Final Reflection Essay 1
Final Reflection Essay 1
Final Reflection Essay 1
English 1302-221
5 May 2023
When going back to my essays and reading them I now notice many little or big mistakes that I
didn't notice before and that is very cool because it shows the progress I've made in Writing skills
from first starting this class to now. In my first essay when going back to it I noticed little
mistakes such as using you, him, she etc, and fixed them because those have not been allowed
from the start but I tend to forget them sometimes. The major Rhetorical choice I made in the
first essay was adding a results paragraph. When reading it and receiving feedback from one of
my peers they noticed I didn't have a results paragraph and to my knowledge, I just decided to
add that in the conclusion and call it a day but I was wrong for that. I added a new paragraph to
better show the results that concluded from the whole experiment it helps my reader better
visualize what happened and if it was a success or not basically a little summary of the whole
experiment. In my second essay, I noticed that I had many, many citations and when I was in the
midst of typing the article I remember thinking this is too many quotes but then said no it's
alright because the point of this is to get the author's point across not mine. Now that I look back
at it I realized it was really too much and decided to change it by taking off some of the author's
citations and instead paraphrasing them but still citing the work since it's in my words but their
ideas. I decided to do this so the paper doesn't sound so repetitive when it comes to what the
authors are thinking and instead has a smooth flow. As well as little mistakes in grammar, etc
Now when it comes to my website I decided to change my theme in my website to one of my
personal lifestyles which is working out. At first, the whole layout itself was different. I had
essays in one homework in another and reflection, etc. I then came to realize that there were too
many tabs. I wanted my website to flow smoothly. I wanted it to look nice and organized and
easy to access for my users. I also decided to add some pictures of bodybuilders just to fit the
theme a bit, kind of give it that theme, and added a few gifs here and there just to make it more
fun and not make the website look so dull and plain. I also decided to incorporate a variety of
clever tools provided in the website and I got the idea from one of my peers. It's the Scribd
document and it is a way to put your essay but people will be able to scroll and read it and not
need to click any link to get to your pdf. I did it because it makes my website look more
When looking back at the homework they all helped me get to where I am now. For example, all
the ones that involved Analysis of the authors helped me the most because it is what we used the
most for these past essays. For example, essay 2 involved making an annotated bibliography as I
mentioned before. We had to get 10 authors and briefly explain what each one was about but the
homework really helped me because I then knew exactly what I was looking for. I knew how to
scan through the article and find the author's thesis which was the main points he or she would be
discussing. After that was to search about different points and who the author's main target was
and his main audience. Overall the homework was the mini versions of the Big articles so in a
way it was exactly like doing the work but just in a slightly different manner. Another activity
that was brought into account was peer review assignments. When first doing those I really didn't
see a need for them. I would just take my classmates' advice in person. But as I progressed in this
class I started to see that it was really helpful. It was a way to bring the best and most acceptable
version of my paper. For example, when I was editing my papers I didn't really know how to
approach my third essay I did not know what to change or add, and funny enough I did not
remember what my classmate's comments were about it. I started to get frustrated when I
remembered I could just go back and check my peer review feedback. It helped me change some
paragraphs in my third essay as well as add some new information and fix little grammatical
In English 1302 I learned many things in every essay. The first essay was an experiment that
progressed over a week or so. If anything I had to learn patience to be able to get through the
experiment and in reality it's something I knew I needed regardless because it was barely the
beginning it was only going to get harder from here. In essay 2 I learned the power of research.
Before starting this class I didn't know how to research something or even where to find reliable
information on whatever it is I was trying to find. In essay 2 I learned how to do exactly that
because essay 2 required I have an anointed bibliography with 10 citations on what it was I was
doing. Luckily for me, my topic was fairly simple, and therefore got a lot of reliable sources. In
essay 3 I used all of that knowledge and applied it with a bit of my own twist on it since the last
essay was a mix of our own opinion backed up by citations of the authors. As a whole, a genuine
lesson I got from the class. It's time management that has always been a big problem for me
because I tend to procrastinate a lot. As time passed in the class, I saw that little by little that I
would actually focus more on my work than other situations not related to school. instead of
doing something that wasn't related to school like watching tv, I would do my work even if it was
a little it would progress over time and help me at the end because at least when the due date
came I would have at least 75 percent done instead of the usual 40 percent or somewhere around
It was hard to think of a way That I could not use English 1302 in other classes but In English,
we always had to have the format in MLA, and for the most part that is not applicable in other
classes. For example in History 1301, since I chose to do the paper tract, once doing it in MLA I
found out that I couldn’t write it in MLA format; it had to be in Chicago. And I had to reformat
it. For the most part, though most skills learned in English 1302 are skills I am always able to use
and they all are useful in different classes and situations as my life progresses and if anything that
is exactly was English taught me to do. How to incorporate a variety of skills that I may not have
When first starting off this semester I had many strengths and many weaknesses and I can
proudly say they both got stronger. One of my main strengths was always my ability to be
creative and express myself and the points I want across. Sometimes it may prove to be difficult
but I find the best arguments to show what I want to explain. For example, in my past essays
when it came to the topic of steroids I would introduce a commonly known Misconception like
“if I take steroids I’ll have all the work cut out for me”. With that, I’ll use that to get some of my
points out. Overall it helps explain in two different ways. In this situation, it was a common
misconception with steroids, and the hard truth was that your work really isn’t cut out for you. A
weakness that I actually learned more about is patience. Patience is something that I have but do
not have at the same time. It depends on the situation but when it came to English 1302 I tended
to not have as much. I would get easily frustrated and not know how to approach some of the
essays or questions sometimes. As time passed I learned how to beat my own mind. Instead of
giving myself a hard time I would set the chill mood to work and would give myself time instead
of doing it at the last second. I would start on whatever it was some days before and put on some
music and after that, I would feel a sense of relief because I knew I had time, I knew I could take
it to chill. There was a problem and I found a solution but it was all due to English 1302.
The website had its fair difficulties. The main one was the layout I had a hard time figuring out
what and where to put certain information. I wanted it to look good and have a good presentation
because I saw some of my classmates doing some very clever Weebly. But as it was I had a hard
time even trying to put text because they would go to the opposite side. One of the main
problems I had when creating the site was that there is no undo button. I was working on my
essay 3 tab when I didn't know what I clicked but somehow I managed to delete the whole tab
and I had to restore that tab. If I’m being completely honest when that happened I just closed my
laptop and worked on it the next day. Like I said I’m working on the patient part of me. The least
challenging part of the website was probably adding all the information. Since I rarely had any
missing work or assignments I was able to just put them where they belonged. As well as
learning the website and how it worked it got easier as I worked on it more and more.
As people we grow from the mind every day, we learn new things and find ways to live our lives
differently, smart, and to the fullest. When starting English 1302 I knew kind of what to expect
since I had already done 1301 the semester before but to my surprise it wasn't as bad as I thought
there were a few obstacles here and there but I made it. So when asking me the question of how
has my identity as a writer changed I would say that I'm more mature and willing to put in the
work that is needed to strive. What I mean by that is that last semester in my head I just always
sort of did things last second and focused on other situations outside of school. I passed but it
was harder because I made it harder. Now I look and see the way I work and the way I've
changed my methods to get the best outcome and still be happy at the end of it.
English 1302 helped me in many ways and overall will keep helping me for future purposes. I'm
glad I went through this class despite it being easy and hard at the same time. Learned many new