PL-300 Study Guide PDF
PL-300 Study Guide PDF
PL-300 Study Guide PDF
The following resources have been assembled to help you prepare for the PL-300 Microsoft Power BI
Data Analyst learning track during Microsoft Cloud Week.
Use this guide to understand what knowledge is needed to complete the exam and as a learning tool to
help you understand areas where you feel you need additional training. It is not required that you
leverage all the resources in this guide to participate in Microsoft Cloud Week.
PL-300: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Exam Resources .......................................................................... 1
Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Preparing ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Exam Objectives ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Objective: Prepare the data (15-20%) .................................................................................................. 2
Objective: Model the data (30-35%) .................................................................................................... 2
Objective: Visualize and analyze the data (25-30%)............................................................................. 2
Objective: Deploy and maintain assets (20-25%) ................................................................................. 2
Exam Objectives
The following are the learning objectives for the exam. In line with each objective are links to Microsoft
documentation around the specific concept or service. In addition to the documentation, there are also
online courses from Microsoft Learn and the Microsoft Partner virtual training series available for
additional learning resources.