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Effects of Global Warming

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Effects of Global Warming.



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Effects of Global Warming.


Global warming is defined as the gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's

atmosphere caused by increasing levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other

pollutants. Global climate change will not be solved in the near future. Climate change caused by

increased human emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases is already having a wide-ranging

impact on the environment: glaciers and ice sheets are shrinking, river and lake ice is breaking

up earlier, plant and animal geographic ranges are shifting, and plants and trees are blooming

earlier. Long have scientists predicted that global climate change would result in sea ice loss,

rapid sea level rise, and longer, more intense heat waves.

Land Degradation and Desertification.

Land Desertification and degradation are majorly caused by global warming currently.

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in its Article 1 of the

Convention text has defined desertification as ‘land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-

humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variation’, while land degradation

is the ‘reduction or loss, in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas (UNCCD, 1994 as cited in

Bohn et al., 2020). Due to global warming, desertification is a problem in some areas in Brazil,

which are adjacent to the semi-arid and semi-humid areas. Currently, a lot of pieces of land have

been degraded and many of them are soon turning into deserts. This is bringing about food

shortage and water shortage creating unfavorable conditions for not only humans, but also

animals making these organisms to migrate from one region to another in search of a more

hospitable lands. Also, it is causing unnecessary stress to arable are which are essential for

provision of pasture, food and water.

Sea Level Rise.

Global warming has caused some serious damage on the glaciers by decreasing the amount

of ice. The reduction of the glacier has led addition of more water into the oceans making it to

increase in the sea levels by about 10-25 cm and more is expected in the near future if nothing to

prevent this menace. As the sea levels continue to be on the rise, it comes with some side effects

sine it invades the land at the coastline. There is declining of the population of humans and

animals since the survival changes during flooding or rather high tides is zero causing inward-

movement. This cause land pressure since a large population will have to squeeze to the same

piece of land which is not favoring anyone. Also, as the ocean water increases and take up the

land at the coast, it deprives the land its nutrients since it causes soil erosion. It also prevent

survival of some coastal species. Global warming also causes a change in the local environment

and the rainfall pattern affecting the organisms depending on it (Sattar et al, 2021).


This hazard has brought about many threats in this sector. Climate is the core factor which

determines the agricultural productivity which translates to the amount of food production in the

world. This sector majorly depends on climate since the nature of the climate determines the

nature of the food being produced in a given country. Global warming being a disadvantage of

climate it has led to a huge change in this sector by bringing threats. One of the major threats it

has posed is the negative change in the quantity and quality of water sources in many places in

this earth. The less the quality and quantity of water the lower the crop productivity of the farms.

Due to the threats posed by global warming the regime from the national to local levels of

different nations have to research on ways in which their citizens in their respective countries can

cope up with its impact. Moreover, experiments are being done so that scientists can come up

with results on changing response of crop water use efficiency in agronomic practices.

Economic Injustice.

Global warming has brought about inequality in the economic sector. The wealthier

countries are the ones with the highest emissions of greenhouse gases, which have led to global

warming; this raises concerns about international injustice. In conjunction with this, the poorer

the countries, the poorer they will be since global warming reduces economic activities, hence

low productivity is expected as the outcome. Also, the citizens of these countries will have their

health deteriorate due to this climate change. Moreover, most of the wealthier countries are

situated in cooler zones, meaning if the temperature increases in Sweden, for example, the

temperature moves from cool to optimum. This increase in temperature is a plus for their

economy. In Africa, as the temperature increases, it moves from optimum to above optimum.

This is dangerous for this continent since it creates unfavorable working conditions that slowly

kill the economy. Rich countries have disproportionately benefited from global warming, while

poor countries have been made poorer. Low-carbon energy sources can provide a secondary

development benefit by curbing future warming-induced growth penalties.


Global climate change is a major concern for society, and it is having a growing impact on

tourist investment, planning, operations, and demand. Low sectorial readiness should be highly

concerning for the tourism community as we begin what is commonly seen as a key climate

decade. To put it clearly, the sector has not been equipped for the next 30 years of escalating

climate change consequences and the transition to a decarbonized global economy. The evidence

of global climate system disruption has been unremitting, and observable changes are rapid in

comparison to the normal oscillations in climate that have happened throughout history. The

multi-decade warming trend in land and marine surface temperatures continues. Since the 1980s,

we humans have been engaging in activities that encourage global warming, which in turn poses

a threat to us in the form of droughts. Furthermore, forest fires have been on the rise, which kill

the wildlife and make some species go extinct. As the ocean warms, so do tropical cyclone

intensity and precipitation levels. If the frequent headlines of climatic disasters are already

unsettling, we are only in the early stages of climate change. Throughout 2020, many new

climatic records were made, although they will not stay long, and this discourages tourism. Since

most of the oceans and other water bodies are polluted, this poses to be a threat both to people

and human. More acidic emissions are being absorbed but the water hence reducing its pH value

and it dangerous for organisms such as mollusks and crabs since they have calcareous


Poverty and displacement.

Due to climate change in which in this case; global warming increases the roots that keep

people in poverty state. The high temperatures increases heat related disorders making it had for

people to perform outdoor jobs. In an unproductive country, there is no chance of getting income

since the economic activities have been stopped. This make it very possible for people to live in

great poverty states. For example, the refugees who stay in the camps come from countries that

are highly affected with this climate have to live below a dollar so that they can survive every

day. Moreover the heat waves become strong as days go by making it hard for soil water to be in

large quantity. This makes it had for people to carry out agriculture, and being humans we need

food to sustain ourselves hence making the people to move to favorable areas with all their

belongings. Over the past decade, millions of people have been displaced leaving some people

behind more vulnerable to poverty.


 In summation, global warming is a curse to the world which was brought about to its existence

by humans and the activities that we engage in. Above are just but a few effects of global

warming in the world. We humans being the superior beings in the world should look for

solutions and put them into practice before it is too late.



Bohn, L., Lyra, G. B., Oliveira, F. J., Marcelo, Z., Cunha-Zeri, G. (2020). Desertification

susceptibility over Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, based on aridity indices and geoprocessing.

International Journal of Climatology. 41(S1), E2600-E2614. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.6869

Sattar, Q., Maqbool, M. E., Ehsan, R., Akhtar, S. (2021). Review on climate change and its

effect on wildlife and ecosystem. Open Journal of Environmental Biology. 6(1), 008-014.


Scott, D. (2021). Sustainable Tourism and the Grand Challenge of Climate Change. A Fecund

Frontier for Cross and Multidisciplinary Enquiries in sustainability. 13(4), 1966.



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