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BSA2D - E Commerce Quiz

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University of the East

College of Business Administration – Caloocan

Name: ________________________________________________________________
Section: __________________ Date: _____________________ Score: ____________

BSA 2204 – Midterm Quiz 1 (RA 8792 – Electronic Commerce Act)

I. Multiple choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Statement 1: This Act aims to facilitate domestic and international dealings,

transactions, arrangements agreements, contracts and exchanges and storage
of information through the utilization of electronic, optical and similar medium,
mode, instrumentality and technology to recognize the authenticity and reliability
of electronic documents related to such activities and to promote the universal
use of electronic transaction in the government and general public.

Statement 2: Information shall be denied legal effect, validity or enforceability

solely on the grounds that it is in the data message purporting to give rise to such
legal effect, or that it is merely referred to in that electronic data message.

A. True; True
B. False; True
C. True; False
D. False; False

2. Refers to a person by whom, or on whose behalf, the electronic document

purports to have been created, generated and/or sent.

A. Originator
B. Source
C. Service Provider
D. Addressee
3. Which of the following is/are not an attribution of an electronic data message?

A. An electronic data message or electronic document is that of the originator if it

was sent by the originator himself
B. If it was sent by a person who had the authority to act on behalf of the
originator with respect to that electronic data message or electronic document
C. The addressee is entitled to regard each electronic data message or
electronic document received as a combined electronic data message or
electronic document and to act on that assumption
D. All of these are attributions of an electronic data message

4. Statement 1: The term Addressee and Originator in this Act refers to the
inclusion of individual acting as an intermediary with respect to that electronic
data message or electronic document.

Statement 2: An access to an electronic signature of an electronic data message

or electronic document shall not only be authorized and enforced in favor of the
individual or entity having a legal right to the possession or the use of such
electronic signature.

A. True; True
B. False; True
C. True; False
D. False; False

5. It refers to any distinctive mark, characteristic and/or sound in electronic form,

representing the identity of a person and attached to or logically associated with
the electronic data message or electronic document or any methodology or
procedures employed or adopted by a person and executed or adopted by such
person with the intention of authenticating or approving an electronic data
message or electronic document.

A. Electronic Signature
B. Electronic Mark
C. Electronic Key
D. Electronic Code
6. Provided, that it shall not be subjected to the process of preference of credits,
electronic transactions made through networking among banks, or linkages
thereof with other entities or networks, and vice versa, shall be deemed
____________ upon the actual dispensing of cash or the debit of one account
and the corresponding credit to another, whether such transaction is initiated by
the depositor or by an authorized collecting party.

A. Voidable
B. Consummated
C. Void
D. Unenforceable

7. Who is entitled to regard each electronic data message or electronic document

received as a separate electronic data message or electronic document and to
act on that assumption?

A. Addressee
B. Originator
C. Service Provider
D. Intermediary

8.  Hacking or crackling refers to unauthorized copying, reproduction,

dissemination, or distribution, importation, use, removal, alteration, substitution,
modification, storage, uploading, downloading, communication, making available
to the public, or broadcasting of protected material, electronic signature or
copyrighted works including legally protected sound recordings or phonograms
or information material on protected works, through the use of
telecommunication networks.


9. What is the minimum fine for unauthorized copying of copyrighted works as
provided in the E-commerce Act of the Philippines?

A. P50,000
B. P100,000
C. P300,000
D. P500,000

10. The one who shall recognize the vital role of information and communication
technology (ICT) in nation-building is _________________.

A. Regional Trial Court

B. House of Representative
C. Department of Justice
D. None of the above

11. An electronic document shall be the functional equivalent of a written document

under existing laws, for what purpose?

A. For Assurance
B. For Statutory Rulings
C. For Evidentiary Purposes
D. None of the above

12. This shall serve as initial platform of the government information infrastructure
(GII) to facilitate the electronic online transmission and conveyance of
government services to evolve and improve by better technologies or kinds and
electronic online wide area networks utilizing, but not limited to, fiber optic,
satellite, wireless and other broadband telecommunication mediums or modes.

A. PRWEB Network
B. DRWEB Network
C. RDWEB Network
D. RPWEB Network

13. Statement 1: The Congressional Oversight Committee shall meet for at least
annually of the first three years and every year for the following year.

Statement 2:  The Department of Health is empowered to promulgate rules and

regulations, as well as provide quality standards or issue certifications, as the
case may be, and perform such other functions as may be necessary for the
implementation of this Act in the area of electronic commerce to include, but shall
not limited to, the installation of an online public information and quality and price
monitoring system for goods and services aimed in protecting the interests of the
consuming public availing of the advantages of this Act.

A. True; True
B. False; True
C. True; False
D. False; False

14. The following agency are hereby empowered to enforced the provisions of the
E-Commerce Act and issue Implement Rules and Regulations, EXCEPT:


15. The provision of this Act is hereby declared separable and in the event of any
such provision is declared unconstitutional, what happens to the other
provisions which are affected?

A. Repealed
B. Modified
C. Remain In Force and Effect
D. Unenforceable

16. It shall be presumed in any proceeding involving an electronic signature that:

i. The electronic signature is not always the signature of the person to whom
it correlates.
ii. The electronic signature was affixed by that person with the intention of
signing or approving the electronic document unless the person relying on
the electronically signed electronic document knows or has noticed of
defects in or unreliability of the signature or reliance on the electronic
signature is not reasonable under the circumstances.

A. i and ii are correct

B. i is correct only
C. i is incorrect and ii is correct
D. Both are incorrect
17.  The __________ is entitled to regard each electronic data message or
electronic document received as a separate electronic data message or
electronic document and to act on that assumption, except to the extent that it
duplicates another electronic data message or electronic document and the
addressee knew or should have known, had it exercised reasonable care or
used any agreed procedure, that the electronic data message or electronic
document was a duplicate.

A. Originator
B. Service Provider
C. Addressee
D. None of the above

18. What is the maximum imprisonment for penalties on committing Unauthorized

copying and reproduction under R.A 8792?

A. 3 years
B. 6 months
C. 6 years
D. 3 months

19. Statement 1: All benefits, privileges, advantages or statutory rules established

under this Act, including those involving practice of profession, shall not be
enjoyed only by parties whose country origin grants the same benefits and
privileges or advantages to Filipino citizens.

Statement 2: In any legal proceedings, nothing in the application of the rules on

evidence shall deny the admissibility of an electronic data message or electric
document in validation.

A. True; True
B. False; True
C. True; False
D. False; False
20. The _________________ direct supervise the promotion and development of
electronic commerce in the country with relevant government agencies, without
prejudice to the provisions of Republic Act 7653 (Charter of Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas) and Republic Act No. 337, (General Banking Act) as amended.

D. Regional Trial Court

21. Information should have legal effect, valid and enforceable even it is in the form
of data message.

A. Legal Recognition of Data Message

B. Legal Recognition of Electronic Documents
C. Legal Recognition of Electronic Signatures
D. Original Documents

22. Statement 1: Data signature is similar to Electronic Signature.

Statement 2: The public key is from the originator.

A. True; True
B. False; True
C. True; False
D. False; False

23.  Statement 1: The electronic key for identity or integrity shall be made available
to any person or party with the consent of the individual or entity in lawful
possession of that electronic key.

Statement 2: Any person who obtained access to any electronic key, electronic
data message or electronic document, book, register, correspondence,
information, or other material pursuant to any powers conferred under this Act,
shall not convey to or share the same with any other person.

A. True; True
B. False; True
C. True; False
D. False; False
24. The Congressional Oversight Committee is composed of:

i. Trade and Industry/Commerce

ii. Science and Technology
iii. Senate and House of Representatives

A. i only
B. i and ii
C. i and iii
D. i, ii, iii

25. It is presumed to have been established by an affidavit given to the best of the
deponent's knowledge subject to the rights of parties in interest.

A. Presumption of Reliability
B. Presumption of Objectivity
C. Presumption of Trustworthy
D. Presumption of Integrity
E. None of the above

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