BS 5534 - 1 Code of Practice For Slating and Tiling PDF
BS 5534 - 1 Code of Practice For Slating and Tiling PDF
BS 5534 - 1 Code of Practice For Slating and Tiling PDF
| BS 5534 :
Part 1 : 1997
Code of practice for |
Slating and tiling |
(including shingles) |
Part 1. Design |
ICS 91.060.20 |
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997
Amendments issued since publication
Amd. No. Date Text affected
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
Section 1. General
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 References 1
1.3 Definitions 1
1.4 Symbols 1
Section 2. Materials, fitting and accessories
2.1 Clay tiles and fittings (single and double lap) 3
2.2 Concrete tiles and fittings (single and double lap) 3
2.3 Fibre-cement slates and fittings 3
2.4 Natural slates and fittings 3
2.5 Bitumen shingles 3
2.6 Wooden shingles and shakes 3
2.7 Metal tiles 3
2.8 Other tiles and artificial slates 3
2.9 Valley units (pre-formed) 3
2.10 Roofing underlay 3
2.11 Boarding, sheathing and sarking 4
2.12 Battens and counterbattens 4
2.13 Mechanical fixings 5
2.14 Flashings and junctions 6
2.15 Mortar 7
2.16 Other fittings and accessories 7
Section 3. Design recommendations
3.1 Definitions 9
3.2 Rain and snow resistance 9
3.3 Roof pitch, headlaps and sidelaps 9
3.4 Recommendations for minimum roof pitch, headlaps and sidelaps (roof) 13
3.5 Recommendations for minimum headlaps, sidelaps and overlaps for
vertical walls (75Ê and above) 15
3.6 Structural stability 16
3.7 Durability 31
3.8 Thermal insulation 32
3.9 Control of condensation 32
3.10 Fire 33
3.11 Sound 33
3.12 Environmental 33
3.13 Health and safety 34
Section 4. Design details
4.1 General 35
4.2 Underlays 37
4.3 Battens 38
4.4 Double lap clay and concrete plain tiles 39
4.5 Single lap clay and concrete interlocking tiles 41
4.6 Fibre cement slates 43
BSI 1997 i
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
ii BSI 1997
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
3 Wind uplift loading on slates and tiles (including eaves and verge
overhang) 17
4 Distances around obstructions 27
5 Key for Cpt data for duopitch and hipped roofs 28
6 Key for Cpt data for monopitch roofs 29
7 Valley with unbedded tiles or slates 35
8 Valley with bedded tiles 35
A.1 Arrangement of apparatus 51
A.2 Plenum chamber arrangement for air permeability test 53
C.1 Example of arrangement of test apparatus for determination of clip
strength 56
C.2 Example of hinged batten for supporting a clipped test tile 58
C.3 System of forces in an array of clipped tiles under uplift load 59
D.1 Dimensions of a single lap tile described in example 2 60
D.2 Dimensions of a plain tile fixed as in example 5 62
D.3 Uplift forces, Ftr and Fh and the self weight acting on a ridge tile 64
D.4 Restoring force provided by the mortar 64
D.5 Dimension of double lap slating example 66
E.1 Examples of knot configurations 67
E.2 Wane 68
E.3 Permissible depth of fissures 68
E.4 Permissible slope of grain 68
E.5 Permissible rate of growth 68
H.1 Loads and bending moments on roof battens 71
J.1 Illustration of test strip selection from plain tile 73
J.2 Illustration of sample configuration at the time of testing 73
List of references 75
This British Standard has been prepared by Subcommittee B/542/1. This Part of
BS 5534 replaces BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1990 and BS 5534 : Part 2 : 1986, which are
withdrawn. The standard was first published as CP 142 in September 1942, revised in
January 1958 and April 1968 and converted into a metric version giving values in
SI units in October 1971. It was first published as BS 5534 : Part 1 in April 1978.
This edition is a full revision of the standard and incorporates the following main
Clauses have been introduced to reflect the wider range of slating/tiling products now
in use and to accommodate the requirements of the Construction Products
Regulation 1991 [1].
Section 3, which deals with recommendations for design, has been revised to reflect
the new knowledge and experience on rain resistance and wind load resistance.
Where reference is made to proprietary products and to manufacturers'
recommendations, the specifier should satisfy himself that these products and
recommendations have been proven by relevant experience or relevant test method
data based on the conditions of use and methods of use in the UK climate.
It is advisable that the designer or specifier seeks assurances at the design stage of a
project that such recommendations are appropriate and that adequate quality
assurance schemes such as BS EN 9001, BS EN 9002 and BS EN 9003 are used for all
roofing products, fittings and accessories.
Recommendations for workmanship for slating/tiling are given in BS 8000 : Part 6.
NOTE. As a code of practice, this Part of BS 5534 takes the form of guidance and recommendations. It
should not be quoted as if it were a specification and particular care should be taken to ensure that
claims of compliance are not misleading.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from
legal obligations.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1
to 76, an inside back cover and a back cover.
iv BSI 1997
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
Section 1. General
1.1 Scope 1.4.2 The following symbols are specific to this Part
of BS 5534.
This code of practice deals with the design, material
NOTE. Additional symbols used only in the annexes are defined in
and application recommendations for slates, tiles and the annexes, where appropriate.
shingles and their associated fittings and accessories
used in the construction of pitched roofs and vertical a mortar contact surface area (in mm2)
cladding applications. Rain and wind resistance, along
A valley width (in mm)
with durability, thermal insulation, the control of
condensation, fire resistance, sound, environmental and Abo overhang at verge (in m)
health and safety issues are also considered. At exposed area of a roofing element (in m2)
This code of practice does not deal with workmanship Ao,e exposed overhanging area of roofing element
requirements which are included in BS 8000 : Part 6. It at eaves(in m2)
does not deal with designs and application techniques At,e exposed area of part of roofing element at
developed to satisfy a specific local need e.g. curved the eaves that is protecting the underlay
roofs and random slating. (in m2)
Ao,v exposed overhanging area of roofing element
1.2 References at verge (in m2)
At,v exposed area of part of roofing element at
1.2.1 Normative references the verge that is protected by underlay
This Part of BS 5534 incorporates, by dated or undated (in m2)
reference, provisions from other publications. These Atr vertically projected area of a ridge or hip tile
normative references are made at the appropriate (in m2)
places in the text and the cited publications are listed
Ah horizontally projected area of a ridge or hip
on page 75. For dated references, only the edition cited
tile (in m2)
applies; any subsequent amendments to or revisions of
the cited publication apply to this Part of BS 5534 only B cover width of a roofing element (in m)
when incorporated in the reference by amendment or Bn distance from nail hole to the side edge of a
revision. For undated references, the latest edition of slate (in m)
the cited publication applies, together with any Bo overhanging length of a roofing element
amendments. (in m)
1.2.2 Informative references Br length of a ridge or hip tile (in m)
This Part of BS 5534 refers to other publications that Cpt pressure difference coefficient
provide information or guidance. Editions of these Cpi internal pressure coefficient
publications current at the time of issue of this D air permeability factor
standard are listed on page 76, but reference should be Fh horizontal wind shear force on the ridge/hip
made to the latest editions. tiles (in N)
Ft wind uplift force on the exposed area of the
1.3 Definitions tile/slate (negative values denote uplift) (in N)
For the purposes of this Part of BS 5534, the Fo,e wind uplift force on the non overhanging
definitions given in 3.1, BS 6100 : Subsection 1.3.1 and part of the exposed area of the tile/slate
BS 6100 : Subsection 1.3.2 apply. (negative values denote uplift) (in N)
Ftr wind uplift force on a ridge or hip tile
1.4 Symbols (negative values denote uplift) (in N)
For the purposes of this Part of BS 5534, the symbols Fc force on the tile clip to resist wind uplift
given in 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 apply. (in N)
Fo wind uplift force on the overhanging part of
1.4.1 This Part of BS 5534 derives data from the exposed area of the slate/tile (negative
BS 6399 : Part 2, and the following symbols have been values denote uplift) (in N)
adopted from that standard.
g acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2)
Ve effective wind speed (in m/s) Ga batten gauge (in m)
qs dynamic pressure of standard method Gd general roof areas for duopitch and hipped
(in N/m2) roofs (in m2)
Cpe external pressure coefficient Gm general roof areas for monopitch roofs
L building length (in m) (in m2)
H building height (in m) hr height of ridge or hip tile (in m)
W building width (in m) H height (in m)
a pitch angle (from the horizontal) of the roof
(in Ê)
BSI 1997 1
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 1
2 BSI 1997
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
NOTE. Users of this Part of BS 5534 should also refer to 2.8 Other tiles and artificial slates
accreditation certificates and manufacturers' technical data
relevant to the conditions of use in the UK. Proprietary tiles and artificial slates which include
composite, resin filled, bonded or lightweight products,
etc. (outside the scope of the relevant tile, slate or
2.1 Clay tiles and fittings (single and shingle British Standards) should be of adequate
double lap) strength, water impermeability, durability, geometric
2.1.1 Single lap tiles (fixed and variable gauge) dimensions and tolerances.
There is no British Standard for single lap tiles. Clay
single lap tiles and fittings should conform to the frost 2.9 Valley units (pre-formed)
test given in BS 402 : Part 1. Proprietary valley units which include pre-formed GRP,
2.1.2 Double lap plain tiles PVC-U and metal products, etc. should be of adequate
strength, water impermeability, durability and
Double lap clay tiles and fittings should conform to the geometric dimensions.
recommendations given in BS 402 : Part 1.
NOTE. ENs for clay roofing tiles are in preparation.
2.10 Roofing underlay
2.2 Concrete tiles and fittings (single and 2.10.1 General
double lap) The roofing underlay provides a barrier to minimize
Concrete tiles and fittings should conform to the the wind load generated under wind gusts acting on
recommendations given in BS EN 490 and BS EN 491. slates and tiles. It also provides a barrier to prevent
wind driven snow or dust from entering the roof space
and transports any rainwater which may penetrate the
2.3 Fibre-cement slates and fittings slates or tiles into the roof drainage system.
Fibre cement slates should conform to the NOTE. An EN for roofing underlay is in preparation.
recommendations given in BS EN 492. All fibre cement 2.10.2 Fully supported
fittings should conform to the relevant quality and
durability recommendation given in BS EN 492. NOTE. This includes roofing underlays laid directly onto the
boarding or sarking.
NOTE. Health and Safety precautions are necessary when working
with asbestos cement products i.e. fibre cement products The roofing underlay should be of adequate strength,
containing asbestos fibres which should be identified as chrysotile. water resistance and durability with water vapour
See also 3.13. transmission high enough to prevent the formation of
condensation beneath the underlay. A test carried out
2.4 Natural slates and fittings in accordance with BS 3177 is recommended with a
minimum permeability of 0.36 g/m2 per 24 h at 25 ÊC
Natural slates should conform to the recommendations and a relative humidity of 75 %. The method of
given in BS 680. assessment given in BS 5250 should be used to ensure
NOTE. An EN for natural slates is in preparation. that harmful condensation will not develop. If
necessary, to overcome potential condensation risks, a
2.5 Bitumen shingles vapour control layer should be incorporated within the
There is no British Standard for bitumen shingles.
NOTE. An EN for bitumen roofing shingles is in preparation. 2.10.3 Unsupported
NOTE. This includes roofing underlays which are draped over the
rafters or underlays laid over counter-battens on boarding or
2.6 Wooden shingles and shakes sarking.
There is no British Standard for wooden shingles and Roofing underlay should be of adequate water
shakes. Wooden shingles and shakes should be suitably resistance and of tensile and nail-tear strength, low
treated to provide enhanced durability. See extensibility under the roof environment to produce
the required resistance to wind uplift. It should
conform to the requirements for type 1F or 5U given in
2.7 Metal tiles BS 747. Other roofing underlays which satisfy these
There is no British Standard for metal tiles. Metal tiles recommendations may also be used.
should be manufactured from corrosion resistant NOTE. Refer also to NFRC Technical Bulletin No. 6 [2].
metals or metals of adequate strength, suitably treated
to provide durability. See
BSI 1997 3
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 2
4 BSI 1997
Section 2 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
Table 1. Recommended timber batten sizes When selecting the type of nail for each application,
(roofing and vertical work) consideration should be given to the effects of its
mechanical and chemical properties in relation to other
Application Basic size of batten
metals or chemical salts that may be present in its final
450 mm span 600 mm span location.
Width Depth Width Depth
mm mm mm mm
BSI 1997 5
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 2
Aluminium nails intended for use with slates, tiles or 2.14 Flashings and junctions
shingles should conform to the requirements for clout
slate or tile nails specified in BS 1202 : Part 3. For 2.14.1 General
natural slates the minimum shank diameter should a) The sheet materials used for gutters, flashings,
be 3.35 mm (see For natural slates, tiles and soakers, saddles should conform to the
artificial slates the shank diameter and length should recommendations given in 2.14.2 to 2.14.6.
be determined by the exposure of the site and the b) For each application, consideration should be
manufacturers' recommendations (see 3.4.1 and given to the type of metal intended for use in Nails intended for use with wooden shingles flashings and junctions to ensure that any
should be of aluminium, hot-dipped galvanized or mechanical or chemical properties do not adversely
sherardized steel, phosphor or silicon bronze. affect durability of the work.
Stainless steel nails should conform to BS 1554
grades 302, 304, 315, 316, 321 or 347. Phosphor or silicon 2.14.2 Lead
bronze nails should conform to manufacturers' Lead sheet should conform to BS 1178. The thickness
recommendations. Nail sizes should conform to for the following applications should not be less than:
BS 1202 : Part 1.
NOTE. Where shingles or shakes are pressure treated for
for valleys 2.24 mm (code no. 5);
durability the use of uncoated aluminium nails is not for flashings 1.80 mm (code no. 4);
recommended. for soakers 1.32 mm (code no. 3);
for saddles 1.80 mm (code no. 4).
2.13.5 Clips for slates and tiles
NOTE 1. Further advice may be obtained from the Lead Sheet General Association.
Evidence should be provided that in strength and NOTE 2. An EN for lead sheet is in preparation.
durability, the clip is fit for the intended use and that
the clip, as fitted, does not adversely affect the 2.14.3 Copper
performance of the tiles or slates on the roof Copper sheet should conform to the recommendations
(see annex C). given in BS 2870. The minimum thickness for the
following applications should not be less than: Aluminium alloy
Clips of aluminium alloy should conform to the for gutters (fully supported) 0.45 mm to 0.70 mm
recommendations given in BS EN 485. (type ¡H) depending
on gutter width; Stainless steel
for gutters (self supporting): 0.70 mm (type ¯H);
Clips of stainless steel should conform to the
recommendations given in BS 1449 : Part 2 and for flashings, soakers, saddles: 0.55 mm (type `fully
BS 1554 and be of the following specification: steel annealed').
grade 302, 304, 315, 316, 321 or 347. NOTE 1. Further advice may be obtained from the Copper Other materials Development Association.
NOTE 2. An EN for copper sheet is in preparation.
Clips made of other alloy types, non-ferrous metals or
polymer based materials which can demonstrate 2.14.4 Aluminium and aluminium alloy
adequate sustained and fatigue strength (see annex C) Aluminium or aluminium alloy should conform to
and durability for the intended conditions of use, may BS EN 485 and BS EN 573. The thickness of aluminium
be used. or aluminium alloy for use as gutters, soakers,
2.13.6 Hooks and rivets for slates and tiles flashings and saddles should not be less than 0.70 mm.
It should be demonstrated that the hooks or rivets Grades 1199, 1080A, 1050A, 1200 and 3103 are suitable
used are of suitable strength and durability. When with the temper selected according to the strength and
fitted, they should not adversely affect the performance forming properties required.
of the tiles or slates in the roof. NOTE 1. Further advice may be obtained from the Aluminium
NOTE 2. An EN for aluminium sheet is in preparation.
6 BSI 1997
Section 2 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
2.14.5 Zinc and zinc alloy 2.16 Other fittings and accessories
Zinc or zinc alloy should conform to the
2.16.1 Hip irons
recommendations given in BS EN 988. The thickness of
zinc alloy type for use as gutters, soakers, flashings Hip irons should be formed from steel strip
and saddles should be not less than 0.80 mm. conforming to BS 1449 : Part 1, and be hot-dipped
NOTE 1. Further advice may be obtained from the Zinc galvanized after cutting, forming and holing. The steel
Development Association. strip should conform to the following dimensions:
NOTE 2. An EN for zinc sheet is in preparation. ± for all roof pitches, hip irons should be 25 mm
wide and have a thickness of not less than 5 mm;
2.14.6 Proprietary flashing and junction units
± upstands should be of an adequate length to
Units which have adequate strength, water resistance
support the hip tile;
and durability and which do not adversely affect the
laying and performance of the roofing products, may ± the flat section along the hip rafter should not be
also be used. less than 400 mm in length and have two holes to
enable it to be fastened with at least two 5 mm
hot-dipped galvanized screws or nails.
2.15 Mortar
2.16.2 Rooflights
2.15.1 Materials
A range of proprietary translucent slates and tile
Materials should conform to the following products or translucent roof/attic windows may be
recommendations. used in the roof system. Rooflights may be
manufactured in glass, GRP, PVC or other suitable
a) Cement Portland Cement, BS 12 or polymers with or without wire reinforcement.
BS 146.
There are no British Standards for these products.
b) Quicklime and BS 890 or BS 5628 : Part 3.
NOTE 1. Users should pay particular attention to the durability,
hydrated lime light transmission and fire performance of the materials.
c) Sand Sand which provides a mortar NOTE 2. An EN for rooflights is in preparation.
mix that gives adequate bond
strength as described in the 2.16.3 Snow guards and boards
requirements given in Proprietary devices may be used which are fixed
and when tested in accordance directly to the rafters or battens of the tile and slate
with the test method given in roof to provide resistance to the movement of snow.
annex J. These are more common on steeper roof pitches.
There are no British Standards for snow guards and
NOTE. Most BS 1200 sands are suitable.
d) Pigment BS 1014. NOTE 1. Users should pay particular attention to the strength and
durability performance of the material to be used.
e) Admixtures BS 5075 : Parts 1, 2 and 3 and in
NOTE 2. Snow guards as fitted should not adversely affect the
accordance with manufacturers' performance of the roof as laid.
f) Water Water should not contain 2.16.4 Safety hooks
soluble or suspended matter in Safety hooks are proprietary devices which are fixed
quantities which have an directly to the roof or building structure and to which
adverse effect on the safety ropes or harnesses are attached by roofing or
performance of the hardened maintenance contractors. These devices may be
mortar. subject to Health and Safety legislation.
NOTE 1. Users should pay particular attention to the strength and
2.15.2 Mix durability performance of the material. Safety hooks as fitted
should not adversely affect the performance of the roof as laid.
The mortar should typically consist of the following
NOTE 2. See also BS EN 517.
cement and sand: one part cement to three parts sand 2.16.5 Roof walkways
by volume. Plasticizing admixtures may be added in Roof walkways are proprietary devices which are fixed
accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. to the roof structure as part of the tile/slate product
NOTE 1. If the use of other mixes is being considered, attention system. These devices may be required to be present
should be given to the workability of the mix and possible by Health and Safety legislation.
application problems, e.g. the need to avoid unsatisfactory bedding
on steep pitches. NOTE 1. The roof walkways should not adversely affect the
performance of the roof as laid.
NOTE 2. Mortar mixes stronger than the mix described above
could lead to excessive shrinkage and lower values of tensile NOTE 2. BS EN 516 applies to building elements permanently fixed
adhesion strength when tested in accordance with the method to pitched roofs, to stand or to walk on during inspection,
given in annex J. maintenance or repair operations.
BSI 1997 7
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 2
8 BSI 1997
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997 9
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
Glasgow Edinburgh
York Kingston
Preston Leeds upon-Hull
NOTE. Derived from BS 8104 : 1992 and BRE Report Thermal insulation: avoiding risks (second edition 1994) [4].
Figure 1. Categories of exposure to driving rain
10 BSI 1997
Section 3 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
a) Angles of creep
BSI 1997 11
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
,,,,, D
,,,,, A
NOTE. The shaded area represents the minimum provision of headlap and
sidelap and the area of potential creep.
CAN represents the angle of creep of the particular slate.
CAS represents the minimum angle of creep for the conditions of use, given in
tables 2 and 3.
Where CAN and CAS are equal, there is no margin for reducing the slate width
by cutting during laying.
DG, FH and JE = headlap with the next course but one below.
DE = length of slate
HE = slate margin (and gauge)
EH = HG.
b) Area of side and headlaps
12 BSI 1997
Section 3 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
If the maximum angle of creep for a particular slate is Table 3. Recommended minimum headlaps and
less than the minimum shown in tables 2 and 3 the roof pitches and minimum angles of creep for
sidelap of the slate will be inadequate for the double lap natural, fibre cement and other
conditions of use. artificial slates (driving rain exposure
The minimum width of a slate is given by the following $ 56.5 l/m2 per spell)
equation: Roof Minimum Nominal length of slate
pitch headlap
Min. slate width = {(DE 2 3DG)tan f} + 2NF (min.) mm
560 mm 500 mm 460 mm Less than
or 460 mm
For head and shoulder nailed and hook-fixed slates the Ê longer
value of NF is zero.
Angle of creep fÊ
BSI 1997 13
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
3.4.2 Double lap clay and concrete plain tiles Sidelap Headlap The nature of double lap slating ensures that a
notional half width of slate overlaps the slate below.
Headlap should be not less than 65 mm and should not
For special circumstances a reduction in sidelap
exceed one third of the length of the tile. For feature
should be assessed in accordance with 3.3.6 and the
and ornamental tiles, the shape of the tail should be
influence that it has on the angle of creep in relation to
considered when the headlap is specified and if
the lap and pitch.
necessary increased.
NOTE. The design of some products requires a limit to the Roof pitch
maximum headlap.
The recommended roof pitch for the type of slate and Sidelap conditions of use can be obtained from tables 2 and 3.
Sidelap should not be less than one third of the width The minimum roof pitch should be 20Ê.
of a plain tile. Special and purpose-made hip and valley Where abnormal conditions are expected, for example
tiles should provide for sidelaps not less than one third on elevated sites, near to the coast, or where high
of the width of a plain tile. snow or rainfalls are experienced, table 3 can be used
to obtain the recommended headlap and roof pitch. Roof pitch
Table 2 can be used for other situations.
Plain tiles should be laid at rafter pitches not less
than 35Ê. Clay tiles which do not meet the dimensional 3.4.5 Bitumen shingles
and geometric requirements given in BS 402 should be General
laid at pitches not less than 40Ê.
Bitumen shingles, which are proprietary products of
3.4.3 Single-lap clay and concrete tiles variable design, may be laid and fixed with or without
(interlocking) an adhesive section in the headlap area. Headlap Overlap
These products have the headlap fixed by design The overlap for bitumen shingles should be not less
features on the top surface at the head of the tile and than 200 mm.
features on the under surface at the tail of the tile. For
variable tiles without a head-lock design, the minimum Sidelap
headlap should be not less than 75 mm. The sidelap for bitumen shingles should be not less
NOTE. The design of some products requires a limit to maximum than half the width of the tab width.
headlap. Roof pitch Sidelap The roof pitch for bitumen shingles should be as
The sidelap features are generally of a proprietary recommended by the manufacturer based on evidence
side-lock design. in use (see 3.4.1). Roof pitch 3.4.6 Wooden shingles and shakes
In general, roof pitches should be not less than 30Ê. General
Proprietary tile designs which have effective
anti-capillary headlap features, side-lock features and Wooden shingles and shakes, which are products of
are close fitting as laid, may be used below 30Ê. variable design, may be laid and fixed with or without
Manufacturers of tiles, fittings or accessories should a roofing underlay.
produce evidence of satisfactory prolonged and Headlap
extensive use of their products at the roof pitches,
headlaps and sidelaps for which they are intended to The headlap for wooden shingles and shakes should be
be used. For example; evidence that products have a function of the length and thickness of the shingle or
been shown to be satisfactory for not less shake, the exposure category, the roof pitch and the
than 15 years in the location of intended use; or surface characteristics of the product.
evidence from an appropriate test method which may Sidelap
be directly correlated with the recommended The sidelap for wooden shingles and shakes should be
conditions of use. not less than 38 mm.
3.4.4 Fibre cement slates and natural slates Roof pitch Headlap Roof pitches may be recommended by the
A satisfactory headlap should be a function of the manufacturer based on evidence in use (see 3.4.1).
length and width of the slate; the exposure category;
the roof pitch and the angle of creep. These factors are
summarized in tables 2 and 3 and can be used to obtain
the recommended headlap for the type of slate and
conditions of use.
14 BSI 1997
Section 3 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997 15
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
16 BSI 1997
Section 3 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
Fo,e F t,e
NOTE. Figure 3a illustrates eaves overhang. Equations 2 and 3 should be used when eaves overhang
exceeds 0.05 m.
a) Single lap tiles
Figure 3. Wind uplift loading on slates and tiles (including eaves and
verge overhang)
BSI 1997 17
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
Fo,e Ft,e
NOTE. Figure 3b illustrates eaves overhang. Equations 2 and 3 should be used when eaves overhang exceeds 0.05 m.
The total load on the overhanging tile is Fo,e + Ft,e
b) Double lap slates or tiles
Figure 3. Wind uplift loading on slates and tiles (including eaves and verge overhang)
18 BSI 1997
Section 3 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
Overhang Bo
BSI 1997 19
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
Ftr F tr
Fh Fh
Lr Lr
F tr
Monopitch ridge
NOTE. Figure 3d illustrates ridges and hips. Equations 6 and 7 should be used.
d) Ridges and hips
Figure 3. Wind uplift loading on slates and tiles (including eaves and verge overhang)
20 BSI 1997
Section 3 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997 21
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
Table 4. Nail penetrations for fixing into timber against wind uplift
Required Required nail penetration (mm) into timber of strength classes (1) C/16/18/22 and (2) C14 for:
fixing 4.00 mm diameter 3.75 mm diameter 3.35 mm diameter 2.65 mm diameter
resistance Rf
N Smooth Improved Smooth Improved Smooth Improved Smooth Improved
nail nail nail nail nail nail nail nail
(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)
100 15 17 15 15 16 18 15 15 18 21 15 15 22 26 15 17
150 22 26 15 17 24 28 16 18 26 31 18 21 33 39 22 26
200 29 35 20 23 31 37 21 25 35 41 24 27 44 52 30 35
250 37 43 25 29 39 46 26 31 44 51 29 34 56 65 37 43
300 44 52 29 35 47 55 31 37 53 62 35 41 67 78 44 52
350 52 60 34 40 55 64 37 43 62 72 41 48 78 91 52 61
400 59 69 39 46 63 74 42 49 71 82 47 55 89 104 59 69
450 66 78 44 52 71 83 47 55 79 93 53 62 100 117 67 78
500 74 86 49 58 79 92 52 61 88 103 59 69 111 130 74 87
550 81 95 54 63 86 101 58 68 97 113 65 75 122 143 81 95
600 88 104 59 69 94 110 63 74 106 123 71 82 133 156 89 104
NOTE 1. For required nail penetrations for timber of other strength classes, see BS 5268 : Part 2 and Strength classifications
are based on groupings of different species, defects grading and densities with the same assumed strength and stiffness properties. For
batten timbers referred to in annexes E and G, species types A and B correspond to strength classes C16/18/22 and C14 respectively.
NOTE 2. Nails of sufficient length may not be normally available to accomodate certain of the required penetration values.
NOTE 3. Improved nails as defined in BS 5268 : Part 2 for this purpose are ring shanked or helical threaded shank nails conforming to
BS 1202 : Part 1.
NOTE 4. Minimum nailing edge distance should be five times nail diameter.
NOTE 5. The depth of the structural timber being fixed to should be equal or greater than the required fixing penetration from table 4.
NOTE 6. The total length of the fixing is equal to the combined thickness of all the materials the fixing passes through, plus the
penetration into the structural timber.
NOTE 7. If a non structural counterbatten is to be used (less than the fixing penetration required) the batten fixing should penetrate
the structural timber rafter by the full fixing penetration from the calculation from equation (12).
NOTE 8. If a structural sarking is used its thickness may be used as part of the recommended fixing penetration provided it itself is
adequately fixed to the timber structure.
NOTE 9. For the fixing of the counterbatten to the rafter, reference should be made to 2.12 and 2.13.
NOTE 10. For headless fixings such as helical nails the thickness of the member which is being fixed should also be sufficient to
provide the required withdrawal resistance. Consideration should be given to the recommendations provided by the manufacturers of
such fixings.
To determine the fixing penetration into the timber Control of internal pressure
structure the resulting Rn should be rounded up and A substantially impermeable ceiling of adequate
obtained from table 4, or interpolated between adjacent resistance to internal pressure should help to reduce
readings, which will provide typical nail penetration for the internal wind induced pressure transmitted to the
given fixing loads Rn. roof underlay and roof covering. Normal ceiling Aircraft vortices construction in houses consisting of ceiling boards
with sealed edges, should afford such protection
Roofs near airports may experience high local wind
provided ceiling hatch covers have sufficient dead
load forces due to air vortices created by certain
weight or secure fixing to resist the pressure involved.
aircraft when taking off and landing. These forces may
be greater than the calculated wind load gust forces. It
is prudent for designers to seek advice from the
Airport Authority Planning Department when designing
roof fixings in these locations.
NOTE. Aircraft vortices should be distinguished from sonic
booms. Further advice may be obtained from BRE Digest No. 391
Damage to roofs from aircraft wake vortices [5].
22 BSI 1997
Section 3 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997 23
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
24 BSI 1997
Section 3 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997 25
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
Table 7. Spacing of nails and screws The dimensional accuracy of the wrap hook and the
Spacing Without pre-drilled With pre-drilled
tightness of fit around the batten and of the tail of the
holes holes hook around the slate are critical to its satisfactory
performance. Slate manufacturers' recommendations
Edge distance 5d 5d
should be followed when using hooks. Manufacturers
End distance 20d 10d should produce evidence such as calculations of wind
uplift resistance or experimental data to confirm the
Where it is impractical to satisfy the recommendations adequacy of their recommendations to resist the
for end distances (such as when nailing butt joints of conditions of use.
battens to rafters) opposed double skew nailing should To avoid wind rattle and lateral drift of slates, the tail
be used. hook should be sufficiently tight fitting around the Tile clips slate, due account being taken of different slate
Clips should be tested for strength, flexibility and thickness and variations in thickness for each type of
interference with adjacent tiles for the particular slate. Furthermore, the end of each course should be
design of the tile. They should have adequate restrained against lateral drift of the slates by other
resistance, not displace excessively under load as to forms of positive fixing, such as by holed and nailed
significantly increase the wind load on the element and slates or by abutments.
should allow the roofing element to return to its laid NOTE 1. In continental practice, hooks are used on slates which
are generally smaller and where the wind exposure is generally
position after maximum wind load events. Clips should less severe than the maximum UK exposure conditions. Thus with
be tested in accordance with and satisfy the the larger slates normally used in the UK, each hook fixing is
recommendations in annex C. subject to a greater wind load area and in the more severe
exposure UK conditions, to greater wind uplift pressures. Hook fixings NOTE 2. Refer also to NFRC Technical Bulletin No. 3 [7].
In recent years the use of hook fixings, one to every
slate, has been introduced into the UK applied
primarily to slates. Typically they are of stainless steel
round bar 2.5 mm to 3 mm in diameter, with an
S-shaped double hook, the upper batten end having a
hook to engage around the batten head (a wrap hook),
or a chisel point for nailing into the batten (a drive
hook); and the lower hook engaging the centre of the
tail of the slate. The advantages claimed are that no
holing is required, which reduces slate preparation
costs and improves the angle of creep.
Table 8. Pressure difference coefficients (Cpt) for duopitch, hipped, and monopitch roofs of clad
rectangular buildings
Roof pitch1) Duopitch and hipped roofs Monopitch roofs
Ê General roof areas Inner ridge and Other local roof General roof areas All local roof
Gd hip local roof areas and valleys Gm areas and valleys
areas Ld Lm
Ri and Hi
12¯ 20.14 20.16 20.21 20.14 20.21
15 20.14 20.15 20.20 20.14 20.21
17¯ 20.13 20.15 20.19 20.14 20.21
20 20.12 20.14 20.18 20.14 20.21
22¯ 20.11 20.14 20.17 20.14 20.21
25 20.11 20.14 20.16 20.14 20.21
27¯ 20.11 20.14 20.15 20.14 20.21
30 20.11 20.14 20.14 20.14 20.21
35 to 75 20.11 20.13 20.13 20.14 20.21
1) Slated or tiled roofs covered by this Part of BS 5534 cannot necessarily be used at all of the pitches listed.
NOTE 1. Values of Cpt for other, more complex, roof shapes may be obtained from the product of Cpe from data in BS 6399 : Part 2 and
values of R from table B.1.
NOTE 2. The width and length of the local areas are given by:
w = 0.2H or 0.1W, whichever is the lesser;
l = 0.2H or 0.1L, whichever is the lesser.
Roof abutments (side, and top edge) and roof valleys should be treated as local roof areas (see figures 5 and 6).
26 BSI 1997
Section 3 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997 27
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
l Gd
Gd Gd
28 BSI 1997
Section 3 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
l Gm
Gm Gm
BSI 1997 29
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
Table 9. Values of air permeability factor D for Table 10. Values of roof substrate shielding
certain roof covering types laid with unsealed factor S for calculating the wind uplift loads
head and side laps on roof coverings laid with unsealed head and
Roof covering type Values of factor D side laps
Double lap slates (K = 32 000) 3.51 Roof construction Value of S
Roof covering laid unsealed
Plain tiles (K = 5000) 2.70
a On underlay or board 1.00
Single lap tiles (K = 30 000) 3.48 sarking
Without test data 4.70 b On counterbattens of The lesser of
Derived from test data 2.70 (see note 2) depth = d (in m) on 1 + (5 3 d), or 1.25
NOTE 1. `Unsealed' refers to products that have not been
underlay or board sarking
deliberately sealed by the application of foams, membranes, c Without underlay or N/A
torching, etc. board sarking use
NOTE 2. Values of D given in this table for double lap slates, equation (9) i.e., treat
plain and single lap tiles commonly available in the UK, were
obtained by test (and rounded) in accordance with annex A. For as
other types of roof covering, the value of D should be 2.70, or NOTE. Where there is a risk of a dominant opening during a
the value obtained from annex A, whichever is the greater. severe storm, the wind uplift load should be calculated from
BS 6399 : Part 2.
Table 11. Cpi values applicable in cases where the ceiling is permeable or absent
Opening size/description House and 3 storey office 10 storey office Tight industrial Leaky industrial
No dominant openings 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
Personnel door or average 0.81 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
(assumed area 1.5 m2)
Double personnel door or Ð 0.68 0.20 0.68 0.20
large window
(assumed area 3 m2)
Roller shutter door Ð Ð Ð 0.81 0.81
(assumed area 12 m2)
30 BSI 1997
Section 3 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997 31
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
32 BSI 1997
Section 3 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997 33
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 3
34 BSI 1997
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
,, ,,
,, ,, A - Valley gutter width
B - Clear channel between
bedding and tilting fillet
to be not less than 25 mm
NOTE. Figures 7 and 8 are given to identify the width of the valley gutters, i.e. dimension A. They should not be used to
establish construction details.
Figure 8. Valley with bedded tiles
BSI 1997 35
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 4
Table 12. Recommended minimum widths of valley gutters for different roof pitches1)
Roof pitches Design rainfall rate
Ê mm/h
225 mm/h 150 mm/h 75 mm/h
x # 25 m2 on 25 m2 # x # x # 25 m2 25 m2 # x # x # 25 m2 25 m2 # x #
plan2) 100 m2 on plan3) on plan2) 100 m2 on plan3) on plan2) 100 m2 on plan3)
12.5 to 17 150 250 125 200 125 150
17.5 to 22 125 200 125 150 100 125
22.5 to 29 100 150 100 125 100 100
30 to 34 100 125 100 100 100 100
35+ 100 100 100 100 100 100
NOTE. x = the area to be drained.
1) The dimension `A' is measured as a horizontal distance between the tiles or slates in millimetres.
2) See recommendation 4.1.3b.
3) See recommendations 4.1.3c.
36 BSI 1997
Section 4 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
4.2 Underlays c) the underlay extending into the gutter should not
significantly affect the flow of the rainwater in the
4.2.1 General gutter. Roofing underlays NOTE. Some underlay materials may degrade in this exposed
position. It is recommended that an underlay of a more durable
The following products are suitable for use with material is used, e.g. type 5U as specified in BS 747, or equivalent.
roofing underlays: double-lapped clay and concrete
plain tiles, single-lapped clay and concrete tiles Verges
(interlocking), fibre cement slates, natural slates, metal Underlay intended for use on verges should lap onto
tiles, other tiles or slates (non-traditional). the outer skin of the brickwork by 25 mm to 50 mm or,
Underlay overlaps in the main roof should be in in the case of an overhanging verge, onto a flying
accordance with the following: rafter. (For further guidance in the construction of
verges see BS 8000 : Part 6 : 1990 sections 3 and 4).
± for sidelaps: not less than 100 mm;
NOTE. Where proprietary verge tiles or systems are specified,
± for headlaps: see table 13. detailing should be in accordance with the manufacturers'
recommendations relevant to UK conditions of use (see 3.4.1).
Table 13. Recommended headlaps for underlay Ridge
Rafter pitch Minimum headlap
For duo pitch roofs, underlay from one side of the roof
Ê Not fully supported Fully supported ridge should overlap the underlay on the other side by
mm mm
not less than the minimum recommended headlaps
12.5 to 14 225 150 given in table 12.
15 to 34 150 100 For mono pitch roofs, underlay should extend over the
35 and above 100 75 mono ridge and top fascia board by not less
than 100 mm.
a) Types of underlay for use on fully supported NOTE. Where proprietary ventilating ridge tiles or dry ridge
systems are specified, detailing should be in accordance with the
continuous roof decking or boarding should be of manufacturers' recommendations which are relevant to UK
the water vapour permeable type (see 2.10.2). conditions of use (see 3.4.1).
b) Underlay should be mechanically fixed and Hips
conform to all details shown in section 3.
Underlay courses should overlap at the hip line by not
c) Underlay should provide a continuous under-roof less than 150 mm.
d) All penetrations to the underlay should be Valleys
suitably sealed to prevent water ingress. Underlay for use on valleys should be laid from side to
e) Purpose designed devices which open laps of the side. Each course should lap past the centre-line of the
underlay are not recommended. valley by not less than 300 mm. Where a continuous
length of underlay is laid in the valley, each course of
f) Where felt overlaps do not coincide with a batten, felt from either side should be cut to mitre at the
consideration should be given to either including an centre-line of the valley and lap onto the continuous
extra batten at the overlap or increasing the length by not less than 300 mm.
underlay lap to coincide with the next batten.
NOTE 1. Metal and plastic valley materials and units should not
NOTE. The underlay provides a barrier to minimize the wind load be laid directly onto underlays where there is any risk of
generated under wind gusts acting on the slates or tiles. Contact adhesion. Such adhesion can inhibit the free drainage of any
should be avoided between the underlay and the underside of the moisture, resulting in accelerated failure of the underlay. Likewise,
slates or tiles to prevent the wind uplift load being transmitted to adhesion can result in the premature failure of the valley material
the slates or tiles. It also provides a barrier to prevent wind driven or units.
snow or dust from entering the roof space.
NOTE 2. Where premature failure of the felt or the lining material Eaves and bottom edge may happen, the felt should be cut to the valley line and lapped
onto the liner.
Consideration should be given to the following when
laying underlay on the eaves and bottom edge of the Junctions
roof: Underlay should overlay roof junctions by a minimum
a) the underlay or its replacement should be detailed of 150 mm on each detail.
to extend over the fascia board or tilting fillet, and Abutments (side and top edges)
into the gutter to allow effective rainwater drainage
into the gutter; Underlay should be turned up the abutment by not less
than 50 mm under the flashings.
b) ponding or water traps at the eaves should be
BSI 1997 37
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 4
38 BSI 1997
Section 4 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997 39
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 4
40 BSI 1997
Section 4 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
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BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 4
42 BSI 1997
Section 4 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
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BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 4
44 BSI 1997
Section 4 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
The length of the soakers should be not less than the The lowest course should sufficiently overhang the
extended gauge at the valley plus the extended headlap back gutter to ensure complete discharge of water.
plus 25 mm. NOTE. The detailing and mechanical fixing (clips, etc.) of the
NOTE 1. Mitred valleys are not generally recommended at pitches soakers, apron and stepped cover flashing should be in
below 50Ê where the roof pitches intersect at a more acute angle accordance with manufacturers' recommendations.
than 90Ê on plan or have different roof pitches.
NOTE 2. Special attention should be paid to the design of metal
soakers to give adequate head and side laps down to a minimum
4.7 Natural slates
pitch of 27.5Ê, below which an open valley should be used
(see table 11 and 4.1.3).
4.7.1 Eaves and bottom edges
NOTE 3. Traditionally, mitred valleys are used where the external General
appearance of metal soakers or linings are to be avoided.
The design of eaves and other bottom edges, such as
NOTE 4. See technical recommendations contained in the Lead
Sheet Association Technical Manual Volume 1 [38].
back abutments, formed with slates should take the
following into account:
NOTE 5. Where a valley length is greater than 6 m or is in an
exposed location an open valley is recommended. a) the eaves courses should overhang the eaves tilt
by an amount that ensures water discharges into the
4.6.6 Abutments gutter where one is provided, or into a back gutter Top edges at an abutment. The recommended overhang
The length of the top two courses of slates should is 45 mm to 55 mm measured horizontally from the
ensure the minimum lap is maintained in combination facia, tilting fillet or wall face, for a 100 mm wide
with the apron. gutter or to the centre line for other gutter
dimensions whichever is the least; Side abutments b) the eaves course should be supported by a tilting
Soakers should normally be used for this detail. fillet, facia board or other suitable product
Consideration should be given to the following. dimensioned and positioned so that the eaves
a) For fibre-cement slates the cover flashing should courses are raised by a sufficient amount to ensure
be used in combination with soakers to the slate the correct lay of the slates.
manufacturers' flashing recommendations or to the NOTE 1. Where a roof is re-roofed with products of different
relevant sheet metal technical recommendations thickness it may be necessary to adjust the height of the eaves
(see 3.4.1).
NOTE 2. Allowance should be made for the thickness of eaves
b) Abutment gutters should be detailed in ventilation products when they are located under the eaves
accordance with sheet metal or slate manufacturers' course.
recommendations (see 3.4.1) and should be Eaves courses (straight, raking or
adequate for the length of the abutment with
sprocketed, also known as bellcast)
sufficient provision for water outlet.
NOTE. Where there is a risk of blockage by debris, a Eaves may be straight, raking (walls splayed on plan)
combination of a cover flashing and abutment gutter should be or sprocketed. The following should be taken into
considered. consideration when using slates.
c) The length of the soaker should be not less than a) Straight Ð this is the normal detail and is suitable
the length of the slate gauge plus the lap plus 25 mm. for all products.
d) The top of the soaker should be turned down b) A raking eaves course occurs when the eaves is
over the head of the batten and secured. not parallel to the battening.
e) The width of the soaker should be not less than c) Sprocketed (bellcast) Ð the eaves can be
half the width of a standard slate under the slate and sprocketed abruptly or gradually over several
not less than 75 mm turned up at the abutment face courses. The sprocketed courses being at a lower
above the slate surface. pitch to the main roof, have a greater risk of rain
penetration since they need to discharge the Back abutments
accumulated rainfall from the main roof. The lowest
A tilting fillet should be provided of sufficient height to pitch and lap of the sprocketed eaves courses
ensure the lower courses lie substantially the same should not be below the minimum requirements for
plane as the main roof. The sheet metal should be the roof products (see section 3).
carried up and over the tilting fillet. The underlay NOTE 1. Where sprocketed eaves are used, it may be necessary to
should extend over the sheet metal and below the use longer nails or thicker battens to conform to the
tilting fillet by 100 mm to 150 mm. The underlay should recommendations given in section 3.
be supported behind the tilting fillet to prevent NOTE 2. The eaves course should be fixed to conform to the
ponding. recommendations given in section 3.
BSI 1997 45
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 4
46 BSI 1997
Section 4 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
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BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 4
48 BSI 1997
Section 4 BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997 49
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Section 4
50 BSI 1997
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
Plenum meter
Air flow
chamber generator
Delivery pipe
BSI 1997 51
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Annex A
A.4 Check on airtightness of the apparatus A.7 Preparation of test sample assembly
Close the top of the plenum chamber by attaching and A.7.1 Construct the roof substrate without underlay
sealing the edges of the cover panel so that the plenum or sarking, with the battens at the appropriate gauge
chamber is airtight except where connected to the according to specification. Where the element may be
delivery pipe. laid to different gauges, carry out on only one gauge,
Supply air from the airflow generator to induce a set out to the maximum specified gauge.
pressure difference between the inside and outside of A.7.2 Lay and fix the roofing elements according to
the plenum chamber of not less than 500 Pa. The specification. In the case of double lapped elements,
apparatus may be considered to be satisfactory if this lay them with no gap between adjacent elements or, in
pressure difference is maintained with an air pressure the case of fibre cement slates, with no gap between
flow rate not exceeding 0.005 m3/s. the rivet and adjacent slates. In the case of single lap
A.5 Test samples elements, lay them at closed up shunt.
Select at random sufficient roofing elements (and half NOTE. It may not be necessary to clip or fix some products.
width elements where appropriate) to assemble an A.7.3 Seal against air leakage between peripheral
array with the following arrangement of unsealed elements to mounting board and to each other on all
elements (see table A.1). sides leaving only the intended headlaps and sidelaps
Table A.1 Test sample layout
A.7.4 Adjust the level of the plenum chamber such
Type Min. no. of Min. no. per
that the mounting board surface is at an angle of
10Ê ± 0.5Ê to the horizontal.
courses course
Single lap elements 2 2
A.7.5 Determine the effective area A (in m2) of the
Plain tiles 2 4 roofing element assembly under test from the following
Slates 2 2 equation:
A = N 3 B 3 Ga
In addition, provide a sufficient number of roofing where
elements for covering the perimeter of the mounting
board and air-seal at their appropriate laps, front and N is the number of unsealed roofing elements
side joints. under test;
NOTE. A typical array illustrated for double lap slates is shown in NOTE. There should be an equal number of unsealed
figure A.2. headlaps as there are sidelaps.
Provide sufficient roof element fixing devices where B is the cover width of each element (in m);
appropriate. Ga is the batten gauge (in m).
Provide sufficient roof substrate materials, such as
battens and their fixings. A.8 Test procedure
A.6 Determination of the critical upward A.8.1 Check the airtightness of the apparatus in
pressure difference pc accordance with A.4 before commencing the test.
Weigh each of the roofing elements in the air-dry A.8.2 Supply air from the air flow generator into the
condition. plenum chamber, gradually increasing the rate of
Calculate the average weight wt (in kg) of a roofing supply until the pressure reaches a value equal to pc
element. (see A.6). At this condition, record the volume flow
Calculate the upward pressure difference, pc (in N/m2), rate, Qc (in m3/s), in the delivery pipe and the pressure
required to induce an overturning moment that will difference in the plenum chamber, pc. Gradually reduce
just cause uplift of the sample, from the following the pressure to zero.
formula: A.8.3 Carry out the test procedure given in A.7.3
0.9 (9.81wt Lw) three times and calculate the average value of K from
pc = the three tests using the equation:
B 3 Ga 3 Lu
where K = 1.63 pc (A2 / Qc2)
A.9 Derivation of air permeability factor D
B is the cover width of the sample (in m);
Derive values of D from the equation:
Ga is the batten gauge (in m);
D = (log10 K) 2 1
Lu is the distance from the centre of the exposed NOTE. To take account of the value of K which is known to vary
area of the sample to its uppermost line of with pressure difference, and of the varying external and
support, or the batten (in m); and underside pressures over different parts of a roof, the expression
Lw is the distance from the centre of gravity of (log10K) 2 1 in the equation for D has been derived from a best fit
pressure-K curve, using computer modelling of these variable
the sample to its uppermost line of support, conditions, based on a duopitch of 5Ê to 45Ê pitch and the most
or the batten (in m). onerous local area uplift condition at the verge corner.
52 BSI 1997
Annex A BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
Pressure difference
Sealed joints
Unsealed laps
Unsealed sides
Pressure difference
gauge Rafters
Plenum chamber
NOTE. This figure is illustrated with an array of double lap elements laid broken bond, and giving five unsealed slates, i.e.
five unsealed headlaps and five unsealed sidelaps.
Figure A.2 Plenum chamber arrangement for air permeability test
BSI 1997 53
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Annex A
54 BSI 1997
Annex C BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
Annex C (normative) NOTE 1. The base frame, substrate and restraining bar should be
of sufficient width to facilitate the insertion of an overlapping
Method of test and requirements for (unfixed) tile to be laid over the (fixed) test sample.
NOTE 2. Other apparatus satisfying C.1.2 and C.1.4 may also be
wind uplift resistance of mechanical used.
fixings (clips) for small rigid roofing
C.1.3 Samples
The following recommendations are given for the
C.1 Method of test samples to be used on the example test apparatus.
C.1.1 Principle Select at random not less than five similar roofing
elements as test samples, together with not less than
Simulated wind uplift loads are applied to samples of a
five similar clips.
specified type of roofing element secured to the roof
substrate by a specified type of clip to determine the Provide additional accompanying samples for lapping
resistance and associated displacements of the clip. under the tail of the fixed test sample, and for
The maximum design value of the clip resistance Rc is sidelapping with the fixed test sample.
determined by the lesser of: Provide the roof substrate components (e.g. tiling
± the allowable failure load Rc1 (obtained from its battens, nails or screws) appropriate to the roofing
characteristic failure load, Cr, which is divided by a assembly, ensuring that battens are representative of
safety factor of 1.5); and the specified quality, including timber species,
permissible grading defects and minimum permissible
± Ci, the characteristic interference load obtained
when the clip deformation does not significantly
interfere with normal lapping of contiguous tiles. Provide sufficient clip samples selected at random. The
top course elements/tiles should have holes drilled in
The method described is primarily intended for a them so that the nails/screws/bolts will hold the fixed
single tail clip which secures one tile at the underlock tiles securely to the hinged top batten and the unfixed
near its tail, but the principle may be adapted for other tiles loosely to the hinged top batten.
forms of mechanical fixings such as slate hooks.
C.1.4 General procedure for setting up the test
C.1.2 Apparatus sample
An example of the apparatus is shown in figure C.1,
and consists of: C.1.4.1 Attach the roofing substrate to the base frame
in accordance with the appropriate fixing specification.
a) a rigid base frame onto which a roof substrate,
Fix the battens to the base frame on counter-battens
appropriate to the roofing element, is securely
set at the maximum intended rafter spacing. Set the
attached and fitted with rigid counter battens at the
batten spacing at the specified gauge for the roofing
maximum intended rafter centres;
b) a loading device for connection to the test
sample, capable of applying a loading rate of not C.1.4.2 The test tile and the sidelapped tile should
less than 100 N/min initially in a direction normal to both be securely fixed (e.g. by nails, screws or bolts)
the tile surface at the loading point; and their heads fixed to the hinged top batten. Before
unloading the test tile, the fixing to the sidelapped tile
c) a load measuring device, hinged at both ends,
should be slackened to avoid inducing load in the clip
attached to or forming part of the loading device
during unloading of the test tile.
with an accuracy to the nearest newton;
d) a weighing device to determine the dead weight C.1.4.3 Lay the accompanying samples over which
of samples, loading and load measuring devices the test sample would overlap, then lay the test sample
which affect the net test load applied with an over them.
accuracy of 0.05 kg; C.1.4.4 Weigh any loading devices which may affect
e) a rigid bar, incorporating an accurate system for the net test load and connect the loading device to the
locating and supporting the linear displacement test sample as closely as practicable to the centre of
device. This bar should permit the tail of the fixed the exposed area of the tile.
tile to be raised by 75 mm; NOTE. For convenience, a small hole may be made through the
f) a linear displacement measuring device for test sample at the centre of the exposed area for attaching the
load application device.
recording the displacement of the unfixed tile to an
accuracy of 0.1 mm. The measuring device should be
able to measure displacements of up to 80 mm;
g) the top batten should be attached to the counter
battens by hinges (see figure C.2) and it should be
placed so that the hinge is immediately below the
load cell support bar.
BSI 1997 55
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Annex C
test tile
Bar to attach measuring device
measuring device
Load cell
Jack to simulate rafters
Fixed test
Figure C.1 Example of arrangement of test apparatus for determination of clip strength
C.1.4.5 Lay the test sample then attach and fix the C.1.4.7 Connect the loading and load measuring
clip to the test sample in accordance with the relevant devices to the fixed test sample.
specification and normal standards of workmanship.
C.1.4.8 Attach the displacement device to its rigid
NOTE. The connecting substrate to the clip (e.g. the batten) may
be reused for subsequent samples if undamaged, providing the
support such that it measures the displacement of the
distance between any new and existing nail or screw holes are sidelapped tile over the clip position and in a direction
spaced not less than 20 times the nail or screw diameter from normal to the tile surface.
existing holes.
C.1.4.9 Measure the dimensions illustrated in
C.1.4.6 Place an additional unfixed sample at figure C.3.
minimum shunt to interlock and sidelap with the fixed
test sample.
56 BSI 1997
Annex C BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997 57
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Annex C
Optional axis
Figure C.2 Example of hinged batten for supporting a clipped test tile
C.1.6.5 Wind force actions on clip in an assembly of To find the load on the clip Fc, take moments using
roofing elements lever arms which are at right angles to the axis A-A,
To find the force acting on a tail clip Fc attached to and use the following equation:
one side of a tile in an array of similarly clipped tiles Fc = Ft q / r 2 (Wp cos a) / r
with no other fixings, as shown in figure C.3, a tile For a clip designed for use anywhere on a roof, the
lapping on all four edges with contiguous tiles and maximum value of Ft should be assumed. Generally,
clipped on one edge at C is subjected to a system of Fc is greater for tiles laid in broken bond than for
forces (loads and reactions) acting perpendicularly to straight bond.
the plane of the tile as follows:
The clip resistance against uplift derived from test Rc
± wind uplift load Ft; should not be less than the required maximum value
± dead weight resistance W; of Fc .
± holding down force applied by the clip Fc. The formula for Fc has to be modified for the case of
Reactions A at two points: one upwards at the left tiles with clips as well as other fixings such as head
hand tail corner due to uplift forces from the course nails. In this case, the line of rotation of the tile under
lapping under; and the other downwards near the head uplift load Ft is likely to be about the batten bearing
of the tile where the upper course headlap provides a edge at the head of the tile.
holding down force. In the latter case, the holding
down position depends on whether the tiles are laid in
straight or broken bond as shown in figure C.3.
Batten reaction or upward force at P, a point along the
upper edge of the batten. For a flat tile the point P
occurs at the left hand edge and for a profiled tile it
occurs close to the left hand edge of the left hand nib.
58 BSI 1997
Annex C BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
t Wt
Clip e
C nd
Le ft ha
A Nib
Wt Nib
Cov B
er w
edg A
ht ha
Rig P
NOTE. When the tile overhangs the roof, Ft should be replaced by Ft,v + Fo,v and new values of q should be measured for each
of these forces.
Figure C.3 System of forces in an array of clipped tiles under uplift load
BSI 1997 59
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Annex D
Lt 27.5°
Roof pitch
Tile pitch Wt
60 BSI 1997
Annex D BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
The addition of a head-nail of 3.35 mm diameter, D.2.3 Example 3. To derive the nailing
and 23 mm penetration, giving a basic withdrawal load, requirements for the battens used in example 1
rn, from BS 5268 : Part 2 : 1996, table 60, of 1.89 N/mm The nails that hold the battens onto the rafters should
penetration in `type A' timber species battens resist the forces exerted onto the battens by the uplift
(see 2.12.1) provides an additional restoring moment, pressures on the underlay, taking into account the
given by: Mn = rn 3 p 3 3 3 Ln, where p is the restoring force provided by the dead weight of the roof
pointside penetration into the batten of 23 mm. The covering. One such nail will have to withstand the
permissible withdrawal resistance of the nails is three forces acting on an area of Ga 3 Rs, where Ga is the
times the basic withdrawal resistance. batten gauge and Rs is the rafter spacing. The equation
Mn = 1.89 3 23 3 3 3 0.012 = 1.56 N´m for Rf giving the required resistance of this nail Rn, is
Hence the combined restoring moments are given by the equation (see also
Mw + Mn = 6.2 + 1.56 = 7.76 N´m. This is still less than Rn = Ga 3 Rs { qs (Cpi 2 Cpt / R ) 2 0.9W9 cos a }
the uplift moment Mu of 12.0 N´m. Hence nailing is where
insufficient and more effective mechanical fixings such
as a tail clip will be needed. W9 is the weight of the roofing elements
For a tile with a tail clip, the axis of rotation will be (in N/m2), taken in this example as 400 N/m2.
parallel to A ± A, and passing through point P, as
shown on figure C.3. The overturning moment about For the roof described in example 1, Rn (in N) is given
this axis should be resisted by the restoring moments by:
provided by both the dead weight of the tile and the
tail clip. If the dead weight of the tile is 4 kg the force Rn = 0.345 3 0.6 [1000 {0.2 2 (0.15/0.12)}
acting on the tail clip, Fc, can be calculated using the 20.9 3 400 cos (27.5)]
formula given in annex C, see C.1.6.5:
Rn = 234 N.
Fc = Ft 3 q / r 2 (Wp 3 p 3 cos a) / r
where This resistance is achieved by a 3.35 mm diameter,
smooth shanked nail if its penetration into a type A
Wp is the design weight acting perpendicular to species rafter is 41 mm or greater, i.e. for a batten
the plane of the roof, i.e. Wp = 32.6 N. depth of 25 mm a 66 mm long nail of this type is
The dimensions p, q and r should be measured for the
specific tile. In this example they are taken as: D.2.4 Example 4. Uplift loads on plain tiles (with
± the distance from centre of gravity to the axis of
rotation, p = 0.20 m; Roof details: Duopitch roof of 45Ê, both general and
local area tiles, hence Cpt = 20.11 for general roof
± the distance from the uplift force to the axis of areas and 20.13 for local roof areas (from table 7).
rotation, q = 0.25 m; and Underlay is assumed to be present, without counter
± the distance from the clip to the axis of rotation, battens, therefore S = 1 (from table 9).
r = 0.16 m. Tile details: Plain tile, therefore D = 2.70 (from table 8).
F = 61.8 3 0.25/0.16 2 (32.6 3 0.20) / 0.16 Cover width, B = 0.167 m, and batten gauge, Ga = 0.1 m.
Fc = 44.4 N. The uplift force acting at the centre of the exposed
This positive value shows that clipping is needed, and area of the tile Ft is given by:
that the clip should have a value of clip resistance Rc Ft = qs 3 Cpt 3 At 3 D 3 S
measured in accordance with annex C, of at For general roof areas, Ft = 1000 3 20.11 3 0.167 3 0.1
least 44.4 N. 3 2.70 3 1 = 24.96 N.
NOTE. The minus sign denotes uplift.
For local roof areas, Ft = 1000 3 20.13 3 0.167 3 0.1
3 2.70 3 1 = 25.86 N.
BSI 1997 61
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Annex D
Ft Ls
Ft Ga
Figure D.2 Dimensions of a plain tile fixed as in example 5
D.2.5 Example 5. Mechanical fixings required for As the dead weight resistance moment is greater than
roof details as in example 4 the wind overturning moment, it is unnecessary to
The uplift force Ft from example 4 exerts an uplift provide additional fixings for the general area tiles
moment Mu on the tile about an axis of rotation along other than the minimum fixings recommended
the top arris of the batten. This uplift moment should in
be resisted by the total restoring moment Mr obtained The uplift moment on local area tiles Mu (in N´m) is
from the sum of the restoring moments from the dead given by the equation:
weight of the tile Mw and that of its nails, Mn 3 Kn. Mu = Ft 3 Lt = 5.86 N 3 0.2 m = 1.17 N´m
In this example : This exceeds the dead weight resistance moment
Self-weight of tile Wt = 1.25 kg, and tile to rafter by 1.17 N´m 2 1.085 N´m = 0.087 N´m, which should be
angle = 10Ê, resisted by the tile nails.
therefore at 45Êpitch, Wp = 1.25 3 0.9 3 9.81 3 For 2.65 mm diameter nails, the basic resistance to
cos (45Ê 2 10Ê) = 9.04 N. withdrawal in type A timber battens is (from BS 5268 :
Also, Lw = 0.12 m; Lt = 0.2 m; Lh = 0.25 m; Ls = 0.15 m; Part 2) 1.5 N per mm of penetration. From, the
and nail lever arm, Ln = 0.013 m. permissible withdrawal resistance of the nails is three
times the basic withdrawal resistance. Thus, for an
Figure D.2 shows the relevant dimensions.
assumed penetration of 17 mm into the batten, the
The uplift moment on general area tiles Mu (in N´m) is permissible withdrawal resistance of the two nails is:
given by the equation: 1.5 N/mm 3 17 mm 3 3 3 2 = 153 N
Mu = Ft 3 Lt = 4.96 N 3 0.2 m = 0.992 N´m With an effective lever arm from the nail-hole to the
The restoring moment due to the dead weight alone top arris of the batten, Ln of 0.013 m, the resistance
Mw (in N´m) is given by the equation: moment of each nailed tile Mn (in N´m) is:
Mw = Wp 3 Lw = 9.04 N 3 0.12 m = 1.085 N´m Mn = 153 N 3 0.013 m = 1.99 N´m
62 BSI 1997
Annex D BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
The nail uplift resistance moment, Kn 3 Mn, (allowing Both Ftr and Fh exert overturning moments on the
for the holding down of unnailed tiles by nailed tiles) ridge tile and these combine to give a total overturning
is calculated from the equation given in moment Mcomb of:
Kn = (1 2 Lh / Ls) / { 1 2 (Lh / Ls)n} Mcomb = Ftr 3 Lr/2 + Fh 3 hr/ 2
Plain tiles of these dimensions give the following = 2182 3 0.25/2 2 92 3 0.10/2 = 227.3 N´m
values for Kn. NOTE. The minus sign denotes uplift.
If n = 1, Kn = 1; if n = 2, Kn = 0.375; if n = 3, Kn = 0.184; This overturning moment is resisted by the
if n = 4, Kn = 0.099; if n = 5, Kn = 0.056. combination of the self-weight of the ridge tile (taken
To decide whether the minimum required nailing, i.e. here as 5 kg) and a mechanical fixing into a ridge
every fifth course, is adequate: batten. Both of these forces act at a distance of
Lr/2 from the pivot point. Hence the self-weight
n = 5, so Kn = 0.056 and thus Kn 3 Mn = 0.056 3 1.99
restoring moment, Mw is given by the equation:
= 0.11 N´m.
Mw = 0.9 3 5 3 9.81 3 Lr /2 = 0.9 3 5 3 9.81 3 0.25 / 2
This is adequate since it exceeds 0.087 N´m.
= 5.5 N´m
Consequently, every fifth course should be nailed in the
local roof areas. If this had been inadequate then Since this is less than the overturning moment, the
progressively lower values of `n' should be tried. strength of the mechanical fixing needs to be
calculated so that it withstands the net uplift moment,
D.2.6 Example 6. Ridge tile loads, mechanically 27.3 2 5.5 = 21.8 N´m.
fixed end-ridge tiles
If Fn is the withdrawal force of the nail(s) then Fn is
Roof details: End ridge tiles on a 27.5Ê duopitch roof. given by the equation:
Rectilinear ridge tile, shown uppermost on figure D.3, Fn 3 Lr / 2 = 21.8; ∴ Fn = 21.8 3 2 / Lr = 21.8 3 2 / 0.25
with the following dimensions:
= 174.4 N
Lr = 0.25 m, hr = 0.10 m and Br = 0.46 m.
If there is one nail holding down a ridge tile (a smooth
NOTE. The uplift loads on ridge tiles depend on: nail of 3.75 mm diameter into type A timber), its
± end-ridge tile or central ridge tile (obtain value of Cpt from permissible withdrawal force is given by the equation:
table 7);
± the type of covering on the roof (obtain value of D from
Fn = 2.12 3 p 3 3; ∴ for Fn = 174.4 N, the nail
table 8); penetration p should not be less than the value derived
± ventilated or non-ventilated (obtain value of S from from:
For this example there is: a ventilated ridge tile 174.4 = 2.12 3 p 3 3; ∴ p = 27.4 mm
(therefore S = 3); an end-ridge tile (therefore Cpt at NOTE. In more exposed areas, higher wind forces may be
experienced and ring-shank nails may be preferable, their
(27¯Ê) = 20.15); and with surrounding single lap withdrawal resistance being 1.5 times higher than smooth nails.
concrete tiles (therefore D = 3.51).
There are two forces acting simultaneously on the D.2.7 Example 7. Ridge tile loads, mortar bedded
ridge tile. Ftr, acting vertically and Fh, acting inner-ridge tiles
horizontally, as shown in figure D.3. Roof details: Duopitch roof of 40Ê (Cpt at 40Ê =20.13 for
These both exert overturning moments on the ridge inner ridge tiles) with plain tiles (therefore D = 2.70),
tile which should be resisted by the combination of the and the ridge is not ventilated, and the underlay is
ridge tile's self-weight and the mechanical fixings. continuous over the ridge (S = 1).
Ftr is given by the following equation: Ridge tile details: Half-round ridge tile, with dimensions
given below:
Ftr = qs 3 Cpt 3 Ar 3 D 3 S
± length, Br = 0.3 m (= 300 mm);
(where Ar = Br 3 Lr = 0.46 3 0.25)
± height, hr = 0.13 m;
Ftr = 1000 3 20.15 3 (0.46 3 0.25) 3 3.51 3 3
± width, Lr = 0.25 m;
= 2182 N
± weight, Wt = 5.4 kg.
Fh is given by the following equation:
Fh = qs 3 22 3 Ah
(where Ah = Br 3 hr = 0.460 3 0.10)
Fh = 1000 3 22 3 (0.460 3 0.10) = 292 N
BSI 1997 63
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Annex D
Pivot point
NOTE. Uplift forces, Ftr and Fh and the self-weight acting on a ridge tile all create moments about the pivot point.
Figure D.3 Uplift forces, Ftr and Fh and the self-weight acting on a ridge tile
64 BSI 1997
Annex D BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
Since the total overturning moment, 8.36 N´m, exceeds General and local slates Cpt derived from table 7:
the restoring moment provided by the ± for general areas = 20.11;
self-weight, 6.0 N´m, the net overturning moment,
(8.36 2 6.0 = 2.36 N´m), should be resisted by the ± for ridge and valleys = 20.14.
tensile bond strength of the mortar. Underlay without counter battens derived from
The strength of the bond between the particular ridge table 9: S = 1.
tiles and particular roof coverings will need to be Double lap slates derived from table 8: D = 3.51.
determined by test (annex J), which provides a value Calculation of the wind uplift force Ft.
of mortar bond resistance St (in N/mm2). In this From equation (1) Ft = qs 3 Cpt 3 At 3 D 3 S
example it is assumed that these unglazed clay tiles are
NOTE. A negative value denotes uplift.
bedded with a 3 : 1 mix using sharp sand. From
table 6 (see also the value of St is 0.17 N/mm2 For the general area slates Ft = 1000 3 20.11 3 0.05
and requires a safety factor of 30 to be applied. 3 3.51 3 1 = 219.31 N
This example requires a resistance provided by the For ridge and valley area slates Ft = 1000 3 20.14
mortar bond to withstand the net overturning moment 3 0.05 3 3.51 3 1 = 224.57 N
M2, of 2.36 N´m. Calculation of the wind uplift moment Mu.
The prescribed bond width is 25 mm and gives a bond The uplift force Ft exerts an uplift moment Mu on the
area of Br 31000 3 25 (in mm2). With Br equal to 0.3 m slate at an axis of rotation at the head of the slate.
this is 7500 mm2. The uplift moment Mu = the uplift force Ft 3 axis
The mortar bond has a lever arm of Lr, and hence it length Lt.
provides a restoring moment of (0.17/30) 3 7500 For general area slates = 219.31 3 0.4 = 27.72 N´m.
= 5.31 N´m. This exceeds the required net overturning
moment of 2.36 N´m and confirms that, for this For ridge and valley area slates = 224.57 3 0.4
particular roofing situation, mortar bedding of the = 29.83 N´m.
inner ridge tiles is adequate. D.2.9 Example 9. Mechanical fixings required for
NOTE. The above calculation cannot be applied to the two end example 8
ridge tiles1) (see because the mortar bond here is likely
to suffer due to differential movement of the roof. Mechanical The uplift moment Mu should be resisted by the total
fixings will be required for end-ridge tiles, and their strength restoring moment Mr obtained from the sum of the
should be calculated following the principles shown in example 6. restoring moments of the dead weight Mw plus that of
D.2.8 Example 8. Uplift loads on double lap the nails Mn.
slates (with underlay) Calculation of the dead weight resistance moment Mw
In this example the slate weight Wt = 1.7 kg
Roof details: duopitch roof of 30Ê The slate to rafter angle = 1.25Ê
with valley. From the effective dead weight,
Construction: 500 mm 3 250 mm Wp = 0.9 3 Wt 3 9.81 3 cos (30Ê 2 1.25Ê) N = 13.16 N
slates at 100 mm lap on battens on The dead weight resistance acts at half the slate length
felt therefore the dead weight resistance moment
Batten gauge: (slate length 2 lap)/2 = 0.20 m Mw = 13.16 3 Lw = 13.16 3 0.25 = 3.29 N´m
Margin = gauge The uplift resistance to be provided by the fixings must
Nail holing gauge: gauge + lap + = 0.315 m be at least equal to the residual moment which equals
(8 to 15) mm (worst case) the uplift moment (negative) less the dead weight
resistance (positive):
The uplift axis of rotation = 0.40 m
Ft = length 2 (0.5 3 margin) Mn $ 2 (Mu + Mw)
Slate weight = 1.7 kg For general areas 2(Mu + Mw) = 2(27.72 + 3.29)
= 4.23 N´m
Slate thickness = 0.005 m For ridge and valley areas 2(Mu + Mw)
Exposed area of the slate = 0.05 m2 = 2(29.83 + 3.29) = 6.54 N´m
At = batten gauge 3 slate width Calculation of nail withdrawal resistance.
The lever arm for slates = = 0.50 2 0.10 For the sizes and types of nails given in table 4 the
length 2 half the margin = 0.4 m permissible resistance to withdrawal in type A or
type B timber can be determined.
BSI 1997 65
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Annex D
LW Rafter
LN e
rgin lap
Figure D.5 Dimension of double lap slating example
For 3.35 mm smooth nails in class A timber the Alternatively, if the calculated nail resistance moment
permissible nail withdrawal resistance Rn = (100/18) does not exceed the residual moment the required
per millimetre of penetration = 5.56 N/mm. minimum nail penetration can be calculated from:
For each slate fixed with two nails per slate,
penetrating the minimum of 15 mm Rn = 2 3 15 3 5.56 Penetration = Residual uplift moment / (2 3 Basic nail
= 166.8 N/m. withdrawal resistance 3 Lever arm)
The effective lever arm Lm from the nail to the head Assume the residual uplift moment = 50 N´m
batten is equal to the slate length minus the holing Minimum penetration = 50 / (2 3 5.56 3 0.185)
gauge = 0.50 2 0.315 = 0.185 m. = 24.3 mm
Therefore the nail resistance moment Mn of each slate
is 166.8 3 0.185 = 30.86 N´m.
Since the nail resistance moment exceeds both the
residual uplift moment after allowing for the dead
weight moment and the total uplift moment Mu for all
roof areas the minimum nailing specification is
66 BSI 1997
Annex E BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
K1 K1 K1
K 2 =0 K 2 =0
a) Examples of K1 and K2
Not permissible Not permissible Permissible if neither A,B,C or D
are each not less than 5 mm
BSI 1997 67
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Annex E
Figure E.4 Permissible slope of grain Figure E.5 Permissible rate of growth
68 BSI 1997
Annex F BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
G.3 Stiffness
The modulus of elasticity E for timber battens should
be taken as:
± 9000 N/mm2 for type A species; and
± 7500 N/mm2 for type B species.
The calculated maximum deflection on the batten
perpendicular to the roof slope should normally not
exceed the span divided by 100 for spans not
exceeding 600 mm and the span divided by 125 for
spans exceeding 600 mm. For very lightweight roof
coverings or where the battens cannot be temporarily
restrained against excessive rebound during nailing
(such as with centre-nailed slates) a lesser deflection
limit may be appropriate.
BSI 1997 69
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Annex H
Annex H (normative) For imposed loads: In this case the load W of length
l = 600 mm (placed centrally over the span) is shorter
Example of structural design calculations than the effective span L, and thus the maximum
for tiling battens moment is given by:
H.1 Single span design condition M = W(0.25L 2 0.125l), which resolves into x and y
directions as:
Simply supported single span batten, basic
size 50 mm 3 25 mm in type A species, for single lap My = 0.639(0.25 3 0.6825 2 0.125 3 0.6)
tiles of laid weight 48 kg/m2, gauge 342 mm, roof = 0.0611 kN´m
pitch 20Ê, rafter spacing 700 mm. Mx = 0.233(0.25 3 0.6825 2 0.125 3 0.6)
NOTE 1. Typical loads and bending moments on roof battens are = 0.0223 kN´m
illustrated in figure H.1.
NOTE 2. Unless assurance is given that battens will span over not Combined dead and imposed load moments:
less than three consecutive supports (see 2.12.4c), the design My = 0.0704 kN´m
should be on the basis of simply supported single spans. Where
assurance is given, the design should be on the basis of a Mx = 0.0257 kN´m
two-span condition with the loading configuration given in Bending stresses:
figure H.1c) (i.e. one span unloaded as can occur during fixing
slates or tiles). On faces AB or CD: fx = My/ Zx = 0.0704 3 106/4896
Assume the dead weight of battens is 2.5 kg/m2 = 14.4 N/mm2
on batten = (48 + 2.5) 3 0.342 3 0.00981 = 0.169 kN/m On faces BC or AD: fy = Mx/ Zy = 0.0257 3 106/9204
Minimum batten size for calculation: 47 mm 3 25 mm = 2.8 N/mm2
Loads: Maximum combined corner bending stress at
Component dead load B or C = 17.2 N/mm2 2)
y direction: wy = 0.169 kN/m 3 cos(20Ê) = 0.159 kN/m Stiffness (deflection):
x direction: wx = 0.169 kN/m 3 sin(20Ê) = 0.058 kN/m Maximum midspan deflection(s) for uniformly
Imposed load (vertical) = 0.68 kN centrally over 600 mm distributed dead load = 5wL4/(384EI); and
for imposed load W uniformly distributed over a
Component imposed load length l < L
y direction: wy = 0.68 3 cos(20Ê) = 0.639 kN Maximum midspan deflection(s) = W(8L3 2 4Ll2
x direction: wx = 0.68 3 sin(20Ê) = 0.233 kN + l3)/(384EI)
Section properties of batten (see figure H1): For deflection in the y direction:
Moment of inertia From dead loads:
Ix = 47 3 253/12 = 61 198 mm4 sy = 5 3 0.159 3 0.68254 3 1012/(384 3 61198 3 9000)
Iy = 25 3 473/12 = 216 298 mm4 = 0.82 mm
Section modulus From imposed loads:
Zx = 47 3 252/6 = 4896 mm3 sy = 0.639 (8 3 0.68253 2 4 3 0.6825 3 0.62
Zy = 25 3 472/6 = 9204 mm3 + 0.63) 3 1012/(384 3 61198 3 9000)
Width of trussed rafter support = 35 mm = 5.37 mm
Clear distance between support faces Total deflection = 6.19 mm, which is greater
= 700 mm 2 35 mm = 665 mm than 682.5/125 = 5.46 mm, indicating inadequate
Effective span = 665 mm + 17.5 mm = 682.5 mm stiffness for normal use. Increase batten size and
Maximum midspan bending moments: re-check deflections to confirm adequate stiffness.
For dead loads: M = 0.125WL2, which resolves into x
and y directions as
My = 0.125 3 0.159 3 0.68252 = 0.0093 kN´m
Mx = 0.125 3 0.058 3 0.68252 = 0.0034 kN´m
2) Which is less than the permissible bending stress of 20.7 N/mm2 for a batten depth of 25 mm.
70 BSI 1997
Annex H BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
B Load w
C wy
M 2 = 0.063 wL2
= 0.09
M max 2
5 wL
H.2 Two span design condition Mmax = 0.095wL4, where w in this case is the sum of
Two-span batten continuous over three supports, each the dead and imposed loads.
span 600 mm, otherwise design conditions as H.1. Maximum deflection in loaded span is given by:
NOTE. Battens designed as continuous over more than two s = 4wL4/384EI
supports should not be used as simply supported single spans
unless checked in accordance with the example given in NOTE. The equations given for Mmax and M2 (see G.3) and
H.1 above. deflection s, apply only in the case of loads being uniformly
distributed over the full length of one span. In other cases the
The calculations are similar to those in (a) above appropriate equations may be obtained from structural engineering
except that: reference books.
Effective span L = 700 2 8.75 = 691.25 mm
Maximum bending moment M occurs near the centre
of loaded span 1 - 2 (see G.3)
BSI 1997 71
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997 Annex J
72 BSI 1997
Annex J BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
,,,,, Sample area
Figure J.1 Illustration of test strip selection from plain tile
Steel hoop
Mounting for U bracket
bonded to tile coupon
Upper tile coupon
,,,,,,,,, Mortar
BSI 1997 73
74 blank
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
Normative references
BSI publications
BSI 1997 75
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BS 5669 : Particleboard
BS 5669 : Part 2 : 1989 Specification for wood chipboard
BS 5669 : Part 3 : 1992 Specification for oriented strand board (OSB)
BS 5669 : Part 4 : 1989 Specification for cement bonded particleboard
BS 5669 : Part 5 : 1993 Code of practice for the selection and application of particleboards
for specific purposes
BS 6100 : Glossary of building and civil engineering terms
BS 6100 : Part 1 : General and miscellaneous
BS 6100 Section 1.3 : Parts of construction works
BS 6100 : Subsection 1.3.1 : 1992 Walls and cladding
BS 6100 : Subsection 1.3.2 : 1989 Roofs and roofing
BS 6367 : 1983 Code of practice for drainage of roofs and paved areas
BS 6399 : Loading for buildings
BS 6399 : Part 1 : 1996 Code of practice for dead and imposed loads
BS 6399 : Part 2 : 1995 Code of practice for wind loads
BS 6399 : Part 3 : 1988 Code of practice for imposed roof loads
BS 6651 : 1992 Code of practice for protection of structures against lightning
BS 8000 : Workmanship on building sites
BS 8000 : Part 6 : 1990 Code of practice for slating and tiling of roofs and claddings
BS 8104 : 1992 Code of practice for assessing exposure of walls to wind-driven
BS EN 311 : 1992 Particleboards. Surface soundness of particleboards, test method
BS EN 313 : Plywood. Classification and terminology
BS EN 313-1 : 1996 Classification
BS EN 313-2 : 1995 Terminology
BS EN 485 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate
BS EN 490 : 1994 Concrete roofing tiles and fittings. Product specifications
BS EN 491 : 1994 Concrete roofing tiles and fittings. Test methods
BS EN 492 : 1994 Fibre-cement slates and their fittings for roofing. Product
specification and test methods
BS EN 634 : Cement-bonded particle boards. Specification
BS EN 634-1 : 1995 General requirements
BS EN 635 Plywood. Classification by surface appearance
BS EN 988 : 1997 Zinc and zinc alloys. Specification for rolled flat products for
BS EN ISO 5167-1 : 1997 Orifice plates, nozzles, and Venturi tubes inserted in circular
cross-section conduits running full
Other publications
[8] Building Regulations, Regulation 7, Materials and Workmanship
[10] BRE Digest No. 108 Standard U-values : 1991
[12] Building Regulations 1991
Informative references
BSI publications
BS 5268 : Structural use of timber
BS 5268 : Part 2 : 1996 Code of practice for permissible stress design, materials and
BS 5268 : Part 5 : 1989 Code of practice for the preservative treatment of structural timber
BS 5707 Solutions of wood preservatives in organic solvents
BS 7543 Guide to durability of buildings and building elements, products
and components
76 BSI 1997
BS 5534 : Part 1 : 1997
BSI 1997
BSI Ð British Standards Institution
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London |
W4 4AL |