At present, the world is witnessing a rapid evolution process in the need for information
facilities in terms of quantity, quality and access to information, in order to make the
best decision based on the different changes and dynamics of the enterprises
environment. This demonstrates clearly the growing importance of information systems
and their ability to satisfy the needs of enterprises information. This emphasizes the
importance to develop these systems and to increase their effectiveness and efficiency.
One of the key elements of the success of these systems is that they have become
dependent on sophisticated technology that have greatly facilitated access to
information and clearly reduced access costs.
1. Effects on education
Information technology has made the education process more effective and productive.
It has increased the well-being of the students. Developed methods of education have
made this process easier, such as the replacement of books with tablets and laptops.
Moreover, the emergence of e-learning platforms that allows students to learn from their
homes. These platforms can be an effective alternative for people who are out of
school, or who have difficulties keeping up with their teachers in class. These platforms
gives students the chance to review the courses with simpler and more concrete
explanations at every moment, and this reinforces the educational process and leads to
better results in school for most of the students.
IoT stands for Internet of Things, which means accessing and controlling daily usable
equipments and devices using Internet.
Let's us look closely at our mobile device which contains GPS Tracking, Mobile
Gyroscope, Adaptive brightness, Voice detection, Face detection etc. These
components have their own individual features, but what about if these all communicate
with each other to provide a better environment? For example, the phone brightness is
adjusted based on my GPS location or my direction.
The term "Things" in the Internet of Things refers to anything and everything in day to
day life which is accessed or connected through the internet.
As we have a platform such as a cloud that contains all the data through which we
connect all the things around us. For example, a house, where we can connect our
home appliances such as air conditioner, light, etc. through each other and all these
things are managed at the same platform. Since we have a platform, we can connect
our car, track its fuel meter, speed level, and also track the location of the car.
How does Internet of Thing (IoT) Work?
The working of IoT is different for different IoT echo system (architecture). However, the
key concept of there working are similar. The entire working process of IoT starts with
the device themselves, such as smartphones, digital watches, electronic appliances,
which securely communicate with the IoT platform. The platforms collect and analyze
the data from all multiple devices and platforms and transfer the most valuable data with
applications to devices.
Features of IOT
The most important features of IoT on which it works are connectivity, analyzing,
integrating, active engagement, and many more. Some of them are listed below:
Analyzing: After connecting all the relevant things, it comes to real-time analyzing the
data collected and use them to build effective business intelligence. If we have a good
insight into data gathered from all these things, then we call our system has a smart
Integrating: IoT integrating the various models to improve the user experience as well.
Artificial Intelligence: IoT makes things smart and enhances life through the use of
data. For example, if we have a coffee machine whose beans have going to end, then
the coffee machine itself order the coffee beans of your choice from the retailer.
Sensing: The sensor devices used in IoT technologies detect and measure any change
in the environment and report on their status. IoT technology brings passive networks to
active networks. Without sensors, there could not hold an effective or true IoT
Any technology available today has not reached to its 100 % capability. It always has a
gap to go. So, we can say that Internet of Things has a significant technology in a
world that can help other technologies to reach its accurate and complete 100 %
capability as well.
Let's take a look over the major, advantages, and disadvantages of the Internet of
Advantages of IoT
Internet of things facilitates the several advantages in day-to-day life in the business
sector. Some of its benefits are given below:
o Efficient resource utilization: If we know the functionality and the way that how
each device work we definitely increase the efficient resource utilization as well
as monitor natural resources.
o Minimize human effort: As the devices of IoT interact and communicate with
each other and do lot of task for us, then they minimize the human effort.
o Save time: As it reduces the human effort then it definitely saves out time. Time
is the primary factor which can save through IoT platform.
o Enhance Data Collection:
o Improve security: Now, if we have a system that all these things are
interconnected then we can make the system more secure and efficient.
Disadvantages of IoT
As the Internet of things facilitates a set of benefits, it also creates a significant set of
challenges. Some of the IoT challenges are given below:
While the idea of IoT has been in existence for a long time, a collection of recent
advances in a number of different technologies has made it practical.
Organizations best suited for IoT are those that would benefit from using sensor devices
in their business processes.
Manufacturers can gain a competitive advantage by using production-line
monitoring to enable proactive maintenance on equipment when sensors detect
an impending failure. Sensors can actually measure when production output is
compromised. With the help of sensor alerts, manufacturers can quickly check
equipment for accuracy or remove it from production until it is repaired. This
allows companies to reduce operating costs, get better uptime, and improve
asset performance management.
The automotive industry stands to realize significant advantages from the use of
IoT applications. In addition to the benefits of applying IoT to production lines,
sensors can detect impending equipment failure in vehicles already on the road
and can alert the driver with details and recommendations. Thanks to aggregated
information gathered by IoT-based applications, automotive manufacturers and
suppliers can learn more about how to keep cars running and car owners
Public Sector
The benefits of IoT in the public sector and other service-related environments
are similarly wide-ranging. For example, government-owned utilities can use IoT-
based applications to notify their users of mass outages and even of smaller
interruptions of water, power, or sewer services. IoT applications can collect data
concerning the scope of an outage and deploy resources to help utilities recover
from outages with greater speed.
IoT asset monitoring provides multiple benefits to the healthcare industry.
Doctors, nurses, and orderlies often need to know the exact location of patient-
assistance assets such as wheelchairs. When a hospital’s wheelchairs are
equipped with IoT sensors, they can be tracked from the IoT asset-monitoring
application so that anyone looking for one can quickly find the nearest available
wheelchair. Many hospital assets can be tracked this way to ensure proper
usage as well as financial accounting for the physical assets in each department.
Automation is a term for technology applications where human input is minimized. This
includes business process automation (BPA), IT automation, personal applications such
as home automation and more.
Types of automation
Basic automation
This level of automation is about digitizing work by using tools to streamline and
centralize routine tasks, such as using a shared messaging system instead of having
information in disconnected silos.
Ex. Garage Opener Apps
Process automation
Process automation manages business processes for uniformity and transparency. It is
typically handled by dedicated software and business apps. Using process automation
can increase productivity and efficiency within your business. It can also deliver new
insights into business challenges and suggest solutions. Process mining and workflow
automation are types of process automation.
Ex. Automated teller machine
Integration automation
Integration automation is where machines can mimic human tasks and repeat the
actions once humans define the machine rules. One example is the “digital worker.” In
recent years, people have defined digital workers as software robots that are trained to
work with humans to perform specific tasks. They have a specific set of skills, and they
can be “hired” to work on teams.
People developed the language so they could communicate and learn from elders
through their stories. They invented tools for agriculture, to build homes, and to create
weapons for hunting and protection. More technology is developed as increase in
population. Technology not only increased humans’ life span but also the way how we
live (Barbara Bray). Initiated with the use of printing press, allowed the masses to
receive news, read books and attend school. Communities developed within large cities
to protect and sustain the different cultures. Every nation and its community has its own
identical coherence, culture, tradition and social norms and values. Living standard of
people has highly risen up and has become sophisticated due to technology.
Technological Impact on Culture
The culture of a society is reflected in values, norms and practices. Culture observes
itself through individuals to reflect their perception, practices, values and in transfer of
technology. Technology has a crucial impact on fundamental aspects of all our cultures
including language, art, mobility, education and religion. Culture of a community acts as
a standard for perceiving, judging and evaluating the technology. As technology
affects all the components of culture, it determines the direction of cultural development.
To occupy the larger cultural dimension, technology should be in harmony with social
and cultural conditions of community else there exists a friction between technological
development and preservation of cultural values. A rational balance allows people to
exercise freedom of expression in technical world which is beyond one’s ethnicity, age,
or level of education. People use it for fulfilling their fantasies but a cultural downfall may
The technology has given a wide range of topics to be discussed. People get to know
extensive knowledge about any subject and more information has been shared
effectively. Technology assists in transformation of economy and evolution of new social
classes too.