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Paper 3

Specimen 2015 Session Time allowed: 2 hours

For this paper you must have:
• the Data Booklet, provided as an insert
• a ruler
• a calculator.

• Answer all questions.
• Show all your working.

• The maximum mark for this paper is 90.

Please write clearly, in block capitals, to allow character computer recognition.

Centre number Candidate number



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Section A

Answer all questions in this section.

1 Ethanol can be oxidised by acidified potassium dichromate(VI) to ethanoic acid in a

two-step process.

ethanol ethanal ethanoic acid

0 1 . 1 In order to ensure that the oxidation to ethanoic acid is complete, the reaction is
carried out under reflux.

Describe what happens when a reaction mixture is refluxed and why it is necessary, in
this case, for complete oxidation to ethanoic acid.
[3 marks]

0 1 . 2 Write a half-equation for the overall oxidation of ethanol into ethanoic acid.
[1 mark]

0 1 . 3 The boiling points of the organic compounds in a reaction mixture are shown in
Table 1.

Table 1

Compound ethanol ethanal ethanoic acid

Boiling point / °C 78 21 118

Use these data to describe how you would obtain a sample of ethanal from a mixture
of these three compounds. Include in your answer a description of the apparatus you
would use and how you would minimise the loss of ethanal. Your description of the
apparatus can be either a description in words or a labelled sketch.
[5 marks]

Question 1 continues on the next page

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0 1 . 4 Use your knowledge of structure and bonding to explain why it is possible to separate
ethanal in this way.
[2 marks]

0 1 . 5 A student obtained a sample of a liquid using the apparatus in Question 1.3.

Describe how the student could use chemical tests to confirm that the liquid contained
ethanal and did not contain ethanoic acid.
[5 marks]

2 Ethanol and ethanoic acid react reversibly to form ethyl ethanoate and water according
to the equation:

CH 3 COOH + CH 3 CH 2 OH CH 3 COOCH 2 CH 3 + H 2 O

–2 –1
A mixture of 8.00 × 10 mol of ethanoic acid and 1.20 × 10 mol of ethanol is allowed
to reach equilibrium at 20 °C.

• The equilibrium mixture is placed in a graduated flask and the volume made up to
250 cm3 with distilled water.
• A 10.0 cm3 sample of this equilibrium mixture is titrated with sodium hydroxide
added from a burette.
• The ethanoic acid in this sample reacts with 3.20 cm3 of 2.00 × 10 mol dm–3
sodium hydroxide solution.

0 2 . 1 Calculate the value for K c for the reaction of ethanoic acid and ethanol at 20 °C.
Give your answer to the appropriate number of significant figures.
[6 marks]

Kc =

Question 2 continues on the next page

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A student obtained the titration results given in Table 2.

Table 2

Rough 1 2 3

Final burette reading / cm3 4.60 8.65 12.85 16.80

Initial burette reading / cm3 0.10 4.65 8.65 12.85

Titre / cm3

0 2 . 2 Complete Table 2.
[1 mark]

0 2 . 3 Calculate the mean titre and justify your choice of titres.

[2 marks]

Mean titre = cm3


0 2 . 4 The pH ranges of three indicators are shown in Table 3.

Table 3

Indicator pH range

Bromocresol green 3.8–5.4

Bromothymol blue 6.0–7.6

Thymol blue 8.0–9.6

Select from Table 3 a suitable indicator for the titration of ethanoic acid with
sodium hydroxide.

[1 mark]

0 2 . 5 The error in the mean titre for this experiment is ±0.15 cm3.

Calculate the percentage error in this mean titre.

[1 mark]

Percentage error = %

0 2 . 6 Suggest how, using the same mass of ethanoic acid, the experiment could be
improved to reduce the percentage error.
[2 marks]

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3 A peptide is hydrolysed to form a solution containing a mixture of amino acids. This

mixture is then analysed by silica gel thin-layer chromatography (TLC) using a toxic
solvent. The individual amino acids are identified from their R f values.

Part of the practical procedure is given below.

1. Wearing plastic gloves to hold a TLC plate, draw a pencil line 1.5 cm from
the bottom of the plate.
2. Use a capillary tube to apply a very small drop of the solution of amino acids to
the mid-point of the pencil line.
3. Allow the spot to dry completely.
4. In the developing tank, add the developing solvent to a depth of not more
than 1 cm.
5. Place your TLC plate in the developing tank.
6. Allow the developing solvent to rise up the plate to the top.
7. Remove the plate and quickly mark the position of the solvent front with a
8. Allow the plate to dry in a fume cupboard.

0 3 . 1 Parts of the procedure are in bold text.

For each of these parts, consider whether it is essential and justify your answer.
[4 marks]

0 3 . 2 Outline the steps needed to locate the positions of the amino acids on the TLC plate
and to determine their R f values.
[4 marks]

0 3 . 3 Explain why different amino acids have different R f values.

[2 marks]

Turn over 


4 Ethanedioic acid is a weak acid.

Ethanedioic acid acts, initially, as a monoprotic acid.

0 4 . 1 Use the concept of electronegativity to justify why the acid strengths of

ethanedioic acid and ethanoic acid are different.
[6 marks]


0 4 . 2 A buffer solution is made by adding 6.00 × 10 mol of sodium hydroxide to a solution
containing 1.00 × 10 mol of ethanedioic acid (H 2 C 2 O 4 ).
Assume that the sodium hydroxide reacts as shown in the following equation and that
in this buffer solution, the ethanedioic acid behaves as a monoprotic acid.

– –
H 2 C 2 O 4 (aq) + OH (aq) HC 2 O 4 (aq) + H 2 O(l)
–2 –3
The dissociation constant K a for ethanedioic acid is 5.89 × 10 mol dm .

Calculate a value for the pH of the buffer solution.

Give your answer to the appropriate number of significant figures.
[5 marks]

pH =

Question 4 continues on the next page

Turn over 


0 4 . 3 In a titration, the end point was reached when 25.0 cm of an acidified solution
3 –2 –3
containing ethanedioic acid reacted with 20.20 cm of 2.00 ×10 mol dm
potassium manganate(VII) solution.

Deduce an equation for the reaction that occurs and use it to calculate the original
concentration of the ethanedioic acid solution.
[4 marks]



Original concentration = mol dm–3



5 A sample of ethanedioic acid was treated with an excess of an unknown alcohol in the
presence of a strong acid catalyst. The products of the reaction were separated and
analysed in a time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometer. Two peaks were observed at
m/z = 104 and 118.

0 5 . 1 Identify the species responsible for the two peaks.

[2 marks]

0 5 . 2 Outline how the TOF mass spectrometer is able to separate these two species to give
two peaks.
[4 marks]

Turn over 


Section B

Answer all questions in this section.

Only one answer per question is allowed.

For each answer completely fill in the circle alongside the appropriate answer.

If you want to change your answer you must cross out your original answer as shown.

If you wish to return to an answer previously crossed out, ring the answer you now wish to select
as shown.

0 6 Which change requires the largest amount of energy?

[1 mark]

A He+(g) He2+(g) + e–

B Li(g) Li+(g) + e–

C Mg+(g) Mg2+(g) + e–

D N(g) N+(g) + e–

0 7 A sample of 2.18 g of oxygen gas has a volume of 1870 cm3 at a pressure of 101 kPa.

What is the temperature of the gas?

The gas constant is R = 8.31 J K–1 mol–1.
[1 mark]

A 167 K

B 334 K

C 668 K

D 334 000 K


0 8 An ester is hydrolysed as shown by the following equation.


What is the percentage yield of RCOOH when 0.50 g of RCOOH (M r = 100) is

obtained from 1.0 g of RCOOR/ (M r = 150)?
[1 mark]

A 33%

B 50%

C 67%

D 75%

0 9 –3
A saturated aqueous solution of magnesium hydroxide contains 1.17 × 10 g of
Mg(OH) 2 in 100 cm of solution. In this solution, the magnesium hydroxide is fully
dissociated into ions.

What is the concentration of Mg2+(aq) ions in this solution?

[1 mark]

–2 –3
A 2.82 × 10 mol dm
–3 –3
B 2.01 × 10 mol dm
–3 –3
C 2.82 × 10 mol dm
–4 –3
D 2.01 × 10 mol dm

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1 0 The rate equation for the hydrogenation of ethene

C 2 H 4 (g) + H 2 (g) C 2 H 6 (g)

is Rate = k[C 2 H 4 ][H 2 ]

At a fixed temperature, the reaction mixture is compressed to triple the original


What is the factor by which the rate of reaction changes?

[1 mark]

A 6

B 9

C 12

D 27

1 1 When one mole of ammonia is heated to a given temperature, 50% of the compound
dissociates and the following equilibrium is established.
1 3
NH 3 (g) 2
N 2 (g) + 2
H 2 (g)

What is the total number of moles of gas present in this equilibrium mixture?
[1 mark]

A 1.5

B 2.0

C 2.5

D 3.0

1 2 Which change would alter the value of the equilibrium constant (K p ) for this reaction?

2SO 2 (g) + O 2 (g) 2SO 3 (g)

[1 mark]

A Increasing the total pressure of the system.

B Increasing the concentration of sulfur trioxide.

C Increasing the concentration of sulfur dioxide.

D Increasing the temperature.



1 3 What is the pH of a 0.020 mol dm–3 solution of a diprotic acid which is completely
[1 mark]

A 1.00

B 1.40

C 1.70

D 4.00

1 4 The acid dissociation constant, K a , of a weak acid HA has the value

2.56 × 10–4 mol dm–3

What is the pH of a 4.25 × 10–3 mol dm-3 solution of HA?

[1 mark]

A 5.96

B 3.59

C 2.98

D 2.37

1 5 Magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid according to the following equation.

Mg + 2HCl MgCl 2 + H 2
A student calculated the minimum volume of 2.56 mol dm hydrochloric acid
required to react with an excess of magnesium to form 5.46 g of magnesium
chloride (M r = 95.3).

Which of the following uses the correct standard form and the appropriate number
of significant figures to give the correct result of the calculation?
[1 mark]

–2 3
A 4.476 × 10 dm
–2 3
B 4.48 × 10 dm
–2 3
C 4.50 × 10 dm
–3 3
D 44.8 × 10 dm

Turn over 


1 6 In which reaction is hydrogen acting as an oxidising agent?

[1 mark]

A Cl 2 + H 2 2HCl

B (CH 3 ) 2 CO + H 2 (CH 3 ) 2 CHOH

C N 2 + 3H 2 2NH 3

D 2Na + H 2 2NaH

1 7 In which reaction is the metal oxidised?

[1 mark]

A 2Cu2+ + 4I 2CuI + I 2

B [Fe(H 2 O) 6 ]3+ + Cl [Fe(H 2 O) 5 (Cl)]2+ + H 2 O

C [CoCl 4 ]2– + 6H 2 O [Co(H 2 O) 6 ]2+ + 4Cl

D Mg + S MgS

1 8 The following cell has an EMF of +0.46 V.

Cu Cu2+ Ag+ Ag

Which statement is correct about the operation of the cell?

[1 mark]

A Metallic copper is oxidised by Ag+ ions.

B The silver electrode has a negative polarity.

C The silver electrode gradually dissolves to form Ag+ ions.

D Electrons flow from the silver electrode to the copper electrode

via an external circuit.


1 9 In an experiment to identify a Group 2 metal (X), 0.102 g of X reacts with an excess

of aqueous hydrochloric acid according to the following equation.

X + 2HCl XCl 2 + H 2

The volume of hydrogen gas given off is 65 cm3 at 99 kPa pressure and 303 K.
The gas constant is R = 8.31 J K–1 mol–1.

Which is X?
[1 mark]

A Barium

B Calcium

C Magnesium

D Strontium

2 0 What forms when a solution of sodium carbonate is added to a solution of

gallium(III) nitrate?
[1 mark]

A A white precipitate of gallium(III) carbonate.

B A white precipitate of gallium(III) hydroxide.

C A white precipitate of gallium(III) carbonate and

bubbles of carbon dioxide.

D A white precipitate of gallium(III) hydroxide and

bubbles of carbon dioxide.

2 1 Which compound gives a colourless solution when an excess of dilute aqueous

ammonia is added?
[1 mark]

A MgCl 2

B AgCl

C CuCl 2

D AlCl 3

Turn over 


2 2 What is the final species produced when an excess of aqueous ammonia is added
to aqueous aluminium chloride?
[1 mark]

A [Al(NH 3 ) 6 ]3+

B [Al(OH) 3 (H 2 O) 3 ]

C [Al(OH) 4 (H 2 O) 2 ]

D [Al(OH)(H 2 O) 5 ]2+

2 3 The following equation represents the oxidation of vanadium(IV) ions by

manganate(VII) ions in acid solution.

5V4+ + MnO 4 + 8H+ 5V5+ + Mn2+ + 4H 2 O

What volume of 0.020 mol dm–3 KMnO 4 solution is required to oxidise completely a
solution containing 0.010 mol of vanadium(IV) ions?
[1 mark]

A 10 cm3

B 25 cm3

C 50 cm3

D 100 cm3

2 4 How many isomers have the molecular formula C 5 H 12 ?

[1 mark]

A 2

B 3

C 4

D 5


2 5 Which molecule is not produced when ethane reacts with bromine in the presence
of ultraviolet light?
[1 mark]

A C 2 H 4 Br 2


C H2

D C 4 H 10

2 6 How many structural isomers have the molecular formula C 4 H 9 Br?

[1 mark]

A 2

B 3

C 4

D 5

2 7 What is the major product of the reaction between but-1-ene and DBr?
(D is deuterium and represents 2H)
[1 mark]

A CH 2 DCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 Br


C CH 3 CH 2 CHBrCH 2 D

D CH 3 CH 2 CHDCH 2 Br

2 8 Why are fluoroalkanes unreactive?

[1 mark]

A Fluorine is highly electronegative.

B The F– ion is very stable.

C They are polar molecules.

D The C–F bond is very strong.

Turn over 


2 9 Which alcohol could not be produced by the reduction of an aldehyde or a ketone?

[1 mark]

A 2-methylbutan-1-ol

B 2-methylbutan-2-ol

C 3-methylbutan-1-ol

D 3-methylbutan-2-ol

3 0 Which compound forms optically active compounds on reduction?

[1 mark]

A CH 3 CH 2 C(CH 3 )=CHCH 3

B CH 3 CH 2 C(CH 3 )=CH 2


D CH 3 CH 2 COCH 3

3 1 How many secondary amines have the molecular formula C 4 H 11 N?

[1 mark]

A 2

B 3

C 4

D 5

3 2 Which compound has the highest boiling point?

[1 mark]

A C2H4

B C2H6

C CH 3 NH 2

D CH 3 F


3 3 Which compound can polymerise by reaction with itself?

[1 mark]

A NH 2 CH 2 CH 2 NH 2

B CH 3 CH 2 CONH 2


D NH 2 CH 2 COCl

3 4 A drug is designed to simulate one of the following molecules that adsorbs onto the
active site of an enzyme.

Which molecule requires the design of an optically active drug?

[1 mark]





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3 5 Which amine has only three peaks in its proton NMR spectrum?
[1 mark]

A Methylamine

B Trimethylamine

C Diethylamine

D Propylamine


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