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Islam PDF

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Muslim in the Philippines

The predominantly Muslim ethnolinguistic groups of the Philippines are the Iranun, Jama
Mapun, Kalagan, Kalibugan, Maguindanao, Maranaw, Molbog, Sama (including the
Badjao, Balanguingui, and various Tawi-Tawi Sama groups), Sangil, Tausūg, and Yakan.
The word Islam means ‘submission to the will
of God’. Islam is the second largest religion in
the world. Islam is the oldest religion in the
Philippines. Islam reached the Philippines in

A brief
the 13th century with the arrival of Muslim
traders from the Persian Gulf, Southern India,
and their followers from several sultanate

overview of governments in the Malay Archipelago. Islam

teaches that God, Allah, created the heavens

and the earth. Mankind has been created in
order to come to know Allah. This world is
seen as a temporary plane in which we are
tested and our good/bad deeds weighed on
Judgement Day, i.e. after death. Islam Two
main sects , SUNNI & SHIA
Jesus, Moses and Followers of Muslims believe
The Arabic word
Abraham are Islam are called that there is only
for God is Allah.
respected as Muslims. One God. 
Muslims believe
prophets of God. Muslims base These pillars are
that Islam has
Muslims believe their laws on the declaration of
always existed,
the Sunnah is the their holy book faith, praying five
but for practical
practical example the Qur’an, and times a day,
purposes, date
of Prophet the Sunnah. giving money to
their religion from
Muhammad and They believe that charity, fasting
the time of the
that there are the final Prophet and a pilgrimage
migration of
five basic Pillars was Muhammad. to Mecca (at least
of Islam. once).
Describe the religion’s concept of good and
Something that is bad for you may be good for someone else.
There are numerous examples of this in the world, but in the
world of religion, what God commands to be performed is good,
and what God forbids is evil. In Islamic terminology,they are
called ‫ األوامر و النواحي‬al’awamir wa al-nawahi,
A Muslim is expected to follow these al-awamir wa al-nawahi,
which means doing what Allah and His Messengers have
commanded him to do and refraining from doing what Allah and
His Messengers have forbidden him to do.
Whatever brings a person closer to God and will benefit him in
the Next World is good, and whatever takes a person away from
God, and thus incurs His anger is evil.
According to the religion, how can a person become good
and avoid becoming evil?
Islam teaches that, from our perspective, doing good and staying
away from evil is a means of getting closer to God. Islam teaches
that humans are equal in all respect (e.g. race, gender, status,
occupation, appearance, etc).

Every good deed brings a person closer to God, and every evil
act takes them further away from God. We can understand this,
as there are many ranks or stations in closeness to God. Thus, the
test of choosing between good and evil has the purpose of giving
people the opportunity to rise through these stations of
How does the globalization help the religion in
spreading its beliefs and teachings?
Globalisation is prompting a reformulation of the common Muslim
belief that Islam is not only a religion but also a complete way of life,
which in Islamic discourse is known as the 'one religion, one culture'
paradigm. In the pre-globalised world ummah consciousness was
largely determined by the practice of the 'five pillars' of Islam (belief
in Allah, payment of zakat (welfare tax for the poor), performance of
hajj, daily prayers and fasting) and certain other key beliefs. The
existence of these Islamic beliefs and practices was seen by many
believers everywhere as evidence that the entire culture of the
Muslim societies was Islamised, that is, had come to resemble the
Arabian Islamic culture where Islam had originated.
How does the religion contribute to world peace/world
Islam is a religion of universalism, tolerance, peace, and reconciliation.
Islam teaches that life is sacred and that the believer has a duty to
uphold truth and justice. Social justice is the core principle of Islam.
Pursuing justice in the face of oppression and suffering is the personal
and collective duty of every Muslim. But Islam is often misunderstood as a
religion of the sword that justifies the use of violence to spread the faith;
while the principles of nonviolence are not well developed within Islam.
Concepts of peace are at the core of the Islamic teachings. The term
salaam envisions a peaceful, harmonious social order of justice towards all
without violence or conflict.
Does the religion involve itself in politics?
Muslims around the world express broad support for democracy
and for people of other faiths being able to practice their religion
freely. At the same time, many Muslims say religious leaders
should influence political matters and see Islamic political parties
as just as good or better than other political parties. Many
Muslims express concern about religious extremist groups
operating in their country. On balance, more Muslims are
concerned about Islamic than Christian extremist groups. And
while the vast majority of Muslims in most countries say suicide
bombing is rarely or never justified to defend Islam against its
enemies, substantial minorities in a few countries consider such
violence justifiable in at least some circumstances.
Thank you

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