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Test 1 Sedmi B

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Test 1-A C: Make three sentences using the

words from the box.

Name: _______________ every now and then advantage
Vocabulary take part in
A: Complete the sentences with the 1. _______________________
words in the box. _______________________
practise outgoing complete 2. _______________________
changed respect quick- _______________________
tempered 3. _______________________
1. I don’t know that man. He’s a(n) _______________________
_____________ stranger.
2. Everyone was ________ and _____/6
ready to start a fight.
3. She's always been very Grammar
________ and she's got heaps D: Complete the sentences with the
of friends. present simple or present continuous
4. When you compete in a sporting form of the verbs in brackets.
event, it is important to 1. I ____________ (sometimes/chat)
______________ the other with my friends online, but at the
players. moment I ____________ (write) an
5. I wanted to join the gym, but in email.
the end I ________ my mind. 2. Listen! Tony and Brad
6. My dad says that if you want to ____________ (argue) again. They
be good at something, you need ____________ (often / argue)
to ________ it a lot. because Brad ____________ (not
_____/6 share) any of his toys.
3. A: Why ________ Emily________
B: Complete the sentences with (practise) her judo skills?
prepositions. B: Because she ________
1. Do you get ________ with your (compete) in a tournament on
siblings? Saturday. I ____________ (think)
2. Don’t give ________! You are she’ll do great.
almost at the finish line!
3. I am keen ____pop music. _____/8
4. We should all focus
_________ the problem. E: Complete the sentences with the
5. I am ________ classical music. past simple form of the verbs in
_____/5 brackets.
1. Two months ago, we were very a. I know the feeling. b. Same
proud when we __________ (get) here.
first prize in the New Tech 3. A: You got a bad grade again, didn't
competition. you! When will you start studying,
2. I (not receive) your young boy?
message. That’s why I ___________ B: Oh God, ______________,
(not call) you. thought Samuel.
3. Last week, I (make) a a. Here we go again. b. Me too.
model plane, and today I’m going to 4. A: It’s your job to do the washing-
paint it. up. I’m not doing it for you!
4. ________ they ________ (go) to _____________?
the swimming pool yesterday? B: OK. OK. I’ll do it.
5. James ____________ (stop) his a. Don’t give up b. Got it
car in front of the sports shops. 5.A:_______________________
_____/6 B: Not bad. I’m relaxing at home.

F: Irregular verbs a. How’s it going? b. What’s

Complete the table with irregular verbs. new?
go _____/5
H. Rewrite the following sentences
take using the words given.
lose 1. Carol isn`t as outgoing as Louise.
read Carol is ________________________
thought __________________________ less
send 2. Both Robert and Jack are confident.
give Robert__________________________
leave __________________________ as
3. Nobody in the team is a better player
than Henry.
Henry __________________________
G: Choose a or b.
1. A: I can’t study anymore. When will ___________________________ best
this school year finish? 4. Playing football is more popular than
B:_________________ playing tennis.
a. Hang in there. b. Take care. Playing tennis_____________________
2. A: I spend most of my free time ________________________ isn`t
watching vlogs. ____/4
Total: ______/50

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