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Banks: Deposits Accounts

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A bank is a financial institution that serves as a financial intermediary. The term "bank" may refer to one of several related types of entities: A central bank circulates money on behalf of a government and acts as its monetary authority by implementing monetary policy, which regulates the money supply. A commercial bank accepts deposits and pools those funds to provide credit, either directly by lending, or indirectly by investing through the capital markets. Within the global financial markets, these institutions connect market participants with capital deficits (borrowers) to market participants with capital surpluses (investors and lenders) by transferring funds from those parties who have surplus funds to invest (financial assets) to those parties who borrow funds to invest in real assets. A savings bank (known as a "building society" in the United Kingdom) is similar to a savings and loan association (S&L). They can either be stockholder owned or mutually owned, in which case they are permitted to only borrow from members of the financial cooperative. The asset structure of savings banks and savings and loan associations is similar, with residential mortgage loans providing the principal assets of the institution's portfolio.

A deposit account is a current account, savings account, or other type of bank account, at a banking institution that allows money to be deposited and withdrawn by the account holder. These transactions are recorded on the bank's books, and the resulting balance is recorded as a liability for the bank, and represent the amount owed by the bank to the customer. Some banks charge a fee for this service, while others may pay the customer interest on the funds deposited.

Types of deposits accounts:

1. 2.

Saving accounts current accounts

Saving accounts:

Savings accounts: Accounts maintained by retail banks that pay interest but can not be used directly as money (for example, by writing a cheque). Although not as convenient to use as checking accounts, these accounts let customers keep liquid assets while still earning a monetary return.

Current account:
Current Account is one of the most basic and flexible deposit options for all the business needs. These cheque operated account is primarily meant for businessmen, firms, companies, public enterprises etc who need banking facility more frequently. Unlike savings bank account, no limits are fixed by banks on the number of transactions permitted in the Account. Most of the banks usually insists for a higher minimum balance as compared to savings account to be maintained in Current account. Now Current accounts are available with debit card and online banking facilities which make the transactions more easier. Certain service charges are also imposed for operating current account. However these account cannot be considered as a saving account since the banks are not allowed to pay any interest to current account balance. Incase of death of the account holder his legal heirs are paid interest at the rates applicable to Savings bank deposit from the date of death till the date of settlement.

Fixed deposits:
A fixed deposit is meant for those investors who want to deposit a lump sum of money for a fixed period; say for a minimum period of 15 days to five years and above, thereby earning a higher rate of interest in return. Investor gets a lump sum (principal + interest) at the maturity of the deposit. Bank fixed deposits are one of the most common savings scheme open to an average investor. Fixed deposits also give a higher rate of interest than a savings bank account. The facilities vary from bank to bank. Some of the facilities offered by banks are overdraft (loan) facility on the amount deposited, premature withdrawal before maturity period (which involves a loss of interest) etc. Bank deposits are fairly safer because banks are subject to control of the Reserve Bank of India.

Bank deposits are the safest investment after Post office savings because all bank deposits are insured under the Deposit Insurance & Credit Guarantee Scheme of India. It is possible to get a loans up to75- 90% of the deposit amount from banks against fixed deposit receipts. The interest charged will be 2% more than the rate of interest earned by the deposit. With effect from A.Y. 1998-99, investment on bank deposits, along with other specified incomes, is exempt from income tax up to a limit of Rs.12, 000/under Section 80L. Also, from A.Y. 1993-94, bank deposits are totally exempt from wealth tax. The 1995 Finance Bill Proposals introduced tax deduction at source (TDS) on fixed deposits on interest incomes of Rs.5000/and above per annum.

Recurring deposit: The Recurring deposit in Bank is meant for someone who want to invest a specific sum of money on a monthly basis for a fixed rate of return. At the end, you will get the principal sum as well as the interest earned during that period. The scheme, a systematic way for long term savings, is one of the best investment option for the low income groups.

Major functions of the banks

1.Receiving Deposits:
This is the main function of commercial banks to collect savings of individuals and firms. They offer different types of deposits for the facility of the customers.

i. Current Account or Demand Deposits:

Any amount can be withdrawn from this account any time without any notice. No interest is allowed on this type of account.

ii. Saving Account:

This type of deposit account which is usually held by the middle class group. The saving account carries lower rate of interest.

iii. Fixed Deposit:

Amount cannot be withdrawn before the fixed future date in this type of deposit. High interest is allowed in fixed deposit which is different according to period.


Advancing Loans:
This is the important function of the commercial bank. Credit is given to the people in different ways. (a.): Making Loans: There are three types of loans given to borrowers. i. Short Term Loans: These loans are advanced for the period of six months to one year. High Interest rate Is charged on this type of accounts. ii. Medium Term Loans: Loans from one to five years are called medium term loans. iii: Long Term Loans: Loans which are advanced for the period, more than ten years are long term loans.

(b.): Bank Overdraft: Banks allows their trustful customers to draw more than the deposit they have in the Bank. Bank charges interest on overdraft. (c.): Cash Credit: Bank also gives credit against immovable property and interest is charged by the bank. (d.): Discounting of Bills: This is income source of bank to discount bills of exchange. They charge nominal Interest and discount only reputed and clear bills of exchange]

This account is the primary method in which Banks lend money against the security of commodities and debt. It runs like a current account except that the money that can be withdrawn from this account is not restricted to the amount deposited in the account. Instead, the account holder is permitted to withdraw a certain sum called "limit" or "credit facility" in excess of the amount deposited in the account. Cash Credits are, in theory, payable on demand. These are, therefore, counter part of demand deposits of the Bank

The word overdraft means the act of overdrawing from a Bank account. In other words, the account holder withdraws more money from a Bank Account than has been deposited in it..

Bill Discounting:
Bill discounting is a major activity with some of the smaller Banks. Under this type of lending, Bank takes the bill drawn by borrower on his(borrower's) customer and pay him immediately deducting some amount as discount/commission. The Bank then presents the Bill to the borrower's customer on the due date of the Bill and collects the total amount. If the bill is delayed, the borrower or his customer pays the Bank a pre-determined interest depending upon the terms of transaction.

Term Loan:
Term Loans are the counter parts of Fixed Deposits in the Bank. Banks lend money in this mode when the repayment is sought to be made in fixed, pre-determined installments. This type of loan is normally given to the borrowers for acquiring long term assets i.e. assets which will benefit the borrower over a long period (exceeding at least one year). Purchases of plant and machinery, constructing building for factory, setting up new projects fall in this category. Financing for purchase of automobiles, consumer durables, real estate and creation of infra structure also falls in this category.

Classification of loans

Another way to classify the loans is through the activity being financed. Viewed from this angle, bank loans are bifurcated into : Priority sector lending Commercial lending

Priority Sector Lending

The Government of India through the instrument of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) mandates certain type of lending on the Banks operating in India irrespective of their origin. RBI sets targets in terms of percentage (of total money lent by the Banks) to be lent to certain sectors, which in RBI's perception would not have had access to organised lending market or could not afford to pay the interest at the commercial rate. This type of lending is called Priority Sector Lending. Financing of Small Scale Industry, Small business, Agricultural Activities and Export activities fall under this category. This is also called directed credit in Indian Banking system.

Financing Priority Sector in the economy is not strictly on commercial basis as not only the general approach is liberal but also the rate of interest charged on such loans is less. Export finance is, in fact, available at a discount of 20% or

more on the normal rate of interest to Indian corporates. Part of the cost of this concession is borne by RBI by means of refinancing such loans at concessional rate. Indian Banks, therefore, contribute towards economic development of the country by subsidizing the business activities undertaken by entrepreneurs in the areas which are consider "priority sector" by RBI.

Commercial Lending:
This is the mainstay of Indian Banking - its bread and butter activity. Although historically, this activity had been relegated to a secondary position as banks were driven by the desire to excel themselves in what is known as "priority sector banking" yet it is this part of their loan portfolio which has kept them afloat and help meet the costs. This activity survived despite a number of restrictions imposed on it in the past. With financial sector reforms, the focus has shifted from "priority sector banking" and commercial lending has been reinstated to its rightful place. Today many banks focus on this activity for improving their bottom lines. Fresh and innovative products are being launched to facilitate the corporate customer who forms the core of this business. There is big competition among banks to secure bigger share of this business

Internet banking in India:

The Internet banking is changing the banking industry and is having the major effects on banking relationships. Even the Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Internet research emphasised that Web is more important for retail financial services than for many other industries. Internet banking involves use of Internet for delivery of banking products & services. It falls into four main categories, from Level 1 - minimum functionality sites that offer only access to deposit account data - to Level 4 sites - highly sophisticated offerings enabling integrated sales of additional products and access to other financial services- such as investment and insurance. In other words a successful Internet banking solution offers Exceptional rates on Savings, CDs, and IRAs Checking with no monthly fee, free bill payment and rebates on ATM surcharges Credit cards with low rates Easy online applications for all accounts, including personal loans and mortgages 24 hour account access Quality customer service with personal attention.

Credit cards:

A credit card is a small plastic card issued to users as a system of payment. It allows its holder to buy goods and services based on the holder's promise to pay for these goods and services.[1] The issuer of the card creates a revolving account and grants a line of credit to the consumer (or the user) from which the user can borrow money for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance to the user.

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