Business Letters Report, Job CV
Business Letters Report, Job CV
Business Letters Report, Job CV
⚫ Bad news letters: As opposed to the good news ⚫ A bad news letter should present the bad ⚫ The other most common form of business
letter, a bad news letter, such as dismissal and
rejection letters, need to be handled carefully. news in a positive light. It needs to reassure communication is memorandums, or
While you need to maintain the concise and the reader that all necessary aspects of a memos. Though they provide information
professional tone of a business letter, you also need similar to a letter, they are very different in
to be sensitive to the reader's feelings. In a bad particular issue were taken into account
news letter, instead of conveying the bad news to their format. Here are the key differences:
before making a decision. A bad news letter
the reader outright, you need to place it in the
should not leave the reader with a bad taste ⚫ They are almost always meant for
middle of the text. circulation within the organization.
⚫ Here are a few guidelines that you can keep in in his or her mouth; instead it should leave
mind while writing a bad news letter: the person with the feeling that the ⚫ They are direct in style, and very to the
⚫ The opening of the letter needs to be polite. point.
Always give the reader's efforts and feelings decision was fair and just.
⚫ They do not have salutations.
⚫ Following the opening, the details of the issue need ⚫ They do not have a complimentary closing.
to be stated. ⚫ They are used to convey communication
⚫ State the news or the decision. that is not sensitive.
⚫ Inform the reader about the reasons behind the
decision taken. ⚫ They have a format distinct from a letter.
⚫ Close professionally and politely.
Sample Memo
⚫ When formatting a memo, one should be MEMORANDUM
aware of the strict format that memos stick
to. Memos always begin with a bottom-line To: All Staff REPORT WRITING
statement, or the statement of the exact From:AAO, Accounting
purpose. Memos are extremely crisp, to the Date: April 15, 2018
point, and use a businesslike tone. Memos Re: Tax form updates UNIT II
Tax time is once again upon us. It is important that
usually are short bits of information that each staff member stop by the accounting
get to the point quickly and inform, department within the next 10 days to sign the new
announce, or request something. deduction forms. Each employee is required to
update the form we have on file, so this will need
⚫ The terms "memo" and "memorandum" to be done. To update your form, you will need to
can be used interchangeably. Think of a bring the following with you:
memo as being similar to making a · Identity Card
company announcement on a loudspeaker · PAN Card
to those in your office. You would be direct · Employee Code
and to the point and let people know the
information you need to share.
Formal Reports
⚫ b. Investigation Report: It is prepared after making a ⚫ A formal report is prepared in the prescribed ⚫ Academic Report
thorough inquiry on some specific situations. An or standard form and is presented according
investigation is made when there is a problem and the ⚫ An academic report is a piece of writing
to the established procedure and through the
management needs to find out the causes of the
proper channel. Reports submitted by officials produced for class that uses a formal style to
problem, and also the suggestions for solving it. convey information learned through reading
Example, reports on falling sales, declining deposits or committees of organised bodies (e.g.,
in a bank, many customer complaints, losses in a Companies, Co-operative Societies, Local and experimentation. Academic reports are a
branch, etc., Bodies, etc.) are usually formal reports. It may required part of many fields of study,
⚫ c. Feasibility or Survey Report: This report is be Statutory Report or Non-statutory Report. including chemistry, physics, biology,
prepared when an organisation intends to launch a ⚫ a. Statutory Report: Statutory report is one sociology and even humanities like political
new product in the market, introduce a new service, which is prepared by secretary or directory or
or make any major changes that may affect the science.
company’s customers. auditor under the provisions of specific law. ⚫ Business Report
⚫ d. Project Report: This is written after the initial
E.g., Auditors Report, Directors Report,
Inspection committee Report Etc., ⚫ A business report is an evaluation of a
survey has been completed on the research project. It
describes the proposal as project to be completed in ⚫ b. Non-Statutory Report: Non- particular issue, set of circumstances, or
future by showing the cash flow and expected results. statutory reports are those which are not financial operations that relate to the
It is used for planning and also for convincing others, required under the provisions of any law, but performance of a business. ... It is often
especially sanctioning and funding authorities like
government departments and banks. have to be prepared to help top managers for written in response to an executive of the
the efficient control and organisations of the company, and often takes the form of a memo
business. with the report attached.
Informal Reports Layout Of Report: LAYOUT
⚫ a. The Heading or Title: A report must always have a
⚫ Informal reports, on the ▪ Lay out of the report deals with title indicating the subject of the study, the period and
arrangement and presentation of information the location of the study. A long report has a full title
other hand, do not follow in the report. The main purpose of report is to page which gives the title, the name of the person
who assigned the report and the name of the person
help the receiver to identify the facts relating
any prescribed form or to the subject under study, draw his own
or group who prepared the report, with month and
year of submission. In a short report the title appears
conclusions and take suitable action based on at the top of the first page, before the text of the
procedure. It is usually the conclusions and recommendations. In
order to achieve its purpose the report must
takes the form of a not only be clear, concise and logical but must
also be drafted according to a recognised form
⚫ b. Table of Contents: Table of contents is a list of
chapters or topics contained in the report. The serial
person-to person and arrangement. number, title and page mark of each topic is given.
communication and may ⚫ It is however, difficult to lay down a specific set ⚫ c. Executive Summary/Abstract/Synopsis
An executive summary is a short document or
of rules for preparation of reports. Except
even be set up in the letter statutory report, the nature, length and style of section of a larger business report or proposal. ...
It contains a short statement that addresses the
a report must vary with the circumstances of
form. the case.
problem or proposal detailed in the attached
documents, and features background information, a
concise analysis and a conclusion
⚫ d. Body of the Report: It is a main part of the report ⚫ iv. Appendix: It is supplementary
and is made up of the following sub-section,
sub-headings or sub-titles. The body is divided into the material given at the end of the report. This
may be a copy of a questionnaire used, or ⚫ viii) Signature: All reports should be dated
following parts:
plans of buildings, maps or other materials and signed. If it is prepared by a committee
⚫ i. Introduction: It contains the terms of reference and which is referred to in the body of the report. or sub-committee and the report is
the subject of study. Here the writer analyses the
problem chosen by him in the light of the terms of ⚫ v. References and Bibliography: In case of common, it should be signed by the
reference and the relevant circumstances. long reports, the reporter had to conduct an chairman. If it is prepared by an individual,
⚫ ii. Development or Findings: In this part the writer extensive research for the preparation of the it has to be signed by the reporter.
presents the facts and data collected with reference to report. Under such studies, it is practice to add
his study along with the outcome of his study. The data
collected may include charts, graphs and statistical a list of references and bibliography just after
tables from other published reports and presented in an the appendix to indicate the sources from
organised form with heading and sub-heading for which the writer has drawn his materials for
better understanding of the reader.
⚫ iii. Conclusions or Recommendations: In this portion
the report.
the writer draws up some definite conclusions on the ⚫ vi. Index: Index comprises of contents of the
basis of the facts and data presented after considering report and usually added after the
all aspects of the problem in hand.
bibliography. It is generally found in long
each. author, the day it was published, and who ⚫ Also find out such basics as indentation
published it, and any other identifiers. requirements, quote style, use of text boxes,
placement of images, etc.
⚫ Your cover letter should contain the ⚫ D) Reference Line Place one line of ⚫ If you do not have a contact in the
following elements in the suggested order: space before the reference line. organization, contact the receptionist or
⚫ A) Your Contact Information Your contact Including a reference line (ex. “Re:” Human Resource department. They may
information includes: be able to provide you with the name of
⚫ • Full name • Current address • Telephone
or “Subject:”) indicates the purpose
the appropriate individual and his/her
number • Email address of the letter. For a job application, contact information. Ask for the correct
⚫ B) Date- Place one line of space before the your letter may include the job spelling of his/her name. As a last resort,
date. title or the competition number. you may address your letter using “Dear Sir
⚫ C) Recipient’s Contact Information Place ⚫ E) Salutation Place one line of or Madam” or “Dear Hiring Committee” or
two lines of space before the recipient’s space before the salutation. It is “To Whom It May Concern.
contact information, which includes: •
Recipient’s full name • His/her title and/or always preferable to address your
department • Organization’s name • application and letter to a specific
Organization’s address individual. If you have been in
contact with someone who is in a
position to hire you, address it to
Types of Job Applications
⚫ Inside Address ⚫ Online Job Applications. There are thousands of
sites where you can post your resume online and
⚫ Date complete an online job application. sometimes,
you can apply online on job
⚫ Recipient Address
sites like or Apart from
⚫ Subject these, you can apply directly on the company’s
⚫ Salutation website. YOUR RESUME IS LIKE A MENU
⚫ In-Person Job Applications. Many companies,
⚫ Main Body especially retail and hospitality employers,
⚫ Complimentary Close expect applicants to apply in-person or at a kiosk
in the business. It's not as complicated as applying
⚫ Signature Line online, but you will need to be prepared to apply
⚫ Enclosure and maybe even interview on the spot.
⚫ Email Job Applications. When you are using email
to apply for jobs, it's important that all your
communications are as professional as they would
be if you were mailing a paper application.
⚫ Paper Job Applications. There are paper job
application forms that you fill out if you apply in
person for a position.