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End of Year Examination2OZL-22

Sin* 1SIB

Student's Name Student lD Section

Teacher's Name Campus Name

ENGI-ISH May 2022

CLASS 7 2 hours

INSTRUCTIONS --- For Examiner's use only ---

o Enter your Full Name, Student lD, Section, Subject Question Max. Marks
Teacher's Name, and Campus Name in the boxes No. Marks Obtained
above. 1 25
o Write your answer to each question in the spaces 2 25
5 30
c You should show all of your working.
4 20

lnvigilated by

Marked by:
I Total 100
Marks entered by: _


;Vle (it;y 9bl"n1/ Unitied End of Year Examination, MaV 2022 / English / Class 7 Page 1 oi 12
Directed Writing Marks: 25

Word Limit: 150 to 180 words

Q1 Write on the topic given below, and remember to follow the instructions.
Write a formal letter to the Editor-in-Chief of a renowned newspaper about the misuse
and poor maintenance of a public park in your area.
Your letter must include the following points:
o Describe the poor condition of the park

o ln which ways is the park misused?

o Describe how the park may be improved
You may begin your letter with:

Dear 5ir/Madam,

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.t1t '{,.'rty qilool/ Unified End of Year Examination, May 2o22 / English / Class 7 Pige 3 of 12
Creative Writing Marks: 25

Word Limit: 180 to 200 words

Q2 Write on any ONE of the following topics:

(a) Write a comparative essay on the topic given below:
"Virtual versus real classrooms"
(bl Describe a place you have dreamed aboutthat does not exist in real life.
(c) Write a narrative story using the following sentence to begin:
"When I woke up, there was purple light coming in through the bedroom
(d) Narrate an incident through which you found out that money cannot buy

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J7,e {.:.tty,7tlao// Unified Endof YearExamination, May2022/English/ClassT Page 5 of 12
Comprehension Passage Marks: 30

Q3 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.

1 Many years ago, there lived a hard-working peasant named Ahmed Shoaib and his
very talkative daughter Alliya. They stayed in a small but comfortable little cottage on
the outskirts of a village. Ahmed earned his living by cultivating a few fields, snaring
game in the neighbouring woods and fishing in the nearby river.

2 One lovely spring morning, as Ahmed was ploughing in a corner of his field, the
ploughshare struck something hard, which brought him to a sudden halt. On looking
at the cause of the stoppage, he uttered a cry of amazement, for the obstacle was
not a boulder as he expected, but a large metal box, half-hidden in the earth. After
taking a cautious look behind himself, he dug around the box until he had completely
unearthed it. He then placed it on the ground and tried to force the lid with his knife,
but without success. However, by smashing the lock with a stone, he managed to
open it and see the contents.
3 lmagine his surprise and joy, on discovering that the box was almost full of gold and
silver coins. He kept staring and staring at the treasure, as if he could scarcely believe
his eyes. But afterthefirst moments of delight had passed, hefrowned as he began
to wonder what he should do in order to retain his newly-found wealth. The greatest
difficulty was that he must tell his daughter Alliya, and she being one of the village
gossips, could not possibly keep a secretfor long. lf the news of hiswealth cameto
the ears cf the village chief, he would want a share in, if not all ol the treasure.
4 He sat for a Iong time, trying to think of a plan by which he could keep the treasure.
Suddenly, he sprang to his feet exclaiming, "Of coursel I have the very thing!" Going
over to the plough, he unyoked the donkey and led the creature to its small stable at
the back of the house. Alliya was surprised to see her father return from work so
early. When he told her of his wonderful luck, she was overjoyed.
5 Ahmed made her promise notto reveal his discoveryto anyone, not even to their
dearest friends, and this vow she readily made at least half a dozen times in her
excitement. Despite her repeated promises however, Ahmed knew that the story of
his good fortune would soon be the talk of the whole neighbourhood.

6 An hour or so Iater, Ahmed decided to put his plan into action. He went into the
woods where he had set his snares and, to his great satisfaction, he found that a fine
hare had been caught in one of his traps. He placed the creature in his bag and
proceeded to the fishing lines which were laden with trout. After taking the fish off
the hooks, he carefully attached the hare to a hook and threwthe line, with its odd
catch, back into the stream.
7 An returning home, he found Alliya busy around the house and in fine spirits. Later,
when he asked herto accompany him on his usual round of the snares and fishing
lines, she was quite eager to join him.

7/,c ?,;ry !y''rl,o// Unilied End of Year Examination, May 2a22 / English / Class 7 P.age 6 of X2
8 First, thetwo wenttothe river, where Ahmed "l'llsee if we have caught said,
anything for dinner." Drawing on the lines slowly and steadily, with a most interested
spectator, he pulled and pulled and there, sure enough, was the hare dangling from
the hook. Alliya was so astonished that she could only stare!
"Why do you look so surprised?" asked her father calmly. "Surely you know that a
great many animals can swim and a few, like the otter and the seal, spend most of
their lives in water. lsn't this a lovely water-hare?"
9 Poor Alliya, quite ignorant of the habits of animals, thought her father spoke the
truth, although she had never heard of such a creature. The treasure forgotten, she
was so enraptured by this new discovery that she walked back to their home faster
than she had walked awayfrom it. Before dinner, she asked herfather if she could
stroll to the village square to meet her friends, and Ahmed, safe in the knowledge
that she had many other things than his treasure to gossip about, happily allowed her
to do so.

(a) Describe the home of Ahmed Shoaib. Give at least four points. tJ41

(b) How did he earn a living? Mention at least three points. tJ3)

(c) Why was he worried about his newly found wealth?

Give two reasons from the text to support your answer tJ2)

.1./,e (,1,E,'/i./,,,,,/ / l ntt ted E nd of Yea r Exa mination, Mav 2022 I English / Class 7 Pbge 7 of 12
(d) ln paragraph (5)what is meant by talk of the whole neighbourhood"? l_J11

(e) ln your own words, summarise the plan through which Ahmed wanted to ensure
his daughter would not gossip about his treasure?
Mention at least five points. tJ51

(fI For each of the words below, circle the letter (A, B, C or D)which has the same meaning
that the word or phrase has in the passage. lJ51
(i) Unearthed

A Disclosed B Lost C Buried D Hid

(ii) Vow

A Break B Lie C Hide D Pledge

(iii) Laden

A Weighted B Removed C Empty D Light

{iv) Spectator
A Participant B Observer C Accomplice D Player

(vl lgnorant

A lntelligent B Talented C Naive D Wise

,V/,t ?ily 9b/,.*1/ unffied End of Year Examination, May 2A22 / English / ClassT Page 8 of 12
(C) Turn each of the dialogue in direci speech below to indirect speech, One mark will be
awarded for each appropriate change: l_J7l
(i) At the river, Ahmed said, "l'll see if we have caught anything for dinner."

(iil "Why do you look so surprised?" asked her father calmly.

(h) Rewrite the following sentences with correct subject and verb agreement tJ3)
(i) Ahmed earn his living by cultivating fields.

(ii) Ahmed and Aaliya walks to the forest.

(iii) The fishing line were laden with trout

;7u 7/tty !y'r/,rrl/ Unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / English / Class 7 Page 9 of 12
Literary Text Marks: 20

Q4 Read the following passage from The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster carefully
and answer the questions.
At first, it was difficult to telljust what had changed - it all looked the same and it all smelled
the same - but, for some reason, nothing sounded the same.
"l wonder what's happened?" said Milo. At least that's what he tried to say, for, although his
lips moved, not a sound came from his mouth. And suddenly he realized what it was, for Tock
was no longer ticking and the Humbug, although happily singing, was doing so in complete
silence. The wind no longer rustled the leaves, the car no longer squeaked, and the insects no
longer buzzed in the fields. Not the slightest thing could be heard, and it felt as if, in some
mysterious way, a switch had been thrown and all the sound in the world had been turned
off at the same instant.
The Humbug, suddenly realising what had happened, leaped to his feet in terror, and Tock
worriedly checked to see if he was still keeping time. lt was certainly a strange feeling to know
that no matter how loudly or softly you chatted or rattled or bumped, it all came out the same
way - as nothing.
"How dreadful", thought Milo as he slowed down the car.
The three of them began to talk and shout at once with absolutely no result until, hardiy
noticing where they were going, they had driven into the midst of a large crowd of people
marching along the road. Some of them were singing at the tops of their non-existent voices
and the others were carrying large signs which proclaimed:





And one enormous banner stated simply:


Except for these, and the big brass cannon being pulled along behind, they all looked very
much like the resident of any other small valley to which you've never been.
When the carstopped, one of them held up a placard which said:

And the others cheered as loudly, which was not very loud at all.
"HAVE YOU COME TO HELP US?" asked another, stepping forward with his question.
"PLEASE!" added a third.

.//,e '(ity ,9c./*o1/ unified End of Year Examination, May 2022 / English / Class 7 Pagq 10 of 12
Milo tried desperately to say who he was and where he was going, but to no avail. As he did,
four more placards announced:




And while two of them held up a large blackboard, a third, writing as fast as he could,
explained why there was nothing but quiet in the Valley of Sound.
"At a place in the valley not far from here," he began, "where the echoes used to gather and
the winds came to rest, there is a great stone fortress, and In it lives the Soundkeeper, who
rules this land. When the old king of Wisdom drove the demons into the distant mountains,
he appointed herguardian of all sounds and noises, past, present, and future.
"For years she ruled as a wise and beloved monarch, each morning at sunrise releasing the
day's new sounds, to be borne by the winds throughout the kingdom, and each night at
moonset gathering in the old sounds, to be catalogued and filed in the vast storage vaults

(a) Why do you think nothing sounded the same in the Valley of Sound? lJIl

(b) How could Milo tell that there was no sound?

Mention at least three things he noticed. tJ31

(c) Why did Tock worriedly check to see if he was still keeping time? t_J11

td) Why did the people write '/tlS+E+l LOOK CAREFULLY AND WE WILL TELL YOU OF

.7le 'ftiy gi,l,,,/l Unified End of Year Examination, May2A2Z/ English /ClassT Pale 11 of 12
(e) ln your own words, summarise the duties of the Soundkeeper as mentioned in the
passage. Give at least four points. lJ4l

tf) Complete the following passage using appropriate words from the bank below. lJ51
roads d etou rs bea utifu I kind

cities indicated erased show

As the announcement stated, it was a beautiful map, in many colours, showing principal
rivers, and seas, towns and mountains and
val[eys, intersections and and sites of outstanding interest bcth

and historic.

The only trouble was that Milo had never heard of any of the places it
and even the names sounded most peculiar

(g) Complete the following passage using appropriate words from the bank below. lJ51
Ieft right colour light

bright grey monotonous heavily

Things began to change as soon as he the main road. The sky

became quite grey and, along with it, the whole countryside seemed to lose its

and assume the same tone, Everything rvas quiet,

and the road wound back and forth in an endless series of climbing curves.

,/le ?ittl ,q?1,n1/ ,Jnified End of Year Examination, May 2A22 i English / Class 7 Page L2 of X.2

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