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Ijertv10n1spl 35
Ijertv10n1spl 35
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154 Volume 10, Number 1 (2017)
© International Research Publication House http://www.irphouse.com
looking for shortest routes between the two points. devoid of any character & specificity. On the other hand
Unfortunately government planners propose development unplanned cities are characterized by haphazard visual –
roads that create obscenely large blocks that make the physical appearance & a lack of orientation. Such cities have
city impenetrable. Tall buildings place undue stress on nothing to offer to its inhabitants except for a space to build
small plots of land, where population gets concentrated at their house.
a single point within the city, pressurizing all the systems
including accessibility, parking, garbage removal, water Indian Scenario:
and utility supply. Current Real estate developments in If neatly observed traditional Indian cities like Walled City of
majority of Indian metropolitan cities are not considering Jaipur, Golden City of Jaisalmer having unique social
this issue in land development. character inherits these principles of New Urbanism. On the
5. Building Affordable Housing: Affordable housing same lines old core of Pune city-the Peth Areas reflect the
remains crisis in majority of Indian cities and the solution same principles but eventually these areas are subjected to
is not to build housing in suburbs, which taxes the poor tremendous pressure of privatization and traffic congestion
residents with longest commute. There are a variety of with lack of other infrastructure facilities and services, leading
dwelling types — usually houses, row houses, and to either deterioration or rapid transformation of these areas.
apartments — so that younger and older people, singles, This research article puts forth the study of
and families, the poor, and the wealthy may find places to traditional elements and their characteristics, their principles
live.Mixed-use streetscapes with corner shops, front of organization and planning in old core (Today which
porches, and a diversity of well-crafted housing. The America has defined the process or movement as New
neighborhood is organized to be self-governing. A formal Urbanism)-Peth areas of Pune city in 18th century, which if
association debates and decides matters of maintenance, incorporated or regenerated in planning of modern city areas
security, and physical change. Taxation is the especially fringe areas of Pune city will definitely lead to the
responsibility of the larger community. ‗Second Renaissance‘ of old core in developing fringes of
6. Consistent Check on development control pattern & their Pune city. The article will cover in brief the aspects of urban
policies, rules & codes. morphology, urban linkages, housing pattern, architectural
style, and community structure, and activity pattern,
Social philosopher and historian Lewis Mumford criticized townscape qualities of traditional old core of Pune city, which
the "anti-urban" development of post-war America. The Death will contribute to the future planning of new or developing
and Life of Great American Cities, written by Jane Jacobs[3] areas in the city.
in the early 1960s, called for planners to reconsider the single-
use housing projects, large car-dependent thoroughfares, and Pune City Background:
segregated commercial centers that had become the "norm." In Pune past meet present. Pune is one of those rare
In the 1970s and 1980s, New Urbanism emerged with the cities with a twin image- that of traditionally bound place
urbanvisions and theoretical models for the reconstruction of generally considered as the quintessence of Maharashtra
the "European" city proposed by architect Leon Krier, and the Culture and of modern industrial metropolis. Pune is known
"pattern language" theories of Christopher Alexander. These as cultural capital of Maharashtra owing to its rich culture and
eventually coalesced into a unified group in the 1990s.The heritage. It has also earned the reputation for its esteemed
New Urbanism includes traditional architects and those with colleges as educational institutions and thus referred to as ‗the
modernist sensibilities. Some work exclusively on infill Oxford of East‘. Due to favorable location, pleasant climate,
projects, others focus on transit-oriented development, some vibrant culture and incentives it has become a prominent place
attempt to transform the suburbs, and many work in all these for I.T. sector and hence it is also a well-known ‗ IT-BT
categories. All believe in the power and ability of traditional centre‘ in Maharashtra. This is resulting into transformation of
neighborhoods to restore functional, sustainable communities. traditions into cosmopolitan culture due to migration of
people from adjacent states and foreign countries, which is
Urbanization: further reflected, in the built form of developing fringes of
The past 150 years have witnessed the fastest change Pune City. The loss of traditional touch, which is the heritage
that human civilization has undergone. With post-industrial as well as climate responsive architecture, can be prominently
modernization, advanced modes of communication and observed in new areas of Pune city.
technology have launched new forms of culture, value The inner older core of Pune city is divided into
systems, beliefs and ideas. One of the major problems before several wards or Peth areas depending upon their era of
us today is the rapid urbanization of the cities, the phenomena evolution, which though are rapidly transforming and
that occurs in a manner overcoming the architectural totality deteriorating, still retain the traditional character, which
of the urban environment as well the integrity of the strongly reflects the cultural aspect. The typical features of
surrounding natural landscape. Characterized by large voids traditional Peth areas are listed below, which if implemented
of undifferentiated space, the new city is devoid of a strong in planning of fringes will definitely contribute to the ‗Second
identity and character and becomes non-specific in nature. Renaissance‘ of Pune city. The main features are:
The city then fails to address physical issues of connectivity, a) Urban morphology: The cultural core area of the city has
services, infrastructure, landscape and ecology as well the organic close grain structure. The network of main linkages
psychological issues of orientation, identity and character. has created urban blocks that are irregular but functional in
Today new cities that are planned on a purely pattern, more from pedestrian point of view. These building
rational basis offer a monotones experience of roads &Sectors blocks house a variety of building types. Structures are built
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154 Volume 10, Number 1 (2017)
© International Research Publication House http://www.irphouse.com
to edge with traditional streetscape qualities. Public realm close interaction between the occupants and passer bys on the
spaces follow a hierarchical pattern moving from public to streets. The traditional residential buildings are mostly
private realm. medieval ones from 18th and 19th century with few temples,
mosques and dargahs before 18th century. Late Mughal
features like cusped arches, niches, pillars can be widely seen.
Wooden elements like door window frames, shutters and
brackets are beautifully carved motifs of flowers, birds, gods
and goddess. Colonial features like vaults, segmental arches,
jack arch roofs have been incorporated in the buildings of the
later period. There are also traces of art deco features in
buildings post-independence. However the character of
contemporary development is placeless.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154 Volume 10, Number 1 (2017)
© International Research Publication House http://www.irphouse.com
d) Community Structure: Strong community structure, interactions making them public places. They also function as
close knit and vital social life is the unique feature of Peth a place of social gatherings during festivals.
areas which is one of the important aspect of New Urbanism. f) Townscape qualities: The inner core of the city has
The communities are of mixed category-Hindus, Muslims, distinctive townscape qualities. The legibility of the area is
Sikhs, Marwaris etc. People from the same community stay strengthened by visual cues such as major landmarks like
together. For example certain pockets of Peth areas are Mandai, Shaniwarwada etc., gateways, olfactory and character
dominated by particular category of community – muslims, areas. There are nodes of public spaces such as water tanks
marwaris, marathis etc. (hauds), tree canopies (paars), market areas (bazzars) along
vibrant city networks. The urban forms in city network are
traditional and distinctive in nature but under constant
pressures of encroachment.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154 Volume 10, Number 1 (2017)
© International Research Publication House http://www.irphouse.com
The history of architecture in India has a rich and diversified
legacy, not only in the classical examples but also as seen in
the display of vernacular traditions of building. They are
spread in several regional environments in the form of a
variety of settlement patterns, institutions and dwelling types.
Compared to modern Indian cities, traditional urban or semi-
urban settlements display a degree of homogeneity and an
overall order achieved through certain rules of thumb and
controls. They express the totality of a relationship between
man and society. The vernacular design process is one of
typological models and, of modifications and variations
therein, where the individual unit and not the house type is
adjusted, adapted or personalized. The vernacular urbanity has
an underlying structure within its overall organic attitude that
leaves room for human expression and creativity.
On the threshold of new millennium, Pune‘s
landscape reveals mix of kuccha and pucca elements,
interspersed with authorized and unauthorized structures.
Modern Pune‘s urban sprawl and built up development is
controlled by theoretical rules or mechanisms of floor space
index. However in practice they are blatantly ignored. The
existing planning policies of development rules and
implementation need to be modified. The reality is that there
is serious mismatch between socio-economic structure of the
population and the speed in which inward migration outgrows
infrastructure. This has been the reason why the quality of the
urban environment is steadily deteriorating and haphazard
growth is taking place. At this juncture we need to take a
stock of where we are now and where we are heading. New
Urbanism is one of the hopes to organize the future of Pune
City and its upcoming areas in traditional pattern.
[1] Congress for New Urbanism (1993) retrieved February
2017 from http://www.newurbanism.org
[2] Congress for New Urbanism (1993) retrieved February
2017 from
[3] Jacobs, J. (1961). The Death and Life of Great American
cities. New York: Random House.
[4] JaymalaDidee and SameetaGupta(2000)―Queen of
Deccan‖ Elephant Design Pvt. Limited.
[5] Photographs by author