New Final Doc 1
New Final Doc 1
New Final Doc 1
The main aim in designing broadband wireless network is reducing the hardware
complexity. The performance of an adaptive hybrid analog-digital beamforming
approach in 5G MIMO mmWave wireless networks is presented in this paper.The
generated beams will be formed based on the traffic demands via on-off of the
antennas in vertical antenna array. This helps to provide high data rate services for
active users. All the vertical antenna arrays consisting of active radiating elements
are arranged in circular array configuration. The entire performance of this approach
is evaluated by executing the monte carlo simulations in MIMO configuration. The
results of this approach presented in this paper demonstrates The downlink
transmission power, blockage probability, and throughput of wireless cellular
networks are all improved by the adaptive beamforming method.In compared to a
static grid of beams, the suggested adaptive method can reduce the number of
actively radiating elements. By keeping the number of antennas in vertical antenna
array constant and by varying the vertical antenna arrays the transmission power
and the blocking probability can be reduced.
For high data rate services, network redesign is very important. For deployment of
5G Various technologies were introduced:mmWave,NOMA,MIMO. For high data
transmission number many of antenna arrays are set at the base station. Future 6G
communication will have a fantastic alternative because to the innovative
architecture and efficient functioning of mmWave in 5G.The mmwave antenna in
cellular systems leads to the less construction cost and flexible geometry of Base
station. Study on 5G Technology and Its Applications is explained in [-2], The
less size occupying mmWave antenna design is an advantage for increasing the
throughput and itcan easily support fluctuating traffic.
For achieving the ideal beamforming the digital precoding is the best
approach.It is performed for adjusting amplitude and phase of transmitted signal. The
combination precoding design combines the analogue precoder for RF chains
alongside the digitally precoder at baseband..In MIMO configuration the fully digital
method results in hardware complexity as there are more number of RF chains
which are equal in number of antennas.This can be overcome by low-dimensional
digital precoder as only very few number of RF chains are required.In this paper
hybrid beamforming performance is evaluated when it is implemented in massive
MIMO mmwave wireless networks. The creation of highly directed beams is
to reduce multiple access interference .Fully digital (FD) precoding is
typically used in classic multi-user (MU) Massive mimo system to modify
the amplitude In order to get the best beamforming, the broadcast signals'
frequency and phases must be considered. Employing the FD method
would result in a significant processing and hardware overhead because
the amount of radio frequency, or RF, links is equal to the total amount of
antennas in a large MIMO configuration.The analogue precoder and the
combination of hybrid beamforming (HBF) method in the RF domain with
the digital precoder at baseband, the majority of related literature in this
context focuses on suboptimal beamforming algorithms . As a result of
this low-dimensional digital precoder, fewer RF chains are required for
implementation. The effectiveness of the low-complexity HBF structure
used in massive MIMO mmWave multicellular systems is assessed in this
Related work
A thorough analysis of 5G networks, including how to address the drawbacks of
abandoning cellular standards and be a prospective key enabler for the future in
addition to advancements like IOT, V2X, etc., is provided in [1], along with a
thorough review of developing and facilitating technologies with a central objective
on 5G mobile networks and technologies integrated with the network for its
improvement. As opposed to currently used wireless communication methods like
Wi-Fi and 4G, millimeter - wave networks use significantly higher carrier frequencies,
which has advantages like vast bandwidth, narrow beam, excellent transmission
quality, and great detecting ability. These advantages are given in detail in [2]. It is
discussed in [3] how the idea of such spatial diversity (SD) is extended to inter
devices that need physical improvements, such as the use of several antennas on
the transmitter and/or receiver. According to [4], beamforming antenna array
technologies in conjunction with huge multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems
are anticipated to play a significant role in developing the future generation of
wireless communication systems (5G). It focuses on the significance of beamforming
methods in massive MIMO networks for getting rid of and fixing the numerous
technical issues that almost massive MIMO framework runs into. The most effective
beamforming techniques used in wireless communication networks are evaluated in
detail in order to boost system throughput and decrease intra- and inter-cell
congestion.The quantity of connections that can be supplied concurrently in [5] is
constrained by our inability to obtain channel-state information for such an infinite
number of terminals, rather than the number of antennas. It is always possible to
support more terminals by fusing very large MIMO technology with traditional OFDM
time- and frequency-division multiplexing. A thorough overview of hybrid multiple-
antenna transceivers is given in [6]. The complexity of hardware topologies is
categorised, and channel state information (CSI) requirements are also examined.
The use of hybrid analog/digital beamforming (HBF) allows for a significant reduction
in the number of RF chains while maintaining acceptable performance.
Nevertheless, the HBF nature of the mm Wave system precludes straightforward
application of the typical multiuser MIMO beamforming techniques. For both digital
and analogue beamforming, yet another reduction of inter user interference is being
sought after. For the upstream multiuser case, a novel, low-complexity HBF method
is provided in [7]. In [8], several HBF structure suggestions for mm-wave systems
are discussed, with an emphasis on the hardware, spectral, and computational
speed. According to the analysis that has been provided, an HBF with the right
structure can approach the FD one's performance with minimal hardware complexity.
In millimeter wave wireless communication systems, hybrid analog/digital multiple-
input multiple-output designs have recently been suggested as an alternative to
entirely digital-precoding. In [9], hybrid architectures built on switching networks were
used to lessen the complexity and energy use of phase-shifter-based structures.
Both structures' energy efficiency is assessed using a power consumption model,
which is defined. The suggested open-loop compressive channel estimation method
in [9] is not reliant on the hardware employed in the analogue processing stage. For
the construction of the switch-based hybrid combiner and analysis of the acquired
spectral efficiency, two algorithms are created.
In [10], The majority of earlier research has concentrated on hybrid precoding
for narrow-band millimeter Wave systems, with perfect or approximate channel
information at the transmitter, and the best hybrid precoding scheme for a specific
RF codebook is derived. It takes into account mm-wave wideband systems with a
constrained feedback path between both the receiver and the transmitter. According
to Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, a low-complexity, ideal selective hybrid
precoding technique is suggested in [10].
Proposed Approach
Classification of beamforming is done based on the placement of DAC. In analog
beamforming only single DAC is used for all the antennas. where as in digital
beamforming multiple DACs are used for all the antenna elements and the signal
processing is done simultaneously from all the antennas.In analog beamforming RF
chain is used for all the antenna elements and the beam is formed only to asingle
direction at a given point of time. When compared to digital beamforming analog
beamforming has low power consumption. In case of digital beamforming the beams
are formed in many directions simultaneously. But in digital beamforming number of
RF chains required are more as each antenna element is connected to the RF chain.
Steering vector and hybrid beamforming are evaluated by expressions
a(θ) = [1, e^(jπsin(θ)), e^(j2πsin(θ)), ..., e^(j(N-1)πsin(θ))]^T , wh = wa * wd
where wa is the analog beamforming weight vector , wh is the hybrid
beamforming weight vector,wd is the digital beamforming vector
Both digital and analog beamforming have pros and cons. For multidirectional
beamforming the hybrid beamforming technique was introduced. In hybrid
beamforming the specified group of antennas are connected to DACs which are
coupled with RF chain. beamforming weights for the hybrid beamforming in MIMO
5G given by formula w = [Fd * Fa]^H * h where w,Fd,Fa,H,h are beamforming weight
vector, digital beamforming matrix, analog beamforming matrix, Hermitian transpose
(conjugate transpose) operator, channel vector.This reduces the overall power
consumption and also provides the required number of analog beams in different
direction at same time.
Pt = NoFu*Max_tx_Power_BSperMS.
1: for k=1:Nu
2: Compute D matrices for interference channels
3: end for
4: Compute channel Variance for each channel element
5: Pre-generation of Rayleigh fading channel realizations (unit
7:Generate channel matrix for m:th realization
8:digital precoding use (MRT) precoding
20:for tp = 1:7
21: throughput(3+tp) = throughput(3+tp)+50*tp;
22:end for
Whenever all vertical arrays are activated, the word active beams will also be used
to represent the amount of generated beams per BS, and the notation (v,w,R) has
been taken into consideration. Figure 1 shows that the throughput is maximised for 5
PRBs per MS, 4 radiating elements per vertical array, and 3–8 active beams per BS.
However, with 15 PRBs per MS, throughput is lowered because only a few active
MSs can offer high data rate services.
Figure 1
Figure 2 shows that the maximum transmission power is achieved with 15 PRBs per
MS, eight radiating elements per vertical array, and eight beams per BS, as well as
the maximum blocking probability.The highest blocking probability is shown in Figure
3 for 15 PRBs per MS, 8 radiating elements per vertical array, and 8 active beams
per BS.Four radiating elements per vertical array (W), five per MS (R), eight active
beams per BS (R), and five per MS (R) have the lowest transmission power and
blocking probability.
Figure 2
Figure 3
From the findings, it is clear that we can get the highest throughput, lowest blocking
probability, and four radiating elements per vertical array and eight active beams per
BS for 5 PRBs per MS.
While considering the FGoB (FB), the notation (v,w,R) is utilised in all figures. The
legend notation (v,w,wo,R) is utilised for the AGoB (AB) in figures (4,5,6). The AGoB
and FGoB scenarios show no appreciable throughput changes for any of the MIMO
patterns taken into account (Figure 4). Figure 4 shows that for 5 PRBs per MS, 5
radiating elements per vertical array, 15 active beams per BS, 4/3 Active radiating
elements (wo=4 or 3), and 5 Active radiating elements (wo=5), the throughput is
maximised while for 5 PRBs per MS, 5 radiating elements per vertical array, 15
active beams per BS, and 5 Active radiating elements (wo=5), the throughput is
reduced.A maximum transmission power of 5 PRBs per MS, 5 radiating elements
per vertical array, 15 active beams per BS, and 3 active radiating elements is shown
in Figure 5.Figure 6 shows that for 15 PRBs per MS, 5 radiating elements per
vertical array, 15 active beams per BS, and 5 Active radiating elements (wo=5), the
blocking probability is at its highest.When four Active Radiating components are
utilised, the likelihood of blocking is decreased.
From the observations, it is clear that we can use 5 PRBs per MS, 5 radiating
elements per vertical array, 15 active beams per BS, and 4 active radiating elements
to obtain maximum throughput and the lowest blocking probabilities.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
The efficiency of an adaptive hybrid beamforming technique has been
assessed in the context of 5G mmWave cellular networks. Each vertical antenna
array is connected to a distinct RF chain, and a different set of antenna components
is activated to generate the radiation pattern. Each vertical array functions as a
radiating element of the circular array structure, allowing for wide-ranging 360o
spatial coverage. The findings demonstrate that, even when hardware complexity is
reduced at the expense of increased transmission power, our adaptable
beamforming approach can enhance a number of key performance indicators (KPIs)
of the cellular orientation, including total downlink transmission power while all
radiating elements per vertical antenna array turn on and blocking probability. The
suggested adaptive beamforming technique is based on high - quality CSI at BSs.
Future work will extend the presented method to user traffic scenarios that are more
demanding (e.g., by developing user-specific directive beams) and to distributed
MIMO infrastructures. In order to do this, using chip scale radiating elements, the
current work's derived results can be applied to array designs that are more effective
in terms of directivity gained and physical size. Future 6G applications can be
developed with the research of smart antennas and the development of plasmonic
nano antennas that target optical frequencies.
-2. Deepender, Manoj, U. Shrivastava and J. K. Verma, "A Study on 5G
Technology and Its Applications in Telecommunications," 2021 International
Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE), Shillong, India,
2021, pp. 365-371.
-1. S. Jain, A. Markan and C. Markan, "Performance Evaluation of a Millimeter
Wave MIMO Hybrid Beamforming System," 2020 IEEE Latin-American
Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), Santo Domingo, Dominican
Republic, 2020.
0. F. Zhang and M. Wu, "Hybrid analog-digital precoding for millimeter wave
MIMO systems," 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Communication
Technology (ICCT), Chengdu, China, 2017, pp. 69-73