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Comparative Study of Endodontic Files With Various Cross Sections With Varying Threads

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Comparative Study of Endodontic Files with Various Cross Sections with Varying

Article  in  Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine · January 2014

DOI: 10.1166/asem.2014.1454

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3 authors, including:

R. N. Khapre Chetana Makade

Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management Nagpur vspm dental college and research institute


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Finite Element Analysis and Comparison of Protaper and Hero Endodontic file Segments Subjected to Bending and Torsional Load View project

Case reports View project

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Copyright © 2014 by American Scientific Publishers Advanced Science,
All rights reserved. Engineering and Medicine
Printed in the United States of America Vol. 6, pp. 1–6, 2014

Comparative Study of Endodontic Files with

Various Cross Sections with Varying Threads
R. Khapre1, ∗ , J. Sarve1 , and C. Makade2
Civil Engineering Department, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management,
Katol Road, Nagpur, 440022, Maharashtra, India
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, VSPM’s Dental College and Research Center,
Nagpur, 440019, Maharashtra, India

Finite element analysis (FEA) of endodontic files using ANSYS is presented in this study. A comparative study
of four endodontic file models having different cross sections with varying number of threads is carried out
to understand their behavior under torsional and bending loads. Linear elastic as well as non linear material
behavior is considered during the analysis. Various results are obtained in form of equivalent von-Mises stress,
torsional stiffness, support reactions and presented in from of contours and charts. The obtained results were
validated by comparing them with the analytical solution and results available in literature. Discussion is pre-
sented on suitability of cross section under bending and torsional loads and effect of increase in number of

threads on flexibility of endodontic file.

KEYWORDS: Endodontic Files, Root Canal Treatment, Finite Element Method, Nitinol.

1. INTRODUCTION Berutti, et al.5 and Subramaniam, et al.6 presented a

In dentistry endodontic files are widely used in Root comparative study of two NiTi endodontic root canal files
Canal Treatment (RCT). The dentist drive these files namely ProTaper and Profile. Detailed finite element anal-
into complex anatomy of root canal system mainly for ysis was presented on two file models by applying bend-
cleaning and shaping of infected root canal after access ing moments and torsion. Their study shows that ProFile
opening. To sustain the stresses generated during clean- model is more elastic than ProTaper model. Montalvao and
ing and shaping procedure these files requires a mate- Alcada7 presented comparison of two NiTi files namely
rial having high strength and high flexibility. New metal ProFile GT and ProFile GT Series X. Both files were made
alloys have been introduced as a part of the attempt to from NiTi alloys but have slightly different stress strain
improve the quality of endodontic files. The most promis- behavior as they were manufactured through different pro-
ing alloy of this time is Nitinol, which is equiatomic alloy cess. Finite element analysis was carried out on two full
of NiTi. It has a peculiar characteristic of ‘shape mem- length file models of ProFile GT and ProFile GT X using
ory alloy,’ which provides very good elastic flexibility to commercial software ANSYS. Both models were analyzed
instruments. for bending as well as torsion. Analysis proved that Pro-
Earlier, endodontic files were made from stainless steel File GT X file is more flexible than ProFile GT file.
which provided required strength but not the flexibil- Baek, et al.8 presented comparison of four NiTi file
ity, particularly for rotary endodontic. Literature review1 2 having different geometric characteristics considering lin-
reveals that files made from NiTi are more flexible than ear elastic behavior of NiTi. four different cross sections
stainless steel. The flexibility of endodontic files not only namely triangle, s-rectangle, rectangle and square was used
depends on the material but also on the geometry. There to generate finite element models of endodontic files with
are various NiTi files available that are made from different varying taper. Comparison of these files was carried out
cross sections. These files were analyzed and compared by based on values of torsional stiffness and equivalent von-
several researchers using finite element method3 4 based Mises stress obtained after application of angular rotation
software like ANSYS,5–7 10–14 ABAQUS.8 9 on file models. It was concluded that the torsional stiffness
has higher value for files having less pitch and larger cross

sectional area. Lee, et al.9 carried out comparative study
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Email: khaprern@rknec.edu of cyclic fatigue resistance of four files namely ProTaper,
Received: xx Xxxx xxxx HeroShaper, ProFile and Mtwo. Stress analysis was car-
Accepted: xx Xxxx xxxx ried out using Finite Element Method and fracture analysis

Adv. Sci. Eng. Med. 2014, Vol. 6, No. xx 2164-6627/2014/6/001/006 doi:10.1166/asem.2014.1454 1

Comparative Study of Endodontic Files with Various Cross Sections with Varying Threads Khapre et al.

using fatigue test and it was concluded that the higher cur- 1600
Actual Stress Strain Curve
vature generates higher stress in NiTi files which reduces
1200 Approximate Stress Strain Curve
lifetime of endodontic files.

Stress (MPa)
Khapre, et al.10 presented comparison of two NiTi files
namely ProFile and Twisted file models. Finite element
based ANSYS Workbench software was employed for the
analysis of segment of these files models for bending
and torsional loads. Study concluded that the Twisted file 0
model is more flexible than ProFile model. Rigidity curves 0 4 8 12 16 20
generated from transient finite element analysis was pre- Strain (%)
sented and discussed for both file models. Khapre, et al.11 Fig. 1. Stress–strain characteristics (actual and approximated) of NiTi.
presented a study on comparison of two NiTi endodontic
files namely Protaper and Twisted file. Finite element anal-
ysis was carried out using commercial software ANSYS horizontal. In this phase, very small stress produces large
11.0 on full length file models subjected to lateral load strain that makes NiTi super elastic. This phase is known
and displacement applied at the tip. It was reported that as transition phase. In the third part (c–d) stress strain
the twisted file model shows greater displacement as com- relationship is highly non linear. This phase is called as
pared to ProTaper file model for same magnitude of load. martensitic phase. It shows typical stress strain relation-
Load displacement curve was also presented that confirms ship for alloy till breaking point, where gradual increase in
the Twisted file model is more flexible than the ProTaper strain can be observed with increase in stress. Since NiTi
file model. is highly flexible and can handle larger strains, this helps
Khapre, et al.12 13 presented the comparison of ProFile in cleaning and shaping of the root canal of infected teeth.

file model with Twisted file model. The comparison was While performing finite element analysis, the stress strain
based on finite element analysis of complete file models behavior of NiTi can be approximated by three lines a–b,
analyzed in ANSYS bending loads only. Load displace- b–c, c–d as shown in Figure 1. The Young’s modulus of
ment curve proved that the Twisted file model is more these three portions is 35,700 MPa, 860 MPa, and 11,600
flexible than ProFile file model. The magnitude of maxi- MPa respectively. The approximate Poisson’s ratio of 0.3
mum von-Mises stresses generated in Twisted file model was considered for NiTi during the analysis.
was found to be significantly higher than that of ProFile
file model. Khapre, et al.14 presented comparison of four 3. ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE AND
cross sections used by Beak, et al.8 Study was carried RESULTS
out on segment of 1.8 mm length of file models having According to literature,15 When a cantilever beam of uni-
constant cross section subjected to bending as well as tor- form cross section is subjected to rotation  at free end,
sion, using finite element analysis. Moment rigidity curve then reactive torsional moment of T = GJ /L is gener-
depicts that the s-rectangle cross section is most flexible ated at fixed end.15 Similarly when a cantilever beam of
when subjected to torsional loads.
uniform cross section is subjected to displacement  at
The present study aims at comparison of four cross
free end, the reactive force of F = 3EI/L3 is generated
sections used by Baek, et al.8 and Khapre, et al.14 for
at fixed end.15 Considering these two equations, a sam-
design of endodontic file systems based on their finite
ple beam of 1.0 mm diameter with 12.0 mm length was
element analysis. It also discusses the effect of variation
analyzed by applying rotation of 20 and displacement of
in number of threads in endodontic files on their behav-
1 mm at free end while the other end was kept fixed. Only
ior under torsion and bending. Twelve finite file models
linear elastic behavior of NiTi was considered by taking
were created and analyzed using ANSYS and obtained
values of modulus of elasticity E = 35700 MPa and Pois-
results inform of equivalent von-Mises stress distribution,
son’s ratio  = 03. Same cantilever beams are modeled
torsional stiffness and support reaction were presented and
in finite element based software ANSYS and analyzed for
both linear elastic (E = 35700 MPa and Poisson’s ratio
 = 03 and non linear (Fig. 1) behavior of NiTi. The
2. NiTi CHARACTERISTICS results obtained are validated by comparing them with ana-
Figure 1 shows the stress–strain characteristics of NiTi. lytical results in Table I. Analytical results match well
As behavior of NiTi is highly non linear, the character- with the results obtained from ANSYS considering lin-
istics curve of NiTi can be divided into three parts a–b, ear elastic behavior of NiTi. The magnitude of torsional
b–c, c–d. In the first part (a–b), stress strain relationship moment and support reaction is nearly half when non lin-
is linear and alloy is in a more stable crystalline phase. ear behavior is incorporated. This difference is due to
This phase is called as austenitic phase. In the second part highly non linear behavior of NiTi. As analytical method
(b–c), stress strain relationship is also linear but almost uses only linear behavior of material therefore it is difficult

2 Adv. Sci. Eng. Med., 6, 1–6, 2014

Khapre et al. Comparative Study of Endodontic Files with Various Cross Sections with Varying Threads

Table I. Validation of results obtained from ANSYS with analytical Table II. Details of geometry and mesh for twelve file models.
Cross C/S area No. of Volume
ANSYS ANSYS section at tip (mm2 ) threads (mm3 ) Nodes Elements
Loading Analytical (linear) (non linear)
s-rectangle 0.3247 5 1.7102 1521 200

Rotation of 20 (N -mm) T = 3921 T = 39528 T = 1827 10 1.7392 2653 384
Displacement of 1 mm (N ) R = 3042 R = 3073 R = 1537 15 1.7465 3268 474
Rectangle 0.4330 5 2.2592 1521 200
10 2.3135 1941 256
15 2.4160 2301 304
to validate results obtained from ANSYS considering non
Square 0.5000 5 2.5124 1371 180
linear behavior of NiTi. 10 2.6065 1521 200
15 2.673 1671 220
Triangle 0.3248 5 1.4043 1051 135
4. FEA OF ENDODONTIC FILES 10 1.4944 1189 153
The file models were generated with 5, 10 and 15 threads 15 1.5235 1350 174
considering four different cross sections shown in Figure 2.
The length of file was considered as 12 mm and constant
taper of 5.83% was considered by taking tip and edge
stiffness as compared with non linear material behavior.
diameter 0.3 mm and 1.0 mm respectively. Table II shows
The magnitude of torsional stiffness is higher for square
the details of geometry and mesh of all file models. These
and rectangular cross section. Triangular cross section
file models was then tested for torsional loads and bending
shows lowest stiffness as compared with other file models.
load considering linear elastic as well as non linear mate-
This is due to the greater cross sectional area as compared
rial behavior. At first an angular rotation of 20 is applied

to other file models. The s-rectangle file model shows
on each file model at the edge keeping the tip of the file
slightly higher stiffness than triangle file model as it has
as fixed. The distribution of equivalent von-Mises stress is
slightly larger cross sectional area. Figure 5 also shows
shown in Figure 3. The magnitude of von-Mises stress was
that the stiffness of file model increases with increase in
found to be maximum at the tip of each file model. The
number of threads for same cross section. This is due to
stress distribution is highly complex and shows meager
slight increase in volume of file with increase in the num-
difference in the magnitude of maximum von-Mises stress
ber of threads.
for various number of threads for same cross sections.
The variation in support reaction obtained in all file mod-
These file models were also tested for bending by apply-
els when subjected to bending loads is shown in Figure 6.
ing 1 mm displacement at tip keeping the edge fixed.
The magnitude of support reaction developed is smallest for
Equivalent von-Mises stress distribution obtained is shown s-rectangular file model as compared to other cross section.
in Figure 4. The variation in maximum stress is very less The square file model shows higher reaction as compared
for various number of threads with similar cross sections. to other file models. The support reaction decreases with
Maximum von-Mises stress was observed between two increase in number of thread. Variation in moment of iner-
cutting edges in the region of tip. tia along the length of file is mainly responsible for such
Torsional stiffness was also calculated for each file behavior. As the shape of files is continuously changing
model when subjected torsional loads. Figure 5 shows the with length, it is difficult to compute and compare the val-
variation in magnitude of torsional stiffness when NiTi ues of moment of inertia for all cross section.
behavior was considered as linear elastic and non lin-
ear. The results shown in Figure 5 are also compared
with the results presented by Baek8 and it was found that 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
results match well. Figure 5 shows that the files analyzed After performing finite element analysis on file models
considering linear elastic material behavior shows more with four cross sections with varying number of threads,

Triangle S-Rectangle Rectangle Square

Fig. 2. Cross section details at edge.

Adv. Sci. Eng. Med., 6, 1–6, 2014 3

Comparative Study of Endodontic Files with Various Cross Sections with Varying Threads Khapre et al.

(i) 5 threads (ii) 10 threads (iii) 15 threads

(a) Triangle

(i) 5 threads (ii) 10 threads (iii) 15 threads

(b) S-Rectangle

(i) 5 threads (ii) 10 threads (iii) 15 threads

(c) Rectangle

(i) 5 threads (ii) 10 threads (iii) 15 threads

(d) Square

Fig. 3. Equivalent von-Mises stress distribution in file models subjected to torsional loading.

4 Adv. Sci. Eng. Med., 6, 1–6, 2014

Khapre et al. Comparative Study of Endodontic Files with Various Cross Sections with Varying Threads

(i) 5 threads (ii) 10 threads (iii) 15 threads

(a) Triangle

(i) 5 threads (ii) 10 threads (iii) 15 threads
(b) S-Rectangle

(i) 5 threads (ii) 10 threads (iii) 15 threads

(c) Rectangle

(i) 5 threads (ii) 10 threads (iii) 15 threads

(d) Square

Fig. 4. Equivalent von-Mises stress distribution in file models subjected to bending loads.

Adv. Sci. Eng. Med., 6, 1–6, 2014 5

Comparative Study of Endodontic Files with Various Cross Sections with Varying Threads Khapre et al.

2.5 negative rake angle. Both s-rectangle and triangle cross

Torsional stiffnes
5 Linear 5 Non Linear
2 sections have negative rake angles which is suitable for
10 Linear 10 Non Linear
1.5 scraping action. It is recommended to use S-Rectangular
15 Linear 15 Non Linear
1 cross section because it has greater rake angle as compared
0.5 to Triangular cross section.
Triangle S-Rectangle Rectangle Square
Acknowledgment: The authors would like to thank
Fig. 5. Variation in torsional stiffness for four cross sections calculated Computer Center, Civil Engineering Department, Shri
considering linear and non linear behavior of NiTi. Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management,
Nagpur for providing computational facility and ANSYS
Support reaction (N)

5 Linear 5 Non Linear Workbench software to carry out this work.
10 Linear 10 Non Linear
15 Linear 15 Non Linear
0.15 References and Notes
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0.05 14, 346 (1988).
0 2. S. Thompson, International Endodontic Journal 33, 297 (2000).
Triangle S-Rectangle Rectangle Square 3. O. Zienkiewicz, R. Taylor, and J. Zhu, The Finite Element
Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals, 6th edn., Elsevier, Butterworth
Fig. 6. Variation in support reaction for four cross sections calculated
Heinemann, Germany (2005).
considering linear and non linear behavior of NiTi.
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Triangle S-Rectangle Plane blade
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angle provides more efficient cutting as compared to 16. E. R. Mounce, The Dental Clinics of North America 48, 137 (2004).

6 Adv. Sci. Eng. Med., 6, 1–6, 2014

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