Components Group PDF
Components Group PDF
Components Group PDF
English is now widely used on a global scale and is crucial to every element of society. For
many years, everyone in the world spoke about it. English is now required for learning in almost
every nation. Despite the fact that some of them continue to experience native interference. Even
the young speak English on a regular basis. In fact, writing is the primary form of instruction in
this modern period, including books, newspapers, and articles on websites, therefore it has never
been more crucial to master essay writing.
Writing as an important skill is different from speaking, listening, and other skills in
English. Writing skills demand students to have to practice and learn a lot through experience. To
write an idea, it needs to develop outlines of information in order to be possible to transform the
idea into a new text in a paragraph. However, paying attention to grammar is more important than
focusing on the idea because without paying attention to grammar then the texts will be
disorganized and difficult to read.
While on the other hand, grammar is an essential aspect of learning English for several
reasons, including for effective communication, Grammar provides the rules and structure for
constructing sentences and communicating effectively in English. By learning grammar, students
can improve their ability to express themself accurately and clearly in both spoken and written
English. Also, Understanding the grammatical structure of English is crucial for comprehending
written and spoken English. Without a solid understanding of grammar, we may struggle to
understand written texts, listen to spoken English, or communicate effectively with native English
Moreover, a solid understanding of English grammar is essential for success, especially for
students who take the English major. Academic writing, research papers, and essays require a good
grasp of English grammar to communicate ideas effectively and persuasively. Overall, grammar
is an important aspect of learning English because it provides the foundation for effective
communication, comprehension, professional success, cultural exchange, and academic
It is indeed possible that almost all of the students are unaware of how to properly employ
English sentence structure. The fact that teachers prefer communicative activities with a less
deliberate emphasis on grammar is due to the lack of grammar education. As a result, it affects
students' writing abilities. As a matter of fact, students' writing abilities do not improve as the
teaching process continues. As a result, students cannot benefit from the positive effect that
studying grammar should have on their ability to write.
Based on the research problems, we conduct this research to focus and analyze on the
students’ grammatical errors in using simple present tense in analytical exposition text.
Literature Review
1. Grammatical Errors
A set of common presumptions about how language functions is called grammar. Grammar
proficiency is measured rather than how well students follow grammatical rules in exams.
Points to make an effort to encourage others to communicate their thoughts, feelings, or
observations, particularly in the context of teaching English in Indonesia. It's important to
incorporate grammar teaching into the learning of the four language skills. (Miko, 2018) It is
essential to use proper grammar to prevent misunderstandings. But, when asked to construct a
phrase, students frequently make grammatical mistakes. (Janah, 2015). Grammatical error is
the term used in this study to describe a grammatical error. Often, linguists' descriptions of a
certain kind of error are based on certain theoretical ideas. There are six classifications of
grammatical errors, those are verb agreement, capitalization, usage, sentence pattern, pronoun,
and spelling, the writer found that the most grammatical errors made by students were verb
agreement. However, the focus of this research will be on the sentence pattern, especially
present simple tenses.
2. Simple Present Tense
Azar (1989) explained that generally, the simple present expresses events or situations that
always exist, usually, habitually; they exist now, have existed in the past, and probably will
exist in the future. Azar continued describing in her book (Azar, Fundamentals of English
Grammar, 1992). Daily routines or typical actions are expressed with the simple present, as in
"I take a shower every day" and "My brother typically eats lunch at the cafeteria". “Infants
cry,” "The world rotates around the sun," and other generic declarations of fact are expressed
in the simple present. In conclusion, the simple present is used to refer to things that have
already happened, are currently happening, or will happen in the future.
3. Analytical Exposition
Many texts, including narrative, spoof, recount, discussion, report, news item, review,
hortatory exposition, and analytical exposition text, should be mastered by senior high school
pupils. The text has unique linguistic traits, generic structures, and social functions. So, it is
crucial that the students have some understanding of the literature. The analytical exposition is
one of them.
Analytical exposition is a type of text that aims to present an argument or position on a
particular topic, issue, or problem. The purpose of an analytical exposition is to persuade or
convince the reader of the writer's point of view by presenting logical reasoning, evidence, and
examples. An analytical exposition typically consists of an introduction that presents the topic
and the writer's position or argument, followed by a series of paragraphs that present supporting
evidence and reasoning. Each paragraph should contain a main idea or point that supports the
writer's argument, along with evidence or examples to back up that point.
The writer should use clear and concise language, and avoid emotional language or
personal opinions that are not supported by evidence. An analytical exposition should be well-
structured and easy to follow, with each point logically leading to the next. An analytical
exposition text is one of the texts that students learn, and its mastery determines how
successfully they learn languages. According to Schleppegrell in Rustipa (2013:1), when
learners go to the next level in high school and beyond, they are expected to create an
exposition text. This text exemplifies how well students learn languages in the classroom.
Several similar studies have been conducted before. Based on a study, when students write
analytical exposition text, more than half of them made mistakes in present simple tenses (Elfa.
2020). Another study said that most grammatical errors students made are in the form of
omission. An example of omission error was “He always on time.” From the sentence, the “is”
is omitted and it should be “He is always on time”. Most of the reasons why they made those
mistakes are because of carelessness, the others are their first language interference and
translation (Kumala et al, 2018).
1. Research Question
Based on the background problems in the introduction section, we narrowed our research
into these questions to maintain the focus of the research;
a. What are the most common grammatical errors made by students when using the simple
present tense in analytical exposition texts?
b. How do the grammatical errors made by students when using the simple present tense
in analytical exposition texts impact the clarity and effectiveness of their writing?
c. What strategies can be implemented to help students improve their proficiency in using
the simple present tense in analytical exposition texts?
d. How do the grammatical errors made by students when using the simple present tense
in analytical exposition texts vary according to factors such as grade level, native
language, and educational background?
2. Research Design
In this research, we use a qualitative research design. Qualitative research is used to
understand and explore the subjective experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of
individuals or groups. It is a research method that uses non-numerical data, such as interviews,
observations, and open-ended survey responses, to gather rich and detailed information about
a particular phenomenon or topic. Qualitative research is often used in social sciences, such as
anthropology, psychology, sociology, and education, to gain insights into the complexities of
human behavior, social interactions, and cultural practices. It allows researchers to explore the
meaning and context of a phenomenon in a more in-depth and nuanced way than quantitative
methods, which primarily focus on numerical data and statistical analysis.
Qualitative research is a valuable method for exploring grammatical errors in the English
language. Here are some reasons why we decided to choose qualitative research methods for
our study:
a. In-depth exploration of grammatical errors: Qualitative research can allow you to
explore grammatical errors in detail, examining specific examples and understanding
the context in which they occur. This can help you to gain a deeper understanding of
the errors and the reasons behind them.
b. Understanding the perspectives of writers or students: Qualitative research can help to
understand the experiences and perspectives of writers or students who make
grammatical errors. By gathering data through interviews, surveys, or other qualitative
methods, we can gain insights into why they make certain errors and what they think
about their own writing.
c. Contextual understanding of grammatical errors: Qualitative research can help to
understand the social and cultural context in which grammatical errors occur. This can
be particularly useful in exploring how writers' backgrounds, education, or other factors
influence the errors they make.
d. Generating hypotheses for further research: Qualitative research can help you to
generate hypotheses or ideas for further research. By exploring grammatical errors in
depth, we may identify patterns or trends that could be explored further using
quantitative research methods.
All in all, qualitative research can be a valuable method for exploring grammatical errors
in English language writing. By using qualitative research methods, we can gain an in-depth
understanding of grammatical errors and the factors that contribute to them, as well as generate
hypotheses for future research
3. Research Procedure
As mentioned before, this research will be conducted using a qualitative approach along
with questionnaires, surveys, and interview rubrics as the instruments for data collection. The
questionnaire and surveys will be directly distributed to the students by using google forms.
Then, by analyzing the result of the questionnaire and surveys some participants who agreed
to the terms will be chosen as the interviewee and later be questioned about their answers and
decision on the questionnaire to enrich the data. After finishing the data collection steps then
we proceed to the data analysis. All those data then will be computed using the help of the
SPSS and Microsoft excel on the computer in order to make the “raw data” and later be deeply
analyzed using descriptive analysis for the result and discussion of the research.
In analyzing we divided the steps into:
1. Organize the data and check for accuracy and completeness
Before analyzing the data, it is important to organize it in a logical and
meaningful way. This may involve creating spreadsheets, databases, or other tools
to store and manage the data. We also ensure that the data is accurate and complete
by checking for errors, missing values, and outliers.
2. Using descriptive analysis
Descriptive analysis is a type of statistical analysis that aims to describe and
summarize the main features of a dataset. It provides a detailed summary of the
data, including measures of central tendency (such as mean, median, and mode),
measures of dispersion (such as range, standard deviation, and variance), and
graphical representations (such as histograms, scatterplots, and box plots).
Descriptive analysis is useful for gaining an overall understanding of the
characteristics of a dataset, identifying patterns and trends in the data, and detecting
outliers or unusual observations. It can also help to identify potential issues with
data quality, such as missing values or data entry errors. Then, we proceed to use
the descriptive analysis technique to examine the data and identify patterns, trends,
relationships, or themes. This may involve creating graphs, tables, or charts to
visually represent the data.
3. Interpret the results
After analyzing the data, we interpret the results in the context of our
research questions and hypotheses. Determine whether the findings support or
refute the research questions or hypotheses we made before.
4. Draw conclusions
Based on the results and interpretation, then we can draw conclusions about the
research questions or hypotheses. We also consider the implications of the findings
and their relevance to the broader research field so it may benefit other related
research in the future.
5. Communicate the results
Finally, communicate the results of the data analysis in a clear and concise
manner. In this matter, we communicate our results or findings in the “results and
discussion” section in the form of narrative design.