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Lecture 8 PDF

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Agroforestry is a deliberate integration of trees and crops in general, in same unit of land.
These trees and crops compete with each other for nutrients, moisture and light. Therefore there
are both +ve and –ve interaction among different components. In order to have a positive
interaction among different components one must select a compatible component so that from a
single unit of land a farmer/cultivator maximize his production. While selecting tree species for
agroforestry three factors must taken into consideration such as...



Hot desert: Prosopis cineraria, P. chinensis, Acacia tortilis, Capparis spp, Tecomella

Cold desert: Populus nigra, P. cilita, P. alba, P. tremula, P. euphretica, salix alba, S fragilis,

Tropical semi-arid: Prosopis spp, Acacia tortilis, A. nilotica, A. senegal, Albizia lebbeck,
Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Azadirachta indica, Salvadora persica, Tamarix spp
Subtropical semi arid: Pinus roxburghii, Acacia modesta, Albizia procera, Bauhinia variegata,
Morus indica, Ficus spp

Temperate semi arid: Pinus gerardiana, Juniperus macropoda, Corylus colurna

Humid tropical: Terminalia myriocarpa, Tectona grandis, Terminalia alata, Schima wallichi,
Gmelina arborea, Dipterocarpus macrocarpus, Cocus nucifera, areca catechu, Artocarpus

1 All rights are reserved with Dr. YSPUH&F Solan @ 2012.

heterophyllus, Pterocarpus santalinus, Chukrasia tubularis
Humid subtropical: Eucalyptus globulus, Acer oblungum, Acrocarpus fraxinifolius, Aesculus
indica, Pinus kesiya, Prunus spp, Quercus spp

Humid temperate: Acer campbelii, abies pindrow, Quercus spp, Robinia pseudacacia, Pinus
alata, P. wallichiana, Alnus nitida, Populus ciliata, Cryptomeria japonica

Subtropical semi-humid: Albizia chinensis, Pinus roxburghii, P. kesiya, P. ellioti, Grewia

optiva, Celtis australis, Eucalyptus grandis, E. globulus, Toona ciliate

Tropical sub-humid: Eucalyptus teriticornis, E. citridora, Casuarina equisetifolia, Dalbergia

latifolia, Bombax ceiba, Morus alba, Leucaena leucocephala, Dalbergia sissoo, Anthocephalus
chinensis, Adina cardifolia, populus deltoides, Moringa oleifera

Subtropical semi-humid: Albizia chinensis, Pinus roxburghii, Grewia optiva, Celtis australis,
Morus indica, Toona ciliata, Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus globules

Temperate semi-humid: Acacia mearnsii, Acer oblungum, Alnus nepalensis, Cedrus deodara,
Celtis australis, Fraxinus spp, Quercus spp, Juglans regia



Desert soil: Prosopis cineraria, P. chilensis, Acacia tortilis, A. senegal, A. nilotica, Salvadora spp

Recent alluvium: Acacia catechu, Dalbergia sissoo, Bombax ceiba etc.

Old alluvium:

Saline-alkali soils: Prosopis spp, Acacia nilotica, Azadirachta indica, Ailanthus spp, Eucalyptus
spp, Tamarix spp, Pongamia pinnata

Coastal and deltaic alluvium: Casuarina equisetifolia, Cocus nucifera, Areca catechu, Avicennia

2 All rights are reserved with Dr. YSPUH&F Solan @ 2012.

Red soils: Tectona grandis, Madhuca indica, Mangifera indica, Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia nilotica,
Leucaena leucocephala, Azadirachta indica, Eucalyptus hybrid, Pterocarpus marsupium, Adina
cardifolia, Dendrocalamus strictus

Black cotton soils: Acacia nilotica, A leucophloea, Tectona grandis, Hardwickia binnata, Adina
cardifolia, Tamarandius indica, Aegle marmelos, Bauhinia spp, Dalbergia latifolia

Laterite and lateric soils: Tectona grndis, Eucalyptus spp, Acacia auriculiformis, Azadirachta
indica, Tamarindus indica, Emblica officinalis

Peaty and organic soil: Syzygium cuminii, Ficus glomerata, Bischofia javanica, Lagerstromia
speciosa, Glircidia sepium

Hill soils: Juglans regia, Alnus nitida, Toona serrata, Cedrus deodra, Quercus spp, Grewia optiva,
Celtis australis

BIOTIC FACTORS:- Choice of species is also governed by biotic factors such as grazing, fire
and incidence of Insect pest etc.


While selecting tree species for agroforestry systems, the following desirable
characteristics should be taken into consideration. Though all desirable characters are not found
in a single species, but their multiple uses are taken care of.
 Tree species selected should not interfere with soil moisture

 Tree species selected for agroforestry should have very less water requirement
 Should not compete with main agricultural crops for water.
 Tree species should be deep tap rooted so that they can draw water from deep strata of
the soil.

 Tree species should not compete for plant nutrients

 Tree species should not utilize more plant nutrients

 They should help in building soil fertility,
 Leguminous tree species which fix atmospheric nitrogen in their roots should be prfer.
 The root system and root growth characteristics should ideally result in to exploration of
soil layers that are different to those being trapped by agricultural crops.
 Tree species should not compete for sunlight

3 All rights are reserved with Dr. YSPUH&F Solan @ 2012.

 Tree species should not interrupt sunlight falling on the crops.
 Tree species should be light branching in their habit.
 Trees permit the penetration of light into the ground and promote better crop, pasture
growth and yield.
 Tree species can withstand pruning operation if it posses dense canopy.

 Tree species should have high survival rate and easy establishment

 Trees species should have high survival percentage,

 Leave little or no gaps after transplanting.
 Hardy tree species are easy to establish.
 They have less mortality percentage because they can tolerate transplanting shocks easily.
 Trees should have the ability to regenerate lateral roots within a short period of time after

 Tree species should have fast growing habit and easy management

 Tree species for agroforestry system should be essentially fast growing,

 Rapid growth, especially in the early years,
 Tree should have short rotation (the period between planting and final harvesting)
 Fast growing species such as Poplar, Casuriana, Leucaena leucocephala etc. are
important species which provide lot of opportunities to be planted in AFS

 Tree species should have wider adaptability

 A tree species selected for agroforestry combinations must have a wider adaptability.

 Tree species should have high palatability as a fodder

 Most of the Indian farmers rear livestock separately and cut and carry method of fodder
production is quite prevalent.
 Therefore, in agroforestry, farmer must select those tree species which are palatable to
livestock and had a high digestibility.

 Tree species should have shelter conferring and soil stabilization attributes
 Some tree species, because of their inherent growth habit and adaptability, are especially

4 All rights are reserved with Dr. YSPUH&F Solan @ 2012.

helpful in providing protection for soils, crops and livestock. Poplars (Populus spp.),
Willows (Salix spp.), Casurina equisetifolia, etc. for example, have been extensively used
in soil erosion control because of their extensive root system and ability to grow in water-
logged soils.
 Tree species should have capability to withstand management practices
 Many agroforestry systems demand extensive pruning and lopping of the trees in order to
maximize production. In such cases, the trees must be able to withstand such treatment
without drastically restricting growth rate.
 Tree species should have nutrient cycling and nitrogen fixation attributes
 Within an agroforestry system, trees can play an important role in recycling nutrients,
leached down through the soil profile and minerals released from weathering parent
material such as rocks and sediments.
 These nutrients are used in the growth and development of the tree, many returning to the
top-soil in form of dead leaves, twigs, flowers and seeds which slowly decompose on the
surface, or are eaten by animals.
 Although all trees play some role in maintaining the nutrient status of the soil through
 Deciduous trees drop most of their leaves in autumn leaving a thick mat of leaves on the
ground, whereas most evergreen species maintain some level of litter fall throughout the
 Another important factor is the ability of many tree species to convert atmospheric
nitrogen into organic nitrogen for their own use through complex symbiotic relationship
between Rhizobium bacteria and their fine roots.
 The bacteria form nodules on the roots which can convert nitrogen gas, as it is in the
atmosphere, into usable nitrogen for the plant.
 Most leguminous trees and some non-leguminous ones, such as Acacia, Leucaena and
Prosopis as well as Casuarina spp. fix the atmospheric nitrogen.
 The litter of these nitrogen fixing trees is generally high in nitrogen, thus increasing the
nitrogen status of the soil.

5 All rights are reserved with Dr. YSPUH&F Solan @ 2012.

The following are a few tree species which help in fixing atmospheric nitrogen through
their roots:
Table 8.1 Nitrogen fixing tree species
1. Acacia albida 21. Bauhinia variegata
2. Acacia auriculiformis 22. Butea monosperma
3. Acacia catechu 23. Cassia fistula
4. Acacia aneura 24. Cassia siamea
5. Acacia dealbata 25. Casuarina equisetifolia
6. Acacia decurrens 26. Dalbergia latifolia
7. Acacia farnesiana 27. Dalbergia sissoo
8. Acacia implexa 28. Delonix regia
9. Acacia leucophloea 29. Gliricidia sepium
10. Acacia mearnsii 30. Hardwickia binata
11. Acacia melanoxylon 31. Leucaena leucocephala
12. Acacia mollissima 32. Moringa oleifera
13. Acacia nilotica 33. Oogeinia oojeinensis
14. Acacia planifrons 34. Parkinsonia aculeata
15. Acacia senegal 35. Peltophorum ferrugineum
16. Albizia chinensis 36. Pithecellobium dulce
17. Albizia lebbek 37. Prosopis alba
18. Albizia procera 38. Prosopis chilensis
19. Alnus nepalensis 39. Prosopis cineraria
20. Alnus nitida 40. Robinia pseudoacacia
41. Samanea saman 44. Sesbania bispinosa
42. Saraca indica 45. Sesbania grandiflora
43. Sesbania aegyptica 46. Tamarindus indica

 Tree species should have thin bark

 Species selected for agroforestry combinations should not shed its bark regularly but it
should retain for longer period as bark shedding creates unhygienic conditions for under-
ground crop.

 Tree species should be free from chemical exudations

 The species selected for agroforestry combination must be free from allelo-chemicals as
these allelo-chemicals affect the growth of under-ground crops.

 Tree species should have easily decomposable leaves

 The suitable tree species for agroforestry will be that one in which fallen leaves
decompose with fast rate.

6 All rights are reserved with Dr. YSPUH&F Solan @ 2012.

 The leaves of most of the legume tree species are small in size, decompose quickly and
easily, and add a large quantity of organic matter and nutrients to the soil.
 Tree species having broad leaves such as teak, mango and banyan should not be preferred
for agroforestry system.
 They contain more fibre matter and also require longer time for decomposition. Further,
broad leaves when fall on the tender crop plants, block their photosynthetic activities.

 Tree species should have their multiple uses

 The selected tree species should have multiple uses.

 The tree should yield more than one of the main produce like fuelwood, leaf fodder,
edible fruit, edible flower and fibre.

 Tree species should have high yield potential

 High yield potential is the most important criterion of selection of tree species for
agroforestry systems as the main aim is to obtain overall more output per unit area. Care
should be taken before collection of seeds and seedlings that they are being procured
from reliable source.


a) Agricultural crops should be short duration and quick growing.
b) They should be at least partially tolerant to shade.
c) Most of them should belong to Leguminosae family.
d) They should respond well to high density tree planting.
e) They should bear some adverse conditions, like water stress and/or excess of watering;
f) Crops should return adequate organic matter to soil through their fallen leaves, root
system, stumps, etc.
g) Crops should appropriately be fitted in intensive or multiple cropping system.

7 All rights are reserved with Dr. YSPUH&F Solan @ 2012.

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