MCA-Ist IIndSem Java
MCA-Ist IIndSem Java
MCA-Ist IIndSem Java
Course Objective:
The aim of the course is to make students understand how to design, implement, test, debug, and document programs
that use basic data types and computation, simple I/O, conditional and control structures, string handling and
functions. By the end of the course a student will be capable to design and develop different computer software
applications in Java.
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Students will be able to implement Object Oriented programming concept using basic syntaxes of
control Structures, strings and function for developing skills of logic building activity.
CO2: Identify classes, objects, members of a class and the relationships among them needed for a finding
the solution to particular problem.
CO3: Demonstrates how to achieve reusability using inheritance, interfaces and packages and describes
faster application development can be achieved.
Java Fundamentals: Features of Java, OOPs concepts, Java virtual machine Byte code, Data types, variable,
Differences between Java and C++, arrays, expressions, operators, and control structures, static, final and finally
method Objects and classes. String Handling, Primitive Type Wrappers.
Inheritance: Basics, Using super, Creating Multilevel Hierarchy, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch,
Using Abstract Classes, Using final with inheritance.
Packages and Interfaces: Defining a package, Finding packages CLASSPATH environment variables, Access
Protection, Importing Packages, Defining an Interface, Implementing Interface, Nested Interface, Applying Interface
and Variables in Interfaces.
Exception Handling: Fundamentals, Exception Types, Uncaught Exceptions, Using try and catch, Multiple catch
clauses, Nested try Statements, throw, throws, finally, Java's inbuilt Exceptions, Creating own Exception Subclasses,
Chained Exceptions, Using Exceptions.
MCA-Ist Year Batch 2022-23 & 2023-24
Multithreaded Programming: The java Thread Model, The Main Thread, Creating a thread, Creating Multiple
Threads, Using Alive() and join (), Thread Priorities, Synchronization, Inter thread Communication, Suspending,
Resuming, and Stopping Threads, Using Multithreading.
I/O Basics: Streams, Byte Streams, Character Streams, The Predefined Streams, Reading Console Input, Writing
Console Output, The Print Writer Class, Reading and writing files
GUI: Introduction to AWT & Swing components, Layout managers and Menus. Event handling.
Database Connectivity: JDBC architecture Establishing connectivity and working with connection interface Working
with statements Creating and executing SQL statements Working with Result Set.
Text Book:
1. Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt, “The Complete Reference Java 2”, Tata McGraw Hill.
1. Java Programming Language, Third Edition by Ken Arnold, James Gosling, David Holmes. Pearson
Teaching Plan
Week-I Java Fundamentals: Features of Java, OOPs concepts, Java virtual machine Byte code,
Data types, variable, Differences between Java and C++,arrays, expressions, operators,
and control structures, static, final and finally method Objects and classes.
Week-II String Handling, Primitive Type Wrappers, Inheritance: Basics, Using super, Creating
Multilevel Hierarchy, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Using Abstract
Classes, Using final with inheritance.
Week-III Packages and Interfaces: Defining a package, Finding packages CLASSPATH
environment variables, Access Protection, Importing Packages,
Week-IV Defining an Interface, Implementing Interface, Nested Interface, Applying Interface and
Variables in Interfaces, Exception Handling: Fundamentals, Exception Types, Uncaught
Exceptions, Using try and catch,
Week-V Multiple catch clauses, Nested try Statements, throw, throws, finally, Java's inbuilt
Exceptions, Creating own Exception Subclasses, Chained Exceptions, Using Exceptions.
Week-VI Multithreaded Programming: The java Thread Model, The Main Thread, Creating a
thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Using Alive() and join (),
Week-XI JDBC architecture Establishing connectivity and working with connection interface
Week-XII Working
Revision with statements Creating and executing SQL statements Working with Result