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Unit Code: MBS 535

Unit name: Managing Evaluating and Developing Human Resource

Enrolment mode: Internal

Date: 29/05/2020

Assignment number: Assignment 2

Assignment name: Training Plan and Webinar Video

Tutor: Richa Vinod

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Anuradhapura Municipal

Training Plan
A Motivation Training programme for
Supervisory Level Officials in Municipal
Business Department
Analysis of BHP, Rio Tinto, FMG
Investment Consultation
Table of Contents

1. Webinar Link 2

2. Introduction 2

3. Overview of the Issue 3

4. A description of the learning theory that underpin

the approach to training 4

5. Overview of the Training Design 6

6. Learning Objectives 8

7. Training Evaluation Plan 9

8. Conclusion 11

9. References 12

10. Appendixes 13
Webinar link

1. Introduction

Organizational performance management is important for Reviewing the role of relevant

stakeholders in the organization's strategic objectives, ensuring that the right people are
deployed in the right place, identifying whether there are knowledge, skills and attitude gaps,
and evaluating employee performance to improve organizational performance (Stone, 2017).
This is a common phenomenon for both public and private sectors. However (Arnaboldi et
al., 2015) states, Public sector performance must explore new dimensions to meet private
sector competitiveness and economic challenges in a competitive global economic

Anuradhapura Municipal Council (AMC) is selected for this report as one of the leading local
government bodies in Sri Lanka. The aim of this report is to develop a capacity building
programme for officials in the Department of Municipal Finance to change their negative
attitudes. This report will explain the overview of the issue, Training needs analysis, design
and evaluation of the selected training programme.
2. Overview of the Issue

As a local government body AMC is the key organization to provide essential public utility
services in the municipal area. Totally dependent on self-generating sources of revenue, it is
important to process an efficient revenue collection mechanism to achieve organizational
goals and objectives in AMC. However, the efficiency of existing annual revenue collection
is degrading during the last five years. The efficiency in annual revenue collection was
reduced from 92% to 78% by 14% from 2013 to 2018 (Sub National Governance
Programme, 2019).

This study revealed, lack of motivation in municipal staff is one of the key issues to degrade
the efficiency in annual revenue collection. During the last 05 years, no programme designed
for employee motivation or improvement effectiveness of the current performance appraisal
system in AMC (NCP, 2019). Therefore the AMC should take steps to motivate employees to
increase the annual revenue consolidation progress to 95% by updating outdated procedures
in a formal evaluation. (Auditor General's Report, 2019)

The Municipal Finance Department is responsible for revenue generation and collection of
the AMC. The department is headed by the Chief Accountant and consists of 10 other staff
grade supervisory level officials and 35 other officials Therefore, the one main challenge is to
obtain maximum work done in connection with an efficient revenue collection mechanism.
AMC followed annual employee performance appraisals, but no influence to motivate or
increase performance. The extraordinary traditional mechanism was only for documentation
and to pay an annual pay increment for all employees.

However, lack of self-motivation, lack of target-oriented performance appraisal mechanism,

leadership styles and misconduct behaviour of some officials are major causes for this crisis
in AMC. Therefore effective capacity building training programmes has been identified as a
solution to motivate and overcome negative attitudes of officials in the department of finance
in AMC.
3. A description of the learning theory that underpin the approach to training

It is important to select a Learning Theory (LT) based on the learner's mental state and the
way the mind works for learning and training purposes (Cox, 2015). LT helps to identify the
learning process of individuals and to make training plans more effective (Saks et al., 2019).
Accordingly, the most appropriate learning theory for training should be selected after
carefully evaluating the background of the target group for training purposes.

The following learning theories analysed to select the best learning theory to design this
training solution.
 Behaviourist Learning Theory
 Cognitive Learning Theory
 Constructivist Learning Theory
 Connectivism Learning Theory

According to psychologists, attitude is a learned tendency to evaluate one's own environment,

which can be positive or negative (Nemec, 2018). Attitude is a result of personal experiences
and depends on knowledge, social factors, and observations, experiences (Winchester, 2013).
Attitudes and behaviours are strongly dependent on the individual related to each other (Maio
& Haddock, 2010). There is a direct link between attitude and behaviour. Therefore the
Behaviourist Learning Theory was considered for this purpose.

The Behaviourist Learning Theory contains the principles of classical conditioning, operant
conditioning, and observational learning. This is an attitudinal purpose, the principles of
classical conditioning and operant conditioning theories evaluated. The classical conditioning
theory is the stimulus neutral, whereas the operant conditioning theory stimulates rewards for
specific behaviours (Khalil & Elkhider, 2016).
However, in the context of the issue is to develop the attitude of a dysfunctional group based
on equal benefits for all parties. Accordingly, operant conditioning theory has been selected
as the best learning strategy.
The targeted group consists of senior officers and a team with knowledge and experience in
the relevant field. Accordingly, Pedagogy and Andragogy Adult learning approaches were
evaluated. Andragogy approach is suitable for self-directed, problem cantered adults with
broad and varied experiences and result oriented learning and able learn mutually by learners
and facilitators; Pedagogy is suitable for future oriented children with limited experience
(Khalil & Elkhider, 2016). Therefore Andragogy is selected as a learning approach.

The detailed analysis of learning theories included in appendix 01

4. Overview of the Training Design

The most critical and important part of a training program is the needs assessment and, design
of training to overcome identified issues.

The Instructional System Design (ISD) Approach is a scientific approach that systematically
identifies training needs, designs and evaluates those (Saks et al., 2019). The problems of an
organization are the performance gaps in it. The key functions of the ISD are to identify the
rationale for the performance and the solution, and to organize the training programs aimed at
these objectives and to evaluate the effectiveness of it (Ngamkajonviwat et al., 2015). This
will ensure that the training is finally achieved.

Accordingly, the needs of the training program were considered in the design of ADDIE
model, Merrill's Principles of Instruction (MPI) model, Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction
model, Bloom's taxonomy.

A detailed assessment of this is contained in Appendix 02.

The ADDIE model is the most frequently used ISD model training design (Cheung, 2016).
All other models are variations of the same model (Arnaboldi et al., 2015). ADDIE has the
ability to easily establish and evaluate all steps (Aldoobie, 2015). Considering these facts,
ADDIE, the most widely used ISD model, was selected for this training.

It consists of five main components as follows.

 Analysis (A)
o Analyse the organizational goals, objectives, strategic plans and analyse
existing knowledge, skills, and attitude gaps and find solutions. This will
evaluate who and when the training solution should begin.

 Design (D)
o Defines the strategies, principles, content, techniques and techniques required
to training programme.

 Development (D)
o The process of determining and developing resources, course materials,
including audio-visual media, manuals, and guidelines required to implement
training plan

 Implement (I)
o The overall program administration, including the training, installation,
revision and feedback according to the planned strategies.

 Evaluation (E)
o The relevant training program will evaluate whether the objectives are met.
The feedback from the coaches and trainees on the whole process is evaluated
and evaluated.

According to the results, the training program is improved by following the whole process
again. This is a continuous process.
5. Learning Objectives

In the process of identifying and evaluating the requirements, the relevant training solution
should be the objective of the training program. The purpose of the program must be
determined according to the relevant ISD model.

The objectives of this training plan are as follows:

 Define, What is motivation

o What is your Role
o How you play your role
 Identify, Why motivation is important for employees
 Define and Identify motivation methodologies
 Identify motivation theories
 Identify role model
 Identify work place motivational issues and possible solutions
6. Training Evaluation Plan

The purpose of the training evaluation is to assess the effectiveness of the training program
and the extent to which the organization and employees have achieved its objectives. (Saks
et al., 2019). Noe (2016) states evaluation consists of two major parts, formative evaluation
(the smoothness of the programme and satisfaction level of the participants) and summative
evaluation (acquired Knowledge, skills and attitudes of trainees). The evaluation process and
strategy will different from organization objectives, nature of the trainees, training method
and techniques.

There are three main models for evaluating a training program.

1. Kirkpatrick's Model - The oldest and most used model.

2. COMA Model - This model is used to assess the most skilled trainees.
3. Decision-Based evaluation Model - In this model it denies variables and methods for
evaluation according to our evaluation objectives.

Considering these three evaluation models, Kiekpatrick’s model is selected for the evaluation
process of this training programme. According to this model it has defined 5 levels of
evaluation criteria’s to measure effectiveness of a training.

 L1. Reactions
o Trainees report a positive reaction to a training program
Trainers' perceptions and reactions to the training program are intertwined
(Saks et al., 2019). Accordingly, emotion can be assessed by measuring the
change in knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired during training.
Participants' satisfaction level can be determined by rating a variable that
measures the level of reaction produced by training (Abdelhakim et al., 2018).
o Accordingly, tools such as questionnaires, assessment papers and interviews
can be used for this assessment (Saks et al., 2019). However, for ease of
evaluation it was decided to use a questionnaire method for this training

 L2. Learning: Trainees learn the material

o This measure measures the knowledge acquired by the participant in training
and the ability to translate it into a behavioural sequence (Saks et al., 2019).
This can be more challenging to evaluate the reaction, as it covers the entirety
of the training program and is essential for proper evaluation (Nemec, 2018).

 L3. Behaviours: Trainees apply on the job what they learn in training
o The knowledge and skills acquired through the training program should be
used effectively and practically in their work (Abdelhakim et al., 2018).
Accordingly, the extent to which participants practice new knowledge is
critical to the success of training.
o These can be used as tools for monitoring, monitoring, production, monitoring
(Saks et al., 2019).
o The training program was used to obtain monitoring reports and production
reporting tools.

 L4. Results: Training has a positive effect on organizational outcomes

o It looks at the impact that training has had on the Outcomes of the
organization. (Akbari et al., 2016) If the relevant training is done properly, the
organizational problem should be addressed according to the employee's
knowledge hierarchy. It can be measured by the results.
o Organizational Reports, Cost Management Reports, Productivity Improvement
o The Productivity Improvement Tool has been selected for this fall program.
7. Conclusion

Opportunities for development are essential for maximising the use of training. Similarly,
Training is a continuous process. In particular, the feedback and evaluation of training
programs should be systematically evaluated and re-planned according to the concept and
process of the ADDIE model. The training environment has a great impact on training
programs, and you should be careful in selecting areas that are appropriate for training and
with minimal disruption. You need to establish how the transmission of knowledge,
especially in the horizontal and vertical paths. Sustainability can be ensured by utilizing the
budgetary allocation for training during the period of continuous evaluation and review.

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Appendix 1 - Evaluation of learning theories

The more details of learning theories discussed here.

Cognitive Learning Theory

Appendix 2 - Evaluation of Need analysis approach

The other needs assessment theories are discussed in detail as follows.

 Merrill’s Principles of Instruction (MPI)

o Methodology used for real world problem analysis.
o The objective is integrate new knowledge and skills with new knowledge and
o Then It will provide platform to analyse problem in a new systematic way
(May, 2018).
o This is an integrated concept of 5 concerts.
 Task-cantered principle
 Activation principle
 Demonstration principle
 Application principle
 Integration principle

 Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction

o This concept created a 9 stem comprehensive learning environment in a
detailed wider range of study (Gutierrez, n.d.).
 Gain attention
 Inform students
 Stimulate recall
 Present the content
 Provide learner guidance
 Elicit performance
 Provide feedback
 Assess performance
 Enhance retention and transfer to the job
o This model create a check list for facilitators, and good structure to design
training structure.

 Bloom's taxonomy
o Defines six levels of cognitive learning and drive from simple point to deepest
end through a consultation framework. This methodology can apply without
new knowledge (May, 2018).
o The six cognitive steps are
 Creating
 Evaluating
 Analysing
 Applying
 Understanding
 Remembering
Appendix 3 - Detail Programme

Employee Motivation capacity Building Training programme for Officials of the Municipal
financial Department
Anuradhapura Municipal Council

Session Number Activity Outcome Participants

Identify Trainer and

1 Introduction
Importance of this
Purpose of
training programme
the Training
2 and why this
Expected 30
Outcomes supervisory
Psychological grade
3 Session 1
orientation officials of
4 Session 2 Role in Motivation Municipal
5 Session 3 Personal Motivation Department

Address current
6 Session 4
7 Session 5 Maintain motivation

8 Evaluation Assessment of the

training outcomes,

Appendix 4 - Lesson Plan

Employee Motivation capacity Building Training programme for Officials of

the Municipal financial Department
Anuradhapura Municipal Council

Lesson Plan
Organization Anuradhapura Municipal Council
Department Municipal Finance Department
Employee Motivation Programme to overcome
Programme Title
Negative Mind set
Instructor Vas Perera, Training Specialist
Time Allocation 1 day
30 Supervisory grade officers in Finance
Trainees department
Management Training and Development
Centre, North Central Province
Training Objectives
Employee motivation through their personality characteristics and answer
workplace motivational issues
Classroom requirements
Seating for 30 people as 6 groups
Training Material and equipment
Multimedia Projector with Screen, Laptop, flip chart, Papers, Markers,
Audio, White board
Trainee supplies
Pen and Paper
Trainee handouts
1. Course Outline
2. Case study articles
3. Copy of self-assessment questionnaire
4. Role play guidelines

Appendix 5 - Detailed Session Plan

Employee Motivation capacity Building Training programme for Officials of the Municipal
financial Department
Anuradhapura Municipal Council

Detailed Lesson Plan

Employee motivation through their personality characteristics and answer workplace
motivational issues
Trainees - 30 Supervisory grade officers in Finance department
Time - 9.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.
Course Outline
9.30 - 9.45 Introduction and Identify participants
9.45 - 10.00 Objectives of the Training programme
10.00 - 10.30 Session 1
10.30 - 10.40 Break
10.40 - 11.15 Session 2
11.15 - 12.00 Session 3
session 4
How affect low moral for our
12.00 - 1.00 behaviour
How overcome moral issues
Tips stay motivated
1.00 - 2.00 Lunch Break
2.00 - 3.30 Session 5
3.30 - 4.15 Group role play presentation
4.15 - 4.30 Evaluation
Appendix 6 - Optional Lesson Plan

If some unexpected technical errors or failures such as electricity failure or equipment error
the alternative plan has developed for Session 5 as an alternative solution.

The Group role play activity can adopt to any part to manage time to correct errors and just
link to the ongoing section and real life law motivational experience demonstrate to class as a
group activity
Appendix 7 - Evaluation Plan

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