Table 1 PDF
Table 1 PDF
Table 1 PDF
Scope of Works
Professional Engineer (PE) endorsed Project Site Grading Plan (Before, Site
Preparation and During earthworks activities).
Project Implementation Schedule Plan which includes site preparation until
project completion.
Professional Engineer (PE) endorsed layout drawings for all buildings (plan
view, side view and front view). The drawing includes:
a. Machineries/plant/tanks (example: thermal treatment plant)
b. perimeter drains and sump.
Layout drawings for temporary siting of workers camp during construction
period (if applicable).
Professional Engineer (PE) endorsed piping drawing with flow (water
treatment plant).
Full Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Report includes manual
7. design calculation and drawings and endorsed by Department of Irrigation
and Drainage (JPS).
Estimate start date, completion date and stabilization scheduled for each
8. major land-disturbing activities or construction activities phase, stages and
Proposed access and roads flow drawing during construction and operation
indicating the entrance and exit points.
Project Site Schedule Plan which includes Site Preparation until project
Construction schedule for each major land disturbance complete with the
14. timeline or chart for the installations of Land Disturbance Pollution Prevention
and Mitigation Measures (LD-P2M2).
Typical method statement for site clearing, cut and fill, excavation of
15. foundation, drilling of borehole, in-stream work and construction of
temporary/permanent stream/river crossing and diversion (if any).