetic
(nominal size) when applied to components of a
fluids to separate from water at a specified
pipework system, as specified in those standards
which use the DN designation system.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
3031. US ISO 6618:1997, Petroleum
3034. US ISO 6710:2017, Single-use
products and lubricants —
containers for human venous blood
Determination of acid or base number
specimen collection
— Colour-indicator titration method

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test

This Uganda Standard specifies a colour-indicator
methods for evacuated and non-evacuated single-use
titration method for the determination of acidic or
venous blood specimen containers. It does not specify
basic constituents in petroleum products and
requirements for blood collection needles, needle
lubricants soluble in mixtures of toluene and propan-
holders, blood culture receptacles or “arterial” blood
gas collection devices that can be used for venous
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 blood.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This standard was adopted on 2019-3-23

3032. US ISO 6619:1988, Petroleum STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000

products and lubricants —
3035. US ISO 6743-3:2003, Lubricants,
Neutralization number —
industrial oils and related products
Potentiometric titration method
(class L) — Classification — Part 3:
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the Family D (Compressors)
determination of acidic constituents in petroleum
This Uganda Standard establishes the detailed
products and lubricants soluble or nearly soluble in
classification of lubricants for use in family D, air
mixtures of toluene and propan-2-ol.
compressors, gas compressors and refrigeration
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 compressors.

609 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 This Uganda Standard establishes a detailed
classification of family X (Greases) which belongs to
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 class L (Lubricants, industrial oils and related
products). It should be read in conjunction with ISO
3036. ST US ISO 6743-5:2006,
6743-99[1]. This classification applies to categories
Lubricants, industrial oils and related
of greases used for lubrication of equipment,
products (class L) — Classification —
components of machines, vehicles, etc.
Part 5: Family T (Turbines)

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

This Uganda Standard establishes the detailed
classification of fluids of family T (Turbines) that
belong to class L (Lubricants, industrials oils and
related products). This classification excludes the 3039. US ISO 6743-12:1989,
products intended for aircraft turbines and the Lubricants, industrial oils and related
lubrication of wind turbines. products (class L) — Classification —
Part 12: Family Q (Heat transfer fluids)
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This Uganda Standard establishes the detailed
classification of family Q (heat transfer fluids). All
3037. US ISO 6743-6:2018, Lubricants, products listed belong to class L (Lubricants,
industrial oils and related products industrial oils and related products).
(class L) — Classification — Part 6:
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
Family C (gear systems)
This Uganda Standard establishes the detailed
classification of fluids of Family C (gear systems) 3040. US ISO 6743-13:2002,
which belongs to class L (lubricants, industrial oils Lubricants, industrial oils and related
and related products). It can be read in conjunction products (class L) — Classification —
with ISO 6743-99. Part 13: Family G (Slideways)

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 This Uganda Standard establishes the detailed
classification of family G (lubricants for slideways).
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 All the lubricants listed in this classification belong to
class L (Lubricants, industrial oils and related
3038. US ISO 6743-9:2003, Lubricants,
industrial oils and related products
(class L) Classification — Part 9: This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
Family X (Greases)

610 | P a g e
3041. US ISO 6743-14:1994, combinations), when subjected to a small, defined
Lubricants, industrial oils and related flame.
products (class L) — Classification —
This standard was adopted on 2020-05-12
Part 14: Family U (Heat treatment)


This Uganda Standard establishes the detailed
classification of hardening fluids of family U for use
in the field of heat treatment. All the fluids listed 3044. US ISO 6941:2003, Textile
fabrics — Burning behaviour —
belong to class L (lubricants, industrial oils and
Measurement of flame spread
related products)
properties of vertically oriented
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 specimens

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
measurement of flame spread times of vertically
3042. US ISO 6938: 1984, Textiles —
oriented textile fabrics and industrial products in the
Natural fibres — Generic names and
form of single or multi-component fabrics (coated,
definitions quilted, multilayered, sandwich combinations, and
similar combinations) when subjected to a small,
This Uganda Standard gives the generic names and
defined flame.
the definitions of the most important natural fibres
according to their specific constitution or origin. An
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
alphabetical list of names in common use is provided,
together with the corresponding standardized STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
3045. US ISO 6942:2002, Protective
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 clothing — Protection against heat and
fire — Method of test: Evaluation of
materials and material assemblies when
exposed to a source of radiant heat
3043. US ISO 6940:2004, Textile
fabrics — Burning behaviour —
This Uganda Standard specifies two complementary
Determination of ease of ignition of methods (method A and method B) for determining
vertically oriented specimens
the behaviour of materials for heat protective clothing
subjected to heat radiation.
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
measurement of ease of ignition of vertically oriented
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
textile fabrics and industrial products in the form of
single or multi-component fabrics (coated, quilted, STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
multilayered, sandwich constructions, and similar

611 | P a g e
3046. US ISO 6947:2011, Welding and This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
allied processes — Welding positions
This Uganda Standard defines welding positions for
3049. US ISO 7203-1:1995, Fire
testing and production, for butt and fillet welds, in all
extinguishing media — Foam
product forms.
concentrates — Part 1: Specification
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 for low expansion foam concentrates
for top application to water-immiscible

3047. US ISO 6976:2016, Natural gas

This Uganda Standard specifies the essential
— Calculation of calorific values,
properties and performance of liquid foam
density, relative density and Wobbe concentrates used to make low expansion foams for
index from composition
the control, extinction and inhibition of re-ignition of
fires of water-immiscible liquids. Minimum
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
performance on certain test fires is specified.
calculation of gross calorific value, net calorific
value, density, relative density, gross Wobbe index
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-20
and net Wobbe index of natural gases, natural gas
substitutes and other combustible gaseous fuels, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000
when the composition of the gas by mole fraction is
3050. US ISO 7203-2:1995, Fire
known. The methods specified provide the means of
calculating the properties of the gas mixture at extinguishing media — Foam
concentrates — Part 2: Specification
commonly used reference conditions.
for medium and high expansion foam
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 concentrates for top application to
water-immiscible liquids
This Uganda Standard specifies the essential
3048. US ISO 7120:1987, Petroleum
properties and performance of liquid foam
products and lubricants — Petroleum
concentrates used to make medium and/or high
oils and other fluids — Determination expansion foams for the control, extinction and
of rust- preventing characteristics in
inhibition of re-ignition of fires of water-immiscible
the presence of water
liquids. Minimum performance on certain test fires is
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
evaluating petroleum oils and other fluids to indicate
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-20
their effectiveness in preventing the rusting of ferrous
parts should water become mixed with the oil/fluid. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

612 | P a g e
3051. US ISO 7203-3:1999, Fire Determination of number of threads
extinguishing media — Foam per unit length
concentrates — Part 3: Specification
This Uganda Standard specifies three methods for the
for low expansion foam concentrates
determination of the number of threads per
for top application to water-miscible
centimetre in woven fabrics. Any of the three
methods may be used, the choice depending on the
This Uganda Standard is applicable to low expansion character of the fabric. However, in case of dispute
foam concentrates which conform to Part 1. It method A is recommended. Method A: Dissection of
specifies additional requirements to assess their fabric, suitable for all fabrics. This is the most
suitability for use on water-miscible fuels. laborious method but has fewer limitations than the
others; in particular, it is the only one that is really
This standard was adopted on 2012-12-20
suitable for the examination of certain folded
structures and other complicated weaves. Method B:
Counting glass, suitable for woven fabrics with more
3052. US ISO 7211-1:1984, Textiles — than 50 threads per centimetre. Method C: Traversing
Woven fabrics — Construction — thread counter, suitable for all fabrics. Where the
Methods of analysis — Part 1: Methods number of threads per centimetre is low, it may be
for the presentation of a weave diagram convenient to express the results as the number of
and plans for drafting, denting and threads per decimetre. (This standard cancels and
lifting replaces US 441-2:2002/ISO 7211-2, Textiles -Woven
fabrics - construction - Methods of analysis - Part 2:
This Uganda Standard deals with recording of fabric Determination of number of threads per unit length
weaves and makes provision for showing in relation and US 385:2001/EAS 248, Methods for
to the weave repeat the sequence in which yarns of determination of threads per centimeter in woven
different character are used. A method is also fabrics).
provided for the presentation of the warp and weft
yarn arrangement. This part of US ISO 7211 applies This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
to all woven fabrics, including compound fabrics in STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000
which interlacing of the warp and weft threads is
accompanied by crossing of warp threads. 3054. US ISO 7211-3:1984, Textiles —
Woven fabrics — Construction —
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 Methods of analysis — Part 3:
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 Determination of crimp of yarn in
3053. US ISO 7211-2:1984, Textiles —
Woven fabrics — Construction — This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
Methods of analysis — Part 2: determination of crimp of yarn in fabric. The method

613 | P a g e
is applicable to most woven fabrics but is unsuitable Labels for cylinders of bundles and labels for bundles
for fabrics manufactured in such a way as to render are not covered by this standard.
removal of the crimp from the yarns impossible or
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
impractical under the specified straightening tension.
(This standard cancels and replaces US 441-
3:2002/ISO 7211, Textiles - Woven fabrics -
Construction - Method of analysis - Part 3: 3057. US ISO 7278-1:1987, Liquid
Determination of crimp of yarn in fabric). hydrocarbons — Dynamic
measurement — Proving systems for
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
volumetric meters — Part 1: General
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 principles

3055. US ISO 7211-4:1984, Textiles — This Uganda Standard provides general principles for
Woven fabrics — Construction — proving systems for meters used in dynamic
Methods of analysis — Part 4: measurement of liquid hydrocarbons.
Determination of twist in yarn removed
from fabric This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

determination of twist in yarns removed from woven

3058. US ISO 7278-2:1988, Liquid
fabrics. The method is only applicable to yarns spun
hydrocarbons — Dynamic
on conventional systems, and is not applicable to OE
measurement — Proving systems for
(open-end spun) or interlaced yarns, for example.
volumetric meters — Part 2: Pipe
(This standard cancels and replaces US 441-
4:2002/ISO 7211-4, Textiles - Woven fabrics -
Construction - Method of analysis - Part 4: This Uganda Standard provides guidance for the
Determination of twist in yarn removal from fabric). design, installation and calibration of pipe provers.

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26



3056. US ISO 7225:2005, Gas cylinders

3059. US ISO 7278-3:1998, Liquid
— Precautionary labels
hydrocarbons — Dynamic

This Uganda Standard specifies the design, content measurement — Proving systems for

(that is, hazard symbols and text) and application of volumetric meters — Part 3: Pulse

precautionary labels intended for use on individual interpolation techniques

gas cylinders containing single gases or gas mixtures.

614 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the Cyprinidae) — common name, zebra fish ] in water
procedures and conditions of use to be observed if of a specified quality.
pulse interpolation is used in conjunction with a pipe
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
or small volume prover and a turbine or displacement
meter to improve the discrimination of proving.

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

3062. US ISO 7439:2015, Copper-
bearing contraceptive intrauterine
devices — Requirements and tests
3060. US ISO 7278-4:1999, Liquid
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
hydrocarbons — Dynamic
tests for single-use, copper-bearing contraceptive
measurement — Proving systems for
intrauterine devices (IUDs) and their insertion
volumetric meters — Part 4: Guide for
instruments. It is not applicable to IUDs consisting
operators of pipe provers
only of a plastics body or whose primary purpose is
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on to release progestogens.
operating pipe provers to prove turbine meters and
displacement meters. It applies both to the types of This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

pipe prover specified in US ISO 7278-2, which are

referred to here as “conventional pipe provers”, and
to other types referred to here as “compact pipe 3063. US ISO 7482-1:1998, Raw goat
provers” or “small volume provers”. skins — Part 1: Descriptions of defects

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 This Uganda Standard describes the defects which
may occur on raw goat skins It is applicable to fresh
and cured (air dried, wet salted or dry salted) goat
3061. US ISO 7346-1:1996, Water
quality — Determination of the acute
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
lethal toxicity of substances to a
freshwater fish [Brachydanio rerio STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
Hamilton-Buchanan (Teleostei,
Cyprinidae)] — Part 1: Static method 3064. US ISO 7482-2:1999, Raw goat
skins — Part 2: Guidelines for grading
This Uganda Standard specifies a static method for on the basis of mass and size
the determination of the acute lethal toxicity of
stable, non-volatile, single substances, soluble in This Uganda Standard prescribes guidelines for

water under specified conditions, to a freshwater fish grading raw goat skins in the fresh and the cured

[Brachydanio rerio Hamilton-Buchanan (Teleostei,

615 | P a g e
(including sundried) condition the basis of their mass It provides a method for determining the volumetric
and size. quantity contained within a tank at gauged liquid
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
3065. US ISO 7482-3:2005, Raw goat
skins — Part 3: Guidelines for grading 3068. US ISO 7507-3:2006, Petroleum
on the basis of defects and liquid petroleum products —
Calibration of vertical cylindrical tanks
This Uganda Standard prescribes guidelines for the
— Part 3: Optical-triangulation method
classification of raw or cured, trimmed goat skins on
the basis of visually apparent defects. This Uganda Standard specifies a calibration
procedure for application to tanks above 8 m in
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
diameter with cylindrical courses that are
substantially vertical. It provides a method for
determining the volumetric quantity contained within
3066. US ISO 7507-1:2003, Petroleum a tank at gauged liquid levels. The measurements
and liquid petroleum products — required to determine the radius are made either
Calibration of vertical cylindrical tanks internally or externally. The external method is
— Part 1: Strapping method applicable only to tanks that are free of insulation.

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
calibration of substantially vertical cylindrical tanks
by measuring the tank using a strapping tape.

3069. US ISO 7507-4:1995, Petroleum

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
and liquid petroleum products —
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 80,000 Calibration of vertical cylindrical tanks
- Part 4: Internal electro-optical
3067. US ISO 7507-2:2005, Petroleum distance-ranging method
and liquid petroleum products —
Calibration of vertical cylindrical tanks This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
— Part 2: Optical-reference line calibration of vertical cylindrical tanks having
method diameters greater than 5 m by means of internal
measurements using an electro-optical distance
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the ranging instrument, and for the subsequent
calibration of tanks above eight metres in diameter compilation of tank capacity tables. This method is
with cylindrical courses that are substantially vertical.

616 | P a g e
known as the internal electro-optical distance-ranging STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
(EODR) method.
3072. US ISO 7619-2:2010, Rubber,
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 vulcanized or thermoplastic —
Determination of indentation hardness
— Part 2: IRHD pocket meter method

3070. US ISO 7507-5:2000, Petroleum

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
and liquid petroleum products — determining the indentation hardness of vulcanized or
Calibration of vertical cylindrical tanks
thermoplastic rubber by means of a pocket hardness
— Part 5: External electro-optical
meter calibrated in IRHD. The use of such meters is
distance-ranging method
primarily intended for control, not specification
purposes. It is possible to increase precision by fixing
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
the pocket hardness meter on a support.
calibration of non-insulated vertical cylindrical tanks
having diameters greater than 5 m, by means of
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
external measurement using an electro-optical
distance-ranging method (EODR), and for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
subsequent compilation of tank capacity tables. (This
3073. US ISO 7724-1:1984, Paints and
Uganda Standard is an adoption of the International
varnishes — Colorimetry — Part 1:
Standard ISO 7507-5:2000).
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
This standard describes the calorimetric terms and
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 fundamental requirements necessary for determining
the colour co-ordinates of paint films and related
3071. US ISO/TR 7507-6:1997,
Petroleum and liquid petroleum
products — Calibration of vertical This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19
cylindrical tanks — Part 6:
Recommendations for monitoring,
checking and verification of tank
3074. US ISO 7724-2:1984, Paints and
calibration and capacity table
varnishes — Colorimetry — Part 2:
Colour measurement
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on monitoring
the accuracy of the calibration and the tank capacity
This standard describes the method for determining
table of a vertical cylindrical tank.
the colour co-ordinates of paint films. The method is
only applicable to paint films that appear to be
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

617 | P a g e
uniformly of one colour, i.e. monochromatic, when 3078. US ISO 7745:2010, Hydraulic
examined with normal vision. fluid power — Fire-resistant (FR) fluids
— Requirements and guidelines for use
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19
This Uganda Standard specifies the operational
characteristics for the various categories of fire-
resistant fluids defined by ISO 6743-4.
3075. US ISO 7724-3:1984, Paints and
varnishes — Colorimetry — Part 3:
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
Calculation of colour differences
This standard describes a method for the quantitative
calorimetric evaluation of small colour differences 3079. US ISO 7771:1985, Textiles —
between paint films. Determination of dimensional changes
of 3 fabrics induced by cold-water
This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19


This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determination of the dimensional changes that occur
3076. US ISO 7740:1985, Instruments
when a fabric is subjected to immersion in cold water
for surgery — Scalpels with detachable
without agitation, and dried. It is applicable to fabrics
blades — Fitting dimensions
which, in use, are subjected to cold water without
This Uganda Standard has been prepared to meet the agitation. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
need for good fitting and interchangeability of replaces US 381:2001/EAS 242 Dimensional changes
detachable blades for scalpels. of fabric by cold water immersion which has been
republished on).
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
3077. US ISO 7741:1986, Instruments
for surgery — Scissors and shears — 3080. US ISO 7864:2016, Sterile
General requirements and test methods hypodermic needles for single use —
Requirements and test methods (2 nd
This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements Edition)
and corresponding routine test methods for scissors
and shears which are used in surgery. This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
sterile hypodermic needles for single use of
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 designated metric sizes 0.18 mm to 1.2 mm. It does
not apply to those devices that are covered by their

618 | P a g e
own standard such as dental needles and pen needles. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
(The Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO
7864:1993, Sterile hypodermic needles for single use 3083. US ISO 7886-1:2017, Sterile
hypodermic syringes for single use —
which has been technically revised).
Part 1: Syringe for manual use (2nd
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 Edition)

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
methods for verifying the design of empty sterile
3081. US ISO 7866:2012, Gas cylinders
single-use hypodermic syringes, with or without
— Refillable seamless aluminium
needle, made of plastic or other materials and
alloy gas cylinders — Design,
intended for the aspiration and injection of fluids
construction and testing after filling by the end-users. This standard does not
provide requirements for lot release. The syringes are
This Uganda Standard specifies minimum
primarily for use in humans. (This Uganda standard
requirements for the material, design, construction
cancels and replaces US ISO 7886-1:1993, Sterile
and workmanship, manufacturing processes and tests
hypodermic syringes for single use — Part 1:
at time of manufacture of refillable seamless
Syringes for manual use, which has been technically
aluminium alloy gas cylinders of water capacities up
to and including 150 litres for compressed, liquefied
and dissolved gases for worldwide use (normally up
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
to +65 °C).
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
3084. US ISO 7886-2:1996, Sterile
hypodermic syringes for single use —
Part 2: Syringes for use with power-
3082. US ISO 7885:2010, Dentistry —
driven syringe pumps
Sterile injection needles for single use

This part of ISO 7886 specifies requirements for

This Uganda Standard gives dimensional and
sterile Single-use hypodermic syringes of nominal
performance requirements for sterile injection needles
capacity 5 ml and above, made of plastics materials
for single use which are used in dental cartridge
and intended for use with power-driven Syringe
syringes complying with ISO 9997 for injection of
dental local anaesthetics. It further specifies
requirements with respect to their packaging,
This part of ISO 7886 does not apply to syringes for
labelling and colour coding. It does not cover needles
use with insulin (specified in ISO 8537), Single-use
for special applications or techniques.
syringes made of glass (specified in ISO 595),
syringes prefilled with the injection by the
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
manufacturer and syringes supplied with the injection

619 | P a g e
as a kit for filling by a pharmaeist. lt does not address Part 4: Syringes with re-use prevention
compatibility with injection fluids. feature (2nd Edition)

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
sterile single-use hypodermic syringes made of
plastic and rubber materials with or without needle,
and intended for the aspiration of fluids or for the
3085. US ISO 7886-3:2005, Sterile
injection of fluids immediately after filling and of
hypodermic syringes for single use —
design such that the syringe can be rendered unusable
Part 3: Autodisable syringes for fixed-
after use. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
dose immunization
replaces US ISO 7886-4: 2006 which has been
This part of ISO 7886 specifies the properties and technically revised).
performance of sterile single-use hypodermic
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
syringes with or without needle, made of plastic
materials and stainless steel and intended for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
aspiration of vaccines or for the injection of vaccines
3087. US ISO 7941: 1988, Commercial
immediately after filling. Upon delivering a fixed
propane and butane — Analysis by gas
dose of vaccine, the syringe is automatically rendered

This Uganda Standard specifies a gas

This part of ISO 7886 does not specify the design of
chromatographic method for the quantitative
the auto-disable feature, which is left to the discretion
determination of hydrocarbons in liquefied Petroleum
of the manufacturer.
gas (LPG), excluding components whose
This part of ISO 7886 is not applicable to syringes for concentrations are below 0.1 % (m/m). lt is
use with insulin (specified in ISO 8537), syringes applicable to the analysis of propane, butane and their
made of glass (specified in ISO 595), syringes for use commercial mixtures, which may include saturated
with power-driven syringe pumps (specified in ISO and unsaturated C2, C3, C4 and C5 hydrocarbons. lt
7886-2), auto-disable syringes for variable dose does not apply to “on-line” chromatography.
delivery and syringes designed to be prefilled. It does
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
not address compatibility with injection

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

3088. US ISO 8009:2014, Mechanical
contraceptives — Reusable natural and
silicone rubber contraceptive
3086. US ISO 7886-4:2018, Sterile diaphragms — Requirements and tests
hypodermic syringes for single use —

620 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
requirements and test methods to be used for reusable
diaphragms made from natural rubber and silicone
rubber. These diaphragms are intended for 3091. US ISO 8124-1:2014, Safety of
contraceptive use. This Uganda Standard is not toys — Part 1: Safety aspects related to
applicable to other vaginal contraceptive barriers, mechanical and physical properties (3rd
such as those known as cervical caps, vaginal Edition)
sponges, and vaginal sheaths.
This Uganda Standard applies to all toys, i.e. any
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 product or material designed or clearly intended for
use in play by children under 14 years of age. They
are applicable to a toy as it is initially received by the
consumer and, in addition, they apply after a toy is
3089. US ISO 8067:2008, Flexible
subjected to reasonably foreseeable conditions of
cellular polymeric materials —
normal use and abuse unless specifically noted
Determination of tear strength
otherwise. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
This Uganda Standard specifies two methods for the replaces US ISO 8124-1: 2007, Safety of toys — Part
determination of the tear strength of flexible cellular 1: Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical
polymeric materials; method A, using a trouser test properties, which has been technically revised).
piece; method B, using an angle test piece without a
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20


This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

3092. US ISO 8124-2:2007, Safety of

toys — Part 2: Flammability (2nd
3090. US ISO 8068:2006, Lubricants, Edition)
industrial oils and related products
This Uganda Standard specifies the categories of
(class L) — Family T (Turbines) —
flammable materials that are prohibited in all toys,
Specification for lubricating oils for
and requirements concerning flammability of certain
toys when they are subjected to a minor source of
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum ignition. (This standard cancels and replaces the first
requirements for turbine lubricants, as delivered. It edition US ISO 8124-2:2005, Safety of toys — Part 2:
specifies the requirements for a wide variety of Flammability, which has been technically revised).
turbines for power generation, including steam
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
turbines, gas turbines, combined-cycle turbines with a
common lubrication system and hydraulic (water
driven) turbines.

621 | P a g e
3093. US ISO 8124-3:2010/Amd.1:2014, juvenile care products such as, but not limited to,
Safety of toys — Part 3: Migration of infant swings, playpens/enclosures, beds or furniture
certain elements (2nd Edition) including picnic tables, cradle rockers and products
specifically designed for therapeutic use.
This Uganda Standard specifies maximum acceptable
levels and methods of sampling and extraction prior This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
to analysis for the migration of the elements
antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 70,000

lead, mercury and selenium from toy materials and

3095. US ISO 8192:2007, Water quality
from parts of toys. (This standard cancels and
— Test for inhibition of oxygen
replaces the first edition, US ISO 8124-3:2005,
consumption by activated sludge for
Safety of toys — Part 3 Migration of certain
carbonaceous and ammonium oxidation
elements, which has been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
assessing the inhibitory effect of a test material on the
oxygen consumption of activated sludge
3094. US ISO 8124-4:2010, Safety of
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
toys — Part 4: Swings, slides and
similar activity toys for indoor
and outdoor family domestic use
3096. US ISO 8216-1:2005, Petroleum
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
products — Fuels (class F) classification
methods for activity toys for domestic family use
— Part 1: Categories of marine fuels
intended for children under 14 years to play on or in.
Products covered by this part of US ISO 8124 include This Uganda Standard establishes the detailed
swings, slides, seesaws, carousels, rocking toys, classification of marine fuels within class F
climbing frames, fully enclosed toddler swing seats (petroleum fuels). It is intended to be read in
and other products intended to bear the mass of one conjunction with US ISO 8216-99.
or more children. Products not included within the
scope of this part of US ISO 8124 are: This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

fitness and sporting equipment unless attached to the STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000

activity toy;
3097. US ISO 8216-2:1986, Petroleum

equipment intended for use in schools, day care products — Fuels (class F) —

centres, kindergartens, public playgrounds, Classification — Part 2: Categories of

restaurants, shopping centres and similar public gas turbine fuel marine applications


622 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard establishes the detailed 3099. US ISO 8217:2012, Petroleum
classification of gas turbine fuels for industrial and products — Fuels (class F) —
marine applications, but excluding aircraft fuels. It Specifications of marine fuels
should be read in conjunction with IS0 8216/0. The
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
fuels in this classification are for use in industrial gas
petroleum fuels for use in marine diesel engines and
turbines and gas turbines derived from aviation
boilers, prior to appropriate treatment before use. The
turbines that are used in static and marine
specifications for fuels in this standard can also be
applications. The classification includes only fuels
applicable to fuels for stationary diesel engines of the
that are liquid under atmospheric pressure and at their
same or similar make and type as those used for
normal storage temperatures. Petroleum fuels, being
marine purposes. This standard specifies four
the result of the processing of crude oils of diverse
categories of distillate fuel, one of which is for diesel
origin, cannot be chemically defined, but may be
engines for emergency purposes. It also specifies six
categorized generally within the scope of this part of
categories of residual fuel.
US ISO 8216.

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30



3100. US ISO 8222:2002, Petroleum

3098. US ISO 8216-99:2002, Petroleum
measurement systems — Calibration —
products — Fuels (class F) —
Classification — Part 99: General Temperature corrections for use when
calibrating volumetric proving tanks
This Uganda Standard establishes a general system of
This Uganda Standard specifies multiplication factors
classification which applies to petroleum fuels
for the correction of the volume of water transferred
designated by the prefix letter “F”. Within class F,
from a primary measure to a tank for changes arising
five families (designated as categories) of products
from temperature differences during the
are defined according to the type of fuel and listed in
determination of the capacity of the tank at reference
decreasing order of volatility. One category, D, is
defined further by subgroups on the basis of volatility
and flash point, because of the safety implications of
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
different customary titles for such fuels in different
parts of the world. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 3101. US ISO 8307:2007, Flexible

cellular polymeric materials —
Determination of resilience by ball

623 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for 3104. US ISO 8537:2016, Sterile single-
determining the resilience by ball rebound of flexible use syringes, with or without needle, for
cellular polymeric materials. insulin (2nd Edition)

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
methods for empty, sterile, single-use syringes, with
or without needles, made of plastic materials and
intended solely for the injection of insulin, with
3102. US ISO 8498:1990, Woven
which the syringes are filled by the end user. (This
fabrics — Description of defects —
standard cancels and replaces US ISO 8537:2007,
Sterile single-use syringes, with or without needle,
This Uganda Standard defines woven-fabric defects, for insulin, which has been technically revised).
i.e. those characteristics that have been
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
unintentionally introduced into the fabric. The
presence of one or other of these characteristics in a
fabric does not automatically imply that the fabric is
sub-standard. Divided in general defects, yarn defects 3105. US ISO 8559-1:2017, Size
in a woven fabric, defects in the weft direction, designation of clothes — Part 1:
defects in the warp direction, defects due to, or Anthropometric definitions for body
apparent after, dyeing, printing or finishing, defects measurement
of, or associated with, the selvedges.
This Uganda Standard provides a description of
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 anthropometric measurements that can be used as a
basis for the creation of physical and digital
anthropometric databases. The list of measurements
specified in this document is intended to serve as a
3103. US ISO 8499: 2003, Knitted
guide for practitioners in the field of clothing who are
fabrics — Description of defects —
required to apply their knowledge to select
population market segments and to create size and
This Uganda Standard describes defects which shape profiles for the development of all garment
commonly appear during the inspection of knitted types and their equivalent fit mannequins. The list
fabrics. (This standard cancels and replaces US provides a guide for how to take anthropometric
418:2003 Knitted fabrics -Description of defects – measurements, as well as give information to clothing
Vocabulary). product development teams and fit mannequin
manufacturers on the principles of measurement and
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 their underlying anatomical and anthropometrical
bases. (This standard, together with US ISO 8559-
2:2017, cancels and replaces US 356:2002, Size

624 | P a g e
designation of clothes — Men's and boy outerwear This Uganda Standard defines terms used in dealing
garments, US 357:2002, Size designation of clothes with urine collection bags; related medical terms are
— Women's and girl's outerwear garments and US not defined. The terms do not individually or
358:2002, Size designation of clothes — Infants collectively define or recommend a product of a
garments, which have been withdrawn). specific design, style or size.

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01 This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26


3106. US ISO 8559-2:2017, Size 3108. US ISO 8669-2: 1996, Urine

designation of clothes — Part 2: collection bags — Part 2: Requirements
Primary and secondary dimension and test methods
This Uganda Standard specifies performance
This Uganda Standard specifies primary and requirements and test methods for open-ended and
secondary dimensions for specified types of garments closed-ended urine collection bags of the following
to be used in combination with US ISO 8559-1 types:
(anthropometric definitions for body measurement).
urine collection bags intended to be worn on the body
The primary aim of this document is to establish a
(body-worn bags);
size designation system that can be used by
manufacturers and retailers to indicate to consumers
urine collection bags intended to be used with a
(in a simple, direct and meaningful manner) the body
hanger or a floor stand (non-body-worn bags).
dimensions of the person that the garment is intended
to fit. (This standard, together with US ISO 8559- It does not apply to urostomy bags, urimeters and
1:2017, cancels and replaces US 356:2002, Size urine bags intended specifically for paediatric use.
designation of clothes — Men's and boy outerwear
garments, US 357:2002, Size designation of clothes This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

— Women's and girl's outerwear garments and US

358:2002, Size designation of clothes — Infants
garments, which have been withdrawn). 3109. US 1SO 8681:1986, Petroleum
products and lubricants — Method of
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01
classification — Definition of classes


This Uganda Standard establishes the general

3107. US ISO 8669-1: 1988, Urine classification system which applies to petroleum

collection bags — Part 1: Vocabulary products, lubricants and related products; defines the
classes of petroleum products, lubricants and related
products together with their designation. The rules of

625 | P a g e
this classification system to apply to each class of liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) based on
product concerned will be specified in the relevant compositional data and density and vapour pressure
standard. factors for individual LPG components. A list of
factors is provided in this standard. This method is
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
intended for application in specifications of product
quality and is not intended for application to quantity
measurement in custody transfer (see ISO 6578).
3110. US ISO 8692:2012, Water quality
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
— Fresh water algal growth inhibition
test with unicellular green algae

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

3113. US ISO 9015-1: 2001, Destructive
determination of the growth inhibition of unicellular
tests on welds in metallic materials —
green algae by substances and mixtures contained in
Hardness testing — Part 1:
water or by waste water. This method is applicable
Hardness test on arc welded joints
for substances that are easily soluble in water.
This Uganda Standard specifies hardness tests on
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 transverse sections of arc welded joints of metallic
materials. It covers Vickers hardness tests in
accordance with ISO 6507-1, normally with test loads
3111. US ISO 8819: 1993 Liquefied of 49,03 N or 98,07 N (HV 5 or HV 10).
petroleum gases — Detection of
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
hydrogen sulfide — Lead acetate

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

3114. US ISO 9029:1990, Crude
detection of hydrogen sulfide in liquefied petroleum
petroleum — Determination of water
— Distillation method

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
determining water in crude oil by distillation. The
precision data have only been determined for water
3112. US ISO 8973: 1997, Liquefied contents up to 1 % (v/v).
petroleum gases — Calculation method
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
for density and vapour pressure


This Uganda Standard describes a simplified method
for the calculation of density and vapour pressure of

626 | P a g e
3115. US ISO 9073-1:1989, Textiles — STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
Test methods for nonwovens — Part 1:
3118. US ISO 9117-3:2010, Paints and
Determination of mass per unit area
varnishes — Drying tests — Part
This Uganda Standard prescribes the measurement of 3:Surface-drying test using Ballotini
the area and mass of a test piece and calculation of its
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for
mass per unit area in grams per square metre.
determining the surface-drying characteristics of a
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 coating of a paint or varnish which dries by the action
of air or by chemical reaction of its component. (This
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO
1517:1973, Paints and varnishes — Surface-drying
3116. US ISO 9073-2:1995, Textiles —
test — Ballotini method, which has been technically
Test methods for non wovens — Part 2:
Determination of thickness

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
determination of the thickness, when under a specific
pressure, of normal and bulky non woven textiles.
3119. US ISO 9120:1997, Petroleum
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
and related products — Determination
of air-release properties of steam
turbine and other oils — Impinger
3117. US ISO 9117-1:2009, Paints and method
varnishes — Drying tests —Part
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
1:Determination of through-dry state
estimation of the ability of a petroleum-type steam
and through-dry time
turbine oil to be separated from entrained air.
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
determining under standard conditions whether a
single coat or a multi-coat system of paint, varnish or
related material has reached the through-dry state
after a specified drying period. (This Uganda 3120. US ISO 9200:1993, Crude
Standard cancels and replaces US ISO 9117:1990, petroleum and liquid petroleum
Paints and varnishes — Determination of through- products — Volumetric metering of
dry state and through-dry time which has been viscous hydrocarbons
technically revised).
This Uganda Standard defines viscous hydrocarbons
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 and describes the difficulties that arise when viscous

627 | P a g e
hydrocarbons are raised to high temperatures. The in aqueous medium by determination of
effects of such temperatures upon meters, auxiliary oxygen demand in a closed
equipment and fittings are discussed, and advice and respirometer
warnings to overcome or mitigate difficulties are
This Uganda Standard specifies a method, by
determination of the oxygen demand in a closed
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 respirometer, for the evaluation in aqueous medium
of the ultimate biodegradability of organic
compounds and waste waters at a given concentration
by aerobic microorganisms.
3121. US ISO 9328-5:2011, Steel flat
products for pressure purposes —
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
Technical delivery conditions — Part 5:
Weldable fine grain steels, STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
thermomechanically rolled
3124. US ISO 9439:1999, Water quality
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for — Evaluation of ultimate aerobic
flat products for pressure equipment, made of biodegradability of organic compounds
thermomechanically rolled weldable fine grain steels. in aqueous medium — Carbon dioxide
evolution test
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
This Uganda Standard specifies a method, by
determination of carbon dioxide (CO2), for the
evaluation in an aqueous medium of the ultimate
3122. US ISO 9407:1991, Shoes sizes —
biodegradability of organic compounds at a given
Mondopoint System of sizing and
concentration by aerobic microorganisms.

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

This Uganda Standard describes the fundamental
characteristics of a System of sizing shoes that is to
be known as Mondopoint. It specifies the method of
size marking for shoes and applies to all types of shoe 3125. US ISO 9606-1:2012,
without restriction. Qualification testing of welders —
Fusion welding — Part 1: Steels (2nd
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15


This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
qualification testing of welders for fusion welding of
3123. US ISO 9408:1999, Water quality
steels. It provides a set of technical rules for a
— Evaluation of ultimate aerobic
systematic qualification test of the welder, and
biodegradability of organic compounds

628 | P a g e
enables such qualifications to be uniformly accepted STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000
independently of the type of product, location and
examiner or examining body. (This Uganda Standard 3128. US ISO 9606-5:2000, Approval
testing of welders — Fusion welding —
cancels and replaces US ISO 9606-1:1994, Approval
Part 5: Titanium and titanium alloys,
testing of welders — Fusion welding — Part 1:
zirconium and zirconium alloys
Steels, which has been technically revised).

This Uganda Standard specifies essential

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
requirements, ranges of approval, test conditions,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 acceptance requirements and certification for the
approval testing of welder performance for the
3126. US ISO 9606-3:1999, Approval
welding of titanium and zirconium. This standard
testing of welders — Fusion welding — applies to the approval testing of welders for the
Part 3: Copper and copper alloys
fusion welding of titanium.

This Uganda Standard specifies essential

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
requirements, ranges of approval, test conditions,
acceptance requirements and certification for the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000
approval testing of welder performance for the
3129. US ISO 9712: 2012, Non-
welding of copper. This standard applies to the
destructive testing — Qualification and
approval testing of welders for the fusion welding of
certification of NDT personnel

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
principles for the qualification and certification of
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 personnel who perform industrial non-destructive
testing (NDT).
3127. US ISO 9606-4:1999, Approval
testing of welders — Fusion welding — This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
Part 4: Nickel and nickel alloys
This Uganda Standard specifies essential
3130. US ISO 9809-1: 2010, Gas
requirements, ranges of approval, test conditions,
acceptance requirements and certification for the cylinders — Refillable seamless steel
gas cylinders — Design, construction
approval testing of welder performance for the
and testing — Part 1: Quenched and
welding of nickel. This standard applies to the
tempered steel cylinders with tensile
approval testing of welders for the fusion welding of
nickel. strength less than 1 100 MPa

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

629 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies minimum STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000
requirements for the material, design, construction
and workmanship, manufacturing processes, 3132. US ISO 9809-3:2010, Gas
cylinders — Refillable seamless steel
examination and testing at manufacture of refillable
gas cylinders — Design, construction
quenched and tempered seamless steel gas cylinders
and testing — Part 3: Normalized steel
of water capacities from 0.5 l up to and including 150
l for compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases. This cylinders

standard is applicable to cylinders with a maximum

This Uganda Standard specifies minimum
actual tensile strength Rma of less than 1 100 MPa.
requirements for the material, design, construction
and workmanship, manufacturing processes,
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
examination and testing at manufacture of refillable
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000 normalized or normalized and tempered seamless
steel gas cylinders of water capacities from 0.5 l up to
3131. US ISO 9809-2:2010, Gas
and including 150 l for compressed, liquefied and
cylinders — Refillable seamless steel
dissolved gases.
gas cylinders —Design, construction
and testing — Part 2: Quenched and This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
tempered steel cylinders with tensile
strength greater than or equal to 1
100 MPa
3133. US ISO 9809-4:2014, Gas

This Uganda Standard specifies minimum cylinders — Refillable seamless steel

gas cylinders — Design, construction
requirements for the material, design, construction
and testing — Part 4: Stainless steel
and workmanship, manufacturing processes,
examination and testing at manufacture of refillable cylinders with an Rm value of less than
1 100 MPa
quenched and tempered seamless steel gas cylinders
of water capacities from 0.5 l up to and including 150
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
l for compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases. This
requirements for the material, design, construction
part of US ISO 9809 is applicable to cylinders with a
and workmanship, manufacturing processes,
maximum tensile strength Rma ≥ 1 100 MPa. It is not
examinations, and tests at manufacture of refillable
applicable to cylinders with Rma, max >1 300 MPa for
seamless stainless steel gas cylinders of water
diameters >140 mm and guaranteed wall thicknesses
capacities from 0.5 l up to and including 150 l for
a’ ≥ 12 mm and Rma, max >1 400 MPa for diameters
compressed, liquefied, and dissolved gases. This part
≤ 140 mm and guaranteed wall thicknesses a’ ≥ 6
of US ISO 9809 is applicable to cylinders with a
mm, because beyond these limits, additional
maximum actual tensile strength, Rma, of less than 1
requirements can apply.
100 MPa.

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

630 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000 and pipe lighters. It does not apply to matches, nor
does it apply to other flame-producing products
3134. US ISO 9866-2:1991, Textiles — intended solely for igniting materials other than
Effect of dry heat on fabrics under low
cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. (This standard cancels
pressure — Part 2: Determination of
and replaces US ISO 9994: 2005 Lighters — Safety
dimensional change in fabrics exposed
to dry heat
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method in
order to predict the behaviour of fabrics. It describes STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000
the principle, the apparatus, the atmospheres for
3137. US ISO 10156: 2010, Gases and
conditioning and testing, the test specimens, the test
procedure, and the contents of the test report gas mixtures — Determination of fire
potential and oxidizing ability for
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 the selection of cylinder valve outlets

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 This Uganda Standard specifies methods for
determining whether or not a gas or gas mixture is
3135. US ISO 9951:1993, Measurement flammable in air and whether a gas or gas mixture is
of gas flow in closed conduits —
more or less oxidizing than air under atmospheric
Turbine meters
conditions. This standard is intended to be used for
the classification of gases and gas mixtures including
This Uganda Standard specifies dimensions, ranges,
the selection of gas cylinder valve outlets. This
construction, performance, calibration and output
standard does not cover the safe preparation of these
characteristics of turbine meters for gas flow
mixtures under pressure and at temperatures other
than ambient.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
3136. US ISO 9994: 2005/Amd.1: 2008,
3138. US ISO 10253:2016, Water
Lighters — Safety specification
quality — Marine algal growth
This Uganda Standard establishes requirements for inhibition test with Skeletonema sp. and
lighters to ensure a reasonable degree of safety for Phaeodactylum tricornutum
normal use or reasonably foreseeable misuse of such
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
lighters by users. The safety specification given in
determination of the inhibition of growth of the
this standard applies to all flame-producing products
unicellular marine algae Skeletonema sp. and
commonly known as cigarette lighters, cigar lighters
Phaeodactylum tricornutum by substances and

631 | P a g e
mixtures contained in sea water or by environmental This Uganda Standard specifies criteria, with relevant
water samples (effluents, elutriates, etc.). test methods, to be applied in describing single spun
grey cotton yarns, which are widely used in
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
international trade.


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

3139. US ISO 10282:2014, Single-use

sterile rubber surgical gloves —
Specification (2nd 3142. US ISO 10298:2010,
Determination of toxicity of a gas or gas
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
packaged sterile rubber gloves intended for use in
surgical procedures to protect the patient and the user This Uganda Standard lists the best available acute-
from cross-contamination. (This Uganda standard toxicity data of gases from the literature to allow the
cancels and replaces US ISO 10282:2002, Single-use classification of gases and gas mixtures
sterile rubber surgical gloves — Specification, which
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
has been technically revised).


This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
3143. US ISO 10405:2000, Petroleum
3140. US ISO 10286: 2015, Gas and natural gas industries — Care and
cylinders — Terminology use of casing and tubing

This Uganda Standard gives the terminology for This Uganda Standard establishes practices for care
standards intended to be used under regulations for and use of casing and tubing. It specifies practices for
the transport of dangerous goods that are based on the running and pulling casing and tubing, including
UN Model Regulations. Variations from the drifting, stabbing, making up and lowering, field
terminology are permissible to comply with other makeup, drifting and landing procedures. Also
regulations such as for stationary and automotive included are causes of trouble, as well as
applications. transportation, handling and storage, inspection and
field welding of attachments.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
3141. US ISO 10290: 1993, Textiles —
Cotton yarns — Specification 3144. US ISO 10407:1993, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Drilling

632 | P a g e
and production equipment — Drill water-based drilling fluids; drilling fluid density
stem design and operating limits (mud weight), viscosity and gel strength, filtration,
water, oil and solids contents, sand content,
This Uganda Standard lays down the properties of
methylene blue capacity, pH, alkalinity and lime
drill pipe and tool joints, drill collars, kellys, and
content, chloride content and total hardness as
establishes principles for the design and use of drill
stem and their components.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
3147. US ISO 10414-2:2011, Petroleum
3145. US ISO 10407-2:2008, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Field
and natural gas industries — Rotary
testing of drilling fluids — Part 2: Oil-
drilling equipment — Part 2:
based fluids
Inspection and classification of used
drillstem elements This Uganda Standard provides standard procedures
for determining the following characteristics of oil-
This Uganda Standard specifies the required
based drilling fluids; drilling fluid density (mud
inspection for each level of inspection and procedures
weight), viscosity and gel strength, filtration, oil,
for the inspection and testing of used drill stem
water and solids concentrations, alkalinity, chloride
elements. For the purpose of this part of US ISO
concentration and calcium concentration, electrical
10407, drill stem elements include drill pipe body,
stability, lime and calcium concentrations, calcium
tool joints, rotary-shouldered connections, drill collar,
chloride and sodium chloride concentrations, low-
HWDP and the ends of drill stem elements that make
gravity solids and weighting material concentrations.
up with them. This part of US ISO 10407 has been
prepared to address the practices and technology This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
commonly used in inspection.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
3148. US ISO 10416:2008, Petroleum
STATUS: COMPULSORY, PRICE: 110,000 and natural gas industries — Drilling
fluids — Laboratory testing
3146. US ISO 10414-1:2008, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Field This Uganda Standard provides procedures for the
testing of drilling fluids — Part 1: laboratory testing of both drilling fluid materials and
Water-based fluids drilling fluid physical, chemical and performance
properties. It is applicable to both water-based and
This Uganda Standard provides standard procedures
oil-based drilling fluids, as well as the base or “make-
for determining the following characteristics of
up” fluid.

633 | P a g e
3151. US ISO 10424-1:2004, Petroleum
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000 and natural gas industries — Rotary
drilling equipment — Part 1: Rotary
3149. US ISO 10417:2004, Petroleum
drill stem elements
and natural gas industries —
Subsurface safety valve systems — This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
Design, installation, operation and following drill stem elements: upper and lower Kelly
redress valves; square and hexagonal kellys; drill stem subs;
standard steel and non-magnetic drill collars; drilling
This Uganda Standard establishes requirements and
and coring bits.
provides guidelines for configuration, installation,
test, operation and documentation of subsurface This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
safety valve (SSSV) systems. In addition, this
standard establishes requirements and provides
guidelines for selection, handling, redress and
3152. US ISO 10424-2:2007, Petroleum
documentation of SSSV downhole production
and natural gas industries — Rotary
drilling equipment — Part 2:
Threading and gauging of rotary
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
shouldered thread connections
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements on
3150. US ISO 10423:2009, Petroleum rotary shouldered connections for use in petroleum
and natural gas industries — Drilling and natural gas industries, including dimensional
and production equipment — Wellhead requirements on threads and thread gauges,
and christmas tree equipment stipulations on gauging practice, gauge
specifications, as well as instruments and methods for
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
inspection of thread connections. These connections
gives recommendations for the performance,
are intended primarily for use in drill-string
dimensional and functional interchangeability,
design, materials, testing, inspection, welding,
marking, handling, storing, shipment, purchasing, This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
repair and remanufacture of wellhead and christmas
tree equipment for use in the petroleum and natural
gas industries.
3153. US ISO 10425:2003, Steel wire
ropes for the petroleum and natural gas
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

634 | P a g e
industries — Minimum requirements 3156. US ISO 10426-4:2004, Petroleum
and terms of acceptance and natural gas industries — Cements
and materials for well cementing —
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
Part 4: Preparation and testing of
requirements and terms of acceptance for the
foamed cement slurries at
manufacture and testing of steel wire ropes not
atmospheric pressure
exceeding rope grade 2160 for the petroleum and
natural gas industries. This Uganda Standard defines the methods for the
generation and testing of foamed cement slurries and
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
their corresponding unfoamed base cement slurries at
atmospheric pressure.

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

3154. US ISO 10426-1:2009, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Cements
and materials for well cementing —
Part 1: Specification 3157. US ISO 10426-5:2004, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Cements
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
and materials for well cementing —
gives recommendations for six classes of well
Part 5: Determination of shrinkage and
cements, including their chemical and physical
expansion of well cement
requirements and procedures for physical testing.
formulations at atmospheric pressure

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 This Uganda Standard provides the methods for the
testing of well cement formulations to determine the
dimension changes during the curing process (cement
3155. US ISO 10426-2:2003, Petroleum hydration) at atmospheric pressure only. This is a
and natural gas industries — Cements base document, because under real well cementing
and materials for well cementing — conditions shrinkage and expansion take place under
Part 2: Testing of well cements pressure and different boundary conditions.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
gives recommendations for the testing of cement
slurries and related materials under simulated well
3158. US ISO 10427-1:2001, Petroleum
and natural gas industries —
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
Equipment for well cementing
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 110,000 — Part 1: Casing bow-spring

635 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard provides minimum float equipment that will be in contact with water-
performance requirements, test procedures and based fluids used for drilling and cementing wells. It
marking requirements for casing bow-spring is not applicable to float equipment performance in
centralizers for the petroleum and natural gas non-water-based fluids.
industries. The procedures provide verification
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
testing for the manufacturer’s design, materials and
process specifications, and periodic testing to confirm
the consistency of product performance.
3161. US ISO 10431:1993, Petroleum
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
and natural gas industries — Pumping
units — Specification

This Uganda Standard lays down specification

3159. US ISO 10427-2:2004, Petroleum
covering the design and rating of pumping units.
and natural gas industries —
Equipment for well cementing
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
— Part 2: Centralizer placement and
stop-collar testing STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000

This Uganda Standard provides calculations for 3162. US ISO 10432:2004, Petroleum
determining centralizer spacing, based on centralizer and natural gas industries — Downhole
performance and desired standoff, in deviated and equipment — Subsurface safety valve
dogleg holes in wells for the petroleum and natural equipment
gas industries. It also provides a procedure for testing
stop collars and reporting test results. This Uganda Standard provides the minimum
acceptable requirements for subsurface safety valves
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 (SSSVs). It covers subsurface safety valves including
all components that establish tolerances and/or
clearances which may affect performance or
interchangeability of the SSSVs. It includes repair
3160. US ISO 10427-3:2003, Petroleum
operations and the interface connections to the flow
and natural gas industries —
control or other equipment, but does not cover the
Equipment for well cementing
connections to the well conduit.
— Part 3: Performance testing of
cementing float equipment
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

This Uganda Standard describes testing practices to

evaluate the performance of cementing float
equipment for the petroleum and natural gas 3163. US ISO 10437:2003, Petroleum,
industries. This part of US ISO 10427 is applicable to petrochemical and natural gas

636 | P a g e
industries — Steam turbines — Special- 3165. US ISO 10438-2:2007, Petroleum,
purpose applications petrochemical and natural gas
industries — Lubrication, shaft-
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
sealing and control-oil systems and
gives recommendations for the design, materials,
auxiliaries — Part 2: Special-purpose
fabrication, inspection, testing and preparation for
oil systems
shipment of steam turbines for special-purpose
applications. It also covers the related lube-oil This Uganda Standard, in conjunction with of US
systems, instrumentation, control systems and ISO 10438-1, specifies requirements for oil systems
auxiliary equipment. It is not applicable to general- for special purpose applications. These oil systems
purpose steam turbines, which are covered in ISO can provide lubrication oil, seal oil or both. These
10436. systems can serve equipment such as compressors,
gears, pumps and drivers.
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
3164. US ISO 10438-1:2007, Petroleum,
petrochemical and natural gas 3166. US ISO 10438-3:2007, Petroleum,
industries — Lubrication, shaft- petrochemical and natural gas
sealing and control-oil systems and industries — Lubrication, shaft-
auxiliaries — Part 1: General sealing and control-oil systems and
requirements auxiliaries — Part 3: General-purpose
oil systems
This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements
for lubrication systems, oil-type shaft-sealing This Uganda Standard, in conjunction with US ISO
systems, dry-gas face-type shaft-sealing systems and 10438-1, specifies requirements for oil systems for
control-oil systems for general- or special-purpose general purpose applications. These oil systems can
applications. General-purpose applications are provide lubrication oil, but not seal oil and can serve
limited to lubrication systems. These systems can equipment such as compressors, gears, pumps.
serve equipment such as compressors, gears, pumps
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
and drivers. This part of US ISO 10438 is intended to
be used in conjunction with US ISO 10438-2, US
ISO 10438-3 or US ISO 10438-4, as appropriate.
3167. US ISO 10438-4:2007, Petroleum,
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
petrochemical and natural gas
industries — Lubrication, shaft-
sealing and control-oil systems and

637 | P a g e
auxiliaries — Part 4:Self-acting gas This Uganda Standard specifies minimum
seal support systems requirements and gives recommendations for axial
compressors, single-shaft, and integrally geared
This Uganda Standard in conjunction with US ISO
process centrifugal compressors and expander-
10438-1 specifies requirements for support systems
compressors for special purpose applications that
for self-acting gas seals (dry gas seals), for example
handle gas or process air in the petroleum,
as described in ISO 10439 and ISO 10440-1. These
petrochemical, and natural gas industries.
systems can serve equipment such as compressors,
gears, pumps and drivers. This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 90,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000 3170. US ISO 10439-3:2015, Petroleum,

chemical and natural gas service
3168. US ISO 10439-1:2015, Petroleum,
industries — Axial and
petrochemical and natural gas
centrifugal compressors and expander
industries — Axial and centrifugal
compressors — Part 3:
compressors and expander compressors
Integrally geared centrifugal
⎯ Part 1: General requirement

This Uganda Standard specifies minimum This Uganda Standard specifies minimum
requirements and gives recommendations for axial requirements and gives recommendations for axial
compressors, single-shaft, and integrally geared compressors, single-shaft and integrally geared
process centrifugal compressors, and expander process centrifugal compressors, and expander
compressors for special purpose applications that compressors for special purpose applications that
handle gas or process air in the petroleum, handle gas or process air in the petroleum,
petrochemical, and natural gas industries. petrochemical, and natural gas industries. This part of
US ISO 10439 specifies integrally geared centrifugal
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
compressors in conjunction with US ISO 10439‑1.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
3169. US ISO 10439-2:2015, Petroleum,
chemical and gas service industries ⎯
Axial and centrifugal compressors and 3171. US ISO 10441:2007, Petroleum,
expander compressors ⎯ Part 2: Non- petrochemical and natural gas
integrally geared centrifugal and industries — Flexible couplings for
axial compressors mechanical power transmission —
Special-purpose applications

638 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for 3173. US ISO 10461:2005, Gas
couplings for the transmission of power between the cylinders — Seamless aluminium-alloy
rotating shafts of two machines in special-purpose gas cylinders — Periodic inspection and
applications in the petroleum, petrochemical and testing
natural gas industries. Such applications are typically
This Uganda Standard deals with seamless
in large and/or high speed machines, in services that
aluminium-alloy transportable gas cylinders intended
can be required to operate continuously for extended
for compressed and liquefied gases under pressure, of
periods, are often unspared and are critical to the
water capacity from 0.5 l to 150 l; it also applies, as
continued operation of the installation.
far as practical, to cylinders of less than 0.5 l water
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13 capacity. This standard specifies the requirements for
periodic inspection and testing to verify the integrity
of such gas cylinders for further service. This
standard does not apply to periodic inspection and
3172. US ISO 10460: 2005, Gas
testing of acetylene cylinders or composite cylinders
cylinders — Welded carbon-steel gas
with aluminium-alloy liners.
cylinders — Periodic inspection and
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

This Uganda Standard deals with welded, carbon-

steel, transportable gas cylinders intended for
compressed and liquefied gases under pressure, of 3174. US ISO 10464: 2004, Gas
water capacity from 0.5 l to 150 l; it also applies, as cylinders — Refillable welded steel
far as practical, to cylinders of less than 0.5 l water cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas
capacity and greater than 150 l up to 450 l. This (LPG) — Periodic inspection and
standard specifies the requirements for periodic testing
inspection and testing to verify the integrity of such
This Uganda Standard applies to cylinders protected
gas cylinders for further service. This standard does
by a system to prevent external corrosion and
not apply to the periodic inspection and testing of
designed and manufactured in accordance with ISO
acetylene cylinders or composite (fully wrapped or
4706, ISO 22991 or an equivalent design and
hoop-wrapped) cylinders. This standard is primarily
construction standard. This standard may also apply
for industrial gases other than liquefied petroleum gas
to other refillable welded steel cylinder designs for
(LPG), but may also be applied for LPG. For specific
LPG with the approval of the national authority.
LPG applications, see ISO 10464.
Cylinders for the on-board storage of LPG as a fuel
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 for vehicles are excluded from this standard, except
cylinders used for fork-lift truck applications.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

639 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
central venous catheters supplied in the sterile
3175. US ISO 10474: 2013, Steel and condition, and intended for single use. (This Uganda
steel products — Inspection documents
standard cancels and replaces US ISO 10555-
3:1996, Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters -
This Uganda Standard defines the different types of
Part 3: Central venous catheters, which has been
inspection documents supplied to the purchaser, in
technically revised).
accordance with the requirements of the order, for the
delivery of steel products.
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15



3178. US ISO 10555-4:2013,
Intravascular catheters — Sterile and
3176. US ISO 10555-1:2013,
single-use catheters — Part 4: Balloon
Intravascular catheters — Sterile and
dilatation catheters (2nd Edition)
single-use catheters — Part 1: General
requirements (2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
balloon dilatation catheters supplied in the sterile
This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements
condition, and intended for single use. (This Uganda
for intravascular catheters, supplied in the sterile
Standard cancels and replaces US ISO 10555-
condition and intended for single use, for any
4:1996, Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters -
application. (This Uganda standard cancels and
Part 4: Balloon dilation catheters, which has been
replaces US ISO 10555-1: 1995, Sterile, Single-use
technically revised).
intravascular catheters - Part 1: General
requirements and US ISO 10555-2:1996, Sterile,
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
single-use intravascular catheters - Part 2:
Angiographic catheters, which has been technically STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000
3179. US ISO 10555-5:2013,
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 Intravascular catheters — Sterile and
single-use catheters — Part 5: Over-
needle peripheral catheters (2nd
3177. US ISO 10555-3:2013,
Intravascular catheters — Sterile and
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
single-use catheters — Part 3: Central
over-needle peripheral intravascular catheters,
venous catheters (2nd Edition) intended for accessing the peripheral vascular system,
supplied in the sterile condition and intended for
single use. (This Uganda Standard cancels and

640 | P a g e
replaces US ISO 10555-5:1996, Sterile, single-use permanently installed in vehicles, or to plant and
intravascular catheters - Part 5: Over-needle filling equipment.
peripheral catheters, which has been technically
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12


This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

3182. US ISO 10715:1997, Natural gas

—Sampling guidelines
3180. US ISO 10634:2018, Water
This Uganda Standard provides concise guidelines
quality — Guidance for the preparation
for the collection, conditioning and handling of
and treatment of poorly water-soluble
representative samples of processed natural gas
organic compounds for the subsequent
streams. It also contains guidelines for sampling
evaluation of their biodegradability in
strategy, probe location and the handling and design
an aqueous medium
of sampling equipment.
This Uganda Standard specifies techniques for
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
preparing poorly water-soluble organic compounds
(i.e. liquid and solid compounds) with a solubility in
water of less than approximately 100 mg/l and
introducing them into test vessels for a subsequent 3183. US ISO 10993-1:2018, Biological
biodegradability test in an aqueous medium using evaluation of medical devices — Part 1:
standard methods. Evaluation and testing (2nd Edition)

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 This Uganda Standard specifies the general principles
governing the biological evaluation of medical
devices within a risk management process; the
general categorization of medical devices based on
3181. US ISO 10691:2004, Gas
the nature and duration of their contact with the body;
cylinders — Refillable welded steel
the evaluation of existing relevant data from all
cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas
sources; the identification of gaps in the available
(LPG) — Procedures for checking
data set on the basis of a risk analysis; the
before, during and after filling
identification of additional data sets necessary to
This Uganda Standard specifies the procedures to be analyse the biological safety of the medical device;
adopted on when checking transportable refillable and the assessment of the biological safety of the
welded steel LPG cylinders before, during and after medical devices. (This standard cancels and replaces
filling. It applies to transportable refillable welded US ISO 10993-1:2003 which has been technically
steel LPG cylinders of water capacity from 0,5 I up to revised).
and including 150 l. It does not apply to cylinders

641 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000 3186. US ISO 10993-4:2017, Biological

evaluation of medical devices — Part 4:
3184. US ISO 10993-2:2006, Biological
Selection of tests for interactions with
evaluation of medical devices — Part 2:
blood (2nd Edition)
Animal welfare requirements
This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements
This Uganda Standard is aimed at those who
for evaluating the interactions of medical devices
commission, design and perform tests or evaluate
with blood. (This standard cancels and replaces US
data from animal tests undertaken to assess the
ISO 10993-4:2002 which has been technically
biocompatibility of materials intended for use in
medical devices, or that of the medical devices
themselves. It specifies the minimum requirements to This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01
be satisfied to ensure and demonstrate that proper
provision has been made for the welfare of animals
used in animal tests to assess the biocompatibility of
3187. US ISO 10993-5:2009, Biological
materials used in medical devices.
evaluation of medical devices — Part 5:
Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

This Uganda Standard describes test methods to

assess the in vitro cytotoxicity of medical devices.
3185. US ISO 10993-3:2014, Biological These methods specify the incubation of cultured
evaluation of medical devices — Part 3: cells in contact with a device and/or extracts of a
Tests for genotoxicity, carcinogenicity device either directly or through diffusion.
and reproductive toxicity (2nd Edition)
These methods are designed to determine the
This Uganda Standard specifies strategies for risk biological response of mammalian cells in vitro using
estimation, selection of hazard identification tests and appropriate biological parameters.
risk management, with respect to the possibility of
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
the following potentially irreversible biological
effects arising as a result of exposure to medical
devices: genotoxicity; carcinogenicity; reproductive
and developmental toxicity. (This standard cancels 3188. US ISO 10993-6:2016, Biological
and replaces US ISO 10993-3:2003 which has been evaluation of medical devices — Part 6:
technically revised). Tests for local effects after implantation
(2nd Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01

642 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies test methods for the observed biodegradation of medical devices and for
assessment of the local effects after implantation of the design and performance of biodegradation
biomaterials intended for use in medical devices. It studies. (This standard cancels and replaces US ISO
applies to materials that are solid and non-absorbable, 10993-9:1999 which has been technically revised).
non-solid, such as porous materials, liquids, gels,
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01
pastes, and particulates, and degradable and/or
absorbable, which may be solid or non-solid. (This
standard cancels and replaces US ISO 10993-6:2007
which has been technically revised). 3191. US ISO 10993-10: 2010,
Biological evaluation of medical devices
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01
— Part 10: Tests for irritation and skin
sensitization (2nd Edition)

This Uganda Standard describes the procedure for the

3189. US ISO 10993-7:2008, Biological
assessment of medical devices and their constituent
evaluation of medical devices — Part 7:
materials with regard to their potential to produce
Ethylene oxide sterilization residuals
irritation and skin sensitization. This includes:
This Uganda Standard specifies allowable limits for
pretest considerations for irritation, including in silico
residual ethylene oxide (EO) and ethylene
and in vitro methods for dermal exposure;
chlorohydrins (ECH) in individual EO-sterilized
medical devices, procedures for the measurement of
details of in vivo (irritation and sensitization) test
EO and ECH, and methods for determining
compliance so that devices may be released.
Additional background, including guidance and a key factors for the interpretation of the results. (This
flowchart showing how this document is applied, are standard cancels and replaces US ISO 10993-
also included in the informative annexes. 10:2002 which has been technically revised).

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01


3190. US ISO 10993-9:2009, Biological 3192. US ISO 10993-11: 2017,

evaluation of medical devices — Part 9: Biological evaluation of medical devices
Framework for identification and — Part 11: Tests for systemic toxicity
quantification of potential degradation
products (2nd Edition) This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
gives guidance on procedures to be followed in the
This Uganda Standard provides general principles for evaluation of the potential for medical device
the systematic evaluation of the potential and materials to cause adverse systemic reactions. (This

643 | P a g e
standard cancels and replaces US ISO 10993- products from polymeric medical devices, which has
11:2006 which has been technically revised). been technically revised).

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01 This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01


3193. US ISO 10993-12:2012, Biological 3195. US ISO 10993-14:2001, Biological

evaluation of medical devices — Part evaluation of medical devices — Part
12: Sample preparation and reference 14: Identification and quantification of
materials (2 Edition) degradation products from ceramics

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and This Uganda Standard specifies two methods of
gives guidance on the procedures to be followed in obtaining solutions of degradation products from
the preparation of samples and the selection of ceramics (including glasses) for the purposes of
reference materials for medical device testing in quantification. It also gives guidance on the analysis
biological systems. (This standard cancels and of these solutions in order to identify the degradation
replaces the first edition US ISO 10993-12:2007, products. Because of the generalized nature of this
Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 12: standard, product specific standards, when available,
Sample preparation and reference materials, which that address degradation product formation under
has been technically revised). more relevant conditions of use, should be considered
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
3194. US ISO 10993-13:2017, Biological
evaluation of medical devices — Part 3196. US ISO 10993-15:2000, Biological
13: Identification and quantification of evaluation of medical devices — Part
degradation products from polymeric 15: Identification and quantification of
medical devices (2 Edition) degradation products from metals and
This Uganda Standard provides general requirements
for the design of tests in a simulated environment for This Uganda Standard provides guidance on general
identifying and quantifying degradation products requirements for the design of tests for identifying
from finished polymeric medical devices ready for and quantifying degradation products from finished
clinical use. (This standard cancels and replaces the metallic medical devices or corresponding material
first edition US ISO 10993-13:1998, Biological samples finished as ready for clinical use. It is
evaluation of medical devices — Part 12: applicable only to those degradation products
Identification and quantification of degradation generated by chemical alteration of the finished

644 | P a g e
metallic device in an in vitro accelerated degradation arising from toxicologically hazardous substances
test. Because of the accelerated nature of these tests, present in medical devices can be quantified. This
the test results may not reflect the implant or material standard is not applicable to devices that have no
behaviour in the body. The described chemical patient contact (e.g. in vitro diagnostic devices).
methodologies are a means to generate degradation
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
products for further assessments.


This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

3199. US ISO 10993-19:2006, Biological

evaluation of medical devices — Part
3197. US ISO 10993-16:2017, Biological 19: Physico-chemical, morphological
evaluation of medical devices — Part and topographical characterization of
16: Toxicokinetic study design for materials
degradation products and leachables
This Uganda Standard provides a compilation of
(2nd Edition)
parameters and test methods that can be useful for the
This Uganda Standard provides principles on identification and evaluation of the physico-chemical,
designing and performing toxicokinetic studies morphological and topographical (PMT) properties of
relevant to medical devices. (This standard cancels materials in finished medical devices. Such an
and replaces the first edition US ISO 10993-16:1997, assessment is limited to those properties that are
Biological evaluation of medical devices — Part 16: relevant to biological evaluation and the medical
Toxic kinetic study design for degradation products device’s intended use (clinical application and
and leachable, which has been technically revised). duration of use) even if such properties overlap with
clinical effectiveness.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
3198. US ISO 10993-17:2002, Biological
evaluation of medical devices — Part 3200. US ISO 10993-20:2006, Biological
17: Establishment of allowable limits evaluation of medical devices — Part
for leachable substances 20: Principles and methods for
immunotoxicology testing of medical
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of allowable limits for substances
leachable from medical devices. It is intended for use This Uganda Standard presents an overview of
in deriving standards and estimating appropriate immunotoxicology with particular reference to the
limits where standards do not exist. It describes a potential immunotoxicity of medical devices. It gives
systematic process through which identified risks

645 | P a g e
guidance on methods for testing for immunotoxicity This part of ISO 11040 specifies the shape,
of various types of medical devices. dimensions, material, performance requirements and
labelling of plunger stoppers for dental local
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
anaesthetic cartridges intended for single use only.


This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

3201. US ISO 11007:1997, Petroleum

products and lubricants —
Determination of rust-prevention 3204. US ISO 11114-1:2012, Gas
characteristics of lubricating greases cylinders — Compatibility of cylinders
and valve materials with gas contents
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
— Part 1: Metallic materials
determination of the rust-prevention characteristics of
lubricating grease in the presence of an aqueous test This Uganda Standard provides requirements for the
fluid. selection of safe combinations of metallic cylinder
and valve materials and cylinder gas content. The
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
compatibility data given is related to single gases and
to gas mixtures. Seamless metallic, welded metallic
and composite gas cylinders and their valves, used to
3202. US ISO 11009:2000, Petroleum contain compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases,
products and lubricants — are considered.
Determination of water washout
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
characteristics of lubricating greases


This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
evaluating the resistance of lubricating grease to
3205. US ISO 11114-2 :2012, Gas
washout by water from a bearing, when tested at 38
cylinders — Compatibility of cylinders
°C and 79 °C under specified laboratory conditions. It
and valve materials with gas contents
is not to be considered the equivalent of service
— Part 2: Non-metallic materials
evaluation tests characteristics of lubricating greases.
This Uganda Standard gives guidance in the selection
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 and evaluation of compatibility between non-metallic
materials for gas cylinders and valves and the gas
contents. It also covers bundles, tubes and pressure
3203. US ISO 11040-2:2011, Prefilled drums. This standard can be helpful for composite
syringes — Part 2: Plunger stoppers for and laminated materials used for gas cylinders. It
dental local anaesthetic cartridges does not cover the subject completely and is intended
to give guidance only in evaluating the compatibility

646 | P a g e
of gas/material combinations. Only the influence of construction and testing — Part 1:
the gas in changing the material and mechanical Hoop wrapped fibre reinforced
properties is considered (for example chemical composite gas cylinders and tubes up to
reaction or change in physical state). The basic 450
properties of the materials, such as mechanical
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
properties, required for design purposes are normally
composite gas cylinders and tubes between 0.5 l and
available from the materials supplier and are not
450 l water capacity, for the storage and conveyance
considered in this part of the standard. The
of compressed or liquefied gases. This standard
compatibility data given are related to single
applies to type 2 hoop wrapped cylinder or tube with
component gases but can be used to some extent for
a load-sharing metal liner and composite
gas mixtures. Ceramics, glasses, and adhesives are
reinforcement on the cylindrical portionly. This
not covered by this part of the standard. Other aspects
standard is limited to cylinders and tubes with
such as quality of delivered gas are not considered.
composite reinforcement of carbon fibre, aramid fibre
This part of US ISO 11114 is not intended to be used
or glass fibre (or a mixture thereof) within a matrix or
for cryogenic fluids.
steel wire to provide circumferential reinforcement.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
3206. US ISO 11118:1999, Gas
3208. US ISO 11119-2: 2012, Gas
cylinders — Non-refillable metallic gas
cylinders — Refillable composite gas
cylinders — Specification and
cylinders and tubes — Design,
test methods
construction and testing — Part 2:
This Uganda Standard specifies minimum Fully wrapped fibre reinforced
requirements for the material, design, construction composite gas cylinders and tubes up to
and workmanship, manufacturing processes and tests 450 l with load-sharing metal liners
at manufacture of non-refillable metallic gas
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
cylinders of welded, brazed or seamless construction
composite gas cylinders and tubes between 0.5 l and
for compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases
450 l water capacity, for the storage and conveyance
exposed to extreme worldwide ambient temperatures.
of compressed or liquefied gases. This standard
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 applies to type 3 fully wrapped cylinders or tubes
with a load-sharing metal liner and composite
reinforcement on both the cylindrical portion and the
dome ends. This standard is limited to cylinders and
3207. US ISO 11119-1: 2012, Gas
tubes with composite reinforcement of carbon fibre,
cylinders — Refillable composite gas
cylinders and tubes — Design,

647 | P a g e
aramid fibre or glass fibre (or a mixture thereof) temperatures (normally between -50 °C and +65 °C).
within a matrix. This standard is applicable to tubes with a maximum
tensile strength Rm of less than 1 100 MPa. These
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
tubes can be used alone or in batteries to equip
trailers or skids (ISO modules) for the transportation
and distribution of compressed gases. This standard
3209. US ISO 11119-3: 2013 Gas does not include consideration of any additional
cylinders— Refillable composite gas stresses that may occur during service or transport,
cylinders and tubes Part 3: Fully e.g. bending stresses, etc.
wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
cylinders and tubes up to 450 l with
non-load –sharing metallic or non-
metallic liners
3211. US ISO 11223:2004, Petroleum
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
and liquid petroleum products —
composite gas cylinders up to 150 l water capacity
Direct static measurements —
and composite tubes above 150 l water capacity and
Measurement of content of vertical
up to 450 l water capacity, for the storage and
storage tanks by hydrostatic tank
conveyance of compressed or liquefied gases. This
standard does not address the design, fitting and
performance of removable protective sleeves. This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the
selection, installation, commissioning, maintenance,
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
validation and calibration of hydrostatic tank-gauging
(HTG) systems for the direct measurement of static
mass in petroleum storage tanks. It is intended to
3210. US ISO 11120:1999, Gas cover custody transfer applications, although details
cylinders — Refillable seamless steel of other, less accurate, measurements are included for
tubes of water capacity between 150 l information. It also gives guidance on calculations of
and 3 000 l — Design, construction and standard volume from measured mass and
testing independently measured reference density.
Information is also included on measurements of
This Uganda Standard specifies minimum observed and standard volume using density
requirements for the material, design, construction measured by the HTG system itself.
and workmanship, manufacturing processes and tests
at manufacture of refillable quenched and tempered This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
seamless steel tubes of water capacities from 150 l up
to and including 3 000 l for compressed and liquefied
gases exposed to extreme world-wide ambient

648 | P a g e
3212. US ISO 11469:2016, Plastics — This standard specifies exposure conditions for paint
Generic identification and marking of coatings exposed to artificial weathering in apparatus
plastics products (2nd Edition) including fluorescent UV lamps and condensation or
water spray. The effects of weathering are evaluated
This Uganda Standard specifies a system of uniform
separately by comparative testing of chosen
marking of products that have been fabricated from
plastics materials. Provision for the process or
processes to be used for marking is outside the scope This standard was adopted on 2007-12-19
of this standard. (This second edition cancels and
replaces the first edition US ISO 11469:2001,
Plastics — Generic identification and marking of
3215. US ISO 11621:1997, Gas
plastics products, which has been technically
cylinders — Procedures for change of
gas service

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

This Uganda Standard applies to seamless steel,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 aluminium alloy and welded steel refillable cylinders
of all sizes, including large cylinders (water capacity
3213. US ISO 11500:2008, Hydraulic
greater than 150 I). It provides general requirements
fluid power — Determination of the
and procedures to be considered whenever a cylinder
particulate contamination level of a
is being transferred from one gas service to another
liquid sample by automatic particle
for permanent and liquefied gases. It does not apply
counting using the light-extinction
to cylinders for dissolved acetylene, radioactive gases
or gases listed in group G of Table 1.

This Uganda Standard specifies an automatic particle

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
counting procedure for determining the number and
sizes of particles present in hydraulic-fluid bottle STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
samples of clear, homogeneous, single phase liquids
using an automatic particle counter (APC) that works 3216. US ISO 11625:2007, Gas

on the light-extinction principle. cylinders — Safe handling

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for safe
handling, use and storage of gas cylinders for
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases. This
standard applies only to single gas cylinders of sizes
3214. US, ISO 11507:2007, Paints and
from 0,5 I to 150 I water capacity.
varnishes — Exposure of coatings to
artificial weathering — Exposure to This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
fluorescent UV and water

649 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 method is valid for finished leathers with a finish-
coat thickness of at least 15 μm.
3217. US ISO 11640:2012, Leather —
Tests for colour fastness — Colour This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
fastness to cycles of to-and-fro

3220. US ISO 11737-1:2018, Sterilization of

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
health care products — Microbiological
determining the behaviour of the surface of a leather
methods — Part 1: Determination of a
on rubbing with a wool felt. It is applicable to
population of microorganisms on products
leathers of all kinds.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 development, validation and routine control of a dry heat
sterilization process for medical devices.
NOTE Although the scope of this International Standard is
3218. US ISO 11642:2012, Leather — limited to medical devices, it specifies requirements and
provides guidance that might be applicable to other health
Tests for colour fastness — Colour care products.
fastness to water
This standard was adopted on 2020-05-12

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for

determining the colour fastness to water of leather of
all kinds at all stages of processing. 3221. US ISO 11859: 1999, Textile floor
coverings — Pure wool, hand-knotted
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
pile carpets — Specification


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
hand-knotted carpets produced from pure wool, of
3219. US ISO 11644:2009, Leather —
dimensions agreed between the purchaser and the
Test for adhesion of finish
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
measuring the adhesion of the finish to leather or the This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

adhesion between two adjacent layers of the finish.

The method is valid for all finished leathers with a
smooth surface that can be bonded to an adherent- 3222. US ISO 11860: 1999, Textile floor
plate without the adhesive penetrating into the finish. coverings — Jute carpet backing fabric
Preliminary experiments might be necessary to — Specification
determine whether these conditions are met. This test
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
primary and secondary jute carpet backing fabrics.

650 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 STATUS: COMPULSORY, PRICE: 110,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 3226. US ISO 11961:2008, Petroleum

and natural gas industries — Steel drill
3223. US ISO 11861: 1999, Textile floor
coverings — Coir mats — Types and
specification This Uganda Standard specifies the technical delivery
conditions for steel drill-pipes with upset pipe-body
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
ends and weld-on tool joints for use in drilling and
mats produced from coir fibre, with or without pile.
production operations in petroleum and natural gas
industries for three product specification levels (PSL-
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
1, PSL-2 and PSL-3).
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
3224. US ISO 11948-1:1996, Urine-
absorbing aids — Part 1: Whole-
product testing
3227. US ISO 12152:2012, Lubricants,
industrial oils and related products —
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
Determination of the foaming and air
determining the absorption capacity of the absorbent
release properties of industrial gear oils
core of body worn urine-absorbing aids.
using a spur gear test rig — Flender
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 foam test procedure

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 This Uganda Standard describes a test method based
on a single-stage spur gear rig to determine the
3225. US ISO 11960:2014, Petroleum foaming properties of oils used for the lubrication of
and natural gas industries — Steel gears.
pipes for use as casing or tubing
for wells This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

This Uganda Standard specifies the technical delivery STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
conditions for steel pipes (casing, tubing and pup
3228. US ISO 12185:1996, Crude
joints), coupling stock, coupling material and
petroleum and petroleum products —
accessory material and establishes requirements for
Determination of density — Oscillating
three Product Specification Levels (PSL-1, PSL-2,
U-tube method

This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
determination, using an oscillating U-tube density

651 | P a g e
meter, of the density of crude petroleum and related STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000
3 3
products within the range 600 kg/m to 1 100 kg/m ,
which can be handled as single-phase liquids at the 3231. US ISO 12213-3:2006, Natural
gas — Calculation of compression
test temperature and pressure.
factor — Part 3: Calculation using
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 physical properties

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
calculation of compression factors when the superior
3229. US ISO 12213-1:2006, Natural
calorific value, relative density and carbon dioxide
gas — Calculation of compression
content are known, together with the relevant
factor — Part 1: Introduction and
pressures and temperatures. If hydrogen is present, as
guidelines is often the case for gases with a synthetic admixture,
the hydrogen content also needs to be known.
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
calculation of compression factors of natural gases,
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
natural gases containing a synthetic admixture and
similar mixtures at conditions under which the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000
mixture can exist only as a gas.
3232. US ISO 12465:2007, Plywood —
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 Specifications

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 This Uganda Standard establishes requirements for
the specification of plywood for general and
3230. US ISO 12213-2:2006, Natural structural use, in dry, tropical dry/humid and high-
gas — Calculation of compression
humidity/exterior conditions. It includes requirements
factor — Part 2: Calculation using
for the quality of veneer, glue bond, lay-up
molar-composition analysis (construction), dimensions and tolerances,
conformance verification and marking.
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the
calculation of compression factors of natural gases,
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
natural gases containing a synthetic admixture and
similar mixtures at conditions under which the STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 25,000
mixture can exist only as a gas. This standard
3233. US ISO 12466-1:1999, Plywood
specifies a method for the calculation of compression
— Bonding quality — Part 1: Test
factors when the detailed composition of the gas by
mole fractions is known, together with the relevant
pressures and temperatures.
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for
determining the bonding quality of veneer plywood
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

652 | P a g e
by shear testing. (This Uganda Standard is an This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
adoption of the International Standard ISO 12466-

3236. US ISO 12917-2:2002, Petroleum

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
and liquid petroleum products —
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 Calibration of horizontal cylindrical
tanks — Part 2: Internal electro-optical
3234. US ISO 12466-2:1999, Plywood
distance-ranging method
— Bonding quality — Part 2:
Requirements This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
calibration of horizontal cylindrical tanks having
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
diameters greater than 2 m by means of internal
determination of bonding classes of veneer plywood
measurements using an electro-optical distance-
according to their intended end uses. (This Uganda
ranging instrument, and for the subsequent
Standard is an adoption of the International Standard
compilation of tank-capacity tables. This method is
ISO 12466-2:1999)
known as the internal electro-optical distance-ranging
(EODR) method. This part of US ISO 12917 is
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
applicable to tanks inclined by up to 10 % from the
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 horizontal, provided a correction is applied for the
measured tilt.
3235. US ISO 12917-1:2002, Petroleum
and liquid petroleum products — This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
Calibration of horizontal cylindrical
tanks — Part 1: Manual methods

3237. US 1SO 12924:2010, Lubricants,

This Uganda Standard specifies manual methods for
industrial oils and related products
the calibration of nominally horizontal cylindrical
(Class L) — Family X (Greases) —
tanks, installed at a fixed location. It is applicable to
horizontal tanks up to 4 m in diameter and 30 m in
length. The methods are applicable to insulated and
This Uganda standard specifies the requirements of
non-insulated tanks, either when they are above-
greases used for the lubrication of equipment,
ground or underground. The methods are applicable
components of machines, vehicles, etc.
to pressurized tanks, and to both knuckle-dish-end
and flat-end cylindrical tanks as well as elliptical and This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
spherical head tanks. This part of US ISO 12917 is
applicable to tanks inclined by up to 10 % from the STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000

horizontal provided a correction is applied for the

measured tilt.

653 | P a g e
3238. US ISO 12925-1:2018, This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
Lubricants, industrial oils and related direct determination of water in petroleum products
products (class L) — Family C (gears) boiling below 390 °C. It covers the mass fraction
— Part 1: Specifications for lubricants range 0,003 % (m/m) to 0,100% (m/m). It is not
for enclosed gear systems applicable to products containing ketones or to
residual fuel oils. This standard may be applicable to
This Uganda Standard establishes the specifications
lubricating base oils. However, the precision has not
relative to family C (gears) for lubricants, industrial
been established for these materials.
oils and related products of Class L. This document
deals only with lubricants for enclosed gear systems. THIS STANDARD WAS ADOPTED ON 2011-06-
Lubricants for open gears and greases for gears 15
(enclosed or open) are not covered.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
3241. US ISO 12945-1:2000, Textiles —
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 Determination of fabric propensity to
surface fuzzing and to pilling — Part 1:
3239. US ISO 12931:2012, Performance
Pilling box method
criteria for authentication solutions
used to combat counterfeiting of This Uganda Standard describes a method for the
material goods determination of the resistance to pilling and surface
change of textile fabrics.
This Uganda Standard specifies performance criteria
and evaluation methodology for authentication This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
solutions used to establish material good authenticity
throughout the entire material good life cycle. It does
not specify how technical solutions achieve these
3242. US ISO 12945-3:2014, Textiles —
performance criteria. This standard is intended for all
Determination of the fabric propensity
types and sizes of organizations that require the
to surface pilling, fuzzing or matting —
ability to validate the authenticity of material goods.
Part 3: Random tumble pilling method

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This Uganda Standard describes a method for the
determination of the resistance to pilling, fuzzing,
and matting of textile fabrics using the random
3240. US ISO 12937:2000, Petroleum tumble pilling tester. This method is applicable to
products — Determination of water — most of woven and knitted fabrics, including napped
Coulometric Karl Fischer titration fabrics (fleeces, inlay fabrics).
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

654 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 alloy pipes for use as tubing for wells in petroleum
and natural gas industries.
3243. US ISO 12947-4:1998, Textiles —
Determination of the abrasion This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
resistance of fabrics by the Martindale
method — Part 4: Assessment of
appearance change
3246. US ISO 13287:2012, Personal

This Uganda Standard is applicable to the assessment protective equipment — Footwear —

Test method for slip resistance
of the appearance change of specimens covering all
textile fabrics including nonwovens and fabrics
This Uganda Standard specifies a method of test for
where the specifier indicates the end performance as
the slip resistance of PPE footwear. It is not
having a low abrasion wear life.
applicable to special purpose footwear containing
spikes, metal studs or similar.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15



3244. US ISO 13015:2013, Woven
fabrics — Distortion — Determination
3247. US ISO 13226:2018, Rubber —
of skew and bow
Standard reference elastomers (SREs)
for characterizing the effect of liquids
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
on vulcanized rubbers
determination of the distortion of a woven fabric in
which the weft yarns are, in principle, perpendicular
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
to the warp yarns.
vulcanized rubbers in sheet form for use as standards
in characterizing the effect of test liquids and service
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
3245. US ISO 13085:2014, Petroleum
and natural gas industries —
Aluminium alloy pipe for use as tubing
3248. US ISO 13341:2010, Gas
for wells
cylinders — Fitting of valves to gas
This Uganda Standard specifies the technical delivery
condition, manufacturing process, material
This Uganda Standard specifies the procedures to be
requirements, configuration and dimensions, and
followed when connecting cylinder valves to gas
verification and inspection procedures for aluminium
cylinders. It specifically applies to all valve and

655 | P a g e
cylinder combinations connected with ISO screw autoclaving, corrosion and thermal
threads as specified in ISO 10920 and ISO 11363-1. exposure
It defines routines for inspection and preparation
This Uganda Standard describes test methods to
prior to valving for both taper and parallel screw
determine the resistance of stainless steel surgical and
dental hand instruments against autoclaving,
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 corrosion and thermal exposure.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01

3249. US ISO 13357-1:2002, Petroleum STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

products — Determination of the
3252. US ISO 13485:2003, Medical
filterability of lubricating oils — Part 1:
devices — Quality management systems
Procedure for oils in the presence of
—Requirements for regulatory
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for a
evaluation of the filterability of lubricating oils,
quality management system where an organization
particularly those designed for hydraulic applications,
needs to demonstrate its ability to provide medical
in the presence of water.
devices and related services that consistently meet
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 customer requirements and regulatory requirements
applicable to medical devices and related services.
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
3250. US ISO 13357-2:2005, Petroleum
products — Determination of the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000
filterability of lubricating oils — Part 2:
3253. US ISO 13500:2008, Petroleum
Procedure for dry oils
and natural gas industries — Drilling
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the fluid materials — Specifications and
evaluation of the filterability of dry lubricating oils, tests
particularly those designed for hydraulic applications.
This Uganda Standard covers physical properties and
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 test procedures for materials manufactured for use in
oil- and gas-well drilling fluids. The materials
covered are barite, haematite, bentonite, nontreated
bentonite, OCMA-grade bentonite, attapulgite,
3251. US ISO 13402:1995, Surgical and
sepiolite, technical-grade low-viscosity
dental hand instruments —
carboxymethylcellulose (CMC-LVT), technical-
Determination of resistance against

656 | P a g e
grade high-viscosity carboxymethylcellulose (CMC- STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
HVT), starch, low-viscosity polyanionic cellulose
(PAC-LV), high-viscosity polyanionic cellulose 3256. US ISO 13503-3:2005, Petroleum
and natural gas industries —
(PAC-HV) and drilling-grade Xanthomonas
Completion fluids and materials —
campestris (Xanthan gum).
Part 3: Testing of heavy brines
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
This Uganda Standard covers the physical properties,
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 110,000 potential contaminants and test procedures for heavy
brine fluids manufactured for use in oil and gas well
3254. US ISO 13501:2011, Petroleum
drilling, completion and workover fluids.
and natural gas industries — Drilling
fluids — Processing equipment This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This Uganda Standard specifies a standard procedure
3257. US ISO 13503-4:2006, Petroleum
for assessing and modifying the performance of
and natural gas industries —
solids control equipment systems commonly used in
the field in petroleum and natural gas drilling fluids Completion fluids and materials —
Part 4: Procedure for measuring
stimulation and gravel- pack
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 fluid leak-off under static conditions

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 80,000 This Uganda Standard provides for consistent
methodology to measure fluid loss of stimulation and
3255. US ISO 13503-1:2011, Petroleum
gravel-pack fluid under static conditions. However,
and natural gas industries —
the procedure in this part of US ISO 13503 excludes
Completion fluids and materials — fluids that react with porous media.
Part 1: Measurement of viscous
properties of completion fluids This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard provides consistent STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

methodology for determining the viscosity of
completion fluids used in the petroleum and natural 3258. US ISO 13503-6:2014, Petroleum
and natural gas industries —
gas industries. For certain cases, methods are also
Completion fluids and materials —
provided to determine the rheological properties of a
Part 6: Procedure for measuring leak-
off of completion fluids under
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 dynamic conditions

657 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard provides consistent This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
methodology for measuring the fluid loss of
completion fluids under dynamic conditions. This STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000

part of US ISO 13503 is applicable to all completion

3261. US ISO 13535:2000, Petroleum
fluids except those that react with porous media.
and natural gas industries — Drilling
and production equipment — Hoisting
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This Uganda Standard provides requirements for the
3259. US ISO 13533:2001, Petroleum design, manufacture and testing of hoisting
and natural gas industries — Drilling equipment suitable for use in drilling and production
and production equipment — operations.
Drillthrough equipment
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
performance, design, materials, testing and
inspection, welding, marking, handling, storing and
3262. US ISO 13588: 2012, Non-
shipping of drill-through equipment used for drilling
destructive testing of welds —
for oil and gas. It also defines service conditions in
Ultrasonic testing — Use of
terms of pressure, temperature and wellbore fluids for
automated phased array technology
which the equipment will be designed.
other non-destructive testing (NDT)
methods or techniques, for
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
manufacturing inspection, pre-service
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 110,000 and for in-service inspection

3260. US ISO 13534:2000, Petroleum This Uganda Standard specifies the application of the
and natural gas industries — Drilling phased array technology for the semi- or fully
and production equipment — automated ultrasonic testing of fusion-welded joints
Inspection, maintenance, repair and in metallic materials of minimum thickness 6 mm. It
remanufacture of hoisting equipment applies to full penetration welded joints of simple
geometry in plates, pipes, and vessels, where both the
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines and
weld and parent material are low-alloyed carbon
establishes requirements for inspection, maintenance,
repair and remanufacture of items of hoisting
equipment used in drilling and production operations, This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
in order to maintain the serviceability of this

658 | P a g e
3263. US ISO 13623: 2009, Petroleum casing, tubing, and line pipe connections; and for
and natural gas industries — Pipeline thread compounds intended for use on rotary
transportation systems shouldered connections. The tests outlined are used to
evaluate the critical performance properties and
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
physical and chemical characteristics of thread
gives recommendations for the design, materials,
compounds under laboratory conditions.
construction, testing, operation, maintenance and
abandonment of pipeline systems used for This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
transportation in the petroleum and natural gas

3266. US ISO 13679:2002, Petroleum

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
and natural gas industries —
STATUS: COMPULSORY, PRICE: 110,000 Procedures for testing casing and
tubing connections
3264. US ISO 13626:2003, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Drilling This Uganda Standard establishes minimum design
and production equipment — Drilling verification testing procedures and acceptance criteria
and well-servicing structures for casing and tubing connections for the oil and
natural gas industries. These physical tests are part of
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
a design verification process and provide objective
gives recommendations for suitable steel structures
evidence that the connection conforms to the
for drilling and well-servicing operations in the
manufacturer's claimed test load envelope and limit
petroleum industry, provides a uniform method of
rating the structures, and provides two product
specification levels. This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 65,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 65,000 3267. US ISO 13680:2010, Petroleum

and natural gas industries —
3265. US ISO 13678:2010, Petroleum
Corrosion- resistant alloy seamless
and natural gas industries —
tubes for use as casing, tubing and
Evaluation and testing of thread
coupling stock — Technical
compounds for use with casing, tubing,
delivery conditions
line pipe and drill stem elements
This Uganda Standard specifies the technical delivery
This Uganda Standard provides requirements,
conditions for corrosion-resistant alloy seamless
recommendations and methods for the testing of
tubulars for casing, tubing and coupling stock.
thread compounds intended for use on threaded

659 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 3270. US ISO 13707:2000, Petroleum
and natural gas industries ⎯
Reciprocating compressors

3268. US ISO 13691:2001, Petroleum

This Uganda Standard covers the minimum
and natural gas industries — High-
requirements for reciprocating compressors and their
speed special-purpose gear units
drivers used in the petroleum and natural gas
industries with either lubricated or no lubricated
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
requirements for enclosed, precision, single and
double helical, one- and two-stage speed increasers
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
and reducers of parallel shaft design with pinion
speeds of 3000 min−1 or greater, or pitch line STATUS: COMPULSORY, PRICE: 110,000
velocities of 25 m/s or greater, for special purpose
applications. 3271. US ISO 13709:2009, Centrifugal
pumps for petroleum, petrochemical
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13 and natural gas industries

STATUS: COMPULSORY, PRICE: 110,000 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
centrifugal pumps, including pumps running in
3269. US ISO 13706:2011, Petroleum,
reverse as hydraulic power recovery turbines, for use
petrochemical and natural gas
in petroleum, petrochemical and gas industry process
industries — Air-cooled heat
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This Uganda Standard gives requirements and
recommendations for the design, materials, STATUS: COMPULSORY, PRICE: 110,000
fabrication, inspection, testing and preparation for
shipment of air-cooled heat exchangers for use in the 3272. US ISO 13710: 2004, Petroleum,

petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. petrochemical and natural gas

This standard is applicable to air-cooled heat industries — Reciprocating positive

exchangers with horizontal bundles, but the basic displacement pumps

concepts can also be applied to other configurations.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
reciprocating positive-displacement pumps and pump
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
units for use in the petroleum, petrochemical and
STATUS: COMPULSORY, PRICE: 110,000 natural gas industries. It is applicable to both direct-
acting and power-frame types.

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

660 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY, PRICE: 110,000 3275. US ISO 13757:1996, Liquefied
petroleum gases — Determination of
3273. US ISO 13737:2004, Petroleum
oily residues — High-temperature
products and lubricants —
Determination of low-temperature cone
penetration of lubricating greases This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the residual matter in liquefied
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
petroleum gases (LPG) that remains after evaporation
determining the cone penetration of lubricating
at 105 °C. This material, termed "oily residues",
greases at low temperatures.
represents those products that are deposited in
vaporizers that are subject to a heat input greater than
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
that of ambient evaporation.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
3274. US ISO 13738:2011, Lubricants,
industrial oils and related products
(class L) — Family E (Internal
3276. US ISO 13758:1996, Liquefied
combustion engine oils) —
petroleum gases — Assessment of the
Specifications for two-stroke-cycle
dryness of propane — Valve
gasoline engine oils (categories EGB,
freeze method

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements of

This Uganda Standard describes a procedure for the
lubricating oils (hereinafter referred to as “two-stroke
assessment of whether liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
oils”) to be used in two-stroke-cycle spark-ignition
hydrocarbons consisting predominantly of propane
gasoline engines which employ a crankcase
and/or propene are sufficiently dry to avoid
scavenging system and are used in transportation,
malfunctions in pressure-reducing systems installed
leisure and utility applications, such as motorcycles,
in domestic, industrial and automotive LPG
snowmobiles and chainsaws. The requirements
applications. The test is normally used as a functional
specified in this standard are applicable to the
pass/fail test in which the behaviour of the product is
categories of two-stroke oils, EGB, EGC and EGD,
assessed in a specially designed and calibrated
covered in US ISO 6743-15, which defines the
regulator valve.
classification of lubricating oils for use in internal
combustion engines. This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 15,000 3277. US ISO 13769:2007, Gas

cylinders — Stamp marking

661 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies stamp marking of This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
refillable transportable gas cylinders and tubes of
volume greater than 0,5 l and less than or equal to 3 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000

000 l, including: steel and aluminium gas cylinders;

3280. US ISO 13934-1:2013, Textiles —
composite gas cylinders; acetylene cylinders; LPG
Tensile properties of fabrics — Part 1:
Determination of maximum force and
elongation at maximum force using the
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
strip method
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure to
3278. US ISO 13847: 2013, Petroleum determine the maximum force and elongation at
and natural gas industries — Pipeline maximum force of textile fabrics using a strip
transportation systems — method.
Welding of pipelines
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries,
for producing and inspecting girth, branch and fillet
3281. US ISO 13934-2:2014, Textiles —
welds in the pipeline part of pipeline transportation
Tensile properties of fabrics — Part 2:
systems which meet the requirements of US ISO
Determination of maximum force using
13623 or equivalent.
the grab method

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure for the
determination of the maximum force of textile fabrics
known as the grab test.
3279. US ISO 13916: 1996, Welding —
NOTE US ISO 13934-1 describes the method known
Guidance on the measurement of
as the strip test.
preheating temperature, interpass
temperature and preheat maintenance
This standard was adopted on 2020-05-12
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
measurement of preheating temperature, interpass 3282. US ISO 13935-1:2014, Textiles —
temperature and preheat maintenance temperature for Seam tensile properties of fabrics and
fusion welding. This standard may also be applied as made-up textile articles — Part 1:
appropriate in the case of other welding processes. Determination of maximum force to
This standard does not cover the measurement of post seam rupture using the strip method
weld heat treatment temperatures.

662 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a procedure to (with the same under-mentioned restrictions as for
determine the seam maximum force of sewn seams the woven fabrics). In general the test is not
when the force is applied perpendicularly to the applicable to knitted fabrics and woven elastic
seam. This standard specifies the method known as fabrics. It is not suitable for highly anisotropic fabrics
the strip test. or loose fabrics where tear transfer from one direction
to another direction of the fabric during the tear test is
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 likely to occur. (This standard cancels and replaces
US 384:2001/EAS 254, Method for determination of
tear resistance of woven fabrics by falling pendulum
3283. US ISO 13935-2:2014, Textiles — (Elmendorf) apparatus)
Seam tensile properties of fabrics and
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
made-up textile articles — Part 2:
Determination of maximum force to STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
seam rupture using the grab method
3285. US ISO 13937-2:2000, Textiles —
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for the Tear properties of fabrics — Part 2:
determination of seam maximum force of sewn Determination of tear force of trouser-
seams when the force is applied perpendicularly to shaped test specimens (Single tear
the seam. This standard describes the method known method)
as the grab test.
This Uganda Standard describes a single-tear method
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 to determine fabric tear force, known as the trouser
test, using a test specimen cut to form trouser-shaped
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 legs. The tear force measured is the force required to
propagate a previously started single tear when the
3284. US ISO 13937-1:2000, Textiles —
force is applied parallel to the cut and the fabric tears
Tear properties of fabrics — Part 1:
in the direction of applied force. The test is mainly
Determination of tear force using
applicable to woven textile fabrics. It may be
ballistic pendulum method (Elmendorf)
applicable to fabrics produced by other techniques,
This Uganda Standard describes a method known as e.g. to some nonwovens (with the same under-
the ballistic pendulum (Elmendorf) method for the mentioned restrictions as for the woven fabrics). In
determination of tear force of textile fabrics. The general the method is not applicable to knitted fabrics
method describes the measurement of the tear force and woven elastic fabrics. It is not suitable for highly
required to propagate a single-rip tear of defined anisotropic fabrics or loose fabrics where tear transfer
length from a cut in a fabric when a sudden force is from one direction to another direction of the fabric
applied. The test is mainly applicable to woven during the tear test is likely to occur. The method
textile fabrics. It may be applicable to fabrics only allows the use of constant-rate-of-extension
produced by other techniques, e.g. to nonwovens (CRE) testing machines.

663 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 specimen with cuts shaped to form a tongue. The tear
force measured is the force required to propagate the
previously started double tears when the force is
3286. US ISO 13937-3:2000, Textiles — applied parallel to the cuts and the fabric tears in the
Tear properties of fabrics — Part 3: direction of the applied force. The test is mainly
Determination of tear force of wing- applicable to woven textile fabrics. It may be
shaped test specimens (Single tear applicable to fabrics produced by other techniques,
method) e.g. to some nonwovens (with the same under-
mentioned restrictions as for the woven fabrics). In
This Uganda Standard describes a single tear method general the method is not applicable to knitted fabrics
to determine fabric tear force, known as the wing test and woven elastic fabrics. The method only allows
using a test specimen cut to form two wings for the use of constant-rate-of-extension (CRE) testing
clamping inclined at a defined angle to the thread machines.
direction. The tear force measured is the force
required to propagate a previously started tear. The This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
test is mainly applicable to woven textile fabrics. It
may be applicable to fabrics produced by other
techniques. Due to the clamping of the specimen 3288. US ISO 13938-1:1999, Textiles —
wings inclined to the threads to be torn the test can be Bursting properties of fabrics — Part 1:
used for most types of fabrics without causing a Hydraulic method for determination of
transfer of tear and it is less susceptible to withdrawal bursting strength and bursting
of threads than other tear tests. In general the method distension
is not applicable to knitted fabrics, woven elastic
This Uganda Standard describes a hydraulic method
fabrics and nonwovens, to which the trapezoidal test
for the determination of bursting strength and
method is preferably applied (Note 2). The method
bursting distension of textile fabrics.
only allows the use of constant-rate-of-extension
(CRE) testing machines.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

3289. US ISO 13938-2:1999, Textiles —
3287. US ISO 13937-4:2000, Textiles — Bursting properties of fabrics — Part 2:
Tear properties of fabrics — Part 4: Pneumatic method for determination of
Determination of tear force of tongue- bursting strength and bursting
shaped test specimens (Double tear test) distension

This Uganda Standard describes a double-tear

method known as the tongue test, using a test

664 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard describes a pneumatic pressure desertification. It does not include management of
method for the determination of bursting strength and coastal wetlands. This document defines a framework
bursting distension of textile fabrics. for identifying good practices in land management,
based on assessment of the drivers of land
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
degradation and risks associated with current and past
practices. Guidance on monitoring and reporting
implementation of good practices is also provided.
3290. US ISO 13997:1999, Protective This document is intended for use by private and
clothing — Mechanical properties — public sector organizations with responsibility for
Determination of resistance to cutting land management and will allow an organization to
by sharp objects communicate implementation of good practices.

This Uganda Standard specifies a cut test method, This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
and related calculations, for use on materials and
assemblies designed for protective clothing. The test
determines resistance to cutting by sharp edges, such
3292. US ISO/TS 14067:2013,
as knives, sheet metal parts, swarf, glass, bladed tools
Greenhouse gases — Carbon footprint
and castings. This test does not provide data on the
of products — Requirements and
resistance to penetration by pointed objects such as
guidelines for quantification and
needles and thorns. The test described in this standard
is not considered suitable for testing materials made
from chain mail and metal plates. The text of this This Uganda Standard specifies principles,
standard does not include provisions for the requirements and guidelines for the quantification
safeguard of the operator. and communication of the carbon footprint of a
product (CFP), based on international standards on
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
life cycle assessment (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044) for
quantification and on environmental labels and
declarations (ISO 14020, ISO 14024 and ISO 14025)
3291. US ISO 14055-1:2017, for communication.
Environmental management —
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
Guidelines for establishing good
practices for combatting land
degradation and desertification — Part
1: Good practices framework 3293. US ISO 14090: 2019, Adaptation
to climate change — Principles,
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for
requirements and guidelines
establishing good practices in land management to
prevent or minimize land degradation and

665 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies principles, 3295. US ISO 14245:2006, Gas
requirements and guidelines for adaptation to climate cylinders — Specification and testing of
change. This includes the integration of adaptation LPG cylinder valves — Self closing
within or across organizations, understanding impacts
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
and uncertainties and how these can be used to
design, specification and type testing for dedicated
inform decisions. This document is applicable to any
LPG self-closing cylinder valves specifically for use
organization, regardless of size, type and nature, e.g.
with transportable refillable LPG cylinders from 0,5 l
local, regional, international, business units,
up to 150 l water capacity. It includes references to
conglomerates, industrial sectors, natural resource
associated equipment for vapour or liquid service.
management units. This document can support the
development of sector-, aspect- or element-specific
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
climate change adaptation standards.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
3296. US ISO 14310:2008, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Downhole
equipment — Packers and bridge plugs
3294. US ISO 14175: 2008, Welding
consumables — Gases and gas mixtures
This Uganda Standard provides requirements and
for fusion welding and allied
guidelines for packers and bridge plugs as defined
herein for use in the petroleum and natural gas
industry. This International Standard provides
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
requirements for the functional specification and
classification of gases and gas mixtures used in
technical specification, including design, design
fusion welding and allied processes including, but not
verification and validation, materials, documentation
limited to:
and data control, repair, shipment, and storage.
tungsten arc welding,
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
gas-shielded metal arc welding,
plasma arc welding,
plasma arc cutting,
laser welding, 3297. US ISO 14313:2007, Petroleum
laser cutting, and and natural gas industries — Pipeline
arc braze welding. transportation systems —
Pipeline valves
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
provides recommendations for the design,
manufacturing, testing and documentation of ball,

666 | P a g e
check, gate and plug valves for application in sulfur content. The method is applicable to products
pipeline systems meeting the requirements of US ISO or additives having sulfur contents in the range 0,001
13623 for the petroleum and natural gas industries. % (m/m) to 2,50 % (m/m); higher contents can be
This standard is not applicable to subsea pipeline determined by appropriate dilution. Other elements
valves, as they are covered by a separate standard do not interfere at concentrations anticipated in the
(ISO 14723). This standard is not applicable to valves materials subject to this analysis.
for pressure ratings exceeding PN 420.
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
3300. US ISO 14630:2012, Non-active
3298. US ISO 14593:1999, Water surgical implants — General
quality — Evaluation of ultimate requirements
aerobic biodegradability of organic
This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements
compounds in aqueous medium —
for non-active surgical implants, hereafter referred to
Method by analysis of inorganic carbon
as implants. This standard is not applicable to dental
in sealed vessels (CO2 headspace test)
implants, dental restorative materials,
This Uganda Standard specifies a method, by analysis transendodontic and transradicular implants, intra-
of inorganic carbon, for the evaluation in an aqueous ocular lenses and implants utilizing viable animal
medium of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of tissue. This standard specifies requirements for
organic substances at a given concentration of intended performance, design attributes, materials,
microorganisms. design evaluation, manufacture, sterilization,
packaging and information supplied by the
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 manufacturer, and tests to demonstrate compliance
with these requirements.

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01

3299. US ISO 14596:2007, Petroleum
products — Determination of sulfur
content — Wavelength-dispersive X-
ray fluorescence spectrometry 3301. US ISO 14635-1:2000, Gears —
FZG test procedures — Part 1: FZG
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
test method A/8,3/90 for relative
determination of the sulfur content of liquid
scuffing load carrying capacity of oils
petroleum products, additives for petroleum products,
and semi-solid and solid petroleum products that are This Uganda Standard specifies a test method based
either liquefied by moderate heating or soluble in on an FZG four-square test machine to determine the
organic solvents of negligible or accurately known relative load-carrying capacity of lubricating oils

667 | P a g e
defined by the gear-surface damage known as STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
3304. US EN 14683:2019+AC:2019,
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 Medical face masks — Requirements
and test methods
This Uganda Standard specifies construction, design,
3302. US ISO 14669:1999, Water
performance requirements and test methods for
quality — Determination of acute lethal medical face masks intended to limit the transmission
toxicity to marine copepods (Copepoda,
of infective agents from staff to patients during
surgical procedures and other medical settings with
similar requirements. A medical face mask with an
This Uganda Standard describes a method for the
appropriate microbial barrier can also be effective in
determination of the acute toxicity to one of three
reducing the emission of infective agents from the
specified species of marine copepod (Copepoda,
nose and mouth of an asymptomatic carrier or a
Crustacea) of
patient with clinical symptoms. This Standard is not
chemical substances which are soluble, or can be applicable to masks intended exclusively for the
maintained as a stable suspension or dispersion, personal protection of staff. (This Uganda Standard is
under the conditions of the test; an adoption of EN 14683:2019+AC 2019).

industrial or sewage effluents, treated or untreated, This standard was adopted on 2020-05-12
after decantation, filtration or centrifugation if
necessary;marine or estuarine waters.

3305. US ISO 14693:2003, Petroleum

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
and natural gas industries — Drilling
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 and wellservicing equipment

3303. US ISO 14676:1997 Adhesives – This Uganda Standard provides general principles
Evaluation of the effectiveness of and specifies requirements for design, manufacture
surface treatment techniques for and testing of new drilling and well-servicing
aluminium – Wet peel test by floating- equipment and of replacement primary load-carrying
roller method components manufactured subsequent to the
publication of this standard.
This Uganda Standard is applicable to the evaluation
of the quality of a surface treatment of aluminium or This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
its alloys for high strength adhesive bonding.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

668 | P a g e
3306. US ISO 14732: 2013, Welding 3309. US ISO 14935:1998, Petroleum
personnel — Qualification testing of and related products — Determination
welding operators and weld of wick flame persistence of fire-
setters for mechanized and automatic resistant fluids
welding of metallic materials
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for assessment of the persistence of a flame applied to
qualification of welding operators and also weld the edge of a wick of non-flammable material
setters for mechanized and automatic welding. immersed in fire-resistant fluid.

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10


3307. US ISO 14930:2012, Leather — 3310. US ISO/TR 14969:2004, Medical

Leather for dress gloves — devices — Quality management systems
Specification — Guidance on the application of US
ISO 13485:2003
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements,
sampling and methods of testing for chrome and This Uganda Standard provides guidance for the
chrome-alum tanned leather used for the manufacture application of the requirements for quality
of dress gloves. management systems contained in US ISO 13485. It
does not add to, or otherwise change, the
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 requirements of US ISO 13485.


This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

3308. US ISO 14931:2004, Leather —

Guide to the selection of leather for
apparel excluding furs 3311. US ISO 14998:2013, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Downhole
This Uganda Standard gives recommended values
equipment — Completion accessories
and related test methods for apparel leather excluding
furs. This standard also specifies the sampling and This Uganda Standard provides requirements and
conditioning procedures of laboratory samples. guidelines for completion accessories, as defined
herein for use in the petroleum and natural gas
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
industry. This Uganda Standard provides
requirements for the functional specification and
technical specifications including: design, design
verification and validation, materials, documentation

669 | P a g e
and data control, redress, repair, shipment, and 3314. US ISO 15136-1: 2009, Petroleum
storage. This standard covers the pressure containing, and natural gas industries —
load bearing, disconnect/reconnect, tubing Progressing cavity pump systems for
movement, and opening a port functionalities of artificial lift —Part 1: Pumps
completion accessories.
This Uganda Standard provides requirements for the
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 design, design verification and validation,
manufacturing and data control, performance ratings,
functional evaluation, repair, handling and storage of
progressing cavity pumps for use in the petroleum
3312. US ISO 15029-1:1999, Petroleum
and natural gas industry. This part of US ISO 15136
and related products — Determination
is applicable to those products meeting the definition
of spray ignition characteristics of fire
of progressing cavity pumps (PCP) included herein.
resistant fluids — Part 1: Spray flame
Connections to the drive string and tubulars are not
persistence — Hollow-cone nozzle
covered by this part of US ISO 15136.

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard specifies a hollow-cone nozzle
method for the assessment of the persistence of a
flame applied to various points within a pressurized
spray of fire-resistant fluid. 3315. US ISO 15136-2: 2006, Petroleum
and natural gas industries —
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
Progressing cavity pump systems for
artificial lift —Part 2: Surface-drive
3313. US ISO 15029-2:2018, Petroleum
This Uganda Standard provides requirements for the
and related products — Determination
design, design verification and validation,
of spray ignition characteristics of fire-
manufacturing and data control, performance ratings
resistant fluids — Part 2: Spray test —
and repair of progressing cavity pump surface-drive
Stabilized flame heat release method
systems for use in the petroleum and natural gas
This Uganda Standard specifies a method by which industry. This part of US ISO 15136 is applicable to
the fire hazards of pressurised sprays of fire-resistant those products meeting the definition of surface-drive
fluids can be compared. systems. Additionally, informative annexes provide
information brake system selection, installation, and
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 operation; and sucker rod selection and use.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15


670 | P a g e
3316. US ISO 15156-1:2015, Petroleum corrosion damage to the equipment itself. It
and natural gas industries — Materials supplements, but does not replace, the materials
for use in H2S-containing environments requirements of the appropriate design codes,
in oil and gas production — Part 1: standards or regulations.
General principles for selection of
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
cracking-resistant materials

This Uganda Standard describes general principles STATUS: COMPULSORY, PRICE: 60,000

and gives requirements and recommendations for the

3318. US ISO 15156-3:2015, Petroleum
selection and qualification of metallic materials for
and natural gas industries — Materials
service in equipment used in oil and gas production
for use in H2S-containing environments
and in natural-gas sweetening plants in H2S-
in oil and gas production — Part 3:
containing environments, where the failure of such
Cracking-resistant CRAs (corrosion-
equipment can pose a risk to the health and safety of
resistant alloys) and other alloys
the public and personnel or to the environment. It can
be applied to help to avoid costly corrosion damage This Uganda Standard gives requirements and
to the equipment itself. It supplements, but does not recommendations for the selection and qualification
replace, the materials requirements given in the of CRAs (corrosion-resistant alloys) and other alloys
appropriate design codes, standards, or regulations. for service in equipment used in oil and natural gas
production and natural gas treatment plants in H2S-
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
containing environments whose failure can pose a
risk to the health and safety of the public and
personnel or to the environment. It can be applied to
3317. US ISO 15156-2:2015, Petroleum help avoid costly corrosion damage to the equipment
and natural gas industries — Materials itself. It supplements, but does not replace, the
for use in H2S-containing environments materials requirements of the appropriate design
in oil and gas production — Part 2: codes, standards, or regulations.
Cracking-resistant carbon and low-
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
alloy steels, and the use of cast irons


This Uganda Standard gives requirements and
recommendations for the selection and qualification
3319. US ISO 15169:2003, Petroleum
of carbon and low-alloy steels for service in
and liquid petroleum products —
equipment used in oil and natural gas production and
Determination of volume, density and
natural gas treatment plants in H2S-containing
mass of the hydrocarbon content of
environments, whose failure can pose a risk to the
vertical cylindrical tanks by hybrid
health and safety of the public and personnel or to the
tank measurement systems
environment. It can be applied to help to avoid costly

671 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the included in US ISO 15223-1 are readily understood
selection, installation, commissioning, calibration and by the target group.
verification of hybrid tank measurement systems
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
(HTMS) for the measurement of level, static mass,
observed and standard volume, and observed and
reference density in tanks storing petroleum and
petroleum products in fiscal or custody transfer 3322. US ISO 15245-1:2001, Parallel
application. threads for connection of valves to gas
cylinders — Part 1: Specification
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
This Uganda Standard specifies definitions,
dimensions and tolerances of parallel screw threads
of nominal diameter 30 mm (designated 30P), 25 mm
3320. US ISO 15223-1:2016, Medical
(designated 25P) and 18 mm (designated 18P), for
devices — Symbols to be used with
the connection of valves to medical and industrial gas
medical device labels, labelling and
cylinders. This part of US ISO 15245 does not cover
information to be supplied — Part 1 —
the connection requirements for — mechanical
General requirements
strength; gas tightness; capability of repeated
This Uganda Standard identifies requirements for assembly and dismounting operations.
symbols used in medical device labelling that convey
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
information the safe and effective use of medical
devices. It also lists symbols that satisfy the
requirements of this document.
3323. US ISO 15245-2: 2001. Gas
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
cylinders — Parallel threads for
connection of valves to gas cylinders —
Part 2: Gauge inspection
3321. US ISO 15223-2:2010, Medical
This Uganda Standard specifies types, dimensions
devices — Symbols to be used with
and principles of use of gauges to be used in
medical device labels, labelling and
conjunction with the sealing systems of the parallel
information to be supplied — Part 2 —
threads specified in US ISO 15245-1.
Symbol development, selection and
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

This Uganda Standard specifies a process for

developing, selecting and validating symbols for
inclusion in US ISO 15223-1. The purpose of this 3324. US ISO 15403-1:2006, Natural
part of US ISO 15223 is to ensure that symbols gas — Natural gas for use as a

672 | P a g e
compressed fuel for vehicles —- Part 1: e.g. cans, drums, tanks, tank wagons or ships' tanks,
Designation of the quality as well as from barrels, sacks, big-bags, silos or silo
wagons, or from conveyor belts. (This Uganda
This Uganda Standard provides manufacturers,
Standard cancels and replaces US ISO 15528:2000,
vehicle operators, fuelling station operators and
Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and
others involved in the compressed-natural-gas vehicle
varnishes — Sampling, which has been technically
industry with information the fuel quality for natural
gas vehicles (NGVs) required to develop and operate
compressed-natural-gas vehicle equipment This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
3327. US ISO 15546:2011, Petroleum
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 and natural gas industries —
Aluminium alloy drill pipe
3325. US ISO 15510:2014, Stainless
steels — Chemical composition This Uganda Standard specifies the technical delivery
conditions, manufacturing process, material
This Uganda Standard lists the chemical
requirements, configuration and dimensions, and
compositions of stainless steels mainly on the basis of
verification and inspection procedures for aluminium
a composition of the specifications in existing ISO,
alloy drill pipes with or without attached steel tool
ASTM, EN, JIS, and GB (Chinese) standards. They
joints, for use in drilling and production operations in
apply to all wrought product forms including ingots
the petroleum and natural gas industries.
and semi-finished material.
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
3328. US ISO 15547-1:2005, Petroleum,
3326. US ISO 15528:2013, Paints,
petrochemical and natural gas
varnishes and raw materials for paints
industries — Plate-type heat
and varnishes – Sampling (2nd edition)
exchangers — Part 1: Plate-and-frame
heat exchangers
This Uganda Standard specifies procedures for the
sampling of paints, varnishes and raw materials used
This Uganda Standard gives requirements and
in their manufacture. Such products include liquids
recommendations for the mechanical design,
and materials which, without undergoing chemical
materials selection, fabrication, inspection, testing,
modification, are capable of being liquefied when
and preparation for shipment of plate-and-frame heat
heated up, and powdered, granulated and pasty
exchangers for use in petroleum, petrochemical and
materials. Samples may be taken from containers,
natural gas industries. It is applicable to gasketed,

673 | P a g e
semi-welded and welded plate-and-frame heat 3331. US ISO 15621:2017, Absorbent
exchangers. incontinence aids for urine and/or
faeces — General guidelines on
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
evaluation (2nd Edition)


This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for evaluating
absorbent incontinence aids for urine and/or faeces. It
3329. US ISO 15547-2:2005, Petroleum,
provides a context for the procedures described in
petrochemical and natural gas
other International Standards and published on testing
industries — Plate-type heat
procedures. General factors relating to incontinence
exchangers — Part 2: Brazed
products and their usage are also addressed. (This
aluminium plate-fin heat exchangers
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO
This Uganda Standard gives requirements and 15621:2011, Urine-absorbing aids — General
recommendations for the mechanical design, guidelines on evaluation, which has been technically
materials selection, fabrication, inspection, testing, revised).
and preparation for shipment of brazed aluminium
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
plate-fin heat exchangers for use in petroleum,
petrochemical and natural gas industries.

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

3332. US ISO 15463:2003, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Field
inspection of new casing, tubing and
3330. US ISO 15551-1:2015, Petroleum plain-end drill pipe
and natural gas industries — Drilling
This Uganda Standard specifies the technical delivery
and production equipment — Part 1:
conditions, manufacturing process, material
Electric submersible pump systems for
requirements, configuration and dimensions, and
artificial lift
verification and inspection procedures for aluminium
This Uganda Standard provides requirements for the alloy drill pipes with or without attached steel tool
design, design verification and validation, joints, for use in drilling and production operations in
manufacturing and data control, performance ratings, the petroleum and natural gas industries.
functional evaluations, handling, and storage of
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
tubing-deployed electrical submersible pump (ESP)
systems as defined herein.

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

3333. US ISO 15589-1:2015, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Cathodic
protection of pipeline

674 | P a g e
transportation systems — Part 1: On- This Uganda Standard specifies the technical delivery
land pipelines conditions for bends made by the induction bending
process for use in pipeline transportation systems for
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
the petroleum and natural gas industries as defined in
gives recommendations for the pre-installation
US ISO 13623.
surveys, design, materials, equipment, installation,
commissioning, operation, inspection, and This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
maintenance of cathodic protection systems for on-
land pipelines, as defined in US ISO 13623 for the
petroleum, petrochemical, and natural gas industries.
3336. US ISO 15590-2:2003, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Induction
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
bends, fittings and flanges for
STATUS: COMPULSORY, PRICE: 1100,000 pipeline transportation systems — Part
2: Fittings
3334. US ISO 15589-2:2012, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Cathodic This Uganda Standard specifies the technical delivery
protection of pipeline conditions for unalloyed or low-alloy steel seamless
transportation systems — Part 2: and welded pipeline fittings for use in pipeline
Offshore pipelines transportation systems for the petroleum and natural
gas industries as defined in US ISO 13623.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
gives recommendations for the pre-installation This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
surveys, design, materials, equipment, fabrication,
installation, commissioning, operation, inspection
and maintenance of cathodic protection (CP) systems
3337. US ISO 15590-3:2004, Petroleum
for offshore pipelines for the petroleum,
and natural gas industries — Induction
petrochemical and natural gas industries as defined in
bends, fittings and flanges for
US ISO 13623.
pipeline transportation systems — Part
3: Flanges
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard applies to weldneck and blind

flanges (full face, raised face, and RTJ groove) as
3335. US ISO 15590-1:2009, Petroleum well as anchor, swivel-ring flanges and orifice
and natural gas industries — Induction flanges.
bends, fittings and flanges for
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
pipeline transportation systems — Part
1: Induction bends

675 | P a g e
3338. US ISO 15609-1:2004, standard are those influencing the quality and
Specification and qualification of properties of the welded joint.
welding procedures for metallic
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
materials — Welding procedure
specification — Part 1: Arc welding

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the

3341. US ISO 15609-4: 2009,
content of welding procedure specifications for arc
Specification and qualification of
welding processes.
welding procedures for metallic
materials — Welding procedure
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
specification — Part 4: Laser beam

3339. US ISO 15609-2: 2001, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
Specification and qualification of content of the welding procedure specification (WPS)
welding procedures for metallic for laser beam welding processes, including overlay
materials — Welding procedure welding. It is not applicable to other processes for
specification — Part 2: Gas welding cladding (e.g. thermal spraying).

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
content of welding procedure specifications for gas
welding processes. Variables listed in this standard
are those influencing the quality of the welded joint.
3342. US ISO 15609-5: 2011,
Specification and qualification of
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
welding procedures for metallic
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 materials — Welding procedure
specification — Part 5: Resistance
3340. US ISO 15609-3: 2004,
Specification and qualification of
welding procedures for metallic This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
materials — Welding procedure content of welding procedure specifications for
specification — Part 3: Electron resistance spot, seam, butt and projection welding
beam welding processes. It is necessary to establish the acceptability
of applying the principles of this part of US ISO
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
15609 to other resistance and related welding
content of welding procedure specifications for
processes before any qualification is undertaken.
electron beam welding. Variables listed in this
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

676 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 of LPG cylinder valves — Manually
3343. US ISO 15609-6: 2013,
Specification and qualification of This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
welding procedures for metallic design, specification and type testing of dedicated
materials — Welding Procedure LPG manually operated cylinder valves specifically
specification — Part 6: Laser-arc for use with transportable refillable LPG cylinders
hybrid welding from 0,5 l up to 150 l water capacity. It includes
references to associated equipment for vapour or
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
liquid service.
content of welding procedure specifications for laser-
arc hybrid welding processes. Variables listed in this This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
part of US ISO 15609 are those influencing the
quality and the properties of the welded joint.

3346. US ISO 16021:2000, Urine-

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
absorbing aids — Basic principles for
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 evaluation of single-use adult-
incontinence-absorbing aids from the
3344. US ISO 15970:2008, Natural gas
perspective of users and caregivers
— Measurement of properties —
Volumetric properties: density, This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for
pressure, temperature and compression designing and conducting a user evaluation of single-
factor use adult incontinence-absorbing aids. It provides
guidance on creating data collection tools. In
This Uganda Standard gives requirements and
particular, it provides a framework for eliciting and
procedures for the measurement of the properties of
recording the views of users and their carers on
natural gas that are used mainly for volume
product performance.
calculation and volume conversion: density at
reference and at operating conditions, pressure, This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
temperature and compression factor, pressure,
temperature and compression factor. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000

3347. US ISO 16037:2002 Rubber

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
condoms for clinical trials —
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 Measurement of physical
3345. US ISO 15995:2006, Gas
cylinders — Specifications and testing This Uganda Standard is intended as a guideline for
clinical researchers working with condoms. It

677 | P a g e
suggests a series of laboratory tests to be conducted production/injection conduit for the installation of
on the products to be used in any clinical flow control or other equipment used in the
investigation, so that it will be easier to relate the petroleum and natural gas industries. It includes the
clinical results to the design and quality of the interface connections to the flow control or other
condoms used. This Standard is not applicable to the equipment, but does not cover the connections to the
design of clinical investigations. well conduit.

This standard was adopted on 2009-09-04 This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30


3348. US ISO 16038: 2017, Male 3350. US ISO 16131:2012, Leather —

condoms — Guidance on the use of ISO Upholstery leather characteristics —
4074 and ISO 23409 in the quality Selection of leather for furniture
management of condoms (2 Edition)
This Uganda Standard specifies sampling and test
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on using methods, and gives recommended values for,
ISO 4074 and ISO 23409 and addresses quality issues upholstery leather for furniture.
to be considered during the development,
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
manufacture, quality verification and procurement of
condoms. It encompasses the aspects of quality
management systems in the design, manufacture and
delivery of condoms with an emphasis on 3351. US ISO 16148:2016, Gas
performance, safety and reliability. (The Uganda cylinders — Refillable seamless steel
Standard cancels and replaces US ISO 16038:2005, gas cylinders and tubes — Acoustic
Rubber Condoms — Guidance on the use of ISO emission examination (AT) and follow-
4074 in quality management of natural rubber latex up ultrasonic examination (UT) for
condoms, which has been technically revised). periodic inspection and testing

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 This Uganda Standard gives procedures for the use of
acoustic emission examination (AT) and ultrasonic
examination (UT) follow-up during the periodic
inspection and testing of seamless steel cylinders and
3349. US ISO 16070:2005, Petroleum
tubes with a water capacity of up to 3 000 l used for
and natural gas industries — Downhole
compressed and liquefied gases. This examination
equipment — Lock mandrels and
provides acoustic emission (AE) indications and
landing nipples
locations that are evaluated by a secondary
This Uganda Standard provides the requirements for examination using UT for a possible flaw in the
lock mandrels and landing nipples within the cylinder or tube. Methods other than UT for the

678 | P a g e
secondary examination are not covered by this This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
3355. US ISO 16812:2007, Petroleum,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 petrochemical and natural gas
industries — Shell and-tube heat
3352. US ISO 16221:2001, Water
quality — Guidance for determination
of biodegradability in the marine This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
environment gives recommendations for the mechanical design,
material selection, fabrication, inspection, testing and
This Uganda Standard specifies five methods for
preparation for shipment of shell-and-tube heat
determining the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of
exchangers for the petroleum, petrochemical and
organic compounds in the marine environment by
natural gas industries. This standard is applicable to
aerobic microorganisms in static aqueous test
the following types of shell-and-tube heat
exchangers: heaters, condensers, coolers and
reboilers. This standard is not applicable to vacuum-
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
operated steam surface condensers and feed-water
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 heaters.

3353. US ISO 16408:2015, Dentistry — This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

Oral care products — Oral rinses
This Uganda Standard specifies physical and
3356. US ISO 16900-1:2014,
chemical requirements and test methods for oral
Respiratory protective devices —
Methods of test and test equipment —
This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01 Part 1: Determination of inward
This Uganda Standard specifies the test methods for
3354. US ISO/TS 16530-2:2014, Well determining inward leakage of respiratory interfaces
integrity — Part 2: Well integrity for (RI) and total inward leakage of complete respiratory
the operational phase protective devices (RPD) using specified test agents
and incorporating specified body movements, at
This Uganda Standard provides requirements and
specified metabolic work rates. These tests are
methods to the oil and gas industry to manage well
conducted in laboratories using specific test agents
integrity during the well operational phase.
under specified conditions and therefore do not
indicate the performance of the device in actual use.

679 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 simulator, RPD head forms and torso,
tools and verification tools
This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
3357. US ISO 16900-2:2009,
breathing machines, metabolic simulators, RPD head
Respiratory protective devices —
forms/torso, RPD tools and RPD verification tools
Methods of test and test equipment —
that are common to RPD test laboratories.
Part 2: Determination of breathing Standardization of these items is essential for the
standardization of the test methods. Standardization
of the RPD verification tools is essential for
This Uganda Standard specifies the method(s) of test
demonstrating the delivery of comparable results in
for breathing resistance for:
different test laboratories. Descriptions on the use of
complete respiratory protective devices; the RPD tools for the different tests are specified in
the relevant parts of US ISO 16900.
filters for respiratory protective devices;
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
respiratory interfaces.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
3360. US ISO 16900-6:2015,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 Respiratory protective devices —
Methods of test and test equipment —
3358. US ISO 16900-3:2012,
Part 6: Mechanical resistance/strength
Respiratory protective devices —
of components and connections
Methods of test and test equipment —
Part 3: Determination of particle filter This Uganda Standard specifies the method of test for
penetration the mechanical resistance and strength of components
of respiratory protective devices.
This Uganda Standard specifies the test methods for
particle filter penetration of separate or integral filters This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
for respiratory protective devices.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
3361. US ISO 16900-7:2015,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 Respiratory protective devices —
Methods of test and test equipment
3359. US ISO 16900-5:2016,
— Part 7: Practical performance test
Respiratory protective devices —
Methods of test and test equipment —
Part 5: Breathing machine, metabolic

680 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies practical 3364. US ISO 16900-
performance tests for respiratory protective devices 11:2013,Respiratory protective devices
(RPD). The purpose of these tests is to subjectively — Methods of test and test equipment
assess certain properties, characteristics, and — Part 11: Determination of field of
functions of the RPD when worn by test subjects in vision
simulated practical use, which cannot be assessed by
This Uganda Standard specifies the test methods for
tests described in other standards.
determining the increased carbon dioxide content of
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 the inhaled gas caused by wearing the RPD. Closed
circuit supplied breathable gas RPD are excluded
from this part of US ISO 16900.

3362. US ISO 16900-9:2015,

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
Respiratory protective devices —
Methods of test and test equipment STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
— Part 9: Determination of carbon
3365. US ISO 16900-12:2016,
dioxide content of the inhaled gas
Respiratory protective devices —
This Uganda Standard specifies the test methods for Methods of test and test equipment —
determining the increased carbon dioxide content of Part 12: Determination of volume-
the inhaled gas caused by wearing the RPD. Closed averaged work of breathing and peak
circuit supplied breathable gas RPD are excluded respiratory pressures
from this part of US ISO 16900.
This Uganda Standard specifies the test methods for
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 determining the volume-averaged work of breathing
and peak respiratory pressures imposed by the
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 respiratory protective device (RPD). Elastic work,
elastic physiological effects, and information
3363. US ISO 16900-10:2015,
physiological effects of work of breathing (WOB) are
Respiratory protective devices —
specified in ISO 16976-4 and are not included in this
Methods of test and test equipment —
test method.
Part 10: Resistance to ignition, flame,
radiant heat and heat
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

This Uganda Standard specifies the methods for

resistance to ignition, flame, radiant heat, and heat.
3366. US ISO 16900-13:2015,
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
Respiratory protective devices —
Methods of test and test equipment —
Part 13: RPD using regenerated

681 | P a g e
breathable gas and special application This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
mining escape RPD: Consolidated test determination of the total metal content in leather
for gas concentration, temperature, using digestion of the leather and subsequent
humidity, work of breathing, breathing determination with inductively coupled
resistance, elastance and duration plasma/optical emission spectrometry (ICP/OES), or
inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry
This Uganda Standard specifies tests which are
(ICP/MS), or atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS)
specific to RPDs using regenerated breathable gas,
or spectrometry of atomic fluorescence (SFA).
compressed breathable gas with class L respiratory
interfaces, and special application mining escape This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
3369. US ISO 17078-1:2004, Petroleum
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 and natural gas industries — Drilling
and production equipment — Part 1:
3367. US ISO 16972:2010, Respiratory
Side-pocket mandrels
protective devices — Terms, definitions,
graphical symbols and units of This Uganda Standard provides requirements for
measurement side-pocket mandrels used in the petroleum and
natural gas industry. This part of US ISO 17078
This Uganda Standard is applicable to respiratory
includes specifying, selecting, designing,
protective devices. It defines commonly used terms
manufacturing, quality control, testing, and
and specifies units of measurement to achieve a
preparation for shipping of side-pocket mandrels.
uniform interpretation and to prevent ambiguous use.
It indicates graphical symbols that may be required to This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
be placed on respiratory protective devices (RPD) or
parts of RPD or instruction manuals, in order to
instruct the person(s) using the RPD about its
3370. US ISO 17078-2:2007, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Drilling
and production equipment — Part 2:
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
Flow-control devices for side-pocket
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 mandrels

3368. US ISO 17072-2:2011, Leather — This Uganda Standard provides requirements for
Chemical determination of metal subsurface flow-control devices used in side-pocket
content — Part 2: Total metal content mandrels (hereafter called flow-control devices)
intended for use in the worldwide petroleum and
natural gas industry. This includes requirements for

682 | P a g e
specifying, selecting, designing, manufacturing, This Uganda Standard provides informative
quality-control, testing and preparation for shipping documentation to assist the user/purchaser and the
of flow-control devices. Additionally, it includes supplier/manufacturer in specification, design,
information regarding performance testing and selection, testing, calibration, reconditioning,
calibration procedures. installation and use of side-pocket mandrels, flow-
control devices and associated latches and installation
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 tools. The product design and manufacturing-related
requirements for these products are included within
the other parts of US ISO 17078.
3371. US ISO 17078-3:2009, Petroleum
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
and natural gas industries — Drilling
and production equipment — Part 3:
Running tools, pulling tools and kick-
over tools and latches for side-pocket 3373. US ISO 17089-1:2010,
mandrels Measurement of fluid flow in closed
conduits — Ultrasonic meters for gas —
This Uganda Standard provides requirements and
Part 1: Meters for custody transfer and
guidelines for running tools, pulling tools, kick-over
allocation measurement
tools and latches used for the installation and retrieval
of flow control and other devices to be installed in This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
side-pocket mandrels for use in the petroleum and recommendations for ultrasonic gas flowmeters
natural gas industries. This includes requirements for (USMs), which utilize the transit time of acoustic
specifying, selecting, designing, manufacturing, signals to measure the flow of single phase
quality control, testing and preparation for shipping homogenous gases in closed conduits.
of these tools and latches. Additionally, it includes
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
information regarding performance testing and
calibration procedures.

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

3374. US ISO 17348:2016, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — Materials
selection for high content CO2 for
3372. US ISO 17078-4:2010, Petroleum casing, tubing and downhole equipment
and natural gas industries — Drilling
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines and
and production equipment — Part 4:
requirements for material selection of both seamless
Practices for side-pocket mandrels and
casing and tubing, and downhole equipment for CO2
related equipment
gas injection and gas production wells with high
pressure and high CO2 content environments [higher

683 | P a g e
than 10 % (molar) of CO2 and 1 MPa CO2 partial This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
pressure]. Oil production wells are not covered in this
standard. This standard only considers materials STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000

compatibility with the environment.

3377. US ISO 17636-2:2013, Non-
destructive testing of welds —
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
Radiographic testing — Part 2: X- and
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000 gamma-ray techniques with digital
3375. US ISO 17420-3:2012,
Respiratory protective devices — This Uganda Standard specifies fundamental
Performance requirements — Part 3: techniques of digital radiography with the object of
Thread connection enabling satisfactory and repeatable results to be
obtained economically. The techniques are based on
This Uganda Standard is applicable to an unassisted
generally recognized practice and fundamental theory
filtering device and specifies a standard thread
of the subject. This part of US ISO 17636 applies to
connection between a filter and the respiratory
the digital radiographic examination of fusion welded
interface as required in US ISO 17420-2. This part of
joints in metallic materials. It applies to the joints of
US ISO 17420 also includes the description of test
plates and pipes. Besides its conventional meaning,
simulators that are necessary for the assessment of
“pipe”, as used in this International Standard, covers
some of the requirements.
other cylindrical bodies such as tubes, penstocks,
boiler drums, and pressure vessel.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15



3376. US ISO 17636-1:2013, Non-
destructive testing of welds —
3378. US ISO 17694:2003, Footwear —
Radiographic testing — Part 1: X- and
Test methods for uppers and lining —
gamma-ray techniques with film
Flex resistance

This Uganda Standard specifies techniques of

This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for
radiographic examination of fusion welded joints in
determining the flex resistance of uppers and linings
metallic materials using industrial radiographic film
irrespective of the material, in order to assess the
techniques. This part of US ISO 17636 applies to the
suitability for the end use.
joints of plates and pipes. Besides its conventional
meaning, “pipe” as used in this standard covers other This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
cylindrical bodies such as tubes, penstocks, boiler
drums, and pressure vessels.

684 | P a g e
3379. US ISO 17696:2004, Footwear — 3382. US ISO 17700:2004, Footwear —
Test methods for uppers, linings and Test methods for uppers, linings and
insocks — Tear strength insocks — Colour fastness to rubbing

This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for This Uganda Standard specifies two test methods
assessing the tear strength of upper, linings and (method A and method B) for assessing the degree of
insocks or complete upper assembly, irrespective of damage (marring) and transfer of a material’s surface
material, in order to assess the suitability for the end colour during mild dry or wet abrasion. The methods
use. are applicable to all footwear uppers, linings and
insocks irrespective of the material, in order to assess
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
suitability for end use.


This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

3380. US ISO 17697:2016, Footwear —

Test methods for uppers, lining and
insocks — Seam strength 3383. US ISO 17702:2003, Footwear —
Test methods for uppers — Water
This Uganda Standard specifies two test methods for
determining the seam strength of uppers, lining or
insocks, irrespective of the material, in order to assess This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for
the suitability for the end use. determining the resistance of a footwear upper
material to water penetration flexing, in order to
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 assess the suitability for the end use.


This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

3381. US ISO 17699:2003, Footwear —

Test methods for uppers and lining —
Water vapour permeability and 3384. US ISO 17706:2003, Footwear —
absorption Test methods for uppers — Tensile
strength and elongation
This Uganda Standard specifies two test methods for
assessing, respectively, the water vapour permeability This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for
and the water vapour absorption of uppers or determining the force required to break a test
complete upper assembly irrespective of the material, specimen from uppers irrespective of the material, in
in order to assess the suitability for the end use. order to assess the suitability for the end use.

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20


685 | P a g e
3385. US ISO 17707:2005, Footwear — assessment of manufacturers of special
Test methods for outsoles — Flex materials
This Uganda Standard establishes a procedure for
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for verifying that the manufacturer of special materials
determining the flex resistance of outsoles. This for the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas
method is intended to assess the effect of sole industries has sufficient competence and experience
materials and surface patterns on cut growth. of the relevant material grades of metal, and the
necessary facilities and equipment, to manufacture
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
these materials in the required shapes and sizes with
acceptable properties according to the applicable
standard, material specification and/or material data
3386. US ISO 17708:2003, Footwear — sheet specified by the purchaser.
Test methods for whole shoe — Upper
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
sole adhesion
This Uganda standard describes a test method for the
determination of the resistance to separation of the 3388. US ISO 17824:2009, Petroleum
upper from the outsole or to separate adjacent layers and natural gas industries — Downhole
of the outsole or to cause tear failure of the upper or equipment — Sand screens
the sole is measured. It also defines conditions of
This Uganda Standard provides the requirements and
ageing that can be used for production control. It
guidelines for sand control screens for use in the
applies to all types of footwear (cementing,
petroleum and natural gas industries. Included are the
vulcanisation, injection moulding, etc.) where the
requirements for design, design validation, functional
evaluation of sole adhesion the upper is needed and
evaluation, manufacturing, storage and transport. The
where the upper is continuously assembled (closed
requirements of this standard are applicable to wire-
shoe). (This standard cancels and replaces US
wrap screens, pre-pack screens and metal-mesh
613:2005, Footwear - Determination of strength of
screens as defined herein.
adhesion at the toe and at the heel of a stuck-on or
moulded on sole).
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15



3389. US ISO 17871:2015, Gas
cylinders — Quick-release cylinder
3387. US ISO 17782:2018, Petroleum,
valves —Specification and type testing
petrochemical and natural gas
industries — Scheme for conformity

686 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard in conjunction with ISO 10297 standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing of
and ISO 14246 specifies design, type testing, footwear and footwear components.
marking and manufacturing tests, and examinations
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
requirements for quick-release cylinder valves
intended to be fitted to refillable transportable gas
cylinders which convey non-toxic, non-oxidizing,
and non-corrosive compressed or liquefied gases or 3392. US ISO 18775:2008, Veneers —
extinguishing agents charged with compressed gases Terms and definitions, determination of
to be used for fire-extinguishing, explosion physical characteristics and tolerances
protection, and rescue applications.
This Uganda Standard establishes the standard terms
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 and definitions (including those relative to features
and defects), the methods for the determination of
physical characteristics and the tolerances for
dimensions (length, width, thickness) for wood
3390. US ISO 18416:2015, Cosmetics —
veneers, including natural, treated and multilaminar
Microbiology — Detection of Candida
veneers, that can be obtained by slicing, rotary
cutting or sawing. (This Uganda Standard is an
The Uganda Standard prescribes a method that is adoption of the International Standard ISO
based on the detection of Candida albicans in a non- 18775:2008).
selective liquid medium (enrichment broth), followed
by isolation a selective agar medium. Other methods This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

may be appropriate dependent on the level of

detection required.
3393. US ISO 18776:2008, Laminated
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
Veneer Lumber (LVL) —

This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for

3391. US ISO 18454: 2001 Footwear -
Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) for general
Standard atmospheres for conditioning
purposes and structural applications, in dry, tropical-
and testing of footwear and
dry/humid or high humidity/exterior conditions.
components for footwear
Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) is a general
This Uganda Standard specifies out the general description for an assembly of veneers laminated
conditioning and testing atmospheres for the with an adhesive in which the grain direction of the
evaluation of footwear and footwear component outer veneers and most other veneers is in the
properties. This Uganda Standard defines two longitudinal direction. This standard specifies
requirements for the quality of veneers, bond

687 | P a g e
durability, tolerances on dimensions, and structural Washability in a domestic washing
characterization. (This Uganda Standard is an machine
adoption of the International Standard ISO
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method for the
evaluation of the behaviour of footwear when
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 subjected to domestic washing. The evaluation is
based upon the modification of some characteristics
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 measured before and after washing. This standard
specifies a method of domestic washing adapted to all
3394. US ISO 19291:2016, Lubricants
types of footwear.
— Determination of tribological
quantities for oils and greases —
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
Tribological test in the translator
oscillation apparatus STATUS VOLUNTARY: PRICE: 30,000

This Uganda Standard describes test methods based 3397. US ISO 20312:2011, Petroleum
on a high-frequency, linear-oscillation test machine and natural gas industries — Design
to determine tribological quantities like friction, and operating limits of drill strings with
wear, load carrying capacity and extreme pressure aluminium alloy components
behaviour of liquid lubricants (oils) and consistent
This Uganda Standard applies to design and
lubricants (greases) in the ball-on-disk contact
operating limits for drill strings containing aluminium
alloy pipes manufactured in accordance with US ISO
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 15546.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

3395. US ISO 19952:2005, Footwear — STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000

3398. US ISO 20344:2011, Personal
This Uganda Standard defines terms used in the protective equipment — Test methods
footwear industry, in English, French, Spanish and for footwear
Italian. The terms and their definitions are listed
This Uganda Standard specifies methods for testing
alphabetically in English.
footwear designed as personal protective equipment.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 (This standard cancels and replaces US 612:2005,
Leather footwear — Method of sampling).
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
3396. US ISO 19954: 2003, Footwear —
Test methods for whole shoe — STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 95,000

688 | P a g e
3399. US ISO 20345: 2011, Personal 3401. US ISO 20347:2012, Personal
protective equipment — Safety protective equipment — Occupational
footwear footwear

This Uganda Standard specifies basic and additional This Uganda Standard specifies basic and additional
(optional) requirements for safety footwear used for (optional) requirements for occupational footwear
general purpose. It includes, for example, mechanical that is not exposed to any mechanical risks (impact or
risks, slip resistance, thermal risks, ergonomic compression). Special risks are covered by
behaviour. Special risks are covered by complementary job-related standards (e.g. footwear
complementary job-related standards (e.g. footwear for firefighters, electrical insulating footwear,
for firefighters, electrical insulating footwear, protection against chain saw injuries, protection
protection against chain saw injuries, protection against chemicals and against molten metal splash,
against chemicals and molten metal splash, protection protection for motor cycle riders). (This standard
for motor cycle riders). cancels and replaces US 614:2005 Industrial safety
footwear - Specification for leather protective and
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15 safety footwear for general and heavy-duty use).


This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

3400. US ISO 20346:2014, Personal

protective equipment — Protective
footwear 3402. US ISO 20763:2004, Petroleum
and related products — Determination
This Uganda Standard specifies basic and additional
of anti-wear properties of hydraulic —
(optional) requirements for protective footwear used
Vane pump method
for general purpose. It includes, for example,
mechanical risks, slip resistance, thermal risks, This Uganda Standard specifies procedures for the
ergonomic behaviour. Special risks are covered by determination of steel-on-steel anti-wear properties of
complementary job-related standards (e.g. footwear hydraulic fluids by means of performance in a vane-
for firefighters, electrical insulating footwear, type hydraulic pump.
protection against chain saw injuries, protection
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
against chemicals and molten metal splash, protection
for motor cycle riders). (This standard cancels and
replaces US 614:2005 Industrial safety footwear -
Specification for leather protective and safety 3403. US ISO 20764:2003, Petroleum
footwear for general and heavy-duty use). and related products — Preparation of
a test portion of high-boiling liquids for
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
the determination of water content —
Nitrogen purge method

689 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies two procedures for fluids in contact with hot surfaces —
the preparation of test portions from petroleum and Manifold ignition testraulic fluids —
related products boiling above 200 °C, which can Vane pump method
then be used for the determination of total water
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method to
content within the range of 3 mg/kg to 1 000 mg/kg.
determine the relative flammability of fluids when
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 contacted with a hot metal surface at a fixed
temperature, but it is also possible to gauge fluid
ignition temperatures by adjustment of the manifold
3404. US ISO 20783-1:2011, Petroleum
and related products — Determination
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
of emulsion stability of fire-resistant
fluids — Part 1: Fluids in category STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000
3407. US ISO 20826:2006, Automotive
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method to LPG components — Containers
assess the stability of emulsions within the category
This Uganda Standard specifies the technical
HFAE, as defined in ISO 6743-4, made up with
requirements for the design and the testing of
waters having clearly-defined concentrations of salts.
automotive Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 containers, to be permanently attached to a motor
vehicle which uses automotive LPG as a fuel. The
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 technical requirements cover the design criteria, the
requirements on construction and workmanship, and
3405. US ISO 20783-2:2003, Petroleum
the marking and re-qualification procedures. This
and related products — Determination
standard also covers all tests, including their
of emulsion stability of fire-resistant
frequencies, to be carried out on auto gas containers,
fluids — Part 2: Fluids in category HFB
during production and performance verification.
This Uganda Standard specifies three test methods to Specific recommendations are also given on the tests
assess the stability of emulsions within the category to be carried out when changing the design.
HFB, as defined in ISO 6743-4.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
3408. US ISO 20843:2011, Petroleum
3406. US ISO 20823:2003, Petroleum and related products — Determination
and related products — Determination of pH of fire-resistant fluids within
of the flammability characteristics of categories HFAE, HFAS and HFC

690 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a test method to (m/m) oxygen, and of diesel fuels, including those
determine the pH value of fire-resistant fluids within containing up to 5 % (V/V) fatty acid methyl ester
categories HFAE, HFAS and HFC, as classified in (FAME), having sulfur contents in the range 30
ISO 6743-4. mg/kg to 500 mg/kg. Other products may be analysed
and other sulfur contents may be determined
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
according to this test method; however, no precision
data for products other than automotive fuels and for
results outside the specified range have been
3409. US ISO 20846:2004, Petroleum established for this standard.
products — Determination of sulfur
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
content of automotive fuels —
Ultraviolet fluorescence method

This Uganda Standard specifies an ultraviolet (UV)

3411. US ISO 20865:2002, Footwear —
fluorescence test method for the determination of the
Test methods for outsoles —
sulfur content of motor gasolines, including those
Compression energy
containing up to 2,7 % (m/m) oxygen, and of diesel
fuels, including those containing up to 5 % (V/V) This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), having sulfur determination of the compression energy of outsoles.
contents in the range 3 mg/kg to 500 mg/kg. Other
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
products may be analysed and other sulfur contents
may be determined according to this test method;
however, no precision data for products other than
automotive fuels and for results outside the specified 3412. US ISO 20869:2010, Footwear —
range have been established for this standard. Test method for outsoles, insoles,
linings and insocks — Water soluble
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20


This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the water soluble contents for
3410. US ISO 20847:2004, Petroleum
outsoles, insoles, lining and insocks.
products — Determination of sulfur
content of automotive fuels —
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
Ultraviolet fluorescence method
This Uganda Standard specifies an energy dispersive
X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) test method for the 3413. US ISO 20871:2001, Footwear —
determination of the sulfur content of motor Test methods for outsoles — Abrasion
gasolines, including those containing up to 2,7 % resistance

691 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the general quality criterion for insole materials even
determination of the abrasion resistance for outsoles, where attachment is by means of adhesives.
irrespective of the material.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
3417. US ISO 20844:2015, Petroleum
3414. US ISO 20874:2001, Footwear — and related products — Determination
Test methods for outsoles — Needle of the shear stability of polymer-
tear strength containing oils using a diesel injector
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
determination of the needle tear strength for outsoles, This Uganda Standard specifies a method to assess
irrespective of the material. the resistance to shear stresses applied to mineral oils,
synthetic oils, and other fluids containing polymers,
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
when passed through a specified diesel injector

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

3415. US ISO 20875:2001, Footwear —
Test methods for outsoles —
Determination of split tear strength and
delamination resistance 3418. US ISO 21007-1:2005, Gas
cylinders — Identification and marking
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
using radio frequency identification
determination of the split tear strength and
technology — Part 1: Reference
delamination resistance for outsoles.
architecture and terminology

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 This Uganda Standard establishes a common
framework for data structure for unambiguous
identification of single or manifolded gas cylinders
3416. US ISO 20876:2001, Footwear — and for other common data elements in this sector. It
Test methods for insoles — Resistance also serves as a terminology document in the area of
to stitch tear radio frequency identification (RFID) technology.

This Uganda Standard describes a method for This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
evaluating the ability of an insole, irrespective of the
material, to hold stitches, or to take clenched metal
fastenings. The method has become accepted as a

692 | P a g e
3419. US ISO 21007-2:2015, Gas This Uganda Standard gives general guidelines for
cylinders — Identification and marking enumeration and detection of aerobic mesophilic
using radio frequency identification bacteria present in cosmetics by counting the colonies
technology — Part 2: Numbering on agar medium after aerobic incubation, or by
schemes for radio frequency checking the absence of bacterial growth after
identification enrichment.

This Uganda Standard establishes a common flexible This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
framework for data structure to enable the
unambiguous identification in gas cylinders (GC)
applications and for other common data elements in
3422. US ISO 21457:2010, Petroleum,
this sector.
petrochemical and natural gas
industries — Materials selection and
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
corrosion control for oil and gas
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 production systems

3420. US ISO 21148:2017, Cosmetics — This Uganda Standard identifies the corrosion
Microbiology — General instructions mechanisms and parameters for evaluation when
for microbiological examination performing selection of materials for pipelines,
piping and equipment related to transport and
This Uganda Standard gives general instructions for
processing of hydrocarbon production, including
carrying out microbiological examinations of
utility and injection systems. This includes all
cosmetic products, in order to ensure their quality and
equipment from and including the well head, to and
safety, in accordance with an appropriate risk
including pipelines for stabilized products. This
analysis (e.g. low water activity, hydro-alcoholic,
standard is not applicable to downhole components.
extreme pH values). Because of the large variety of
products and potential uses within this field of This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
application, these instructions might not be
appropriate for some products in every detail (e.g.
certain water-immiscible products).
3423. US ISO 21809-1:2011, Petroleum
and natural gas industries — External
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
coatings for buried or submerged
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 pipelines used in pipeline
transportation systems — Part
3421. US ISO 21149:2017, Cosmetics —
1: Polyolefin coatings (3-layer PE and
Microbiology — Enumeration and
3-layer PP)
detection of aerobic mesophilic bacteria

693 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements of This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
plant-applied external three-layer polyethylene- and field joint coating of seamless or welded steel pipes
polypropylene-based coatings for corrosion for pipeline transportation systems in the petroleum
protection of welded and seamless steel pipes for and natural gas industries as defined in US ISO
pipeline transportation systems in the petroleum and 13623.
natural gas industries in accordance with US ISO
13623. This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15


This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

3426. US ISO 21809-4:2009, Petroleum

and natural gas industries — External
3424. US ISO 21809-2:2014, Petroleum coatings for buried or submerged
and natural gas industries — External pipelines used in pipeline
coatings for buried or submerged transportation systems — Part
pipelines used in pipeline 4: Polyethylene coatings (2-layer PE)
transportation systems — Part
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
2: Single layer fusion-bonded epoxy
qualification, application, inspection, testing,
handling and storage of materials for plant
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for application of two-layer polyethylene coatings (2-
qualification, application, testing and handling of layer PE) applied externally for the corrosion
materials for plant application of single layer fusion- protection of bare steel pipe for use in pipeline
bonded epoxy (FBE) coatings applied externally for transportation systems for the petroleum and natural
the corrosion protection of bare steel pipe for use in gas industries as defined in US ISO 13623.
pipeline transportation systems for the petroleum and
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
natural gas industries as defined in US ISO 13623.


This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

3427. US ISO 21809-5:2010, Petroleum

and natural gas industries — External
3425. US ISO 21809-3:2011, Petroleum coatings for buried or submerged
and natural gas industries — External pipelines used in pipeline
coatings for buried or submerged transportation systems — Part
pipelines used in pipeline 5: External concrete coatings
transportation systems — Part
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
3: Field joint coatings
qualification, application, testing and handling of
materials required for the application of reinforced

694 | P a g e
concrete coating externally to either bare pipe or pre- principles of risk management, with reference to
coated pipe for use in pipeline transportation systems examination aspects, especially to pre- and post-
for the petroleum and natural gas industries as examination aspects, of the cycle of laboratory
defined in US ISO 13623. medical care. This standard proposes a methodology
for finding and characterizing medical laboratory
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
error that would be avoided with the application of
ISO 15189.

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

3428. US ISO 22198: 2006,Textiles —
Fabrics — Determination of width and
3430. US ISO 22609:2004, Clothing for
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the protection against infectious agents —
determination of length and width of textile fabrics Medical face masks — Test method for
that are in a tension-free relaxed state. The test is resistance against penetration by synthetic
applicable to textile fabrics of full width, folded blood (fixed volume, horizontally projected)
lengthwise down the middle, or in tubular form, but
This Uganda Standard describes a laboratory test method
no longer than 100 m. This standard does not specify
for measuring the resistance of medical face masks to
a method to determine or describe construction
penetration by a splash of synthetic blood.
defects or other defects. It is not applicable to coated
fabrics. (This standard cancels and replaces US This standard was adopted on 2020-05-12
444:2002/ISO 3932 Methods for the determination of
woven fabrics — Measurement of width pieces and STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

US 445:2002/ISO 3933 Methods for the

3431. US ISO 22649:2016, Footwear —
determination of woven fabrics —Measurement of
Test methods for insoles and insocks —
length pieces).
Water absorption and desorption

This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15

This Uganda Standard specifies two test methods for

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 determining the water absorption and desorption of
insoles and insocks, irrespective of the material.
3429. US ISO/TS 22367:2008, Medical
laboratories — Reduction of error This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

through risk management and

continual improvement

3432. US ISO 22650:2002, Footwear —

This Uganda Standard characterizes the application
Test methods for whole shoe — Heel
of ISO 15189 as a system for reducing laboratory
error and improving patient safety by applying the

695 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the 3435. US ISO 22716:2007, Cosmetics —
determination of the heel attachment of footwear. It Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
applies to woman's medium and high heeled — Guidelines on Good Manufacturing
footwear. This test method measures three related Practices
wear properties; the rigidity of the shoe back part
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for the
during normal walking, the amount of permanent
production, control, storage and shipment of cosmetic
deformation of the back part caused by a fairly large
products. These guidelines cover the quality aspects
force applied to, the heel in a backward direction and
of the product, but as a whole do not cover safety
the force required to detach the heel.
aspects for the personnel engaged in the plant, nor do
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 they cover aspects of protection of the environment.
Safety and environmental aspects are inherent
responsibilities of the company and could be
governed by local legislation and regulation. These
3433. US ISO 22654:2002, Footwear —
guidelines are not applicable to research and
Test methods for outsoles — Tensile
development activities and distribution of finished
strength and elongation
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for the
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
determination of the tensile strength and elongation
of outsoles.

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

3436. US ISO 22717:2015, Cosmetics —
Microbiology —Detection of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
3434. US ISO 22702:2005 Utility
This Uganda Standard gives general guidelines for
lighters — General consumer-safety
the detection and identification of the specified
microorganism Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cosmetic
This consumer-safety specification covers all flame- products. Microorganisms considered as specified in
producing consumer products commonly known as this standard might differ from country to country
utility lighters (also known as grill lighters, fireplace according to national practices or regulations.
lighters, lighting rods or gas matches), and similar
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12


This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

3437. US ISO 22718:2015, Cosmetics —

Microbiology — Detection of
Staphylococcus aureus

696 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard gives general guidelines for This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
the detection and identification of the specified
microorganism Staphylococcus aureus in cosmetic STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000

products. Microorganisms considered as specified in

3440. US ISO 23529:2010, Rubber —
this standard might differ from country to country
General procedures for preparing and
according to national practices or regulations.
conditioning test pieces for physical test
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

This Uganda Standard specifies general procedures

for the preparation, measurement, marking, storage,
3438. US ISO 22991: 2004, Gas and conditioning of rubber test pieces for use in
cylinders — Transportable refillable physical tests specified in other standards, and the
welded steel cylinders for liquefied preferred conditions to be used during the tests.
petroleum gas (LPG) — Design and Special conditions, applicable to a particular test or
construction material or simulating a particular climatic
environment, are not included, nor are special
This Uganda Standard specifies minimum
requirements for testing whole products.
requirements concerning material, design,
construction and workmanship, procedure and test at This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
manufacture of transportable refillable welded steel
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders of water
capacity up to and including 150 l, exposed to
3441. US ISO 24153:2009, Random
ambient temperatures.
sampling and randomisation
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

This Uganda Standard defines procedures for random

sampling and randomization. Several methods are
3439. US ISO 23409:2011, Male provided, including approaches based on mechanical
condoms — Requirements and test devices, tables of random numbers, and portable
methods for condoms made from computer algorithms.
synthetic materials
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
requirements and the test methods applicable to male
condoms produced from synthetic materials or blends
3442. US ISO 24254:2007, Lubricants,
of synthetic materials and natural rubber latex which
industrial oils and related products
are used for contraceptive purposes and to aid in the
(class L) -- Family E (internal
prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

697 | P a g e
combustion engine oils) -- Specifications 3444. US ISO 25760:2009, Gas
for oils for use in four-stroke cycle cylinders — Operational procedures for
motorcycle gasoline engines and the safe removal of valves from gas
associated drivetrains (categories EMA cylinders
and EMB)
This Uganda Standard is intended for suppliers,
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements of operators in testing facilities, operators performing
lubricating engine oils (hereinafter referred to as cylinder maintenance and any person authorized to
“four-stroke engine oils”) to be used in four-stroke remove valves from gas cylinders. It details
cycle spark ignition gasoline engines employing a procedures for the safe removal of valves from
common sump containing the lubricating oil for both cylinders and includes techniques for the
the engine and associated drivetrain (transmission, identification of inoperable valves.
clutch, starter) of motorcycles, motor scooters, all-
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
terrain vehicles (ATVs) and related equipment.
Classification of four-stroke engine oils is defined in
ISO 6743-15 [1]. Among all of the categories
covered by ISO 6743-15, this standard includes 3445. US ISO 25841: 2017, Female
categories EMA and EMB. condoms — Requirements and test
methods (2nd Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
requirements and test methods for female condoms
that are supplied to consumers for contraceptive
3443. US ISO 25518:2009, Single-use
purposes and for assisting in the prevention of
rubber gloves for general applications
sexually transmitted infections (STIs). (The Uganda
— Specification
Standard cancels and replaces US ISO 25841:2014,
This Uganda Standard specifies the physical Female condoms — Requirements and test methods,
requirements and methods of sampling and testing for which has been technically revised).
single-use rubber gloves, made from natural rubber
latex, synthetic rubber latex or rubber solution, This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26

intended for general applications, but not gloves

intended for medical purposes. It does not cover the
safe and proper usage of the gloves. 3446. US ISO 27627:2014, Petroleum
and natural gas industries —
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
Aluminium alloy drill pipe thread
connection gauging

698 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the technical delivery or community enterprise, association, group or
condition, manufacturing process, material individual. US ISO/TR 31004 is not specific to any
requirements, configuration and dimensions, and industry or sector, or to any particular type of risk,
verification and inspection procedures for aluminium and can be applied to all activities and to all parts of
alloy drill pipes manufactured in accordance with US organizations.
ISO 15546.
This standard was adopted on 2014-10-15
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
3449. US ISO 29941: 2010, Condoms —
3447. US ISO 28158:2018, Dentistry — Determination of nitrosamines
Integrated dental floss and handles migrating from natural rubber latex
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and
test methods for integrated dental floss and handles This Uganda Standard specifies a test method to
used for home care, community care, professional determine the release of N-nitrosamines from
care of oral health or a part of dental treatment. condoms made from natural rubber latex.

This standard was adopted on 2019-10-01 This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13


3448. US ISO 28781:2010, Petroleum 3450. US ISO 29942:2011, Prophylactic

and natural gas industries — Drilling dams — Requirements and test
and production equipment — methods
Subsurface barrier valves and related
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
requirements and test methods for prophylactic dams
This Uganda Standard provides the requirements for used to assist in the prevention of sexually
subsurface barrier valves and related equipment as transmitted infections.
they are defined herein for use in the petroleum and
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
natural gas industries. Included are the requirements
for design, design validation, manufacturing,
functional evaluation, repair, redress, handling and
storage. Subsurface barrier valves provide a means of
isolating the formation or creating a barrier in the
tubular to facilitate the performance of pre- and/or
post-production/injection operational activities in the
well. This standard can be used by any public, private

699 | P a g e

700 | P a g e
3453. US ISO/IEC GUIDE 14:2018,
Products and related services —
MANAGEMENT AND SERVICES Information for consumers
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on the
3451. US ISO/IWA 2:2007, Quality provision of information concerning products and
management systems — Guidelines for their related services intended for consumers. It
the application of ISO 9001:2000 in outlines general principles and recommendations for
education (2nd Edition) content, methods, formats and designs enabling
consumers to compare and choose consumer products
This Uganda Standard provides guidance for a
and their related services prior to purchase.
quality management system in educational
organizations. The guidelines contained within this This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
International Workshop Agreement do not add to,
change or otherwise modify the requirements of ISO
9001:2000, and are not intended for use in contracts 3454. US ISO/IEC Guide 17:2016,
for conformity assessment or for certification. Guide for writing standards taking into
account the needs of micro, small and
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08
medium-sized enterprises


This Uganda Standard provides guidance and

3452. US ISO/IEC GUIDE 7:1994 recommendations to writers of standards on the needs

Guidelines for drafting of standards of micro, small and medium‐ sized enterprises

suitable for use for conformity (SMEs) in order to avoid the exclusion of SMEs from

assessment the market and the distortion of fair competition.

This Guide sets out guidelines to assist technical This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

committees in drafting standards suitable for use for

conformity assessment of products.

3455. US ISO/IEC GUIDE 23:1982

The guidelines contained herein may also be used as
Methods of indicating conformity with
appropriate for the drafting of standards intended for
standards for third-party certification
conformity assessment of processes and services.

This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08

This Guide lays down methods of indicating

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 conformity with Standards and reference thereto in

This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08

701 | P a g e

3456. US ISO Guide 27: 1983 3458. US ISO/IEC GUIDE 41:2018,

Guidelines for corrective action to be Packaging — Recommendations for
taken by a certification body in the addressing consumer needs
event of misuse of its mark of
This Uganda Standard provides general
recommendations to be taken into consideration when
This standard identifies the series of procedures determining the most suitable type of packaging for
which a national certification body (non- products intended for consumers. The functions that
governmental) should have reported misuse of its packaging can perform include, but are not limited to,
registered mark of conformity, ora situation in which containment, protection, handling, transport, storage,
a certified product is subsequently found to be convenience, information and presentation. This
hazardous. document also considers the sustainable use of
resources covering optimization, reuse and recovery
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08
of packaging. This document provides guidance to:


 product designers, manufacturers and others
engaged in the process of making decisions
3457. US ISO/IEC GUIDE 28:2004 concerning packaging;
 those drafting standards to meet the
Conformity assessment — Guidance on
packaging needs and requirements of
a third-party certification system for consumers as prospective purchasers of
 committees preparing standards for
consumer products or services;
This Guide gives general guidelines for a specific  regulators.
product certification system. It is applicable to a This document is not applicable to bulk
packaging, which is solely intended to protect
third-party product certification system for products in bulk when being transported between
determining the conformity of a product with manufacturers and retailers, and it is not intended
for industrial packaging.
specified requirements through initial testing of
samples of the product, assessment and surveillance This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

of the involved quality system, and surveillance by STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
testing of product samples taken from the factory or
the open market, or both. This Guide addresses 3459. US ISO/IEC Guide 50:2014,

conditions for use of a mark of conformity and Safety aspects — Guidelines for child

conditions for granting a certificate of conformity. safety in standards and other

This system corresponds to system 5 product specifications (2 Edition)
certification system as described in ISO/IEC Guide
This Uganda Standard provides guidance to experts
who develop and revise standards, specifications and

This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08 similar publications. It aims to address potential

702 | P a g e
sources of bodily harm to children from products that bodies who wish to provide, promote or use ethical
they use, or with which they are likely to come into and reliable conformity assessment services.
contact, even if not specifically intended for children.
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08
This Guide does not provide guidance on the
prevention of intentional harm (e.g. child abuse) or
non-physical forms of harm, such as psychological
harm (e.g. intimidation). (This Uganda Standard 3462. US ISO Guide 64:2008, Guide for
cancels and replaces US ISO/IEC Guide 50:2002, addressing environmental issues in
Safety aspects — Guidelines for child safety, which product standards
has been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 addressing environmental issues in product standards.
It is primarily intended for product standards writers.
Its purpose is to outline the relationship between the
provisions in product standards and the
3460. US ISO/IEC GUIDE 53:2004
environmental aspects and impacts of the product;
Conformity assessment — Guidance on
and to assist in drafting or revising provisions in
the use of an organization's quality
product standards in order to reduce potential adverse
management system in product
environmental impacts at different stages of the entire
certification [Revision of the first
product life-cycle.
edition (ISO/IEC GUIDE 53:1988)]

This Guide outlines a general approach by which This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22

certification bodies can develop and apply product

certification schemes utilizing requirements of an
organization's quality management system. 3463. US ISO/IEC GUIDE 68:2004
Arrangements for the recognition and
This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08
acceptance of conformity assessment

This Guide provides an introduction to the

3461. US ISO/IEC GUIDE 60:2004
development, issuance and operation of arrangements
Conformity assessment — Code of good
for the recognition and acceptance of results
produced by bodies undertaking similar conformity
This Guide recommends good practices for all assessment and related activities. The activities to
elements of conformity assessment, including which this guidance is intended to apply are those
normative documents, bodies, systems, schemes and related to the conduct of unregulated marketplace
results. It is intended for use by individuals and transactions extending across borders from one
country to another. While agreements among

703 | P a g e
governments pertaining to transactions of regulated (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US
goods and services can take into account the ISO/IEC Guide 71:2001, Guidelines for standards
agreements addressed by this Guide, the guidance developers to address the needs of older persons and
provided here is introductory and general in nature persons with disabilities, which has been technically
and does not specifically address any special revised.
requirements that governmental agreements might
generate. This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20


This standard was adopted on 2008-09-08

3465. US ISO GUIDE 73:2009, Risk

management — Vocabulary
3464. US ISO/IEC Guide 71:2014,
This Uganda Standard provides the definitions of
Guide for addressing accessibility in
generic terms related to risk management. It aims to
standards (2nd Edition)
encourage a mutual and consistent understanding of,
This Uganda Standard provides guidance to standards and a coherent approach to, the description of
developers on addressing accessibility requirements activities relating to the management of risk, and the
and recommendations in standards that focus, use of uniform risk management terminology in
whether directly or indirectly, on systems (i.e. processes and frameworks dealing with the
products, services and built environments) used by management of risk.
people. To assist standards developers to define
accessibility requirements and recommendations, the This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

Guide presents:

a summary of current terminology relating to

3466. US ISO 374-1:2016, Protective
gloves against dangerous chemicals and
micro-organisms — Part 1:
issues to consider in support of accessibility in the
Terminology and performance
standards development process;
requirements for chemical risks
a set of accessibility goals (used to identify user
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
accessibility needs);
protective gloves intended to protect the user against
descriptions of (and design considerations for) human dangerous chemicals and defines terms to be used.
abilities and characteristics;
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
strategies for addressing user accessibility needs and
design considerations in standards. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

704 | P a g e
3467. US ISO 374-5:2016, Protective information; evacuation; mass care; and resources
gloves against dangerous chemicals and management.
micro-organisms — Part 5:
This standard does not cover certain essential
Terminology and performance
functions, such as law enforcement, fire-fighting and
requirements for micro-organisms risks
the functions of other emergency services for which
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements and provisions have been made in legislation.
test methods for protective gloves intended to protect
This standard was published on 2008-09-08
the user against micro-organisms.


This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

3470. US 701-3:2008, Code of practice

for disaster management — Part 3:
3468. US 701-1:2008 Code of practice Hazard-specific response planning
for disaster management — Part 1:
This Uganda Standard covers the development of
Terminology and Implementation
operational plans for specific hazards identified in the
This part of US 701 covers the uniform international risk assessment process as a high priority hazard. The
terminology to be used in written plans and in the standard covers planning requirements for three of
various phases of disaster management and the the most frequently recurring hazards in Uganda
implementation of a disaster management system at namely floods and dam failure; hurricanes and storm
local government level. The standard also covers the winds; and dangerous goods incidents.
risk assessment and needs analysis procedures
This standard was published on 2008-12-11
required for planning.


This standard was published on 2008-09-08

3471. US 701-4:2008, Disaster

management — Part 4: Standard
3469. US 701-2:2008 Code of practice specification for handling disasters
for disaster management — Part 2: All-
This Uganda Standard lays down the minimum
risk emergency operation planning
requirements for handling and responding to disasters
This part of US 701 covers the development of some in the areas of water supply and sanitation, nutrition,
of the more common core functions that are required food aid, shelter and site planning and health
for an all-risk emergency operation system, which services.
includes the following functions: command;
communications; warning; emergency public This standard was published on 2008-12-11


705 | P a g e
3472. US 713:2008, Requirements for This Uganda Standard covers guidelines for effective
hygiene in commercial skin penetration, and regular cleaning of food handling surfaces in
hairdressing, and beauty and natural establishments, equipment and vehicles in order to
therapy remove physical dirt and all micro-organisms that
may act as a source of food contamination.
This Uganda Standard covers requirements for the
hygiene in commercial skin penetration, hair This standard was published on 2011-11-22
dressing, beauty and natural therapy. The guidelines
also outline and review the infection prevention
techniques that are critical in reducing the risk of
3475. US 851:2009, Garages services –
disease transmission. It provides operators with
General guidelines for service,
information that enables them to take all reasonable
maintenance and repair of vehicles and
precautions towards infection control. By following
related equipment
these provisions, operators can be reassured that they
are minimizing the risk of transmitting infectious This Uganda Standard defines the general guidelines
diseases. This standard applies to commercial for service, maintenance and repair of vehicles and
operators involved in beauty treatments including related equipment by garage service providers. These
facials, waxing, massage, skin peels, manicures and guidelines also lay down the basic principles that can
pedicures; and hairdressing services including be used by any agency whether government, public
cutting, shaving, colouring, and perfuming; and skin or private when procuring garage services.
penetration including tattooing, acupuncture, ear
piercing and electrolysis. This standard was published on 2011-11-22

This standard was published on 2008-12-11 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 3476. US 852:2009, Cleaning chemicals

for use in the food industry
3473. US 809:2013, Code of practice for
the management of swimming and spa This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements

pools for cleaning chemicals intended for use in the food

industry. The standard sets minimum requirements
This Uganda Standard covers the guidelines for the for the safety of such cleaning chemicals, which are
management of swimming and spa pools. intended for use on food processing equipment and
might come into contact with food products.
This standard was published on 2013-06-25
This standard was published on 2011-11-22
3474. US 810: 2011, Guidelines for
cleaning and disinfection

706 | P a g e
3477. US 865:2009, Efficacy of cleaning of conductive flooring for which specialized
plant, equipment and utensils: Swab maintenance products are required.
technique (Metric units)
This standard was published on 2011-11-22
This Uganda Standard method covers the sampling
and testing of plant, equipment and utensils for
efficacy of cleaning and disinfecting using the swab
3480. US 909:2011, General standard
technique. This standard method is only applicable to
for Halal food
surfaces that have been previously cleaned and
disinfected. This Uganda Standard defines the basic requirements
that shall be followed at any stage of food chain
This standard was published on 2011-11-22
including, receiving, preparation, processing, sorting,
determination, packaging, labelling, marking,
controlling, handling, transportation, distribution,
3478. US 870:2009, Quality storage and service of Halal Food and its products
management systems – Requirements based on Islamic rules.
for cleaning service organizations
This standard was published on 2011-12-20
This Uganda Standard describes the procedures and
principles to be considered in designing and
implementing quality management programs for
3481. US 910:2011,Guidelines for
cleaning organizations. This Standard applies,
bodies providing Halal Certification
without respect to the size of the organization, both to
cleaning organizations that self-perform cleaning and This Uganda Standard specifies the rules that the
to building service contractors. Halal certification bodies shall satisfy and the
requirements for the execution of Halal certification
This standard was published on 2011-11-22
activities. It also contains principles and requirements
for the competence, consistency and impartiality of
the audit and certification of Halal product/service
3479. US 892:2009, Cleaning and and/or management systems for bodies providing
maintenance of floors these activities.

This Uganda Standard outlines the basic principles of This standard was published on 2011-12-20
floor maintenance, and covers procedures for the
cleaning and maintenance of resilient, wooden and
hard surface floors in domestic, commercial and
3482. US 911:2011, Guidelines for the
industrial establishments as relevant. This code of
Halal Accreditation Body accrediting
practice does not cover the cleaning and maintenance
Halal Certification Bodies

707 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard prescribes general guidance guidelines cover the three main sources of
and procedures for the Halal Accreditation Body quantitative data namely: censuses, surveys, and
assessing and accrediting Halal Certification Bodies. administrative records.
It is also appropriate as a requirements document for
This standard was published on 2012-12-18
the peer evaluation process for mutual recognition
arrangements between Halal accreditation bodies of
OIC member states.
3486. US 944:2013, Sanitation of bed
This standard was published on 2011-12-20
and breakfast establishments


This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for sanitation
in bed and breakfast (or B & B) establishments which
3483. US 929:2011, Health and safety
are small lodging establishments that offer overnight
at events — Requirements
accommodation and breakfast, but usually do not
This Uganda Standard specifies minimum offer other meals.
requirements for the planning, organizing and staging
This standard was published on 2013-06-25
of events by an event organizer, whether an
individual or an organization.

This standard was published on 2011-12-20

3487. US 957:2011, Social
Responsibility – Organizational
accountability at the work place
3484. US 942:2012, Code of Practice
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements to
for official statistics
enable an organization to establish, maintain and
This Code of Practice covers the principles and implement policies, procedures and practices
protocols for the production, management and concerning issues relating to organizational
dissemination of official statistics. accountability at the workplace within its sphere of
influence; and demonstrate to stakeholders that its
This standard was published on 2012-12-18
policies, procedures and practices are in conformity
with applicable national legal, statutory, regulatory
requirements and requirements specific to the
3485. US 943:2012, Guidelines for organization and of this standard.
production of quality statistics
This standard was published on 2011-12-20
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines that
promote the application of best statistical practices
for producing quality national statistics. These

708 | P a g e
3488. US 996-1:2012, Halaal consumer information, daily commodities, public utilities and
goods — Part 1: Cosmetic and personal the operational components of building facilities.
care — General guidelines
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
This Uganda Standard prescribes practical guidelines
for halal cosmetic and personal care industry. It
serves as a basic requirement for cosmetic and
3491. US 1531:2013, Child care —
personal care industry and trade or business in
Safety of transportation —
Uganda. This standard should be used together with
the Guidelines for Control of Cosmetic Products in
Uganda and Guidelines on Cosmetic Good This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
Manufacturing Practice, by National Drug Authority. the safe transportation of children.

This standard was published on 2012-12-18 This standard was published on 2013-06-25


3489. US 996-2:2015, Halal consumer 3492. US 1544:2015, Guidelines for

goods — Part 2: Usage of animal bone, manufacturing and handling of halal
skin and hair – General guidelines medicinal products, traditional
medicines and health supplements
This Uganda Standard gives practical guidelines for
the usage of bone, skin and hair in halal consumer This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for
goods. manufacturing and handling of halal medicinal
products, traditional medicines and health
This standard was published on 2015-06-
Supplements from the sourcing of starting
material(s), manufacturing, packaging, transportation
and storage of halal medicinal products, traditional
medicines and health supplements.
3490. US ISO 1503:2008, Spatial
orientation and direction of movement
This standard was published on 2015-06-30
— Ergonomic requirements
This Uganda Standard sets out design principles,
procedures, requirements and recommendations for 3493. US 1551:2013, Hygiene practice
the spatial orientation and direction of movement of in food service establishments and
controls and displays used in tool machines, catering services ― Code of practice
industrial robots, office machines, earth-moving
machinery, transportation (automobiles, railway This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for the

electric cars/rolling stock, aircraft, ships, etc.), hygienic handling of food for human consumption in

709 | P a g e
food service establishments and catering services reside on, or are operated on (or both), the gaming
from delivery to service. floor of a casino. Equipment covered by the
requirements of this standard includes gaming
This standard was published on 2013-12-17
machines, jackpot controllers and displays and
machine consoles.

This standard was published on 2017-12-12

3494. US 1552:2015, First aid facilities
and services — Code of practice

This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for

3497. US 1580-2:2017, Gaming
immediate and effective first aid to workers or others
equipment — Part 2: Requirements for
who have been injured or become ill at the workplace
limited payout machines
in order to reduce the severity of the injury or illness
and to promote comprehensive and practical This Uganda Standard specifies the general hardware
preventive strategies that improve the working and software requirements and the list of significant
environment as well as recovery. events for gaming equipment to be used in venues
holding site licenses for limited payout machines.
This standard was published on 2015-06-30
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
3495. US 1553:2015, Workplace
amenities and facilities — Code of 3498. US 1581:2015 Halalan –
practice Toyyiban assurance pipeline- Part 1:
Management system requirements for
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for the
transportation of goods and /or cargo
provision of workplace amenities and facilities for
chain services
the working environment in all workplaces other than
construction workplaces. This Uganda Standard prescribes management
system requirements for assurance of the Halalan-
This standard was published on 2015-06-30
toyyiban integrity of goods and/or cargo being
handled through various modes of transportation.

This standard was published on 2015-06-30

3496. US 1580-1:2017, Gaming
equipment — Part 1: Requirements for
3499. US 1585:2017, Environmental
This Uganda Standard provides the constructional
protection — Onshore oil and gas
and operational requirements for gaming devices that
production operations — Requirements

710 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard provides requirements for 3501. US 1629:2015, Petroleum and
environmentally sound practices for onshore oil and natural gas industries — Classification
gas production operations and is applicable to and conformity assessment of products,
contractors, service providers as well as operators. processes and services
Facilities within the scope of this standard include all
This Uganda Standard describes: two classification
production facilities, including produced water
methods (one based on calculated risk, the other on
handling facilities. Offshore and arctic areas are
judgement of risk) which may be used to determine
beyond the scope of this document. Operational
the appropriate conformity assessment system for
coverage begins with the design and construction of
products, processes and services; a set of five
access roads and well locations, and includes
conformity assessment systems from which the most
reclamation, abandonment, and restoration
suitable is chosen when conformity assessment of
operations. Gas compression for transmission
products, processes and services is required. (This
purposes or production operations, such as gas lift,
standard is based on ISO/TR 13881:2000, Petroleum
pressure maintenance, or enhanced oil recovery
and natural gas industries — Classification and
(EOR) is included; however, gas processing for
conformity assessment of products, processes and
liquids recovery is not addressed.
This standard was published on 2017-06-20
This standard was published on 2015-06-30
3500. US 1591:2019, Occupational
3502. US 1630:2015, Petroleum,
safety for onshore oil and gas
petrochemical and natural gas
production operations — Requirements
industries — Reliability modelling and
This Uganda Standard covers occupational safety calculation of safety systems
practices that apply to oil and gas production
This Uganda Standard aims to close the gap between
operations during drilling, well servicing and work
the state-of-the-art and the application of probabilistic
over operations to ensure occupational safety of
calculations for the safety systems of the petroleum,
personnel within the oil and gas sector and/or
petrochemical and natural gas industries. It provides
industry. (This standard cancels and replaces
guidelines for reliability and safety system analysts
US1575:2016 Occupational safety for onshore oil and
and the oil and gas industries. (This standard is based
gas production operations — Requirements, which is
on ISO/TR 12489:2013, Petroleum, petrochemical
being reissued).
and natural gas industries — Reliability modelling
This standard was published on 2019-3-26 and calculation of safety systems).

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 This standard was published on 2015-06-30


711 | P a g e
3503. US ARS 1651:2018 Good audit; and risk management.
financial grant practice —
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements to be
met by grantees (the organization) in order to
3504. US 1792-1:2017, Classification of
demonstrate good financial grant practice (GFGP).
pesticides and stock remedies — Part 1:
These requirements are categorized into four main
Pesticides for sale and handling
practice areas accordingly:
This Uganda Standard covers the classification of
Financial management:
pesticides for sale and handling. Each pesticide has
been allocated to one of five danger groups in
planning and budgeting;
accordance with the degree of its intrinsic toxic
income management; properties. The allocation is based on World Health
Organization (WHO) guidelines.
expenditure management;
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
property, plant and equipment management;
cash, bank and treasury management;
3505. US 1792-2:2017, Classification of
inventory management;
pesticides and stock remedies — Part 2:
Stock remedies for sale and handling
travel expenses;

This Uganda Standard covers the classification of

sub-grantee management;
stock remedies, with the exception of vaccines and
financial management systems; and financial antibiotics, for sale and handling. Each stock remedy
reporting. has been allocated to one of five danger groups in
accordance with the degree of its intrinsic toxic
2) Human resources: properties. The allocation is based on the World
Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.
human resource management and payroll; and staff
development. This standard was published on 2017-12-12

3) Procurement: STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

planning; and contract management. 3506. US 1793:2018, The handling,

storage and disposal of pesticides
4) Governance:

grant management and compliance;

712 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the procedures and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000
requirements for the handling, storage and disposal of
pesticides by household users, farmers, pest control 3509. US 1815:2017, Standard Guide
for Recording Occupational Injuries
operators, distributors, manufacturers, formulators’
and Illnesses
packers and re-packers to ensure the least risk to
health and safety to property and the environment.
This Uganda Standard is intended to establish
First-aid actions to be taken in the case of an incident,
definitions and criteria for recording occupational
and firefighting procedures, are also covered
injuries and illnesses to be used for measuring safety
performance, evaluating safety program performance,
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
and improving consistency when comparing
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 75,000 international performance. A measurement system is
desired that is precise and accurate, difficult to
3507. US 1813:2017, Standard Guide
manipulate, significant and meaningful for safety
on Playground Surfacing
program evaluation, and appropriate for
accountability purposes in a global environment.
This Uganda Standard covers the selecting and
specifying surface systems under and around
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
playground equipment. This guide describes how to
apply standards to evaluate the impact attenuation, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000
accessibility characteristics and product
3510. US 1816:2017, Terminology
characteristics when selecting surfacing systems for
use under and around playground equipment. Relating to Occupational Health and
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
This Uganda Standard gives terms that are used in the
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 15,000 fields of occupational health and safety. The terms
are used to describe the limits of exposure under
3508. US 1814:2017, Standard Practice
different conditions, the meanings of terms used in
for Health Requirements Relating to
describing events and the types of items measured.
Occupational Exposure to Respirable
They will commonly be used to express the effect of
Crystalline Silica an event or the limit of a chemical exposure on
human beings.
This Uganda Standard covers a description of several
actions that should be taken to reduce the risk of
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
harmful occupational exposures to humans in
environments containing respirable crystalline silica. STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 10,000

This standard was published on 2017-12-12

713 | P a g e
3511. US 1817:2017, Standard apply to routine operations at an active treatment,
Specifications for Personal Climbing storage or disposal site or the extraordinary
Equipment conditions that can be encountered in opening and
cleaning up a remedial action site. The user shall
This Uganda Standard covers the specifications and
understand that it is impossible to predict all the
qualification testing of the following: climbers,
issues that could arise at a waste management facility
climber straps, climber pads, climber footplates, body
due to hazardous airborne emissions. Although air
belts, work positioning devices with locking snap
contaminant measurements obtained in accordance
hooks/carabiners, Wood Pole Fall Restriction
with this guide may indicate acceptable or tolerable
Devices (WPFRD), arborist saddle, harnesses, energy
levels of toxic agents are present, care and judgment
absorbing lanyards.
must still be exercised before concluding that all
atmospheric contaminants at the site are under
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
control and that a reasonable safe work environment

3512. US 1818:2017, Standard Guide This standard was published on 2017-12-12

for Disposal of Laboratory Chemicals
and Samples

3514. US 1820:2017, Standard Guide

This Uganda Standard is intended to provide the
for Consensus-based Process for an
chemical laboratory manager, chemical laboratory
Occupational Safety and Health
safety officer, and other relevant staff with guidelines
Standard that Includes an Occupational
for the disposal of small quantities of laboratory
Exposure Guideline
wastes safely and in an environmentally sound
This Uganda Standard presents a framework for a
stakeholder- focused consensus-based decision-
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
making process for occupational safety and health
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 standard development activities that include adoption
or development of occupational exposure guidelines
3513. US 1819:2017, Standard Guide (OEGs) as a part of Occupational Health and Safety
for Air Monitoring at Waste standards.
Management Facilities for Worker
Protection This standard was published on 2017-12-12

This Uganda Standard is intended to provide a STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 10,000

standardized approach for establishing and carrying
3515. US 1821:2017, Standard Guide
out an air monitoring program to protect workers at
for Personal Protective Equipment for
waste management facilities. This standard may
the Handling of Flat Glass

714 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard covers the minimum STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000
requirements for proper personal protective
equipment (PPE) for the safe handling of flat glass. 3518. US 1824:2017, Standard Practice
for Aerial Adventure Courses
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
This Uganda Standard establishes criteria for the
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000 design, manufacture, installation, operation,
maintenance, auditing and major modification of
3516. US 1822:2017, Standard Practice aerial adventure courses which occur(s).
for Design, Manufacture, Operation,
and Maintenance of Inflatable This standard was published on 2017-12-12
Amusement Devices
This Uganda Standard covers the design,
manufacture, and operation of inflatable amusement 3519. US 1825:2017, Standard Practice
for Ownership, Operation,
devices and their associated operating environments.
Maintenance, and Inspection of
The document specifically excludes inflatable devices
Amusement Rides and Devices
that are used for professional exhibition or stunt
work; safety and rescue activities; aerial or aviation
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for
structures or devices; exhibit floats; or similar
operations, maintenance, and inspection procedures
inflatable devices.
for amusement rides and devices to be performed by
the owner/operator.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12

This standard was published on 2017-12-12



3517. US 1823:2017, Standard Practice
for Design, Manufacture, Installation,
3520. US 1826:2017, Standard Practice
Operation, Maintenance, Inspection
for Operations of Amusement Railway
and Major Modification of Trampoline
Rides, Devices, and Facilities
This Uganda Standard applies to operations of
The Uganda Standard guides on how to delineate
amusement railway ride(s) that have a track gauge
requirements regarding the design, manufacture,
greater than or equal to 12 in. (305 mm) measured
installation, operation, maintenance, inspection and
between the heads of the rails. This excludes patron
major modification of commercial or institutional
powered ride vehicles specifically designed for
trampoline courts with the primary purpose of
amusement, entertainment or recreation.
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
This standard was published on 2017-12-12

715 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 10,000 directed by emergency response authorities in
emergencies such as fire, earthquake, and bomb
3521. US 1827:2017, Standard Practice threat.
for Pressure Water Cleaning and
Cutting This standard was published on 2017-12-12

This Uganda Standard covers personnel STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 10,000

requirements, operator training, operating procedures,
and recommended equipment performance/design for 3524. US 1935:2019, Standard
Terminology for Waste and Waste
the proper operation of all types of pressure water-jet
cleaning and cutting equipment as normally used by
industries concerned with construction, maintenance,
This Uganda Standard contains standard definitions
repair, cleaning, cutting, and demolition work.
of terms used in the general area of waste and waste
management. It is intended to promote understanding
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
by providing precise technical definitions of terms

3522. US 1828:2017, Standard Guide This standard was published on 2019-3-26

for Integration of Ergonomics/Human
Factors into New Occupational Systems

3525. US 1936:2019, Standard Guide

This Uganda Standard is intended to assist in the
for Sampling Waste Piles
integration of ergonomic principles into the design
and planning of new occupational systems from the
This Uganda Standard is intended to provide
earliest design stages through implementation. Doing
guidance for sampling waste piles. It can be used to
so may reduce or eliminate the necessity for later
obtain samples for waste characterization related to
redesign that could have been foreseen.
use, treatment, or disposal; to monitor an active pile;
to prepare for closure of the waste pile; or to
This standard was published on 2017-12-12
investigate the contents of an abandoned pile.
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
3523. US 1829:2017, Standard Guide
for Evacuation Route Diagrams

3526. US 1937:2019, Standard Guide

This Uganda Standard is intended to provide
for General Planning of Waste
minimum guidelines for the design and placement of
evacuation route diagrams (ERDs) used in buildings.
It covers the evacuation of building occupants when

716 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard provides information for 3529. US 1940:2019, Standard Practice
formulating and planning the many aspects of waste for Sampling Waste Streams on
sampling that are common to most waste sampling Conveyors
This Uganda Standard describes standard procedures
This standard was published on 2019-3-26 for sampling waste on open and closed conveying
systems and is applicable to any waste material that
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 can be conveyed to a waste pile or container. The
conveyor system can be a vertical (vertical lifts),
3527. US 1938:2019, Standard Guide
sloped or horizontal type. This standard is intended
for Generation of Environmental Data
for particles and slurries, which can be sampled using
Related to Waste Management
scoop, dipper, or shovel type samplers. It is not
Activities: Selection and Optimization
intended for large size sample constituents, such as
of Sampling Design
boulders, large rocks, and debris.
This Uganda Standard provides practical guidance on
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
the selection and optimization of sample designs in
waste management sampling activities, within the
context of the requirements established by the data
quality objectives or other planning process. 3530. US 1941:2019, Standard Guide
for Collecting Treatment Process
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Design Data at a Contaminated Site —
A Site Contaminated With Chemicals
of Interest
3528. US 1939:2019, Standard Guide
This Uganda Standard lists the physical and chemical
for Laboratory Subsampling of Media
treatment processes design data needed to evaluate,
Related to Waste Management
select, and design treatment processes for
remediation of contaminated sites.
This Uganda Standard covers common techniques for
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
obtaining representative subsamples from a sample
received at a laboratory for analysis. These samples
may include solids, sludges, liquids, or multilayered
liquids (with or without solids). 3531. US 1942:2019, Standard Practice
for Sampling of Liquids in Waste
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Management Activities Using a
Peristaltic Pump

717 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard covers the use of a peristaltic This standard was published on 2019-3-26
pump for sampling liquids from multiple depths. It is
applicable for a wide range of fluids including: high- STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

viscosity fluids, aggressive and corrosive fluids, high-

3534. US 1945:2019, Standard Practice
purity solutions and abrasive fluids. It is especially
for Conformity Assessment of
useful for sampling liquids that require complete
Protective Clothing Worn by Operators
isolation from the pump.
Applying Pesticides

This standard was published on 2019-3-26

This Uganda Standard establishes the conformity
assessment requirements for limited use and reusable
garments that are worn while spraying field strength
3532. US 1943:2019, Standard Practice liquid pesticides.
for Sampling of Tanks by Field
This standard was published on 2019-3-26


This Uganda Standard covers information for field
personnel to follow in order to collect samples from
3535. US 1946:2019, Standard Practice
tanks. The purpose of this practice is to help field
for Body Measurements and Sizing of
personnel in planning and obtaining samples from
Fire and Rescue Services Uniforms and
vertical and horizontal tanks, open-topped
Other Thermal Hazard Protective
rectangular/square tanks, railroad and truck tankers,
vacuum trucks and tanks with multiple compartments
using equipment and techniques that will assist in This Uganda Standard is intended to assist in size
meeting the sampling objectives. The practice is selection of work uniforms for fire and rescue
applicable to hazardous materials, products, raw services personnel and workers who may be exposed
materials, by-product, or waste. to thermal hazards. Work uniform ensembles consist
of a shirt and trouser apparel combination. This
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
practice is applicable to uniforms for both male and
female personnel. This practice provides a standard
means for measuring human body dimensions for the
3533. US 1944:2019, Standard Guide selection and ordering shirts and trousers.
for Conformity Assessment of Personal
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
Protective Clothing and Equipment


This Uganda Standard describes options for
conformity assessment (CA) requirements relating to
personal protective clothing and equipment (hereafter
referred to as “PPE”).

718 | P a g e
3536. US 1947:2019, Standard Practice This Uganda Standard describes best practices for the
for Range of Motion Evaluation of First development and use of language tests in the
Responder’s Protective Ensembles modalities of speaking, listening, reading, and writing
for assessing ability according to the Interagency
This Uganda Standard specifies the test equipment
Language Roundtable (ILR) scale. This practice
and procedures for assessing ROM on subjects
focuses on testing language proficiency in use of
wearing a protective clothing ensemble. This practice
language for communicative purposes. This practice
covers the ergonomic measurements of range of
is not intended to address testing and test
motion and subjective perceptions. To increase safety
development in the following specialized areas:
during testing, this practice requires the use of human
Translation, Interpretation, Audio Translation,
participants who meet specific health and physical
Transcription, other job-specific language
fitness requirements.
performance tests, or Diagnostic Assessment.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26

This standard was published on 2019-3-26



3537. US 1948:2019, Standard Practice

3539. US 1950:2019, Standard Practice
for Confined Area Entry
for Language Interpreting

This Uganda Standard covers recognized procedures

This Uganda Standard defines the minimum
necessary to protect the health and safety of workers
professional standard for quality services in language
required to enter confined spaces. These procedures
interpreting. It is intended for use by stakeholders
are particularly applicable to entry into the confined
with varying levels of expertise in the field of
areas associated with the use of halogenated organic
solvents. Confined areas addressed in this practice
include, but are not limited to: vapor degreasers, cold This standard was published on 2019-3-26
cleaning tanks, storage vessels, tank cars and trucks,
van trailers, ships or barges, pits or sumps, and
unventilated rooms. This practice does not
3540. US 1951:2019, Standard Guide
necessarily address entry into all confined spaces nor
for Use-Oriented Foreign Language
does it address the decision strategy involved in
requiring such entry.
This Uganda Standard covers identification of the
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
components of a quality language instructional
program and establishes criteria for each component.
This guide is meant to provide criteria for the
3538. US 1949:2019, Standard Practice minimum standard for a program designed to attain
for Assessing Language Proficiency specified language proficiency goals.

719 | P a g e
This standard was published on 2019-3-26 This Uganda Standard covers the components,
assembly, use, labelling, and performance
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 requirements of consumer trampoline enclosures.
This specification is applicable to trampoline
3541. US 1952:2019, Standard Guide
enclosures to be sold as an accessory to or packaged
for Quality Assurance in Translation
with trampolines of a minimum bed size of 3300 in. 2
This Uganda Standard identifies factors relevant to (2.1 m2); a minimum height of 20 in. (510 mm);
the quality of language translation services for each intended for the purpose of intended for the purpose
phase of a translation project. The guide is intended of continuous, vertical jumping activities, and
for use by all stakeholders, with varying levels of intended for consumer use
knowledge in the field of translation. This guide is
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
designed to provide a framework for agreement on
specifications for translation projects. Within this
framework, the participants in a service agreement
can define the processes necessary to arrive at a 3544. US 1955:2019, Standard Practice
product of desired quality to serve the needs and for Classification, Design, Manufacture,
expectations of the end user. Construction, Maintenance, and
Operation of Stationary Wave Systems
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
This Uganda Standard applies to the classification,
design, manufacture, construction, operation,
maintenance, and inspection of stationary waves.
3542. US 1953:2019, Standard
Stationary wave systems shall be defined as a system
Practices for Parasailing
that delivers a constantly flowing sheet of water
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines and nominally up to 24 in. thick travelling over a form
procedures for the operation, maintenance, and allowing for patron interaction with a perpetual wave.
inspection of parasail vessels, equipment, and
This standard was published on 2019-3-26
associated activities including crew training and
flying passengers aloft in a parasail.

This standard was published on 2019-3-26

3545. US ISO 3534-1:2006, Statistics —
Vocabulary and symbols — Part 1:
General statistical terms and terms
3543. US 1954:2019, Standard Safety used in probability
Specification for Consumer Trampoline
This Uganda Standard defines general statistical
terms and terms used in probability which may be

720 | P a g e
used in the drafting of other Standards. In addition, it signs — Part 1: Design principles for
defines symbols for a limited number of these terms. safety signs and safety markings

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 This Uganda Standard establishes the safety
identification colours and design principles for safety
signs and safety markings to be used in workplaces
and in public areas for the purpose of accident
3546. US ISO 3534-2:2006, Statistics —
prevention, fire protection, health hazard information
Vocabulary and symbols — Part 2:
and emergency evacuation. It also establishes the
Applied statistics
basic principles to be applied when developing
This Uganda Standard defines defines applied standards containing safety signs. This standard is
statistics terms, and expresses them in a conceptual applicable to all locations where safety issues related
framework. to people need to be addressed. However, it is not
applicable to the signalling used for guiding rail,
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 road, river, maritime and air traffic and, generally
speaking, to those sectors subject to a regulation
which may differ.

3547. US ISO 3534-3:2013, Statistics —

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
Vocabulary and symbols — Part 3:
Design of experiments STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

This Uganda Standard defines the terms used in the 3549. US ISO 3864-2:2016, Graphical
field of design of experiments and may be used in the symbols — Safety colours and safety
drafting of other standards. More specifically, it signs — Part 2: Design principles for
defines terms used in the field of design of product safety labels (2nd Edition)
experiments for which the response variable is one-
dimensional and continuous and for which the This Uganda Standard establishes additional
expectation of the response variable is linear in the principles to US ISO 3864-1 for the design of safety
parameters. The terms with regard to the statistical labels for products, i.e. any items manufactured and
analysis are based on the assumption that the error offered for sale in the normal course of commerce,
term follows a normal distribution with constant including but not limited to consumer products and
variance. industrial equipment. The purpose of a product safety
label is to alert persons to a specific hazard and to
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 identify how the hazard can be avoided. This
document is applicable to all products in all industries
where safety-related questions can be posed.

3548. US ISO 3864-1:2011, Graphical However, it is not applicable to safety labels used

symbols — Safety colours and safety

721 | P a g e
for chemicals, 3551. US ISO 3864-4:2011, Graphical
symbols — Safety colours and safety
for the transport of dangerous substances and
signs — Part 4: Colorimetric and
preparations and
photometric properties of safety sign
in those sectors subject to legal regulations which
differ from certain provisions of this document.
This Uganda Standard establishes the colorimetric
and photometric requirements and test methods for
The design principles incorporated in this document
the colours of safety signs to be used in workplaces
are intended to be used by all ISO Technical
and public areas. It provides the colorimetric and
Committees and anyone designing product safety
photometric specifications for the named safety and
labels in the development of product safety label
contrast colours prescribed in US ISO 3864-1. The
standards for their industries or services. (This
physical requirements that safety signs have to meet
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO
are primarily related to daytime colour and normally
3864-2:2004, Graphical symbols — Safety colours
lit environments. This standard also includes the
and safety signs — Part 2: Design principles for
colorimetric requirements and test methods for safety
product safety labels, which has been technically
signs and phosphorescent material which also operate
in unlit environments. US ISO 3864-4:2011 is
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28 applicable to all locations where safety issues related
to people need to be addressed. However, it is not
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 applicable to signalling used for guiding rail, road,
river, maritime and air traffic and, generally
3550. US ISO 3864-3:2012, Graphical
speaking, to those sectors subject to a regulation that
symbols — Safety colours and safety
may differ. The colorimetric and photometric
signs — Part 3: Design principles for
properties of retroreflective safety signs,
graphical symbols for use in safety signs
retroreflective materials combined with fluorescent or

This Uganda Standard gives principles, criteria and phosphorescent materials, or luminous safety signs

guidance for the design of graphical symbols for use activated by a radioactive source are not specified in
US ISO 3864-4:2011.
in safety signs as defined in US ISO 3864-1, and for

the safety sign element of product safety labels as This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28

defined in US ISO 3864-2.


This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28 3552. US ISO 3873:1977, Industrial

safety helmets

This Uganda Standard specifies physical and

performance requirements, methods of test and

722 | P a g e
marking requirement for industrial safety helmets. This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
The mandatory requirements apply to helmets for
general use in industry. Additional optional STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

performance requirements are included: Shock

3555. US ISO 4869- 2:1994, Acoustics
absorption, penetration, flammability, electrical
— Hearing protectors — Part 2:
insulation, and lateral rigidity.
Estimation of effective A-weighted
sound pressure levels when hearing
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
protectors are worn
This Uganda Standard describes three methods (the
3553. US ISO 4007:2018, Personal octave-band, HML and SNR methods) of estimating
protective equipment — Eye and face the A-weighted sound pressure levels effective when
protection – Vocabulary (2 Edition)
hearing protectors are worn. The methods are
applicable to either the sound pressure level or the
This Uganda Standard defines and explains the
equivalent continuous sound pressure level of the
principal terms used in the field of personal eye and
noise. Although primarily intended for steady noise
face protection. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
exposures, the methods are also applicable to noises
replaces the first edition, US ISO 4007:2012,
containing impulsive components.
Personal protective equipment — Eye and face
protection — Vocabulary, which has been technically This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
3556. US ISO/TS 4869-5:2013,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 90,000 Acoustics — Hearing protectors — Part
5: Method for estimation of noise
3554. US ISO 4869-1:2018, Acoustics
reduction using fitting by inexperienced
— Hearing protectors — Part 1:
test subjects
Subjective method for the measurement
of sound attenuation This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
measuring noise reduction of passive hearing
This Uganda Standard specifies a subjective method
protectors at the threshold of hearing. The method is
for measuring sound attenuation of hearing protectors
designed to provide estimates of the noise reduction
at the threshold of hearing. The method is a
obtained by typical groups of users in real-world
laboratory method designed to yield reproducible
occupational settings, who may lack the training and
values under controlled measurement conditions. The
motivation to wear hearing protectors in an optimum
values reflect the attenuating characteristics of the
hearing protector only to the extent that users wear
the device in the same manner as did the test subjects. This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28

723 | P a g e
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 this standard will include executives, managers,
workers (and their representatives, when appropriate)
3557. US ISO 4869-6:2019, Acoustics and professionals, such as ergonomists, project
— Hearing protectors — Part 6:
managers and designers who are involved in the
Determination of sound attenuation of
design or redesign of work systems. Those who use
active noise reduction earmuffs
this standard can find a general knowledge of
ergonomics (human factors), engineering, design,
This Uganda Standard is concerned with active noise
quality and project management helpful. (This
reduction (ANR) earmuffs. It specifies the test
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO
methods for the determination of the active insertion
6385:2004, Ergonomic principles in the design of
loss and calculation procedures for deriving the total
work systems, which has been technically revised).
attenuation. For this aim, the values of sound
attenuation in the passive mode also have to be
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
known and are determined according to US ISO
4869-1. These methods are intended for steady noise STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
exposures and are not applicable to noises containing
impulsive components. The test methods account for 3559. US ISO 6422-1:2010, Layout key
for Trade Documents — part 1: Paper-
the acoustical interaction between the wearer and the
based documents
device using measurements of passive (REAT) and
active microphone-in-real-ear (MIRE) measurements
This Uganda Standard specifies a key for the layout
as specified in US ISO 4869-1 and US ISO 11904-1,
of documents relating to administrative, commercial,
productive and distributive activities constituting
trade, irrespective of whether these documents are
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
completed in handwriting, by mechanical or
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 automatic equipment or by reproduction. It is
intended particularly for the designing of aligned
3558. US ISO 6385:2016, Ergonomics
series of forms employing a reproducible master in a
principles in the design of work systems
one-run method of document preparation.
(2nd Edition)
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
This Uganda establishes the fundamental principles
of ergonomics as basic guidelines for the design of STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
work systems and defines relevant basic terms. It
3560. US ISO 6529:2013, Protective
describes an integrated approach to the design of
work systems, where ergonomists will cooperate with clothing — Protection against chemicals
— Determination of resistance of
others involved in the design, with attention to the
protective clothing materials to
human, the social and the technical requirements in a
permeation by liquids and gases
balanced manner during the design process. Users of

724 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard describes laboratory test This Uganda Standard prescribes safety signs for the
methods to determine the resistance of materials used purposes of accident prevention, fire protection,
in protective clothing, including gloves and including health hazard information and emergency evacuation.
footwear, when the footwear is an integral part of the The shape and colour of each safety sign are
clothing, to permeation by liquid or gaseous according to US ISO 3864-1 and the design of the
chemicals under the conditions of either continuous graphical symbols is according to US ISO 3864-3.
or intermittent contact. This standard is applicable to all locations where
safety issues related to people need to be addressed.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
However, it is not applicable to the signalling used
for guiding rail, road, river, maritime and air traffic
and, in general, to those sectors subject to a
3561. US ISO 7000:2014, Graphical regulation which may differ with regard to certain
symbols for use on equipment — points of this standard and of the US ISO 3864 series.
Registered symbols This standard specifies the safety sign originals that
may be scaled for reproduction and application
This Uganda Standard provides a collection of purposes.
graphical symbols which are placed on equipment or
parts of equipment of any kind in order to instruct the This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
person(s) using the equipment as to its operation.
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
3564. US ISO 7250-1:2008, Basic
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 human body measurements for
technological design — Part 1: Body
3562. US ISO 7001:2007, Graphical measurement definitions and
symbols — Public information symbols landmarks

This Uganda Standard specifies graphical symbols This Uganda Standard provides a description of
for the purposes of public information. The standard anthropometric measurements which can be used as a
is generally applicable to public information symbols basis for comparison of population groups.
in all locations and all sectors where the public has
access. This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 3565. US ISO 7372:2005, Trade data

interchange — trade data elements
3563. US ISO 7010:2011, Graphical directory
symbols — Safety colours and safety
signs — Registered safety signs

725 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard lists standard data elements international trade. Suitable for automatic data
intended to facilitate open interchange of data in processing (ADP) systems.
international trade. The standard data elements listed
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
can be used with any method for data interchange on
paper documents as well as with other means of data
processing and communication.
3568. US ISO/CIE 8995-3:2018,
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
Lighting of work places — Part 3:
Lighting requirements for safety and
security of outdoor work places
3566. US ISO 8317:2015, Child-
This Uganda Standard specifies the lighting
resistant packaging — Requirements
requirements which will contribute to the visual
and testing procedures for re-closable
needs for safety and security within outdoor work
This Uganda Standard specifies performance
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
requirements and test methods for reclosable
packages designated as resistant to opening by
children. Acceptance criteria are given for the
packages when tested by specified methods. These 3569. US ISO 9000:2015, Quality
methods not only provide a measure of the management systems — Fundamentals
effectiveness of the packaging in restricting access by and vocabulary (2nd edition)
children, but also cover the accessibility to the
contents by adults. This standard is applicable to This Uganda Standard specifies the terms and

reclosable packages for any product intended to be definitions that apply to all quality management and

exposed or removed from the packaging in normal quality management system standards. [This standard

use. This standard is intended for type approval only cancels and replaces US ISO 9000:2005, Quality

and is not intended for quality assurance purposes. management systems — Fundamentals and
vocabulary (1st edition) which has been technically
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 revised].

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 30,000 This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

3567. US ISO 8440:1986, Location of STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 80,000

codes in trade documents
3570. US ISO 9001:2015, Quality
This Uganda Standard provides the specification of management systems — Requirements
the location of document and field code designation (3rd edition)
and coded data entries in documents used in

726 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for a STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 80,000
quality management system when an organization:
3572. US IS0 9241-1:1997, Ergonomic
needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently requirements for office work with
provide products and services that meet customer and visual display terminals (VDTs) — Part
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and 1: General introduction

aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the This Uganda Standard introduces the multipart
effective application of the system, including standard on ergonomic requirements for the use of
processes for improvement of the system and the visual display terminals for office tasks and -
assurance of conformity to customer and applicable provides guidelines for a user-performance approach.
statutory and regulatory requirements.
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
[This standard cancels and replaces US ISO
9001:2008, Quality management systems —
Requirements (2nd edition) which has been
3573. US ISO 9241-2:1992, Ergonomic
technically revised].
requirements for office work with
visual display terminals (VDTs) — Part
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
2: Guidance on task requirements
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines to users of
3571. US ISO 9004:2018, Quality VDT-based information processing systems with
management — Quality of an reference to office tasks. This guidance is relevant to
organization — Guidance to achieve both the organization implementing the system and
sustained success (3rd Edition) the people using the equipment. The ergonomics
principles concerned are set out in US ISO 6385.
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for enhancing
an organization's ability to achieve sustained success. This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
This guidance is consistent with the quality
management principles given in US ISO 9000. This
standard is applicable to any organization, regardless
3574. US ISO 9241-5:1998, Ergonomic
of its size, type and activity. (This standard cancels
requirements for office work with
and replaces the second edition US ISO 9004:2009,
visual display terminals (VDTs) — Part
Managing for the sustained success of an
5: Workstation layout and postural
organization — A quality management approach,
which has been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard specifies ergonomic guiding
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
principles which apply to the user requirements,

727 | P a g e
design, and procurement of workstation equipment This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
for office tasks using VDTs. In particular, the general
principles and requirements specified in this part of STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

US ISO 9241 apply to the standards specifying

3577. US ISO 9241-12:1998, Ergonomic
technical design of furniture and equipment
requirements for office work with
constituting the workplace.
visual display terminals (VDTs) — Part
12: Presentation of information
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

This Uganda Standard provides ergonomic

recommendations for the presentation of information
3575. US ISO 9241-6:1999, Ergonomic and specific properties of presented information text-
requirements for office work with based and graphical user interfaces used for office
visual display terminals (VDTs) — Part tasks.
6: Guidance on the work environment
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on basic
principles for the ergonomic design of the work
environment and the workstation, taking into account
3578. US ISO 9241-13:1998, Ergonomic
lighting, effects of noise and mechanical vibrations,
requirements for office work with
electrical and magnetic fields and static electricity,
visual display terminals (VDTs) - Part
thermal environment, space organization and
13: User guidance
workplace layout.
This Uganda Standard provides recommendations for
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
user guidance attributes of software user interfaces
and their evaluation. User guidance as defined in this
part of US ISO 9241 is information additional to the
3576. US ISO 9241-11:2018, regular user-computer dialogue that is provided to the
Ergonomics of human-system user on request or is automatically provided by the
interaction — Part 11: Usability: system.
Definitions and concepts
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
This Uganda Standard provides a framework for
understanding the concept of usability and applying it
to situations where people use interactive systems,
3579. US ISO 9241-15:1997, Ergonomic
and other types of systems (including built
requirements for office work with
environments), and products (including industrial and
visual display terminals (VDTs) - Part
consumer products) and services (including technical
15: Command dialogues
and personal services).

728 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard provides recommendations for This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
command dialogues used to accomplish typical office
tasks using visual display terminals (VDTs). STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000

Command dialogues are sequences of instructions

3582. US ISO 9241-110:2006,
provided by the user to the system which, when
Ergonomics of human-system
processed, result in associated system actions. Users
interaction — Part 110: Dialogue
input (from recall, rather than selecting from a menu)
complete or abbreviated command phrases (e.g.
mnemonics, letters, function keys, hot keys in the This Uganda Standard sets forth ergonomic design
order required by the command language syntax and principles formulated in general terms (i.e. presented
the computer performs the activities initiated by the without reference to situations of use, application,
command(s) and their associated parameters. environment or technology) and provides a
framework for applying those principles to the
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
analysis, design and evaluation of interactive

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

3580. US ISO 9241-16:1999, Ergonomic
requirements for office work with
visual display terminals (VDTs) — Part
16: Direct manipulation dialogues 3583. US ISO 9241-112:2017,
Ergonomics of human-system
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on the
interaction — Part 112: Principles for
design of direct manipulation dialogues.
the presentation of information

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

This Uganda Standard establishes ergonomic design
principles for interactive systems related to the
software-controlled presentation of information by
3581. US ISO 9241-20:2008, user interfaces. It applies to the three main modalities
Ergonomics of human-system (visual, auditory, tactile/haptic) typically used in
interaction — Part 20: Accessibility information and communication technology. These
guidelines for principles apply to the perception and understanding
information/communication technology of presented information. These principles are
(ICT) equipment and services applicable in the analysis, design, and evaluation of
interactive systems. This document also provides
This Uganda Standard is intended for use by those
recommendations corresponding to the principles.
responsible for planning, designing, developing,
The recommendations for each of the principles are
acquiring, and evaluating information/communication
not exhaustive and are not necessarily independent
technology (ICT) equipment and services.
from one another. While this document is applicable

729 | P a g e
to all types of interactive systems, it does not cover STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000
the specifics of particular application domains. This
document also applies to outputs from interactive 3586. US ISO 9241-151:2008,
Ergonomics of human-system
systems (such as printed documents, e.g. invoices).
interaction — Part 151: Guidance on
The guidance in this document for presenting
World Wide Web user interfaces
information is aimed at helping the user to
accomplish tasks. This guidance is not aimed at the
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on the
presentation of information for other reasons (e.g.
human-centred design of software Web user
corporate branding or advertising).
interfaces with the aim of increasing usability. Web
user interfaces address either all Internet users or
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
closed user groups such as the members of an
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 organization, customers and/or suppliers of a
company or other specific communities of users.
3584. US ISO 9241-129:2010,
Ergonomics of human-system This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
interaction - Part 129: Guidance on
software individualization

3587. US ISO 9241-154:2013,

This Uganda Standard provides ergonomics guidance
Ergonomics of human-system
on individualization within interactive systems,
interaction — Part 154: Interactive
including recommendations on where
individualization might be appropriate or voice response (IVR) applications

inappropriate, and how to apply individualization.

This Uganda Standard gives guidance on, and
requirements for, the user interface design of
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
interactive voice response (IVR) applications. It
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 covers both IVR systems that employ touchtone input
and those using automated speech recognition (ASR)
3585. US ISO 9241-143:2012,
as the input mechanism. It is equally applicable to
Ergonomics of human-system
cases in which the caller or the IVR system itself (e.g.
interaction — Part 143: Forms in some telemarketing applications) initiates the call.
This part of US ISO 9241 is intended to be used
This Uganda Standard provides requirements and
together with US ISO/IEC 13714.
recommendations for the design and evaluation of
forms — in which the user fills-in, selects entries for,
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
or modifies labelled fields on, a “form” or dialogue
box presented by the system. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

730 | P a g e
3588. US ISO 9241-161:2016, computer-based interactive systems. It is intended to
Ergonomics of human-system be used by those managing design processes, and is
interaction — Part 161: Guidance on concerned with ways in which both hardware and
visual user-interface elements software components of interactive systems can
enhance human–system interaction.
This Uganda Standard describes visual user-interface
elements presented by software and provides This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
requirements and recommendations on when and how
to use them.

3591. US ISO 9241-300:2008,

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
Ergonomics of human-system
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000 interaction — Part 300: Introduction to
electronic visual display requirements
3589. US ISO 9241-171:2008,
Ergonomics of human-system This Uganda Standard provides an introduction to the
interaction — Part 171: Guidance on other parts in the US ISO 9241 “300” subseries, and
software accessibility explains its modular structure. The US ISO 9241
“300” subseries establishes requirements for the
This Uganda Standard provides ergonomics guidance
ergonomic design of electronic visual displays.
and specifications for the design of accessible
software for use at work, in the home, in education This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
and in public places. It covers issues associated with
designing accessible software for people with the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000

widest range of physical, sensory and cognitive

3592. US ISO 9241-391:2016,
abilities, including those who are temporarily
Ergonomics of human-system
disabled, and the elderly.
interaction — Part 391: Requirements,
analysis and compliance test methods
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
for the reduction of photosensitive
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 seizures

3590. US ISO 9241-210:2010, This Uganda Standard provides requirements and

Ergonomics of human–system recommendations for reducing photosensitive
interaction — Part 210: Human-centred seizures (PSS), while viewing images on electronic
design for interactive systems displays.

This Uganda Standard provides requirements and This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
recommendations for human-centred design
principles and activities throughout the life cycle of

731 | P a g e
3593. US ISO 9241-400:2007, This Uganda Standard specifies evaluation methods
Ergonomics of human--system for the design of physical input devices for interactive
interaction — Part 400: Principles and systems.
requirements for physical input devices
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-29
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for physical
input devices for interactive systems. It provides
guidance based on ergonomic factors for the
3595. US ISO 9241-420:2011,
following input devices: keyboards, mice, pucks,
Ergonomics of human-system
joysticks, trackballs, trackpads, tablets and overlays,
interaction — Part 420:
touch sensitive screens, styli, light pens, voice
Selection of physical input
controlled devices, and gesture controlled devices. It
defines and formulates ergonomic principles valid for
the design and use of input devices. These principles This Uganda Standard provides guidance for the
are to be used to generate recommendations for the selection of input devices for interactive systems,
design of products and for their use. It also defines based on ergonomic factors, considering the
relevant terms for the entire 400 series of US ISO limitations and capabilities of users and the specific
9241. For some applications, e.g. in areas where tasks and context of use.
safety is the major concern, other additional
principles may apply and take precedence over the This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

guidance given here. This standard also determines

properties of input devices relevant for usability
including functional, electrical, mechanical, 3596. US ISO 9241-910:2011,
maintainability and safety related properties. Ergonomics of human-system
Additionally included are aspects of interdependency interaction — Part 910: Framework for
with the use environment and software. tactile and haptic interaction

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13 This Uganda Standard provides a framework for
understanding and communicating various aspects of
tactile/haptic interaction. It defines terms, describes

3594. US ISO/TS 9241-411:2012, structures and models, and gives explanations related

Ergonomics of human-system to the other parts of the US ISO 9241 “900”

interaction — Part 411: Evaluation subseries.

methods for the design of physical input

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15


732 | P a g e
3597. US ISO 9241-920:2009, use. It specifies ergonomics requirements and covers
Ergonomics of human-system visual, audible and tactile displays. It applies to
interaction — Part 920: Guidance on displays used in machinery (e.g. devices and
tactile and haptic interactions installations, control panels, operating and
monitoring consoles) for occupational and private
This Uganda Standard gives recommendations for
use. Specific ergonomics requirements for visual
tactile and haptic hardware and software interactions.
display terminals (VDTs) used for office tasks are
given in the standard US ISO 9241.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15



3598. US ISO 9355-1:1999, Ergonomic
requirements for the design of displays
3600. US ISO 9355-3:2006, Ergonomic
and control actuators — Part 1: Human
requirements for the design of displays
interactions with displays and control
and control actuators — Part 3:
Control actuators

This Uganda Standard applies to the design of

This Uganda Standard gives ergonomic requirements
displays and control actuators on machinery. It
for, and guidance on, the selection, design and
specifies general principles for human interaction
location of control actuators adapted to the needs of
with displays and control actuators, to minimize
the operator, suitable for the control task in question
operator errors and to ensure an efficient interaction
and taking account of the circumstances of their use.
between the operator and the equipment. It is
It is applicable to manual control actuators used in
particularly important to observe these principles
equipment for both occupational and private use.
when an operator error may lead to injury or damage
to health. This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 3601. US ISO 9735-1:2002, Electronic

data interchange for administration,
3599. US ISO 9355-2:1999, Ergonomic
commerce and transport (edifact) —
requirements for the design of displays
application level syntax rules (syntax
and control actuators — Part 2:
version number: 4, syntax release
number: 1) — part 1: syntax rules
common to all parts
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the
selection, design and location of displays to avoid
This Uganda Standard specifies common syntax rules
potential ergonomic hazards associated with their
for the formatting of batch and interactive messages

733 | P a g e
to be interchanged between computer application STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
systems. It includes the terms and definitions for all
parts of US ISO 9735. 3604. US ISO 10001:2018, Quality
management — Customer satisfaction
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28 — Guidelines for codes of conduct for
organizations (2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for planning,
3602. US ISO 9735-2:2002, Electronic designing, developing, implementing, maintaining
data interchange for administration,
and improving customer satisfaction codes of
commerce and transport (edifact) —
conduct. This document is applicable to product- and
application level syntax rules (syntax
service-related codes containing promises made to
version number: 4, syntax release customers by an organization concerning its
number: 1) — part 2: syntax rules
behaviour. (This standard cancels and replaces the
specific to batch edi
first edition US ISO 10001:2007, Quality
management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines
This Uganda Standard specifies syntax rules
for codes of conduct for organizations, which has
specifically for the formatting of batch messages to
been technically revised).
be interchanged between computer application
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28



3605. US ISO 10002:2018, Quality
management — Customer satisfaction
3603. US ISO 9735-3:2002, Electronic
— Guidelines for complaints handling
data interchange for administration,
in organizations (3rd Edition)
commerce and transport (edifact) —
application level syntax rules (syntax
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for the
version number: 4, syntax release
process of complaints handling related to products
number: 1) — part 3: syntax rules
and services within an organization, including
specific to interactive edi planning, design, development, operation,
maintenance and improvement. The complaints-
This Uganda Standard specifies syntax rules
handling process described is suitable for use as one
specifically for the transfer of interactive messages to
of the processes of an overall quality management
be interchanged between computer application
system. This document does not apply to disputes
referred for resolution outside the organization or for
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28 employment-related disputes. (This standard cancels
and replaces the second edition US ISO 10002:2014,

734 | P a g e
Quality management — Customer satisfaction — or the products and services it provides. The focus of
Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations, this document is on customers external to the
which has been technically revised). organization.

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 NOTE Throughout this document, the terms
"product" and "service" refer to the outputs of an
organization that are intended for, or required by, a
customer. (This standard cancels and replaces the
3606. US ISO 10003:2018, Quality
first edition US ISO 10004: 2012, Quality
management — Customer satisfaction
management — Customer satisfaction — Guidelines
— Guidelines for dispute resolution
for monitoring and measuring, which has been
external to organizations (2nd Edition)
technically revised).
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for an
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
organization to plan, design, develop, operate,
maintain and improve an effective and efficient
dispute-resolution process for complaints that have
not been resolved by the organization. This document 3608. US ISO 10005:2018, Quality
does not apply to the resolution of other types of management — Guidelines for quality
disputes, such as employment disputes. It does not plans (2nd Edition)
apply to complaints handling within an organization.
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for
(This standard cancels and replaces the first edition
establishing, reviewing, accepting, applying and
US ISO 10003:2007, Quality management —
revising quality plans. This document is applicable to
Customer satisfaction — Guidelines for dispute
quality plans for any intended output, whether a
resolution external to organizations, which has been
process, product, service, project or contract, and any
technically revised).
type or size of organization. It is applicable whether
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 or not the organization has a management system in
conformity with US ISO 9001:2015. (This standard
cancels and replaces the first edition US ISO 10005,
Quality management systems — Guidelines for
3607. US ISO 10004:2018, Quality
quality plans, which has been technically revised).
management — Customer satisfaction
— Guidelines for monitoring and
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
measuring (2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for defining
and implementing processes to monitor and measure 3609. US ISO 10006:2003 Quality
customer satisfaction. This document is intended for management systems -- Guidelines for
use by any organization regardless of its type or size, quality management in projects

735 | P a g e
This standard gives guidance on the application of obligations provided by applicable statutory and
quality management in projects. It is applicable to regulatory requirements. This standard aims to enable
projects of varying complexity, small or large, of organizations to set up a fair, effective, efficient,
short or long duration, in different environments, and transparent and secure B2C ECT system, in order to
irrespective of the kind of product or process enhance consumers' confidence in B2C ECTs and
involved. increase the satisfaction of consumers. It is aimed at
B2C ECTs concerning consumers as a sub-set of
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-10


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

3610. US ISO 10007:2003 Quality

management - Guxidelines for
configuration management 3612. US ISO 10012:2003
Measurement management systems -
This standard gives guidance on the use of
Requirements for measurement
configuration management within an organization. It
processes and measuring equipment
is applicable to the support of products from concept
to disposal. This standard specifies generic requirements and
provides guidance for the management of
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-10
measurement processes and metrological
confirmation of measuring equipment used to support
and demonstrate compliance with metrological
3611. US ISO 10008:2013, Quality requirements. It specifies the quality management
management — Customer satisfaction requirements of a measurement management system
— Guidelines for business-to-consumer that can be used by an organization performing
electronic commerce transactions measurements as part of the overall management
system, and to ensure metrological requirements are
This Uganda Standard provides guidance for met.
planning, designing, developing, implementing,
maintaining and improving an effective and efficient This standard was adopted on 2011-12-10
business-to-consumer electronic commerce
transaction (B2C ECT) system within an
organization. It is applicable to any organization
3613. US ISO TR 10013:2001
engaged in, or planning to be engaged in, a business-
Guidelines for quality management
to-consumer electronic commerce transaction,
system documentation
regardless of size, type and activity. US ISO
10008:2013 is not intended to form part of a This Technical Report provides guidelines for the
consumer contract or to change any rights or development and maintenance of the documentation

736 | P a g e
necessary to ensure an effective quality management useful to an organization in developing,
system, tailored to the specific needs of the implementing, maintaining and improving a quality
organization. management system in compliance with ISO 9001.

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-10 This standard was adopted on 2011-12-10


3614. US ISO 10014:2006 Quality 3617. US ISO 10018:2012, Quality

management - Guidelines for realizing management — Guidelines on people
financial and economic benefits involvement and competence

This US ISO 10014:2006 provides guidelines for This Uganda Standard provides guidance on
realizing financial and economic benefits from the engaging people in an organization's quality
application of the ISO 9000 quality management management system, and on enhancing their
principles. involvement and competence within it. This standard
is applicable to any organization, regardless of size,
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14
type, or activity.


This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

3615. US ISO 10015:1999 Quality

Management: Guidelines for training
3618. US ISO 10019:2005 Guidelines
These guidelines cover the development,
for the selection of quality management
implementation, maintenance, and improvement of
system consultants and use of their
strategies and systems for training that affect the
quality of the products supplied by an organization.
This International Standard applies to all types of This standard provides guidance for the selection of
organizations. It is not intended for use in contracts, quality management system consultants and the use
regulations, or for certification. of their services. It is intended to assist organizations
when selecting a quality management system
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-10
consultant. It gives guidance on the process for
evaluating the competence of a quality managexment
system consultant and provides confidence that the
3616. US ISO/TR 10017:2003 Guidance organization's needs and expectations for the
on statistical techniques for ISO 9001: consultant's services will be met

Technical Report provides guidance on the selection This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
of appropriate statistical techniques that may be

737 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 measuring and assessing mental
3619. US ISO 10075:1991, Ergonomic
principles related to mental work-load This Uganda Standard establishes principles and
— General terms and definitions requirements for the measurement and assessment of
mental workload and specifies the requirements for
This Uganda Standard defines terms in the field of
measurement instruments.
mental work-load, covering mental stress and mental
strain, and specifies the relations between the This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
concepts involved. It applies to the design of working
conditions with respect to mental work-load and is
intended to promote a common usage of terminology
3622. US ISO 10333-1:2000, Personal
between experts and practitioners in the field of
fall-arrest systems — Part 1: Full-body
ergonomics as well as in general. It does not address
methods of measurement and principles of task
design, which are or will be dealt with in other This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements, test
International Standards. methods, instructions for general use, marking,
packaging and maintenance for full-body harnesses
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
(FBH). The main purpose of a FBH is to allow the
user to connect into a personal fall-arrest system
(PFAS), which will be specified in a future
3620. US ISO 10075-2:1996, Ergonomic International Standard (see US ISO 10333-6 in the
principles related to mental workload Bibliography), such that if an arrest takes place, the
— Part 2: Design principles arresting force will not exceed 6 k.

This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the design This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
of work systems, including task and equipment
design and design of the workplace, as well as
working conditions, emphasizing mental workload
3623. US ISO 10333-2:2016, Personal
and its effects, as specified in US ISO 10075.
fall-arrest systems — Part 2: Lanyards
and energy absorbers
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test

methods, instructions for use and maintenance,
3621. US ISO 10075-3:2004, Ergonomic marking, labelling and packaging, as appropriate, for
principles related to mental workload lanyards and energy absorbers. Lanyards and energy
— Part 3: Principles and absorbers are used together as a connecting
requirements concerning methods for subsystem in personal fall-arrest systems (PFAS)

738 | P a g e
which will be specified in a future standard. Two STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
classes of energy absorbers are specified for the
purposes of this part of US ISO 10333: Type 1: used 3625. US ISO 10333-4:2016, Personal
fall-arrest systems — Part 4: Vertical
in PFAS where, due to installation, the potential free-
rails and vertical lifelines incorporating
fall distance can be limited to a maximum of 1,8 m
a sliding-type fall arrester
and, if a fall takes place, the arresting force is limited
to a maximum of 4,0 kN;
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
methods, instructions for use and maintenance,
Type 2: used in PFAS where, due to installation, the
marking, labelling and packaging, as appropriate, for
potential free-fall distance can be limited to a
vertical rails and vertical lifelines which incorporate a
maximum of 4,0 m and, if a fall takes place, the
sliding-type fall arrester. When connected to a full-
arresting force is limited to a maximum of 6,0 kN.
body harness as specified in US ISO 10333-1,
This standard is applicable only to lanyards and vertical rails and vertical lifelines which incorporate a
energy absorbers limited to single-person use of a sliding-type fall arrester constitute a personal fall-
total mass not exceeding 100 kg. arrest system (PFAS), which will be specified in a
future standard. Vertical rails and vertical lifelines
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
which incorporate a sliding-type fall arrester in
accordance with this part of US ISO 10333 are
limited to use by a single person of total mass not
3624. US ISO 10333-3:2016, Personal exceeding 100 kg.
fall-arrest systems — Part 3: Self-
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
retracting lifelines


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
methods, instructions for use and maintenance,
3626. US ISO 10333-5:2001, Personal
marking, labelling and packaging, as appropriate, for
fall-arrest systems — Part 5:
self-retracting lifelines, including self-retracting
Connectors with self-closing and self-
lifelines that have an integral-rescue facility. Self-
locking gates
retracting lifelines are used as a connecting sub-
system in personal fall-arrest systems (PFAS), which This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
will be specified in a future standard, and are attached methods, instructions for use and maintenance,
to anchor devices that are above the work place. This marking, labelling and packaging, as appropriate, for
standard is applicable only to self-retracting lifelines connectors with self-closing and self-locking gates
limited to single-person use of a total mass not made from metallic materials. Connectors are used in
exceeding 100 kg. personal fall-arrest systems (PFAS), which will be
specified in a future standard, such that, if an arrest
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
takes place, the arresting force will not exceed 6 kN.

739 | P a g e
This part of US ISO 10333 is applicable only to ISO 14567, or equipment used for material lifting
connectors limited to single person use of a total purposes.
mass not exceeding 100 kg.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
3628. US ISO 10377:2013, Consumer
3627. US ISO 10333-6:2004, Personal product safety — Practical guidance for
fall-arrest systems — Part 6: System suppliers
performance tests
This Uganda Standard provides practical guidance to
This Uganda Standard specifies tests and suppliers on assessing and managing the safety of
requirements for complete personal fall arrest consumer products, including effective
systems (PFAS) made up from specific combinations documentation of risk assessment and risk
of components and subsystems selected from those management to meet applicable requirements. This
conforming to the other parts of US ISO 10333 and to standard describes how to:
US ISO 14567, where it is both important and
identify, assess, reduce or eliminate hazards;
desirable to ascertain satisfactory system performance
and interactive component compatibility. It includes
manage risks by reducing them to tolerable levels;
PFAS performance tests using a rigid torso test mass
as a surrogate for the faller. Examples of personal fall provide consumers with hazard warnings or
arrest systems, as well as descriptions of how instructions essential to the safe use or disposal of
components or subsystems may be connected consumer products.
together to constitute a system, are also given. This
standard is applicable to PFAS limited to single- This standard is intended to apply to consumer

person use of a total mass not exceeding 100 kg and, products but might also be applicable to decisions

when activated, will arrest the person and limit the concerning safety in other product sectors.

arresting force to a maximum of 6 kN. It is not

This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
applicable to


PFAS which use waist belts or chest harnesses as the
sole body holding component, 3629. US ISO 10393:2013, Consumer
product recall — Guidelines for
PFAS incorporating lanyards without energy
absorbers or without a means of energy dissipation,

This Uganda Standard provides practical guidance to

subsystems and components outside the PFAS scopes
suppliers on consumer product recalls and other
of the other parts of US ISO 10333 and US
corrective actions after the product has left the

740 | P a g e
manufacturing facility. Other corrective actions This Uganda Standard establishes requirements and
include, but are not limited to, refunds, retrofit, guidance for the service provider in working with a
repair, replacement, disposal and public notification. client to carry out the assessment of an individual,
This standard is intended to apply to consumer group or organization for work-related purposes and
products but might also be applicable to other sectors. to deliver quality assessment services. This standard
also contains guidance for the service provider in the
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 delivery and use of assessment methods and
procedures that can be carried out for various work-
related purposes made by or affecting individuals,
3630. US ISO 10667-1:2011, groups or organizations.
Assessment service delivery —
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
Procedures and methods to assess
people in work and organizational
settings — Part 1: Requirements for the
client 3632. US ISO 10668:2010, Brand
valuation -- Requirements for monetary
This Uganda Standard establishes requirements and
brand valuation
guidance for the client working with the service
provider to carry out the assessment of an individual, This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
a group, or an organization for work-related procedures and methods of monetary brand value
purposes. The standard enables the client to base its measurement. This standard specifies a framework
decisions on sound assessment results. This standard for brand valuation, including objectives, bases of
also specifies assessment methods and procedures valuation, approaches to valuation, methods of
that can be carried out for various work-related valuation and sourcing of quality data and
purposes made by or affecting individuals, groups or assumptions. It also specifies methods for reporting
organizations. the results of such valuation.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31


3631. US ISO 10667-2:2011, 3633. US ISO 10862:2009, Small craft

Assessment service delivery — — Quick release system for trapeze
Procedures and methods to assess harness
people in work and organizational
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
settings — Part 2: Requirements for
methods for quick release devices as a component of
service providers
the small sailing-craft trapeze system worn whilst
afloat. The quick release device is intended to quickly

741 | P a g e
release the wearer from entrapment and minimize the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000
risk of drowning in the event of a failure to release
from the sailing-craft trapeze system by other means. 3636. US ISO 11064-3:1999 Ergonomic
design of control centres — Part 3:
The quick release device is intended to be easily
Control room layout
accessible and operated in all conditions that might
occur whilst in use, including when a craft is capsized
This Uganda Standard establishes ergonomic
or inverted.
principles for the layout of control rooms. It includes
requirements, recommendations and guidelines on
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
control room layouts, workstation arrangements, the
use of off-workstation visual displays and control
room maintenance.
3634. US ISO 11064-1:2000, Ergonomic
design of control centres — Part 1:
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
Principles for the design of control

This Uganda Standard specifies ergonomic 3637. US ISO 11064-4:2013, Ergonomic

principles, recommendations and requirements to be design of control centres — Part 4:
applied in the design of control centres, as well as in Layout and dimensions of workstations
the expansion, refurbishment and technological
upgrades of control centres. This Uganda Standard specifies ergonomic
principles, recommendations and requirements for the
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15 design of workstations found in control centres. It
covers control workstation design with particular
emphasis on layout and dimensions.

3635. US ISO 11064-2:2000, Ergonomic

This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
design of control centres — Part 2:
Principles for the arrangement of STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000
control suites
3638. US ISO 11064-5:2008, Ergonomic
This Uganda Standard covers ergonomic design design of control centres — Part 5:
principles for control centres and, more specifically, Displays and controls
the various arrangements of rooms and spaces in a
control suite. The principles are based on an analysis This Uganda Standard presents principles and gives

of functions and tasks that have to be supported by requirements and recommendations for displays,

the control room and functionally-related rooms. controls, and their interaction, in the design of
control-centre hardware and software.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15

742 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 This Uganda Standard specifies minimum basic
safety requirements and test methods for protective
3639. US ISO 11064-6:2005, Ergonomic clothing including hoods, aprons, sleeves and gaiters
design of control centres — Part 6:
that are designed to protect the wearer's body
Environmental requirements for
including head (hoods) and feet (gaiters) and that are
control centres
to be worn during welding and allied processes with
comparable risks. . (This Uganda Standard cancels
This Uganda Standard gives environmental
and replaces US ISO 11611:2007 which has been
requirements as well as recommendations for the
technically revised).
ergonomic design, upgrading or refurbishment of
control rooms and other functional areas within the
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
control suite.
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
3642. US ISO 11612:2015, Protective
clothing — Clothing to protect against
heat and flame — Minimum
3640. US ISO 11540:2014, Writing and
performance requirements
marking instruments — Specification
for caps to reduce the risk of
This Uganda Standard specifies performance
requirements for protective clothing made from
flexible materials, which are designed to protect the
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements to
wearer's body, except the hands, from heat and/or
reduce the risk of asphyxiation from caps for writing
flame. For protection of the wearer's head and feet,
and marking instruments. It relates to such
the only items of protective clothing falling within
instruments which in normal or foreseeable
the scope of this standard are gaiters, hoods, and over
circumstances are likely to be used by children up to
boots. However, concerning hoods, requirements for
the age of 14 years. This standard is not applicable to
visors and respiratory equipment are not given. The
the following: writing and marking instruments
performance requirements set out in this standard are
which are designed or only intended for use by adults
applicable to protective clothing which could be worn
(e.g. jewellery pens, expensive fountain pens,
for a wide range of end uses, where there is a need for
professional technical pens); transit caps for refills.
clothing with limited flame spread properties and
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 where the user can be exposed to radiant or
convective or contact heat or to molten metal
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 splashes.

3641. US ISO 11611:2015, Protective This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28

clothing for use in welding and allied
processes (2nd Edition) STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 80,000

743 | P a g e
3643. US ISO 11613:2017, Protective but not solely to protect against exposure to flame
clothing for firefighter's who are and high thermal loads. To assist with choice based
engaged in support activities associated on user risk assessment, types and performance levels
with structural firefighting — for different categories of protection are included.
Laboratory test methods and
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

This Uganda Standard specifies test methods and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000

minimum performance requirements for protective

3645. US ISO/TS 11999-2:2015, PPE
clothing used by firefighters who are engaged in
for firefighters — Test methods and
support activities of firefighting. This clothing is not
requirements for PPE used by
intended for interior attack firefighting. These
firefighters who are at risk of exposure
support activities of firefighting are defined (see
to high levels of heat and/or flame while
3.8.2) as activities such as: water and material supply;
fighting fires occurring in structures —
extinguishing fires from the outside of the structure;
Part 2: Compatibility
prevention of exterior spreading to adjacencies,
preventing environmental damage and limiting effect This Uganda Standard describes compatibility for
of smoke; securing traffic and environment; first aid ensembles of firefighter’s personal protective
base activities; preparing the fire ground for equipment (PPE) to be used by firefighters, who are
subsequent activities; RPD replenishment tasks; at risk of exposure to high levels of heat and/or flame
assessment zone; BA communication; forward while fighting fires occurring in structures. This
command post; evacuation; assist planning; assist standard includes methods for compatibility testing in
logistics; assist communication; and transportation. laboratories and procedures for compatibility testing
including the identification of any limitations to be
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
performed by wearers.
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
3644. S ISO 11999-1:2015, PPE for
firefighters — Test methods and STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

requirements for PPE used by

3646. US ISO 11999-3:2015, PPE for
firefighters who are at risk of exposure
firefighters — Test methods and
to high levels of heat and/or flame while
requirements for PPE used by
fighting fires occurring in structures —
firefighters who are at risk of exposure
Part 1: General
to high levels of heat and/or flame while

This Uganda Standard specifies minimum design and fighting fires occurring in structures —

performance requirements for personal protective Part 3: Clothing

equipment (PPE) to be used by firefighters, primarily

744 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum design related eyewear — Part 2: Filters for
and performance requirements for clothing as part of direct observation of the sun
personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used by
This Uganda Standard applies to all afocal (plano
firefighters, primarily but not solely to protect against
power) products intended for direct observation of
exposure to flame and high thermal loads. To assist
the sun, such as solar eclipse viewing.
with choice based on user risk assessment, a number
of levels of protection are included.
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 3650. US ISO 12401:2009, Small craft

— Deck safety harness and safety line
3647. US ISO 12311:2013, Personal
— Safety requirements and test
protective equipment — Test methods
for sunglasses and related eyewear
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
This Uganda Standard specifies reference test
performance, sizing, marking and test methods for
methods for determining the properties of sunglasses
deck safety harnesses and safety lines on recreational
given in ISO 12312 (all parts). It is applicable to all
craft. It is applicable to harnesses and lines in the
sunglasses and related eyewear.
following sizes of body mass (multi-sizing is
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 100,000  size 1: > 50 kg ;

 size 2: > 20 kg ≤ 50 kg;

3648. US ISO 12312-1:2013, Eye and
face protection — Sunglasses and  size 3: ≤ 20 kg;

related eyewear — Part 1: Sunglasses which are intended to be worn by all persons when in
for general use the exposed cockpit or on the working deck of a craft
afloat. It is not applicable to dinghy 'trapeze'
This Uganda Standard is applicable to all afocal
harnesses, windsurfing harnesses, seat harnesses for
(plano power) sunglasses and clip-ons for general
fast motor boats, and harnesses intended to protect
use, including road use and driving, intended for
against falls from a height.
protection against solar radiation.
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
3651. US ISO 12402-2:2006, Personal
3649. US ISO 12312-2:2015, Eye and
flotation devices — Part 2: Lifejackets,
face protection — Sunglasses and

745 | P a g e
performance level 275 — Safety 3654. US ISO 12480-3:2016, Personal
requirements equipment for protection against falls
— Descending devices
This Uganda Standard specifies the safety
requirements for lifejackets, performance level 275. It This Uganda Standard establishes required practices
applies to lifejackets for adults and children for for the safe use of tower cranes. It is intended to be
offshore use under extreme conditions. used in conjunction with ISO 12480-1. Subjects
covered include safe systems of work, management,
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
planning, selection, erection and dismantling, special
base, operation and maintenance of cranes and the
selection of operators, slingers and signallers. It does
3652. US ISO 12402-3:2006, Personal not cover manually (non-powered) operated cranes,
flotation devices — Part 3: Lifejackets, or cranes in which at least one of its motions is
performance level 150 — Safety manually operated.
This Uganda Standard specifies the safety 20
requirements for lifejackets, performance level 150. It
applies to lifejackets used by adults or children.

3655. US ISO 12609-1:2013, Eyewear

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
for protection against intense light
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 sources used on humans and animals
for cosmetic and medical applications
3653. US ISO 12402-5:2006, Personal — Part 1: Specification for products
flotation devices — Part 5: Buoyancy
aids (level 50) — Safety requirements This Uganda Standard specifies performance and
labelling of eye protectors used for ILS equipment
This Uganda Standard specifies the safety used on humans and animals for cosmetic and
requirements for buoyancy aids with a buoyancy of medical applications against excessive exposure to
not less than 50 N used in sheltered waters with help optical radiation in the spectral range 250 nm to 3
and rescue close at hand under such circumstances 000 nm, with the exception of laser radiation.
where more bulky or buoyant devices can impair the
user's activity. It applies to buoyancy aids used by This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
adults or children. US ISO 12402-5 is not applicable
to one-piece suits.

3656. US ISO 12609-2:2013, Eyewear

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
for protection against intense light
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 sources used on humans and animals

746 | P a g e
for cosmetic and medical applications mobile banking, which are detailed in other parts of
— Part 2: Guidance for use US ISO 12812;

This Uganda Standard gives guidance and the mobile financial services supporting technologies;
information to users, manufacturers, suppliers, and and
safety advisors on the selection and use of eye
the stakeholders involved in the mobile payment
protectors for intense light source (ILS) equipment
used on humans and animals for cosmetic and
medical applications against excessive exposure to
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
optical radiation in the spectral range 250 nm to 3
000 nm, with the exception of laser radiation. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28 3658. US ISO/TS 12812-2:2017, Core

banking — Mobile financial services —
Part 2: Security and data protection for
mobile financial services
3657. US ISO 12812-1:2017, Core
banking — Mobile financial services —
This Uganda Standard describes and specifies a
Part 1: General framework
framework for the management of the security of
MFS. It includes
This Uganda Standard defines the general framework
of mobile financial services (payment and banking
a generic model for the design of the security policy,
services involving a mobile device), with a focus on:
a minimum set of security requirements,
a set of definitions commonly agreed by the
international financial industry; recommended cryptographic protocols and
mechanisms for mobile device authentication,
the opportunities offered by mobile devices for the
financial message secure exchange and external
development of such services;
authentication, including the following:

the promotion of an environment that reduces or

point-to-point aspects to consider for MFS;
minimizes obstacles for mobile financial service
providers who wish to provide a sustainable and end-to-end aspects to consider;
reliable service to a wide range of customers (persons
and businesses), while ensuring that customers’ security certification aspects;

interests are protected;

generation of mobile digital signatures;

the different types of mobile financial services

interoperability issues for the secure certification of
accessed through a mobile device including mobile
proximate payments, mobile remote payments and

747 | P a g e
recommendations for the protection of sensitive data, functioning of mobile payments-to-persons systems
and processes, as well as the presentation of the
guidelines for the implementation of national laws
underlying technical, organizational, business, legal
and regulations (e.g. anti-money laundering and
and policy issues, leveraging legacy infrastructures of
combating the funding of terrorism (AML/CFT), and
existing payment instruments.

security management considerations.

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12



3661. US ISO/TS 12812-5:2017, Core
banking — Mobile financial services —
3659. US ISO/TS 12812-3:2017, Core
Part 5: Mobile payments to businesses
banking — Mobile financial services —
Part 3: Financial application lifecycle This Uganda Standard focuses on mechanisms by
which a person (“consumer”, “payer” or “business”)
uses a mobile device to initiate a payment to a
This Uganda Standard specifies the interoperable
business entity (“merchant” or “payee”). Such a
lifecycle management of applications used in mobile
payment may use the traditional merchant point of
financial services. As defined in US ISO 12812-1, an
interaction (POI) system, where the manner of
application is a set of software modules and/or data
settling the payment follows well-established
needed to provide functionality for a mobile financial
merchant services paradigms. Additionally, there are
service. This document deals with different types of
other ways for a consumer to make a payment to a
applications which is the term used to cover
merchant, using the mobile device to initiate,
authentication, banking and payment applications, as
authorize and process transactions outside of
well as credentials.
traditional payment networks using secure payment
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 instruments. Accordingly, this document supports
both “push” and “pull” payments (i.e. transactions
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 that are pushed or transmitted from a mobile device
into a POI or pulled or received into a mobile device
3660. US ISO 12812-4:2017, Core
or POI), which are initiated and/or confirmed by a
banking — Mobile financial services —
consumer to purchase goods and or services,
Part 4: Mobile payments-to-persons
including proximate payments, remote secure server

This Uganda Standard provides comprehensive payments, as well as mobile payments that leverage

requirements and recommendations, as well as other technologies [e.g. cloud computing, quick

specific use cases for implementation of interoperable response (“QR”) codes, biometrics, geo-location and

mobile payments-to-persons. The emphasis is placed other methods to authenticate and authorize the

on the principles governing the operational transaction].

748 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 3664. US ISO 13577-1:2016, Industrial
furnaces and associated processing
equipment — Safety — Part 1: General
3662. US ISO 13009:2015, Tourism and
related services — Requirements and
This Uganda Standard specifies the general safety
recommendations for beach operation
requirements common to industrial furnaces and
associated processing equipment (TPE). This
This Uganda Standard establishes general
standard deals with the significant hazards, hazardous
requirements and recommendations for beach
situations or hazardous events relevant to TPE, as
operators that offer tourist and visitor services. It
listed in Annex A, when TPE is used as intended and
provides guidance for both beach operators and users
also under conditions of misuse that are reasonably
regarding the delivery of sustainable management
foreseeable by the manufacturer.
and planning, beach ownership, sustainable
infrastructure and service provision needs, including
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
beach safety, information and communication,
cleaning and waste removal. This standard is STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000
applicable to beaches during the bathing season.
3665. US ISO 13577-2:2014, Industrial
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 furnaces and associated processing
equipment — Safety — Part 2:
Combustion and fuel handling systems

3663. US ISO 13200:1995, Cranes — This Uganda Standard specifies the safety
Safety signs and hazard pictorials —
requirements for combustion and fuel handling
General principles
systems that are part of industrial furnaces and
associated processing equipment (TPE). It deals with
This Uganda Standard establishes general principles
significant hazards, hazardous situations and events
for the design and application of safety signs and
relevant to combustion and fuel handling systems,
hazard pictorials permanently affixed to cranes. The
when used as intended and under the conditions
standard describes the basic safety sign formats,
foreseen by the manufacturer. This standard covers:
specifies colors for safety signs and provides
fuel pipework downstream of and including the
guidance on developing the various panels that
manual isolating valve; combustion air supply
together constitute a safety sign.
(including oxygen and oxygen enriched combustion
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 air) and flue gas system; burner(s), burner system and
ignition device; functional requirements for safety
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000 related control system. It applies to any oxidation
with air or other gases containing free oxygen of
gaseous and liquid fuels or any combustion of them

749 | P a g e
to release thermal energy in TPE. For thermal or safety devices, and
catalytic post combustion and waste incineration, US
functional requirements for safety related control
ISO 13577-2 applies only to auxiliary burners
designed to start-up and/or support the process.

for the generation and use of protective and reactive

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
atmosphere gases.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
3666. US ISO 13577-3:2016, Industrial
furnaces and associated processing
equipment — Safety — Part 3:
3667. US ISO 13577-4:2014, Industrial
Generation and use of protective and
furnace and associated processing
reactive atmosphere gases
equipment -- Safety — Part 4:
Protective systems
This Uganda Standard specifies safety requirements
for generation and use of protective and reactive
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
atmosphere gases that are part of industrial thermo-
protective systems used in industrial furnaces and
processing equipment (TPE).
associated processing equipment (TPE). The
functional requirements to which the protective
NOTE The general safety requirements common to
systems apply are specified in the other parts of US
TPE are provided in US ISO 13577‑1 (see
ISO 13577

This standard deals with significant hazards, This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

hazardous situations and events relevant to the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 85,000
generation and use of protective and reactive
atmosphere gases created by thermochemical 3668. US ISO 13578:2017, Industrial

reactions and their use in TPE that are part of TPE as furnaces and associated processing

listed in Clause 4 and Clause 5, when used as equipment — Safety requirements for

intended and under the conditions foreseen by the machinery and equipment for

manufacturer. It covers production of steel by electric arc

pipework downstream of and including the manual
isolating valve, This Uganda Standard specifies the general safety
requirements for electric arc furnaces (EAF) to melt
equipment for the generation of atmosphere gases, steel not containing radioactive material.

additional equipment for the use of atmosphere gases NOTE Radioactive material is considered to be
in TPE, detected in front of the steel plant entrance.

750 | P a g e
This standard deals with significant hazards, first edition of US ISO 13687-2, together with US ISO
hazardous situations and events as listed in Table 1 13687-1 and US ISO 13687-3, cancels and replaces
pertinent to EAF, when used as intended and under US ISO 13687:2014, Tourism and related services —
conditions foreseen by the manufacturer, and also Yacht harbours — Minimum requirements, which has
includes foreseeable faults and malfunctions in case been technically revised).
of misuse. The standard also specifies criteria for the
plant and equipment integrated in the production This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

process. This standard specifies the requirements to

be followed during design to ensure the safety of
persons, which are to be met during transport, 3670. US ISO 13687-3:2017, Tourism
assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance and related services — Yacht harbours
and decommissioning of the equipment. US ISO — Part 3: Minimum requirements for
13578:2017 assumes that installations are operated high service level harbours
and maintained by adequately trained personnel.
Manual intervention for setting, adjustment and This Uganda Standard establishes minimum

maintenance is accepted as part of the normal use of requirements for commercial and non-commercial

the equipment. harbours for leisure craft in order to define the high
level to deliver services to the boating community for
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 all types of recreational boating activities, excluding
the standardization of sports activities. The scope
does not cover specifics of boat yards, dry stacks,
dry-docking areas, dry storages, fuel stations and
3669. US ISO 13687-2:2017, Tourism
nearby beaches. This standard does not cover risks in
and related services — Yacht harbours
case of abnormal weather conditions above windforce
— Part 2: Minimum requirements for
9 on the Beaufort scale and extreme sea conditions or
intermediate service level harbours
rogue waves. (This first edition of US ISO 13687-3,
This Uganda Standard establishes minimum together with US ISO 13687-1 and US ISO 13687-2,
requirements for commercial and non-commercial cancels and replaces US ISO 13687:2014, Tourism
harbours for leisure craft in order to define the and related services — Yacht harbours — Minimum
intermediate level to deliver services to the boating requirements, which has been technically revised).
community for all types of recreational boating
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
activities, excluding the standardization of sports
activities. The scope does not cover specifics of boat
yards, dry stacks, dry-docking areas, dry storages,
fuel stations and nearby beaches. This standard does 3671. US ISO 13688:2013, Protective
not cover risks in case of abnormal weather clothing -- General requirements
conditions above windforce 9 on the Beaufort scale
and extreme sea conditions or rogue waves. (This

751 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies general performance environment. This standard does not apply to
requirements for ergonomics, innocuousness, size campsites.
designation, ageing, compatibility and marking of
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
protective clothing and the information to be supplied
by the manufacturer with the protective clothing. US
ISO 13688:2012 is only intended to be used in
combination with other standards containing 3674. US ISO 13857:2008, Safety of
requirements for specific protective performance and machinery — Safety distances to
not on a stand-alone basis. prevent hazard zones being reached by
upper and lower limbs
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
This Uganda Standard establishes values for safety
distances in both industrial and non-industrial
environments to prevent machinery hazard zones
3672. US ISO 13705: 2012, Petroleum,
being reached. The safety distances are appropriate
petrochemical and natural gas
for protective structures. It also gives information
industries — Fired heaters for general
about distances to impede free access by the lower
refinery service
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
gives recommendations for the design, materials,
fabrication, inspection, testing, preparation for
shipment, and erection of fired heaters, air heaters
(APHs), fans and burners for general refinery service. 3675. US ISO 13879:2015, Petroleum
This standard is not intended to apply to the design of and natural gas industries — Content
steam reformers or pyrolysis furnaces. and drafting of a functional
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on the
content and drafting of a functional specification. A
functional specification may not be necessary if a
3673. US ISO/TS 13811:2015, Tourism
user/purchaser wishes to obtain a known standard
and related services — Guidelines on
product, process or service manufactured/supplied to
developing environmental specifications
a recognized standard.
for accommodation establishments

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for
developing specifications aimed at reducing the
negative impacts and increasing the positive impacts
of accommodation establishments on the

752 | P a g e
3676. US ISO 13880:1999, Petroleum systems — Requirements (1st edition) which has been
and natural gas industries —Content technically revised].
and drafting of a technical specification
This standard was adopted on 2015-12-15
This Uganda Standard provides guidance for the
content and drafting of a technical specification in
order to ensure that all technical requirements of a
3679. US ISO 14004:2016,
product, process or service are included and can be
Environmental management systems —
verified as complying with specified performance
General guidelines on implementation
requirements, such as may be specified in a
(2nd Edition)
functional specification (see US ISO 13879).
This Uganda Standard provides guidance for an
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
organization the establishment, implementation,
maintenance and improvement of a robust, credible
and reliable environmental management system.
3677. US ISO 13943:2017, Fire safety (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO
— Vocabulary 14004:2004, Environmental management systems —
General guidelines on principles, systems and
This Uganda Standard defines terminology relating to
support techniques, which has been technically
fire safety as used in ISO and IEC fire standards.

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
3678. US ISO 14001:2015,
3680. US ISO 14005:2019,
Environmental management systems —
Environmental management systems —
Requirements with guidance for use
Guidelines for a flexible approach to
(2nd edition)
phased implementation (2nd Edition)
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for a phased
an environmental management system that an
approach to establish, implement, maintain and
organization can use to enhance its environmental
improve an environmental management system
performance. This standard is intended for use by an
(EMS) that organizations, including small and
organization seeking to manage its environmental
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), can adopt to
responsibilities in a systematic manner that
enhance their environmental performance. The
contributes to the environmental pillar of
phased approach provides flexibility that allows
sustainability. [This standard cancels and replaces US
organizations to develop their EMS at their own pace,
ISO 14001:2004, Environmental management
over a number of phases, according to their own

753 | P a g e
circumstances. Each phase consists of six consecutive Environmental assessment of sites and
stages. The system's maturity at the end of each phase organizations (EASO)
can be characterized using the five-level maturity
This standard provides guidance on how to conduct
matrix provided in Annex A. This document is
an EASO through a systematic process of identifying
applicable to any organization regardless of their
environmental aspects and environmental issues and
current environmental performance, the nature of the
determining, if appropriate, their business
activities undertaken or the locations at which they
occur. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces
the first edition, US ISO 14005: 2010, Environmental
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
management systems — Guidelines for the phased
implementation of an environmental management STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
system, including the use of environmental
performance evaluation, which has been technically 3683. US ISO 14020:2000,

revised). Environmental labels and declarations

– General principles
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This standard establishes guiding principles for the
development and use of environmental labels and
declarations. It is intended that other applicable
3681. US ISO 14006:2011,
standards in the ISO 14020 series be used in
Environmental management systems —
Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign conjunction with this International Standard.

This Uganda Standard provides guidelines to assist This standard is not intended for use as a

organizations in establishing, documenting, specification for certification and registration

implementing, maintaining and continually purposes.

improving their management of ecodesign as part of

This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
an environmental management system (EMS). This
standard is intended to be used by those organizations STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
that have implemented an EMS but can help in
integrating ecodesign in other management systems. 3684. US ISO 14021:2016,

The guidelines are applicable to any organization Environmental labels and declarations

regardless of its size or activity. — Self-declared environmental claims

(Type II environmental labelling) [2nd
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25 Edition]

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for self-
declared environmental claims, including statements,
3682. US ISO 14015:2001,
symbols and graphics, regarding products. It further
Environmental management —

754 | P a g e
describes selected terms commonly used in This standard establishes the principles and
environmental claims and gives qualifications for procedures for developing Type III environmental
their use. (This Uganda Standard cancels and declaration programmes and Type III environmental
replaces US ISO 14021:1999, Environmental labels declarations. It specifically establishes the use of the
and declarations — Self-declared environmental ISO 14040 series of standards in the development of
claims (Type II environmental labelling), which has Type III environmental declaration programmes and
been technically revised). Type III environmental declarations.

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13 This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25


3685. US ISO 14024:2018, 3687. US ISO 14046:2014,

Environmental labels and declarations Environmental management -- Water
— Type I environmental labelling — footprint -- Principles, requirements
Principles and procedures (2nd Edition) and guidelines

This Uganda Standard establishes the principles and This Uganda Standard specifies principles,
procedures for developing Type I environmental requirements and guidelines related to water footprint
labelling programmes, including the selection of assessment of products, processes and organizations
product categories, product environmental criteria based on life cycle assessment (LCA).
and product function characteristics, and for
assessing and demonstrating compliance. The This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

document also establishes the certification procedures

for awarding the label. (This standard cancels and
replaces the first edition US ISO 14024:1999, 3688. US ISO 14031:2013,
Environmental labels and declarations — Type I Environmental management —
environmental labelling — Principles and Environmental performance evaluation
procedures, which has been technically revised). — Guidelines

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the design
and use of environmental performance evaluation
(EPE) within an organization. It is applicable to all
organizations, regardless of type, size, location and
3686. US ISO 14025:2006,
complexity. This stxxandard does not establish
Environmental labels and declarations
environmental performance levels. The guidance in
– Type III environmental declarations –
this standard can be used to support an organization's
Principles and procedures
own approach to EPE, including its commitments to

755 | P a g e
compliance with legal and other requirements, the International Standard does not describe the life cycle
prevention of pollution, and continual improvement. assessment technique in detail.

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25


3689. US ISO/TS 14033:2012, 3691. US ISO 14044:2006,

Environmental management — Environmental management – Life
Quantitative environmental cycle assessment –Requirements and
information —Guidelines and examples guidelines (replaces ISO 14040:1997,
ISO 14041:1999, ISO 14042:2000, and
This Uganda Standard supports the application of
ISO 14043:2000)
standards and reports on environmental management.
It provides guidelines on how to acquire quantitative This standard specifies the requirements and the
environmental information and data and implement procedures necessary for life cycle assessment (LCA)
methodology. It gives guidelines to organizations on including:
general principles, policy, strategy and activities
The compilation and preparation of the definition of
necessary to obtain quantitative environmental
goal and scope of the LCA;
information for internal and/or external purposes.
Such purposes can be, for example, to establish
The life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase;
inventory routines and support decision making
related to environmental policies and strategies, The life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase;
aimed in particular at comparing quantitative
environmental information. The information is The life cycle interpretation phase;

related to organizations, activities, facilities,

The reporting and critical review of the LCA;
technologies or products.

The limitations of the LCA;

This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25

The relationship between the LCA phases.;


The conditions for use of value choices and optional

3690. US ISO 14040:2006,
Environmental management – Life
cycle assessment – Principles and This standard covers life cycle assessment (LCA)
framework studies and life cycle inventory (LCI) studies.

This standard specifies the general framework, This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
principles and requirements for conducting and
reporting life cycle assessment studies. This STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 100,000

756 | P a g e
3692. US ISO 14045:2012, This Uganda Standard defines terms of fundamental
Environmental management — Eco- concepts related to environmental management. (This
efficiency assessment of product Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO
systems — Principles, requirements 14050:2002, which has been technically revised).
and guidelines
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
This Uganda Standard describes the principles,
requirements and guidelines for eco-efficiency STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000

assessment for product systems including: the goal

3695. US ISO 14051:2011,
and scope definition of the eco-efficiency assessment,
Environmental management —
the environmental assessment, the product system
Material flow cost accounting —
value assessment, the quantification of eco-
General framework
efficiency, interpretation (including quality
assurance), reporting and critical review of the eco- This Uganda Standard provides a general framework
efficiency assessment. for material flow cost accounting (MFCA). Under
MFCA, the flows and stocks of materials within an
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
organization are traced and quantified in physical
units (e.g. mass, volume) and the costs associated
with those material flows are also evaluated. The
3693. US ISO/TR 14047:2012, resulting information can act as a motivator for
Environmental management — Life organizations and managers to seek opportunities to
cycle assessment — Illustrative simultaneously generate financial benefits and reduce
examples on how to apply ISO 14044 to adverse environmental impacts. MFCA is applicable
impact assessment situations to any organization that uses materials and energy,
regardless of their products, services, size, structure,
This Uganda Standard provides examples to illustrate
location, and existing management and accounting
current practice of life cycle impact assessment.
These examples are only a sample of all possible
examples and they reflect the key elements of the life This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase of the LCA.
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
3696. US ISO/TR 14062:2002,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 100,000 Environmental management —
Integrating environmental aspects into
3694. US ISO 14050:2009,
product design and development
Environmental management —
Vocabulary (2nd Edition) This Technical Report describes concepts and current
practices relating to the integration of environmental

757 | P a g e
aspects into product design and development, where This Uganda Standard specifies principles and
“product” is understood to cover both goods and requirements at the organization level for the
services. This Technical Report is applicable to the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas
development of sector-specific documents. (GHG) emissions and removals. It includes
requirements for the design, development,
It is not applicable as a specification for certification
management, reporting and verification of an
and registration purposes.
organization's GHG inventory. The US ISO 14064
series is GHG programme neutral. If a GHG
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
programme is applicable, requirements of that GHG
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000 programme are additional to the requirements of the
ISO 14064 series. (This standard cancels and
3697. US ISO 14063:2006, replaces the first edition US ISO 14064-1:2006,
Environmental management -- Greenhouse gases – Part 1 Specification with
Environmental communication -- guidance at the organization level for quantification
Guidelines and examples and reporting of greenhouse gases emissions and
removals, which has been technically revised).
This standard gives guidance to an organization
general principles, policy, strategy and activities This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
relating to both internal and external environmental
communication. It utilizes proven and well- STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000
established approaches for communication, adapted
3699. US ISO 14064–2:2006,
to the specific conditions that exist in environmental
Greenhouse gases – Part 2 Specification
communication. It is applicable to all organizations
with guidance at the project level for
regardless of their size, type, location, structure,
quantification, monitoring and
activities, products and services, and whether or not
reporting of greenhouse gas emission
they have an environmental management system in
reductions or removal enhancements

This part of US ISO 14064 specifies principles and

This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
requirements and provides guidance at the project
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000 level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of
activities intended to cause greenhouse gas (GHG)
3698. US ISO 14064-1:2018, emission reductions or removal enhancements.
Greenhouse gases — Part 1:
Specification with guidance at the This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14
organization level for quantification
and reporting of greenhouse gas
emissions and removals (2nd Edition)
3700. US ISO 14064–3:2006,
Greenhouse gases – Part 3 Specification

758 | P a g e
with guidance for validation and programme are additional to the requirements of this
verification of greenhouse gas standard.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This part of US ISO 14064 specifies principles and
requirements and provides guidance for those
conducting or managing the validation and/or
3703. US ISO/TR 14069:2013,
verification of greenhouse gas (GHG) assertions.
Greenhouse gases — Quantification
and reporting of greenhouse gas
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14
emissions for organizations —
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000 Guidance for the application of ISO
3701. US ISO 14065:2013, Greenhouse
gases — Requirements for greenhouse This Uganda Standard describes the principles,
gas validation and verification bodies concepts and methods relating to the quantification
for use in accreditation or other forms and reporting of direct and indirect greenhouse gas
of recognition (GHG) emissions for an organization. It provides
guidance for the application of ISO 14064-1 to
This Uganda Standard specifies principles and
greenhouse gas inventories at the organization level,
requirements for bodies that undertake validation or
for the quantification and reporting of direct
verification of greenhouse gas (GHG) assertions.
emissions, energy indirect emissions and other
indirect emissions. This standard describes for all
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
organizations, including local authorities, the steps
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 for:establishing organizational boundaries, in
accordance with either a control approach (financial
3702. US ISO 14066:2011, Greenhouse or operational) or an equity share approach;
gases — Competence requirements for establishing operational boundaries, by identifying
greenhouse gas validation teams and direct emissions and energy indirect emissions to be
verification teams quantified and reported, as well as any other indirect
emissions the organization chooses to quantify and
This Uganda Standard specifies competence
report; for each category of emission, guidance is
requirements for validation teams and verification
provided on specific boundaries and methodologies
teams. This standard complements the
for the quantification of GHG emissions and
implementation of US ISO 14065. This standard is
removals;GHG reporting: guidance is provided to
not linked to any particular greenhouse gas (GHG)
promote transparency regarding the boundaries, the
programme. If a particular GHG programme is
methodologies used for the quantification of direct
applicable, competence requirements of that GHG
and indirect GHG emissions and removals, and the
uncertainty of the results.

759 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 3706. US ISO 14122-3:2016, Safety of
machinery — Permanent means of
access to machinery — Part 3: Stairs,
stepladders and guard-rails
3704. US ISO 14122-1:2016, Safety of
machinery — Permanent means of
This Uganda Standard gives requirements for non-
access to machinery — Part 1: Choice
powered stairs, stepladders and guard-rails which are
of fixed means and general a part of a stationary machine, and to the non-
requirements of access
powered adjustable parts (e.g. foldable, slidable) and
movable parts of those fixed means of access.
This Uganda Standard gives general requirements for
access to stationary machines and guidance about the
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
correct choice of means of access when necessary
access to the stationary machine is not possible STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
directly from the ground level or from a floor. It is
3707. US ISO 14122-4:2016, Safety of
applicable to permanent means of access which are a
machinery — Permanent means of
part of a stationary machine, and also to non-powered
adjustable parts (e.g. foldable, slidable) and movable access to machinery — Part 4: Fixed
parts of fixed means of access.

This Uganda Standard gives requirements for fixed

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
ladders which are a part of a stationary machine, and
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 to the non-powered adjustable parts (e.g. foldable,
slidable) and movable parts of fixed ladder systems.
3705. US ISO 14122-2:2016, Safety of
machinery — Permanent means of This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
access to machinery — Part 2: Working
platforms and walkways

3708. US ISO 14567:1999, Personal

This Uganda Standard gives requirements for non-
protective equipment for protection
powered working platforms and walkways which are
against falls from a height — Single-
a part of a stationary machine, and to the non-
powered adjustable parts (e.g. foldable, sliding) and point anchor devices

movable parts of those fixed means of access.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
methods, and marking, labelling and packaging, as
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
appropriate, of both permanent and temporary single-
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 point anchor devices exclusively for the attachment
of personal protective equipment (PPE) for protection

760 | P a g e
against falls from a height for fall arrest, work STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 70,000
positioning and travel restriction.
3711. US ISO 15190:2003, Medical
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 laboratories — Requirements for safety

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for safe
practices in the medical laboratory.
3709. US ISO 15027-1:2012, Immersion
suits — Part 1: Constant wear suits, This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
requirements including safety
This Uganda Standard specifies performance and
3712. US ISO 15442:2012, Cranes —
safety requirements for constant wear immersion
Safety requirements for loader cranes
suits for work and leisure activities to protect the
body of a user against the effects of cold-water
This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
immersion, such as cold shock and hypothermia. It is
requirements for the design, calculation, examination
applicable for dry and wet constant wear immersion
and testing of hydraulic powered loader cranes and
suits. Abandonment suits are not covered by US ISO
their mountings onto chassis or static foundations. It
15027-1. Requirements for abandonment suits are
is not applicable to loader cranes used on board ships
given in ISO 15027-2. Test methods for immersion
or floating structures or to articulated boom system
suits are given in ISO 15027-3.
cranes designed as a total integral part of special
equipment such as forwarders.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20



3710. US ISO 15189:2012, Medical
laboratories — Requirements for
3713. US ISO 15489-1:2016,
quality and competence
Information and documentation —
Records management — Part 1:
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
Concepts and principles
quality and competence in medical laboratories. This
standard can be used by medical laboratories in
This Uganda Standard defines the concepts and
developing their quality management systems and
principles from which approaches to the creation,
assessing their own competence. It can also be used
capture and management of records are developed.
for confirming or recognizing the competence of
This part of US ISO 15489 describes concepts and
medical laboratories by laboratory customers,
principles relating to the following:
regulating authorities and accreditation bodies.
records, metadata for records and records systems;
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

761 | P a g e
policies, assigned responsibilities, monitoring and This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
training supporting the effective management of undertaking life-cycle costing for the development
records; and operation of facilities for drilling, production and
pipeline transportation within the petroleum and
recurrent analysis of business context and the
natural gas industries.
identification of records requirements;
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
records controls;
processes for creating, capturing and managing
records. 3716. US ISO 15663-2:2001, Petroleum
and natural gas industries —Life-cycle
This standard applies to the creation, capture and
costing —Part 2:Guidance on
management of records regardless of structure or
application of methodology and
form, in all types of business and technological
calculation methods
environments, over time.
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
application of the methodology for life-cycle costing
for the development and operation of facilities for
drilling, production and pipeline transportation within
3714. US ISO 15544:2000, Petroleum the petroleum and natural gas industries. This part of
and natural gas industries — Offshore US ISO 15663 also provides guidance on the
production installations — application and calculations of the life-cycle costing
Requirements and guidelines for process defined in US ISO 15663-1. This part of US
emergency response ISO 15663 is not concerned with determining the
life-cycle cost of individual items of equipment, but
This Uganda Standard describes objectives, rather with life-cycle costing in order to estimate the
functional requirements and guidelines for cost differences between competing project options.
emergency response (ER) measures on installations
used for the development of offshore hydrocarbon This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
resources. It is applicable to fixed offshore structures
or floating production, storage and off-take systems.

3717. US ISO 15663-3:2001, Petroleum

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
and natural gas industries —Life-cycle
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 70,000 costing —Part 3: Implementation
3715. US ISO 15663-1:2000, Petroleum
and natural gas industries —Life cycle This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for the
costing —Part 1: Methodology implementation of life-cycle costing for the

762 | P a g e
development and operation of the facilities for instructions, marking and labelling as appropriate, of
drilling, production and pipeline transportation within flexible horizontal lifeline systems for use at any one
the petroleum and natural gas industries. This part of time by up to three persons, exclusively for the
US ISO 15663 is applicable when making decisions attachment of personal protective equipment for
on any option which has cost implications for more protection against falls from a height. It does not
than one cost element or project phase. stipulate designs for flexible horizontal lifelines,
except for design limitations that are necessary for
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
safe and durable service. This standard does not
cover rigid rail systems, nor is it intended to cover
flexible guardrails, hand lines and work-positioning
3718. US ISO 16000-1:2004, Indoor air anchor lines.
— Part 1: General aspects of sampling
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20


This Uganda Standard is intended to aid the planning
of indoor pollution monitoring. Before a sampling
3720. US ISO 16069:2004, Graphical
strategy is devised for indoor air monitoring, it is
symbols — Safety signs — Safety Way
necessary to clarify for what purposes, when, where,
Guidance Systems (SWGS)
how often and over what periods of time monitoring
is to be performed. The answers to these questions This Uganda Standard describes the principles
depend, in particular, on a number of special governing the design and application of visual
characteristics of the indoor environments, on the components used to create a safety way guidance
objective of the measurement and, finally, on the system (SWGS).This standard contains general
environment to be measured. This part of US ISO principles valid both for electrically powered and for
16000 deals with the significance of these factors and phosphorescent components. Special information
offers suggestions on how to develop a suitable which is related to the type of component is given to
sampling strategy. assist in defining the environment of use, choice of
material, layout, installation and maintenance of
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26 SWGS.


This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

3719. US ISO 16024:2005, Personal

protective equipment for protection
against falls from a height — Flexible 3721. US ISO 16278:2016, Health
horizontal lifeline systems informatics — Categorical structure for
terminological systems of human
This Uganda Standard specifies design and
performance requirements, test methods, user

763 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard defines the characteristics STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000
required to synthetically describe the organization
and content of human anatomy within a
terminological system. It is intended primarily for use 3723. US ISO/FDIS 16321-2:2019, Eye

with computer-based applications such as clinical and face protection for occupational use

electronic health records, decision support and for — Part 2: Additional requirements for

various bio-medical research purposes. protectors used during welding and

related techniques
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
This Uganda Standard specifies additional material,
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 design, performance and marking requirements for
eye and face protectors designed to provide
3722. US ISO/FDIS 16321-1:2019, Eye
protection for the eyes and faces of persons against
and face protection for occupational use
occupational hazards, such as optical radiation,
— Part 1: General requirements
impacts from flying particles and fragments, and hot
solids during welding and related techniques. The
This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements
other applicable requirements for welding protectors
for eye and face protectors. These protectors are
are given in US ISO 16321-1. This document also
intended to provide protection for the eyes and faces
applies to welding protectors used in educational
of persons against one or more common occupational
establishments. This document also applies to those
hazards such as impacts from flying particles and
eye and face protectors used for occupational-type
fragments, optical radiation, dusts, splashing liquids,
tasks that are performed similarly to an occupation,
molten metals, heat, flame, hot solids, harmful gases,
e.g. "do-it-yourself".
vapours and aerosols.

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

Additional requirements for eye and face protectors
used during welding and related techniques and for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
mesh protectors are given in US ISO 16321-2 and US
3724. US ISO/FDIS 16321-3:2019, Eye
ISO 16321-3, respectively.
and face protection for occupational use
This document applies to: — Part 3: Additional requirements for
 all plano as well as corrective and mesh protectors
prescription lens protectors and components;
 those eye and face protectors used for This Uganda Standard specifies additional
occupational-type tasks that are performed performance and marking requirements for mesh
similarly to an occupation, e.g. "do-it-
yourself"; protectors designed to provide protection for the eyes
 those eye and face protectors used in and faces of persons against mechanical hazards such
educational establishments. as impacts from flying particles and fragments. The
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 other applicable requirements for mesh protectors and
the frames/mountings to which they are intended to

764 | P a g e
be fitted are given in US ISO 16321-1. This STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 70,000
document also applies to mesh protectors used in
educational establishments. This document also 3726. US ISO/TS 16901:2015,
Guidance on performing risk
applies to those eye and face protectors used for
assessment in the design of onshore
occupational-type tasks that are performed similarly
LNG installations including the
to an occupation, e.g. "do-it-yourself".
ship/shore interface
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This Uganda Standard provides a common approach
and guidance to those undertaking assessment of the
major safety hazards as part of the planning, design,
3725. US ISO 16678:2014 Guidelines
and operation of LNG facilities onshore and at
for interoperable object identification
shoreline using risk-based methods and standards, to
and related authentication systems to
enable a safe design and operation of LNG facilities.
deter counterfeiting and illicit trade

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

This Uganda Standard describes a framework for
identification and authentication systems. It provides
recommendations and best practice guidance that
include: 3727. US ISO 16949:2009, Quality
management systems — Particular
consequences and guidance of
requirements for the application of ISO
9001:2008 for automotive production
management and verification of identifiers,
andrelevant service part organizations
physical expression of identifiers, and
ISO/TS 16949:2009, in conjunction with ISO
participants' due diligence; 9001:2008, defines the quality management system
requirements for the design and development,
vetting of all participants within the system; production and, when relevant, installation and
service of automotive-related products.
relationship between the unique identifier and
possible authentication elements related to it; ISO/TS 16949:2009 is applicable to sites of the
organization where customer-specified parts, for
questions that deal with the identification of the
production and/or service, are manufactured.
inspector and any authorized access to privileged
information about the object; and Supporting functions, whether on-site or remote
(such as design centres, corporate headquarters and
inspector access history (logs).
distribution centres), form part of the site audit as

This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28 they support the site, but cannot obtain stand-alone
certification to ISO/TS 16949:2009.

765 | P a g e
devices (RPD) that meet the performance
requirements. There are special applications where
ISO/TS 16949:2009 can be applied throughout the
the selection of suitable RPD using this guide is not
automotive supply chain.
appropriate. These are:

This standard was adopted on 2011-11-22

fire fighting – structural and wild land firefighting,
hazardous materials and rescue applications;

CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and

3728. US ISO/TS 16975-1:2016,
Nuclear agents);
Respiratory protective devices —
Selection, use and maintenance — Part
marine – shipboard or off-shore firefighting or
1: Establishing and implementing a
hazardous materials applications;
respiratory protective device
programme mining – underground mining or firefighting and
rescue applications; and
This Uganda Standard specifies detailed information
to assist persons responsible for establishing and escape – general, fire, CBRN, marine and mining.
implementing a programme for respiratory protective
devices (RPD) that meet the performance This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

requirements of the performance standards. This part

of US ISO 16975 does not apply to RPD programmes
for RPD used exclusively under water, for use in 3730. US ISO/TS 16976-1:2015,
aircraft, and medical life support respirators and Respiratory protective devices —
resuscitators. Human factors — Part 1: Metabolic
rates and respiratory flow rates
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
This Uganda Standard provides information factors
related to human anthropometry, physiology,
ergonomics, and performance for the preparation of
3729. US ISO/TS 16975-2:2016,
standards for performance requirements, testing, and
Respiratory protective devices —
use of respiratory protective devices. This part of US
Selection, use and maintenance — Part
ISO/TS 16976 contains information related to
2: Condensed guidance to establishing
respiratory and metabolic responses to rest and work
and implementing a respiratory
at various intensities. Information is provided for the
protective device programme
following: metabolic rates associated with various
This Uganda Standard provides brief guidance to intensities of work;
assist persons responsible for establishing and
implementing a programme for respiratory protective

766 | P a g e
oxygen consumption as a function of metabolic rate Human factors — Part 3: Physiological
and minute ventilation for persons representing three responses and limitations of oxygen and
body sizes; limitations of carbon dioxide in the
breathing environment
peak inspiratory flow rates during conditions of
speech and no speech for persons representing three This Uganda Standard gives:
body sizes as a function of metabolic rates.
 a description of the composition of the
Earth's atmosphere;
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28  a description of the physiology of
human respiration;
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 70,000  a survey of the current biomedical
literature on the effects of carbon
dioxide and oxygen on human
3731. US ISO/TS 16976-2:2015, physiology;
Respiratory protective devices —  examples of environmental
circumstances where the partial pressure
Human factors — Part 2: of oxygen or carbon dioxide can vary
Anthropometrics from that found at sea level.

This document identifies oxygen and carbon dioxide

This Uganda Standard provides information factors
concentration limit values and the length of time
related to human anthropometry, physiology,
within which they would not be expected to impose
ergonomics, and performance for the preparation of
physiological distress. To adequately illustrate the
standards for design, testing, and use of respiratory
effects on human physiology, this document
protective devices. It contains information related to
addresses both high altitude exposures where low
anthropometry. In particular, information is given for:
partial pressures are encountered and underwater

anthropometric measurement methods; diving, which involves conditions with high partial
pressures. The use of respirators and various work
anthropometric data for head, face, and neck rates during which RPD can be worn are also
dimensions; included.

anthropometric data for torso dimensions; This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

human test panels;


models of headforms.
3733. US ISO/TS 16976-4:2019,
Respiratory protective devices —
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
Human factors — Part 4: Work of
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 70,000 breathing and breathing resistance:
Physiologically based limits
3732. US ISO/TS 16976-3:2019,
Respiratory protective devices —

767 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard describes how to calculate the 3735. US ISO/TS 16976-6:2014,
work performed by a person's respiratory muscles Respiratory protective devices —
with and without the external respiratory Human factors — Part 6: Psycho-
impediments that are imposed by RPD of all kinds, physiological effects
except diving equipment. This Document describes
This Uganda Standard provides information the
how much additional impediment people can tolerate
psycho-physiological effects related to the wearing of
and contains values that can be used to judge the
respiratory protective devices (RPD) and it is
acceptability of an RPD.
intended for the preparation of standards for selection
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 and use of RPD. It specifies for the writers of RPD
standards, principles relating to

the interaction between RPD and the human

3734. US ISO/TS 16976-5:2013,
physiological and psychological perception, the
Respiratory protective devices —
acceptance by the wearer, and
Human factors — Part 5: Thermal
the need for training to improve acceptance of the
RPD by the wearer.
This Uganda Standard provides information factors
related to human anthropometry, physiology,
This standard does not cover requirements related to
ergonomics and performance for the preparation of
the specific hazard for which the RPD is designed.
standards for design, testing and use of respiratory
protective devices. It contains information related to This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
thermal effects of respiratory protective devices on
the human body, in particular: temperatures of STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 70,000

surfaces associated with discomfort sensation and

3736. US ISO/TS 16976-7:2013,
harmful effects on human tissues; thermal effects of
Respiratory protective devices —
breathing gas temperatures on lung airways and
Human factors — Part 7: Hearing and
tissues; effects of breathing gas temperature and
humidity on respiratory heat exchange; effects of
respiratory protective devices on overall body heat This Uganda Standard contains information related to
exchange. The information represents data for adult the interaction between respiratory protective devices
healthy men and women aged between 20 and 60 and the human body functions of hearing and speech.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
3737. US ISO/TS 16976-8:2013,
Respiratory protective devices —

768 | P a g e
Human factors — Part 8: Ergonomic STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
3740. US ISO/PAS 17002:2004
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on the generic Conformity assessment —
ergonomic factors for the preparation of standards for Confidentiality — Principles and
performance requirements, testing and use of requirements
respiratory protective devices (RPD). It specifies
This Publicly Available Specification (PAS) contains
principles relating to:
principles and requirements for the element of
the biomechanical interaction between RPD and the confidentiality as it relates to conformity assessment.
human body; It is an internal tool for use in the ISO standards
development process by ISO/CASCO working
the interaction between RPD and the human senses:
groups when addressing the element of
vision, hearing, smell, taste and skin contact.
confidentiality in the preparation of their documents.
This Publicly Available Specification is not a stand-
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
alone normative document to be used directly in
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 70,000 conformity assessment activities.

3738. US ISO/IEC 17000:2004 This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14

Conformity assessment Vocabulary and
general principles

3741. US ISO/PAS 17003:2004

This standard specifies general terms and definitions
Conformity assessment — Complaints
relating to conformity assessment, including the
and appeals — Principles and
accreditation of conformity assessment bodies, and to
the use of conformity assessment to facilitate trade.

This Publicly Available Specification (PAS) contains

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14
principles and requirements for the elements of
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 70,000 complaints and appeals as they relate to conformity
assessment. It is an internal tool for use in the ISO
3739. US ISO/PAS 17001:2005 standards development process by ISO/CASCO
Conformity assessment - Impartiality -- working groups when addressing the elements of
Principles and requirements complaints and appeals in the preparation of their
documents. This Publicly Available Specification is
US ISO/PAS 17001:2005 contains principles and
not a stand-alone normative document to be used
requirements for the element of impartiality as it
directly in conformity assessment activities.
relates to standards for conformity assessment.

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14

769 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 bodies, conformity assessment bodies, conformity
assessment scheme owners, and other interested
3742. US ISO/PAS 17004:2005 parties, such as insurance organizations.
Conformity assessment — Disclosure of
information — Principles and This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
This Publicly Available Specification (PAS) contains
principles and requirements for the element of 3744. US ISO/IEC 17011:2004
Conformity assessment — General
disclosure of information as it relates to standards for
requirements for accreditation bodies
conformity assessment. It is an internal tool for use in
accrediting conformity assessment
the ISO/IEC standards development process by
ISO/CASCO working groups when considering the Bodies

element of disclosure of information in preparation of

This standard specifies general requirements for
their documents. This Publicly Available
accreditation bodies assessing and accrediting
Specification is not a standalone normative document
conformity assessment bodies (CABs).
to be used directly in conformity assessment
activities. This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25

This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 3745. US ISO/IEC 17020:2012,

Conformity assessment —
3743. US ISO/IEC 17007:2009,
Requirements for the operation of
Conformity assessment — Guidance for
various types of bodies performing
drafting normative documents suitable
inspection (2nd Edition)
for use for conformity assessment
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
This Uganda Standard provides principles and
competence of bodies performing inspection and for
guidance for developing normative documents that
the impartiality and consistency of their inspection
contain specified requirements for objects of
activities. It applies to various types of inspection
conformity assessment to fulfil and those for
bodies and it applies to any stage of inspection. (This
conformity assessment systems that can be employed
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO/IEC
when demonstrating whether an object of conformity
17020:1998, General criteria for the operation of
assessment fulfils specified requirements. This
various types of bodies performing inspection, which
standard is intended for use by standards developers
has been technically revised).
not applying the ISO/IEC Directives, industry
associations and consortia, purchasers, regulators, This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
consumers and non-government groups, accreditation

770 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO/IEC
TS 17021-2:2012, Conformity assessment —
3746. US ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015, Requirements for bodies providing audit and
Conformity assessment —
certification of management systems — Part 2:
Requirements for bodies providing
Competence requirements for auditing and
audit and certification of management
certification of environmental management systems,
systems — Part 1: Requirements which has been technically revised).

This Uganda Standard contains principles and

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
requirements for the competence, consistency and
impartiality of bodies providing audit and STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
certification of all types of management systems.
Certification bodies operating to this part of US 3748. US ISO/IEC 17021-3:2017,
Conformity assessment —
ISO/IEC 17021 do not need to offer all types of
Requirements for bodies providing
management system certification. (This Uganda
audit and certification of management
Standard cancels and replaces US
ISO/IEC 17021:2011, Conformity assessment — systems — Part 3: Competence
requirements for auditing and
Requirements for bodies providing audit and
certification of quality management
certification of management systems, which has been
systems (2nd Edition)
technically revised).

This Uganda Standard specifies additional

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
competence requirements for personnel involved in
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 the audit and certification process for quality
management systems (QMS) and complements the
3747. US ISO/IEC 17021-2:2016, existing requirements of US ISO/IEC 17021-1. (This
Conformity assessment —
Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO/IEC
Requirements for bodies providing
TS 17021-3:2013, Conformity assessment —
audit and certification of management
Requirements for bodies providing audit and
systems — Part 2: Competence certification of management systems — Part 3:
requirements for auditing and
Competence requirements for auditing and
certification of environmental
certification of quality management systems, which
management systems (2 nd Edition)
has been technically revised).

This Uganda Standard specifies additional

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
competence requirements for personnel involved in
the audit and certification process for environmental STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000
management systems (EMS) and complements the
3749. US ISO/IEC TS 17021-4:2013,
existing requirements of US ISO/IEC 17021-1. (This
Conformity assessment —

771 | P a g e
Requirements for bodies providing systems — Part 6: Competence
audit and certification of management requirements for auditing and
systems — Part 4: Competence certification of business continuity
requirements for auditing and management systems
certification of event sustainability
This Uganda Standard complements the existing
management systems
requirements of US ISO/IEC 17021. It includes
This Uganda Standard complements the existing specific competence requirements for personnel
requirements of US ISO/IEC 17021. It specifies involved in the certification process for business
additional competence requirements for personnel continuity management systems (BCMS).
involved in the audit and certification process for
event sustainability management systems (ESMS). This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20


This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

3752. US ISO/IEC TS 17021-9:2016,

Conformity assessment —
3750. US ISO/IEC TS 17021-5:2014, Requirements for bodies providing
Conformity assessment — audit and certification of management
Requirements for bodies providing systems — Part 9: Competence
audit and certification of management requirements for auditing and
systems — Part 5: Competence certification of anti-bribery
requirements for auditing and management systems
certification of asset management
This Uganda Standard complements the existing
requirements of US ISO/IEC 17021-1. It includes
This Uganda Standard complements the existing specific competence requirements for personnel
requirements of US ISO/IEC 17021. It specifies involved in the certification process for anti-bribery
additional competence requirements for personnel management systems (ABMS).
involved in the certification process for asset
management systems. This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20


This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

3753. US ISO/IEC TS 17021-10:2018,

Conformity assessment —
3751. US ISO/IEC TS 17021-6:2014, Requirements for bodies providing
Conformity assessment — audit and certification of management
Requirements for bodies providing systems — Part 10: Competence
audit and certification of management requirements for auditing and

772 | P a g e
certification of occupational health and 3755. US ISO/IEC 17025:2017, General
safety management systems requirements for the competence of
testing and calibration laboratories (2nd
This Uganda Standard specifies additional
competence requirements for personnel involved in
the audit and certification process for an occupational This Uganda Standard specifies the general
health and safety (OH&S) management system and requirements for the competence, impartiality and
complements the existing requirements of US consistent operation of laboratories. This standard is
ISO/IEC 17021-1. Three types of personnel and applicable to all organizations performing laboratory
certification functions are defined: activities, regardless of the number of personnel.
Laboratory customers, regulatory authorities,
organizations and schemes using peer-assessment,
accreditation bodies, and others use this standard in
personnel reviewing audit reports and making
confirming or recognizing the competence of
certification decisions;
laboratories. (This standard cancels and replaces the
other personnel. first edition US ISO/IEC 17025:2005, General
requirements for the competence of testing and
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 calibration laboratories, which has been technically

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

3754. US ISO/IEC 17024:2012,
Conformity assessment — General STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 50,000
requirements for bodies operating
certification of persons (2nd Edition) 3756. US ISO/IEC TS 17027:2014,
Conformity assessment -- Vocabulary
This Uganda Standard contains principles and related to competence of persons used
requirements for a body certifying persons against for certification of persons
specific requirements, and includes the development
and maintenance of a certification scheme for This Uganda Standard specifies terms and definitions
persons. (This Uganda Standard cancels and related to the competence of persons used in the field
replaces US ISO/IEC 17024:2003, Conformity of certification of persons, in order to establish a
assessment — General requirements for bodies common vocabulary. These terms and definitions can
operating certification of persons, which has been also be used as applicable in other documents
technically revised). specifying competence of persons, such as
regulations, standards, certification schemes,
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25 research, training, licensing and registration.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000 This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

773 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 This standard specifies the general requirements for
the peer assessment process to be carried out by
3757. US ISO/IEC 17030:2003 agreement groups of accreditation bodies or
Conformity assessment — General
conformity assessment bodies. It addresses the
requirements for third-party marks of
structure and operation of the agreement group only
insofar as they relate to the peer assessment process.

This standard provides general requirements for

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
third-party marks of conformity, including their issue
and use. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 3760. US ISO/IEC 17043:2010,

Conformity assessment — General
requirements for proficiency testing

3758. US ISO 17034:2016, General

This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements
requirements for the competence of
for the competence of providers of proficiency testing
reference material producers
schemes and for the development and operation of
proficiency testing schemes. These requirements are
This Uganda Standard specifies general requirements
intended to be general for all types of proficiency
for the competence and consistent operation of
testing schemes, and they can be used as a basis for
reference material producers. This standard sets out
specific technical requirements for particular fields of
the requirements in accordance with which reference
application. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
materials are produced. It is intended to be used as
replaces US ISO/IEC Guide 43-1:1997, Proficiency
part of the general quality assurance procedures of
testing by interlaboratory comparisons - Part 1:
the reference material producer. This Uganda
Development and operation of proficiency testing
Standard covers the production of all reference
schemes and US ISO/IEC Guide 43-2:1997,
materials, including certified reference materials.
Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons -
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12 Part 2: Selection and use of proficiency testing
schemes by laboratory accreditation bodies, which
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 have been technically revised).

3759. US ISO/IEC 17040:2005 This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25

Conformity assessment — General
requirements for peer assessment of STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000
conformity assessment bodies and
3761. US ISO 17049:2013, Accessible
accreditation bodies
design — Application of braille on
signage, equipment and appliances

774 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the fundamental This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
requirements for braille used on signage, equipment
and appliances, including the dimensional parameters STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

of braille and the characteristics of materials used,

3764. US ISO/IEC 17065:2012,
and the guidelines for practical implementation.
Conformity assessment —
Requirements for bodies certifying
products, processes and services

This Uganda Standard contains requirements for the

competence, consistent operation and impartiality of
3762. US ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004 product, process and service certification bodies.
Conformity assessment — Supplier's Certification bodies operating to this standard need
declaration of conformity — Part 1: not offer all types of products, processes and services
General requirements certification. Certification of products, processes and
services is a third-party conformity assessment
This standard specifies general requirements for a
activity. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces
supplier’s declaration of conformity in cases where it
US ISO/IEC Guide 65:1996, which has been
is desirable, or necessary, that conformity of an
technically revised)
object to the specified requirements be attested,
irrespective of the sector involved. This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25

This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 3765. US ISO/IEC 17067:2013,

Conformity assessment --
3763. US ISO/IEC 17050-2:2004
Fundamentals of product certification
Conformity assessment — Supplier's
and guidelines for product certification
declaration of conformity — Part 2:
Supporting documentation
This Uganda Standard describes the fundamentals of
This standard specifies general requirements for
product certification and provides guidelines for
supporting documentation to substantiate a supplier’s
understanding, developing, operating or maintaining
declaration of conformity, as described in Part 1. For
certification schemes for products, processes and
the purposes of this part of US ISO/IEC 17050, the
services. This standard is intended for use by all with
object of a declaration of conformity can be a
an interest in product certification, and especially by
product, process, management system, person or
certification scheme owners.
body. Instead of “supplier's declaration of
conformity”, the term “declaration of conformity” This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
can be used when appropriate.

775 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
safety footwear with resistance to chain saw cutting.
3766. US ISO 17069:2014, Accessible
design — Consideration and assistive This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
products for accessible meeting
This Uganda Standard specifies considerations to be
3769. .US ISO 17364:2013, Supply
taken, as well as support and assistive products that
can be used when organizing a physical meeting in chain applications of RFID —
Returnable transport items (RTIs) and
which older persons and persons with disabilities can
returnable packaging items (RPIs)
actively participate. Teleconferences and web
conferences are important methods that can be used
This Uganda Standard defines the requirements for
to include older persons and persons with disabilities
RFID tags for returnable transport items (RTIs). RTIs
in meetings.
are defined as all means to assemble goods for
transportation, storage, handling and product
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
protection in the supply chain which are returned for
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 35,000 further usage, including, for example, pallets with
and without cash deposits as well as all forms of
3767. US ISO 17096:2015, Cranes —
reusable crates, trays, boxes, roll pallets, barrels,
Safety — Load lifting attachments
trolleys, pallet collars and lids.

This Uganda Standard specifies safety requirements

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
for the following non-fixed load lifting attachments
for cranes, hoists, and manually controlled load STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000
manipulating devices: plate clamps; vacuum lifters;
3770. US ISO 17365:2013, Supply chain
self-priming; non-self-priming (pump, venturi,
turbine); electric lifting magnets (battery-fed and applications of RFID — Transport
main-fed); permanent lifting magnets; electro-
permanent lifting magnets; lifting beams/spreader
This Uganda Standard defines the basic features of
beams; C-hooks; lifting forks; and clamps.
RFID for use in the supply chain when applied to
transport units. In particular itprovides specifications
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
for the identification of the transport unit, makes
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000 recommendations about additional information the
RF tag, specifies the semantics and data syntax to be
3768. US ISO 17249:2013, Safety
used, specifies the data protocol to be used to
footwear with resistance to chain saw interface with business applications and the RFID
system,specifies the minimum performance
requirements,specifies the air interface standards

776 | P a g e
between the RF interrogator and RF tag, andspecifies specifies the relationship of various global standards
the reuse and recyclability of the RF tag. related to the supply chain,

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 illustrates the types and data structures in the layered
supply chain network,
specifies the relationship among the layered structure
3771. US ISO 17366:2013, Supply chain
of the supply chain,
applications of RFID — Product
packaging specifies the management of serial numbers in supply
chain management,
This Uganda Standard defines the basic features of
RFID for use in the supplychain when applied to specifies data storage on the named data carriers,
product packaging. In particular itprovides
specifies the required data volume for each data
specifications for the identification of the product
packaging, makes recommendations about additional
information the RF tag, specifies the semantics and
specifies the data structure between the data carrier
data syntax to be used, specifies the data protocol to
and the reader (interrogator),
be used to interface with business applications and
the RFID system, specifies the minimum specifies the data structure between the host system
performance requirements,specifies the air interface (computer) and the reader (interrogator), and
standards between the RF interrogator and RF tag,
andspecifies the reuse and recyclability of the RF tag. illustrates complex data carriers (rewritable hybrid
media, etc.)
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
3772. US ISO/TR 17370:2013,
Application guideline on data carriers 3773. US ISO 17523:2016, Health

for supply chain management informatics — Requirements for

electronic prescriptions
This Uganda Standard specifies a method to establish
compatibility among various data carriers such as This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements that

linear symbols, two-dimensional symbols and RFID, apply to electronic prescriptions. It describes generic

as well as their one-to-one relationship by illustrating principles that are considered important for all

the structure supporting the basic ISO-compliant electronic prescriptions. This standard is constrained

supply chain control system. In particular, it to the content of the electronic prescription itself, the
digital document which is issued by a prescribing

777 | P a g e
healthcare professional and received by a dispensing stages, side shows, and structures for artistic aerial
healthcare professional. displays. The above items, hereafter called
amusement devices or simply “devices”, are intended
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
to be installed both repeatedly without degradation or
loss of integrity, and temporarily or permanently in
fairgrounds and amusement parks or any other
3774. US ISO/TS 17582:2014, Quality locations. Fixed grandstands, construction site
management systems — Particular installations, scaffolding, removable agricultural
requirements for the application of ISO structures and simple coin operated children's
9001:2008 for electoral organizations at amusement devices intended for up to 3 children are
all levels of government not covered by this document.

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for a This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
quality management system where an organization a)
needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently
provide product that meets customer and applicable
3776. US ISO 17842-2:2015, Safety of
statu- tory and regulatory requirements, and b) aims
amusement rides and amusement
to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective
devices — Part 2: Operation and use
application of the system, including processes for
continual improvement of the system and the This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
assurance of conformity to customer and applicable requirements necessary to ensure the safe
statutory. maintenance, operation, inspection and testing of the
following: mobile, temporary or permanently
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
installed machinery and structures, e.g. roundabouts,
swings, boats, ferris wheels, roller coasters, chutes,
grandstands, membrane or textile structures, booths,
3775. US ISO 17842-1:2015, Safety of stages, side shows, and structures for artistic aerial
amusement rides and amusement displays.
devices — Part 1: Design and
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30


This Uganda Standard specifies the minimum
requirements necessary to ensure the safe design,
3777. US ISO 17842-3:2015, Safety of
calculation, manufacture, and installation of the
amusement rides and amusement
following: mobile, temporary or permanently
devices — Part 3: Requirements for
installed machinery and structures, e.g. roundabouts,
inspection during design, manufacture,
swings, boats, ferris wheels, roller coasters, chutes,
operation and use
grandstands, membrane or textile structures, booths,

778 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard defines requirements for the of service. This standard applies to machinery using
necessary inspections, in accordance with US thermal cutting and or marking processes such as
ISO/IEC 17020, of amusement devices designed, oxy-fuel, plasma arc. This standard applies to
manufactured, operated and used according to US machinery the basis of which is either designed as
ISO 17842-1 and US ISO 17842-2. open gantry, cantilever machine, or the track of
which is incorporated in the cutting table.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
3778. US ISO 17680:2015, Tourism and
related services -- Thalassotherapy -- 3780. US ISO 17929:2014,
Service requirements Biomechanical effects on amusement
ride passengers
This Uganda Standard establishes the requirements
for the provision of services in thalassotherapy This Uganda Standard has been drawn up with the
centres using marine environment's beneficial effects objective of ensuring the safety of amusement ride
with curative or preventive purposes, aiming at passengers, based on the international experience of
ensuring manufacture and operation of such structures
throughout the world gained over decades prior to its
-Good quality services responding to customer's
publication. It enables the identification of potential
implicit and explicit needs,
hazards and classification of biomechanical effects,
including information recommended acceleration
-The respectful use of the thalassotherapy concept,
limits, rate of their onset and their duration, to ensure
-Very specifically, the implementation of hygiene acceptable degrees of biomechanical risks at the stage
and safety principles, and of amusement ride design, as well as to take such
risks into account during development of operational
-The comfort to the customers. procedures and information use limitations for
amusement ride guests. It does not cover devices
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
used in the circus, theatre or sports, or other devices

STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 75,000 intended for use only by specially trained people.
Nevertheless, it can be used in the design of any
3779. US ISO 17916:2016, Safety of similar structural or passenger-carrying device even if
thermal cutting machines it does not explicitly mention the device.

This Uganda Standard specifies the safety This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
requirements and measures for machinery covering
design, construction, production, transport, STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000

installation, operation, maintenance, and putting out

779 | P a g e
3781. US ISO 18065:2015, Tourism and Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 in local
related services — Tourist services for government, which has been technically revised).
public use provided by Natural
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
Protected Areas Authorities —
Requirements STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 95,000

This Uganda Standard establishes the requirements 3783. US ISO/TS 18152:2010,

for tourist services provided directly by Natural Ergonomics of human-system
Protected Areas Authorities (NPAA) in order to interaction — Specification for the
satisfy visitors while giving priority to the NPA process assessment of human-system
conservation objectives, excluding the marine issues
protected areas.
This Uganda Standard presents a human-systems
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 (HS) model for use in ISO/IEC 15504-conformant
assessment of the maturity of an organization in
performing the processes that make a system usable,
healthy and safe.
3782. US ISO 18091:2019, Quality
management systems — Guidelines for
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
the application of ISO 9001 in local
government (2nd Edition) STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for a 3784. US ISO 18158:2016, Workplace
quality management system when an organization: air – Terminology
needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently
provide products and services that meet customer and This Uganda Standard specifies terms and definitions

applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and that are related to the assessment of workplace

b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the exposure to chemical and biological agents. These are

effective application of the system, including either general terms or are specific to physical and

processes for improvement of the system and the chemical processes of air sampling, the analytical

assurance of conformity to customer and applicable method, or method performance. The terms included

statutory and regulatory requirements. All the are those that have been identified as being

requirements of this International Standard are fundamental because their definition is necessary to

generic and are intended to be applicable to any avoid ambiguity and ensure consistency of use.

organization, regardless of its type or size, or the

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
products and services it provides. (This Uganda
Standard cancels and replaces the first edition, US STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 50,000
ISO 18091: 2014, Quality management systems —

780 | P a g e
3785. US ISO 18185-5:2007, Freight This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
containers — Electronic seals — Part 5:
Physical layer

3787. US ISO 18513:2003, Tourism

This Uganda Standard specifies the air interface
services — Hotels and other types of
between electronic container seals and
tourism accommodation —
Reader/Interrogators of those seals. This standard
describes the physical layer for supply chain Terminology

applications of RFID for freight containers in

This Uganda Standard defines terms used in the
accordance with the US ISO 18185 series and ISO
tourism industry in relation to the various types of
17363, since it is expected that the implementation of
tourism accommodation and other related services.
these standards will face the same international
conditions. However, each of these standards has its This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
own unique requirements other than the physical
layer. It is expected that RFID Freight Container STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000

Identification (as specified in ISO 10374 and ISO

3788. US ISO 18526-1:2020, Eye and
17363), and electronic seals (as specified in the ISO
face protection — Test methods — Part
18185 series) will be able to use the same
1: Geometrical optical properties
infrastructure, while recognizing that that there may
be requirements for different frequencies for passive This Uganda Standard specifies the reference test
devices as opposed to the active devices identified in methods for determining the spherical, cylindrical,
this standard. It is to be used in conjunction with the and prismatic refractive power properties of
other parts of ISO 18185. unmounted and mounted plano lenses (non-corrective
lenses) for eye and face protectors. This document
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
does not apply to any eye and face protection product

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 requirement standards for which other test methods
are specified. Other test methods can be used
3786. US ISO 18186:2011, Freight provided they have been shown to be equivalent and
containers — RFID cargo shipment tag include uncertainties of measurement no greater than
system those required by the reference method.

This Uganda Standard is applicable to freight This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
containers as defined in ISO 668 as well as other
associated containers and transport equipment. This
standard defines how freight container logistic 3789. US ISO 18526-2:2020, Eye and
transparency and efficiency can be improved through face protection — Test methods — Part
use of an RFID cargo shipment tag system and an 2: Physical optical properties
Internet-based software package.

781 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference test eye and face protectors. Additional information is
methods for determining the physical optical given for:
properties of personal eye and face protectors. This
document does not apply to any eye and face  anthropometric measurement methods;

protection products for which the requirements  anthropometric data for head and face
standard(s) specifies other test methods. Other test
 human test panels.
methods can be used provided they have been shown
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
to be equivalent and include uncertainties of
measurement no greater than those required of the STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000
reference method.
3792. US ISO 18639-1:2018, PPE
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 ensembles for firefighters undertaking
specific rescue activities — Part 1:

3790. US ISO 18526-3:2020, Eye and This Uganda Standard specifies requirements of
face protection — Test methods — Part personal protective equipment (PPE) specifically
3: Physical and mechanical properties designed to protect firefighters from injury and/or
loss of life while engaged in specific rescue activities.
This Uganda Standard specifies the reference test
This standard provides the principles that govern the
methods for determining the physical and mechanical
development of incident type and/or hazard specific
properties of eye and face protectors. This document
minimum test methods including design and
does not apply to any eye and face protection
performance requirements for personal protective
products for which the requirements standard(s)
equipment (PPE) worn by firefighters and other
specifies other test methods. Other test methods can
rescue workers to reduce injury and/or the loss of life
be used if shown to be equivalent and include
while engaged in rescue activities.
uncertainties of measurement no greater than those
required of the reference method. This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000


3793. US ISO 18639-3:2018, PPE

3791. US ISO 18526-4:2020, Eye and ensembles for firefighters undertaking

face protection — Test methods — Part specific rescue activities — Part 3:

4: Headforms Clothing

This Uganda Standard specifies the dimensions and This Uganda Standard specifies test methods and

tolerances of the headforms used for the testing of minimum performance requirements for protective
clothing for firefighters while engaged in rescue

782 | P a g e
activities. This standard does not cover protection for activities. Footwear related to specific rescue
the head, hands and feet or protection against other activities, e.g. Road Traffic Crash, (RTC) and Urban
hazards, e.g. chemical, biological, radiation and Search and Rescue, (USAR) is documented in
electrical hazards, except for limited, accidental individual subclauses of this document.
exposure to some chemicals and contaminated blood
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
or other body fluids.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
3796. US ISO 18640-1:2018, Protective
clothing for firefighters — Physiological
impact — Part 1: Measurement of
3794. US ISO 18639-5:2018, PPE
coupled heat and moisture transfer
ensembles for firefighters undertaking
with the sweating torso
specific rescue activities — Part 5:
This Uganda Standard provides a test method for
evaluating the physiological impact of protective
This Uganda Standard provides the principles that
fabric ensembles and potentially protective clothing
govern the development of incident type and/or
ensembles in a series of simulated activities (phases)
hazard specific test methods and minimum
under defined ambient conditions. This standard test
performance requirements for helmets for firefighters
method characterizes the essential properties of fabric
while engaged in specific rescue activities. Helmets
assemblies of a representative garment or clothing
related to specific rescue activities, such as road
ensemble for thermo-physiological assessment: dry
traffic crash (RTC) and urban search and rescue
thermal insulation; cooling properties during average
(USAR), are documented in individual subclauses of
metabolic activity and moisture management (dry and
this document.
wet heat transfer); and drying behaviour.
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
3795. US ISO 18639-6:2018, PPE
3797. US ISO 18640-2:2018, Protective
ensembles for firefighters undertaking
clothing for firefighters — Physiological
specific rescue activities — Part 6:
impact — Part 2: Determination of
physiological heat load caused by
This Uganda Standard provides the principles that protective clothing worn by firefighters
govern the development of incident type and/or
This Uganda Standard specifies a method for
hazard specific test methods and minimum
evaluating the thermo-physiological impact of
performance requirements for safety footwear for
protective fabric ensembles and potentially protective
firefighters while engaged in specific rescue

783 | P a g e
clothing ensembles in a simulated activity under conduct of professional security operations to meet
defined relevant conditions for firefighters. the requirements of clients and other stakeholders;

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 accountability to law and respect for human rights;


consistency with voluntary commitments to which it
3798. US ISO 18758-2:2018, Mining
and earth-moving machinery — Rock
This standard is applicable to any organization that
drill rigs and rock reinforcement rigs
needs to:
— Part 2: Safety requirements
establish, implement, maintain and improve an
This Uganda Standardspecifies the safety
requirements for rock drill rigs and rock
reinforcement rigs designed for the following assess its conformity with its stated security
underground or surface operations: blast hole drilling; operations management policy;
rock reinforcement; drilling for secondary breaking;
dimensional stone drilling; mineral prospecting, e.g. demonstrate its ability to consistently provide

utilizing core drilling or reverse circulation; water services that meet client needs and are in

and methane drainage drilling; and raise boring. conformance with applicable laws and human rights
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
(This standard cancels and replaces US 796:2009,
Code of conduct and ethics for the private security
sector, which has been technically revised).
3799. US ISO 18788:2015,
Management system for private
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
security operations — Requirements
with guidance for use STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 80,000

This Uganda Standard provides a framework for 3800. US ISO 18893:2014, Mobile
establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, elevating work platforms — Safety
reviewing, maintaining and improving the principles, inspection, maintenance and
management of security operations. It provides the operation
principles and requirements for a security operations
management system (SOMS). This standard provides This Uganda Standard applies to all mobile
a business and risk management framework for elevating work platforms (MEWPs) that are
organizations conducting or contracting security intended to position persons, tools and materials
operations and related activities and functions while and which, as a minimum, consists of a work
demonstrating: platform with controls, an extending structure

784 | P a g e
and a chassis. The technical safety requirements 19011:2011, Guidelines for auditing management

of this International Standard apply except systems, which has been technically revised).

where national or local regulations are more

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
3803. US ISO 19026:2015, Accessible
design — Shape and colour of a
flushing button and a call button and
3801. US ISO 19008:2016, Standard
their arrangement with a paper
cost coding system for oil and gas
dispenser installed on the wall in public
production and processing facilities
This Uganda Standard describes the standard cost
This Uganda Standard specifies shapes and colours of
coding system (SCCS) that classifies costs and
a flushing button and a call button of lavatory which
quantities related to exploration, development,
are installed on the wall and their arrangement with a
operation and removal of oil and gas production and
paper dispenser. This standard is only applicable in
processing facilities and to the petroleum,
case of installing a flushing button and/or a call
petrochemical and natural gas industry. Upstream,
button the wall of seat-type lavatory in public
midstream, downstream and petrochemical business
restrooms (general toilet compartments and toilet
categories are included.
compartments with various functions) used by an
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 unspecified large number of people, except restrooms
with a big paper holder where it is difficult to place a
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000 flushing button and a call button above the holder,
and Type A toilet with lateral transfer from both sides
3802. US ISO 19011:2018, Guidelines
of ISO 21542.
for auditing management systems (3rd
Edition) This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

This Uganda Standard provides guidance on auditing STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 20,000
management systems, including the principles of
auditing, managing an audit programme and 3804. US ISO 19027:2016, Design
conducting management system audits, as well as principles for communication support
guidance on the evaluation of competence of board using pictorial symbols
individuals involved in the audit process. These
This Uganda Standard specifies basic configurations
activities include the individual(s) managing the audit
for communication support boards, which are
programme, auditors and audit teams. (This standard
necessary to facilitate communication. A variety of
cancels and replaces the second edition US ISO
communication support boards can be designed for

785 | P a g e
specific communication purposes. This standard location and direction information of particular public
specifies basic elements common to different types of facilities. The public facilities include facilities such
formats/media, such as simple boards, book style or as railway stations, airports, ports, bus terminals,
digital media. This standard does not regulate any government offices, libraries, community centres,
specific design or any specific pictorial symbols for parks, schools, hospitals, theatres, large
communication support boards. As for design supermarkets, and its toilets, stairs, etc.
principles of pictorial symbols, this standard
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
introduces examples of design principles applicable
when designing and developing pictorial symbols.

This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12

3807. US ISO 19224:2017, Continuous
surface miners (CSM) — Safety
3805. US ISO 19028:2016, Accessible
This Uganda Standard deals with safety requirements
design — Information contents,
for continuous surface miners (CSM). It specifies
figuration and display methods of
common requirements for the design and construction
tactile guide maps
of CSM to protect workers from accidents and health
This Uganda Standard specifies information contents, hazards that can occur during operation, loading,
figuration and display methods of tactile guide maps transport and maintenance. This document deals with
providing location information of buildings, known significant hazards, hazardous situations or
including those for the general public, public hazardous events relevant to CSM, when they are
transport and parks, and also the surroundings in the used as intended and under conditions of misuse
close vicinity, including access routes to them in which are reasonably foreseeable by the
order to enable persons with seeing impairment and manufacturer. This document also specifies the
blindness to move safely and smoothly in those appropriate technical measures to eliminate or reduce
facilities. risks arising from the significant hazards as identified
in Annex A.
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
3806. US ISO 19029:2016, Accessible
design auditory guiding signals in 3808. US ISO 19225:2017,
public facilities Underground mining machines —
Mobile extracting machines at the face
This Uganda Standard specifies the sound
— Safety requirements for shearer
characteristics of auditory guiding signals for persons
loaders and plough systems
with seeing impairment and blindness to provide the

786 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies safety requirements during commissioning, operation and maintenance.
to minimize the hazards listed in Clause 4 that can This document does not address: the additional risks
occur during the assembly, use, maintenance, repair, for machines operating in potentially explosive
decommissioning, disassembly and disposal of atmospheres; and air quality and engine emissions.
shearer loaders and plough systems when used as This document is not applicable to: machines
intended and under conditions of misuse which are constrained to operate by rails; and continuous
reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer, in miners, roadheaders, drill rigs, conveyors, long wall
underground mining. This standard does not cover production equipment, tunnel boring machines
any hazards resulting from explosive atmospheres. (TBM), and mobile crushers.
Requirements for explosive atmospheres can be
found in ISO/IEC 80079‑38. This standard is not This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

applicable to machines that are manufactured before STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 55,000
the date of its publication.
3810. US ISO 19434:2017, Mining —
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 Classification of mine accidents

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 This Uganda Standard establishes a classification of

mine accidents by their origin or causes, by the type
3809. US ISO 19296:2018, Mining —
of accident, and by their results or consequences. The
Mobile machines working underground
latter includes only the accidents resulting into
— Machine safety
consequences on people, not equipment or
machinery. Different categories of causes, types and
This Uganda Standard specifies the safety
consequences of mine accidents are briefly defined,
requirements for self-propelled mobile machines used
and a 3-digit code is assigned to each category. These
in underground mining, as defined in 3.1. This
can be combined to ultimately allocate a unique 15-
document deals with hazards, hazardous situations
digit code to each type of mine accident. This code
and hazardous events (see Annex B) relevant to these
can then be used in statistical analysis. Similarly, an
machines when they are used as intended or under
allocated code clearly shows to which categories of
conditions of misuse reasonably foreseeable by the
causes, type of accident and resulting consequences
manufacturer. For utility/service/support machines,
the mine accident belongs to. This document is
this document only includes provisions to address the
applicable to all surface and underground mines.
risks associated with the mobility (movement of the
whole machine from one location to another). Risks
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
for the additional functions (e.g. scaling, concrete
spraying, bolting, charging, drilling, attachments) are STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 40,000
not covered in this document. This document
specifies the appropriate technical measures for 3811. US ISO 19600:2014, Compliance

eliminating or sufficiently reducing risks arising from management systems — Guidelines

hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events

787 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard provides guidance for the overall description of the ISO 20022 Repository
establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, contents;
maintaining and improving an effective and
a high-level description of the input to be accepted by
responsive compliance management system within an
the Registration Authority to feed/modify the
organization. The guidelines on compliance
Repository’s Data Dictionary and Business Process
management systems are applicable to all types of

a high-level description of the Repository output to

This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
be made publicly available by the Registration
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 Authority. Business Transactions and Message Sets
complying with ISO 20022 can be used for electronic
3812. US ISO 19731:2017, Digital data interchange amongst any industry participants
analytics and web analyses for purposes
(financial and others), independently of any specific
of market, opinion and social research
communication network. Network-dependent rules,
— Vocabulary and service
such as message acknowledgement and message
requirements protection, are outside the scope of ISO 20022.

This Uganda specifies the terms and definitions, as

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
well as the service requirements, for organizations
and professionals that conduct digital analytics and STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000
web analyses for collecting, analysing and reporting
of digital data for purposes of market, opinion and 3814. US ISO 20022-2:2013, Financial
services — Universal financial industry
social research by various methods and techniques. It
message scheme — Part 2: UML profile
provides the criteria against which the quality of such
services can be assessed and evaluated.
This Uganda Standard defines the UML Profile. In
essence, it defines how to use UML to create models
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
that conform to the ISO 20022 Metamodel, which is
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 defined in US ISO 20022-1. In so doing, it defines a
UML-based concrete syntax for the Metamodel. It
3813. US ISO 20022-1:2013, Financial does not preclude the specification of additional
services — Universal financial industry
concrete syntaxes for the Metamodel, such as a
message scheme — Part 1: Metamodel
textual concrete syntax.

This Uganda Standard consists of:

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

the overall description of the modelling approach;


788 | P a g e
3815. US ISO 20022-3:2013, Financial message scheme — Part 5: Reverse
services — Universal financial industry engineering
message scheme — Part 3: Modelling
This Uganda Standard was prepared to complement
This Uganda Standard describes the modelling US ISO 20022-1. The reverse engineering guidelines
workflow, complementing US ISO 20022-1 and US explain how to extract relevant information from
ISO 20022-2. The modelling workflow describes the existing Industry Message Sets in order to prepare the
required steps a modeller follows in order to develop submission to the ISO 20022 Registration Authority
and maintain standardized Business Transactions and of equivalent, ISO 20022 compliant Business
Message Sets. Transactions and Message Sets. The ISO 20022
Repository will contain all ISO 20022 compliant
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13 Business Transactions and Message Sets, as outlined
in US ISO 20022-1.

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

3816. US ISO 20022-4:2013, Financial
services — Universal financial industry
message scheme — Part 4: XML
Schema generation 3818. US ISO 20022-6:2013, Financial
services — Universal financial industry
This Uganda Standard was prepared to complement
message scheme — Part 6: Message
the ISO 20022 Metamodel, as specified in US ISO
transport characteristics
20022-1, with the XML syntax transformation rules
to be applied by the ISO 20022 Registration This Uganda Standard specifies the characteristics of
Authority in order to translate an ISO 20022 the Message Transport System required for an ISO
compliant Message Definition into an XML Schema 20022 Business Transaction and Message Definition.
for the description and validation of XML Messages. Changes to the value of the Message Transport
It specifies the transformation rules from level 3 to Characteristics can affect the Business Transaction
level 4. It is a deterministic transformation, meaning and Message Definition. Each Business Transaction
that the resulting XML Schema is completely in the ISO 20022 Repository is associated with a
predictable for a given Message Definition. There is Message Transport Mode. The Message Transport
neither manual input to the transformation itself nor Mode specifies the values for the Message Transport
manual adjustment to the result of the transformation. Characteristics. This part of US ISO 20022
specifically does not define the wire-level
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13 interoperability of message transports. The overall
structure is of a layered specification so that ISO
20022 can be implemented over many message
3817. US ISO 20022-5:2013, Financial transports. This part of US ISO 20022 defines only
services — Universal financial industry

789 | P a g e
those characteristics required for interoperability at This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
the business process and message level.
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
3821. US ISO 20074:2019, Petroleum
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 and natural gas industry — Pipeline
transportation systems — Geological
3819. US ISO 20022-7:2013, Financial
hazard risk management for onshore
services — Universal financial industry
message scheme — Part 7: Registration
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
This Uganda Standard specifies the responsibilities of
gives recommendations on the management of
the Registration Authority. The Registration
geohazard risks during the pipeline design,
Authority (RA) is the operating authority responsible
construction and operational periods. This document
for the registration of the universal financial industry
is applicable to all operators and pipelines (existing
message scheme and the maintenance of the ISO
and proposed/under construction). This document
20022 Repository, and for providing access to the
applies to onshore gathering and transmission
information as described in US ISO 20022-1.
pipelines used in the petroleum and natural gas
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

3820. US ISO 20022-8:2013, Financial
services — Universal financial industry 3822. US ISO 20121:2012, Event
message scheme — Part 8: ASN.1 sustainability management systems —
generation Requirements with guidance for use

This Uganda Standard describes the transformation This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for an
rules to generate ASN.1 abstract syntax from an ISO event sustainability management system for any type
20022 compliant Message Definition. The generated of event or event-related activity, and provides
abstract syntax is for the description and validation of guidance on conforming to those requirements. This
Messages. The transformation rules are a standard has been designed to address the
transformation from Level 3 to Level 4. It is a management of improved sustainability throughout
deterministic transformation, meaning that the the entire event management cycle
resulting ASN.1 is completely predictable for a given
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
Message Definition. There is neither manual input to
the transformation itself nor manual adjustment to the
result of the transformation.

790 | P a g e
3823. US ISO 20187:2016, Inflatable who own and/or use access panels for market,
play equipment — Safety requirements opinion and social research.
and test methods
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This Uganda Standard is applicable to inflatable play
equipment intended for use by children up to 14 years
of age individually and as a group activity. This
3826. US ISO 20380:2017, Public
standard specifies safety requirements for inflatable
swimming pools — Computer vision
play equipment for which the primary activities are
systems for the detection of drowning
bouncing and sliding.
accidents in swimming pools — Safety
requirements and test methods
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13

This Uganda Standard describes the minimum

operational, performance and safety requirements and
3824. US ISO 20245:2017, Cross- test methods for computer vision systems used to
border trade of second-hand goods detect drowning accidents. This standard does not
apply to the systems used in domestic swimming
This Uganda Standard establishes minimum
pools and pool basins with a surface area of less than
screening criteria for second-hand goods that are
150 m2.
traded, sold, offered for sale, donated or exchanged
between countries. This standard is intended to help This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
protect health, safety and the environment in which
second-hand goods interact, when used by STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

consumers. This standard is applicable to second-

3827. US ISO 20400:2017, Sustainable
hand goods that are shipped across at least one
procurement — Guidance
international border, and where the intended end user
is a consumer. This standard does not apply to goods This Uganda Standard provides guidance to
that are remanufactured, rebuilt or refurbished. organizations, independent of their activity or size, on
integrating sustainability within procurement, as
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
described in US ISO 26000. It is intended for
stakeholders involved in, or impacted by,
procurement decisions and processes.
3825. US ISO 20252:2012 Market,
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
opinion and social research —
Vocabulary and service requirements

This Uganda Standard defines the terms used in the

3828. US ISO 20488:2018, Online
service delivery by organizations and professionals
consumer reviews — Principles and

791 | P a g e
requirements for their collection, This Uganda Standard specifies the fundamentals and
moderation and publication principles for brand evaluation, including an
integrated framework for brand evaluation containing
This Uganda Standard provides requirements and
necessary brand input elements, output dimensions
recommendations for the principles and methods for
and sample indicators. This document can be used in
review administrators to apply in their collection,
internal and external brand evaluation.
moderation and publication of online consumer
reviews. This standard is applicable to any This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
organization that publishes consumer reviews online,
including suppliers of products and services that
collect reviews from their own customers, a third 3831. US ISO 20700:2017, Guidelines
party contracted by the supplier, or an independent for management consultancy services
third party.
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for the
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 effective delivery of management consultancy
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
3829. US ISO 20611:2018, Adventure
tourism — Good practices for STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000
sustainability — Requirements and
recommendations 3832. US ISO 20712-1:2008, Water
safety signs and beach safety flags —
This Uganda Standard provides requirements and Part 1: Specifications for water safety
recommendations for adventure tourism activity signs used in workplaces and public
providers on good practices for sustainability areas
(environmental, social and economic aspects) for
adventure tourism activities. This document can be This Uganda Standard prescribes water safety signs

used by all types and sizes of adventure tourism intended for use in connection with the aquatic

activity providers, operating in different geographic, environment. It is intended for use by owners and

cultural and social environments. operators of aquatic environments and by

manufacturers of signs and equipment.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
3830. US ISO 20671:2019, Brand
evaluation — Principles and 3833. US ISO 20712-2:2007, Water

fundamentals safety signs and beach safety flags —

Part 2: Specifications for beach safety

792 | P a g e
flags — Colour, shape, meaning and petrochemical and natural gas resources. This
performance document covers upstream (including subsea),
midstream and downstream facilities, petrochemical
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
and associated activities. It focuses on production
shape and colour of beach safety flags for the
assurance of oil and gas production, processing and
management of activities on coastal and inland
associated activities and covers the analysis of
beaches, to be used for giving information wind and
reliability and maintenance of the components. This
water conditions and other hazardous conditions, and
includes a variety of business categories and
to indicate the location of swimming and other
associated systems/equipment in the oil and gas value
aquatic activity zones extending from the beach into
chain. Production assurance addresses not only
the water.
hydrocarbon production, but also associated activities
such as drilling, pipeline installation and subsea
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
intervention. (This Uganda Standard cancels and
STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000 replaces the first edition, US ISO 20815:2008,
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries
3834. US ISO 20712-3:2014, Water — Production assurance and reliability management,
safety signs and beach safety flags — which has been technically revised).
Part 3: Guidance for use
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This Uganda Standard gives guidance for the
selection and use of water safety signs as specified in
US ISO 20712-1 and beach safety flags as specified 3836. US ISO 20957-1:2013, Stationary
in US ISO 20712-2, in aquatic environments. It
training equipment — Part 1: General
provides guidance on their location, mounting
safety requirements and test methods
positions, lighting and maintenance.
This Uganda Standard specifies general safety
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 requirements and test methods for stationary training
equipment. This standard also covers environmental
aspects. It also specifies a classification system. This
3835. US ISO 20815:2018, Petroleum, standard is applicable to all stationary training
petrochemical and natural gas equipment. This includes equipment for use in
industries — Production assurance and training areas of organizations such as sport
reliability management (2nd Edition) associations, educational establishments, hotels, sport
halls, clubs, rehabilitation centres and studios where
This Uganda Standard describes the concept of access and control is specifically regulated by the
production assurance within the systems and owner, equipment for domestic use and other types of
operations associated with exploration drilling, equipment including motor driven equipment.
exploitation, processing and transport of petroleum,

793 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 3839. US ISO 20957-6:2005, Stationary

training equipment — Part 6:
3837. US ISO 20957-2:2005, Stationary
Treadmills, additional specific safety
training equipment — Part 2: Strength
requirements and test methods
training equipment, additional specific
safety requirements and test methods This Uganda Standard specifies safety requirements
for treadmills in addition to the general safety
This Uganda Standard specifies additional safety
requirements of US ISO 20957-1 and should be read
requirements for strength training equipment in
in conjunction with it. This standard is applicable to
addition to the general safety requirements of US ISO
power driven and manually driven training equipment
20957-1. This standard is applicable to stationary
type treadmills (type 6) (hereafter referred to as
training equipment type strength training equipment
treadmills) with the classes S and H and classes A, B
with stack weight resistance or other means of
and C regarding accuracy.
resistance like weight discs, elastic cords, hydraulic,
pneumatic and magnetic systems and springs (type 2) This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
with the classes S and H.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
3840. US ISO 21001:2018, Educational
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 organizations — Management systems
for educational organizations —
3838. US ISO 20957-4:2016, Stationary
Requirements with guidance for use
training equipment — Part 4: Strength
training benches, additional specific This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for a
safety requirements and test methods management system for educational organizations
(EOMS) when such an organization:
This Uganda Standard specifies safety requirements
for stationary strength training benches and free- needs to demonstrate its ability to support the
standing barbell racks in addition to the general acquisition and development of competence through
safety requirements of US ISO 20957‑1. It is teaching, learning or research;
intended to be read in conjunction with US ISO
aims to enhance satisfaction of learners, other
20957‑1. This standard is applicable to stationary
beneficiaries and staff through the effective
training equipment type benches (type 4) (hereinafter
application of its EOMS, including processes for
referred to as benches) with the classes S, H and I
improvement of the system and assurance of
according to US ISO 20957‑1.
conformity to the requirements of learners and other
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 beneficiaries.

794 | P a g e
All requirements this standard are generic and when relevant communications about the product are
intended to be applicable to any organization that released (including advertising by electronic and
uses a curriculum to support the development of printed formats).
competence through teaching, learning or research,
This document excludes services and merchandise,
regardless of the type, size or method of delivery.
such as clothing and electronic goods sold as a single
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 item.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 80,000 This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

3841. US ISO 21041:2018, Guidance on STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

unit pricing
3842. US ISO 21101:2014, Adventure
This Uganda Standard gives principles and best tourism – Safety management systems –
practice guidelines for unit pricing displayed by Requirements
written, printed or electronic means.
This Uganda Standard outlines the requirements of a
It includes guidance on safety management system for adventure tourism
activity providers. A provider can use this standard
the provision of unit price,
for the following:

units of measure used to express unit price including:

to enhance safety performance;
weight, length, volume, count, area and other forms
of measure, to meet expectations for participant and staff safety;

the display of unit price, and to demonstrate safe practice;

implementation, communication and education of to support compliance with applicable legal

consumers. requirements.

This document is applicable to any retailer, including This standard can be used by all types and sizes of
supermarkets, hardware stores, pharmacies, providers, operating in different geographic, cultural
convenience stores, automotive parts suppliers and and social environments.
pet product suppliers. It is applicable to packaged and
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
non-packaged food and consumer products where the
price is displayed, including

at point of sale, including in-store and online, and

3843. US ISO/TR 21102:2013,
Adventure tourism — Leaders —
Personnel competence

795 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard indicates what the market any accommodation establishment, regardless of its
normally considers as desirable competencies and the type, size or location, that wishes to:
related expected results of competencies for
implement, maintain and improve sustainable
adventure tourism activity leaders common to any
practices in their operations;
adventure tourism activity. This standard does not
apply to adventure tourism activity leaders involved
ensure conformance with its defined sustainability
in underwater activities for which there are other
specific standards.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
3846. US ISO 21426:2018, Tourism and
3844. US ISO 21103:2014, Adventure
related services — Medical spas —
tourism — Information for participants
Service requirements

This Uganda Standard specifies minimum

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
requirements for information to be provided to
provision of quality services at medical spas which
participants before, during and after adventure
use natural healing waters (except sea water) and
tourism activities. This standard can be used by all
other natural resources. This document does not
types and sizes of providers operating in different
cover decisions that correspond to the medical
geographic, cultural and social environments.
profession. This document does not apply to
thalassotherapy centres or wellness spa centres.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10



3845. US ISO 21401:2018, Tourism and
related services — Sustainability
3847. US ISO 21505:2017, Project,
management system for
programme and portfolio management
accommodation establishments —
— Guidance on governance
This Uganda Standard describes the context in which
This Uganda Standard specifies environmental, social
the governance of projects, programmes and
and economic requirements to implement a
portfolios is conducted and provides guidance for the
sustainability management system in accommodation
governance of projects, programmes and portfolios.
establishments in the tourism sector. This document
This standard can also be used for assessment,
applies to the aspects that can be controlled by the
assurance or verification of the governance function
accommodation establishments and over which they
for projects, programmes or portfolios.
can exert influence. This document is applicable to

796 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 This Uganda Standard provides guidance for work
breakdown structures for organizations undertaking
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 project or programme management. It is applicable to
any type of organization including public or private
3848. US ISO 21508:2018 Earned value
and any size of organization or sector, as well as any
management in project and programme
type of project and programme in terms of
complexity, size or duration.
This Uganda Standard provides guidance for
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
practices of earned value management in project and
programme management. It is applicable to any type
of organization including public or private and any
size or sector, as well as any type of project or 3850. US ISO 22000:2018, Food safety
programme in terms of complexity, size or duration. management systems — Requirements
This standard provides the following: for any organization in the food chain
(2nd Edition)
terms and definitions;
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for a
descriptions of the purpose and benefits of earned
food safety management system (FSMS) to enable an
value management;
organization that is directly or indirectly involved in
the food chain:
the integration and relationship with project or
programme management;
to plan, implement, operate, maintain and update a
FSMS providing products and services that are safe,
an overview of the processes and process
in accordance with their intended use;

to demonstrate compliance with applicable statutory

basic requirements for an earned value management
and regulatory food safety requirements;

to evaluate and assess mutually agreed customer food

use of an earned value management system.
safety requirements and to demonstrate conformity
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 with them;

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 to effectively communicate food safety issues to

interested parties within the food chain;
3849. US ISO 21511:2018, Work
breakdown structures for project and to ensure that the organization conforms to its stated
programme management food safety policy;

797 | P a g e
to demonstrate conformity to relevant interested controlling food safety hazards in catering. This
parties; standard is applicable to all organizations which are
involved in the processing, preparation, distribution,
to seek certification or registration of its FSMS by an
transport, and serving of food and meals and wish to
external organization, or make a self-assessment or
implement PRPs in accordance with the requirements
self-declaration of conformity to this document.
specified in US ISO 22000. The scope of this
standard includes catering, air catering, railway
(This standard cancels and replaces the first edition
catering, banquets, among others, in central and
US ISO 22000:2005, Requirements for any
satellite units, school and industry dining rooms,
organization in the food chain, which has been
hospitals and healthcare facilities, hotels, restaurants,
technically revised).
coffee shops, food services, and food stores.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
3851. US ISO/TS 22002-1:2009,
3853. US ISO/TS 22002-3:2011, Pre-
Prerequisite programmes on food safety
requisite programmes on food safety —
— Part 1: Food manufacturing
Part 3: Farming
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
establishing, implementing and maintaining
guidelines for the design, implementation, and
prerequisite programmes (PRP) to assist in
documentation of prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
controlling food safety hazards. This standard is
that maintain a hygienic environment and assist in
applicable to all organizations, regardless of size or
controlling food safety hazards in the food chain.
complexity, which are involved in the manufacturing
This standard is applicable to all organizations
step of the food chain and wish to implement PRP in
(including individual farms or groups of farms),
such a way as to address the requirements.
regardless of size or complexity, which are involved
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25 in farming steps of the food chain and wish to
implement PRPs.
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
3852. US ISO/TS 22002-2:2013,
Prerequisite programmes on food safety STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
— Part 2: Catering
3854. US ISO/TS 22002-4:2013, Pre-
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for requisite programmes on food safety —
the design, implementation, and maintenance of Food packaging manufacturing
prerequisite programmes (PRPs) to assist in

798 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for This Uganda Standard provides generic advice on the
establishing, implementing and maintaining application of US ISO 22000. This standard does not
prerequisite programmes (PRPs) to assist in create, alter or replace any of the requirements in
controlling food safety hazards in the manufacture of ISO 22000. As individual organizations are free to
food packaging. This standard is not designed or choose the necessary methods and approaches to
intended for use in other parts or activities of the food fulfil the requirements of US ISO 22000, the
supply chain. guidance provided by this standard, are under no
circumstances, to be considered a requirement. This
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
standard has been drafted to enhance acceptance and
use of ISO 22000-based food safety management
systems (FSMS), as well as to improve
3855. US ISO/TS 22003:2013, Food understanding, communication and coordination
safety management systems — between organizations in the food chain. (This
Requirements for bodies providing Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US ISO/TS
audit and certification of food safety 22004:2005 Food safety management systems –
management systems (2 nd Edition) Guidance on the application of ISO 22000:2005,
which has been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard defines the rules applicable for
the audit and certification of a food safety This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
management system (FSMS) complying with the
requirements given in ISO 22000 (or other sets of
specified FSMS requirements). It also provides the
3857. US ISO/TS 22005:2007 Food
necessary information and confidence to customers
safety management systems –
about the way certification of their suppliers has been
Traceability in the feed and food chain
granted. (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces
– General Principles and basic
US ISO/TS 22003:2007, Food safety management
requirements for system design and
systems – Requirements for bodies providing audit
and certification of food safety management systems,
which has been technically revised). This Uganda Standard gives the principles and
specifies basic requirements for the design and
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
implementation of a feed and food traceability
system. It can be applied by an organization
operating at any step in the feed and food chain. It is
3856. US ISO 22004:2014, Food safety intended to be flexible enough to allow feed
management systems — Guidance on organizations and food organizations to achieve
the application of ISO 22000 (2nd identified objectives.
This standard was adopted on 2006-11-14

799 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 requirements specified in this standard are generic
and intended to be applicable to all organizations, or
3858. US ISO 22159:2007, Personal parts thereof, regardless of type, size and nature of
equipment for protection against falls
the organization. The extent of application of these
— Descending devices
requirements depends on the organization’s operating
environment and complexity.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements, test
methods, marking and information to be supplied by
This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25
the manufacturer for descending devices. It also
specifies some basic requirements for the descent STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
lines to be used with the descending devices.
3861. US ISO 22311:2012, Societal
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 security — Video-surveillance —
Export interoperability
This Uganda Standard is mainly for societal security
3859. US ISO 22300:2018, Security and
purposes and specifies a common output file format
resilience — Vocabulary (2nd Edition)
that can be extracted from the video-surveillance
contents collection systems (stand-alone machines or
This Uganda Standard defines terms used in security
large scale systems) by an exchangeable data storage
and resilience standards. (This standard cancels and
media or through a network to allow end-users to
replaces the first edition US ISO 22300:2012,
access digital video-surveillance contents and
Societal security — Terminology, which has been
perform their necessary processing.
technically revised).

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10



3862. US ISO 22313:2012, Societal

3860. US ISO 22301:2012, Societal
security — Business continuity
security — Business continuity
management systems — Guidance
management systems — Requirements

This Uganda Standard provides guidance based on

This Uganda Standard for business continuity
good international practice for planning, establishing,
management specifies requirements to plan, establish,
implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing,
implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and
maintaining and continually improving a documented
continually improve a documented management
management system that enables organizations to
system to protect against, reduce the likelihood of
prepare for, respond to and recover from disruptive
occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from
incidents when they arise. It is not the intent of this
disruptive incidents when they arise. The
standard to imply uniformity in the structure of a

800 | P a g e
BCMS but for an organization to design a BCMS that 3864. US ISO/TS 22317:2015, Societal
is appropriate to its needs and that meets the security — Business continuity
requirements of its interested parties. These needs are management systems — Guidelines for
shaped by legal, regulatory, organizational and business impact analysis (BIA)
industry requirements, the products and services, the
This Uganda Standard provides guidance for an
processes employed, the environment in which it
organization to establish, implement, and maintain a
operates the size and structure of the organization and
formal and documented business impact analysis
the requirements of its interested parties. This
(BIA) process. This Technical Specification does not
standard is generic and applicable to all sizes and
prescribe a uniform process for performing a BIA,
types of organizations, including large, medium and
but will assist an organization to design a BIA
small organizations operating in industrial,
process that is appropriate to its needs. This standard
commercial, public and not-for-profit sectors that
is applicable to all organizations regardless of type,
wish to:establish, implement, maintain and improve a
size, and nature, whether in the private, public, or
BCMS;ensure conformance with the organization's
not-for-profit sectors. The guidance can be adapted to
business continuity policy; ormake a self-
the needs, objectives, resources, and constraints of
determination and self-declaration of compliance
the organization. It is intended for use by those
with this standard.
responsible for the BIA process.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
3863. US ISO 22315 Societal security
3865. US ISO/TS 22318:2015, Societal
— Mass evacuation — Guidelines for
security — Business continuity
management systems — Guidelines for
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for mass supply chain continuity
evacuation planning in terms of establishing,
This Uganda Standard gives guidance on methods for
implementing, monitoring, evaluating, reviewing and
understanding and extending the principles of BCM
improving preparedness. It establishes a framework
embodied in ISO 22301 and ISO 22313 to the
for each activity in mass evacuation planning for all
management of supplier relationships. This Technical
identified hazards. It will help organizations to
Specification is generic and applicable to all
develop plans that are evidence-based and that can be
organizations (or parts thereof), regardless of type,
evaluated for their effectiveness.
size and nature of business. It is applicable to the
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30 supply of products and services, both internally and
externally. The extent of application of this Technical
Specification depends on the organization's operating
environment and complexity. Supply chain

801 | P a g e
management considers the full range of activities This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for
concerned with the provision of supplies or services planning the involvement of spontaneous volunteers
to an organization as a part of business-as-usual. The (SVs) in incident response and recovery. It is
scope of this Technical Specification is less broad in intended to help organizations to establish a plan to
that it specifically considers the issues faced by an consider whether, how and when SVs can provide
organization which needs continuity of supply of relief to a coordinated response and recovery for all
products and services to protect its business activities identified hazards. It helps identify issues to ensure
or processes, and the continuity strategies for current the plan is risk-based and can be shown to prioritize
suppliers within supply chains, which can be used to the safety of SVs, the public they seek to assist and
mitigate the impact of disruption; this is SCCM. incident response staff. This document is intended for
Guidance on developing a business continuity plan or use by organizations with responsibility for, or
business continuity management system is set out in involvement in, part or all of the planning for
ISO 22301 and ISO 22313. working with SVs. It is applicable to all types and
sizes of organizations that are involved in the
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28 planning for, and management of, SVs (e.g. local,
regional, and national governments, statutory bodies,
international and non-governmental organizations,
3866. US ISO 22316:2017, Security and businesses and public and community groups).
resilience — Organizational resilience
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
— Principles and attributes


This Uganda Standard provides guidance to enhance
organizational resilience for any size or type of
3868. US ISO 22320:2011, Societal
organization. It is not specific to any industry or
security — Emergency management —
sector. This document can be applied throughout the
Requirements for incident response
life of an organization. This document does not
promote uniformity in approach across all This Uganda Standard specifies minimum
organizations, as specific objectives and initiatives requirements for effective incident response and
are tailored to suit an individual organization’s needs. provides the basics for command and control,
operational information, coordination and
This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
cooperation within an incident response organization.
It includes command and control organizational
structures and procedures, decision support,
3867. US ISO 22319:2017, Security and traceability, information management, and
resilience — Community resilience — interoperability. It establishes requirements for
Guidelines for planning the operational information for incident response which
involvement of spontaneous volunteers specifies processes, systems of work, data capture
and management in order to produce timely, relevant

802 | P a g e
and accurate information. It supports the process of This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for
command and control as well as coordination and organizations to identify, involve, communicate with
cooperation, internally within the organization and and support individuals who are the most vulnerable
externally with other involved parties, and specifies to natural and human-induced (both intentional and
requirements for coordination and cooperation unintentional) emergencies. It also includes
between organizations. This standard is applicable to guidelines for continually improving the provision of
any organization (private, public, governmental or support to vulnerable persons in an emergency.
non-profit) involved in preparing or responding to
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
incidents at the international, national, regional or
local levels.

This standard was adopted on 2013-06-25

3871. US ISO 22397:2014, Societal
security — Guidelines for establishing
partnering arrangements
3869. US ISO/TS 22330:2018 Security
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for
and resilience — Business continuity
establishing partnering arrangements among
management systems — Guidelines for
organizations to manage multiple relationships for
people aspects of business continuity
events impacting on societal security. It incorporates
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for the principles and describes the process for planning,
planning and development of policies, strategies and developing, implementing and reviewing partnering
procedures for the preparation and management of arrangements. This standard is applicable to all
people affected by an incident. This includes: organizations regardless of type, size and nature of
preparation through awareness, analysis of needs, and activity whether in or between the private, public, or
learning and development; coping with the immediate not-for-profit sectors.
effects of the incident (respond); managing people
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
during the period of disruption (recover); continuing
to support the workforce after returning to business as
usual (restore).
3872. .US ISO 22398:2013, Societal
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
security — Guidelines for exercises


This Uganda Standard recommends good practice
and guidelines for an organization to plan, conduct,
3870. US ISO 22395:2018 Security and
and improve its exercise projects which may be
resilience — Community resilience —
organized within an exercise programme. It is
Guidelines for supporting vulnerable
applicable to all organizations regardless of type, size
persons in an emergency
or nature, whether private or public. The guidance

803 | P a g e
can be adapted to the needs, objectives, resources, minimizing safety risks that may arise in the course
and constraints of the organization. It is intended for of, the operation and use of, or work on, lifts
use by anyone with responsibility for ensuring the (elevators). This standard is applicable to lifts that are
competence of the organization's personnel, intended to carry persons or persons and goods that
particularly the leadership of the organization, and can
those responsible for managing exercise programmes
a) be located in any permanent and fixed
and exercise projects.
structure or building, except lifts located in
means of transport, (e.g. ships);
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 b) have any
 rated load, size of load carrying
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 unit and speed, and
 travel distance and number of
3873. US ISO/TR 22463:2019, Patient
and client eye protectors for use during c) be affected by fire in the load-carrying unit
laser or intense light source (ILS) (LCU), earthquake, weather, or flood;
d) be foreseeably misused (e.g. overloaded) but
procedures — Guidance not vandalized.
This standard does not cover all needs of users
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for and with disabilities, or risks arising from

provides information to employers, users and safety

 work on lifts under construction,
advisors on the selection and use of patient eye testing, or during alterations and
protectors (PEPs) for lasers and intense light source
 use of lifts for fire fighting and
(ILS) equipment used for medical and cosmetic emergency evacuation,
applications. This document does not apply to the eye  vandalism, and
 fire outside the LCU.
protection of laser/ILS operators or users of the
equipment. It also does not apply to PEPs for use This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
with tanning equipment or ophthalmic instruments,
either for the user/operator or the patient/client.
3875. US ISO 22568-1:2019, Foot and
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
leg protectors — Requirements and test
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000 methods for footwear components —
Part 1: Metallic toecaps
3874. US ISO 22559-1:2014, Safety
requirements for lifts (elevators) — This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
Part 1: Global essential safety methods for metallic toecaps, intended to function as
requirements (GESRs) components of PPE footwear (e.g. as described by
US ISO 20345 and US ISO 20346).
This Uganda Standard specifies GESRs for lifts
(elevators), their components and functions, and This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
establishes a system and provides methods for

804 | P a g e
3876. US ISO 22568-2:2019, Foot and as components of PPE footwear (e.g. as described by
leg protectors — Requirements and test US ISO 20345:2011, US ISO 20346:2014 and US
methods for footwear component — ISO 20347:2012).
Part 2: Non-metallic toecaps
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
methods for non-metallic toecaps, intended to
function as components of PPE footwear (e.g. as 3879. US ISO 22727:2007, Graphical
described by US ISO 20345: 2011 and US ISO symbols — Creation and design of
20346: 2014). public information symbols —
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for the
creation and design of public information symbols. It
3877. US ISO 22568-3:2019, Foot and specifies requirements for the design of public
leg protectors — Requirements and test information symbols for submission for registration
methods for footwear components — as approved public information symbols, including
Part 3: Metallic perforation resistant line width, the use of graphical symbol elements and
inserts how to indicate negation. It also specifies templates
to be used in the design of public information
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
symbols. It is for use by all those involved in the
methods for the metallic perforation resistant inserts
commissioning and the creation and design of public
with resistance against mechanical perforation,
information symbols. This standard is not applicable
intended to function as components of PPE footwear
to safety signs, including fire safety signs, or to
(e.g. as described by US ISO 20345:2011, US ISO
traffic signs for use on the public highway.
20346:2014 and US ISO 20347:2012).
This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

3880. US ISO 22846-1:2003, Personal

3878. US ISO 22568-4:2019, Foot and
equipment for protection against falls
leg protectors — Requirements and test
— Rope access systems — Part 1:
methods for footwear components —
Fundamental principles for a system of
Part 4: Non-metallic perforation
resistant inserts

This Uganda Standard gives the fundamental

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and test
principles for the use of rope access methods for
methods for the non-metallic inserts with resistance
work at height. It is intended for use by employers,
against mechanical perforation, intended to function

805 | P a g e
employees and self-employed persons who use rope- carried out in a hospital, clinic and by a healthcare
access methods, by that commissioning rope-access organization providing ambulatory care. This
work and by rope-access associations. document can be applied to transcutaneous
measurements, the analysis of expired air, and in vivo
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
monitoring of physiological parameters. Patient self-
testing in a home or community setting is excluded,
but elements of this document can be applicable.
3881. US ISO 22846-2:2012, Personal
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
equipment for protection against falls
— Rope access systems — Part 2: Code
of practice
3883. US ISO 23601:2009, Safety
This Uganda Standard provides recommendations
identification — Escape and evacuation
and guidance on the use of rope access methods for
plan signs
work at height and expands on the fundamental
principles given in ISO 22846-1, in conjunction with This Uganda Standard establishes design principles
which it is intended to be used. It is intended for use for displayed escape plans that contain information
by employers, employees and self-employed persons relevant to fire safety, escape, evacuation and rescue
who use rope access methods, by those of the facility's occupants. These plans may also be
commissioning rope access works and by rope access used by intervention forces in case of emergency.
associations. This part of US ISO 22846 is applicable These plans are intended to be displayed as signs in
to the use of rope access methods in any situation public areas and workplaces. This standard is not
where ropes are used as the primary means of access, intended to cover the plans to be used by external
egress or support and as the primary means of safety services nor detailed professional technical
protection against a fall, on both man-made and drawings for use by specialists.
natural features.
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
This standard was adopted on 2016-06-28
3884. US ISO 24505:2016, Ergonomics
3882. US ISO 22870:2016, Point-of- — Accessible design — Method for
care testing (POCT) — Requirements creating colour combinations taking
for quality and competence account of age-related changes in
human colour vision
This Uganda Standard gives specific requirements
applicable to point-of-care testing and is intended to This Uganda Standard provides a method for creating
be used in conjunction with ISO 15189. The conspicuous colour combinations for use in visual
requirements of this document apply when POCT is signs and displays taking into account viewer age. It

806 | P a g e
is based on the perceived similarity of colours at influence the management of assets of the pipe
photopic and mesopic lighting conditions. network.

This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13 This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20


3885. US ISO 24511:2007, Activities 3887. US ISO 24518:2015, Activities

relating to drinking water and relating to drinking water and
wastewater services — Guidelines for wastewater services — Crisis
the management of wastewater utilities management of water utilities
and for the assessment of wastewater
This Uganda Standard provides general guidance to
water utilities to develop and implement a crisis
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for the management system. This standard may be applicable
management of wastewater utilities and for the to all sizes of public or private water utilities that
assessment of wastewater services. This standard is want to prepare, respond, and recover from a crisis.
applicable to publicly and privately owned and (This Uganda Standard cancels and replaces US IWA
operated wastewater utilities, but does not favour any 6:2008, Guidelines for the management of drinking
particular ownership or operational model. water utilities under crisis conditions, which has been
technically revised).
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
3886. US ISO 24516-1:2016, Guidelines
for the management of assets of water 3888. US ISO 24521:2016, Activities
supply and wastewater systems — Part relating to drinking water and
1: Drinking water distribution wastewater services — Guidelines for
networks the management of basic on-site
domestic wastewater services
This Uganda Standard specifies guidelines for
technical aspects, tools and good practices for the This Uganda standard provides guidance for the
management of assets of drinking water networks to management of basic on-site domestic wastewater
maintain value from existing assets. This standard services, using appropriate technologies in their
does not apply to the management of assets of entirety at any level of development. This standard
waterworks (including catchment and treatment, supplements and is intended to be used in conjunction
pumping and storage in the network), which are also with US ISO 24511.
physically part of the drinking water system and can
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20

807 | P a g e
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 70,000 industries. Although this standard is primarily
intended for new flares and related equipment, it is
3889. US ISO 24803:2017, Recreational also possible to use it to evaluate existing flare
diving services — Requirements for
recreational diving providers (2nd
Edition) This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for STATUS: COMPULSORY PRICE: 60,000
service providers in the field of recreational scuba
3891. US ISO 25649-1:2017, Floating
diving and snorkelling excursions. It specifies the
leisure articles for use on and in the
following areas of service provision: introductory
water — Part 1: Classification,
diving activities; snorkelling excursions; provision of
training and education; organized and guided diving materials, general requirements and
test methods
for qualified divers; and rental of diving and
snorkelling equipment. Service providers can offer
This Uganda Standard specifies safety requirements
one or more of these services. This document
and test methods related to materials, safety,
specifies the nature and quality of the services to the
performance for classified floating leisure articles for
client. This document does not apply to freediving
use on and in water in accordance with Clause 4 (see
(also called “apnea diving”). (This Uganda Standard
Table 1). US ISO 25649-1:2017 is only applicable
cancels and replaces US ISO 24803:2007,
with US ISO 25649-2 and the relevant specific parts
Recreational diving services — Requirements for
(US ISO 25649-3 to US ISO 25649-7).
recreational scuba diving service providers, which
has been technically revised). This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 45,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 3892. US ISO 25649-2:2017, Floating

leisure articles for use on and in the
3890. US ISO 25457:2008, Petroleum, water — Part 2: Consumer information
petrochemical and natural gas
industries — Flare details for general This Uganda Standard specifies consumer

refinery and petrochemical service information for classified floating leisure articles for
use on and in water according to US ISO 25649-1.
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and US ISO 25649-2:2017 is applicable with US ISO
provides guidance for the selection, design, 25649-1 and the relevant specific parts (US ISO
specification, operation and maintenance of flares and 25649-3 to US ISO 25649-7).
related combustion and mechanical components used
in pressure-relieving and vapour-depressurizing This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

systems for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000

808 | P a g e
3893. US ISO 25649-3:2017, Floating STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000
leisure articles for use on and in the
3895. US ISO 25649-5:2017, Floating
water — Part 3: Additional specific
leisure articles for use on and in the
safety requirements and test methods
water — Part 5: Additional specific
for Class A devices
safety requirements and test methods
This Uganda Standard is applicable for CLASS A for Class C devices
classified floating leisure articles for use on and in
This Uganda Standard is applicable for CLASS C
water according to US ISO 25649-1 regardless
classified floating leisure articles for use on and in
whether the buoyancy is achieved by inflation or
water according to US ISO 25649-1 regardless of
inherent buoyant material. US ISO 25649-3:2017 is
whether the buoyancy is achieved by inflation or
to be applied with US ISO 25649-1 and US ISO
inherent buoyant material. US ISO 25649-5:2017 is
to be applied with US ISO 25649-1 and US ISO
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 25649-2.


This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

3894. US ISO 25649-4:2017, Floating STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

leisure articles for use on and in the
3896. US ISO 25649-6:2017, Floating
water — Part 4: Additional specific
leisure articles for use on and in the
safety requirements and test methods
water — Part 6: Additional specific
for Class B devices
safety requirements and test methods
This Uganda Standard specifies safety requirements for Class D devices
and test methods related to materials, safety,
This Uganda Standard is applicable for Class D
performance and consumer information for classified
floating leisure articles for use on and in water
floating leisure articles for use on and in the water
according to US ISO 25649-1 regardless whether the
according to US ISO 25649-1. US ISO 25649-4:2017
buoyancy is achieved by inflation or inherent buoyant
is to be applied with US ISO 25649-1 and US ISO
material. US ISO 25649-6:2017 is to be applied with
25649-2. US ISO 25649-4:2017 is applicable for
US ISO 25649-1 and US ISO 25649-2.
Class B floating leisure articles for use on and in the
water according to US ISO 25649-1 regardless
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
whether the buoyancy is achieved by inflation or
inherent buoyant material. Class B devices provide a STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

buoyant structure with one or more body openings

3897. US ISO 25649-7:2017, Floating
into which the user is positioned partly immersed.
leisure articles for use on and in the

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 water — Part 7: Additional specific

809 | P a g e
safety requirements and test methods characteristics of social responsibility; Principles and
for Class E devices practices relating to social responsibility;

This Uganda Standard is applicable for Class E The core subjects and issues of social responsibility;
floating leisure articles for use on and in water Integrating, implementing and promoting socially
according to US ISO 25649-1 regardless whether the responsible behaviour throughout the organization
buoyancy is achieved by inflation or inherent buoyant and, through its policies and practices, within its
material. US ISO 25649-7:2017 is applicable with US sphere of influence; Identifying and engaging with
ISO 25649-1 and US ISO 25649-2. Class E devices stakeholders; andcommunicating commitments,
are intended for use in bathing areas or in protected performance and other information related to social
and safe shore zones. responsibility.

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16 This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20



3898. US ISO 25980:2014, Health and

3900. US ISO 26362:2009 Access panels
safety in welding and allied processes —
in market, opinion and social research
Transparent welding curtains, strips
— Vocabulary and service
and screens for arc welding processes

This Uganda Standard specifies safety requirements

This Uganda Standard specifies the terms and
for transparent welding curtains, strips, and screens to
definitions, as well as the service requirements, for
be used for shielding of work places from their
organizations and professionals who own and/or use
surroundings where arc welding processes are used.
access panels for market, opinion and social research.
They are designed to protect people who are not
It develops the criteria against which access panel
involved in the welding process from hazardous
providers can be evaluated and against which the
radiant emissions from welding arcs and spatter.
quality of access panels can be assessed. This
standard is applicable to all types of access panels,
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
whether recruited and used online (e.g. via internet)
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 or offline (e.g. via telephone, post or face-to-face
3899. US ISO 26000:2010, Guidance on
social responsibility This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This Uganda Standard provides guidance to all types STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000
of organizations, regardless of their size or location,
3901. US ISO 27065:2011, Protective
on: Concepts, terms and definitions related to social
clothing — Performance requirements
responsibility; The background, trends and

810 | P a g e
for protective clothing worn by customers. The importance of organizational policy
operators applying liquid pesticides to address human-centeredness is emphasized.

This Uganda Standard establishes minimum This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
performance, classification, and labelling
requirements for protective clothing worn by
operators applying liquid pesticide products diluted in
3903. US ISO 27501:2019, The human-
water. Protective clothing covered by this standard
centred organization — Guidance for
includes, but is not limited to, shirts, jackets, trousers,
coveralls, and spray-tight or liquid-tight garments.
The standard addresses protection provided by This Uganda Standard is intended to be used within
protective accessories, with the exception of those organizations that embrace and intend to implement
used for the protection of the head, hands, and feet. It the principles of human centredness outlined in ISO
does not address protection against biocides, 27500. This document is intended to provide
fumigants or highly volatile liquids. requirements and recommendations on the human
factors and ergonomics approach to achieving a
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
successful and sustainable human-centred
organization. It outlines managers' responsibilities
ranging from organizational strategy to development
3902. US ISO 27500:2016, The human- of procedures and processes enabling human
centred organization — Rationale and centredness, and the implementation of those
general principles procedures and processes. This document provides
requirements and recommendations for managers and
This Uganda Standard is intended for executive board
the actions to be taken in order for an organization to
members and policy makers of all types of
achieve human centredness. This document can be
organizations (whether large or small) in the private,
used: by managers to understand and improve
public and non-profit sectors. It describes the values
human-centred aspects of their activities; by
and beliefs that make an organization human-centred,
managers to identify how their staff can improve
the significant business benefits that can be achieved,
human-centred aspects of their activities; to provide a
and explains the risks for the organization of not
basis for training managers how to be human-centred;
being human-centred. It provides recommendations
to provide a basis for organizations to evaluate the
for the policies that executive board members need to
performance of managers. It is not a management
implement to achieve this. It sets out high-level
systems standard. Nor is it intended to prevent the
human-centred principles for executive board
development of standards that are more specific or
members to endorse in order to optimize
more demanding.
performance, minimize risks to organizations and
individuals, maximize well-being in their This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
organization, and enhance their relationships with the

811 | P a g e
3904. US ISO 27799:2016, Health 3906. US ISO 28001:2007, Security
informatics — Information security management systems for the supply
management in health using ISO/IEC chain — Best practices for
27002 implementing supply chain security,
assessments and plans — Requirements
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for
and guidance
organizational information security standards and
information security management practices including This Uganda Standard provides requirements and
the selection, implementation and management of guidance for organizations in international supply
controls taking into consideration the organization's chains to develop and implement supply chain
information security risk environment(s). It defines security processes; establish and document a
guidelines to support the interpretation and minimum level of security within a supply chain(s) or
implementation in health informatics of US ISO/IEC segment of a supplychain; assist in meeting the
27002 and is a companion to that standard. applicable authorized economic operator (AEO)
criteria set forth in the World Customs Organization
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13 Framework of Standards and conforming national
supply chain security programmes.

This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20

3905. US ISO 28000:2007, Specification
for security management systems for
the supply chain
3907. US ISO 28003:2007, Security
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
management systems for the supply
a security management system, including those
chain — Requirements for bodies
aspects critical to security assurance of the supply
providing audit and certification of
chain. Security management is linked to many other
supply chain security management
aspects of business management. Aspects include all
activities controlled or influenced by organizations
that impact on supply chain security. These other This Uganda Standard contains principles and
aspects should be considered directly, where and requirements for bodies providing the audit and
when they have an impact on security management, certification of supply chain security management
including transporting these goods along the supply systems according to management system
chain. specifications and standards. It defines the minimum
requirements of a certification body and its associated
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
auditors, recognizing the unique need for
confidentiality when auditing and
certifying/registering a client organization.

812 | P a g e
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20 rating system will be used as a means of identifying a
measurable level of confidence (on a scale of 1 to 5)
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 that the seaport security operations are in
conformance with ISO 28000 for protecting the
3908. US ISO 28004:2007,Security
integrity of the supply chain.
management systems for the supply
chain — Guidelines for the
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
implementation of ISO 28000
This Uganda Standard provides generic advice on the
application of ISO 28000:2007. It explains the 3910. US ISO 28004-3:2014, Security
underlying principles of ISO 28000 and describes the management systems for the supply
intent, typical inputs, processes and typical outputs, chain — Guidelines for the
for each requirement of ISO 28000. This is to aid the implementation of ISO 28000 — Part 3:
understanding and implementation of ISO 28000. Additional specific guidance for
adopting ISO 28000 for use by medium
This standard was adopted on 2011-12-20
and small businesses (other than
marine ports)

This Uganda Standard has been developed to

3909. US ISO 28004-2:2014, Security
supplement ISO 28004-1 by providing additional
management systems for the supply
guidance to medium and small businesses (other than
chain — Guidelines for the
marine ports) that wish to adopt ISO 28000. The
implementation of ISO 28000 — Part 2:
additional guidance in ISO 28004-3:2014, while
Guidelines for adopting ISO 28000 for
amplifying the general guidance provided in the main
use in medium and small seaport
body of ISO 28004-1, does not conflict with the
general guidance, nor does it amend ISO 28000.
This Uganda Standard identifies supply chain risk
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
and threat scenarios, procedures for conducting
risks/threat assessments, and evaluation criteria for
measuring conformance and effectiveness of the
documented security plans in accordance with ISO 3911. US ISO 28004-4:2014, Security
28000 and the ISO 28004 series implementation management systems for the supply
guidelines. An output of this effort will be a level of chain — Guidelines for the
confidence rating system based on the quality of the implementation of ISO 28000 — Part 4:
security management plans and procedures Additional specific guidance on
implemented by the seaport to safeguard the security implementing ISO 28000 if compliance
and ensure continuity of operations of the supply with ISO 28001 is a management
chain cargo being processed by the seaport. The objective

813 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard provides additional guidance and other international specifications as defined in
for organizations adopting ISO 28000 that also wish ISO 28005-2. This part of ISO 28005 is based on
to incorporate the Best Practices identified in ISO XML and is intended as a complementary
28001 as a management objective on their International Standard to the UN/EDIFACT
international supply chains. The Best Practices in ISO (electronic data interchange for administration,
28001 both help organizations establish and commerce and transport) standards specified in the
document levels of security within an international FAL compendium. Normally, implementers of this
supply chain and facilitate validation in national part of ISO 28005 are expected to also provide
Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) programmes electronic interfaces supporting the use of
that are designed in accordance with the World UN/EDIFACT standards. Parties with economic
Customs Organization (WCO) Framework of interests related to the ship, cargo, passengers or
Standards. This standard is not designed as a crew, such as land transporters, receiving parties,
standalone document. The main body of ISO 28004-1 insurers, financial entities can also find value in
provides significant guidance pertaining to required configuring their data reception capability to receive
inputs, processes, outputs and other elements required information formatted in accordance with this part of
by ISO 28000. This standard provides additional ISO 28005; however, this is not a requirement of this
specific guidance on implementing ISO 28000 if part of ISO 28005.
compliance with ISO 28001 is a management
objective. US ISO 28004-4 provides additional This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

specific guidance on implementing ISO 28000 if

compliance with ISO 28001 is a management
objective. 3913. US ISO TS 29001:2010,
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
gas industries — Sector specific quality
management systems — Requirements
for product and service supply
3912. US ISO 28005-1:2013, Security organizations
management systems for the supply
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for a
chain — Electronic port clearance
quality management system where an organization
(EPC) — Part 1: Message structures

needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently

This Uganda Standard contains technical
provide products that meet customer and applicable
specifications that facilitate an efficient exchange of
statutory and regulatory requirements, and
electronic information between ships and shore for
coastal transit or port calls. This part of ISO 28005 is
aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the
intended to cover the exchange of safety and security
effective application of the system, including
information required under the IMO Convention
processes for continual improvement of the system
Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL)

814 | P a g e
and the assurance of conformity to customer and services) or other learning services in addition to
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. language learning services, ISO 29991:2014 only
applies to language learning services. ISO
This standard was adopted on 2013-12-17
29991:2014 is not specifically aimed at schools,
colleges and universities which provide language
learning as part of a formal educational system but
3914. US ISO 29990:2010, Learning may be useful to them as a tool for reflection and
services for non-formal education and self-evaluation.
training — Basic requirements for
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
service providers


This Uganda Standard specifies basic requirements
for providers of learning services in non-formal
3916. US ISO 29992:2018, Assessment
education and training.
of outcomes of learning services —
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31

This Uganda Standard provides guidance on the

planning, development, implementation and review
3915. US ISO 29991:2014, Language of assessments of the outcomes [knowledge,
learning services outside formal competence, performance] of learning services. It is
education — Requirements intended for use by organizations providing learning
services and organizations selecting, using or
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for developing assessments. This document is applicable
language learning services outside formal education. to the development and use of assessments for the
These include any language learning services that are measurement of individual learners' outcomes and the
addressed to language learners themselves, as well as use of assessments for determinations of learner
to interested parties that are acquiring the services for progress. The document does not apply to the direct
the benefit of learners. The key features of any such evaluation of programs of instruction or the
service are that the goals of learning are defined and evaluation of learning service providers. It also
evaluated, and that it involves interaction with the excludes the technology requirements for the delivery
learner. The instruction can be delivered face-to-face of assessments.
or mediated by technology, or it can be a blend of
both. Entities interested in using ISO 29991:2014 will This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
include language learning service providers of all STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 25,000
kinds and sizes, as well as associations or consortia of
language learning service providers. In cases where 3917. US ISO 30061:2007, Emergency
the language learning services are provided by an lighting
organization that delivers products (goods and

815 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard specifies the luminous on key processes and practices, including:
requirements for emergency lighting systems recruitment policy development; the flow from the
installed in premises or locations where such systems sourcing of potential applicants to the boarding of
are required. It is principally applicable to locations new recruits; and evaluation and measurement. This
where the public or workers have access. document can be used by any organization regardless
of type or size.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
3918. US ISO 30400:2016, Human
Resource Management — vocabulary 3921. US ISO/TS 30407:2017, Human
resource management — Cost-Per-Hire
This Uganda Standard defines terms used in human
resource management standards. This Uganda Standard gives guidance measure the
economic value of the effort taken to fill an open
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
position in an organization. This document describes
actions to be taken when calculating CPH to maintain
quality and transparency, including creating a
3919. US ISO 30401:2018, Knowledge representative data set, using a transparent source of
management systems — Requirements data, minimizing data errors and ensuring that
periodic audits of processes occur on data input.
This Uganda Standard sets requirements and provides Central to CPH as described in this document are the
guidelines for establishing, implementing, features of the visual display of the metric,
maintaining, reviewing and improving an effective emphasizing transparency of data inputs, processes
management system for knowledge management in and the formula used within the metric.
organizations. All the requirements of this document
are applicable to any organization, regardless of its This standard was adopted on 2017-12-12
type or size, or the products and services it provides.
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
3922. US ISO 30408:2016, Human
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 35,000 Resource Management — Guidelines
on human governance
3920. US ISO 30405:2016, Human
Resource Management — Guidelines This Uganda standard provides guidelines on tools,
on recruitment processes and practices to be put in place in order to
establish, maintain and continually improve effective
This Uganda Standard provides guidance on how to human governance within organizations. This
attract, source, assess and recruit people. It focuses document is applicable to organizations of all sizes

816 | P a g e
and sectors, whether public or private, for profit or This Uganda Standard provides guidelines for
not for profit. This document does not address internal and external human capital reporting (HCR).
relations with trade unions or other representative The objective is to consider and to make transparent
bodies. the human capital contribution to the organization in
order to support sustainability of the workforce. This
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
document is applicable to all organizations,
regardless of the type, size, nature or complexity of
the business, whether in the public, private or
3923. US ISO 30409:2016, Human voluntary sector, or a not-for-profit organization.
resource management — Workforce
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10


This Uganda Standard provides guidelines and a
framework for workforce planning that are scalable to
3926. US ISO 31000:2018, Risk
the needs of any organization regardless of size,
management — Guidelines (2nd Edition)
industry or sector.
This Uganda Standard provides guidelines on
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20 managing risk faced by organizations. The
application of these guidelines can be customized to
any organization and its context. This standard
3924. US ISO/TS 30411:2018, Human provides a common approach to managing any type
resource management — Quality of of risk and is not industry or sector specific. This
hire metric standard can be used throughout the life of the
organization and can be applied to any activity,
This Uganda Standard provides a range of options to including decision-making at all levels. (This
measure the quality of hire that can be aligned to standard cancels and replaces the first edition US
various business and organizational conditions. The ISO 31000:2009, Risk management — Principles and
QoH structure includes: purpose; formula; definition; guidelines, which has been technically revised).
how to use the metric: intended users; and contextual
factors for interpretation. This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 20,000 3927. US ISO/TR 31004:2013 Risk

management — Guidance for the
3925. US ISO 30414:2018, Human implementation of ISO 31000
resource management Guidelines for
internal and external human capital

817 | P a g e
This Uganda Standard provides guidance for the techniques are described in more detail. This
organizations on managing risk effectively by second edition cancels and replaces the first edition
implementing US ISO 31000. It provides: published in 2009. This edition constitutes a technical
revision. This edition includes the following
a structured approach for organizations to transition
significant technical changes with respect to the
their risk management arrangements in order to be
previous edition:
consistent with US ISO 31000, in a manner tailored
to the characteristics of the organization;  more detail is given on the process of planning,
implementing, verifying and validating the use of
the techniques;
an explanation of the underlying concepts of US ISO
 the number and range of application of the
31000; and techniques has been increased;
 the concepts covered in US IEC 31000:2019 are
guidance on aspects of the principles and risk no longer repeated in this standard. Keywords:
uncertainty, risk management
management framework that are described in US ISO
(This standard is an International Standard IEC
31010 has been prepared by IEC technical committee

This standard can be used by any public, private or 56: Dependability, in co-operation with ISO

community enterprise, association, group or technical committee 262: Risk management and

individual. US ISO/TR 31004 is not specific to any adopted as a Uganda standard. It is published as a

industry or sector, or to any particular type of risk, double logo standard).

and can be applied to all activities and to all parts of

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
3929. US ISO/TS 34700:2016, Animal
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 welfare management — General
requirements and guidance for
3928. US IEC 31010:2019, Risk
organizations in the food supply chain.
management — Risk assessment
techniques This Uganda Standard provides requirements and
guidance for the implementation of the animal
This Uganda Standard is published as a double logo
welfare principles as described in the introduction to
standard with ISO and provides guidance on the
the recommendations for animal welfare of the OIE
selection and application of techniques for assessing
TAHC (Chapter 7.1). This document applies to
risk in a wide range of situations. The techniques are
terrestrial animals bred or kept for the production of
used to assist in making decisions where there is
food or feed. The following areas are excluded:
uncertainty, to provide information about particular
animals used for research and educational activities,
risks and as part of a process for managing risk. The
animals in animal shelters and zoos, companion
document provides summaries of a range of
animals, stray and wild animals, aquatic animals,
techniques, with references to other documents where

818 | P a g e
killing for public or animal health purposes under the This Uganda Standard establishes requirements for a
direction of the competent authority, humane killing management system for sustainable development in
traps for nuisance and fur species. Application of this communities, including cities, using a holistic
document is limited to aspects for which process or approach, with a view to ensuring consistency with
species-specific chapters are available in the OIE the sustainable development policy of communities.
TAHC. This document is designed to guide users in The intended outcomes of a management system for
conducting a gap analysis and developing an animal sustainable development in communities include:
welfare plan that is aligned with the OIE TAHC. It
managing sustainability and fostering smartness and
can also be used to facilitate the implementation of
resilience in communities, while taking into account
any public or private sector animal welfare standards
the territorial boundaries to which it applies;
that meet at least the OIE TAHC. The scope of this
document is intended to be revised as the animal
improving the contribution of communities to
welfare provisions of the OIE TAHC are
sustainable development outcomes;
supplemented or amended.
assessing the performance of communities in
This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
progressing towards sustainable development
outcomes and the level of smartness and of resilience
that they have achieved; fulfilling compliance
3930. US ISO 37001:2016, Anti-bribery obligations.
management systems — Requirements
This standard was adopted on 2016-12-13
with guidance for use


This Uganda Standard specifies requirements and
provides guidance for establishing, implementing,
3932. US ISO 37106:2018, Sustainable
maintaining, reviewing and improving an anti-bribery
cities and communities — Guidance on
management system. The system can be stand-alone
establishing smart city operating
or can be integrated into an overall management
models for sustainable communities
This Uganda Standard gives guidance for leaders in
This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20
smart cities and communities (from the public,
private and voluntary sectors) on how to develop an
open, collaborative, citizen-centric and digitally-
3931. US ISO 37101:2016, Sustainable enabled operating model for their city that puts its
Development in communities — vision for a sustainable future into operation. This
Management System for sustainable document does not describe a one-size-fits-all model
development — Requirements with for the future of cities. Rather, the focus is on the
guidance for use enabling processes by which innovative use of
technology and data, coupled with organizational

819 | P a g e
change, can help each city deliver its own specific 3934. US ISO 37122:2019, Sustainable
vision for a sustainable future in more efficient, cities and communities — Indicators
effective and agile ways. This document provides for smart cities
proven tools that cities can deploy when
This Uganda Standard specifies and establishes
operationalizing the vision, strategy and policy
definitions and methodologies for a set of indicators
agenda they have developed following the adoption
for smart cities. As accelerating improvements in city
of US ISO 37101, the management system for
services and quality of life is fundamental to the
sustainable development of communities. It can also
definition of a smart city, this document, in
be used, either in whole or in part, by cities that have
conjunction with US ISO 37120, is intended to
not committed to deployment of the US ISO 37101
provide a complete set of indicators to measure
management system.
progress towards a smart city. This is represented in
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 Figure 1.

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000 This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16


3933. US ISO 37120:2018, Sustainable
cities and communities — Indicators
3935. US ISO 37500:2014, Guidance on
for city services and quality of life (2 nd
This Uganda Standard covers the main phases,
This Uganda Standard defines and establishes
processes and governance aspects of outsourcing,
methodologies for a set of indicators to steer and
independent of size and sectors of industry and
measure the performance of city services and quality
commerce. It is intended to provide a good
of life. It follows the principles set out in US ISO
foundation to enable organizations to enter into, and
37101 and can be used in conjunction with US ISO
continue to sustain, successful outsourcing
37101 and other strategic frameworks. This
arrangements throughout the contractual period.
document is applicable to any city, municipality or
local government that undertakes to measure its This standard was adopted on 2015-06-30
performance in a comparable and verifiable manner,
irrespective of size and location. (This standard STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000

cancels and replaces the first edition US ISO

3936. US ISO 39001:2012, Road traffic
37120:2014, Sustainable development of
safety (RTS) management systems —
communities — Indicators for city services and
Requirements with guidance for use
quality of life, which has been technically revised).
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for a
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
road traffic safety (RTS) management system to

STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 110,000 enable an organization that interacts with the road

820 | P a g e
traffic system to reduce death and serious injuries STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 60,000
related to road traffic crashes which it can influence.
The requirements in this standard include 3938. US ISO 41011:2017 Facility
management —— Vocabulary
development and implementation of an appropriate
RTS policy, development of RTS objectives and
This Uganda Standard defines terms used in facility
action plans, which take into account legal and other
management standards.
requirements to which the organization subscribes,
and information about elements and criteria related to This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
RTS that the organization identifies as those which it
can control and those which it can influence. STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000

This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31 3939. US ISO 41012:2017, Facility

management — Guidance on strategic
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 sourcing and the development of
3937. US ISO 41001:2018, Facility
management — Management systems This Uganda Standard provides guidance on sourcing
— Requirements with guidance for use and development of agreements in facility
management (FM). It highlights:
This Uganda Standard specifies the requirements for
a facility management (FM) system when an essential elements in FM sourcing processes;
FM roles and responsibilities in sourcing processes;
needs to demonstrate effective and efficient delivery
of FM that supports the objectives of the demand development processes and structures of typical

organization; agreement models.

aims to consistently meet the needs of interested This standard is applicable to:

parties and applicable requirements;

strategic processes related to service and support

aims to be sustainable in a globally-competitive functions for the core business;

development of FM strategies;

The requirements specified in this standard are non-

development of facility service provision agreements
sector specific and intended to be applicable to all
covering both public and private service demand and
organizations, or parts thereof, whether public or
internal and external production/delivery options;
private sector, and regardless of the type, size and
nature of the organization or geographical location. development of FM information systems;

This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10 FM education and research;

821 | P a g e
organization development and business re- by preventing work-related injury and ill health, as
engineering processes in major types of working well as by proactively improving its OH&S
environments (e.g. industrial, commercial, performance. This standard is applicable to any
administration, military, healthcare, accommodation). organization that wishes to establish, implement and
maintain an OH&S management system to improve
This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
occupational health and safety, eliminate hazards and
minimize OH&S risks (including system
deficiencies), take advantage of OH&S opportunities,
3940. US ISO 44002:2019, and address OH&S management system. (This
Collaborative business relationship standard cancels and replaces US 534:2008,
management systems — Guidelines on Occupational health and safety management systems
the implementation of ISO 44001 — Specification and US 536:2014 Occupational
health and safety management systems — Guidelines
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for for the implementation of US 534, which have been
organizations on implementing ISO 44001 (see withdrawn).
Figure 3) in order to achieve successful collaborative
business relationships, as well as helping This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10
organizations use and implement the framework
specification effectively. This document explains
what is intended by each requirement of ISO 44001,
3942. US ISO 54001:2019, Quality
why each is important, and recommends approaches
management systems — Particular
to take for their practical implementation. How to
requirements for the application of US
meet the requirements is individually evaluated and
ISO 9001:2015 for electoral
applied in the context of each organization. This
organizations at all levels of
document is applicable to any organization.

This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16

This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for a
quality management system when an organization:
needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently
3941. US ISO 45001:2018, provide products and services that meet customer and
Occupational health and safety applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
management systems — Requirements aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the
with guidance for use effective application of the system, including
processes for improvement of the system and the
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for an assurance of conformity to customer and applicable
occupational health and safety (OH&S) management statutory and regulatory requirements. All the
system, and gives guidance for its use, to enable requirements of this International Standard are
organizations to provide safe and healthy workplaces generic and are intended to be applicable to any

822 | P a g e
organization, regardless of its type or size, or the accordance with the requirements of US ISO 55001.
products and services it provides. This document can be applied to all types of assets
and by all types and sizes of organizations. (This
This standard was adopted on 2020-06-16
standard cancels and replaces the first edition US
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 75,000 ISO 55002:2014, Asset management — Management
systems — Guidelines for the application of ISO
3943. US ISO 55000:2014 Asset 55001, which has been technically revised).
management — Overview, principles
and terminology This standard was adopted on 2019-12-10

This Uganda Standard provides an overview of asset STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 90,000
management, its principles and terminology, and the
3946. US ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011,
expected benefits from adopting asset management.
Explosive atmospheres — Part 34:
This standard can be applied to all types of assets and
Application of quality systems for
by all types and sizes of organizations.
equipment manufacture
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
This Uganda Standard specifies particular
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 40,000 requirements and information for establishing and
maintaining a quality system to manufacture Ex
3944. US ISO 55001:2014 Asset equipment including protective systems in
management — Management systems accordance with the Ex certificate. It does not
— Requirements preclude the use of other quality systems that are
compatible with the objectives of ISO 9001:2008 and
This Uganda Standard specifies requirements for an
which provide equivalent results.
asset management system within the context of the
organization. This standard can be applied to all types This standard was adopted on 2019-3-26
of assets and by all types and sizes of organizations.
This standard was adopted on 2014-07-31
3947. US ISO/IEC 90003:2014
STATUS: VOLUNTARY PRICE: 30,000 Software engineering — Guidelines for
the application of ISO 9001:2008 to
3945. US ISO 55002:2018, Asset
computer software (2nd Edition)
management — Management systems
— Guidelines for the application of ISO This Uganda Standard provides guidance for
55001 (2 Edition) organizations in the application of ISO 9001:2008 to
the acquisition, supply, development, operation and
This Uganda Standard gives guidelines for the
maintenance of computer software and related
application of an asset management system, in
support services. It does not add or otherwise change

823 | P a g e
the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. (This Uganda
Standard cancels and replaces US ISO/IEC
90003:2004, Software engineering - Guidelines for
the application of ISO 9001:2000 to computer
software, which has been technically revised).

This standard was adopted on 2017-06-20


824 | P a g e


abattoirs, 56 apiary, 54
abrasive products, 216, 302, 338, 371 Apparent Viscosity, 574, 578, 579
Acceptance tests, 377, 378, 400 Apple, 85, 149
Accessible design, 774, 776, 785, 786, 806 Apricots, 108
Acoustics, 189, 359, 481, 723 Aquaculture, 2
Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater aromatic herbs, 8, 18
services, 403, 807 arrest systems, 738, 739, 740
actuators, 733 asparagus, 37
addressing accessibility, 704 Asparagus, 37, 113, 137
addressing environmental issues, 703 Asphaltene-Containing Residues, 579
Adhesives, 543, 668 Assessment of outcomes of learning services, 815
adult absorbent, 561 Asset management, 823
Aerial Adventure, 715 Atomic and nuclear physics, 481
aflatoxin, 12, 13, 34, 133, 172, 173, 176, 178 aubergines, 48
Aflatoxin B1, 9 audio, video, 225
African catfish, 2 Audio, video, 420
Aftershave, 567 automobiles, 198, 331, 709
Agricultural irrigation, 347, 381 automotive, 198, 252, 331, 371, 407, 494, 498, 536, 539,
agrochemicals, 39, 97 555, 558, 573, 574, 578, 632, 661, 690, 691, 795
air compressors, 604, 609 Automotive vehicles, 271
air conditioners, 238, 297 Auto-refinishing paint, 531
Air Monitoring, 714 Aviation Fuel Sample, 558
Aircraft ground equipment, 379 avocado, 5, 525
alarm systems, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, axes and hatchets, 215
325, 379 baby diapers, 540
alcoholometry, 248 Baby napkins, 493
alloy wire, 215, 424 Baby oils, 564
alloys, 197, 202, 203, 260, 302, 303, 304, 305, 325, 326, ballasts, 194, 238, 239, 456, 607
327, 328, 337, 350, 351, 375, 391, 392, 579, 629, 644, bamboo shoots, 38
668, 671 banana, 76, 85, 103
aluminium, 159, 160, 166, 167, 194, 197, 215, 216, 219, Barley grains, 49
221, 222, 235, 240, 260, 263, 302, 303, 304, 305, 335, Base Stocks, 574
338, 350, 351, 372, 391, 392, 396, 397, 424, 454, 464, basil, 162
565, 619, 639, 649, 655, 662, 668, 673, 674, 688, 699 Bath preparations, 524
Aluminium, 194, 197, 221, 235, 260, 350, 424, 655, 673, bathing bars, 534, 535
698 Batteries, 204, 424
Ambient air, 288 beach safety flags, 792, 793
amusement devices, 715, 778, 779 beans, 4, 9, 17, 24, 26, 37, 43, 53, 63, 86, 100, 106, 107,
Anchorages, 216, 368, 369 116, 156, 186
Animal, 54, 55, 66, 110, 111, 112, 113, 117, 119, 123, 124, bed and breakfast, 708
125, 126, 127, 128, 133, 136, 137, 142, 151, 152, 155, Bed blankets, 536
159, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, Bed sheets, 504
178, 179, 185, 186, 642, 818 beef, 18, 20, 21, 82
animal feeding, 12, 53, 113, 114, 115, 117, 124, 127, 128, Beer, 14
130, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 147, 155, Beeswax, 97
157, 161, 162, 164, 172, 173, 175, 176, 178, 183, 184 Beeswax for cosmetic industry, 582
animal feeds, 38, 50, 94, 95 beverages, 24, 30, 35, 73, 90, 93, 139, 140, 235, 237, 365
Animal stock, 66 bilberries, 18, 24, 134
animals, 9, 12, 56, 114, 130, 138, 139, 141, 146, 148, 183, Biofertilizer, 89
184, 434, 441, 442, 448, 642, 746, 747, 818 biogas, 258
Anti-bribery, 819 Biomechanical, 779
antiperspirants, 565, 566 Biopesticide, 89

Biscuits, 66 cereals, 11, 18, 48, 49, 52, 56, 77, 85, 92, 105, 109, 115,
Black tea, 6 118, 126, 132, 148, 161, 162, 174, 176, 181, 185, 402,
Blended edible oils, 75 493
blocks for power, 201 Cereals, 11, 48, 49, 52, 56, 77, 105, 113, 118, 126, 132,
blueberries, 19, 24, 134 133, 148, 161, 181, 185
board and pulps, 494, 584 certification systems, 701
bodies certifying products, 775 Characteristic numbers, 481, 482
Boilers, 381, 382 chayotes, 35
Boiling Point, 562 Cheddar, 40
Bond paper, 524 cheese, 37, 41, 42, 149, 165, 170
Brand evaluation, 792 Cheese, 41
Brandy, 29, 30 Chemical depilatories, 502
Brie, 41 chemical products, 47, 62, 365
Broadleaved wood, 279 Chemicals and Samples, 714
broccoli, 25 cherries, 147
Brussels sprouts, 26 Chicken, 103
Building limes, 190 Chickpeas, 60
Burnt building bricks, 190 Child care, 709
Burnt clay building blocks, 190 child safety, 702, 703
butane, 537, 541, 620 Chilli, 76
butcheries, 57 Chillies, 74, 84, 109, 144
Butter, 5, 96, 111, 123, 135, 140, 170, 176, 177 chips, 18, 58, 59, 64, 65, 74, 378
cabbage, 91, 104, 124 chocolate, 18, 20, 29, 88, 161, 185
Cable trunking, 466 Cider and perry, 103
cables and cords, 214, 219, 427 Cigarettes, 501
cables and wires, 214, 215, 219, 430 Cinnamon, 128
Cakes, 99 cities, 819, 820
calf skins, 587 citrus marmalade, 6
Camembert, 41 Clay roofing tiles and ridges, 230
canned applesauce, 4 cleaning and disinfection, 706
cape gooseberry, 37 Climate action market incentives for agro-
carambola, 33 industrialisation, 106
caraway, 120 climate change, 665, 666
Carbon monoxide, 317 Clinical thermometers, 243
Carbon paper, 532 clothes, 432, 624, 625
Carbon Steel, 196, 198 Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI), 389
Carbon steel tubes, 226 Cloves, 80
cardamom, 160 cocktail, 19
Carpet, 521 cocoa, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 29, 86, 106, 107, 161, 185
carrot, 76, 155 coconut, 18, 32, 33, 485
carrots, 29, 75, 76, 104 Code of good practice, 703
Carrots, 104 Code of practice, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 54, 65,
casein, 43, 149 71, 72, 73, 77, 81, 88, 97, 103, 194, 213, 217, 222, 225,
cassava, 18, 31, 57, 58, 59, 65, 66 226, 228, 229, 230, 232, 236, 241, 256, 258, 259, 408,
Cassava, 58, 59 409, 416, 476, 485, 486, 498, 500, 506, 507, 537, 561,
Castors, 400, 401 705, 706, 709, 710, 806
cattle feeds, 18 codes, 25, 288, 290, 320, 671, 726, 734, 748
cauliflower, 26 Codes for resin identification on plastic containers, 520
ceiling and panelling, 256 coffee, 24, 25, 37, 78, 100, 181, 336, 337, 524, 798
cellular plastics, 526, 543 Coffee, 25, 88, 100, 181
cellular polymeric, 563, 564, 584, 590, 621, 623, 624 Cold storage, 86, 133, 134, 155
cement, 190, 192, 193, 194, 200, 204, 232, 262, 264, 265, coliforms, 16, 114, 166
266, 272, 274, 385, 534, 635 Collaborative business relationship management
Centrifugal pumps, 660 systems, 822
Ceramic cookware, 152 Cologne, 502
Ceramic tiles, 354, 355, 356, 357, 366, 367 communities, 730, 819, 820
cereal products, 50, 56, 105, 141, 174, 185 Compliance, 415, 787
concrete, 190, 194, 200, 201, 208, 213, 222, 262, 264, 265,
266, 271, 272, 273, 274, 314, 538, 561, 694, 695, 788

Concrete, 191, 213, 264, 265, 266, 273 Dentistry, 619, 679, 699
Concrete pipes, 209, 210 Deodorants, 565
Concrete poles, 213 Design, Manufacture,, 715, 720
Condensed matter physics, 482 detergent paste, 520
condiments, 23, 24, 81, 82, 83, 86, 108, 110, 129 Diaphragm gas meters, 244
Conduit systems, 468 Dietary, 1
Confined Area Entry, 719 Disaster management, 705
conformity assessment, 472, 701, 703, 711, 718, 769, 770, Disinfectants, 506, 514, 551, 553
774, 775 Dog feeds, 69
construction, 194, 197, 198, 200, 205, 213, 222, 227, 228, Door leaves, 305, 333
229, 231, 232, 240, 241, 258, 259, 260, 263, 264, 269, doors, 196, 263, 267, 269, 270, 278, 305, 306, 323, 333,
270, 273, 290, 294, 296, 310, 315, 331, 333, 348, 350, 348, 444
352, 360, 361, 371, 377, 379, 381, 398, 401, 446, 453, Dosimetry systems, 249, 250
457, 459, 463, 469, 470, 488, 514, 518, 536,539, 546, Double-capped fluorescent lamps, 238, 239
547, 548, 601, 604, 619, 629, 630, 631, 639, 647, 648, drink, 10, 19, 101, 181
652, 659, 690, 695, 697, 710, 711, 716, 720, 778, 779, drinking waters, 10, 124, 125, 155, 156
786 Dry beans, 9, 10
consultancy services, 792 ducting systems, 466
Continuous surface miners, 786 Duplicating paper, 507
copper alloys, 261, 629 eco-labelling, 1
Copper-bearing contraceptive, 615 Edam, 40
cord clamps, 580 Edible collagen sausage casings, 98
Core banking, 747, 748 Edible fats and oils, 48
Cork floor tiles, 281 Edible insects
Corrigendum, 4, 9, 11 Ensenene, Enswa, 103
Cosmetic pencils, 526 egg products, 4
cosmetics, 183, 501, 503, 504, 505, 529, 530, 534, 693 eggs, 4, 94, 183
Cosmetics, 504, 505, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 687, 693, electoral organizations at all levels of government, 778,
696 822
Cotton, 496, 497, 568, 632 Electric cables, 215
cotton wool, 516 electric cooking, 431, 436
Coulommiers, 41 electrical accessories, 197, 449, 466
cover materials, 234 electrical appliances, 230, 237, 238, 430, 431, 432, 433,
Cowpeas, 60 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444,
Cranes, 749, 761, 776 445, 465
cream, 10, 17, 43, 100, 111, 112, 135, 149, 185, 434, 502, electrical conductors, 215, 463
510, 524, 525 electrical installations, 195, 229, 230, 446, 447, 449, 464,
cream powder, 10 466, 467, 468
Crepe bandages, 498 electrical lighting, 229, 239
crisps, 18, 58, 59, 65, 74 electrical machines, 239, 418, 461
Cross-border, 791 Electricity metering, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476
Crude and semi refined palm oil, 74 Electro technical, 219
Crude petroleum, 591, 626, 627, 651 Electromagnetic Compatibility, 419, 463
cucumbers, 27, 144 Electrotechnology, 419
Cucumbers, 144 Emmental, 40
Curry powder, 23 Engine Oil, 573, 576, 578, 579
customer premises cabling Engine Oils, 571, 573, 574, 576, 578
IT, 206, 373 Environmental management, 665, 753, 754, 755, 756,
Cycles, 286, 287, 306, 307, 308, 331, 338, 577 757, 758
Cylinder valve outlets, 602 Environmental management systems, 753, 754
cyprinid, 66, 71, 97 Environmental protection, 710
dairy fat, 39 Environmental testing, 421
dairy terms, 34 Environmental Testing, 218
Danbo, 40 epoxy, 545, 694
data carriers, 777 Equipment, 214, 298, 376, 598, 635, 636, 710, 714, 718
dates, 30, 343, 476 Ergonomic design, 742, 743
decorative laminates, 293 Ergonomic principles, 724, 738
deep well, 207 Ergonomics, 716, 724, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 780, 806
Density, 264, 554, 556 Ethanol, 45, 46, 47, 548, 559

eviscerated, 7 fluorescent lamps, 225, 238, 239, 422, 424, 445, 454, 456,
expanded metal, 237 462, 467
Expanded polystyrene cap vaults and coffers, 274 Fluorescent lamps, 225
Expanded polystyrene flagstones and semi-cylinders, foaming characteristics, 571, 572, 606, 607
274 food, 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 36,
Explosive atmospheres, 823 42, 44, 48, 51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 67, 68, 69, 70, 75, 82, 88,
Eye and face protection, 723, 745, 764, 781, 782 93, 94, 95, 99, 101, 103, 113, 114, 115, 116, 130, 137,
Eye and face protection for occupational use, 764 138, 139, 140, 141, 146, 147, 148, 151, 152, 157, 164,
Face pack, 580 176, 183, 184, 185, 236,241, 260, 261, 335, 336, 338,
faced boards, 231 433, 519, 524, 551, 705, 706, 707, 709, 795, 797, 798,
fats and oils, 7, 48, 54, 55, 64, 110, 111, 112, 113, 117, 799, 818
119, 125, 126, 137, 151, 152, 159, 161, 167, 168, 169, food additives, 1, 9, 42
170, 174, 176, 178, 179, 185, 186 Food Additives, 1, 9, 42
Fats spreads and blended spreads food and drink, 6
Margerine, 3 food grade salt, 7
feed, 12, 38, 57, 94, 99, 114, 115, 128, 130, 157, 679, 788, Food Safety Systems, 28
799, 818 Food seasoning mixtures
feeds, 12, 18, 21, 23, 69, 84, 85, 132, 171 Mixed spices, 104
fertilizer, 61, 62, 78, 79, 90, 93, 101, 145, 152, 153, 157, Food stuffs, 174, 175
179, 180, 252 foodborne parasites, 21
Fertilizers, 78, 79, 112, 115, 116, 130, 142, 143, 145, 149, foods, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 25, 32, 33, 34,
175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 186 35, 36, 49, 58, 68, 69, 78, 82, 114, 128, 151, 152, 172,
fighting hoses, 373 246
files and folders, 507 foods in mass catering, 8
Filterable Matter, 102 Foodstuffs, 33
Financial services, 788, 789, 790 Foot and leg protectors, 804, 805
finfish, 27 Footwear, 396, 506, 511, 512, 515, 516, 517, 547, 548,
finger-jointed, 231, 256 550, 655, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 691, 692, 695, 696
Fire detection, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323 Footwear protecting, 396
Fire extinguishing media, 606, 612, 613 Foreign Language, 719
Fire hazard testing, 448, 449 forks, 197, 335, 336, 337, 338, 776
Fire protection, 323, 360, 361, 606 Forms design, 335
Fire safety, 753 formula, 2, 3, 19, 31, 33, 816, 817
fires, 235, 612, 744 frozen finfish, 7
fish, 1, 11, 14, 17, 22, 27, 28, 44, 71, 72, 74, 77, 84, 97, frozen peas, 8
128, 138, 615 fruit, 6, 15, 16, 19, 22, 24, 30, 33, 44, 52, 60, 63, 83, 98,
Fish, 14, 28, 72, 77, 84 105, 107, 111, 118, 132, 151, 185
fish and fishery, 11, 12, 27, 28, 138 Fruit, 19, 42, 60, 62, 63, 74, 83, 98, 105, 107, 117, 131,
Fisheries, 1 132, 185
Fishing nets, 563 Fruit drinks, 19
Fishmeal, 23 fruits, 5, 6, 12, 18, 22, 28, 33, 38, 39, 42, 45, 47, 52, 54, 73,
fittings, 189, 240, 253, 268, 269, 272, 273, 282, 284, 285, 74, 85, 92, 99, 105, 113, 117, 118, 127, 129, 131, 132,
300, 302, 306, 330, 338, 347, 351, 359, 360, 361, 362, 144, 148, 162, 183, 237
369, 381, 387, 401, 464, 468, 498, 537, 628, 675 fruits and vegetables, 12, 18, 39, 47, 52, 73, 105, 144
flavourings, 14 Fruits and vegetables, 105, 111
Flexible tubes, 235, 236 fuel ethanol, 536, 539, 559
Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water, 808, Fuel System Icing Inhibitors, 577
809 fungi, 8
floor coverings, 281, 355, 357, 402, 403, 408, 487, 608, furniture, 228, 231, 263, 268, 269, 278, 287, 288, 310,
650, 651 332, 333, 397, 510, 540, 548, 622, 678, 728
Floor tiles, 280 Furniture, 228, 268, 269, 270, 287, 288, 310, 311, 332,
floors, 366, 367, 500, 501, 514, 545, 707 346, 347
flotation devices, 745, 746 fusion welding, 592, 596, 628, 629, 662, 666
flour, 1, 9, 21, 22, 51, 52, 58, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 84, 85, 93, Fusion welding, 350, 608, 628, 629
98, 102, 103, 182 Galvanized and aluminum zinc, 228
flowmeter, 583 Gaming equipment, 710
Fluid fertilizers, 157 gari, 31
fluid flow, 583, 603, 683 garlic, 120, 121, 134

Gas Chromatography, 166, 554, 556, 557, 558, 559, 562, Groundnuts for oil extraction, 75
563, 573 guavas, 35
Gas cylinders, 484, 565, 600, 608, 614, 619, 629, 630, Guidance, 55, 56, 113, 121, 122, 175, 351, 377, 397, 398,
632, 639, 641, 646, 647, 648, 649, 655, 661, 666, 672, 409, 448, 641, 662, 665, 669, 678, 679, 702, 703, 727,
677, 678, 686, 692, 693, 697, 698 728, 730, 731, 733, 737, 747, 759, 762, 763, 765, 770,
Gas Cylinders, 198 791, 793, 795, 796, 799, 800, 802, 810, 817, 819, 820,
gas meters, 244 821
Gas welding, 276, 281, 297, 323, 324, 332, 344, 350, 352, Guide for writing standards, 701
362, 371, 372, 376, 377 Guidelines for a flexible approach to phased
Gasohol, 538 implementation
gear assemblies, 205, 469, 470 Environmental Management, 753
gelatin, 103 Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 in local
General Lighting Services, 238 government, 780
General requirements, 7, 28, 140, 178, 179, 180, 206, gum, 50, 558, 606, 657
212, 216, 230, 232, 233, 239, 246, 372, 379, 421, 423, Gum Content, 558
424, 425, 427, 430, 446, 447, 449, 452, 464, 465, 466, Hair creams, 502
468, 469, 473, 477, 503, 517, 525, 541, 549, 618, 637, Hair extensions, 545
640, 667, 672, 749, 751, 770, 773, 774, 775, 818 Hair oils, 525
Geographic information, 392, 393 Hair shampoo, 525, 526
Geological hazard risk management for onshore Hairspray, 552
pipeline, 790 Halaal consumer goods, 709
Geometry sets Halal, 707, 708, 709
Mathematical sets, 271 halal medicinal products, 709
Ghee, 79 Halalan, 710
gill nets, 546 ham, 22
Gin, 30 hand wash, 492, 519, 523, 524
ginger, 36, 80, 170 Havarti, 40
Ginger, 36, 80, 170 Health and safety, 374, 375, 376, 389, 708
ginseng, 48 Health and safety in welding and allied processes, 374,
Glass bottles, 344 375, 376, 810
Glass capillary, 250, 588 health and safety management systems, 773, 822
Glass capillary viscometers, 250 Health informatics, 386, 763, 777, 812
glass containers, 242, 325, 326, 332, 344, 351 Heat transfer fluids, 610
Glass containers, 325, 326, 332, 344 Heat treatment, 611
glass flasks, 249 heating units, 197
Glass hollowware, 139, 140 helmets, 722, 723
Glass in building, 363, 364, 401 High Temperature, 562, 571, 574, 578, 579
Glass packaging, 365 High-voltage fuses, 430
Global essential safety requirements (GESRs), 804 Hoes, 198
gloss paints, 518 Horology, 227, 251, 252, 357, 400
Glossary, 25, 44, 51, 200, 201, 257, 258, 263, 473, 484, Horticulture, 81
500, 506, 507, 510, 526 hose assemblies, 252, 253, 263, 277, 281, 282, 284, 285,
glucose, 49, 70 293, 294, 299, 300, 302, 306, 308, 309, 315, 324, 328,
Glucose, 97 330, 331, 332, 334, 353, 359, 360, 372, 373, 377, 387,
Gouda, 40 401, 587
grains, 1, 9, 11, 22, 27, 34, 42, 48, 49, 50, 52, 61, 64, 83, Hot-dip aluminium-zinc coated plain and corrugated
109, 128, 175, 245 steel sheets, 207
grant practice, 712 hot-dip zinc, 222, 295, 372
grapefruits, 36 Hot-rolled sections, 224
grapes, 15, 39, 92, 105 Hot-rolled steel, 224
Graphical symbols, 323, 721, 722, 725, 763, 805 Hot-rolled steel sheet of high yield stress structural
Grass planting, 272 quality, 208
Greases, 610, 653 Human resource management, 816, 817
Green grams, 49 human-centred organization — Guidance for managers,
Greenhouse gases, 665, 758, 759 811
Ground paprika, 143 hurricane lanterns, 195
groundnut, 44, 71, 102, 103, 484 hybrid systems, 477
Groundnut, 71, 484 hydrated lime, 190
groundnuts, 5, 13, 44 Hydraulic Cement, 265

Hydraulic fluid, 306, 387, 582, 583, 598, 606, 618, 649 Lamp caps and holders, 419, 420
hydraulic fluid power, 306, 361, 362, 387, 582, 583, 598 lamp holders, 427, 445
Hydraulic fluid power, 306, 387, 598, 606, 618, 649 Language Interpreting, 719
Hydraulic-Cement Mortar, 264 Laundry soap, 484
Hydrocarbon Mixtures, 560 Lead Content, 47
Hydrocyanic Acid, 18 Lead-acid starter, 423, 424
Hydrometers, 555 Learning services, 815
hypodermic needles, 582, 606, 618 Leather, 512, 513, 514, 518, 553, 584, 585, 586, 587, 590,
ice, 6, 17, 111, 112, 122, 141, 151, 434, 577 595, 600, 604, 605, 650, 669, 678, 682, 688
Identification cards, 328 leather belts, 546
Illuminating candles, 518 leek, 24
Immersion suits, 761 Leeks, 147
impurities, 53, 54, 55, 62, 63, 161, 527 Legal units, 251
Incineration plant, 213 lemon, 92
incontinence aids, 674 Lentils, 62
Indicators for smart cities, 820 Lettuce, 153
Industrial furnaces, 749, 750 lifts (elevators), 804
Industrial valves, 604 Light and radiation, 481
Infant formula, 2 Light metal, 560
infants and children, 3, 5, 17, 19 Light metals, 202, 203
infants and young children, 17, 69 Lighters, 631
Information and documentation, 262, 367, 380, 761 Lighting and retroreflective, 307, 308
Information for consumers, 701 Lightweight, 273
Information security management for inter-sector and lime, 199, 200, 232, 363, 633
inter-organizational communications, 410, 411 limes, 34, 199
Information security management systems, 408 limestone, 200
Information technology, 206, 259, 345, 350, 351, 359, Lip balm, 566
367, 368, 373, 377, 387, 389, 390, 391, 394, 395, 396, Lip shine, 566
399, 402, 404, 405, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 416, Lipstick, 534
417, 418, 462 Liquefied petroleum, 594, 596, 607, 626, 661
Infrared Spectra, 266 Liqueur, 88
Injuries and Illnesses, 713 Liquid hydrocarbons, 585, 596, 614, 615
Instant hand sanitizers, 520 Liquid Industrial Chemicals, 266
insulated cables, 218, 219, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429 Liquid petroleum, 592
Insulated flasks, 519 Liquid soap, 520
Insulating and sheathing materials, 219, 220, 452 Listeria monocytogenes, 13, 164
Insulation taps, 329 litchi, 34
Interior air, 362 Live animals’ grades, 104
interoperable object, 765 livestock feed, 37, 51
IT Security, 404 lobster, 77
jam, 6 lobsters, 22
jellies, 6 locks and latches, 196
juice, 15, 18, 19, 97, 102, 105, 149 longans, 36
Junction boxes, 195 Longitudinal tensile test, 603
kerbs, 273, 274 lotions, 502, 519, 566
Kerosene, 523 low carbon steel, 198, 257, 258, 372, 380
Kitchen, 277 Lubricants, 183, 557, 580, 581, 609, 610, 611, 621, 651,
kitchen machines, 433, 440, 441 653, 654, 661, 688, 697
Kitenge, 497 lubricating oils, 498, 499, 571, 572, 573, 576, 577, 594,
Knitted fabrics, 624 606, 607, 656, 661, 667
labelling, 7, 42, 51, 68, 70, 71, 178, 180, 246, 249, 281, Lubricating Oils, 575, 576, 577
314, 383, 503, 507, 525, 541, 549, 551, 591, 592, 619, lubricating oils for turbines, 621
646, 672, 707, 720, 738, 739, 746, 754, 755, 760, 763, Machetes, 195
811 Machine safety
Labelling, 7, 42, 246, 503, 507 mining, 787
Laboratory glassware, 506 machinery, 171, 183, 206, 289, 309, 353, 382, 418, 709,
Laminated veneer lumber, 413 733, 750, 752, 760, 778, 779, 787
laminates, 231, 293 maize, 1, 9, 37, 38, 45, 64, 70, 128
lamp cap, 445, 480 Maize gluten, 38

Making and Curing, 265 Mining — Mobile machines working underground, 787
management systems, 380, 381, 408, 409, 410, 669, 678, Mining and earth-moving machinery, 784
707, 712, 736, 754, 761, 771, 772, 785, 787, 788, 790, mining machines, 786
795, 797, 799, 800, 801, 803, 812, 813, 814, 816, 819, mint, 106
820, 822 Mobile elevating work platforms, 784
mango, 10, 48 Mobile equipment, 296
mango chutney, 10 modulus of elasticity, 384, 543
mangoes, 31, 134 Moisture meters, 245
mangosteens, 34 Molasses, 70
Marble Dimension Stone, 274 Mosaic parquet panels, 223
margarine, 4, 55, 177 mosquito nets, 501, 508
marjoram, 160 Motion Evaluation, 719
masala, 80 Motor vehicle safety, 217
masks, 493, 585 motor vehicles, 216, 217, 218, 227, 228, 232, 243, 248,
Mathematics, 480 263, 280, 285, 314, 358, 383
mayonnaise, 11, 55 Motorcycle tyres, 288, 289, 299, 352, 370
measuring systems, 243, 248, 361, 387, 388 Mozzarella, 39, 40
meat, 12, 20, 21, 23, 57, 66, 82, 87, 94, 95, 99, 101, 109, mushroom, 90
137, 138, 151, 170, 183 mushrooms, 76, 90, 144
Mechanical contraceptives, 620 Mycotoxin, 11
Mechanical stress grading, 256 Nail polish, 503
medical devices, 504, 541, 551, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, National cheque, 492
656, 672 National flag, 484
Medical devices, 541, 656, 669, 672 Natural aggregates for concrete, 394
medical examination gloves, 535 Natural gas, 554, 612, 641, 652, 672, 677
Medical face masks, 668 natural mineral waters, 7
Medical laboratories, 695, 761 Needles, 567, 568
Medical syringes, 244 Non mineral, 553
Melons, 155 Non-alloy steel rod, 379, 380
mercury vapour lamps, 424 Non-destructive testing, 629, 658, 684
Metallic, 225, 228, 272, 306, 310, 325, 492, 605, 608, 646 Non-metallic perforation resistant inserts
Metallic coatings, 225 Footwear, 805
Metallic crown caps, 275 Non-metallic toecaps, 805
metallic materials, 306, 310, 325, 391, 492, 545, 592, 596, Non-woven bags, 275
603, 608, 626, 646, 658, 671, 676, 677, 684, 739 noodles, 39, 523
Metallic perforation resistant inserts, 805 nopal, 33
Metallic toecaps, 804 Nutmeg, 130
Metering assemblies, 571 nutrition, 68, 69, 705
Metric units, 511, 514, 515, 516, 518, 707 nuts, 3, 5, 13, 18, 95, 176
microbiological, 16, 35, 36, 55, 114, 121, 131, 137, 138, oats, 34
140, 150, 171, 180, 693 Occupational Health and Safety, 713, 714
Military combat helmets, 272 Occupational Safety, 714
milk, 2, 5, 9, 10, 15, 16, 19, 20, 31, 32, 38, 39, 55, 68, 69, ochratoxin, 14, 174
86, 88, 90, 96, 100, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 119, Ochratoxin, 17, 88, 174
122, 123, 125, 131, 135, 136, 138, 140, 141, 148, 149, octopus, 73
150, 151, 152, 153, 161, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 171, offals, 100
172, 173, 181, 183, 184, 185, 237, 267 oil, 22, 27, 32, 43, 44, 45, 51, 54, 57, 69, 77, 92, 129, 177,
Milk, 9, 10, 16, 19, 20, 31, 32, 55, 69, 86, 96, 106, 107, 179, 220, 221, 234, 253, 281, 282, 284, 309, 359, 360,
109, 110, 112, 113, 119, 122, 123, 125, 131, 135, 136, 370, 399, 433, 444, 451, 452, 484, 485, 494, 498, 499,
141, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 165, 166, 167, 170, 502, 503, 505, 507, 524, 525, 539, 553, 554, 555, 560,
172, 180, 184 564, 566, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 582,
Milk powders, 10, 19, 20, 96, 119, 125, 149 588, 597, 602, 612, 626, 627, 633, 637, 656, 657, 658,
milks, 38, 42, 100, 165, 170, 185 659, 671, 679, 693, 698, 710, 711, 785
Milled maize, 9 Oilseed, 57
Millet flour, 21 oilseeds, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 113, 127, 162, 245
mine accidents, 787 Oilseeds, 52, 54, 55, 56, 117
mineral waters, 10 Okra, 47
Mining, 787 olive oils, 7, 168, 169
onion, 87, 119

onions, 76, 87 678, 679, 682, 683, 686, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693,
Opaque, 13 694, 698, 699, 711, 752, 753, 762, 808, 814
orange, 91, 516 Photocopy paper, 533
Organic, 51, 90, 101, 102, 503, 547, 550, 559 photovoltaic, 194, 212, 217, 218, 234, 454, 455, 456, 467,
organic liquids, 47 469, 470, 471, 477, 479
Outlying Observations, 581 Photovoltaic, 194, 211, 217, 454, 455, 456, 469, 471, 477
Oven cleaner, 521 photovoltaic systems, 194, 212, 218, 479
Ovine (lamb) meat cuts and carcasses, 102 Physical chemistry and molecular physics, 481
Ownership, Operation,, 715 pig feeds, 12
Oxygen, 543 pillow cases, 504
Packaged mineral waters, 3 Pillows, 546
Packaging, 52, 181, 235, 236, 241 pineapple, 2, 9
Packaging — Recommendations for addressing pipe systems, 242
consumer needs, 702 Pipe threads, 189, 498
Packaging and environment, 181 pipeline systems, 324, 325, 659, 667
Padlocks, 261 pipes, 189, 198, 207, 226, 237, 240, 241, 242, 277, 347,
Paints, 520, 521, 522, 544, 586, 589, 590, 593, 599, 600, 351, 631, 651, 655, 658, 673, 674, 684, 688, 699
617, 618, 627, 649, 673 pistachio nuts, 13, 28
palm, 32, 44, 179 Plantain, 85
palm kernel, 32 plastic, 93, 203, 234, 236, 237, 242, 244, 260, 261, 262,
Palm olein, 67 315, 325, 400, 501, 513, 519, 524, 543, 619, 620, 624
Palm stearin, 67 Plastic basins, 518
papain powder, 8 Plastic closures, 274
papaya, 33, 91 Plastic containers, 203
Paper, 241, 494, 509, 512, 533, 534, 569, 584, 585, 586, Plastic films, 268
724 Plastics, 282, 300, 330, 363, 368, 399, 509, 520, 542, 543
Paper and board, 241, 494, 509, 512, 533, 584 plastics and rubbers, 526, 566
Paper bags, 533 plastics hoses, 251, 252, 285, 294, 308, 309, 315, 324, 328,
Paper plates and cups, 241 330, 331, 334, 358, 359, 370, 371, 415, 416
Paper serviettes, 533 Plastics hoses, 282, 300
Parasailing, 720 Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for
Particleboards, 231, 259 drainage and sewerage under pressure —
pasta, 38, 39, 141 Polyethylene (PE), 291, 292
paste and puree, 15 Platinum, 250
Pasteurized liquid eggs, 105 Playground Surfacing, 713
Pastry, 90 Plugs, 452, 453
Patient and client eye protectors Plums, 134
Intense Light Source, 804 Plywood, 251, 259, 271, 276, 370, 652, 653
peaches, 18, 73 Pneumatic tyres, 203, 204, 280, 288
Peaches, 73 POCT, 806
peak count, 263 Point-of-care testing, 806
Peanut, 13 Polishes, 500, 510
peanuts, 5, 12, 13, 34, 44 Polyalkylene, 262
pears, 13, 33, 86 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 16, 186
peas, 61, 62, 186 Polyethylene, 240, 260, 694
pepper, 84, 85, 86, 120, 133, 161 Polyethylene film and sheeting, 268
Peppercorns, 162 polypropylene sacks, 401
peppermint, 120 Polystyrene, 260
Personal equipment, 746, 800, 805, 806 polyurethane foams, 495
Personal protective equipment, 723 pomace oils, 7, 168, 169
pesticides, 39, 89, 112, 173, 712, 713, 718, 811 pomegranates, 45
Pesticides, 39, 63, 97, 712 pork, 20, 23
Petroleum, 371, 485, 495, 535, 536, 537, 539, 541, 549, portable reflective triangles, 206
551, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 565, 569, 570, Potable water, 3
573, 575, 580, 581, 582, 583, 587, 588, 591, 594, 596, potato, 59, 60, 65
597, 598, 601, 602, 606, 607, 609, 612, 616, 617, 620, poultry, 21, 56, 80, 82, 94, 100, 109, 170
622, 623, 625, 627, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636,637, 638, poultry feeds, 21
646, 648, 651, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660,
661, 662, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 673, 674, 675,

powder, 10, 23, 31, 43, 53, 70, 78, 84, 90, 94, 112, 120, Quick release system for trapeze harness
165, 172, 183, 207, 501, 502, 507, 508, 514, 520, 526, Small Crafts, 741
561, 589 quicklime, 190, 200
powders, 10, 24, 25, 43, 49, 67, 492, 501, 504, 507, 508, Radar equipment, 249
509, 520, 524, 530 radio data system, 476
Power cables, 445, 446 radio disturbance characteristics, 229
power systems, 460, 471, 472, 477, 605 radionuclides, 154, 155, 273
Power transformers, 205, 421, 422 rail weighbridges, 247
PPE ensembles for firefighters, 782, 783 Railway Rides, 715
prawns, 7, 73, 74 raisins, 15
Precast concrete pipes and ancillary concrete products, Rapid Freezing, 265, 266
211 raspberries, 13, 16, 17
Precast concrete pipes, fittings and ancillary products, Raw and roasted groundnuts, 75
211 Raw cane sugar, 3
pre-packaged foods, 5, 7, 8 Raw cattle hides, 587
prepackages, 247 Raw cow milk, 15
Pressure regulators, 276, 324 Raw goat skins, 615, 616
pressure vessels, 381, 382, 684 Raw hides and skins, 485, 486
Pressure Water, 716 Raw macadamia, 95
prickly pear, 33 Raw Materials, 9
Primary batteries, 422, 423 Raw sheep skins, 600
Principles and requirements, 732, 738, 769, 770, 792 razor blades, 519
Process measurement framework for assessment of Reagent Water, 266
process capability Refractory bricks, 295, 296, 297, 346
ICT, 417 Refractory products, 365
product recall, 740 Refrigerants, 523
product safety, 721, 722, 740 registration plates, 218, 227, 228
Products and related services, 701 renewable energy, 468, 469, 477
profiled sheet, 222 Requirements for hygiene, 57, 706
programme management, 797 Residue Limits, 1
propane, 537, 541, 620, 661 resilience, 512, 623, 624, 800, 802, 803, 819
Protection against lightning, 478 Resilient and textile, 403
Protective clothing, 611, 665, 724, 743, 751, 810, 811 Resistance welding, 225, 298, 301, 347, 372, 387, 388,
Protective clothing for firefighter, 744 391
protective equipment, 396, 655, 688, 689, 715, 744, 745, Respiratory protective devices, 679, 680, 681, 682, 684,
760, 763, 782 766, 767, 768
Protective gloves, 704, 705 rice, 19, 27, 51, 63, 98
protective helmets, 227 Rice, 19, 50, 98
Provolone, 41 Risk assessment techniques, 818
Proximity switches, 458 Risk management, 478, 704, 817, 818
Public information symbols, 206, 725 road binders, 204
Public key infrastructure, 386, 398 Road marking paints, 538
Pull off strength, 513 Road traffic safety, 820
pulse, 93, 98, 133, 474, 615 Road vehicles, 218, 232, 263, 270, 280, 285, 358, 360,
pulses, 4, 48, 52, 53, 77, 92, 104, 105, 113, 126, 132, 133, 368, 369, 374, 379, 397, 398, 407, 414, 415, 601
175, 181, 186, 402, 493 Rock drill rigs, 784
Pulses, 53, 104, 186 rock reinforcement rigs, 784
pummelos, 35 roofing paint, 531
puree, 11, 15, 30, 83 Roofing products, 223, 224
PVC, 198, 214, 218, 219, 220, 240, 241, 261, 272, 273, rosemary, 162
357, 450, 451, 513, 606 roughness average, 263
Quality Assurance, 720 Rubber, 251, 252, 253, 263, 276, 277, 281, 282, 284, 285,
quality management system, 581, 656, 701, 703, 726, 293, 294, 299, 300, 301, 302, 308, 309, 315, 324, 328,
727, 734, 736, 737, 778, 814 330, 331, 334, 353, 358, 359, 360, 370, 371, 372, 373,
Quality management systems, 656, 669, 701, 707, 726, 401, 415, 416, 427, 428, 429, 564, 575, 576, 587, 617,
727, 735, 778, 780, 822 655, 677, 678, 697
quality statistics, 708 rubber latex male condoms, 595
Quantitative analysis, 562 rubber wheel, 267
Quantities and units, 480, 481, 482 Rum, 30

sack Kraft paper, 534 snacks, 18, 88
Safety identification — Escape and evacuation plan soaps, 484, 485, 494, 508, 515, 516, 543
signs, 806 Societal security, 800, 801, 802, 803
Safety matches, 491 socket-outlets, 452, 453, 466
Safety of toys, 621, 622 Sodium, 25, 26, 27, 53, 105, 107, 108, 501, 537, 541, 565,
Safety requirements for lifts (elevators), 804 568, 588, 589
sage, 162 Sodium chloride, 25, 26, 27, 107, 108
Saint-Paulin, 41 soft drinks, 10
salmon, 1 Software engineering, 823
Salmonella, 20, 36, 130, 136, 180 Softwood flooring, 256
Sampling, 10, 42, 52, 73, 77, 83, 98, 102, 106, 119, 121, soil conditioners, 145, 149, 152, 177, 178, 179, 180
122, 128, 132, 143, 150, 153, 180, 185, 199, 265, 266, Soil fertilizers, 156
277, 293, 354, 386, 494, 555, 559, 588, 593, 594, 602, Soil quality, 158, 160, 161, 163, 165, 177
641, 673, 716, 717, 718 solar collector, 234
sampling fume and gases, 374, 375 Solar heating systems, 236
Samsø, 40 solar systems, 233, 234
Sanitary towels, 486 Solid biofuels, 227, 390
Sanitation, 708 Sorghum, 22, 49, 61, 70
sanitation systems, 417 Sorghum flour, 22
sanitizers, 520, 546, 547, 551, 553 Sound-absorbing, 277
sardine, 22 Soya, 53, 68, 88, 116
Sausages, 58 soya bean, 43, 68
Sawn softwood timber, 230, 231 Soya protein, 68
sawn timber, 199, 201, 226, 246, 247, 275, 278, 402 Space and time, 480
Scholastic stationery, 524 Spades, 197
School chalks, 484 specimens, 218, 264, 265, 277, 278, 326, 327, 328, 363,
School clothing, 549, 550 387, 400, 421, 449, 511, 566, 575, 578, 595, 602, 603,
School wear, 551, 552 611, 631, 655
Seat belt, 216 sphygmomanometers, 244
Secondary cells, 468, 469 Spices, 23, 24, 80, 81, 82, 83, 86, 108, 110, 127, 129
Security, 351, 390, 397, 404, 405, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, spinach, 19
413, 415, 416, 475, 747, 800, 802, 803, 812, 813, 814 spirit, 25, 30, 88, 90, 494, 563, 566
Security techniques spot welding, 251, 298, 334, 335, 347, 372, 391, 392
ICT, 351, 390, 404, 405, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, Spring mattresses, 546
414, 416 spun yarns, 498
Sediment, 563, 565, 580 Stabilized materials, 212
seed, 18, 32, 51, 59, 60, 70, 71, 77, 86, 87, 90, 103, 130, stabilized soil blocks, 232
145, 147 Stain remover, 524
seed oil, 32 Stainless steel, 228, 267, 630
seeds, 13, 18, 32, 43, 44, 53, 54, 71, 103, 109, 130, 160 Stainless steel tanks, 228
service delivery, 741, 791 Stainless steels, 673
Service management system requirements Stainless Steels, 567
ICT, 395 Staphylococci, 35
sesame, 18, 32, 92, 100, 103, 485 Star anise, 162
Sesame, 92, 100, 485 Starch, 93, 116, 162, 163
shallow well handpumps, 207 starters, 225, 424, 445, 457
Shea, 92, 566 Stationary source emissions, 345, 361, 407
sheathing materials, 221, 450, 451, 452 Statistics, 720, 721
Ships and marine technology, 397, 415 Steel and iron, 199
Shoe polish, 510 Steel and steel products, 207, 640
Shoes sizes, 628 steel bars, 295
shovels, 197 Steel flat, 628
shrimp, 7, 73 steel nails, 240
shrimps or prawns, 7 steel pipes, 195, 588, 651, 694
Sickles, 267 Steel products, 310
slaughterhouses, 56 steel sheets, 189, 191, 212, 222, 228
Slideways, 610 steel sheets and coils, 212, 222
Slump of Hydraulic, 264 steel tanks, 228, 257, 535
Small craft, 741

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Steel tubes, 261 592, 594, 601, 602, 607, 611, 618, 627, 631, 632, 654,
steel wire, 195, 196, 329, 379, 380, 388, 389, 390, 399, 655, 662, 663, 664, 695
635, 647 Textiles — Tear properties of fabrics, 663, 664
Steel wire, 195, 196, 329, 388, 389, 399, 634 Textiles — Woven fabrics, 613, 614
steel wire rod, 379, 380 Thawing, 265, 266
Steel wire rod, 380 Thermal solar systems, 232, 233
Sterile, 571, 618, 619, 620, 624, 640, 641 Thermodynamics, 480
Sterile hypodermic syringes, 619, 620 Thermometers, 555, 556
sterile rubber surgical gloves, 632 Thermo-Oxidation Engine Oil, 574
Steviol glycosides, 101 thermoplastic road marking paint, 538
stone-slabs, 242 Thermoplastic tubing, 371
storage tanks, 246, 256, 539, 598, 648 Thinner, 532
strawberries, 11, 14, 134 Tilapia, 2
structural designs, 200 Tilsiter, 40, 41
structural quality, 191, 224, 295 Timber, 199, 201, 268, 402, 484
Structural steels, 222, 223 tissue paper, 533
sugar, 2, 3, 4, 49, 50, 60, 64, 70, 402, 493 Toffee, 50
sugarcane, 3, 97, 101 Toilet cleansers, 521
Sulfuric acid, 491 Toilet paper, 491
sunflower, 43, 53, 70 toilet soap, 494, 518, 519
Supplemental Feeding, 9 Toilet soap, 494
Surface polish, 548 Toluene, 503, 604
surgery — Scalpels, 618 tomato, 14, 15, 18, 20
surgical blades, 571 Tomato, 14, 15, 18
surgical dressings, 498, 516, 517 tomatoes, 14, 15, 18, 20, 44, 75, 118
Surgical sutures, 567 Toothbrushes, 509
Sustainable cities and communities, 820 toothpaste, 495
sweets, 49 Tourism, 749, 751, 752, 779, 781, 796
swimming pools, 147, 236, 237, 440, 791 towels, 486, 561
Switches for appliances, 465 toxicity, 607, 615, 632, 642, 643, 668
switchgear, 205, 338, 340, 343, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460, toxins, 36, 57
461, 469, 470, 471 training equipment, 793, 794
Synthetic organic liquid, 505 Transparent welding curtains, strips and screens for arc
Systems and software, 406 welding processes, 810
table olives, 15 Treatment Process, 717
tangerine, 91 Tree Nuts, 3, 13
tankers, 246, 535, 537, 718 tricycles, 228, 232
tannia, 37 trucks and buses, 203, 285, 346, 415
tannin content, 49, 50 Tubeless tyres, 373
Tapered-Plug Viscosimeter, 579 tuna and bonito, 17
Taximeters, 244 tuna loins, 73
tea, 6, 44, 80, 81, 85, 88, 89, 98, 143, 155, 160, 164, 172, Tungsten ribbon lamps, 250
175, 336, 337, 524 Turmeric, 80, 121
Tea, 80, 88, 89, 98, 155, 160, 164, 175 Tyre pressure gauges, 243
technological design, 725 Tyre valves, 282, 324, 349, 397
telecommunication lines, 201, 478 tyres, 203, 204, 243, 271, 279, 280, 285, 288, 289, 290,
telecommunications, 205, 214, 450, 451 299, 300, 301, 329, 346, 349, 352, 353, 354, 359, 361,
Terrestrial photovoltaic, 467 369, 370, 376, 381, 385, 398, 402, 415
Test Data, 577, 581 Tyres, 282, 288, 289, 290, 329, 369, 381
Test methods, 18, 53, 77, 110, 112, 120, 139, 192, 193, tyres and rims, 279, 280, 285, 288, 289, 299, 300, 329,
194, 204, 218, 221, 233, 234, 241, 267, 282, 306, 340, 353, 354
346, 347, 349, 352, 364, 366, 367, 369, 373, 397, 401, UHT milk, 5, 90
425, 427, 448, 541, 627, 652, 684, 685, 686, 688, 691, ultrasound gel, 581
692, 695, 696, 744, 761 Umbrella fabrics, 496, 497
Textile fabrics, 505, 511, 611 Uninterruptible power systems, 471, 472
textile shoelaces, 512 Uranium, 102
Textiles, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 499, 503, 507, Urine collection bags, 625
508, 536, 539, 540, 564, 568, 569, 575, 587, 588, 591, Urine-absorbing aids, 651, 674, 677
Used footwear, 506

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valves and tubes, 282 168, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 178, 179, 180, 186, 607,
Vanilla, 109, 120 615, 622, 626, 628, 631, 641, 667, 668, 679
Vapor Pressure, 553, 554, 558 Water safety signs, 792, 793
varnishes, 520, 521, 522, 538, 544, 586, 589, 591, 593, Wax polishes, 510, 551, 599
599, 600, 617, 618, 627, 649, 673 Waxed paper, 235, 534
Varnishes, 538, 544, 586 weighing instruments, 243, 245, 247, 248
vegetable, 32, 39, 54, 55, 60, 62, 63, 94, 98, 100, 102, 105, weighing road vehicles, 248
107, 110, 111, 112, 117, 118, 119, 125, 126, 131, 132, weights, 242
137, 148, 151, 152, 159, 167, 168, 169, 174, 176, 177, weights of classes, 243
178, 179, 185, 186, 484, 502, 503, 508, 513, 534, 535, Welding, 373, 387, 388, 389, 392, 462, 463, 532, 608, 612,
553, 566, 567, 606 662, 666, 669, 676, 677
Vegetable, 63, 100, 102, 161, 513 wheat, 1, 11, 32, 50, 51, 52, 58, 64, 109, 141, 161, 175, 182
vegetables, 42, 52, 75, 111, 117, 118, 129, 131, 132, 136, Wheat, 1, 11, 50, 109, 161, 182
148, 155, 183, 237 Wheat flour, 1, 161, 182
veterinary drugs, 1 wheel tyres, 361
Vinegar, 30, 31 Wheelbarrows, 195
visual display terminals, 727, 728, 729, 733 Wheelchair, 257, 382, 383, 384
Vocabulary, 49, 109, 118, 144, 149, 181, 297, 310, 315, wheelchairs, 232, 257, 312, 313, 314, 315
324, 334, 349, 376, 382, 400, 402, 419, 506, 532, 605, whey, 31, 43, 140, 149
624, 625, 688, 704, 720, 721, 757, 769, 773, 788, 791, Whey Cheeses, 43
800, 810, 821 Whisky, 29
Vodka, 29 white sugar, 2, 4, 64
voltages, 218, 219, 239, 341, 419, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, whitener, 90
430, 431, 437, 445, 446, 462, 474, 478, 479 window stays fasteners, 196
Wall fillers, 561 windows, 196, 267, 278, 315, 333, 348, 349, 379, 440, 444
wall materials, 273 Windows and doors, 275
warning signs, 216 wine, 14, 28, 29, 336, 337
washing bars, 514 Wire and wire, 195
Waste Management Activities, 717 wires and wire, 196
water, 3, 10, 22, 27, 31, 46, 47, 60, 62, 83, 89, 91, 102, Wood, 201, 202, 227, 248, 277, 278, 279, 293, 349, 363,
107, 115, 116, 119, 121, 122, 125, 126, 128, 134, 135, 384, 385, 386, 414, 714
136, 139, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 153, Wood moisture, 248
154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, wood parquet, 251, 252, 276, 296, 297
168, 171, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 180, 183, 186, 195, Wood poles, 201
198, 202, 204, 207, 217, 220, 232, 233, 240, 241, 243, wood preservation, 201
248, 252, 253, 256, 257, 260, 261, 262, 274, 277, 281, Wood preservatives, 202
282, 283, 284, 285, 293, 297, 301, 302, 309, 330, 351, wood raw, 279, 297
352, 354, 356, 359, 367, 370, 371, 379, 381, 382, 385, Wood-based panels, 349, 363, 384, 385, 414
390, 394, 400, 430, 431, 434, 436, 437, 439, 440, 442, wooden door, 263, 267
470, 488, 489, 491, 494, 500, 505, 512, 514, 515, 516, Wooden flush door, 259, 260
517, 518, 521, 524, 530, 531, 537, 538, 545, 553, 559, Wool, 492
561, 562, 563, 565, 574, 576, 591, 595, 597, 600, 601, Woven bags, 37, 493
607, 608, 609, 612, 613, 615, 618, 619, 623, 626, 630, Woven fabrics, 507, 508, 592, 624, 655
632, 633, 636, 639, 641, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 654, Wrapping paper, 534
656, 666, 677, 678, 679, 685, 689, 690, 691, 693, 695, Writing paper, 496
697, 705, 711, 716, 720, 755, 761, 766, 792, 793, 796, yeast, 99
807, 811 yield stress, 572, 578
Water meters, 283, 284 Yoghurt, 6, 146
Water quality, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 134, 135, Zinc oxide surgical adhesive plaster, 583
136, 139, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, Zippers, 496, 500
153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 164, 165, 166, 167,

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