Kalzip Finishes and Colours 2021 PDF
Kalzip Finishes and Colours 2021 PDF
Kalzip Finishes and Colours 2021 PDF
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Kalzip Finishes & Colours
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Kalzip Finishes & Colours
Kalzip finishes –
uncompromisingly metallic
tallation, while the diffused reflection of the n R educed glare due to diffused light
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Kalzip Finishes & Colours
Lien Khuong Airport Passenger Terminal, Da Lat, Vietnam (VNM)
Architect: Architecture and Construction Southern Association (ACSA)
Finish: PVDF2 coating
Product: Kalzip 65/400
Kalzip colours –
unlimited variety
Modern building technology places high demands on Kalzip profiled sheets with PVDF coating
materials when it comes to weathering and corrosion resis- This coating performs particularly well in harsh environ-
tance. Coloured Kalzip aluminium profiled sheets are the ments and extreme climatic conditions, for example near
result of state-of-the-art surface treatment technologies. salt water. Profiled sheets in PVDF quality are characteri-
sed by outstanding UV-resistance, have exceptional for-
Consistent colour quality ming characteristics and are used primarily for facade
The aluminium coils, which are coated using a coil- design.
coating process, undergo numerous steps. Depending
on the type of coating, they are given different pre-treat- Kalzip ProTect coating
ments and painted in the desired colour. Aluminium coils To protect the finishes, Kalzip also offers a high-quality
with a single-sided coating are provided with a protecti- and extraordinarily weather-resistant special coating,
ve coat of varnish on the rear side. Only high-quality based on a polymer technology that uses fluorocarbon
enamels which have a polyester, PVDF or HPC base are (FLP). It delivers extremely high resistance to scratching,
used, in order to achieve a weather-resistant and colour- optimum colour tone stability, and considerably higher
fast coating. surface hardness and temperature resistance.
The coil coating process is monitored in accordance with Features of the ProTect coating:
the standards of the ECCA (European Coil Coating n Available for RAL, NCS and metallic colours
Association). Key criteria are colour tone, degree of shine, n O utstanding long-term characteristics with very low
out, such as acid salt spray tests, QUV B tests, conden- behaviour, which reduces cleaning requirements
sation tests in an SO2-saturated atmosphere and open- n Resistant to chemicals, even to harsh emissions such as
Kalzip profiled sheets with polyester coating clear varnish, an ‘Anti-Graffiti effect’ is achieved,
This coating is robust and can be easily formed, as well as offering effective protection against vandalism
being weatherproof and UV-resistant. Kalzip profiled n Also available in high gloss finishes
sheets in a polyester finish are mainly used in areas with n Conforms to the examination conditions of the
normal environmental conditions. Florida test (exposure test for over 20 years)
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Kalzip Finishes & Colours
Ikastola Altzaga, Erandio
Architects: AZAB Arquitectos
Finish: RAL 9006, RAL 9007, RAL 7016
Product: Kalzip 65/400, partially perforated RV 3/5
RAL 7016 Anthracite Grey RAL 9006 White Aluminium RAL 9007 Grey Aluminium RAL 7012 Basalt Grey (UK Only)
RAL 9010 Pure White RAL 8014 Sepia Brown Further colours in RAL / NCS and
special colours on enquiry
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Kalzip Finishes & Colours
Kalzip HPC -
Colour system (HPC)
+ > good ++ > excellent Source: ECCA European Coil Coating Association
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Kalzip Finishes & Colours
HPC M353 Anthracite Grey R HPC M353 Stone Grey R HPC M353 RAL 9006
White Aluminium
Non-standard finishes for Kalzip profiled sheets and FC façade panels with HPC coating
(Minimum quantity 300m² depending on the profile type and material thickness)
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Kalzip Finishes & Colours
Kalzip AluPlusPatina –
stylish matt option for roofs and façades
The metallic AluPlusPatina option for roof and façade AluPlusPatina Basic natural
systems enables planners and architects to create sophis- n Smooth rolled, matt finish for simple and functional
ticated surfaces in gold, bronze and copper finishes. requirements
n Achieves the look of a naturally weathered
A special surface treatment reduces the diffused light ref- aluminium surface
lection of the pre-weathered surfaces. The tints are pro- n Special surface treatment creates matt appearance
duced using electrolytic passivation, without the need n 10-year warranty under normal atmospheric influences
for paint application. The passivated coating will main- n Anti-graffiti properties, with easy-to-clean surface
paint application
Features of Kalzip AluPlusPatina: n Maintains its original 5-micron layer thickness
n Extremely weather-resistant and robust finish throughout use, which guarantees a long lifetime
n I deal for building envelopes that merge into the façade n Suitable for rolled aluminium coils
n AntiGraffiti
n No filiform corrosion
aluminium surface
n Special surface treatment creates matt appearance,
Metallic standard finishes for Kalzip profiled sheets and FC façade profiles
(depending on the profile type and material thickness
AluPlusPatina natural aluminium, AluPlusPatina natural aluminium, AluPlusPatina Medium-dark AluPlusPatina UltraDark mill finish
stucco-embossed mill finish bronze B 40, mill finish
To protect the finish during installation, a protective film is applied over the entire surface (except for
the small flange).
Metallic non-standard finishes for Kalzip profiled sheets and FC façade profiles
(Minimum quantity on enquiry, depending on the profile type and material thickness)
Champagner G 12 – mill-finish Medium Gold G 30 mill-finish Mid-Bronze B 30, mill-finish Dark Bronze B 50, mill-finish
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Kalzip Finishes & Colours
AluPlusZinc Dark
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Kalzip Finishes & Colours
Kalzip Ltd Kalzip Inc. Kalzip FZE Kalzip India Pvt. Ltd.
Haydock Industrial Estate 161 W. Lincolnway, Suite C Jebel Ali Free Zone – Unit 310, 3rd Floor, Vipul Agora
Haydock Lane, Haydock 46383 Valparaiso Dubai M.G Road, Next to Sahara Mall
St Helens Merseyside USA Dubai, UAE 122002 Gurgaon (Haryana)
WA11 9TY
Kalzip North Asia Kalzip South Asia & Australasia Kalzip Spain, Portugal & South America Kalzip Export/Russia/Poland
Kalzip Asia Pte Ltd Kalzip Asia Pte Ltd Kalzip Spain S.L Kalzip GmbH
Room 17-18, 7/F, Huida Building, 6 Pioneer Walk, 2nd Floor Calle de Embajadores August-Horch-Str. 20 - 22
3 On Yiu Street, 627751 Singapore 187 planta 4º 56070 Koblenz
Hong Kong, China 28045 Madrid Germany
Kalzip France SAS Kalzip Benelux Aluminijski Krovni Sistemi D.O.O. Senteler AG
11 rue de Courtalin Coremansstraat 34 Vijenac Vlahe Bukovca 10 Karlihofstrasse 4
Bâtiment B – 2ème étage Royal House 31000 Osjiek, Croatia CH-7208 Malans
77700 Magny-le-Hongre 2600 Berchem
E kalzip@senteler.swiss
E france@kalzip.com E mail@kalzip.com E aks@hi.t-com.hr T +41 (0) 81 322 38 38
T +33 (0) 160 435 710 T +32 (0) 32 808 015 T +385 (0) 98 46 88 77 M +41 (0) 79 406 79 12
F +32 (0) 32 808 019
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Kalzip Finishes & Colours
Copyright ©2021
Kalzip GmbH
Kalzip GmbH
August-Horch-Str. 20–22
56070 Koblenz
T +49 (0) 2 61 - 98 34-0
F +49 (0) 2 61 - 98 34-100
E mail@kalzip.com
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