Electricity PDF
Electricity PDF
Electricity PDF
Electric current
Electric current
Electric current is the flow/movement of charge carriers and is
measured in units of amperes (A) (sometimes called amps)
Charge can be either positive or negative
When two oppositely charged conductors are connected together (by a
length of wire), charge will flow between the two conductors, causing a
Charge can flow between two conductors. The direction of conventional current in a metal is
from positive to negative
By definition, conventional current always goes from positive to negative (even though
electrons go the other way)
An ammeter can be used to measure the current around a circuit and always connected in
Charge carriers
Sometimes a current is a flow of positive charges – for example, a beam
of protons produced in a particle accelerator. The current is in the same
direction as the particles. In addition, sometimes a current is a flow of
negative charges – for example, in wires of an electric circuit, the only
charge carriers are
electrons which move
away from the battery’s
negative terminal and
towards its positive
terminal. Sometimes a
current is due to both
positive and negative
charges – for example,
when charged particles
flow through a solution. A solution which conducts is called an
electrolyte and it contains both positive and negative ions. These move
in opposite directions when the solution is connected to a cell.
In general, any charged particles which contribute to an electric current
are known as charge carriers; these can be electrons, protons, or ions. If
you consider the structure of charged particles you will appreciate that
charge comes in definite sized ‘bits’; the smallest bit being the charge on
an electron or on a single proton. This ‘bittiness’ is what is meant when
charge is described as being quantised.
The smallest amount of charge that any particle can have is the charge
on an electron or proton, which is approximately equals to 1.60 x 10-19 C
(negative for the electron, positive for the proton). This is a fundamental
property of these particles and doesn’t change, just as their masses don’t
This mean that charge is quantised; if you remove electrons from an object,
its charge will increase in steps of 1.6 x 10-19 C, and if you add electrons
(remember that the protons are fixed in the nuclei of its atoms, and can’t
move) then the object’s charge will decrease in steps of 1.6 x 10-19 C.
−19 −19
For example, 3.2×10 C is possible, because this is +2e, but 2.5×10 C is
impossible, because this is not an multiple of e.
Current can also be defined as the charge passing through a circuit per
unit time
Electric charge is measured in units of coulombs (C)
Charge (Q), current (I) and time (t)are related by the following equation
Q = It
Coulomb is ampere second
One ampere is the current at a point in a circuit if a charge of 1 coulomb
passes that point each second. This is based on the fixed value of the
elementary charge (e). The size/magnitude of the charge on the electron
is exactly 1.602 176 634 x 10-19 C, and is measured using a circuit that can
count the number of electrons passing in a known amount of time.
Worked Example
When will 8 mA of current pass through an electrical circuit?
A. When 1 J of energy is used by 1 C of charge
B. When a charge of 4 C passes in 500 s
C. When a charge of 8 C passes in 100 s
D. When a charge of 1 C passes in 8 s
Answer: B
Step 1: Write out the equation relating current, charge and time
Q = It
Step 2: Rule out any obviously incorrect options
o Option A does not contain charge or time, so can be ruled out
Step 3: Try the rest of the options to determine the correct answer
o Consider option B:
I = 4 / 500 = 8 × 10–3 = 8 mA
o Consider option C:
I = 8 / 100 = 80 × 10–3 = 80 mA
o Consider option D:
I = 1 / 8 = 125 × 10–3 = 125 mA
o Therefore, the correct answer is B
Deriving I = Anvq
By looking at figure above, the length of a wire is l. We imagine that all of
the electrons shown travel at the same speed v along the wire. Now
imagine that you are timing the electrons to determine their speed. You
start timing when the first electron emerges from the right-hand end of
the wire. You stop timing when the last of the electrons shown in the
diagram emerges. (This is the electron shown at the left- hand end of the
wire in the diagram.) Your timer shows that this electron has taken time
t to travel the distance l. In the time t, all of the electrons in the length l
of wire have emerged from the wire. We can calculate how many
electrons this is, and hence the charge that has flowed in time t:
number of electrons = number density × volume of wire
n x V or n × A × l
Worked Example
A copper wire has 9.2 × 1028 free electrons m-3. The wire has a current of 3.5 A
and a cross-sectional area of 1.5 mm2.Calculate the average drift velocity of the
Slow flow
It may surprise you to find that, as suggested by the result of Worked
example, electrons in a copper wire drift at a fraction of a millimetre per
second. While travelling through the wire, the electrons randomly collide
with the fixed but vibrating metal ions. Their journey along the metal is
very haphazard (by chance/ not organized). The actual velocity of an
electron between collisions is of the order of magnitude 105 ms−1, but its
haphazard journey causes it to have a mean drift velocity towards the
positive end of the battery. Since there are billions of electrons, we use
the term mean drift velocity v of the electrons.
Figure shows how the mean drift velocity of electrons varies in different
situations. We can understand this using the equation:
Potential difference can be measured by connecting a voltmeter in parallel between two points
in a circuit
Look at the simple circuit in Figure. Assume the power supply has
negligible internal resistance. The three voltmeters are measuring three
potential differences (voltages). With the switch open, the voltmeter
placed across the supply
measures 12V. With the switch
closed, the voltmeter across
the power supply still
measures 12V and the
voltmeters placed across the
resistors measure 8V and 4V.
You will not be surprised to see
that the voltage across the
power supply is equal to the
sum of the voltages across the
resistors. Earlier in this chapter we saw that electric current is the rate of
flow of electric charge.
Figure below shows the same circuit as in Figure above, but here we are
looking at the movement of one coulomb (1C) of charge round the
circuit. Electrical energy is transferred to the charge by the power supply.
The charge flows round the
circuit, transferring some of its
electrical energy to heat in the
first resistor, and the rest to
heat in the second resistor.
The voltmeter readings
indicate the energy
transferred to the component
by each unit of charge. The
voltmeter placed across the
power supply measures the e.m.f. of the supply, whereas the voltmeters
placed across the resistors measure the potential difference (p.d.) across
these components. The terms e.m.f. and potential difference have
different meanings. The term potential difference is used when charges
lose energy by transferring electrical energy to other forms of energy in a
component. We can say that the potential difference between two
points, A and B, is the energy per unit charge as charge moves from point
A to point B. The terms p.d. and e.m.f. will be covered in chapter 10.
Both lamps have the same current, which means charge flows at the
same rate in both
The 240 V lamp has 20 times more voltage than the 12 V lamp
Voltage is the energy transferred (work done) per unit charge
This means the energy transferred to each coulomb of charge in the 240
V lamp is 20 times greater than for the 12 V lamp
This makes the 240 V lamp shine much brighter than the 12 V lamp
Electrical power
The rate at which energy is transferred is known as power. Power P is
measured in watts (W). (If you are not sure about this, refer back to
Chapter 5, where we looked at the concept of power in relation to forces
and work done.)
Calculating Resistance
To find the resistance of a component, we can set up a circuit like the
one shown below
The power supply should be set to a low voltage to avoid heating the
component, typically 1-2 V
Measurements of the potential difference and current should then be
taken from the voltmeter and ammeter respectively
Finally, these readings should be substituted into the resistance equation
There’s also a device known as ohmmeter, which measures resistance
Worked Example
A charge of 5.0 C passes through a resistor of resistance R Ω at a constant rate in
30 s. If the potential difference across the resistor is 2.0 V, calculate the value of
Ohm’s law
Ohm's law states that for a conductor at constant temperature the
potential difference across the conductor is directly proportional to the
current passing through it, provided the physical conditions remain
This is true for metallic conductors (that is, not for semiconductors, such
as silicon), so long as all physical conditions, such as the conductor's
temperature, remain constant. We now call this relationship Ohm's law.
The graph shows that the resistor follows Ohm's law: the potential
difference across the conductor is directly proportional to the current
passing through it. Conductors which obey Ohm's law are called ohmic
conductors. Their I-V plot is linear, and if we divide the p.d. across the
conductor by the current through it for any value of potential difference,
this ratio (its resistance) is constant: the resistance remains the same.
Notice that the voltage is labeled on the x-axis as it’s the independent
variable while current on the y-axis as it’s the dependent variable.
To determine the resistance, for a graph of I against V which is a straight
line passing through the origin you can use:
(This will give a more accurate value for R than if you were to take a single
experimental data point. Take care! You can only find resistance from the gradient if
the I–V graph is a straight line through the origin.)
Semiconductor diode
The semiconductor diode is an example of a non-ohmic conductor. A
diode is any component that allows electric current in only one
direction. Nowadays, most diodes are made of semiconductor materials.
One type, the light-emitting diode or LED, gives out light when it
conducts. Figure shows the I–V characteristic for a diode.
The current against potential difference (I–V) characteristic for a diode. The graph is not a straight line. A
diode does not obey Ohm’s law.
There are some points you should notice about this graph.
o We have included positive and negative values of current and voltage. This is because,
when connected one way round (positively biased or forward bias), the diode
conducts and has a fairly low resistance. This is shown by the sharp increase in
potential difference and current on the right side of the graph
o When connected the other way round (negatively biased or reverse bias), it allows
only a tiny current and has almost infinite resistance.
o For positive voltages less than about 0.6V, the current is almost zero and hence the
diode has almost infinite resistance. It starts to conduct suddenly at its threshold
voltage. The resistance of the diode decreases dramatically for voltages greater than
Filament lamp
Ohm's law is true for a metallic conductor under constant physical
conditions. But what if the temperature of the conductor increases? A
filament lamp gives us a very convenient way to investigate this.
The larger the current passing through a filament lamp, the brighter, and
hotter, it becomes. By measuring the current through the lamp as the
potential difference across it increases, an I-V graph can be plotted. The
I-V characteristic of the filament lamp in Figure is not a straight line as
for a metallic conductor’s I-V
plot at constant temperature.
This shows that the lamp does
not obey Ohm's law. The curved
line in Figure also tells us that
the ratio V: I is not constant, so
the resistance of the filament
does not remain constant as the
current increases. In fact, the
resistance increases as well. This
is because the temperature of the filament becomes higher at higher
currents. So why do higher currents cause the resistance to increase in a
filament bulb when the temperature increases?
In the filament: the conduction electrons collide with metal ions as they
move through the filament, losing some of their kinetic energy to the ions,
which gain vibrational energy. The higher the temperature, the faster these
ions vibrate This means that the ions vibrate more, and so conduction
electrons are more likely to hit them which impedes their flow, hence the
current decreases. So, if the current decreases, then the resistance will
increase (V = IR) therefore, an increase in temperature causes an increase
in resistance
Note that the graph is initially a straight line, near the origin. This is
because, for small currents, the temperature (and so the resistance)
remains very nearly constant. the I-V graph for a filament lamp shows
the current increasing at a proportionally slower rate than the potential
This is because:
o As the current increases, the temperature of the filament in the lamp increases
o Since the filament is a metal, the higher temperature causes an increase in resistance
o Resistance opposes the current, causing the current to increase at a slower rate
Where the graph is a straight line, the resistance is constant
The resistance increases as the graph curves
There are some points you should notice about the graph in Figure:
o The line passes through the origin (as for an ohmic component).
o For very small currents and voltages, the graph is roughly a straight line.
o At higher voltages, the line starts to curve. The current is a bit less than we would have
expected from a straight line. This suggests that the lamp’s resistance has increased.
You can also tell that the resistance has increased because the ratio V/I is larger for
higher voltages than for low voltages.
The fact that the graph of Figure is not a straight line shows that the
resistance of the lamp depends on the temperature of its filament.
The resistance of a particular wire depends on its size and shape. A long
wire has a greater resistance than a short one, provided it is of the same
thickness and material. A thick wire has less resistance than a thin one.
For a metal in the shape of a wire, resistance depends on the following
o length L
o cross-sectional area , A
o the material the wire is made from
o the temperature of the wire.
As we have already seen before, the current is directly proportional to
the mean drift velocity of the electrons (since I = Anvq), and in fact both
the current and the mean drift velocity are halved if the length of the
wire is doubled. This has shown that the current through a conductor is
directly proportional to its cross sectional area and inversely
proportional to its length. However, its resistance (at constant
temperature) is inversely proportional to its cross sectional area and
directly proportional to its length:
∝ and ∝
Combining these gives:
But the resistance of a wire also depends on the material it is made of.
Copper is a better conductor than steel, steel is a better conductor than
silicon, and so on. So if we are to determine the resistance R of a
particular wire, we need to take into account its length, its cross-
sectional area and the material. The relevant property of the material is
its resistivity, for which the symbol is ρ (Greek letter rho).
Inserting a constant of proportionality gives us an equation for the
resistance of a conductor of any uniform shape and size:
The unit of resistivity is the ohm metre (Ω m); this is not the same as
ohms per metre.
We can see how these relate to the formulae for adding resistors in
series and in parallel:
o If we double the length of a wire it is like connecting two identical resistors in series;
their resistances add to give double the resistance. The resistance is proportional to
the length.
o Doubling the cross-sectional area of a wire is like connecting two identical resistors in
parallel; their combined resistance is halved (since 1/Rtotal = 1/R + 1/R). Hence the
resistance is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area.
Thermistors are components that are designed to have a resistance that
changes rapidly with temperature. Thermistors (‘thermal resistors’) are
made from metal oxides such as those of manganese and nickel.
There are two different types of thermistors:
o Negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors: The resistance of this type of
thermistor decreases with increasing temperature. Those commonly used for physics
teaching may have a resistance of many thousands of ohms at room temperature,
falling to a few tens of ohms at 100 °C. You should become familiar with the properties
of NTC thermistors.
o Positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistors: The resistance of this type of
thermistor rises abruptly at a definite temperature, usually around 100–150 °C.
In this course, you only need to know about NTC thermistors. So,
whenever thermistors are mentioned, assume that it refers to an NTC
o Water temperature sensors in cars and ice sensors on aircraft wings – if ice builds up
on the wings, the thermistor ‘senses’ this temperature drop and a small heater is
activated to melt the ice
o Baby breathing monitors–the baby rests on an air-filled pad, and as he or she breathes,
air from the pad passes over a thermistor, keeping it cool; if the baby stops breathing,
the air movement stops, the thermistor warms up and an alarm sounds
o Fire sensors – a rise in temperature activates an alarm
o Overload protection in electric razor sockets – if the razor overheats, the thermistor’s
resistance decreases, the current increases rapidly and cuts off the circuit.
Worked Example
A thermistor is connected in series with a resistor R and a battery.
The resistance of the thermistor increases as the temperature decreases
Since the thermistor and resistor R are connected in series, the
current I in both of them is the same
Ohm’s law states that V = IR
Since the resistance of the thermistor increases, and I is the same, the
potential difference V across it increases
Therefore, statement A is correct