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Global Prevalence

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ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 8, 2021;1:30]

J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg 000 (2021) 1−11

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Original Article

Global prevalence of cleft palate, cleft lip and cleft palate and lip:
A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis
Nader Salari, Writing − review & editinga,
Niloofar Darvishi, Writing − review & editing, Data curationb,
Mohammadbagher Heydari, Writing − review & editingc,
Shadi Bokaee, Writing − review & editing, Writing − original draftd,
Fateme Darvishi, Writing − review & editing, Data curatione,
Masoud Mohammadi, Writing − review & editing, Formal analysisf,*
Department of Biostatistics, School of Health, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Student research committee, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, School of Life Sciences, Coventry University, Kermanshah, UK
School of Medicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran


Article History: Background: Birth defect is widely used as a term for congenital anomalies. Children with cleft lip and palate
Received 6 May 2021 may have serious speech, hearing, nutrition, and mental and social development disorders; therefore, this
Accepted 20 May 2021 study was designed to determine the overall prevalence of cleft palate, lip, and cleft palate through system-
Available online xxx
atic review and meta-analysis.
Methods: In this study, systematic review and meta-analysis of data from studies on the prevalence of cleft lip
and palate in Scopus, Embase, Magiran, Web of Science (WoS), PubMed and Science Direct databases were
extracted between January 2000 and June 2020. In order to perform the analysis of qualified studies, the
Cleft palate
Cleft lip
model of random effects was used and the inconsistency of studies with I2 index was investigated. Data anal-
Harelip ysis was performed with Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software (Version 2).
Systematic review Results: According to the results of the present study on cleft palate, the total number of samples entered in
the study in 59 studies were 21,088,517 individuals, the prevalence of cleft palate based on the meta-analysis
of the reviewed studies in every 1000 live births was obtained 0.33 (95% CI: 0.28−0.38). In the case of cleft lip,
the total number of samples entered in the 57 reviewed studies were 17,907,569 individuals. The prevalence
of cleft lip obtained based on the meta-analysis of the reviewed studies was 0.3 in every 1000 live births
(95% CI: 0.26−0.34), and in the case of cleft lip and palate, the total number of samples entered in the 55
reviewed studies was 17,894,673. The prevalence of cleft lip and palate based on the meta-analysis of the
studies reviewed in each 1000 live births was 0.45 (95% CI: 0.38−0.52).
Conclusion: Due to the high prevalence of oral clefts such as cleft palate, cleft lip, and cleft lip and palate;
health system policymakers need to take precautionary measures to reduce the number of patients, as well
as diagnostic and therapeutic measures to reduce the effects of this disorder in children.
© 2021 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Background even death disabilities. Decreased quality of life, life expectancy, and
the imposition of exorbitant economic costs on households are
Birth defect is used for congenital anomalies. These abnormalities among the negative effects of these anomalies [2]. With the increase
can be structural, morphological, metabolic, psychological, behaviou- in the quality of health care for children, the number of deaths due to
ral, and functional [1]. Birth defects can lead to physical, mental or birth defects has decreased at this age. However, birth defects are a
growing problem, especially in developing countries. Studies show
that more than 8 million babies are born with serious birth defects
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: mb_heydari@kums.ac.ir (M. Heydari), ac4423@coventry.ac.uk
each year [3]. About 20 to 30% of these babies with birth defects have
(S. Bokaee), Masoud.mohammadi1989@yahoo.com (M. Mohammadi). two or more birth defects [4].

2468-7855/© 2021 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: N. Salari, N. Darvishi, M. Heydari et al., Global prevalence of cleft palate, cleft lip and cleft palate and lip:
A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (2021), https://doi.org/10.1016/
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 8, 2021;1:30]

N. Salari, N. Darvishi, M. Heydari et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 00 (2021) 1−11

title and abstract of the remaining articles were carefully studied and
unrelated articles were removed according to the inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria. In the second stage, i.e. the evaluation of the competence
WoS web of science of the studies, the full text of the possible related articles remaining
PRISMA preferred reporting items for systematic reviews from the screening stage was examined based on the inclusion and
and meta-analysis. exclusion criteria, and in this stage, the unrelated studies were
STROBE strengthening the reporting of observational stud- removed. To prevent bias, all sources of resource review and data
ies in epidemiology for cross- sectional study extraction were performed by two researchers independently. If the
SID scientific information database articles were not included, the reason for deleting them was men-
tioned. In cases where there was a disagreement between the two
researchers, the third person reviewed the article. 69 studies entered
One of the most common birth defects around the world is oral the third stage, i.e. qualitative evaluation.
cleft, which occurs separately or syndromically. Orofacial cleft occurs PubMed search strategy: (((((((((prevalence[Title/Abstract]) AND
in the early stages of growth due to the failure or improper fusion of Cleft Palate[MeSH Terms]) OR Cleft Lip[MeSH Terms]) OR Harelip
tissues [5]. Congenital cleft lip and / or palate (CLP, CL, CP) fall into [Title/Abstract]) OR prevalence[Title/Abstract]) AND Cleft Palate[Title/
the category of oral clefts. In most cases, it is multifactorial, influ- Abstract]) OR prevalence[Title/Abstract]) AND Harelip[Title/Abstract])
enced by genetic factors and exogenous factors. External factors OR prevalence[Title/Abstract]) AND Cleft Lip[Title/Abstract]
include malnutrition, hormonal disorders, medications, toxins, and
biological factors [6]. Studies have shown that cleft lip and palate can 2.2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
cause cleft palate [7].
According to a 2015 study in South Korea, CP, CL, and CLP preva- Inclusion criteria of the studies: 1- Cross sectional studies and 2-
lence were reported to be 5.57, 2.77, and 2.75 per 10,000 births, population based study and 3-studies that have examined the preva-
respectively [8]. A 2019 study by Rezq Alswairki et al. Showed that lence of cleft lip and palate. 4- Observational studies (non-interven-
the prevalence of oral clefts in Egypt is 4 per 10,000 births. This study tional studies) 5- Studies in Persian language 6- Studies in English
stated that cleft lip occurs more than other types of oral cleft and its language or abstract. Exclusion criteria of the studies: 1- Case control
main cause is maternal passive smoking [9]. studies 2- Case report 3- Interventional studies and 4-letter to editor
Children with cleft lip and palate may have severe speech, hear- and 5- Studies with no full text availability 6- Studies not related to
ing, nutrition, and mental and social developmental disorders [10]. the subject 7- Studies without sufficient data 8- Repetition of studies
Also, these patients are often faced with maxillary hypoplasia and 9- Systematic review studies and meta-analysis.
oral respiration, which reduces saliva and increases periodontal prob-
lems and oral disorders that affect their quality of life [11]. Therefore, 2.3. Qualitative evaluation
timely and early treatment of these abnormalities through surgery
and their special care can play an important role in reducing some of In order to validate and evaluate the quality of articles (i.e., meth-
these disabilities [12]. The importance of this has led to the collection odological validity and results), a checklist appropriate to the type of
of oral statistics in 1985 in Northern Ireland on the birth of study was used. STROBE checklists are commonly used to critique
infants with oral clefts to plan treatment needs according to a regular and evaluate qualitative observational studies such as the present
pattern [13]. study. The STROBE checklist consists of six general scales / sections,
There have been several studies on the prevalence of cleft lip and including: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discus-
palate in the world, but these studies have reported different and sion. Some of these scales have subscales, for a total of 32 items. In
heterogeneous prevalence, and the overall prevalence of these disor- fact, these 32 items represent different methodological aspects of the
ders is not exactly known. Therefore, the aim of the present study is study, including title, problem statement, study objectives, study
to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis to determine the type, study statistical community, sampling method, sample size
overall prevalence of cleft palate, cleft lip and prevalence of cleft lip determination, definition of variables and procedures, data collection
and palate in the world. tools, statistical analysis methods and findings. Accordingly, the max-
imum score obtained from the qualitative evaluation will be in the
2. Methods STROBE 32 checklist, and considering the score of 16 as the cut-off
point, the articles with scores of 16 and above will be considered
2.1. Search strategy and study selection medium and good quality articles and the following scores will be
obtained. 16 papers with poor methodological quality were consid-
The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence of ered and therefore excluded from the study.
cleft lip and palate worldwide by systematic review and meta-analy-
sis. To collect data in this study Embase, Scopus, Web of science 2.4. Data extraction
(WoS), PubMed, Science direct, and Magiran international and Persian
databases were used to collect data in this study between January Information on all final articles entered the process of statistical
2000 and June 2020. The search process in the mentioned databases review and meta-analysis was extracted from a pre-prepared check-
was done using Prevalence, Cleft Palate, Cleft Lip, Harelip keywords list. This checklist includes the title of the article, the name of the first
and their possible combination in international and Persian databases. author, the year of publication, the place of study, the type of oral
For example, how to search the PubMed database is described in the cleft, the total volume of the community, the volume of the group
box below. In order to study the Gary literature, the study of related with oral cleft, the number of people with cleft lip, number of people
sites was also on the agenda. In order to maximize the comprehen- with cleft palate with cleft lip, number of people with cleft lip with or
siveness of the search, the list of sources used in all related articles without cleft palate.
found in the above search was manually reviewed. Initially, studies
that were repeated in various databases searched were removed from 2.5. Statistical analysis
this study. Then, the researchers of this study prepared a list of the
titles of all the remaining articles, so that we can get qualified articles The I2 test was used to evaluate the heterogeneity of the selected
by evaluating the articles in this list. In the first stage, screening, the studies. In order to investigate the distribution error, due to the high
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 8, 2021;1:30]

N. Salari, N. Darvishi, M. Heydari et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 00 (2021) 1−11

volume of samples entered into the study, Egger test was used at a removed by studying the full text of the article based on entry and
significance level of 0.05 and also the corresponding Funnel plot. exit criteria due to un relatedness. In the qualitative evaluation stage,
Data analysis was performed using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis by reading the full text of the article based on the STROBE checklist,
software (Version 2). out of 69 remaining studies, none of the articles were deleted due to
their low methodological quality.
The studies reviewed based on the four-step process of PRISMA
3. Results 2009, including the identification of articles, screening, review of
admission criteria, and finally the articles submitted to the meta-
3.1. Study selection and data extraction analysis (Fig. 1). Finally, 69 studies entered the final analysis and their
information was mentioned in the tables (Tables 1 and 2).
This study examined the prevalence of cleft lip and palate by sys-
tematic review and meta-analysis. After searching various sites, 3072
articles were studied. 930 articles from EMBASE database, 130 3.2. Investigating heterogeneity and publication bias (Cleft palate)
articles from the Magiran database, 833 articles from PubMed data-
base, 168 articles from science direct database, 459 articles from Sco- The heterogeneity of the studies was investigated using I2 test
pus database, and 552 articles from Web of science database were and based on this test, this value (I2=99.9%) was obtained and
read. No articles were included in the study after reviewing the refer- shows high heterogeneity in the imported studies, so the model
ences in other articles. Out of a total of 3072 identified studies, 1077 of random effects was used to combine the results of studies
were duplicate and were eliminated. In the screening phase, since together. Also, the results of the study diffusion trajectory in
1995, the remaining 1426 articles have been deleted by reading the studies with Begg and Mazumdar test were measured at a signifi-
title and abstract based on entry and exit criteria. In the competency cance level of 0.1 (Fig. 2), which was not statistically significant
assessment phase, out of 569 remaining studies, 298 articles were (P = 0.101).

Fig. 1. The flowchart on the stages of including the studies in the systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA 2009).

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 8, 2021;1:30]

N. Salari, N. Darvishi, M. Heydari et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 00 (2021) 1−11

Table 1.
The information extracted from the final studies entered the meta-analysis.

Sample number First author Year of publication Research location The average age of the sample Total sample size

1 Abdulhameed, F. D. [14] 2014 Saudi arabia New born 28,134

2 Aggarwal, D. [15] 2015 California New born 2,084,386
3 Al Omari, F. [16] 2004 Jordan New born 1,548,106
5 Alswairki, H. J. R. [17] 2019 Egypt New born 237,783
6 Andrade, N. M. [18] 2018 Brazil New born 206,367
7 Andrew, T. [19] 2018 California New born 1,458,856
8 Antoszewski, B. 1 [20] 2013 Poland New born 60,109
9 Antoszewski, B. 2 [21] 2016 Poland New born 222,053
10 Aqrabawi, H. E. [22] 2008 Jordan New born 25,440
11 Berg, E. [23] 2015 Norway New born 2,449,218
12 Borno, H. T. [24] 2014 America New born 33,969
13 Bronberg, R. [25] 2020 Argentina New born 228,208
14 Chang, W. J. [26] 2016 Taiwan New born 4,912,739
15 Corona-Rivera, J. R. [27] 2018 Mexico New born 81,193
16 DeRoo, L. A. [28] 2003 America New born 298,138
17 Dreise, M. [29] 2011 Uganada New born 26,186
19 Fathololumi, Mr [30] 2007 Iran New born 20,000
20 Fedeles, J., Jr. [31] 2012 Slovakia New born 147,874
21 Figueire ^do, C. J. R. [32] 2011 Brazil New born 318,667
22 Genisca, A. E. [33] 2009 America New born 2,731,809
23 Golali Pour, M. J. 1 [34] 2005 Iran New born 37,951
24 Golalipour, M. J. 2 [35] 2007 Iran New born 37,921
25 Gregg, T. A. [13] 2008 Ireland New born 511,693
26 Harville, E. W. [7] 2005 Norway New born 1,800,000
27 Hashmi, S. S. [36] 2005 America New born 1,026,868
28 Hviid, A. [37] 2011 Denmark New born 832,636
29 Imai, Y. [38] 2019 Japan New born 97,902
30 Jahanbin, A. [39] 2013 Iran New born 101,435
31 Jakobsen, L. P. [40] 2003 Denmark New born 2,806,373
32 Jalilevand, N. [41] 2015 Iran New born 107,317
33 Jaruratanasirikul, S. [42] 2016 Thiland New born 186,393
34 Kesande, T. [43] 2014 Uganda New born 25,985
35 Kianifar, H. [44] 2015 Iran New born 28,519
36 Kong, L. J. [45] 2017 China New born 2832
37 Lee, C. W. [8] 2015 Korea New born 883,184
38 Lei, R. L. [46] 2013 Taiwan New born 1,705,192
39 Li, Z. [47] 2008 China New born 25,355
40 Liu, J. [48] 2006 China New born 99,888
41 Liu, Q. G. [49] 2016 China New born 227,417
42 Luo, Y. L. [50] 2019 China New born 597,306
43 Mezawa, H. [51] 2019 Japan New born 101,825
44 Paaske, E. B. [52] 2018 Denmark New born 182,907
45 Parker, S. E. [53] 2010 America New born 3,120,605
46 Pavri, S. [54] 2013 Canada New born 1,915,027
47 Pedersen, G. S. [55] 2014 Denmark New born 1,319,426
48 Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo [56] 2011 Canada New born 240,571
America New born 2,251,705
Mexico and South America New born 724,834
Western Europe New born 439,566
Eastern Europe New born 1,823,022
British Isles New born 468,112
South-Mediterranean Europe New born 1,135,577
Australia-Victoria New born 251,312
Japan New born 347,889
South Africa New born 69,321
United Arab Emirates New born 17,188
49 Rajabian, M. H. 1 [57] 2000 Iran 1day-18month 19,369
50 Rajabian, M. H. 2 [58] 2005 Iran New born 147,608
51 Rakotoarison, R. A. [59] 2012 Madagascar New born 150,973
52 Rezq Alswairki, H. J. [9] 2019 Egypt New born 237,783
53 Rozendaal, A. M. [60] 2011 Netherlands New born 1,970,872
54 Sabbagh, H. J. [61] 2015 Saudi arabia New born 114,035
55 Sadri D [62] 2007 Iran New born 147,500
56 Sarkar, S. [63] 2013 India New born 12,896
57 Shapira, Y. [64] 2014 Israel New born 976,578
58 Soltani, M. K. [65] 2014 Iran New born 26,537
59 Sousa, G. F. [66] 2017 Brazil New born 14,446,425
60 Suleiman, A. M. [67] 2005 Sudan New born 15,890
61 Tafazzoli, H. [68] 2001 Iran New born 6513
62 Tu, L. [1] 2012 China New born 69,408
63 Vallino-Napoli, L. D. [69] 2006 Australia New born 1,140,668
64 Wang, M. [10] 2018 China New born 347,137
65 Yang, Y. [70] 2018 China New born 50,234
66 Yassaei, S. [71] 2010 Iran New born 65,236
67 Yazdy, M. M. [72] 2008 Georgia New born- 1 years 760,554
68 Zandi, M. [73] 2011 Iran New born 143,589
69 Zhou, Y. [2] 2020 China New born 238,712

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 8, 2021;1:30]

N. Salari, N. Darvishi, M. Heydari et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 00 (2021) 1−11

Table 2.
Abundance information based on the type of orofacial cleft studied.

Sample number First author Year of publication Number of cleft palate Number of cleft lip The number of cleft lip and cleft palate

1 Abdulhameed, F. D. 2014 18 34 26
2 Aggarwal, D. 2015 1261 871 1189
3 Al Omari, F. 2004 477 652 1017
5 Alswairki, H. J. R. 2019 20 23 44
6 Andrade, N. M. 2018 − − −
7 Andrew, T. 2018 922 − −
8 Antoszewski, B. 1 2013 31 11 28
9 Antoszewski, B. 2 2016 − − −
10 Aqrabawi, H. E. 2008 15 20 25
11 Berg, E. 2015 − 2890 −
12 Borno, H. T. 2014 12 5 14
13 Bronberg, R. 2020 60 54 220
14 Chang, W. J. 2016 2409 − −
15 Corona-Rivera, J. R. 2018 51 30 146
16 DeRoo, L. A. 2003 261 − −
17 Dreise, M. 2011 1 6 12
19 Fathololumi, Mr 2007 4 3 5
20 Fedeles, J., Jr. 2012 85 53 78
21 Figueire ^do, C. J. R. 2011 − − −
22 Genisca, A. E. 2009 1192 750 1395
23 Golali Pour, M. J. 1 2005 15 7 15
24 Golalipour, M. J. 2 2007 14 − −
25 Gregg, T. A. 2008 399 117 225
26 Harville, E. W. 2005 − 1122 1572
27 Hashmi, S. S. 2005 612 281 801
28 Hviid, A. 2011 357 − −
29 Imai, Y. 2019 51 − −
30 Jahanbin, A. 2013 24 16 57
31 Jakobsen, L. P. 2003 1491 − −
32 Jalilevand, N. 2015 23 10 15
33 Jaruratanasirikul, S. 2016 78 70 121
34 Kesande, T. 2014 1 7 12
35 Kianifar, H. 2015 8 19 27
36 Kong, L. J. 2017 4 8 4
37 Lee, C. W. 2015 492 245 243
38 Lei, R. L. 2013 690 − −
39 Li, Z. 2008 6 21 44
40 Liu, J. 2006 22 68 136
41 Liu, Q. G. 2016 − − −
42 Luo, Y. L. 2019 177 − −
43 Mezawa, H. 2019 83 125 208
44 Paaske, E. B. 2018 127 − −
45 Parker, S. E. 2010 4568 − −
46 Pavri, S. 2013 995 414 1010
47 Pedersen, G. S. 2014 1061 − −
48 Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo 2011 − 97 179
− 703 1594
− 227 725
− 186 346
− 563 990
− 167 266
− 272 417
− 92 151
− 230 467
− 4 16
− 6 6
49 Rajabian, M. H. 1 2000 289 584 796
50 Rajabian, M. H. 2 2005 30 35 54
51 Rakotoarison, R. A. 2012 18 19 36
52 Rezq Alswairki, H. J. 2019 20 26 44
53 Rozendaal, A. M. 2011 1090 − −
54 Sabbagh, H. J. 2015 32 53 48
55 Sadri D 2007 48 56 89
56 Sarkar, S. 2013 10 19 ‫ـ‬
57 Shapira, Y. 2014 258 235 191
58 Soltani, M. K. 2014 5 8 16
59 Sousa, G. F. 2017 2931 2378 2333
60 Suleiman, A. M. 2005 3 2 8
61 Tafazzoli, H. 2001 10 6 25
62 Tu, L. 2012 9 − ‫ـ‬
63 Vallino-Napoli, L. D. 2006 833 − ‫ـ‬
64 Wang, M. 2018 37 295 118
65 Yang, Y. 2018 17 31 47
66 Yassaei, S. 2010 17 13 26
67 Yazdy, M. M. 2008 239 126 280
68 Zandi, M. 2011 23 37 69
69 Zhou, Y. 2020 3016 1759 3561

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 8, 2021;1:30]

N. Salari, N. Darvishi, M. Heydari et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 00 (2021) 1−11

Fig. 2. Funnel Plot Results related to the prevalence of cleft palate.

3.3. Meta-analysis of the results of the cleft palate Also, the results of the study diffusion trajectory in studies with Begg
and Mazumdar test were measured at a significance level of 0.1
The total number of samples included in the study was 21,088,517 (Fig. 6), which was not statistically significant (P = 0.214).
peoples from 59 articles reviewed. The prevalence of cleft palate
based on the meta-analysis of the studies studied in every 1000 live
3.7. Meta-analysis of the results related to the prevalence of cleft lip and
births was 0.33 (95% CI: 0.0−28.38). In Fig. 3, the prevalence based on
the model has shown random effects in which the black square of the
prevalence and the length of the line on which the square is located
The total number of samples included in the study was 17,894,673
is 95% confidence interval in each study.
individuals from 55 articles reviewed. The Prevalence of cleft lip and
palate obtained based on the meta-analysis of the studies reviewed
3.4. Investigating heterogeneity and publication bias (Cleft lip)
was 0.45 in every 1000 live births (95% CI: 0.38- 0.52). In Fig. 7, the
prevalence based on the model has shown random effects in which
The heterogeneity of the studies was investigated using I2 test and
the black square of the prevalence and the length of the line on which
based on this test, this value (I2=99.9%) was obtained and shows the
the square is located is 95% confidence interval in each study.
high heterogeneity in the entered studies. Therefore, the model of
random effects was used to combine the results of studies together.
Also, the results of the study diffusion efficacy in studies with Begg 4. Discussion
and Mazumdar test were measured at a significance level of 0.1
(Fig. 4) that the efficacy was not statistically significant (P = 0.318). In the studies related to cleft palate, the total number of samples
entered in the study in 59 reviews was 21,088,517. The prevalence of
3.5. Meta-analysis of the results related to the prevalence of cleft lip cleft palate based on meta-analysis of studies studied in every 1000
live births was 0.33 (0.28−0.38: with 95% confidence interval) was
The total number of samples included in the study was 17,907,569 obtained.
individuals from 57 articles reviewed. The prevalence of cleft lip Also in the cleft lip, the total number of samples entered in the
obtained based on the meta-analysis of the studies studied in every study was 17,907,569 in 57 reviews, the prevalence of cleft lip based
1000 live births was 0.3 (95% CI: 0.26−0.34). In Fig. 5, the prevalence on meta-analysis of studies reviewed was 0.3 in every 1000 live
based on the model has shown random effects in which the black births (0.26−0.34: with 95% confidence interval).
square of the prevalence and the length of the line on which the The total number of samples entered in the study of cleft lip and
square is located is 95% confidence interval in each study. palate was 17,894,673 in 55 reviews, the prevalence of cleft lip and
taste based on a meta-analysis of studies in every 1000 live births
3.6. Investigating heterogeneity and publication bias (Cleft lip and was obtained 0.45 (0.38−0.52: with 95% confidence interval).
palate) The cleft palate prevalence in this study was 0.03 times higher
than the prevalence rates reported in the Jordanian studies, which is
The heterogeneity of the studies was investigated using I2 test and 0.06 times higher than in China, and is 0.3 times lower than the pub-
based on this test, this value (I2=99.9%) was obtained and shows the lished California rates. The prevalence of cleft lip and palate in this
high heterogeneity in the entered studies. Therefore, the model of study was 0.11 and 0.16 less than the prevalence reported in Jorda-
random effects was used to combine the results of studies together. nian studies. The prevalence of cleft palate and cleft lip in this study
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 8, 2021;1:30]

N. Salari, N. Darvishi, M. Heydari et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 00 (2021) 1−11

Fig. 3. The prevalence of cleft palate based on random model.

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 8, 2021;1:30]

N. Salari, N. Darvishi, M. Heydari et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 00 (2021) 1−11

Fig. 4. Funnel Plot Results related to the prevalence of cleft lip.

Fig. 5. The prevalence of cleft lip and palate based on a random model.
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 8, 2021;1:30]

N. Salari, N. Darvishi, M. Heydari et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 00 (2021) 1−11

Fig. 6. Funnel Plot Results related to the prevalence of cleft lip and palate.

Fig. 7. The prevalence of cleft lip and palate based on a random model.
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;June 8, 2021;1:30]

N. Salari, N. Darvishi, M. Heydari et al. Journal of Stomatology oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 00 (2021) 1−11

was lower than the prevalence reported in the Jordanian studies 0.21, 7.4. Consent for publication
Korea 1.36, China 0.58, California 0.76 [14−17].
In a 2018 study review conducted in Iran, it was stated that the N/A.
total number of samples among the articles included in the system-
atic and meta-analysis review study was 1,077,537 infants, with a 7.5. Availability of data and materials
prevalence of cleft palate of 0.35 and a prevalence of cleft lip of 0.34
and a prevalence of cleft palate and cleft palate. 0.88 per 1000 live Datasets are available through the corresponding author upon
births were estimated to be 0.02 in cleft palate, 0.04 in cleft lip and reasonable request.
0.43 cleft palate, and cleft lip and palate. The study found that the
low prevalence of oral clefts may be due to a lack of information in 7.6. Code availability
areas with a higher prevalence. According to a study by Haseli et al.
and Arezoo et al., the prevalence of this disorder was higher in boys N/A.
than in girls. One of the limitations of this study is the lack of infor-
mation report on the prevalence of oral clefts in different regions of
Declaration of Competing Interest
Iran and the lack of sufficient accuracy of the authors of the articles in
reporting the prevalence of oral clefts in their regions and also the
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
lack of access to the full text [18].
The prevalence of oral clefts varies from country to country and
from region to country. This difference can be due to racial, climatic, Acknowledgments
cultural diversity, and differences in pregnant women's care pro-
grams. Some medications, such as thalidomide and aminopyrine, We hereby express our gratitude and appreciation to the Student
have been shown to have oral side effects. Also, the gaps in parents, Research Committee of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences.
siblings, and other relatives, injuries, radiation, and smoking can be
risk factors for differences [74−77]. References

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