FoM Unit 5 PDF
FoM Unit 5 PDF
FoM Unit 5 PDF
Every manager needs to monitor and evaluate the activities of his subordinates.
It helps in taking corrective actions by the manager in the given timeline to avoid
contingency or company’s loss.
Features of Controlling
• An effective control system has the following features:
• It helps in achieving organizational goals.
• Facilitates optimum utilization of resources.
• It evaluates the accuracy of the standard.
• It also sets discipline and order.
• Motivates the employees and boosts employee morale.
• Ensures future planning by revising standards.
• Improves overall performance of an organization.
• It also minimises errors.
Controlling and planning are interrelated for controlling gives an important input
into the next planning cycle. Controlling is a backwards-looking function which
brings the management cycle back to the planning function. Planning is a
forward-looking process as it deals with the forecasts about the future conditions.
Importance of Controlling
After the meaning of control, let us see its importance. Control is an
indispensable function of management without which the controlling function
in an organization cannot be accomplished and the best of plans which can be
executed can go away. A good control system helps an organization in the
following ways:
1. Accomplishing Organizational Goals
A good control system enables management to verify whether the standards set
are accurate & objective. The efficient control system also helps in keeping
careful and progress check on the changes which help in taking the major place
in the organization & in the environment and also helps to review & revise the
standards in light of such changes.
The last important function of controlling is that each department & employee
is governed by such pre-determined standards and goals which are well versed
and coordinated with one another. This ensures that overall organizational
objectives are accomplished in an overall manner.
Process of Controlling
Control process involves the following steps as shown in the figure:
Advantages of controlling
• Saves time and energy
• Allows managers to concentrate on important tasks. This allows better utilization
of the managerial resource.
• Helps in timely corrective action to be taken by the manager.
• Managers can delegate tasks so routinely chores can be completed by
On the contrary, controlling suffers from the constraint that the organization has
no control over external factors. It can turn out to be a costly affair, especially for
small companies.
• Personal observation
• Statistical reports
• Break-even analysis
• Budgetary control
1. Personal Observation
2. Statistical Reports
This type of useful information when presented in the various forms like charts,
graphs, tables, etc., enables the managers to read them more easily & allow a
comparison to be made with performance in previous periods & also with the
3. Break-even Analysis
The sales volume at which there is no profit, no loss is known as the breakeven
point. There is no profit or no loss. Breakeven point can be calculated with the
help of the following formula:
Breakeven point = Fixed Costs/Selling price per unit – variable costs per unit
4. Budgetary Control
Let us take a look at some points that better explain the relationship between
planning and control.
1] Planning originates Control
Planning is the most basic function of a firm. It decides what is to be done, who
will do it when it will be done etc. The aim of planning is to bridge the gap
between where the firm is and where it wishes to be.Control on the other hand
only starts after planning. It is basically controlling that all activities are going
according to the plan. So without planning there is no need for control.
Planning and control are actually part of one integral function. So they always
co-exist as one larger function.Controlling actually involves comparing actual
performance with the plans, and without any plans, it will be unable to do so.
Without a yardstick for comparison, there is no point of the control function.
Both planning and control are concerned with the future activities of the firm.
Planning is always done for the future. And control too is a forward-looking
activity.The past cannot be changed or controlled, we can only focus on
controlling the future. It is the objective of both these functions to combine and
achieve the business objectives and goals of the firm.