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J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2014;26(1)

Sajjad Hussain, Asif Rahman*, Tariq Abbasi**, Tariq Aziz***
Department of Radiology, Combined Military Hospital, Abbottabad, *Combined Military Hospital, Bannu, **Department of
Anaesthetist, Combined Military Hospital, Abbottabad, ***Department Radiology, Combined Military Hospital, Murree, Pakistan

Background: The diagnosis of acute appendicitis is mainly clinical and to augment the clinical
diagnosis ultrasonography and Computerized Tomographic Scan of the abdomen are also being
used to help in diagnosis of the disease; which all carry some inherent limitations. This study was
done to establish diagnostic accuracy of Ultrasonography (USG) in acute appendicitis taking
histopathology of removed appendix as the gold standard. Methods: This cross-sectional
validation study was conducted in Radiology Department, Military Hospital and Combined
Military Hospital Rawalpindi from July 2007 to January 2008. Sixty cases of clinically suspected
acute appendicitis were selected on non-probability convenience sampling technique. All of them
underwent ultrasound evaluation. Diagnostic accuracy of USG was calculated keeping
histopathology of the removed appendix as gold standard whenever appendectomy was carried
out. Results: Out of 60 patients whose USG of right lower quadrant was performed, 30 patients
were correctly diagnosed as having acute appendicitis on USG out of 34 finally diagnosed cases
based on histopathology. Similarly we picked 12 normal appendices out of 26 non-appendicitis
patients. This showed that US scan has sensitivity of 88%, specificity of 92%, positive predictive
value of 94%, negative predictive value of 86%, and overall accuracy of 90%. The most accurate
appendiceal finding for appendicitis was a diameter of 7 mm or larger followed by non-
compressibility of inflamed appendix. Conclusion: Ultrasonography has high accuracy in
diagnosing acute appendicitis and reduces negative appendectomies. Greater than 6-mm diameter
of the appendix under compression is the most accurate USG finding with high positive predictive
value for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis.
Keywords: Ultrasonography, Appendix, Appendicitis, Appendectomy
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2014;26(1):12–7

INTRODUCTION abdomen are also being used to help in diagnosis of

the disease; which all carry some inherent limitations.
Acute appendicitis is one of the commonest acute
Inflammatory marker C-reactive protein
surgical conditions.1 Although great advances have
(CRP), produced by hepatocytes indicating acute
been made in diagnostic modalities, yet the surgeon’s
inflammation is a non-specific test, yet many authors
clinical acumen is put to test in almost 30–40% cases
did address and emphasize the accuracy of CRP in
which raises the rate of negative appendectomies to
diagnosis of acute appendicitis.5
around 20% and carries both the risks of mortality
Importance of CT scan for diagnosing acute
and morbidity.2 Its accurate clinical diagnosis is still
appendicitis is advocated. Many studies carried out on
not possible due to atypical clinical presentations,
the subject have claimed negative predictive value of
which are quite common as many inflammatory and
around 98%.6 It has also been advocated that since the
non-inflammatory conditions simulate the clinical
investigation is not operator dependent, thus chance of
picture of the disease. These errors in diagnosis
variation in results among different centres is very less.
commonly occur in women belonging to reproductive
Although we cannot deny the argument made by its
age group3 and patients in the extremes of age.4
supporters, yet we need to consider limitations of our
Above all the clinical scenario and USG is more
setup. The facility of CT scan is not widely available
perplexed by the variation in anatomical positions of
in our country and carries a high cost for our poor
the organ.
population. Apart from that it also exposes the patient
The major part in diagnosis of acute
to both extensive radiations and anaphylaxis due to
appendicitis is made by the patient’s history, physical
intravenous contrast agents. So there is a dare need to
examination along with few supportive investigations
look for a diagnostic tool that not only carries high
like the Total Leucocyte Count (TLC). Also scoring
sensitivity and specificity; but also can provide
systems like Alvarado3, Ohmann and Eskelinen score
cheap, fast, and readily available services.
have been devised to achieve more accuracy in
USG of the abdomen is yet another practiced
diagnosis. Apart from that Ultrasonography (USG) and
investigation, the principle advantage not its highest
Computerized Tomographic Scan (CT scan) of the
accuracy but its non-invasive nature. The diagnostic

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J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2014;26(1)

sign of acute appendicitis is visualization of appendix surrounding area was made using 7.5–11 MHz, linear
on USG. However it failed to gain popularity as a array transducer with graded-compression technique in
pillar of diagnosis in the disease, because it is very transverse as well as longitudinal planes. The right
much operator dependent and results varies from psoas major muscle and iliac vessels were visualized
person to person depending upon the expertise of the with a transverse axial scan. Caecum was then
radiologist and also patient factors like obesity, gas recognized lying over the psoas muscle. Using the
filled gut loops in front of the appendix, amount of above structures as landmarks, visualized appendix
inflammatory fluid around it, as well as position of the was identified as a blind-ending, aperistaltic tubular
appendix. Studies have also proved that a normal structure. When the appendix was difficult to identify
appendix can be visualized in 72% of patients without within an examination time of approximately 15–20
appendicitis.6 minutes, the most appropriate operator-dependent
USG is a very simple and non-invasive technique (upward graded compression, posterior
diagnostic test. The results of the test are available to manual compression or left oblique lateral decubitus
the clinician within 30 minutes with total cost of position) was attempted in addition to graded
Pakistani Rupees 400 that is less than the combined compression for maximum of another 15–20 minutes.
cost of full blood count, urine RE and TLC. In addition Colour Doppler USG to detect blood flow in
USG also diagnoses alternate disease conditions. All appendiceal wall was performed at the end of the gray-
these characteristics together make it quite favourable scale sonography by using a low-velocity scale (pulse
and affordable for our patient population. repetition frequency, 1,500 Hz) and a low wall filter
The significance of this study is that USG (100 Hz) to detect slow blood flow.
will definitely improve general surgeon’s confidence USG criteria for diagnosing acute
in diagnosis of acute appendicitis and reduce the appendicitis were grouped into two categories:
negative appendicectomy rate; thus reducing workload 1. Appendiceal findings: These findings were noted
of hospitals and postoperative complications.7 for their presence or absence in both normal as
The rationale of this study was to add further well as inflamed appendices.
information and help in better understanding of role  Outer diameter: Appendix was considered
of USG, in patients of acute appendicitis. This also enlarged and inflamed when its outer antero-
highlighted the importance of ultrasound as a useful, posterior diameter under compression,
readily available, non-invasive and radiation free measured in transverse plane, was >6 mm.
investigation in these patients. The study was based  Lack of compressibility
on the presumption that a thorough appendicitis-  Appendicolith
specific USG examination yields more accurate  Blood flow in appendiceal wall on colour
diagnosis helping to reduce high negative Doppler
appendectomy rates and thereby benefiting the 2. Peri-appendiceal findings: These were noted in
affected patients. all patients irrespective of visualization of
 Hyperechoic peri-enteric fat in RLQ
This was a cross-sectional study, with subjects selected  Cecal wall thickness of 5 mm or more
through non-probability convenience sampling,
 Surrounding fluid or abscess.
conducted at the Department of Radiology, Military
In general, USG was considered positive
Hospital/Combined Military (CMH/MH) Hospital when at least two or more criteria for acute
Rawalpindi from July 2007 to Jan 2008. Sixty patients appendicitis were met and negative if a normal
of all ages and either gender with clinically suspected
looking appendix was visualized or if it was not
acute appendicitis were referred to Department of
visualized and/or a definite non-appendicular
Radiology, CMH/MH Rawalpindi for USG in the
pathology was noted. The final decision to operate
duration of this study. Pregnant patients, patients with
upon was made by the attending surgeon who was
adnexal masses and with history of renal stones were
aware of laboratory as well as USG findings.
excluded on history and any previous investigations.
Histopathological specimens of appendix obtained
USG abdomen/right lower quadrant was initially
through surgery were sent to Armed Forces Institute
performed in all of them using Toshiba Aplio and GE
of Pathology (AFIP) and reports were available in 7
Logic 500 Pro Series machines after taking informed
consent in all the cases. Findings of each USG were Patients with negative USG findings and
substantiated by opinion of a consultant radiologist. those who did not undergo surgery at first place were
In each patient, the abdomen was initially
followed up in respect of clinical and surgical
examined by using a 3.5/5.0 MHz convex-array
outcomes. We considered histopathology to be the
transducer. Sonographic evaluation of appendix and

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J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2014;26(1)

gold standard for the accurate diagnosis of acute patients suspected of acute appendicitis. Among these
appendicitis; hence for this study the sensitivity, 34 appendicitis patients, 25 (73.5%) were male and 9
specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative (26.5%) female. USG was able to detect inflamed
predictive value (NPV) and accuracy of USG was appendices correctly in 30 (88%) patients having the
based on the findings of histopathology. Data was disease. Appendix was seen on USG in 42 out of 60
entered into computer package SPSS-11 for statistical patients (70%) including 30 inflamed and 12 normal
analysis. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive, appendices. In these 42 patients, a diameter of 7 mm or
negative predictive values and accuracy was larger was the most accurate finding for appendicitis
calculated using the 2×2 table. followed by lack of compressibility. In those patients
with appendicitis but having an outer appendiceal
RESULTS diameter less than 7 mm, distal appendicitis was
A total of 60 patients who presented with symptoms revealed by surgical and pathologic examination, Flow
and signs suggesting acute appendicitis in surgical in the appendiceal wall was encountered in patients
OPD’s and Emergency Departments of CMH and having diseases other than appendicitis and also in less
MH Rawalpindi were included in the study. There than half of the patients with appendicitis so it was not
were 48 (80%) males and 12 (20%) females. The age a sensitive finding, however it was found to be a
of the patients ranged from 10 years to 70 years with specific finding for appendicitis. Appendicolith was
a mean age of 31.41±12.87. Thirty-two patients were found in only 6 (20%) of appendicitis patients.
diagnosed as suffering from acute appendicitis on The peri-appendiceal USG findings were
USG and surgery was done in them. Histopathology looked for in the entire study group. Fat changes in the
of their resected appendices showed features of acute right lower abdominal quadrant were present in 26
appendicitis in 30 thus making them as true positive (87%) of the confirmed acute appendicitis cases.
cases. Two appendices turned out to be normal on However it was also seen in 4 patients not having
histopathology, thus making them false positive USG acute appendicitis. These included one patient with
results. mesenteric adenitis, one patient with ileocaecal TB,
In 28 patients having normal USG findings; one patient with pelvic inflammatory disease, and one
a normal appendix was seen in 12 patients (43% of patient with pyelonephritis. Ceacal wall thickening
USG negative patients) and in the remaining 16 was detected at US in only 6 (20%) of patients with
(57%); it was not seen on USG. The 28 patients appendicitis. Surrounding fluid was present in 14
negative on USG were followed up for varying (48%) of appendicitis cases. Frequencies of different
periods till a definite diagnosis was established as appendiceal and peri-appendiceal findings are shown
shown in Table-2. Four patients, among these 28 in Table-3
USG negative patients, persisted to have clinical
Table-1: The outcome of study subjects
signs and symptoms of acute appendicitis whereas 24 Surgical Biopsy
patients became asymptomatic or had alternative USG Positive Negative Total
diagnoses. These 24 cases were labeled as true Positive TP ( 30) FP (2) 32
Negative FN ( 4) TN (24) 28
negative for appendicitis as appendicitis was ruled Total 34 26 60
out in them on USG. In 4 patients having persistent
clinical signs and symptoms of acute appendicitis Table-2: Final diagnoses in these 26 patients.
Diagnosis No of patients (n=26)
surgical intervention was carried out within 24 hours Pain with no definite cause 11
of USG examination and they turned out to be having Mesenteric lymphadenopathy 5
inflamed appendices on surgery and histopathology PID 3
Urological disease 3
thus making them as false negative cases. One out of Ileoceacal tuberculosis 1
these four patients had perforated appendicitis and Gastroenteritis 1
the other three had retrocecal appendices. Cystitis 1
peptic ulcer 1
Statistical analysis of our study revealed the
following: Sensitivity (88%), Specificity (92%), Table-3: Frequencies of different appendiceal and
Positive predictive value (94%), Negative predictive peri-appendiceal findings (n=30)
value (86%), and Diagnostic accuracy (90%). Finding on Ultrasound Number Percentage
In 26 total negative cases (FP+TN) Diameter 29 96.7
Non-compressible 28 93.3
alternative diagnoses were confirmed on USG in 12
Echogenic fat 26 86.7
patients, on histopathology in 2 patients (2 USG false Surrounding fluid 14 46.7
positive cases), at laparoscopy in one patient and at Flow in wall 14 46.7
clinical follow up in 11 patients. Appendicolith 6 20
Surgery and histopathology established final Caecal thickening 6 20
diagnosis of acute appendicitis in 34 out of total 60 Appendicular mass 3 10

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J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2014;26(1)

False negative USG outcomes in our study
were four, mainly due to retrocaecal position followed
by perforation. Out of these four three patients had
retrocaecal appendicitis and one patient had perforated
appendicitis. Appendiceal perforation results in
luminal decompression and reduced appendiceal
diameter resulting in false negative US examinations.17
With perforation18 a non-compressible appendix may
be identified in only 38–55% of patients. Retrocaecal
position or perforation of the appendix is a common
cause of appendiceal misdiagnosis on USG.18
Figure-1: Transverse ultrasounds scan of acute Out of USG negative patients for acute
appendicitis appendicitis (n=26), 13 patients were diagnosed
(Note the thickened wall and surrounding fluid collection) definitely on USG, including 5 patients with
mesenteric lymphadenopathy, 3 female patients with
DISCUSSION various gynaecological disorders, and 3 with
It goes without saying that acute appendicitis makes urological diseases. There were probable diagnosis of
the major bulk of present day emergency abdominal ileocaecal TB and gut perforation in two patients,
surgery, yet it always puts the surgeon’s clinical which all showed the same diagnosis on follow up.
judgment to a real test. If not all but in majority of This avidly demonstrated the benefit of US for
cases especially in women, children and old age provision of an alternate diagnosis to explain the
patients it holds true. Different diagnostic modalities patient's symptoms providing the opportunity to
are available for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis at examine rest of the abdomen and pelvis in a very short
an early stage. TLC, Urine RE, USG and CT scan acquisition time.18
abdomen are the most effective methods, however There are certain parameters for USG
none is perfect and all have advantages and diagnosis of acute appendicitis out of which the outer
disadvantages. It has been suggested that a diameter of the vermiform appendix is the most
combination of various diagnostic modalities will give important diagnostic criterion in the evaluation of acute
the best results. appendicitis, with the most sensitive and specific being
Our study showed that appendicitis prevails a diameter of 7 mm or greater (sensitivity, 98%;
mostly in young males. There were 70% patients specificity, 98%), lack of compressibility (sensitivity
(mostly males) ranging between ages of 21–40 years. 96%; specificity 98%), and inflammatory fat changes
The second common group was between 10–20 years. (sensitivity 91%; specificity 76%).12
These age and gender statistics are in accordance with In our study, the most accurate diagnostic
local8 and international studies.9,10 USG criterion was a diameter of 7 mm or greater with
We performed USG on the patients using a sensitivity of 97% (NPV of 93% and high PPV of
Toshiba Aplio and GE Logic 500 Pro series Doppler 97%) but it do show false positive results. So we need
USG Machine with 3.0/5.0 MHz convex and 7.5–11 another ultrasound criterion of acute appendicitis
MHz linear probes. Based upon the works of Puylaert having similar or nearer diagnostic values. In this
et al,11 Baldisserotto et al,12 Yabunaka et al,13 and Lee regard, lack of compressibility of appendix is another
et al,14 an imaging protocol for USG was standardized. finding with high PPV (93%) and sensitivity (85%).
Keeping the psoas muscle, iliac vessels and cecum as We found 87% sensitivity in our study for
anatomical landmarks, appendix was identified in right inflamed fat which is 100% sensitive but not a specific
lower quadrant using the graded compression and sign of appendicitis at CT.19 Inflamed fat in the right
operator-dependent techniques. lower quadrant may be present in a broad spectrum of
USG identified 32 patients as having acute alternative diagnoses to appendicitis. Inflamed fat was
appendicitis out of which, two patients had normal not detected in every patient with appendicitis,
appendices on surgery and histopathology showing contrary to known data from CT studies, which show
these two as USG false positive results. Both patients that some subtle inflammatory changes may have been
were finally diagnosed as having non-specific missed in USG assessment. We did not analyze the
abdominal pain. This resulted in the negative non-compressibility of the fat, which could be an
appendectomy rate of 6%, which is quite less as interesting finding for diagnosing inflamed fat.
compared to that reported in the literature (10–30% We found that hyperemia in the appendiceal
and as high as 47% in women of childbearing age) 15,16 wall shown on Colour Doppler images was a specific
when diagnosis was based solely on clinical finding for appendicitis. This finding, however,

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J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2014;26(1)

showed a sensitivity of only 46%. Our study has certain clinical applications.
Due to limitation of adequate Ceacal Firstly USG scan must be used whenever there is
distention we limited our evaluation with USG to the suspicion of appendicitis with equivocal findings and
identification of ceacal wall thickening, which showed this should be performed earlier without delaying as
46% sensitivity in our study. appendicitis can lead to perforation and other related
Other rare signs in our study such as fluid complications. This will definitely reduce the negative
surrounding the inflamed appendix, appendicolith and appendectomy rates and reduce burden on hospital
appendicular mass showed sensitivities of 46%, 17% resources. Secondly, there is need to improve level of
and 10% respectively. skill of radiologists as it is highly operator dependent.
The nonvisualized normal appendix presents Thirdly, we need to conduct a study on larger scale in
a serious limitation to confident exclusion of acute patient groups so as to find out the best technique that
appendicitis.16 Yabunaka et al14 had achieved the same can be used as a standard protocol for the diagnosis of
up to 49.2% appendix visualization in healthy acute appendicitis.
population using the latest tissue harmonic imaging We also recommend larger sample size
Our study results (43% of the non-appendicitis studies of longer durations (at least 3–5 years) to
patients) are nearly similar to it. Our study also showed establish the cost-effectiveness of USG on the outcome
a NPV of 75% in appendicitis-suspicious patients. of patients with acute appendicitis.
We recommend that in patients whose Finally, an autonomous utilization inside the
appendix is not visualized at USG, laboratory tests surgical unit, of a low cost and rapid diagnostic
could be performed to strengthen the NPV of non- method like USG, able to avoid unnecessary surgical
visualization of the appendix or in terms of equivocal interventions, can lead to an important cost saving. To
findings and non-elevated WBC, USG may be a summarize, our study suggests a quick protocol to
useful adjunct to clinical and laboratory evaluations, diagnose acute appendicitis especially in equivocal
which is also the view of the surgeons surveyed. cases with cost effectiveness, avoiding radiation
However, further studies that include more patients in exposure and intravenous contrast administration.
whom the appendix is not identified at USG are
necessary to confirm this potential role of laboratory CONCLUSION
tests. Ultrasound is a non-invasive highly diagnostic
Although obesity is a well-recognized factor investigation that has improved our ability to detect
that severely limits the performance and interpretation appendicitis and its complications with improved
of any USG examination, it may also hinder the results and reduced rate of unnecessary surgeries.
physical examination, leading to diagnostic Tissue harmonic ultrasound therefore is an imaging
uncertainty. This factor would probably influence the modality of preference in cases of acute appendicitis.
surgeon to request USG, even if USG is known to be Diameter of larger than 6 mm is the most sensitive US
of low prognostic value. CT would be the preferred finding for appendicitis, with high PPV and NPV,
imaging method in this case; however, at our followed by non-compressibility of the inflamed
institution, CT for appendicitis is used only as a appendix. These two US findings together provide the
problem-solving tool because we have only one CT most accurate diagnosis in suspected cases of acute
scanner and the cost of CT scan is high. appendicitis.
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Address for Correspondence:

Dr. Asif Rahman, Classified Radiologist Combined Military Hospital, Bannu, Pakistan. Cell: +923356715646
Email: maj.asifrahman@gmail.com

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