About Us PDF
About Us PDF
About Us PDF
Services (LRES)
About Us
Who we are…
LRES multi-disciplinary consulting firm that tailored to provide services to an array of entities.
“To become a truly multi-disciplinary firm, providing clients with a quality, one-stop integrated
consulting service across all sectors, addressing all phases of project development.”
“To provide solutions that maximise our clients’ infrastructure investment returns.”
Our services
Environmental Services
Environmental Noise Conservation Act Annually
Surveys and Local By-Laws
Environmental Dust Management: Air Competent
Fallout Surveys Quality Act and Person
National Dust
Control Regulations
Effluent Water and National Water Act Specific permit
Storm Water Sampling and Local By-Laws requirements
Occupational Hygiene
it is a legal requirement for all employers to ensure that the health and safety of their
employees is efficiently managed by complying with the legal requirements of the
Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993). To effectively manage the health
risks that employees may be exposed to, Health Risk Assessments must be
conducted to identify processes, activities or agents that may result in ill health effects
and ultimately occupational disease.
Once these exposure risks have been identified, the quantification of the exposure is
necessary to ensure that you as an employer are in compliance with the
requirements of the regulations contained in the Occupational Health and Safety
Act. This can be achieved by having Occupational Hygiene Surveys,
Prolev offers a comprehensive Occupational Hygiene service that not only ensures
employers remain legally compliant but also provides expertise in recommending
practical controls in a workplace where non-compliances are identified or continual
improvement of working conditions is required.
Assessment of Illumination
Asbestos is a term used to define a group of naturally occurring minerals with high
tensile strength flexibility and resistance to heat, chemicals and electricity. The main
route of exposure to asbestos is by inhalation of airborne asbestos fibers. Exposure
may also occur through ingestion. Although asbestos is no longer installed or used
in workplaces, it is still present in may settings.
Exposure to asbestos may result in disabling diseases like:
• asbestosis, which is an emphysema like condition
• lung cancer
• mesothelioma which is a cancerous tumor that spreads rapidly in the cells of
membranes covering the lungs and body organs and
• gastrointestinal cancer.
It is critical that a risk assessment is conducted to determine the level of risk of
exposure to asbestos for employees that may be exposed to asbestos.
0ur occupational hygiene team is capable of taking measurement to determine
employee exposure to asbestos, and provide training with regard to the use of
personal protective equipment & clothing, as well as the drawing up of asbestos
health risk assessments, work plans and supervision of asbestos stripping and
demolition work.
Many workers spend most of their time indoors. Therefore, their long-term health and
comfort are quite dependent upon indoor air quality testing. Testing of the conditions
that maximize worker productivity and save energy is therefore essential. Some of the
parameters of indoor air quality are the temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and
carbon monoxide.
Various instruments can be used to measure the parameters mentioned above. It is
also important the evaluation of the quality of air supplied to airline respirators is
conducted. Also included in the services, is monitoring concentration of gases
including oxygen, combustible gases, and toxic gases.
Ergonomics Assessments
Hazardous Chemical
OHSA 8 Legislated
Substance Risk 24 Months
HCS 5 Competent Person
Ergonomics Legislated
ER 6 24 Months
Assessments Competent Person
Illumination Surveys
ERW 3 Legislated
– Daytime and/or
SANS 24 Months Competent Person
– Night time
ERW 3(4)
Emergency & 3(5)(C) Legislated
3 Monthly
Illumination Surveys SANS Competent Person
Ventilation & IAQ HCS Legislated
24 Monthly
Surveys SANS Competent Person
Competent Person
ERW 2 24 Monthly
Vibration Surveys
– Whole Body and/or
– Hand Arm Vibration OHSA 8 24 Monthly
Facilities and Hygiene Legislated
SANS 24 Monthly
Surveys Competent Person
Hazardous Biological
Monitoring (swab Legislated
HBA 7 24 Monthly
sampling and air Competent Person
AR Asbestos Regulations
ERW Environmental Regulations for Workplaces
FR Facilities Regulations
GSR General Safety Regulations
HBA Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents
HCS Hazardous Chemical Substance Regulations
LR Lead Regulations
NIHL Noise Induced Hearing Loss Regulations
OHSA Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993
SANS South African National Standard
ER Ergonomics Regulations
Email: info@prolev.co.za