NDMA Measures Now and Then
NDMA Measures Now and Then
NDMA Measures Now and Then
NDMA stands for National Disaster Management Authority. It is the lead agency at Federal level for
dealing with the entire spectrum of disasters and their management.
The government organizations, which play major role in the flood management, are the
Provincial Irrigation Departments (PIDs), GB-PWD, Irrigation Directorate FATA, Irrigation &
Small Dams Organization, Government of AJ&K, PMD/Flood Forecasting Division, WAPDA,
CIW, Federal Flood Commission, Pak Army, NHA.
Some of the major steps of flood disaster management are :
Flood Forecasting
Reduction of Runoff
Reducing Flood Peaks by Volume Reduction (Constructing Dams and Detention
Basins) Reducing Flood Levels
Protection against Inundation (Construction of Embankments)
Flood Plain Zoning (FPZ)
2. Reduction of Runoff:
Reduction of runoff is one of the very effective methods of flood disaster management. Runoff
can be reduced by inducing and increasing infiltration of the surface water into the ground in the
catchment area. This can be done by large scale afforestation particularly in the catchment area.
3. Reducing Flood Peaks by Volume Reduction (Constructing Dams and Detention Basins):
The flood peaks can be reduced by construction of dams and detention basins. Dams have the
capacity of holding huge quantity of water during the flood period and help in reducing flood
peak volume of water.
To minimize the impacts of floods there is a need for the government to formulate and
implement flood disaster risk strategic plans.
The plan should identify projects and activities necessary in the management of floods, it
should also coordinate stakeholder activities.
Mapping flood-prone areas and the use of satellite data in flood management is vital.
To minimize the impacts of floods it is also important to invest in flood early warning
Families living in flood-prone areas are at risk of losing their livelihood, property, and
Poor families in these regions are some of the most vulnerable and require support when
a flood disaster strikes.
To cushion victims’ governments should design and implement disaster risk financing
strategies for flood risk
1. F9ouj1geVV4LUoiiVLm3.pdf (ndma.gov.pk)
2. How Civil Engineers Help During Disaster Recovery - Keck & Wood Civil Engineers,
Duluth, Fayetteville GA, Rock Hill, North Charleston SC (keckwood.com)