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Land Rehabilitation and Environmental

Services (LRES)

About Us
Who we are…

LRES multi-disciplinary consulting firm that tailored to provide services to an array of entities.


“To become a truly multi-disciplinary firm, providing clients with a quality, one-stop integrated
consulting service across all sectors, addressing all phases of project development.”


“To provide solutions that maximise our clients’ infrastructure investment returns.”

Our services
Environmental Services

• Environmental and Legal Compliance Auditing

o team has extensive local and international experience in the field of
environmental and legal compliance auditing. Environmental auditing is a
generalised term that can reflect various types or evaluations intended to
identify environmental compliance and management system
implementation gaps, along with related corrective actions
• Environmental Monitoring and Control
o a range of services available to our clients to ensure total compliance with
not only the requirements of national and international legislation.
Environmental Control Officers and Field Technicians; Surface Water;
Groundwater; Air Quality; Legislative Independent Auditing and Reporting
Requirements; Aquatic Ecology; Biodiversity and Wetlands; and Hydro- and
Geohydrological Requirements.
• Air Quality Impact Assessments
o Air Impact Assessments incorporating and making use of the latest
available science and technological tools available has proved valuable in
the planning and management of various proposed and active operations
which might result and currently results in potential impacts on the ambient
air quality associated with a particulate activity or cumulative effect of a
range of activities
• Environmental Noise Impact Assessment Studies
o In South Africa the document that addresses the issues specifically
concerning environmental noise is SANS 10103:2008. It has been
thoroughly revised and brought in line with the guidelines of the World
Health Organisation (WHO) during 2006 - 2007. It provides the maximum
average ambient noise levels during the day and night to which different
types of developments may be exposed.
o In addition, the SANS 10328:2008 standard specifies the methodology to
assess the potential noise impacts on the environment due to a proposed
activity that might impact on the environment. This standard also stipulates
the minimum requirements to be investigated.
• Soils and Land Capability Impact Assessments
o registered SACNASP Agricultural and Soil Scientists can offer services
related to soil, land use and land capability assessment:
• Aquatic Ecology, Wetland and Biodiversity Impact Assessments
o as registered SACNASP Aquatic and Ecological Scientists provide a range
of services related to aquatic ecology, wetland delineations and biodiversity
• Environmental monitoring
o Dust-fall out
o Rehab assessments
o Biomonitoring
o Groundwater monitoring
o Surface water
o Wetland assessment
Training and awareness

• Iso 14001 systems training

o Understand the key differences between the 2004 and 2015 ISO 14001
management system. Get to grips with key issues which will influence your
existing and or a planned management system and workshop with a
facilitator on action plans to either change over or to implement the new
standard from the start. Course duration 1 day: 2 sessions. Group size 5 to
• Environmental legal training
o Environmental laws in South Africa are continuously changing and the
challenge of achieving compliance is on the increase. This course module
assists the learner in understanding the basic yet applicable Environmental
Laws in South Africa and how these legal requirements could have an
influence on your company’s specific activities. The course module provides
for contextualisation in accordance to the aspect/impact and risk registers
of the company. Depending on the requirements, this course module can
be tailor made for an operational and or a strategic audience. Course
duration: 1 day, 2 sessions
• Environmental awareness training
o Employees and contractors must understand what the environment
includes where they work and operate. Creating an awareness reduces risk
and improves operational efficiencies. This course module provides a
detailed yet simplistic explanation of how a person is an integral part of the
environment and how awareness can contribute to the sustainability of an
organisation and the area in which it operates. This training is specifically
useful for a large number of employees, and to ensure compliance with
international standards such as ISO 14001 and the GRI. Training can be
provided to groups between 15 and 20. Certificates of attendance is
provided. Course duration:1 day, 2 sessions. Group size 15 to 20.

Mine rehabilitation Services

• Supply of high-quality fertilizer commodity

o Potassium products: KCL Granular, KCL Fines, K2SO4

o Nitrogen products: Urea Granular, Urea Prills, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate, Ammonium
sulfate Granular, Ammonium sulfate Crystalline
o Phosphate products: MAP

The grass is greener where it’s fertilized

Additionally, Prolev can also assist companies in limited environmental monitoring
surveys, supported by our Partner chemistry laboratory capabilities.

These services include:

sed Frequency Applicable to
Service Legal Reference Or sooner if there has been a
change in process, production, this site
activities, after accident or

Environmental Noise Conservation Act Annually
Surveys and Local By-Laws
Environmental Dust Management: Air Competent
Fallout Surveys Quality Act and Person
National Dust
Control Regulations
Effluent Water and National Water Act Specific permit
Storm Water Sampling and Local By-Laws requirements

The National As required

Environmental especially after Competent
Soil Sampling
Management: any environmental Person
Waste Act incidents

Occupational Hygiene

it is a legal requirement for all employers to ensure that the health and safety of their
employees is efficiently managed by complying with the legal requirements of the
Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993). To effectively manage the health
risks that employees may be exposed to, Health Risk Assessments must be
conducted to identify processes, activities or agents that may result in ill health effects
and ultimately occupational disease.

Once these exposure risks have been identified, the quantification of the exposure is
necessary to ensure that you as an employer are in compliance with the
requirements of the regulations contained in the Occupational Health and Safety
Act. This can be achieved by having Occupational Hygiene Surveys,
Prolev offers a comprehensive Occupational Hygiene service that not only ensures
employers remain legally compliant but also provides expertise in recommending
practical controls in a workplace where non-compliances are identified or continual
improvement of working conditions is required.

Assessment of Illumination

Good lighting is an important aspect of a productive, healthy and safe work

environment. It provides an environment where employees can work comfortably
and efficiently. Employees can only be in a position to read clearly labels and safety
instructions, e.g., those on chemical containers, if there is adequate illumination.
It is for these reasons that workplaces should be provided with adequate illumination
in workplaces. The assessment of lighting will determine if illumination is suitable
and sufficient in a workplace. The assessment includes conducting day and night
time illumination surveys. Emergency illumination installations are tested and
recommendations on workplace illumination are made.

Asbestos Exposure Assessments

Asbestos is a term used to define a group of naturally occurring minerals with high
tensile strength flexibility and resistance to heat, chemicals and electricity. The main
route of exposure to asbestos is by inhalation of airborne asbestos fibers. Exposure
may also occur through ingestion. Although asbestos is no longer installed or used
in workplaces, it is still present in may settings.
Exposure to asbestos may result in disabling diseases like:
• asbestosis, which is an emphysema like condition
• lung cancer
• mesothelioma which is a cancerous tumor that spreads rapidly in the cells of
membranes covering the lungs and body organs and
• gastrointestinal cancer.
It is critical that a risk assessment is conducted to determine the level of risk of
exposure to asbestos for employees that may be exposed to asbestos.
0ur occupational hygiene team is capable of taking measurement to determine
employee exposure to asbestos, and provide training with regard to the use of
personal protective equipment & clothing, as well as the drawing up of asbestos
health risk assessments, work plans and supervision of asbestos stripping and
demolition work.

Indoor Air Quality Assessments

Many workers spend most of their time indoors. Therefore, their long-term health and
comfort are quite dependent upon indoor air quality testing. Testing of the conditions
that maximize worker productivity and save energy is therefore essential. Some of the
parameters of indoor air quality are the temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and
carbon monoxide.
Various instruments can be used to measure the parameters mentioned above. It is
also important the evaluation of the quality of air supplied to airline respirators is
conducted. Also included in the services, is monitoring concentration of gases
including oxygen, combustible gases, and toxic gases.

Ergonomics Assessments

Ergonomics is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of

interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that
applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human
well-being and overall system performance.
Ergonomics is concerned with the fit between the user, equipment and their
environments. Factors that are considered include the user's capabilities and
limitations in seeking to ensure that tasks, functions, information and the environment
suit each user.
It is critical that an assessment of the fit between a person and the used technology
is conducted. This is achieved by consideration of the job activity being done and the
demands on the user, the equipment used (e.g., its size, shape, and how appropriate
it for the task) and the information used (e.g., how it is presented, accessed and
changed). We will assist you with the evaluation of workplace design, layout and work
heights, task and job analysis and vehicle cabin assessments.

Indoor Air Quality Assessments

Many workers spend most of their time indoors. Therefore, their long term health and
comfort are quite dependent upon indoor air quality testing. Testing of the conditions
that maximize worker productivity and save energy is therefore essential. Some of the
parameters of indoor air quality are the temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and
carbon monoxide.
Various instruments can be used to measure the parameters mentioned above. It is
also important the evaluation of the quality of air supplied to airline respirators is
conducted. Also included in the services, is monitoring concentration of gases
including oxygen, combustible gases, and toxic gases.

Thermal Comfort Assessment

Cold stress results when the body is not able to warm itself. Cold stress may result in
tissue damage and may result in death. Factors that contribute to cold stress include
cold air temperatures, high air movement, dampness of the air, and contact with cold
water surfaces. Common cold induced problems include:
• hypothermia, a serious health condition that occurs when the body heat is lost
faster than it can be replaced. The exposed worker may begin to shiver and stomp
their feet in order to generate heat. they may lose coordination, have slurred
speech, and fumble with items in the hand. As a result the skin may become pale
and cold. Anyone working in a cold environment may be at risk for cold stress.
• Frostbite, occurs when the skin actually freezes and loses water. IN some severe
cases, this may result in amputation of the frostbitten area. Frostbite generally
affects the extremities, especially the feet and hands. These areas will be cold,
tingling, stinging or aching which is followed by numbness.
Heat stress is induced when employees are involved in operations with high
temperatures, radiant heat sources, high humidity, direct contact with hot objects or
strenuous physical activities. Such activities are typically found in iron and steel
foundries, nonferrous foundries, brick firing and ceramic plants, glass products
facilities, rubber products factories, electrical utilities (e.g., boiler rooms), bakeries,
confectioneries, commercial kitchens, laundries, food canneries, chemical plants,
mining sites, smelters, and steam tunnels.
Other activities that may expose employees to heat stress include outdoor operations
that are conducted in hot weather (e.g., construction, refining, asbestos removal, and
hazardous waste site activities, especially that that require workers to wear
semipermeable or impermeable protective clothing. Heat disorders include:
• Heat stroke which occurs when the body's system of temperature regulation fails
and body temperature rises to critical levels.
• Heat exhaustion which has signs and symptoms of headache, nausea, vertigo,
weakness, thirst, and giddiness.
• Heat cramps, usually caused by performing hard physical labour in hot
• Heat collapse / fainting whereby the brain does not receive enough oxygen
because of blood pols n the extremities.
• Heat rashes manifested as red papules and usually appears in areas where the
clothing is restrictive.
• Heat fatigue which predisposes an employee to heat fatigue.
Cold stress and heat stress measurements are conducted by means of a WBGT

Human Vibration Surveys

Employee exposure to vibration occurs in many work settings. Human vibration
generally falls into two categories, namely, whole body vibration and hand arm
Whole body vibration occurs when transmission of vibration takes place through a
broad body contact area. such vibration may be transmitted through the feet, buttocks
or the whole body. Sources of whole body vibration include:
• heavy construction
• forklifts
• vehicles and
• farming
Negative health effects associated with whole body vibration include:
• fatigue
• lower back pain
• vision problems
• interference with or irritation of the lungs, abdomen, or bladder and
• adverse health effects to the digestive, genital / urinary and female reproductive
Hand arm vibration occurs when vibration is transmitted to the hand and arm when
hand held power tools and hand guided equipment are used. It may also occur when
holding materials being processed by machines.
It is therefore, essential that vibration exposure assessments are made. This includes
assessment of effects on whole body and hand arm vibration, from use of heavy
machinery and equipment. It can be achieved with the use of human vibration meters.
The aim should be to eliminate or minimize employee exposure to vibration.
Legal Frequency Who May Conduct
Service Or sooner if there has
Reference been a change in
process, production,
activities, after
accident or incident


Occupational Hygiene Legislated

OHSA 8 24 Months
Risk Assessment Competent Person

Hazardous Chemical
OHSA 8 Legislated
Substance Risk 24 Months
HCS 5 Competent Person

Asbestos Risk Legislated

AR 14 24 Months
Assessment & Inventory Competent Person

Ergonomics Legislated
ER 6 24 Months
Assessments Competent Person


Illumination Surveys
ERW 3 Legislated
– Daytime and/or
SANS 24 Months Competent Person
– Night time
ERW 3(4)
Emergency & 3(5)(C) Legislated
3 Monthly
Illumination Surveys SANS Competent Person
Ventilation & IAQ HCS Legislated
24 Monthly
Surveys SANS Competent Person

Competent Person
ERW 2 24 Monthly
Vibration Surveys
– Whole Body and/or
– Hand Arm Vibration OHSA 8 24 Monthly
Facilities and Hygiene Legislated
SANS 24 Monthly
Surveys Competent Person

Potable Water FR 7 Legislated

24 Monthly
Sampling SANS 241 Competent Person

Hazardous Biological
Monitoring (swab Legislated
HBA 7 24 Monthly
sampling and air Competent Person

AR Asbestos Regulations
ERW Environmental Regulations for Workplaces
FR Facilities Regulations
GSR General Safety Regulations
HBA Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents
HCS Hazardous Chemical Substance Regulations
LR Lead Regulations
NIHL Noise Induced Hearing Loss Regulations
OHSA Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993
SANS South African National Standard
ER Ergonomics Regulations

Land Rehabilitation and Environmental Services (LRES)

Tel: 063 447 8805

Email: info@prolev.co.za

Address: 33 Aloe Hills




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