Maglumi Ft3 (Clia) : Intended Use
Maglumi Ft3 (Clia) : Intended Use
Maglumi Ft3 (Clia) : Intended Use
The kit has been designed for the quantitative determination of
130203005M 100 Free Triiodothyronine (FT3) in human serum.
The method can be used for samples over the range of 0-50 pg/ml.
The test has to be performed on the MAGLUMI
chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) fully auto analyzer
(Including MAGLUMI 1000, MAGLUMI 2000, MAGLUMI 2000
Plus and new developed models).
Shenzhen New Industries Lotus Global Co., Ltd
Biomedical Engineering Co., Ltd 15 Alexandra Road SUMMARY AND EXPLANATION OF THE TEST
4F,Wearnes Tech Bldg, London In healthy subject, the thyroid secretes approx. 5-10 μg
Science & Industry Park, NW8 0DP triiodothyronine per day. Circulating T3 is, however, for the most
Nanshan,Shenzhen,518057CHINA UK part produced by peripheral deiodination so that the overall daily
Tel. + 86-755-86028224 Tel. + 44-20-75868010 secretion rate of total T3 amounts to approx. 20ug. In serum, the
Fax.+ 86-755-26654850 Fax.+ 44-20-79006187 thyroid hormones are bound to carrier proteins, and only their free
fraction is physiologically active.
Both total T3 and Free Triiodothyronin (FT3) are good biochemical
indicators of the severity of thyrotoxicity in hyperthyroidism. The
advantage of FT3 compared with T3 is that the assay should
FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY correct for alterations in the T3-binding proteins. The major clinical
Store at 2...8 °C significance for FT3 (orT3) measurements is for the identification
of patients with thyrotoxicosis whose T4 and FT4 concentrations
COMPLETELY READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE are normal, while T3 titres are elevated. Determination of FT3 is
PROCEEDING also useful to identify patients with subclinical hyperthyroidism who
have suppressed serum TSH and normal FT4 and FT3 levels.
Pregnancy or the use of oral contraceptives or estrogens may
increase total T3 levels, while concentrations of free T3 remain
SYMBOLS EXPLANATIONS basically unchanged.
Lot number
Catalogue Code
Material Supplies
Nano magnetic microbeads: TRIS buffer,
1.2% (W/V), 0.2%NaN3, coated with sheep 2.5ml
Expiry date (Use by…)
anti- FITC polyclonal antibody.
Calibrator Low : bovine serum, 0.2%NaN3 2.5ml
Calibrator High : bovine serum, 0.2%NaN3 2.5ml
Temperature limitation FITC Label: purified T3 antigen labeled FITC,
( store at 2...8 °C) 6.5ml
containing BSA, 0.2%NaN3.
ABEI Label: anti-T3 monoclonal antibody
Number of tests labeled ABEI, containing BSA, 0.2% NaN3.
All reagents are provided ready-to-use.
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MAGLUMI Starter 1+2 REF: 130299004M (c) Obvious microbial contamination.
MAGLUMI Wash Concentrate REF: 130299005M • Use caution when handling patient specimens to prevent cross
MAGLUMI Light Check REF: 130299006M contamination. Use of disposable pipettes or pipette tips is
• Inspect all samples for bubbles. Remove bubbles with an
applicator stick prior to analysis. Use a new applicator stick for
each sample to prevent cross contamination.
Preparation of the Reagent Integral
• Serum specimens should be free of fibrin, red blood cells or
Before the sealing is removed, gentle and careful horizontal
other particulate matter.
shaking of the Reagent Integral is essential (avoid foam formation!)
• Ensure that complete clot formation in serum specimens has
Remove the sealing and turn the small wheel of the magnetic
taken place prior to centrifugation. Some specimens,
microbeads compartment to and fro, until the colour of the
especially those from patients receiving anticoagulant or
suspension has changed into brown. Place the Integral into the
thrombolytic therapy, may exhibit increased clotting time. If the
reagent area and let it stand there for 30 min. During this time, the
specimen is centrifuged before a complete clot forms, the
magnetic microbeads are automatically agitated and completely
presence of fibrin may cause erroneous results.
Do not interchange integral component from different
Preparation for Analysis
reagents or lots!
• Patient specimens with a cloudy or turbid appearance must be
centrifuged prior to testing. Following centrifugation, avoid the
Storage and Stability
lipid layer (if present) when pipetting the specimen into a
Sealed: Stored at 2-8 ℃ until the expiry date.
sample cup or secondary tube.
Opened: Stable for 4 weeks. To ensure the best kit performance,
• Specimens must be mixed thoroughly after thawing by low
it is recommended to place opened kits in the refrigerator if it’s not
speed vortexing or by gently inverting, and centrifuged prior to
going to be used on board during the next 12 hours.
use to remove red blood cells or particulate matter to ensure
consistency in the results. Multiple freeze-thaw cycles of
specimens should be avoided.
Keep upright for storage. • All samples (patient specimens or controls) should be tested
within 3 hours of being placed on board the MAGLUMI
System. Refer to the SNIBE service for a more detailed
Keep away from direct sunlight. discussion of onboard sample storage constraints.
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T4 300 ng/ml 0.3%
rT3 100 ng/ml 0.2%
4) Recovery
Consider calibrator high of known concentration as a sample,
dilute it by 1:2 ratio with diluents, and measure its diluted
concentration for 10 times. Then calculate the recovery of
measured concentration and expected concentration. The
recovery should be within 90% -110%.
Expected Mean Measuring Recovery
32.256 pg/ml 32.826 pg/ml 102%
5) Linearity
Use FT3 calibrator to prepare the six-point standard curve,
measuring all points’ RLU except point A, and then do
four-parameter linear fitting in double logarithm coordinate, the
absolute linear correlation coefficient(r) should be bigger than
Calibrator Concentration Absolute linear
Point pg/ml correlation coefficient (r)
A 0 r=0.9885
B 1.5
C 4.5
D 9.0
E 18
F 36
6) Method comparison
A comparison of MAGLUMI FT3(y) with a commercially available
FT3(x) using clinical samples gave the following
Linear regression
1. Kaplan MM. Assessment of Thyroid Function During
Pregnancy. Thyroid 1992;2(2):57-61.
2. Keffer JH. Preanalytical considerations in testing thyroid
function. Clin. Chem 1996: 42(1): 125-134.
3. Klee GG. Clinical usage recommendations and analytic
performance goals for total and free triiodothyronie
measurements. Clin Chem 1996: 41 (1): 155-159.
4. Lindstedt G, Berg G., Jansson S,Torring O, Valdemarsson S,
Warin B, Nystrom E. Clinical Use of Laboratory Thyroid Tests
end lnvestigations. JIFCC 1994: 6 (4): 136-141.
5. Piketty ML, D'Herbomez M, Le Guillouzic D. Lebtahi R. Cosson
E, Dumont A. Dilouya A.Helal BO. Clinical comparison of three
labeled-antibody immunoassays of free triiodothyronie. Clin
Chem 1996:42 (6): 933-941.
6. White GH. Recent Advances in Routine Thyroid Function
Testing. CRC Critical Reviews of Clinical Laboratory Sciences
1997: 24 (4): 315- 362.
7. Pagana, K. D. & Pagana, T. J. (© 2011). Mosby's Diagnostic
and Laboratory Test Reference 10th Edition: Mosby, Inc., Saint
Louis, MO. Pp 976-977.
8. Thomas, Clayton L., Editor (1997). Taber's Cyclopedic Medical
Dictionary. F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, PA [18th
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