The Structure Community of Ichthyofauna in The Region Buffer Resorts Suo-Suo of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park, Indonesia
The Structure Community of Ichthyofauna in The Region Buffer Resorts Suo-Suo of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park, Indonesia
The Structure Community of Ichthyofauna in The Region Buffer Resorts Suo-Suo of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park, Indonesia
Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural
University, Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
Department of Biology, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jambi University, Jambi, Indonesia
The buffer zone of Suo-Suo Resort has a direct supply of biodiversity of flora and fauna directly from the core
zone of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park. In addition, the area was faced high pressure on the existing ecosystem
because this area is known to be productive and often become an exploiting area. This study aims to record the
biodiversity of fish and its related dynamics such as the study of composition, community diversity and fish
distribution. Research carried out during the two seasons of the dry season and the rainy season. Fish sampling
using the fish net and gills net in pairs in the river body. The results showed some physical and chemical
properties of waters are still quite feasible in supporting the life of aquatic biota. The fish obtained during the
study consisted of 18 families with the highest Cyprinidae family then followed by the Bagridae family.
* Corresponding author.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
1. Introduction
Suo-Suo Resort is part of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park which is included in SPTN Region I Tebo District
Jambi Province, this area is divided into core area and buffer zone. Geographically the buffer zone is located
adjacent to the core area, the topography is not much different as it has a fairly steep hills-shaped landscape with
an altitude between 60 - 843 m above sea level. Based on the Schmidt and Ferguson classification, the Bukit
Tigapuluh National Park area includes a B-type climate that has temperatures ranging from 20.8 - 33º C with
annual rainfall of 2,577 mm / year.
As a buffer zone of Suo-Suo Resort, this area has its own advantages of obtaining a direct supply of biodiversity
of flora and fauna directly from the core zone of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park, but it also has a deficiency such
as high pressure on the existing ecosystem because this area is known to be productive and often become
exploitation areas either in the form of concession disputes to land conversion for forest concession, mining and
illegal logging activities.
Various kinds of pressures that occur can affect the biodiversity of existing fauna, especially the type of
ichthyology (fish), large-scale and uncontrolled forest exploitation activities cause pollution, one of them
anthropogenic in the rivers that exist in the forest. Bukit Tigapuluh National Park itself is part of the River Basin
(DAS) River Batanghari in Jambi Province and Gansal River in Riau Province which has several sub-
watersheds such as Sumay River, Pengabuhan, Cinaku and Keritang.
Based on previous research Bukit Tigapuluh National Park itself recorded 97 species with 25 families of fish
species collected by Siregar et al. In 1993 on the SPTN of Region II Siberida Riau Province, whereas Jambi
Province has 297 species of freshwater fish in Batanghari River Basin, 25 species in Batang Bungo River and 49
species in Harapan Rainforest Jambi spread over various habitat types [1,2,3].
Departing from the issues and problems above would be a concern related to the decline of biodiversity and
even the extinction of fish especially in this area, while the comprehensive data of biodiversity of the fish that
have been owned so that the fish can be extinct before they are identified and descripted. It is therefore
important that a series of research be conducted to record the biodiversity of fish and its associated dynamics
such as the study of composition, community diversity and fish distribution. This study is expected to illustrate
the potential of fisheries in this area which can later be used as a foundation in the preparation of specific
fisheries management strategies and forest restoration in general.
This research was conducted in buffer area of Suo-Suo Resort of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park part SPTN
Region I Tebo District Jambi Province, specially Block One area covering 10-point observation station (Figure
1). Observations were made during two seasons: dry season (August 2015) and rainy season (February 2016).
Determination of observation station through purposive sampling with target of main water body in this area.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
Fish sampling refers in [3] using a net with a length of 3 m, a height of 2 m, a mesh size of 0.5 inches and a
gillnet measuring ± 30 m long, 1 m high with each size Eye nets 0.5, 0.75 and 1 inch. The spreading mesh is
operated at the center of the river which has a relatively high current velocity for approximately 1 hour at each
station, whereas gillnet is operated in deep water for 6 hours and is lifted 2 hours at a distance of each net ± 50
m, while for the edge of the waters covered with vegetation, fishing with fishing rod, tajur, serok and bubu [4],
Haryono 2006 in Sukmono [3].
The abundance of each species (species) of fish began to be estimated or calculated when it was captured, sorted
and grouped according to species and size at each observation station, then weight measurement and length.
Sampled fish samples were immediately preserved with 10% formalin solution and included in a sample
container that had been labeled local fish, station, collection date, and collector name.
Grouped fish species are calculated and identified by morphometric and meristic characters based on
[1,5,6,7,8,9,10]. The results of the identification obtained are then confirmed at the Bogor-LIPI Zoological
Museum, Cibinong and compared with the existing data at Fish specimens that have been
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
identified immediately were washed with running water and stored in a sample container containing 70%
alcohol solution as a scientific collection.
While the water morphometry was measured in the morning between 08.00-09.00 WIB shortly before the
sampling of fish, including: (1) depth with stick estimator; (2) length, maximum width, and flow width by
meter. While water quality parameters include: (1) water color and brightness observed visually with secchi
disk; (2) temperature with thermometer; (3) the current velocity with the ball of the estimator; (4) dissolved
oxygen by titration of winkler method; (5) basic substrate by manual; (6) surrounding vegetation with visual; (7)
water pH with digital pH meter; And (8) the position of coordinates and altitude with GPS Garmin. Habitat
conditions in general will be tabulated and described.
To know condition of general description of research location and water characteristic descriptive analysis to
primary and secondary data of waters obtained through field observation, interview and data obtained from
related institution.
The species composition was analyzed based on identification results from family level to fish species, while the
formula used was as follows:
𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 = 𝑥𝑥100%
Information :
pi : Comparison between the number of individual fish species i to the total number of individual
ni : Number of individual fish species to-i
N : Total number of individual fish
The diversity index (H') represents the richness of fish species which can be seen from the presence of the
number of species in a community with relative abundance (the number of individuals per species). The most
commonly used diversity index is the index by Shannon-Wiener [11], denoted by (H') which is limited as:
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
Uniformity is a description of the individual distribution of fish of each species in a community, the more
evenly distributed individual species within a community then the balance of the ecosystem will also increase as
there is no tendency of a particular species of fish that dominates. The uniformity index (E) of fish can be
calculated based on the following equation [12]:
𝐸𝐸 =
𝐻𝐻′ 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚
Information :
E : Uniformity index
H’ : Index of diversity
H’ max : Maximum diversity index or ln s
S : Number of genera
To see the dominant level of certain species of fish species used Simpson dominance index with the following
formula [1993]:
𝐶𝐶 = �(𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃)²
Information :
C : Index of dominance
s : Number of species species
Pi : The proportion of the to-i fish
N : Total number of individual fish
From observation of physical properties of river such as base substrate, current velocity, water temperature,
depth and boundary limit and measurement of several chemical parameters such as pH and DO and combined
with visual observation of vegetation and land use, Manggatal River and Sekalo River can be divided into three,
Namely the upstream (source), the middle and the downstream (mouth). While Kemumu River belongs to the
minor tributaries of the major tributaries of the Manggatal River, Elephant Peat Swamp and Toman Peat Swamp
enter into minor tributaries of the major tributaries of the Sekalo River. Characteristics of observation stations
can be seen in table 1.
The buffer zone of Resort Suo-Suo Bukit Tigapuluh National Park part SPTN Region I Tebo District Jambi
Province, especially block area one has heterogenicity habitat of public waters are quite diverse. Based on the
results of the research supported by secondary data through questionnaires and interviews, there are two main
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
river streams that exist in this area which include: Manggatal River and Sekalo River, both empties into the
River Batang Sumay. However, according to [14] that Sumay River system is part of the upstream Batanghari
River, Sumay River system consists of three major tributaries, namely: 1) Mangatal River; 2) The Endelang
River; and 3) Kemumu River.
If we refer to the result of local information tightening and information today, basically Kemumu River was
minor tributaries of the central tributaries of the central Manggur River, and the Sekalo River is one of the major
tributaries, River Batang Sumay system. While Toman Peat Swamp and Elephant Peat Swamp are part of minor
tributaries (minor tributaries) of the major tributaries of the downstream Sekalo River.
Different perceptions in the division and naming of the river can be due to the changing of the river landscape or
the understanding of the community in naming the river from time to time, as well as a small river near the
Talang Mamak tribe of Semarantihan Hamlet becoming one of the observation stations also called Kemumu
River. Basically, this small river is in the middle between the edge of the river minor that flows in Toman Peat
Swamp and Elephant Peat Swamp with the middle stream of the actual Kemumu River, so the supply of water is
thought to come from the two streams of minor.
Returning to Toman Peat Swamp and Elephant Peat Swamp, these waters, in addition to obtaining minor
tributaries from the major tributaries of the downstream Sekalo River, are also supplied by streams of minor
tributaries originating from the major tributaries of the lower Manggatal River. In other words, the major
tributaries of Manggatal River and the major tributaries of the Sekalo River are connected through its minor
tributaries that meet downstream before being reunited in the Batang Sumay River system.
At first the minor tributaries of the major tributaries of the downstream Sekalo River flow along the road to
Semarantihan Hamlet, the village of Talang Mamak, but due to a road transport project development, the river
was cut off and Experiencing habitat fragmentation so that some form of banjiran and oxbow swamps such as
Elephant Peat Swamp and Toman Peat Swamp stations.
Basically, the public waters located in this region has the character as a river flooded with several creeks and
swamps along the flow. During the dry season swamps are generally not experiencing drought and act as a
refuge area of fish, while during the rainy season the waters merge with streams of creeks. Swamps that
experience such phenomena include Toman Peat Swamp and Elephant Peat Swamp.
Changes in the general waters landscape of the buffer zone of Suo-Suo Resort of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park
is believed to be caused by large-scale land conversion in this area, such as illegal logging and forest clearing
for the garden. The park's buffer zone is known to be vulnerable and is often the target of exploitation, because
ecologically this area is classified as productive and supported by the distribution of flora and fauna originating
from the core area of the national park, whereas legally the area is considered vulnerable because it has no
certainty Law in its management. Overlapping ownership and exploitation of forest causes this region to be
difficult to manage optimally because of the many interests of diverse stakeholders.
Basically, Batang Sumay River station is not included in the public waters of Suo-Suo Resort buffer zone, but
still the author of input as a comparison station, because weigh this location is the estuary of the Manggatal
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
River and Sekalo that has an important role both in terms of ecology of fish distribution and economy for people
around Batang Sumay River.
From the observation of several physical and chemical properties of waters referring to the water quality of
Class III for all fisheries activities in the RI Government Regulation [15], the existing waters in the Suo-Suo
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
Resort buffer zone, in particular the one block as a whole, is still relatively reasonable to support the life of
aquatic biota, only at the Toman Peat Swamp and Elephant Peat Swamp stations during the rainy season
decreasing dissolved oxygen that exceeds the standard threshold Water quality Class III in [15] explained the
range of quality standard DO water class 3 is 3 m / l, while at Toman Peat Swamp station is about 2.81 m / l and
Elephant Peat Swamp was about 2.56.
The decrease in DO at Toman Peat Swamp and Elephant Peat Swamp stations is thought to be caused by
eutrophication symptoms, although the relative brightness of the waters is increasing, but the sides and partial
water surfaces have been overgrown with shrubs and other grass vegetation. As for the Elephant Peat Swamp
station almost the entire surface has been filled with Azzola similar plants. The emergence of Azzola plants that
indicate this eutrophication process indicates the amount of organic material present in these waters, this is also
supported by obtaining leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) at the time of observation.
The existence of leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) in waters indicates that the waters are classified as polluted.
Leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) itself is an organism classified as macrozoobentoz which belongs to a group of
intolerant organisms that can be used as bioindicator of environmental pollution of freshwater waters [16].
According to [17], leeches are usually found in eutrophic, poly-saprobic waters and waters of medium pressure
or high pressure.
The high organic matter that caused polluted Elephant Peat Swamp station is believed to be caused by the
frequent entry of elephant groups into these waters, the existence of the elephant group is not only stirring the
waters but also adding the organic material waters through the dirt they leave behind.
Actually, the existence of leeches is also found in Downstream Sekir station, but not as much as the Elephant
Peat Swamp station. Physical structures of the flood waters of the Elephant Peat Swamp and have limited input
and ouput access cause the existing anthropogenic waste to accumulate in these waters, in contrast to the Sekera
Downstream station which is part of the Sekalo River having the physical characteristics of the flowing waters
which must have had input and output access better.
The total number of individual fish collected were 1132 individuals from 746 and 386 heads each catch in the
dry and rainy season. Globally the highest catch is upstream of Sekalo River 342 individuals (30.21%), middle
of Sekalo River 197 individuals (17.40%), and upstream of Manggatal River 148 individuals (13.07%). While
the lowest catch is at Toman Peat Swamp 7 individuals (0.62%), Kemumu River 55 individuals (4.86%) and
downstream of Manggatal River 58 individuals (5.12%) (Figure 2).
The temporal variation of the catch in the dry season was 65.9% greater than the rainy season of 34.1%, while
the per-station was more fluctuating. During the dry season the highest catches were upstream of Sekalo River
220 individuals (29.49%), middle of Sekalo River 168 individuals (22.52%) and upstream of Manggatal River
119 individuals (15.95%), while the lowest in Tandawa Peat Swamp 2 individuals (0.27%), Elephant Peat
Swamp of 16 individuals (2.14%) and Kemumu River (3.35%). In the rainy season the highest catches on the
Upper Sekalo River were 122 individuals (31.61%), Elephant Peat Swamp 56 individuals (14.51%) and middle
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
Manggatal River 45 individuals (11.66%), while the lowest in Toman Peat Swamp 5 individuals (1.30%),
Batang Sumay River 17 individuals (4.40%) and downstream Sekalo River 22 individuals (5.70%).
Identification results obtained 71 species belonging to 18 families and 8 orders, while temporarily obtained 65
species 17 families and 8 orders during the dry season and 46 species 14 families and 7 orders in the rainy
season. Temporally, during the dry season the highest species caught were Osteochilus waandersii 145
individuals (19.44%), Mystacoleucus marginatus 129 individuals (17.29%) and Labiobarbus festivus 100
individuals (13.40%), while in the rainy season the highest species caught were Trichogaster leerii 56
Individuals (14.51%), Mystacoleucus marginatus 50 individuals (12.95%) and Barbonymus schwanenfeldii 31
individuals (8.03%).
Figure 2: Percentage distribution of the number of fish species, species and families present in the public waters
of the Suo-Suo Resort area of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park
Spatially-temporal, species that have the highest catch of each station and season look more varied. As in the
upper reaches of the Manggatal River, Mystacoleucus marginatus species became the highest catch species of
31 individuals (26.05%) in the dry season and 11 individuals (37.93%) of the rainy season. Upstream Sekalo
River dry season highest species Osteochilus waandersii 69 individuals (31.36%) and Rasbora elegans 20
individuals (16.39%) in the rainy season. In the middle of the Manggatal River in the dry season the highest
species of Hampala macrolepidota and Mystacoleucus marginatus were 6 individuals (17.14%) and
Mystacoleucus marginatus 13 individuals (28.89%) in the rainy season. In the middle of Sekalo River dry
season highest species Osteochilus waandersii 33 individuals (19.64%) and Rasbora elegans 9 individuals
(31.03%) in the rainy season.
While on the lower reaches of the Manggatal River in dry season the highest species of Labiobarbus festivus 7
individuals (25.93%) and Barbonymus schwanenfeldii 17 individuals (54.84%) in the rainy season. Upstream
and downstream of the Sekalo River in the dry season Mystacoleucus marginatus 45 individuals (52.33%), in
the rainy season Barbonymus schwanenfeldii and Puntigrus tetrazona each of 4 individuals (18.18%).
At Toman Peat Swamp dry season captured Channa micropeltes and Channa striata each one individual (50%),
in rainy season only caught 5 individual Channa micropeltes (100%). While on the Elephant Peat Swamp in the
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
dry season caught 4 species, namely Trichogaster leerii 10 individuals (62.5%), Channa striata 3 individuals
(18.75%), Parachela hypothalamus 2 individuals (6.25%) and Puntigrus tetrazona 1 individual (6.25%), Rainy
season only caught Trichogaster leerii 56 individuals (100%).
At Batang Sumay River dry season highest species Mystacoleucus marginatus 21 individual (43.75%) and
lowest in rainy season Hemibagrus planiceps and Mystacoleucus marginatus respectively 4 individuals
(23.53%). On the Kemumu River dry season highest species Barbodes binotatus 5 individuals (20%) and in the
rainy season Mystacoleucus marginatus 6 individuals (20.00%).
Overall, from 18 families collected in the buffer waters of Suo-Suo Resort of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park
(Figure 3), the tribe of Cyprinidae is the highest with 33 species, followed by Bagridae with 7 species,
Zenarchopteridae with 4 species, Aksyssidae, Channidae, Nemacheilidae with 3 species and other fish tribes
each 1-2 species. This is in line with the results of [18] in Bukit Tigapuluh National Park on the SPTN Region II
Siberida Riau Province that the Cyprinidae are the main inhabitants of these waters, followed by the Catfish.
The Sukmono research in 2013 in the waters of the Hope Forest also obtained similar results, from 123 collected
species, 59 species (48%) of which are Cyprinidae.
The large percentage of the Cyprinidae tribe in the common waters is not surprising anymore, as this tribe is
well-known to dominate across the common waters of the world, except in Australia, Madagascar, New Zealand
and South America [5]. The Cyprinidae tribe is also known to be the largest tribe inhabiting the common waters
of Southeast Asia and the island of Sumatra, followed by Catfish species such as the Bagridae, Clariidae and
Pangasidae [5].
In general, the number of species and family compositions collected in this study was lower than that of authors
[18] that collected 97 species and 25 families of fish species in Bukit Tigapuluh National Park part SPTN
Region II Siberida Riau Province, this is due to the type and character of different habitats or environmental
conditions are different because geographically Siregar et al conduct research in the core region, while this
observation only focuses on buffer zone Suo-Suo Resort SPTN Region I Tebo District Jambi Province.
Figure 3: The composition of fish species by family and species in the buffer zone of Suo-Suo Resort of Bukit
Tigapuluh National Park
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
Specifically, the number of individual compositions, species and families in the dry season is higher than in the
rainy season, due to the high-water turbidity during the rainy season, which then correlates to the availability of
habitats or niches for fish communities [4].
If we compare the data of fish species per season, the fish species that are not found in the dry season
Glyptothorax platypogon, Mystus nigriceps, Rasbora ennealepis, Rasbora ruttenii, and Xenentodon sp, whereas
species that are not found in the rainy season is Achiroides leucorhynchos, Acrochordonichthys melanogaster,
Acrochordonichthys sp, Anematichthys repasson, Barbichthys leavis, Crossocheilus sp, Doryichthys martensii,
Glyptothorax major, Hampala bimaculata, Labiobaebus kuhlii, Labocheilos falcifer, Macrognathus sp,
Nemacheilus kapuasensis, Nemacheilus selangorivus, Nemacheilus spiniferus, Osteochilus hasseltii,
Osteochilus microchepalus, Pao leiurus, Parachella hypothalamus, Pristolepis fasciata, Silurichtys phaisoma,
Tor soro, Tor tamra, Zenarchopterus dispar, and Zenochepterus buffonis.
Further species are found both in the dry season and the rainy season is Acanthopsis dialuzona,
Acrochordonichthys rugosus, Bagrichthys sp, Barbodes binotatus, Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, Channa lucius,
Channa micropeltes, Channa striata, Cyclocheilichthys apogon, Cyclocheilichthys armatus, Cynoglossus
waandersii, Epalzeorhyncos kalopterus, Hampala macrolepidota, Hemibagrus nemurus, Hemibagrus planiceps,
Hemirhamphodon sp, Hemirhamphodon tengah, Homoleptera nebulosus, Homoleptera sp, Labiobarbus
fasciatus, Labiobarbus festivus, Labocheilos bo, Leiocassis sp, Luciosoma setigerum, Macronagthus maculates,
Mystacoleucus marginatus, Mystus micracanthus, Mystus sp, Osteochillus kapenii, Osteochilus waandersii,
Oxygaster anomalura, Pao nigrovirdis, Parachela oxygastroides, Pristolepis grootii, Puntigrus tetrazona,
Puntius lateristriga, Rasbora bankanensis, Rasbora dusonensis, Rasbora elegans, and Trichogaster leerii.
The fish community structure of each station shows in Table 2. Based on Table 2, the values of diversity (H ')
range from 1.00 to 3.99. In the dry season the highest diversity index is located at Kemumu River station with a
value of 3.99 and the lowest is Toman Peat Swamp station with a value of 1.00. In this case, although the
Kemumu River is only a small river and not a minor stream, it has a high frequency of diversity index. This is
allegedly due to the supply of a stream of minor that flows Toman Peat Swamp and the Elephant Peat Swamp
with the middle of the actual Kemumu River flow. However, these waters are composed of fish smaller than
other stations, as seen from the percentage of biomass and the type of fish caught.
Table 2 also shows that the Sekalo River has a diversity index ranging from 2.28 - 3.89, which means higher
than Manggatal River which has a diversity index (H ') ranging from 2.84 to 3.65. This is allegedly because the
Sekalo River has minor rivers more than the Manggatal River, at least recorded there are three minor rivers
located in the Sekalo River the Lubang Punai River located in the upper river Sekalo, Tengkalaou River in the
middle of the Sekalo River and the minor stream that runs through Toman Peat Swamp and the Elephant Peat
Swamp. While the Manggatal River only recorded two minor streams are the Beringin River in the middle of the
Manggatal River and Kemumu River which is located between the middle and lower Manggatal River.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
Table 2: Diversity index (H '), uniformity (E), and dominance (D) of species level
∑N ∑S
Station (H’) (E) (D)
HUM 119 29 26 10 3.64 2.83 0.77 0.85 0.13 0.20
TSM 35 45 17 16 3.65 3.48 0.89 0.87 0.10 0.13
HIM 27 31 9 6 2.84 1.86 0.90 0.72 0.16 0.37
HUS 220 122 28 24 3.69 3.99 0.77 0.87 0.14 0.08
TSS 168 29 31 11 3.89 2.99 0.79 0.86 0.11 0.17
HIS 86 22 14 10 2.28 3.15 0.60 0.95 0.33 0.12
BSY 48 17 5 8 1.65 2.75 0.71 0.92 0.37 0.17
SKM 25 30 19 13 3.99 3.38 0.94 0.91 0.08 0.12
RWT 2 5 2 1 1.00 - 1.00 - 0.50 -
RWG 16 56 4 1 1.50 - 0.75 - 0.45 -
K: Dry Season; H: Rainy Season
Furthermore, on the Batang Sumay River which is the estuary of the Manggatal River and Sekalo River has a
lower index of diversity than the two main tributaries namely Manggatal River and Sekalo River. This is
presumably because of the location of the waters in open space, causing the intensity of activities in these waters
is higher and more complex, such as continuous over-fishing exploitation, water transport traffic and
anthropogenic waste derived from bath wash toilet activities surrounding communities.
Toman Peat Swamp Station and the Elephant Peat Swamp are also experiencing the same thing and more
extreme, these waters obtain the lowest frequency index indices from other stations. This is not only due to the
waters that are also located in the open space, but also the shape and character of different habitats with river-
type stations. The condition of Toman Peat Swamp waters and the fragmented Elephant Peat Swamp as
described on the previous page makes these waters as isolated with low and limited fish community structures.
Furthermore, during the rainy season the diversity index ranges from 1.86 to 3.99, the highest frequency is on
the Upper Sekalo River station with a value of 3.99 and the lowest is at the downstream station of Manggatal
River with a value of 1.86, while the Toman Peat Swamp and Elephant Peat Swamp stations only obtain one
species only.
If we compare the Manggatal River and Sekalo River, the Sekalo River diversity index in the rainy season is
also higher than the Manggatal River. Only on the Manggatal River has a significant index decline, especially in
the upstream and downstream. Likewise, with Sekalo River there is a decrease in index in the middle, but
increased in the upstream and downstream. The variation in frequency of this diversity index is due to the
increase of turbidity and water volume which is correlated with the increasing available habitat area. The same
is true in the upstream waters of the Asahan River and its tributaries in Riau Province, that there is a temporal
decline of fish communities during the rainy season [4].
The uniformity index (E) is used to describe the equity of the distribution of species composition within a fish
community [19], the more evenly distributed the individual species among fishes the ecosystem balance will
increase. From the results of the study, the uniformity index obtained in the range 0.95 - 0.60.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
In the dry season the highest uniformity value is found at Toman Peat Swamp station with value 1.00 and the
lowest is Sekalo River Downstream station with value 0.60. The high frequency of uniformity index at Toman
Peat Swamp station is caused by the number of individual and captured frequencies that are caught and small, in
other words Toman Peat Swamp waters are composed of low fish community structure. Likewise, on the
Kemumu River station and Batang Sumay River station, these waters obtain a high uniformity index, but are
composed of a diverse community of fish structures.
Furthermore, if we compare Manggatal River and Sekalo River, the uniformity index of Manggatal River that
ranges from 0.77 to 0.90 is higher than the Sekalo River which ranges from 0.60 to 0.79. The tendency of the
lowest frequency of uniformity lies in the downstream of the Sekalo River with a uniformity index of 0.60,
indicating the presence of certain species that dominate the waters.
While in the rainy season the value of uniformity tends to be high and uniform, which ranges from 0.72 to 0.95.
The highest uniformity index is located at Sekera River Downstream station with value 0.95 and lowest is at
downstream station of River Manggatal with value 0,72. However, there are some stations that experience
uniformity index cannot be expressed, that is at Toman Peat Swamp station and Elephant Peat Swamp, this is
caused by extreme frequency of species abundance value obtained.
If we compare the index of uniformity and index of dominance, then there is a positive correlation that appears
both spatially and temporally. In the dry season, the dominance index ranges from 0.08 - 0.50. The highest
dominance index is located at Toman Peat Swamp station with value 0.50 and the lowest is Kemumu River
station with value 0.08. In the rainy season, the uniformity index ranges from 0.08 - 0.37. The highest dominant
frequency value is found at the downstream station of Manggatal River were 0.37 and the lowest is at the
upstream station of the Sekalo River at 0.37.
Globally the majority of spatial-temporal dominant indices of both the Manggatal River and the Sekalo River
are moderate, meaning that certain species predominate. So also on the Kemumu River station, Batang Sumay
River, Toman Peat Swamp and Elephant Peat Swamp. The expression of dominance index in the frequency
level of moderate dominance is characterized by the emergence of several species that have large proportions in
abundance such as species Mystacoleucus marginatus, Labiobarbus festivus, Barbonymus schwanenfeldii,
Hampala macrolepidota, Epalzeorhyncos kalopterus and Puntius lateristriga.
4. Conclusion
The results showed some physical and chemical properties of waters are still quite feasible in supporting the life
of aquatic biota. The fish obtained during the study consisted of 18 families with the highest Cyprinidae family
then followed by the Bagridae family. The total number of individual fish collected were 1132 individuals from
746 and 386 each catch in the dry and rainy season.
The temporal variation of the catch in the dry season was 65.9% greater than the rainy season of 34.1%, while
the per-station was more fluctuating. In the dry season the highest diversity index is located at Kemumu station
with a value of 3.99 and the lowest is Toman Peat Swamp station with a value of 1.00. Furthermore, during the
rainy season the diversity index ranges from 1.86 to 3.99, the highest frequency is on the Upper Sekalo River
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2017) Volume 34, No 1, pp 39-53
station with a value of 3.99 and the lowest is at the downstream station of Sungai Manggatal with a value of
1.86, while the Toman Peat Swamp and Elephant Peat Swamp stations only obtain one species only.
Thanks to the Frankrut Zooloogical Society (FZS) Jambi who has sponsored this research through research
collaboration "Iktiofauna Survey of buffer zone of Suo-Suo Resort of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park"
conducted by Dr. Tedjo Sukmono SSi Msi (as head of researcher), Indra Mahyudi S (As a researcher member)
and Mussadat (as a researcher member).
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