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MCA-Ist IIndSem Java

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MCA-Ist Year Batch 2022-23 & 2023-24

MCA-122 Programming in Java

Maximum Marks: 100 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Internal Assessment: 50
External Examination: 50
Minimum Pass Marks: 40% Lectures to be delivered: 45-55

Course Objective:

The aim of the course is to make students understand how to design, implement, test, debug, and document programs
that use basic data types and computation, simple I/O, conditional and control structures, string handling and
functions. By the end of the course a student will be capable to design and develop different computer software
applications in Java.

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Students will be able to implement Object Oriented programming concept using basic syntaxes of
control Structures, strings and function for developing skills of logic building activity.
CO2: Identify classes, objects, members of a class and the relationships among them needed for a finding
the solution to particular problem.
CO3: Demonstrates how to achieve reusability using inheritance, interfaces and packages and describes
faster application development can be achieved.

A) Instructions for paper-setter

The question paper will consist of three units I, II and III. Unit I and II will have four questions from each
unit of the syllabus and will carry 10 marks each. Unit III will consist of questions from whole syllabus and
will be of 2 marks each.

B) Instructions for candidates

1. Candidates are required to attempt two questions each from unit I and II. Unit III is compulsory.
2. Use of scientific calculator is allowed.


Java Fundamentals: Features of Java, OOPs concepts, Java virtual machine Byte code, Data types, variable,
Differences between Java and C++, arrays, expressions, operators, and control structures, static, final and finally
method Objects and classes. String Handling, Primitive Type Wrappers.

Inheritance: Basics, Using super, Creating Multilevel Hierarchy, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch,
Using Abstract Classes, Using final with inheritance.

Packages and Interfaces: Defining a package, Finding packages CLASSPATH environment variables, Access
Protection, Importing Packages, Defining an Interface, Implementing Interface, Nested Interface, Applying Interface
and Variables in Interfaces.

Exception Handling: Fundamentals, Exception Types, Uncaught Exceptions, Using try and catch, Multiple catch
clauses, Nested try Statements, throw, throws, finally, Java's inbuilt Exceptions, Creating own Exception Subclasses,
Chained Exceptions, Using Exceptions.
MCA-Ist Year Batch 2022-23 & 2023-24


Multithreaded Programming: The java Thread Model, The Main Thread, Creating a thread, Creating Multiple
Threads, Using Alive() and join (), Thread Priorities, Synchronization, Inter thread Communication, Suspending,
Resuming, and Stopping Threads, Using Multithreading.

I/O Basics: Streams, Byte Streams, Character Streams, The Predefined Streams, Reading Console Input, Writing
Console Output, The Print Writer Class, Reading and writing files

GUI: Introduction to AWT & Swing components, Layout managers and Menus. Event handling.

Database Connectivity: JDBC architecture Establishing connectivity and working with connection interface Working
with statements Creating and executing SQL statements Working with Result Set.

Text Book:
1. Patrick Naughton and Herbert Schildt, “The Complete Reference Java 2”, Tata McGraw Hill.


1. Java Programming Language, Third Edition by Ken Arnold, James Gosling, David Holmes. Pearson

2. Infosys Campus Connect Foundation Program Volume:1 – 3, Education & Research

Department, Infosys Technologies Ltd , Bangalore.
MCA-Ist Year Batch 2022-23 & 2023-24

Teaching Plan
Week-I Java Fundamentals: Features of Java, OOPs concepts, Java virtual machine Byte code,
Data types, variable, Differences between Java and C++,arrays, expressions, operators,
and control structures, static, final and finally method Objects and classes.
Week-II String Handling, Primitive Type Wrappers, Inheritance: Basics, Using super, Creating
Multilevel Hierarchy, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Using Abstract
Classes, Using final with inheritance.
Week-III Packages and Interfaces: Defining a package, Finding packages CLASSPATH
environment variables, Access Protection, Importing Packages,
Week-IV Defining an Interface, Implementing Interface, Nested Interface, Applying Interface and
Variables in Interfaces, Exception Handling: Fundamentals, Exception Types, Uncaught
Exceptions, Using try and catch,
Week-V Multiple catch clauses, Nested try Statements, throw, throws, finally, Java's inbuilt
Exceptions, Creating own Exception Subclasses, Chained Exceptions, Using Exceptions.
Week-VI Multithreaded Programming: The java Thread Model, The Main Thread, Creating a
thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Using Alive() and join (),

Week-VII Thread Priorities, Synchronization, Inter thread Communication, Suspending, Resuming,

and Stopping Threads, Using Multithreading.
Week-VIII I/O Basics: Streams, Byte Streams, Character Streams, The Predefined Streams, Reading
Console Input, Writing Console Output, The Print Writer Class, Reading and writing
Week-IX GUI: Introduction to AWT & Swing components

Week-X Layout managers, Menus and Event handling.

Week-XI JDBC architecture Establishing connectivity and working with connection interface
Week-XII Working
Revision with statements Creating and executing SQL statements Working with Result

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