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Name: Betigist Girma

ID: IHEBA-89277-14

Submitted to: Dr. Tesheme.G

Date: 4-12-22


Norm is unwritten rule accepted by society it has been followed generation to generation. It`s inhereted
from generation to generation, Society accepted norm as a guidance which is shows them a
direction/limitation for something. Society rais their children through norm and it bring good and bad
influence on children. When the society raising boy and girl through norm the treatment given is
completly different for both of them. Norm affect society mostly women it influence on people
activities. On this article we review what gender and norm is in undeveloped country and rular areas. I
the article review i Reference different sites which is related with my article. In this article data
collected from diferent jornals ans sites which is directly related with social norm and it`s effect, also use
training knowledge i was attended.


Every country have their own norm, value which society follows consistently. Society believe norm as a
guidance and not following the norm is a bad think in the society its a belife that they accept it through
out generation.

According to Ronald Jepperson, Peter Katzenstein and Alexander Wendt, "norms are collective
expectations about proper behavior for a given identity." Wayne Sandholtz argues against this
definition, as he writes that shared expectations are an effect of norms, not an intrinsic quality of norms.
Sandholtz, Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink define norms instead as "standards of appropriate
behavior for actors with a given identity." In this definition, norms have an "oughtness" quality to them
(wikepedia). Norm is simply our way of life start from we born untill we die we follows it wether we like
it or not. It`s unwritten rule that state for society inhereted from generation to generation, society
accept it with out no hesitation because of we grow through it. Norm have its own effect/influence on
society which mostly limite sosciety in one box they can`t think out of the box(norm) for exmple it creat
geneder inequality beteween men and women on their life.change our point of view, Beliefs,
expectations, group knowledge and common knowledge have thus become central concepts in the
development of a philosophical view of social norms. Bicchieri, Cristina, Ryan Muldoon, and Alessandro
Sontuoso, "Social Norms", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2018 Edition), Edward N.
Zalta (ed.), URL

Discriminatory social institutions are formal and informal laws, social norms and practices that restrict
women’s and girls’ rights, access to empowerment opportunities and resources (June 11, 2018 Gaëlle
Ferrant and Léa Fuiret). On the other hand Sehin Teferra discussed the need to investigate the role of
language in gender, explaining that language shapes and reflects peoples’ outlooks and actions. Biased
language is embedded in casual communication across major Ethiopian languages, including feminized
insults and idiomatic expressions that compare

women with animals. Such language reinforces negative stereotypes and portrays gender-based
violence (GBV) as acceptable and sometimes necessary. In addition language in societal norm is
essencial as well known language is key to communicate with each other, using language occure posives
and negative sterio types.

Bicchieri, Cristina, Ryan Muldoon, and Alessandro Sontuoso, "Social Norms", The Stanford Encyclopedia
of Philosophy (Winter 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL. since social norms are seen as central to
the production of social order or social coordination, research on norms has been focused on the
functions they perform. Yet even if a norm may fulfill important social functions (such as welfare
maximization or the elimination of externalities), it cannot be explained solely on the basis of the
functions it performs. The simplistic functionalist perspective has been rejected on several accounts; in
fact, even though a given norm can be conceived as a means to achieve some goal, this is usually not the
reason why it emerged in the first place Moreover, although a particular norm may persist (as opposed

to emerge) because of some positive social function it fulfills, there are many others that are inefficient
and even widely unpopular.

(Cislaghi and Heise 2018a) Gender norms and social norms: differences, similarities and why they matter
in prevention science

" social norms are rules of action shared by people in a given society or group; they define what is
considered normal and acceptable behaviour for the members of that group."

(Ridgeway and Correll 2004) Gender norms and social norms

The notion of gender norms emerged in the context of larger debates among academics, practitioners
and activists around the nature of gender. Gender as a term was popularised in the 1970s by feminists
to distinguish those aspects of male and female roles, behaviours and preferences that were socially
constructed rather than a function of biology. The goal was to provide a counterpoint to popular
perceptions that male female differences were ‘natural’ and therefore immutable. Feminist sociologists
advanced this idea further, arguing that gender is best conceptualised as a social system that apportions
resources, roles, power and entitlements according to whether a person or practice is perceived as male
or female, masculine or feminine.

(savechildrens-harmfull gender norm)Gender Discrimination: Inequality Starts in Childhood

All children deserve to grow up and achieve their dreams – regardless of their gender.
Tragically, inequitable gender norms rob millions of girls and boys of their childhoods – and risk
their futures. Often, these damaging expectations directly contribute to the violation of
children’s human rights.

Additionaly Gender norms describe how people of a particular gender and age are expected to
behave in a given social context. Harmful gender norms result in many types of inequalities
between girls and boys. However, while gender norms can affect all children, they are proven
to disproportionately affect girls. More than 575 million girls live in countries where inequitable
gender norms contribute to violations of their rights, like health, education, marriage and
gender-based violence.

To add more on idea on save children mention gender inequality it`s a boundary that listed by
norms for boy and girl which been accepted by society and inhereted from generation to
generation. Gender norms are social principles that govern the behavior of girls, boys, women,
and men in society and restrict their gender identity into what is considered to be appropriate.

In addition under societal norm women expected to be house wife and raise children nothing
more.more over Norm is guidance, unwritten rule for the society which provide lots of
limitation on women starting from a girl born her activities are limited she can not go beyond
society norm listed for her for example girls can`t play with her peers for long because her place

is helping her mother not playing which is the opposit for men, she can not go to school
because girls main goal for societal is to get merried and bring lots of income for the family by
make them rcvd dowry, can't make decission, can't go out and work so on. This kind of
boundary happens mostly in rural but it doesn`t means this way of thinking not happens in
urban areas, people living under modern way of thinking day`s that elighted them norm`s effect
and benefit, which one to let go and which one to keep through this their are so money people
who don`t went follow to let go.

Save children(2022). Listed what the effect of gender inequality as below Despite worldwide progress,
gender inequality persists. The COVID-19 pandemic has threatened to put years of hard-won progress at
risk. Far too many girls, especially those from the poorest families, still face gender discrimination in
education, child marriage and pregnancy, sexual violence and unrecognized domestic work. These are
some types of gender inequality.

EIGE(2022) Men and Women Gender Equality

"Violence against women is sad and shameful reality happening in all the societies of the European
Union and across the globe. Although it is rooted in gender inequalities, it also exists because we, as a
society and individuals, far too often let it continue un-noticed."

Study conducted by EIGE shows that it engaging men to fight violance againest women they wear a
white ribbon which means we will never stay silent about violance againest women they fight the
assault`s happen on women it also mention gender equality is much more benefit for all society especilly
for men and women.

Jayne Leonard(2021) what are the psychological effects of gender inequality

"Gender inequality manifests itself in many different ways. People can experience mental health
conditions as a direct result of gender-based discrimination or violence, for example. They can also
develop conditions indirectly as a result of exposure to socioeconomic inequality, chronic stress, and
harmful messages in the media."

"Unlike sex, which is based on biological traits such as genitalia, gender refers to how people feel about
themselves. As a result, anyone can experience gender inequity and sexism based on how they behave
and express themselves."

In addition sex is biological difference that men and women have which can not be changed it`s nature
but gender can be changed it also a different between men and women but not nature it given by a
society, norm,culture.

Cailin S. Samarski & Leanne S. Son Hing(16 sept 2015) Gender inequality in the work p'ace

Gender inequalities in each element can affect the others, creating a self-reinforcing system that can
perpetuate institutional discrimination throughout the organization and that can lead to discrimination
in HR policies, decision-making, and enactment.Institutional discrimination can be present within HR
policies set out to determine employee selection, performance evaluations, and promotions. These
policies can have significant effects on women’s careers. However, HR policy can only be used to guide
HR-related decision-making. In reality, it is organizational decision-makers, that is, managers,
supervisors, HR personnel who, guided by policy, must evaluate job candidates or employees and decide
how policy will be applied to individuals.

In addition We are living under world that a women can do incredible things but if
they are limited and surrownded by norm`s and value`s they can not use/reveal
their potential to do things. Norms not just limit or stop a women from doing
what she need to do it also build psychological issues that a norm build on her
mind since she`s little girl, in their childhood times starting from the gift they
received to the way of building their thinking their is limitation for example girl
get baby toy so she can get the thought to hold a baby because thas her only fate
when she grow but boy get car,jet,gun, every one stops her when she try to give
thought on something but a boy go around with his dad listening their
conversation so he can train how to communicate with people that he can learn
how to lead, boy go to school a girl can`t. A women raised under this
circumstance she will not have confident for her self, she alwasy thinks that
instead of participat in the decission making she thinks her responsibility is only
accepting what men decide, she will be shy, fear to speack in public, easily
dominated by other people. This all is happening because of their is inequality
between men and women throgh out of their life if society change the norm and
give equal treatment for men and women their will be alot thing more than in the
above i mention will change for women but it does not mean men is not affect by
norm but the main target is women.

Viva(2022) Gender Difference in Social Interaction

Traditionally, masculine people and feminine people communicate with people of their own gender in
different ways. Masculine people form friendships with other masculine people based on common
interests, while feminine people build friendships with other feminine people based on mutual support.

Hu Y. Li J, Ye M, Wang H(2020) The relationship between Couples & Gender roles Attitudes Congruen

"Recent studies have found that husbands with the traditional gender-role attitude dedicate less time
and energy to family and, at the same time, create greater expectations regarding their wives' family
role, which increases wives' burden of the family role. As a result, it leads to work-family conflict for

M Niaz Asadullah, Zaki Wahhaj(2022).Early Marriege and the persistence of traditional gender norms.

As the practice of early marriage is strongly correlated with other socioeconomic characteristics,
establishing its causal effects is a challenge for researchers. We overcome this problem following an
approach developed by Field and Ambrus (2008) which exploits the fact that in many traditional settings,
there are strong social pressures for girls to marry from the onset of puberty. Thus, the age of menarche
provides a source of natural variation in the age of marriage of women, which has been used to
investigate how marriage timing affects other outcomes such as schooling, childbirth, and the health
and education of children (Field and Ambrus 2008, Sekhri and Debnath 2014, Chari et al. 2017).

David Jodrell(2015). How do social norm affect development

Many development actors and researchers define social norms as other social forces, such as
empowerment, collective attitudes, or beliefs. While these factors are all certainly relevant, the research
community needs more specific definitions in order to design effective interventions to influence social
norms, and also to measure the impact of these interventions.

Most definitions of social norms, including Bicchieri’s, have two common features. First, individuals
perceive that most people around them conform to particular behaviours. Second, individuals have a
perception that other people around them – i.e. society – believe they ought to conform to those
behaviours. Thus, expectations of what we should do, and of what others expect us to do, constitute
‘social norms’.


Womendeliver.org.social norm and gender equality.Retrieved 2 dec 22

<https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2018/entries/social-norms/>.Retrieved 3 Dec 22

SaveChildren.org/us/charity-stories-hoe gender norm impact boy and girl

www.frontiersin.org.Gender inequality in the work place

https://viva.pressbooks.pub>Gender differences in socia interaction.

https://www.developress.com.The relationship between couples, Gender Role, Attitudes Congruen

https://voxdev.org>health education.Early merriage and the persistencee of traditional gender norms

https://www.wetowm.org.How do social norm affect development

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