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3 Analysis of Steel

Rectangular Plate with

Circular Hole
In this example, a rectangular plate with a circular hole is subjected to horizontal
force. Then, the effect of stretching of the plate on the stress distributions around
the hole is analyzed using the finite element method.


A rectangular plate with a circular hole at its center is subjected to uniform
horizontal stress of 10 kN/m2 along both sides. It should be noticed that the
plate has no boundary condition, and it is a free movin g body as it is not
fixed in position. However, in finite element analysis, it should have in-
troduced at least one boundary condition, to process the analysis. When it is
possible to create the symmetry condition in the model, it should be con-
sidered in the model to reduce the computational time in the analysis.
Therefore, the plate is modeled as a quarter where its symmetry condition
will play the role of boundary conditions in this example. The cut edge will
be designed fully constrained, having a uniform distributed load on the
other end, as shown in Figure 3.1. In this case, due to the symmetry in
geometry concerning the equal applied loads, a quarter of the model can be
modeled. Therefore, analysis of plate in a state of plane stress has been
carried out, and the stress sdistribution and deformation of a plate are
Modulus of elasticity = 20,000 kN/cm 2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3

1. To determine the effect of load applied to the plate on the deformation
behavior of the hole
2. To investigate the stress distribution of a rectangular plate with a
circular hole

DOI: 10.1201/9781003213369-3 27
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 28

FIGURE 3.1 Plate with hole.

This module allows for creating the geometry required for the problem. To
create a 3D geometry, a 2D section should be created first and then manipulated
to obtain the solid geometry. Create a New Model Database

Start Abaqus/CAE from programs in the Start menu.
Select Create Model Database from the Start Session dialog box that appears
(see Figure 3.2).
When the Part module has finished loading, it displays the Part module
toolbox in the left side of the Abaqus/CAE main window. Each module displays
its own set of tools in the module toolbox (Figure 3.2). Create a New Model Database and a New Part

From the main menu bar, select Part→Create to create a new part.
The Create Part dialog box appears. Use the Create Part dialog box to name
the part and to select its modeling space, type, and base feature and to set the
approximate size. The name of the part may be edited once it has been created,
but the modeling space, type, or base feature cannot be changed.
Name the part plateWithHole. Choose a 2D planar, deformable body type,
and Shell as the base feature (see Figure 3.3).
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 29

FIGURE 3.2 Getting started.

FIGURE 3.3 Create a new model database and create a new part.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 30
Enter an approximate size of 50. The value entered in the approximate size
text field at the bottom of the dialog box sets the approximate size of the new
Click [Continue] to exit the CreatePart dialog box.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 31 Define Rectangle with Dimensions

Use Create Lines: The Rectangle tool located in the upper left corner of the
Sketcher toolbox to begin drawing the geometry of the plate. The user can select
a starting corner for the rectangle at the viewport or enter the X and Y co-
ordinates. Create a line with the following coordinates: (0.0, 0.0), and (10.0, 5.0)
as shown in Figure 3.4. Alternatively, the user can define the dimension of the
geometry by clicking on the AddDimension tool. Once finished sketching the
section for the dimension, click on Done at the prompt area to exit the sketcher,
which will turn out as shown in Figure 3.4. Draw Circle to Define Cut and Dimension Radius

Finally, use the CreateCircle: Center and Perimeter tool. Select a center point for
the circle or enter the X and Y coordinates with a center at (0.0, 0.0) and one
point at (2.5, 0.0). The following geometry should be drawn, as shown in

Click Done at the prompt area to exit the Sketcher (see Figure 3.6).

FIGURE 3.4 Define the rectangle and dimensions.

Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 32

FIGURE 3.5 Extrude cut to create a hole.

FIGURE 3.6 Draw circle to define cut and dimension radius.

Save the model in a model database file: From the main menu bar, select
File→Save. The Save Model Database appears as a dialog box.
Type a name for the new model database in the File Name field and click OK.


In this module, the material properties for the analysis should be defined by
assigning those properties to the available parts.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 33
Note: If the Done button in the prompt area does not appear, right click on the
viewport until it appears. Material Properties

The Property module is used to create a material and to define its properties. In
this problem, all the members of the frame are made of steel and are assumed to
be linear
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 34

elastic with Young’s modulus of 20,000 kN/cm2 and Poisson’s ratio of 0.3. Thus,
a single linear elastic material is created with these properties. To define a
Under the Model Tree, select Property, to open the Property module. The
cursor changes to an hourglass while the Property module is loaded.
The Edit Material dialog box appears.
Name the material Steel.
From the material editor’s menu bar, click Mechanical→Elasticity→Elastic.
The software displays the Elastic data form (see Figure 3.7).
Enter the value of 20,000 for Young’s modulus and 0.3 for Poisson’s ratio in
the respective cells (see Figure 3.8).
Click OK to exit the material editor.
Keep the changes by clicking on the Save button.

FIGURE 3.7 Material definition.

FIGURE 3.8 Material properties.

Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 35 Section Properties

The section properties of a model are defined by creating sections in the
Property module. Once the section has been created, use one of the following
two methods to assign the section to the part:
Select the region from the part and assign the section to the selected region,
or use the Set toolset to create a homogenous set containing the region and
assign the section to the set.
To define a plate section as shown in Figure 3.9 the following process should
be fulfilled.
From the main menu bar, select Section→Create and the Create Section
dialog box appears.
In the Create Section dialog box:
Name the section plate Section.
In the Category list, select Solid.
In the Type list, select Homogenous.
Click Continue. The Edit Section dialog box appears.
In the Edit Section dialog box:

Accept the default selection of Steel for the Material associated with the
section. If other materials have previously been defined, click the arrow next to
the Material text box and scroll through the Material to view a list of available
materials and assign it to the section.
In the Plane stress/strain thickness field, enter the value as 0.5.
Click OK. Assign Plate Section to the Part

Next, assign the defined section to the corresponding part. The Assign menu is
used in the Property module to assign the section plateSection to the plate.
Assign the section to the plate, as shown in Figure 3.10.
From the main menu bar, select Assign→Section. Abaqus/CAE displays
prompts in the prompt area to guide the user through the procedure.

FIGURE 3.9 Section properties.

Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 36

FIGURE 3.10 Plate section.

Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 37
FIGURE 3.11 Plate section assignment.

Alternatively, expand the menu under the plateWithHole and double click on
the Section Assignments.
Select the entire part as the region which the section will be applied.
Click and hold the left button of the mouse at the upper left corner of the
Drag the mouse to create a box around the plate.
Release the left mouse button. Abaqus/CAE highlights the entire plate.
Right click on the viewport or click Done in the prompt area to accept the
selected geometry. The Assign Section dialog box appears.
In Section, scroll to the plate section and click OK. The part changes color to
green once the section is assigned, as shown in Figure 3.11.


A finite element mesh is generated in this module. Abaqus/CAE uses a number
of different meshing techniques. The default meshing technique assigned to the
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 38

model is indicated by the color of the model which is displayed when the Mesh
module is opened. If Abaqus/CAE displays the model in orange, it cannot be
meshed without the assistance of the user. This command is used to mesh the
whole structure to small and equal parts and elements. Mesh: Seed the Part (1 cm Elements)

The Mesh module is used to generate the finite element mesh. The meshing
technique used to create the mesh, the element shape, and the element type,
should be chosen. In this section, a particular Abaqus element type is assigned to
the model. The element type assignment can also be postponed until the mesh is
created. The Plane stress elements will be used to model the plate. To assign an
Abaqus element type:
In the Part Module list, expand the menu under the plateWithHole and double
click on the Mesh to open the Mesh module.
At the context bar, click Part, to unclick the assembly.
From the main menu bar, select Mesh→Element Type.
In the viewport, select the entire frame as the region to be assigned with an
element type. In the prompt area, click Done. The Element Type dialog box
appears, as shown in Figure 3.12.
In the dialog box, select the following:

• Standard as the Element Library selection (the default)

• Linear as the Geometric Order (the default)
• Plane stress as the Family of elements
• Unclick the reduced integration box (NEVER use reduced integration)

In the lower portion of the dialog box, examine the element shape options. A
brief description of the default element selection is available at the bottom of
each tabbed page.

FIGURE 3.12 Selecting the element type.

Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 39

Click OK to assign the element type and to close the dialog box (see
Figure 3.12).
Then the mesh can be created. Meshing is basically a two-stage operation that
includes first seeding the edges of the part instance followed by mesh in the part
instance. Select the number of seeds based on the desired element size or on the
number of elements that are required along an edge, and Abaqus/CAE places the
nodes of the mesh at the seeds whenever possible. For manual meshing, click on
Seed Edges. Then, select the edges that the user wants to mesh. Next, click Mesh
Part Instance. Seed and Mesh the Model

From the main menu bar, select Seed→Part to seed the part instance.
Alternatively, select the Seed Part on the upper left corner of the meshing
toolbox. The Global Seeds dialog box will appear.
Type the appropriate value for the approximate global size of the mesh
elements. Specify an element size of 1.0 for this example.
Click OK to accept the seeding (see Figure 3.13).
Note: More control of the resulting mesh can be gained by seeding each edge
of the part instance individually. However, it is not necessary for this example.
The prompt area displays the default element size that Abaqus/CAE will use to
seed the part instance. This default element size is based on the size of the part
instance. A relatively large seed value will be used so that only one element will
be created per region.
Abaqus/CAE offers a variety of meshing techniques to mesh models with
different topologies. Various meshing techniques provide different levels of
automation and user control. There are three types of mesh-generation techni-
ques available in Abaqus/CAE as follows:

FIGURE 3.13 Assign the approximate global size for the mesh elements.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 40

FIGURE 3.14 Choose element shape and the meshing technique option.

Structured meshing applies pre-established mesh patterns to particular model

topologies. To use this technique, complex models must generally be partitioned
into simpler regions.
Swept meshing extrudes an internally generated mesh along a sweep path or
revolves it around an axis of revolution. Like structured meshing, swept meshing
is limited to models with specific topologies and geometries.
Free meshing is the most flexible meshing technique as it uses no pre-
established mesh patterns and can be applied to almost all model shapes.
Select the AssignMeshControls tool at the meshing toolbox, and the
MeshControls dialog box appears.
Choose Quad as the element shape. Then, ChooseStructured meshing tech-
nique, as shown in Figure 3.14.
From the main menu bar, select Mesh→Instance to mesh the part instance or
select the MeshPartInstance at the upper left corner of the meshing toolbox.
Select the part instances to be meshed. Once finished selecting, click Yes in
the prompt area to confirm the mesh of the part instance. Once meshed, the plate
changes color to blue, and the meshed geometry is shown in Figure 3.15.


Each part is oriented in its own coordinate system and is independent of the
other parts in the model. Although a model may contain many parts, it contains
only one assembly. Define the geometry of the assembly by creating instances
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 41
of a
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 42

FIGURE 3.15 Choose mesh algorithm options.

part and then positioning the instances relative to each other in a global co-
ordinate system. An instance may be independent or dependent. Independent
part instances are meshed individually, while the mesh of a dependent part
instance is associated with the mesh of the original part. Assemble Part Instances into the Model

In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Assembly to open the
Assembly module.
From the main menu bar, select Instance→Create or select the Create
Instance at the upper left of the assembling toolbox. The Create Instance dialog
box appears, as shown in Figure 3.16.
Note: In Abaqus, the user can create many parts and assemble them to form a
model. The user can also create many instances from one part. For example, in a
composite structure, the user does not need to draw all the bolted shear
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 43

FIGURE 3.16 Assemble part instances into a model.

Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 44

connectors. If they are similar, drawing one is sufficient. The others can be
created using the linear pattern from the first one by defining the number of
instances and the offset from one to another.
In the dialog box, choose Dependent (mesh on the part) as the instance type.
In the considered case, we only have one part: plateWithHole, select it, and
click OK.


After the assembly is completed, then the configuration of the analysis should be
defined. In this simulation analysis, we are interested in identifying the static
response of the plate to a 10 kN/m2 load applied at the adjacent sides.
Abaqus/CAE generates the initial step automatically. However, the rest of the
analysis step should be defined by the user as well as the requested output for
any steps in the analysis. There are two kinds of analysis steps in Abaqus:
general analysis steps, which can be used to analyze the linear or nonlinear
response, and linear perturbation steps, which can be used only to analyze linear
problems. However, only general analysis steps are available in
Abaqus/Explicit. Next, create a static, general that follows the initial step of
the analysis. Create an Analysis Step

In the next step, that is, after the assembly of the model has been created, move
to the Step module to configure the required analysis. In this simulation analysis,
the aim is to evaluate the static response of the plate to a 10 kN/m 2 pressure
applied at the end of the plate, with the left end fully constrained. This is a single
event, so only a single analysis step is needed for the simulation. Thus,
the analysis will consist of two steps:

• The initial step in which boundary conditions that constrain the end of the
plate are applied
• Analysis step, in which a distributed load at the other end of the plate is

Abaqus/CAE generates the initial step automatically, but the Step module needs
to be operated by the user to create the analysis step. The Step module also
allows the user to request output (field output & history output) for each step in
the analysis.
In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Step to open the Step
From the main menu bar, select Step→Create to create a step. The Create
Step dialog box appears with a list of all general procedures and a default step
named Step-1 (see Figure 3.17).
Select General as the Procedure type.
Scroll through the available list, select Static, General, and click on Continue.
Next, the EditStep dialog box appears.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 45

FIGURE 3.17 Analysis step.

The Basic tab is selected by default. In the Description field, type This is a
load step where we apply the 10 kN force at the end (see Figure 3.18).
Click the Incrementation tab and the Other tab to see its contents and accept
the default values provided for the step.
Click OK to create the step and to exit the Edit Step dialog box.


The prescribed conditions, such as loads and boundary conditions, are step
depen- dent, which means that the user needs to specify the steps in which they
become active. As the steps in the analysis have been defined, the Load module
can be used to define the prescribed conditions. In this model, the left edge of the
plate is fully constrained and cannot move in any direction. However, due to the
symmetry of the x and y axes, one-fourth of the plate is modeled, with the
boundary conditions shown in Figure 3.19.
To apply boundary conditions to the plate, follow the steps as shown below:
In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Load to open the Load
From the main menu bar, select BC→Create. The Create Boundary Condition
dialog box appears.
In the Create Boundary Condition dialog box:
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 46
Name the boundary condition leftBC.
From the list of steps, select Initial as the step in which the boundary con-
dition will be activated. All the mechanical boundary conditions specified in the
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 47

FIGURE 3.18 Time options, Nlgeom, and incrementation.

IGURE 3.19 Left symmetric boundary condition.

Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 48

Initial step must have zero magnitude. This condition is enforced automatically
by Abaqus/CAE.
In the Category list, accept Mechanical as the default category selection.
In the Types for the SelectedStep list, select Symmetry/Antisymmetry/
Encastre, and then click Continue. Abaqus/CAE displays prompts in the prompt
area to guide the user through the procedure. For example, select the region to
which the boundary condition will be applied as illustrated in Figure 3.19.
To apply a prescribed condition to a region, the user can either select the
region directly in the viewport or apply the condition to an existing set (a set is a
named region of a model). Sets are a convenient tool that can be used to manage
large and complicated models. It is unnecessary to have more sets in this simple
In the viewport, select the edge at the left of the plate. This is the region to
which the boundary condition will be applied, as shown in Figure 3.20.
Right-click on the viewport or click Done in the prompt area to indicate the
end of selecting the regions. The Edit Boundary Condition dialog box then ap-
pears. When the boundary condition is being defined in the initial step, all
available degrees of freedom are unconstrained by default.
In the dialog box:
Select XSYMM (U1=UR2=UR3=0) since all translational degrees of
freedom need to be constrained.
Click on OK to create the boundary condition and to close the dialog box.
Abaqus/CAE displays arrowheads at the vertex to indicate the constrained
degrees of freedom (see Figure 3.21).
Repeat the steps for the lower edge of the plate with the name lowerBC, as
shown in Figure 3.22.
In the Edit Boundary Condition dialog box, select YSYMM
(U2=UR1=UR3=0) and click OK to close the dialog box (see Figure 3.23).
The boundary conditions applied all appear, as shown in Figure 3.24.
In the next step, in which the plate is constrained, the load can be applied to
the other end of the plate. In this simulation analysis, a distributed force of
10 kN/m2 is applied in the negative direction of the axis.
To apply the distributed force to the plate, as shown in Figure 3.25, perform
the following steps:
From the main menu bar, select Load→Manager.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 49

FIGURE 3.20 Edit the boundary condition dialog box for fixed support.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 50

FIGURE 3.21 Select edge and BC options.

FIGURE 3.22 Lower symmetric BC.

FIGURE 3.23 Select edge and BC options.

Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 51

FIGURE 3.24 All boundary conditions shown (applied in initial step).

FIGURE 3.25 Create load dialogue box.

At the bottom of the Load Manager, click Create. The Create Load dialog box
In the CreateLoad dialog box:
From the list of steps, select Step-1 as the step in which the load will be
exerted. In the Category list, select Mechanical as the default category selection.
In the Types for the SelectedStep list, select Pressure. Then, click on Continue.
Abaqus/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide the user through
the procedure. The user is asked to select a region or point to which the load will
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 52

FIGURE 3.26 Defining load.

be applied. As with the boundary conditions, the region to which the load will be
applied can be selected either directly in the viewport or from a list of existing
sets. Select the region directly in the viewport.
In the viewport, select the right edge of the plate as the region where the load
will be applied.
Click on the viewport or click Done in the prompt area to finish selecting the
regions. The EditLoad dialog box appears.
In the dialog box (see Figure 3.26):
Click OK to create the load and to close the dialog box.


In the Module list located under the toolbar, click Job to open the Job module.


From the main menu bar, select Job→Manager and the Job Manager window
In the Job Manager, click Create. The Create Job dialog box appears with a
list of models in the model database.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 53

FIGURE 3.27 Create a job for analysis.

Name the job and click Continue. The Edit Job dialog box then appears.
Enter a description for the job, type two-dimensional plane stress problem.
Check Full analysis and choose to run the job in the background and check to
start it immediately, as shown in Figure 3.27. (Note: Job Type is set to Full
analysis to combine the data check and analysis phases of the simulation.)
Click OK to accept all other default job settings in the job editor and to close
the dialog box.
Expand the tree under Jobs, right click on Job-1. Then, click on Submit
(see Figure 3.28).
When the model simulation is completed, the analysis can then be executed.
Since errors in the model originating from incorrect or missing data cannot
be identified initially, therefore, the user should perform a data check analysis
before running the analysis. To run a data check analysis:
First, make sure that the Job Type is set to Data check. From the buttons on
the right edge of the Job Manager, click Submit to submit the job for analysis or
the user can click on the Data Check at the right edge of the Job Manager for
checking purposes. The model will then be on Check Running status.
Once the Abaqus/CAE has updated that the model is in Check Completed
status, the user can click on Continue having completed the analysis. The user
can also indicate the job’s status after job submission. The Status column for the
overhead hoist problem shows one of the following:
None while the analysis input file is being generated.

• Submitted while the job is being submitted for analysis.

• Running while Abaqus/CAE is analyzing the model.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 54


From the buttons shown on the right edge of the Job Manager, click on Monitor
to open the job monitor dialog box once the job is submitted.
The top half of the dialog box displays the information available in the status
(*.sta) file that Abaqus creates for the analysis.
If the status on top of the Job Monitor window is shown as Completed, then
this job is free of errors and has been executed properly. Then the analysis
results can be checked.


Graphical post-processing is important given the vast volume of data created
during a simulation. For any realistic model, it is impractical to interpret the
results in the tabular form of the data file. Abaqus/Viewer allows the user to
view results graphically using a variety of methods, including deformed shape
plots, contour plots, vector plots, animations, and X–Y plots.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 55

FIGURE 3.29 View results of the analysis.


Once the job is completed, the user can then view the results of the analysis at
the Visualization module. From the buttons shown on the right edge of the Job
Manager, click Results. Abaqus/CAE loads the Visualization module, opens the

FIGURE 3.30 Select the desired results to print to a report.

Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 56

FIGURE 3.31 Choosing a directory and the file name to which to write the report.

output database created by the job, and displays a fast plot of the model, as
shown in Figure 3.29. A fast plot is a basic representation of the undeformed
shape of the model. Alternatively, the visualization option can be clicked in the
Module list located under the toolbar; select File→Open and select Plate.odb
from the list of available output database files, and then click OK.


Abaqus/CAE allows the user to write data to a text file (*.rpt) in a tabular
format. This feature is found to be very convenient in writing tabular output to
the data (*.dat) file. It is also very useful, especially in writing a report. In this
problem, the user will generate a report containing the element stress S11 and
the element strain energies. To generate field data reports:
From the main menu bar, select Report→Field Output.
To create a text file containing the values of S11, click on Report in the main
menu bar and then click on Field output. In the Report Field Output dialog box,
for Position, select Unique nodal, and then check S11 under the expanded list of
S: Stress components (see Figure 3.30).
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 57

FIGURE 3.32 Field output report for S11.

In the Setup tabbed page, name the report as Plate.rpt. This file can also be
saved in the user’s working directory by clicking on the Select button. In the
Data region at the bottom of the page, toggle off the Column totals (the column
total is useful when the user wants to compute, for example, the total strain
energy of the entire model).
Click Apply (see Figure 3.31). The stress values S11 are appended to the
report file (see Figure 3.32).
Abaqus/CAE allows the user to plot the graph of each output.
Select the Create XY Data tool in the visualization toolbox to plot the S11
graph. The Create XY Data dialog box appears (see Figure 3.33).
Check the ODB field output in the list of sources. Then click on Continue.
XY Data from the ODB Field Output dialog box appears. In the Variables
tabbed page, scroll through the list of positions and select the UniqueNodal.
Expand the S: Stress Components and check S11 (see Figure 3.34).
In the Elements/Nodes tabbed page, click Pick from the viewport and then
click Edit Selection (see Figure 3.35).
In the next step, the user is allowed to pick any element available in the
viewport. Once the element is selected, click on Done and it shows that one
element is selected.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 58

FIGURE 3.33 Create/operate on XY data.

FIGURE 3.34 Select the desired results for graph plotting.

Click on Plot. The graph of Stress vs. Time at that selected element is plotted
in the viewport (see Figure 3.36).
The S11 stress contour can be observed by clicking on the icon Plot
Contours, on the Deformed Shape (see Figure 3.37).
Note: If the user cannot read the S11 values in the legend block on the main
menu, click on View port Annotation Options. Under Legend, click on Set font
and enter a larger font (see Figure 3.38).
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 59

FIGURE 3.35 Selecting the element from the viewport.

FIGURE 3.36 Stress vs. time plot.

Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 60
FIGURE 3.37 View the deformed shape of the plate.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 61

FIGURE 3.38 Viewport annotations options.

The red-shaded contour appears on the plate, indicating that it has experienced
the highest stress when the load is applied. The stress is in a positive value if the
region experiences tension. On the other hand, when the region experiences
compression, it shows a negative value of stress.
The stress increases as it comes nearer to the predefined constraint.
Analysis of Steel Plate with Circular Hole 62

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