Linear Correlation Coefficient
Linear Correlation Coefficient
Linear Correlation Coefficient
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient is a linear correlation coefficient that returns a value of between -1
and +1. A -1 means there is a strong negative correlation and +1 means that there is a strong positive
correlation. A 0 means that there is no correlation (this is also called zero correlation).
A correlation coefficient, designated by r, is a number in the range -1 < r < 1, that indicates how
well a regression equation truly represents data being examined.
if r is close to 1 (or -1), the model is considered a " good fit”.
If r is close to 0, the model is "not a good fit".
If r = ±1, the model is a "perfect fit" with all data points lying on the line.
If r = 0, there is no linear relationship between the two variables.
A correlation greater than 0.8 is generally described as strong, whereas a correlation less than 0.5 is
generally described as weak.
This can initially be a little hard to wrap your head around (who likes to deal with negative
numbers?). The Political Science Department at Quinnipiac University posted this useful list
of the meaning of Pearson’s Correlation coefficients. They note that these are “crude
estimates” for interpreting strengths of correlations using Pearson’s Correlation:
r value =
The images show that a strong negative correlation means that the graph has a
downward slope from left to right: as the x-values increase, the y-values get smaller. A
strong positive correlation means that the graph has an upward slope from left to right: as
the x-values increase, the y-values get larger.
Cramer’s V Correlation
Cramer’s V Correlation is similar to the Pearson Correlation coefficient. While the Pearson
correlation is used to test the strength of linear relationships, Cramer’s V is used to calculate
correlation in tables with more than 2 x 2 columns and rows. Cramer’s V correlation varies
between 0 and 1. A value close to 0 means that there is very little association between the
variables. A Cramer’s V of close to 1 indicates a very strong association.
Cramer’s V
If you can read a table — you can test for correlation coefficient. Note that correlations should
only be calculated for an entire range of data. If you restrict the range, r will be weakened.
Sample problem: test the significance of the correlation coefficient r = 0.565 using the critical
values for PPMC table. Test at α = 0.01 for a sample size of 9.
Step 1: Subtract two from the sample size to get df, degrees of freedom.
Step 2: Look the values up in the PPMC Table. With df = 7 and α = 0.01, the table value is
= 0.798
Step 3: Draw a graph, so you can more easily see the relationship.
r = 0.565 does not fall into the rejection region (above 0.798), so there isn’t enough evidence to
state a strong linear relationship exists in the data.
Relationship to cosine
It’s rare to use trigonometry in statistics (you’ll never need to find the derivative of tan(x) for
example!), but the relationship between correlation and cosine is an exception. Correlation can be
expressed in terms of angles:
Positive correlation = acute angle <45°,
Negative correlation = obtuse angle >45°,
Uncorrelated = orthogonal (right angle).
More specifically, correlation is the cosine of an angle between two vectors defined as follows (Knill,
If X, Y are two random variables with zero mean, then the covariance Cov[XY] = E[X · Y] is the dot
product of X and Y. The standard deviation of X is the length of X.